UH SEED LAB College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa 1910 East-West Road, Sherman Lab, Room 108, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Phone: (808) 956-7890, 956-6706, Fax: (808) 956-2592 E-mail: seed@ctahr.hawaii.edu Web site: http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/seed Seed availability as of July July01, 24,2016 2012 NOTE: Home Garden Packet (HGP) price is $1.00 each; HYBRID (HGP) prices are $3.00 each; postage is included for orders including only HGP packets. For orders of seed quantities other than Home Garden Packets, please call or e-mail to confirm seed availability and determine postage charge when ordering bulk. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. SEED SELECTION Solo Papaya: Sunrise (Salmon-pink Flesh) Solo Papaya: Sunset (Salmon-pink Flesh) Solo Papaya: Waimanalo Low Bearing (Yellow Flesh) Solo Papaya: *UH Rainbow (Requires Educational Session) Soy Bean: Kahala (Nematode Resistant) Pole Bean: Poamoho (Nematode Resistant & Stringless) Pole Bean: Manoa Wonder (Nematode Resistant) Pole Bean: Hawaiian Wonder (Nematode & Rust Resistant) Chinese Pea: Manoa Sugar (Powdery Mildew Resistant) Lettuce: Anuenue (New Price) Lettuce: UH Manoa Cauliflower: Puakea Sweet Corn: Hawaiian Supersweet #9 Yellow Sweet Corn: Hawaiian Supersweet #9 Silver (white) *HYBRID Sweet Corn: Hawaiian Supersweet #10 Bulb Onion: Awahia (Pungent) Bell Pepper: Kaala (Bacterial Wilt Resistant) Chili Pepper: Waialua (Bacterial Wilt Resistant) Chili Pepper: “Hawaiian Chili” Basil: UH Sweet Basil Long Eggplant: UH Long Green Long Eggplant: UH Waimanalo Long B-1 (purple) *HYBRID Long Eggplant: Nitta X Waimanalo *HYBRID Long Eggplant: Nitta X Molokai *HYBRID Cucumber: Lani (WMV Tolerant, Vine) *HYBRID Cucumber: Milo (WMV Tolerant, Bush) Kai Choy: W.R. Resistant “Hirayama” Kai Choy: Waianae Strain Green Onion: Koba Strain Yam Bean: UH Yam Bean (Jicama) (Plant in Aug/Sept Only) PRICE $8.00/oz $8.00/oz $8.00/oz $3.00/HGP $6.00/lb $7.00/lb $7.00/lb $7.00/lb $7.00/lb $7.00/lb $16.00/oz $20.00/oz $20.00/oz $6.00/oz $7.00/lb $7.00/lb $11.00/lb $3.00/oz $7.00/oz $5.00/oz $7.00/lb $4.00/oz $5.00/oz $40.00/oz $11.00/oz $8.00/oz $10.00/oz $30.00/oz $30.00/oz $8.00/oz $8.00/oz $3.00/oz $2.00/oz $7.00/lb $2.00/oz $1.75/oz $18.00/lb $15.00/lb CHECK ONE oz or oz or oz or lb or lb or lb or lb or lb or oz or oz or oz or lb or lb or lb or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or oz or lb or HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP HGP QTY COST =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ OUT =$ OUT =$ OUT =$ OUT =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ OUT =$ =$ =$ OUT =$ =$ =$ =$ OUT =$ OUT =$ OUT =$ =$ =$ =$ OUT Tomato HYBRIDS (Nematode Resistant, Vine) $65.00/oz, $35.00/ ½ oz, $20.00/ ¼ oz, $11.00/ ⅛ oz *N-5 oz or HGP =$ *N-63 oz or HGP =$ =$ Komohana (Grape Type) Note: Komohana HGP packet is $1.00 each oz or HGP Tomato Varieties (Nematode Resistant, Bush) $25.00/oz, $14.00 ½ oz, $8.00 ¼ oz Kewalo oz or Healani oz or Anahu oz or HGP HGP HGP =$ =$ =$ Please send this order form with payment (check or money order payable to “University of Hawaii”) to the address above. SUBTOTAL $ 0.00 Name Postage ** $ Address State Zip code Fee $ 1.00 City TOTAL $ 1.00 Phone#: **There is a postage charge for all seed orders except those consisting only of Home Garden Packets. A handling fee of 50¢ $1.00 will be automatically added to each order shipped. Call to find out the postage charge for your order if ordering bulk items.