Lichvar, R.W., M. Butterwick, N.C. Melvin, and W.N. Kirchner. 2014. The National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update of wetland ratings. Phytoneuron 2014-41: 1–42. Published 2 April 2014. ISSN 2153 733X THE NATIONAL WETLAND PLANT LIST: 2014 UPDATE OF WETLAND RATINGS ROBERT W. LICHVAR U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory 72 Lyme Road Hanover, New Hampshire 03755-1290 MARY BUTTERWICK U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, California 94105 NORMAN C. MELVIN USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Central National Technology Support Center 501 W. Felix St., Bldg. 23 Fort Worth, Texas 76115-3404 WILLIAM N. KIRCHNER U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1 911 NE 11th Ave Portland, Oregon 97232 ABSTRACT The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) administers the National Wetland Plant List (NWPL) for the United States (U.S.) and its territories. Responsibility for the NWPL was transferred to the Corps from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) in 2006. The list was updated in 2012, and the Corps led an interagency effort to revise the list again in 2013. As part of the authorization of the revised NWPL in 2012, new methods were adopted for annual updates to the scientific names, regional distribution, and wetland ratings. This paper presents the third update of the list under Corps administration. The 2012 list contained 7,828 species, and the 2013 update contained 7,937 species. As part of the BONAP (Biota North America Program) database used for the 2013 update, there were 754 reports of species of wetland plants with new range extensions within the 10 Corps wetland regions. Also, BONAP and other users requested that 124 other species be added to the NWPL, which increases the number of species to 8061. These 878 species were evaluated and rated by Regional Panels and by the National Panel representatives from four agencies. The inclusion of these species represent the 2014 update to the NWPL. BACKGROUND Since the Corps assumed administrative responsibilities for the NWPL in 2006, the list has gone through an extensive updating process that culminated in its authorization for national use in May 2012 (Federal Register 2012; Lichvar 2012). The development of the 2012 list was a cooperative effort between four federal government agencies: the Corps, the FWS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The effort was managed by a National Panel consisting of representatives from the four agencies. The 2012 NWPL is the standard reference for wetland indicator status ratings of vascular plants in the United States and territories, and is used for many purposes, including wetland delineation, assessment, mitigation, and habitat restoration. The NWPL is available to all users through a web application ( Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2 The 2012 update built on the legacy of the FWS’s 1988 (Reed 1988), 1993 Region 9 (Northwest) Supplement (Reed, 1993), and draft 1996 wetland plant lists. It updated all taxonomic views and nomenclature in accordance with BONAP and revised wetland ratings (Lichvar and Minkin 2008). Additionally, the 2012 revision included several changes to the management of the NWPL, along with revised definitions of wetland categories, new Corps geographic wetland regions, protocols for challenging wetland ratings, and procedures for annual revisions. As with previous versions of the wetland plant list, the 2012 NWPL and updates support wetland delineation efforts under Sec. 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Swampbuster provisions of the Farm Bill (as amended), and it is used in the National Wetland Inventory Program. To accomplish this more effectively, the Corps re-aligned the NWPL’s geographic regions to correspond to those of federal wetland efforts, including the interagency wetland delineation manual and its regional wetland delineation supplements. The NWPL is now divided using the 10 regional Corps wetland delineation regions for the U.S. and its territories (Wakeley 2002) (Fig. 1). Included within four of these Corps regions are 17 subregions in which small numbers of wetland plants have wetland ratings that differ from the ratings for the same plants in the rest of the region. Figure 1. Geographic regions for the 2012 NWPL, based on Corps regions. Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3 The five wetland rating categories in the NWPL were developed in the 1980s by Reed (1988). Each plant species was assigned a rating representing the estimated probability, or frequency, with which it was thought to occur in wetlands, as opposed to non-wetlands, across its entire range. The 1988 ratings were divided into categories based on quantitative ranges of frequency, but the 2012 ratings were based on simpler qualitative definitions (Lichvar et al. 2012) (Table 1). Indicator status ratings are now assigned to each species based on a review of the botanical literature and herbarium records, along with the best professional judgment of national and regional experts. Longer quantitative rating definitions are still used, but only for field testing of wetland ratings. Table 1. Short qualitative descriptions of the five wetland indicator status ratings used to determine if vegetation is hydrophytic during wetland delineations in the United States. Indicator status rating (abbreviation) Obligate (OBL) Facultative Wetland (FACW) Facultative (FAC) Facultative Upland (FACU) Upland (UPL) Designation Hydrophyte Hydrophyte Hydrophyte Nonhydrophyte Nonhydrophyte Qualitative Description al. 2012) Almost always(Lichvar occur in et wetlands Usually occur in wetlands, but may occur in nonwetlands Occur in wetlands and non-wetlands Usually occur in non-wetlands, but may occur in wetlands Almost never occur in wetlands ANNUAL UPDATE PROCESS As part of the 2012 NWPL update, representatives from each of the four Federal agencies responsible for the NWPL agreed on new protocols and procedures for managing the list. These procedures were described in the 2012 Federal Register announcement for updating the NWPL. Under the NWPL authorization, it is now possible to update and maintain the list annually so that the nomenclature and taxonomy do not become outdated and wetland ratings can be refined as new information becomes available. In particular, the annual NWPL updates will include additions or deletions to the list; modifications to wetland indicator statuses that were revised during the previous year; and updates of the nomenclature, taxonomy, and geographic distribution of species on the NWPL. The annual update of the list has two steps. First, this and previous updates to the database for nomenclature, taxonomy, and U.S. state/Canadian province and U.S. county-level phytogeography have been made by Dr. John Kartesz of BONAP. Second, input from the public, as well as from federal and state agencies, is used to modify wetland ratings by processes of evaluation that are similar to those used during the 2012 update. These requests may include adding new species to the list. The annual update is released in three parts: 1) the NWPL web site is updated to reflect any modifications from the previous year, 2) a series of downloadable files for the Corps regions and states is made available via the web site, providing local lists of wetland species and their wetland indicator ratings, and 3) the national list is published and subdivided by Corps regions. This publication represents the third component of the 2014 update. THE 2014 NWPL UPDATE The 2012 NWPL contained 7,828, and the 2013 NWPL contained 7,937 wetland plants for the United States and its territories. The 2014 NWPL has increased to 8,061 wetland plants, mainly because of newly suggested additions to the list and geographic range extension reports for species new to a Corps wetland region. The 2014 NWPL update is in the Appendix A. Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 4 The 2014 NWPL update list is based on the database we received from BONAP in 2013 and used in generating the 2013 NWPL update. Included in the 2013 BONAP database were 754 species with new geographic range extensions in Corps wetland regions and 123 species proposed for consideration to be added to the NWPL. We postponed evaluating these species until 2014. In addition, the National Panel (NP) requested that Lonicera japonica Thunb. occurring in the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain be reevaluated by that Regional Panel (RP). For the 2014 NWPL update, we evaluated and rated 878 species. The first step in the updating process was to see if any of these species occurred in other Corps regions. If they did and if they were rated in two or more regions with the same wetland rating, we assigned the same wetland rating to the species in the new geographic region. This group then was referred to as the “auto assigned” group. If a species had only one other rating or the ratings varied across the Corps regions, we moved it to the next step. There were 294 species in the auto assigned group. The remaining species were evaluated by a Regional Panel (RP) consisting of one representative from each of the four agencies within the Corps regions where the species occurs. The RP reviewed the literature, interviewed other professional botanists, and used their personal field observations to assign wetland ratings. The RPs, by consensus, assigned ratings to 450 species. Those species for which the RP did not reach consensus were then evaluated and rated by the NP. The NP assigned wetland ratings for 246 species. The culmination of these steps and assigned rating then represent the 2014 efforts to update the NWPL. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people, agencies and organizations are involved in maintaining and improving the accuracy of the NWPL, and they are all thanked for their support and input. The bulk of the effort and thanks goes to the National and Regional Panel members across the country who dedicate significant time and energy responding to requests to evaluate endless lists of wetland plants. Many people in the public sector have made valuable suggestions and input about wetland species. Underlying these efforts is the work of several key people, who are thanked: John Kartesz at BONAP, who keeps the database updated, and Misako Nishino, who maintains the BONAP database; Rick Bates, who manage to keep millions of data points in the right places; and Jennifer Gillrich and Lindsey Lefebvre, who make it all happen. We thank the Wetland Regulatory Assistance Program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for funding these efforts. REFERENCES Federal Register. 2012. Publication of the Final National Wetland Plant List. Fed. Reg., Vol. 77, No. 90 / Wednesday, May 9, 2012. Kartesz, J.T. 2012. Floristic Synthesis of North America, Version 1.0. Biota of North America Program (BONAP), Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Lichvar, R.W., and P. Minkin. 2008. Concepts and Procedures for Updating the National Wetland Plant List. ERDC/CRREL TN-08-03. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire. <> Lichvar, R.W. 2012. The National Wetland Plant List. ERDC/CRREL TR-12-11. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire. Lichvar, R.W., N.C. Melvin, M.L. Butterwick, and W.N. Kirchner. 2012. National Wetland Plant List Indicator Rating Definitions. ERDC/CRREL TR-12-1. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire. Reed, P.B., Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC. Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 5 Reed, P.B., Jr. and Dennis Peters. 1993. Supplement to list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Northwest (Region 9), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC.. Wakeley, J.S. 2002. Developing a “Regionalized” Version of the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual: Issues and Recommendations. ERDC/EL TR-02-20. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi. C B EMP Aletris farinosa Alhagi maurorum Alisma plantago-aquatica Allium bisceptrum Agrostis castellana Agrostis lacuna-vernalis Agoseris X montana Agrimonia parviflora Ageratum houstonianum Ageratum conyzoides Ageratina altissima Agalinis skinneriana Actaea podocarpa Aegilops tauschii Aeschynomene americana Agalinis calycina Agalinis flexicaulis Achyranthes aspera Aconitum uncinatum New 2-FAC 2-UPL 3FACW 4FACU 3-FAC 4FACW 2-FAC 4FACU 2FACU 2-UPL 4-FAC 2-FAC 2-UPL 2-FACU 3-FACU 3-FACU 2-FAC 3-UPL 3-FACU 4FACU 3FACU AW Acer glabrum Achillea ptarmica 3FACU AGCP 3-FACU New New? Acalypha poiretii Abies procera Scientific Name 3FACU 2-FAC 2FACU 3FACU 3FACU GP HI 4FACU 4-FAC 3-FAC 3-FAC 3FACU MW 2-OBL 3-UPL 3-FAC 3FACU NCNE 3FACW 3FACU 2-OBL 3FACU WMVC 4-FACU AK S P I 6 White Colicroot Camelthorn European Water-Plantain Aspen Onion Dryland Bent unknown [aurantiaca X glauca] Harvestlice Bluemink Tropical Whiteweed White Snakeroot Skinner's False Foxglove Devil's-Horsewhip Southern Blue Monkshood Mountain Bugbane Tausch's Goat Grass Shyleaf Leoncita False Foxglove Hampton False Foxglove Rocky Mountain Maple Pearl Yarrow Poiret's Copperleaf Noble Fir Common Name Appendix A. Species evaluated for inclusion in the 2014 NWPL. In the ratings, 2 indicates the auto-assigned group, 3 indicates species evaluated by a Regional Panel, and 4 indicates species evaluated by the National Panel. Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update Angelica triquinata Andropogon bicornis Andropogon glaucopsis Andropogon hirsutior Anaphalis margaritacea Amphitecna latifolia Ampelopsis cordata Amphicarpaea bracteata Ampelaster carolinianus Ampelopsis arborea Amorpha confusa Ambrosia artemisiifolia Ambrosia trifida Amelanchier arborea Amaranthus spinosus Amaranthus crassipes Amaranthus obcordatus Amaranthus californicus Amaranthus acanthochiton Alternanthera ficoidea Alocasia macrorrhizos Alnus glutinosa Scientific Name New New New? 3FACW 2-UPL 4-UPL 4FACU 2FACU 2FACU AGCP 3FACU 4FACU 2-FAC 3FACW 4FACU 3FACW AW 4 F A C C B 3-FACW 4-FACW 3-UPL 3-FACW EMP 4FACW 3FACU 2FACW 3FACW 2FACU GP 2-FAC HI 3FACU 2FACW MW 3FACW 3FACU 3-FAC NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-FAC 2FACU 2FACU WMVC 3-UPL 4-FACU 2-FAC AK S P I Filmy Angelica Barbas-de-Indio Coastal Bluestem unknown Pearly-Everlasting Black-Calabash Heart-Leaf Peppervine American Hog-Peanut Climbing-Aster Peppervine Carolina Indigo-Bush Annual Ragweed Great Ragweed Downy Service-Berry Spiny Amaranth Spreading Amaranth Trans-Pecos Amaranth California Amaranth Greenstripe Sanguinaria Giant Taro European Alder Common Name 7 Atriplex stipitata Axonopus compressus Azolla cristata Azolla pinnata Baccharis glomeruliflora Atriplex hortensis Atriplex mucronata Atriplex glabriuscula Athyrium angustum Atriplex alaskensis Asclepias viridula Astragalus diphysus Asclepias speciosa Asclepias subverticillata Artemisia tilesii Artemisia campestris Aronia melanocarpa Aristida beyrichiana Aristida spiciformis Arivela viscosa Antigonon leptopus Aplectrum hyemale Arabis alpina Arabis eschscholtziana Anthoxanthum hirtum Anthenantia rufa Scientific Name New New New New? 3-FAC 3-UPL 2-FAC 4FACU 3-UPL 3FACW AGCP 4FACU 3-UPL 2-FAC 3-UPL 4-UPL 2-FAC 3FACW AW C B 3-OBL 4-FAC 3-FACW 3-UPL 4-UPL 4-FACU EMP 2FACU 4-UPL 2FACU 3-UPL 4-FAC 2FACU 4FACU 3FACW GP HI 4-UPL 3FACW MW 2-OBL 4-UPL 3FACU 2FACU 3FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-FAC 4FACU 3FACU 3FACW 3FACU 2-FAC 2-FAC 3FACW WMVC 3-UPL 3-FACW AK S P I Mallee Saltbush Broad-Leaf Carpet Grass Crested Mosquito Fern Asian Mosquito Fern Silverling Garden Orache Crested Saltbush Scotland Orache Northern Lady Fern Alaska Orache Southern Milkweed Speckle-Pod Milk-Vetch Showy Milkweed Horsetail Milkweed Tilesius' Wormwood Pacific Wormwood Black Chokeberry Northern Sweet Vernal Grass Queen's-Jewels Adam-and-Eve Alpine Eared Rockcress Pacific-Coast Eared Rockcress Beyrich's Three-Awn Bottlebrush Three-Awn Tickweed Purple Silkyscale Common Name 8 Bromus madritensis Braya humilis Braya glabella Boechera collinsii Borrichia frutescens Bothriochloa barbinodis Botrychium lunaria Botrychium pinnatum Brachyelytrum erectum Bidens laevis Bidens mitis Bidens tenuisecta Bidens eatonii Betula X sandbergii Bidens aristosa Betula pendula Barbarea vulgaris Barkleyanthus salicifolius Bassia hirsuta Betula murrayana Bambusa vulgaris Baptisia australis Baccharis neglecta Bacopa innominata Bambusa bambos Scientific Name New New? 4FACU 3-FAC 3FACW 3FACW 2FACU 2-FAC 3FACU 3FACU AGCP 2FACU 2-OBL AW 4 F A C U C B 3-UPL 4-FAC 3-OBL 3-FACW 4-FACW 2-FACU 3-FACU 2-FAC 2-OBL 3-FACU EMP 4FACU 4FACU 4-UPL 4FACU 2FACU 2-FAC 4-UPL GP HI 3FACU 4-UPL 2-OBL 2-OBL 2-OBL 3FACW 2FACU 3FACU 2-FAC MW 3FACU 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2-OBL 2FACW WMVC 3-UPL 3-FACU AK S P I Smooth NorthernRockcress Alpine NorthernRockcress Compact Brome unknown Bushy Seaside-Tansy Cane Beard Grass Common Moonwort Northeastern Moonwort Bearded Shorthusk Smooth Beggarticks Small-Fruit Beggarticks Slim-Lobe Beggarticks Eaton's Beggarticks [papyrifera X pumila] Bearded Beggarticks European Weeping Birch Garden Yellow-Rocket Barkley's-Ragwort Hairy Smotherweed Murray's Birch Feathery Bamboo Blue Wild Indigo Roosevelt-Weed Tropical Water-Hyssop Giant Thorny Bamboo Common Name 9 Carex austrodeflexa Cardamine impatiens Cardamine nymanii Cardamine X incisa Cardiospermum halicacabum Carex arkansana Carex austrina Cardamine flexuosa Cardamine douglassii Canna glauca Canna indica Cardamine clematitis Campanula aparinoides Canna flaccida Calluna vulgaris Calydorea coelestina Camelina alyssum Callitriche stagnalis Callitriche stenoptera Callisia repens Bulbostylis stenophylla Caladium bicolor Calandrinia ciliata Bulbostylis juncoides Bulbostylis funckii Brugmansia versicolor Scientific Name New New New New New? 3FACW 3-FAC 3-FAC 2FACU 4-UPL AGCP 3-FAC 2-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL AW C B 4-OBL 3-FACU 2-OBL 4-FACW 3-OBL 2-FAC 3-FACW 3-FACU 3-FACU EMP 4FACW 3FACW 3-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 2FACW GP 2FACU 4-FAC HI 3-FAC 2FACU 3-OBL MW 3-FAC 2FACU 3-FAC NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW 2FACW WMVC 3-FACW 3-OBL AK S P I Canebrake Sedge Narrow-Leaf Bittercress unknown [concatenata X maxima] Love-in-a-Puff Arkansas Sedge Southern Sedge Woodland Bittercress Marsh Bellflower Bandanna-of-theEverglades Brazilian Arrow-Wood Indian-Shot Small Mountain Bittercress Limestone Bittercress Pond Water-Starwort Narrow-Wing WaterStarwort Heather Enchanting Violet-Lily Madwort False Flax Creeping-Inchplant Sandy-Field Hair Sedge Heart-of-Jesus Fringed Redmaids Rush Hair Sedge Arborescent Angel'sTears Funck's Hair Sedge Common Name 10 C B 2-OBL 2-OBL 2-FACW EMP 2FACW 2-OBL 4FACU 3FACW 4FACU 2-OBL GP 2-FAC 2-FAC 2-FAC 3FACU AW Carex radiata Carex reniformis 4-FAC 2-OBL 4FACU 2-OBL AGCP 4-FAC New? Carex nigromarginata Carex oklahomensis Carex parryana Carex luzulina Carex macrocephala Carex mitchelliana Carex lonchocarpa Carex luzulifolia Carex gynocrates Carex laxiflora Carex frankii Carex foenea Carex exsiccata Carex extensa Carex fissuricola Carex divulsa Carex egglestonii Carex corrugata Carex bebbii Carex bulbostylis Carex cherokeensis Carex baileyi Scientific Name HI 2-FAC 3FACW 4FACW 2-OBL 2-FAC 4FACW MW 3-OBL 3FACW 2-OBL 2FACW 2FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2-FAC WMVC AK Bronze-Head Oval Sedge Western Inflated Sedge Long-Bract Sedge Cleft Sedge Grassland Sedge Eggleston's Sedge Prune-Fruit Sedge Bebb's Sedge False Hair Sedge Cherokee Sedge Bailey's Sedge Common Name Eastern Star Sedge Kidney-Shape Sedge Black-Edge Sedge Oklahoma Sedge Parry's Sedge Woodrush Sedge Big-Head Sedge Mitchell's Sedge 2 Frank's Sedge O B L Northern Bog Sedge Broad Loose-Flower Sedge Southern Long Sedge Little-Leaf Sedge S P I 11 Centella asiatica Centipeda minima Centromadia pungens Ceratophyllum muricatum Cestrum nocturnum Centaurea X moncktonii Centaurea cyanus Centaurea jacea Cenchrus ciliaris Cenchrus polystachios Cenchrus americanus Carex triangularis Carex X aestivaliformis Cartrema americana Cayaponia quinqueloba Celastrus orbiculatus Celtis laevigata Carex torta Carex suberecta Carex sylvatica Carex schweinitzii Carex senta Carex squarrosa Carex salina Carex rosea Carex retroflexa Scientific Name New New New? 3-FAC 4FACU 3-FAC 2-OBL 4FACU 3FACU AGCP 3-FAC 3FACU 3FACU 2-FAC 2-OBL 3-FAC AW C B 3-UPL 4-FACU 3-FAC 3-FACU 2-FACU EMP 3FACU 3FACU 4FACU 2-FAC 2-FAC 4-UPL 3FACW 2-OBL 3FACW 2-OBL 3FACU 3FACU GP HI 3FACU 3FACU 2-FAC 2-FAC 3FACU 4FACU MW 3-FAC 2-OBL 3FACU 3FACU 3-UPL 3-OBL 3FACU 4FACU 4FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-FAC 3FACU 3-FAC 3FACW 3FACU WMVC 4-UPL AK S P I Asiatic Spadeleaf Spreading-Sneezeweed Pungent False Tarplant Prickly Hornwort Night FloweringJassamine [jacea x nigra] Garden Cornflower Brown-Ray Knapweed Buffel Grass Mission Grass Pearl-Millet Eastern Fox Sedge [aestivalis X gracillima] Devilwood Five-Lobe-Cucumber Asian Bittersweet Sugar-Berry Prairie Straw Sedge European Woodland Sedge Twisted Sedge Schweinitz's Sedge Western Rough Sedge Squarrose Sedge Saltmarsh Sedge Rosy Sedge Reflexed Sedge Common Name 12 New Coleataenia stipitata Commelina benghalensis Convolvulus equitans New New New? Clitoria ternatea Coleataenia longifolia Cleomella angustifolia Clinopodium douglasii Clematis vitalba Clematis crispa Claytonia perfoliata Cirsium wrightii Claytonia multiscapa Claytonia parviflora Cirsium lecontei Cirsium nuttallii Cirsium palustre Cinnamomum camphora Cirsium flodmanii Cirsium horridulum Chenopodium macrospermum Chrysosplenium rosendahlii Chasmanthium latifolium Chasmanthium nitidum Chelone obliqua Chenopodium fremontii Chamaecrista fasciculata Scientific Name 4FACU 3FACW 4-UPL 4FACU 3-FAC AGCP 3FACU 3FACW 3-FAC 2-FAC AW C B 3-FACU 4-FACW 3-FACU 3-FACU 2-FAC 4-UPL 4-FACU 3-FACW 4-FAC 2-FACW 3-FACU 3-FACW EMP 4FACW 3-OBL 2-FAC 2-OBL GP HI 2FACU 4FACU 3FACW 3FACW 4FACU MW 3FACW 3FACW 3FACU 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2-FAC 3-OBL 3-UPL 2FACU 3-FAC WMVC 3-FACU 2-FAC 2-FACU 3-FACW AK S P I Asian Pigeonwings Long-Leaf Cut-Throat Grass Stipitate Cut-Throat Grass Jio Texas Bindweed Northern Stinkweed Oregon-Tea Evergreen Traveler's-Joy Swamp Leather-Flower Wright's Thistle Many-Stem Springbeauty Streambank Springbeauty Miner's-Lettuce Le Conte's Thistle Nuttall's Thistle Marsh Thistle Large-Seed Goosefoot Rosendahl's GoldenSaxifrage Camphortree Flodman's Thistle Yellow Thistle Indian Wood-Oats Shiny Wood-Oats Red Turtlehead Fremont's Goosefoot Sleepingplant Common Name 13 New Crataegus phaenopyrum Crinum americanum Crotalaria capensis 2-OBL 4-FAC 3-FAC 3-FAC 3-FACU 4-FACU EMP 3-FACW 4 U P L C B Cyperus involucratus 2-FAC 3FACU 3FACU 3FACU 3FACU 3FACU AW 3-FACW 3-FAC 4-UPL 3-UPL AGCP Cyperus eragrostis Cuphea hyssopifolia Cynanchum laeve Cyperus aggregatus Cyperus difformis Cyperus distans Cyperus elegans Ctenium aromaticum New New New New? Crataegus berberifolia Crataegus forbesae Cotula australis Crassocephalum crepidioides Cosmos sulphureus Corylus avellana Cortaderia selloana Coreopsis integrifolia Corispermum welshii Scientific Name 3-FAC 2-FAC 4-FAC 4-UPL 4-UPL GP 3FACU HI 4FACW 3-FAC 4-UPL 3FACU MW 3FACW 2-OBL 2FACW 3-FAC 3FACU 3-FAC 3FACU 3FACU 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2FACW 3FACU WMVC AK S P I Alternate-Leaf Flat Sedge Tall Flat Sedge False Heather Honeyvine Inflated-Scale Flat Sedge Variable Flat Sedge Mexican Flat Sedge Royal Flat Sedge Toothache Grass Washington Hawthorn Seven-Sisters Cape Rattlebox Barberry Hawthorn Forbes' Hawthorn Australian Water-Buttons Red-Flower Ragleaf Sulphur Cosmos Common Filbert Selloa Pampus Grass Fringe-Leaf Tickseed Welsh's Bugseed Common Name 14 4 F A C W C B EMP 3-FACU 3-FACW 3-FACU 3FACW 3-FACW Digitaria horizontalis 4-FAC 4FACW 3FACW 4-UPL 3-FAC New New Dichondra micrantha Digitaria bicornis Dichondra carolinensis Diarrhena obovata Dichanthelium leucothrix Desmodium barbatum Descurainia adenophora Deschampsia flexuosa Dentella repens Delphinium glaucescens 3-FAC 4-UPL 3FACU AW Cyperus tetragonus Dalea albida Dalea gracilis Daphne mezereum 4-UPL 4-FAC AGCP 3-FACW New New New? Cyperus prolifer Cyperus serotinus Cyperus surinamensis Cyperus parishii Cyperus meyenianus Scientific Name 4-FAC 3FACW 4FACU 4-UPL 2FACU 4-FAC 2FACW GP 4FACU HI 3FACU 3-FAC 3-FAC 3FACU 2FACW MW 4FACW 3FACW 3FACU 2-OBL NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW 3FACU 3FACU 3FACU WMVC 4-UPL 3-FACU AK Jamaican Crab Grass Asian Pony's-Foot Asian Crab Grass Carolina Pony's-Foot Hairy Beakgrain Rough Rosette Grass Zarzabacoa-Peluda unknown Wavy Hair Grass Lickstoop Electric Peak Larkspur Four-Angle Flat Sedge unknown Needle Prairie-Clover Paradise-Plant Miniature Flat Sedge Tidal-Marsh Flat Sedge Tropical Flat Sedge S Common Name P I 4 Meyen's Flat Sedge F A C W Parish's Flat Sedge 15 Eleocharis albida Eleocharis diandra Echinochloa walteri Echinochloa holciformis New New Dryopteris X mickelii Dysphania aristata Echinochloa crus-pavonis Echinochloa esculenta New New New New New New? Drymocallis cuneifolia Drymocallis micropetala Dryopteris X correllii Dryas integrifolia Draba stenoloba Dracopis amplexicaulis Drosera intermedia Drosera X californica Drosera X hybrida Dryas ajanensis Downingia pulcherrima Ditrysinia fruticosa Doellingeria sericocarpoides Dipsacus laciniatus Diphasiastrum alpinum Diplacus aurantiacus Digitaria violascens Diodia virginiana Scientific Name 4FACW 2-FAC 3-OBL 2-OBL 3FACU AGCP 3FACW 4-FAC 2-OBL 4FACW 3FACW 3-FAC 3FACU 3FACU AW C B 3-FACW 4-FACW 4-FACW 3-FACU EMP 2-FAC 2FACU 4-UPL 4-UPL 4-FAC 4-UPL 9-RST GP HI 2-FAC 3-FAC MW 3FACU 3FACU 3FACW 2FACU 2FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW 2-OBL 3-FAC 2-OBL 3FACW 3FACU 3FACW WMVC 3-UPL AK S P I Long-Awn Cock's-Spur Grass White Spike-Rush Wright's Spike-Rush Decorative-Millet Gulf Cock's-Spur Grass Japanese Water Grass [clintoniana X goldiana] Aristata Wormseed Wedge-Leaf Woodbeauty Little-Petal Woodbeauty [carthusiana X goldiana] Alaska Whitlow-Grass Clasping-Coneflower Spoon-Leaf Sundew [filiformis X tracyi] [filiformis X intermedia] Eight-Petal MountainAvens White Mountain-Avens unknown Gulf Sebastian-Bush Southern White-Top Alpine Creeping-Cedar Orange Bush-MonkeyFlower Cut-Leaf Teasel Violet Crab Grass Virginia Buttonweed Common Name 16 Erigeron bellioides Eragrostis unioloides Eremochloa ciliaris Eragrostis lugens Eragrostis refracta Eragrostis amabilis Eragrostis atrovirens Eragrostis bahiensis Eragrostis ciliaris Equisetum X nelsonii Equisetum myriochaetum Equisetum X litorale Equisetum X mackaii Epilobium parviflorum Elymus wiegandii Emilia sonchifolia Epilobium anagallidifolium Epilobium minutum Elymus villosus Elodea schweinitzii Elymus hystrix Elodea callitrichoides Eleocharis geniculata Eleocharis mamillata Eleocharis suksdorfiana Elionurus tripsacoides Scientific Name New New New New? 4FACU 4FACW 2-FAC 2-OBL AGCP 3FACU 3FACU 3-FAC 4FACW 3-OBL 2FACU 3-OBL 2-OBL AW C B 3-FAC 3-FAC 3-FAC 4-FAC 4-FACW 3-FACW EMP 2-OBL 2FACU 2-OBL 2-OBL GP HI 3-FAC 3FACW 3-UPL 2-OBL MW 2FACW 3-FAC 3FACU 3FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACU 3FACW 3FACU 3-OBL 2-OBL WMVC AK S P I Bellorita Chinese Love Grass Fringed Centipede Grass Mourning Love Grass Meadow Love Grass [laevigatum X variegatum] Feather Love Grass Thalia Love Grass Bahia Love Grass Gopher-Tail Love Grass Small-Flower Hairy Willowherb Mexican Giant Horsetail [arvense X fluviatile] [hyemale X variegatum] Wiegand's Wild Rye Lilac Tassel-Flower Pimpernel Willowherb Chaparral Willowherb Capitate Spike-Rush Soft-Stem Spike-Rush Suksdorf's Spike-Rush Pan-American Balsamscale South American Waterweed Schweinitz's Waterweed Eastern Bottle-Brush Grass Hairy Wild Rye Common Name 17 Flaveria campestris Flaveria trinervia Fragaria chiloensis Fimbristylis dichotoma Festuca aloha Festuca molokaiensis Filipendula ulmaria Fimbristylis annua Fallopia dumetorum Eurybia sibirica Eustachys petraea Euphrasia stricta Euphorbia hirta Euphorbia hypericifolia Eupatorium X cordigerum Euonymus atropurpureus Eupatorium leptophyllum Eupatorium novae-angliae Eriocaulon ravenelii Eriochloa punctata Eryngium foetidum Eryngium hookeri Eulophia graminea Eriobotrya japonica Eriocaulon aquaticum Eriocaulon benthamii Scientific Name New New New New New New? 3FACU 4-FAC 4-FAC 3-FAC 4FACU 3FACW AGCP 3FACU 4FACU AW C B 3-FACW 3-FACW 3-OBL 2-FACW 3-FAC 2-FACW EMP 3FACU 4-FAC 4-FAC 4-UPL 2-OBL GP 4FACU 4-UPL 4-UPL HI 3-FAC 4FACW MW 3FACU 4-FAC 3FACW 3FACU 3FACU 3FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-FAC 3-UPL 3FACU 3-FAC WMVC 3-FACU AK S P I Alkali Yellowtops Clustered Yellowtops Beach Strawberry Forked Fimbry Aloha Fescue Molokai Fescue Queen-of-the-Meadow Annual Fimbry Corpse Black-Bindweed Siberian Wood-Aster Pinewoods Finger Grass Drug Eyebright Eastern Wahoo False Fennel New England Thoroughwort [perfoliatum X rotundifolium] Pill-Pod Sandmat Graceful Sandmat Ravenel's Pipewort Louisiana Cup Grass Spiritweed Hooker's Eryngo Grass-Leaf Wild Coco Loquat Seven-Angle Pipewort Bentham's Pipewort Common Name 18 C B EMP Hedychium coronarium Hedychium flavescens Hedysarum alpinum Helenium amarum 3-FAC 4-FAC 3-FACU 3FACU 4-FACU Hedera helix 2FACW 3-UPL 3-FACW 4-FACU 3FACU 4FACU 2-OBL 4-OBL Hackelochloa granularis Habenaria quinqueseta Grindelia stricta Gynandropsis gynandra Glyceria declinata Glyceria fluitans Glyceria laxa Glyceria septentrionalis Grevillea robusta Grindelia camporum Gibasis geniculata Gleditsia aquatica Glinus radiatus 3-FACU 3FACU 3FACU 3FACU AW Geranium robertianum 4FACU 4FACU 2-OBL AGCP 4-FAC New? Gaultheria ovatifolia Gelsemium rankinii Gentianella wrightii Gamochaeta pensylvanica Galium palustre Galium mollugo Galium circaezans Scientific Name 4-UPL 2FACW 3-FAC 4FACW 2-FAC GP 3-UPL 2-OBL HI 3-FAC 3FACU 4-UPL 2FACW 4FACU 3FACU MW 3FACU 3FACU 3-OBL 2-OBL 3FACU 3FACU 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2FACU 3-FAC 3-FAC 3FACU 3FACU WMVC 2-FACW 4-FACU AK S P I White Ginger-Lily Cream Ginger-Lily Alpine Sweet-Vetch Yellowdicks English Ivy Long-Horn False Rein Orchid Pit-Scale Grass Oregon Gumweed Spiderwisp Waxy Manna Grass Water Manna Grass Limp Manna Grass Floating Manna Grass Silk-Oak Great Valley Gumweed Tahitian Bridalveil Water-Locust Spreading Sweetjuice Lesser Herbrobert Western Teaberry Rankin's Trumpet-Flower Wright's Dwarf-Gentian Common Marsh Bedstraw Pennsylvania Everlasting White Bedstraw Licorice Bedstraw Common Name 19 Hypericum virgatum Hypericum erythraeae Hypericum nudiflorum Hypericum canadense Hyparrhenia rufa Hydrocharis morsus-ranae Hymenocallis crassifolia Houttuynia cordata Hydrilla verticillata Houstonia caerulea Hippuris lanceolata Hordeum depressum Hieracium greenii Helosciadium nodiflorum Heracleum mantegazzianum Hexastylis sorriei Helianthus strumosus Helianthus nuttallii Helenium microcephalum Helenium vernale Helianthus floridanus Helianthus heterophyllus Helianthus microcephalus Scientific Name New New New New? 4-FAC 4-OBL 2-OBL 2FACW 2-FAC 4FACW 2FACU 2FACW 4-UPL AGCP 2-OBL AW 2 O B L C B 2-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 2-FAC 3-FACW 2-FACW 2-FACW 3-FACW 3-FACW EMP 4FACU 2FACW 3FACU 2-FAC 3FACU 2-OBL 4-UPL GP HI 2FACW 4-FAC 2-OBL 3FACU MW 3FACU 2-OBL NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2-FAC WMVC 3-OBL AK S P I Sharp-Leaf St. John'sWort Lesser Canadian St. John's-Wort Georgia St. John's-Wort Early St. John's-Wort Common Frogbit Coastal Carolina SpiderLily Jaragua Chameleon Water-Thyme Quaker-Ladies Panarctic Mare's-Tail Dwarf Barley Green's Hawkweed Pale-Leaf Woodland Sunflower Fool's-Watercress Giant Hogweed Sandhills Heartleaf Small-Head Sneezeweed Savannah Sneezeweed Florida Sunflower Variable-Leaf Sunflower Small Woodland Sunflower Nuttall's Sunflower Common Name 20 Isoetes flettii Isoetes novae-angliae Isoetes occidentalis Isoetes texana Isoetes tuckermanii Isoetes X altonharvillii New New 3-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL 3-FAC 3FACU AW Iresine diffusa Iris fulva Iris giganticaerulea Iris X nelsonii 3-OBL 4FACU 4-FAC AGCP 3-FAC New New? Ipomoea violacea Ipomoea quamoclit Ipomoea hederifolia Ipomoea indica Ipomoea cairica Indigofera suffruticosa Ipomoea alba Impatiens balsamina Imperata cylindrica Illicium parviflorum Impatiens aurella Ilex montana Ilex aquifolium Hypoxis juncea Hypericum walteri Hypoxis curtissii Scientific Name C B 3-FAC 4-FAC 4-UPL 4-FACW 3-FACW EMP 2-OBL 3-OBL 3-FAC 2FACW 4-UPL 3FACU 2FACW GP 4FACU HI 3-FAC MW 3-OBL 2-OBL 3FACU 3FACU 2-OBL NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-OBL 3FACU 3-FAC 3FACU 3FACU WMVC AK S P I Heavenly-Blue MorningGlory Juba's-Bush Copper Iris Giant Blue Iris [brevicaulis X fulva X hexagona] Flett's Quillwort New England Quillwort Western Quillwort Coastal Bend Quillwort Tuckerman's Quillwort [engelmannii X vallida] Scarlet-Creeper Ocean-Blue MorningGlory Cypress-Vine Anil-de-Pasto Tropical White MorningGlory Mile-a-Minute-Vine Yellow Anisetree Pale-Yellow Touch-MeNot Garden-Balsam Cogon Grass Mountain Holly Greater St. John's-Wort Curtiss' Yellow StarGrass Fringed Yellow StarGrass English Holly Common Name 21 New Isoetes X fairbrothersii Isoetes X truncata Jaegeria hirta Lepidium latifolium Lepidium nitidum Leucothoe axillaris Leitneria pilosa New New Juncus paludosus Juncus pylaei Juncus saximontanus Juncus vaseyi Justicia americana Justicia crassifolia Krigia caespitosa Lantana urticoides New Juncus pallidus Juncus ensifolius Juncus elliottii Juncus bulbosus Juncus compressus Juncus anthelatus New New New? Isoetes X echtuckeri Isoetes X eatonii Isoetes X brittonii Isoetes X carltaylori Scientific Name 4FACW 4-FAC 3FACW 4-OBL 3FACW 2FACW 3-OBL 2-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL AGCP 2-OBL 3FACW 4FACU 2FACW AW C B 3-FAC 4-FACW 3-OBL 2-FACW 4-OBL 3-FACW 2-FACW 4-OBL EMP 2-FAC 2-OBL 2FACW GP HI 2FACW MW 2-FAC 2FACW 3FACU 3-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACU 2FACW 3-OBL WMVC 2-FACW AK S P I Broad-Leaf Pepperwort Shining Pepperwort Coastal Doghobble West Indian ShrubVerbena Hairy Corkwood Florida Rush Common Rush Rocky Mountain Rush Vasey's Rush American Water-Willow Thick-Leaf Water-Willow Weedy Dwarf-Dandelion Javelin-Grass Dagger-Leaf Rush Elliott's Rush Bulbous Rush Round-Fruit Rush Kentucky Rush [engelmannii X riparia] [acadiensis X engelmannii] [echinospora X engelmannii] [echinospora X tuckermannii] [engelmannii X lacustris] [flettii X maritima] Botao-de-Ouro Common Name 22 Lycopus X sherardii Lysimachia maritima Lysimachia punctata Lythrum salicaria Macroptilium lathyroides Lycopus rubellus Lycopus americanus Lycopodiella subappressa Lycopodiella margueritae Lycium torreyi Ludwigia bonariensis Ludwigia octovalvis Lupinus polyphyllus Luzula arcuata Lonicera japonica Linum virginianum Liquidambar styraciflua Lonicera cauriana Linum floridanum Linum intercursum Limnobium spongia Limnosciadium pumilum Limonium binervosum Lindernia procumbens Leymus condensatus Leucothoe fontanesiana Scientific Name New New? 3-FAC 4FACU 4FACU AGCP 2-OBL 2-OBL 3-FAC 2-OBL AW C B 2-FACU 4-FAC 3-FACW 3-OBL 2-OBL 4-FAC 3-FACU 4-OBL EMP 2-OBL 3FACU 3-FAC 2-FAC 4-FAC 2FACU GP HI 3FACW 3FACW 3FACU 2FACW MW 2FACW 2-FAC NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2-OBL 3FACU 3-FAC 2-OBL WMVC 3-OBL 2-OBL AK S P I Northern Appressed Club-Moss Cut-Leaf WaterHorehound Taper-Leaf WaterHorehound [uniflorus X virginicus] Sea-Milkwort Large Yellow-Loosestrife Purple Loosestrife Wild Bush-Bean Prostrate Club-Moss Squawthorn Carolina Primrose-Willow Mexican Primrose-Willow Blue-Pod Lupine Curved Wood-Rush Woodland Flax Sweet-Gum Sweet-Berry Honeysuckle Japanese Honeysuckle American Spongeplant Prairie Dogshade Rock Sea-Lavender Prostrate False Pimpernel Florida Yellow Flax Sandplain Flax Giant Lyme Grass Highland Doghobble Common Name 23 C B 3-FAC 3-FACU 3-FACU 3-FACU EMP 9-RST 2-OBL 3FACU GP 2-FAC Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum Micranthes fragosa Micranthes palmeri 4-FAC Mentha X rotundifolia Mesembryanthemum cordifolium Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Mentha X gracilis 3FACW 4-FAC 4-FAC 3FACW 4FACW 4-FAC 2-UPL 3FACU 3-OBL AW Mentha aquatica 4-FAC 4FACU 4FACU 4FACU 3FACU AGCP 4-FAC New New New New? Melochia corchorifolia Melilotus indicus Melica bulbosa Melaleuca citrina Melanthera angustifolia Melia azedarach Meehania cordata Marsilea mutica Marsilea vestita Medeola virginiana Marsilea drummondii Magnolia ashei Mahonia nervosa Magnolia acuminata Madia glomerata Scientific Name HI 4-FAC 2FACU 3FACU 3FACU 2-OBL 3FACU MW 4-FAC 3FACU 3FACU 2-OBL 4FACU 3FACU 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW 3FACW 3-FAC 2-FAC 3FACU 2-UPL WMVC AK S P I Palmer's Pseudosaxifrage Slender-Leaf Iceplant Cliff Pseudosaxifrage [spicata X suaveolens] Heart-Leaf Iceplant Crystalline Iceplant [arvensis X spicata] Water Mint Chocolate-Weed Indian Sweet-Clover Onion Grass Crimson-Bottlebrush Everglades Squarestem China-Berry Meehan's-Mint Drummond's WaterClover Australian Water-Clover Hairy Water-Clover Indian Cucumber-Root Ashe's Magnolia Cascade Oregon-Grape Cucumber-Tree Mountain Tarplant Common Name 24 C B 2FACW 2FACU GP 4-FACW 4-FAC 3FACU 2-OBL 3FACU 2FACW 3-FAC 3FACU 2-OBL 2FACU 3FACU WMVC 2-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 4-FAC 2FACW 3FACU 2FACU 3FACU 2FACU NCNE Navarretia prostrata 2FACW 3-FAC 3FACU 2FACU 3FACU 2-FAC MW 3-OBL New 2FACU 4FACU 3FACU HI Muhlenbergia uniflora Myosotis sylvatica Myriophyllum heterophyllum Myriophyllum humile Myriophyllum pinnatum Nama jamaicense Navarretia fossalis Muhlenbergia glabrifloris Muhlenbergia tenuiflora Muhlenbergia filiformis Muhlenbergia expansa Morus rubra Morinda umbellata Monarda clinopodia Molinia caerulea Momordica charantia 2-FACU 2-FACU 2-FAC EMP 4-UPL 3-FAC AW Moehringia macrophylla 2-OBL 3FACW AGCP 2-OBL New New? Mimulus guttatus Mimulus washingtonensis Mimosa pudica Mimosa strigillosa Mimulus breviflorus Milium effusum Micranthes petiolaris Scientific Name Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-UPL AK S P I Bog Muhly Woodland Forget-Me-Not Two-Leaf Water-Milfoil Low Water-Milfoil Cut-Leaf Water-Milfoil Jamaican-Weed Vernal-Pool PincushionPlant Prostrate PincushionPlant Smooth Muhly Slim-Flower Muhly Pullup Muhly Spreading Muhly Red Mulberry Cheeseshrub White Bergamot Shameplant Powderpuff Short-Flower MonkeyFlower Seep Monkey-Flower Washington MonkeyFlower Large-Leaf GroveSandwort Purple Moor Grass Balsam-Pear Michaux's Pseudosaxifrage American Millet Grass Common Name 25 C B 3-FACU 2-FACW 3-OBL 4-FACW 2-FACU 2-FAC EMP 4FACU 4FACW 3-UPL 2-OBL GP HI 2FACW 2FACU 3FACU 3FACW MW 2FACW 2-OBL 2-OBL NCNE 2FACW WMVC AK 2-FACW 3-FAC 2-OBL Packera pseudaurea Palhinhaea cernua Parnassia parviflora Paspalum denticulatum Paspalum floridanum 2-OBL 3-UPL 2-FAC AW Oxytropis czukotica 2FACW 4FACU 2FACW 2-FAC 3-OBL 3-FAC AGCP 3-FACU New New? Oxalis corniculata Osmorhiza berteroi Ornithogalum caudatum Orobanche riparia Oplopanax horridus Oplismenus hirtellus Ophioglossum petiolatum Oenothera jamesii Oenothera flava Oenothera elata Nelsonia canescens Nelumbo nucifera Neptunia oleracea Nicotiana obtusifolia Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Nicotiana tabacum Nuphar sagittifolia Nyssa ogeche Oenanthe javanica Oenothera canescens Scientific Name Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update S P I Creeping Yellow WoodSorrel Amphi-Beringian Locoweed Streambank Groundsel Monkey's Paw Small-Flower Grass-ofParnassus Pull-and-Be-Damned Florida Crown Grass Mountain Sweet-Cicely False Sea-Onion River Broom-Rape Devil's-Club Blue Pussyleaf Sacred Lotus Garden Puff Desert Tobacco Tex-Mex Tobacco Cultivated Tobacco unknown Ogeechee Tupelo Water-Celery Spotted EveningPrimrose Hooker's EveningPrimrose Long-Tube EveningPrimrose Trumpet EveningPrimrose Long-Stem Adder'sTongue Long-Leaf Basket Grass Common Name 26 Phyla cuneifolia Phyllanthus caroliniensis Phyllanthus fluitans Phegopteris hexagonoptera Phragmites karka Phacelia viscida Phalaris aquatica Phalaris paradoxa Phacelia covillei Persicaria robustior Persicaria wallichii Petasites frigidus Persicaria arifolia Persicaria longiseta Persicaria meisneriana Persicaria minor Persicaria perfoliata Persicaria puritanorum Persea palustris Perideridia parishii Perilla frutescens Paulownia tomentosa Paxistima myrsinites Passiflora foetida Paspalum orbiculatum Paspalum virgatum Paspalum notatum Scientific Name New New New? 3-OBL 3FACW 3FACW 2-OBL 2-FAC 4FACU 4-FAC AGCP 3-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 4-UPL 3FACU AW C B 4-FAC 2-FAC 2-FAC 4-FAC 3-FACU 3-FAC 4-FAC EMP 4-FAC 4FACU 3-FAC 3-OBL 2FACW 3FACU 2-FAC 3-FAC GP 2FACW HI 2FACW 3FACU MW 2-FAC 3-FAC 3-UPL 2-FAC 4FACW 3-FAC NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-FAC 2-FAC 2-OBL 3-UPL WMVC AK S P I Wedgeleaf Carolina Leaf-Flower Red Root Floater Buttercup ScorpionWeed Tacky Scorpion-Weed Harding Grass Mediterranean Canary Grass Broad Beech Fern Tropical Reed Stout Smartweed Garden Smartweed Arctic Sweet-Colt's-Foot Halberd-Leaf Tearthumb Bristly Lady's-Thumb Branched Tearthumb Pygmy Smartweed Asiatic Tearthumb Puritan Smartweed Swamp Bay Parish's Yampah Beefsteakplant Scarlet-Fruit PassionFlower Princesstree Oregon Boxleaf Circular Crown Grass Talquezal Bahia Grass Common Name 27 New New New Platanthera X enigma New Platanthera shriveri Platanthera X beckneri Platanthera huronensis Platanthera grandiflora Platanthera brevifolia Platanthera aquilonis Plantago pusilla Plagiobothrys reticulatus Plagiobothrys nitens Pinckneya bracteata Pinguicula planifolia Pinus ponderosa Plagiobothrys leptocladus 3FACW 3-OBL 3-FAC 4-UPL Picea pungens Pimpinella saxifraga 2FACU AGCP 3-FAC New New? Phytolacca icosandra Physostegia angustifolia Physalis minima Phyllostachys nigra Scientific Name 3-FAC 4-OBL 4FACU AW 4 F A C U C B 4-FAC 3-FACW 3-FACW 4-OBL 3-FACU 4-FACU 2-FACU EMP 4FACU 3-OBL 2FACU GP HI 2FACW 3FACW 3FACW 3-UPL 2FACU MW 3FACW 3FACW 2FACW 3-UPL 3FACU 3FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACU 3FACU 3FACW 3-UPL WMVC 3-FACW AK S P I [grandiflora X psycodes] Short-Leaf Fringed Orchid Greater Purple Fringed Orchid Lake Huron Green Orchid Shriver's Fringed Orchid [conspicua X cristata] Bog Orchid Dwarf Plantain Shiny-Nutlet PopcornFlower Netted Popcorn-Flower Blue Spruce Solid-Stem BurnetSaxifrage Fevertree Chapman's Butterwort Ponderosa Pine Alkali Popcorn-Flower Narrow-Leaf False Dragonhead Tropical Pokeweed Pygmy Ground-Cherry Black Bamboo Common Name 28 3FACU Polygonatum pubescens Polygala brevifolia Polygala hookeri Polygala sanguinea Polygala ambigua Polemonium longii Polemonium micranthum Polemonium caeruleum Poa secunda Poa nemoralis New 4FACU 2FACU 2FACW 4FACU 2FACU 3FACU 3-FACW 3-FACW 3-FACU 2-FACU 3-FACU New Poa bulbosa New Plecostachys serpyllifolia 3FACW 3FACU 3-UPL New New Platanthera X smithii Platanthera yosemitensis 3FACW EMP New New Platanthera X lueri C B Plumbago auriculata Poa arctostepporum New Platanthera X kelleyi 3FACW 3FACW 3FACW AW 3-OBL New Platanthera X folsomii AGCP Pleea tenuifolia Pleopeltis polypodioides Pluchea baccharis New New? Platanthera X estesii Scientific Name 4FACU 2FACU 2FACU 3FACU 3FACU 2FACW 3-FAC GP HI 3FACU 2FACW 3FACU MW 3FACU 3FACU 4-UPL NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACU 3-FAC 3FACW 3-FAC 3-FAC 3-FAC WMVC 3-UPL AK S P I Hairy Solomon's-Seal Little-Leaf Milkwort Hooker's Milkwort Purple Milkwort Alternate Milkwort Long's Jacob's-Ladder Annual Jacob's-Ladder Charity Curly Blue Grass Forest Blue Grass Cape Leadwort Amphi-Beringian Blue Grass Bulbous Blue Grass Rush-Featherling Resurrection Fern Rosy Camphorweed Petite-Licorice [aquilonis X tescamnis] Yosemite Bog Orchid [conspicua X ciliaris] [sparsiflora X tescamnis] [dilatata X yosemitensis] [dilatata X stricta] Common Name 29 New Potamogeton X aemulans Potamogeton X rectifolius Potamogeton X sparganiifolius Potamogeton X spathuliformis Potamogeton X subdentatus Potamogeton X nericus Potamogeton X nitens Potamogeton X mirabilis New New New New Potamogeton tennesseensis Potamogeton X absconditus Potamogeton X faxonii Potamogeton X hagstroemii New 3-OBL 2-OBL 2-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 3-UPL 2-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL New 2-FACU Polystichum munitum Pontederia cordata Pontederia rotundifolia Portulaca grandiflora Potamogeton friesii Potamogeton oblongus 4-FACW Polypogon viridis 4-OBL EMP 3-FACW C B New 2-OBL AW Polygonum raii Polypogon interruptus 4FACW 4FACU 4-FAC AGCP New New? Polygonum plebeium Polygonum patulum Polygonum achoreum Polygonum argyrocoleon Polygonum douglasii Scientific Name 2-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 4FACW GP HI 3-OBL 3FACW 4-OBL MW 3-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL 2FACU 3-FAC 3FACU 3-FAC NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 3-UPL WMVC AK S P I Pickerelweed Tropical Pickerelweed Rose-Moss Flat-Stalk Pondweed Cinnamon-Spot Pondweed Tennessee Pondweed [perfoliatus X richardsonii] [bicupulatus X epihydrus] [illinoensis X nodosus] [gramineus X richardsonii] [gramineus X oakesianus] [alpinus X gramineus] [gramineus X perfoliatus] [nodosus X richardsonii] [gramineus X natans] [gramineus X illinoensis] [illinoensis X perfoliatus] Ray's Knotweed Ditch Rabbit's-Foot Grass Beardless Rabbit's-Foot Grass Pineland Sword Fern Common Knotweed Bellard's Knotweed Leathery Knotweed Silver-Sheath Knotweed Douglas' Knotweed Common Name 30 New Praxelis clematidea Quercus pagoda Puccinellia tenella Pueraria montana Pyrola asarifolia Pyrrocoma lanceolata Quercus hemisphaerica Puccinellia lucida Puccinellia nutkaensis Puccinellia lemmonii Pteris irregularis Pseuderanthemum variabile Pseudognaphalium canescens Pseudotsuga menziesii Prunus avium Proboscidea louisiana New New New New New New? Potentilla uliginosa Potentilla pensylvanica Potentilla plattensis Potamogeton X subobtusus Potamogeton X undulatus Potamogeton X versicolor Potentilla litoralis Scientific Name 3-FAC 4-FAC 4FACW 2FACU 4-UPL 3FACU AGCP 3FACU 3-UPL 3-OBL 3FACU 4-OBL AW 4 U P L C B 4-FAC 4-FACW 3-FACW 4-FACU 3-FACU 2-FACU 4-UPL 2-FACU EMP 3FACW 4-UPL GP 4FACW HI 3FACU 2FACW 3-OBL MW 4FACW 3FACU 3-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW WMVC AK S P I Cherry-Bark Oak Tundra Alkali Grass Kudzu Pink Wintergreen Lance-Leaf Goldenweed Darlington's Oak Shining Alkali Grass Nootka Alkali Grass Lemmon's Alkali Grass Zigzag Brake Night-and-Afternoon Wright's Rabbit-Tobacco Douglas-Fir Sweet Cherry Ram's-Horn Cunningham Marsh Cinquefoil Praxelis Pennsylvania Cinquefoil Platte River Cinquefoil [alpinus X nodosus] [praelongus X crispus] [epihydrus X perfoliatus] Coastal Cinquefoil Common Name 31 C B 3-FAC 3-FACU 2-FACW EMP GP Rhynchospora odorata Rhynchospora rariflora Rhynchospora latifolia Rhynchospora inundata Rhynchospora caduca Rhynchospora careyana Rhynchospora brachychaeta Rhododendron prinophyllum Rhus copallinum Rhizophora mangle Rhododendron macrophyllum Rhamnus alnifolia Rhinanthus minor Rhamnus alaternus Ranunculus trilobus Reynoutria X bohemica 4-FAC 3FACU 2-FAC 3FACU 3FACW 3FACU 3FACU 2-OBL 2-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 2-FAC 4FACU 3-OBL 3FACW 2FACU AW Ranunculus sulphureus 3FACU AGCP 2-FAC New New? Ranunculus platensis Ranunculus subrigidus Ranunculus muricatus Quercus similis Quercus X macnabiana Quercus rubra Scientific Name HI 2-OBL 3FACW 3-OBL 3FACU 4FACU 2FACU 3FACW MW 2-OBL 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW WMVC 3-FACU 2-OBL AK S P I Fragrant Beak Sedge Few-Flower Beak Sedge Angle-Stem Beak Sedge Broad-Fruit Horned Beak Sedge Narrow-Fruit Horned Beak Sedge Sand-Swamp Whitetop West Indian Beak Sedge Early Azalea Winged Sumac Red Mangrove California Rhododendron Alder-Leaf Buckthorn Little Yellow-Rattle Three-Lobe Buttercup [japonica X sachalinensis] Evergreen Buckthorn Prairie Buttercup Short-Beak WaterCrowfoot Sulphur Buttercup Spiny-Fruit Buttercup Bottom-Land Post Oak [sinuata X stellata] Northern Red Oak Common Name 32 Rubus multiformis Rubus paganus Rubus lawrencei Rubus longii Rubus missouricus New 2FACU 3-FAC New Rubus hypolasius Rubus inclinis 2-FAC 3-FAC 4-FAC 4-FACW 4-FAC New New 4-FAC EMP Rubus floricomus Rubus hispidoides 3-FAC 4 F A C W C B 3-FACU 4-FAC 2FACU 3FACU 3FACW 3FACW 4FACU 3FACU 4-UPL 3FACW AW Rubus caesius Rubus baileyanus Rubus apogaeus Rubus arizonensis Rorippa sessiliflora Rousselia humilis Rorippa dubia Ribes sanguineum Rorippa curvipes Ribes lobbii Ribes laxiflorum 3FACW Ribes glandulosum AGCP 3FACW New? Rhynchospora recognita Scientific Name 2FACU 3FACU 3FACW GP 4FACW HI 3FACU 3FACW MW 3FACW 4FACW 4-FAC 2-FAC 3-FAC 3FACW 3FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW 2-OBL 3FACW WMVC 3-FACU AK S P I Variable Blackberry St. Lawrence Dewberry Adirondack Blackberry Long's Blackberry Missouri Dewberry Pineland Dewberry Marshland Blackberry Many-Flower Blackberry Bog Dewberry European Dewberry Bailey's Dewberry Falling Dewberry Arizona Dewberry Stalkless Yellowcress Shineseed unknown Blood Currant Blunt-Leaf Yellowcress Oregon Gooseberry Trailing Black Currant Skunk Currant Coarse Globe Beak Sedge Common Name 33 Sabal minor Rumex violascens Rumex stenophyllus Rumex persicarioides Rumex occidentalis Rumex palustris Rumex mexicanus Rumex lapponicus Rumex maritimus Rumex kerneri Rumex hesperius Rudbeckia nitida Rudbeckia occidentalis Rumex floridanus Rubus plus Rubus probabilis Rubus sons Rubus suus Rubus tardatus Rubus pensilvanicus Rubus phoenicolasius Rubus pedatus Rubus paludivagus Rubus parviflorus Scientific Name New New New New New? 2FACW 2FACW 3-OBL 3FACW 4FACU 3FACU 3FACU AGCP 4FACW 4-FAC 4FACW 3-FAC 3FACU AW C B 2-FACW 4-OBL 4-FAC 3-FACW 4-FAC 3-FAC 4-FACU 4-FACU 3-FAC 3-FACU 3-FACU EMP 3-FAC 3-FAC 2-FAC 4-FAC 4-FAC GP HI 2FACW 3-FAC 3FACU 3-FAC MW 2FACW 3FACW 4FACW 3FACW 4-FAC NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2FACW 3-FAC 3-FAC 3FACW 3FACW 3-UPL 3-FAC 3-FAC WMVC AK S P I Dwarf Palmetto Violet Dock Narrow-Leaf Dock Coastal Dock Western Dock Marsh Dock Mexican Dock Lapland Sorrel Golden Dock Kerner's Dock Western Willow dock Shiny Coneflower Western Coneflower Florida Dock Hairy-Leaf Dewberry Tree Blackberry New Orleans Dewberry Branched Blackberry Wet-Thicket Dewberry Strawberry-Leaf Raspberry Pennsylvania Blackberry Wine Raspberry Cape Cod Blackberry Western Thimble-Berry Common Name 34 Salvinia oblongifolia Samanea saman Sarcocornia ambigua Sarcocornia utahensis Sarracenia flava Sarracenia leucophylla Sarracenia minor Sarracenia rosea Salvinia molesta Salix X glatfelteri Salix viminalis New New 3-OBL 4FACW 4-OBL New Salix famelica Salix myrsinifolia Salix nigra Salix triandra 2-OBL 2FACW AGCP 4-FAC New New? Salix elaeagnos Salix cinerea Salix caprea Sagittaria ambigua Sagittaria cuneata Salix atrocinerea Sabatia kennedyana Sacciolepis indica Sagina procumbens Sabatia campanulata Scientific Name 3-OBL 4-OBL 3FACW AW 2 O B L C B 3-OBL 3-OBL 3-OBL 2-OBL 3-FACW 3-FACW 2-FACW 3-FACW 2-OBL 4-FACW EMP 2-OBL 2FACW 2FACW 3FACW 2FACW GP HI 3FACW 3FACW 3FACW 3FACW 2FACW MW 2-OBL 3FACW 3FACW 3-OBL 2-OBL NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-OBL 2-OBL 3FACW 2FACW WMVC AK S P I Oblong-Leaf Water-Moss Raintree Chickenclaws Utah Swampfire Yellow Pitcherplant White-Top Pitcherplant Hooded Pitcherplant Rosy Pitcherplant Kariba-Weed [amygdaloides X nigra] Basket Willow unknown Dark-Leaf Willow Black Willow Almond-Leaf Willow Elaeagnus Willow Large Gray Willow Goat Willow Kansas Arrowhead Arum-Leaf Arrowhead Smooth-Twig Gray Willow Plymouth Rose-Gentian Glenwood Grass Bird-Eye Pearlwort Slender Rose-Gentian Common Name 35 Seymeria cassioides Senna alata Sesbania herbacea Senecio pseudoarnica Senecio minimus Selaginella uncinata Senecio hydrophiloides Selaginella eclipes Scirpoides holoschoenus Scirpus atrocinctus Scirpus atrovirens Scleria oligantha Sedum ternatum Schoenolirion albiflorum Schoenoplectus californicus Schoenoplectus glaucus Schoenoplectus heterochaetus Schoenoplectus lacustris Scilla luciliae Schenkia spicata Schinus molle Sceptridium biternatum Sceptridium oneidense Schedonorus giganteus Saxifraga rivularis Scientific Name New New New? 4FACU 3FACW 2-OBL 2-OBL 3-OBL 3-FAC 4FACU 4-FAC AGCP 2-FAC 3FACU 3-OBL 2-OBL AW 4 F A C U C B 3-FACU 3-OBL 3-FACW 3-OBL 2-OBL 4-FACW 2-FACW EMP 2-FAC 2FACW 3FACU GP 3-UPL HI 3FACU 3FACW 2-OBL 3-FAC MW 3FACU 3-FAC 3FACU 2-OBL 3-OBL 3FACW 2-FAC 3-FAC 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW 2-OBL 3-UPL WMVC AK S P I Yaupon Black-Senna Emperor's-Candlesticks Peatree Seaside Ragwort Coastal Burnweed Blue Spike-Moss Stout Meadow Ragwort Hidden Spike-Moss White Sunnybell California Club-Rush Tuberous Club-Rush Pale Great Club-Rush Common Club-Rush Boissier's Glory-of-theSnow Round-Head Club-Rush Black-Girdle Bulrush Dark-Green Bulrush Little-Head Nut-Rush Woodland Stonecrop Mediterranean Schenkia Peruvian Peppertree Sparse-Lobe Grape Fern Blunt-Lobe Grape Fern Giant False Rye Grass Alpine-Brook Saxifrage Common Name 36 3-FACW Solidago caesia Solanum torvum Solenostemon scutellarioides Solanum nigrum Solandra grandiflora Smilax pulverulenta 3-FACU 2-FACU 4-OBL 4 F A C Sium carsonii Smilax glauca 3FACW 4-FAC 3-FAC EMP 4-FACW 3-OBL 3-FAC 3-FAC 2FACW C B Sisyrinchium sagittiferum Sisyrinchium fuscatum Sinapis alba Silphium perfoliatum Silphium integrifolium Silene uralensis Sidalcea neomexicana 3FACU AW Sidalcea campestris 2FACU AGCP 3-UPL New New? Sida acuta Sibbaldia tridentata Shortia galacifolia Scientific Name 2FACU 3FACU 3FACW 3-FAC 4-UPL GP HI 4FACW 3FACU 3FACU MW 2FACU 3FACU 3FACU 3-OBL 3FACU 3FACU 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACU 3-FAC WMVC AK S P I Wreath Goldenrod European Black Nightshade Turkey-Berry Painted-Nettle Showy Chalicevine Downy Carrion-Flower Coastal-Plain Blue-EyedGrass Spear-Bract Blue-EyedGrass Carson's Water-Parsnip Sawbrier White-Mustard Cup-Plant Entire-Leaf Rosinweed Rocky Mountain Checkerbloom Apetalous Catchfly Meadow Checkerbloom Common-Wireweed Shrubby-Fivefingers Oconee-Bells Common Name 37 Stuckenia X suecica Suaeda nigra Succisella inflexa Stellaria cuspidata Stenandrium dulce Stuckenia filiformis Stachys crenata Stellaria alsine Stellaria borealis Stachys appalachiana Stachys clingmanii Spiranthes odorata Sporobolus texanus Sporobolus virginicus Sporobolus wrightii Spergularia echinosperma Sphenopholis filiformis Sphenopholis intermedia Sphenopholis nitida Spinulum annotinum Spiraea betulifolia Sparganium fluctuans Spergularia diandra Solidago stricta Solidago X asperula Sophronanthe pilosa Solidago multiradiata Solidago fistulosa Scientific Name New New New New? 4-OBL 2-OBL 3FACW 4-FAC 3-FAC 2-FAC 4-UPL 3-FAC 2-OBL 4-UPL AGCP 3-OBL 2-FAC 3-OBL AW C B 3-FACW 2-FAC 3-FACW 4-OBL 4-FACU 4-FAC 2-FAC 3-FAC 2-FACU EMP 3-FAC 3-FAC 2-FAC 4-UPL 2FACW 3-OBL GP HI 3-OBL 3-FAC 3-FAC 3FACW MW 3FACW 3-OBL 3FACU 2-OBL 4-UPL 4FACW 2FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW 2-FAC WMVC 2-FAC AK S P I Mexican Starwort Sweet Shaggytuft Slender-Leaf False Pondweed [filiformis X pectinatus] Shrubby Seepweed Frosted Pearls Mouse's-Ear Bog Chickweed Boreal Starwort Blue Ridge Hedge-Nettle Clingman's Hedge-Nettle Bristle-Seed Sandspurry Long-Leaf Wedgescale Slender Wedgescale Shiny Wedgescale Interrupted Club-Moss Shiny-Leaf Meadowsweet Marsh Ladies'-Tresses Texas Dropseed Seashore Dropseed Wright's Dropseed Rocky Mountain Goldenrod Wand Goldenrod [rugosa X sempervirens] Shaggy False HedgeNettle Floating Burr-Reed Alkali Sandspurry Pine-Barren Goldenrod Common Name 38 New New Trematolobelia kaalae Trematolobelia rockii Triphasia trifolia Tridens albescens Trifolium depauperatum Triglochin scilloides Triodanis perfoliata Tribulus cistoides Trichomanes membranaceum New New New? Tradescantia virginiana Trematolobelia auriculata Toxicodendron diversilobum Tolmiea diplomenziesii Tillandsia recurvata Tithonia diversifolia Taxus brevifolia Symphoricarpos occidentalis Symphyotrichum bahamense Symphyotrichum ontarionis Symphyotrichum squamatum Symplocos tinctoria Tamarix gallica Taraxacum ceratophorum Tarenaya hassleriana Suksdorfia violacea Symphoricarpos mollis Scientific Name 3-FAC 4FACW 3-FAC AGCP 4FACU 4FACU 3FACU 3-FAC 4FACU 2-FAC 3FACU AW C B 3-FAC 4-UPL 4-FAC 2-OBL EMP 4FACU 2-OBL 3-FAC 4-FAC 2FACU 3-FAC 2-OBL 2-FAC GP 4FACU 4FACW 4FACW 4FACW 2-UPL HI 3-FAC 2-FAC MW 3-FAC 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3FACW 2-UPL WMVC AK S P I White Fluff Grass Balloon Sack Clover Flowering-Quillwort Clasping-Leaf Venus'Looking-Glass Limeberry Jamaican Feverplant Scale-Edge Bristle Fern Wai'anae Mountains False Lobelia Molokai False Lobelia Virginia Spiderwort Lanai False Lobelia Pacific Poison-Oak unknown Small Ball-Moss Tree-Marigold Pacific Yew Western Snowberry Island American-Aster Ontario American-Aster unknown Horsesugar French Tamarisk Horned Dandelion Pinkqueen Violet Mock Brookfoam Creeping Snowberry Common Name 39 Veronica cusickii Viburnum prunifolium Verbena scabra Verbena runyonii Vachellia macracantha Valeriana uliginosa Valerianella chenopodiifolia Verbena incompta Vaccinium X marianum New New 3-FAC 3FACW 3FACU 2-OBL 2-OBL 4-FACU 3-OBL 4-FAC 3-FACW 4-FAC 2-OBL 2-FACU 4-UPL 4-UPL EMP Urochloa panicoides Urochloa plantaginea Utricularia cornuta Utricularia foliosa Utricularia inflata Utricularia ochroleuca Utricularia striata Vaccinium darrowii Vaccinium formosum C B 3-FACU 2-OBL 3FACU 2FACU 3-OBL 3-UPL AW Urochloa distachya Urochloa mutica Ulmus serotina 4-UPL Ulmus glabra AGCP 4-UPL New New New? Typha X provincialis Ulex europaeus Tussilago farfara Tropaeolum minus Scientific Name 2-FAC 4-FAC 2-OBL 2-OBL 3FACU 3FACU 3-FAC 3-OBL GP 4-FAC 3-UPL HI 3FACW 3-OBL 4-FAC 4-FAC 2-OBL 2-OBL 3FACU 3-OBL MW 3-FAC 3FACW 3FACW 3-FAC 3FACU 3FACU NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2FACU 2FACW 3-FAC 2-OBL 3FACW 3-OBL WMVC AK S P I Cusick's Speedwell Smooth Blackhaw Sandpaper Vervain Rio Grande Vervain [formosum X fuscatum X pallidum] Porknut Mountain Valerian Goose-Foot Cornsalad Brazilian Vervain Panic Liverseed Grass Plantain Liverseed Grass Horned Bladderwort Leafy Bladderwort Swollen Bladderwort Dwarf Bladderwort Striped Bladderwort Darrow's Blueberry Southern Blueberry Tropical Liverseed Grass Para Liverseed Grass September Elm Wych Elm [domingensis X latifolia] Common Gorse Colt's-Foot Bush-Nasturtium Common Name 40 New New Viola X mistura Viola X napae Viola X subaffinis Zeltnera calycosa Zeltnera beyrichii Youngia japonica 2FACU 4-FACU 4-FACU 3-FAC 2-FACW EMP 3-OBL C B Xyris louisianica 3FACU 3-FAC 3-FAC AW 3-OBL 4-FAC 2-FAC 3-FAC 3-FAC 4FACU AGCP Xyris chapmanii Xerophyllum tenax X Leydeum piperi Washingtonia robusta Wolffia globosa X Achnella caduca New New New Viola X dissita Viola X greenmanii Viola X insessa Viola X viarum New New? Viola X champlainensis Viola labradorica Viola langloisii Viola pedatifida Vigna luteola Scientific Name 3-FAC GP 4-FAC HI 3FACU 2-OBL 2-UPL 3FACU 2-FAC MW 3FACU 2-OBL 3FACW 2FACU 4FACU 2-FAC 3-FAC 3FACW 3FACU 3FACW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 2FACW 3-FAC WMVC 3-FACU AK S P I Buckley's Mountain-Pink Chapman's Yellow-EyedGrass Louisiana Yellow-EyedGrass Oriental False Hawk'sBeard Quinineweed [missouriensis or nephrophylla X pedatifida] Washington Fan Palm Asian Watermeal [Achnatherum hymenoides X Nassella viridula] [Hordeum jubatum X Leymus triticoides] Western Turkeybeard [nephrophylla X sororia] [affinis X nephrophylla] [hirsutula X palmata] [cucullata X palmata] [cucullata X nephrophylla] [palmata X sagittata] [affinis X septentrionalis] Alpine Violet Langlois' Violet Crow-Foot Violet Wild Cow-Pea Common Name 41 Zostera marina Ziziphus mauritiana Scientific Name New? AGCP AW C B 2-OBL EMP GP 4FACU HI MW NCNE Lichvar, Butterwick, Melvin, and Kirchner: National Wetland Plant List: 2014 update 3-UPL WMVC AK S P I Seawrack Indian Jujube Common Name 42