VOL. 84, NO. B14 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH DECEMBER 30, 1979 Low-Velocity Impact Craters in Ice and Ice-Saturated Sand With Implications for Martian Crater Count Ages S. K. CROFT Departmentof Earth and SpaceSciences,Universityof California,Los Angeles,California90024 S. W. KIEFFER U.S. GeologicalSurvey,Flagstaff,,Arizona 86001 T. J. AHRENS Divisionof Geologicaland PlanetarySciences,CaliforniaInstituteof Technology, Pasadena,California91125 We produced a seriesof decimeter-sizedimpact craters in blocks of ice near 0øC and -70øC and in ice-saturatedsandnear -70øC as a preliminary investigationof crateringin materialsanalogousto those found on Mars and the outer solarsystemsatellites.The projectilesusedwere standard0.22 and 0.30 caliber bulletsfired at velocitiesbetween0.3 and 1.5km/s, with kineticenergiesat impactbetween109and 4 x 10•øergs.Craterdiameters in the ice-saturated sandwere-•2 timeslargerthancratersin the same energy and velocity range in competentblocksof granite, basalt and cement.Craters in ice were -•3 times larger. If this dependenceof crater size on strengthpersiststo large hypervelocityimpact craters,then surfacesof geologicunitscomposedof ice or ice-saturatedsoil would havegreatercratercountagesthan rocky surfaceswith identical influx histories.The magnitudeof the correctionto crater countsrequired by this strengtheffect is comparableto the magnitudesof correctionsrequired by variations in impact velocity and surfacegravity usedin determiningrelative interplanetarychronologies.The relative sizesof cratersin ice and ice-saturatedsandimply that the tensilestrengthof ice-saturatedsand is a strong inversefunction of temperature.If this is true, then Martian impact crater energyversusdiameter scaling may also be a function of latitude. where Eo is the muzzle energy, rn is the bullet mass, p is the densityof air, A is the cross-sectional area of the bullet, and Ca Impact cratering is recognized as an important processin is the coefficient of drag. Equation (1) was derived by inplanetary accretionand in shapingthe solid surfacesof plan- tegration of Newton's secondlaw using a low-viscosity,'Vets and satellites in the solar system. Crater counting is fre- squared'drag force appropriatefor bullets [Albertsonet al., quently used,and is often the only techniqueavailable,for es- 1960]. The quantity rn?CaApestimatedfor each bullet is also timating both the relative and absolute ages of geologic given in Table 1. featureson other planets. Most surfacesin the inner solar sysThree types of target blocks were used. They were prepared tem consistof rock materials and their weathered products. and characterized as follows: Consequently,terrestrialsmall-scaleimpact and explosionex1. 'Ice-saturatedsand' (ISS) blocksconsistedof water-satperiments have been performed primarily in rock or soil. urated sand frozen to approximately -70øC. Containers --•27 However, becauseof the recognition of the probable domi- x 33 x 16 cm in size were filled with sand and then water unINTRODUCTION nance of ice and ice-saturated soils, both at and far below the melting point of water over large portionsof Mars, the asteroids, and particularly the satellitesof the outer solar system, we performed a seriesof low-velocity impact experimentsin ice and ice-saturatedsand. The objective of these impact experiments was to provide a preliminary survey of the morphology and kinetic energy-dimensionalscalingof cratersin icy media comparedto impactsat similar kinetic energiesand velocities in rock and cohesionless EXPERIMENTAL sand. PROCEDURE The projectiles used were standard 0.22 and 0.30 caliber bullets fired at velocities between 0.3 and 1.5 km/s. Table 1 givesthe ballistic data derived from manufacturer'sspecifications for the bullets used. Impact kinetic energiesat the measured firing ranges(R) of 8-13 yd (7-12 m) were interpolated from the ballistic data using the equation Copyright¸ 1979by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 9B 1305. 1305501.00 zen in the container. 2. 'Supercooledice' (S-ice) blo,cksconsistedof pure water ice frozen to about -70øC, with the same dimensions as the blocks of ice-saturated sand. To prevent the formation of large single crystals or bubbles, these blocks were built up layer by layer, adding first water and then crushedice until the ice was barely saturated.The water-ice mixture was then frozen, producing blocks having a uniform fine grain phaneritic texturewith tiny bubbles(<0.1 mm) thinly distributedin the interior. 3. 'Temperate ice' (T-ice) blocks consistedof pure water ice near 0øC and were prepared in three ways. The first type of temperate ice blocksusedwere commerciallyproducedand maintained in a freezer at a temperature of--•28øF (-2.2øC). These blocks were --•36 x 20 x 20 cm in size. The commercial method of freezing produced a roughly tabular amorphous core ('cloudy zone') imbedded in a matrix of elongatedrodlike crystals(--•0.5-1 cm long and 0.2-0.3 cm thick) oriented perpendicularto the face of the tabular cloudyzone. This pro- R= C•Ap 0148-0227/79/009B- til the sand was covered by a thin water layer. The mixture was slowly stirred to remove air bubbles.The mixture was fro- 8023 8024 CROFTET AL.: SECONDMARSCOLLOQUIUM TABLE 1. Bullet Ballistic Data Velocity, km/s Bullet Mass,g Muzzle 100yd* Energy, ergs Muzzle 100yd* m/Cap'l, cm 22 Short (22S)•22 Long (22L)•22 Long Rifle (22LR)•22 Hornet (22H)•- 1.88 0.334 0.275 1.04E95 1.88 2.59 3.24 0.378 0.383 1.25 0.294 0.310 NA 1.34E9 1.90E9 2.54E10 7.05E8 8.13E8 1.25E9 NA 5.36E4 4.20E4 5.01E4 4.86E4 30-06SPRG 3.56 1.48 NA 3.88E10 NA 4.86E4 8.10 0.975 0.856 3.85E10 2.97E10 8.11E4 (estimated) Accelerator (SPRG)•30-06PSP(PSP)•- (estimated) NA is not available. * 1 yd=0.91m. •-Abbreviationusedin Table 2. $Read 1.04E9as 1.04x 109. vided for highly anisotropicmaterial propertieswhoseeffects flat end faces,which had vertical relief of <•3mm.All facesof on the craters are noted below. the commercial ice blocks were used; these surfaceswere also The second temperate ice blocks ('pressedblocks') were smooth.Bullet name, target type, range,and crater depth and prepared by compressingcrushedice in a pressurevesseluntil diameterwere recordedfor eachshot.Thosedata are grouped fusion. This produceda uniform but porphyritic texture with accordingto target compositionand listed by shotnumber in many millimeter-sizedbubbles.These blocks were cylinders order of increasing 'trapactenergy in Table 2. Crater 5 is with diametersand lengthsof--,20 cm. shownin Figure 1. Depths were measuredfrom the original The third temperateice ('pot') blockswere preparedby sat- target surface. Diameters are averages of the largest and urating a container filled with crushedice and then freezing. smallest diameters of each crater. This method produced nonuniform porphyritic textureswith RESULTS occasionallarge air pockets(which did not affect the results reported below, as we discardedsampleswhere the bullet obWith the notable exception of craters formed in the comviouslyhit an air pocket).Theseblockswere cylinders--,25cm mercialice blocks,the craterswere hemiellipticalcupsin cross in diameter and --•15 cm long. section.The subsurfacefracture systemswere both concentric The internal temperaturesof the blockswere made initially and radial in pattern similar to thosefound around --•5-cm-diconstant by prolonged residencein monitored refrigerators. ameter impact cratersin ArkansasNovaculite by Curran et al. The volumesof the refrigeratorsavailable severelylimited the [1977]. Radial fractureswere dominant in cratersin ice, while maximum practical size of the target blocks. The blocks re- fine concentric fractures predominated in the ice-saturated mained in the refrigeratorsuntil transferredto insulatedboxes sand craters.Visible fracturing was concentratednear the imfor immediate transportto the firing range. Temperaturesin- pact site and near the rear face of the targetblock. Shots4 (Sside the insulated containers were monitored. On the basis of ice) and 9 (ISS), which were fired into blockswhich each al(1) the time between removal from the refrigeratorsuntil use ready had a 5-cm crater in them (whosevisiblefracture zones at the firing range (a few hours), (2) the air temperaturesin- were small in comparisonto the block size),completelyshatsidethe insulatedboxesat the time of targetuse(--•0øCfor the tered the blocks.Identical shots(3 in S-iceand 10 in ISS) into temperate ice blocks and -14øC for the ice-saturatedsand undamaged blocks produced measurablecraters and only and supercooledice blocks),(3) the thermal propertiesof ice, split the blocks.It is concludedthat the cratersproducedexand (4) the parameterizedtemperaturehistory calculationsof tensive,less obvious interior failure beyond the visible fracSchneider[1974], it is estimatedthat the surfacetemperatures ture systems. of the supercooledice and ice-saturatedsandblockshad risen The upper limit of usable impact energieswas set by the between 5ø and 10øC, while those of the temperature ice targetblock sizeand composition.For blocksin the sizerange blocks had risen a few tenths of a degree.The temperature used,the upper energylimit for ice blocksis --,3 x 10•øergs, gradient near the surfaceof the supercooledice and ice-satu- becauseshot 16 at 3.7 x 10•øergscompletelydestroyedthe rated sand blocks is estimated to have been --•0.5øC/cm from targetblock,while shot3, at 2.5 x 10•øergs,did not. The up- Schneider's [1974] calculations. Edges and corners of the per limit for the ice-saturatedsandblocksappearsto be near blockswould have been a few degreeswarmer, but as the cra- 5 X 10iø ergs.In order to gain as large a rangein energyas ters were formed in the approximate centers of the block possiblefor scalinganalysis,craterswere producedwith crafaces,the influence of temperatureedge effectson crater for- ter/target block dimension ratios ranging from --,0.1 to 0.7. mation was deemednegligible. There are several possibleeffectson the expectedcrater diAt time of use, target blocks were removed from the in- mensionsdue to the large changeof crater size relative to the sulated boxes and the containersin which they were frozen target size. Gehring[1970b]analyzedthe depth of penetration and were immediately buried in an embankment of soil with of a projectileof given massand energyas a functionof target one exposed vertical face into which the bullet was fired. thicknessin metals.He found very little changein expected Figure 1 showsthe placement and orientation of a block of crater dimensionsuntil the depth of the expectedcrater was ice-saturated sand in a sand embankment. The faces of the su>•0.5 the target thickness, beyond which the diameter nar- percooledice and ice-saturatedsand blocksused as targets. rowed slightly [Gehring,1970a]and the depth increasedrapwere the 27 x 33 cm bottom faces,which had smooth sur- idly toward penetration.The suddenincreasein crater depth faces.The target facesof the pot and pressedblockswere the is due to spallationand failure of the target'srear face caused CROFT ET AL.: SECOND MARS COLLOQUIUM 8025 ... .: :. .... .?. •..•i •: . ..-.... ,.. :..:,. 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'"" '•"•-•:•-•:• ". ß•-'......ß½';;,.C: ß ',..";½ .•,,:, ..... •..•,, . • ... •. . --• .. :-.. ....,;..'•'•'..¾' ' ........:...½½}..:....... ,..,-.......,.....,:;::: ..... -';:' %::.-.:-':." "".:'..':,.'*" .%.•.. "- •- ........ ./ ...... , ... ½ .• . , ..,*.:,-7,''" ;....:.:'-.C•-;..'• .,. .--.-:. Fig. 1. Crater $ in ice-saturatedsandshowingan exampleof the cratersdiscussed in this reportand the target arrangementof ice-saturated sandblockbunkeredby sandwith oneverticalfaceexposed.Note the relativelylargedepth/diameter ratio(-•0.4compared to typicalhardrockvaluesof-•0.2) andthesystem of crackssurrounding thecraterto approximately one crater radiusbeyondthe slightlyraisedrim. White scalebar is ,-•10.5cm long. 8026 CROFT ET AL.' SECOND MARS COLLOQUIUM TABLE 2. Shot Bullet* Range, yd-• Energy Ei, ergs Crater Data Summary Diameter Depth D, cm d, cm I 22S 13.3 1.00E9•: S-Ice 4.5 +_ 0.5 2 22L 13.3 1.26E9 7+_3 2.48E10 2.48E10 ---23 2.6 2.5 ---13 Notes double crater, Di = 4 cm, Do = 10cm block split block destroyed,prefracturedby I 3 22H 13.3 4 22H 13.3 5 6 7 8 9 22S 22L 22L 22H PSP 10 10 10 13.3 10 l0 SPRG 10 3.70E10 11 12 22s 22s 10 10 1.01E9 6 0.8 1.01E9 6.5 2.6 into cloudy zone perpendicularto grain axes, 13 22S 10 1.01E9 6.5 3.0 perpendicularto grain axes, 14 22S 10 1.01E9 4.5 10.9 15 22LR 10 1.82E9 4.9 +_ 0.5 16 SPRG 10 3.70E10 17 22S 18 19 20 ...... Ice-Saturated Sand 4.25 +_ 0.25 1.8 4.9 +_ 0.1 2.0 5.0 1.8 1.01E9 1.82E9 1.82E9 2.48E10 12 5.0 3.69E10 ...... ---16 ---5.6 in same block as 5 block split block destroyed,prefracturedby 7 block split T-Ice (Commercial) square crater square crater parallel to grain axes, conical crater 8.5 parallel to grain axes,conical crater block destroyed T-Ice (Pots) 9.2 1.01E9 6.5 +_ 0.5 3 pot 6, large singlecrystals 22LR 10.8 1.81E9 3.8 +_ 0.3 1.5 pot 2, wrong or faulty bullett?? 22S 22LR 8.3 10.8 1.02E9 5 1.81E9 ---10 in block T-Ice (PressedBlocks) 3 ---5.5 upper quadrant spalledoff upper right half spalledoff *See Table I for full designation. •- 1 yd = 0.91 m. $Read1.00E9as 1.00x 109. by the strongrarefactiongeneratedby reflectionof the primary shockoff of the free rear face.By buryingthe targetsin a medium with a density comparableto the target density, shockreflectionand spallationare reduced,increasingthe effective target thickness.Crater 3, with a crater depth/block thicknessratio of--.0.7, is the only crater large enoughto have possiblyhad its dimensionssignificantlyaltered by near per- 15 o Ice-Sat Sand •' Supercooled Ice ß Temperate Ice 4- Granite (Bauer & Calder,1969) • Basalt (Gault, 197:5) J ] a Sando(Oberbeck, 1971 ) _ j _ foration. However, as seen in Figure 2 and discussedbelow, the depth/diameter ratio of crater 3, which would be anomalously large had near performation occurred,is similar to that of the other ice craters. Thus any effects of varying target thickness relative to crater size are deemed small for these ex- periments. Burial of the target was also intended to reduce lateral spallation. However, as is seenin Figure 1, the loosenature of the sand prevented effective enclosureof the upper forward portions of the target. As a result, large sectionswere spalled off of the upper face of the blocks containing craters 19 and 20 (which were otherwisenormal). The three largestcraters(3, 8, and 10) completelysplit their respectivetarget blocksowing to insufficient lateral containment. Becausethe energy required to generate fractures beyond the true crater is small in com- parisonto the energyneededto crushand eject material from the crater [Gault et al., 1975; Kutter and Fairhurst, 1971], the effectsof large-scaletarget splitting on crater dimensionsare also considered Small. 0 - ••,•+• 0 5 Crater shapes in the highly anisotropic commercial ice blocks depended on the orientation of ice crystalsat the face t0 t5 20 in which the crater was formed. Craters 14 and 15 were formed in the face with the long axesof the ice grains parallel to the projectile velocity. The cratersare abnormally deep and Fig. 2. Depth/diameter relation for the cratersin this study and conical in shapein comparisonto thosein the polycrystalline for low-velocity impactsin granite and hypervelocityimpactsin sand and basalt. The numbersin this figure refer to crater numbersgiven in anisotropic ice blocks. Ejecta consistedof large rodlike segTable 2 and designatefour data points consideredanomalousas dis- ments of individual crystalsand a relatively undamaged 'plug' cussed in the text. thrown several feet in front of the target. The undamaged naDiameter (cm) CROFT ET AL.: SECOND MARS COLLOQUIUM 1oo _ i ß Ice-Sat i i i i iii I i i i I i iii I i i i i i i Sand - /x "Super"lce - o "Temperate"lce • E ß• aSand Sand (Oberbeck, - m (Stoffler et197,,;75 al, ) _• -•F•"-• .- {•0s •o•'•o• ' , , , , , ,,• •09 .•<.•,/sec _ k•y•' a/' T•.•' •/s '•' .... '• • • • , , , , , , ,{0,••0 - , , , , , ,'•'0• { ImpQct Energy (ergs) 8027 ity to hypervelocityimpactsin sand(Oberbeck[1971], apparent crater dimensions),and the mean curve of Gault's [1973] hypervelocityimpactsin basalt and granite. The anomalous depthsof craters 14 and 15 in the commerciallypreparedice blocks are immediately apparent. Crater 11 appears abnormally shallowbecausethe depth measuredwas to the top of debris left in the crater rather than to the bottom of the debris layer as was done for the other craters.Crater 2 had a welldefined depth but consistedof a double crater with an inner deep portion ,--4 cm acrossand an outer shallow spall zone ,--10 cm across.This crater shape,unique in this set of experiments, is probably the result of inhomogeneitiesin the target block. These four craterswere ignored in least-squaresfitting of the data. The lines labeled Fi 8. 3. •ependence o• cmte• diamete• on impact ene•8• •o• ice (dashed line) and ice-saturatedsand (uppermostsolid line) cmte•s compared to cmte•s in the same cne•8• and ve]ocit• mnSe in •ock (]owe• solidlines)and sand(dot-dashedlines).The numbersb• certain s•mbo]s in this •Su•e •e•e• to the numbe• o• superposedimpacts •ep•esentedb• the sins]e s•mbo], ice and ice-sat. sand are least- square fits to the data. From the figure it is seen that the depth/diameter ratiosof cratersin rock are ,--0.2,of cratersin sand are ,--0.25, of craters in ice-saturated sand are •-0.35, and of cratersin ice are nearly 0.5. Thus at leastsmall-scalecraters in ice are nearly hemisphericalin shape. Interestingly, this correspondsto the shapesuggestedas necessaryby Ostro and ture of the plug is consistentwith observationsand calcu- Pettengill [1978] to account for the unexpectedpolarization lationsby Curranet al. [1977]for similar low-velocityimpacts. properties of radar returns from Europe, Ganymede, and Although it is possiblethat vapor formation ejectedthe plug, Callisto, whosecrustsapparentlyare largely composedof ice. we do not believeit likely at theselow velocitiesand suspect Figure 3 showsthe corresponding plot of craterdiameteras that elasticforcesejected the plug. At higher velocities,both a function of impact energy. In addition to the data of Gault plug and individual crystalsare fragmented. [1973] and Bauer and Calder [1969] an energy-diametercurve Craters 12 and 13 were formed in commercial block faces derived from the low-velocity steel bullet impactsof Vanzant with the long axesof the ice grainsorientedperpendicularto [1963] into cementare shown,as well as additional apparent the projectilevelocity,and are roughlyinvertedpyramidsin sand crater data from Oberbeck [1970] and StOffier et al. shape. Two facesof the 'pyramid' consistof the broken ends [1975].The uppermost solidline is a least-squares fit to the of grains,while the other two Sidesare definedby the sidesof ice-saturatedsand data. The estimated energy-diameterrelathe ice grains.Crater 11 was formed in the amorphouscloudy tion for the ice craters (dashed line in Figure 3) appears to zone and has a typical hemisphericalprofile. These cratersin have a logarithmic slope equal to or slightly larger than the the commercial ice blocks illustrate the importance of grain ice-saturatedsand slope,but the data are insufficientfor a resizeand orientationin small-scale,low-velocityimpacts. liable fit. Craters 14 and 15 are omitted from this figure beFor all craters,projectile de.formationwas similar to that cause their dimensionswere completely altered by the anifound in other studies.In the low-velocity permafrost craters sotropy of the commercialice block face in which they were the bullet was recovered in the bottom of the crater or in front formed. Crater 18 has a normal depth/diameter ratio but is of the target.Bulletsturned 'insideout' at velocitiesof -•300 lessthan half its expecteddiameter in Figure 3. The small size m/s, in accordwith observationsby Culœand Hooper [1961]. could be the result of a faulty bullet. Comparison of the At velocities of •1 km/s the bullets disintegratedto a fine curves of Gault [1973] and Bauer and Calder [1969] between gray powder in accordwith observationsof end productsof Figures2 and 3 showsthat at a given energy,Gault's hypervelocity craters are somewhatlarger in diameter but have missilecomponentsin impactsin alluvium [Moore, 1976]. Figure 2 showsthe quantitative relation betweendepth and about the same depth as Bauer and Calder's low-velocity cradiameter for the cratersformed in theseexperiments.Included ters. This could be due to either the different velocities used or for comparisonare steeland tungstencarbide ball bearing im- peculiaritiesof the materialpropertiesof the targets.The kipactsin Disraeli Light granite by Bauer and Calder [1969] in netic energy-diameterrelationsof the sand cratershave nothe samevelocityand energyrangeas our impacts,1ow-¾eloc- ticeablydifferentlogarithmicslopesthat are weak functionsof TABLE 3. Empirical Energy-DiameterRelations(Shownin Figure 3) Target Material Energy-DiameterRelation* Energy Range of Data, ergs Source Sand V = 1 km/s V = 2 km/s V = 6 km/s (estimated) Ice (estimated) Ice-saturated Cement Basalt Granite sand D = 0.044 E 0'28 107-1011 D = 0.34 E 0'29 107-1011 D = 0.021 E 0'29 107-1011 Oberbeck[ 1970] Oberbeck[ 1970] Oberbeck[ 1970] D--D = D = D = 1.4 x 10-3 E ø-4 2.36 x 10-3 E ø-36 1.6 x 10-3 E ø'37 1.1 X 10-3 E ø-37 109-3 x 10 lø 109-4 x 10lø 7 X 106-7 X 109 101-1012 D= 1.2X 10-4E ø'46 2X109-5X10 *D is in centimeters, and E is in ergs. II this paper this paper Vanzant [ 1963] Gault [1973] Bauer and Calder [ 1969] 8028 CROFT ET AL..' SECONDMARS COLLOQUIUM TABLE 4. Material Or,bars Granite Pink Charcoal gray Cheyenne Mt. Bohus Westerly Basalt Buckboard Ralston Cement Rock Tensile Strengths Mesa Maurer and Rinehart [ 1960] Rinehart [ 1965] Rinehart[ 1965] Reichmuth [1968] Reichmuth[1968] Reichmuth[1968] Wijk et al. [1978] CohnandAhrens[1979] 184 1168_+160 30-60 dynamic dynamic static Curranet al. [ 1977] CohnandAhrens[1979] LaLonde and Janes[ 1961] are obtained late in the impact event and at relatively low pressures,we believe that the similarity of slopesimplies that similar mechanismsof material failure operate in the late stagesof both low-velocity and hypervelocity impacts. It has been postulated that the final size of craters in competent media in this diameter range is determinedby the dynamic tensile strengthof the material [Curran et al., 1977;J. S. Rinehart, personal communication, 1978]. Near the point of impact the peak shockstressgreatly exceedsthe material's dynamic compressivestrength oc,thus crushing target materials which are subsequentlyejected.At greater distancesthe compressivestressesfall below oc, but excavation continuesbecause the tensile stresses in the rarefaction still exceed the much smaller dynamic tensile strengtho, of the material. En_ 150 I I I I I I _ •"" - _ /%(ICE-SAT SAND) - - / - - ß - / 100 _ - ß / -'- -. õ0 - -. % ..-f.% (ICE) o-.-•.-' // - . oT(ICE-SAT. SAND) - ....... -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 Temperature (øC) Reference static static dynamic static dynamic static static dynamic velocity [Oberbeck, 1970]. The energy-diameter relations shown in Figure 3 are given in numerical form in Table 3. Two significant observationscan be made from these data. First, at a given energy, craters in ice-saturated sand are times larger, and cratersin ice are --,3 times larger in diameter than cratersin rock. The increasein crater diameter at a given energy from rock to ice-saturatedsandto ice is of the same order as the increasein the depth/diameter ratio, implying a dependenceof both size and morphometry on material properties. Second, the logarithmic slopes of the low-velocity and hypervelocityimpactsare similar to the slopefor the ice-saturated sand. Because crater dimensions Type Test 75 68 388 140 _+8 179 _+35 88 _+18 80 _ 10 1140_+110 largement of the crater continuesby tensile failure and spalling until radial tensile stressesfall below o,. Cracks often extend far beyond the crater into the target becauseof the strong tensile tangential stresses[Kutter and Fairhurst, 1971]. Crushing early in the impact event and spallingvia tensile failure late in the event account for both the distribution of ejecta particle sizes and the visual appearanceof craters in hard rock. Both low- [Bauer and Calder, 1969] and high- [Moore et al., 1962] velocity craters have similar inner zones of highly fractured and crushedmaterial surroundedby a larger zone of radial and spall fractures.The ejecta in both high- and lowvelocity impacts consistsof fine crushedmaterial from the innet crater zone grading into large spall fragments from the outer zone. Crater edges are often irregular. In the ice and small ice-saturatedsand cratersthe outer spall zone was not as obvious, and the largest ejected particle sizeswere relatively smaller than the largest hard rock fragmentsin comparisonto the crater diameter. Only the large ice-saturatedsand craters exhibited a prominent spall zone and large spall fragments. This implies that crushingand spalling occur in ice and hard rock craters, though perhaps in differing relative importance. The edgesof the ice craterswere alsoquite regular. The tensile strengthsof sand (o, = 0), ice, ice-saturated sand, cement, basalt, and granite show an inverse correlation with the crater size progressionobserved.The tensile strengths of the rocks are given in Table 4. They range from a few tens to a few hundreds of bars. The tensile strengthsof ice and icesaturated sand are functions of temperature as shown in Figure 4. For ice, o, showsa slight increasewith decreasingtemperature. In accord with the correlation of tensile strength with crater size we would expect cratersin supercooledice to be marginally smaller than craters in temperate ice. There is someindication in Figure 3 that this is the case,but more data must be obtained to be sure. For ice-saturated sand, o, is actually smaller than o, for ice near the melting point, but the available data imply a strongincreasein o, as the temperature decreases.Comparison with o, for cement and granite implies that to obtain craters in ice-saturated sand in the size range observedrequires o, (ISS) near -70øC to be somewherebetween 20 and 50 bars. Again, more data need to be obtained to be sure, but the crater data appear to confirm a strong temperaturedependenceof o, (ISS) on temperature. A more quantitative treatment is prevented at this time by the lack of direct o, measurements of the cratered material, forcing comparisonsto be made betweenstrengthscited in the Fig. 4. Variation of crushingstrengtho½and tensile strengthot of literature that may or may not be appropriate. There are also ice [from Butkovich, 1959] and ice-saturatedsand [from Tsytovich, 1975] with temperature. Dashed lines are extrapolations.Data for ot inconsistenciesin the measured values of dynamic o,, with (ice-sat.sand) are particularly restrictedin temperaturerange. someinvestigatorsreporting values similar to staticvalues and CROFT ET AL.: SECOND MARS COLLOQUIUM 8029 othersgiving dynamic measurementsmuch larger than static at -• 1.5-2 km in sedimentaryrock and at -•4 km in crystalline rock, implying the transition to be a function only of energy and target material properties. DISCUSSION These observationssuggestthat the diameter range of craThe validity of scalingresultsfrom typical lab-sizedcraters ters for which strengtheffectsare nonnegligiblebut of dimintens of centimetersin diameter to cratersexceedinghundreds ishing importance in determining crater dimensionsextends of meters in diameter is generally somewhatdubious. In par- from -• 10 m, where gravity effectsfirst becomenoticeable, to ticular, crater dimensionsin competenttargetsat the scale of several kilometers. The diameter range of craters typically decimeters are determined by strength properties, whereas used in determining the relative and absoluteagesof geologic gravitydominatescrateringefficiencyat diameterslargerthan units on the moon [e.g., Young, 1975; Neukum and Kb'nig, a few kilometers, with an ill-defined transition in between 1976] and Mars [e.g., Masursky et al., 1977] extendsfrom --,l0 [Gault et at., 1975]. The extent of the influence of strength m to -• 10 km. These two rangesoverlap. Further, it has been propertiesin crateringat large scalesis brought into further postulatedthat Mars is or was totally or partially coveredby a questionby the recognitionthat most natural rock and soil thick layer of ice-saturatedsoil. Consequently,the differences units have faults, joints, and impact or weathering fractures in crater diameter between equal energy impacts in icy and that decreasethe effectivetensilestrengthof the unit with in- rocky media presentedin this report may have implications creasingcrater size.Moore [1976] noted that the ejectedmass for Martian crater count analyses: 1. The crater count agesof competent icy or ice-saturated versusimpact energyrelation for missileimpactsin soil intersoil geologicunits that are not in cratering equilibrium for the sectthe extrapolationsof similar relationsfor cratersin sand [Oberbeck, 1970] and rock [Gault, 1973] at energiesaround range of crater diameters used in age determinationswill be 1015-1016 ergs, correspondingto diametersof 5-10 m (the greater than the crater count agesof competentrock units extrend toward convergenceis apparent in Figure 3). Taken by periencingidenticalinfall histories.This is bestdemonstrated itself, this implies a disappearanceof strength effects by by relating the flux of impactingobjects,N (number of impacenergiesof---1016ergs.Gault[1973],in limiting the valid range tors per unit area per unit time in a prescribedimpactor radius of extrapolationof his empirical scalingequationsfor craters (r) interval), with the primary crater productionrate F (numin basalt, observedthat during surface explosionsin rock at ber of craters formed per unit area per unit time in a preenergiesof 1015-1016 ergs,large spallplatesthat would have scribedcrater diameter interval) in a manner similar to that of been ejected at smaller diameterswere only slightly moved Gault [1970]. The cumulative radius-flux relation of a popubefore settling,reducingthe diameterof the final crater.Cer- lation of impactors is usually expressedin the form [Hartmann, 1969; Gault, 1970] values. tainly, Sailor Hat B, a 2 x 1019erg hemispherical high-explosive (HE) surface burst on basalt producing an apparent crater diameter of--,48 m [Vortman, 1968], is far smaller than the --•150-m diameter predicted by simple extrapolation of Gault's relation given in Table 3 (ignoring effectsof depth of burst, rock porosity,etc.). This implies that gravity beginsto affect crater dimensionssignificantly at diameters ar9und 510m. There is evidence, however, that strength properties continu•e to measurably affect crater dimensions at diameters much largerthan 10 m. Crater dimensionsand empiricalscaling relationsfor surfaceHE burstsgiven by Vortman[1968] indicate that at equal energies,cratersin rock continue to be -•25% smaller than craters in dry soil up through the largest energy(-• l017ergs)for which data in both media are available. Similar strength-induceddifferences are noted in explosioncraterswith large scaleddepths-of-burstto energiesof •>1021ergs(D >• 100m), the upperlimit of availabledata [Toman, 1970; Cooper, 1977]. Thus strength effects persist to energiesmuch larger than Moore's [1976] extrapolatedintersection, implying changes in the empirical scaling laws at energiesof •<10Is ergs.Schultzand Spencer[1979]reported2- N = k,r -/• (2) where kl and fl are positive constants.Upon impact at velocity V an impactor will have kinetic energy E: E • 2/3,rrpV•r3 (3) where p is the bulk densityof the impactor. The diameter D of the crater generated by this impact is given by a power law scalingrelation D = k2El/" (4) where k2 is a constantfor a given planet and lithologyand a is the scalingcoefficientwith a value [Gault et al., 1975] between 3 (strengthdominated) and 4 (gravity dominated). Equations (2), (3), and (4) may be combined to eliminate E and r and thereby convert the cratering flux into a crater production rate as a function of crater diameter: F = k V2/3k2"B/3D -"B/3 (5) where all other constants have been absorbed into k. Hartmann [1977] calculated correction factors that can be 3 timesasmanycraters in the 10-to 100-mdiameter rangeon usedto predict the crater production rate Fi on any planet relejectadepositsthan on presumablycontemporaneous smooth ative to a standard rate Fs: pondedmelt at King Crater. Schultzsuggested that the difference in crater density may be attributable to strength differences between the incompetent ejecta and the competent pondedmelt. The diameter-frequencydistributionsfor craters on the two surfaceunits convergetoward an extrapolated intercept near 3 km. Schultz interpretedthis as the size range wheregravitybecomessignificantin relationto strengthin determining crater dimensions.Dence et at. [1977] note that the transition from simple to complex craterson the earth occurs Fi- XYZFs (6) where X is the ratio of the calculatedflux of a specificfamily of impactorsonto the planetunder investigationto the calculated flux of that family on the standardplanet, Y correctsfor the differencein mean impact velocity for the family on the two planets,and Z correctsfor the differencein surfacegravity. Hartmann's values of Y and Z range from --,0.5 to 2 for 8030 CROFT ET AL..' SECONDMARS COLLOQUIUM the terrestrialplanetsand somewhathigherfor satellitesin the There is also a marked inverse correlation outer solar system.A strengthcorrectionfactor S may be defined analogouslyto Y and Z by noting that comparisonof (4) with the scalinglaws given in Table 3 indicatesthat the in- and impact velocity at a given energysuchthat the sand craters formed by projectilestraveling -•6 km/s [Stbffier et al., 1975] lie near the extrapolationof our approximatelow-velocity energy-diameterrelation for ice. The depth/diameter ra- creasein craterdiameterwith decreasing materialstrengthis reflectedprimarily by an increasein k2. Therefore S may be definedfrom (5) and (6) holdingX, Y, Z, D, and V constant: (7) where k2(/) refersto the surfacebeing investigatedand k:(s) refers to a known standardsurface.(The values of k: can be compared directly only if the values of a are similar. When differencesin a are large, k:(i)/k:(s) becomesthe ratio of crater diametersin different media within a small energy interval and will be a function of energy.) Hartmann's suggestedstandard surface is an average of dated lunar maria, which are layered targetswith varying depthsof regolith overlyingbedrock [Quaideand Oberbeck,1968]. The approximatemassrange of objectswith impact velocities of 10-30 km/s that producecratersbetween0.1 and 10 km between crater size tios of the sand craters are similar to the ratios for craters in granite and basalt(Figure 2) and are much smallerthan expectedon the basisof strengthpropertiesalone.The anomalous logarithmic slopes, depth/diameter ratios, and the porous,cohesionless nature of sand suggestthat the mechanisms dominant in the formation of craters in sand are differ- ent from those that dominate cratering in competentmaterials. Oberbeck[1970] suggests that at low impact velocitiesthe major constrainton crater size is the energyrequired to lift material out of the crater against gravity, whereasat higher impactvelocitiesthe highershockpressures increasethe effective shear strengthof sand, changingthe relative importance of strength to gravity in cratering processes.Oberbeck suggeststhat the changeof relativeimportancebetweenstrength and gravity is indicated by the changeof the scalingcoeffi- in diameteris -• 108-1014 g, basedon a scalingrelationgiven cient from -•3.8 at V = 0.5 km/s to -•3.4 at V = 5 km/s. In by Gault[1974].If the diameterincrementsin (5) are logarith- contrast,the diameter-energy scalingcoefficientof high-velocity missile impacts in sand, colluvium, alluvium, and soil in the energyrangeof 10IS-1016 ergsfound by Moore [1976]is -•2.4, a very different result. Consequently,the size of equal energy cratersin cohesionless rock materials relative to competenticy materialsat energiesabove l0 ll ergsis very difficult to predict on the basisof currentlyavailabledata. The presenceof water in both competent[Butkovich,1971; pacts(k:(ISS)/k:(rock))will probablybe muchsmallerthan the factor of 2 implied by Figure 3. However, even if the in- Burton et al., 1975] and incompetent [Moore, 1976] target creasein diameter (and thus in k:) were only 25%, the typical materials can enlarge crater diameters 2-4 times over the variation for explosioncratersin different media on the earth, correspondingdry target diameters.Boyceand Roddy [1978] the exponentof k:(ISS)/k2(rock) is so large that the primary have discussedthe possibleeffectsof such enlargementson crater production rate in ice-saturatedsoilsat a given diame- Martian crater count ages, with conclusionssimilar to ours. ter would be -• 1.7-2 times larger than the production rate gen- Crater enlargementoccursbecause(1) water vapor is essenerated in rock by the sameimpact flux. Thus S can be as large tially an uncondensablegas comparedto rock vapor, greatly as Y or Z, with decreasingstrengthworking in the samedirec- enhancinggas accelerationof particles[Butkovich,1971] and tion as decreasinggravity and increasingimpact velocity. It is (2) material shear strengthdecreaseswith increasingwater beyond the scopeof this report to detail the correspondence content [Burton et al., 1975]. The minimum shock pressure between the production rate and observed crater densities that causeswater to begin vaporization upon release is -•50 (which can be quite complex;e.g.,seediscussion by Schultzet kbar [Butkovich, 1971]. However, the maximum pressuresat al. [1977]), but it is probably reasonableto conclude that the the point of impactfor our craters(estimatedby the graphical larger production rate for a given flux on ice-saturated soil impedence-match techniqueof GaultandHeitowit[1963]from surfaceswill producehigher crater frequenciesand larger cra- the Hugoniots of ice, ice-saturatedsand [Gaffney, 1979], and ter count agesthan found for rock surfacesof the same abso- lead [van Thiel, 1966]) range from -•5 kbar in ice and -•9 kbar lute age and subjectedto the sameflux. in ice-saturatedsand for the slowestbullet (V = 0.33 km/s) to Most of the examplesof differing crater diametersfor equal -•40 kbar in ice and -•90 kbar in ice-saturated sand for our energy impacts or explosionscited so far have been the result fastest bullet (V = 1.5 km/s). Consequently,vaporization of the contrastingcratering propertiesof competent and in- would only be expectedin craters 8 and 10 in ice-saturated competent geologic units of similar rocky composition. Our sand. Even for these craters, vaporization would be minimal cratering experiments indicate the possibility of significant and confinedto ice near the impact point, becauseshockpresvariations in crater dimensionsdue to differencesin strength suresdecay rapidly with distance.Also, becausethe 50-kbar of competentmaterialsof different composition.The magni- limit refers to liquid water, higher shockpressureswould be tude of the effectof contrastingcrateringpropertiesof regolith required to vaporize ice, becauseextra energyis required to and bedrock on crater diameter-frequency distributions has bring the temperature of the ice up to 0øC and then to melt been discussedpreviouslyfor the lunar case[e.g., Chapmanet the ice. The amount of melting at the low velocities of our al., 1970; Young, 1975; Schultz et al., 1977]. It might be ex- projectiles is also very small [Cintala et al., 1979]. Thus we pected that craters in incompetentmedia would always be concludethat our targetsact as dry, competentsubstancesand larger than those of equal energy in weak competentmedia that the large sizesof our craters are due to strength effects becauseincompetentmaterials representthe limiting caseof alone. At the higher impact velocitiescharacteristicof craterzero tensile strength. However, the logarithmic slopesof the ing on Mars, melting and vaporizationare expectedto occur, energy-diameterrelationsfor the sand cratersshownin Figure but if ground temperaturesat the impact site are far below 3 are significantlysmallerthan thoseof the competenttargets. freezing,the actual amount of water and vapor generatednear mic [Hartmann, 1969],then the value of • for theseparticlesis -•3 [Gault, 1970].Substitutionof this value of fl into (5) gives absolute values between 3 and 4 for the exponentsof k2 and D. Becauseof the decreasein the importance of strengthin craterslarger than a few meters,the diameter ratio of craters in ice-saturatedsoil to thosein rock producedby identical im- CROFT ET AL.: SECOND MARS COLLOQUIUM the crater periphery that might produce wet crater enlargement may be negligible. If the strong extrapolated dependenceof o, (ISS) on temperatureis valid, then latitudinal variationsin the subsurface temperature structure of the Martian crust of the type suggested by Fanale [1976] would give rise to latitudinal variations in the energy-diameter scaling relations as well. This would causeice-saturatedsoil surfacesnear the equator to appear older than similar surfacesnear the poles. Johansen [1979], using the distribution of Martian impact crater ejecta blanket morphologies,has presentedevidence favoring just such a substantialsubsurfacetemperature variation: Martian rampart craters, which occur preferentially at low latitudes, have ejecta blanket morphologiesthat can be approximated by impactsinto soupy mud [Gault and Greeley,1978]. Other craters,which have ejecta blanket morphologiesmore like dry lunar craters, occur preferentially at high latitudes. If these ejectamorphologiesare valid indicatorsof the amount of liquid groundwaterpresent at the crater locality at the time of impact, then any enlargementthat did occur in craters with diametersof a few kilometers or lessmay be attributed to the wet mechanismsin equatorial areas and to our dry, lowstrengthmechanismin the colderpolar regions.Alternatively, the lunarlike craterscould be impactswhich occurredin dry, rocky surfaces,in which case, rampart craterswould be impactsin groundcontainingsignificantice or water. If this were the case,then the dry, low-strength mechanismwould probably not be significantbecauserampart crater ejectamorphologieswould then imply significantmelting at large distances from the impact point due to the passageof the shock, and any crater enlargementwould be dominatedby effectsdue to the melted water. In conclusion,considerationof target strengthbroadensthe already large uncertainty limits on current estimatesof the absoluteagesof Martian features.If someMartian surfaceswere essentiallyice-free during cratering, while others were saturated with ice or liquid water, strength considerationscould possibly alter the currently accepted sequenceof geologic events between different regionson Mars and between Mars and other planets in the solar system.Becausethese low-velocity experiments suggest trends and scaling differences which might affect our interpretation of Martian and icy planet agesand crater forms, and becauseof the indicationsof crater size dependenceon material strength,we feel it highly desirable to extend cratering experiments and simultaneous material property measurements to lower temperatures, higher energies,and higher pressuresand strain ratesin order to provide a proper foundation for studying craters on Mars and beyond. 803 I Bauer, A., and P. N. 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