7 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKHWK0HGLWHUUDQHDQ&RQIHUHQFHRQ &RQWURO$XWRPDWLRQ-XO\$WKHQV*UHHFH A New Technique for Calculation of Maximum Achievable Gain and Phase Margins with Proportional Control Nevra Bayhan*, Mehmet Turan Söylemez** * Istanbul University/Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey ** Istanbul Technical University/Electrical Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey * nevra@istanbul.edu.tr ** soylemez@elk.itu.edu.tr Keywords: Gain margin, phase margin, Nyquist criterion Abstract— In this paper, a new method is suggested to compute maximum achievable gain and phase margins that can be achieved using a proportional controller. The method focuses on using the Nyquist stability criterion and then applying a previously developed theorem which allows determination of stabilizing gains. Methods for determining all stabilizing proportional controllers that satisfy gain and phase margin constraints are also given. I. INTRODUCTION A method for algebraically computing all stabilizing gains for a given linear time invariant system is introduced in [1]. The method is then generalized to that of finding stabilizing controllers for PID controllers [2,3]. An extension of this method to discrete time systems is given recently by Bayhan and Söylemez [4]. Gain margin (GM), which can be defined as the maximum gain uncertainty that can be tolerated in the open loop system without loosing stability in the closedloop system, and phase margin (PM), which can be defined similarly for phase uncertainty, are measures of relative stability, and are frequently used in the analysis and design of the control systems in the context of robust stabilization. Therefore, finding all low order controllers that achieve specified gain or phase margins is very useful. An approach for finding regions of specified gain and phase margins in the parameter space of a single-input single-output control system with adjustable parameters is presented by Shenton and Shafiei [5]. Another method for computation of stabilizing PI and PID controllers that achieve specified gain and phase margins is given in [6]. Although the techniques presented in [5] and [6] are useful when controllers with 2 or 3 free parameters are used, they do not present an efficient algorithm if only a proportional controller is to be used. This paper extends the results of [1, 2, 3] to find all stabilizing proportional controllers that achieve given gain and phase margin specifications. A further question of maximum achievable gain and phase margins with a proportional controller is then answered in the paper for the first time. The method of [1] for calculation of stabilizing controllers is revised in the following section. The extension of this method to systems with gain or phase uncertainties is given in Section 3. Section 4 presents methods calculating maximum achievable gain and phase margins with a proportional controller. Several numerical examples are given in Section 5, which is followed by the conclusions in Section 6. II. CALCULATION OF ALL STABILIZING GAINS A new and fast approach to computation of the entire set of stabilizing all low-order compensators is given by Munro and Söylemez [1,2,3]. This approach is based on the use of the Nyquist plot. Consider the single input single output control system of Figure 1 where G (s ) = N ( s) a m s m + a m −1 s m −1 + " + a1 s + a 0 = D ( s) s n + bn −1 s n −1 + " + b1 s + b0 (1) is the plant to be controlled (with ai , bi ∈ ℜ ) and C(s) is a constant gain controller of the form (2) C(s) = KP The problem is to compute all KP controllers that stabilize the closed-loop system of Figure 1. r + y C(s) G(s) - Figure 1. Closed loop system with constant gain Decomposing the numerator and the denominator polynomials of (1) into their even and odd parts and substituting s = jw , we have G ( jw ) = N ( jw ) N re + jN im = D ( jw ) D re + jD im (3) where D re =ˆ Re {D ( jw )} , Dim =ˆ Im{D( jw)} and N re and N im are defined similarly. By noting that 7 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKHWK0HGLWHUUDQHDQ&RQIHUHQFHRQ &RQWURO$XWRPDWLRQ-XO\$WKHQV*UHHFH Dre = De (−w2 ) 2 Nre = Ne (−w ) Dim = Do (−w2 )w 2 Nim = No (−w )w coefficient of (5) k ∈ i =ˆ ( −1 / xi −1 ,−1 / xi ) , the number of unstable poles of where for notation purposes De and Do denotes the even and odd parts of D(s) , and N e and N o denotes those of N (s) , respectively. It is possible to write the closed-loop system ( ui ) is given by i −1 u i = u 0 + ∑ rt pi D N − Do N e De N e + Do N o w + jw e 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 De + Do w De + Do w ri = ∑ d i , j 2 G( jw) = X (w2 ) Y (w 2 ) + jw 2 Z (w ) Z (w2 ) ( 6) (7) di , j X (w2 ) =ˆ De Ne + Do No w2 Y (w2 ) =ˆ De No − Do N e (8) and where for notation purposes De , Do , N e and N o are used instead of De (− w 2 ) , D o ( − w 2 ) , N e (−w 2 ) and N o ( − w 2 ) , respectively. The imaginary part of G ( jw) is given by Y (w 2 ) Z ( w2 ) 1 − (−1) l ) Sgn(Y (l ) (vi∗, j )) = Sgn( y0 ) − Sgn( y1 ) if 0 < vi∗, j < ∞ if vi∗, j = 0 ∗ if vi , j = ∞ (12) in which Y (l ) (vi*, j ) is the first nonzero derivative of Y (v) at the point v i∗, j . Theorem 2.1 can easily be extended to cover systems with imaginary axis poles [1,2,3]. Z (w 2 ) =ˆ De2 + Do2 w2 Im{G( jw)} = w (11) j =1 and where (9) 2 By denoting v = ˆ w and the positive real roots of ∗ ∗ ∗ Y(v) as v1 , v 2 ,..., vγ it is obvious that the Nyquist plot of G ( jw) crosses the real axis only if w = 0 , w = ∞ , or w = ± v i∗ (10) t =1 where u 0 is the number of unstable poles of G(s) , N e + jwN o = De + jwD o G ( jw ) = Y (v) as y 0 . Then, for a given gain (4) for i = 1,2,..., γ . Denoting vγ∗+1 = 0 and v γ∗+ 2 = ∞ , the real axis crossing points are found as xi = X (vi∗ ) / Z (vi∗ ) for i = 1, 2,..., γ + 2 . Relabeling the III. CALCULATION OF ALL STABILIZING GAINS FOR PROVIDING DESIRED GAIN AND PHASE MARGINS It is possible to represent gain and/or phase uncertainties in a plant using a complex element Ke jθ as illustrated in Fig. 2. Gain margin denotes the largest value that K can assume for θ = 0 , and the phase margin denotes the largest value that θ can assume for K = 1 without affecting closed-loop system stability. A modified version of Theorem 2.1 can be used to determine all possible values of K P that satisfies a gain margin (or phase margin) specification. r + - KP Ke jθ G(s) y pairs ( xi , vi∗, j ) (for i = 1,2,..., γ + 2 ) as ( xi , vi∗, j ) (for such that and xi < xi +1 i = 1,2,..., q ) ∗ ∗ x i = X (v i , j ) / Z (v i , j ) (for all j = 1,2,..., p i ), it is possible to state the following theorem [1,2,3]. A. Theorem 2.1 : (Munro and Söylemez) Consider a linear time-invariant system given by a proper rational transfer function G (s) = N ( s) / D( s) given as in (1), and assume that D(s) has no roots on the imaginary axis. Let X (w 2 ) , Y ( w 2 ) and Z (w 2 ) be polynomials as defined (8), and the pairs ( x i , v i∗, j ) ( i = 1,2,..., q ) be as defined above. Furthermore, denote the first coefficient of Y (v) as y1 , and the last nonzero Figure 2. Proportional control of a system with gain and/or phase uncertainties A. Calculation Of All Stabilizing Gains With Gain Margin Constraints Lemma 3.1: Let the entire set of stabilizing gains for the given system to be = {K 1 , K 2 ,..., K t } where the gain intervals i =ˆ ( K i min , K i max ) (for i=1,2,…,t) are found via Theorem 2.1. All stabilizing constant gains that satisfy 7 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKHWK0HGLWHUUDQHDQ&RQIHUHQFHRQ &RQWURO$XWRPDWLRQ-XO\$WKHQV*UHHFH a given minimum gain margin (GM ) min constraint are given by K = K1, K2 ,..., Kt where { } ∅ Ki = K , Ki max i min (GM ) min if Ki max (GM )min Otherwise Ki min > (13) where ∅ denotes the empty set. When all gain intervals K i are empty, there are no stabilizing constant gains that satisfy the desired gain margin specification. Proof of the Lemma is straightforward from the definition of gain margin and is not given here. B. Calculation Of All Stabilizing Gains With Phase Margin Constraints Lemma 3.2: In order to determine all gain intervals for which the system has a phase margin larger than a given value, θ min , we propose to consider the phase shifted system Gnew(s) = e− jθ N (s) (cosθ − j sinθ ) N (s) Nnew(s) = =ˆ D(s) D(s) D(s) (14) and try to find out all stabilizing controllers for this system by the help of Theorem 2.1. Note that the coefficients of the numerator polynomial of (14) become complex in this case. In this case, if we substitute s =ˆ jw into (14), it is possible to write Gnew ( jw) = N new ( jw) (cos θ − j sin θ ) N ( jw) = D ( jw) D ( jw) (15) Multiplying the numerator and denominator of the last equation by complex conjugate of the denominator, ( D ∗ ( jw) ) yield Gnew ( jw) = { } { } Re N new ( jw)D∗ ( jw) + j Im N new ( jw)D∗ ( jw) D( jw)D∗ ( jw) (16) In the sprit of Theorem 2.1, the real roots ( wi∗ ) of are substituted into Im{N new ( jw) D ∗ ( jw)} ∗ Re{N new ( jw) D ( jw)} to find the intersections of the Nyquist plot with the real axis. In order to find the directions of crossings ( ri ), the first derivative of Im{Gnew ( jw)} with respect to w is computed at the points wi∗ . The gain intervals not changing the number of unstable poles are then determined with the help of Theorem 2.1. The gain intervals (i) with u i = 0 stabilize the closed-loop system and satisfy the given phase margin specification. CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE GAIN AND PHASE MARGINS In the previous section, a method is proposed to calculate all stabilizing gains ( K P ) that satisfy a given gain margin constraint or phase margin constraint. At this point, a natural question that comes into mind is the following: “what is the maximum gain (or phase) margin that can be achieved by a proportional controller”. These values are called as maximum achievable gain margin (MAGM) and maximum achievable phase margin (MAPM). By the help of the development given in the previous section, methods for calculating these values are given below. IV. A. Calculation of Maximum Achievable Gain Margin (MAGM) To calculate maximum achievable gain margin, the upper bound of stabilizing gain intervals computed via Theorem 2.1 are used. The following theorem utilizes the idea that the ratio of maximum stabilizing gain to minimum stabilizing gain gives us the maximum achievable gain margin (MAGM) over a set of stabilizing controllers: Theorem 4.1: For each of the gain intervals i =ˆ ( K i min , K i max ) stabilizing system, G ( s ) , as defined in (1), if the gain margins are defined as GM i = K i max K i min (17) maximum achievable gain margin is calculated by the following equation. MAGM = max {GM i } (18) i Remark 4.1: From Theorem 4.1, we conclude that for an open-loop stable system (a closed-loop stable system for K P → 0 ) or a high gain closed-loop stable system (stable for K P → ∞ ), MAGM is ∞ . B. Calculation of Maximum Achievable Phase Margin (MAPM) In this section we propose a method to calculate MAPM. The upper bound and the lower bound of the gain intervals which stabilize the closed-loop system and the frequencies wi∗ corresponding to these bounds are used for this purpose. Theorem 2.1 is extended for several special cases. The cases of the closed-loop system being stable as K P → ∞ and K P → 0 require special examination. Consequently we examine three cases in the following. B1. Calculation of Maximum Achievable Phase Margin for Open-Loop Stable Systems In this case, maximum achievable phase margin is determined using the following theorem. 7 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKHWK0HGLWHUUDQHDQ&RQIHUHQFHRQ &RQWURO$XWRPDWLRQ-XO\$WKHQV*UHHFH Theorem 4.2: MAPM is 1800 for an open-loop stable system G(s) with a constant gain controller. Proof 4.2: The result can be seen directly by observing the fact that it is always possible to find a small enough gain K P in this case such that the closed-loop system is stable and Nyquist plot of K p G ( jw) is entirely inside the unit circle (i.e. there is no gain crossover frequency). MAPM = max (θ k ) 1 ≤ k ≤ r (20) Proof 4.4: Maximum achievable phase margin can be found by determining circles of radius G ( jw* ) that are tangent to the Nyquist curve at frequency w∗ (see Figure 3) B2. Calculation of Maximum Achievable Phase Margin for Open-Loop Unstable and High-Gain Closed-Loop Stable Systems This is the case where at least one pole of G (s ) is on RHP where as all finite or infinite zeros of G (s ) are on LHP. The following theorem can be used in this case : Theorem 4.3: For unstable system G (s ) , which is known to be closedloop stable as K P → ∞ the maximum achievable phase margin is 900, if G (s ) is strictly proper, and is 1800, if G (s ) is biproper. Proof 4.3: The proof is straightforward after considering the fact that the Nyquist plot of the open-loop system intersects the unit circle at the imaginary axis as K P → ∞ , if G (s ) is strictly proper, and does not cross the unit circle for high gains if G (s ) is biproper. B3. Calculation of Maximum Achievable Phase Margin for Open Loop Unstable and High Gain Closed-Loop Unstable System For an open-loop unstable system with at least one (finite or infinite) RHP zero, maximum achievable phase margin is usually less than 900 and can be found using the following theorem : Theorem 4.4: frequency intervals i = ˆ {wi −1 , wi } to stabilizing gain intervals i =ˆ (−1 / xi −1 , −1 / xi ) , then find the real frequencies Define the corresponding wk∗ that satisfy the equation ∂ Im G ( jw ) ∂ w Im {G ( jw )} = Re {G ( jw )} ∂ Re G ( jw ) ∂ w (19) and wk∗ ∈ i . Assume that there are r > 0 such frequencies. For each of the frequencies found, calculate the corresponding phase angle θ k =ˆ ∠G ( jwk∗ ) ( k = 1,2,..., r ). The maximum phase margin that can be achieved using proportional control is given as Figure 3. The Nyquist plot for proof 4.4 It is possible to write that ∠ ∂G ( jw) = α − 900 ∂w (21) Taking the tangent in both sides tan ∠ ∂G ( jw) = tan(α − 90 0 ) ∂w = tan α = tan ∠G ( jw) (22) Therefore at the frequency for which MAPM is found the following equation must be satisfied. ∂ G ( jw ) Re Re {G ( jw ) } ∂w = Im {G ( jw )} ∂ G ( jw ) Im ∂w (23) Considering the fact that only positive real roots of above equation that are in one of the stabilizing frequency ranges (i) are meaningful Theorem 4.4 immediately follows. V. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES A. Example 1 Consider the control system given in [1], where N ( s ) = 0.5 s 4 + 2 .5 s 3 + 5 s 2 + 24 . 375 s + 31 . 22 D ( s ) = 1.09 s 4 − 13 . 12 s 3 + 64 .23 s 2 − 151 .11s + 70 .89 7 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKHWK0HGLWHUUDQHDQ&RQIHUHQFHRQ &RQWURO$XWRPDWLRQ-XO\$WKHQV*UHHFH { { } } { { } } Applying the even-odd decompositions to N(s) and D(s), and using equation (8) it is possible to write Im{G( jw)} Im N ( jw) D ∗ ( jw) / D( jw) D ∗ ( jw) Im N ( jw) D ∗ ( jw) = = Re{G( jw)} Re N ( jw) D ∗ ( jw) / D( jw) D ∗ ( jw) Re N ( jw) D ∗ ( jw) X (v) = 0.545v 4 − 70 .365v 3 + 1088 .2v 2 − 6043 .02 v + 2213 .19 From Theorem 4.4, the real frequencies satisfying (19) are Y (v ) = −9 .285 v 3 + 328 .299 v 2 − 2907 .99 v + 6445 .6 Z (v ) = 1.188v 4 + 32 .11v 3 + 314 .91v 2 + 13727 .7 v + 5025 .39 When we compute the roots of D(s), we see that there are four unstable roots. Hence u0 is 4. The positive real roots of Y(v) are v1∗ = 3.38864 , v 2∗ = 8 . 86778 and ∗ v3∗ = 23.1016 . Adding v4∗ = 0 and v 5 = ∞ , there exist five crossing frequencies for this problem. The crossing points ( xi ) corresponding to these frequencies, the net crossing counts, and the gain intervals (i) are shown in Table I. Noting that u 0 = 4 , the number of unstable closed-loop system poles, u i , are calculated from (10). An examination of Table 1 reveals that the closed-loop system is stable for 6.71 < K P < 15.75 . ri , u i , ± 2 . 48131 From Theorem 2.1, the frequency range i ∈ {wi −1 , wi } corresponding to each of the stabilizing gain intervals i =ˆ (−1 / xi −1 ,−1 / xi ) are 1 . 84083 < w < 2 . 97788 or − 2.97788 < w < −1.84083 The real frequencies satisfying (19) from inside i : w i∗ = ± 2 . 48131 ∗ Substituting these real frequencies wi into G ( jw) , we find MAPM = 17 .342 0 . This means that it is not possible TABLE I. CALCULATION OF w i = ± 3 . 62618 AND THE STABILIZING GAINS to achieve a phase margin larger than this value using a proportional controller. vi∗ xi ri ui i 23.1016 -0.219624 -2 4 0 < K P < 4.566 3.38864 -0.149116 -2 2 4.566 < K P < 6.71 Now, let us examine whether or not there are the gain intervals stabilizing the closed-loop system for a phase margin being close to 17.3420 but less than MAPM. For example, let us find all stabilizing gains that achieve at least a 17.30 phase margin. 8.86778 -0.063442 2 0 6.71 < K P < 15 .75 Setting e − j17..3 = 0.9548 − j 0.2974 in (14), we have 0 0.440402 1 2 K P > 15 .75, K P < −2.27 N new ( s ) = ( 29 .8089 − j 9 .28483 ) + ( 23 .2733 − j 7 .24913 ) s + ∞ 0.457 1 3 − 2.27 < K P < −2.188 - ∞ - 4 − 2.188 < K P < 0 From Table I, it is possible to observe that the system is an open-loop unstable and high gain closed-loop unstable. Therefore, maximum achievable gain and phase margins are to be calculated using Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 4.4, respectively. Computation of Maximum Achievable Gain Margin: An examination of Table I reveals that the closed-loop system is stable for gains ( 4 .774 − j1 .487 ) s 2 + ( 2 .387 − j 0 .7435 ) s 3 + ( 0 .4774 − j 0 .1487 ) s 4 From Lemma 3.2 and Theorem 2.1, the gain intervals not changing the number of unstable poles are determined as shown in Table II. TABLE II. CALCULATION OF ri , u i AND THE STABILIZING GAINS FOR PM=17.3 wi∗ xi ri ui i 5.50314 -0.27334 -1 4 0 < K P < 3.658447 i = ( K i min , K i max ) = ( 6 .71, 15 . 75 ) -1.51471 -0.183384 -1 3 3.658447 < K P < 5.45304 From Theorem 4.1, the maximum achievable gain margin is calculated as follows. -4.09399 -0.150471 -1 2 5.45304 < K P < 6.645799 2.45496 -0.091003 -1 1 6.645799 < K P < 10 .98865 2.50726 -0.086682 1 0 10.98865 < K P < 11 .53647 -3.28855 -0.073789 1 1 11.53647 < K P < 13 .55199 0.104292 0.434699 1 2 -54.3686 0.457145 1 3 - ∞ - 4 MAGM = K i max / K i min = 2.3472 Computation of Maximum Achievable Phase Margin: When we substitute s = jw into N(s) and D(s) and then multiply N ( jw) and D( jw) by complex conjugate of D( jw) ( D ∗ ( jw) ), the coefficients of the denominator polynomial of G(jw) become real. 0 K P > 13.55199, K P < −2.30044 − 2.30044 < K P < −2.18749 − 2.18749 < K P < 0 7 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKHWK0HGLWHUUDQHDQ&RQIHUHQFHRQ &RQWURO$XWRPDWLRQ-XO\$WKHQV*UHHFH As it can be observed from Table II, the gain interval stabilizing the closed loop system for 17.30 phase margin is 10.98865 < K P < 11.53647 . Computation of Maximum Achievable Gain Margin: From Remark 4.1, it is possible to state that MAGM = ∞ . B. Example.2: Consider the example given in [7] , where Computation of Maximum Achievable Phase Margin: Since this control system is closed-loop stable as 0 K P → ∞ , from Theorem 4.3, MAPM = 90 . D(s) = s 5 + 11s 4 + 22s 3 + 60s 2 + 47s + 25 N ( s ) = s 4 + 6 s 3 + 12s 2 + 54s + 16 The Nyquist plot of G ( s ) is given in Figure 5. Since the open-loop system is stable it is possible to state that MAGM = ∞ and MAPM = 1800 by the help of theorems 4.1 and 4.2, respectively. For instance, the Nyquist plot of K p G ( s ) for K P = 0.01 is given in Figure 4. Note that phase margin for K p G ( s ) is 1800 for this value of Kp, since there does not exist any gain crossover. Figure 5. The Nyquist plot of G(s) VI. Figure 4. The Nyquist plot for K P = 0.01 C. Example.3: Consider the system given as G ( s ) = N (s ) , where D( s) N ( s ) = s 4 + 6s 3 + 12 s 2 + 54s + 16 In this paper, an earlier result has been extended to calculate all the gains that achieve given gain and phase margin specifications, and a new computational method has been proposed to compute maximum achievable gain and phase margins using proportional control. The main point of departure was due to a generalization of the Nyquist stability criterion, where it is shown that the number of unstable closed-loop system poles for a given constant gain compensator can be found by examining the points where the Nyquist plot crosses the real axis of the complex plane. Future work should focus on extending the results found in this paper to more complex controller structures and discrete-time systems. D( s) = s5 + 9.402s 4 + 5.698s3 + 45.27 s 2 + 38.37s + 25 The set of stabilizing gain compensators are calculated using Theorem 2.1 as shown in Table III. TABLE III. CALCULATION OF r , u AND THE STABILIZING GAINS i i vi∗ xi ri 9.26861 -0.0225509 ∞ 0 1 0.64 3.68284 1.03078 0.41405 1.42371 - ∞ - 2 ui i -2 2 1 0 0 < K P < 44.3441 44 .3441 < K P < ∞ 1 1 − ∞ < K P < −1.5625 2 2 -2 4 − 1.5625 < K P < −0.97 − 0.97 < K P < −0.702 − 0.702 < K P < 0 It is possible to observe through Table III that the closed-loop system is stable for K P ∈ ( 44 .3441 , ∞ ) . Hence, this is an open-loop unstable and high-gain closedloop stable system. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] N. Munro, M. T. Söylemez and H. Baki, “Computation of D-Stabilizing Low-Order Compensators,” Control Systems Centre Report 882, Umist, Manchester, 1999. N. Munro and M. T. Söylemez, “Fast Calculation Of Stabilizing PID Controllers For Uncertain Parameter Systems,” IFAC, Rocond, Prague, Czech Republic, 2000. M. T. Söylemez, N. Munro and H. Baki, “Fast Calculation Of Stabilizing PID Controllers,” Automatica,, vol. 31, pp. 121-126, 2003. N. Bayhan and M. T. 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