Public relation in

to the birdstl'ike pr
relatiou in German
( L e c t u r e h e l d by D r . J . H I L D , G A F )
IerrL (with movies)
probletn we had sorne dtfJiculties
At the teginning o{ the bird6trike
with other autbotj.ties especiaUy natural Protection, Society for the
of cruelty to anirnals a. s. o, Thetefore it v/aa neces_
to these authqritieF about
saiy to give tnore detailed informations
cur problern. TheBe inlorrriations weie baqed on Pless' .bcoadqap.
fqr r-rewqPaPers ard
ting and television contacts. Be6ides intenltwe
broadcasting frorr- ti:I'e to tilrie about special Problen s anJ inwestigation results whicil were very interesting for aiL PeoPre f. i. crane
incidents oi danlages of planes by small birds we rnacle
rnowiea with Gerrnad Television about :
Crane rnigration in Ger:many and Flight Safety
Special ecoloEiical probl.elrt6 of envilonrnent
in Gerrr,an Air Force
Provisions for scating birds on coastal airfields
General inforInation about birdstrike
,fi few of the rlovies I can shov,/ you, unfortunately in Gernran language. The fir6t rIiovie brings an inior'rr,atioir about sPecial pro_
blems on an air{ield caused by ao garbadge dun:P, the second giveE
general inlormation
about the birdstrike
It has proved true to hold a very dense contact with Pub]ic relatron
in2t:.tutions fot all authorities rnust be convinced that provisions
again€t bird6 are necessary not only for protecti$g PeoPIe against
ircidents bl]t also to protect inhabitants of airfield surrounding
areas a:tainst accidents and incidents cau6ed by bild6trike3.
Moreover it seerns important to get a very good contact with universities v./hich are interested j.n out probletr.
Nevertheless I can 611owyou a collection of dewspaper putlicationa
aborrt hird hazard and bird mowement problems.
I propoEe to establiEh within this Comnrittee a small Public rela_
given to press'
tion group for coordioation ot all informations
and t€Ievision,
/1,,. t
Lrr i r,
Radr.p€f'o!cll f.! t uttlorsvar€t, orninnoscr os lrJsikringsekspert.r.. Ira idrs srlt i bercdsknp for i ovorike c( nrissi!!
lusleirckk na lest-Tyskland til Svalb$d, vir norsliekxsten.
Dc( e. \drip korr.ebhcj.:t.ric d.t sj€kler. l,e lrx,.! , u rn,
ral av cr. l0 000 . foffltale seg rri lest-Jyurlrl
iil hchlieo,rr!,
ene DA Svalbu{l r top€r !v .le Dermcsle .lase._
Alle sn
lit tr.khet,
opprordrrs (jl n d.idc tfa onl d.ik til zoolosi\[ ]ruseum. orld. i
tclelor 696:100 Drite irai lljsik_
rof . ti
Iaril&gl lLr(l].res rn{iruier
vhi6tjgirftd .r h.!d(: L forhold r,l
$rll0g xniJiEr iulirarl sanl ..,
hrtlloa':\ nr:d.s.. :ordi mar na
:n. on
0: r,,$!i.
i ^-of
Do e: l.Lslf srDg mRn pi rl
dars:ljcrm rkrl tors.!t. i nrqc
tra Df,nn).fk
tii Noryc og ro..i!f.f
tje gJori irt!r,
.g Drosjckteier i lo:i. relik.
lonrmet j garc r! d rrDbliik lri
r.rllnrg .n 1L€t.rj.kk ft f.a 11,rsi:nnssn.ssisf herrrn. Und.r
sdk.lsen led.s ar lrdonslapelrll
konsulerl Gunrr. Lrd .rd z.l
l')qisLrMusfunr ,qir lri.r hetidr
arsa$ red LrJt!.hrirel im
orr n stLr.ier. lojrirerr ltu Dfoblcm.r .fl! o! nLslekotiisjonrr
!r.{lc mdrrt,rrorrrlL,t 03 lIsjd.r.n. irenor.r hove{r,ilrrr..' Inrlrnrisvlf ls
'^rlx:raslon pr Glrlr;!.n r.a
rrondl'f Lm.Der Ln.rerrdinil|r
ar luglet.elik.rc Ddqn
lrclL. dos..t. ..r .:dr.sIj.tur.qr
Dlf autonrnsk f.ltoroqrrte.! v{d
r t u r l ] ! r . ' ! 1 6D n r t i l m i a [ . m e 1 lc. ilrDre lxpse-!rinsippfl).
l'or sir{ring ne otebtikksbild.r
ri. sendr. d{:taljritrdie. ar etkocnc Dn rldarskjerhen,
Yjl hrn
ogr& 1r i brlk €t Dolln'idlnmdr
son lt
3 silursjonsbildcr
lrckke( fordcll or€r dognet, D.n
Iorsln€rDte .r.t,,dd Bir muliAher
lil a rolAc nr. sagl h!.. encsr€
ldglcflohk soh rrxsserer nrnrnlor
rD r.s arsllrd rr! rxtta.siasjDnrni
hc(ode t.,rsl oc
I lli nrukt i forbindclsc
ncd Yr.sli.s til de *ttrc'li: flyplisser on lnsie{r.\hinlrnsilctrn_
vtd nnosMl.rins
rt rldrfsl:.rf,
Fatts&tt sidcz;
Llt l)
ItJ ).icRh,Af
CunrL.1r"Ll d
Zcolc!ric a i lluseut,
S a r sb l -. l , a s i o 5 .
S @ r tr y k k f r a
9 . - 5 . - 72
r'o m fllfunpolltrr
N o r w a ys l a r g e s t d a i l y p a p e r