F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E Sect io n 1 – In t ro du ct io n Front-of-House Order Entry Terminals have provisions for Managers to access up to 30 different management functions necessary in the day-to-day operations of the Aloha POS System. These functions permit accurate employee communications with the system, approval of exception items such as deletes, transfers and payment adjustments, printer routing, password control, Comp and Promo, and Menu assignments. The Manager Functions screen is available only to employees with Manager Jobcodes and access levels. Touch the Functions button on the Working with Tables Screen to open the Functions screen. We will spend the next four sections going over what these buttons are used for. F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E Sect io n 2 – Rep o r t s The reports function on the FOH is a little different from the reports function on the back-of-house. The biggest difference is you can only see reports from the current date of business. So use these reports as more of a snapshot of how the day you are on is going. Here is a breakdown of some of the functions available to you. 1. Restaurant Sales This function allows the manager to check the current sales totals, a summary of sales, net sales, payments, comps, promos or taxes. This report may be viewed or printed. 2. Server Sales This function will allow a manager to choose any employee that is clocked in, and check their current sales, gross sales, and all sales per hour. This report may be viewed or printed. 3. Employees Clocked-in Prints a report that allows the manager see which employees are clocked into the system. 4. Flash Reports This function allows the manager to view or print period reports, entire day summary, entire day sales, entire day performances, and entire day labor. 5. Item Availability Report This report prints all items that were changed in the Item Availability section. 6. Labor Report This report will show you your labor versus sales. F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E Sect io n 3 – Fin an cial This section will break down the financial section of the manager menu. The financial section is used by management to do various function when it comes to cash drawers, item management, and table management. 1. Void Items Items may be voided by a manager after an item is ordered, but before the check is closed. Items cannot be voided on closed checks. The manager will void the whole check, print the voided check, staple it to the original and return it to the server. To void an item on an open check: a. Select the void button and a list of employee names will appear b. Select the name of the employee for which the void is to be made c. Select the table number and the check will appear. d. Highlight all the menu items to be deleted e. Select Reasons to Void screen will display. Select the appropriate reason. A message will appear "You have selected items totaling $___ to be voided. Are you sure?" Touch OK if everything is correct. F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E 2. Adjusting a Payment a. Select Adjust Payment. A list of employee names will appear. b. Select the name of the employee c. Select the specific table. d. Select OK. e. Select any payment, promo, comp, tax exempt, or gratuity by touching the appropriate choice. f. Adjust the information or amount of any regular payment (i.e., credit card, and gift certificates. 3. Opening a Closed Check a. Select Open Closed Check b. Select the name of the employee. A list of the employee’s closed checks will appear c. Select the table and touch OK. Touch OK again to confirm the correct check has been reopened. 4. Reprinting a Check a. Select Reprint Check. b. Select the name of the employee. A list of the employee’s open tables will appear. c. Select the table number. d. Select print and the check will print. 5. Assign Promotion a. Select the Assign Promo button and a list of employee names will appear. b. Select the name of the employee for which the Promo is to be made. c. Select the table number and the check will appear. d. Select the promo to be applied. A message, "Is this correct?" will display. e. Touch OK, if the information is correct. The assigned promo displays on the check. f. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more promos. Touch Done to complete. 6. Assign Comp a. Select the Comp button and a list of employee names will appear. b. Select the name of the employee for which the comp is to be. c. Select the table number to receive the comp. A list of comp types will display. d. Select the menu item(s) to be comped. Touch OK. F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E 7. Transfer Tables a. Select Transfer Tables. A list of employee names with open tables will appear. b. Touch the employee’s name with the table to be transferred. Touch OK. c. Touch the table number to transfer. A list of available employees will appear. d. Select the employee name to receive the transfer. Touch OK. A message, “Move table from _____ to _____?” will display. Touch OK. 8. Forcing a Transfer a. Select Force Transfer. A list of employee’s names with pending transfers displays. b. Touch the employee’s name to receive the force transfer. Touch OK. A list of that employee’s pending tables with transfers will display. c. Touch the table number to force transfer. A message “Remove responsibility for table _____ from ____?” Touch OK. 9. Viewing Open Tables a. Select View Tables. Touch the category desired: Sort by Table, Sort by Server, Sort by Guests, Sort by Amount. b. The open tables will appear from the category you have chosen. c. Touch a table and touch View for more information about the table to appear. 10. Cash Drawers a. Select Cash Drawers. Select an employee name from the list on the left, and then select the appropriate drawer number by touching it. b. Touch the Done button. 11. Item Availability a. Select the Item Availability button. The submenu and items will appear. b. Select the item to change availability. c. Select No limit, Items Not Available, or adjust accordingly with up and down arrows. d. Touch OK. Item availability will be changed. F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E Sect io n 4 – Em p loy ee This section will give you a breakdown of the employee screen. This screen is used to edit functions regarding employee clock-ins, passwords, and check-outs. 1. Delete Clock Out a. Select Delete Clock Out. A list of applicable employees will display. b. Touch the employee’s name whose clock out is to be deleted. Touch OK. A message, “Delete clock out time ____ for ____?” displays. Touch OK. Server clock out will be deleted. 2. Delete Check Out a. Select Delete Check Out. A list of applicable employees will display. b. Touch the employee’s name whose check out will be deleted. A message “Delete Checkout For _____?” displays. Touch OK. F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E 3. Edit Clock In a. Select the Edit Clock In function. A list of employees that have clocked in and out for the day will appear. b. Select the name of the employee to edit the clock in. The edit clock in screen will appear. (If the employee has not clocked out for the day, a clock out button will appear.) c. Correct minutes using the single pink arrows. To correct hours use double pink arrows. d. Touch OK if the number is entered correctly. 4. Server Information a. Select the Server Information function. b. Server Information message will print on the local Front of House printer. c. The printed message is set up in the Back Office. See BOH manager instructions to change the message. 5. Clearing a Password a. Select Clear Password. A list of employee names will appear. Select the employee’s name. Touch OK. The message “Clear Password for _____?” will display. Touch OK if the information is correct. 6. Changing a Password a. From the front of the house (AFTER THE EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN ENTERED IN MAINTENANCE), enter the employee ID number on the log-in screen keypad. b. Select Functions; Choose the Employee button. c. Select Change Password. System will prompt a new password to be entered. d. Swipe employee magnetic ID card through the magnetic card reader, or enter a numeric password. e. System will prompt the new password to be re-entered for verification. Swipe the card again or enter the numeric password for verification. 7. Edit Breaks a. Select the Edit Breaks function. A list of employees who have clocked in and out for a break will appear. b. Select the Employee to edit the break. Touch OK. An adjustment screen will appear. c. Use the double pink arrows to adjust the hour and single pink arrow for minutes. d. Adjust the time using the arrows and Touch OK. F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E 8. Reprint Check Out a. Select Reprint Check Out. A list of applicable employees and their checkout times will display. b. Select the employee’s name and Touch OK. The checkout will reprint. 9. Reprint Clock Out a. Select Reprint Clock Out. A list of applicable employees will display. b. Select the employee’s name and Touch OK. The employee’s clock out information will print. Sect io n 5 – Sy st em The system panel allows you to manage your printers and if needed recalibrate the touch screen on your terminals. 1. Reroute Printer F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E a. Select Reroute Printer. The Printer Routing Screen will display with a list of printers and their routes. b. Touch the up/down arrows to scroll through the list. c. Touch Reset All to return the printer groups to their original locations. d. Touch the printer that you want to reroute. e. Touch Change Printer. A list of destinations displays. f. Touch the desired printer. A message, “Reroute all items that normally print at ____ to ____?” displays. g. Touch OK if the information is correct. The Printer Routing screen displays. 2. Reroute Printer Group a. Touch Reroute Group. The printer group routing displays with a list of printer groups and their routes. b. Touch the up/down arrows to scroll through the list. c. Touch Reset All to return the printer groups to their original locations. d. Touch the printer group to reroute. e. Touch Change Group. A list of destinations will display. f. Touch the desired printer group. A message, “Reroute ‘_____’ printer group to ‘_____’ printer group?” displays. Touch OK. g. Touch OK if the information is correct. The Printer Group Routing screen displays. 3. Select Calibrate 1. Follow the on screen instructions for the calibration tool unique to your terminal type. F O H M A N A G E R G U I D E