Faculty Publications Bibliography 2009 Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Administration McDonald, Claudia L., Jan Cannon-Bowers, and Clint Bowers. “Pulse!!: Designing Medical Learning in Virtual Reality.” Handbook of Research on Human Performance and Instructional Technology. Eds. Holim Song and Terry Kidd. Hershey: IGI Global, 2009. 374-90. Art Museum Schenk, Joseph. “Shrinking $$ Generate Creative Thinking.” Museum Views Summer 2009: 10. Business Abdelsamad, Moustafa H., ed. SAM Advanced Management Journal. Vol. 74 Iss. 1-4. Society for Advancement of Management, 2009. Abdelsamad, Moustafa H., ed. SAM Management in Practice. Vol. 13 Iss. 1-3. Society for Advancement of Management, 2009. Byus, Kent, Donald R. Deis, and Bo Ouyang. “Doing Well by Doing Good: Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability.” Sustainability. SAM Convention. 23 Mar. 2009. Chambers, Valrie. “The National Taxpayer Advocates Annual Report to Congress (Part I).” The Tax Adviser July (2009): 483-4. Chambers, Valrie. “The National Taxpayer Advocates Annual Report to Congress (Part II).” The Tax Adviser Oct. (2009): 712-4. Chambers, Valrie. Rev. of The Sex of a Hippopotamus: A Unique History of Taxes and Accounting by Jay Starkman. Journal of Accountancy April 2009: 62-3. Chambers, Valrie, and Anthony P. Curatola. “Child Tax Credit in Divorced Families.” Journal of Legal Tax Research 7 (2009): 90-8. Chambers, Valrie, Gregory S. Black, and Paul Cameron. “The Effect of Attitude on Cheating Among University Business Students.” Perspectives in Business 45-56. Chambers, Valrie, and Marilyn Spencer. “All I Know About Money I Learned In Kindergarten: The Piggy Bank System of Decision Making.” Taxation, Tax Policies and Income Taxes. Eds. Warren J. Berube, and Camron N. Pinto. Hauppauge: Nova Science, 2009. 1-15. Chambers, Valrie, Marilyn K. Spencer, and Joseph Mollick. “Goldilocks Rebates: Complying with Government Wishes Only When Rebate Amount is ‘Just Right’.” Proceedings of the Academy for Economics and Economic Education. 12.1 (2009): 34-9. Crowley, Patrick M. “How Do You Make a Time Series Sing Like a Choir?: Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform to Extract Embedded Frequencies from Economic of Financial Time Series.” Bank of Finland Discussion Papers 32 (2009): 7-34. Crowley, Patrick M., and Tony Schildt. “An Analysis of the Embedded Frequency Content of Macroeconomic Indicators and Their Counterparts Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform.” Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 33 (2009): 7-47. Curtis, Mary B., J. Gregory Jenkins, Jean C. Bedard, and Donald R. Deis. “Auditors’ Training and Proficiency in Information Systems: A Research Synthesis.” Journal of Information Systems 23.1 (2009): 79-96. Deis, Donald R. Rev. of Accounting Theory: Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment, by Harry I. Wolk, James L. Dodd, and John Rozycki. Issues in Accounting Education 24.1 Feb. 2009: 111-2. Deis, Donald R., Helmut Schneider, Chester G. Wilmot, and Charles H. Coates, Jr. “Simulation Approach to In-House Versus Contracted Out of Cost Comparisons.” International Handbook of Public Procurement. Ed. Khi V. Thai. Boca Raton: CRC P, 2009. 157-74. Elzweig, Brian, and Valrie Chambers. “Location Tax Incentive Not Federal Taxable Income.” Journal of Accountancy April 2009: 70. Elzweig, Brian, and Donna K. Peeples. “Using Social Networking Web Sites in Hiring and Retention Decisions.” SAM Advanced Management Journal 74.4 (2009): 27-35. Huang, Pinghsun, Yan Zhang, Donald R. Deis, and Jacquelyn S. Moffitt. “Do Artificial Income Smoothing and Real Income Smoothing Contribute to Firm Value Equivalently?” Journal of Banking & Finance 33 (2009): 224-33. Krumwiede, Dennis, Joanne Tokle, Robert J. Vokurka, and Ann M. Hackert. “Internal and External Influences on Global Manufacturers.” SAM Advanced Management Journal 74.1 (2009): 48-58. Melnyk, Steven A., Rhonda R. Lummus, Robert J. Vokurka, Laird J. Burns, and Joe Sandor. “Mapping the Future of Supply Chain Management: A Delphi Study.” International Journal of Production Research 47 (2009): 4629-53. Mitra, Santanu, Donald R. Deis, and Mahmud Hossain. “The Association Between Audit Fees and Reported Earnings Quality in Pre- and Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Regimes.” Review of Accounting and Finance 8 (2009): 232-52. Mitra, Santanu, Donald R. Deis, and Mahmud Hossain. “Pre and Post-SOX Association between Audit Firm Tenure and Earnings Management Risk.” Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 1.1 2009 <http://www.bus.lsu.edu/accounting/faculty/lcrumbley/jfia/Articles/v1n1.htm>. Ouyang, Bo, and Valrie Chambers. “Compensation Fraud and Management Turnover: Further Evidence from Option Backdating.” SAM Conference. 2009. Quah, Chee-Heong, and Patrick M. Crowley. “A Reconsideration of the Great Depression.” South Asian Journal of Management 16.3 (2009): 7-23. SAM 2009 International Business Conference Proceedings: Sustainability 22-25 Mar. 2009. Eds. Moustafa H. Abdelsamad, and Elwin R. Myers. CD-ROM. Society for Advancement of Management Inc., 2009. Sherman, W. Scott, and Valrie Chambers. “SOX as Safeguard and Signal: The Impact of the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002 on US Corporations’ Choice to List Abroad.” The Multinational Business Review 17.3 (2009): 163-79. Weinstein, Larry, Robert J. Vokurka, and Gregory A. Graman. “Costs of Quality and Maintenance: Improvement Approaches.” Total Quality Management 20 (2009): 497-507. Coastal Studies Ferner, Matthew C., Delbert L. Smee and Marc J. Weissburg. “Habitat Complexity Alters Lethal and NonLethal Olfactory Interactions Between Predators and Prey.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 374 (2009): 13-22. Montagna, Paul A., Erin M. Hill, and, Bruce Moulton. “Role of Science-Based and Adaptive Management in Allocating Environmental Flows to the Nueces Estuary, Texas, USA.” Ecosystems and Sustainable Development VII. Eds. C.A. Brebbia and E. Tiezzi. Billerica: WIT, 2009. 559-70. Rowell-Garvon, Shannon R., and Kim Withers. “Behavior and Habitat Use by Shorebirds in an Urban Wetland Complex Along the Central Gulf Coast of Texas.” The Southwestern Naturalist 54 (2009): 127-35. Tunnell, Kathryn D., and Kim Withers. “Macrofauna Associated with Underground Prop Roots of Rhizophora Mangle in Veracruz and Quintana Roo, Mexico.” Gulf and Caribbean Research 21 (2009): 67-72. Wendel, Christina M. and Delbert L. Smee. “Ambient Malathion Concentrations Modify Behavior and Increase Mortality in Blue Crabs.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 392 (2009): 157-65. Withers, Kim, and Matt Hubner. “Bay Scallops, Argopecten Irradians, in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas).” Marine Fisheries Review 71.3 (2009): 816. Education Brown, Michelle, Cindi Noel, John R. Slate, and Carmen Tejeda-Delgado. “Campus-Level Decision Making Practices: Principals and Teachers Differ in Their Views.” 28 April 2009. Connexions Vers. 1.1. Rice University. <http://cnx.org/content/m22631/1.1/>. Cassidy, Jack, and Drew Cassidy. “What’s Hot for 2010: 14th Annual Survey Reveals Some ‘Crumbling Pillars’ of Reading Instruction.” Reading Today 27.3 (2009): 1, 8-9. Cassidy, Jack, Drew Cassidy, and Douglas J. Loveless. Read, Reason, Write. 3rd ed. 31 vols. Elizabethtown: Continental P, 2009. Cook, Katrina. “The Movie Nanny McPhee and the Magic of Reality Therapy.” International Journal of Reality Therapy 29 (2009): 60-2. Flamez, Brandé N., James M. Devlin, Mary Louise Holt, Daniel Eckstein, and Jill Duba. Education Session. “Using the Holt Relationship Intimacy Questionnaire (HRIQ): What Intimacy Means to You and Your Partner.” American Counseling Association Annual Conference & Exposition. Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte. 21 Mar. 2009. Garcia, Cynthia Martinez, John R. Slate and Carmen Tejeda-Delgado. “Salary and Ranking and Teacher Turnover: A Statewide Study.” International Journal of Education Policy & Leadership 4.7 (2009): 1-8. Grace, Marsha, and Mary Beth Tierce. “The LEA Process at the Boys and Girls Club: Five Years and Going Strong in South Texas.” LEA SIG Conference of International Reading Association. Minneapolis. 7 May 2009. Henderson, Patricia, Katrina Cook, Eli Zambrano, Cathy Somody, and Brenda Jones. “Being a Good Counselor Boss: A Sampling of Effective Administrative Supervision Practices.” ACES Spectrum 69.3 (2009): 14-20. Holt, Mary Louise. Rev. of The Abusive Personality: Violence and Control in Intimate Relationships, ed. Donald Dutton. The Family Journal 17 July 2009: 289. Holt, Mary Louise. Rev. of Relationship Enhancement Therapy: Healing Through Deep Empathy and Intimate Dialogue, by R. F. Scuka. The Family Journal 17 Oct. 2009: 383-4. Holt, Mary Louise, James M. Devlin, Brandé Flamez, and Daniel Eckstein. “Using the Holt Relationship Intimacy Questionnaire (HRIQ): What Intimacy Means to You and Your Partner.” The Family Journal 17 (2009): 146-9. Holt, Mary Louise, and Brandé Flamez. Instruction Session. “Using the Holt Relationship Intimacy Questionnaire (HRIQ): What Intimacy Means to You and Your Partner.” 3D in Big D: Dreams – Direction – Dedication. Professional Growth Conference. Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas. 13 Nov. 2009. Holt, Mary Louise, and Brandé Flamez. Poster Session. “Using the Holt Relationship Intimacy Questionnaire (HRIQ): What Intimacy Means to You and Your Partner.” 3D in Big D: Dreams – Direction – Dedication. Professional Growth Conference. Sheraton Dallas Hotel, Dallas. 13 Nov. 2009. Holt, Mary Louise, and Brandé Flamez. Round Table. “Using the Holt Relationship Intimacy Questionnaire (HRIQ): What Intimacy Means to You and Your Partner.” TACES Mid-Winter Conference. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Austin. 30 Jan. 2009. Jones-Trebatoski, Kathy, Lucy Williams, and Mary Louise Holt. Round Table. “What’s Up? Maybe It’s Our Blood Pressure! How to Manage Your Stress.” TACES Mid-Winter Conference. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Austin. 30 Jan. 2009. Lancaster, Chloe, and Kaye W. Nelson. “Where Attachment Meets Acculturation: Three Cases of International Adoption.” The Family Journal 17 (2009): 302-11. Nelson, Kaye W., Marvarene Oliver, and Darwin B. Nelson. “Counselor Education Programs for a Changing World.” Education for a Changing World. Eds. Jack Cassidy, Stephanie Grote-Garcia, and Paul Maxfield. Corpus Christi: Texas A&M U-Corpus Christi, 2009. 113-25. Nelson, Kaye W., Marvarene Oliver, and Mary Louise Holt. Education Session. “Recapturing Wisdom in Ethical Decision-Making.” American Counseling Association Annual Conference & Exposition. Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte. 23 Mar. 2009. Nelson, Kaye W., Marvarene Oliver, and Rochelle Cade. “Social Justice, Advocacy, and Counselor Education Pedagogy.” Vistas. 2009. Counseling Outfitters. <http://counselingoutfitters.com/vistas/vistas09/Nelson-Oliver-Cade.doc>. Paciotti, Karen D., and Margaret E. Bolick. “A Listening Pedagogy: Insights of Pre-Service Elementary Teachers in Multi-Cultural Classrooms.” Academic Leadership 7.3 (2009): <http://www.academicleadership.org/cgi-bin/coet/acadorg/artman2/search.cgi>. Paciotti, Karen D. “What Happened to Miss Landers?: Civility and the Future Teachers of a Civil Society.” Focus on Teacher Education 9.4 (2009): 1-2. Pohan, Cathy A., Martin Ward, Kamiar Kouzekanani, and Carmen Boatright. “The Impact of Field Placement Sites on Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs About Teaching Diverse Students.” SchoolUniversity Partnerships 30.1 (2009): 43-53. Spaniol, Frank J. “Baseball Athletic Test: A Baseball-Specific Test Battery.” Strength and Conditioning Journal 31.2 (2009): 26-9. Szymanski, David J., Coop DeRenne, and Frank J. Spaniol. “Contributing Factors for Increased Bat Swing Velocity.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 23 (2009): 1338-52. Ward, Martin J., Donald Kester, and Kamir Kouzekanani. “Using Preservice Teachers to Improve Computer Skills of At-Risk Alternative High School Students.” Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk 14 (2009): 189-200. Zamarripa, Manuel X. “Dr. Israel Cuéllar (1946-2008).” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 31 (2009): 413-9. Zamarripa, Manuel X. “Solution-Focused Therapy in the South Texas Borderlands.” Journal of Systemic Therapies 24.4 (2009): 1-11. Zeng, Guang, and Henry May. Poster Session. “Emergent Gender Differences in the Growth Trajectories of the Internalizing Problems: A National Longitudinal Study of Children from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade.” American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 56th Annual Meeting. Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu. 27 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2009. Zipprich, Mary Ann, Marsha Grace, and Stephanie A. Grote-Garcia. “Building Story Schema: Using Patterned Books as a Means of Instruction for Students with Disabilities.” Intervention in School and Clinic 44.5 (2009): 294-9. Harte Research Institute Arismendez, Sandra S., Hae-Cheol Kim, Jorge Brenner, and Paul A. Montagna. “Application of Watershed Analyses and Ecosystem Modeling to Investigate Land-Water Nutrient Coupling Processes in the Guadalupe Estuary, Texas.” Ecological Informatics 4 (2009): 243-53. Brenner, Jorge, Fabio Moretzsohn, John W. Tunnell, Thomas C. Shirley, and Patrick Michaud. “Diseño y Desarrollo de la Base Datos de Bioversidad del Golfo de México.” Memorias del XIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencias del Mar-COLOCMAR: Programa General. La Habana: ColacMar Cuba, 2009. 234-7. Brenner, Jorge, and Sandra Arismendez. “Large Marine Ecosystems.” Encyclopedia of Earth. Ed. Cutler J. Cleveland. 9, Oct. 2009. Encyclopedia of Earth. 25 Feb. 2010 <http://www.eoearth.org/article/Large_marine_ecosystems>. Felder, Darryl L., David K. Camp, and John W. Tunnell. “An Introduction to Gulf of Mexico Biodiversity Assessment.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 1-13. Felder, Darryl L., and Fabio Moretzsohn. “Gallery of Color Photographs.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. Between 826-7. Fredericq, Suzanne, Tae Oh Cho, Sylvia A. Earle, Carlos Frederico Gurgel, David M. Krayesky, Luz Elena Mateo-Cid, A. Catalina Mendoza-González, James N. Norris, and Ana María Suárez. “Seaweeds of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 187-259. Kim, Hae-Cheol, and Paul A. Montagna. “Implications of Colorado River (Texas, USA) Freshwater Inflow Benthic Ecosystem Dynamics: A Modeling Study.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 83 (2009): 491-504. Lyons, William G., and Fabio Moretzsohn. “Polyplacophora (Mollusca) of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 569-78. McLaughlin, Richard J. “Maritime Boundary Delimitation and Cooperative Management of Transboundary Hydrocarbons in the Ultra-Deepwaters of the Gulf of Mexico.” Maritime Boundary Disputes, Settlement Processes, and the Law of the Sea. Eds. Seoung-Yong Hong and Jon M. Van Dyke. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff P, 2009. 199-230. Montagna, Paul A., and John Froeschke. “Long-Term Biological Effects of Coastal Hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, USA.” Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 381 (2009): 52130. Moretzsohn, Fabio, John W. Tunnell, William G. Lyons, Erick Baqueiro Cárdenas, Noe Barrera, José Espinosa, Emilio F. Garcia, Jesús Ortea, and Martha Reguero. “Mollusca: Introduction.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 559-64. Moretzsohn, Fabio, and Marty Beals. “A New Species of Cribrarula from Western Australia (Mollusca: Cypraeidae).” Visaya 2.5 (2009): 4-10. Neale, Patrick J., Wade H. Jeffrey, Cristina Sobrino, J. Dean Pakulski, Jesse Phillips-Kress, Amy J. Baldwin, Linda A. Franklin, and Hae-Cheol Kim. “Inhibition of Phytoplankton and Bacterial Productivity by Solar Radiation in the Ross Sea Polynya.” Smithsonian at the Poles: Contributions to International Polar Year Science. Eds. Igor Krupnik, Michael A. Lang, and Scott E. Miller. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly, 2009. 299-308. Pollack, Jennifer B., C.P. Buzzelli, and R.J. Feller. “The Predatory Role of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus Setiferus) in Seasonal Declines of Subtidal Macrobenthos.” Hydrobiologia 627 (2009): 117-28. Pollack, Jennifer B., Julie W. Kinsey, and Paul A. Montagna. “Freshwater Inflow Biotic Index (FIBI) for the Lavaca-Colorado Estuary, Texas.” Environmental Bioindicators 4 (2009): 153-69. Rosenberg, Gary, Fabio Moretzsohn, and Emilio F. Garcia. “Gastropoda (Mollusca) of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 579-699. Santagata, Scott, and John W. Tunnell. “Brachiopoda of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 1137-41. Shank, G. Christopher, Kevin Nelson, and Paul A. Montagna. “Importance of CDOM Distribution and Photoreactivity in a Shallow Texas Estuary.” Estuaries and Coasts 32 (2009): 661-77. Shirley, Thomas C. “Kinorhyncha of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 1129-32. Shirley, Thomas C. “Loricifera of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 1127-8. Shirley, Thomas C. “Priapulida of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 1125-6. Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, John W. Fleeger, and Paul A. Montagna. “Free-Living Copepoda (Crustacea) of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 841-69. Tunnell, John W., Darryl L. Felder, and Sylvia A. Earle. “Foreword: Fifty-Year Update of Bulletin 89.” Foreword. Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. xv-xix. Tunnell, John W., Darryl L. Felder, and Sylvia A. Earle. “Foreword: Fifty-Year Update of Bulletin 89.” Foreword. Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 2, Ocean and Coastal Economy. Ed. James C. Cato. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. vii-x. Tunnell, John W., Douglas C. Weaver, and Thomas C. Shirley. “Recent Research on South Texas Topographic Features: Ecology.” Proceedings: Twenty-Fifth Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting January 2009. Eds. Melanie McKay and Judith Nides. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 2009. 202-9. Turgeon, Donna D., William G. Lyons, Paula Mikkelsen, Gary Rosenberg, and Fabio Moretzsohn. “Bivalvia (Mollusca) of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 1, Biodiversity. Eds. Darryl L. Felder and David K. Camp. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 711-44. Weaver, Douglas C., John W. Tunnell, and Thomas C. Shirley. “Recent Research on South Texas Topographic Features: Mapping.” Proceedings: Twenty-Fifth Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting January 2009. Eds. Melanie McKay and Judith Nides. New Orleans: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 2009. 193-201. Yáñez-Arancibia, Alejando, José J. Ramírez-Gordillo, John W. Day, and David W. Yoskowitz. “Environmental Sustainability of Economic Trends in the Gulf of Mexico: What is the Limit for Mexican Coastal Development?” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 2, Ocean and Coastal Economy. Ed. James C. Cato. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 82-104. Yoskowitz, David W. “The Productive Value of the Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico: Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 2, Ocean and Coastal Economy. Ed. James C. Cato. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 2009. 21-7. Yoskowitz, David W., and Paul A. Montagna. “Socio-Economic Factors that Impact the Desire to Protect Freshwater Flow in the Rio Grande, USA.” Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 122 (2009): 547-58. Liberal Arts Carroll, Pat. “Black Aliens and Black Natives in New Spain’s Indigenous Communities.” Black Mexico: Race and Society from Colonial to Modern Times. Eds. Ben Vinson III and Matthew Restall. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 2009. 72-95. Engelhardt, Molly. Dancing Out of Line: Ballrooms, Ballets and Mobility in Victorian Fiction and Culture. Athens: Ohio UP, 2009. Haswell, Janis, Richard Haswell, and Glenn Blalock. “Hospitality in College Composition Courses.” College Composition and Communication 60 (2009): 707-27. Haswell, Janis. “The Lesson Unlearned: Moral Trauma in Andrew Jolly’s A Time of Soldiers.” Thirty Years After: New Essays on Vietnam War Literature, Film, and Art. Ed. Mark Heberle. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2009. 444-60. Haswell, Janis. “Moral Discourse and Narrative in John Gardner’s Fantasy Tale: In the Suicide Mountains.” The CEA Critic 72.1 (2009): 16-32. Huie, Bill, pro. The Territory. Feat. Ethan Thompson, Deborah Fullerton and Cheryl Spaniol. 4 Episodes. PBS. KEDT, Corpus Christi. July 2009. Mermann-Jozwiak, Elisabeth, and Nancy Sullivan. Conversations with Mexican American Writers: Languages and Literatures in the Borderlands. Jackson: U P of Mississippi, 2009. Rios, Jo, and Pamela S. Meyer. “What do Toilets Have to Do With It? Health, the Environment and the Working Poor in Rural South Texas Colonias.” The Online Journal of Rural Research and Policy 4.2 (2009): 1-20. <http://ojrrp.org/journals/ojrrp/article/view/77/54>. Štulhofer, Aleksandar, Vesna Buško and Pamela Brouillard. “Development and Bicultural Validation of the New Sexual Satisfaction Scale.” Journal of Sex Research 46 (2009): 1-12. Talley, Sharon. Ambrose Bierce and the Dance of Death. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 2009. Talley, Sharon. “Childhood and the Fear of Death in Ambrose Bierce’s The Parenticide Club and ‘Visions of the Night.’” American Imago 66 (2009): 41-69. Library Anderson, Jennifer. Rev. of Total Oblivion, More or Less, by Alan DeNiro. Library Journal 134.19 2009. 60. Landry-Hyde, Denise. Rev. of HubbleSite. 2009. NASA. CHOICE 47-1392 Nov. 2009. Landry-Hyde, Denise. Rev. of NASA Images. 2009. NASA. CHOICE 46-3818 Mar. 2009. Pfeifer, Mark, and Nicholas Tapp, eds. A Hmao (Hua Miao) Songs, Stories and Legends from China. Muncih: Lincom, 2009. Pfeifer, Mark, ed. Hmong Studies Journal. 10 (2009), 1 Feb. 2010. <http://www.hmongstudies.org/HmongStudiesJournal>. Pfeifer, Mark, ed. Hmong Studies Research Newsletter. Winter 2009, Summer 2009, Fall 2009. <http://www.hmongstudies.org/HmongStudiesNewslettersindex.html>. Pfeifer, Mark. “Overview of the Hmong Studies Journal and Hmong Studies Journal Volume 9.” Hmong National Conference. Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton. 3 Apr. 2009. Pfeifer, Mark. Rev. of An Insignificant Family, by Da Ngan. Multicultural Review 18.4 Nov. 2009. 54. Pfeifer, Mark. Rev. of Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway Cities, ed. Marie Price and Lisa Benton-Short. CHOICE 46-5104 May 2009. Pfeifer, Mark. Rev. of The New Urban Renewal: The Economic Transformation of Harlem and Bronzeville Chicago, by Derek S. Hyra. CHOICE 47-0586 Sept. 2009. Pfeifer, Mark. Rev. of Outside the Paint: When Basketball Ruled at the Chinese Playground, by Kathleen S. Yep. CHOICE 47-0346 Sept. 2009. Pfeifer, Mark. Rev. of Religion and Spirituality in Korean America, ed. David K. Yoo and Ruth H. Chung. and Getting Saved in America: Taiwanese Immigration and Religious Experience by Carolyn Chen. CHOICE 46-4150a Mar. 2009. Pfeifer, Mark. Rev. of The Sage Companion to the City, ed. Tim Hall, Phil Hubbard and John Rennie Short. CHOICE 46-5104 May 2009. Sutton, Sarah. “Formal Education in Work with Continuing Resources: Do Barriers Really Exist?” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 50.3 (2009): 143-51. Sutton, Sarah. Rev. of Encyclopedia of American Popular Fiction, by Geoff Hamilton and Brian Jones. Library Journal 134.13 (2009): 106. Sutton, Sarah. Rev. of Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, by Stephen W. Littlejohn and Karen A. Foss. Library Journal 134.19 (2009):83. Sutton, Sarah. Rev. of Encyclopedia of Health Services Research, by Ross M. Mullner. Library Journal 134.13 (2009): 109. Sutton, Sarah. Rev. of Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods, by Paul J. Lavrakas. Library Journal 134.2 (2009): 89. Sutton, Sarah. Rev. of The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Homes Through World History, by James Steele. Library Journal 134.7 (2009): 114. Sutton, Sarah. Rev of Jazz Age: People and Perspectives, ed. Mitchell Newton-Matza. Library Journal 134.16 (2009): 102. Sutton, Sarah. Rev. of 1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die: A Listener’s Life List, by Tom Moon. Library Journal 134.3 (2009): 133. Sutton, Sarah. Rev. of The Praeger Handbook of Religion and Education in the United States, eds. James C. Carper and Thomas C. Hunt. Library Journal 134.10 (2009): 123. Sutton, Sarah. Rev. of Ultimate Hendrix: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Live Concerts and Sessions, by John McDermott, Billy Cox, and Eddie Kramer. Library Journal 134.10 (2009): 90-4. Sutton, Sarah. “Serials Collection and Management.” Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. Eds. Marcia Bates and Mary Niles Mack. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2009. Nursing Fomenko, Julie. “First Class Tips: Beginning Your Online Classroom Experience.” Successful Online Learning: Managing the Online Learning Environment Efficiently and Effectively. Eds. Theresa A. Middleton Brosche and Michelle Feavel. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett, 2009. 49-57. Murray, Karen S., Linda Simmons and Sara Baldwin. “’Shots to Go’ Program Provides Car-Side Immunizations.” Nurse Week 7 Sept. 2009: 14-15. Ridley, Renee T. “Assuring Ethical Treatment of Students as Research Participants.” Journal of Nursing Education 48 (2009): 537-41. Science and Technology Attarzadeh, Farrokh, Deniz Gurkan, Mequanint Moges, Miguel Ramos, Victor Gallardo, Mehrübe Mehrübeoğlu, and Reddy Talusani. “NSF Grantee Presentation: Results of an Innovative Approach to Learning Via Peer-to-Peer Undergraduate Mentoring in Engineering Technology Laboratories.” Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition the American Society for Engineering Education: Freshman Programs Division. Austin: American Society for Engineering Education, 2009. <http://soa.asee.org/paper/conference/paperview.cfm?id=10295>. Attarzadeh, Farrokh, Deniz Gurkan, Miguel Ramos, Mequanint Moges, Victor Gallardo, Mehrübe Mehrübeoğlu, Reddy Talusani, and Shruti Karulkar. “Perception of Undergraduate Freshman Students on Role Models and Correlation with Their Education Background.” Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition the American Society for Engineering Education: Freshman Programs Division. Austin: American Society for Engineering Education, 2009. <http://soa.asee.org/paper/conference/paper-view.cfm?id=10298>. Buck, Gregory W. Interview. “Swine Flu Conference Held in Corpus Christi.” KIII, Corpus Christi. 18 Aug. 2009. <http://www.kiiitv.com/news/local/53566147.html>. Buck, Gregory W., Joanna B. Mott, Amanda K. Smith, A. Galvan, G. Ramirez, and J. Villarreal. “Never Mind ‘Jaws’: Is it Safe to go into the Water with Vibrio Vulnificus?” 73rd National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition. Atlanta. 21-24 June 2009. Carden, Russell L., and Pablo Tarazaga. “Sequential Iterations for Two Diagonal Preconditioners.” Computers and Mathematics with Applications 58 (2009): 88-94. Huang, Yuxia, and Ling Bian. “A Bayesian Network and Analytic Hierarchy Process Based Personalized Recommendations for Tourist Attractions Over the Internet.” Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009): 933-43. 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