Healthy You!


Healthy You!

Some facts about Turner Syndrome

Its not rare!!!

You are not alone!!

WE are all women!!

You are a miracle!!

You are more than your diagnosis

Everyone of us is unique and original

Meghan’s tips for transitioning to adult care

“ I was nervous of course because I had grown up with the children’s hospital and was now in the care of a doctor I didn’t know.

The most important thing I learned was to ask questions and be involved.

Unlike paediatric doctors, these doctors move quickly and need you to let them know when you need clarification or have a concern.”

What do I need to know?

What do I need to do?

How do I do that?

Here’s what my friend Kasey says

“Its important for us to understand what we are living with… so now the main question is how can we simplify this so all age groups can understand.

Creating an app or a game that our age group could play and learn about the condition without even knowing they are learning.

Personally, I am 16 and still don’t fully understand it

Now making an app isn't the easiest…..”

It wasn’t easy …but we did it !!


Grow on the



Center for Young Women's Health

Mentally Healthy

What does it mean to you?

Cognitive fitness means how well the brain performs its many tasks… memory, concentration, logic and processing. Cognitive fitness means learning to think through problems, find solutions, and try new things

Emotional well-being is accepting yourself and being comfortable with who you are. Emotionally well people have learned to accept and express their own feelings. Some important parts of developing your emotional well-being includes having goals and working towards them and being in a variety of healthy relationships

Counseling can help you to understand your feelings and problems and learn how to deal with them in your everyday life.

Psychological health means learning to adapt and respond to life’s challenges without being overwhelmed all the time.

Coping with changes and crises is part of good mental health.

Balancing multiple roles

Most women play more than one role in life: daughter, friend, student, employee. It can sometimes be challenging to be many things at once, and finding a balance between responsibilities is a life skill that many women must learn to do

Having meaningful relationships in life is an important part of being mentally healthy. As women, our relationships can be a great source of fulfillment.

Remember, we also need to have a positive relationship with ourselves

Feeling happy and feeling good

Healthy Lifestyles and healthy habits

A Zoe Quote

When I was younger I always felt awkward talking about my body…now I understand that I need to embrace my body and take care of it

Healthy Eating and Exercise

Why does it matter? How it helps, and yes… its hard

Some things to avoid

 Excess Weight

 Smoking

 Excess alcohol

 Recreational drugs

Problems these can cause

 Stress on the heart

 Stress on your arteries

 Increased blood pressure

 Breathing problems

 Impaired judgement

 Increases risk for diseases such Cancer and Diabetes

Yearly check up

• Blood pressure

• BMI ( weight and height)

• Pap test

• Breast exam

• Lymphedema

• Skin checks for moles

Blood tests

• Thyroid

• Diabetes

• Kidneys

• Cholesterol

• Celiac disease

Type 2 Diabetes

Women with TS are at increased risk

What can you do to decrease your risk?

• Maintain a healthy active lifestyle

• Don’t smoke

• Have regular check ups

Love you with all your heart !

Your heart health

Seeing your cardiologist once every year

Learning about any differences in your heart

Learning how to protect your heart and keep it healthy

Knowing how to get help when something doesn’t feel right

Don’t smoke

When your Heart needs your help

Knowing when you need to got the Emergency department

Aortic Dissection

How will I feel?

Sudden severe chest or upper back pain

Can be described as sharp, stabbing, tearing, or ripping

You may feel the pain below the chest bone, the sternum

It may moves under the shoulder blades or to the back

It may move to the shoulder, neck, arm, jaw, abdomen, or hips

The pain changes position, it may move to your arms and legs as the aortic dissection gets worse

It may feel hard to breathe, this is described as shortness of breath

You may have trouble speaking or swallowing

You may feel dizzy or feel like you are going to faint

You may be very sweaty

You may feel sick to your stomach or nauseated

You may vomit

You and your body may feel weak, maybe even numb

Your heart will be beating fast but it will be hard to feel your pulse in your wrist

You may look pale

You may feel scared or nervous

The chance of survival greatly improves when an aortic dissection that is found early and treated quickly

…What should I do to protect my heart???

Your Heart card

I have Turner Syndrome and I am at risk of Aortic Dissection

I have a Bicuspid Aortic valve

I have a hx of aortic coarctation

I have high blood pressure

Sudden severe chest or upper back pain

Shortness of breath, difficulty speaking

Dizzy, weak, sweaty, anxious, pale

Weak but fast pulse

Learn about your heart’s health

Turner Syndrome & the Heart

Tips & Recommendations for Heart

Health in Girls and Women living with TS


Fertility and


Benefits of Estrogen for women with TS

• Maintain regular menstruation with Progesterone

• Maintain sexual development

• Improved self-esteem

• May improve verbal and non verbal memory

• Decreases your risk for cardiovascular disease

• Improves Bone strength and reduces the risk of osteoporosis

It is advised to continue taking your estrogen until you are in your 50’s


 Everyone experiences their sexuality at a different rate

 Healthy sexual relationship should be honest and caring

 All young women should feel comfortable telling their partner when they are ready or not ready to have a sexual relationship

Center for Young Women’s Health

Sexual health

• Sexually transmitted infections/ diseases

• Yearly Pap test or Pap smear

• Sexual Function


My daughter is currently 11, I too was concerned when I was initially informed that my daughter would face infertility issues in her life, but then I realized that there are millions of women who are unable to conceive for a variety of different reasons. What I have done with my child is to discuss different options in having a family particularly adoption.

We have discussed that some people have babies and other people adopt their children and that it doesn't change that that child is still yours no matter how they come into your life. I hope that this helps.

Eyes and Ears

Regular eye exams and hearing tests should be done every 1-2 years or as recommended by your doctor or specialist

Your Healthy Bones checklist

 Good calcium and Vitamin D intake

 Weight bearing exercises

 Estrogen

"You can often change your circumstances by changing your attitude."

— Eleanor Roosevelt

And changing your habits!!!



thanks to my awesome friends

Zoe, Kasey, Meghan, Simone,

Youth Net crew, Ed, Martha,

Lois, Wendy, Cam and

