The aorto-ventricular junction in aortic repair Emmanuel Lansac, Isabelle Di Centa Cardiac Surgery Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, Paris, France Dystrophic roots: a matter of diameters Root aneurysm Aicher 2007 Normal aortic root 22.3 (20.5-24.5) STJ Ø (mm) 26.7 (24.7-29.5) Lansac 2010 84 144 100 521 193 Annulus Ø (mm) 26± ±2 26.3 (25.1-27.6) 26.5±6.3 25.1±3 Dilated>25 mm 27.6±2.5 STJ Ø (mm) 40± ±6 46.1 (40-51.2) Dilated>35 mm 51.2±9.1 45.5±6.1 47.8±11 Supra-coronary aneurysms David 2007 1132 Annulus Ø (mm) Pacini 2009 N Echo studies 1987-2011 N Settepani 2009 Morimoto 2009 Asano 2012 N 103 276 29 144 Annulus Ø (mm) NA 24.4 ± Dilated 21.6±1.6 27.3±2.4 STJ Ø (mm) 39 ±9 35 35.1±3.7 Dilated=35 mm 30.7±3.4 Isolated AI Sato 2003 Izumoto 2009 N 11 19 Annulus Ø (mm) 26.1± 2.1 STJ Ø (mm) 39.2 ± 5.1 168 Schäfers 2009 Lansac 2011 111 27 25.1± 2.4(25.1-28) 26.5 Dilated>25 mm 27 42±35.6 ±14Dilated (28.5-42) 28.5 28±1.4 32.7±2 The surgical correction of aortic insufficiency by circumclusion Taylor WJ, et al. JTCVS 1958;35:192-231 First subvalvular aortic annuloplasty Beating Heart Right thoracotomy 11 patients, rheumatic disease (8/11) Subcommissural plication stitches (Cabrol stitches) Plicating U stitches at the base of the interleaflet triangles Plicating U stitches at the commissures = partial subvalvular annuloplasty = partial supravalvular annuloplasty Plication of the interleaflet triangles impairing valve dynamics especially for bicuspid valves significant gradient minimal reduction in aortic annular base diameter Risk minor factor amounts for bicuspid aorticannular valve repair Useful when of aortic base failure reduction are needed or to protect a commissural repair De Kerchove EJCTS 2012 Aicher Circulation 2011 Aortic annuloplasty devices Experimental Calves roots In vivo (18 sheep) In vivo (5 sheep) In vivo (4 calves) Duran 1993 Internal ring Porcine roots Reimold 1994 External ring Gogbashian 2007 External band Porcine roots 6 months in vivo (1 calf) Rankin 2011 Internal ring Scharfschwerdt 2011 Internal or external ring Techniques for aortic annuloplasty Isolated AI Carpentier 1983 Hahm 2006 Frater 1986 Lansac 2007 Haydar 1997 Schäfers 2009 Need for standardization Izumoto 2002 Fattouch 2011 Anderson R H MMCTS 2007;2007:mmcts.2006.002527 The aortic root has been opened from behind and spread apart, so that the full width of the cylinder can be seen. Anderson R H MMCTS 2007;2007:mmcts.2006.002527 -1.7 mm -2.84 mm 2,18 mm 1.68 mm -2.94 mm Com NC-L Nadir NC Nadir L 2.16 mm + 1.7 mm Com L-R 3.35 mm + 1.6 mm 2.69 mm + 3.0 mm 3.24 mm Nadir R Com R-NC An Expansible aortic ring Reduces aortic annular base diameter in diastole (-15%) Increases cusp coaptation height (+130%) 10% systolic expansibility mimics natural annulus dynamics Protects the repair and reduces cusps’stress Annuloplasty for root aneurysms Remodeling of the aortic root Reimplantation of the aortic valve Yacoub 1983 David 1992 + Treatment of STJ + dilation Supravalvular annuloplasty + Sinuses of Valsalva ± + Aortic Root expansibility (interleaflet triangles) - - Treatment of aortic annular base dilation + Sub and supravalvular annuloplasty First series of Remodeling Burkhart JHVD 2003 21.2%Risk reoperation at 22.5repair, months factor : Cusp aortic annulus >25 mm Lansac EJTCVS 2006 32.7% intra-operative conversion, 13.6% at 17 M Risk Sub factor valvular : aortic external annulus aortic ≥reoperation 25ring mm Hancke JTCVS 2009 Risk factor: Marfan, cusp anulus>26 mm AI increased with repair, time inaortic both groups David JTCVS 2010 Anulus dilation if Ø>27 mm men, Ø >25 mm women Post Remodeling of the aortic root Kunihara JTCVS 2011 Post STJ remodeling Asano EJCTS 2012 Physiological and standardized approach to aortic valve repair extrait racine plus foncé + Remodeling Reimplantation = Remodeling + subvalvular annuloplasty Standardization based on aortic annulus Ø Aortic annular base Ø (Hegar dilators, mm) 25-27 28-30 31-33 34-39 ≥ 40 Valsalva graft® Ø (mm) 26 28 30 32 34 Extra aortic ring® Ø (mm) 25 27 29 31 33 Subvalvular ring = down size from one size Tube graft = ring Ø + 1 mm 6 subvalvular « U » stitches Aligment of cusp free edges prior Remodeling Suture of the Remodeling 3 6 4 1 Cusp resuspension after the Remodeling (effective height ≥9 mm) 2 Subvalvular ring implantation Repair for isolated aortic insufficiency 6 subvalvular « U » stitches Aligment of cusp free Cusp resuspension edges (effective height ≥9 mm) Placement of the open subvalvular ring below the coronaries Final aspect Film faugere court? Goals for aortic valve repair 1. Treatment of the dilated diameters - aortic annular base = aortic annuloplasty - STJ = STJ remodelling 2. Preserve root dynamics - neosinuses of Valsalva - preserve expansibility through the interleaflet triangles 3. Restore cusp effective height Phenotypes of the ascending aorta Aortic root aneurysm Valsalva ≥45 mm Supra-coronary aneurysm Valsalva<40 mm STJ>45 mm Isolated AI Valsalva<40 mm STJ<40 mm Standardized and physiological approach to aortic valve repair Root reconstruction Supra-coronary graft + sub-valvular annuloplasty Remodeling + sub-valvular annuloplasty Subvalvular annuloplasty (annulus > 25 mm) Cusp repair + Resuspension of cusp effective height Subvalvular aortic annuloplasty