Assessment and Treatment Dilemmas For Auditory

Announcing a workshop from
Special thanks
to ISBE for
their grant
support of this
This Course is offered for .45 ASHA CEUs. Introductory level Professional area.
(100% Attendance Required).
Assessment and Treatment Dilemmas For
Auditory Processing Disorders
Facilitated by: Dr. Gail Richard — Professor Emeritus, EIU
December 10, 2015
Participants will:
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration Starts At: 8:30
LaSalle County Special Education -- LEASE
1009 Boyce Memorial Drive
Ottawa, IL 61350
Reserved for Inf. MidState Coalition Agencies:
Black Hawk Area SPED, Bloomington 87, BMP, Champaign 4, Ford
County SPED Coop, HSCSED, LCSSU, McLean County 5, MSSE,
Moline 40, Pontiac 429, RCCSEC, TMCSEA, TCSEA, VASE,
SOCIAL SERVICES Coalition Members
Who Should Attend: This session is designed for Educators, SLPs,
OTs, AT Specialists, Administrators and Parents.
What Is It? The ability to attach meaning to an auditory stimulus
is the foundation of learning new information in a verbal
environment. Difficulty in accurately and efficiently managing
auditory information contributes to a variety of learning
challenges. The deficit labels include poor listening, auditory
processing problems, and central auditory processing disorder.
Confusion among the labels leads to misdiagnosis and ineffective
treatment strategies. This seminar will address key issues in
identifying, differentiating, and remediating auditory processing
Financial Disclosure: Gail Richard is being paid an honorarium and travel expenses for this
presentation. Non-Financial Disclosure: Gail Richard has no relevant nonfinancial relationships.
•be able to identify behavioral characteristics associated with auditory
processing deficits.
•be able to differentiate aspects of auditory processing deficits to more
effectively focus treatment and assessment techniques
•apply knowledge of neurology to more effectively manage attention,
memory, and learning.
•be challenged to generate intervention strategies for auditory processing
deficits for therapeutic and classroom /educational settings.
Please Fax Registration Form (Before Mailing/ONLY if you are sending
in payment) to: 708-444-4204 Atten: Debra -- By December 3rd
or Scan & Email To:
(Please Note: Payment Required Unless
Cancellation Received 72 Business Hrs. In Advance (Dec 3rd)
How do I sign up? – PLEASE PRINT NEATLY
Fee is $35.00 for Coalition Members. $195 for non-member.
$5.00 UCP Seguin Processing Fee For ASHA CEUs. Please send
completed registration form & check payable to UCP Seguin at:
Debra Eubanks, UCP/Infinitec Training Dept
7550 West 183rd Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Phone: 708/444-8460,
Debra, Ext. 223 or Peggy Zegley, Ext. 247
This program qualifies for ISBE PD Clock Hours and CE for SLPs,
PTs, OTs, SWs and Nurses through IDFPR, and ASHA CEU
Please check the website before coming to
trainings to make sure there have been no changes in location or for
any weather concerns.
This seminar that relates to Access to Core Curriculum aligns with my school improvement plan. ___Yes
Name: ___________________________________________
Title/Position: ___________________________________
Organization/School District: ________________________________________________________________________________
Coalition Agency (if applicable): _______________________________
Name of Work Site/Address:_________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: ____________________ Zip: __________________
Business Phone: __________________________________
Business Fax:_____________________________________
Business Email: ___________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________
Home Email: _____________________________________
Age-level(s) served:
Early Childhood
Any info changed?:
Accommodations/alternate formats needed (2 weeks notice requested, please):___________________________________
Registration for:
Auditory Processing - December 10th --- Infinitec MidState -- Richard -- ASHA
Announcing a workshop from
Special thanks
to ISBE for
their grant
support of this
This Course is offered for .45 ASHA CEUs. Introductory level Professional area.
(100% Attendance Required).
Evaluating the Client for Assistive Technology Switch Use
Facilitated by: Michelle L. Lange — OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS
January 20, 2016
Participants will be able to:
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration Starts At: 8:30
•describe assessment strategies for determining the best switch site for access to
assistive technology.
Harper College
•describe clinical criteria for 3 different switch sites.
•list 3 different mechanical switches.
(Room W216)
1200 West Algonquin Road
Palatine, IL 60067
•list 3 different electrical switches.
Reserved for Inf. North Coalition Agencies: Barrington 220, Crystal Lake 47, Crystal
Lake 155, Des Plaines 62, East Main 63, Evanston/Skokie 65, Evanston 202, Harvard 50,
Huntley 158, Lake Zurich 95, Maine Township 207, NTDSE, Niles 219, NSSED, NSSEO,
Palatine 15, Park Ridge 64, Schaumburg 54, SEDOL & Member Districts, Waukegan 60,
Wilmette Comm. SPED Agreement, SOCIAL SERVICES Coalition Members
Reserved for Inf. West Coalition Agencies: Batavia 101, Berwyn North 98, Bi County Sped
Coop, Burlington 301, CASE, Cierco 99, Downer’s Grove 58, Elmhurst 205, Geneva 304,
Hinckley-Big Rock 429, Hinsdale Township 86, Hinsdale 181, Indian Prairie 204, LADSE,
LASECfp/Leyden, Naperville 203, NDSEC, Oak Park 97, Oak Park/River Forest 200, PAEC,
River Bend 2, St. Charles 303, SASED, South Berwyn 100, SOCIAL SERVICE Coalition Members
Please Fax Registration Form (Before Mailing/ONLY if you are sending
in payment) to: 708-444-4204 Atten: Debra -- By January 13th
or Scan & Email To:
(Please Note: Payment Required Unless
Cancellation Received 72 Business Hrs. In Advance (Jan 15th)
How do I sign up? – PLEASE PRINT NEATLY
Fee is $45.00 for Coalition Members. $195 for non-member.
$5.00 UCP Seguin Processing Fee For ASHA CEUs. Please send
Who Should Attend: This session is designed for Educators, SLPs, completed registration form & check payable to UCP Seguin at:
OTs, AT Specialists, Administrators and Parents.
Debra Eubanks, UCP/Infinitec Training Dept
7550 West 183rd Street
What Is It? Assistive technology can be accessed directly or
Tinley Park, IL 60477
indirectly by switch, mouse, joystick, eyegaze or voice. This
Phone: 708/444-8460,
course will present assessment strategies to determine the
Debra, Ext. 223 or Peggy Zegley, Ext. 247
optimal switch location and switch type to provide access. A
switch site hierarchy will be presented along with clinical
This program qualifies for ISBE PD Clock Hours and CE for SLPs, PTs, OTs,
indicators for a variety of potential switch locations. A wide
SWs and Nurses through IDFPR, and ASHA CEU
array of mechanical and electrical switches will also be
Please check the website before coming to
Financial Disclosure: Michelle Lange is being paid an honorarium and travel expenses for this
presentation. Non-Financial Disclosure: Michelle Lange has no relevant nonfinancial relationships.
trainings to make sure there have been no changes in location or for
any weather concerns.
This seminar that relates to Access to Core Curriculum aligns with my school improvement plan. ___Yes
Name: ___________________________________________
Title/Position: ___________________________________
Organization/School District: ________________________________________________________________________________
Coalition Agency (if applicable): _______________________________
Name of Work Site/Address:_________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: ____________________ Zip: __________________
Business Phone: __________________________________
Business Fax:_____________________________________
Business Email: ___________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________
Home Email: _____________________________________
Age-level(s) served:
Early Childhood
Any info changed?:
Accommodations/alternate formats needed (2 weeks notice requested, please):___________________________________
Registration for: Evaluating The Client For AT - January 20th --- Infinitec North & Infinitec West -- Lange -- ASHA
Announcing a workshop from
Special thanks
to ISBE for
their grant
support of this
This Course is offered for .45 ASHA CEUs. Introductory level Professional area.
(100% Attendance Required).
Evaluating the Client for Assistive Technology Switch Use
Facilitated by: Michelle L. Lange — OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS
January 21, 2016
Participants will be able to:
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration Starts At: 8:30
•describe assessment strategies for determining the best switch site for access to
assistive technology.
UCP Seguin/Infinitec Southwest
•describe clinical criteria for 3 different switch sites.
•list 3 different mechanical switches.
7550 West 183rd Street
Tinely Park, IL 60477
•list 3 different electrical switches.
Reserved for Inf. Southwest Coalition Agencies: A.E.R.O., ECHO,
Eisenhower Coop, Homer 33C, Iroquois SPED, Joliet 86, Kankakee 111,
KASEC, Kirby 140, LASEC, Lockport 205, LEASE, Lincolnway, Manteno 5,
New Lennox 122, Orland 135, SOWIC, SPEED, SWCCCASE, Valley View
365, Will County 92, SOCIAL SERVICES Coalition Members
Please Fax Registration Form (Before Mailing/ONLY if you are sending
in payment) to: 708-444-4204 Atten: Debra -- By January 14th
or Scan & Email To:
(Please Note: Payment Required Unless
Cancellation Received 72 Business Hrs. In Advance (Jan 18th)
Who Should Attend: This session is designed for Educators, How do I sign up? – PLEASE PRINT NEATLY
SLPs, OTs, AT Specialists, Administrators and Parents.
Fee is $35.00 for Coalition Members. $195 for non-member.
What Is It? Assistive technology can be accessed directly or $5.00 UCP Seguin Processing Fee For ASHA CEUs. Please send
indirectly by switch, mouse, joystick, eyegaze or voice. This completed registration form & check payable to UCP Seguin at:
Debra Eubanks, UCP/Infinitec Training Dept
course will present assessment strategies to determine the
7550 West 183rd Street
optimal switch location and switch type to provide access. A
Tinley Park, IL 60477
switch site hierarchy will be presented along with clinical
Phone: 708/444-8460,
indicators for a variety of potential switch locations. A wide
Debra, Ext. 223 or Peggy Zegley, Ext. 247
array of mechanical and electrical switches will also be
This program qualifies for ISBE PD Clock Hours and CE for SLPs, PTs, OTs,
Financial Disclosure: Michelle Lange is being paid
SWs and Nurses through IDFPR, and ASHA CEU
an honorarium and travel expenses for this presentation.
Non-Financial Disclosure: Michelle Lange has no relevant
nonfinancial relationships.
Please check the website before coming to
trainings to make sure there have been no changes in location or for
any weather concerns.
This seminar that relates to Access to Core Curriculum aligns with my school improvement plan. ___Yes
Name: ___________________________________________
Title/Position: ___________________________________
Organization/School District: ________________________________________________________________________________
Coalition Agency (if applicable): _______________________________
Name of Work Site/Address:_________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: ____________________ Zip: __________________
Business Phone: __________________________________
Business Fax:_____________________________________
Business Email: ___________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________
Home Email: _____________________________________
Age-level(s) served:
Early Childhood
Any info changed?:
Accommodations/alternate formats needed (2 weeks notice requested, please):___________________________________
Registration for:
Evaluating The Client For AT - January 21st -- Infinitec Southwest -- Lange -- ASHA
Announcing a workshop from
Special thanks
to ISBE for
their grant
support of this
This Course is offered for .45 ASHA CEUs. Introductory level Professional area.
(100% Attendance Required).
Assessment and Treatment Dilemmas For
Auditory Processing Disorders
Facilitated by: Dr. Gail Richard, Professor Emeritus, EIU
February 24, 2016
Participants will:
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration Starts At: 8:30
•be able to identify behavioral characteristics associated with auditory
processing deficits.
•be able to differentiate aspects of auditory processing deficits to more
effectively focus treatment and assessment techniques
•apply knowledge of neurology to more effectively manage attention,
memory, and learning.
•be challenged to generate intervention strategies for auditory processing
deficits for therapeutic and classroom /educational settings.
Harper College
(Room W216)
1200 West Algonquin Road
Palatine, IL 60067
Reserved for Inf. North Coalition Agencies: Barrington 220, Crystal Lake 47, Crystal
Lake 155, Des Plaines 62, East Main 63, Evanston/Skokie 65, Evanston 202, Harvard 50,
Huntley 158, Lake Zurich 95, Maine Township 207, NTDSE, Niles 219, NSSED, NSSEO,
Palatine 15, Park Ridge 64, Schaumburg 54, SEDOL & Member Districts, Waukegan 60,
Wilmette Comm. SPED Agreement, SOCIAL SERVICES Coalition Members
Reserved for Inf. West Coalition Agencies: Batavia 101, Berwyn North 98, Bi County Sped
Coop, Burlington 301, CASE, Cierco 99, Downer’s Grove 58, Elmhurst 205, Geneva 304,
Hinckley-Big Rock 429, Hinsdale Township 86, Hinsdale 181, Indian Prairie 204, LADSE,
LASECfp/Leyden, Naperville 203, NDSEC, Oak Park 97, Oak Park/River Forest 200, PAEC,
River Bend 2, St. Charles 303, SASED, South Berwyn 100, SOCIAL SERVICE Coalition Members
Who Should Attend: This session is designed for Educators, SLPs,
OTs, AT Specialists, Administrators and Parents.
What Is It? The ability to attach meaning to an auditory stimulus
is the foundation of learning new information in a verbal
environment. Difficulty in accurately and efficiently managing
auditory information contributes to a variety of learning
challenges. The deficit labels include poor listening, auditory
processing problems, and central auditory processing disorder.
Confusion among the labels leads to misdiagnosis and ineffective
treatment strategies. This seminar will address key issues in
identifying, differentiating, and remediating auditory processing
Financial Disclosure: Gail Richard is being paid an honorarium and travel expenses for this
presentation. Non-Financial Disclosure: Gail Richard has no relevant nonfinancial relationships.
Please Fax Registration Form (Before Mailing/ONLY if you are sending
in payment) to: 708-444-4204 Atten: Debra -- By February 17th
or Scan & Email To:
(Please Note: Payment Required Unless
Cancellation Received 72 Business Hrs. In Advance (Feb 19th)
How do I sign up? – PLEASE PRINT NEATLY
Fee is $45.00 for Coalition Members. $195 for non-member.
$5.00 UCP Seguin Processing Fee For ASHA CEUs. Please send
completed registration form & check payable to UCP Seguin at:
Debra Eubanks, UCP/Infinitec Training Dept
7550 West 183rd Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477
Phone: 708/444-8460,
Debra, Ext. 223 or Peggy Zegley, Ext. 247
This program qualifies for ISBE PD Clock Hours and CE for SLPs,
PTs, OTs, SWs and Nurses through IDFPR, and ASHA CEU
Please check the website before coming to
trainings to make sure there have been no changes in location or for
any weather concerns.
This seminar that relates to Access to Core Curriculum aligns with my school improvement plan. ___Yes
Name: ___________________________________________
Title/Position: ___________________________________
Organization/School District: ________________________________________________________________________________
Coalition Agency (if applicable): _______________________________
Name of Work Site/Address:_________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: ____________________ Zip: __________________
Business Phone: __________________________________
Business Fax:_____________________________________
Business Email: ___________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________
Home Email: _____________________________________
Age-level(s) served:
Early Childhood
Any info changed?:
Accommodations/alternate formats needed (2 weeks notice requested, please):___________________________________
Registration for:
Auditory Processing - February 24th --- Infinitec North & Infinitec West -- Richard -- ASHA
Announcing a workshop from
Special thanks
to ISBE for
their grant
support of this
This Course is offered for .45 ASHA CEUs. Introductory level Professional area.
(100% Attendance Required).
Executive Function Skills In Children And Adolescents
Facilitated by: Sarah Ward — M.S., CCC/SLP
Co-Director of Cognitive Connections at The Center for Executive Function Skill Development
May 12, 2016
Participants will be able to:
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration Starts At: 8:30
UCP Seguin/Infinitec Southwest
7550 West 183rd Street
Tinely Park, IL 60477
Reserved for Inf. North Coalition Agencies: Barrington 220, Crystal Lake 47, Crystal Lake 155, Des Plaines 62, East
Main 63, Evanston/Skokie 65, Evanston 202, Harvard 50, Huntley 158, Lake Zurich 95, Maine Township 207, NTDSE, Niles 219,
NSSED, NSSEO, Palatine 15, Park Ridge 64, Schaumburg 54, SEDOL & Member Districts, Waukegan 60, Wilmette Comm. SPED
Agreement, SOCIAL SERVICES Coalition Members
Reserved for Inf. West Coalition Agencies: Batavia 101, Berwyn North 98, Bi County SPED, Burlington 301, CASE, Cierco
99, Downer’s Grove 58, Elmhurst 205, Geneva 304, Hinckley-Big Rock 429, Hinsdale Township 86, Hinsdale 181, Indian Prairie 204,
LADSE, LASECfp/Leyden, Naperville 203, NDSEC, Oak Park 97, Oak Park/River Forest 200, PAEC, River Bend 2, St. Charles 303,
SASED, South Berwyn 100, SOCIAL SERVICES Coalition Members
Reserved for Inf. Southwest Coalition Agencies: A.E.R.O., ECHO, Eisenhower Coop, Homer 33C, Iroquois SPED, Joliet 86,
Kankakee 111, KASEC, Kirby 140, LASEC, Lockport 205, LEASE, Lincolnway, Manteno 5, New Lennox 122, Orland 135, SOWIC,
SPEED, SWCCCASE, Valley View 365, Will County 92, SOCIAL SERVICES Coalition Members
Who Should Attend: This session is designed for Educators, SLPs, OTs, AT
Specialists, Administrators and Parents.
•state the functional working definition of what is meant by the term “executive
function skills” as it pertains to therapeutic interventions.
•define how situational awareness, self talk, forethought and hindsight are the
foundational skills for successful task executions.
•identify milestones of Executive Function Development.
•develop an intervention program to foster a student’s ability to form more
independent executive function skills by describing therapeutic activities.
Please Fax Registration Form (Before Mailing/ONLY if you are sending
in payment) to: 708-444-4204 Atten: Debra -- By May 5th
or Scan & Email To:
(Please Note: Payment Required Unless
Cancellation Received 72 Business Hrs. In Advance (May 9th)
How do I sign up? – PLEASE PRINT NEATLY
Fee is $35.00 for Coalition Members. $195 for non-member.
$5.00 UCP Seguin Processing Fee For ASHA CEUs. Please send
What Is It? To successfully execute, children need to be aware of
completed registration form & check payable to UCP Seguin at:
task demands & set goals. Then they must access forethought and
hindsight to think in an organized way and to sustain their focus
Debra Eubanks, UCP/Infinitec Training Dept
on the relevant features of the task at hand. Professionals will
7550 West 183rd Street
learn how to develop practical therapeutic interventions to support
Tinley Park, IL 60477
student’s development of: forethought, situational awareness, goal
selection, task management & planning, time management and
Debra, Ext. 223 or Peggy Zegley, Ext. 247
organized thinking/speed of processing. These skills will be
applied to self regulation in the classroom, written expression,
homework completion & management of materials & technologies.
Financial Disclosure: Sarah Ward is being paid an honorarium and travel expenses for this presentation. Sarah Ward
benefits financially from her company’s sale of products to improve executive function skills. She has no relevant
nonfinancial relationships.
This program qualifies for ISBE PD Clock Hours and CE for SLPs, PTs, OTs, SWs
and Nurses through IDFPR, and ASHA CEU
Please check the website before coming to trainings to
make sure there have been no changes in location or for any weather
This seminar that relates to Executive Function aligns with my school improvement plan. ___Yes
Name: ___________________________________________
Title/Position: ___________________________________
Organization/School District: ________________________________________________________________________________
Coalition Agency (if applicable): _______________________________
Name of Work Site/Address:_________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
State: ____________________ Zip: __________________
Business Phone: __________________________________
Business Fax:_____________________________________
Business Email: ___________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________
Home Email: _____________________________________
Age-level(s) served:
Early Childhood
Any info changed?:
Accommodations/alternate formats needed (2 weeks notice requested, please):___________________________________
Registration for: Executive Function Skills - May 12th --- Infinitec North & Infinitec West & Infinitec Southwest -- Ward -- ASHA