ALEXANDRIA RENEW ENTERPRISES 1500 Eisenhower Ave. Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Tel: (703) 549-3381; Fax: (703) 549-9671 ISSUE DATE: INVITATION FOR BID NO: FOR: DEPARTMENT: BID DUE DATE/TIME: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR: November 19, 2014 Engineering IFB 15-002 December 18, 2014 at 2:00 P.M. ET Ultraviolet Disinfection System Supplier PreSelection Ron Hull, Purchasing Manager PH: 703.549.3381 x2207 Email: Bids - In accordance with the following and in compliance with all terms and conditions, unless otherwise noted, the undersigned offers and agrees, if the bid is accepted, to furnish items or services for which prices are quoted, at the price set opposite each item, delivered or furnished to designated points within the time specified. It is understood and agreed that with respect to all terms and conditions accepted by Alexandria Renew Enterprises (AlexRenew) the items or services offered and accompanying attachments shall constitute a contract. Note: AlexRenew does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4343.1 or against a bidder or bidder because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment in the performance of its procurement activity. NAME AND ADDRESS OF FIRM: Telephone/Fax No.: E-Mail Address: Federal Employer Identification No. or Federal Social Security No. (Sole Proprietor) Prompt Payment Discount: Business Prof. & Occupational Licensing (BPOL) Tax No. % for payment within days/net days Contractor’s License No. and Specialty By signing this bid, bidder certifies, acknowledges, understands, and agrees to be bound by the conditions set forth in the General Conditions and Instructions to Bidders as described in this Invitation for Bid (IFB). CHECK ONE: INDIVIDUAL PARTNERSHIP Vendor Legally Authorized Signature CORPORATION State in which Incorporated: Date Print Name and Title Secretary Bids subject to terms and conditions of this invitation will be received by AlexRenew’s Purchasing Agent at 1500 Eisenhower Ave., 2nd Floor Reception Desk, J-231, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 on opening date and time specified, and then publicly opened and read. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PURCHASING ORGANIZATION 0 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS INVITATION FOR BIDS 15-002 SCHEDULE OF PRICES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Section 46 66 56 – Open Channel LPHO Ultraviolet Treatment Equipment REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS Section 01 42 13 -Section 01 42 19 -Section 01 78 23 -Section 26 05 19 – Section 26 05 36 -Section 26 05 53 -Section 26 09 16 -Section 26 24 16 – Section 26 27 26 – Section 40 90 10 -Section 40 90 12 – Section 40 94 43 – Section 40 94 33 – Section 40 95 34 – Section 40 95 13.23 – Section 40 95 13.24 – Section 40 95 13.25 -Section 40 95 58 – Section 46 05 00 – Abbreviations Reference Standards Operation and Maintenance Data Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables Cable Trays for Electrical Systems Identification for Electrical Systems Electrical Controls and Relays Panelboards Wiring Devices Control and Information System Submittals Signal Coordination Requirements Programmable Logic Process Controllers Human-Machine Interfaces Uninterruptible Power Systems Main Process Control Panels and Hardware Cabinets and Panels Panel Instruments and Accessories Surge Protection Devices Common Work Results for Wastewater Equipment INFORMATIONAL SPECIFICATION Section 01 33 00 -- Submittal Procedures REFERENCE DRAWINGS – UV DISINFECTION BUILDING N Drawing IFB-1 Existing - Lower Plan Drawing IFB-2 Existing - Main Level Plan Drawing IFB-3 Existing - Sections ATTACHMENTS General Conditions of Construction Contract Supplemental Conditions of Construction Contract AlexRenew SCADA Software Standards July 2014 Note: Reference specifications are technical specifications which apply to the UV Disinfection equipment IFB and which will be included in the construction contract. There may be a reference to a section which is not included in this IFB. In this case, the referenced section was judged to not have application to the equipment IFB. Informational Specifications describe responsibilities of the construction Contractor and are included for the UV System Supplier’s information. PAGE-1 IFB 15-002 1. OVERVIEW 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Alexandria Renew Enterprises owns and operates a 54 MGD Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) in Alexandria, Virginia. AlexRenew’s existing Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection system is nearing the end of its useful life and AlexRenew intends to replace and upgrade that system with a model that provides reliable treatment of at least 115 MGD under peak flow conditions, while also offering improved energy efficiency and reduced operations and maintenance costs. The purpose of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is to solicit bids from qualified sources for the pre-selection of a UV Disinfection System Supplier as part of AlexRenew’s UV Disinfection System Upgrade project. The pre-selected UV System Supplier will be included in construction bid documents that will be issued by AlexRenew in 2015. UV equipment, accessories, and other specified services from the pre-selected UV System Supplier shall be available for purchase by the Construction Contractor selected for AlexRenew’s UV Disinfection System Upgrade project. It is important to note that AlexRenew will not enter into a contract with the UV System Supplier pre-selected for the purchase of the UV equipment, accessories, or services. These items will be furnished to AlexRenew through the Construction Contractor. AlexRenew anticipates that it will issue a separate IFB for construction services in 2015. The anticipated schedule of events for this IFB is detailed in the table below. AlexRenew reserves the right to modify any timeframe or deadline in this IFB. In the event AlexRenew finds it necessary to change any deadline listed below or in a subsequent section of the IFB, it will do so by issuing Addenda to the IFB. Bid Due Date December 18, 2014 2:00 P.M. ET Bid Submittal Location Alexandria Renew Enterprises 1500 Eisenhower Avenue, J-Building (Reception Desk, 2ND Floor) Alexandria VA 22314 OPTIONAL December 3, 2014 at 10:00 AM Alexandria Renew Enterprises 1500 Eisenhower Avenue, J-Building (Room J-104) Alexandria VA 22314 December 11, 2014 Pre-Bid Conference: Pre-Bid Conference Location Deadline for Questions: UV System Supplier Selection Date: Board Approval Date (if Applicable): January 5, 2015 January 20, 2015 PAGE-2 IFB 15-002 1.5. An Optional pre-bid conference will be held on December 3, 2014 at 10:00 A.M at the location specified in the table above. As part of the Pre-Bid conference, a walkthrough of the key areas of the campus will be conducted. Due to the importance of all bidders having a clear understanding of the specifications and requirements of this solicitation, attendance by all prospective bidders is highly encouraged.. Attendees requiring special services are asked to provide their requirements to AlexRenew one week in advance to allow for accommodation. 1.6. Please forward the name of your firm and the names of individuals participating in the Pre-Bid Conference to Ron Hull at the email address: at least 24 hours prior to the event. This information will be provided to our Security Guard. On the day of the event, after entering our facility from Eisenhower Avenue, you will be required to stop at the Security Hut to provide identification and to record your vehicle tag number. Once you have cleared security, you may proceed to Building J. All official communication pertaining to this IFB shall be submitted in writing to: Ron Hull, Purchasing Manager Alexandria Renew Enterprises 1500 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22314 1.7. Changes to this solicitation shall be made by AlexRenew only through the issuance of an addendum. Any other information of any kind, from any other source, or any oral communications shall be considered non-binding. Bidders relying on unofficial information shall do so at their own risk. AlexRenew reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, if it deems such action to be in its best interests. AlexRenew reserves the right to reject the selected Supplier’s equipment at a later date if it is determined that the Bidder provided false, misleading or inaccurate information in its Bid Proposal. AlexRenew reserves the right to reject the selected Supplier’s equipment at a later date if it is determined that any of the qualifying criteria that the Bidder presented in its Bid Proposal has materially changed, to the extent that the long-term use of the equipment would not be in AlexRenew’s best interests. AlexRenew reserves the right to waive any requirement that waiving is determined to be in AlexRenew’s best interests. 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1. UV systems selected for this project shall without exception be validated and sized in accordance with the 2003 NWRI Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse (2003 NWRI Guidelines), as required by the regulations for reuse and reclamation in the state of Virginia. The UV system specified herein will provide part of the UV dose for a water reuse system. PAGE-3 IFB 15-002 2.2. 2.3. AlexRenew conducted a study of options for upgrading the existing Ultraviolet Disinfection system. The study identified design criteria for the upgrade, evaluated the hydraulic capacity of the existing facility and of potential modifications to channels, and identified candidate UV disinfection systems that could meet the recommended design criteria, including equipment validation according to the 2003 NWRI Guidelines, energy efficiency, fitting within the existing channel width and length, fitting within the existing available water depth in the UV channels, and avoiding reductions in hydraulic capacity from lamp head loss. All systems identified in this study as meeting these criteria are named in the Technical Specifications. Bidders representing UV Manufacturers who are not named and who wish to submit a bid shall follow the requirements of the following paragraph 2.3. Any Bidder bidding UV Manufacturers not named in the Technical Specifications must submit their third-party validation report of bioassay testing in accordance with the 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines, as part of their Bid. Bidders shall submit the validation report for the system proposed along with reports supporting proposed End of Lamp Life and Sleeve Fouling Factors. Bidders shall submit with the validation report a summary of the proposed layout, including number of lamps, number of duty channels, number of banks per channel, head losses, required power, and space requirements and all other submittal requirements of this IFB. UV equipment that is determined to be as equal to those systems named in the Technical Specifications shall meet the installation and experience requirements of this IFB and all technical requirements in Specification Section 46 66 56. 3. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Examination by Bidders. Bidders must examine the specifications, drawings, schedules, instructions, and documents in this IFB prior to submitting a Bid. Failure to examine such documents and any errors made in the preparation of Bids are at the Bidder’s own risk. Addenda to the IFB. Bidders are reminded that changes to the bid, in the form of Addenda, are often issued between the IFB issue date and within three (3) days before the Bid Submission date. Information on Addenda will be available from AlexRenew’s website at: Bidders must acknowledge receipt of any Addenda by signing and returning the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addenda form and attaching it to this IFB with their Bid. AlexRenew may reject any Bid that fails to acknowledge any addenda. Bidders shall abide by and comply with the true intent of the specifications and not take advantage of any unintentional error or omission, but shall fully complete every part as the true intent and meaning of the specifications and drawings. Whenever the mention is made of any articles, material, or workmanship to be in accordance with laws, ordinances, building codes, underwriter's codes, A.S.T.M. regulations or similar expressions, the requirements of these laws, ordinances, etc., shall be construed as to the minimum requirements of these specifications. PAGE-4 IFB 15-002 3.4. 3.5. Bid Security 3.4.1. Each bid must be accompanied by Bid Security in the form of a certified check made payable without condition to Alexandria Renew Enterprises in the amount of 5 percent of the proposer's UV System Equipment Cost (Sum of Items 1a through 1f in Section 9, Schedule of Prices). 3.4.2. The Bid Security will be retained until the successful, pre-selected UV System Supplier has entered into an agreement with the Construction Contractor for the Ultraviolet Disinfection System Upgrade Project, whereupon the Bid Proposal Security will be returned. If the pre-selected UV System Supplier fails to enter into an agreement with the Construction Contractor, AlexRenew will annul the pre-selection of the UV System Supplier and the UV System Supplier’s Bid Security will be forfeited. AlexRenew will return Bid Security accompanying Bids submitted by unsuccessful bidders as soon as practical after the Bid evaluation. Prices and Adjustments A) Prices shall be provided for the equipment and services described herein for the Ultraviolet Disinfection System Upgrade Project under the terms and conditions described herein. With submission of a bid, the Bidder agrees to hold their offer for 24 calendar months from the date proposals are due. If the date of advertisement for bids for the construction project is more than 12 calendar months from the date that the UV equipment proposals are due, the Total Price for the UV Disinfection System in the Schedule of Prices will be adjusted by the Producer Price Index (PPI) for Finished Goods Less Food and Energy (WPUSOP3500). The Total Price will be adjusted one time by the ratio of the PPI of the latest version published at the date of advertisement for bids for the construction contract to the PPI of the month that the UV equipment Bid Proposal is due (December 2014), only if the advertisement for bids for the construction contract occurs more than 12 calendar months after the date that UV equipment proposals are due. Calculations of price adjustments shall use the latest version of the PPI data published as of the effective date of the adjustment. The original Bid Proposal price, as well as the adjusted price, if applicable, for the selected UV System Supplier will be included in the Proposal Section in the construction bid documents. B) The price given in this Bid shall be the price that the Construction Contractor can use for the purchase of goods and services from the UV System Supplier, as long as the Construction Contractor enters into a contract with the pre-selected UV System Supplier within 24 calendar months from submission of bids for this IFB. It shall be understood that actual delivery of the goods and services will occur substantially after a contract is executed between the Construction Contractor and pre-selected UV System Supplier. C) The pre-selected UV System Supplier must enter into a contract with the Construction Contractor for the UV System Upgrade Project no later than 60 days after Notice-to-Proceed to the General Contractor. Failure to enter into a contract with the General Contractor for the equipment pricing provided in the pre-selected UV System Supplier Bid may result in forfeiture of the pre-selected UV Supplier’s Bid Security. PAGE-5 IFB 15-002 4. BID CONTENT AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. The Bid packet forms must be prepared in the name of the Bidder and properly executed by an Authorized Agent with full knowledge and acceptance of the provisions. Bids may not be changed or withdrawn after the deadline for submitting Bids (“the Bid Submission Date”). Bids may be delivered by mail or delivered in person. AlexRenew will not accept faxed or electronic Bids. Bids received after the date and time prescribed shall not be considered for award and shall be returned to the bidder. Bids will be accepted from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except for AlexRenew holidays. AlexRenew is not responsible for the failure of Bids to be received prior to the Bid Submission date and time. By executing the Cover Sheet, the bidder acknowledges they have read this solicitation, understand it, and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements. AlexRenew is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in all of AlexRenew’s programs, services, and activities and will provide reasonable accommodations upon request. Bidders requesting special accommodations should call the Purchasing Agent at (703) 549-3381 x2203. Please allow seven (7) working days in advance of the event to make the necessary arrangements. AlexRenew is fully committed to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which guarantees non-discrimination and equal access for persons with disabilities in employment, public accommodations, transportation, and all programs, activities and services of AlexRenew. AlexRenew’s contractors, subcontractors, vendors, and/or suppliers are subject to this ADA policy. All individuals having any contractual agreement with AlexRenew must make the same commitment. Your acceptance of a contract with AlexRenew acknowledges your commitment and compliance with ADA. Format and Copies. Bidders are to provide one (1) original and eight (8) paper copies of their bid, as well as one (1) electronic copy. Responses to the IFB shall be submitted in 3-ring binders (“D-ring” style) with the name of the IFB clearly identified on the front and spine of the binder. Inside the binder, a Table of Contents shall be provided along with tabbing to separate each section. Bids must include all of the information specified in Sections 4.8 – 4.16 below. Partial or incomplete submittals may result in disqualification. Any confidential or proprietary information shall be appropriately delineated and clearly marked as such by the Bidder. Section 1 of the Bid Response, XXX, must contain the following: A) IFB cover sheet, completed and signed by an Authorized Agent of the Bidder. B) Bid Security as referenced in paragraph 3.4.1. PAGE-6 IFB 15-002 Section 2, UV System Supplier Qualifications, of the Bid response must contain the following: 4.9. A) Number of years the UV System Supplier has been in business. B) Number of years the UV System Supplier has been in the business of disinfection of wastewater with UV. C) List of manufacturing facilities for UV equipment proposed for this project, the location of these manufacturing facilities, and years in operation. D) Sales of the UV System Supplier for the model of UV equipment proposed for the past three fiscal years. 4.10. Section 3, Description of Equipment Proposed, of the Bid response must describe, through text and technical drawings, how the Supplier’s equipment meets or exceeds the attached Technical Specifications. The UV System Supplier shall include a description of all auxiliary or support equipment in its Bid that is to be provided by UV System Supplier under the attached Technical Specification. Each technical feature required by the technical specification shall be provided. Features that are included in the equipment type or model for the first time shall be identified as such. Minor exceptions may be waived at the discretion of AlexRenew during the review of the bids. The following information must be provided in Section 3 of the bids: A) A table listing the following data for the proposed system: 1. Number of channels total 2. Number of channels duty 3. Number of banks per channel 4. Number of modules per bank 5. Number of lamps per module 6. Number of lamps per bank 7. Total number of lamps 8. Number of duty lamps 9. Total number of ballasts 10. Number of power junction boxes 11. Number of power distribution panels 12. Number of ballast panels 13. Maximum power requirement in kW per bank (including lamps, ballasts, and panel cooling devices) 14. Maximum power requirement in kW with all duty and standby banks in service (including lamps, ballasts, and panel cooling devices) PAGE-7 IFB 15-002 15. Maximum heat output to the UV process room in kW per channel from operation of lamps, ballasts, and panel cooling devices 16. Maximum number of on/off cycles per day allowed by UV System Supplier’s lamp warranty B) UV System Supplier shall provide dimensions of all equipment in the scope of supply, including UV lamp modules, banks, power junction boxes, ballast enclosures, wiper driver and control enclosures, system control panel, and all electrical and control equipment, etc. C) UV System Supplier shall provide general arrangement drawing(s) showing proposed layout for the UV system in plan view and in section view, installed in the existing UV Facility at the AlexRenew. General arrangement drawings shall be 11” x 17” size and conforming to the following constraints: 1. UV modules shall fit in the existing six UV channels. 2. All auxiliary equipment including power junction boxes, ballast panels, cable trays between lamps and ballasts, local control panels, and wiper driver panels shall fit in the existing UV equipment room. 3. The existing UV building electrical room is not available for locating any part of the new UV system package provided by the UV System Supplier, with the exception of the UV Main System Control Panel and its operator interface, which shall fit in the Control Room of the existing UV Building. 4. The existing water surface elevation (EL. 12.30) at the end of the UV channels shall be maintained for the new UV system. 5. The UV channel floor elevation may be raised with concrete fill by the Construction Contractor, if needed to accommodate the water depth required for the new system. 6. Channel width reduction, if needed to accommodate the new UV system, shall be accomplished by watertight Type 304 stainless steel baffle plates, designed and furnished by the UV System Supplier, and affixed to each side of UV channel walls and floor by Contractor. 7. Bottom of ballast enclosures shall be located at least three inches above the top of wall elevation of the UV equipment channels (TOW EL 15.00). 8. Water level and flow balancing in the UV channels shall be by motorized weir gates at the end of each channel; gates shall be furnished by the Construction Contractor and control of the gates shall be by the UV System Supplier. The following items shall be included in the general arrangement drawings at a minimum: 1. Channel width required and channel width reduction baffles if needed. 2. Channel floor elevation required based on water surface elevation EL. 12.30 at the effluent end of the UV channels. 3. Location and spacing of lamp banks along the length of the channels. PAGE-8 IFB 15-002 4. Minimum water depth required downstream of all lamp banks in each channel. 5. Maximum water depth acceptable upstream of all lamp banks in each channel. 6. All panel and enclosure dimensions. 7. Dimensions of cable trays between ballast panels and lamp modules. 8. Maximum allowable distance between ballast panels and UV equipment. D) UV System Supplier shall provide detailed calculations demonstrating how the proposed equipment provides the specified UV doses (PSS and MS2 RED) in accordance with the 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines at the design peak flow and design minimum UV transmittance with one channel out of service. UV System Supplier shall provide a copy of their third-party certification of end of lamp life output based on the 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines. E) UV System Supplier shall indicate whether the UV system would need to be expanded to continue to provide the design UV dose if the state of Virginia adopts the 2012 NWRI Guidelines instead of the 2003 NWRI Guidelines for UV doses for water reuse in the future. If additional lamps would be required to meet this potential future change in reuse regulations, explain how such expansion would be accommodated. F) UV System Supplier shall provide calculations showing head loss through UV modules at peak design flow with one channel out of service. G) UV System Supplier shall provide description of features of the UV system which provide energy efficient operation. 4.11. Section 4, Exceptions Taken to Technical Specifications, of the Bid Response must describe, any and all exceptions taken to the Technical Specification requirements. This section must include: A) A copy of Section 46 66 56 – Open Channel LPHO Ultraviolet Treatment Equipment in tabular form, showing each paragraph marked to show compliance with specification. A check mark shall indicate complete compliance with paragraph, and an “X” shall indicate an exception. B) For each exception, describe the reason for the exception and describe the alternative proposed by the UV System Supplier with supporting calculations and/or documentation. C) For each exception taken, provide evidence that the alternative proposed has been 4.12. successfully used at other similar installations or in similar applications. Section 5, Experience with Installed Equipment, of the Bid response must contain responses to the following questions: PAGE-9 IFB 15-002 A) Regarding the exact equipment type and lamp output proposed for AlexRenew’s particular application, firms responding to this solicitation should indicate how many installations of the same make and model proposed by the UV System Supplier for AlexRenew are currently in service. List location, number of UV lamps or modules at each location, peak design flow, and date of commissioning. Systems which have been purchased, but are not yet in service, may also be listed, if they are clearly identified as not yet in service. B) Provide the following data for at least five similar installations by the UV System Supplier of the equipment type or model proposed. At least three installations shall be located in the United States. Installations shall have at least as many lamps as proposed for AlexRenew, or if systems of this size have not been installed, provide the listed data for the installations with the largest number of lamps installed to date for the model of equipment proposed. 1. Plant Name, Location, and Owner. 2. UV system peak capacity in MGD. 3. Owner’s current English-speaking contact person, phone number, and email address. 4. Number of UV lamps or modules installed of the type proposed for AlexRenew. 5. Model number of UV equipment. 6. Whether application is for reuse or for basic disinfection. 7. Disinfection permit limits and indicator organism. 8. Design values of UV transmittance and Total Suspended Solids. 9. Upstream treatment processes (e.g., primary treatment, activated sludge, membranes, filters, etc.). 10. Approximate hours run on equipment since installation. 11. Number of channels and type of water level control. 12. Disinfection performance obtained. 4.13. 13. Corrective maintenance history (warranty repairs, parts replaced under warranty, parts purchased from UV System Supplier after warranty). Section 6, Maintenance Requirements, of the Bid response must contain the following information from the Supplier’s standard literature: A) Provide a tabulation of preventive and routine maintenance requirements. Include for each task: the task description, frequency of performance, estimated staff hours to perform the task, and equipment, materials, and tools required to perform the task. Tasks should include preventive and routine maintenance for lamps, intensity sensors, wipers, ballasts, sleeves, ballast panels, panel fans and air conditioners, wiper drive systems, module lifting systems, and the online UV transmittance sensor. B) For any component which does not have a 20-year service life, list the expected service life of the component and its replacement cost. PAGE-10 IFB 15-002 4.14. Section 7, Service and Parts Facilities and Service Staff, of the Bid response must contain responses to the following questions: A) List the locations of the Supplier’s service facilities in the United States and Canada. B) How many service technicians are currently making service calls within the United States, and in the vicinity of AlexRenew, on the Supplier’s equipment? C) Are these service technicians full-time employees of the UV System Supplier or contract services? D) Provide the normal response time for on-site services from the time of order to the arrival of a service technician. E) Provide a detailed list of spare parts included in the Bidder’s Bid Proposal including all spare parts required in Technical Specification 11500 and the reference specifications and any other parts included by the Supplier. Include current list price for each spare part sold by UV Supplier. F) List the parts-stocking warehouse locations in the United States and Canada. G) Are all parts for the proposed equipment type or model available at these locations at all times? H) Provide the normal delivery schedule for parts from time of order. 4.15. Section 8, Start-up and Training, of the Bid response must contain the following information: A) Description of how the UV System Supplier intends to comply with the requirements of Technical Specification 46 66 56, Supplier’s Field Services. 4.16. Section 9, Schedule of Prices, of the Bid response must contain the following information. A) Attach completely filled in “Schedule of Prices” in the format given herein B) Provide a formal “Quotation” complete with a detailed scope of services and all terms and conditions suitable for giving to a bidding contractor for the construction contract. Quotation must acknowledge any exceptions taken to the scope of work for UV System Supplier as required in and referenced from Technical Specification Section 46 66 56 in this IFB. Quotation shall include initial equipment costs, guaranteed power consumption at conditions indicated on Schedule of Prices, and guaranteed costs for replacement lamps, ballasts, and sensors. UV System Supplier shall guarantee purchase price for replacement lamps, ballasts, and sensors for twenty years following the date of Substantial Completion of the construction contract as specified in Technical Specification 46 66 56. PAGE-11 IFB 15-002 5. BASIS FOR SELECTION 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. A Selection Advisory Committee has been established to review and evaluate all bids submitted in response to this IFB. Each Bid will be scored using the process outlined below, with the highest score representing the highest ranked Bidder. The Committee will consider the data and information supplied by the UV System Supplier in its Bid response and from the Bidder’s client references, as well as any other pertinent information available to the Committee. AlexRenew’s Design Engineer will provide technical input to the Committee, but will not be a member of the Committee. The Committee will evaluate each bid with regard to the following factors: Evaluation Category Maximum Points The exceptions taken by the UV System Supplier do not affect the quality, performance, durability, or longevity of the equipment The equipment proposed has demonstrated successful service for a minimum of one (1) year in wastewater disinfection. The UV System Supplier has an active service organization currently available in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, DC Compliance with Technical Specifications Minimum Requirement Minimum Requirement Minimum Requirement 30 Energy efficiency 20 Life Cycle Cost 15 Preventive and routine maintenance; service and parts availability Flexibility for potential regulatory changes 15 Installed equipment experience and references 10 Maximum Total Points 100 5.4. 10 Life Cycle Cost will be determined as the sum of the following: A) Total Initial UV System Cost (Item 1.g. from Price Schedule). B) 20-year Present Worth of Average Annual Power Cost (based on Bidder’s guarantee for power consumption at design average flow, design average UVT, average lamp output factor, design sleeve fouling factor, and operational UV dose of 30 mJ/cm2 based on 2003 NWRI validated UV dose equation for reuse). Average lamp output factor shall be the average of 1.00 and the design end of lamp life factor; average lamp output factor = (1.00 + Design EOL)/2. C) 20-year Present Worth of Average Annual Cost for Replacement Ballasts (based on Bidder’s non-prorated guaranteed ballast life, guaranteed replacement ballast cost, and number of ballasts installed in system). PAGE-12 IFB 15-002 D) 20-year Present Worth of Average Annual Cost for Replacement Lamps (based on Bidder’s guaranteed replacement lamp cost, Bidder’s non-prorated guarantee for hours of lamp life, number of lamps operating at design average flow, design average UVT, design end of lamp life output factor, design sleeve fouling factor, and operational UV dose of 30 mJ/cm2 based on NWRI validated UV dose equation for reuse). E) 20-year Present Worth of Average Annual Cost for Replacement Intensity Sensors (based on Bidder’s non-prorated guaranteed sensor life, guaranteed replacement sensor price, and number of sensors installed in system). 5.5. F) The 20-year present worth factor shall be 17.00 based on a real discount rate of 1.0%. The formulas used to calculate the Life Cycle Cost are the following: A) The life cycle cost of ballasts will be determined as follows: 20-year Present Worth of Average Annual Ballast Cost = 17.00 x (Number of Ballasts installed in System from Price Schedule, Item 3b.) x (Ballast replacement cost from Price Schedule, Item 3a., $/ballast) / (Guaranteed Ballast Life from Price Schedule, Item 3.c., years) B) The life cycle cost of lamps will be determined as follows: 20-year Present Worth of Average Annual Lamp Cost = 17.00 x (Average lamps ON from Price Schedule, Item 2b.) x (Lamp replacement cost from Price Schedule, Item 2a., $/lamp) x (8760 hours/year) / (Guaranteed Lamp Life from Price Schedule, Item 2c, hours). C) The life cycle cost of sensors will be determined as follows: 20-year Present Worth of Average Annual Sensor Cost = 17.00 x (Number of Sensors installed in System from Price Schedule, Item 4b.) x (Sensor replacement cost from Price Schedule, Item 4a., $/ballast) / (Guaranteed Sensor Life from Price Schedule, Item 4.c., years). D) The life cycle cost of power will be determined as follows: 20-year Present Worth of Annual Average Power Cost = 17.00 x (Average Power Usage from Price Schedule Item 5a., kW) x (8760 hours/year) x ($0.06 per kW-hr). PAGE-13 IFB 15-002 6. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 6.1. 6.2. UV Disinfection equipment and services shall be provided as described in the attached Technical Specifications. It shall be understood that the equipment and services included in the Bidder’s Bid Proposal shall match those ultimately provided. Substitutions or modifications to the equipment and services included in the Bid Proposal shall not be allowed. The Construction Contract Documents will require specified terms and conditions as outlined in the attached General Conditions and Supplemental Conditions, which will be included in the bid documents issued for the construction contract. The preselected UV System Supplier is responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable terms and conditions outlined in the attached General Conditions and Supplemental Conditions. PAGE-14 SCHEDULE OF PRICES IFB 15-002, UV DISINFECTION SYSTEM SUPPLIER PRE-SELECTION UV DISINFECTION SYSTEM EQUIPMENT COST Item No. 1a. Item Description Cost Dollars Cents UV Disinfection System equipment as described in Specification Section 46 66 56 Spare parts per Specification Section 46 66 56 1b. 1c. 1d. 1e. Shop testing per Specification Section 46 66 56 Installation, field testing, and start-up services Submittals including certified shop and installation drawings, and paper and electronic O&M manuals O&M Training Total Price – UV Disinfection System 1f. 1g. UV DISINFECTION SYSTEM - LIFE CYCLE COST DATA FOR LAMPS Item No. Item Description $ 2a. Guaranteed cost for one replacement lamp 2b. Number of lamps in operation at Average Design Flow, Design Average UVT, average EOLL lamp output, design sleeve fouling factor, and operational dose of 30 _______ mJ/cm2 by 2003 NWRI validated dose equation suitable for reuse applications 2c. Guaranteed lamp life, hours (shall not exceed lamp life _______ used with EOLL factor for system sizing) -CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE- IFB 15-002 UV Disinfection System Supplier Pre-Selection lamps hours UV DISINFECTION SYSTEM - LIFE CYCLE COST DATA FOR BALLASTS Item No. Item Description 3a. Guaranteed cost for one replacement ballast $ 3b. Number of installed ballasts in system _______ 3c. Guaranteed ballast life, years ______ ballasts years UV DISINFECTION SYSTEM - LIFE CYCLE COST DATA FOR SENSORS Item No. Item Description 4a. Guaranteed cost for one replacement sensor $ 4b. Number of installed sensors in system _______ 4c. Guaranteed sensor life, years ______ ballasts years UV DISINFECTION SYSTEM – LIFE CYCLE COST DATA FOR POWER USE Item No. 5a. Item Description Guaranteed Power Use Kilowatts Guaranteed not-to-exceed Power Usage at Average Design Flow, Design Average UVT, average EOLL lamp output, design sleeve fouling factor, and operational dose of 30 mJ/cm2 by NWRI validated dose equation suitable for reuse applications, including power required for lamps, ballasts, and ballast panel cooling. -CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE- IFB 15-002 UV Disinfection System Supplier Pre-Selection Manufacturer guarantees to meet the following delivery times: Delivery of shop drawings after receipt of purchase order from Contractor: ___________ weeks Delivery of UV system after receipt of approved shop drawings: ___________________ weeks Manufacturer agrees to provide replacement lamps, ballasts, and intensity sensors to AlexRenew at or below the costs stated in Items 2a and 3a and 4a in the Price Schedule, adjusted by the Producer Price Index for finished goods excluding food and energy as described herein, for a period of twenty years from Notice of Substantial Completion of construction contract in accordance with the warranty and guarantee requirements of Technical Specification 46 66 56 – Open Channel LPHO Ultraviolet Treatment Equipment. Manufacturer’s Name: Manufacturer’s Address: Individual Authorized to Make Bid Proposal (typed): Title of Individual Authorized to Make Bid Proposal: _______________________________ Signature of Individual Authorized to Make Bid Proposal: ___________________________ Affix Corporate Seal of UV Manufacturer below: Addendum No. Date Initial (acknowledging receipt) - END OF DOCUMENT - IFB 15-002 UV Disinfection System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 46 66 56 OPEN CHANNEL LPHO ULTRAVIOLET TREATMENT EQUIPMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 UV SYSTEM SUPPLIER REQUIREMENTS A. The Construction Contractor shall, install, test, and place into operation a complete and operational, open channel, gravity flow, low-pressure, high-intensity, horizontal or inclined lamp, automatically controlled and automatically cleaned ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system, with all associated control and ancillary equipment. The new UV system shall be installed in AlexRenew’s existing UV Building in place of the existing UV system. The Contractor shall install the new UV equipment one channel at a time, and the UV System Supplier shall test and commission the new UV equipment one channel at a time and in such a manner that at least 5 of 6 UV channels are always available for AlexRenew’s use. B. The UV System Supplier shall furnish a UV disinfection system to the Contractor with all necessary accessory equipment, including but not limited to: UV lamp modules and support frames, UV lamps with quartz sleeves, electronic ballasts and ballast enclosures, power distribution equipment and enclosures, interconnecting cables and control cables, control equipment and enclosures, UV intensity and lamp monitoring systems, UV transmittance monitor, automatic lamp sleeve cleaning system, module lifting adapters, and other auxiliaries. The UV System Supplier shall provide services, including factory tests, field testing, submittals, and training AlexRenew personnel in the care and operation and maintenance of all equipment. All equipment and services to be provided by the UV System Supplier shall be as specified in this IFB and as described in the future Invitation for Bid package for a Contractor for Installation of Ultraviolet Disinfection System for AlexRenew. C. All UV modules or banks, instrumentation and control system, power distribution centers and other major components of the UV system shall be factory assembled and tested and shall be shipped in as large an assembly as practical to minimize field assembling effort. D. The UV System Supplier shall provide a complete instrumentation and control system for the UV equipment conforming to all applicable requirements of Division 40 of the Specifications. Non-standard features are required by Division 40 and by this Specification and shall be included in the UV System Supplier’s scope of supply. The UV PLC shall receive and use signals from devices furnished by others (including but not limited to level signals from ultrasonic level sensors in each UV channel and high level sensor in the UV influent channel and existing sluice gates at the inlet of each UV channel and new motorized weir gates at the outlet of each UV channel). The UV System Supplier shall coordinate with the Contractor for proper interface of the UV system controls with the plant PLC and SCADA system. The UV PLC shall receive the UV system flow pacing signal from the plant SCADA network. The UV System Supplier shall be responsible for providing all hardware, software and firmware to facilitate an operational communication interface with the plant PLC and SCADA IFB 15-002 46 66 56-1 46 56 66-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection system. All equipment and services to be provided by the UV System Supplier shall be as described in this IFB for the Ultraviolet Disinfection System Supplier PreSelection. E. The UV control system shall use active control of UV dose based on at least the following parameters: 1. UV system flow (from plant SCADA network) 2. UV transmittance and/or measured UV intensity 3. Lamp on status 4. Lamp/ballast power level 5. Operational UV dose based on dose equation from approved validation testing Based on these parameters, the UV system shall automatically vary the UV lamp power and automatically adjust the number of lamps in service and the number of channels in service to maintain the dose requirement. The UV system shall be capable of opening and closing UV influent sluice gates to maintain the appropriate number of channels in service. The UV system shall also be capable of operating with the UV influent gates in manual control, by providing appropriate alarm messages to SCADA when the lag channel needs to be started or stopped. The UV system shall monitor UV intensity in each bank and shall provide alarms for low intensity. The UV system shall control the position of motorized weir gates at the effluent end of each UV channel to maintain appropriate water level in each active UV channel. F. The UV System Supplier shall guarantee that the UV system is capable of disinfecting a tertiary filtered effluent to the specified performance and design criteria and requirements for the wastewater characteristics specified herein. 1.02 DIVISION OF WORK A. The UV System Supplier shall furnish and deliver to the Contractor a complete UV disinfection system consisting of, but not limited to: UV lamps, UV modules, module mounting brackets, eye shields, power distribution enclosures, ballast enclosures, interconnecting cables between lamp modules and power distribution centers, lamp cleaning wipers and wiper drives, customized flow pacing and dose control programming based on validation testing, spare parts, module or bank lifting adapters, and needed accessories and specified services. B. The Contractor shall modify the existing structure and install the UV equipment in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Contractor will supply electrical conduits for the UV System Supplier’s supplied wire and cable, with the exception that UV System Supplier will supply cable trays where cable trays are required between ballast panels and lamp modules. The Contractor shall install and terminate wire and cable provided by the UV System Supplier. The Contractor shall supply conduits for manufacturer-supplied hydraulic hoses between UV system components, and shall install hydraulic hoses if required. The Contractor will unload, store, and install the UV equipment per the directions of the UV System Supplier. IFB 15-002 46 66 56-2 11500-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection C. The UV System Supplier shall inspect UV system installation, certify proper installation, perform functional demonstrations, and supervise performance testing one channel at a time. The UV System Supplier shall train the Owner, as required herein and in Section 46 05 00 – Common Work Results for Wastewater Equipment. D. The UV System Supplier shall use a PLC manufacturer for the UV PLC in accordance with Section 40 94 43 for complete control and monitoring of the entire UV system. E. The UV System Supplier shall coordinate with the Owner and Contractor and with the Control Systems Integrator, as needed, so that the Contractor can integrate the UVPLC monitoring and control system with the plant-wide SCADA system. Monitoring functions available to plant staff at the UV system control panel shall also be made available through the plant SCADA system, at the Owner’s discretion after review of available data. 1.03 REFERENCES A. NWRI/AWWARF – “Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse”, May 2003 (referred to herein as the 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines). B. International Society for Automation 1.04 TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS A. Terminology and definitions shall be consistent with those used in the 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines. B. Equipment supplied under this specification shall meet the requirements of the following Technical Specifications: Section 01 33 00 – Submittal Procedures (Informational Section) Section 01 78 23 – Operation and Maintenance Data Section 26 05 19 – Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cable Section 26 05 36 – Cable Trays for Electrical Systems Section 26 05 53 – Identification for Electrical Systems Section 26 09 16 – Electric Controls and Relays Section 26 24 16 – Panelboards Section 26 27 26 – Wiring Devices Section 40 90 10 – Control and Information System Submittals Section 40 90 12 – Signal Coordination Requirements Section 40 94 33 – Human-Machine Interfaces Section 40 94 43 – Programmable Logic Process Controllers Section 40 95 13.23 – Main Process Control Panels and Hardware Section 40 95 13.24 – Cabinets and Panels Section 40 95 13.25 – Panel Instruments and Accessories Section 40 95 34 – Uninterruptible Power Systems Section 40 95 58 – Surge Protection Devices Section 46 05 00 – Common Work Results for Wastewater Equipment 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All equipment described herein shall be provided by a single Manufacturer. Validation IFB 15-002 46 66 56-3 11500-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection testing shall have been conducted with third party oversight in general accordance with the Validation Protocol established in the NWRI/AWWARF – Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse, Second Edition, May 2003. Dose validation according to the 2003 NWRI Guidelines is required in the state of Virginia for UV disinfection of water reuse, and the UV system specified herein is part of a water reuse system. Therefore, no other dose validation methods will be accepted in place of those in the 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines. AlexRenew conducted a study of options for upgrading its existing UV system and through that process identified the following named manufacturers: 1. Calgon Carbon, Model C3-500D: C3500 Wastewater UV Reactor Validation Report Final January 2010 by Carollo 2. Trojan Technologies, Model UV3000Plus: Trojan UV3000Plus Validation Report (Greenway Bioassay), Rev. 3.0A by GAP Enviromicrobial Services, December 2008. 3. Xylem / Wedeco, Model Duron: Xylem/Wedeco Third Party Validation of the Duron UV Reactor, 2003 NWRI Validation Report, by Carollo. May 2014. B. The UV disinfection system shall be capable of disinfecting the specified flows based on the minimum influent water quality specified herein. C. The UV equipment shall have demonstrated successful service experience as required in the UV Equipment Invitation for Bids. D. The equipment covered by these Specifications shall be of proven reliability. All parts of the equipment furnished shall be amply designed and constructed for the maximum stresses occurring during fabrication, erection and continuous operation. Equipment shall not have been in service at any time prior to delivery, except as required by tests. Like parts of duplicate new units shall be interchangeable. E. The design of all equipment and associated controls shall accommodate all the requirements of these specifications. The UV System Supplier shall provide nonstandard features and functions where specified. The UV control program and UV operator interface displays shall be fully customized to the requirements of this installation. 1.06 DESIGN CRITERIA AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. UV System Conditions: 1. Peak Disinfection Flow 115 MGD 2. Maximum Total Suspended Solids 9 mg/l 3. Annual Effluent Temperature Range 50o to 80o F 4. Minimum UV Transmittance at 253.7 nm 65% 5. Design Average UV Transmittance* 75% 6. Design Average Daily Flow* 35 MGD IFB 15-002 46 66 56-4 11500-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 7. Daily Minimum Flow 10 MGD 8. Plant Rated Capacity 54 MGD *These values, in addition to the end of lamp life and sleeve fouling factors listed below, shall be used by UV System Supplier to determine guaranteed power usage and number of lamps in operation at average design flow and average design UV transmittance, as described in the IFB. B. Performance Requirements 1. The UV system shall be designed to meet or exceed the following microbiological limits at the conditions specified herein: A. 2. Geometric mean of E. coli of daily effluent samples (7 days per week) during a period of 30 consecutive days (monthly) shall not exceed 126 per 100 mL. The UV system shall be designed to deliver a minimum bioassay-validated UV MS2 Reduction Equivalent Dose (RED) of 30 mJ/cm2 at the peak disinfection flow using UV RED equations developed from a bioassay in general compliance with the 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines for reuse applications. Where the requirements of this specification differ from this protocol, the requirements of this specification take precedence. The bioassay RED equation shall be based on the lower 75th percent confidence interval, and extrapolation of RED beyond the flow and UVT ranges tested shall not be allowed. The UV system shall also be designed to deliver a minimum UVDIS dose of 50 mJ/cm2 in accordance with the requirements of the state of Virginia. Both design doses shall be achieved under the following conditions: a. Maximum Design Flow b. Minimum Design UV Transmittance c. End of Lamp Life (EOLL) factor of 0.50. The UV System Supplier may use an alternate EOLL only if the alternate EOLL is validated in general accordance with 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines and is approved by the Engineer. For named manufacturers, alternate EOLLs are listed below. End of Lamp Life factor must be at lamp hours guaranteed in UV Lamp Guarantee. Calgon Carbon – C3-500D Trojan Technologies – UV3000Plus Xylem / Wedeco – Duron 0.90 at 12,000 hours 0.98 at 12,000 hours 0.89 at 14,000 hours For manufacturers not named in this specification, technical documentation supporting alternate EOLLs must be provided for review by the Engineer as part of the bid. Sleeve fouling factor (SFF) of 0.80. The UV System Supplier may use an alternate SFF only if the alternate SFF is validated in accordance IFB 15-002 46 66 56-5 11500-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection with the 2003 NWRI UV Guidelines and is approved by the Engineer. For named manufacturers, the alternate SFFs are listed below. Calgon C3-500D 0.90 Trojan Technologies Inc. – UV3000Plus 0.95 Xylem / Wedeco – Duron 0.90 For manufacturers not named in this specification, technical documentation supporting alternate SFFs must be provided for review by the Engineer as part of the bid. The SFF used to size the UV system shall not exceed 0.90 for mechanically wiped systems and shall not exceed 0.95 for chemical/mechanically wiped systems. 2. The UV system shall be capable of delivering the specified minimum UV RED with the duty channels in operation, excluding standby channel. However, the overriding performance requirement is the specified microbiological limit. If the microbiological limit is not met, the UV System Supplier shall take necessary actions to increase UV RED, or other modifications approved by the Owner, to reliably achieve the disinfection requirements. C. Design Requirements 1.07 1. The minimum number of lamps required to provide the design operational UV RED for the UV system shall be as listed as part of the bid, determined using the UV RED equations developed from validation testing listed in Paragraph 1.05.A. 2. UV Manufacturers whose validation reports are not listed above shall submit validation testing report in accordance with the 2003 NWRI Guidelines and in accordance with the Invitation for Bids for Ultraviolet Disinfection System Supplier Pre-Selection with their bid. UV System Supplier shall also submit a sleeve fouling factor test report and a lamp aging test report with the bid, if the UV System Supplier does not size its system based on 2003 NWRI UV Guideline default SFF and EOLL factors. 3. Standby UV equipment shall be provided by installation of one standby channel for the UV system. 4. Maximum acceptable head loss through lamp arrays shall be 5.5 inches per channel at the peak flow 115 MGD in the 5 duty channels. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00 and 01 78 23 and with the requirements of this Section. B. Shop Drawings shall include at least the following: 1. IFB 15-002 UV Manufacturer’s certification that the UV system meets the requirements of Section 46 66 56 in every way. If the UV System Supplier takes exception to any part of Section 46 56 66, the UV System Supplier shall include with certification a list of all exceptions and proposed alternate equivalent provisions. The UV System Supplier shall provide all specified functions and 46 66 56-6 11500-6 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection features, unless proposed alternate provision is accepted in writing by the Engineer. 2. Dimensional data of all mechanical and electrical components. Lamps, lamp spacing, sleeves, cleaning components, frame size, and all enclosures including interior components shall be included. 3. Layout drawing clearly indicating items to be provided by UV System Supplier and items to be provided by Contractor. Any checker plate or covering required to prevent UV light from leaving the channel shall be clearly indicated. 4. Complete ballast data, electrical nameplate data, and wiring descriptions and diagrams. 5. Equipment specification and data sheets identifying all materials used. 6. The total weight of one module. 7. Calculations demonstrating that the proposed UV equipment provides the design UV doses and meets the UV Manufacturer’s recommended head loss limits and maximum allowable head loss of 5.5 inches at the minimum, average and peak design flows. 8. A list of the UV Manufacturer's spare parts and tools to be supplied. 9. Complete storage, recommendations. 10. Power and control interconnection diagrams, wiring diagrams, control panel layout and schematics, and the overall electrical design for the UV system. 11. A complete project-specific narrative description of the UV PLC control program, including a list of all adjustable control set points, alarm set points, and timers and their recommended initial values. 12. A complete set of project-specific UV Operator Interface screens with a description of all terms, graphics, alarms, functions, and operator inputs. 13. A complete listing of UV PLC data available for communication from the UV PLC to the plant SCADA system, including equipment status, set point, and alarm data, with project-specific tag numbers. The Owner and Engineer will use this complete list to select which UV PLC data will be displayed and trended by the Control Systems Integrator for the plant SCADA system. 14. Factory test protocol and copies of all factory test results. 15. Field test protocols and report of field test results. installation, and adjustment instructions and C. The following data shall be provided: 1. IFB 15-002 A certificate from the Lamp Manufacturer certifying that the proposed ballasts are suitable for the particular lamp supplied for the system. 46 66 56-7 11500-7 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2. Documentation of system descriptions and quality assurance as specified in Parts 1 and 2 and documentation of performance testing and field testing as specified in Part 3, herein. The UV System Supplier shall submit detailed calculations of the UV design dose delivered by the equipment submitted, including detailed dimensions of lamp arrangement. 3. Written test reports upon completion of each test and inspection (Factory Testing, Functional Testing, Intensive Testing, and Performance Testing) of the equipment specified in this Section. As a minimum, the following information shall be included in these test reports: a. Date of test and date issued, testing laboratory name, address, and telephone number, and name and signature of laboratory inspector. b. Date and time of sampling or inspection and record of conditions at the plant noting any unusual circumstances. c. Identification of product and specification, location of sampling, testing or inspection, type of inspection or test with referenced standard or code, and certified results of test. d. An interpretation of test results. e. Identification of corrective action necessary to bring materials and equipment into compliance. D. The Contractor shall submit complete operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals in accordance with Section 01 78 23 – Operation and Maintenance Data. O&M manuals shall be customized for this project and shall include a thorough troubleshooting guide, parts list, and installation and start-up instructions. O&M manuals for the UV system shall include full page size color printouts of each screen at the PLC operator interface with complete description of the information and functions available at each screen. 1.08 WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES A. Provide triplicate notarized copies of all warranties and guarantees. B. All UV equipment shall have a one (1) year warranty from date of Substantial Completion of the construction contract. UV equipment will be installed, tested, and placed into service one channel at a time; however, the overall UV equipment 1-year warranty shall start on the date of Substantial Completion of the entire system. C. UV Lamp Guarantee: The operating life of all lamps shall be guaranteed for 12,000 operating hours or longer by the UV Manufacturer, provided that the system is properly cleaned, maintained, and operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions. UV System Supplier shall use the lamp life associated with its UV Lamp Guarantee in the Schedule of Prices for calculation of annual lamp replacement cost. Pro-rated guarantees shall not be acceptable. IFB 15-002 46 66 56-8 11500-8 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1. The UV System Supplier shall supply replacement lamps, at no additional cost to Owner, for all lamps that fail in normal operation before the guaranteed lamp life. 2. The UV lamp guarantee shall apply to all lamps originally furnished and to all lamps subsequently supplied as replacements for lamps that failed before their guaranteed life and to all lamps purchased during the 20-year design life of the UV system. 3. The UV System Supplier shall guarantee the lamp replacement cost as indicated in their Proposal. The UV System Supplier agrees to accept this pricing per lamp for purchases by the Owner not associated with a warranty, defect, repair and replacement or performance claim. The lamp cost shall be the least of the following two options: 4. a. The current market price at the time of purchase. b. The base guaranteed price stated in 2a of the Proposal Schedule of Prices, subject to an adjustment using the Producer Price Index (“PPI”). The PPI shall be WPUSOP3500, Finished Goods Less Food and Energy, not seasonally adjusted. The baseline for calculation of the adjustments to the PPI shall be the PPI index published as of the date of Substantial Completion of the general construction contract. The PPI adjustment will be the latest PPI index published as of the date when a purchase order is made by the Owner, compared with the PPI value as of the date of Substantial Completion. The price shall include all costs associated with the lamps, including materials, tools, packaging, shipping, and shipping coordination with delivery to the site of the project. Price shall also include all costs associated with the return of any defective lamp replaced under the UV Lamp Warranty to the UV Manufacturer, as well as cost for returning all failed and/or fully aged lamps for disposal by UV Manufacturer. D. Ballast Guarantee: The operating life of all ballasts shall be guaranteed for a period of at least 5 years by the UV Manufacturer, provided that ballasts are operated within normal on/off cycling and voltage fluctuation requirements. 1. The UV System Supplier shall supply replacement ballasts, at no additional cost to Owner, for all ballasts that fail in normal operation before the guaranteed ballast life. Pro-rated guarantees shall not be acceptable. 2. The ballast guarantee shall apply to all ballasts originally furnished and to all ballasts subsequently supplied as replacements for ballasts that failed before their guaranteed life and to all ballasts purchased during the 20-year design life of the UV system. 3. The UV System Supplier shall guarantee ballast replacement cost as indicated in their Proposal. The UV System Supplier agrees to accept this pricing per ballast for purchases by the Owner not associated with a warranty, defect, repair and replacement or performance claim. The ballast cost shall be the least of the following two options: IFB 15-002 46 66 56-9 11500-9 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 4. a. The current market price at the time of purchase. b. The base guaranteed price stated in 3a of the Proposal Schedule of Prices, subject to an adjustment using the Producer Price Index (“PPI”) as specified. The PPI shall be WPUSOP3500, Finished Goods Less Food and Energy, not seasonally adjusted. The baseline for calculation of the adjustments to the PPI shall be the PPI index published as of the date of Substantial Completion of the general construction contract. The PPI adjustment will be the latest PPI index published as of the date when a purchase order is made by the Owner, compared with the PPI value as of the date of Substantial Completion of the general construction contract. The price shall include all costs associated with the ballasts, including materials, tools, packaging, shipping, and shipping coordination with delivery to the site of the project. Price shall also include all costs associated with the return of any defective ballast replaced under the UV Ballast Warranty to the UV Manufacturer. E. Intensity Sensor Guarantee: The operating life of all intensity sensors shall be guaranteed for a period of at least 5 years by the UV Manufacturer. 5. The UV System Supplier shall supply replacement sensors, at no additional cost to Owner, for all sensors that fail in normal operation before the guaranteed life. Pro-rated guarantees shall not be acceptable. 6. The sensor guarantee shall apply to all sensors originally furnished and to all sensors subsequently supplied as replacements for sensors that failed before their guaranteed life and to all sensors purchased during the 20-year design life of the UV system. 7. The UV System Supplier shall guarantee sensor replacement cost as indicated in their Proposal. The UV System Supplier agrees to accept this pricing per sensor for purchases by the Owner not associated with a warranty, defect, repair and replacement or performance claim. The sensor cost shall be the least of the following two options: 8. IFB 15-002 c. The current market price at the time of purchase. d. The base guaranteed price stated in 4a of the Proposal Schedule of Prices, subject to an adjustment using the Producer Price Index (“PPI”) as specified. The PPI shall be WPUSOP3500, Finished Goods Less Food and Energy, not seasonally adjusted. The baseline for calculation of the adjustments to the PPI shall be the PPI index published as of the date of Substantial Completion of the general construction contract. The PPI adjustment will be the latest PPI index published as of the date when a purchase order is made by the Owner, compared with the PPI value as of the date of Substantial Completion of the general construction contract. The price shall include all costs associated with the sensors, including 46 66 56-10 11500-10 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection materials, tools, packaging, shipping, and shipping coordination with delivery to the site of the project. Price shall also include all costs associated with the return of any defective sensor replaced under the UV Intensity Sensor Warranty to the UV Manufacturer. F. Quartz Sleeve Guarantee: The UV System Supplier shall provide a guarantee on the operational life of all quartz sleeves for a minimum of 10 years. The UV System Supplier shall guarantee the UV transmittance of clean quartz sleeves shall be greater than 87% (or the value certified for use in UV Manufacturer’s design RED calculations, if greater) at 254 nm throughout the life of the sleeves. The UV System Supplier shall replace, at no additional cost to Owner, all quartz sleeves that fail in normal operation during guaranteed operational life. The UV System Supplier is not required to replace quartz sleeves that are broken by improper handling by Owner or Contractor. G. In accordance with requirements of Section 46 05 00, the UV System Supplier shall provide a Performance Affidavit certifying that the UV equipment supplied is provided in accordance with the design and performance criteria and requirements specified herein. 1.09 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. The system shall be prepared and protected for shipment, stored, and shipped by the UV System Supplier with care and attention to safeguard the equipment from damage. B. The UV System Supplier shall provide written unloading and storage instructions to the Contractor at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to shipment of the equipment. The UV System Supplier shall anticipate portions of the UV system will be stored at the AlexRenew WRRF for approximately one year while the new system is installed and commissioned one channel at a time, and UV System Supplier will provide instructions for long term storage. C. The UV System Supplier shall provide the Contractor and Owner notice of scheduled shipping dates (schedules departures and arrival) at least ten (10) calendar days prior to shipment. D. The equipment shall be available to be shipped within the time after approval of shop drawings guaranteed in UV System Supplier’s bid. E. Actual schedule will be determined by the Contractor. The UV System Supplier shall coordinate their shop drawing submittals, fabrication, assembly, programming, factory testing, storage, and delivery schedule in accordance with the schedule determined by the Contractor. PART 2 – EQUIPMENT 2.01 GENERAL A. The UV Disinfection System shall include horizontal or inclined, open-channel equipment with a third-party bioassay, as manufactured by Calgon Carbon, Trojan IFB 15-002 46 66 56-11 11500-11 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection Technologies, Xylem/Wedeco, or equal. Only equipment that fits in AlexRenew’s existing UV channels and hydraulic profile, is validated in accordance with the 2003 NWRI Guidelines, and meets these technical specifications will be considered. B. The UV equipment shall be arranged as follows, with at least the number of lamps listed: Calgon Carbon – C3-500D Total Number of Channels Number of Duty Channels Number of Banks per Channel Total Number of Banks Total Number of Lamps Total Number of Modules (Racks) Number of Lamps per Module (Rack) Number of UV Modules (Racks) per Bank Number of Power Distribution Centers Number of System Control Centers Number of Ballasts 6 5 2 12 768 64 8 8 12 1 768 Trojan Technologies – UV3000Plus: Total Number of Channels Number of Duty Channels Number of Banks per Channel Total Number of Banks Total Number of Lamps Total Number of Modules Number of Lamps in Each UV Module Number of UV Modules per Bank Number of Power Distribution Centers (PDC) Number of Hydraulic System Centers (HSC) Number of System Control Centers Number of Lamp Drivers (Ballasts) 6 5 2 12 1248 156 8 13 12 2 1 624 Xylem / Wedeco Duron: Total Number of Channels Number of Duty Channels Number of Banks per Channel Total Number of Banks Total Number of Lamps Total Number of Modules Number of Lamps in Each UV Module Number of UV Modules per Bank Number of System Control Panels (ICA) Number of Ballast Cabinets Number of Ballasts C. IFB 15-002 6 5 5 (4.5 lamped) 30 648 60 12 2 1 18 324 All UV modules and banks shall be installed at the same elevation. Installing some UV modules or banks at a higher elevation than others shall not be allowed. It shall be possible to use all lamps in a channel at the minimum design flow. 46 66 56 -12 11500-12 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection D. 2.02 The system shall be suitable for use with electrically actuated downward opening weir gates, provided by Contractor and controlled by the UV system PLC. Control of the weir position by the UV System Controller shall maintain a constant water level downstream of the UV modules under all flow conditions in the channel to ensure optimum disinfection conditions. Each operating gate shall be maintained at the same elevation as other operating gates when multiple channels are operating to maintain flow split. MATERIALS A. General 1. All metal components exposed to UV light and all metal components in contact with water and/or below the top of the UV channels, shall be Type 316L stainless steel. All stainless steel shall be in accordance with Division 05. 2. All other metal components shall be Type 304 stainless steel (Type 304L where welded), with the exception that the ballast enclosures integrated into lamp modules may be anodized aluminum. All stainless steel shall be in accordance with Division 05. 3. All wiring exposed to UV light shall be Teflon or polyurethane coated. 4. All materials exposed to UV light shall be UV resistant. B. UV Lamps 1. Lamps shall be high intensity, low-pressure mercury amalgam type. At least 90% of UV emission shall be at 254 nm wavelength. 2. Lamps shall be capable of producing a minimum output of 125 watts of UV-C energy at a wavelength of 254 nm after 100 hours of use for mercury amalgam lamps. 3. UV output energy of the lamps shall be variable. The lamp shall maintain a UVC output proportional to the variable power settings from the ballast. 4. Maximum cool down period of UV lamps (prior to re-start) shall be 1 minute in the event of a short-term UV system power failure. 5. The lamps shall be capable of operating in a submerged, no-flow condition for a minimum period of 60 minutes without causing any damage to the lamps. 6. The operating skin temperature of the UV lamp shall not exceed 130°C to minimize quartz fouling. 7. The lamp filaments shall be the clamped design, significantly rugged to withstand shock and vibration. 8. The lamp design shall prevent electrical arcing between electrical connections in moist conditions, either through ferrules or a pin isolators that consist of nonconductive divider placed between the lamp pins to prevent direct arcing IFB 15-002 46 66 56-13 11500-13 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection across the pins in moist conditions. 9. UV lamp minimum arc length shall be 62 inches. 10. Lamp bases shall be of a metal and ceramic construction resistant to UV and ozone. 11. The lamps shall be preheated individually to promote longevity. 12. The lamp shall withstand a minimum of four (4) on/off cycles per day without reducing lamp life, warranty or causing any damage to the lamp. 13. All electrical connections shall be at a single end through a four (4) pin machined, watertight plugging connector. 14. Lamps shall be rated to produce zero levels of ozone. 15. Lamp Identification and specifications shall be imprinted on lamp with permanent black ink. C. UV Lamp Sleeves 1. One quartz sleeve shall be provided for each lamp. Lamp sleeves shall be a single piece of clear fused quartz circular tubing, Type 214 as manufactured by General Electric, or by Quarzschmelze Ilmenau, or equal. 2. Lamp sleeves shall be rated for UV transmission of at least 87% at 254 nm, which shall not be subject to degradation over the life of the system. 3. For horizontal lamps systems (Trojan and Calgon), the open end of the sleeve shall be sealed such that the lamp is isolated from the module frame and from all other lamps in the same module. 4. For inclined lamp systems (Wedeco Duron), the open end of the sleeve and all electrical connections shall be above the maximum operating water level. E. Lamp Array Configuration 1. The lamp array configuration shall be a uniform staggered array, with all lamps parallel to each other and parallel or perpendicular to the flow. F. UV Lamp Assemblies 1. Each UV lamp assembly shall consist of a UV lamp, enclosed in an individual quartz sleeve, and with the end(s) appropriately sealed. 2. Lamps shall be removable with the quartz sleeve and wiper system remaining in place. 3. The quartz sleeve shall be fixed to the module frame using a protective O-ring. The quartz sleeves shall not come in contact with the stainless steel of the module frame. IFB 15-002 46 66 56-14 11500-14 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 4. The lamp socket shall be centered against the inside of the quartz sleeve. Lamp shall be removable without the need for any tools. G. UV Modules 1. The module frame shall be constructed of heavy gauge, Type 316L stainless steel. An electronic ballast enclosure may be mounted on the stainless steel frame, or ballasts may be located separately from lamp modules. Modules with integral ballast enclosures shall be designed so the bottom of the ballast enclosure is three inches above the top of the walls of the UV channels at TOW Elevation 15.00. 2. The UV Modules shall be designed such that operating personnel at the plant can change the lamps and quartz sleeves without requiring special tools. 3. Each UV module shall have a minimum rating of NEMA 4X. 4. Type 316L stainless steel spacer/reflector panels shall be provided between the modules, if needed to prevent ultraviolet light being emitted from the channel when the UV modules are installed and the lamps are energized. 5. For the Calgon Carbon C3-500D system, one adapter or lifting assembly shall be provided to enable lifting one module at a time by an electric hoist (by Owner). Each module shall have means of connecting to lifting adapter. Connections for the adapter/lifting assembly shall be located so that each module is lifted from its center of gravity. 6. 7. 8. For the Trojan Technologies UV3000Plus system, one adapter or lifting assembly shall be provided to enable lifting of one module at a time by an electric hoist (by Owner). Each module shall have means of connecting to lifting adapter. Connections for the adapter/lifting assembly shall be located so that each module is lifted from its center of gravity. The Xylem/Wedeco Duron system shall be supplied with an integral module lifting mechanism for lifting the modules in place above the UV channel. The lifting mechanism shall be driven by an integral electric motor provided by UV Manufacturer. UV systems proposed as equals to the named systems shall include an integral lifting device if that is an option for their product, or shall include means for connecting each module suitable for lifting by hoist from module’s center of gravity. Each module shall be fitted with water resistant NEMA 4 rated multi-pin connectors for power and data. Automatic interlock protection shall be incorporated into each module such that with the raising of module, power to the lamps will be automatically shut off. H. UV Lamp Module Support Rack 1. IFB 15-002 Module support frames shall be Type 316L stainless steel and shall be mounted in the channel by means of slotted angles allowing adjustment for precise positioning of the module within the channel during installation. Once 46 66 56-15 11500-15 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection correctly positioned, the frames will allow for permanent fixing to prevent movement during the life of the installation. Module support frames shall be within the channel, however ballast enclosure supports may be above channel walls. 2. I. The UV lamp module support rack shall be designed so that no ultraviolet light shall radiate above the channel when the UV lamp modules are energized and are operated at normal water levels. Eye shields at UV modules shall be provided by UV System Supplier. Any additional areas to be covered by Contractor shall be clearly indicated on UV System Supplier submittal drawings. Cleaning Systems 1. All UV systems shall be provided with an automated in-channel mechanical cleaning system. In addition, the Trojan Technologies UV30000Plus system shall be supplied with an in-channel combined mechanical/chemical cleaning system. 2. Mechanical cleaning systems shall have an automatically initiated and controlled cleaning cycle. The mechanical cleaning system shall be fully operational without requiring either lamps or modules to be placed out of service. IFB 15-002 a. Wiping interval, the time between wiping cycles, shall be factory preset at optimum value based on water condition and shall be field adjustable. The number of wiping strokes per cycle shall be factory preset by UV System Supplier and shall be field adjustable. b. Remote Manual and Remote Auto cleaning control shall be available through the operator interface. The wiping system shall be PLC controlled and provide a fully automatic, unattended operation. c. The automatic wiping system shall be electrically or hydraulically powered. d. The wiper holder assembly shall not shadow more than 0.75 inches of the lamp arc length when the wiper is in its parked position. e. The useful life of the wiper cleaning device in contact with the quartz sleeve shall be in excess of one year based on factory settings for time between cycles and strokes per cycle. f. The cleaning system shall maintain uniform wiping tension and cleaning over complete wiping length of the quartz sleeve and the UV sensors. The cleaning system shall maintain full efficiency throughout its life, without deterioration in quality of cleaning. g. The wiper cleaning device in contact with the quartz sleeve shall not damage or scratch the quartz sleeve or sensor. The wiper cleaning device shall be self-adjusting and shall automatically adjust to account for wear over its useful life. 46 66 56-16 11500-16 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection h. 4. The wiped length of the quartz sleeve shall be no less than the complete arc length. Wipers shall be parked beyond the arc length. All wipers shall be parked away from intense light and heat. A combined automatic chemical and mechanical cleaning system shall be provided with the Trojan Technologies UV3000Plus system. The cleaning system shall provide mechanical and chemical cleaning, complete with an automatically initiated and controlled cleaning cycle. Each sleeve shall be cleaned by a wiper mechanism consisting of mechanical and chemical components. The mechanical/chemical wipers park beyond the arc length when not in service. a. The automatic wiping system shall be hydraulically powered. Local cleaning control shall be provided at the Hydraulic System Center (HSC). b. The system shall be provided with the required cleaning reagents and solutions necessary for initial equipment testing and for equipment startup. c. UV System Supplier shall provide recommended cleaning solutions necessary for initial equipment testing and for equipment startup. In addition, provide additional cleaning chemicals as specified herein under Spare Parts. d. All hydraulic system pumping devices and controls shall be located within Type 304 stainless steel hydraulic system center enclosures. The UV System Supplier shall provide two HSCs. e. Each hydraulic system center shall contain one (1) hydraulic pump and reservoir sized to drive cleaning mechanisms for all modules in the associated banks. f. All hydraulic lines, manifolds, check valves, and quick disconnects located between the lamps and the Power Distribution Centers (PDCs) shall be provided and be assembled by the UV System Supplier start-up technician. J. UV Intensity Detection System 1. A submersible UV intensity sensor shall be installed and shall continuously sense the UV intensity produced in each bank of UV lamp modules. 2. The sensor shall measure only the germicidal portion of the light emitted by the UV lamps as measured at 254 nm. The sensor shall have sensitivity at 254 nm of greater than 95%. 3. The UV intensity monitoring system shall be calibrated in the factory and shall allow for field calibration. The UV System Supplier shall supply a separate UV reference radiometer to allow field calibration. If sensors do not allow for field IFB 15-002 46 66 56-17 11500-17 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection calibration, furnish one additional spare intensity sensor for reference checks (in addition to number listed in spare parts). 4. The measured intensity shall be continuously displayed on the operator interface unit as an absolute value in mW/cm2. The intensity shall also be displayed on the operator interface as a percent based upon the measured intensity compared to the expected intensity for the actual UV transmittance, lamp age, and ballast power. 5. For systems that use the intensity measurement as part of the RED-pacing algorithm, the UV intensity sensors shall meet internationally-recognized standards. Sensors shall conform to ÖNORM M 5873-1 or shall be US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable. 6. Each UV intensity sensor shall provide a 4-20 mA signal to the integrated circuit board inside each PDC or ballast enclosure or to the UV PLC. 7. The sensor shall be automatically cleaned at the same frequency as the lamp sleeves to prevent fouling of the sensor and resulting false alarms for low intensity. J. Module Maintenance Rack. Provide one stainless steel rolling rack capable of supporting 1 module out of the channel for the Calgon or Trojan system. K. On-Line Ultraviolet Transmittance (UVT) Monitor 2.03 1. The UV System Supplier shall provide one (1) UVT monitor for the UV system. The UVT monitor shall be HACH UVAS sc Tank Sensor with HACH sc200 controller. The sensor shall use a 50 millimeter path length for measuring % UVT per centimeter at 254 nm wavelength over a range of 25% to 98% UVT. The sensor shall detect UVT continuously with no sample pumping, no sample conditioning, and no reagents. The sensor shall include a self-cleaning wiper and shall be provided with two (2) sets of replacement wipers. The sensor shall be provided with an installation kit for mounting in the UV influent channel and shall be removable for maintenance. The UVT controller shall transmit a % UVT signal via a 4-20 mA output. 2. The UVT analyzer or SCC shall incorporate a display screen for visual trend analysis on a 60 minute or 24 hour basis. 3. The UVT monitor shall be provided with 120 VAC power feed. 4. The HACH sc200 controller shall be protected by an AC surge suppressor in accordance with Section 40 95 58. Contractor shall furnish AC surge suppressor and an enclosure for the surge suppressor and shall mount surge suppressor adjacent to controller. ELECTRICAL A. General IFB 15-002 46 66 56-18 11500-18 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1. Each bank of lamps, pair of banks, or channel of banks shall be powered from a Power Distribution Center or Ballast Enclosure and shall include a fused relay board or circuit breaker for each UV module or bank, and watertight connectors for each UV module. 2. Plug and socket quick connect facilities shall be provided to carry out lamp replacement, wiper insert replacement etc. without the need for any tools or special isolation procedures. Connectors to the lamp modules shall be molded, and ASTM UL recognized for the intended service. Protective caps on the male and female side of the module connectors shall be provided to prevent moisture intrusion during routine maintenance. Power feed and data cables between the PDC or ballast enclosure and the modules shall be furnished by the UV System Supplier pre-assembled with molded connectors already attached to the modules. 3. All components and enclosures shall be suitable for indoor installation at the project site with ambient temperatures up to 104 degrees F. All heat sensitive components shall be adequately cooled with air conditioning. 4. The major components of the UV electrical system shall be: • • • • UV System Control Panel (contains UV PLC) Power Distribution Centers (PDCs) or Ballast Enclosures sufficient to power all modules Lamp Controllers or Electronic Ballasts Electronic Ballast Enclosure Panels 5. Facilities for fully automated control through the UV PLC as described herein shall be provided. It shall also be possible to control all UV system components in manual mode independent of the PLC as described herein. 6. Complete electrical system shall comply with IEEE Standard 519, with Point of Common Coupling (PCC) taken at the bus of the 480V power panel supplying power to the UV Facility. If mitigation of harmonics from the UV system is required to comply with this standard, mitigation measures shall be provided by the UV System Supplier and installed by the Contractor. 7. The materials to be provided under this Specification shall be the products of manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of all such items and shall be the manufacturer’s latest design. The products shall conform to the applicable standards of UL and NEMA, unless stated otherwise. International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Standards are not recognized. Equipment designed, manufactured, and labeled in compliance with IEC Standards is not acceptable. 8. A 120 VAC or 480V surge suppression device shall be included inside all panels that contain electronic equipment. Surge suppression for 120 VAC shall be as specified in Section 40 95 58, and surge suppression for 480V shall be as specified in Division 26. UV System Supplier shall provide a surge protective device for the 120V power supply to the UV PLC panel. Surge protection for the 480V devices inside the UV Building is provided in the MCCs IFB 15-002 46 66 56-19 11500-19 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection supplying the UV system. B. UV System Control Panel (Main PLC Enclosure or System Control Center) 1. Provide one (1) UV System Control Panel to serve the entire UV system, with PLC-based control. The UV System Control Panel shall be a separate enclosure to house the UV system PLC, operator interface unit, control and instrumentation equipment and communications with the plant control system. The UV PLC, operator interface unit, and ancillary devices shall conform to all applicable requirements of Division 26 and 40 Specifications as specified herein. 2. The UV System Control Panel shall be minimum NEMA 4X, suitable for indoor installation and ambient temperatures up to 104 degrees F. The UV System Control Panel shall be in accordance with Section 40 94 43, 40 95 13.23, and 40 95 58. 3. The power supply to the UV System Control Panel shall be 120 VAC. 4. The UV System Control Panel shall have an internal single point of isolation for control power and shall house any power distribution circuits, control power transformers or power supplies required for the UV system controls. 5. The operator interface unit (OIU) for the UV PLC shall be provided in accordance with Section 40 94 33 and as specified herein. The operator interface unit shall provide complete control and monitoring of the entire UV system through color graphic display screens and utilize menu driven screens to allow viewing the UV system control, status monitoring, and alarm handling displays. The UV System Control Panel, control panel components, field instrumentation, PLC programming, OIU screen shots and any ancillary control stations shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01 33 00. The 120 VAC power to the controls shall be equipped with surge protection in accordance with Section 40 95 58. 6. The operator interface shall provide local access to all status and control functions for operations personnel. Optional password access shall be required to change options. Access to diagnostic information and all PID and control functions shall be provided to allow changes to be made with appropriate password and without the need for a programming terminal. 7. Operator interface shall be menu driven with automatic fault message windows appearing upon alarm conditions. The UV System Supplier shall confirm the Owner’s preferred color conventions for running/stopped equipment and alarms and faults before programming the OIU. 8. The system control panel shall be designed such that the center of the operator interface screen is located 60 inches above the walking surface in front of the panel. UV System Supplier shall take into account panel feet and concrete housekeeping pad in determining screen height. 9. All information available in the UV PLC and through the UV operator interface shall be available to the plant SCADA system. The UV System Supplier shall IFB 15-002 46 66 56-20 11500-20 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection coordinate with the Owner and Contractor and with the Control Systems Integrator as needed so that Contractor can integrate the UV-PLC monitoring and control system with the plant SCADA system. Monitoring functions available to plant staff at the UV system control panel shall also be available through the plant SCADA system. Refer to Section 40 94 43 for additional details of this interface. Extent of UV PLC data displayed at SCADA shall be determined by Owner and Engineer after review of complete data tag list submitted by the UV System Supplier. C. Power Distribution Center (PDC) or Ballast Enclosures/Cabinets 1. One (1) Power Distribution Center (PDC) shall be provided for each bank of lamps (Trojan Technologies) or one ballast enclosure shall be provided for each group of up to two banks (Calgon Carbon and Xylem/Wedeco). Ballast enclosures shall be provided with external, lockable disconnect switches to allow work within ballast cabinets. 2. All PDCs and ballast enclosures shall be NEMA 4X, Type 304 stainless steel, suitable for installation indoors and ambient temperature up to 104 degrees F. All PDC and ballast enclosures shall be provided in accordance with Division 26 and 40 requirements and as specified in this Section. NEMA rated electrical components shall be provided. IEC rated components are not acceptable. Ballast enclosure panels shall have air conditioning. 3. Power distribution shall be through bus bars or power distribution blocks and if needed cable trays (by UV Manufacturer) to environmentally sealed receptacles to allow for local connection of the UV Modules to ballasts. 4. Data connection shall be through integrated circuit boards located inside the PDC or ballast enclosure or module. 5. Overcurrent protective devices shall be provided for each component powered from the PDC or ballast enclosure and located inside the enclosure. 6. All internal components shall be sealed from the environment. 7. Electrical supply shall be furnished through a local fused disconnect switch, provided by the Contractor. Electrical supply to each PDC or ballast enclosure shall be: • • • Calgon Carbon: 480/277VAC, 60 Hz, 3 phase, 4 wire + ground Trojan Technologies:480VAC, 60 Hz, 3 phase, 4 wire + ground Xylem/Wedeco: 480/277V, 60 Hz, 3 phase, 4 wire + ground D. Cleaning System 1. Electrical supply to the cleaning system driver shall be as recommended by the UV Manufacturer. E. Electronic Ballasts (Electronic Lamp Controllers) IFB 15-002 46 66 56-21 11500-21 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2.04 1. Each ballast shall drive one (Calgon) or two (Trojan and Xylem/Wedeco) mercury amalgam lamps with independent control and monitoring circuits and shall transmit individual lamp status information to the UV PLC. 2. Ballasts shall be specifically designed for the proposed lamps. 3. Ballast enclosure panels shall be NEMA 4X, Type 304 stainless steel, suitable for installation indoors and with built in air conditioners. Ballast enclosures which are integral to UV modules shall be aluminum and shall not be air conditioned. 4. Ballasts shall detect lamp failure and initiate a re-strike sequence, independently from any external influence. Ballasts shall attempt three (3) restarts before shutting off and sending a lamp failure alarm. 5. Ballasts shall incorporate a filament pre-heat circuit to minimize lamp failure on start up. 6. The operating power factor for the ballasts shall be above 0.98, leading or lagging. 7. Variable output ballasts shall be provide, and ballasts shall be capable of varying lamp power from at least 60 – 100%. In case of control signal failure, ballasts shall maintain power output at previous setting. 8. The ballasts shall operate from a 60 Hz single-phase source over a nominal range of 220 to 277 Vrms +/- 10%. 9. Ballast input shall range from 500 W to 1200 W +/- 2%. 10. Maximum inrush current shall not exceed 10 amps rms or 15 amps peak. 11. Maximum permissible leakage current at 60 Hz shall not exceed 3 ma. Total harmonic current distortion for individual ballasts shall be less than 5% when operated within nominal voltage range at the nominal power consumption. CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION A. The UV System Supplier shall provide a complete instrumentation and control system for the UV equipment. The UV PLC shall receive and use signals from devices furnished by others (including flow signals). The UV PLC shall receive signals from and control devices furnished by others (including existing channel influent gates, existing influent channel high-high level signal, and new effluent weir gates and ultrasonic level sensors). The UV System Supplier shall coordinate with the Contractor for proper interface of the UV system controls with the plant SCADA system. UV System Supplier shall be responsible for providing all hardware, software and firmware, including development of drivers if required, for interface with the plant SCADA system. B. The control system shall control the on/off cycling of banks of lamps and/or rows of lamps and shall control lamp power level in the UV banks to maintain the required UV IFB 15-002 46 66 56-22 11500-22 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection dose. The UV control system shall receive inputs from the UV intensity sensors, UVT monitor, flow signal, and the UV influent and effluent gates, and shall automatically control the lamps to maintain the required UV dose under all operating conditions. The UV control program shall be able to accept a real-time UVT signal or a fixed UVT input by the plant operator at the Operator Interface Unit (OIU). The UV control system shall open and close UV influent gates as needed to treat the plant flow and modulate effluent gates as required. The control system shall use the UV flow and the number of channels in service to calculate flow per channel. In all modes, the UV system shall be capable of manual control of banks on/off status. C. Normal automatic mode shall be based on an MS2 RED pacing algorithm. The UV system shall monitor and control operational UV dose based on the appropriate validated dose equation from the approved bioassay. The dose target shall be Owner-adjustable. D. UV System Supplier shall provide an interlock to prevent lamps from operating at low level conditions. Interlock shall function in automatic and manual control modes. Interlock shall be hard wired based on a level instrument provided by UV System Supplier in each channel. When activated, the switch shall also indicate a low-low level alarm at the OIU. Level sensors, whether for low level interlock or high level alarm, shall be the conductivity sensor based. Float switches or other motion-based level sensors shall not be acceptable. E. UV PLC shall place all available UV channels in service upon activation of the highhigh level alarm input from the UV influent channel. F. General UV system alarms shall be provided at UV PLC operator interface unit and to the SCADA system, including but not limited to the following: 1. Single-lamp failure 2. Ballast failure 3. Low water level 4. Low UV intensity (percentage of expected intensity) 5. Low UV transmittance 6. Low operational dose 7. Cleaning System Failure G. Critical alarms shall be provided at the UV PLC operator interface unit and to the SCADA system, including but not limited to the following. Alarms shall be added as needed to accommodate needs of the specific UV equipment provided. 1. Adjacent lamp failure 2. Multiple lamp failure (more than 5% of lamps in one bank) 3. Low-low UV intensity IFB 15-002 46 66 56-23 11500-23 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 4. Low-low UV transmittance 5. Low-low operational UV dose 6. High water level, each channel 7. High-high water level, UV influent channel 8. Low water level, each channel 9. Low-low water level interlock engaged 10. Loss of UV system effluent flow signal 11. Loss of UVT signal 12. Loss of UV Intensity signal (if required for RED-pacing) 13. UV influent gate failure to open 14. UV influent gate failure to close 15. UV effluent gate failure to open 16. UV effluent gate failure to close 17. Communications failure 18. Wiper drive failure H. All alarms generated by the UV system shall be logged and displayed on the Operator Interface Unit. Each alarm shall be time and date stamped when it occurs. All alarms shall be fully configurable to allow Owner to determine the priority of individual alarms. The UV PLC logic shall incorporate delay timers for all alarm signals to allow equipment components (e.g., electronic ballasts) to carry out self-diagnostics and corrective action before initiating external UV system alarms. I. The control system shall allow the Owner to designate the minimum number of channels and banks per channel that will always be in service. At least one channel shall be in service in Auto mode at all times. The control system shall include an adjustable minimum run time per bank to avoid excessive on/off cycles. The control system shall include an adjustable “lamp off” delay timer so that short term drops in flow will not cause lamps to turn off. J. The control system shall provide for automatic rotation of lead and lag channels and lead and lag banks. The auto rotation function shall have an adjustable time between lead rotations ranging from 1 day to 30 days. The auto rotation function for both channels and banks shall be selectable and disabled when not selected. K. The UV PLC program shall include a means of starting a needed offline channel that has a low level condition. The UV PLC shall fill the channel by initiating opening the IFB 15-002 46 66 56-24 11500-24 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection UV inlet gate while keeping the effluent weir gate in a closed position until the channel fills and the UV lamps warm up, and then place the effluent gate in normal modulating operation. L. The UV PLC shall monitor individual lamp status and shall provide status information on the operator interface unit showing individual lamp on/off status, run time of each lamp, bank running hours, bank on/off cycles. All lamps in a bank shall be displayed on one screen. The UV system’s operating information shall be displayed on the operator interface screen in both color graphic and shall have clear service descriptions in text format. As a minimum the following information shall be displayed on the main screen simultaneously: 1. UV System control flow 2. System control mode (UVT real time, UVT manual, Manual on/off) 3. System UV transmittance 4. Target UV RED 5. Operational UV RED (display operational RED based on all online UV equipment, including UV lamps in the process of timing off) 6. Number of channels/banks/modules in service 7. UV lamp status on/off and power level 8. Inlet gate positions 9. UV Channel water level 10. Effluent weir gate positions 11. Communication link status Separate interface screens shall contain summaries of intensity values for each bank, wiper settings, time elapsed since last wipe cycle, and trends for operational RED and UVT and total flow. M. The UV PLC shall operate the wiper system on a timed sequence. N. Bank Control – On/Off/Remote 1. UV system shall include a means of manual control for each bank of lamps. A three-position selector switch, one (1) per bank, shall be provided at each PDC or ballast panel for on/off/remote control of the UV equipment. 2. Placing a bank's selector switch in either the "On" or "Off" position shall manually override all remote PLC control, except that the low level safety shutoff shall be functional when in “on” or “Hand”. 3. When the selector switch is placed in the "On" position, all of the modules in IFB 15-002 46 66 56-25 11500-25 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection the selected bank shall energize (if previously de-energized), providing there is no low water level condition in the channel and provided the bank's module lamps are properly positioned inside the reactor insert. 4. When the selector switch is placed in the "Off" position, all of the modules in the selected bank shall de-energize (if previously energized). 5. When the selector switch is placed in the "Remote" position, the bank shall be controlled by the UV PLC. O. Programmable Logic Controller (UV PLC) 1. PLC processor, distributed I/O, PLC programming software, and spare parts shall be provided in accordance with the requirements under Section 40 94 43 to be compatible with the SCADA system. The UV PLC system shall communicate directly with the plant Ethernet network via a Category 5 cable and RJ-45 connector. The cable and connector shall be provided by the Control System Integrator. 2. The UV PLC shall provide capability to import/export all the signals from the UV system to the SCADA system. The UV System Supplier shall be responsible for providing the required information associated with PLC registers, network addresses, and any other information required for a complete and operable UV control system as monitored from the SCADA system. 3. The UV System Supplier shall provide an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for the UV PLC enclosure conforming to the requirements of Section 40 95 34. The UV System Supplier shall submit detailed load calculations to illustrate how the UPS was sized including the BTU heating load developed from the UPS at full load conditions. 4. If the UV PLC fails or loses power or communications, all lamps and gates shall remain in their last operation status, and the PLC failure alarm shall be activated. Upon return of power to the UV PLC, all lamps and gates shall remain in their last operational status. Upon loss of flow signal, UV PLC shall provide alarm message and shall operate based on an adjustable default flow. Upon loss of online UVT signal, UV PLC shall provide alarm message and shall operate based on an adjustable default UVT value. Upon loss of intensity signal (for systems that include intensity in RED-pacing algorithm), UV PLC shall calculate estimated intensity for the group of lamps with no signal based on UVT and ballast power level and design EOL and SFF. 5. The UV PLC and Operator Interface Unit (OIU) communication shall be separate and isolated from the SCADA network communication. The OIU shall be as specified in Section 40 94 33. Levels of password protection required to access parameters through the OIU shall be discussed during review of the graphic display submittals. OIU icon colors shall be in accordance with Section 40 95 13.25. The UV System Supplier shall fully customize colors to meet Owner’s requirements. IFB 15-002 46 66 56-26 11500-26 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2.05 6. The UV System Supplier shall match the tag/loop numbers for devices and equipment as shown on the Drawings. Where tag/loop numbers do not exist, UV System Supplier shall create new and unique numbers in accordance with Owner’s tagging conventions, subject to approval of the Engineer. 7. Contractor shall coordinate UV PLC inputs and control of Contractor supplied equipment with the UV System Supplier. In addition to PLC inputs provided by the UV System Supplier, the UV PLC shall receive inputs from at least the following: a. (6) UV Effluent Gate position (4-20 mA) b. (6) UV Influent Gates (open/close) c. (6) UV Channel Level (4-20 mA) d. UV Influent Channel High High Level (network input from PLC-21) EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. All panels, enclosures, power distribution centers, and modules and associated equipment and instruments shall be labeled with a substantial stainless steel nameplate, securely fastened in a conspicuous place. Labels for power connection points for each module or bank shall clearly show each module position. Each module shall be labeled “Channel 1, 2; Bank 1A, 1B; Module 1, 2, 3" etc. 2.06 SPARE PARTS A. At a minimum, the following spare parts, which are identical and interchangeable with the original parts, shall be furnished in clearly identifiable and labeled containers: 1. Ten percent of total UV lamps 2. Ten percent of total ballasts 3. Five percent of total quartz sleeves 4. Lamp holder seals sufficient for one module 5. Cleaning wiper assemblies sufficient for one module 6. One (1) UV intensity sensor 7. One year supply of recommended cleaning solution 8. Four (4) Operator safety kits including goggles, face shield and gloves 9. Four (4) UV area warning signs 10. PLC equipment spare parts as described in Section 40 94 43 IFB 15-002 46 66 56-27 11500-27 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 11. One (1) Mercury Spill Kit (MERCONKIT I by Fischer Scientific or equal) containing: • • • • • • • • • • • • 12. One (1) MERCONSpray Pump Spray One (1) MERCONVap Liquid Seventy (70) MERCONWipes Towlettes Two (2) MERCONtainer Storage Units One (1) MERCON Aspirator Pick-up Tool Two (2) Protective Nitrile Gloves One (1) Protective Goggles Two (2) Plastic Disposal Bags (2 included) Two (2) “CAUTION MERCURY WASTE” Labels Mercury Information Pamphlet with disposal instructions & contact number MSDS for MERCONSpray, MERCONVap, MERCONWipes, MERCONtainer Wall mounting metal case Other spare parts as recommended by UV Manufacturer. B. All spare parts and safety equipment shall be separately packaged. All packages shall be pre-printed with quantity, item description and part number. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 MANUFACTURER’S FIELD SERVICES A. Assist Contractor during installation to include observation, guidance, and instruction of UV Manufacturer's recommended procedures for assembly, erection, installation and application. Commissioning, and functional and performance testing, shall be done one channel at a time, on the first five channels completed, and then on the UV system as a whole after the sixth channel is complete. B. Inspect, check, and adjust UV equipment as required for equipment to function as guaranteed by the UV Manufacturer. C. Re-visit the site as required to correct problems within the UV Manufacturer’s scope of supply and until installation and operation are acceptable to the Engineer and as guaranteed by the UV Manufacturer. D. Resolve assembly or installation problems attributable to or associated with respective UV Manufacturer's equipment and systems until acceptable to the Engineer. E. Coordinate PLC communications for the UV control panel PLC supplied under this Section with the plant SCADA system F. Provide on-site assistance during Functional Testing, initial Startup, and Performance Testing as specified. Provide remote assistance until product acceptance by the Engineer. IFB 15-002 46 66 56-28 11500-28 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection G. Provide on-site training of Owner’s personnel in the operation and maintenance of the respective product as specified herein and in Section 46 05 00 – Common Work Results for Wastewater Equipment. H. The minimum number of on-site days indicated below shall be provided on an 8-hourday basis and shall be in addition to travel time, to accomplish the requirements of this IFB. Minimum service durations are as follows: Purpose Installation Supervision Functional Testing Performance Testing Pre-Startup Training Refresher Training Warranty Service I. No. of Days Twelve, 8-hour days (two days per channel) Twelve, 8-hour days (two days per channel) Twelve, 8-hour days (two days per channel) See Section 46 05 00 Four, 8-hour days (2 months after startup) As required to correct problems The authorized representative of the UV System Supplier shall be factory trained and experienced in the installation and operation of the UV disinfection system provided. J. Proper notification shall be given to Owner regarding who the factory representative will be and shall be subject to acceptance by Owner. No substitute representatives shall be allowed unless prior written approval by Owner has been given. K. After performance testing, if there are no equipment problems, the UV System Supplier shall certify to Owner in writing that the UV equipment is fully operational and capable of meeting all operating requirements. If the certification is accepted by the Engineer and Owner, the warranty period for that piece of equipment shall be considered to have begun as of the date of Substantial Completion. If the equipment is operating incorrectly, the manufacturer’s representative will make no certification to Owner until the problems are corrected and until all equipment demonstrates a successful 30-day operating period. At the conclusion of that period, the warranty start date will be decided upon by Owner. L. Refresher training shall be approximately 2 months after start-up of complete system and shall conform to Section 46 05 00. All training will be at the site at a time agreeable to Owner. Training shall include classroom instruction with slides and written reference material plus hands-on field instruction. Training shall be given in a minimum of two sessions per day to accommodate shift labor and to allow continued operation of the facility at all times. Training shall be provided for up to fourteen (14) Owner employees per session in the proper operation, troubleshooting and maintenance of the equipment. M. The Manufacturer's representative shall sign in and out at the office of the Engineer on each day at the project. N. A written report covering the Manufacturer’s representative's findings at each visit and at installation approval shall be mailed directly to the Engineer. The report shall cover all inspections and shall outline in detail any deficiencies noted and corrective measures taken or recommended. 3.03 WELDING IFB 15-002 46 66 56-29 11500-29 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection A. The UV System Supplier and its supplier’s shop welding procedures, welders and welding operators shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirement of AWS D1.1 "Welding Code - Steel" and AWS D1.6 “Welding Code – Stainless Steel” of the American Welding Society, or shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the equivalent certification of the CWB Canadian Welding Bureau for relevant CSA standards including W47.1. B. All welds labeled in the shop drawings shall be labeled in accordance with "Standard Welding Symbols" AWS A2.0 of the American Welding Society. Special conditions shall be fully explained by notes and details. C. Sharp projections of cut or sheared edges of ferrous metals that will be submerged in operation shall be ground to a radius by multiple passes of a power grinder. D. The UV System Supplier shall supply the system so that field welding is not required. E. The Contractor's welding procedures, welders and welding operators shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.1 "Welding in Building Construction" of the American Welding Society. 3.04 PAINTING A. All surface preparation, shop painting, field repairs, field painting and other pertinent detailed painting specifications shall conform to applicable sections of Section 09 91 00. B. All surfaces of the equipment that normally require painting shall be finish painted by the UV System Supplier prior to shipping. C. All ferrous metal surfaces, except stainless steel, shall be shop cleaned by sandblasting or equivalent, conforming to the paint manufacturer's recommendation. All mill scale, rust, and contaminants shall be removed before shop primer is applied. 3.05 FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TESTING A. The UV disinfection system specified herein shall be factory assembled, to the largest extent possible, complete with all components specified. Provide written notice to the Engineer of completed system 30 days in advance of the required factory witness testing. Engineer shall inspect each system prior to packing/packaging for shipment. B. Control of the UV disinfection system in the test will be locally, through the UV PLC and its operator interface unit. Demonstration of controls logic shall use the project specific PLC and operator interface, and may use a simulator of controlled components such as lamps, ballasts, gates, and input signals. C. Conduct a Factory Acceptance Test. The Factory Acceptance Test shall be performed prior to shipment and witnessed by the Owner and the Engineer, unless the Owner specifically waives the right to witness the test in writing. Owner will pay for Owner’s and Engineer’s travel expenses. D. Prior to the Factory Acceptance Test, the UV PLC panel shall be complete, with all PLC components, including a completed PLC logic program and the customized IFB 15-002 46 66 56-30 11500-30 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection monitoring and controls graphic screens for the OIU. E. Perform a thorough demonstration of the UV control programs to the Owner and the Engineer representative(s) and of the proper operation of all of the associated UV control elements and alarms. F. Provide certification that all control functions specified herein are included in the system and that all PLC logic software has been completely configured and tested for full functionality. G. Prior to shipment, the entire UV system shall be certified to be ready for operation. 3.06 UNLOADING AND INITIAL INSPECTION A. Unloading of the system will be performed by the Contractor. The UV Manufacturer's representative shall be present during unloading. B. Prior to unloading the system at the job site, the Contractor, the UV System Supplier and the Owner’s representative will make a joint inspection of the condition of each system item and will note in writing all defects or omissions in the system. An approved UV Manufacturer's representative shall be present during this inspection. Damage to the system or loss of equipment and materials during shipment and prior to unloading and transfer of the system to the Contractor shall be replaced with new system components before the system is unloaded and transferred. The UV Manufacturer's representative shall provide a certificate of shipment unloading. 3.07 INSTALLATION A. Installation of the UV equipment shall be performed by the Contractor and supervised by the UV Manufacturer. B. The UV System Supplier shall provide written installation instructions to the Contractor and answer any related questions that the Contractor may have. 3.08 FIELD TESTS AFTER INSTALLATION A. In the presence of the Owner and Engineer, the following field tests shall be performed for each of the first five channels commissioned and for the complete UV system upon completion of the sixth channel by the party indicated as follows: 1. Functional Testing – by the UV System Supplier and Contractor 2. Intensive Performance Testing – simulate design conditions by Owner and UV Manufacturer, and measure head loss, power demand, and UV intensity by UV Manufacturer 3. Automatic Control Performance Testing (to be completed prior to Substantial Completion) – operation in automatic control for 14 days (per channel and for complete system) under responsibility of the UV System Supplier and Contractor. B. After Automatic Control Performance Testing of each channel and of the complete UV IFB 15-002 46 66 56-31 11500-31 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection system there will be an Inspection of the equipment by Owner and Engineer. C. The Owner will select and pay for the laboratory services that are to be used for testing and will take the necessary samples during the Intensive and Automatic Control Performance Testing. The UV System Supplier shall be available for service as needed during the testing periods. D. Functional Testing 1. The proposed Functional Testing procedure and data collection forms shall have been developed by the UV System Supplier and submitted to and reviewed by the Engineer before scheduling and performing the Functional Test. Functional testing shall be conducted in six parts, once for each of six channels to be commissioned. 2. The Contractor shall demonstrate that the UV channel widths are within UV Manufacturer’s tolerance and shall demonstrate UV channel inverts and weir gates are at the proper elevation and within level tolerance. Elevation checks shall be made with surveying instruments and not by distance from the channel top or bottom slab. 3. Prior to Startup, the UV System Supplier shall inspect the installed UV disinfection system for proper alignment, proper elevation, correct operation, proper connection and satisfactory function of all components in disinfected water provided by the Contractor. The UV Manufacturer's representative shall provide certification that the system components have been installed correctly and are ready for operation. 4. The closed channel functional test shall demonstrate that all components, hardware, controls, software (including communications to/from the plant SCADA system), and uninterrupted, normal, and emergency power systems are ready to be used to disinfect the plant wastewater flow. Contractor shall provide a means of recirculating water in the closed channel (with influent and effluent gates closed) as needed to meet the conditions for the test as required by the UV Manufacturer. 5. During this test, pre-Startup training of the Owner’s personnel shall be provided in preparation of the actual operation of the system during startup, including both automatic and manual operation, maintenance tasks, and sampling and laboratory analysis requirements and procedures. 6. The UV system shall also be tested through the plant SCADA system to verify all required communications between the UV PLC and the plant SCADA system are fully functional. The system shall not be approved to begin the performance test until the system can be monitored and controlled through the local panel operator interface, and monitored through plant SCADA stations successfully. 7. The UV system shall be thoroughly tuned by the UV System Supplier representative to prevent operational dose excursions due to normal variations in flow and/or UVT. UV PLC shall employ smoothing algorithms on the incoming flow and UVT signals as needed. IFB 15-002 46 66 56-32 11500-32 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 8. Failure to maintain the required UV RED under wastewater conditions that are equal to or better than those described in the specification is grounds for failing functional testing and/or performance testing. E. Intensive Performance Testing 1. Following installation and before the beginning of the training and field test period, complete Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 78 23 – Operation and Maintenance Data in final, approved form. O&M Manuals shall include documentation of all PLC and OIU programming and instructions for adjusting all adjustable control set points. Operating and troubleshooting instructions covering all of the process equipment, controls, and instruments, shall be furnished. These instructions shall cover the operation, lubrication, cleaning, and maintenance of all equipment, and shall include UV Manufacturer's bulletins covering equipment and control devices. 2. Intensive Performance Testing shall be performed following successful completion of the Functional Testing. The UV System Supplier and Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing at least one (1) week before the beginning of the proposed test. The Engineer will provide written authorization for the commencement of the Intensive Performance Test following successful functional testing. The proposed Performance Testing procedure and data collection forms shall have been developed by the UV System Supplier and submitted to and reviewed by the Engineer before scheduling and starting the Performance Test. Intensive performance testing shall be conducted in six parts, once for each channel to be commissioned. 3. Intensive Performance Testing shall include head loss measurements, power demand measurements at average conditions and with all lamps on, and intensive effluent quality testing at simulated design conditions. Throughout intensive testing, the system shall provide the design MS2 bioassay RED at all times and shall meet the effluent disinfection permit limit at all times. This test period shall demonstrate that all aspects of the system are functioning properly to disinfect the plant wastewater flow and that all performance and design criteria are met. The UV System Supplier shall conduct measurements of head loss and power demand, witnessed by the Engineer. 4. The UV System Supplier shall be on site for at least 2 days during the Intensive Performance Test for each channel for head loss and power measurements and for simulation of design conditions and intensive sampling. Plant flow will be divided between multiple channels to approximate the design flow per channel. Samples shall be taken when the flow, UVT, and TSS are near design conditions as judged by the Owner and Engineer. Owner will provide a licensed operator at all times during performance testing, but the UV System Supplier will be ultimately responsible for assuring continuous satisfactory disinfection is provided as required by permit. Lab tests will include UV influent E. coli and UVT and TSS, and channel effluent E. coli. When all six channels are operating, lab tests will include plant effluent E. coli. Samples shall be taken at least as often as required by Owner’s operating permit, or more often at Owner’s discretion. All effluent samples from the intensive IFB 15-002 46 66 56-33 11500-33 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection sampling period shall have E. coli concentration less than 126 /100 mL. 5. Procedures and techniques acceptable to the Engineer and Owner shall be employed by the UV System Supplier in evaluating performance of the system during this test. 6. The following tests and measurements shall be performed and documented by the UV System Supplier during testing of the new system: a. Amps and kW and plant voltage used by each bank of lamps, operating at full power and at average design conditions, measured by UV System Supplier and witnessed by Owner. Design conditions may be simulated by forcing values at the UV PLC at the discretion of the Engineer. See Part 3.09.A for additional details. b. Lamp intensity with new lamps and clean sleeves, as measured by the intensity sensors. c. Head loss across all lamps in each channel at the design flow rate per channel, or as close to this flow as the daily plant flows allow. 7. Upon completion of the Intensive Performance test, the UV System Supplier shall submit a written report to the Engineer containing the test results. Within one week of the submittal of such report, the Engineer will advise the UV System Supplier of the specific deficiencies which must be remedied prior to substantial completion for that channel. 8. In the event that the test results obtained during the Intensive Performance test do not meet the guaranteed results, additional test runs shall be conducted, and the UV System Supplier shall make such adjustments, modifications and/or alterations to the system as may be required to achieve the guaranteed results. Up to two (2) additional acceptance test runs are permitted, with duration of additional acceptance tests shall be determined by Owner and Engineer. F. Automatic Control Performance Testing 1. The Automatic Control performance test shall be a period of fourteen (14) consecutive days following the successful intensive test period for the first channel started up, five (5) consecutive days for each of the second through fifth channels started up, and fourteen (14) consecutive days following the successful intensive test period for the sixth channel. The automatic control performance test shall demonstrate that all aspects of the system are functioning properly, that all performance criteria are met, and that PLC programming is functioning correctly while being operated in automatic MS2 bioassay RED-pacing mode by UV System Supplier and Contractor. Automatic Control Performance Testing shall be conducted six times, first for the first channel to be commissioned and again for the each of the channels commissioned. 2. During the 14-day and 5-day automatic control performance test periods, the equipment shall be operated for fourteen (14) or five (5) consecutive days as IFB 15-002 46 66 56-34 11500-34 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection applicable. No major changes in equipment or apparatus will be permitted during this period. However, minor adjustments of equipment that would normally be expected during regular operation of the equipment may be made. A significant interruption will require the test, then in progress, to be stopped and restarted after corrections are made, beginning a new 14 day test. Significant Interruption may include any of the following events: 3.09 a. Failure to provide operational RED at any time or failure to meet specified performance, provided that the minimum wastewater characteristics are equal to or better than that described in this specification. b. Failure of any critical equipment unit, system, or subsystem. c. Failure of noncritical unit, system, or subsystem that is not satisfactorily corrected within 48 hours after failure. 4. The ability of the system to meet the microbiological performance requirements at specified operating conditions shall be determined by the results obtained during both intensive and automatic control test periods. Samples shall be taken and tested as required by permit, as a minimum, or as otherwise determined by Owner, from common UV influent and individual UV effluent and plant effluent. Samples shall be tested for UVT, total suspended solids, and E. coli. 5. Twenty samples selected by the Owner from each of the automatic control performance tests shall have a geometric mean of E. coli less than 126 /100 mL. 4. The UV System Supplier shall provide the services of a qualified technical representative as needed to support Owner during this test period. The UV System Supplier shall return to site at no added cost to Owner if service is needed during the test period. 5. Upon completion of the Automatic Control Performance tests, the UV System Supplier shall submit a written report to the Engineer containing the test results. Within two weeks of the submittal of such report, the Engineer will advise the UV System Supplier of the specific deficiencies, which must be remedied prior to Substantial Completion. SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE A. The UV system will be accepted when it passes the functional demonstration and the Intensive and Automatic Control performance tests. The UV disinfection system will not be accepted if the level of E. coli bacteria exceeds the specified wastewater effluent requirements, or if the system fails to maintain the required UV RED dose, provided that the minimum wastewater characteristics are equal to or better than that described in this specification. The automatic system controls, for both operation and maintenance, must function properly and must provide the required operational UV dose throughout the acceptance test periods. B. Should the ultraviolet disinfection system fail to meet the specified wastewater effluent requirements, or to maintain the required operational UV dose, the UV System IFB 15-002 46 66 56-35 11500-35 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection Supplier shall correct all deficiencies by repairing or replacing the system. Retesting of the system will be done at the UV System Supplier’s expense. C. Power demand for the UV system shall be measured by UV System Supplier at average design conditions. UV System Supplier shall temporarily force inputs to the UV PLC for flow and UVT equal to the conditions used to evaluate average power consumption on the UV Equipment Price Schedule. The flow, UVT, and EOLL and SFF factors shall be used as described in the IFB. The UV system will be allowed to stabilize at these conditions and at the design MS2 RED. UV System Supplier shall provide a power monitor suitable for measuring UV system power demand in amps, kilowatts, and volts under these conditions. Owner will vary the channel in service and will take at least 3 power measurements for each bank in each channel. The average of these values will be considered the average power consumption for the UV system. Power measurement will include power to all components in the PDCs or Ballast Enclosures (fans, cooling equipment, communications boards, power supplies, etc.). Power measurement for this purpose will not include power for the UV PLC, field instruments, inlet gate actuators, effluent weir gate actuators, area lighting, or wipers or cleaning system loads. D. If the ultraviolet disinfection system exceeds the average power consumption value submitted with the IFB Schedule of Prices, UV System Supplier shall investigate and document causes of higher power consumption. E. A qualified representative of the UV System Supplier shall supervise and perform the performance testing as described, analyze data, and certify the system's performance during the tests. F. Results of the functional demonstration, intensive performance testing, measurements of head loss, power and intensity, and automatic control performance testing shall be documented by the UV Manufacturer. The UV System Supplier shall submit to Owner and to Engineer three (3) copies of a complete report containing all original test data, calculations, and a description of the Guaranteed Performance Requirements testing procedures and results. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 46 66 56-36 11500-36 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 01 42 13 ABBREVIATIONS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 A. THE REQUIREMENT The following is a partial list of typical abbreviations which may be used in the Specifications, and the organizations to which they refer: - ASME ASTM AWS AWWA CEMA CRSI DIPRA Fed Spec IEEE IPCEA ISO NBS NFPA NEC NEMA OSHA PCI UL USGS - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials American Concrete Institute American Cast Iron Flange Standards Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturer's Association American Gas Association American Gear Manufacturers Association American Institute of Architects American Institute of Steel Construction American Iron and Steel Institute American National Standard Institute American Petroleum Institute American Society of Civil Engineers American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society for Testing and Materials American Welding Society American Water Works Association Conveyor Equipment Manufacturer's Association Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association Federal Specifications Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association Insurance Services Offices National Bureau of Standards National Fire Protection Association National Electric Code National Electrical Manufacturers Association Occupational Safety and Health Act Precast Concrete Institute Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. United States Geological Survey PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) IFB 15-002 01 42 13-1 UV Disinfection System Pre-Selection 122004BR AASHTO ACI ACIFS AFBMA AGA AGMA AIA AISC AISI ANSI API ASCE ASHRAE PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 01 42 13-2 UV Disinfection System Pre-Selection SECTION 01 42 19 REFERENCE STANDARDS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Wherever reference is made to any published standards, codes, or standard specifications, it shall mean the latest standard code, specification, or tentative specification of the technical society, organization, or body referred to, which is in effect at the date of Invitation for Bids. B. All materials, products, and procedures used or incorporated in the work shall be in strict conformance with applicable codes, regulations, specifications, and standards. C. A partial listing of codes, regulations, specifications, and standards includes the following: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Air Diffusion Council (ADC) Air Moving and Conditioning Association (AMCA) The Aluminum Association (AA) American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) American Concrete Institute (ACI) American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) American Hot Dip Galvanizers Association (AHDGA) American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC) American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) 020108BR American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American Standards Association (ASA) American Water Works Association (AWWA) IFB 15-002 01 42 19-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection American Welding Society (AWS) American Wood-Preserver's Association (AWPA) Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association (AFBMA) Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA) Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Factory Mutual (FM) Federal Specifications International Society for Automation (ISA) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) National and Local Fire Codes Lightning Protection Institute (LPI) National Electrical Code (NEC) National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) National Electrical Testing Association (NETA) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) National Water Research Institute (NWRI) – Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines for Drinking Water and Water Reuse (2003 Edition) Regulations and Standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI) Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACCNA) Standard Building Code Standard Mechanical Code Standard Plumbing Code Uniform Building Code (UBC) IFB 15-002 01 42 19-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) D. Contractor shall, when required, furnish evidence satisfactory to the Engineer that materials and methods are in accordance with such standards where so specified. E. In the event any questions arise as to the application of these standards or codes, copies shall be supplied on-site by the Contractor. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 01 42 19-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 01 78 23 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Detailed information for the preparation, submission, and Engineer’s review of operations and maintenance (O&M) data, as required by individual Specification sections. O&M manuals must be submitted in hard copy format. 1.02 DEFINITIONS A. Preliminary Data: Initial and subsequent submissions for Engineer’s review. B. Final Data: Engineer-accepted data, submitted as specified herein. C. Maintenance Operation: As used on Maintenance Summary Form is defined to mean any routine operation required to ensure satisfactory performance and longevity of equipment. Examples of typical maintenance operations are lubrication, belt tensioning, adjustment of pump packing glands, and routine adjustments. 1.03 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Equipment and System Data: 1. 2. Preliminary Data: a. Do not submit until Shop Drawings for equipment or system have been reviewed and approved by Engineer. b. Submit prior to shipment date. c. Submit three hard copies. Final Data: Submit six hard copies and one in electronic format. Submit Instructional Manual Formatted data not less than 60 days prior to equipment or system field functional testing or startup. Contractor shall obtain Owner approval of final Instructional Manual (Operation and Maintenance Manual) prior to scheduling and performing training for Owner’s staff. B. Materials and Finishes Data: 1. Preliminary Data: Submit at least 15 days prior to request for final inspection. 2. Final Data: Submit six hard copies and one in electronic format. Submit within 10 days after final inspection. IFB 15-002 01 78 23-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1.04 DATA FORMAT A. Prepare preliminary and final data in the form of an instructional manual. B. Instructional Manual Format: 1. Binder: Commercial quality, permanent, three-ring or three-post binders with durable plastic cover. 2. Size: 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches, minimum. 3. Cover: Identify manual with typed or printed title “OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA” and list: 4. 5. a. Project title. b. Designate applicable system, equipment, material, or finish. c. Identity of separate structure as applicable. d. Identify volume number if more than one volume. e. Identity of general subject matter covered in manual. Identity of equipment number and Specification section. Spine: a. Project title. b. Identify volume number if more than one volume. Title Page: a. Contractor name, address, and telephone number. b. Subcontractor, Supplier, installer, or maintenance contractor’s name, address, and telephone number, as appropriate. i. ii. 6. 7. IFB 15-002 Identify area of responsibility of each. Provide name and telephone number of local source of supply for parts and replacement. Table of Contents: a. Neatly typewritten and arranged in systematic order with consecutive page numbers. b. Identify each product by product name and other identifying numbers or symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. Paper: 20-pound minimum, white for typed pages. 01 78 23-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 8. Text: Manufacturer’s printed data, or neatly typewritten. 9. Three-hole punch data for binding and composition; arrange printing so that punched holes do not obliterate data. 10. Material shall be suitable for reproduction, with quality equal to original. Photocopying of material will be acceptable, except for material containing photographs. C. Data Compilation Format: 1. Compile all Engineer-accepted preliminary O&M data into a hard-copy, hard-bound set. 2. Each set shall consist of the following: IFB 15-002 a. Binder: Commercial quality, permanent, three-ring or three-post binders with durable plastic cover. b. Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title “OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA, VOLUME NO. _______ OF _______”, and list: i. Project title. ii. Contractor’s name, address, and telephone number. iii. If entire volume covers equipment or system provided by one Supplier include the following: a) Identity of general subject matter covered in manual. b) Identity of equipment number and Specification section. c) Provide each volume with title page and typed table of contents with consecutive page numbers. Place contents of entire set, identified by volume number, in each binder. d) Table of contents neatly typewritten, arranged in a systematic order: i. Include list of each product, indexed to content of each volume. ii. Designate system or equipment for which it is intended. iii. Identify each product by product name and other identifying numbers or symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. 01 78 23-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection e) Section Dividers: 1) Heavy, 80 pound cover weight, tabbed with numbered plastic index tabs. 2) Fly-Leaf: a. For each separate product, or each piece of operating equipment, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. b. List with Each Product: c. f) (1) Name, address, and telephone number of Subcontractor, Supplier, installer, and maintenance contractor, as appropriate. (2) Identify area of responsibility of each. (3) Provide local source of supply for parts and replacement. Identity of separate structure as applicable. Assemble and bind material, as much as possible, in same order as specified in the Contract Documents. D. Electronic Media Format: 1. 1.05 Portable Document Format (PDF): a. After all final data has been found to be acceptable to Engineer, submit Operation and Maintenance data in PDF format on CD. b. Files to be exact duplicates of Engineer-accepted final data. Arrange by specification number and name. c. Files to be fully functional and viewable in most recent version of Adobe Acrobat. Provide bookmarks in the PDF file for all sections and subsections listed in the table of contents. SUBMITTALS A. Informational: 1. IFB 15-002 Preliminary Data: a. Submit three copies for Engineer’s review. b. If data meets conditions of the Contract: 01 78 23-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection c. 2. 1.06 i. One copy will be returned to Contractor. ii. One copy will be forwarded to Resident Project Representative. iii. One copy will be retained in Engineer’s file. If data does not meet conditions of the Contract: i. All copies will be returned to Contractor with Engineer’s comments (on separate document) for revision. ii. Engineer’s comments will be retained in Engineer’s file. iii. Resubmit three copies revised in accordance with Engineer’s comments. Final Data: Submit six copies in format specified herein. DATA FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS A. Content For Each Unit (or Common Units) and System: 1. 2. IFB 15-002 Product Data: a. Include only those sheets that are pertinent to specific product. b. Clearly annotate each sheet to: i. Identify specific product or part installed. ii. Identify data applicable to installation. iii. Delete references to inapplicable information. c. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. d. Performance curves, engineering data, nameplate data, and tests. e. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. f. Original manufacturer’s parts list, illustrations, detailed assembly drawings showing each part with part numbers and sequentially numbered parts list, and diagrams required for maintenance. g. Spare parts ordering instructions. h. Where applicable, identify installed spares and other provisions for future work (e.g., reserved panel space, unused components, wiring, and terminals). As-installed, color-coded piping diagrams. 01 78 23-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3. Charts of valve tag numbers, with the location and function of each valve. 4. Drawings: Supplement product data with Drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate: a. 5. i. Provide reinforced, punched, binder tab; bind in with text. ii. Reduced to 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches, or 11 inches by 17 inches folded to 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches. iii. Where reduction is impractical, fold and place in 8-1/2-inch by 11inch envelopes bound in text. iv. Identify Specification section and product on Drawings and envelopes. b. Relations of component parts of equipment and systems. c. Control and flow diagrams. d. Coordinate drawings with Project record documents to assure correct illustration of completed installation. Instructions and Procedures: Within text, as required to supplement product data. a. IFB 15-002 Format: Format: i. Organize in consistent format under separate heading for each different procedure. ii. Provide logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. iii. Provide information sheet for Owner’s personnel, including: a) Proper procedures in event of failure. b) Instances that might affect validity of guarantee or Bond. b. Installation Instructions: Including alignment, adjusting, calibrating, and checking. c. Operating Procedures: i. Startup, break-in, routine, and normal operating instructions. ii. Test procedures and results of factory tests where required. iii. Regulation, control, stopping, and emergency instructions. 01 78 23-6 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection d. iv. Description of operation sequence by control manufacturer. v. Shutdown instructions for both short and extended duration. vi. Summer and winter operating instructions, as applicable. vii. Safety precautions. viii. Special operating instructions. Maintenance and Overhaul Procedures: i. Routine maintenance. ii. Guide to troubleshooting. iii. Disassembly, removal, repair, reinstallation, and reassembly. 6. Factory test reports. 7. Guarantee, Bond, and Service Agreement: In accordance with Section 01 77 00, Closeout Procedures. B. Content for Each Electric or Electronic Item or System: 1. 2. Description of Unit and Component Parts: a. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. b. Performance curves, engineering data, nameplate data, and tests. c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. d. Interconnection wiring diagrams, including control and lighting systems. Circuit Directories of Panelboards: a. Electrical service. b. Control requirements and interfaces. c. Communication requirements and interfaces. d. List of electrical relay settings, and control and alarm contact settings. 3. Electrical interconnection wiring diagram, including as applicable, single-line, threeline, schematic and internal wiring, and external interconnection wiring. 4. As-installed control diagrams by control manufacturer. IFB 15-002 01 78 23-7 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 5. 6. Operating Procedures: a. Routine and normal operating instructions. b. Startup and shutdown sequences, normal and emergency. c. Safety precautions. d. Special operating instructions. Maintenance Procedures: a. Routine maintenance. b. Guide to troubleshooting. c. Adjustment and checking. d. List of relay settings, control and alarm contact settings. 7. Manufacturer’s printed operating and maintenance instructions. 8. List of original manufacturer’s spare parts, manufacturer’s current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. C. Maintenance Summary: 1. Compile individual Maintenance Summary for each applicable equipment item, respective unit or system, and for components or sub-units. 2. Format: a. Use Maintenance Summary Form bound with this section or electronic facsimile of such. b. Each Maintenance Summary may take as many pages as required. c. Use only 8-1/2-inch by 11-inch size paper. d. Complete using typewriter or electronic printing. 3. Include detailed lubrication instructions and diagrams showing points to be greased or oiled; recommend type, grade, and temperature range of lubricants and frequency of lubrication. Use industry standard rating system to identify lubricant types. 4. Recommended Spare Parts: IFB 15-002 a. Data to be consistent with manufacturer’s Bill of Materials/Parts List furnished in O&M manuals. b. “Unit” is the unit of measure for ordering the part. 01 78 23-8 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1.07 c. “Quantity” is the number of units recommended. d. “Unit Cost” is the current purchase price. DATA FOR MATERIALS AND FINISHES A. Content for Architectural Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: 1. 2. Manufacturer’s data, giving full information on products: a. Catalog number, size, and composition. b. Color and texture designations. c. Information required for reordering special-manufactured products. Instructions for Care and Maintenance: a. Manufacturer’s recommendation for types of cleaning agents and methods. b. Cautions against cleaning agents and methods that are detrimental to product. c. Recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. B. Content for Moisture Protection and Weather Exposed Products: 1. 2. 1.08 Manufacturer’s data, giving full information on products: a. Applicable standards. b. Chemical composition. c. Details of installation. Instructions for inspection, maintenance, and repair. SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following “End of Section,” is part of this Specification. 1. IFB 15-002 Maintenance Summary Form. 01 78 23-9 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection MAINTENANCE SUMMARY FORM PROJECT: CONTRACT NO.: 1. EQUIPMENT ITEM: 2. MANUFACTURER: 3. EQUIPMENT/TAG NUMBER(S): 4. SERIAL NUMBER(S): 5. WEIGHT OF INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS (OVER 100 POUNDS): 6. OPERATING PARAMETERS/NAMEPLATE DATA (hp, voltage, speed, TDH, gpm, impeller size/type, copy of pump curve, seal type and size, etc.): 7. EQUIPMENT MSRP: 8. DATE OF SERVICE: 9. WARRANTY INFORMATION (time period and contact information): 10. LUBRICANT LIST (include environmentally friendly products, if applicable): 11. MANUFACTURER’S LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: a. Name b. Address Telephone No. 12. ALTERNATIVE PARTS SUPPLIER (if applicable): 13. MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: Maintenance Operation Comments List briefly each maintenance operation required and refer to specific information in manufacturer’s standard maintenance manual, if applicable. (Reference to manufacturer’s catalog or sales literature is not acceptable.) IFB 15-002 01 78 23-10 Frequency List required frequency of each maintenance operation. Lubricant (If Applicable) Refer by symbol to lubricant required. UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 26 05 19 LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish, install, connect, test, and place in satisfactory operating condition, ready for service, all cables and wires indicated on the Drawings and as specified herein or required for proper operation of the installation. The work of connecting cables to equipment, machinery, and devices within the UV system enclosures shall be considered a part of this Section. B. Field wiring and associated terminations to equipment outside the scope of the Vendor’s supply will be installed and performed under a separate Contract. This Section shall only apply to the wiring within the UV system enclosures. C. The wire and cable to be furnished and installed for this project shall be the product of manufacturers who have been in the business of manufacturing wire and cable for a minimum of ten (10) years. 1.02 A. B. 1.03 SUBMITTALS In accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 01 33 23, Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, the Vendor shall obtain from the wire and cable manufacturer and submit the following: 1. Shop Drawings 2. Reports of Field Tests 3. Wiring Identification Methods Each submittal shall be identified by the applicable specification section. SHOP DRAWINGS A. Each submittal shall be complete in all respects, incorporating all information and data listed herein and all additional information required for evaluation of the proposed material's compliance with the Contract Documents. B. Partial, incomplete, or illegible Submittals will be returned to the Vendor without review for resubmittal. C. Shop drawings shall include but not be limited to: 1. Product data sheets. 2. Wiring identification methods and materials. IFB 15-002 26 05 19-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1.04 A. IDENTIFICATION Each cable shall be identified as specified in Part 3, Execution, of this Specification. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. The wire and cable covered by this Specification is intended to be standard equipment of proven performance. Wire and cable shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with the best practices of the trade, and shall operate satisfactorily when installed as specified herein and indicated on the Drawings. Only one (1) manufacturer for each wire and cable type shall be permitted. B. The wire and cable manufacturer shall be ISO 9000 registered. 2.02 600 VOLT POWER WIRE AND CABLE A. 600 volt cable and wire shall consist of stranded, copper conductor with insulation rated THHN, 90°C for dry locations and THWN, 75°C for wet locations. B. Conductors shall be stranded copper per ASTM-B8 and B-33, and Class B or C stranding contingent on the size unless otherwise specified. Minimum size wire shall be No. 12 AWG. C. 600 volt individual power wire and cable shall be Okoseal-N as manufactured by the Okonite Company, Cerro Wire and Cable equivalent, Southwire Company equivalent with SIMPull jacket, or equal. Multi-conductor power cables shall be Okoseal-N Type TC Cable as manufactured by the Okonite Company, Cerro Wire and Cable equivalent, Southwire Company equivalent, or equal. D. 600 volt power wire larger than #8 shall be XHHW. 2.03 600 VOLT CONTROL CABLE A. All conductors shall be rated for wet locations. 600 volt control cable shall consist of stranded, copper conductor with insulation rated THHN, 90°C for dry locations and THWN, 75°C for wet locations. The individual conductors of the multiple conductor cable shall be color coded for proper identification. Color coding shall be equal to ICEA S-68-514, Method 1, E2. Cables shall meet requirements of IEEE-383. B. Conductors shall be stranded copper per ASTM B-8 and B-33, and Class B or C stranding contingent on the size unless otherwise specified. Minimum wire size shall be No. 14 AWG. C. 600 volt individual conductor control wire shall be Okoseal-N as manufactured by the Okonite Company, Cerro Wire and Cable equivalent, Southwire Company equivalent with SIMPull jacket, or equal. Multi-conductor control cable shall be Okoseal-N Type TC Cable as manufactured by the Okonite Company, Cerro Wire and Cable equivalent, Southwire Company equivalent, or equal. IFB 15-002 26 05 19-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2.04 LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLE WIRE AND CABLE A. The lighting and receptacle branch circuit wire shall consist of solid, copper conductors with insulation rated THHN, 90°C for dry locations and THWN, 75°C for wet locations. B. Conductors shall be solid copper per ASTM- B-33. Minimum size wire shall be No. 12 AWG. C. Lighting and receptacle cables and wire shall be Okoseal-N as manufactured by the Okonite Company, Cerro Wire and Cable equivalent, Southwire Company equivalent with SIMPull jacket, or equal. 2.05 INSTRUMENTATION CABLE A. The instrumentation cable for analog signals shall be single, shielded, twisted pairs or triads with 600 volt insulation and shall have a 90°C insulation rating. B. Conductors shall be tin or alloy coated (if available), soft, annealed copper, stranded per ASTM-B8, Class B stranding unless otherwise specified. Minimum size wire shall be No. 16 AWG. C. The instrumentation cable shall be Okoseal-N Type P-OS for single pair or triad applications and Okoseal-N Type SP-OS for multiple pair or triad applications as manufactured by the Okonite Company, Cerro Wire and Cable equivalent, Southwire Company equivalent, or equal. 2.06 A. CABLE PULLING LUBRICANTS Cable pulling lubricants shall be non-hardening type and approved for use on the type of cable installed. Lubricant shall be Yellow #77 by Ideal, Cable Gel by Greenlee, Poly-Gel by Gardner Bender, or equal. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 600V CABLE INSTALLATION A. The cable and wires shall be installed as specified herein and indicated on the Drawings. B. The cables shall be terminated in accordance with the cable and/or termination product manufacturer's instructions for the particular type of cable. C. To minimize oxidation and corrosion, wire and cable shall be terminated using an oxideinhibiting joint compound recommended for "copper-to-copper" connections. The compound shall be Penetrox E as manufactured by Burndy Electrical, or equal. D. Splices shall not be allowed. The use of screw-on wire connectors (wire nuts) shall only be permitted for lighting and receptacle circuits. E. Wire and Cable Sizes 1. IFB 15-002 The sizes of wire and cable shall be as indicated on the Drawings, or if not shown, as approved by the Engineer. If required due to field routing, the size of conductors 26 05 19-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection and respective conduit shall be increased so that the voltage drop measured at the load does not exceed 2-1/2%. 2. F. G. Minimum wire size within control panels, motor control centers, switchboards and similar equipment shall be No. 12 AWG for power and No. 14 AWG for control. Number of Wires 1. The number of wires indicated on the Drawings for the various control, indication, and metering circuits were determined for general schemes of control and for particular indication and metering systems. 2. The actual number of wires installed for each circuit shall, in no case, be less than the number required; however, the Vendor shall add as many wires as may be required for control and indication of the actual equipment selected for installation at no additional cost to the Owner. The addition of conductors shall be coordinated with and approved by the Engineer to avoid violations of the NEC regarding conduit fill. 3. All spare conductors shall be terminated on the terminal blocks mounted within the equipment. Wiring Identification 1. In addition to color coding, all wiring shall be identified at each point of termination. This includes but is not limited to identification at the source, load, and in any intermediate junction boxes where a termination is made. Wire numbers shall not be duplicated. 2. Wire identification shall be by means of a heat shrinkable sleeve. Sleeves shall have a white background with black text. Wire sizes #14 AWG through #10 AWG shall have a minimum text size of 7 points. Wire sizes #8 AWG and larger shall have a minimum text size of 10 points. Sleeves shall be of appropriate length to fit the required text. The use of handwritten text for wire identification shall not be permitted. 3. Sleeves shall be suitable for the size of wire on which they are installed. When installation is complete, sleeves shall be tightly affixed to the wire and shall not move. Sleeves shall be heat shrunk onto wiring with a heat gun approved for the application. Sleeves shall not be heated by any means which employs the use of an open flame. Take special care to ensure that the wiring insulation is not damaged during the heating process. 4. Sleeves shall be installed prior to the completion of the wiring terminations and shall be oriented so that they can be easily read. 5. Sleeves shall be white polyolefin as manufactured by Brady, Seton equivalent, Panduit equivalent, or equal. 6. Where sleeves are not available in the size required for the wire, use an adhesive label with a white background and black text. Text size shall be in accordance with the requirements listed above. IFB 15-002 26 05 19-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection H. 7. Adhesive labels, for the case when sleeves are not suitable for the wire size, shall be white permanent vinyl as manufactured by Brady, Seton equivalent, Panduit equivalent, or equal. 8. Wire identification in manholes, handholes, pull boxes, and other accessible components in the raceway system where the wiring is continuous shall be accomplished by means of a tag installed around the bundled group of conductors. Identification shall utilize a FROM-TO system. Each group of conductors shall consist of all of the individual conductors in a single conduit or duct. The tag shall have text that identifies the bundle in accordance with the ‘FROM’ and ‘TO’ column for that particular conduit number in the conduit and wire schedule. Minimum text size shall be 10 point. The tag shall be affixed to the wire bundle by the use of nylon wire ties, and shall be made of polyethylene as manufactured by Brady, Seton equivalent, Panduit equivalent, or equal. Cable Installation 1. I. J. K. All interior cable not protected by a compartment enclosure shall be installed in conduit. Wiring Supplies 1. Only electrical wiring supplies manufactured under high standards of production and meeting the approval of the Engineer shall be used. 2. Rubber insulating tape shall be in accordance with ASTM Des. D119. Friction tape shall be in accordance with ASTM Des. D69. Connections at Control Panels, Limit Switches, and Similar Devices 1. Where stranded wires are terminated at panels, and/or devices, connections shall be made by solderless lug or crimp type ferrule. 2. Where enclosure sizes and sizes of terminals at limit switches, solenoid valves, float switches, pressure switches, temperature switches, and other devices make 7-strand, No. 12 AWG, wire terminations impractical, the Vendor shall terminate external circuits in an adjacent junction box of proper size complete with terminal strips and shall install No. 14 AWG stranded wires from the device to the junction box in a conduit. The #12 AWG field wiring shall also be terminated in the same junction box to complete the circuit. Pulling Temperature 1. IFB 15-002 Cable shall not be flexed or pulled when the temperature of the jacket is such that damage will occur due to low temperature embrittlement. When cable will be pulled with an ambient temperature of 40°F or less within a three (3) day period prior to pulling the cable reels shall be stored three (3) days prior to pulling in a protected storage area with an ambient temperature of 55°F or more. Cable pulling shall be completed during the work day for which the cable is removed from the protected storage. Any remaining cable reels shall be returned to storage at the completion of the workday. 26 05 19-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection L. Color Coding 1. Conductor insulation shall be color coded as follows: a. 480/277V AC Power Phase A - BROWN Phase B - ORANGE Phase C - YELLOW Neutral - GREY b. 120/208V or 120/240V AC Power Phase A - BLACK Phase B - RED Phase C - BLUE Neutral - WHITE c. DC Power Positive Lead - RED Negative Lead - BLACK d. DC Control All wiring - BLUE e. 120VAC Control Single conductor 120 VAC control wire shall be RED except for a wire entering a motor control center compartment or control panel which is an interlock. This conductor shall be color coded YELLOW. f. 24VAC Control All wiring - ORANGE g. Equipment Grounding Conductor All wiring - GREEN 2. Conductors No. 2 AWG and smaller shall be factory color coded with a separate color for each phase and neutral, which shall be used consistently throughout the system. Larger cables shall be coded by the use of colored tape in accordance with the requirements listed above. 3. Low voltage feeder and branch circuit conductors shall be identified in accordance with the NEC. The method utilized for conductor identification for each nominal voltage system shall be permanently posted at each feeder or branch circuit distribution equipment assembly. Reference Articles 200, 210, and 215 of the NEC. IFB 15-002 26 05 19-6 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3.02 INSTRUMENTATION CABLE INSTALLATION A. The Vendor shall install all cable or conductors used for instrumentation wiring (4-20 mA DC, etc.) in rigid metallic conduit. The use of asbestos cement or PVC conduit shall not be permitted. Analog signal wires shall exclusively occupy these conduits. No other wiring for AC or discrete DC circuits shall be installed in these conduits. B. All shielding shall be continuous and shall be grounded at one point only, or in accordance with the instrumentation equipment manufacturer's recommendations. C. Where instrumentation cables are installed in panels, manholes, handholes, and other locations, the Vendor shall arrange wiring to provide maximum clearance between these cables and other conductors. Instrumentation cables shall not be installed in same bundle with conductors of other circuits. D. Additional pullboxes shall be furnished and installed for ease of cable pulling and the cable manufacturer's recommended conduit fill factor shall be followed. E. Special instrument cable shall be as specified or recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment or instruments requiring such wiring. Installation, storage, terminations, etc., shall be per manufacturer's recommendations. F. All cable insulation and jackets shall have adequate strength for it to be pulled through the conduit systems. All conductors shall be color coded and all wires shall be suitably tagged with permanent markers as specified herein. 3.03 A. TESTING The following tests are required: 1. Shop Tests a. 2. Cable and wiring shall be tested in accordance with the applicable ICEA Standards. Wire and cable shall be physically and electrically tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards. Field Tests a. Provide Visual and Mechanical Inspection per NETA 1999 as follows: 1. Compare cable data with drawings and specifications. 2. Inspect exposed sections of cables for physical damage and correct connection in accordance with single line diagram. 3. Inspect all bolted electrical connections for high resistance using one of the following methods: a. IFB 15-002 Use of low-resistance ohmmeter in accordance with section 3.03.A.2.b (Electrical Tests). 26 05 19-7 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection b. c. b. Verify tightness of accessible bolted electrical connections by calibrated torque wrench method in accordance with manufacturer’s published data. c. Perform thermographic survey in accordance with Section 9 of NETA 1999. 4. Inspect compression-applied connectors for correct cable match and identification. 5. Verify cable color coding with applicable specifications and the National Electrical Code. Provide Electrical Tests per NETA 1999 as follows: 1. Perform insulation-resistance test on each conductor with respect to ground and adjacent conductors. Applied potential shall be 500 volts dc for 300 volt rated cable and 1000 volts dc for 600 volt rated cable. Test duration shall be one minute. 2. Perform resistance measurements through all bolted connections with low-resistance ohmmeter, if applicable, in accordance with Section 3.03.A.2a (Visual and Mechanical Inspection). 3. Perform continuity test to insure correct cable connection. Test Values 1. Compare bolted connection resistance to values of similar connections. 2. Bolt-torque levels should be in accordance NETA 1999 Table 10.12 unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. 3. Microhm or millivolt drop values shall not exceed the high levels of the normal range as indicated in the manufacturer’s published data. If manufacturer’s data is not available, investigate any values which deviate from similar connections by more than 50 percent of the lowest value. 4. Minimum insulation-resistance values should not be less than 50 megohms. 5. Investigate deviations between adjacent phases. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 26 05 19-8 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 26 05 36 CABLE TRAYS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish, install, and place in satisfactory operating condition, ready for service, all cable trays indicated on the Drawings and as specified herein or required for proper operation of the installation. The work of installing the cable system to equipment, machinery, and devices within the UV system enclosures shall be considered a part of this Section. B. The Vendor shall install these trays in such a manner to avoid all interferences. C. The cable tray systems shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with the following: 1. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standard VE-1 - Metallic Cable Tray Systems 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standard VE-2 – Cable Tray Installation Guidelines 3. National Electrical Code (NEC), Article 318 - Cable Trays D. The cable tray systems shall be listed and labeled by U.L. as suitable for the purpose. E. Reference Section 26 00 05, Common Work Results for Electrical Requirements. 1.02 A. TESTING All tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions and Division 01. The following tests are required: 1. Witnessed shop tests None required. 2. IFB 15-002 Field tests a. Field testing shall be done in accordance with the requirements specified in the General Conditions, Division 01, and Section 26 00 05, Common Work Results for Electrical Requirements. b. All trays shall be tested to ensure mechanical and electrical continuity and the absence of obstructions. 26 05 36-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1.03 A. 1.04 SUBMITTALS In accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the General Conditions and Section 01 33 23, Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, the Vendor shall obtain from the equipment manufacturer and submit shop drawings. Each submittal shall be identified by the applicable Specification section. SHOP DRAWINGS A. Each submittal shall be complete in all respects, incorporating all information and data listed herein and all additional information required for evaluation of the proposed equipment's compliance with the Contract Documents. B. Partial, incomplete, or illegible submittals will be returned to the Vendor without review for resubmittal. C. Shop drawings shall include but not be limited to: 1.05 A. B. C. 1. Equipment specifications and product data sheets for trays, fittings, supports, and other components identifying all materials used and methods of fabrication. 2. Layout drawings showing plan and isometric views of each tray system. Drawings shall indicate tray dimensions, support points, tray fill calculations and other pertinent layout information. 3. Manufacturer's instructions indicating application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by the specified testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of the tray systems. 4. Manufacturer's standard warranty. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Cable tray systems shall include straight trays, fittings, covers, splices, barrier strips, and related accessory and support items. 1. Power and control circuit cable tray systems shall be for support of AC power and control circuit cable. 2. Instrumentation cable tray systems shall be for support of DC control, alarm, instrumentation circuits, fiber optics, and communications cable. Performance requirements for power and control circuit tray systems shall be as follows: 1. Concentrated load supporting capacity shall be a minimum of 200 pound concentrated load applied to the middle 6 inches without permanent deformation. 2. Uniform load supporting capacity shall be 50 pounds per linear foot when supported at minimum 20 feet on center with a safety factor of 1.5. Performance requirements for instrumentation trays shall be as follows: IFB 15-002 26 05 36-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1. Concentrated load supporting capacity shall be a minimum of 200 pound concentrated load applied to the middle 6 inches without permanent deformation. 2. Uniform loading capacity shall be a minimum 100 pounds per linear foot when supports span 12 feet on center with a safety factor of 1.5. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. The material covered by this Specification is intended to be standard material of proven performance as manufactured by reputable concerns. Material shall be fabricated, constructed and installed in accordance with the best practices of the trade, and shall operate satisfactorily when installed as specified herein and shown on the Drawings. B Metallic cable tray systems shall be as manufactured by B-Line Systems, Inc., Square D Company, or equal. 2.02 A. 2.03 MATERIALS The cable tray systems shall be aluminum, primarily of alloy 6063-T6 with natural finish. COMPONENTS A. Barrier strips shall be full depth capable of separating cables in tray as required by NEC. B. Covers shall be solid, flanged, aluminum and/or fiberglass with 1/2 inch spacers for ventilation. C. Fittings shall be horizontal and vertical elbows, tees, and cross fittings with minimum radii equal to cable bending radii as recommended by cable manufacturer. D. Accessories shall include dropouts, end plates, splice plates and mounting supports, clamps and other devices required for a complete installation. E. Tray bolts, nuts, washers, and fasteners shall be Type 304 or 316 stainless steel. F. Grounding conductor, to be furnished and installed to the outside tray bottom flange, shall be No. 2/0 bare copper. G. Lashing ties shall be manufacturer's standard plastic type. 2.04 A. TRAY TYPES Power and control circuit cable trays shall be NEMA Class 20A, ladder type with: 1. IFB 15-002 Double or box type rungs, free of sharp edges and corners, at minimum 9 inches on center as required to provide adequate cable bearing surface. 26 05 36-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection B. 2.05 2. Sides of minimum 5-3/8 inch interior cable loading depth for metallic trays. "Z" shaped sides of minimum 4 inch interior cable loading depth for fiberglass tray. 3. Widths as required to accommodate the Vendor wiring. Instrumentation tray shall be NEMA Class 12C, corrugated solid bottom type with: 1. Sides of minimum 4 inch interior cable loading depth. 2. Widths as required to accommodate the Vendor wiring. 3. Drainage holes one quarter (1/4) inch diameter spaced at 5 foot on center, ground smooth and completed prior to cable installation. FABRICATION A. Fabricate fiberglass components in accordance with manufacturer's standard practice. B. Seal edges with sealant. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install the cable tray systems in accordance with NEMA Standards VE-1, VE-2 and FG-1, the National Electrical Code (NEC), and the manufacturer's instructions. B. Support the tray systems from the floor on vertical supports independent from UV cabinets and equipment. Coordinate location of supports with UV equipment. Provide tray supports with channels under entire width of tray. C. Install trays 2 inches from wall surfaces, and with a minimum of 12 inches clearance between cover and obstruction above, and a minimum 18 inches between tray bottoms vertically. D. Secure tray to supports with fittings approved for the purpose in accordance with tray manufacturer. Do not weld trays to supports. Where aluminum trays are supported on steel supports, separate and isolate aluminum and steel in accordance with Section 26 05 29 – Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. E. Install expansion joints at a minimum 50 feet on center of straight runs, or as recommended by tray manufacturer. F. Securely bond to metallic tray a grounding conductor with lugs to outside the tray bottom flange. Run grounding conductor continuously for the full length of tray system. Attach grounding conductor to the facility grounding system. Verify continuity of the bond by a resistance test. G. Group cables in trays by circuit type. Lash grouped cables with lashing ties at approximately 36 inches on center for vertical runs and at approximately 10 feet on center for horizontal IFB 15-002 26 05 36-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection runs. Put sharp ends of lashing ties under cable tray runs or where ties will not damage the cable jacket or insulation. Label the cable groups to identify the circuit or cable group by plan designation. H. Install tray covers in exterior locations, under stairs and gratings. I. Use an anti-oxidant compound to prepare aluminum contact surfaces before assembly. 3.02 A. 3.03 A. 3.04 A. CLEANING After installation, clean and touch up cuts, scratches, or other damage to match color of trays in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. PROTECTION Protect the tray systems until accepted by Owner. WARNING LABELS Furnish and install warning labels with black letters on a yellow background which reads as follows: WARNING! DO NOT USE CABLE TRAY AS A WALKWAY, LADDER, OR SUPPORT. USE ONLY AS A MECHANICAL SUPPORT FOR CABLES! B. Install warning labels at 25 feet intervals along the length of the tray system, located to be visible. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 26 05 36-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 26 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. All electrical equipment shall be properly identified in accordance with these Specifications and the Contract Drawings. All switchgear, lighting and distribution panelboards, combination starters, control panels, pull/junction boxes, enclosures, disconnect switches, control stations, and similar equipment shall be identified in the manner described, or in an equally approved manner. B. The types of electrical identification specified in this section include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.02 A. 1.03 A. 1.04 A. A. Operational instructions and warnings. 2. Danger signs. 3. Equipment/system identification signs. 4. Nameplates. SIGNS "DANGER-HIGH-VOLTAGE" signs shall be securely mounted on the entry doors of all electrical rooms. LETTERING AND GRAPHICS Coordinate names, abbreviations, and other designations used in the electrical identification work with the corresponding designations shown, specified or scheduled. Provide numbers, lettering, and wording as indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, as recommended by manufacturers or as required for proper identification and operation/maintenance of the electrical systems and equipment. SUBMITTALS In accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 01 33 23, Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, the Vendor shall obtain from the equipment manufacturer and submit shop drawings. Each submittal shall be identified by the applicable specification section. SHOP DRAWINGS Each submittal shall be complete in all respects, incorporating all information and data listed herein and all additional information required for evaluation of the proposed equipment's compliance with the Contract Documents. IFB 15-002 26 05 53-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 121709BR 1.05 1. B. Partial, incomplete, or illegible submittals will be returned to the Vendor without review for resubmittal. C. Shop drawings shall include but not be limited to: 1. Product data sheets. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 A. 2.02 A. 2.03 A. MANUFACTURERS The material covered by these Specifications is intended to be standard material of proven performance as manufactured by reputable concerns. Material shall be fabricated, constructed, and installed in accordance with the best practices of the trade, and shall operate satisfactorily when installed as specified herein and shown on the Drawings. NAMEPLATES Nameplates shall be engraved, high pressure plastic laminate, black with white lettering. Lettering shall be 3/16” minimum. HIGH VOLTAGE SIGNS Standard "DANGER" signs shall be of baked enamel finish on 20 gage steel; of standard red, black and white graphics; 14 inches by 10 inches size except where 10 inches by 7 inches is the largest size which can be applied where needed, and except where a larger size is needed for adequate identification. Lettering shall be 2” minimum for DANGER or CAUTION text and 1 1/2” minimum for other text. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 A. 3.02 A. NAMEPLATES Nameplates shall be attached to the equipment enclosures with (2) two drilled and tapped stainless steel screws for nameplates up to 2-inches wide. For nameplates over 2-inches wide, four (4) drilled and tapped stainless steel screws shall be used, one (1) in each corner of the nameplate. The utilization of adhesives is not permitted. OPERATIONAL IDENTIFICATION AND WARNINGS Wherever reasonably required to ensure safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the electrical systems and electrically connected mechanical systems and general systems and equipment, including prevention of misuse of electrical facilities by unauthorized personnel, install plastic signs or similar equivalent identification, instruction, or warnings on switches, outlets, and other controls, devices, and covers or electrical enclosures. Where detailed instructions or explanations are needed, provide plasticized tags with clearly written messages adequate for the intended purposes. Signs shall be attached as specified above for nameplates. IFB 15-002 26 05 53-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3.03 POWER SOURCE IDENTIFICATION A. After installation of all field equipment (i.e. valves, motors, fans, unit heaters, instruments, etc) install nameplates at each power termination for the field equipment. Nameplate data shall include equipment designation (tag number), power source (MCC number, panelboard, etc), circuit number, conduit number from schedule and voltage/phase. B. Coordinate with the Engineer and the Owner regarding exact nameplate placement during construction. C. Nameplates shall be as specified herein. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 26 05 53-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK IFB 15-002 26 05 53-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 26 09 16 ELECTRIC CONTROLS AND RELAYS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT The UV system Manufacturer shall furnish, install, test, and place in satisfactory operation all electric controls and relays as specified herein and indicated on the Drawings. B. Electrical control and relay systems shall be assembled using NEMA rated components. Components designed and built to International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards are not recognized. Equipment designed, manufactured and labeled in compliance with IEC standards is not acceptable. C. Reference Section 26 05 53, Identification for Electrical Systems. D. The Contractor shall furnish and install all external power and control wiring to control panels of prewired packaged equipment, unless indicated otherwise. E. Control wiring requirements are indicated in electrical schematics and descriptions on the Drawings and in equipment manufacturer's equipment data, electrical schematics and operational descriptions. The Contractor shall furnish and install all control wiring in accordance with these Contract Documents. The Contractor shall provide all control circuits and wiring for a particular item of equipment in accordance with requirements as set forth by the manufacturer of the particular item of equipment. F. Where devices are installed on the doors of NEMA 4, 4X, or 3R enclosures, devices shall be selected and installed to maintain the NEMA rating of the enclosure. G. Wiring in all starters, panels, junction boxes, and similar equipment shall be brought out to numbered terminal strips for interconnection. The Manufacturer shall be responsible for documenting terminal numbers for all starters, controls, panels, and similar equipment provided under the Contract. At the completion of the project, the Contractor shall submit a complete set of record drawings showing and/or listing all terminals in boxes, panels, starters, and similar equipment in a single, complete bound package for the equipment and control supplied under the Contract. Reference the General Conditions, Section 01 33 23 – Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples and Section 01 77 00 – Closeout Procedures. H. Electrical control schematic diagrams drawn using a ladder-type format in accordance with JIC standards shall be submitted for all electrical equipment which is being provided under the Contract. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 A. CONTROL COMPONENTS Pilot Devices IFB 15-002 26 09 16-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 091613BR A. 1. Pushbuttons (PB) and selector switches (SS) shall be Type E34 as manufactured by Eaton Corporation, Type 3SBO as manufactured by Siemens Energy and Automation Inc., General Electric Company Type CR104P, The Square D Company equivalent, or Allen-Bradley equivalent. Pushbuttons and selector switches shall be 30.5 mm, heavy-duty, oil tight NEMA 4X corrosion resistant with legend plates as specified herein, indicated on the Drawings, or otherwise directed by the Engineer. Legend plates shall be plastic, black field (background) with white lettering. Pushbuttons and selector switches shall be non-illuminated. Pushbuttons shall include a full guard. Panic stop/alarm pushbuttons shall be red mushroom type with manual-pull release. 2. Pushbuttons and selector switches for all electrical equipment shall be of the same type and manufacturer unless otherwise specified herein. 3. Pushbuttons, selector switches, and other pilot devices for UV system panels shall be as specified herein and in equipment manufacturer's equipment data, electrical schematics and operational descriptions. 4. Pilot lights shall be Type E34 as manufactured by Cutler- Hammer, Type 3SBO as manufactured by Siemens Energy and Automation Inc., General Electric Company Type CR104P, The Square D Company equivalent, or Allen-Bradley equivalent. Pilot lights shall be of the proper control voltage, LED type, push to test, heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant NEMA 4X with legend plates as specified herein, or otherwise directed by the Engineer. Legend plates shall be plastic, black field (background) with white lettering. Pilot light lens colors shall be as follows: Red Green Amber White B. - "Run", "On", “Open” "Off", “Closed” "Alarm", "Fail" “Control Power On” 5. Pilot lights for all electrical panels shall be of the same type and manufacturer unless otherwise specified herein or indicated on the Drawings. 6. Pilot lights for control panels shall be round with custom engraved legend plates for each pilot light. Control and Timing Relays 1. IFB 15-002 Control Relays (CR) shall be Type DP3 as manufactured by Eaton Corporation, Type CR420 as manufactured by General Electric Company, Potter-Brumfield equivalent, The Square D Company equivalent, Siemens Energy and Automation Inc. equivalent, or Allen-Bradley equivalent. Relays shall be general purpose plug-in type with coil voltage as shown on the Drawings and sealed 10 ampere contacts. All relays shall have three SPDT contacts rated 120/240 VAC and 28 VDC minimum. Machine tool relays shall be provided when the contact burden exceeds 10 amperes. The relays shall be furnished with an internal pilot light for positive indication of coil energization. The relays shall be furnished with a manual operator to manually switch the contacts to simulate normal operation. Miniature type or "ice cube" relays are not acceptable. 26 09 16-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2. C. E. Timing Relays (TR) shall be the general purpose plug-in type, Type TR as manufactured by Eaton Corporation, Type TUC as manufactured by Diversified Electronics The Square D Company equivalent, Siemens Energy and Automation Inc. equivalent, or Allen-Bradley equivalent. Timing relays shall be electronic type with 120 VAC coils unless otherwise specified. Timers shall be provided with two SPDT timed output contacts. Contact ratings shall be the same as for control relays as specified above. Control Stations 1. Control Stations (CS) shall be as manufactured by Eaton Corporation, General Electric Company, The Square D Company equivalent, Siemens Energy and Automation Inc., or Allen-Bradley equivalent. Control stations shall be furnished and installed complete with pushbuttons, selector switches, and other pilot devices as specified herein or indicated on the Drawings. Stop pushbuttons shall be furnished with a lock-out device as specified herein. 2. Control station enclosures shall be cast aluminum with gasketed cover for all indoor dry areas. Control station enclosures shall be NEMA 4X stainless steel with gasketed cover for all indoor damp/wet process areas. Control station enclosures shall be NEMA 4X stainless steel with gasketed cover for all outdoor applications. 3. Control stations located in hazardous locations shall be suitable for the Class, Division, and Group to suit the application. The pilot devices shall be the factory sealed type mounted in enclosures as specified above. Miscellaneous 1. Terminal blocks shall be assembled on non-current carrying galvanized steel DIN mounting rails securely bolted to the enclosure or cabinet subpanel. Terminals shall be tubular screw type with pressure plate for wire size #22 - #8 AWG. 2. Power terminal blocks shall be single tier with a minimum rating of 600 volts, 30A. Signal terminal blocks shall be single tier with a minimum rating of 600 volts, 20A. Separate terminal strips shall be provided for each type of power and signal used within each cabinet. There shall be a sufficient quantity of terminals for the termination of all spare field conductors. 4. Terminals shall be marked with a permanent, continuous marking strip. One side of each terminal shall be reserved exclusively for incoming field conductors. Common connections and jumpers required for internal wiring shall not be made on the field side of the terminal. Subject to the approval of the Engineer, a vendor's preengineered and prefabricated wiring termination system may be acceptable. The terminal blocks shall be as manufactured by Phoenix Contact, Inc., Wieland, Inc., or equal. 5. IFB 15-002 Alarm horns shall be as manufactured by Federal Signal Corporation, Edwards Signaling Company, EST (Edwards Systems Tech), or equal. Alarm horns shall be made for surface, flush, or semi-flush mounting on walls, panels, enclosures, or on square outlet boxes. Alarm horn sound output level shall be of 100 dB (nominal) at 10 feet. 26 09 16-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 CONFIGURATION OF CONTROLS AND EQUIPMENT A. All equipment, cabinets, and devices furnished under the Contract shall be heavy-duty type, designed for continuous industrial service. The system shall contain products of a single manufacturer, insofar as possible, and shall consist of equipment models which are currently in production. B. All equipment shall be designed to operate on a 60 Hz alternating current power source at a nominal 117 volts, plus or minus 10 percent, except where specifically noted. All regulators and power supplies required for compliance with the above shall be provided. C. All switches shall have double-pole, double-throw, contacts rated at a minimum of 600 VA, unless specifically noted otherwise. E. Materials and equipment used shall bear a U.L. label wherever such labeling of equipment and materials are available. G. All power terminals shall be insulated and identified. H. All instruments shall operate at 10 to 125 degrees F unless otherwise specified. I. Internal wiring within all starters, control panels, instruments, junction boxes and similar equipment, shall be brought out to numbered terminal strips for interconnection and field wiring. J. All control components shall be mounted in a manner that will permit servicing, adjustment, testing, and removal without disconnecting, moving, or removing any other component. Components mounted on the inside of panels shall be mounted on removable plates and not directly to the enclosure. Mounting shall be rigid and stable unless shock mounting is required otherwise by the manufacturer to protect equipment from vibration. Component's mounting shall be oriented in accordance with the component manufacturer's and industries' standard practices. All internal components shall be identified with suitable plastic or metal engraved tags attached with drive pins adjacent to (not on) each component identifying the component in accordance with the Specifications and supplier's data. L. The shield on each instrumentation cable shall be continuous from source to destination and shall be grounded as directed by the manufacturer of the instrumentation equipment. In no case shall more than one ground point be employed for each shield. All cable shields shall be grounded at one end only, at the control panel, with terminals bonded to the panel ground bus. All analog control functions shall utilize 4-20 mADC control signals, unless otherwise specified. All analog transmission shall take place within shielded twisted cables which are not susceptible to interference or noise. M. Lightning/surge protection shall be provided to protect the instrumentation and control system from induced surges propagating along the signal and power supply lines. The protection systems shall be such that the protective level shall not interfere with normal operation, but shall be lower than the instrument surge withstand level, and shall be maintenance free and self-restoring. Equipment shall be housed in a suitable metallic case, properly grounded. Ground wires for all surge protectors shall be connected to a good earth ground and, where practical, each ground wire run individually and insulated from each IFB 15-002 26 09 16-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection other. These protectors shall be mounted within the enclosure or in a separate NEMA 4 junction box coupled to the enclosure. N. 3.02 Reference Section 40 95 58 Surge Protective Devices for additional information regarding lightning/surge protection requirements. FIELD TESTS A. Prior to commencement of Field Test, all wiring shall meggered and loop checked by Contractor and witnessed by Engineer. B. The Manufacturer shall conduct field tests prior to operation of the equipment. The Engineer shall witness all field testing. Field testing shall be conducted at a time approved by the Engineer. Field tests shall be conducted for all hardware components and shall include a functional check of all items. Field tests shall include a functional check of all instruments and control equipment. All equipment shall be connected and fully operational for field testing. Field tests shall demonstrate that the controls perform according to the Contract requirements and that all equipment, valves, switches, controls, alarms, interlocks, indicating lights, and similar equipment function properly. Based on the results of field tests, the Manufacturer shall make any required corrections to equipment and controls and shall make any adjustments required to the control logic and control settings to achieve the specified operation or operation otherwise directed by the Engineer. Field tests shall be conducted for the full range of operating modes and conditions specified and as directed by the Engineer. The Manufacturer shall make modifications and adjustments to the controls as directed by the Engineer for optimizing operation of the overall system. All costs in connection with field tests of equipment provided under the Contract, shall be borne by the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer shall be fully responsible for the proper operation of UV system and controls during the tests. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 26 09 16-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK SECTION 26 24 16 PANELBOARDS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Furnish and install panelboards of voltage and current ratings as specified herein, specified in other Sections, and indicated on the Drawings. Panelboards shall be furnished with circuit breaker ratings, number of breakers, number of poles and locations conforming with the panelboard schedules on the Drawings. B. All equipment specified in this Section shall be furnished and installed by the UV system manufacturer who shall be responsible for the suitability and compatibility of all included equipment. 1.02 CODES AND STANDARDS A. Panelboards shall conform to all applicable Federal, UL, and NEMA standards. Materials and components shall be new and conform to grades, qualities and standards as specified herein and shown on the Drawings. B. Panelboards shall comply with the following industry standards: 1.03 A. 1. UL Listing/Approval 2. UL Standards a. Panelboards - UL 67 b. Cabinets and Boxes - UL 50 3. National Electrical Code 4. NEMA Standard - PB1 SUBMITTALS In accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 01 33 23, Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, the Vendor shall obtain from the equipment manufacturer and submit the following: 1. Shop Drawings. 2. Spare Parts List. 3. Operation and Maintenance Manuals. IFB 15-002 26 24 16-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection B. 1.04 Each submittal shall be identified by the applicable specification section. SHOP DRAWINGS A. Each submittal shall be complete in all respects, incorporating all information and data listed herein and all additional information required for evaluation of the proposed equipment's compliance with the Contract Documents. B. Partial, incomplete, or illegible submittals will be returned to the Vendor without review for resubmittal. C. Shop drawings shall include but not be limited to: D. 1.05 1. Product data sheets. 2. Complete assembly, layout, and installation drawings with clearly marked dimensions for each panelboard. 3. Complete panelboard schedules indicating circuit designations and connected loads as shown on the Drawings for each panelboard. The submittal information shall reflect the specific equipment identification number as indicated on the Drawings (e.g., LP-MEF, PP-MEF, etc.). TOOLS, SUPPLIES AND SPARE PARTS A. The panelboards and accessories shall be furnished with all special tools necessary to disassemble, service, repair, and adjust the equipment. All spaces in the panelboards shall be furnished with a spare breaker as indicated in the panelboard schedules shown on the Drawings. B. Spare parts lists, included with the shop drawing submittal, shall indicate specific sizes, quantities, and part numbers of the items to be furnished. Terms such as "1 lot of packing material" are not acceptable. C. Parts shall be completely identified with a numerical system to facilitate parts inventory control and stocking. Each part shall be properly identified by a separate number. Those parts which are identical for more than one size shall have the same parts number. 1.06 A. IDENTIFICATION Each panelboard shall be identified with the identification number indicated on the Drawings. A nameplate shall be securely affixed in a conspicuous place on each panelboard. Nameplates shall be as specified in Section 26 05 53, Identification for Electrical Systems. IFB 15-002 26 24 16-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 A. 2.02 A. 2.03 A. B. MANUFACTURERS The Equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with the best practices of the trade, and shall operate satisfactorily when installed as shown on the Drawings. CONDUCTORS (MAIN BUS AND BRANCH CONNECTORS) All main bus shall be tin plated copper sized in accordance with UL standards to limit the temperature rise on any current carrying part to a maximum of 50 degrees C above a maximum ambient temperature of 40 degrees C. LIGHTING PANELBOARDS General 1. Lighting panelboards shall be dead-front type with automatic trip-free, nonadjustable, thermal-overload, branch circuit breakers. Panelboards shall be of the configuration and rating as specified herein and indicated on the Drawings. Panelboards shall be service entrance rated where indicated on the Drawings. 2. Lighting panelboards shall be equipped with a main breaker or main lugs complete with branch circuit breakers, as indicated on the Drawings. The panelboards shall be suitable for flush or surface mounting. Some panelboards shall be furnished and installed within motor control center structures as shown on the Drawings. 3. Lighting panelboards shall be fully rated and shall have a minimum short circuit rating of 22,000 amperes symmetrical, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 4. Lighting panelboards shall be Eaton/Cutler-Hammer Pow-R-Line Series, the Square D Company equivalent, the General Electric Company equivalent, or Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc. equivalent. Enclosures 1. Except for lighting panelboards installed in motor control centers, the enclosure shall be NEMA 12 unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, constructed of No. 12 U.S.S. code gauge galvanized steel. The door shall be fastened to the enclosure with concealed hinges and shall be equipped with flush-type catches and locks. Equip cabinet doors exceeding 40 inches in height with vertical bolt three point locking mechanism. All locks shall be keyed alike. The panelboard trim shall have a removable hinge assembly, in addition to the door hinge, that allows work inside the enclosure without the need to remove the trim. The enclosure shall have wiring gutters on sides and shall be at least 5-3/4 inches deep. The panelboard shall be provided with an information label. The information label shall include the panelboard designation, voltage, phase, wires, and bus rating. 2. All metal surfaces of the panelboard enclosures shall be thoroughly cleaned and given one prime of zinc chromate primer. All interior surfaces shall then be given IFB 15-002 26 24 16-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection one shop finishing coat of a lacquer of the nitro-cellulose enamel variety. All exterior surfaces shall be given three coats of the same lacquer. The color of finishing coats shall be light gray ANSI #61. 3. C. D. An Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. inspection label shall appear on the interior of the cabinet. Bus Work 1. Main bus bars shall be of ample size so that a current density of not more than 1000 amperes per square inch of cross section will be attained. This current density shall be based on the application of the full load connected to the panel plus approximately 25% of the full load for spare capacity. The main bus shall be full capacity as based on the preceding for the entire length of the panel so as to provide full flexibility of circuit arrangement. 2. Solid neutral bus bars are required. Ratings shall be in accordance with applicable standards. 3. A separate ground bus shall be provided with lugs for termination of equipment grounding conductors. 4. Branch bus work shall be rated to match the maximum branch circuit breaker which may be installed in the standard space. 5. All bus shall be tin plated copper and shall extend the entire useable length of the panelboard, including spaces. Circuit Breakers 1. Circuit breakers shall be bolt-on, molded-case type conforming to NEMA Standard AB 1. All circuit breakers shall have quick-make, quick-break, toggle mechanism for manual as well as automatic operation. Tandem or half-size circuit breakers are not acceptable 2. Where indicated, or where required by Code, circuit breakers for receptacle circuits shall be equipped with integrally mounted ground fault interrupters complete with "TEST" push button and shall be of a type which fit standard panelboard spaces for the breaker continuous current rating required. Circuit breakers used for lighting circuit switching shall be approved for the purpose and shall be marked "SWD". Where required by Article 440 of the NEC, circuit breakers installed for air conditioning units shall be HACR type. 3. Circuit breaker voltage ratings shall meet or exceed the panelboard voltage indicated on the Drawings. Trip elements of circuit breakers shall be 20A unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Circuit breakers shall have an interrupting rating at 240 VAC that matches the panelboard short circuit rating. 4. Where indicated on the Drawings, branch circuit breakers shall be provided with a padlockable hasp or handle padlock attachment for padlocking in the off position as required to meet the NEC requirement for disconnecting means and/or OSHA lock- IFB 15-002 26 24 16-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection out/tagout standard. Locking hardware shall remain in place even when the packlock is removed. Branch circuit breakers used for control, instrumentation, telephone, fire alarm, or auxiliary equipment circuits requiring continuous operation shall be provided with a similar lock-on device where indicated on the Drawings. E. Directories 1. 2.04 A. B. Approved directories with noncombustible plastic cover, and with typewritten designations of each branch circuit, shall be furnished and installed in each panelboard. This directory shall be updated as work progresses, and final, typewritten directories, as specified above, shall be installed at the end of the project. Designations and circuit locations shall conform with the panelboard schedules on the Drawings, except as otherwise authorized by the Engineer. POWER DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS General 1. Power distribution panelboards shall be of the configuration and rating as specified herein and as indicated on the Drawings. The panelboards shall be dead-front type with automatic trip-free, non-adjustable, thermal overload branch circuit breakers. Panelboards shall be service entrance rated where indicated on the Drawings. 2. Power panelboards shall be equipped with a main breaker or main lugs complete with branch circuit breakers as indicated on the Drawings. The panelboards shall be suitable for flush or surface mounting. Some panelboards shall be furnished and installed within motor control center structures as shown on the Drawings. 3. Power distribution panelboards shall be fully rated and shall have a minimum short circuit rating of 65,000 amperes symmetrical unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 4. Power distribution panelboards shall be Eaton/Cutler-Hammer Pow-R-Line Series, the Square D Company equivalent, the General Electric Company equivalent, or Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc. equivalent. Enclosures 1. Except for power panelboards installed in motor control centers, the enclosures shall be NEMA 12 unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, constructed of No. 12 U.S.S. code gauge galvanized steel. The door shall be fastened to the enclosure with concealed hinges and shall be equipped with flush-type catches and locks. Equip cabinet doors exceeding 40 inches in height with vertical bolt three point locking mechanism. All locks shall be keyed alike. The panelboard trim shall have a removable hinge assembly, in addition to the door hinge, that allows work inside the enclosure without the need to remove the trim. The enclosure shall have wiring gutters on sides and shall be at least 5-3/4 inches deep. The panel shall be provided with an information label. The information label shall include the panelboard designation, voltage, phase, wires, and bus rating. 2. All metal surfaces of the panelboard enclosures shall be thoroughly cleaned and given one prime of zinc chromate primer. All interior surfaces shall then be given IFB 15-002 26 24 16-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection one shop finishing coat of a lacquer of the nitro-cellulose enamel variety. All exterior surfaces shall be given three coats of the same lacquer. The color of finishing coats shall be light gray ANSI #61. 3. C. D. An Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. inspection label shall appear on the interior of the cabinet. Bus Work 1. Main bus bars shall be of ample size so that a current density of not more than 1,000 amperes per square inch of cross section will be attained. This current density shall be based on the application of the full load connected to the panel plus approximately 25% of the full load for spare capacity. The main bus shall be full capacity as based on the preceding for the entire length of the panel so as to provide full flexibility of circuit arrangement. 2. Solid neutral bus bars, where required, shall be provided. Ratings shall be in accordance with applicable standards. 3. A separate ground bus shall be provided with lugs for termination of equipment grounding conductors. 4. Branch bus work shall be rated to match the maximum branch circuit breaker which may be installed in the standard space. 5. All bus shall be tin plated copper and shall extend the entire useable length of the panelboard, including spaces. Circuit Breakers 1. Circuit breakers shall be bolt-on, molded-case type conforming to NEMA Standard AB 1. All circuit breakers shall have quick-make, quick-break, toggle mechanism for manual as well as automatic operation. 2. Circuit breakers used for lighting circuit switching shall be approved for the purpose and shall be marked “SWD” where required by Article 440 by the NEC. Circuit breakers installed for air conditioning units shall be HACR type. 3. Circuit breaker voltage rating shall meet or exceed the panelboard voltage indicated on the Drawings. Trip elements of circuit breakers shall be 20A, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Circuit breakers shall have an interrupting rating at 480 VAC that matches the panelboard short circuit rating. 4. Where indicated on the Drawings, branch circuit breakers shall be provided with a padlockable hasp or handle padlock attachment for padlocking in the off position as required to meet the NEC requirement for disconnecting means and/or OSHA lockout/tagout standard. Locking hardware shall remain in place even when the packlock is removed. Branch circuit breakers used for control, instrumentation, telephone, fire alarm, or auxiliary equipment circuits requiring continuous operation shall be provided with a similar lock-on device where indicated on the Drawings. IFB 15-002 26 24 16-6 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection E. Directories 1. 2.05 Approved directories with noncombustible plastic cover, and with typewritten designations of each branch circuit, shall be provided in each panel. This directory shall be updated as work progresses, and final, typewritten directories, as specified above, shall be installed at the end of the project. Designations and circuit locations shall conform with the panelboard schedules on the Drawings, except as otherwise authorized by the Engineer. COMBINATION POWER UNITS A. Furnish and install a combination power unit as specified herein and indicated on the Drawings. The unit shall be a combination of a dry type transformer and a lighting panelboard. Transformer rating and panelboard bus rating shall be as indicated on the Drawings. The transformer and panelboard shall meet the requirements for these products as specified herein and elsewhere in these Specifications. Combination power units shall be suitable for outdoor use and rated NEMA 3R. B. The combination power unit shall be a Mini-Power Zone as manufactured by the Square D Company, a Mini-Power Center as manufactured by Eaton/Cutler-Hammer, Servicecenter as manufactured by General Electric Company, or Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc. equivalent. 2.06 A. DC POWER SYSTEM PANELBOARDS The DC power system panelboard shall meet the requirements specified herein for the lighting panelboards with the following exceptions: 1. 2.07 Circuit breakers shall have an interrupting rating at 250 VDC that matches the panelboard short circuit rating. SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES A. The panelboards shall be furnished with integrated Type II surge protective devices (SPD). SPDs shall be provided in the location and quantity as shown on the Drawings. B. The SPD shall be rated, designed, tested, listed, and labeled in accordance with UL-1449, third edition. Products labeled in accordance with previous editions of UL-1449 are not acceptable. C. The SPD shall be factory installed by the panelboard manufacturer using a direct bus connection. There shall be no cable connection between the bus bar and the SPD device. D. The SPD shall have a fault current rating equal to or greater than that of the fault current rating of the panelboard. The SPD shall employ metal-oxide varistor (MOV) technology. If integral fusing is used, the fuses shall allow the maximum rated surge current to pass without fuse operation. E. The SPD shall have a maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) of at least 115% of the nominal voltage of the panelboard. The Voltage Protection Rating (VPR) of each SPD shall not exceed the following: IFB 15-002 26 24 16-7 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SYSTEM VOLTAGE 208Y/120 480Y/277 480 DELTA 240 DELTA 120/240 F. L-N 700V 1200V N/A N/A 700V L-G 700V 1200V 1200V 1200V 700V L-L 1200V 1800V 2000V 1200V 1200V N-G 700V 1200V N/A N/A 700V The Nominal Discharge Current (I n ) of the SPD shall be 20kA. Peak surge current ratings shall not be used as a basis for applying the SPD to the system. The surge current rating for each SPD shall be as indicated on the Drawings. Surge current ratings are indicated in panel schedules. Surge current rating indicated is on a per phase basis. G. Each SPD system shall provide surge protection in all possible modes. Surge protection shall be as follows: SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 3-Phase Wye 3-Phase Delta 3-Phase Impedence Grounded Single-Phase MODES OF PROTECTION L-N, L-G, N-G L-L, L-G L-L, L-G NUMBER OF MODES 7 6 6 L-N, L-G, N-G 3 H. The SPD shall be furnished with an audible alarm and silence pushbutton, integral SPD status LEDs (one per phase), and a Form C dry contact for remote indication of alarm. A surge counter shall also be provided. I. The SPD equipment shall be SPD Series by Eaton Corporation, SurgeLogic by the Square D Company, Tranquell by the General Electric Company, Siemens Energy and Automation Inc. equivalent, or equal. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Panelboards and combination power units shall be furnished and installed as shown on the Drawings and as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. B. Panelboards shall be set true and plumb in locations as shown on the Drawings. The top of panelboard enclosure shall not exceed six (6) feet above finished floor elevation. C. Enclosures shall not be fastened to concrete or masonry surfaces with wooden plugs. Appropriate cadmium plated or galvanized steel bolts shall be used with expansion shields or other metallic type concrete insert for mounting on concrete or solid masonry walls. Cadmium plated or galvanized steel toggle bolts shall be used for mounting on concrete block or other hollow masonry walls. Bolt diameter shall be as required considering the size and weight of the completed panelboard and enclosure to provide adequate structural support. IFB 15-002 26 24 16-8 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection D. Do not use factory furnished knockouts with surface mounted back boxes. Punch or drill required openings during installation and shall equip flush mounted back boxes with manufacturer's standard pattern of knockouts. E. Install cabinets (and other enclosure products) in plumb with the building construction. Flush mounted enclosures shall be installed so that the trim will rest against the surrounding surface material and around the entire perimeter of the enclosure. F. Prior to final completion of the work, all metal surfaces of the equipment shall be cleaned thoroughly, and all scratches and abrasions shall be retouched with the same lacquer as used for shop finishing coats. 3.02 A. TESTING All equipment and connections shall be tested to National Electrical Testing Association (NETA) standards prior to energizing. - END OF SECTION – IFB 15-002 26 24 16-9 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK IFB 15-002 26 24 16-10 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 26 27 26 WIRING DEVICES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. 1.03 THE REQUIREMENT Furnish and install all switches and receptacles for lighting and miscellaneous power applications of the type and at the locations as specified herein, specified in other Sections, and as shown on the Drawings. SUBMITTALS In accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 01 33 23, Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, the Vendor shall obtain from the equipment manufacturer and submit shop drawings. Each submittal shall be identified by the applicable specification section. SHOP DRAWINGS A. Each submittal shall be complete in all respects, incorporating all information and data listed herein and all additional information required for evaluation of the proposed equipment's compliance with the Contract Documents. B. Partial, incomplete, or illegible submittals will be returned to the Vendor without review for resubmittal. C. Shop drawings shall include, but not be limited to: 1. 1.04 A. Product data sheets. IDENTIFICATION Each switch and receptacle shall be identified with the equipment item number, manufacturer's name or trademark, and such other information as the manufacturer may consider necessary, or as specified, for complete identification. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 A. MANUFACTURERS The equipment covered by these Specifications is intended to be standard equipment of proven performance as manufactured by reputable concerns. Equipment shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with the best practices of the trade, and shall operate satisfactorily when installed as shown on the Drawings. IFB 15-002 26 27 26-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection B. Use the products of a single manufacturer for each type of wiring device. C. Use the products of a single manufacturer for all device plates. Plate variations are allowed for the following devices: 1. Where the selected plate manufacturer does not manufacture a suitable finish plate. 2. For heavy-duty receptacles rated at more than 30A. 3. Where non-standard plates are required, specified, or shown. D. The receptacles, switches, device plates, and other appurtenances shall comply with the requirements of these Specifications. Receptacles installed in toilet, locker, and bathrooms shall be of ground fault interrupter type to meet the minimum NEC requirements. Ground fault circuit interrupter receptacles shall also be furnished and installed as specified herein, indicated on the Drawings, and required by the NEC. E. Wiring devices shall be approved for use with stranded conductors, if stranded conductors are to be used with the device. Reference Section 26 05 19, Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables. F. Provide specification grade devices which shall be as manufactured by Appleton, CrouseHinds, Leviton, Harvey Hubbell Co., Bryant Electric Company, Pass & Seymour, or equal. 2.02 A. WIRING DEVICES Wiring devices shall be in accordance with the following for nonhazardous areas: 1. Wall Switches, Single Pole, 20 A, 120-277V equivalent to Hubbell No. 1221, Pass & Seymour No. 20AC1, Leviton equivalent, or equal. Switches rated 30 A, 120-277V shall be Leviton 3031, Hubbell equivalent, Pass & Seymour equivalent, or equal. 2. Wall Switches, Double Pole, 20 A, 120-277V equivalent to Hubbell No. 1222, Pass & Seymour No. 20AC2, Leviton equivalent, or equal. Switches rated 30 A, 120-277V shall be Leviton 3032, Hubbell equivalent, Pass & Seymour equivalent, or equal. 3. Wall Switches, Three-Way, 20 A, 120-277V equivalent to Hubbell No. 1223, Pass & Seymour No. 20AC3, Leviton equivalent, or equal. Switches rated 30 A, 120-277V shall be Leviton 3033, Hubbell equivalent, Pass & Seymour equivalent, or equal. 4. Wall Switches, Four-Way, 20 A, 120-277V equivalent to Hubbell No. 1224, Pass & Seymour No. 20AC4, Leviton equivalent, or equal. 5. Convenience Receptacles 20 A, 125V, duplex polarized with grounding connection equivalent to Hubbell No. 5362, Pass & Seymour equivalent, Leviton equivalent, or equal. 6. Hubbell Cat. No. GF-5362, Pass & Seymour equivalent, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 20A, 120V, duplex, ground fault circuit interrupting type. IFB 15-002 26 27 26-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection B. C. D. Special Purpose Receptacles shall be rated to carry, at least where required the full load amperes and voltage of the unit connected thereto. These receptacles shall be provided with grounding poles and shall be equivalent to the following: 1. Hubbell Cat. No. HBL-5661, Pass & Seymour No. 5871, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 20A, 250VAC, 1-phase service. 2. Hubbell Cat. No. HBL-9330, Pass & Seymour No.3801, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 30A, 250VAC, 1-phase service. 3. Hubbell Cat. No. 9430, Pass & Seymour No. 5740, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 30A, 208/120V, 3-phase service. 4. Hubbell Cat. No. 9450, Pass & Seymour No. 5750, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 50A, 208/120V, 3-phase service. 5. Hubbell Cat. No. 9460, Pass & Seymour No. 5760, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 60A, 208/120V, 3-phase service. 6. Hubbell Cat. No. 9330, Pass & Seymour No. 5930, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 30A, 208V, single-phase service. 7. Hubbell Cat. No. 9315, Pass & Seymour equivalent, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 30A, 277V, single-phase service. 8. Hubbell Cat. No. 23CM10, Pass & Seymour equivalent, Leviton equivalent, or equal, for 20A, single, 125V, polarized with grounding connection, twist lock type. Matching plug shall be Hubbell Cat. No. 23CM11, Pass & Seymour equivalent, Leviton equivalent, or equal. 9. Crouse-Hinds "Arktite" Series, Appleton equivalent, Killark equivalent, or equal, 30A, 3P, 600 Volt, twist lock, weatherproof, power receptacle and box with matching plug. For hazardous areas the following shall be provided: 1. Wall Switches, single pole, 20 A, 120 V equivalent to Crouse Hinds Cat. No. EFD3591 or EFDC3591 (as required); Appleton No. EDS175F1 or EDSC175F1, Killark equivalent, or equal. 2. Convenience Receptacles 20 A, 120-250 VAC, 2 wire, 3 pole equivalent to Crouse Hinds Cat. No. CPS152-201, Appleton No. CPE1-2375, Killark equivalent, or equal. Plugs for hazardous and non-hazardous receptacles shall be provided: 1. 2.03 A. Plugs and respective cable shall be provided for equipment furnished under other Divisions (steam cleaners, welders, etc.) as necessary. DEVICE PLATES Wall plates with gaskets for flush-mounted receptacles and switches shall be made of Type 304 stainless steel, not less than 0.032 of an inch thick, with beveled edges and milled on IFB 15-002 26 27 26-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection the rear so as to lie flat against the wall. Wall plates shall be equivalent to Hubbell Series 9600, Pass & Seymour series 93000, Leviton equivalent, or equal. B. Device plates for outdoor installations and indoor wet process area installations shall be Appleton Type FSK, Crouse-Hinds #DS185, or equal for wall switches. Device plates for receptacles shall be “in-use” style. “In-use” weatherproof covers shall be rugged, minimum 3 ¼” depth, die-cast aluminum as manufactured by Thomas & Betts "Red Dot," or equal. C. Device plates for indoor dry process areas with surface mounted boxes shall be CrouseHinds DS32, or equal for switches, and Crouse-Hinds DS23 or equal for receptacles. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Switch boxes shall be of unit construction and of sizes as required to adequately house the number of switches required. No sectional type switch boxes shall be permitted. B. Where more than one (1) switch occurs at one (1) point, gang plates shall be used. C. All device plates shall be set true and plumb, and shall fit tightly against the finished wall surfaces and outlet boxes. D. All devices shall be flush-mounted in finished areas, unless otherwise noted. E. In all areas where thermal or acoustic insulation is applied to the ceiling or walls, outlet boxes shall be set to finish flush with the finished surface of the insulation. F. For the below-named items, mounting heights from finish floor, or finish grade to top is applicable. Mounting heights shall be as follows, unless otherwise specified herein, indicated on the Drawings, or required by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA): 1. Single-pole light switches 48 inches. 2. Duplex receptacles in dry areas, 16 inches 3. Duplex receptacles in pump rooms, 48 inches G. All receptacles shall have a self-adhesive label installed on the top at the respective device plate that indicates which panel and which circuit number the receptacle is supplied from. Labels shall have a white background and black lettering in 14 point font. 3.02 A. CIRCUITING Convenience receptacles shall be grouped on circuits separate from the lighting circuits. A maximum of eight (8) convenience receptacles are permitted per 20A, 120V circuit. - END OF SECTION IFB 15-002 26 27 26-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 90 10 CONTROL AND INFORMATION SYSTEM SUBMITTALS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 THE REQUIREMENT The Contractor shall submit for review complete Shop Drawings for all equipment in accordance with the General Conditions and Division 1 of the Specifications. All submittal material shall be complete, legible, and reproducible, and shall apply specifically to this project. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 01 33 23 – Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples B. Section 01 78 23 – Operation and Maintenance Data 1.03 A. B. DIGITAL HARDWARE SUBMITTALS Submit UV control system architecture drawing(s) showing: 1. All equipment to be provided. 2. All interconnecting cable. 3. Network interface including peer-to-peer network, SCADA network and I/O network. 4. Equipment names, manufacturer, and model numbers. 5. Equipment locations. Submit information for all digital equipment including, but not limited to, the following: Bill of materials with equipment names, manufacturers, complete model numbers and locations. 2. Catalog cuts, including complete part number breakdown information. 3. Complete technical, material and environmental specifications. 4. Assembly drawings. 5. Mounting and installation requirements. 6. Color samples. IFB 15-002 032013BR 1. 40 90 10-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1.04 A. B. 7. Nameplates. 8. Environmental requirements during storage and operation. SOFTWARE SUBMITTALS Software submittals shall include the following as a minimum: 1. Bill of materials with software names, vendors, and complete listings of included software modules. 2. Standard manufacturer's literature describing the products. 3. Description of function of software in Control and Information System. 4. Limitations or constraints of software. 5. Minimum system (processor and memory) requirements. 6. Operation and maintenance requirements. Submit information on the following software: 1. C. Software configuration, including: a. Graphic display organization. b. Trends. c. System security. d. Intercommunications between software products required to implement system functions. e. Equipment backup configuration and requirements. Control Strategies 1. IFB 15-002 Provide control strategy documentation that includes control strategy diagrams (block oriented logic and ladder logic diagrams, as appropriate) to describe the control of the UV disinfection process. The written description shall follow the format of the functional control descriptions contained herein. The control strategy submittals shall contain the following as a minimum: a. An overall description of the program structure and how it will meet the specified control requirements. b. A listing of the program. c. Extensive comments in the listings to describe program steps. 40 90 10-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection D. E. 1.05 A. d. Equation and ladder program derivations for all specified control routines. e. Resource (processor and memory) requirements. f. A listing of inputs and outputs to the control strategy. g. Tag naming convention that conforms to the Owner’s existing standards. Application Software 1. Provide application software documentation that contains program descriptions for the operation, modification, and maintenance of all application programs provided for the digital system. 2. Application software includes all custom routines developed specifically for this project, or pre-written routines used for accomplishing specified functions for this project. This shall include VBASIC and C programs, and any other add-in custom software. Graphic Displays 1. Submit all graphic displays required to perform the control and operator interface functions specified herein. 2. Submit graphic displays in color for review by the Owner and the Engineer at least 60 days prior to commencement of factory testing. 3. The Contractor shall allow for one major cycle of revisions to the displays prior to factory testing and one minor cycle of revisions following factory test. A cycle of revisions shall be defined as all revisions necessary to complete a single set of changes marked by the Engineer. Additional corrections shall be performed during start-up as required to accommodate changes required by actual field conditions, at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Displays shall be printouts of actual process graphics implemented in the system. CONTROL PANEL SUBMITTALS Submittals shall be provided for all control panels, and shall include: 1. Exterior panel drawings with front and side views, to scale. 2. Interior layout drawings showing the locations and sizes of all equipment and wiring mounted within the cabinet, to scale. 3. Panel area reserved for cable access and conduit entry. 4. Location plans showing each panel in its assigned location. 5. Gross weight of completed panels. IFB 15-002 40 90 10-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 6. B. C. 1.06 Panel mounting requirements. Submit information for all exterior and interior panel mounted equipment including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Bill of materials with equipment names, manufacturers, complete model numbers and locations. 2. Catalog cuts, including complete part number breakdown information. 3. Complete technical, material and environmental specifications. 4. Assembly drawings. 5. Mounting requirements. 6. Color samples. 7. Nameplates. 8. Environmental requirements during storage and operation. Submit panel wiring diagrams showing power, signal, and control wiring, including surge protection, relays, courtesy receptacles, lighting, wire size and color coding, etc. WIRING AND LOOP DIAGRAMS A. Submit interconnection wiring and loop diagrams for all panels and signals in the Control and Information System. B. Electrical interconnection diagrams shall show all terminations of equipment, including terminations to equipment and controls furnished under other Divisions, complete with equipment and cable designations. Where applicable, interconnection wiring diagrams shall be organized by input/output card. Interconnecting diagrams shall be prepared in a neat and legible manner on 11 X 17-inch reproducible prints and in electronic pdf format. C. Loop drawings shall conform to the latest version of ISA Standards and Recommended Practices for Instrumentation and Control. Loop Drawings shall conform to ISA S5.4, Figures 4-6, Minimum Required Items plus Optional Items. D. Loop drawings shall not be required as a separate document provided that the interconnecting wiring diagrams required in Paragraph B., above, contain all information required by ISA 5.4. 1.07 A. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS The Contractor shall deliver equipment operation and maintenance (O&M) manuals in compliance with Section 01 78 23 - Operation and Maintenance Data. IFB 15-002 40 90 10-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1.08 FINAL SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION A. All documentation shall be delivered to the Owner prior to final system acceptance in accordance with the Contract Documents. As a minimum, final documentation shall contain all information originally part of the control system submittals. B. If any documentation or other technical information submitted is considered proprietary, such information shall be designated. Documentation or technical information which is designated as being proprietary will be used only for the construction, operation, or maintenance of the System and, to the extent permitted by law, will not be published or otherwise disclosed. C. Provide a complete set of detailed electrical interconnection diagrams required to define the complete instrumentation and control system. All diagrams shall be 11 X 17-inch original reproducible prints and in electronic pdf format along with bound AUTOCAD files. All diagrams shall be corrected so as to describe final "as built" hardware configurations and to reflect the system configuration and control methodology adopted to achieve final system acceptance. D. Provide system software documentation for the operation and maintenance of all system software programs provided as a part of the digital system. All system software documentation shall be amended as required to delineate all modifications and to accurately reflect the final as-built software configurations. E. Provide application software documentation that contains program descriptions for the operation, modification, and maintenance of all application programs provided for the digital system. F. Provide control strategy documentation which shall include control strategy (block oriented or ladder logic) diagrams to describe the control of all processes. Control strategy documentation shall reflect the system configuration and control methodology adopted to achieve final system acceptance. Control strategy documentation shall conform to the submittal requirements listed hereinabove. G. O&M documentation shall be amended with all final, adjusted values for all set points and other operating parameters for Owner reference. H. The Owner recognizes the fact that not all possible problems related to real-time events, software interlocks, and hardware maintenance and utilization can be discovered during the Acceptance Tests. Therefore, the UV system supplier through the Contractor shall investigate, diagnose, repair, update, and distribute all pertaining documentation of the deficiencies that become evident during the warranty period. All such documentation shall be submitted in writing to the Owner within 30 days of identifying and solving the problem. 1.09 A. PROGRAMS AND SOURCE LISTINGS Provide one copy of all standard, of-the-shelf system and application software (exclusive of firmware resident software) on original media furnished by the software manufacturer. IFB 15-002 40 90 10-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection B. Provide one copy of source listings on DVD media for all custom software written specifically for this facility, all database files configured for this facility, and all control strategies. All source listings shall include a program abstract, program linkage and input/output data. Comments describing the program flow shall be frequently interspersed throughout each listing. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 90 10-6 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 90 12 SIGNAL COORDINATION REQUIREMENTS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall conform to the signal coordination requirements specified herein. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating signal types and transmission requirements between the various parties providing equipment under this Contract. This shall include, but not be limited to, distribution of appropriate shop drawings among the equipment suppliers, the electrical subcontractor, and the instrumentation subcontractor. C. Analog signals shall be signals for transmitting process variables, etc. from instruments and to and from panels, equipment PLC's and Control System PLC's. D. Discrete signals shall consist of contact closures or powered signals for transmitting status/alarm information and control commands between starters, panels, equipment PLC's, the Control System, etc. 1.02 ANALOG SIGNAL TRANSMISSION Signal transmission between electric or electronic instruments, controllers, and all equipment and control devices shall be individually isolated, linear 4-20 milliamperes and shall operate at 24 volts D.C. B. Signal output from all transmitters and controllers shall be current regulated and shall not be affected by changes in load resistance within the unit's rating. C. All cable shields shall be grounded at one end only, at the control panel, with terminals bonded to the panel ground bus. D. Analog signal isolation and/or conversion shall be provided where necessary to interface with instrumentation, equipment controls, panels, and appurtenances. E. Non-standard transmission systems such as pulse duration, pulse rate, and voltage regulated shall not be permitted except where specifically noted in the Contract Documents. Where transmitters with nonstandard outputs do occur, their outputs shall be converted to an isolated, linear, 4-20 milliampere signal. F. The Contractor shall provide 24 V power supplies for analog signals and instruments where applicable and as required inside panels, controls, etc. G. Where two-wire instruments transmit directly to the Control and Information System, the instrumentation subcontractor shall provide power supplies at the PLC-equipped control panels for those instruments. IFB 15-002 40 90 12-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 122711BR A. H. 1.03 Where four-wire instruments with on-board loop power supplies transmit directly to the Control and Information System, the instrumentation subcontractor shall provide necessary signal isolators or shall otherwise isolate the input from the Control and Information System loop power supply. Similar provisions shall be made when a third element such as a recorder, indicator, or single loop controller with integral loop power supply is included in the loop. DISCRETE INPUTS A. All discrete inputs to equipment and Control and Information System PLC's, from field devices, starters, panels, etc., shall be unpowered (dry) contacts in the field device or equipment, powered from the PLC's, unless specified otherwise. B. Sensing power (wetting voltage) supplied by the PLC shall be 24 VDC. 1.04 DISCRETE OUTPUTS A. All discrete outputs from local control panels and Control and Information System PLC's to field devices, starters, panels, etc., shall be 24 VDC powered (sourced) from PLC's. B. PLC powered discrete outputs shall energize 24 VDC pilot relay coils in the field devices, starters, panels, etc. which in turn open or close contacts in the associated control circuit. The 24 VDC relay coil, contacts, and associated control circuitry shall be furnished integral with the field device, starter, panel, etc. by the supplier and contractor furnishing the field device, starter, or panel. C. Where required or specified herein, discrete outputs from equipment and Control and Information System PLC's to field devices, starters, panels, motor operated valves, etc., shall be dry contact or relay outputs. D. Outputs to solenoid valves shall be 120 VAC, powered from the PLC or control panel unless specified or shown otherwise. 1.05 OTHER DISCRETE SIGNALS A. Discrete signals between starters, panels, etc. where no 24 VDC power supply is available may be 120 VAC, as long as such contacts are clearly identified in the starter, panel, etc. as being powered from a different power supply than other starter/panel components. B. Where applicable, warning signs shall be affixed inside the starter, panel, etc. stating that the panel is energized from multiple sources. C. Output contacts in the starter, panel, etc., that are powered from other locations shall be provided with special tags and/or color-coding. Disconnecting terminal strips shall be provided for such contacts. D. The above requirements shall apply to all starters and panels, regardless of supplier. IFB 15-002 40 90 12-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. PILOT RELAYS Pilot relays shall be supplied with the following: 1. 24 VDC or 120 VAC coils, as required. 2. At a minimum, DPDT contacts rated at 5 A, 120 VAC or 28 VDC. 3. Sockets for 24 VDC and 120 VAC relays shall be of different configurations. 4. Clips for attachment to sockets. 5. Indicator lights that glow when the relay coil is powered. 6. Push to test function. Pilot relays shall be as manufactured by Square D, Allen Bradley, Potter & Brumfield, or equal. PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 90 12-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 94 33 HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. THE REQUIREMENT The Contractor shall furnish, test, install and place in satisfactory operation all operator interface units, with all spare parts, accessories, and appurtenances as herein specified and as shown on the Drawings. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Section 40 94 43 – Programmable Logic Process Controllers PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 A. OPERATOR INTERFACE UNIT An Operator Interface Unit (OIU) shall be provided to view and change PLC monitoring and control parameters and to display alarm messages using a graphical user interface. The OIU shall provide the following features as a minimum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. B. Minimum of 10.4 inch diagonal display 18-bit color TFT LCD display of 640 X 480 pixels Resistive film touch screen interface Minimum of 512 MB internal storage Minimum of 512 MB RAM application memory 1.0 GHz CPU Windows CE Operating System Battery-backed real-time clock SD, 2 USB-A, 1 Mini-USB-B, and PCI interfaces RJ-45 Ethernet communication interface, 10/100 Mb auto selecting RS-232 serial port Sound and buzzer output Windows-based configuration software complete with download cable Operating Voltage: 120 VAC or 24 VDC (internal or via independent power supply) Enclosure Rating: Shall match the enclosure’s rating that it is mounted in. Environment: 0-55°C, 5-95% relative humidity, non-condensing The operator interface unit shall be Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 6 1000. IFB 15-002 40 94 33-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 REQUIREMENTS A. The OIU shall be configured to display all PLC I/O, setpoints, and parameters. All equipment failures shall be alarmed. PLC I/O values and operator-entered setpoints shall be displayed with associated units and service descriptions. Menus shall be provided to navigate between screens of different equipment items. Displays shall be arranged in a hierarchical structure with displays for specific equipment items grouped together. Additional functionality shall be as specified elsewhere in this Division. B. Graphic display standards shall be as required in the Owner’s existing SCADA Software Standards attached to the IFB. C. All necessary configuration and programming software shall be provided on optical media and turned over to the Owner. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 94 33-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 94 43 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC PROCESS CONTROLLERS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 THE REQUIREMENT The Contractor shall furnish, test, install and place in satisfactory operation all programmable logic controllers, with all spare parts, accessories, and appurtenances as herein specified and as shown on the Drawings. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 40 94 33 – Human-Machine Interfaces B. Section 40 95 34 – Uninterruptible Power Systems C. Section 40 95 13.23 – Main Process Control Panels and Hardware PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Type: Microprocessor-based programmable device with chassis-mounted plug-in modules. Multiple chassis networked together to form distributed programmable controller systems. B. Parts: C. 1. Plug-In Modules: Processor modules, power supply modules, communication modules, and input/output modules. 2. Chassis. 3. I/O connection hardware. 4. Provide components required to make a complete and totally operational system. Manufacturer: 1. Allen-Bradley ControlLogix. 2. No substitutions permitted. IFB 15-002 40 94 43-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2.02 ENVIRONMENTAL A. General: Noncontrolled environment (e.g., variable heat, electrical transients, RFI, and vibration) without fans, air conditioning, or electrical filtering. B. Temperature: Continuous operation 0 to 60 degrees C. C. Humidity: Continuous operation 5 to 95 percent noncondensing. 1. 2. 3. 4. IFB 15-002 Chassis: a. Type: Allen-Bradley, 1756-A Series. b. Number of Slots: Sufficient for the number of modules required, including spares, plus the required number of empty slots. c. Provide cover on empty slots. Processor Modules (CPU): a. Type: Allen-Bradley, 1756-L62. b. Memory: i. 4 Mbyte RAM load memory, minimum. ii. Nonvolatile, memory retained without need for battery backup. c. Compact Flash Memory Card: Type: Allen-Bradley, 1784-CF64. d. Lithium Battery: Type: Allen-Bradley, 1756-BATM. Power Supply Modules: a. Type: Allen-Bradley, 1756-PA75R. b. Input Voltage: 120V ac nominal. c. Quantity: Two for each chassis, include sufficient capacity to power future expansion of all spare (empty) chassis slots. Redundant Power Supply Chassis Adapter Module: a. Type: Allen-Bradley, 1756-PSCA. b. Input Voltage: 120V ac nominal. c. Monitoring: Each PLC power supply modules to be monitored by the PLC via the solids state relay. 40 94 43-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 5. Network Communications Modules: a. 6. Information and Remote I/O Network (ETH): i. Function: High speed connection through Ethernet to other networked PLC and host computers. ii. Type: Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, 100 Mbps. iii. Communications Module: Allen-Bradley, 1756-ENBT. Process Input/Output Modules: a. Discrete Input, ac (DI): i. Voltage: 120V ac. ii. Points per Modules: 16. iii. Allen-Bradley, 1756-IA16. b. Discrete Output (DO): i. Voltage: 24V dc. ii. Wired to PLC interface relays for dry contact field interface. iii. Points per Module: 16. iv. Allen-Bradley, 1756-OB16E. c. Analog Input (AI): i. Signal: 4 to 20 mA at 24V dc. ii. Analog Input Points per Module: Six. iii. Allen-Bradley, 1756-IF16. d. e. IFB 15-002 Analog Output (AO): i. Signal: 4 to 20 mA at 24V dc. ii. Analog Output Points per Module: Six. iii. Allen-Bradley, 1756-OF8. Terminal Blocks: module. Allen-Bradley 1756-TB series, for each input/output 40 94 43-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 7. 8. 9. Identification: a. Nameplates installed above/below each PLC component (CPU, I/O rack, power supply, etc.). b. Identify on I/O modules and terminal blocks the specific I/O points as they have been configured (addressed) in the system, as approved by the Engineer. Installed Spares: a. I/O: 20 percent of each type. b. Slots: Four, minimum. Shelf Spares: a. CPU: One, including memory card and battery. b. Chassis: One of each type provided. c. IO: One of each type provided. d. Power Supply Modules: One, including all adapter modules and cables required to power a chassis. e. Network Communications Modules: One of each type provided. 10. Software: Allen-Bradley, RSLogix 5000 Professional Edition, RLD700NXENE. 11. The instruction set for the PLC shall conform to the requirements of IEC 61131-3. Each PLC shall have the capability to run all five of the standard IEC 61131-3 languages simultaneously. These five languages shall be: a. b. c. d. e. 12. 2.03 A. Ladder Diagram Structured Text Instruction List Function Block Diagram Sequential Function Chart PLC processors shall be provided with substantial user program, data and logic memory to allow for future expansion of the overall system. The total memory used on each processor shall be less than 60% of available memory at project completion. COMMUNICATIONS PLC communications shall be provided as specified in Section 46 66 56. IFB 15-002 40 94 43-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection B. In addition to a communications port for the control system network, communication ports shall be provided for any other devices required (i.e., operator interface unit) plus an additional communication port for connection to a notebook computer. C. Additional communication modules or protocol gateways may be required to support specific communication protocols required under this Contract, and shall be supplied at no extra cost to the Owner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 REQUIREMENTS A. PLC programming shall be furnished to perform all functions described herein. B. PLC programming shall make use of the various IEC languages as appropriate to the specific task, and shall be performed in a modular style making extensive use of program blocks (subroutines) and program variables to be passed to the program blocks for specific equipment. It is the intent of this requirement to allow for enhanced readability and ease of modification of the program code through the elimination of multiple instances of repeated code for the same function in a “hard-coded” style. C. Extensive comments shall be placed in the program code to describe the functions of all elements of the program code. PLC code that does not contain comments shall be rejected. 3.02 REQUIREMENTS FOR MANUFACTURER-SUPPLIED PLCs A. PLCs that are supplied for equipment local control panels by individual equipment manufacturers or suppliers shall be integrated into the plant control system. The manufacturer-supplied PLC shall be furnished, installed and programmed by the manufacturer. The PLC shall continuously monitor and control the associated system and at the same time shall provide all the required alarms, indications of system parameters, equipment status, etc. to the main control system at the plant. B. Where required as described above, each manufacturer-supplied PLC shall be connected to the Ethernet process control network for access from the plant control system HMI servers, and shall contain a fiber optic Ethernet switch as specified in Section 46 66 56. C. The operator interface for control of each individual system shall be performed by local operator interface units as specified in Section 40 94 33 or individual pilot devices on the equipment local control panel, as specified in the associated equipment specification section. D. Where operator interface and control functions are required to be provided through the plant control system, the individual system supplier shall be responsible for coordination with the Control Systems Integrator to provide a complete and working equipment control system. The individual equipment supplier shall also be responsible for limiting the access of the plant control system to the equipment PLC code so as to prevent IFB 15-002 40 94 43-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection malfunctions of the equipment and any failure to continuously perform its intended functions. The equipment supplier shall be responsible for ensuring that no actions by the plant control system can damage or otherwise adversely affect the operation of the associated equipment or the safety of personnel working on or near that equipment. The equipment supplier shall coordinate testing of the completed system with the Control Systems Integrator, which shall conform to the requirements of Section 40 90 72 Field Testing. E. The Contractor, equipment supplier and Control Systems Integrator shall coordinate testing and startup of the equipment provided by the equipment supplier with the plant control system, including but not limited to the following tasks: 1. Provide assistance with control system testing of inputs, outputs, and control strategies as needed. 2. Provide support or interface work necessary to perform physical checkout and field testing to the final field devices. The schedule may require the Control Systems Integrator and equipment manufacturer personnel to perform loop checks simultaneously, as directed by the Engineer. 3. Coordinate and assist as needed to maintain I/O connectivity throughout the system. 4. Ensure personnel safety while equipment is exercised via the plant control system. 5. Ensure that process, instrumentation, and control equipment are not damaged while equipment is exercised via the plant control system. 6. Provide temporary modifications to field devices and their terminations, if needed. 7. Providing labor and supervision, which may include, but is not limited to, the following: electricians, instrument technicians, manufacturer’s representatives, and individual(s) knowledgeable about process startup and operation. 8. Operation of process equipment for verification of each plant control system input and output. 9. Hold coordination meetings as required (minimum of one) to accomplish the coordination requirements specified herein. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 94 43-6 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 95 13.23 MAIN PROCESS CONTROL PANELS AND HARDWARE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish, test, install and place in satisfactory operation the control enclosures, with all spare parts, accessories, and appurtenances as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. B. Control enclosures shall be assembled, wired, and tested in the Control Systems Integrator’s facilities, unless specified otherwise. All components and all necessary accessories such as power supplies, conditioning equipment, mounting hardware, signal input and output terminal blocks, and plug strips that may be required to complete the system shall be provided. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 40 95 13.24 – Cabinets and Panels B. Section 40 95 13.25 – Panel Instruments and Accessories C. Section 40 95 58 – Surge Protection Devices D. Refer to Division 26 for additional requirements for cable, circuit breakers, disconnect switches, etc. 1.03 GENERAL INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTION A. The cabinet itself and all interior and exterior equipment shall be identified with nameplates. The equipment shall be mounted such that service can occur without removal of other equipment. Face mounted equipment shall be flush or semi-flush mounted with flat black escutcheons. All equipment shall be accessible such that adjustments can be made while the equipment is in service and operating. All enclosures shall fit within the allocated space as shown on the Drawings. B. Either manufacturer-standard or custom cabinetry may be furnished subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents and favorable review by the Owner. C. Due consideration shall be given to installation requirements for enclosures in new and existing structures. The Contractor shall examine plans and/or field inspect new and existing structures as required to determine installation requirements, and shall coordinate the installation of all enclosures with the Owner and all affected contractors. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with installation of enclosures, including repair of damage to structures (incidental, accidental or unavoidable). IFB 15-002 40 95 13.23-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 TERMINAL BLOCKS A. Terminal blocks shall be assembled on non-current carrying galvanized steel DIN mounting rails securely bolted to the cabinet subpanel. Terminals shall be of the screw down pressure plate type as manufactured by Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Wieland, Square D, or equal. B. Power terminal blocks for both 120 VAC and 24 VDC power shall be single tier with a minimum rating of 600 volts, 30 amps. C. Discrete signal terminal blocks shall be 2-tier with a minimum rating of 300 volts, 20 amps. One terminal block shall be used for each signal. The hot wire shall be installed on the top or left-most terminal. D. Analog signal terminal blocks shall be 3-tier with a minimum rating of 300 volts, 20 amps. One terminal block shall be used for each signal. The positive wire shall be installed on the top terminal and the shield/drain wire shall be installed on the bottom terminal. E. Only one wire shall be terminated under a single wire clamp or screw. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Enclosures shall provide mounting for power supplies, control equipment, input/output subsystems, panel-mounted equipment and appurtenances. Ample space shall be provided between equipment to facilitate servicing and cooling. B. Enclosures shall be designed and sized to dissipate heat generated by equipment mounted inside the panel. If required to meet the operating environmental conditions for internal components, one or more of the following shall be provided to facilitate cooling: 1. Louvered openings near the bottom and top (NEMA 12 cabinets only). All air-flow openings in cabinets and panels, if any, shall be fitted with dust filters. Provide one set of spare filters, in quantities used for the project, for Owner’s use. 2. Thermostatically controlled, low noise closed loop ventilation fans or closed loop air conditioners (initial setpoint 75°F) to circulate air within the enclosure, maintaining a uniform internal temperature. 3. Thermostatically controlled, low-noise cooling fans to circulate outside air into the enclosure, exhausting through louvers near the top of the cabinet (NEMA 12 cabinets only). Air velocities through the enclosure shall be minimized to assure quiet operation. IFB 15-002 40 95 13.23-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection C. Enclosures shall be constructed so that no screws or bolt heads are visible when viewed from the front. Penetrations for instruments and other devices shall be clean and smoothly finished with rounded edges. D. The temperature inside each enclosure containing digital hardware (i.e., cabinet, panel or console) shall be continuously monitored and shall generate an alarm to the nearest PLC if the temperature rises to an adjustable, preset high temperature. This thermostat shall be independent and separate from the thermostat used to control the temperature in the enclosure described above. Enclosure interior temperature alarm shall be displayed on the HMI. E. Intrusion alarm switches, wired fail-safe, shall be provided on all enclosures containing digital hardware and shall generate an alarm to the nearest PLC when any enclosure door is opened. F. Terminals shall be marked with a permanent, continuous marking strip. One side of each terminal shall be reserved exclusively for field incoming conductors. Common connections and jumpers required for internal wiring shall not be made on the field side of the terminal. Subject to the approval of the Engineer, a vendor's pre-engineered and prefabricated wiring termination system will be acceptable. G. Wiring within cabinets, panels, and consoles shall be installed neatly and shall comply with accepted standard instrumentation and electrical practices. Power, control and signal wiring shall comply with Division 26 of the Specifications, except that the minimum wire size for discrete signal wiring shall be 16 AWG, and for analog wiring the minimum wire size shall be 18 AWG. All wiring shall be protected by suitable over current protection. For each pair of parallel terminal blocks, the field wiring shall be between the blocks. H. Separate terminal strips shall be provided for each type of power and signal used within each cabinet. Where applicable, terminal strips for different voltages of discrete signal wiring shall also be separated. Terminal strips shall be labeled as to voltage and function. I. All wiring shall be bundled and run open or wiring shall be enclosed in vented plastic wireway as required. Wireways shall be oversized by a minimum of 10%; overfilled wireways shall not be acceptable. All conductors run open shall be bundled and bound at regular intervals, not exceeding 12 inches, with nylon cable ties. Electronic signal, discrete signal, and power wiring shall be separated. J. Spare field wiring shall be bundled, tied, and labeled as specified above, and shall be neatly coiled in the bottom of the cabinet. K. All installed spare I/O hardware shall be wired along with live I/O wiring to the field wiring terminal blocks within the cabinet. Where space for spare I/O modules has been provided with the PLC backplane or DIN-rail mounting system, corresponding space for wiring, surge protection, and terminations shall be furnished within the cabinet. L. A copper ground bus shall be installed in each cabinet, and shall be connected to the building power ground. IFB 15-002 40 95 13.23-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection M. Interior panel wiring shall be tagged at all terminations with machine-printed selflaminating labels. Labeling system shall be Brady TLS 2200 Printer with TLS 2200®/TLS PC Link™ labels, or equivalent system by Seton or Panduit. The wire numbering system and identification tags shall be as specified in Section 26 05 19, Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables. Field wiring terminating in panels shall be labeled in accordance with the requirements of Section 26 05 19, Low Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables. Where applicable, the wire number shall contain the ID number listed in the input/output schedules. N. Wires shall be color coded as follows: Equipment Ground - GREEN 120 VAC Power - BLACK 120 VAC Power Neutral - WHITE 120 VAC Control (Internally Powered) - RED 120 VAC Control (Externally Powered) - YELLOW 24 VAC Control - ORANGE DC Power (+) - RED DC Power (-) - BLACK DC Control - BLUE Analog Signal – BLACK/WHITE or BLACK/RED O. Enclosures shall be provided with a main circuit breaker and a circuit breaker on each individual branch circuit distributed from the panel. Main breaker and branch breaker sizes shall be coordinated such that an overload in a branch circuit will trip only the branch breaker but not the main breaker. P. Enclosures with any dimension larger than 36 inches shall be provided with 120-volt duplex receptacles for service equipment and LED service lights. Power to these devices shall be independent from the PLC power supply and its associated uninterruptible power system. Q. Where applicable, enclosures shall be furnished with red laminated plastic warning signs in each section. The sign shall be inscribed to read, "WARNING - This Device Is Connected to Multiple Sources of Power." Letters in the word "WARNING" shall be 0.75 inch high, white. R. The interconnection between equipment and panel shall be by means of flexible cables provided to permit withdrawal of the equipment from the cabinet without disconnecting the plugs. 3.02 A. PAINTING/FINISHING All steel enclosures shall be free from dirt, grease, and burrs and shall be treated with a phosphatizing metal conditioner before painting. All surfaces shall be filled, sanded, and IFB 15-002 40 95 13.23-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection finish coated by spraying a 1-2 mil epoxy prime coat and smooth, level, high grade textured finish between flat and semi-gloss shine. B. Materials and techniques shall be of types specifically designed to produce a finish of superior quality with respect to adherence, as well as impact and corrosion resistance. C. Panels fabricated from stainless steel shall not be painted. D. Panels fabricated from non-metallic materials (e.g., FRP) shall be gel-coated and shall not be painted. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 95 13.23-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 95 13.24 CABINETS AND PANELS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. THE REQUIREMENT The Contractor shall furnish, test, install and place in satisfactory operation the cabinets and panels, with all spare parts, accessories, and appurtenances as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Section 40 95 13.23 – Main Process Control Panels and Hardware PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 CABINETS AND PANELS A. Cabinets and panels shall be formed or welded construction, reinforced with Unistrut, Powerstrut, or equal to facilitate mounting of internal components or equipment. Sufficient access plates and doors shall be provided to facilitate maintenance and testing of the cabinet's equipment. Doors shall be removable. Cabinets and panels with any dimension 36 inches or greater shall be provided with removable lifting lugs designed to facilitate safe moving and lifting of the panel during installation. All doors shall be fitted with common-keyed locks. B. Cabinets and panels shall be minimum 14 USS gauge. Cabinets and panels with any dimension greater than 36 inches shall be 12 USS gauge. C. Cabinets and panels located inside buildings, but located in areas other than climate controlled (heated and air conditioned) electrical or control rooms, shall be as a minimum 316 stainless steel NEMA 4X construction, or as specified or shown on the Drawings for hazardous area classification (Class, Division, Group), or submersible (NEMA 6) applications. Epoxy coated cast copper-free aluminum construction shall also be acceptable for NEMA 4, 6 and 7 applications. Cabinets located in storage/feed areas for chlorine or other applicable corrosive chemicals shall be of non-metallic construction, rated NEMA 4X, and fully compatible with the associated chemical. D. Cabinets and panels within climate controlled (heated and air-conditioned) electrical or control rooms shall be all steel fully enclosed NEMA 12 units with gasketed doors. E. Cabinets and panels shall have doors on the front and shall be designed for front access. NEMA 12 cabinets shall be fitted with three-point door latches. Doors for NEMA 4X cabinets shall be all stainless steel with piano hinges and three-point latches. IFB 15-002 40 95 13.24-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection F. Panels and cabinets located outside fence-secured areas shall be fitted with padlockable latch kits. G. All cabinets and panels shall be provided with drawing pockets for as-built panel drawings. One copy of the appropriate panel as-built drawings shall be furnished and left in the pocket of each panel. H. Cabinets and panels shall be prefabricated cabinets and panels by Hoffman or Saginaw Control and Engineering (SCE). The Contractor may optionally provide cabinets that are custom-fabricated by the Control Systems Integrator or by a reputable panel fabrication shop acceptable to the Engineer. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 A. REQUIREMENTS Refer to Section 40 95 13.23 – Main Process Control Panels and Hardware forr additional requirements. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 95 13.24-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 95 13.25 PANEL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. 1.04 A. THE REQUIREMENT The Contractor shall furnish, test, install and place in satisfactory operation the panel instruments and accessories, with all spare parts, accessories, and appurtenances as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Section 40 95 13.23 – Main Process Control Cabinets and Hardware GENERAL INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTION All equipment mounted on the face of a panel shall conform to the same NEMA rating specified for the panel construction. TOOLS, SUPPLIES AND SPARE PARTS The following specific spare parts items shall be provided: 1. Two of each type of panel mounted equipment (i.e., indicators, signal converters, etc.) provided under this Contract (excluding Operator Interface Units furnished under Section 40 94 33 – Human Machine Interfaces). 2. Five of each type of interposing relay provided under this Contract. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 A. ELECTRONIC INDICATORS Electronic indicators shall be 3.5 or 6 digit, as appropriate, with 0.56" high red LED display. Indicators shall be provided with nameplate and scale calibrated to match the calibration of the primary element. The unit shall be designed primarily for use with 4-20 mA current loop signal circuits. Indicator operating voltage shall be 115 VAC 10%, 60 Hz. Indicator controls shall include three (3) front-panel pushbuttons for modifying alarm values and other indicator setup. Two (2) form-C relays shall be provided for each indicator. Relay contact outputs shall be rated 5A, 120/240 VAC, resistive load. Where required, a regulated and isolated 24 V excitation power supply shall be provided. Indicators shall be suitable for indoor or outdoor service as required and shall have the same NEMA enclosure rating as the associated enclosure. Indicators shall be Red Lion Model IMP or APLCL, or equal. IFB 15-002 40 95 13.25-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2.02 SIGNAL CONVERTERS A. Signal converters shall be provided as required to provide control functions and to interface instrumentation and controls, equipment panels, motor control centers and other instrumentation and controls supplied under other Divisions to the controls provided herein. B. General Requirements – Converters shall be of the miniature type, utilizing all solid state circuitry suitable for mounting within new or existing cabinetry. Where sufficient cabinet space is not available, sub panels or supplemental enclosures shall be provided. Power supply shall be 120V, 60 hertz where required by the converter. Repeatability shall be 0.1% of span, deadband shall be 0.1% span, maximum. Where specific converters are not listed, but are required to interface with the process control system, they shall comply with the general requirements stated herein. C. Current to Current Isolators – Current to current isolators shall be furnished where necessary to provide an isolated current loop, calculations or signal amplification between the plant process control system and instrumentation and control loops. Isolators shall be sized such that resistance of existing loops shall not exceed maximum rated resistance. Isolators shall be as manufactured by AGM, Moore Industries, Rochester Instrument Systems (RIS), Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Acromag, or equal. D. Voltage to Current Transducers – Voltage to current (or current to voltage) transducers shall convert a voltage signal of one magnitude to a 4-20 milliamp DC current signal. The output current shall be directly proportional to the input signal voltage. Transducers shall be sized such that loop resistance does not exceed maximum rated resistance. Transducers shall be as manufactured by AGM, Moore Industries, Rochester Instrument Systems (RIS), Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Acromag, or equal. E. Frequency to Current Transducers – Frequency to current transducers shall convert pulse-rate and pulse-duration signals to 4-20 mA, 24 VDC analog signals. Converters shall include field-adjustable input frequency range. Converter power shall be 120 VAC, 60 hertz. Transducers shall be sized such that loop resistance does not exceed maximum rated resistance. Transducers shall be suitable for signal transmission via leased telephone lines. Transducers shall be Series 5100 as manufactured by AGM, or equivalent by Moore Industries, Rochester Instrument Systems (RIS), Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Acromag, or equal. F. Current to Frequency Transducers – Current to frequency transducers shall convert 4-20 mA, 24 VDC analog signals to pulse-rate and pulse-duration signals. Converters shall include field-adjustable output frequency range. Converter power shall be 120 VAC, 60 hertz. Transducers shall be sized such that loop resistance does not exceed maximum rated resistance. Transducers shall be suitable for signal transmission via leased telephone lines. Transducers shall be Series 5016 as manufactured by AGM, Moore Industries, Rochester Instrument Systems (RIS), Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Acromag, or equal. G. Integrators – Integrators shall be provided as interchangeable plug-in modules with zero and span adjustment available on the front plate of the units. Output shall range from 0 to 0.1 through 0 to 10 pulses per second. Accuracy shall be + 0.1% of input span. Integrators shall convert linear analog signals to pulse rate and provide a solid-state IFB 15-002 40 95 13.25-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection output. Integrators shall be as manufactured by AGM Electronics, Moore Industries, Rochester Instrument Systems (RIS), Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Acromag, or equal. H. Electronic Switches (Alarm Relays) – Electronic switches shall be furnished with a calibrated dial for adjusting set points. The input to the switch shall be 4-20 mADC, and the set point shall be adjustable over the full range. Unless otherwise noted, the dead band shall be fixed at less than 2 percent of span. The set point stability shall be +0.1% per degree F. The repeatability shall be +0.1% of span. The units shall be furnished with SPDT relays rated at 10 amperes at 115 VAC. Electronic switches shall be as manufactured by AGM, Moore Industries, Rochester Instrument Systems (RIS), Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Acromag, or equal. I. RTD to Current Signal Converters – RTD to current signal converters shall convert a 3wire RTD input signal to an isolated 4-20 mADC output signal. Each converter shall operate from a 120 VAC power source. Accuracy shall be 0.10 percent of span or better. Calibrated span of each converter shall be as indicated on the instrument list. The Contractor shall coordinate calibration of the signal converters with existing RTD elements. The signal converters shall be furnished in the manufacturer's standard enclosure for installation in an existing indoor electrical cabinet. Signal converters shall be as manufactured by AGM, Moore Industries, Rochester Instrument Systems (RIS), Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Acromag, or equal. J. Interposing Relays – Where required to interface between motor control centers, equipment controls, and control panels, interposing relays and associated control wiring circuitry shall be furnished and installed to provide the monitoring and/or control functions specified herein. Interposing relays shall be small format type, DPDT, minimum 10 amp, 120 VAC contact rating. Relay coils shall be 120 VAC or 24 VDC as required. Relays shall have a flag indicator to show relay status, a pushbutton to allow manual operation of the relay, and an internal pilot light to indicate power to the coil. Relays shall be as manufactured by Square D, Potter & Brumfield, Allen-Bradley, or equal. K. Timing Relays – Timing Relays (TR) shall be the general purpose plug-in type, Type JCK as manufactured by Square D Company, Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse Electric Corporation equivalent, Allen-Bradley equivalent, or equal. Timing relays shall be electronic type with 120 VAC coils unless otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings. Timers shall be provided with a minimum of two SPDT timed output contacts and instantaneous contacts where required. Contact ratings shall be the same as for interposing relays as specified above. L. Intrinsically Safe Relays and Barriers – Intrinsically safe relays and barriers shall be provided where required to interface with equipment such as float level switches that are located in NFPA-classified hazardous areas. Intrinsically safe relays and barriers shall be FM approved and shall be manufactured by Pepperl and Fuchs, Crouse Hinds, Square D, or equal. 2.03 A. TOTALIZERS Totalizing counters shall be provided for flush panel, spring-clip mounting. Face dimensions of the totalizing counters shall be no larger than 1-1/8-inches high by 2-inches wide. Totalizing counters shall contain eight digits. Height of the digits shall not be less than 5/32-inch. Numerals shall be white on a black background. The counter IFB 15-002 40 95 13.25-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection shall be non-resettable and shall be totally compatible for operation on the pulses supplied by the associated instrument or integrator. The totalizing counter shall be capable of a maximum count rate of 25 counts/second. B. Legend plates shall be provided for each of the totalizing counters with white letters on a black background with legends as specified below. C. Totalizing counters shall be manufactured by Kessler-Ellis, or equal. 2.04 ACCESSORIES A. Control operators such as pushbuttons (PB), selector switches (SS), and pilot lights (PL) shall be Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse Type E34, Square D Company Type SK, or equal. Control operators shall be 30.5 mm, round, heavy-duty, oil tight NEMA 4X corrosion resistant. B. Pushbuttons shall be non-illuminated, spring release type. Pushbuttons shall include a full guard. Panic stop/alarm pushbuttons shall be red mushroom type with manual-pull release. Selector switches shall be non-illuminated, maintained contact type. Pilot lights shall be of the proper control voltage, push-to-test LED type with light lens colors as specified below. Color Function Green Red Amber Blue White Stopped or Off (Closed) Running (Open) Fault/Alarm Transition State Other C. Control operators shall have legend plates as specified herein, indicated on the Drawings, or otherwise directed by the Engineer. Legend plates shall be plastic, black field (background) with white lettering. Engraved nameplates shall be securely fastened above each control operator. If adequate space is not available, the nameplate shall be mounted below the operator. D. Alarm horns shall be general-purpose type, panel-mounted, and shall be suitable for indoor or weatherproof service, as required. Power supply shall be either 115 VAC or 24 VDC. Horns shall be capable of producing 100 dB at 10 feet, and shall have adjustable volume. Horns shall be Vibratone series as manufactured by Federal Signal Corporation, McMaster-Carr equivalent, Edwards Signaling Company equivalent, or equal. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 A. REQUIREMENTS Refer to Section 40 95 13.23 for additional requirements. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 95 13.25-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 95 34 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SYSTEMS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish, test, install and place in satisfactory operation all uninterruptible power systems, with all spare parts, accessories, and appurtenances as herein specified and as shown on the Drawings. B. One UPS shall be provided for each programmable logic controller (PLC) and its appurtenant equipment provided under this Contract, including remote I/O installations. However, courtesy receptacles in PLC cabinets shall not be powered by the UPS. C. UPS systems shall be mounted in or near enclosures containing digital hardware, unless otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings, as follows: 1.02 A. 1.03 A. 1. UPS systems for control panels containing PLCs shall be mounted either within the cabinet or in an adjacent cabinet of suitable environmental rating. 2. Where the UPS is mounted within a dedicated enclosure, that enclosure shall be properly sized for heat dissipation and all other applicable requirements as specified in Section 40 95 13.23 – Main Process Control Panels and Hardware, and its subordinate Sections. 3. Where the UPS is mounted within the PLC cabinet, it shall not interfere with access to other equipment or wiring within the panel (i.e., it shall not be necessary to move or remove the UPS to remove or service other panelmounted equipment). For floor-mounted PLC cabinets with bottom wiring access (including those cabinets with legs), the UPS shall be placed on a dedicated shelf within the cabinet. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE Section 40 94 43 – Programmable Logic Process Controllers SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit UPS sizing calculations for all UPS systems furnished under this Contract in accordance with Section 40 90 10 - Control and Information System Submittals. IFB 15-002 40 95 34-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection PART 2 -- EQUIPMENT 2.01 UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SYSTEMS A. Each UPS shall consist of a tower or rack-mounted UPS module and battery modules as required to meet backup run time requirements. B. UPS systems shall be true on-line, double-conversion type. Each UPS shall be sized to match the maximum power requirements of the associated digital equipment, control panel power supplies and accessories. Under normal operation, the AC power shall be converted to DC. The DC power from the battery charger shall supply an inverter and maintain the battery module at full charge. The AC output from the inverter shall be fed to the associated digital equipment power supply unit and/or other equipment power supplies as appropriate. Upon loss of the AC supply, the inverter shall continue to supply normal power to the device, drawing DC from the batteries. C. UPS units using line interactive or ferro-resonant transformer technology shall not be acceptable. D. An automatic bypass switch shall be provided on each UPS. The transfer switch shall be of the solid state, make-before-break type and shall automatically transfer load from the inverter to the AC line in the event of an inverter malfunction. The total transfer time shall be 5 milliseconds or less. The transfer switch shall be provided with a manual override. E. A manually operated maintenance bypass switch shall be provided for each UPS installation to allow hardware to be powered while the UPS is removed for maintenance. The bypass switch shall be the make-before-break type to ensure continuous power to the associated PLC. F. Loss of AC power shall be monitored on the line side of the UPS and reported via normally closed (fail safe) unpowered contacts to the associated PLC/RTU. G. Each UPS shall meet the following requirements: 1. Input voltage shall be 117 VAC, single phase, 60 Hz. 2. Voltage regulation shall be +/-5 percent for line and load changes. 3. The output frequency shall be phase-locked to the input AC line on AC operation and shall be 60 hertz +/-0.5 percent when on battery operation. 4. The batteries shall be of the sealed, lead acid or lead calcium gelled electrolyte type, or VRLA absorbed glass mat (AGM) type. The battery modules shall have a minimum full load backup time of 30 minutes for servers, client workstations, and PLC-based control panels, and 45 minutes for remote telemetry units. 5. A status monitoring and control panel shall be provided and shall include the following: a. IFB 15-002 Status indicating lights for both normal and abnormal conditions. 40 95 34-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection H. b. Common alarm contacts that shall be wired to subsystem. An RS-232 and USB port communication of UPS status to a server, hardware. All required interface software provided. c. Circuit breaker for the AC input. the closest discrete input shall be provided for client, or other suitable and hardware shall be 6. Sound absorbing enclosure. 7. EMI/RF noise filtering. 8. Surge protection shall be provided on the AC input circuit, which shall have a UL TVSS clamping voltage rating of 400 V with a <5 ns response time. UPS systems shall be Eaton Powerware 9130, Emerson Network Power (Liebert) Model GXT3, equivalent by MGE UPS Systems, GE Digital Energy, or equal. PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 95 34-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 40 95 58 SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 THE REQUIREMENT The Contractor shall furnish, install and place in satisfactory operation the surge protection devices (SPDs) as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 40 94 43 – Programmable Logic Process Controllers B. Section 40 95 13.23 – Main Process Control Panels and Hardware 1.03 A. 1.04 A. GENERAL INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTION All surge protectors of each type provided under this Contract shall be furnished by a single manufacturer. TOOLS, SUPPLIES AND SPARE PARTS The following specific spare parts items shall be provided: 1. Two of each type of surge protection device provided under this Contract. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 SURGE PROTECTION, GENERAL A. All electrical and electronic elements shall be protected against damage due to electrical transients induced in interconnecting lines from lightning discharges and nearby electrical systems. B. Manufacturer's Requirements: All surge protection devices shall be manufactured by a company that has been engaged in the design, development, and manufacture of such devices for at least 5 years. Acceptable manufacturers shall be Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, Transtector, or equal. C. Surge protection device installations shall comply with UL 94, the National Electric Code (NEC), and all applicable local codes. D. Surge protection devices shall be installed as close to the equipment to be protected as practically possible. IFB 15-002 40 95 58-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection E. 2.02 A. Device Locations: As a minimum, provide surge protection devices at the following locations: 1. At any connections between ac power and electrical and electronic equipment, including panels, assemblies, and field mounted analog transmitters. 2. At both ends of all analog signal circuits that have any portion of the circuit extending outside of a protecting building. 3. At both ends of all copper-based communication cables which extend outside of a building, including at field instruments and the field side of analog valve position signals. 4. On all external telephone communication lines. AC POWER PROTECTION Surge protection device assemblies for connections to AC power supply circuits shall: 1. Be provided with two 3-terminal barrier terminal strips capable of accepting No. 12 AWG solids or stranded copper wire. One terminal strip shall be located on each end of the unit. 2. Have a nonflammable enclosure that meets or exceeds UL 94 V0 flammability requirements. The surge protection device shall be provided with provisions for mounting to interior of equipment racks, cabinets, or to the exterior of freestanding equipment. 3. Be constructed as multistage devices consisting of gas tube arrestors, high energy metal oxide varistors, or silicon avalanche suppression diodes. Assemblies shall automatically recover from surge events, and shall have status indication lights. 4. Comply with all requirements of UL 1449, latest edition. 5. Be able to withstand a peak surge current of 10,000 amps based on a test surge waveform with an 8-microsecond rise time and a 20-microsecond exponential decay time, as defined in UL 1449. 6. Have the following characteristics: a. b. c. d. 2.03 Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: 150VAC Maximum Operating Current: 20 amps Ambient Temperature Range: -20 degrees C to +65 degrees C Response Time: 5 nanoseconds ANALOG SIGNAL CIRCUIT PROTECTION IFB 15-002 40 95 58-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection A. Surge protection device assemblies for analog signal circuits shall: 1. Have four lead devices with DIN Rail mounting. 2. Have a nonflammable enclosure that meets or exceeds UL 94 V0 flammability requirements. 3. Be constructed as multistage devices consisting of gas tube arrestors and silicon avalanche suppression diodes. Gas tube arrestors and diodes shall be separated by a series impedance of no more than 20 ohms. Assemblies shall automatically recover from surge events. 4. Comply with all requirements of UL 497B. 5. Be able to withstand a peak surge current of 10,000 amps based on a test surge waveform with an 8-microsecond rise time and a 20-microsecond exponential decay time, as defined in UL 1449. 6. Limit line-to-line voltage to 40 volts on 24VDC circuits. 7. Have the following characteristics: a. b. c. 2.04 A. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage: 28VDC Ambient Temperature Range: -20 degrees C to +65 degrees C Response Time (Line-to-Line): 5 ns COMMUNICATION CIRCUIT PROTECTION Surge protection devices for copper-based data communication circuits shall: 1. Be designed for the specific data communication media and protocol to be protected (i.e. telephone, serial, network, twisted pair, RF, etc.). 2. Provide protection of equipment to within the equipment’s surge withstand levels for applicable standard test wave forms of the following standards: a. b. c. IEC 60-1 / DIN VDE 0432 part 2 CCITT K17 / DIN VDE 0845 part 2 IEEE C62.31 3. Have a nonflammable enclosure that meets or exceeds UL 94 V0 flammability requirements. 4. Provide automatic recovery. IFB 15-002 40 95 58-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 A. REQUIREMENTS Refer to Section 40 95 13.23 for additional requirements. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 40 95 58-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 46 05 00 COMMON WORK RESULTS FOR WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall furnish, install, test, and place in acceptable operation all mechanical equipment and all necessary accessories as specified herein, as shown on the Drawings, and as required for a complete and operable system. B. The mechanical equipment shall be provided complete with all accessories, special tools, spare parts, mountings, and other appurtenances as specified, and as may be required for a complete and operating installation. C. It is the intent of these Specifications that the Contractor shall provide the Owner complete and operational equipment/systems. To this end, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate all interfaces with related mechanical, structural, electrical, instrumentation and control work and to provide necessary ancillary items such as controls, wiring, etc., to make each piece of equipment operational as intended by the Specifications. D. The complete installation shall be free from excessive vibration, cavitation, noise, and oil or water leaks. E. The requirements of this section shall apply to mechanical and wastewater treatment equipment furnished in this contract. 1.02 A. 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS All equipment, materials, and installations shall conform to the requirements of the most recent editions with latest revisions, supplements, and amendments of the specifications, codes, and standards listed in Section 01 42 19, Reference Standards. PERFORMANCE AFFIDAVITS A. When required in the individual equipment Specifications, the Contractor shall submit manufacturer's Performance Affidavits for equipment to be furnished. B. By these affidavits, each manufacturer must certify to the Contractor and the Owner, jointly, that he has examined the Contract Documents and that the equipment, apparatus, or process he offers to furnish will meet in every way the performance requirements set forth or implied in the Contract Documents. C. The Contractor must transmit to the Engineer three (3) original copies of the affidavit given him by the manufacturer or supplier along with the initial Shop Drawing submittals. D. The Performance Affidavit must be signed by an officer of the basic corporation, partnership, or company manufacturing the equipment and witnessed by a notary public. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection E. 1.04 A. The Performance Affidavit shall have the following format: Addressed to: (Contractor) and Alexandria Renew Enterprises Reference: AlexRenew WRRF Ultraviolet Disinfection System Upgrade Text: (Manufacturer's Name) has examined the Contract Documents and hereby state that the (Product) meets in every way the performance requirements set forth or implied in Section of the Contract Documents. Signature: Corporate Officers shall be Vice President, or higher. (Unless statement authorizing signature is attached.) SHOP DRAWINGS Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for all equipment in accordance with Section 01 33 23 – Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, and Section 01 33 00Submittal Procedures, and shall include the following information in addition to the requirements of Section 01 33 23, Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples: 1. Performance characteristics and descriptive data. 2. Detailed equipment dimensional drawings and setting plans. 3. General lifting, erection, recommendations. 4. Complete information regarding location, type, size, and length of all field welds in accordance with "Standard Welding Symbols" AWS A2.0 of the American Welding Society. Special conditions shall be fully explained by notes and details. 5. The total uncrated weight of the equipment plus the approximate weight of shipped materials. Support locations and loads that will be transmitted to bases and foundations. Exact size, placement, and embedment requirements of all anchor bolts. 6. Details on materials of construction of all components including applicable ASTM designations. 7. Information on bearing types and bearing life. 8. Gear box design and performance criteria and AGMA service factor. 9. Piping schematics. 10. Motor data sheet indicating motor horsepower; enclosure type; voltage; insulation class; temperature rise and results of dielectric tests; service-rating; rotative speed; motor speed-torque relationship; efficiency and power factor at ½, ¾, and full load; slip at full load; running, full load, and locked rotor current values; and safe running time-current curves. IFB 15-002 installation, 46 05 00-2 and adjustment instructions, and UV System Supplier Pre-Selection B. 1.05 A. 1.06 11. Equipment and motor protective device details. Connection diagrams for motor and all protective devices. 12. Equipment shop coating systems, interior and exterior. 13. Panel layout drawings, schematic wiring diagrams, and component product data sheets for control panels. 14. A list of spare parts and special tools to be provided. 15. Any additional information required to show conformance with the equipment specifications. 16. Warranty documentation including statement of duration of warranty period and contact phone numbers and addresses for warranty issues. SHOP DRAWINGS ON ITEMS REQUIRING PERFORMANCE AFFIDAVITS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED UNTIL ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE AFFIDAVITS ARE RECEIVED. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION/MANUALS Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 23, Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples, 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures, and 01 78 23 Operation and Maintenance Data. GENERAL INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTION A. All parts of the equipment furnished shall, be designed and constructed for the maximum stresses occurring during fabrication, transportation, installation, testing, and all conditions of operation. All materials shall be new, and both workmanship and materials shall be entirely suitable for the service to which the units are to be subjected and shall conform to all applicable sections of these Specifications. B. All parts of duplicate equipment shall be interchangeable without modification. Manufacturer's design shall accommodate all the requirements of these Specifications. C. Equipment and appurtenances shall be designed in conformity with ASTM, ASME, AIEE, NEMA, and other generally accepted applicable standards. D. All bearings and moving parts shall be adequately protected by bushings or other approved means against wear, and provision shall be made for accessible lubrication by extending lubrication lines and fittings to approximately 30 inches above finished floor elevation. E. Details shall be designed for appearance as well as utility. Protruding members, joints, corners, gear covers, etc., shall be finished in appearance. All exposed welds on machinery shall be ground smooth and the corners of structural shapes shall be rounded or chamfered. F. Machinery parts shall conform within allowable tolerances to the dimensions shown on the working drawings. G. All machinery and equipment shall be safeguarded in accordance with the safety codes of the USA and the State in which the project is located. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection H. All rotating shafts, couplings, or other moving pieces of equipment shall be provided with suitable protective guards of sheet metal or wire mesh, neatly and rigidly supported. Guards shall be removable as required to provide access for repairs. I. All equipment greater than 100 pounds shall have lifting lugs, eyebolts, etc., for ease of lifting, without damage or undue stress exerted on its components. J. All manufactured items provided under this Section shall be new, of current manufacture, and shall be the products of reputable manufacturers specializing in the manufacture of such products. . 1.07 EQUIPMENT WARRANTIES A. Warranty requirements may be added to or modified in the individual equipment specifications. B. The equipment furnished under this Contract shall be guaranteed to be free from defects in workmanship, design and/or materials for a period of one (1) year from Substantial Completion of the construction contract, unless otherwise specified in the individual equipment specifications. The period of such warranties shall start on the date of Substantial Completion for the construction contract, provided that the equipment demonstrates satisfactory performance during the thirty day operational period after the equipment startup. If the equipment does not perform satisfactorily during the thirty day operational period, the start of the warranty period will be delayed until the equipment demonstrates proper operation. The Equipment Supplier shall repair or replace without charge to the Owner any part of equipment which is defective or showing undue wear within the guarantee period, or replace the equipment with new equipment if the mechanical performance is unsatisfactory; furnishing all parts, materials, labor, etc., necessary to return the equipment to its specified performance level. C. The Contractor shall provide an equipment warranty log book prepared specifically for this project and submit two (2) copies of the document to the Engineer prior to final payment. The equipment warranty log book shall include a summary listing of all equipment warranties provided, date received, and start date and end date of warranty period. A copy of each equipment warranty and equipment start-up certification shall also be provided in the document. D. The Equipment Supplier shall guarantee to the Owner that all equipment offered under these specifications, or that any process resulting from the use of such equipment in the manner stated is not the subject of patent litigation, and that he has not knowingly offered equipment, the installation or use of which is likely to result in a patent controversy, in which the Owner as user is likely to be made the defendant. Where patent infringements are likely to occur, each Equipment Supplier shall submit, as a part of his bid, license arrangements between himself, or the manufacturer of the equipment offered, and the patent owner or the controller of the patent, which will permit the use in the specified manner of such mechanical equipment as he may be bidding. Each Equipment Supplier, by submitting his bid, agrees to hold and save the Owner and Engineer or its officers, agents, servants, and employees harmless from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for, or on account of, any patented or IFB 15-002 46 05 00-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection unpatented invention, process, article, or appliance manufactured or used in the performance of the work under this contract, including the use of the same by the Owner. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 A. 2.02 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS The materials covered by these Specifications are intended to be equipment of proven reliability, and as manufactured by reputable manufacturers having experience in the production of such equipment. The Contractor shall, upon request of the Engineer, furnish the names of not less than 5 successful installations of the manufacturer's equipment of the same size and model of that offered under this contract. The equipment furnished shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with the industry accepted practices and shall operate satisfactorily when installed as shown on the Drawings and operated per manufacturer's recommendations. ANCHORS AND SUPPORTS A. The Contractor shall furnish, install, and protect all necessary guides, bearing plates, anchor and attachment bolts, and all other appurtenances required for the installation of the devices included in the equipment specified. Working Drawings for installation shall be furnished by the equipment manufacturer, and suitable templates shall be used by the Contractor when required in the detailed equipment Specifications. B. Anchor bolts and fasteners shall be furnished in accordance with Section 05 05 23, Metal Fastenings, and with the individual equipment Specifications. All anchor bolts shall be a minimum of 1/2-inch diameter. All anchor bolts, handrail bolts, washers, clips, clamps, and fasteners of any type shall be constructed of 316 stainless steel, unless otherwise specified the individual equipment Specifications. C. The Contractor shall provide all concrete pads or pedestals required for equipment furnished. All concrete equipment pads shall be a minimum of 6” high, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings and shall be doweled. D. Pipe sleeves or other means of adjusting anchor bolts shall be provided where indicated or required. Equipment shall be leveled by first using sitting nuts on the anchor bolts, and then filling the space between the equipment base and concrete pedestal with non-shrink grout, unless alternate methods are recommended by the manufacturer and are acceptable to the Engineer (such as shim leveling pumps, or chemical grout). Non-shrink grout shall be as specified in Section 03 60 00, Grouting. 2.03 STRUCTURAL STEEL A. Structural steel used for fabricating equipment shall conform to the requirements of Section 05 12 23, Structural Steel for Buildings. B. All materials shall conform to applicable provisions of the AISC Specifications for the design and fabrication of structural steel, and to pertinent ASTM Standard Specifications. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2.04 A. 2.05 A. 2.06 A. 2.07 A. 2.08 DISSIMILAR METALS All dissimilar metals shall be properly isolated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. GALVANIZING Where required by the equipment specifications, galvanizing shall be performed in accordance with Division 5. STANDARDIZATION OF GREASE FITTINGS The grease fittings on all mechanical equipment shall be such that they can be serviced with a single type of grease gun. Fittings shall be “Zerk” type. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS All electrical equipment and appurtenances, including but not limited to motors, panels, conduit and wiring, etc., specified in the equipment specifications shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Division 16 specifications and the latest National Electric Code. ACCESSORIES, SPARE PARTS, AND SPECIAL TOOLS A. Spare parts for equipment shall be furnished where indicated in the equipment Specifications or where recommended by the equipment manufacturer. B. Spare parts shall be identical and interchangeable with original parts. C. The spare parts shall be packed in containers suitable for long term storage, bearing labels clearly designating the contents and the pieces of equipment for which they are intended. D. Painting requirements for spare parts shall be identical to those for original, installed parts. Where no painting or protective coating is specified, suitable provisions shall be made to protect against corrosion. E. Spare parts shall be delivered at the same time as the equipment to which they pertain. Spare parts shall be stored separately in a locked area, maintained by the Contractor, and shall be turned over to the Owner in a group prior to substantial completion. All of these materials shall be properly packed, labeled, and stored where directed by the Owner and Engineer. F. The Contractor shall furnish all special tools necessary to operate, disassemble, service, repair, and adjust the equipment in accordance with the manufacturers operation and maintenance manual. G. The Contractor shall furnish a one year supply of all recommended lubricating oils and greases. The manufacturer shall submit a list of at least four manufacturer's standard lubricants which may be used interchangeably for each type of lubricant required. All of these materials shall be properly packed, labeled and stored where directed by the Engineer. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-6 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 2.09 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION A. All mechanical equipment shall be provided with a substantial stainless steel nameplate, mechanically fastened with stainless steel hardware in a conspicuous place, and clearly inscribed with the manufacturer's name, year of manufacture, serial number, and principal rating data. B. Each pump and other piece of mechanical equipment shall also be identified as to name and number by a suitable laminated plastic or stainless steel nameplate mechanically fastened with stainless steel hardware; for example, "Raw Water Pump #1". Coordinate name and number with same on remotely located controls, control panel, and other related equipment. C. Nameplates shall not be painted over. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 SHOP TESTING A. All equipment shall be tested in the shop of the manufacturer in a manner which shall conclusively prove that its characteristics comply fully with the requirements of the Contract Documents and that it will operate in the manner specified or implied. B. No equipment shall be shipped to the project until the Engineer has been furnished a certified copy of test results and has notified the Contractor, in writing, that the results of such tests are acceptable. C. Five (5) certified copies of the manufacturer's actual test data and interpreted results thereof shall be forwarded to the Engineer for review. D. If required by the individual equipment Specifications, arrangements shall be made for the Owner/Engineer to witness performance tests in the manufacturer's shop. The Engineer shall be notified ten working days before shop testing commences. 3.02 STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. Contractor shall store his equipment and materials at the job site in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and as directed by the Owner or Engineer, and in conformity to applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, and rulings of the public authority having jurisdiction. Equipment and materials shall not be delivered to the site prior to 90 days in advance of the scheduled installation. Partial payment requests will not be processed for materials delivered prior to 90 days before installation or for materials that are not properly stored. B. Material or equipment stored on the job site is stored at the Contractor's risk. Any damage sustained of whatever nature shall be repaired to the Engineer's satisfaction at no expense to the Owner. Stored electrical equipment is to be protected from the elements and shall have space heaters energized. C. Contractor shall not store unnecessary materials or equipment on the job site and shall take care to prevent any structure from being loaded with a weight which will endanger its security or the safety of persons. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-7 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection D. Contractor shall observe all regulatory signs for loadings on structures, fire safety, and smoking areas. E. Contractor shall not store materials or encroach upon private property without the written consent of the owners of such private property. 3.03 MANUFACTURER’S FIELD SERVICES A. The Contractor shall arrange for a qualified Technical Representative from each manufacturer or supplier of equipment who is regularly involved in the inspection, installation, start-up, troubleshooting, testing, maintenance, and operation of the specified equipment. Qualification of the Technical Representative shall be appropriate to the type of equipment furnished and subject to the approval of the Engineer and the Owner. Where equipment furnished has significant process complexity, furnish the services of engineering personnel knowledgeable in the process involved and the function of the equipment. When necessary, the Contractor shall schedule multiple Technical Representatives to be present at the same time for the purpose of coordinating the operation of multiple pieces of related equipment. B. For each site visit, the Technical Representative shall submit jointly to the Owner, the Engineer, and the Contractor a complete signed report of the results of his inspection, operation, adjustments, and testing. The report shall include detailed descriptions of the points inspected, tests and adjustments made, quantitative results obtained if such are specified. C. The manufacturer's Technical Representative shall provide the following services. 1. Installation: The Technical Representative shall inspect the installed equipment to verify that installation is in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Where required by individual equipment specifications, the Technical Representative shall also supervise the installation of the equipment. 2. Testing: After installation of the equipment has been completed and the equipment is presumably ready for operation, but before it is operated by others, the Technical Representative shall inspect, operate, test, and adjust the equipment as required to prove that the equipment is in proper condition for satisfactory operation under the conditions specified. Unless otherwise noted in the signed site visit report, the report shall constitute a certification that the equipment conforms to the requirements of the Contract and is ready for startup and that nothing in the installation will render the manufacturer's warranty null and void. The report shall include date of final acceptance field test, as well as a listing of all persons present during tests. 3. Startup: The Technical Representative shall start up the equipment for actual service with the help of the Contractor. In the event that equipment or installation problems are experienced, the Contractor and the representative shall provide the necessary services until the equipment is operating satisfactorily and performing according to the specifications at no additional cost to the Owner. Unless otherwise noted in the signed site visit report, the report shall constitute a certification that the equipment conforms to the requirements of the Contract and is ready for permanent operation and that nothing in the installation will render the manufacturer's warranty null and void. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-8 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 4. Training a. b. General: i. Furnish manufacturers’ representatives for detailed classroom and hands-on training to Owner’s personnel on operation and maintenance of specified product (system, subsystem, component) and as may be required in applicable Specifications. ii. Furnish trained, articulate personnel to coordinate and expedite training, to be present during training coordination meetings with Owner, and familiar with operation and maintenance manual information specified in Section 01 78 23 – Operation and Maintenance Data. iii. Manufacturer’s representative shall be familiar with facility operation and maintenance requirements as well as with specified equipment. iv. Furnish complete training materials, to include operation and maintenance data, to be retained by each trainee. Training Schedule: i. ii. iii. c. IFB 15-002 List specified equipment and systems that require training services and show: a) Respective manufacturer. b) Estimated dates for installation completion. c) Estimated training dates. Multiple training sessions will be required. Provide for a minimum of five training sessions over a period of four separate weeks. Sessions may only be scheduled between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Adjust schedule to ensure training of appropriate personnel as deemed necessary by Owner, and to allow full participation by manufacturers’ representatives. Adjust schedule for interruptions in operability of equipment. Lesson Plan: When manufacturer or vendor training of Owner personnel is specified, prepare a lesson plan for each required course containing the following minimum information: i. Title and objectives. ii. Recommended attendees (e.g., managers, engineers, operators, maintenance). iii. Course description, outline of course content, and estimated class duration. 46 05 00-9 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection d. 5. iv. Format (e.g., lecture, self-study, demonstration, hands-on). v. Instruction materials and equipment requirements. vi. Methods used to validate training effectiveness (such as teach back, testing, etc.). vii. Resumes of instructors providing the training. Pre-startup Training: i. Coordinate training sessions with Owner’s operating personnel and manufacturers’ representatives and with submission of operation and maintenance manuals in accordance with Section 01 78 23 Operation and Maintenance Data. ii. Complete at least 14 days prior to beginning of facility startup. e. Post-startup Training: If required in Specifications, furnish and coordinate training of Owner’s operating personnel by respective manufacturer’s representatives. f. Taping of Training Sessions: Training sessions must be videotaped by Contractor and recordings must be provided to the Owner prior to Final Completion. Owner reserves the right to videotape any and all training sessions including classroom sessions and hands-on equipment instruction. Services after Startup: Where required by the individual equipment specifications, the Technical Representative shall return to the project site thirty (30) days after the start up date to review the equipment performance, correct any equipment problems, and conduct operation and maintenance classes as required by the Owner. This follow-up trip is required in addition to the specified services of Technical Representative prior to and during equipment startup. At this time, if there are no equipment problems, each manufacturer shall certify to the Owner in writing that his equipment is fully operational and capable of meeting operating requirements. If the equipment is operating incorrectly, the Technical Representative will make no certification to the Owner until the problems are corrected and the equipment demonstrates a successful thirty (30) days operating period. D. Services of the Technical Representative will require a minimum of two (2) site visits, one for installation and testing and one for startup and training, and will be for the minimum number of days recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer but will not be less than the number of days specified in individual equipment sections. E. The Contract amount shall include the cost of furnishing the Technical Representative for the minimum number of days specified, and any additional time required to achieve successful installation and operation. The times specified for services by the Technical Representative in the equipment Specifications are exclusive of travel time to and from the facility and shall not be construed as to relieve the manufacturer of any additional visits to provide sufficient service to place the equipment in satisfactory operation. F. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 14 days in advance of each equipment test. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-10 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection G. 3.04 The Technical Representative shall sign in and out at the office of the Engineer's Resident Project Representative on each day he is at the project. INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall obtain written installation manuals from the equipment manufacturer prior to installation. Equipment shall be installed strictly in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer. A copy of all installation instructions shall be furnished the Engineer's field representative one week prior to installation. B. The Contractor shall have on hand sufficient personnel, proper construction equipment, and machinery of ample capacity to facilitate the work and to handle all emergencies normally encountered in work of this character. To minimize field erection problems, mechanical units shall be factory-assembled insofar as practical. C. Equipment shall be erected in a neat and workmanlike manner on the foundations at the locations and elevations shown on the Drawings. D. All equipment sections and loose items shall be match-marked prior to shipping. E. For equipment such as pumping units, which require field alignment and connections, the Contractor shall provide the services of the manufacturer's qualified mechanic, millwright, or machinist, to align the pump and motor prior to making piping connections or anchoring the pump base. Alignment shall be as specified herein. F. The Contractor shall furnish oil and grease for initial operation and testing. The manufacturer and grades of oil and grease shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. 3.05 ALIGNMENT A. Set equipment to dimensions shown on drawings. Dimensions shall be accurate to +/- 1/16 inch unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Wedges shall not be used for leveling, aligning, or supporting equipment. B. General Equipment Leveling: Non-rotating equipment shall be set level to +/- 1/16 inch per 10 foot length (.005 inch per foot) unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Shims shall be used unless equipment is furnished with leveling feet. Set shims flush with equipment baseplate edges. When grouting is required, equipment shall be shimmed to allow a minimum of one inch grout thickness. Grout shall cover shims at least 3 inches. Final level check shall be held for inspection and approval by Engineer before proceeding. C. Grouting 1. Fill anchor bolt holes or sleeves with grout, after bolt alignment is proven, and prior to placing grout under equipment bases. 2. Surface Preparation. Roughen surface by chipping, removing laitance, and unsound concrete. Clean area of all foreign material such as oil, grease, and scale. Saturate area with water at least 4 hours prior to grouting, removing excess water ponds. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-11 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3. Application. Place grout after the equipment base has been set and its alignment and level have been approved. Form around the base, mix grout, and place in accordance with the grout manufacturers published instructions. Eliminate all air or water pockets beneath the base using a drag chain or rope. 4. Finishing. Point the edges of the grout to form a smooth 45 degree slope. 5. After grout has cured (not before 3 days after placement) paint exposed surfaces of grout with shellac. 6. Level Verification. After grout has cured, and immediately prior to drive alignment, recheck equipment for level and plumb. Re-level and square as necessary. Hold final checks for inspection and approval by Engineer. D. Inspect for and remove all machining burrs or thread pulls in female holes on mating surfaces of mounting frame and machine feet. E. Inspect and clean equipment mounting base pads, feet, and frames to remove all grease, rust, paint and dirt. F. Assembled equipment shafts shall be set level to .0015 inches per foot of shaft length (+/.0005 inches) up to a maximum of 0.015 inches for any length shaft unless the manufacturer’s requirements are more stringent or unless otherwise noted in the equipment specifications. Use the machined surfaces on which the equipment sets for the base/mounting frame leveling plane. Use the machined shaft surface for equipment leveling plane. G. Sprocket and Sheave Alignment. Check shaft mounted components for face runout and eccentricity (outside diameter) runout by magnetically mounting a dial indicator on a stationary base and indicating over 360 degrees on a continuous machined surface at the outside diameter of the component. Maximum allowable total indicated face runout and eccentricity for sprockets and sheaves will be per ANSI Standard B29.1-1975. H. Belt tensioning. Set drive belt tension to manufacturer's specification for the belt type. Recheck alignment after drive tensioning. I. Thermal/Mechanical Growth. Thermal/mechanical growth corrections for driver and driven machines will be used in vertical and horizontal alignment where applicable. The equipment manufacturer will determine thermal/mechanical growth applicability for any machine and provide the correction offsets to be used. J. Rotating Shaft Alignment 1. Fixtures will be set up on the driver and driven machine, machines shaft surfaces. Machined coupling hubs may be used only if there is no clearance to mount fixtures directly on the shafts. 2. Primary alignment method for direct drive machines is when coupled. Uncoupled alignment will be used only when approved by the Engineer. 3. Account for possible coupling flex by always rotating coupled machines in the same direction during alignment. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-12 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 4. Uncoupled machines must be connected so that both shafts turn together without relative motion during alignment. 5. Indicator bar sag will be measured and included for each reverse indicator alignment setup. 6. Reverse Dial Indicator. The final maximum allowable misalignment: vertical and horizontal from the desired targets of .000 inches (for a non-thermal growth machine) or from the given target readings (for a thermal growth machine) must meet BOTH of the following conditions simultaneously: 1/2 the final total indicator reading at each indicator will be no more than shown in the table below AND the final remaining correction at each machine foot be no more than .001 inches of required movement. Machine Speed (RPM) Up to 1800 1800 and greater 3.06 Total Misalignment* (inches) .002 .001 * 1/2 indicator reading FIELD TESTING A. All equipment shall be set, aligned and assembled in conformance with the manufacturer's drawings and instructions. Provide all necessary calibrated instruments to execute performance tests. Submit report certified by the pump manufacturer’s representative. B. Preliminary Field Tests, Yellow Tag 1. As soon as conditions permit, after the equipment has been secured in its permanent position, the Contractor shall: a. Verify that the equipment is free from defects. b. Check for alignment as specified herein. c. Check for direction of rotation. d. Check motor for no load current draw. 2. Contractor shall flush all bearings, gear housings, etc., in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, to remove any foreign matter accumulated during shipment, storage or erection. Lubricants shall be added as required by the manufacturer's instructions. 3. When the Contractor has demonstrated to the Engineer that the equipment is ready for operation, a yellow tag will be issued. The tag will be signed by the Engineer, or his assigned representative and attached to the equipment. The tag shall not be removed. 4. Preliminary field tests, yellow tag, must be completed before equipment is subjected to final field tests, blue tag. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-13 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection C. Final Field Tests, Blue Tag 1. Upon completion of the above, and at a time approved by the Engineer, the equipment will be tested by operating it as a unit with all related piping, ducting, electrical and controls, and other ancillary facilities. 2. The equipment will be placed in continuous operation as prescribed or required and witnessed by the Engineer or his assigned representative and the Owner or his assigned representative. 3. The tests shall prove that the equipment and appurtenances are properly installed, meet their operating cycles and are free from defects such as overheating, overloading, and undue vibration and noise. Operating field tests shall consist of the following: a. Check equipment for excessive vibration and noise as specified herein. b. Check motor current draw under load conditions. nameplate current shall not be exceeded. c. Recheck alignment with dial indicators where applicable, after unit has run under load for a minimum of 24 hours. The rated motor D. In addition to the above described field tests, any other tests specifically required by Section 43 21 00, Liquid Pumps (not used), the individual equipment Specifications, or by the manufacturer shall be performed. E. Until final field tests are acceptable to the Engineer, the Contractor shall make all necessary changes, readjustments and replacements at no additional cost to the Owner. F. Upon acceptance of the field tests, a blue tag will be issued. The tag will be signed by the Engineer and attached to the unit. The tag shall not be removed and no further construction work will be performed on the unit, except as required during start-up operations and directed by the Engineer. G. Defects which cannot be corrected by installation adjustments will be sufficient grounds for rejection of any equipment. H. All costs in connection with field testing of equipment such as lubricants, temporary instruments, labor, equipment, etc., shall be borne by the Contractor. Power, fuel, chemicals, water, etc. normally consumed by specific equipment shall be supplied by the Owner unless otherwise specified in the individual equipment specifications. I. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the proper operation of equipment during tests and instruction periods and shall neither have nor make any claim for damage which may occur to equipment prior to the time when the Owner formally takes over the operation thereof. J. Field testing of electric motors shall be in accordance with Section 11 05 13 – Common Motor Requirements for Equipment and Section 26 00 05, Common Work Results for Electrical. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-14 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3.07 A. 3.08 VIBRATION TESTING Noise or vibration in any rotating equipment which the Engineer judges to be excessive or damaging, shall be cause for rejection. FAILURE OF EQUIPMENT TO PERFORM A. Any defects in the equipment, or failure to meet the guarantees or performance requirements of the Specifications shall be promptly corrected by the Contractor by replacements or otherwise. B. If the Contractor fails to make these corrections, or if the improved equipment shall fail again to meet the guarantees or specified requirements, the Owner, notwithstanding his having made partial payment for work and materials which have entered into the manufacture of said equipment, may reject said equipment and order the Contractor to remove it from the premises at the Contractor's expense. C. The Contractor shall then obtain specified equipment to meet the contract requirements or upon mutual agreement with the Owner, adjust the contract price to reflect not supplying the specific equipment item. D. In case the Owner rejects said equipment, then the Contractor hereby agrees to repay to the Owner all sums of money paid to him for said rejected equipment on progress certificates or otherwise on account of the lump sum prices herein specified. E. Upon receipt of said sums of money, the Owner will execute and deliver to the Contractor a bill of sale of all his rights, title, and interest in and to said rejected equipment; provided, however, that said equipment shall not be removed from the premises until the Owner obtains from other sources other equipment to take the place of that rejected. F. Said bill of sale shall not abrogate Owner's right to recover damages for delays, losses, or other conditions arising out of the basic contract. 3.09 PAINTING A. All surface preparation, shop painting, field repairs, finish painting, and other pertinent detailed painting specifications shall conform to applicable sections of Section 09 91 00, Painting. B. All shop coatings shall be compatible with proposed field coatings. C. All inaccessible surfaces of the equipment, which normally require painting, shall be finished painted by the manufacturer. The equipment and motor shall be painted with a high quality epoxy polyamide semi-gloss coating specifically resistant to chemical, solvent, moisture, and acid environmental conditions, unless otherwise specified. D. Gears, bearing surfaces, and other unpainted surfaces shall be protected prior to shipment by a heavy covering of rust-preventive compound sprayed or hand applied which shall be maintained until the equipment is placed in operation. This coating shall be easily removable by a solvent. IFB 15-002 46 05 00-15 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3.10 WELDING A. The Equipment Manufacturer's shop welding procedures, welders, and welding operators shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirement of AWS D1.1 "Structural Welding Code - Steel" or AWS D1.2 "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum" of the American Welding Society, as applicable. B. The Contractor's welding procedures, welders, and welding operators shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.1 "Structural Welding Code - Steel" or AWS D1.2 "Structural Welding Code - Aluminum" of the American Welding Society, as applicable. C. The Contractor shall perform all field welding in conformance with the information shown on the Equipment Manufacturer's drawings regarding location, type, size, and length of all welds in accordance with "Standard Welding Symbols" AWS A2.0 of the American Welding Society, and special conditions, as shown by notes and details. - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 46 05 00-16 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection SECTION 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 DEFINITIONS A. Action Submittal: Written and graphic information submitted by Contractor that requires Engineer’s approval. 1. Deferred Submittal: Information, in accordance with IBC Section, submitted by Contractor for portions of the design which are to be submitted to permitting agency for approval prior to installation of that portion of the Work, along with Engineer’s review documentation that submittal has been found to be in general conformance with Project’s design. B. Informational Submittal: Information submitted by Contractor that requires Engineer’s review and determination that submitted information is in accordance with the Conditions of the Contract. 1.02 PROCEDURES A. Direct submittals to Engineer, unless specified otherwise. B. Electronic Submittals: Submittals shall be made in electronic format and processed via Primavera Contract Manager (PCM). Each submittal shall be an electronic file in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). Use the latest version available at time of execution of the Agreement. 2. Electronic files that contain more than 10 pages in PDF format shall contain internal book marking from an index page to major sections of the document. 3. PDF files shall be set to open “Bookmarks and Page” view. 4. Add general information to each PDF file, including title, subject, author, and keywords. 5. PDF files shall be set up to print legibly at 8.5-inch by 11-inch, 11-inch by 17inch, or 22-inch by 34-inch. No other paper sizes will be accepted. 6. Submit new electronic files for each resubmittal. 7. Include a copy of the Transmittal of Contractor’s Submittal form, located at end of section, with each electronic file. 8. Provide Engineer with authorization to reproduce and distribute each file as many times as necessary for Project documentation. IFB 15-002 01 33 00-1 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 062909BR 1. 9. Detailed procedures for handling electronic submittals will be discussed at the preconstruction conference. C. Transmittal of Submittal: 1. Contractor shall: a. Review each submittal and check for compliance with Contract Documents. b. Stamp each submittal with uniform approval stamp before submitting to Engineer. i. Stamp to include Project name, submittal number, Specification number, Contractor’s reviewer name, date of Contractor’s approval, and statement certifying submittal has been reviewed, checked, and approved for compliance with Contract Documents. ii. Engineer will not review submittals that do not bear Contractor’s approval stamp and will return them without action. 2. Complete, sign, and transmit, through PCM, with each submittal package, one Transmittal of Contractor’s Submittal form attached at end of this section. 3. Identify each submittal with the following: a. Numbering and Tracking System: i. Sequentially number each submittal. ii. Resubmission of submittal shall have original number with sequential alphabetic suffix. b. Specification section and paragraph to which submittal applies. c. Project title and Engineer’s project number. d. Date of transmittal. e. Names of Contractor, Subcontractor or Supplier, and manufacturer as appropriate. f. Identify and describe each deviation or variation from Contract Documents. D. Format: 1. Do not base Shop Drawings on reproductions of Contract Documents. 2. IFB 15-002 Package submittal information by individual Specification section. Do not combine different Specification sections together in submittal package, unless otherwise directed in Specification. 01 33 00-2 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3. Present in a clear and thorough manner and in sufficient detail to show kind, size, arrangement, and function of components, materials, and devices, and compliance with Contract Documents. 4. Index with labeled tab dividers in orderly manner. E. Timeliness: Schedule and submit in accordance Schedule of Submittals, and requirements of individual Specification sections. F. Processing Time: 1. Time for review shall commence on Engineer’s receipt of submittal. 2. Engineer will act upon Contractor’s submittal and transmit response to Contractor not later than 30 days after receipt, unless otherwise specified. 3. Resubmittals will be subject to same review time. 4. No adjustment of Contract Times or Price will be allowed due to delays in progress of Work caused by rejection and subsequent resubmittals. G. Resubmittals: Clearly identify each correction or change made. H. Incomplete Submittals: 1. Engineer will return entire submittal for Contractor’s revision if preliminary review deems it incomplete. 2. When any of the following are missing, submittal will be deemed incomplete: a. Contractor’s review stamp; completed and signed. b. Transmittal of Contractor’s Submittal; completed and signed. c. Insufficient number of copies if a hard copy submittal is required. I. 1.03 Submittals not required by Contract Documents: 1. Will not be reviewed and will be returned stamped “Not Subject to Review.” 2. Engineer will keep one copy and return submittal to Contractor. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Prepare and submit Action Submittals required by individual Specification sections. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Electronically, in the format outlined above. 2. IFB 15-002 If a hard copy submittal is required, eight copies and one reproducible of any documents larger than 11 inches by 17 inches, except copyrighted documents. 01 33 00-3 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3. Identify and Indicate: a. Applicable Contract Drawing and Detail number, products, units and assemblies, and system or equipment identification or tag numbers. b. Equipment and Component Title: Identical to title shown on Drawings. c. Critical field dimensions and relationships to other critical features of Work. Note dimensions established by field measurement. d. Project-specific information drawn accurately to scale. 4. Manufacturer’s standard schematic drawings and diagrams as follows: a. Modify to delete information that is not applicable to the Work. b. Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to the Work. 5. Product Data: Provide as specified in individual Specifications. 6. Foreign Manufacturers: When proposed, include following additional information: a. Names and addresses of at least two companies that maintain technical service representatives close to Project. b. Complete list of spare parts and accessories for each piece of equipment. C. Samples: 1. Copies: Two, unless otherwise specified in individual Specifications. 2. Preparation: Mount, display, or package Samples in manner specified to facilitate review of quality. Attach label on unexposed side that includes the following: a. Manufacturer name. b. Model number. c. Material. d. Sample source. 3. Manufacturer’s Color Chart: Units or sections of units showing full range of colors, textures, and patterns available. 4. Full-size Samples: IFB 15-002 a. Size as indicated in individual Specification section. b. Prepared from same materials to be used for the Work. 01 33 00-4 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection c. Cured and finished in manner specified. d. Physically identical with product proposed for use. D. Action Submittal Dispositions: Engineer will review, mark, stamp, and distribute electronically: 1. 2. IFB 15-002 Approved as Submitted (for incorporation in Work): a. Contractor may begin to implement activities to incorporate specific product(s) or Work covered by Submittal b. If hard copy submittals are required, the following shall apply: i. One copy furnished Owner. ii. Two copies furnished Resident Project Representative. iii. One copy retained in Engineer’s project office file. iv. One copy retained in Engineer’s design office file. v. Two copies sent to the Building Department, Special Inspections Submittals only. vi. Two copies sent to the permitting agency, Deferred Submittals only. vii. Remaining copies returned to Contractor appropriately annotated. Outstanding - Approved as Noted (for incorporation in Work): a. Contractor may begin to implement activities to incorporate product(s) or Work covered by Submittal, in accordance with Engineer’s notations. b. Submittal will be shown as “Outstanding” until Contractor acknowledges noted comments on Contractor letterhead. Contractor is working at risk and no payments will be made for this item until the acknowledgement is received. c. If hard copy submittals are required, the following shall apply: i. One copy furnished Owner. ii. One copy furnished Resident Project Representative. iii. One copy retained in Engineer’s project office file. iv. One copy retained in Engineer’s design office file. v. Two copies sent to the Building Department, Special Inspections Submittals only. 01 33 00-5 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 3. 4. vi. Two copies sent to the permitting agency, Deferred Submittals only. vii. Remaining copies returned to Contractor appropriately annotated. Rejected: a. Submittal is not approved. b. If hard copy submittals are required, the following shall apply: i. One copy retained in Engineer’s project office file. ii. Remaining copies returned to Contractor appropriately annotated. Revise and Resubmit: a. Submittal is not approved; resubmittal is required. b. If hard copy submittals are required, the following shall apply: i. One copy furnished Resident Project Representative. ii. One copy retained in Engineer’s file. iii. Remaining copies returned to Contractor with one copy appropriately annotated. iv. Contractor shall complete and resubmit or submit missing portions. v. Partially Approved (PA), Approved as Noted: a) b) Submittal is Partially Approved. Contractor shall resubmit items not approved. Contractor shall acknowledge noted comments on Contractor letterhead for items Approved as noted. If hard copy submittals are required, the following shall apply: 1) One copy furnished Owner. 2) One copy furnished Resident Project Representative. 3) One copy retained in Engineer’s project office file. 4) One copy retained in Engineer’s design office file. 5) IFB 15-002 Two copies sent to the Building Department, Special Inspections Submittals only. 01 33 00-6 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 1.04 6) Two copies sent to the permitting agency, Deferred Submittals only. 7) Remaining copies returned appropriately annotated. to Contractor INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. General: 1. Electronically, in the format outlined above. 2. If hard copy submittals are required, submit six copies, unless otherwise indicated in individual Specification section. 3. Refer to individual Specification sections for specific submittal requirements. 4. Engineer will review each submittal. If submittal meets conditions of the Contract, Engineer will forward copy to appropriate parties. If Engineer determines submittal does not meet conditions of the Contract and is therefore considered unacceptable, Engineer will return submittal electronically with review comments to Contractor, and require that submittal be corrected and resubmitted. B. Application for Payment: In accordance with Section 01 29 00, Payment Procedures. C. Certificates: 1. General: a. Provide notarized statement that includes signature of entity responsible for preparing certification. b. Signed by officer or other individual authorized to sign documents on behalf of that entity. 2. Welding: In accordance with individual Specification sections. 3. Installer: Prepare written statements on manufacturer’s letterhead certifying installer complies with requirements as specified in individual Specification section. 4. Material Test: Prepared by qualified testing agency, on testing agency’s standard form, indicating and interpreting test results of material for compliance with requirements. 5. Certificates of Successful Testing or Inspection: Submit when testing or inspection is required by Laws and Regulations or governing agency or specified in individual Specification sections. IFB 15-002 01 33 00-7 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection 6. Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance: In accordance with Manufacturers’ Field Services in Section 46 05 00 – Common Work Results for Wastewater Equipment. 7. Manufacturer’s Certificate of Proper Installation: In accordance with Manufacturers’ Field Services in Section 46 05 00 – Common Work Results for Wastewater Equipment. D. Construction Photographs and Video: In accordance with Section 01 31 13, Project Coordination, and as may otherwise be required in Contract Documents. E. Closeout Submittals: In accordance with Section 01 77 00 Closeout Procedures. F. Contractor-design Data (related to temporary construction): 1. Written and graphic information. 2. List of assumptions. 3. List of performance and design criteria. 4. Summary of loads or load diagram, if applicable. 5. Calculations. 6. List of applicable codes and regulations. 7. Name and version of software. 8. Information requested in individual Specification section. G. Manufacturer’s Instructions: Written or published information that documents manufacturer’s recommendations, guidelines, and procedures in accordance with individual Specification section. H. Operation and Maintenance Data: As required in Section 01 78 23, Operation and Maintenance Data. J. Schedules: 1. Schedule of Submittals: Prepare separately or in combination with Progress Schedule, Construction Progress Documentation. a. IFB 15-002 Show for each, at a minimum, the following: i. Specification section number. ii. Identification by numbering and tracking system as specified under Paragraph Transmittal of Submittal. iii. Estimated date of submission to Engineer, including reviewing and processing time. 01 33 00-8 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection b. On a monthly basis, submit updated schedule to Engineer if changes have occurred or resubmittals are required. 2. Schedule of Values: In accordance with Section 01 29 00, Payment Procedures. 3. Schedule of Estimated Progress Payments: In accordance with Section 01 29 00, Payment Procedures. 4. Progress Schedules: In accordance with Section 01 32 00, Construction Progress Documentation. K. Special Guarantee: Supplier’s written guarantee as required in individual Specification sections. L. Statement of Qualification: Evidence of qualification, certification, or registration as required in Contract Documents to verify qualifications of professional land surveyor, engineer, materials testing laboratory, specialty Subcontractor, trade, Specialist, consultant, installer, and other professionals. M. Submittals Required by Laws, Regulations, and Governing Agencies: 1. Promptly submit notifications, reports, certifications, payrolls, and otherwise as may be required, directly to the applicable federal, state, or local governing agency or their representative. 2. Transmit to Engineer for Owner’s records one copy of correspondence and transmittals (to include enclosures and attachments) between Contractor and governing agency. N. Test, Evaluation, and Inspection Reports: 1. General: Shall contain signature of person responsible for test or report. 2. Factory: 3. IFB 15-002 a. Identification of product and Specification section, type of inspection or test with referenced standard or code. b. Date of test, Project title and number, and name and signature of authorized person. c. Test results. d. If test or inspection deems material or equipment not in compliance with Contract Documents, identify corrective action necessary to bring into compliance. e. Provide interpretation of test results, when requested by Engineer. f. Other items as identified in individual Specification sections. Field: 01 33 00-9 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection a. As a minimum, include the following: i. Project title and number. ii. Date and time. iii. Record of temperature and weather conditions. iv. Identification of product and Specification section. v. Type and location of test, Sample, or inspection, including referenced standard or code. vi. Date issued, testing laboratory name, address, and telephone number, and name and signature of laboratory inspector. vii. If test or inspection deems material or equipment not in compliance with Contract Documents, identify corrective action necessary to bring into compliance. viii. Provide interpretation of test results, when requested by Engineer. ix. Other items as identified in individual Specification sections. O. Testing and Startup Data: In accordance with Section 01 75 16, Startup Procedures. P. Training Data: In accordance with Manufacturers’ Field Services in Section 46 05 00 – Common Work Results for Wastewater Equipment. 1.05 SUPPLEMENTS A. The supplement listed below, following “End of Section,” is part of this Specification. 1. Form: Transmittal of Contractor’s Submittal. PART 2 – PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - IFB 15-002 01 33 00-10 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection TRANSMITTAL OF CONTRACTOR’S SUBMITTAL (ATTACH TO EACH SUBMITTAL) DATE: Submittal No.: TO: New Submittal Resubmittal Project: Project No.: Specification Section No.: (Cover only one section with each transmittal) Schedule Date of Submittal: FROM: Contractor SUBMITTAL TYPE: Shop Drawing Sample Informational The following items are hereby submitted: Number of Copies Description of Item Submitted (Type, Size, Model Number, Etc.) Spec. and Para. No. Drawing or Brochure Number Contains Variation to Contract No Yes Contractor hereby certifies that (i) Contractor has complied with the requirements of Contract Documents in preparation, review, and submission of designated Submittal and (ii) the Submittal is complete and in accordance with the Contract Documents and requirements of laws and regulations and governing agencies. By: Contractor (Authorized Signature) IFB 15-002 01 33 00-11 UV System Supplier Pre-Selection