Table of Contents - Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet

Table of Contents
Why Montessori: 2
Respect & Discipline: 15
The Beginning
Dr. Montessori and Social Change
Annie Fisher
Sheff vs. O’Neill
Development: The Child’s Great Work
Teacher as Observer and Guide
Association Montessori Internationale
Further Reading
General Expectations
Limits and Guidance
Unacceptable Behavior
General Information: 6
Car Arrival
Car Dismissal
School Dress
Inclement Weather
Emergency School Closings
Hartford Public School Policies
Lost and Found
Community: 12
The School-Home Partnership
Parent Teacher Community
School Governance Council
The Educational Program: 17
Evaluation /Assessment
Field Trips and Going Out
Field Day
After School Program
Transitions and Classroom Placements
Early Intervention and Special Services
Health and Safety: 22
School Information Contact Forms
Food Service
Environmental Issues
Fire Drills
Appendix: 26
The Beginning
In the early 1900’s, Dr. Maria Montessori, one of Italy’s first female physician, was invited to
develop a child-care program as part of an urban renewal project in the San Lorenzo district of
Rome. Over the next fifty years, her “experiment,” as she called it, evolved into a carefully
organized, evidence-based approach to providing children, at all developmental levels, the
opportunity to construct themselves. Based on on-going observation of children, Dr. Montessori
concluded that learning should be active, hands-on, driven by interest, and occur in mixed-age
classrooms where children at various stages of development can learn from and with one another.
Dr. Montessori and Social Change
Dr. Montessori’s life was dedicated to social reform. This occurred both through development
and dissemination of her educational method and extended to her establishment of the political
Social Party of the Child in Copenhagen in 1937 and her Letter to All Governments written in
1947 and addressed to all world governments. An essential element of her work was her vision
of education for peace; she believed that every child has the right to be supported in their work of
self-construction and that the work of educators is to support the development of each individual
child and in doing so they lay the foundation for a just and peaceful world.
Annie Fisher
Annie Fisher (1883-1968) devoted her life to public school education in Hartford, instituting
many reforms aimed at aiding immigrant children. A graduate of Wesleyan University she
received her first full-time position at Barnard School only because she could speak the language
of the large immigrant population there. Realizing that students of vastly different ages were being
put in class together without testing or special help, Fisher evaluated students and designed
programs that fit their skills. To meet special needs, she created a work-study program, a student
banking program, mental health testing, a pre-school, and had the school build showers for her
new twice-weekly shower requirement. Students also received free dental care, free glasses, and
daily cod liver oil. She became Hartford's first female principal and first female district
superintendent. Our school is named in Fisher's honor.
Sheff v. O’Neill
In 1989, Annie Fisher fourth grade student, Milo Sheff, was the lead plaintiff in a suit against the
then Connecticut Governor, William O’Neill. The case was known as Sheff v. O’Neill and
resulted in a landmark decision regarding civil rights and education. The plaintiff’s contended
that the concentration of minority students in Hartford violated the State Constitution’s guarantee
of equal educational opportunity. In 1996, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that the state
was obliged to provide the state’s children with equal educational opportunity, and in 1997, the
CT State Legislature passed and act to encourage voluntary actions toward racial integration.
Annie Fisher Montessori is among one of the twelve Hartford Public Schools [HPS] magnet
schools resulting from Sheff v. O’Neill. AFM succeeds in reducing racial and ethnic isolation of
Hartford’s children. Fifty percent of AFM students come from the City of Hartford with the other
fifty percent coming from 30 surrounding towns.
Development: The Child’s Great Work
The Montessori approach succeeds because it draws its principles from the natural development
of the child. Children, Dr. Montessori observed, are inherently invested in their own growth.
When allowed to explore their interests, which are driven most often by their needs, children will
demonstrate extraordinary persistence in achieving their goals. Our task as teachers – and
parents, a child’s first and most important teachers – is to assist that development through patient
attention to the child’s needs. Development, in other words, is the child’s work.
Dr. Montessori framed human development as a set of successive stages or “planes.” AFM focuses
on meeting the needs of children in the first and second planes of development, and classrooms
are organized to reflect these planes. Primary classrooms serve children between the ages of 3
and 6 and elementary classrooms serve children between the ages of 6 and 12.
In the first plane (birth to age 6) children are sensorial explorers, constructing their intellects and
personalities by absorbing every aspect of their environment, their language and their culture.
During this stage children master motor skills such walking and running, speech (often more than
one language), and the basics of social interaction. First plane children are often fascinated by
order, imitation, and repetition.
Starting at around six years old children become conceptual explorers. Where first plane children
acquire skills (perceptive, linguistic, physical, social) through direct, repeated experience in order
to master their immediate environment, second plane children begin to show interest in
knowledge as a means of expanding their worlds. Abstraction, imagination, and moral reasoning
are prominent concerns, and social development begins to focus on one’s role within specific
groups: the family, the classroom community, and society at large.
Teacher as Observer and Guide
In most conventional classrooms, teachers provide knowledge in the form of lectures,
assignments, and whole-group discussion. By contrast, the Montessori teacher or “guide” is a
knowledgeable, sensitive and rigorously trained adult who prepares the environment and guides
the child’s learning. Therefore at Annie Fisher we call the classroom teachers “Guides”.
The Guide’s expertise begins in observation. Learning is the child’s work and in order to assist
that learning, the adult must direct her main focus on the child. Toward what areas of the
classroom does she gravitate? What does she talk about? What lessons has she already mastered?
Answers to these, and other, questions inform the guide’s approach toward each individual child.
He or she creates an atmosphere of calm and order in the classroom and is there to help and
encourage the children in their efforts, allowing them to develop self-confidence and inner
discipline. Observing constructively and knowing when to intervene are two of the most
important talents the Montessori guide acquires through Montessori education and experience.
Annie Fisher Montessori hires Guides who have completed the Association Montessori
Internationale (AMI) training at either the primary or elementary level. Upon occasion, the
school may hire a guide who has completed the American Montessori Society training, but has
agreed to take the AMI training.
The Role of the Classroom Assistant
The role of the assistant is to support the classroom environment – including the guide, the
students and the materials. Of primary importance is Classroom Assistant’s ability to facilitate the
classroom when the guide is giving lessons to students. Optimally, the Classroom Assistant
observes students at work and provides support only when needed. Among the Annie Fisher
Montessori Classroom Assistants, some have completed the AMI teacher training, some are
currently enrolled, while others have completed the AMI Classroom Assistant training course or
have the intention to take the AMI teacher training course.
Who Substitutes?
When the Guide is absent from the classroom, the Classroom Assistant assumes classroom
leadership. To support the Classroom Assistant in the event of the Guide’s absence, one of the
Annie Fisher Montessori interns assists.
In order to assist in optimal development, both the guide and the learning environment must be
carefully prepared to serve children at specific stages of development. A well-prepared
environment is orderly, so as to be navigable for children; attractive, so as to invite engagement
with the materials, and intentionally edited to contain only materials that are of educational
value. In contrast to conventional classrooms, Montessori environments can appear spare – overstimulation is the enemy of concentration – and they are notable for their emphasis on natural
materials and their absence of a designated spot for the teacher.
Similarly, Montessori teacher preparation is a lengthy and meticulous process. In addition to
mastering the thousands of discrete lessons that comprise the Montessori “albums” or manuals,
Montessori guides conduct a minimum of one hundred and twenty hours of classroom
observation, one hundred and forty hours of classroom teaching, prepare analytic essays on key
theoretical concepts, and sit for rigorous written and oral examinations.
Association Montessori International
The Annie Fisher Montessori School abides by the standards set forth by the Association
Montessori Internationale. More information about AMI can be found by visiting
Further Reading: To learn more about Montessori education, we suggest the following:
Books by Maria Montessori
Most books available by Dr. Montessori are actually transcribed lectures from her many training
courses. Two, The Montessori Method and Dr. Montessori’s own Handbook, were prepared
especially for readers interested in learning about her new pedagogical approach. Most titles are
widely available through commercial booksellers; others can be obtained through the North
American Montessori Teachers Association.
The Absorbent Mind
The Secret of Childhood
The Discovery of the Child
Education and Peace
Education for a New World
To Educate the Human Potential
From Childhood to Adolescence
Books Related to the Montessori Experience
Michael Duffy, Math Works: Montessori Math and the Developing Brain
David Kahn (Ed.) Montessori Talks to Parents
Rita Kramer, Maria Montessori: A Biography
Paula Polk Lillard, Montessori Today
Lynn Jessen and Paula Polk Lillard, Montessori from the Start
Angeline Stoll Lillard, Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius
Aline Wolf, Peaceful Children, Peaceful World: The Challenge of Maria Montessori
Recommended Books on Childrearing and Family Life
Robert Evans, Family Matters: How Schools can Cope with the Crisis in Childrearing
Jane Nelson, Positive Discipline: The Classic Guide to Helping Children Develop Self-Discipline,
Responsibility, Cooperation, and Problem Solving Skills
Sally Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading
Problems at any Level
Useful Catalogs
The Michael Olaf Montessori Company publishes beautiful and informative catalogs containing
Montessori-compatible books, toys, clothing, and other materials. They are: The Joyful Child, for
Birth to Three, Child of the World, for Age 3-12
Montessori Services. For Small Hands
Useful Websites
Some of these reading resources are available at the school.
Please check with the main office for availability
Families interested in applying to Annie Fisher Montessori must complete an application through
the Regional School Choice Office. Applications are accepted for students turning 3 before
December 31 of the school year. Placement within the school is based on a lottery process. All
eligible students must submit their applications on or by the deadline date established each year
by the Connecticut State Department of Education.
Sibling Applications
The sibling policy is based on regional numbers. To receive current information please contact
the Regional Choice office at (860) 713-6990 or visit
Car Arrival: 8:00am-8:15am
Morning car arrivals enter the Annie Fisher site at the west entrance (by the cafeteria) to access
the driveway loop. Cars come around the back of the school to drop off at the Montessori east
entrance adjacent to the train tracks. Parents remain in their cars as Montessori staff guide
children from the car into the building between 8:00-8:15am. Families arriving after 8:15 will
need to park their cars and walk around to the main entrance near the front bus loop. Parents
must be buzzed in and report to the Main Office. There you will sign in and children will be
given a late pass.
Our day in the Montessori classroom is marked by rituals that guide the transition of the child
from home to school and school to home. Our guides personally greet each child as they enter
the classroom and this gives them a chance to observe where each child is physically,
emotionally and intellectually that day: Is your child excited about a visit to the zoo? Is your child
anticipating the visit of an aunt? Why does he have a Band-Aid on his knee? These observations
lead to conversations and help the guide orient to your child’s interests and in turn connect the
child towards lessons and activities that is just right for them that day. Our guides are at the
classroom door until 8:15 am, after which they begin their planned lessons for the day. Children
thrive on routine and ritual. It is important that you honor this transition to the classroom by
bringing your child to school on time. These few minutes can set the tone for the rest of your
child's day.
Car Dismissal: 11:15am & 3:25pm
Car dismissal occurs twice a day. HALF-DAY STUDENTS are dismissed at 11:15am from three
separate locations; the east SIDE ENTRANCE, near the train tracks, the FRONT LOOP, near the
main entrance, and the CAFETERIA ENTRANCE, on the STEM side. Families are assigned a pickup location based on their classroom. AFTERNOON DISMISSAL is from the Annie Fisher FRONT
LOOP. At both dismissal times, parents remain in their vehicles and students are escorted to their
car by staff. If students are unable to buckle themselves parents must buckle them in once they
are put in the car. Families will be given large cards with their child’s name. This card should be
placed in the front right windshield of your car. Please refer to the map below.
Annie Fisher Campus
Car Pick Up Areas
Please be advised that AFM partners with the Hartford Police Department in ensuring your child’s
safety. CT State Law requires that all children must ride in a proper child restraint car seat until
they are over 6 years of age AND 60 pounds! (Both the age and weight requirements must be
met). After children outgrow their car seat, they must ride in a booster seat using a lap and
shoulder belt. If you arrive for car pick up and do not have the proper car seat you will be asked
to leave and return back with the proper child restraint.
Continuity and consistency are critical to the effectiveness of any schooling experience. The
Montessori philosophy believes that understanding is formed through experience and
relationships developed over time. Therefore, it is imperative that your child be in attendance
each and every day. Connecticut state law requires parents to make sure that their children attend
school regularly. By becoming a member of the Annie Fisher Montessori Community, you
understand that regular attendance at school is important for your child’s success.
We kindly ask that all vacations be planned during school vacation time. Please be advised that
family vacations are considered unexcused absences.
If your child must miss school, please call the school office at (860) 695-3560 to report your
child’s absence. If the office staff is not available please leave a message including your child’s
name, teacher’s name and the reason for absence. To ensure all students absent from school are
accounted for, absences that are not reported are checked by calls to home, parent’s work, and
other numbers listed on the student’s emergency card. Please make certain these phone numbers
are always current and working.
Excused Absences
Parents are required to verify each absence from school for their children. This verification must
be done within two school days of each absence. Any absence that is not excused within this
time will be considered unexcused. Parents or guardians may do this by:
· Submitting a written note, with appropriate documentation
· Calling the school secretary between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. within two school days
· Visiting the school to speak with the principal between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
The following, with appropriate documentation, are acceptable excused absences:
· Medical or dental appointment
· Court appearance
· Death in the family
· Family emergency
· Religious holiday
· Suspension (Inside or Outside)
Unexcused Absences
Any student 5-18 years of age who has 4 unexcused absences in a month or any 10 unexcused
absences in a school year are considered truant. When a child is in danger of becoming truant
the school will contact the parent/guardian to discuss the situation. The school will work closely
with the family to provide any support needed to improve the student’s attendance. For additional
support, a Family with Service Needs (FWSN) referral MAY be made. As a school that serves
children from 3 years of age, we will also follow up with any families whose children younger
than 5 years old have 4 unexcused absences in a month or any 10 unexcused absences in the
school year.
School begins at 8:00 am. All children arriving after 8:15am are considered late. Following Dr.
Montessori’s observation that all work has a beginning, middle, and end, we expect all students
to arrive at school and be picked up on time. It is not an overstatement to say that a child
deprived of the proper beginning by a late arrival is deprived of the most important part of his or
her school day. Lateness tends to make the child feel left out because work has started without
him or her.
The parent/guardian is required to sign in the child if he/she is entering the school after 8:15am.
The sign-in book is located on the front desk in the main office. The child will be given a late
Celebrations are a meaningful time in a child’s life. At Annie Fisher Montessori we encourage all
celebrations to be enjoyed through a diverse and creative process. We ask that no food be
brought into the school without prior consent. Safety and health are our top priority. We have
many children with food allergies and specific diets, which we diligently try to adhere to. In line
with our school commitment to healthy eating we ask that you refrain from sending in sweets for
Birthdays are a special time to mark the passage of time and the individual growth of a child. In
Primary the children are honored through a ‘birthday walk’ where they carry a globe around the
circle signifying the trips the earth has made around the sun. Parents are encouraged to construct
a timeline with a picture for each year and a few sentences about each year to share at this
In elementary, birthdays are celebrated by the construction of personal timelines where children
document each year of their life. Children will bring in photographs from home to use for this
project and may need your help to reconstruct the early years.
If parents would like to honor their child’s birthday, classrooms would welcome a book, plant or
CD. Birthday party invitations may not be distributed in school.
We treat holidays of many cultures and religions as cultural festivals, and recognize such events
in each class mainly from an educational point of view. Significant classroom time is generally
not devoted to holidays. However, parents/guardians are invited to make a presentation or lead
an activity related to a particular holiday and its customs. Please contact your child’s guides if
you are interested in leading the class in a holiday celebration.
Special Events
Special events are initiated throughout the year by your child’s classroom teacher, the PTO, or the
school administration. Your participation in these events is always welcome and may be
requested. Notice of such events will be sent home in the student Friday Blue Bags.
Excluding your child from celebrations
Should you wish to exclude your child from an activity, notify your child’s teacher at the
beginning of the school year or in advance of the celebration. A written note or email to the
teacher regarding the exclusion of your child’s participation is required.
School Dress: HPS Policy 5140
As a Hartford Public School, uniforms are required at Annie Fisher Montessori. Students wear
khaki on the bottom and a short or long sleeved navy blue polo on the top. A navy blue cardigan
or sweater may be worn over the polo. A navy blue long sleeve t-shirt or turtleneck may be worn
under the polo. On PE days, locker rooms are available for students to change into gym attire.
When visiting Auer Farm, students may wear appropriate farm attire.
At our school it is important that we try to get outside each and every day. The outdoors is
considered a classroom beyond the walls of the school. Therefore, comfortable, supportive
footwear such as sneakers is encouraged. During inclement weather be sure your child is
properly dressed with boots, rain jackets, and snow attire. Please send indoor shoes when they
wear boots to school. Distracting footwear (i.e.; light up sneakers) is discouraged. Gently used
uniforms are also available for a nominal fee. Outgrown uniforms in good repair can be traded at
no cost. Additional resources are available for those families in need. Please contact the main
office for information. Polo’s embroidered with our school logo are available through Land’s End.
Our Preferred School Number is: 900136466
It is the responsibility of each family to make arrangements for their own child’s transportation.
Adults picking up students must be listed on the emergency contact form or a note from the
parent/guardian must be sent in and signed. It is imperative that your child’s emergency contact
sheet is up to date. If an unfamiliar adult is picking up a child he/she will be cross-referenced
with your child’s emergency contact sheet and proper id must be provided. If you wish to change
your child’s dismissal plan for a specific day, please contact our main office by 1:00pm so that
we may properly inform classrooms of any changes.
Hartford Public Schools has two transportation providers. Dattco services Hartford students and
CREC services suburban students. Busing is for students 5 years of age or older and enrolled in
Kindergarten and up. Buses pick up in central locations. The school Dean and/or Adaptation
Coordinator will handle discipline reports for the buses. Should a student receive three discipline
notices, a one-week suspension from the bus will occur. Further problems could result in denial
of bus services to the student for the remainder of the school year. School bus concerns should
be directed to the school office.
All route change requests should first be addressed by filling out an online form.
Hartford students:
Suburban students:
Please follow up with our main office.
Inclement Weather
The CREC transportation inclement weather policy must be uniquely different than most school district
policies because we serve over 140 schools in 40 towns that span a radius of over fifty miles. Weather may
require a school cancellation, late opening, or early dismissal in one district, while it may not be required
in another district. CREC transportation will attempt to honor all school districts early dismissal decisions.
Situations will arise that will require CREC to override this decision and cause magnet students to arrive
late, be dismissed early, or not attend school when the school has not issued such a change. You must
determine school closing, late opening and early dismissals through the media – television, radio, Snow
Line, or internet. You must know what the delay is for the town you live in as well as the town in which
your student attends school. A student that rides a bus that serves multiple towns must observe the closing
of all towns involved. You will follow the district that has the longest delay. The following are different
examples assuming the student resides in Manchester and attends school in Hartford:
If Manchester delays school for 90 minutes and Hartford has no delay, your student will be delayed by 90 minutes.
If Manchester has no delay but Hartford has a 90 minute delay, your student will be delayed 90 minutes.
If Manchester has cancelled school and Hartford has a 90 minute delay, your student will not go to school.
If Manchester has a 90 minute delay but Hartford has cancelled school, your students will not go to school.
If Manchester has a two-hour early dismissal and Hartford has a one-hour early dismissal, your student will
be dismissed two hours early.
If Manchester has a one-hour early dismissal and Hartford has a two-hour early dismissal, your student will
be dismissed two hours early.
Please do not call CREC or the transportation provider to determine late start times, early
dismissal times or closures. This information can be found on the internet, through our website
or your local news website, television, radio, or by calling HPS inclement weather hotline at
(860) 695-7669.
You may transport your child to school, if it has been determined that the bus will not run on a
particular day and your child’s school is open. You must provide transportation for the return trip,
as well, for that day.
There is no perfect solution to transporting students in bad weather. Buses run slower to be safe,
roads are blocked due to accidents and students must wait in miserable weather. A lot of
patience, understanding, and cooperation is needed by everyone to meet these challenging
Emergency School Closing
Emergency Full Day School Closing
If the Hartford Public Schools are closed, then Annie Fisher is also closed. Tune in to the local TV
channels or radio stations for school closing information. Annie Fisher Montessori will not be
listed, please follow the information for Hartford Public Schools.
Emergency Early Dismissal: 12 noon
In the case of early dismissals due to emergency school closings, families will want to have a plan
in place for the child to be picked up or where to go when they take the bus home. If a
parent/guardian suspects an early dismissal may occur, the parent should listen to a local TV or
radio station for a possible announcement from Hartford Public Schools. A Connect-Ed call will
be made to notify parents/guardian of when early dismissals occur. For this reason please be sure
the office has updated phone numbers on your child’s emergency contact sheet. If your child
participates in the After School Program, those parents will be notified as to the status of the After
School Program for that day. During an emergency, please do not call the school unless it is
absolutely necessary. It is imperative that phone lines remain open during an emergency. Your
local news station website will have the most up to date information.
Hartford Public School Policies
HPS policies are partially listed in this handbook. All policies are available in our main office or
by visiting
Lost and Found
A lost and found container is located in the school’s Main Office. Please check this area first
when clothing or other items are lost. Valuable articles may also be held in the school office.
Articles not claimed by December, for fall semester, or June, for spring semester, will be donated
to charity.
The School-Home Partnership
A Montessori education extends well beyond the basics of literacy and numeracy into the social
and spiritual aspects of life. This applies to parents as well as children. Children thrive when
home and school work in harmony, with both environments sharing the same educational values
and expectations.
We build our most productive relationships with families who understand and embrace the
mission of the school. To that end, we help parents learn about the Montessori approach by
providing information and opportunities for parent education as part of the admission process—
so that parents can make an informed decision in choosing to enroll their children—and continue
to provide more opportunities throughout a family’s years at the school. Once children are
enrolled, we expect parents to attend regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences and parent
information events, and to familiarize themselves with the philosophy, policies and procedures
contained in this Handbook and other school publications.
Parents often ask for help in creating consistency between home and School, and much of our
communication with you is aimed toward supporting this goal. This begins with the general
principle: “Never do something for your child that he can do for himself.” Allow your child to
engage in all of the simple tasks of everyday living that a child can do for himself at each stage of
development (see appendix for suggestions). Montessori education may also entail learning a
communication style different from the way in which we were parented. In general, Montessori
teaching relies on “showing” rather than “correcting.”
We understand that the School/Home partnership is vital to the success of our Montessori
program. We must begin with honest, open inquiry which can then deepen into trust. We invite
you to let us know your thoughts, questions, and concerns, as we are committed to working
together to serve the child. We commit to value and promote: good citizenship, stewardship of
our earth, celebration of diversity, experiential life-long learning, and home and school
integration. Parent participation in our community is vital to strengthening the connection
between home and school and we ask that families commit to a yearly minimum goal of
The AFM family involvement goal consists of attending:
1 Classroom Observation per child
2 Parent Education Events
3 PTO events or meetings
2 Parent Teacher Conferences
1 Community Coffee
9 Completed Read at Home Logs
1 Volunteer Experience
We strive to foster clear and robust communication between home and school. We call your
attention to the following elements of our program designed to enhance the school-home
An online interactive community where parents/guardians and AFM staff share news, events,
photos, and calendars.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
HPS offers a confidential, web-based application that allows parents to view current and past
enrollments and attendance. Student demographics can be updated through the portal.
Visit or download the PowerSchool App .
Classroom Observation
There is no better way to gain an understanding of your child’s experience here at school than by
observing in the classroom. Knowing what is going on in the classroom provides a common
point-of-reference for you and your child to talk about his or her “work” at school. It also
enhances communication with teachers. Beginning in October, our programs are open to anyone
interested in observing the Montessori environment. In order to preserve the quiet atmosphere of
the classroom, we limit visitors to one per day. Observations are usually 20 minutes. Please
schedule your observation 24 hours in advance with the main office.
Conferences are scheduled to occur twice a year, in the fall and spring. It is critically important
that you attend these meetings with your child’s guide to ensure open communication between
home and school. In addition, you may schedule a conference with your child’s guide at any
time by contacting them through the school office, by note, e-mail, or phone call. Guides may
also request additional meetings.
Progress Reports
All students receive formal progress reports three times a year. You will notice that these
documents are notable for the level of detail they provide; they will tell you not only how your
child is doing, but also what your child is doing. Normally, Progress Reports are distributed prior
to scheduled conferences, and we hope you will use these reports to prepare for any subsequent
meetings you may have with your child’s teacher. Like classroom observation, they provide a
concrete point-of-reference for discussing the nature of your child’s work at School and their
Parent Information Sessions
We offer parent seminars regularly. These gatherings are usually organized around a Montessorirelated topic. They are opportunities to share information about making the most of a Montessori
education. These events will be advertised as we develop them. We encourage you to join us.
Classroom Newsletters
Each classroom guide provides a classroom newsletter on at least a monthly basis. The format
varies from room to room.
Community Coffees/Webinars
These informal monthly meetings are announced and open to all parents to discuss any topics of
choice. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions regarding the school.
Friday Blue Bag/Online Blue Bag
Students are provided a Friday Blue Bag at the beginning of the school year. This bag is used to
communicate information between school and home each week such as weekly fliers, permission
slips, classroom newsletters, and school lunch menus. The Friday Blue Bag is to be returned on
Mondays. Please choose a designated spot at home for the Friday Blue Bag, so that important
communications aren’t forgotten. Lost bags must be replaced by the family at a cost of $5.00.
Recent flyers can also be viewed online. Please note that most flyers are uploaded to our website
and/or Livingtree, but due to classroom specific information or parental signature required forms,
not ALL flyers can be uploaded.
Connect Ed
Automated informational calls are sent to AFM families by HPS and AFM regarding upcoming
events, news, and pertinent information.
The AFM website is a window to our community. The site contains information such as
programming, admissions, calendars, and an online blue bag. It also gives families an overview of
Montessori and how it fits into your family. Please visit us at
Montessori Parent Teacher Community- PTO
The PTO was formed to increase communication between parents, staff and the wider school community.
The mission of the PTO at Annie Fisher is to utilize the Montessori philosophy to promote a healthy,
supportive, peaceful relationship among parents, Guides, Administrative staff and our children. The
purpose of the PTO is to provide support to the school’s community. The objectives are to:
a) Arrange activities and special events to supplement the academic program and enhance community
b) To encourage and facilitate communication between families, Administration and staff
c) To spearhead fundraising to meet expenditures not covered by the school
All parents/guardians, staff and Administrators are automatically members of the PTO. The officer positions
are: President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, Staff Liaison, Primary Parent Liaison, Elementary Parent
Liaison, and Fundraising Chair person. Positions are two years and elections are held in May. This makes
up the Executive Board that oversees the PTO. The Executive Board meets monthly. PTO bylaws are
available. You can contact the board with thoughts or questions at:
AFM PTO is always in search of volunteers. At the beginning of every school year the PTO sends
home a form to every family. This form can be used to indicate how you would like to participate
throughout the year.
School Governance Council (SGC)
The School Governance Council is a decision-making body of our school devoted to achieving
the school’s missions and goals. The focus of the SGC is on the analysis of student achievement,
developing improvement plans, allocation of resources and operational changes which will
enhance the quality of the school and the achievement of our students. The SGC mission is to
serve AFM by developing and implementing plans and changes that addresses areas within our
school in order to increase achievement, parent participation and overall accountability of our
students, staff and parents. The duties of the SGC include review of student achievement data,
budget review, the school accountability plan and principal selection. Membership includes
parents, staff and community representation.
Annie Fisher Montessori is a peaceful community of families, students, and teachers. As such, we
hold ourselves to high standards of civility and expect all community members to treat one
another with respect and compassion. As adults in the community, we aspire to manifesting grace
and courtesy in our interactions with children, parents, and the members of our larger
community. These values are visible in small and large ways: from cheerful morning greetings
and handshakes to the care with which physical spaces are maintained to the manner in which
older students assume responsibility for themselves and leadership for their younger peers.
General Expectations
At Annie Fisher Montessori, we believe that each child should strive to achieve self-discipline in
both social and academic situations. Montessori distinguished between the “spontaneous
discipline” typical of happily engaged children and adult-centered strategies for maintaining
control. Learning to master oneself is a foundational skill for all subsequent learning, and it is a
central goal of the Primary environments, which is extended into the Elementary program.
Children who are able to attain and sustain deep concentration have been observed to be calmer,
happier than children who are under the strict control of adults. Because Montessori found that
the state of deep concentration is normal for engaged, happy children, she called this capacity
“normalization.” Children who have not achieved this goal are more often disruptive,
disengaged, and, less able to concentrate on their learning. Therefore, one of our chief tasks as
Montessori educators is to assist the child in normalizing. This is particularly true for children in
the Primary program.
Normalization refers to the work of an individual child as well as that of an entire class. At the
start of the school year, as new children enter the community the focus is on establishing
relations within the community. As students learn the routines of the environment, concentration
deepens, relationships are built, and the classroom transforms into the peaceful but purposeful
“buzz” of the normalized community. Adults foster this process through a delicate balance of
directing students to appropriate work, protecting the concentration of students already engaged
in work. It is important to remember that while the adults in the environment are key to creating
the conditions for normalization, it is the child herself who achieves it, and she achieves it
through work.
For the child, the grace and courtesy, which is part of the daily life of our community becomes
the touchstone for social expectations and behavior in the larger society.
Limits and Guidance
Providing freedom within the limits of the child’s abilities is an essential part of teaching
independence. We consider self-management skills to be just as essential to the child as learning
reading skills. At all times patience, restraint, and respect for the child's needs will govern adult
interaction with a child needing external intervention.
Children of all ages try new methods of dealing with their environment, the situation at the
moment, and the people immediately around them. They bring to school what they have
observed, what they have heard, and their own perceptions of situations. In learning to function
as a member of a group, children could engage in experimental behavior that may be verbally or
physically assertive as they try to find suitable ways of dealing with their feelings. When we
observe experimental behavior, our first response beyond safety is as inquirers; these behaviors
give us insight into the child’s feelings and the support he needs to build skills that will enable
him to function peacefully and cooperatively in the community.
We set limits and offer guidance most effectively through example. Montessori educators do not
raise their voices to gain the attention of children. Instead, we intentionally modulate our voices
so that the children can see and hear what “quiet voices” sound like. We do not shout across a
room or play yard. We try always to direct the child with positive rather than negative guidance.
For example, rather than instruct a child to "stop throwing sand," we may invite the child to
"please join us in the garden; we are looking at butterflies." We walk carefully and quietly around
the room, and practice courteous interaction with our colleagues as well as with the children.
Sometimes, as adults, we are uncomfortable when children use "adult language”, express sexual
frankness, or are argumentative when they feel their sense of fairness has been violated. As adults
we must respond with reasonable calm and firm willingness to deal with the situation. Our
discomfort or anger should not preclude a response. Any child speaking or acting inappropriately
must be addressed by the adult closest to the situation.
Unacceptable Behavior
While we are committed to helping each child at the level of their individual need, we do so
within the context of the welfare of the community. As such, any individual action that
chronically affects the community in a negative way is unacceptable. In order to support the
welfare of the community, we cannot allow the following:
Language that expresses disrespect for another person (verbal abuse).
Violent behavior, e.g. hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, throwing objects, vandalism, stealing
Violent role-playing, including pretend gunplay.
Repeated failure to follow instructions or community expectations.
Incidents involving weapons, bullying or sexual harassment will be handled as outlined in the HPS policy, which may
be found in the appendix
Evaluation / Assessment
Evaluation and assessment of each child’s development is continuous and on going in the
Montessori classroom. Observations of student behavior and work habits such as work choice,
timely and orderly completion of work and the attention to detail and self-correction and student
work samples are the most prevalent method of evaluating and assessing student. In addition, a
variety of HPS common assessments in reading, writing and math are administered.
PPVT – Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; EVT – Expressive Vocabulary Test
All third year primary students will be assessed in the Fall and Spring to determine their level of
vocabulary development
District Benchmark Testing
In September, January and May, students are assessed as a means for guiding instructional
decision making.
DIBELS NEXT- Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
DIBELS are comprised of seven measures to function as indicators of phonemic awareness,
alphabetic principle, accuracy and fluency with connected text, reading comprehension, and
vocabulary. DIBELS were designed for use in identifying children experiencing difficulty in
acquisition of basic early literacy skills in order to provide support early and prevent the
occurrence of later reading difficulties.
MAP- Measures of Academic Progress
MAP measures how well your child can comprehend text independently and solve mathematical
problems across four major domains. This assessment helps the teacher determine the proficiency
level of your child in reading and math and provides important information for planning
CSDE Standardized Testing
The CT State Department of Education (CSDE) replaced the CT Mastery Test (CMT) with the
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test in alignment with the Common Core
Standards. These assessments will be administered online and will go beyond multiple choice
questions to include performance tasks that allow students to demonstrate research, writing, and
analytical skills. Parent and student information on the SBAC is available via
DRA – Development Reading Assessment
Beginning in the third year of the Primary Program, students are individually administered a DRA
twice a year. These assessments can help determine the reading level that each child is presently
at for independent reading. The scores will be discussed with parents upon request.
We value your child’s participation in family life, which is why homework is minimal in the
Montessori program. It is important to explore your child’s unique interests and talents and to
spend the time outside of school developing them. We see this as a vital link between school and
home. However, students do participate in projects that require research and attention beyond
the classroom. Likewise, based on individual student needs, guides may at times, assign extra
practice for work at home. Similarly, reading should be part of every child’s at-home routine.
Each child should read or be read to each night and participation in the Read At Home Program
is expected.
The Annie Fisher library is available to our students. For further information please contact the
librarian at 860-695-3517.
Field Trips and Going Out
Exploration of areas of study to community resources, such as a planetarium, science center,
museum, factory, hospital, etc., provides an inclusive approach to education that fosters a feeling
of connectedness in the child’s world. The elementary students are developmentally prepared for
this type of learning. “Going out” experiences are a vital component of the Elementary Program.
Primary children experience the classroom as their world and going out experiences are not a
common occurrence in a primary classroom. Going out activities for this age group are
encouraged as family activities.
Permission slips are always sent home in advance of going out. The student’s permission slip
must be returned in order to participate. Some going out experiences may incur an extra cost.
However, no student will be denied participation due to financial need.
Field Day
All full day Primary and Elementary students participate in Field Day activities. PK3 children and
parents are invited to participate in afternoon activities. Parents/guardians must accompany PK3
Before & After School Program
The Wilson-Gray YMCA provides before and after school care for all PK4-8th grade students.
Applications are available in our main office or by calling the YMCA at (860) 241-9622.
Transitions/Classroom Placements
Continuity is a hallmark of the Montessori experience. Mixed age classrooms allow students to
develop stable relationships with adults and peers over a three to four year cycle. The stability
enables both security and growth, as the child’s role within the group evolves over time from
being among the youngest to a community elder. Mixed age grouping also honors the unique
pace at which each child develops, a process which does not always correspond to chronological
We offer four levels of education: Primary (ages 3-6), Lower Elementary (ages 6-9), Upper
Elementary (ages 9-12), and Erdkinder (ages 12-14). The first three cycles of education last three
or four years. Moving to a higher level is based on each child’s growth along a developmental
continuum. As the child nears the end of each cycle, the child evolves into an academically and
socially confident student. Students demonstrating readiness for the next cycle display classroom
leadership and appropriate academic ability.
Because we appreciate the importance of continuity and consistency in healthy human
development, we take special care in supporting the child as he or she moves through several key
transitions during her/his time at school. Class placements are done over several weeks in the
spring using a team approach to build well balanced classrooms. Decisions regarding placement
include characteristics of the child as well as attention to creating a culturally diverse classroom.
Sending and receiving guides participate in the placement meetings and these lists are then
carefully reviewed by administration. Transitioning children are given the opportunity to visit
their new classroom before then school year ends. This approach allows the child to become
familiar with their new surroundings and eases the transition. Come fall, children are acclimated
and excited to enter their new classrooms.
Hartford Public Schools Montessori Initiative (Pathway)
HPS has two Montessori sites, Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School and the Montessori
Magnet School at Moylan – located at 101 Catherine Street in Hartford’s South End. Both sites
house primary and elementary programs.
Annie Fisher Montessori continues the Montessori pathway-education to the adolescent program,
termed, Erdkinder. Please reference the Family Handbook section on Erdkinder below.
Entering the Community
The first transition takes place when the child leaves home to become a member of his or her
Primary classroom community. For most children this takes place between 30 and 36 months.
Independent care of self (toileting, dressing, feeding) are signs of readiness for the Primary
program. We also look for signs of emerging independence and sense of order. Order is seen in
the child’s handling of classroom materials; independence is evident in the child’s ability to
separate from his or her parents and to choose work in the classroom.
AFM offers an optional full day program to all PK 4 children. Parents/guardians must inform
their child’s guide should they prefer to continue a half day schedule. To be ready for an
Extended Day, a child should have the stamina and maturity to work comfortably through a full
school day. He or she must be able to take oral direction and regulate behavior in order to work
harmoniously in a group.
Many children benefit from spending an additional year in the Primary to gain greater socialemotional maturity and to hone academic skills. This gift of the fourth year in the Primary
classroom provides a student the opportunity to truly assume a leadership role prior to entering
the Elementary environment. Because there is overlap between the materials and lessons in the
Primary and Elementary classrooms, students who elect to spend additional time in the Primary
continue to progress at their own pace. When a student is considered a good candidate for a
fourth Primary year, families are consulted by December of the third year and the decision is
made collaboratively between the guide, the family, and the Principal.
Lower Elementary
The transition from Extended Day Primary to Lower Elementary marks the end of the First Plane of
Development. The most important factor in assessing readiness for Elementary is social and
emotional development. A strong sense of self-direction and independence as well as the ability
to work with concentration, either alone or in a group are essential to success in the Elementary
environment. A solid foundation in writing and reading are also necessary to flourish at the
Elementary level.
Upper Elementary
The transition to Upper Elementary takes place when a student enters the second half of the
Second Plane of Development. This usually occurs at around nine years of age. Some children
benefit from spending an additional year in the Lower Elementary. Decisions regarding transition
are made jointly by Lower and Upper Elementary faculty, the Principal, and in consultation with
Fisher Montessori extends its programming into the adolescent years offering a program devised
by Dr. Montessori and coined as ‘Erdkinder’ [erd=Earth; kinder=child; ‘child of the
land’]. Following CT State Department of Education approval in December 2013, the program
launched in August 2014. Building on the work of early childhood and elementary levels, the
adolescent program concentrates on meaningful work in a challenging yet nurturing
environment. During this period of development, adolescents need both protection and real
challenges. As both individuals and participants in society, they need opportunities to develop
their skills and passions, outlets to express their ideas, and experiences which present them with
real problems to solve. The Erdkinder presents middle school students with meaningful, handson work with rigorous academic study. The Erdkinder supports adolescents in answering their
most important questions: “Who am I?”, “How do I fit in?” and “What is my contribution going to
Early Intervention and Special Services
Annie Fisher Montessori is committed to meeting the social, emotional, and intellectual needs of
every student. The Montessori Program is, by design, individualized and based on ongoing
observation, consultation, and differentiation of instruction. To support this key element of our
program, AFM employs a team approach to early recognition of difficulties, while offering
solutions and support which work for each family.
Scientific Research Based Intervention
What is sometimes known as “tiered instruction” or “response to intervention” refers to a staged
process of addressing social-emotional and academic issues. In Connecticut, this process is called
Scientific Research Based Intervention (SRBI). The purpose of SRBI is to provide a systematic
process of support for all children prior to identification for Special Education. At Annie Fisher
this is referred to as the Early Intervention Process (EIP) and works with students experiencing
social, emotional, behavioral or academic challenges.
SRBI consists of three levels of support for students demonstrating difficulty, with the first step
focused on providing a robust and individualized core program. Essential to this process is close
partnership with the families to better understand the child’s needs and challenges. Students who
demonstrate difficulty with the core program are quickly identified and an Early Intervention plan
for additional support is implemented in partnership with families as needed. Students are
monitored at four to six week intervals and if progress is not made, more intensive supports are
put in place. Students for whom these supports are still insufficient may be recommended for
Special Education Services through a Planning and Placement Team (PPT).
The Early Intervention Process
Early Intervention is an ongoing, collaborative process. It starts with your child’s guide and you.
Once challenges are discovered, an instructional team is gathered to develop a plan. If this Step 1
plan is unsuccessful, the team broadens to include clinical staff such as the school Social Worker,
Resource Teacher, Occupational Therapist or Speech and Language Specialist.
Special Education Resource
Special education is the design and delivery of specific individualized instruction when regular
curriculum requires modification or supplementation to meet a child’s academic needs. Special
education requires knowledge of curriculum and potential modifications, learning/instructional
styles, assessment, and an understanding of state and federal laws and procedures related to
academic services. Training in special education allows the resource teacher to modify
curriculum, provide supplementary aids, materials and services and make accommodations in the
classroom and elsewhere to ensure the student’s success.
The purpose of a resource teacher is to assist the school in identifying children who present
academic or learning difficulties that inhibit success in school. The resource teacher is available
to teachers and parents as a consultant who may informally assess and evaluate areas of concern.
The resource teacher may work individually or in a small group with students in the classroom
and possibly a resource center. The resource teacher may consult with or team-teach with
classroom guides to best meet the child’s needs.
During the PPT process, the special education teacher contributes important information and
experience about how to educate children with special needs. The resource teacher acts as a
liaison to related services including speech and language, occupational therapy and physical
therapy. Each of these is available to students who qualify.
Adaptation coordinator
Assists in student acclimation to classrooms, promoting pro-social interaction at all levels
and working with families to support their children’s development.
Planning and Placement Team (PPT) Process
The purpose of conducting a PPT meeting is to determine if a child is eligible for direct services
through special education resources, school social work or other related services. The procedure
is as follows:
Child is identified as possibly needing special education and/or related services.
Child is evaluated in all areas related to his/her areas of concern.
Eligibility is decided by a group of qualified professionals and the parents. Parents may ask
for a hearing to challenge the decision made by the team.*
If a child is found to be eligible for services the team will write an Individualized Education
Program (IEP) and services are provided. The school makes sure that the child’s IEP is being
carried out as it was written. Parents are provided with a copy of the IEP. Each of the
child’s teachers and service providers has access to the IEP and knows his or her specific
responsibilities as related to the IEP. This includes accommodations, modifications, and
support that must be provided to the child.
Progress is measured and reported to parents. These reports are given to parents three times
a year along with regular classroom progress reports.
The child’s IEP is reviewed by the team including parents at least once a year, or more
often if the parents or school feel it is warranted. If necessary the IEP may be revised more
than once a year at these meetings.
At least every three years a child who receives services must be reevaluated. This is often
called a triennial. Its purpose is to determine if the child continues to be eligible for
*For a complete list of Parental Safeguards go to:
Crisis Intervention
A crisis situation is defined as an event of such emotional and/or physical impact that it interrupts,
either on an individual or group basis, the daily educational program.
The Montessori Crisis Intervention Team is comprised of the school Principal, Dean, Adaptation
Coordinator, school nurse, office supervisor and security coordinator.
Fever - ALWAYS keep your child at home if his/her temperature is 100 degrees or higher. If your
child comes to school with a fever, you will be notified by the nurse and asked to pick him/her
up. Your child’s temperature should be normal for 24 hours prior to his/her return to school.
Contagious Illnesses – Notify the school nurse if your child develops a communicable disease
that calls for separation, isolation or other special measures to protect the health of others, e.g.
strep throat, chickenpox, head lice, pink eye, ringworm, etc. Please review the Communicable
Disease Control Guidelines for a description of common illnesses, their communicability and
exclusionary periods.
Asthma - The school nurse has a nebulizer machine for those students that require treatments
during school hours. A medication administration form signed by the student’s doctor and parent
is necessary.
If you are unsure as to whether your child is well enough to be at school please call the school
nurse at: (860) 695-3506
Injuries - Please report any injury that might affect a student’s normal day to the school nurse.
The school nurse will be able to support the staff in accommodating the student as well as
prepare proper treatments.
Injury or Illness During School Hours - If a student is injured or becomes ill during school
hours, the school nurse will contact the parent or guardian if the situation warrants or if the
student needs to be taken home.
In accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut, the school nurse with the written
permission of the child’s doctor and parent may administer medication at school. All doctor’s
offices have these forms. The school nurse will be glad to discuss with the parents any concerns
regarding the administration of medication. All medications (even over-the-counter) must be
delivered and picked up by an adult. No child is allowed to transport any medication to or from
school. An adult must pick up all medications on the last day of school. No medication can
remain in the school over the summer. Any medication not picked up will be destroyed.
Allergies: AFM is a NUT-FREE School
Please report all allergies and special dietary needs to the school nurse and your child’s teacher.
Medical Alert Lists are created for staff and appropriate procedures will be enforced within the
classroom setting to ensure the safety of all children. Due to an increase in allergies, AFM is a
peanut/nut free school (almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.) Alternatives are usually available from
food services to accommodate special dietary needs. Students and families may want to opt to
bring their own snack or lunch.
The Connecticut State Department of Education mandates that screenings be conducted by your
child’s school nurse in the following grades:
Hearing - K-3rd, grades 5 & 8
Vision – K-6, grade 9
Postural - 5th-9th grades
Referrals will be sent to parents for any student that does not pass the various screenings.
School Information Emergency Contact Forms
Each student should have a form on file. These forms give the school important contact numbers
in case of an emergency. Please make sure to notify the office with any changes to this
Food Service/Meals /Snacks: AFM is a NUT-FREE School
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
• What does CEP mean for my student(s) who attend Hartford Public Schools? In a
CEP school, all students receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost,
regardless of family income. Meal applications will not be collected.
• What if my child changes schools? All Hartford Public Schools will be a CEP
school in 2015- 2016. Your child is eligible for meals at no cost at the school
where he/she is enrolled.
• What if my child has money on account? If your child has monies on account they
can be used for purchasing a la cart foods or a refund can be requested. If you
wish a refund please contact the Food Service Department directly at
If you have any questions you can contact the Food Service Department at
Healthy Food Initiatives
AFM encourages healthy eating. AFM seeks to have whole grain, low fat, meals and snacks.
AFM partners with parents through ongoing healthy food preparation, cooking, and baking
demonstrations. Children use the Daily Living Skills room in a small group, hands on lesson.
Breakfast is available for all students each morning beginning at 8:00am until about 8:30am in
the classroom. As an alternative, children may bring in a healthy breakfast choice from home.
Lunch is served midday in each classroom. Lunch menus are available online at Children may have either a hot or cold
school lunch or bring a packed lunch from home.
Healthy snack food and drink is available in Primary classrooms each day. Guides handle this in
their own rooms. Guides will notify parents of the method utilized in their child’s classroom.
Environmental Issues
Pesticide Application
Only certified pesticide applicators are used in schools for any non-emergency pesticide use in
school buildings or on school grounds. Areas to receive pesticide application will be posted and
a written record of all pesticide applications will be maintained for five years. Parents/guardians
and staff who want to receive advance notice of all pesticide use will be listed on a registry and
such notice will be provided as required by law. Parents/guardians who want to be notified prior
to pesticide applications inside their child’s school assignment area may contact the school
For the safety of the children, the doors of the school are locked each morning after supervised
arrivals at 8:15 a.m. Visitors are required to enter through the front door, sign in at the office and
wear a visitor’s badge. There is a video camera system in place.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held at regular intervals as required by state law. Students must follow the exit
directions posted in each classroom. A crises response drill may be substituted for one of the
required monthly school fire drills every three months.
Montessori Vocabulary
A Shift in Education
Freedom & Responsibilities
Observation Guidelines
No Child Left Behind
School Map
Glossary of Terms
FERPA Letter
Hartford Public School Policies
Montessori Vocabulary
Absorbent mind
The ability and ease with which the young child learns unconsciously from his environment.
Control of error
The possibility inherent in the Montessori materials of making apparent the mistakes made by the child,
thereby allowing him to see his own errors after completing the exercises and to correct them.
Cycle of activity
Those periods of concentration on a particular task that should be worked to completion.
Deviated child
The child who has not yet found himself and thus is restless and difficult to control. He
difficult and often escapes into a fantasy world.
finds adjustment
Didactic materials
The instructive materials used in a Montessori classroom.
Discovery of the child
Dr. Montessori’s awareness and realization of the young child’s abilities and his spontaneous love of work
and learning.
The child’s free movements and experiences in an environment that provides a discipline through liberty
and respects for his rights.
Normalized Child
The child who adapts easily and has acquired the self-discipline and control necessary to a healthy life.
Practical life exercise
Those exercises through which the child learns to care for himself and his environment often found in daily
Prepared environment
An atmosphere created to enable the child to be free to learn through activity in peaceful and orderly
surroundings adapted to the child’s size and interests.
Sensitive periods
Those periods of learning (to walk, talk, write, etc.) during which a child is particularly sensitive to a
specific stimulus.
Sensorial exercises
Those exercises pertaining to the development of the five senses and for providing a foundation for speech,
writing and arithmetic by use of the sensorial materials.
Sensorial materials
The Montessori equipment designed to teach the child by means of focusing on specific sensory responses.
MONTESSORI: Creating a Paradigm Shift in Education
Traditional Classroom
Montessori Environment
Pencil and paper
Worksheets and dittos
Prepared kinesthetic materials
with incorporated control of error
Specially developed reference materials
Working and learning without
emphasis on social development
Working and learning matched to the
social development of the child
Narrow, unit-driven curriculum
Unified-internationally developed
Individual subjects
Integrated subjects and learning based
on developmental psychology
Block time, period lessons
Uninterrupted work cycles
Single-graded classrooms
Multi-graded classrooms
Students passive, quiet, at desks
Students active, talking with periods of
spontaneous quiet, freedom to move
Students fit mold of school
School meets needs of students
Students leave for special help
Special help comes to students
Product-focused report cards
Process-focused assessment, skills
checklist, mastery benchmarks
Freedom and Responsibility
Choose daily work
Appropriate work choices and
variety of presented materials
Amount of time on an activity
Staying on task and interested
Permission to be idle
Watching, sitting or wandering
without interruption
Use of glass, knives, etc.
Proper care and handling
Eating snack when hungry
Proper food handling and fair share
Use of bathroom
Good hygiene and proper use of facility
Resolve own conflicts
State needs, no physical contact
Seeks adult help when necessary
Teach other children
Appropriate interaction, key points
Movement in the classroom
Walking, maneuvering between student
work areas
Choose place to work
Appropriate space for activity and not
interfering with another’s work space
Work outside
Stay within sight of windows
Travel throughout building
Walk in hallways, know how to get
to destination
Nap in classroom
Get enough sleep at night, know when
rest is need
Observations at Annie Fisher Montessori
Welcome to our school! We are pleased that you want to observe and hope that your visit will be
enjoyable and educational. The following is a list of guidelines we would like you to follow
during your visit:
# Limit your observation time to about 20-30 minutes.
# Remain quietly in the chair provided for you.
# If a child approaches you, answer any comment or question briefly. Please do not engage
the children in conversation or ask them to demonstrate activities.
# Please keep in mind that your child can respond to your presence in a variety of ways.
Therefore, do not expect this to be a typical day for your child, but rather a chance to see
some of your child’s activities and a view of how the classroom functions as a whole.
# If you are offered a beverage from a host or hostess, feel free to accept. This is one way
the children welcome visitors into the room.
# Make note of any questions that arise during your observation and arrange a time to meet
with your teacher to discuss your observations.
In order to make your visit more meaningful, here are some questions to consider as you observe
your child:
What kinds of activities is your child choosing?
Do they choose activities independently?
Do they use the materials with care?
Do they complete the activity and return it to the shelf properly?
Are they working with focus and concentration?
Do they work through difficulties or do they frustrate easily?
Are their movements controlled and settled?
Do they seek help when needed?
How do they interact with the other children?
Do they respect the work of others?
Do they participate in group activities?
Do they work cooperatively with other children?
In addition to observing your child, take a few minutes to also observe the classroom community
as a whole. Look for:
the variety of activities that are in use
the interactions between the adults and the children
the balance of individual and small group activities
instances of helpfulness, whether spontaneous or suggested by an adult
examples of leadership – children helping other children
Enjoy your visit and thank you for your support!
No Child Left Behind Notifications
Notice of School Wide Title I Program Eligibility
2011-2012 School Year
We have been notified that our school qualifies to receive federal funds under the No Child Left
Behind Act of 2001, Title I, Part A for the above indicated school year.
Our school is eligible for the following:
School Wide Title I Program: Schools may consolidate and use funds under Title I, together with
other federal, state and local funds, in order to upgrade the entire educational program in school
in which not less than 40% of the children are from low-income families.
We look forward to your involvement in school activities and your child’s education. You will
receive notices and information throughout the school year to keep you informed about the
progress of your child and the status of the school in making progress toward helping all children
meet high academic standards. We also look forward to your attendance at school meetings
when we will discuss the development, revision and implementation of our school wide Program
You are an important partner in our effort to provide the best education possible for your child.
Please call the school if you have any questions or would like additional information.
Right to Request Teacher Qualifications
Our school receives federal funds for Title I programs that are part of the No Child Left Behind Act
of 2001. Throughout the school year, we will continue to provide you with important information
about this law and your child’s education.
You have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s
classroom teacher(s). If you request this information, the district or school will provide you with
the following as soon as possible:
If the teacher has met state licensing requirements for the grade level and subjects in which the teacher is
providing instruction;
If the teacher is teaching under emergency status for which state licensing requirements have been waived;
The type of college degree major of the teacher and the field of discipline for any graduate degree or
certificate; and
If your child is receiving Title I services from paraprofessionals and if so, his/her qualifications.
If you would like to request this information, please contact the school.
School Map
Welcome to
Annie Fisher.
There are two
schools on our
campus, STEM and
To enter
please use our
main entrance,
located in the
the front
Parking is
available on
Plainfield Street
or in our visitor’s
lot, located near
the train tracks.
We look forward
to seeing you!
Annie Fisher Campus
280 Plainfield Street
Hartford CT 06112
Glossary of Terms
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP): The minimum level of improvement that school districts and
schools must achieve each year as determined under the No Child Left Behind Act.
Assessment: A method to measure what students are learning. A test is one kind of assessment
schools use.
Corrective Action: When a Title I school or school district does not make Adequate Yearly
Progress for four years in a row, the state will place it under a corrective action plan. The plan
will include resources to improve teaching, administration or curriculum. If no progress is made,
then the state has increased authority to make necessary additional changes to ensure
CREC: In addition the twelve HPS magnet schools, Capital Region Education Council [CREC] runs
a series of magnet schools that also resultant from the Sheff case.
Disaggregated Data: “Disaggregate” means to separate a whole into it’s parts. In education, this
term means that test results are sorted by groups of students who are economically disadvantaged,
from racial and ethnic groups have disabilities or have limited English proficiency. This practice
allows parents and teachers to see more than just the average score for a student’s school.
Instead, parents and teachers can see how each student group is performing.
English Language Learners (ELL): Refers to students for whom English is a second language and
who are not reading or writing at grade level
No Child Left Behind (NCLB): NCLB is the most recent authorization of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act, which is the principle federal law affecting K-12 education.
Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century: Oregon’s sweeping school improvement effort
beginning with legislation in 1991, calling for increased academic standards, student
achievement and accountability through benchmark testing and public/parent involvement.
Parental Involvement: Parent involvement is the participation of parents in regular, two-way,
meaningful communication involving student’s academic learning and other school activities.
The involvement includes ensuring that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s
learning ; that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;
that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included as appropriate, in
decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
Proficiency: Proficiency is mastery or the ability to do something at grade level.
Public School Choice: Students in a Title I school identified as needing improvement will have
the option to transfer to a school within the district that makes AYP. The school district will be
required to provide transportation to the students.
Restructuring: Title I schools not making AYP for six years in a row must follow one of the
following restructuring options: reopen as charter school; replace all or most of the relevant
school staff; contract with outside entity to operate school; state takeover; or any other major
restructuring of school’s governance that makes fundamental reform.
RSCO: To facilitate the dual magnet systems of the Hartford Public Schools and CREC, the State
has created the Regional School Choice Office [RSCO]. RSCO supports and monitors the regions
28 magnet schools, both Hartford and CREC schools.
Safe Harbor: “Safe Harbor” is a provision in No Child Left Behind intended for schools and
districts that are making progress in student achievement but are not yet meeting target goals for
Adequate Yearly Progress. It is designed to prevent the over-identification of schools not making
School Improvement Plan: The written school improvement plan for each school includes
strategies for improving student performance in the targeted goal areas, taking into account the
performance on multiple assessments; how and when improvements will be implemented; use of
state funds; requests for waivers, etc. Each school improvement plan must be approved by the
local board and may be in effect for more than 1 year. The plans may be amended as often as
necessary or appropriate.
Student Subgroups: Schools will receive their disaggregated AYP status for subgroups or students
based on the following categories: racial/ethnicity, students with racial/ethnicity, students with
disabilities, English Language Learners, and economically disadvantaged.
Supplemental Services: Students from low income families who are attending Title I schools that
have been identified as needing improvement for three years will be eligible to receive outside
tutoring or academic assistance. Parents can choose the appropriate services for their child from a
list of state approved providers. The school districts will purchase the services.
Title I: Title I refers to a federal funding program aimed at students who are behind academically
or at risk of falling behind. Title I Part A funding provides assistance to improve the teaching and
learning of children in areas with high economic needs; it is based on the number of low income
children in a school, generally those eligible for the free lunch program. Title I is intended to
supplement, not replace state and district funds.