Turbine Substation Adapter plate Features: ▪ Stainless steel faceplate ▪ Faceplate is equipped with seal to adhere to backbox when installed ▪Allows installation of turbine station models TCIS 1-6 (IP) and TCAS 1-3 (Analog) ▪Replace any existing 100062941IP, 10006294SMD, 100062942SMD and 1000962000 ▪ Allows retrofit for Turbine stations without having to remove existing backboxes. Turbine station with adapter plate mounted in back box. See other side for illustration. Description: The 10006294TA provides a means to replace a customer’s existing station and retrofit that location with Turbine models TCIS 1-6 (IP based) or TCAS 1-3 (Analog based). The 10006294TA adapter plate will allow for mounting installation into a 3-gang electrical back box with a depth of 2.5” Specifications: 10006294TA Turbine Adapter Plate Faceplate: Stainless Steel Faceplate - 11 Gauge Dimensions: 6.25” W x 8.625” L x .125” D Mounting: To 3-gang electrical back box (surface or flush mount with a depth of 2.5” STENTOFON | DATASHEET 10006294TA www.stentofon.com Zenitel USA, Inc. 6119 Connecticut Avenue Kansas City, MO 64120 800/654-3140 - 816-231-7200 www.stentofon.com ORDER NUMBER DESCRIPTION 10006294TA Turbine Adapter Plate SHIP WEIGHT Turbine substation adapter plate 6294 Station in Surface Backbox Turbine Station switched out with Adapter Faceplate mounted in Surface Backbox Surface Backbox 10006294TA Turbine Adapter Plate Turbine Station Turbine Station with Adapter Faceplate mounted in Surface Backbox ORDER NUMBER 10006294TA sales@stentofonusa.com STENTOFONproductsaredevelopedandmarketedbyZenitelUSA.ZENITELUSAreservestherighttomodifydesignsandalterspecificationswithoutpriornotice,inpursuanceofapolicyofcontinuousimprovement.©2009ZenitelUSA.