Clean-M-Rite IA Bldg Sign 34x44

Ecology VCP Site No. 2754
3310 Third Avenue West, Seattle WA
Facility Site ID #75845999 & Cleanup Site ID #1262
Project Description
The former Clean-M-Rite dry cleaning facility previously operated in the northern
half of the building located at 3308/3310 Third Avenue West. Historical releases
of dry cleaning solvent (perchloroethene; PCE) from the Clean-M-Rite facility
resulted in soil and groundwater contamination beneath portions of the Ross
Parking Lot at concentrations requiring remediation. After resolving litigation with
the parties responsible for the PCE contamination associated with the former
Clean-M-Rite operations, SPU is voluntarily overseeing the cleanup.
An interim remedial action consisting of an in-situ remediation system has been
implemented at this Site. The treatment system includes a network of wells
connected to underground piping that extracts contaminants and removes them
from the extracted vapor using granular activated carbon. The captured
contamination is ultimately disposed of off-site. The treatment system is enclosed
in a building (see photos), which includes three layers of sound reducing material
on all walls and the ceiling in addition to other soundproofing measures.
Construction activities, including lot repaving
and restriping, were completed on September 4,
2015. Installation of remediation equipment was
completed in mid-September and start-up
testing is scheduled for early October. After
testing, a permit for the treated and discharged
vapors will be acquired from the Puget Sound
Clean Air Agency (PSCAA). After receipt of the PSCAA permit, the treatment
system will be started and operated on a continual basis until the remediation is
• System Installation – September 2015
• Acoustical Testing – October 2015
• System Operation Ongoing through Approximately 2020
PSCAA Permit Compliance Testing - Monthly
Groundwater Monitoring - Quarterly
Reporting - Quarterly
Environmental Partners, Inc. (Consultant for SPU)
Tena Seeds—Project Manager
Phone: 425-395-0042
Department of Ecology
Grant Yang—Site Manager
Phone: 425-649-7206
Groundwater will be periodically sampled to assess the progress of the treatment
system at attaining cleanup levels. Treatment system compliance with the
PSCAA permit will also be periodically evaluated. Quarterly and annual reports
of groundwater quality and treatment system performance will be submitted to
the Washington State Department of Ecology.