IRELAND AND CERN: INDUSTRIAL C O M PA T I B I L I T Y ronan wallace 1 August 27, 2015 contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction CERN contracts Irish industry Ireland and CERN: assessing the overlap Conclusions Acknowledgements Appendix 2 3 4 4 8 9 10 abstract This document outlines the industrial, manufacturing and technological needs of CERN and the ability of existing Irish businesses to cater for these needs. Suitable businesses exist across all of Ireland, not only at the economic epicentres. Of the relevant businesses in Ireland, 79% support Irish membership of CERN. executive summary • Opportunity: CERN a potential market for Irish businesses worth e300 million annually • Obstacles: Membership of CERN (cost:e1-10 million) • Survey: ∼200, relevant, high-tech businesses identified across Ireland • Result: 87% of Irish high-tech businesses have handled contracts in excess of e750,000 • Result: 19% of Irish high-tech businesses devoted to electrical engineering • Result: 14% of CERN outgoings in 2014 related to electrical engineering 1 University College Dublin, School of Physics, Ireland 1 introduction Figure 1: CERN member states are shaded blue. Unaffiliated countries are grey. 1 introduction CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is an international organisation devoted to the establishment of world-class physics research in Europe. It is located on the Franco-Swiss border, between the Jura mountains, lake Geneva, and the city of Geneva itself. The activities of CERN captured the imagination of much of the world when the discovery of a fundamental particle called the Higgs boson was announced in July 2012 [1]. One of CERN’s worst kept secrets is that the internet was invented there [2]. CERN was founded in 1954 by 12 countries. Many more countries have joined the organisation since then. The CERN member states as of 31/07/15 are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and Slovakia. Romania is a candidate for accession. These countries are highlighted in blue in Figure 1. Member states of CERN are entitled to compete for service and supply contracts at CERN, which are worth approximately e300 million annually [3]. Currently, the Republic of Ireland is not a member state of CERN and cannot compete for these contracts. To become a full member of CERN, Ireland’s annual membership fee would be e10 million. Associate membership is 10% of full membership, and therefore e1 million [3]. If Ireland were to join CERN, the question arises as to whether or not the country can take advantage of the business on offer. This report aims to quantify the ability and appetite of Irish industry to meet the demands of CERN. All figures in this report are quoted in Euro (e). Swiss Francs (CHF) have been converted to Euro using the exchange rate: 1 CHF = e0.93. In Section 2, the nature and variety of CERN contracts is explored. In Section 3, a number of Irish businesses that could potentially do business with CERN are identified. Section 4 evaluates the compatibility of Irish business with CERN. Conclusions are provided in Section 5. Acknowledgements are given in Section 6 and the Appendices 7 provide supporting material. 2 cern contracts 2 cern contracts The supply and service needs of CERN are varied. For budgeting purposes, CERN breaks the types contracts down into sectors. • Civil engineering and buildings • Electrical engineering and energy • Electronics (including radio frequency equipment) • Computer systems and communication, including rental and maintenance • Mechanical structures - supplies and manufacturing techniques • Vacuum and low-temperature technology • Particle detectors • Design studies - miscellaneous supplies • Cleaning/maintenance In 2014, CERN payments and outstanding commitments to member states, for services and supplies, amounted to e347 million, as indicated in Table 9. The largest of CERN’s outgoings last year were, by sector, 1. Electrical engineering and energy (14%), 2. Civil engineering and buildings (13%), 3. Design studies - misecellaneous supplies (13%). CERN member states bid for supply and service contracts with CERN. Bids are evaluated according to procurement guidelines [4, 5]. Essentially, contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, however, efforts are also made to fairly distribute the contracts among the member states. For example, if a company is affiliated with a member state whose percentage share of contracts is low compared to the percentage contribution to the total CERN budget, and if the company’s bid is within 20% of the lowest bid, that company is given an opportunity to match the lowest bid. There are currently 48 open calls to tender appearing on the CERN Procurement and Industrial Services Group website [6]. These calls to tender are essentially contract auctions; each one listed on this website is expected to lead to a contract exceeding e185,000 in value. Each call is designated a cost group: A, B, C or D. Group A represents contracts expected to amount to less than e698,000, group B represents contracts estimated between e698,000 and e4,650,000, group C represents contracts between e4,650,000 and e9,300,000, while group D represents items above e9,300,000. Using these guidelines, the total value of the contracts that are open to bids have been estimated. A summary is given in Table 1. CERN Group A B C D Number 8 29 6 5 Total Value [106 e] 1.5 - 5.6 20.3 - 135 27.9 - 55.8 46.5+ Table 1: Estimated value of contracts currently available to CERN member states. The first column shows the cost group. The second column shows the number of contracts associated with each cost group. The third column indicates the total value of contracts per cost group. 3 irish industry Figure 2: Geographic spread of technology firms in Ireland with the potential to compete for CERN contracts. member states are currently bidding for contracts worth a total value of about e200 million. CERN prefers to do business with well-established companies that have a proven track record. The ability of a company to successfully deliver the supplies or services are examined by CERN with different levels of scrutiny. Extra precautions are taken by CERN for contracts exceeding e185,000. For an introduction on how to do business with CERN there are a number of resources available on the CERN Procurement and Industrial Services website [6]. 3 irish industry Many of the companies registered in Ireland are listed on the IDA website [7]. The businesses listed here form three broad categories, financial services, medical devices and "other". A subset of the "other" category has been identified as the set of businesses in Ireland that could potentially do business with CERN. Companies are selected based on whether or not they fall under one of the sectors mentioned in Section 2. There are 182 such businesses. Their names, expertise, locations, telephone numbers and websites are listed in Tables 2 - 9. It is clear from these tables that in terms of expertise, Irish companies are diverse. Fields like semiconductors, integrated circuits, circuit boards and optical fibres are all related to CERN’s principle activities. It is also noteworthy that the companies are spread across the whole island of Ireland, as can be seen in Figure 2. 4 ireland and cern: assessing the overlap In this section, the compatibility of existing Irish industry with the needs of CERN are examined. A number of questions need to be answered. For instance, are Irish businesses established enough to conform to CERN procurement policy? Can Irish businesses deliver on the large scale contracts that are available? Does the profile of high-tech Irish business match that 4 ireland and cern: assessing the overlap of CERN? Is the new market opportunity at CERN of interest to Irish businesses? An anonymous survey, intended for the companies listed in Tables 2 - 9, was designed in order to answer these questions [8]. The survey consisted of the following questions. In most cases a choice of answers was provided to the participant. 1. How old is your company? • 0-3 years • 3-5 years • 5-10 years • 10+ years 2. How many employees work at your company? • 0-10 • 10-50 • 50-100 • 100+ 3. Which one of the following best describes your company’s expertise? • Civil engineering and buildings • Electrical engineering and energy • Electronics • Computer systems and communication • Mechanical structures - supplies and manufacturing techniques • Vacuum and low-temperature technology • Semiconductors • Design • Maintenance/Cleaning (Services) 4. What is the average value of contracts secured by your business? • <e20,000 • e20,000-e75,000 • e75,000-e500,000 • e500,000-e1,000,000 • e1,000,000+ • Don’t know 5. What is the value of the largest contract secured by your company to date? • <e200,000 • e200,000-e750,000 • e750,000-e5,000,000 • e5,000,000+ • Don’t know 6. Do you support Irish membership of CERN? • Yes • No • Unsure 7. If you have any additional comments, please make them here. 5 ireland and cern: assessing the overlap How old is your company? Answered: 34 Skipped: 0 0-3 years 3-5 years 5-10 years 10+ years 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Figure 3: Age profile of surveyed companies in Ireland. How many employees work at your company? Answered: 34 Skipped: 0 0-10 10-50 50-100 100+ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Figure 4: Number of employees working for surveyed companies in Ireland. The first two questions are designed to check how well-established the companies are, which is relevant to CERN when trusting companies to deliver on contracts. Answers to the third question link the survey sample with the various types of CERN contract that are mentioned in Section 2. In some cases the wording has been rephrased - for example particle detectors is replaced by semiconductors.1 The fourth and fifth questions are designed to assess the typical sizes of contracts that Irish companies are currently undertaking. The next-to last question asks if the surveyed companies would support Irish membership of CERN and the last invites additional comments. Telephone contact was made with the 182 companies listed in Tables 2 - 9. These phone calls were followed up with emails to 77 addresses containing links to the survey. There are 34 survey responses, which amount to 5.4% of the identified companies. The results are presented in Figures 3 - 8, where the optional answers are displayed on the vertical axis and the percentage of the survey sample is displayed on the horizontal axis. Each figure also displays the question, how many times this question was answered and how many times the question was skipped. About 97% of the surveyed companies have been in business for more than 10 years. The companies are reasonably large, with less than 6% of 1 Semiconductor technology allows the tracking of electrically charged particles in particle detectors. 6 ireland and cern: assessing the overlap Which one of the following best describes your company's expertise? Answered: 32 Skipped: 2 Civil Eng. Electrical Eng. Electronics Computer Sys. Mechanical Eng. Vacuum Tech. Semiconductors Design Maintenance 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Figure 5: Expertise of surveyed companies in Ireland. The types indicated in the vertical axis have been abbreviated for clarity in the figure. See Section 2 for full description. What is the average value of contracts secured by your business? Euro Answered: 31 Skipped: 3 0k-20k 20k-75k 75k-500k 500k-1M 1M+ Don't know 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Figure 6: Average value of contracts secured by surveyed companies in Ireland. What is the value of the largest contract secured by your company to date? Euro Answered: 31 Skipped: 3 0k-200k 200k-750k 750k-5M 5M+ Don't know 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Figure 7: Largest contract secured to date by surveyed companies in Ireland. 7 conclusions Do you support Irish membership of CERN? Answered: 29 Skipped: 5 Yes No Unsure 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Figure 8: Desire of surveyed companies in Ireland to see Ireland a member of CERN. companies surveyed having 10 employees or less. While the average contract is usually in the range between e75,000-e500,000, more than 87% of businesses have been awarded contracts worth more than e750,000. This indicates that Irish businesses have the stature to do business with CERN. Of the businesses surveyed, 19% consider themselves under the domain of "electrical engineering and energy". CERN spent approximately e50 million in this sector in 2014, the largest amount by sector of CERN’s payments and outstanding commitments (see Table 9). Most of the businesses surveyed (31%) consider themselves experts in areas related to "mechanical structures - supplies and manufacturing techniques". Approximately e20 million was spent by CERN in this area in 2014 (see Table 9). About 79% of the businesses surveyed support Irish membership of CERN. 5 conclusions CERN is a large scientific organisation consisting of member states. Companies resident in member states compete for service and supply contracts at CERN. Ireland is currently not a member of CERN. In view of potential Irish participation at CERN, a list of Irish companies that could compete for CERN contracts is given in this document. These companies are located right across the island of Ireland. A survey to assess the compatibility of Irish industry and CERN’s needs is described. This survey has been conducted and the results are presented here. Most of the businesses surveyed are big enough and established enough to meet CERN’s procurement criteria. The largest part of CERN’s budget was spent in the area of electronic engineering. Of the businesses to complete the survey, 19% fell under this category. If Ireland were to join CERN it is reasonable to expect considerable competition from Irish businesses, for a share of the e300 million that CERN spends each year. 8 acknowledgements 6 acknowledgements I would like to thank Sheila Gilheaney from the Institute of Physics in Ireland and Eileen Diskin from the Innovation Academy for their guidance. I would also like to thank Mary Wallace and Brendan Wallace for their help making phone calls. I want to thank the companies in Ireland who participated in the survey as well as the people at CERN Procurement and Industrial Services group who provided much of the information in these pages. This report was produced as part of the output of the DGGP, funded under the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI) Cycle 5 and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. 9 appendix 7 appendix 10 Computer Systems Mechanical Vacuum and Low 193 and Communication 163 Engineering 559 Temperature Tech. 341 471 43 1197 90 14 231 549 154 7924 5 3166 123 1519 272 2438 809 Germany 2516 4506 5391 Denmark 58 782 666 Spain Finland 11207 80 1562 87 France 10172 UK 885 Greece Hungary 61 3 k€ Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Design Maintenance Total 280 751 and Cleaning 1424 3888 98 672 0 3095 0 0 20 0 900 3009 47 3180 47 106 51 13640 508 37439 0 67350 1730 5383 3735 3984 274 8678 3101 34938 45 1196 27 0 122 7251 9436 567 234 2969 13 1810 585 578 22 23 81 2876 280 14205 0 33292 1286 32755 7754 1174 3097 2447 352 10436 64629 123518 2310 3568 6775 1097 590 140 1764 10597 25787 90 1144 195 698 6 6 258 77 0 1 0 0 286 16 372 0 1179 1809 Austria and Building 77 and energy 392 Belgium 555 202 Bulgaria 0 Switzerland Czech Republic Particle detectors Israel 6 37 647 104 4 0 14 140 0 885 Italy 15900 3262 2702 6019 3611 3381 25 2098 7084 40995 Netherlands Norway 47 3 872 194 525 315 1838 96 257 556 481 44 16 46 3374 472 1846 0 8608 1604 160 475 705 2115 1135 285 0 896 0 5366 0 1376 16 0 43 0 12 261 301 1869 Romania Serbia 5 0 8 0 5 0 0 0 472 185 9 0 0 0 73 21 0 0 532 192 3955 Sweden 198 452 1853 170 393 474 0 712 0 Slovakia 0 15 125 2 53 3 234 122 0 515 Total 46371 50057 26647 28563 21881 14864 1629 44843 137872 346637 11 Figure 9: Values of CERN contracts awarded to member states in 2014. Estimates courtesy of CERN Procurement and Industrial Services Group. appendix Poland Portugal Expertise Industrial drive belts Precision wire components Adhesive coatings IT Commun. Devel. Couplings Superluminescant diodes Optical fibres Mouldings Electronic components Semiconductors Back plane connectors Integrated circuits Power conditioning equipment Cloud networking Systems development Wireless LANs Semiconductor circuits Charge transfer capicitive sensing IT and languages Software R&D Software development Chip programming Software/ICT Rupture Discs Circuit board layout Location Letterkenny Oranmore Limerick Dublin Roscommon Carrigtwohill Dublin Cork Cork Cork Drogheda Limerick Maynooth Shannon Cork Cork Donegal Dublin Cork Dublin Dublin Dublin Oranmore Limerick Shannon Telephone +353749125066 +35391795118 +35361300300 +35314260926 +353906626556 +353214533666 +35318864444 +35351355091 +3532970677 +353214547512 +353419806970 +35361308448 +35391702000 +35361639288 +353217305800 +353214233000 +353749188128 +353419818676 +353214940750 +353012075600 +35312950066 +35318055602 +35391792444 +35361227022 +353361701170 12 Table 2: Names of surveyed companies in Ireland. Website appendix Name A&M Belting Company Ltd Accelent Adhesives Research ADP Computer Company Advanced Couplings Ltd Advanced Technology Forwarding Alcatel Lucent Ireland Allsop Europe Ltd Alps Electric Altera European Trading Amphenol TCS Ireland Analog Devices APC by Schneider Electric Arista Networks Arris Communications Aruba Networks Asset Intertech Atmel Technology Ireland Atos IT Avaya Avid Avnet B&B Smartbox B.S.&B Safety Systems Beta Layout Ltd Expertise Lubrication systems machinery Software/ICT Auto ignition, diesel engines Electronic components Bottles/Containers ICT O-rings, gaskets, seals Sealing products Software for semiconductors Bottled gas Valves for oil wells Air filters Truck mounted forklifts High purity valves Metal powders Electronics manufacturing Distribution transformers Software Engineered fabrications Road construction Road emulsion Software Software Flexible cable systems ICT Location Ennis Foxrock Tralee Blackrock Ballyconnell Dublin Sligo Dublin Dublin Whitegate Longford Dublin Dundalk Waterford Dublin Ballybrit Cavan Limerick Cappoquin Oranmore Dublin Dublin Monagahan Baltinglass Shannon Telephone +353656821543 +35312076800 +353667125111 +353214515221 +353499526219 +353719161720 +35314047010 +35318054300 +353214661269 +353433350600 +35318484977 +353429359500 +35351355436 +35314515833 +35391705000 +353494331588 +35361261300 +3535854205 +35391794650 +35314564244 +35316077300 +3534771133 +353596482413 +35361472221 13 Table 3: Names of surveyed companies in Ireland. Website appendix Name Bijur Delimon Int. BMC Software Europe Borg Werner Beru Bourns Electronic Boxmore Plastics Broadcom International Bruss, G. GmbH Burgman Packings Ltd Cadence Design System Calor Kosangas Ltd Cameron Ireland Ltd Camfil Ireland Ltd Cargotec Carten Controls Ltd Castolin Eutectic Celestica CG Power Systems Channel Advisor CIL Precision Colas Teoranta Colfix Computer Associates Computershare Governance Conductix Wampfler Connor Winfield Expertise Electric motors Power devices DL/DL converter Messaging software Semiconductor devices Process control systems Precision fasteners Computer hardware Communications software Cutting tools Software/Hardware development Rubber sealing products Online storage Software/ICT Rubber to metal bonding. Vibration satbilisers Film capacitors Superabrasives/Diamond materials Measuring and control devices Enterprise storage systems Data centre infrastructure Wind energy systems Inventory management Radio controlled devices Connectors for automotive Anti-botnet protection Electronic manufacturing Location Newbridge Wexford Dublin Cork Carlow Shannon Limerick Dublin Arklow Ballybrit Portlaise Dublin Limerick Leitrim Oughterard Shannon Templemore Cork Shannon Tralee Longford Dublin Fermoy Cork Cork +353719855590 +35391552432 +35361471655 +35350431433 +353214281500 +35361471877 +353667178215 +353433349200 +35314215500 +3532539600 +353216019100 +353212300000 Website 14 Table 4: Names of surveyed companies in Ireland. Telephone +35345448200 +3535370100 +35312415000 +353212302311 +353599146859 +35361716500 +35361304091 +35316309000 +35340239388 +353915477000 +353578621992 appendix Name Control Techniques Convertex Ltd Critical Path Cypress semiconductor De Laval Ltd Deepak fasteners Dell Dialogic Distribution Ltd Dieterle Werkzeughandel Tooling DigitalOptics Corporation Dis enbi seals Ireland Ltd Dropbox DTS Licensing ElastoMetall Ireland Ltd Electronic Concepts Ltd Element Six Ltd Eltex Manufacturing Ltd EMC Information Systems Emerson Network Power Avocent Enercon windfarm services Epicor Software Ireland FAAC electronics Ltd FCI Ireland FireEye Ireland Limited Flextronics Expertise PVC/PET sheeting Precision carriage slides Moisture/flow metres Process engineering Hardware/ICT Clean technology Rubber antivibration pads Plaster products ICT/Hardware Precious metals and compounds Automotive metal press parts Software/ICT Hand tools/Door Linings/Plastics Manufacture of precision tools Power driven hand tools Compressor and turbin wheels Parts for Programmable Logic Controllers Tail lifts Hydraulic equipment Pumps Motors and fans Semiconductors Temperatue control Library system software Microprocessor fabricatons Location Cavan Sligo Shannon Naas Galway Letterkenny Clifden Kingscourt Dunshaughlin Shannon Sligo Kildare Ballina Shannon Dublin Waterford Cork Waterford Carlow Shannon Carlow Dublin Shannon Dublin Leixlip Telephone +353436683525 +353719161495 +35361470200 +35345981200 +35391751175 +34944712131 +3539521382 +353429698100 +35318665722 +35361472099 +353719161149 +35316150000 +3539670444 +35361716500 +35318036222 +35351376411 +353214321266 +353526124611 +353599142529 +35361471933 +353599141332 +35317999500 +35361470300 +35316722300 +35316067000 15 Table 5: Names of surveyed companies in Ireland. Website appendix Name Foamalite Fohrenbach precision slides GE Sensing EMEA GEA process technologies General Monitors Incorporated GES Ireland GMT Ireland Ltd Gypsum Industries Ltd Harbour Technology Ltd Heraeus Metal Processing Herkel Wire Drawing Tools Hewlett Packard Ltd Heyco Werk Ireland Hi Life Tools (Ptg) Hitachi Koki Ltd Honeywell International Horner APG Ireland Hydro Tech Engineering Ltd Hydro-hoist Ltd IDEX Pump Technologies Ltd IMOFA Limited Infineon Technologies Ireland Ingersoll Rand Climate Solution Innovative Interfaces Global Intel Ireland Ltd Expertise Power supply and EMC equipment Temperature Controllers Aluminium castings Electrical cables Consulting engineers Sealing components Hardware/ICT Memory products Automotive metal press Electronic components Machine control systems Semiconductors Telecoms cables Container craines Electro-mechanical control Aerosol valves injection moulding Laser based measurement sensors Electrical control panels Anti-virus software Packaging equipment Chemical and electronic cleaning Graphics cards Analog an mixed signal ICs Mirros,plastic moulding, assembly Lead refining Location Limerick Dublin Mallow New Ross Cork Shannon Limerick Dublin Letterkenny Abbeyfeale Wicklow Dublin Dublin Killarney Gort Sligo Dublin Tuam Dublin Athlone Limerick Cork Dublin Manorhamilton Dublin Telephone +35361332233 +35314691800 +3532221944 +35351421405 +353214515777 +35361472155 +35361260101 +35318128888 +353749122184 +3536831444 +35312819129 +35318774800 +353851114251 +353646670200 +35391631519 +353719150888 +35314197436 +3539370900 +35316139300 +353906472691 +35361208182 +353214325600 +35312235500 +353719820040 +35314573240 16 Table 6: Names of surveyed companies in Ireland. Website appendix Name Intepro Systems Invensys Eurotherm Ltd Irish Blackwater Castings Ltd Irish Driver Harris Company Jacobs Engineering Ltd John Crane Ireland Ltd Kemp Technologies Kingston Technology Ireland Kirchoff Ireland Ltd Kostal Ireland Labod Electronic Production LAM Research Ltd Level 3 Communications Liebherr Container Cranes Lisk Ireland Limited Litec Moulding Ltd LMI Incorporated Logstrup Limited Mandiant Ireland Ltd MarquipWardUnited Materion Matrox Ltd Maxim Integrated Products MCi Ireland Metal Processors Ltd Expertise POS Terminals and Software Stretch plastic film and sheet Electronic components metal sensing High performance cables Electro-mechanical servo valves High pressure gas cylinder valves Wind turbines Telecommunications equipment Metal components Marine Turbines Soap dispensers, hygiene products Reflective film Precision couplings, valves,hose Pumps Self clinch fasteners Lifts Software Development Switch mode power supplies Pumps/Water purification LED illumination LAN modules Telecommunications chips Embedded systems Concrete products Computer software Location Galway Waterford Little Island Ennis Ringaskiddy Bray Dublin Galway Dublin Greenore Sligo Waterford Wexford Mullingar Galway Dunboyne Cork Limerick Sligo Little Island Tuam Mahon Swords Sligo Cork Telephone +35391747993 +35351851551 +353214232352 +353656869350 +353214519000 +35312761964 +40 300301000 +35391757671 +35318837900 +35317170200 +353719183347 +35351358132 +353539141566 +353449347078 +35391751714 +35318252333 +353214346535 +35361225977 +353719151222 +353215001300 +3539370300 +353212454600 +35318409809 +353719162562 +353212303400 17 Table 7: Names of surveyed companies in Ireland. Website appendix Name Micros Fidelio Ltd Mima packaging systems Minelab International Ltd Monster Cable International Moog Ireland Ltd Neriki Europe Ltd Nordex Networks Ltd Nortel Networks Ltd Ohshima Ireland Ltd Open Hydro Limited Ophardt Hygiene Orafol Europe Parker Snap Tite Patterson Pump Ireland Ltd PEM Europe Pickerings Lifts Ltd Pilz Ireland Automation Power One Ireland Limited ProMinent Ireland Ltd ProPhotonix Ltd Pulse Engineering Ltd QT Technologies Ltd Radisys ireland Ltd Readymix Red Hat Limited Expertise Specialised electronic equipment Machine tool accessories Measuring probes and software Radiator valves Aluminium accessories Software development Power supplies Passenger and goods lifts Custom built valves IC and systems design Hand tools Air filters Plastic injection Storage devices Submersible pumps and components Insulators/ Surge Arrestors Voltage testers and power supplies Ventilation Equipment Transport refrigerators Ground ball screws Carburettors Stainless steel bolts Fire safety and security Thermostats Industrial coatings Location Carnew Bandon Swords Newcastlewest Enniscorthy Dublin Bantry Dublin Togher Dublin Cork Killarney Kinsale Dublin Wexford Limerick Wexford Carlow Galway Dublin Tralee Mallow Cork Dublin Leitrim Website 18 Table 8: Names of surveyed companies in Ireland. Telephone +353539426742 +353238841642 +35318131100 +3536962277 +353539235600 +35316420800 +3532751580 +35314502331 +353214837007 +35312911000 +353214211600 +353646633322 +353214702400 +35312055566 +353539163200 +35361472855 +353539143155 +353599131646 +35391751231 +35314628101 +353667121911 +3532222301 +353214235000 +35314620192 +353719645077 appendix Name Rehan Electronics Limited Reliance Precision Manufacturing Renishaw Ltd Rettig Ireland Ltd Reynaer’s Manufacturing Ltd Sage Ireland Schaefer Schindler SchuF Valve Technology Silicon and Software Systems Snap On Equipment Limited SPX Flow Technology Kerry Ltd Stern Plastic Hellstern Produktion StorageTek Ireland Ltd Sulzer Pump Solutions Ltd Te Connectivity Theo Benning Irl. Thermo Air Environmental Technology Thermo King Ireland THK manufacturing Ireland Ltd Tillotsen Limited TR Fastening Tyco Ireland Ltd Uchiya Ireland Ltd Valspar Industries Ltd Name Volex Limited Wavin Ireland Ltd Weber Instruments Ltd Weener Plastic Packaging WWT International Engineering Services Xilinx Ireland ZMDI Expertise Fibre optic products Plastic pipes Flow sensors Plastic injection moulding Oil drilling tools Integrated ciruit designs Semiconductors Location Castelbar Balbriggan Naas Drumcollogher Shannon Dublin Limerick Telephone +3539423444 +35318020200 +35345879774 +3536383118 +35361475033 +35314640311 +35361490452 Website Table 9: Names of surveyed companies in Ireland. appendix 19 references references [1] CERN. The Higgs boson. higgs-boson. [Online; accessed 25-August-2015]. [2] CERN. The birth of the world wide web. topics/birth-web. [Online; accessed 25-August-2015]. [3] The Institute of Physics in Ireland. The case for Irish membership of the European laboratory for particle physics - CERN. http: // [Online; accessed 6-August-2015]. [4] CERN. tracts. Selection and adjudication criteria for service con- [Online; accessed 25-August-2015]. [5] CERN. tracts. Selection and adjudication criteria for supply con- [Online; accessed 25-August-2015]. [6] Procurement and industrial services group. http://procurement.web. [Online; accessed 6-August-2015]. [7] IDA company listing in Ireland. business-in-ireland/company-listing/. [Online; accessed 6-August- 2015]. [8] SurveyMonkey. [Online; accessed 26August-2015]. 20