CURRICULUM FOR THE MODULE OF Basic Electrician Module-II (For Newly Designed Apprenticeship Course) UNDER SKILL DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (SDI) SCHEME Based on MODULAR EMPLOYABLE SKILLS (MES) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF SKILL DEVELOPMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF TRAINING 1 PREFACE 1. The Basic Training under Block – I & Block - II are designated as module – I & module – II respectively. 2. The basic Modules (module – I & module – II) of the designated trades have been developed to fulfill the requirement of Basic Training under Apprenticeship Training. 3. Basic Module – I is of 03 months duration and after successful completion of the module, the trainee will be eligible for On Job Training of duration 09 months in industries to complete Block – I of Apprenticeship Training. 4. Basic Module – II is also of 03 months duration and candidate will be eligible to join the module – II only after successful completion of (03+09 months) training duration of Block – I. 5. The sequence of training should be such that Basic Module – II should be taken up after completion of Basic Module – I & 09 months of On Job Training for better understanding. 6. The courses are designed especially for Apprenticeship Training and NSQF compliance certificate in the specific trade will be issued only after successful completion of Basic Module – I & II and On Job Training of both the blocks. 7. Assessment of Basic module will be conducted as per the pattern of MES modules in practice. Separate certificate will be issued for each module after successful completion of course & clearing the assessment. Rebate of 03 months duration of Apprenticeship training period will be provided against each module for the period of basic training. 2 CONTENTS Sl. No. 1. Topics Page No. General information and course structure 4-5 2. Syllabus of Professional Skills &Professional Knowledge 6-8 3. Details Syllabus of Core Skill 4. Syllabus of Employability Skills 10-11 5. List of trade committee members 12 6. List of Tools and Equipments (Annexure – I) 9 3 13-17 1. GENERAL INFORMATION AND COURSE STRUCTURE 1 Name of the Module 2 MES Code No. : Basic Electrician Module-II : ELE 202 3 Duration of Modular Training: 520 hrs. 4 Entry Qualification : 5 Trainees per unit : Passed 10th Class with Science and Mathematics under10+2 system of Education or its equivalent + completion of Block – I of apprenticeship training under Electrician Trade. 20 6 Power Norms : 5.2 KW for Workshop 7 Space Norms : 98 Sq. m. 8 Examination : The assessment will be held on completion of module. 9 Instructor Qualification : A) For Trade : i) Degree/Diploma in Electrical Engg. from recognized university/Board with one/two year post qualification experience respectively in the relevant field. OR ii) NTC/NAC in the trade of Electrician with three year post qualification experience in the relevant field. Preference will be given to a candidate with Craft Instructor Certificate (CIC) B) For Engineering Drawing and WSC : Degree/Diploma in Electrical Engg. from recognized university/Board with one/two year post qualification experience respectively in the relevant field. C) For Employability skills : i) MBA/BBA with two years experience or graduate in sociology/social welfare/Economics with two years experience and trained in Employability skill from DGET Institute. And Must have studied in English/Communication Skill and Basic Computer at 12 th /diploma level OR ii) Existing Social Study Instructor duly trained in Employability Skill from DGET Institute. 4 10. Tools, Equipments & Machinery required : - As per Annexure – I 11. Distribution of training on Hourly basis: Sl. Broad components to be covered No. 1 Syllabus of Professional Skills &Professional Knowledge 2 SYLLABUS of CORE SKILL 3 Syllabus of EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS Total Duration (in Hrs) 415 50 55 520 12.Terminal Competency: - After completion of the module the candidate will be eligible for On Job Training under newly designed Apprenticeship Training of Electrician trade. 5 2. SYLLABUS OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS &PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE MODULE OF Basic Electrician Module-II (Module Code No. ELE ---------) Week No. Professional Skills 1-3 Identification of parts and terminals of AC motors. Connection, starting, running of AC motors using Starters. Load test & efficiency calculation. Rotor resistance starter, etc Speed control of Induction motors by various methods. Practical application of A.C. motors. 4-5 Identification of parts and terminals of Alternator. Connection, starting, running of Alternator. Practice on alternators, voltage Building,, Parallel operation & load sharing. Practice on installation, running and maintenance of Alternators. Installation of Mercury & Sodium vapour lamps (H.P. & L.P.) Halogen Lamps Single FL tube and twin FL tube. Practice on decoration lighting Principle of layout of lighting installation and estimate it cost. 6-7 Professional Knowledge Three phase Induction motor – Working principle –Production of rotating magnetic field, Squirrel Cage Induction motor, Slipring induction motor. Control & Power circuit of starters D.O.L Starter, Forward /Reverse starter, Star /Delta starter, Autotransformer starter, Rotor resistance starter, etc Single phasing preventer. Application of Induction Motor Care, Routine & preventive maintenance. SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR Connect, start and run a 3 phase Working principle, effect of change of excitation synchronous motor and load. Power factor correction of industrial load Single phase induction motorConnection of single phase Working principle, different method of starting and motor, identification, testing, running (capacitor start, permanent capacitor, running and reversing. capacitor start & run, shaded pole technique). Maintain, service and trouble FHP motors, Repulsion motor, stepper motor, shoot the single phase motor. Application of single phase motor. Install a single phase motor. Overhauling of AC motors. Alternator Explanation of alternator, working principle, voltage build-up, loading, Regulation. Types of prime mover, phase sequence, Parallel operation & load sharing. Specification of alternators Illumination, Laws of Illuminations, terminology used , Illumination factors, intensity of light. Types of illumination Type of lamps -Neon sign Halogen, Mercury vapour, sodium vapour, Fluorescent tube, CFL, LED, Solar lamp & photo cell applications, Decoration lighting, Drum Switches 6 8-9 Practice on photo cells. Machine control cabinet /Control Panel Layout, Assembly & Wiring: Machine control cabinet /Control Panel Layout, Assembly & Wiring: Practice Layout drawing of control cabinet , panel, power & control circuits Study & Understand Layout drawing of control cabinet, panel, power & control circuits. Preparing control cabinet / panel assembly & wiring for 1. Local & Remote control of Induction motor(DOL) 2. Forward & Reverse operation of Induction motor 3. Automatic Star Delta Starter Layout of Control cabinet & control panel Control Elements: Isolator, pushbutton switches, Indicating lamps, MCB, Fuse, Contactor, Relays, Overload Relay, Timers, Rectifier, Limit switches, control transformers. Wiring Accessories: Race ways/ cable channel, DIN Rail, Terminal Connectors, Thimbles, Lugs, Ferrules, cable binding strap & buttons, nylon cable ties, sleeves, Gromats & clips Trouble shoot the control panel wiring 10-11 12-13 Repair & Test of Calling Bell, Buzzer, Alarms, Electric Iron, Heater, Light. Maintenance and repair of domestic equipment – Electric Kettle, Heater / Immersion Heater, Hot Plate, Oven, Geyser, Cooking range, Mixer, Washing machine, , Motor Pump set, etc. Prepare layout plan, single line diagram of different type of power plant and project report of all equipment’s and machineries of the visited plant. Schematic of a overhead and domestic service line. Erect an overhead service line pole for single phase 240v distribution system. Test the underground cables for open, short circuit & ground fault and also check insulation resistance. Prepare layout plan and single line diagram of transmission /Distribution system. Domestic Appliances: Working principles and circuits of common domestic equipment and appliances. – Calling Bell, Buzzer, Alarms, Electric Iron, Heater, Light Electric Kettle, Heater / Immersion Heater, Hot Plate, Oven, Geyser, Cooking range, Mixer, Washing machine, , Motor Pump set, etc. Concept of Neutral and Earth. POWER GENERATION : Generation sources of energy, Comparison of energy resources. Types of fuels. Advantages of liquid fuel & solid fuel. Various ways of electrical power generation. • Thermal • Hydro electric • Nuclear • NonConventional Overhead Lines: Main components of overhead lines-Types of power line Low voltage line medium Voltage line & high voltage line Voltage standard Conductor materials, line supports, Insulators, types of Insulators Under Ground Cable : Construction of cables. Types of cable faults and their location. 7 Trouble shooting and servicing of LT circuit breaker. Connect feeder cable/ service line to the bus bar. DISTRIBUTION OF POWER Function and equipment used in substation. Classification of distribution system-AC distribution, Overhead v/s underground distribution system. Essential features of switchgears. Isolator, Switch gear equipments, bus-bar arrangement, Short circuit, faults in power system. Circuit breakers – Introduction & Classification of circuit breakers Assessment/Examination 8 3. DETAIL SYLLABUS OF CORE SKILL Topic No. a) Engineering Drawing Duration (in hours) b) Workshop Science & Calculation 30 20 1 Symbolic Representation (as per BIS SP:46-2003) of : - Fastener (Rivets, Bolts and Nuts) - Bars and profile sections - Weld, brazed and soldered joints. - Electrical and electronics element - Piping joints and fittings Mass ,Weight and Density : Mass, Unit of Mass, Weight, difference between mass and weight, Density, unit of density, specific gravity of metals 2 Construction of Scales and diagonal scale 3 Three phase Induction motor Work, Power and Energy: work, unit of work, power, unit of power, Horse power of engines, mechanical efficiency, energy, use of energy, potential and kinetic energy, examples of potential energy and kinetic energy. Free hand sketching of Slip-ring and Squirrel cage Induction motor. Typical wiring diagram for drum controller operation of A.C. wound rotor motor. 4 Drawing the schematic diagram of Autotransformer starter, DOL starter and Star Delta Starter. Drawing the schematic diagram of A.C. motor speed control by SCR /AC Drive. Algebra: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Algebraic formula, Linear equations (with two variables). 5 Distribution of Power Types of insulator used in over head line. (Half sectional views) Different type of distribution systems and methods of connections. Layout diagram of a substation. Single line diagram of substation feeders. Mensuration : Area and perimeter of square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, circle, semi circle. Volume of solids – cube, cuboid, cylinder and Sphere. Surface area of solids – cube, cuboid, cylinder and Sphere. Trigonometry: Trigonometrical ratios, measurement of angles. Trigonometric tables. Finding height and distance by trigonometry. 9 Duration (in hours) 4. SYLLABUS OF EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS Topic No. Topic Duration (in hours) Entrepreneurship skill 15 1 Concept of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurship - Enterprises:-Conceptual issue Entrepreneurship vs. Management, Entrepreneurial motivation. Performance & Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation to the enterprise & relation to the economy, Source of business ideas, Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of setting up a business. 2 Project Preparation & Marketing analysis Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept & application of PLC, Sales & distribution Management. Different Between Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey, Method of marketing, Publicity and advertisement, Marketing Mix. 3 Institutions Support Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for selfemployment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non financing support agencies to familiarizes with the Policies /Programmes & procedure & the available scheme. 4 Investment Procurement Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act, Estimation & Costing, Investment procedure - Loan procurement - Banking Processes. Productivity 10 1 Productivity Definition, Necessity, Meaning of GDP. 2 Affecting Factors Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation How improves or slows down. 3 Comparison with developed countries Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany, Japan and Australia) in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing, Steel, Mining, Construction etc. Living standards of those countries, wages. 4 Personal Finance Management Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash handling, Personal risk and Insurance. Occupational Safety, Health & Environment Education 1 Safety & Health Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety and health at workplace. 2 Occupational Hazards Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibroacoustic Hazards, Mechanical Hazards, Electrical Hazards, Thermal Hazards. Occupational health, Occupational hygienic, Occupational Diseases/ Disorders & its prevention. 10 15 3 Accident & safety Basic principles for protective equipment. Accident Prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety measures. 4 First Aid Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation of sick person 5 Basic Provisions Idea of basic provision legislation of India. 6 7 8 9 10 11 of safety, health, welfare under legislation of India. Ecosystem Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and Environment, Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance. Pollution Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous waste. Energy Conservation Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle. Global warming Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion. Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and Harvesting of water Environment Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in -house environment Labour Welfare Legislation 1 Welfare Acts Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship Act, Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's compensation Act. Quality Tools 1 Quality Consciousness : Meaning of quality, Quality Characteristic 2 Quality Circles : Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality Circle, Roles and function of Quality Circles in Organization, Operation of Quality circle. Approaches to starting Quality Circles, Steps for continuation Quality Circles. 3 Quality Management System : Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining qualities. 4 House Keeping : Purpose of Housekeeping, Practice of good Housekeeping. 5 Quality Tools Basic quality tools with a few examples 11 05 10 5. LIST OF TRADE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Name & Designation Sh/Mr./Ms. Mr. Jayant Krishna Principal Consultant Mr. T C Saravanabava, DDG (AT) Mrs. Sandhya Salwan, Director (AT) Mr. Sathya Shankar BP Director Mr. Padma Kumar Team Leader-HR Mr. Maruti Kumar B Junior Engineer (E) Mr. H S Balraj Manager Manufacturing Engineering Mr. Jinesh Kadaval Purayil Asst. Manager Training & Development Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Jt. Director of Training Mr. L K Mukherjee Dy. Director of Training Mr. B N Sridhar Dy. Director of Training Mr. B K Singha Dy. Director of Training Mr. Ketan Patel Dy. Director of Training Organization M/S TATA Consultancy Service Ltd., Lucknow MSDE MSDE Expert Group Designation Chairman Member Member Apex Hi-Tech, Bangalore Member Saint Gobain India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai CPWD, Electrical BCED-II, Kendriya Sadan Koramangala Bangalore-34 SAINT-GOBAIN Grindwell Norton Ltd. Bangalore - 49 Bosch Ltd Bangalore – 27 Member Central Staff Training & Research Institute, Kolkata Central Staff Training & Research Institute, Kolkata Foremen Training Institute Bangalore Central Staff Training & Research Institute, Kolkata RDAT, Mumbai Member 12 Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Annexure - I MODULE: Basic Electrician Module –II INFRASTRUCTURE FOR PROFESIONAL SKILL LIST OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS FOR 20 TRAINEES A : TRAINEES TOOL KIT:Sl. No. Name of the items Quantity 1 Steel tape, 3 mt length 21 nos. 2 Plier insulated, 150mm 21 nos. 3 Plier side cutting 150mm 21 nos. 4 Nose plier, 150mm 21 nos. 5 Screw driver, 150 mm 21 nos. 6 Electrician connector screwdriver, insulated handle thin stem, 100mm 21 nos. 7 Heavy duty screwdriver, 200mm 21 nos. 8 Electrician Screwdriver, thin stem, insulated handle, 250mm 21 nos. 9 Punch centre, 150mmX9mm 21 nos. 10 Electrician knife, 50 mm blade 21 nos. 11 Neon tester 21 nos. 12 Steel rule, 300mm 21 nos. 13 Hammer, Cross peen with handle, 250 gm 21 nos. 14 Hammer, ball peen with handle, 750gm 21 nos. 15 Gimlet, 6mm 21 nos. 16 Bradawl, 150mm x 6mm 21 nos. 17 Pincer, 150 mm 21 nos. 18 Scriber (knurled centre position) 21 nos. 19 Digital multimeter 21 nos. 13 B : TOOLS INSTRUMENTS AND GENERAL SHOP OUTFITS Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Name of the items C- clamp, 100mm, 150mm, 200mm Adjustable spanner, 150mm, 300mm Blow lamp, 0.5 ltr Melting pot Ladel Chisel cold firmer, 25mm x 200 mm Chisel 25mm & 6 mm Hand drill machine Portable electric drill machine, 12 mm capacity Pillar Electric Drill machine, 12 mm capacity Allen key set Oil can 0.12 ltr Grease gun Out side Micrometer Motorised Bench grinder Rawl plug tool & bit Pulley puller Bearing puller Pipe vice Thermo meter 0-100 deg C Scissors blade 150mm Crimping tool Wire stripper 20 Cm Chissel cold flat 12mm Mallet hard wood 0.5Kg Mallet hard wood 1 Kg Hammer extractor type, 0.4 Kg Hacksaw frame, 200mm & 300mm adjustable Try square, 150 mm blade Outside & inside divider caliper Pliers flat nose 150mm Pliers round nose, 100 mm Tweezers, 100mm Snip straight & bent, 150mm Double ended spanner set metric HSS drill bit set(2-12mm) Plane, smoothing cutters 50mm Gauge, wire imperial File, flat 200mm 2nd cut File half round 200 mm 2nd cut File round 200mm 2nd cut 14 Quantity (Indicative) 2 Nos. each 2 Nos. each 1 1 1 2 2 Nos. each 2 1 1 2 sets 1 1 2 1 2 sets 2 2 2 1 2 2 sets 2 2 2 2 2 2 each 2 2 each 4 4 4 2 each 2 sets 4 sets 2 2 8 4 4 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 File flat 150mm rough File flat 250mm bastard File flat 250mm smooth File Rasp half round 200 mm bastard Soldering iron, 25 W, 65 W Copper bit soldering iron 0.25 kg Desoldering gun Hand vice 50mm jaw Bench vice 100mm jaw Pipe cutter to cut pipes upto 5cm dia Stock & die set for 20mm to 50 mm GI pipe Stock & dies conduit Ohm meter; series & shunt type Multimeter (analog), 0-1000 M ohm, 2.5 to 500V Digital Multimeter AC voltmeter MI 0-500V Milli Voltmeter centre zero 100-0-100 mV DC milli Ammeter 0-500 mA Ammeter MC 0-5A, 0-25A AC Ammeter MI 0-5A, 0-25A KiloWatt meter 0-1-3 KW AC Energy meter, single phase 5A, 3 ph 15 A Power factor meter, single phase Frequency meter Flux meter DC power supply 0-30V, 2 Amp Rheostats 0-1 ohm 5A, 0-10 ohm 5A, 0-25 ohm 1A, 0-300 ohm 1A Digital Tachometer Growler Tong tester / clamp meter 0-100 A AC Meggar 500V Oscilloscope dual trace, 30 MHz Function Generator Hygrometer Lux meter Hydro meter Current transformer, 415 V, 50 Hz , CT Ratio 10/5A, Potential Transformer, 415/110 V Wood Saw, 250 mm Tenon Saw Guarded Test Lamp 15 4 4 4 4 2 each 2 4 4 6 2 1 1 2 each 2 4 2 1 1 1 each 1 each 1 1 each 1 1 1 2 1 each 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C : GENERAL MACHINERY INSTALLATIONS:Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Name of the items Starters for 2 to 5 HP AC motors. a. Resistance type starter. b. Direct on line starter. c. Star delta starter – Manual, semi-automatic & Automatic. d. Auto Transformer type starter Motor generator (DC to AC) set consisting of Shunt motor with starting compensator & switch directly coupled to AC generator with exciter & switch board mounted with regulator, breaker, ammeter, voltmeter, frequency meter, knife blade switch & fuses etc. Set complete with cast iron bed plate, fixing bolts, foundation bolts & flexible coupling. Shunt motor Rating- 5KW, 220V. AC generator rating – 3 ph, 4 wire, 3.5 KVA, 400/230 V, 0.8 pf, 50 Hz AC squirrel cage induction motor with star delta starter & triple pole Iron clad switch fuse. 2 to 3 HP, 3 ph, 400V, 50 Hz AC 3 ph wound slipring motor with starter & switch, 5 HP, 400V, 50 Hz Single phase capacitor motor with starter switch, 1 HP, 230 V, 50 Hz Universal motor with starter / switch, 230 V, ¼ HP, 50 Hz Stepper Motor with digital controller, Shaded pole motor, 3 ph Synchronous motor, 3 HP, 415 V, 50 Hz, 4 pole, with accessories Domestic Appliacnes: Electric hot plate, 1500W Electric kettle, 1500W Electric Iron, 1500 W Immersion heater, 1500 W Ceiling fan Geyser storage type, 15 lts min Mixer & Grinder Washing Machine Thyristor / IGBT controlled AC motor Drive with VVVF control, 3 ph, 2 HP, 16 Quantity 1 each 1 set 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 set INFRASTRUCTURE FOR CORE & EMPLOYABILITY SKILL 1) Space Norms : 45 Sq. m.(For Engineering Drawing) 2) Infrastructure: A : TRAINEES TOOL KIT:Sl. No. Name of the items Quantity (indicative) 1. Draughtsman drawing instrument box 20 sets 2. Set square celluloid 45⁰ (250 X 1.5 mm) 20 sets 3. Set square celluloid 30⁰-60⁰ (250 X 1.5 mm) 20 sets 4. Mini drafter 20 sets 5. Drawing board (700mm x500 mm) IS: 1444 20 sets B : FURNITURE REQUIRED Sl. No. Name of the items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Drawing Board Models : Solid & cut section Drawing Table for trainees Stool for trainees Cupboard (big) White Board (size: 8ft. x 4ft.) Trainer’s Table Trainer’s Chair 17 Quantity (indicative) 20 as required as required as required 01 01 01 01