2005 - University of Manitoba

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Alumni Newsletter
S P R I N G 2 0 05
For those who
do not know
me, my name
is Michael
Trevan; I was
Dean of the Faculty this past summer.
My family and I moved to Winnipeg
from London, England, in August 2004
and have learned a great deal about
the Canadian people, culture and
climate since then.
I invite you to read this year’s Alumni
Newsletter and learn about the
ambitious projects the Faculty is
undertaking. As well, you will read
about the staff and students of the
Faculty who have been recognized for
their academic, research and community accomplishments. We are proud
of them and want to share their
successes with you.
We are also excited about the Faculty’s changing physical landscape. The
Richardson Centre for Functional
Foods and Nutraceuticals is quickly
taking shape on the Fort Garry campus. We, along with the Faculties of
Human Ecology, Pharmacy and
Medicine look forward to the opening
of this innovative research centre at
the end of this year. The National
Centre for Livestock and the Environment located at the Glenlea Research
Station is moving closer to reality construction will begin soon on
Canada’s first facility to study longterm nutrient balance systems. We
were also excited to open officially the
Canadian Wheat Board Centre for
Grain Storage Research, where
scientists are working to develop grain
handling and storage solutions for
Canadian and international producers.
On the education front, in September
2004 our undergraduate enrolment
rose by six percent in the Degree
program and 27 percent in Diploma!
We continue to market enthusiastically the Faculty to young people
around Manitoba and I thank you for
your own efforts in spreading the
good word about the education and
career opportunities we offer.
In response to the changing needs of
industry, we have introduced a new
Agricultural Finance option in the
Diploma in Agriculture, preparing
students for careers with financial
institutions, agricultural credit organizations, and a wide range of other
businesses. As well, we have updated the plant systems option in the
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
program - students will now pursue a
major in Plant Biotechnology with
specialization in plant genetics,
physiology and pathology.
What impresses me most about the
Faculty of Agricultural and Food
Sciences is the immense pride which
is expressed by our alumni, a pride
that is well-deserved and well-placed.
I thank you for your continued
support of your alma mater, and
invite you to visit us in 2006 for the
Centennial Celebration.
On a final note, I would like to thank
Harold Bjarnason, the former Dean of
the Faculty of Agricultural and Food
Sciences. During his term in the
Faculty, he had great vision and
started the ball rolling on many of the
activities I’ve described above. I hope
that I can continue to guide the
Faculty to even greater heights in the
coming years.
Michael Trevan
Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and
Food Sciences
Faculty Logo
Gets a Makeover
The Faculty of Agricultural and
Food Sciences has adopted a
new look! Early in 2004 as part of
a comprehensive marketing
campaign, the Faculty unveiled a
new logo and recruitment slogan.
The new logo features the
Faculty name and an inverted
green leaf shape. The green color
and the leaf symbol are representative of environment and
food production. The leaf shape
can also be perceived as a path
or roadway, which may symbolize the future and the various
career paths our students follow.
What do you see?
The new recruitment slogan is
“It’s not ALL about farming.”
This brief and simple statement
was developed in direct response to feedback from focus
groups held in the fall of 2003
with high school and university
students. When asked what they
thought of when they heard the
phrase “agricultural and food
sciences”, the students’ first
response was consistently
“farming”. Once they were
presented with the wide range of
agricultural careers, they realized
that farming was just one part of
a vibrant and exciting industry.
The new slogan has resounded
with students, parents, teachers
and farmers.
Warm Welcomes
Dr. Michael Trevan was appointed
Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural
and Food Sciences on July 1, 2004.
He comes to the University from
the London Development Agency
where he was Higher Education
Policy and Liaison Manager. Prior to
that appointment, he was the
University Director of Research and
Consultancy at the University of
Westminster and the Provost of
Cavendish Campus. Michael’s
research interests include plant
biotechnology, nutrition and
biocatalysts technology. In the
United Kingdom, he is a Fellow of
the Institute of Biology and a Fellow
of the Royal Society of Medicine.
He brings to the University of
Manitoba 30 years of experience of
teaching at the postgraduate level
in the biological sciences.
Dr. Brian Amiro
joined the
Faculty as
Professor and
Head of the
Department of
Soil Science
effective July 1,
Brian Amiro
2004. Brian’s
previous posting was as Group
Leader Fire Research with the
Canadian Forest Service in Edmonton, Alberta. His major research
interests are in the area of mass
and energy exchange between land
surfaces and the atmosphere
focusing on carbon balance and
future climate impacts. He has
been involved in studies of ecosystem management, soil and water
quality, landscape hydrology and
environmental impact assessment.
Dr. Gary Fulcher
joined the Faculty
as Professor and
Head of the
Department of
Food Science as
of January 1,
2005. Gary was
Gary Fulcher
previously the
General Mills Chair in Cereal
Chemistry and Technology, Department of Food Science at the
University of Minnesota. His
research focuses on on structure/
function relationships in cereal grain
foods, and on the interaction between cereal constituents and
mammalian cells. Current studies
include modeling energy transfer in
extrusion systems and development
of novel antioxidants for stabilization
of edible oils in food products.
Dr. Merv
Pritchard was reappointed for a
second five year
term as Director of
the School of
Agriculture. During
his first term in the
position, Merv
helped to fine-tune Merv Pritchard
a new curriculum for the two-year
Diploma course, especially concentrating on ensuring the program
prepared graduates for workplace
Anniversary Celebration
in 2006
Mark July 22-23, 2006 on your calendar and plan to be in Winnipeg! That’s
when the Faculty of Agricultural and
Food Sciences will be celebrating
AgCentennial 2006. We’ve begun
planning tours and social events for
that weekend, as well as a special
celebration on November 6, 2006 100 years to the day the Manitoba
Agricultural College officially opened.
We will be extending invitations for
the AgCentennial celebration to all
living graduates of the Faculty - at last
count over 6200 people from the
degree and diploma programs! As
well, we will be inviting all Home
Economics graduates that graduated
in 1970 or earlier. To learn more,
check the Faculty’s website at
umanitoba.ca/afs/ or contact Crystal
Jorgenson at 474-9435.
Several classes of Agriculture grads held reunions in 2004,
including the Class of 1969 who held their 35th Anniversary.
From left to right, Weldon Newton, Colleen (Galbraith)
Wilkinson, Tom Rogers, and Gordon Hills visit Alumni House
on Homecoming Weekend.
Is it Your Reunion Year?
The following classes are organizing reunions this year.
It still fits! Russ
Hampton (’69) models
his Aggie jacket.
Class of 1950 (Degree)
June 7
Class of 1955 (Degree)
Dates TBA - September
Class of 1955 (Diploma)
July 27-29
Class of 1965 (Diploma)
June 23-25
Class of 1975 (Degree)
August 12-14
Class of 1980 (Diploma)
Dates TBA
Class of 2000 (Diploma)
July 15-17
To find out more or to start planning yours, contact Joanne Thompson at
the Alumni Association at (204) 474-6455.
Certificates of Merit Awarded
The Faculty, in association with the Manitoba
Agricultural and Food
Sciences Grads Association, presented Certificates of Merit to Wally
Happychuk and Gary
Martens at the Faculty’s
degree and diploma
graduation ceremonies
last spring. Wally and
Gary are alumni of the
Faculty who received the
certificates in recognition
of their outstanding
contributions to Manitoba’s agricultural community.
Canadian Association of
Diploma in Agriculture
Programs and the North
American College
Teachers of Agriculture.
Gary’s service to the
farming community is
also noteworthy – he
has written extension
articles, made public
presentations and
organized workshops,
including the very
successful Summer
Field Diagnostics School
˝ Szathmáry,
From left to right, Dean Harold Bjarnason, President Emoke
at Carman. The UniverCertificate of Merit recipient Gary Martens and Doug MacArthur of
sity recognized Gary’s
contribution to the
founding member of the Vita Vet
by presenting
Wally has spent almost his entire
Clinic. He has also coached minor
Award in
career with Manitoba Agriculture,
hockey and baseball teams. He was
Rural Initiatives and Food, serving as
elected Reeve of the RM of
the ag rep in Vita, Manitoba for the
Stuartburn in November 2003.
past 30 years. He has worked on
several initiatives for MAFRI, includand aerial photography.
work in many facets of agriculture
ing the Farm Safety Net Programs
and the Working for Value task force.
well rounded in his knowledge of
He was a founding member of the
the industry. He has operated his
SPADA (Stuartburn-Piney Agricultural
own farm producing canola, sugar
Development Association) and in
beets, pedigree cereal grains, and
Faculty News and
1983 initiated the Southeast Beef
and Forage Days that is now the
Events Online
commercial honey bee operation
main extension event for cattlemen
and an authorized seed cleaning
If you would like to stay
in southeastern Manitoba. He is
currently coordinating the Hog
current with the happenings
served as a crop consultant for
Manure on Forages Project which is
of the Faculty of Agricultural
several organizations. Since 1979,
collecting valuable information on
and Food Sciences, check
Gary has worked as a lecturer in the
the application of hog manure on
out the weekly e-newsletter
Department of Plant Science at the
forages. In 1995, the Manitoba
staff.matters archived at
University of Manitoba where he
Institute of Agrologists presented
Wally with the Manitoba Agrologist
of the Year award. Wally has also
staffmatters/. It features
management. He is also the farm
made a significant contribution to his
quick highlights of upcoming
manager of the research plots at
community, serving as president of
events, staff and student
The Point on the university campus
the Vita and District Health Foundanews in the Faculty. You can
and the Carman and Region Retion, president of the Vita Recreation
also sign up to receive the
search Farm. In recognition of his
Centre and Arena Building Project,
newsletter via email.
director of the Community Credit
Union Board, trustee with the
awards from the University, the
boundary School Division, and
“Straw House” Provides
Unique Research
Construction was completed in spring
2004 on a post-frame straw-bale
building that will provide biosystems
engineers at the University of Manitoba
with the opportunity to study alternative construction techniques and
alternate energy systems. The 4,200square-foot, one-storey structure
consists of 2,000 straw bales covered
with cement stucco and supported by
wooden beams. The largest building of
its kind in Canada, the Straw Bale
Building Research Facility has been
outfitted with instruments in posts,
trusses and portions of the walls. This
will provide information in real time
about how the building responds to
environmental loads from wind, snow,
temperature and moisture.
Grain Storage Research Facility
Officially Opens
On March 18, 2005, the Canadian Wheat Board Centre for Grain Storage
Research was officially opened on the Fort Garry Campus. The $4.8
million project has been made possible with funds from the Canada
Foundation for Innovation, the Manitoba Innovations Fund, Western
Diversification, Manitoba Hydro, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada and the
grain industry, including the Canadian Wheat Board.
The 15,000-square-foot building houses six research laboratories and a
pilot-scale grain cleaning and handling structure. Using a multi-disciplinary
approach, researchers at the facility are conducting integrated studies
into grain storage issues such as insect management, mycotoxin research, grain drying and structural analyses. Scientists are also using
machine vision technology to develop automated procedures for grain
handling and processing.
Developing cost-effective methods to control and prevent fungal and
insect infestations will help enhance Canada’s global reputation as a
supplier of high-quality grain.
Proposed Livestock
Research Facility
Set for
Construction of the
National Centre for
Livestock and the Environment (formerly known as the Centre
for Agroecological Livestock Production Systems)
is expected to begin this spring at the Glenlea Research
Station just south of Winnipeg. The $8.8 million Centre will be home
to research on sustainable cropping and animal production systems.
Researchers from many disciplines will study issues such as odour,
water quality, greenhouse gas emissions and fertilizer use. The site
will also include the Glenlea Farm Education Centre, an interactive
showplace with hands-on displays of grain and feed production,
viewing galleries for the hog barn with videos relaying scenes from
the demonstration barn, food retailing and food safety displays. Core
funding is from the Canada Foundation for Innovation with strong
support from Manitoba’s pork industry.
Plant Science Research
Station Grows
Thanks to a generous bequest from
the late Carl McGregor, a former
staff member, the Carman Crop
Research Station has purchased
land and expanded its research
capacity. The station, located 70
kilometres southwest of Winnipeg,
held a dedication ceremony this
summer for the new H.C. (Carl)
McGregor Research Fields. The
160 acres will be devoted to fieldscale research into long-term crop
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals
Research Centre Takes Shape
Dr. Jacob Maier Isa
Faculty Library
From left to right, the Hon. Diane McGifford, Derryl Millar of Western Economic
Diversification Canada, Hartley Richardson of James Richardson & Sons, Limited, Curt
Vossen of James Richardson International, Dr. Emoke Szathmáry and Dr. Digvir Jayas
unveil the Centre’s cornerstone.
The Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, a
$25-million research facility, is now
under construction in the Smartpark
technology park of the University of
Manitoba. The 55,000 square-foot
centre will provide research space
for scientists from pharmacy,
medicine, agriculture and human
nutrition who will work together
with processors and marketers to
develop functional foods and
nutraceuticals from prairie crops.
Research will focus on identifying
useful compounds in plants, enhancing these compounds, developing
ways to process and incorporate
them into food products and considering the consumer acceptability of
the final products.
The Richardson Centre has received
major support from Winnipeg’s
Richardson family and their group of
companies, CIBC and Agricore
United. Additional funding for the
facility is being provided from the
Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and other privatesector donors. An official unveiling
of the building’s cornerstone was
held in October 2004, with occupancy scheduled for winter 2005.
Agronomists Meet to Share Expertise
The Manitoba Agronomists Conference continues as highly successful and
valuable event, as the fifth annual was held in December 2004 with over 200
agronomists in attendance. Co-sponsored by the University of Manitoba,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural
Initiatives, the conference is a forum where Manitoba agronomists meet to
discuss the latest developments and trends in crop production. More than 40
speakers made presentations on end user quality standards, pest and crop
management, and soils and fertility.
The William R. Newman Library
is the recipient of a $150,000
estate gift from the late Dr.
Jacob Maier Isa. Dr. Isa, a
retired Manitoba veterinarian,
passed away in 2004 at the age
of 99. His gift will be used to
establish The Jay M. Isa Agriculture Library Fund, an endowed fund to aid in the
purchase of library materials
and information for the Faculty
of Agricultural and Food Sciences.
Dr. Isa was born in 1905 in
Dauphin, MB, and moved to
Winnipeg after high school
graduation to attend the Manitoba Agricultural College. In
1930 he went on to pursue a
Master of Science degree at
the University of Manitoba,
preparing him for his studies at
Ontario Veterinary College in
Guelph, Ontario. His career
began under the mentorship of
Dr. Alfred Savage, whose role
he eventually took over as
Director of the Provincial
Veterinary Laboratory until he
retired in 1970.
Special Thanks to Our Alumni and Friends
Fund Provides
The Faculty of Agricultural
and Food Sciences Endowment Fund receives
contributions from alumni,
students, staff and friends
of the Faculty, and stands
at over $1.3 million to date.
Each year, the interest
generated by the Fund is
used to provide teaching
and other resources for the
Faculty. In 2004, the
Endowment Fund committee approved 29 projects
with a total value of
$97,700 in the form of
computer equipment and
software, classroom
enhancements, teaching
materials, and assistance
for field trips and visiting
lecturers. As well, funds
were allocated for bursaries to assist diploma,
undergraduate and graduate students.
The Endowment Fund
committee welcomes
proposals from students,
staff and alumni for
projects consistent with
the Faculty’s academic
goals. For more information on the Fund, please
contact the committee
chair, Dr. Bernie Dronzek at
(204) 474-8229, or visit
List includes donors of $100+ to Faculty of
Agricultural and Food Sciences affiliated
funds. Information provided by the
Department of Private Funding for the period
of January 1, 2004 through December 31,
We would like to acknowledge the people who alone or as part of a corporation have
pledged to put their money to work for the Faculty. They’ve told us to use it for scholarship and bursary funds or to put it in the Faculty Endowment Fund and use it when we
need to. All of their gifts are generous and most appreciated.
This money has made a big difference to the Faculty – it has, for instance, helped
students struggling to pay their education bills, paid for new research equipment,
refurbished classrooms, purchased projectors and sent students on field trips.
Think about joining this very special club. Check Private Funding’s website at
umanitoba.ca/admin/private_gifts/, call 204-474-9195 or 1-800-330-8066 or email
Agricore United
David Blain Aime
Stewart Charles Anderson
Samuel G. Andrew
Animal Nutrition Assoc of
Can Manitoba Div
Archer Daniels Midland
William J. Arnott
Stan Audette
Herbert E. Bagnall
Edward M. Bailey
J. David Baker
Valerie Ball
Randy Nelson Baron
Norman Bartel
Don Bassermann
Charles R. Bednar
Raymond D. Bollman
Lesley Anne Bond
Marcel A. Bonneau
Mrs. Ernestine Bonneau
John P. Bowland
Milton S. Boyd
M. Paula Zier-Vogel Braun
Lars Brink
Terry Walter Bugera
Burnbrae Farms Ltd
Mrs. Beth Butcher
D. Allan Campbell
Campbell Family Holdings Ltd.
Canada Iceland Foundation Inc.
Canadian Agricultural
Economics Society
Canadian Association of
Canadian Wheat Board
Darcy Philip Caners
David T. Canvin
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Casavant
Ferg E. Challborn
John M. Chang
Charisons Turkey Hatchery Ltd.
Arden Barry Christianson
Clark Hy-Line Inc.
Community Foundation for
Greater Toronto
George A. Comrie
Louise Ann Cooke-Townsend
Kevin Scott Coubrough
Trevor Lee Cowieson
Gary G. Craven
Credit Union Central of MB
Allen Alexander Cuthbert
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Ronald Marcel DePauw C.M.
Robert J. J. Deroche
John Robert Devos
A. D. Dexter
James E. Dexter
A. Everett Dixon
Richard A. Dobranski
Randolph John Dola
E. Gregg Downie
Mary E. Dryburgh
Milton Charles John Dueck
Dunn-Rite Food Products Ltd
Robert G. Durston
Robert Michael Dzisiak
David Wayne Ediger
Adeline A. Elias
Elite Swine Inc.
Bradley Douglas Erb
Curtis C. Evenson
Farm Credit Canada
David Warren Finnson
Petra Georgina Fiore
John Leopold Fitzmaurice
Gordon Dale Flaten
Susan B. Foster
Karen Joanne Framingham
Donald A. Fraser
Bert Fried
H. Irwin Friesen
Gerald E. Friesen
Eleanor Grace Frovich
Erin Marion Galbraith
Archimedes Gabriel Gamvrelis
Herman J. Giesbrecht
Jean Gilson
David Gislason
Robert P. Graham
Robin Andrew Malcolm
David George Green
Lorraine L. Griffiths
Ian James Grossart
Anna Guenther
Adam Keith Gurr
Howard Glenn Harkness
John Heads
John Hedin
Werner Heid
Barrie K. Heiman
C. S. Henderson
H. Michael Henderson
Hi-Qual Manufacturing Ltd.
George Gordon Hickling
Ernest Hiebert
Curtis Ronald Hiebert
Charles M. Hilhorst
Shelagh K. Hirch
Franklin Hodgert
Verne W. House
Industrial Investments Ltd
William G. H. Ives
James Farms Limited
Kenneth Charles Johnson
Harry Kehler
David John Kelner
Keystone Agricultural
Producers (KAP)
Ferdinand A. Kiehn
Janice Jean Koziuk
A. Donald Kroeker
Garland Everett Laliberte
Landmark Feeds Inc.
Jeffrey S. Latta
James S. Lawrence
Thomas Charles LeBoldus
Rita R. Lecuyer
R. Glen Lefley
Glenn A. Lennox
Larry Todd Lenton
Thomas Leppelmann
Jon Lailey Lewis
Alex R. F. Mack
Bruce Mackey
Randall Wright Manikel
Manitoba Ag Days
Manitoba Chicken Producers
Manitoba Egg Producers
Manitoba Hatchery
Manitoba Pork Council
Manitoba Rural Adaptation
Council Inc
Manitoba Seed Growers’
Manitoba Turkey Producers
Daniel Michael Mazier
J. C. Garnet McDonald
Gary R. McEachern
Jack G. McGregor
J. Gordon James McKenzie
Jason Douglas McLaren
N. Douglas McNiven
Ian George Mcleod
Graham John Mcmaster
Adrian Measner
Steven George Meggison
Vinay Kumar Mehrotra
Shauna Marie Mellish
William O. S. Meredith
Brent Michael Metcalfe
John Charles Miller
Gordon F. Mills
Ronald Mitchell
Donald George Mitchell
Ramona Maria Mohr
J. Bruce Mollison
Monsanto Canada
Garry Robert Moore
Ian N. Morrison
William Ernest Muir
Donald L. Nelson
Mrs. H. Rea Nesbitt
Lindsay O’Brien
Brian T. Oleson
Heather Orlukiewicz
Theodore Joseph Ostermann
Pallister Farm Ltd
Robert Bernard Parent
Robert James Park
Parrish & Heimbecker Limited
G. Keith Patterson
George G. Pearson
Ted T. Peluk
Ronald A. Petch
James D. Philp
Bruce Piercy
Richard B. Pierson
James W. Pietryk
Calvin Carl Pitura
R. Gary Platford
Richard Jean Martial Prejet
Hugo Aloysius Preun
Mervyn K. Pritchard
Province of Manitoba
Nangavaram Sethuraman
Barry D. Randell
Donald E. Ransom
William E. Rempel
Dianne Yvonne Lorette M.
Robert E. Richards
Mrs. Margery Yvonne
James Ean Robinson
Philip Scott Ronald
Jonothon Steven Roskos
Leonard Charles Rossnagel
Gabriel L. Roy
Richard W. Rue
Kenneth Walter Rutter
Cory Jay Rybuck
Professor Waldemar E.
Sackston (estate)
Donna Marie Sagin
Lloyd O. A. Sandmoen
Andrea Sawatski
Miriam R. Segal
Lorne C. Seier
Anita Sharma
Karen Jean Shibley
Steven Glenn Siemens
Ernest John Sirski
Norman E. Stanger
Steve’s Livestock Transport
Ingrid J. Stevenson
Arthur F. Stewart
Colin James Stewart
Elwood W. Stringam
H. G. Sukkau
E. Maitland Sundmark
Syngenta Crop Protection
Canada Inc
Om Prakash Tangri
Donald Edward Tarrant
Gordon Taylor
A. Blaine Thompson
T. Kenneth Thorlakson
James Skeoch Townsend
Edward W. Tyrchniewicz
Allen James Tyrchniewicz
David James Varga
John B. Wakelin
Tom T. S. Wang
Dani James Watson
Mrs. Barbara Dawn Watson
Margaret Joan Watt
Noel David George White
Ernie A. Wiens
Winnipeg Livestock
Sales Ltd.
Kenneth Donald Wright
Norval C. Young
Bryan F. Zilkey
Several noteworthy awards were bestowed upon Faculty members in the past year…
Lorne Adam, Plant Science, received the CanAmera Foods-NSERC
Innovation Award. This award
formally recognizes and financially
rewards innovation among the
research support staff members in
the Department of Plant Science.
Terry Galloway, Entomology, has
had a new species of mite named
after him. The mite, Granulocheyletus
gallowayi Fain, 2003, was named by
a Belgian scientist. Terry has an
international reputation in the field of
parasites (such as fleas, lice and
mites) of birds and mammals.
Granulocheyletus gallowayi is a
parasite of penguins, and was
collected by Terry in New Zealand.
This species is the nineteenth new
species to be named after a member
of the Department of Entomology.
Charles Grant, Agribusiness and
Agricultural Economics, received the
Excellence in Farm Business Management Award for 2004 from the
Canadian Agricultural Economics
Society. The award encourages and
recognizes excellence in extension,
research and teaching of farm
business management concepts and
practices in Canada.
Rick Holley, Food Science, received
the Science and Technology Award
from the Canadian Meat Council in
recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of Meat
Science and service to the industry,
government, professional committees and organizations.
Kees Plaizier, Animal Science, was
awarded the Canadian Society of
Animal Science Young Scientist
Award 2004. This award, sponsored
by Pfizer Animal Health, is in recognition of the significant contributions
Kees has made to dairy cattle
Rene Van Acker, Plant Science,
received the Canadian Weed Science
Society Excellence in Weed Science
Award. This award recognizes
excellence among active scientists,
educators, regulatory and extension
personnel in weed science in
Karin Wittenberg, Animal Science,
received the Canadian Society of
Animal Science Award for Excellence in Nutrition and Meat Science.
The award is in recognition of
research contributions leading to
improved feed utilization and an
increased understanding of environmental issues facing the beef and
dairy cattle sectors in Canada.
Qiang Zhang, Biosystems Engineering, was awarded the 2004
Canadian Society of Agricultural
Engineering (CSAE/SCGR) John
Turnbull award for his outstanding
contribution to teaching, research
and professional service in building
systems engineering.
Digvir Jayas, Biosystems Engineering, was awarded the Association of
Professional Engineers and
Geoscientists of Manitoba (APEGM)
Outstanding Service Award for
2004. The award recognizes outstanding service rendered to, or on
behalf of, APEGM. Digvir is currently
president-elect of APEGM and will
become president this fall.
The Glenlea Dairy Research Unit
received a gold Certificate from
Manitoba Milk Producers in recognition of achieving the highest quality
standards for milk production in
Manitoba. Our herd was ranked
17th in the top 60 Manitoba herds
for the 2002-2003 production year.
The farm staff of the Glenlea
Research Station received a
University of Manitoba Outreach
Award for their outstanding outreach
efforts over the past year. Jack
Brogan, Dale Rosner and Jody
Phillippe accepted the award on
behalf of the station staff.
This summer, the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame inducted two
former Faculty members and an
alumnus of the Faculty in recognition
of their significant contributions to
agriculture locally, provincially and
beyond. Len Shebeski, Dean
Emeritus and former Plant Science
Department head, was honoured for
his part in the development of
triticale and Glenlea wheat, and for
his involvement in CIDA. The late
Daryl Kraft, former department
head of Agribusiness and Agricultural
Economics, was recognized for his
public service and analysis in agricultural policy and international trade.
And Bruce Campbell, alumnus and
entrepreneur, was acknowledged for
his contributions to the livestock
industry in Manitoba.
Our students:
A team of students in our
Agribusiness program took second
place at the American Agricultural
Economics Association Academic
Quiz Bowl held in Denver this
summer. This competition offers
students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skill by
answering questions in a number of
agricultural economics areas. Our
students did extremely well, beating
Illinois, Iowa State, Texas A&M,
Idaho, Oklahoma State and Nebraska-Lincoln before falling to the
University of Florida in the finals.
A team of Biosystems Engineering
students won second place at the
14th annual WERC Environmental
Engineering Design Competition in
La Cruces, NM. The competition
draws hundreds of college students
from the US, Canada, Mexico, India
and the Middle East. Participants
select one of five tasks. The U of M
team chose “The reduction of fecal
coliform bacteria load in produce
packing house wash water”. The
team came second out of nine
teams that entered this category.
The Manitoba Agricultural and
Food Science Graduates Association (MAFSGA) is a non-profit
organization representing both
alumni and students of the
faculty. MAFSGA evolved in
1997 from the Diploma Ag
Grads Association (DAGA)
formed in 1959. Currently,
MAFSGA has about 300 members, and more are always
welcome. If you’re a grad of the
U of M’s Faculty of Agricultural
and Food Sciences, you should
think about joining.
Some of the objectives of
MAFSGA include providing
bursaries for both Diploma and
Degree students and acknowledging alumni who have made
significant contributions to the
industry with a Certificate of
Merit. MAFSGA is able to
produce bursaries through its
annual and lifetime memberships. The money from annual
memberships is used for
general operating expenses,
while the lifetime memberships
are invested in GICs. The
interest raised from the GICs is
awarded to selected students in
the form of scholarships.
The Association’s website
umanitoba.ca/afs/mafsga/ has
a unique feature – a guestbook
that allows grads to leave a
message about themselves to
update classmates about where
they are and what they’re doing.
To join MAFSGA, visit the
website and click on “Join” to
access an application form, or,
make out a cheque payable to
“MAFSGA” ($20.00 for an
annual membership, $100.00 for
a lifetime membership) and mail
it along with your name and
contact information to: Mary
Sanders, 1329 Rosser Ave. East,
Brandon, MB, R7A 7J2.
Faculty Offers New Options
in Agricultural Finance,
Plant Biotechnology
A new program in Agricultural
Finance will be launched by the
School of Agriculture at the University of Manitoba in September 2005.
This new offering will address a
growing shortage of skilled labour to
work with lending institutions such
as credit unions, banks, FCC, MACC,
leasing companies, and with larger
farms and agribusinesses. The
Agricultural Finance option in the
two-year Diploma in Agriculture
Program will consist of courses in
agricultural production, marketing,
lending, tax and succession planning, environmental planning, public
relations and communications.
Graduates will be prepared for
careers as loans officers, lending
managers and account managers.
As of January 1, 2005, the Plant
Systems major in the Bachelor of
Science (Agriculture) option was
replaced by a new Plant Biotechnology major. Students in this new
option will study the sciences and
advanced biotechnologies used in
the improvement, protection and
utilization of agricultural and horticultural crops. Graduates will find
careers with research organizations,
research support industries, agricultural extension services involved in
crop diagnostic evaluations and will
be well-prepared to pursue graduate
Garden Advice
On Call, Online
The University of Manitoba’s Hort Line is now just a call or click away for
answers to all your gardening questions. The Faculty of Agricultural and Food
Sciences summer Hort Line telephone service is now backed up by the new
Horticultural Inquiries website.
During the summer months, you can speak to member of the Hort Line team
by calling 474-8489 in Winnipeg or 1-800-432-1960 toll-free in Manitoba. The
Hort Line is staffed Monday to Friday from early May until the end of August.
The Department of Plant Science has also developed an easy-to-use yearround online gardening resource for Manitoba gardeners with questions
about plants, trees and vegetables, and the pest, disease and environmental
challenges they face. Check out www.umanitoba.ca/afs/hort_inquiries/
for descriptions, photos and advice from horticulture experts.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences 256 Agriculture Building, The University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Email: agfoodsci@umanitoba.ca
(204) 474-9295
Website: www.umanitoba.ca/afs/