Parameters For A Sinusoidal Wave Physics 202, Lecture 21 ! More Wave Review ! Standing waves ! Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves) ! The Hertz Experiment ! Review of the Laws of Electromagnetism ! Maxwell’s equations ! Propagation of E and B ! The Linear Wave Equation 1 Standing Waves Snapshot:Fixed t Snapshot:Fixed x 2 Standing Waves (cont) " When two waves of the same amplitude, same frequency but opposite direction meet standing waves occur. y1 = Asin(kx " #t) Snapshot with fixed t: wavevector = k wavelength !=2"/k " Snapshot with fixed x: angular frequency = ! frequency f =#/2"$ Period T=1/f Amplitude =A$ " Wave Speed v=#/k ! v=!f, or ! v=!/T " Phase angle difference between two positions "% =-k&x " Today’s Topics " Nodes and antinodes will occur at the same positions, giving impression that wave is standing y 2 = Asin(kx + "t) y = y1 + y 2 = 2Asin(kx)cos("t) " Points of destructive interference (nodes) ! ! ! kx = n" ; x = n" n# = ; n = 1,2,3... k 2 " Points of constructive interference (antinodes) ! # $ kx = (2n "1) ; x = (2n "1) ; n = 1,2,3... 2 4 3 4 Standing Waves (cont) Demo: Hertz Experiment " Standing waves with a string of given length L are produced by waves of natural frequencies or resonant frequencies: "= ! f = 2L ; n = 1,2,3... n v nv T n = = " 2L µ 2L 5 ! 6 Review: Gauss’s Law / Coulomb’s Law Gauss’s Law for Magnetism " The relation between the electric flux through a closed surface and the net charge q enclosed within that surface is given by the Gauss’s Law " The Gauss’s Law for the electric flux is a reflection of the existence of electric charge. In nature we have not found the equivalent, a magnetic charge, or monopole " We can express this result differently: if any closed surface as many lines enter the enclosed volume as they leave it # ! In 1887, Heinrich Hertz first demonstrated that EM fields can transmit over space. E • dA = q "0 " B• dA = 0 7 ! 8 Review: Faraday’s Law Review: Ampere’s Law " The emf induced in a “circuit” is proportional to the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the “circuit” or closed path. " A magnetic field is produced by an electric current is given by the Ampere’s Law nominal " = # d$B dt " Since " Then ! "= direction of # E • d! $ E • d! = " ($ '$ d#B dt " B• d! = µ I 0 B ! A But Ampere’s Law can be ambiguous: currents enclosed by surfaces 1 and 2 are different! But note time-dependent electric flux though surface 2. "B = # B• dA ! 9 10 ! ! Maxwell’s modification of Ampere’s Law Maxwell Equations q # E • dA = " " A time-dependent electric flux induces a magnetic field (in analogy to Faraday’s law) !" " d" E & # B • d# = µ I + ! ( 0% 0 $) $ dt ' Ampere’s law ! “Maxwell’s displacement current” !Gauss’s Law of Magnetism, no magnetic charge " B• dA = 0 ! "E = # E • dA !Gauss’s Law/ Coulomb’s Law 0 ! $ E • d! = " d#B dt !Faraday’s Law $ B• d! = µ I + " µ 0 0 0 d#E dt !Ampere Maxwell Law ! Also, Lorentz force Law ! ! F = qE + qv " B These are the foundations of the electromagnetism 11 12 ! EM Fields in Space Linear Wave Equation " Maxwell equations when there is no charge and current: ! E • dA = 0 $ E • d! = " ! B • dA = 0 differential forms: ! (single polarization) y E d#B dt $ B• d! = " µ 0 !E y !E !Bz = " µ0# 0 y !x !t !B =" z ! !x !t !2Ey x z !x 2 = µ0" 0 !2Ey !t 2 ! 2 Bz ! 2 Bz = µ " 0 0 !x 2 !t 2 13 Electromagnetic Waves " EM wave equations: !x 2 " Sinusoidal wave certain physical quantity !2 y 1 !2 y = !x 2 v 2 !t 2 f: frequency y = A sin( = µ0" 0 !2Ey !t 2 2 2 ! Bz ! B = µ0" 0 2 z 2 !x !t E B y c z " Plane wave solutions: E= Emaxcos(kx-#t+%) B= Bmaxcos(kx-#t+%) " Properties: # No medium is necessary. same %, # E and B are normal to each other set to be 0 # E and B are in phase # Direction of wave is normal to both E and B (EM waves are transverse waves) # Speed of EM wave: c = 1 = 2.9972 ! 108 m / s µ0" 0 # E/B = Emax/Bmax=c # Transverse wave: two polarizations possible %:Phase 2" x $ 2"ft + ! ) # A:Amplitude Wave speed B !2Ey d#E 0 dt " Linear wave equation !:wavelength v=!f k=2"/!$ #=2"f General wave: superposition of sinusoidal waves 14 The EM Wave x E B y c z x Two polarizations possible (showing one) 15 16