EFFECTIVE DATES COMPENSATION Casey Matuszak 1 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EFFECTIVE DATES PURPOSE Understand the rules to insure correct payment – Review beginning dates – Review ending dates Use scenarios 2 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EFFECTIVE DATES DEFINITIONS – 38 CFR 3.160 Original claim. An initial formal application on a form prescribed by the Secretary. Pending claim. An application, formal, which has not been finally adjudicated. Finally adjudicated claim. An application, formal or informal, which has been allowed or disallowed by the agency of original jurisdiction (AOJ), the action finalized by the expiration of 1 year after the date of notice of an award or disallowance, or by denial on appellate review, whichever is the earlier. 3 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EFFECTIVE DATES DEFINITIONS– 38 CFR 3.160 Reopened claim. Any application for a benefit received after final disallowance of an earlier claim, Claim for increase. Any application for an increase in rate of a benefit being paid under a current award, or for resumption of payments previously discontinued. 4 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EFFECTIVE DATES 38 CFR § 3.400 General: Except as otherwise provided, the effective date of an original claim, a claim reopened after final disallowance, or a claim for increase will be the date of receipt of the claim or the date entitlement arose, whichever is the later. Unless specifically provided: on basis of facts found. 5 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EFFECTIVE DATES 38 CFR 3.400(b)(2)(i) Day following separation from active service ..; otherwise, date of receipt of claim, or date entitlement arose, whichever is later. Separation from service…under conditions other than dishonorable 6 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EFFECTIVE DATES FOUR MAIN CRITERIA Date of receipt of claim Date entitlement arose Facts found Specific provision of the law 7 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EFFECTIVE DATES TYPES OF DATES Date of rating Date of award letter Effective date for entitlement Effective date for monetary benefit 8 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EFFECTIVE DATES Direct service connection Presumptive service connection Reopened claims Resumption of benefits Increases Reductions Informal claims 9 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL DIRECT SERVICE CONNECTION Scenario 1 Vet served 2-3-2005 to 2-4-2010. Claim filed 2-1-2011. SC granted for back. Effective date of service connection is? 2-5-2010 10 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL DIRECT SERVICE CONNECTION Scenario 2 Vet served 2-3-2005 to 2-4-2010. Claim filed 2-7-2011. SC granted for back. Effective date of service connection is? 2-7-2011 11 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL PRESUMPTIVE SERVICE CONNECTION 38 CFR 3.400(b)(2)(ii) Date entitlement arose, if claim is received within 1 year after separation from active duty; otherwise , date of receipt of claim, or date entitlement arose, whichever is later. 12 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL PRESUMPTIVE SERVICE CONNECTION Scenario 3 Vet separated 5-1-2010. First diagnosis of hypertension was 7-1-2010. Vet files claim on 4-25-2011. Effective date of service connection is? 7-1-2010 13 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL QUESTION Is PTSD a presumptive condition? 14 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL PRESUMPTIVE SERVICE CONNECTION Scenario 4 Vet separated 5-1-2010. First diagnosis of hypertension was 7-1-2010. Vet files claim on 5-25-2011.Effective date of service connection is? 5-25-2011 15 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL What is New & Material Evidence? 16 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL NEW & MATERIAL EVIDENCE 38 CFRr 3.156(A) New evidence = evidence not previously submitted, Material evidence = evidence that, by itself or when considered with previous evidence of record, relates to unestablished fact necessary to substantiate claim. N&M not cumulative or redundant, must raise reasonable possibility in light of all the evidence of substantiating claim 17 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL NEW & MATERIAL EVIDENCE Shade v. Shinseki New and material evidence is evidence that—if found credible—would either entitle the claimant to benefits or to some further assistance from the Secretary in gathering evidence that could lead to the granting of the claim 18 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REOPENED CLAIM 38 CFR 3.400(q) N & M evidence other than service department records: (1) Received within appeal period or prior to appellate decision. The effective date will be as though the former decision had not been rendered. (2) Received after final disallowance. Date of receipt of new claim or date entitlement arose, whichever is later. 19 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REOPENED CLAIM Scenario 5 Vet filed a claim on 7-9-2009. Denied on 315-2010. Submits N&M evidence on 2-282011. Rating of 9-5-2011 grants SC effective what date? 7-9-2009 20 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REOPENED CLAIM Scenario 6 SC denied for back on 6-25-2009. Reopened claim with N&M evidence on 5-25-2011. SC granted. Effective date of service connection is? 5-25-2011 21 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REOPENED CLAIM Scenario 7 Vet separated on 5-15-2008. Files claim for a back on 4-12-2009. VA notifies him on 10-10-2009 that claim denied. Vet submits N&M evidence on 5-15-2010. Rating 117-2010 grants SC effective what date? 5-16-2010 22 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REOPENED CLAIM Scenario 8 Vet honorably separated 6-19-2000. Filed claim for back on 10-15-2000. SC denied on 1-13- 2001. Reopened claim on 5-25-2011 with service treatment records found at St. Louis RMC. SC granted. Effective date of service connection is? 6-20-2000 38 CFR 3.156(c) 23 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REOPENED CLAIM Scenario 9 Vet honorably separated 6-19-2000. Claim filed on 2-12-2004 and denied on 12-15-2004. Reopened claim on 5-25-2011 with service treatment records found at St. Louis RMC. SC granted. Effective date of service connection is? 2-12-2004 24 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REOPENED CLAIM Scenario 10 Vet honorably separated 6-19-2000. Filed claim for back on 10-15-2000. SC denied on 1-13- 2001. Reopened claim on 5-25-2011 with service treatment records found at his Mom’s house. SC granted. Effective date of service connection is? 5-25-2011 25 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL RESUMPTION OF BENEFITS 38 CFR 3.654(b)(1)Where Vet returns to active duty, award will be stopped the day preceding reentrance into active duty status. 38 CFR 3.654(b)(2)Payments, will be resumed effective the day following release from active duty – if claim for recommencement of payments is received within 1 year from the date of such release: – otherwise payments will be resumed effective 1 year prior to the date of receipt of a new claim. 26 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL RESUMPTION OF BENEFITS Scenario 11 Vet 20% for spleen removal. Re-enters active duty and benefits are stopped. Separated on 5-152009. Files a claim to resume 20% On 12-1-2009. What is effective date? 5-16-2009 On 12-11-2010.What is effective date? 12-11-2009 27 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INCREASES 38 CFR 3.400(o) (1) General, date of receipt of claim or date entitlement arose, whichever is later….. (20 Earliest date as of which it is factually ascertainable that an increase in disability had occurred if claim is received within 1 year from such date otherwise, date of receipt of claim. MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL 28 INCREASES 38 CFR 3.157(b)(1) Report of examination or hospitalization by Department of Veterans Affairs or uniformed services GENERAL COUNSEL PRECEDENT OPINION ASSESSMENT, VAOPGCPREC 52003, September 15, 2003 29 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INCREASES Scenario 12 Vet 0% for hearing loss. Files a claim for increase on 5-15-2010. VA Exam of 2-20-11 shows an increase to 10%. Effective date is? 5-15-2010 30 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INCREASES Scenario 13 Vet is 10% for DM II. On 5-15-2009 PMR shows insulin required. Increased claim filed 12-142009. Effective date of increase is? 5-15-2009 What if date of claim was 5-17-2010? 31 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INCREASES Scenario 14 Vet admitted to a hospital for a stress test for his 10% SC Ischemic heart on 7-4-2008. Test shows an increase to 60% Files a claim for increase on 9-13-2010. What is the effective date of increase if 1. It was a private hospital? 2. VAMC? 3. Military hospital? 32 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INCREASES Scenario 14 Continued: 4. 5. Admitted for testing and uses TRICARE? The test was done to determine severance pay as vet was on TDRL? 33 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INCREASES Scenario 14 Continued: 6. 7. Admitted to non-VA hospital on 7-12008 but with VA pre-approval? Admitted to non-VA hospital 6-30-2008 and notified VA on 7-6-2008 and maintenance is then authorized? 34 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INCREASES Scenario 15 Veteran is SC for psoriasis 0%. On 1- 27-2010 he awakes & finds that psoriasis is covering ½ his face. He sees a MD on 2-16-2010 who confirms this. He claims an increase on 4-4-2010 & submits a 4138 from him and his wife detailing the facts. What is the effective date of increase? 1-27-2010 35 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL LIBERALIZING LEGISLATION 38 CFR 3.114 Where a monetary allowance…is awarded or increased pursuant to a liberalizing law or VA issue …… to be eligible for a retroactive payment …evidence must show that the claimant met all eligibility criteria …. on the effective date of the law or VA issue and that such eligibility existed continuously from that date to the date of claim or administrative determination of entitlement. 36 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL LIBERALIZING LEGISLATION 38 CFR 3.114 Cont. If a claim reviewed on the initiative of VA or the claimant within 1 year from the effective date benefits may be authorized from the effective date of the law or VA issue. If a claim is reviewed on the initiative of VA or claimant more than 1 year after the effective date benefits may be authorized for a period of 1 year prior to the date of a determination of entitlement or date of receipt of request from the claimant. 37 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL LIBERALIZING LEGISLATION 38CFR 3.114 Cont. EXAMPLE - 8-31-2010 - coronary artery disease (CAD) Liberalizing issue –Agent Orange condition If a VN vet had CAD diagnosed on 2-5-2010 what is the efective date of entitlement if claim filed 2-1-2011? 9-2-2011? 38 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL LIBERALIZING LEGISLATION 38CFR 3.114 Cont. EXAMPLE - 8-31-2010 - coronary artery disease (CAD) Liberalizing issue –Agent Orange condition If a VN vet had CAD diagnosed on 2-5-2011 what is the efective date of entitlement if claim filed March 1-2011? 39 MOPH NSO Basic 2014 Orlando, FL REMINDERS Determine date of receipt of claim if a special provision exists if the decision to grant or increase is based on a liberalizing law or VA issue 40 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REMINDERS Determine if evidence shows a factually ascertainable increase in disability within one year of date of receipt of claim if an acceptable exam or hospital report may provide a basis for an earlier date of receipt of claim if a change in the rating schedule may provide an earlier effective date of increase than the date of receipt of claim 41 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REDUCTION EVALUATION RULES What is the 5 year rule? What is the 10 year rule? What is the 20 year rule? 42 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REDUCTION EVALUATION Scenario 16 Vet SC 70% for PTSD. VAE of 7-5-2010 shows improvement. Notice sent 11-15-2010 notifies vet that PTSD will be reduced to 50%. Vet doesn’t respond. Rating & notice dated 2-2-2011 makes a reduction effective? 5-1-2011 43 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REDUCTION EVALUATION Scenario 16 Continued Vet receives 11-15-2010 notice & requests a hearing. Held on 4-4-2011. No evidence submitted. Rating & notice prepared 6-3-2011 formalizes the reduction to 50% effective? 9-1-2011 What if reduction letter is dated 7-2-2011? 44 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REDUCTION Failure to Report Scenario 17 Vet rated 30% for psoriasis. He FTR for a 6-192010 VA exam. VA notifies him on 8-12-2010 that he is being reduced to 0% effective 11-12010. Vet does not respond within 60 days. When is the award stopped when the VSR has the case on 1. 10-15-2010 to process? 2. 12-1-2010 to process? 45 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REDUCTION Failure to Report Scenario 17 – Continued Vet requests a hearing on 9-1-2010. Hearing held 12-15-2010. No change! Rater on 2-3-11 has case. Effective date of reduction is? 5-1-2011 46 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REDUCTION VA Form 21-4140 Scenario 18 Vet rated 70% for PTSD but has IU. Fails to return VA Form 21-4140. 60 day notice dated 6-82010 sent to vet reducing him to 70% rate. No response. What is effective date of reduction when the VSR has the case on 1. 2. 8-14-2010 to process? 11-12-2010 to process? 47 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REDUCTION VA Form 21-4140 Scenario 18 – Continued What happens when the vet timely requests a hearing? 48 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REMINDERS DO Review the proposed rating carefully. Call the vet when a reduction is proposed – Explain process – Check if address correct – Check if vet received notice 49 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL REMINDERS DO NOT request a hearing solely to give the client more money DO NOT purposely delay the promulgation of the rating proposing reduction. 50 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INFORMAL CLAIM Requirements Communication or action Intent to apply for VA benefits Identifies the benefit sought 51 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INFORMAL CLAIM Who can file an informal claim? Claimant Authorized representative Member of Congress Next of Friend …Sui Juris 52 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INFORMAL CLAIM CAVEAT Authorized representative must have a properly executed power of attorney at the time of the communication! 53 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL EXAMPLE On 5/15/09 you interviewed a veteran. POA completed. On 5-17-09 you filed an informal claim for compensation. VA sends a vet an application on 7-25-09. 1. 2. Claim filed on 7-24 -10. Effective date is? Claim filed on 7-27-10. Effective date is? Same facts but vet separated on 3-15-2009. 1. Claim filed on 7-24 -10. Effective date is? 2. Claim filed on 7-27-10. Effective date is? 54 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL INFORMAL CLAIM What are the benefits of filing an informal claim? 55 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL SUMMARY Impact of correct effective dates Covered basic effective date regulation Reviewed common exception Established basic parameters on review Informal claims & their use 56 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL QUESTIONS? 57 MOPH NSO Basic Training March 2014 Orlando, FL