Physics VCE Units 1 to 4 The study of physics has

VCE Units 1 to 4
The study of physics has led to a greater understanding of our world, and has had a profound influence
on our lives. VCE Physics adopts a contextual (real life) approach to ensure that students appreciate
the relevance of physics to their everyday experiences. To undertake Units 3 and 4 in this subject it is
strongly advised that you have successfully completed Units 1 and 2. A strong science/technology
background may be considered, in exceptional circumstances, if a student is willing to undertake
preparation work.
Students develop the ability to:
apply problem-solving strategies to a range of real-life situations
apply physics models, theories and concepts to describe, explain, analyse and make predictions
about diverse phenomena
understand and use the language and methodologies of physics to solve qualitative and
quantitative problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts
learn to communicate their understanding of our world using verbal, written, numerical and
graphical techniques
conduct and design experimental investigations and apply scientific knowledge to the technology
that we use every day
Unit 1: What ideas explain the physical world?
Students use thermodynamic principles to explain phenomena related to changes in thermal energy.
They apply thermal laws when investigating energy transfer within and between systems, and assess
the impact of human use of energy on the environment. Students examining the motion of electrons
and explain how it can be manipulated and utilised. They explore current scientifically accepted
theories that explain how matter and energy have changed have changed since the origins of the universe.
Unit 2: What do experiments reveal about the physical world?
In the core component of this unit students investigate the ways in which forces are involved in both
moving objects and in keeping objects stationary. Students choose one of twelve options related to
astrobiology, astrophysics, bioelectricity, biomechanics, electronics, flight, medical physics, nuclear
energy, nuclear physics, optics, sound and sports science. The option enable students to pursue an
area of interest by investigating a selected question.
Unit 3: Motion in one and two dimensions; and Electronics and photonics.
Consists of two prescribed areas of study: motion in one and two dimensions and electronics and
Unit 4: Electric power and Interactions of light and matter.
Consists of two prescribed areas of study: electric power and interactions of light and matter; with the
third area of study to be chosen from one of six detailed studies: Einstein’s special relativity, materials
and their use of structures, further electronics, synchrotron and it’s applications, photonics or sound.