Call for Proposals 2016 Science Investment Round

MBIE Contestable Research Fund
Smart Ideas and Research Programmes
Call for Proposals
2016 Science Investment Round
November 2015
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment reserves the right
to withdraw or amend, at any time, this Call for Proposals or any part of it.
All financial information in this document is indicative only,
and does not include GST.
2016 SCIENCE INVESTMENT ROUND AT A GLANCE ........................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Essential reading ............................................................................................................................ 6
Additional information .................................................................................................................. 7
SCIENCE INVESTMENT ROUND CHANGES IN 2016 ......................................................................................... 7
KEY DATES............................................................................................................................................ 9
ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................................................................... 10
THE APPLICATION PROCESS .................................................................................................................... 10
Smart Ideas investment mechanism ............................................................................................ 10
Research Programmes investment mechanism ............................................................................ 11
Registering your intent to apply for funding ................................................................................. 11
Conflict of interest ....................................................................................................................... 11
Providing assessment information ............................................................................................... 11
Meeting data requirements ......................................................................................................... 12
Submitting your proposal ............................................................................................................ 12
Terms and conditions related to this Call for Proposals ................................................................ 12
FUNDING DECISIONS............................................................................................................................. 13
Investment portfolio.................................................................................................................... 13
Funding of individual proposals ................................................................................................... 13
CONTRACTING .................................................................................................................................... 13
FINDING OUT MORE ............................................................................................................................. 14
APPENDIX A: CALL FOR PROPOSALS GLOSSARY ........................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX B: LINKED DOCUMENTS........................................................................................................... 17
2016 Science Investment Round at a glance
Indicative funding
Smart Ideas
$10 million
$0.4–$1.0 million
2–3 years
Research Programmes
$25 million
Over $0.5 million
3–5 years
over the term
of the contract
per year
Note: all funding figures exclude GST
Registration and submission dates
Smart Ideas
Portal opens
Concept proposal
Full proposal
December 2015
By 12 noon, 16 December 2015
By 12 noon, 17 February 2016
By 12 noon, 15 June 2016 (by invitation)
Research Programmes
Portal opens
Full proposal
December 2015
By 12 noon, 4 February 2016
By 12 noon, 17 March 2016
Note: if you are planning to submit a concept or full proposal registration is mandatory.
Who can apply?
New Zealand-based research organisations or legal entities based in New Zealand representing
a New Zealand-based research organisation.
Accessing MBIE’s online portal
New applicants
Returning applicants
Log in using your current details
Further information
MBIE’s website
Information on contestable funding is available here1)
Proposal queries:
Portal queries:
0800 693 778 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm)
MBIE’s Alert e-newsletter for science investment (you can subscribe here1)
Follow investment Q&A on the MBIE website, updated throughout the process.
See Appendix B for Web links to documents referred to using “here” in this Call for Proposals
The Minister for Science and Innovation recently announced a new science investment fund – the
MBIE Contestable Research Fund (the Fund). The Fund encompasses six sector-based funds 2 in a
single fund which will be managed as an investment portfolio across social, environmental and
economic objectives. In 2016 the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s science
investment round will invest through the Fund. MBIE now invites proposals to be considered for
investment from the Fund.
This Call for Proposals presents information you need to know about the 2016 science investment
round. It is one of a suite of documents (Chart 1) that together, provide information about the Fund,
and the application and assessment process, to help you develop and submit a proposal. You should
read the Call for Proposals in conjunction with other relevant documents, particularly those listed in
the next section as essential reading, before you begin to develop your proposal.
MBIE reserves the right to withdraw or amend, at any time, this Call for Proposals or any part of it.
Any changes to the Call for Proposals will be notified via MBIE’s Alert e-newsletter for the science
investment round. If you do not already receive science investment Alerts you can sign up to receive
them here.
Web addresses (URLs) for these and other relevant documents, and terms and acronyms used in this
Call for Proposals are listed in the appendices.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) contestable science investment has previously
funded contestable research through six funds: Biological Industries; Environmental Research; Energy and
Minerals; Hazards and Infrastructure; Health and Society and High-value Manufacturing and Services. These
funds will be disbanded, taking effect from 1 July 2016.
Essential reading
The documents listed below describe the Fund and the context in which science the 2016 science
investment round will operate. Proposals seeking funding from the Fund should respond to the
investment signals in the Investment Plan and other information contained in these documents.
National Statement of Science
Investment 2015–2025 (NSSI)
Outlines the Government’s 10-year vision for New
Zealand’s science system
MBIE Contestable Research Fund
Investment Plan 2016–2018
(the Investment Plan)
Outlines the Government strategy for delivering
science investment for the next three years
New Zealand Gazette Notice,
Number 2015-go6582,
November 2015
(the Gazette Notice)
Sets the criteria that the Minister for Science and
innovation requires the Science Board to use
when making investment decisions from the Fund
Vision Mātauranga policy
Outlines the Government’s policy framework for
unlocking the innovation potential of Māori
knowledge, resources and people to assist New
Zealanders to create a better future
Guidelines for Completing
Proposals 2016
(hereafter referred to as Proposal
Explains the purpose of each section of the
application form and suggests information you
may wish to include in your proposal
Guidelines for Assessing Proposals3
Provide details of the scoring guides and an
indication of the information assessors will be
looking for in assessing your proposal(s). These
are the guidelines MBIE provides to assessors
Portal Guidelines for Applicants3
Explain how to register and submit a proposal
through the MBIE portal
If there are any inconsistencies between the
Gazette Notice and any other document, the
Gazette Notice takes precedence
Email Alerts will be issued when these guidelines are available. If you have not yet signed up to receive Alerts
you can do so here.
You must also be familiar with the terms and conditions related to this Call for Proposals, (Appendix
C), and the Science Investment Contract. These documents outline the terms and conditions under
which you are submitting your proposal and proposals will be funded.
When you submit your proposal you will be asked to indicate that you agree to these terms and
Wider government and other national policies, strategies and roadmaps help define the national
context in which MBIE invests in research, science and technology and related activities through the
Fund. The Investment Plan lists some examples. MBIE recommends that you become familiar with
the policies, strategies and roadmaps relevant to your proposed research.
Additional information
MBIE will provide updated information throughout the 2016 science investment round
through MBIE’s website, Alert e-newsletters and the Investment Q&A website.
Science Investment Round changes in 2016
Changes in the nature or scope of the research that the Fund will support in 2016 are detailed in the
Investment Plan. Key changes that affect the science investment round are:
• the Fund is a single investment fund with economic, environmental and social objectives as
defined in the Investment Plan;
• funding will be made through two new investment mechanisms – Smart Ideas and Research
The Smart Ideas mechanism is intended to catalyse and rapidly test promising, innovative research
ideas with high potential for benefit for New Zealand, to enable refresh and diversity in the science
The Research Programmes mechanism is intended to support ambitious, excellent and well-defined
research ideas which, collectively, have credible and high potential to positively transform New
Zealand’s future in areas of future value, strength or critical need.
More information on each mechanism is given in the Investment Plan.
Changes to the science investment round process you need to be aware of when you consider
applying for funding are listed in the following table.
NEW IN 2016
Open contest in a single fund, across science
contributing to the economic, environmental
or social objectives in the Investment Plan
An annual call for proposals in both
investment mechanisms
Excellence and Impact is sought in all
Proposals for funding in all areas covered by
the Fund can be submitted every year
Consideration of Vision Mātauranga is
required in all proposals
Two new investment mechanisms, Smart
Ideas and Research Programmes, replace the
three previous contestable funding
mechanisms (Smart Ideas – Phases 1 and 2,
Targeted Research and Enabling Technologies)
Assessment of proposals by external,
independent science and impact experts
from New Zealand and overseas
The new Smart Ideas mechanism is a single
phase mechanism, with a two stage
application process
Assessors’ funding recommendations
inform Science Board decisions
Funding decisions are made by the Science
The indicative funding for Smart Ideas
concepts and proposals is total funding over
the term of the project (not funding per year)
In both the Smart Ideas and Research
Programmes funding mechanisms, Excellence
and Impact in full proposals will be assessed
Only Research Programmes proposals that
have been assessed as having sufficient
quality against the Excellence criterion in the
Gazette Notice will be assessed for Impact
Registration is mandatory. The information
you need to provide to register is explained in
the Proposal Guidelines
Key dates
12-18 November 2015
Roadshow meetings in main centres 4
19 November 2015
Frequently asked questions and answers (Q&A) on the
2016 science investment round posted on MBIE’s website
(updated throughout the process)
December 2015
MBIE portal opens
12 noon, 16 December 2015
Closing date for Smart Ideas registration
12 noon, 17 February 2016
Closing date for Smart Ideas concepts
April 2016
Science Board decides which concepts proceed to full
May 2016
Applicants notified of Science Board decisions on Smart Ideas
12 noon, 15 June 2016
Closing date for Smart Ideas full proposals
August 2016
Science Board makes funding decisions
September 2016
Applicants notified of decisions
1 October 2016
Contracts begin for funded Smart Ideas proposals
12-18 November 2015
Roadshow meetings in main centres4
19 November 2015
Frequently asked questions and answers (Q&A) on the
2016 science investment round posted on MBIE’s website
(updated throughout the process)
December 2015
MBIE portal opens
12 noon, 4 February 2016
Closing date for Research Programmes registration
12 noon, 17 March 2016
Closing date for Research Programmes proposals
May 2016
Science Board decides which proposals proceed to Impact
assessment, based on assessment of Excellence
August 2016
Science Board makes funding decisions
September 2016
Applicants notified of decisions
1 October 2016
Contracts begin for funded Research Programmes proposals
Dates, times and venues for the roadshow meetings will be advertised via MBIE’s Alert e-newsletters.
To be eligible to receive funding from the MBIE Contestable Research Fund, both the applicant and
the proposed research must meet eligibility criteria set out in the Gazette Notice. When you submit
your application you will be asked to confirm that you meet these criteria or to explain why not.
The Science Board will decline to have assessed, or to fund, proposals that do not meet the eligibility
The application process
You can apply for funding through two funding mechanisms.
Application processes differ for each investment mechanism. The key differences are:
a two-stage application process for Smart Ideas proposals;
a one-stage application process for Research Programmes proposals;
total scores for each proposal will be calculated using different weightings for assessment
criteria in the two investment mechanisms, as set out in the Gazette Notice.
The application processes for the investment mechanisms are illustrated in Charts 2 and 3.
Smart Ideas investment mechanism
The Smart Ideas investment mechanism is a two-stage application process.
In Stage 1, concepts are submitted for assessment of excellence and impact. Based on the results of
the assessment, the Science Board will determine which concepts will be invited to proceed to a full
proposal. The number of full proposals that will be invited is expected to be approximately twice the
number able to be funded.
After concepts have been assessed, MBIE will advise you of the Science Board’s decision on your
In Stage 2, full proposals (submitted by invitation only) will be assessed for Excellence and Impact in
separate but concurrent processes.
Research Programmes investment mechanism
The Research Programmes investment mechanism is a single-stage process; full proposals are
submitted for assessment.
All proposals that meet the eligibility criteria will be assessed for Excellence. Impact will be assessed
only in proposals that have been assessed as having sufficient quality against the Excellence criterion
in the Gazette Notice.
After proposals have been assessed for Excellence, MBIE will advise you of the Science Board’s
decision on your proposal.
Registering your intent to apply for funding
Registration provides information about your proposal that helps MBIE select suitable assessors, and
manage the resources it needs for the assessment process. Please see the Proposal Guidelines for
the information you need to provide to register.
Registration is mandatory for all types of proposals. You cannot submit a concept or full proposal
unless you have registered your application before the relevant registration closing date.
Conflict of interest
You can identify in your proposal any person you consider has a direct or indirect conflict of interest
with your proposed research. Direct and indirect conflicts are defined in the glossary in Appendix A.
MBIE intends to post a list of potential assessors on MBIE’s website before proposals are assigned to
assessors so you may check for, and advise MBIE of, any potential conflicts of interest. An MBIE
Alert will be issued when assessors’ names are posted on the website.
As soon as you identify potential conflicts of interest, or if you are unsure whether interests present
a conflict you should contact MBIE, by emailing
Providing assessment information
Independent, external science and impact assessors appointed by MBIE will assess proposals eligible
for funding, against the criteria in the Gazette Notice. Your proposal needs to contain information
that is relevant to the assessment criteria, and can be used by assessors to determine the Excellence
and potential Impact of your proposed research, science and technology or related activities.
The Gazette Notice, Proposal Guidelines and Guidelines for Assessing Proposals5 contain information
to help you provide assessment information.
Meeting data requirements
MBIE is committed to ensuring that all science data generated through its investments meets
minimum expectations of good data management and public availability. If you receive funding from
the MBIE Contestable Research Fund, MBIE expects you to comply with the New Zealand
Government Open Access and Licensing Framework. This framework advocates the use of creative
commons licences.
Proposals that include environmental science are subject to MBIE’s Environmental Data
Management Policy Statement.
If you receive new funding for research that includes environmental science you must agree to
license under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand licence (CC-BY) copyright works
Submitting your proposal
MBIE will not accept registrations, concepts or proposals received after submission deadlines. You
must submit your concept (for Smart Ideas only) or full proposal by 12 noon on the due dates
provided in this Call for Proposals or as modified through MBIE Alerts.
All proposals must be submitted through MBIE’s online portal. For details on how to use the portal,
please see Portal Guidelines for Applicants. If your proposal will be submitted by a university or a
Crown research institute, your research office will also be able to provide you with advice.
Terms and conditions related to this Call for Proposals
The terms and conditions related to this Call for Proposals are listed in Appendix C. These explain
how MBIE will use the information you provide, and clarify important features of applying for
funding, such as confidentiality of information, intellectual property ownership, and talking to news
media about your proposal.
By submitting a proposal you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. You are also agreeing to
the terms and conditions of the Science Investment Contract, should your proposal be funded.
Full terms and conditions related to the Call for Proposals are listed here. You will be asked to verify
you have read them when you submit your registration, concept or full proposal. By submitting your
proposal you are indicating you agree in full to these terms and conditions.
An email Alert will be issued when Guidelines for Assessing Proposals are available. If you have not yet signed
up to receive Alerts you can do so here.
Funding decisions
Investment portfolio
In deciding which proposals to fund, the Science Board considers:
the eligibility and assessment criteria and other considerations in the Gazette Notice;
the investment signals and mix of investment in the relevant annual Investment Plan;
the government’s Vision Matauranga policy.
The Science Board’s funding decisions are informed by the recommendations of the independent,
external, expert assessors.
In making its funding decisions, the Science Board may decide to invest less than the total funding
indicated. It may also make decisions that result in more or less funding than indicated in the
Investment Plan being invested in an investment mechanism or a Fund objective.
Funding of individual proposals
In allocating funds to a proposal, the Science Board may:
set pre-contractual conditions which must be met before MBIE and the applicant
organisation can enter into a Science Investment Contract;
set special conditions in addition to the general terms and conditions set out in the Science
Investment Contract;
vary the proposed term of a proposal, or require specified conditions to be met during the
term of a contract before the proposal is funded for the full term;
vary the funding allocated from that requested.
If the Science Board decides to fund your proposal, MBIE will enter into a Science Investment
Contract and an associated Work Programme Agreement with your organisation (subject to any precontractual conditions being met).
Work Programme Agreements set out the details of the research, science and technology and
related activities for which you have been funded and, subject to any variation required by the
Science Board, are extracted directly from the information you provide in your proposal.
You are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Science Investment Contract, should your
proposal be funded, when you submit your proposal. You therefore need to be familiar with the
content of this document.
Finding out more
If you have questions about any aspect of the 2016 science investment round, you can email or
phone MBIE.
For queries about the content of proposals or the assessment process, email
For queries about how to use the portal, or technical issues you encounter in using it, email
Investment Q&A on MBIE’s website provides you with answers to questions frequently asked about
the 2016 science investment round. You should check the website regularly for updated information.
To talk to MBIE staff, please phone 0800 693 778, Monday to Friday, between 8:30am and 4:30pm.
Appendix A: Call for Proposals glossary
Alert e-newsletter
A web-based communication tool used by MBIE to provide up-to-date information on its
activities, including the science investment round. You can subscribe to science investment round
Alerts here.
ANZSRC (Australia and New Zealand Standard Research Classification) codes
A standard classification that allows research and development activities to be categorised
according to their intended purpose or outcome. Definitions are available online (see Appendix
Independent experts, appointed by MBIE, who will assess proposals against criteria set out in the
Gazette Notice.
Call for Proposals (CfP)
A mechanism for inviting eligible organisations to submit proposals to MBIE for the allocation of
science funding. The Call for Proposals is one of a suite of documents that provides guidance for
applicants on preparation of proposals and MBIE’s contestable investment process.
Creative Commons
Creative Commons, best known for its licenses, is a global non-profit organization that enables
sharing and reuse of creativity and knowledge through the provision of free legal tools. You can
read more about Creative Commons at
Conflict of interest
Conflicts may occur at various levels, for example:
involvement in a proposal (eg, as a collaborator), a close professional or personal
relationship with the applicant, direct involvement in a competing proposal
Indirect an employee of the same organisation as the applicant, but not directly conflicted,
a professional or personal acquaintance with the applicant, indirect involvement in
a competing proposal
Attributes of excellence of science and of the team are listed in the Gazette Notice.
For science, excellence attributes include well-designed, well-performed, well-positioned in the
domestic and international research context, progresses and disseminates new knowledge,
possesses high scientific risk, technical risk, a well-managed research plan, a credible approach to
risk management, and leverages additional value from wider research.
For team, excellence attributes include a mix of complementary skills, knowledge and resources
to deliver the proposed RS&T or related activities and to manage risk.
You should read the Gazette Notice for a full statement of Excellence with respect to assessment.
FOR (field of research) codes
Coding under the ANZSRC classification scheme that describes fields of research.
Gazette Notice
Items (notices) in the New Zealand Gazette, the Government’s official newspaper that is
produced every Thursday by the Department of Internal Affairs. The Minister of Science and
Innovation issues a Gazette Notice to instruct the Science Board regarding assessment of
proposals for contestable funding, by outlining policy objectives and eligibility and assessment
Health Research Council (HRC)
The agency that manages the Government's investment in health research. HRC’s vision is to
improve the health and quality of life of all New Zealanders. The HRC supports research that has
the potential to improve health outcomes and delivery of healthcare, and to produce economic
gain for New Zealand.
Attributes of Impact listed in the Gazette Notice include direct and indirect benefits or effect on
individuals, communities or society as a whole, including broad benefits to New Zealand’s
economic, social, human or natural capital. You should read the Gazette Notice for a full
statement of Impact with respect to assessment criteria.
Investment Plan
The Government’s statement of how it intends to invest in research, science and technology and
related activities through annual contestable investment rounds. The Plan is published every
year, with a three-year time horizon to help researchers better plan their research and allow
them more time to develop research proposals. The current investment plan covers 2016–2018.
MBIE portal
The online interface through which applicants submit proposals and MBIE manages contracts.
Per annum
Per annum refers to funding available per investment year (from 1 October to 30 September).
Research organisation
An organisation that has internal capability for carrying out research, science, or technology or
related activities (RS&T).
Science Board
The Board established by the Minister of Science and Innovation under the Research, Science,
and Technology Act 2010 to make funding decisions.
Science investment contract
The standard terms and conditions under which the Science Board agrees to allocate funding.
SEO (social and economic outcomes) codes
Coding under the ANZSRC classification scheme that describes social and economic outcomes of
Vision Mātauranga
The government policy that aims to unlock the science and innovation potential of Māori
knowledge, people and resources for the benefit of New Zealand. The Vision Mātauranga policy
applies to all MBIE’s science investments.
Work Programme Agreement
An Agreement between MBIE and applicant organisations that receive funding, that is entered
into for a programme of research, science or technology or related activities.
Appendix B: Linked documents
The table below provides the Web addresses (URL) of documents hyperlinked in the Web-based
version of this CfP.
2016 science
investment Q&A
Following roadshows in November. An Alert will be posted when Q&A are
ANZSRC codes
&issue=2008&num=&view= (cut and paste link into your browser)
Business Growth
Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0
New Zealand
data policy
Guidelines for
Proposals 2016
Guidelines for
(including scoring
An Alert will be posted when Guidelines for Assessing Proposals are available
New Zealand
Gazette Notice,
Number 2015go6582,
November 2015
(or see Annex 1 in the MBIE Contestable Fund Investment Plan 2016–2018)
He Kai Kei Aku
Ringa (cut and paste link into your browser)
MBIE Contestable
Fund Investment
Plan 2016–2018
(including the
Gazette Notice)
funding website
MBIE Alert enewsletter (to
NZ Government
Open Access and
Information Act
Portal Guidelines
for Applicants
An Alert will be posted when Portal Guidelines are available
Science Board
Scoring guides
See Guidelines for Assessing Proposals
State Sector Act
Vision Mātauranga
Appendix C: Terms and conditions related to the
MBIE Contestable Fund Call for Proposals
The terms and conditions are non-negotiable and do not require a response. Each applicant that
submits a proposal (hereafter referred to as “you”) will be deemed to have agreed to the Call for
Proposals (CfP) terms and conditions without reservation or variation.
Investigations and reliance on information
You must examine this CfP and any documents referenced by this CfP and carry out all necessary
investigations before submitting a proposal. If you are in doubt as to the meaning of any part of this
CfP, you must set out in your proposal the interpretation and any assumptions you used.
MBIE will not be liable (in contract or tort, including negligence, or otherwise) to anyone who relies
on any information provided by or on behalf of MBIE in or in connection with this CfP.
Reliance by applicants
All information contained in this CfP or given to you by MBIE is for the purpose of allowing you to
prepare your proposal. MBIE has endeavoured to ensure the integrity of such information.
However, it has not been independently verified and may not be updated.
Reliance by MBIE
MBIE may rely upon all statements you make in your proposal and in correspondence or
negotiations with MBIE or its representatives. If a proposal is funded by MBIE, any such statements
may be included in a Work Programme Agreement.
You must ensure all information you provide to MBIE is complete and accurate. MBIE is under no
obligation to check any proposal for errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. You must notify MBIE
promptly upon becoming aware of any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in your proposal or in any
additional information you provide.
You must not directly or indirectly provide any form of inducement or reward to any assessment
panel member, officer, employee, advisor, or other representative of MBIE in connection with this
Business-as-usual communications (relating to funding under existing arrangements between MBIE
and your organisation) will be maintained with the usual contacts. However, during the CfP process,
you must not use business-as-usual contacts to solicit or discuss details of this CfP or any proposal
you have, or intend to, submit, with any person at MBIE or its agents, including the assessment
panel members.
Ownership and intellectual property
This CfP and any other documents MBIE provides to you remain the property of MBIE. All copyright
and other intellectual property rights in this CfP and in any other documentation or information
provided to you or any other person by or on behalf of MBIE in connection with this CfP will remain
with, and belong at all times to, MBIE or its licensors.
MBIE may request at any time the immediate return of all documents supplied and any copies made
of them. You must comply with any such request in a timely manner.
Any proposals or information you supply to MBIE will become the property of MBIE and may not be
returned to you. Ownership of the intellectual property rights in a proposal does not pass to MBIE.
However, in submitting your proposal, you grant MBIE a nonexclusive, non-transferable, perpetual
licence to use, disclose, and copy your proposal for any purpose related to this CfP process.
By submitting a proposal, you warrant that the provision to MBIE of the information contained in
your proposal, and MBIE’s use of it for the evaluation of your proposal and for any resulting
negotiation, will not breach any third-party intellectual property rights.
MBIE will treat your proposal as confidential, but you should be aware that MBIE is subject to the
Official Information Act 1982 and may be required to release information supplied in your proposal
in accordance with that Act, or as otherwise required by law.
The proposal process
Despite any other provision in the CfP, MBIE reserves the following rights:
• MBIE may amend, suspend, cancel and/or re-issue the CfP, or any part of the CfP.
• MBIE may make any material change to the CfP (including any date) on the condition that you
are given a reasonable time within which to respond to the change.
• MBIE may waive irregularities or requirements in or during the CfP process where it considers it
appropriate and reasonable to do so.
• Your proposal may not be approved for funding.
• All or any proposal(s) may be rejected.
• Your proposal may be accepted in whole, or in part.
• Any information you provide to MBIE with your proposal may be retained or destroyed.
• Clarification may be sought from any applicant(s) in relation to any matter in connection with
this CfP process.
• Any applicant(s) may be contacted, which may be to the exclusion of any other applicant(s), at
any time before or after the approval (if any) of proposal(s).
• MBIE may reject, or not consider further, any documentation related to your proposal that may
be received from you, unless it is specifically requested.
• This CfP process may be run in such manner as MBIE may see fit.
No contractual obligations created
No contract or other legal obligations arise between you and MBIE out of or in relation to this CfP or
CfP process, until a formal written contract (if any) is signed by both you and MBIE.
This CfP does not constitute an offer by MBIE to provide funding or enter into any agreement with
you. The call for and receipt of proposals does not imply any obligation on MBIE to contract any
funding requested in your proposal. MBIE will not be bound in any way until a science investment
contract is executed.
MBIE makes no representations nor gives any warranties in this CfP.
Any verbal communications made during the CfP process will not be binding on MBIE and are subject
to the terms of this CfP.
No process contract
Despite any other provision in this CfP or any other document relating to this CfP, the issue of this
CfP does not legally oblige or otherwise commit MBIE to proceed with or follow the process outlined
in this CfP or to assess your proposal or enter into any negotiations or contractual arrangements
with you.
For the avoidance of doubt, this CfP process does not give rise to a process contract.
Exclusion of liability
Neither MBIE nor any assessment panel members, officers, employees, advisers or other
representatives will be liable (in contract or tort, including negligence, or otherwise) for any direct or
indirect damage, expense, loss or cost (including legal costs) incurred or suffered by you, your
affiliates or any other person in connection with this CfP process, including without limitation:
the assessment process
the preparation of any proposal
any investigations of or by any applicant
concluding any contract
the acceptance or rejection of any proposal
the suspension or cancellation of the process contemplated in this CfP, or
any information given or not given to any applicant(s).
By participating in this CfP process, you waive any rights you may have to make any claim against
MBIE. To the extent that legal relations between MBIE and you cannot be excluded as a matter of
law, the liability of MBIE is limited to $1.
Nothing contained or implied in or arising out of this CfP or any other communications to any
applicant shall be construed as legal, financial, or other advice of any kind.
Costs and expenses
MBIE is not responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by you in the preparation of a proposal.
Governing law and jurisdiction
This CfP will be construed according to, and governed by, New Zealand law and you agree to submit
to the exclusive jurisdiction of New Zealand courts in any dispute concerning this CfP or any
Public statements
MBIE may make public the following information:
• the names of project team members
• the proposal title
• the research fund from which the proposal would be funded
• the public statement given by the project team when applying for funding
• the total amount of funding and the period of time for which funding has been approved.
• the sector to which the research relates.
MBIE asks that you don’t release any media statement or other information relating to the process
outlined in this CfP, or the submission or approval of any proposal to any public medium without
providing sufficient advance Notice to MBIE.