REPRODUCTION-DEVELOPMENT Estradiol Down-Regulates RF-Amide-Related Peptide (RFRP) Expression in the Mouse Hypothalamus C. S. Molnár, I. Kalló, Z. Liposits, and E. Hrabovszky Laboratory of Endocrine Neurobiology (C.S.M., I.K., Z.L., E.H.), Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, and Department of Neuroscience (I.K., Z.L.), Faculty of Information Technology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, 1083 Hungary In most mammals, RF-amide-related peptides are synthesized in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and regulate reproduction via inhibiting GnRH neurons and, possibly, adenohypophyseal gonadotrophs. In the present study, we investigated the possibility that RFRP-synthesizing neurons are involved in estrogen feedback signaling to the reproductive axis in mice. First, we used quantitative in situ hybridization and compared the expression of prepro-RFRP mRNA of ovariectomized mice, with and without 17-estradiol (E2) replacement. Subcutaneous administration of E2 via silastic capsules for 4 d significantly down-regulated prepro-RFRP mRNA expression. The underlying receptor mechanism was investigated with immunohistochemistry. In ovariectomized mice, low levels of nuclear estrogen receptor (ER)-␣ immunoreactivity were detectable in 18.7 ⫾ 3.8% of RFRP neurons. The majority of RFRP neurons showed no ER-␣ signal, and RFRP neurons did not exhibit ER- immunoreactivity. Results of these studies indicate that RFRP is a negatively estradiolregulated neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in mice. The estrogenic down-regulation of RFRP expression may contribute to estrogen feedback to the reproductive axis. The issue of whether E2 regulates RFRP neurons directly or indirectly remains open given that ER-␣ immunoreactivity is present only at low levels in a subset of these cells. (Endocrinology 152: 1684 –1690, 2011) he decapeptide GnRH represents the primary hypothalamic neurohormone that stimulates gonadotropin secretion from the adenohypophysis (1, 2). An inhibitory neuropeptide named gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone (GnIH) has also been identified in the quail hypothalamus; GnIH inhibits gonadotropin release from the pituitary in a dose-dependent manner (3). In addition to acting as a release-inhibiting hormone on gonadotrophs, GnIH also regulates fertility via influencing the neurosecretory output of hypophysiotropic GnRH neurons. Accordingly, GnIH-immunoreactive neuronal contacts (4) and GnIH receptors (5) are present on avian GnRH neurons. Putative GnIH homologs, RF-amide-related peptides (RFRP-1, RFRP-2, and RFRP-3), have also been identified in mammals (6). With some species differences, the majority of neurons that synthesize prepro-RFRP mRNA and RFRP peptides have been localized to the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus in hamsters, rats, mice, and sheep (6 – T 16) and to the intermediate periventricular nucleus in monkeys (17). Unlike in birds where GnIH-immunoreactive axons innervate the external zone of the median eminence and, thus, have access to the hypophyseal portal vasculature (3, 18), RFRP neurons in rodents do not project to the external zone of the median eminence (10, 12) and do not accumulate Fluoro-Gold from the systemic circulation (12), suggesting that RFRP regulate fertility primarily via central mechanisms. These mechanisms include direct inhibitory actions exerted upon GnRH neurons, as indicated by RFRP-immunoreactive neuronal contacts on GnRH neurons (10, 12, 13, 19, 20) and by the RFRP-3-induced hyperpolarization (19) and reduced electrical activity of a large subset of GnRH neurons (21) in slice preparations of GnRH-GFP transgenic mice. The GnRH neuronal system, which represents the final common pathway in the neuroendocrine control of reproduction, responds to feedback actions of circulat- ISSN Print 0013-7227 ISSN Online 1945-7170 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2011 by The Endocrine Society doi: 10.1210/en.2010-1418 Received December 9, 2010. Accepted January 21, 2011. First Published Online February 15, 2011 Abbreviations: E2, 17-Estradiol; ER, Estrogen receptor; GnIH, gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone; OVX, ovariectomized; RFRP, RF-amide related peptide. 1684 Endocrinology, April 2011, 152(4):1684 –1690 Endocrinology, April 2011, 152(4):1684 –1690 ing 17-estradiol (E2). Although direct estrogen actions upon GnRH neurons can be exerted via estrogen receptor (ER)- (22–26), interneurons expressing the classical ER-␣ play a critically important role in sensing and conveying information on circulating estrogens to the GnRH neuronal system (27). Evidence that the RFRP neuronal system may be involved in estrogen feedback signaling to GnRH neurons has emerged from studies of hamsters. RFRP neurons in this rodent species contain ER-␣ (10) and respond with c-Fos expression to an acute administration of E2 (10). In the present study, we investigated further the estrogen responsiveness of the RFRP neuronal system by addressing the estrogenic regulation of prepro-RFRP gene expression in mice. First, quantitative in situ hybridization was used to compare the expression levels of prepro-RFRP mRNA in ovariectomized (OVX) mice with and without estradiol replacement. Second, to identify the receptor mechanism underlying this regulation, the presence of nuclear ER (ER-␣ and ER-) in RFRP neurons was studied with dual-label immunohistochemistry. 1685 with a Leica SM 2000R freezing microtome (Leica Microsystems, Nussloch Gmbh, Germany). The sections were stored at ⫺20 C in 24-well tissue culture plates containing antifreeze solution [30% ethylene glycol, 25% glycerol, 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4)]. Quantitative analysis of prepro-RFRP mRNA levels in OVX and OVXⴙE2 mice with in situ hybridization Probe preparation Materials and Methods To prepare a cRNA hybridization probe to prepro-RFRP mRNA, a 424-bp cDNA fragment was amplified with PCR from rat hypothalamic cDNA. The amplicon (corresponding to bases 136 –559 of the rat prepro-RFRP mRNA; AB040288) was inserted into plasmid vector using the pGEM-T Easy Vector System from Promega (Madison, WI). The plasmid was propagated in DH5␣ cells (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), isolated with the QIAGEN (Valencia, CA) Plasmid Maxi kit, linearized with SalI and purified with phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol, followed by chloroform/isoamyl alcohol extractions and then precipitation with NaCl and ethanol. The linearized transcription template was transcribed (28) with T7 RNA polymerase in the presence of [35S]UTP (NEN Life Science Products, Boston, MA) to yield antisense transcripts. In pilot in situ hybridization experiments, we established that this probe efficiently recognized the mouse, in addition to the rat, prepro-RFRP mRNA. Animals Hybridization Sixty-day-old CD1 mice (n ⫽ 15) were purchased from a local colony bred at the Medical Gene Technology Unit of the Institute of Experimental Medicine. They were housed in a light-controlled (12-h light, 12-h dark cycle, lights on at 0700 h) and temperature-controlled (22 ⫾ 2 C) environment, with free access to standard food and tap water. The studies were carried out with permission from the Animal Welfare Committee of the Institute of Experimental Medicine (No. A5769-01) and in accordance with legal requirements of the European Community (Decree 86/609/EEC). Surgeries Nine mice were deeply anesthetized with a cocktail of ketamine (25 mg/kg), xylavet (5 mg/kg), and pipolphen (2.5 mg/kg) in saline and OVX bilaterally. On postovariectomy d 9, they were re-anesthetized and implanted sc with a single silastic capsule (Sanitech, Havant, UK; length ⫽ 10 mm; inner diameter ⫽ 1.57 mm; outer diameter ⫽ 3.08 mm) containing either sunflower oil (OVX group; n ⫽ 5) or 100 g/ml E2 (Sigma Chemical Co., St Louis, MO) in sunflower oil (OVX⫹E2 group; n ⫽ 4). Four days later, the mice were anesthetized and killed by transcardiac perfusion with 40 ml 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. The brains were removed, postfixed for 1 h, infiltrated with 20% sucrose overnight, and then snap-frozen on dry ice. Another six mice were OVX and treated similarly to generate OVX (n ⫽ 3) and OVX⫹E2 (n ⫽ 3) groups and perfused with a mixture of 2% paraformaldehyde and 4% acrolein. These mice were used in colocalization studies of ER- and RFRP-1 immunoreactivities. Section preparation Serial 20-m sections were cut in the coronal plane (determined using a mouse dissection mold) from the hypothalami Every sixth section from each paraformaldehyde-fixed mouse hypothalamus was mounted on silanized microscope slides from sterile Tris-buffered saline (50 mM; pH 7.8) with a sterile paint brush and air dried. Then the sections were processed for the radioisotopic in situ hybridization detection of prepro-RFRP mRNA with a modified procedure detailed elsewhere (29). After posthybridization treatments including the ribonuclease A digestion (20 g/ml, 60 min at 37 C) of probe excess and a 30-min stringent treatment in 0.1⫻ standard saline citrate solution (1⫻ standard saline citrate solution ⫽ 0.15 M NaCl/0.015 M sodium citrate, pH 7.0) at 60 C, the sections were rinsed briefly in 70% ethanol and air dried. Autoradiography First, the sections were exposed to Kodak BioMax MR autoradiography films for 3 d and signals developed with standard procedures. Then the slides were dipped into Kodak NTB nuclear track emulsion (Kodak, Rochester, NY) and exposed for 1 wk. The autoradiographs were developed with Kodak processing chemicals. The sections were dehydrated with 95%, followed by 100% ethanol (5 min each), cleared with xylene (twice for 5 min), and coverslipped with DPX mounting medium (Fluka Chemie, Buchs, Switzerland). Image analysis and statistics The x-ray film images were scanned using a HP ScanJet 4600 flatbed scanner equipped with a transparent material adapter. For consistency, the autoradiographic images of the most heavily labeled four sections in each animal were selected for the quantitative analysis of prepro-RFRP mRNA expression. The digital image files were saved with TIF extension and opened for 1686 Molnár et al. E2 Regulation of RFRP Neurons analysis with the Image J software (public domain at http:// During measurements, a threshold was set and held constant across all sections to highlight the entire positive hybridization signal area but not background. The autoradiographic signal in each animal was characterized with the mean of the four bilateral integrated density measurements (sum of pixel density values in the highlighted signal area; mean gray value ⫻ area). The OVX and the OVX⫹E2 groups were compared using one-way ANOVA. The integrated density of x-ray film autoradiographs depends both on the number of labeled neurons in the signal area and the single-cell levels of prepro-RFRP mRNA expression in individual RFRP neurons. These two parameters were analyzed further using the computerized image analysis of emulsion autoradiographs from the same sections that had been selected for film analysis. Each animal was characterized with eight digital photomicrographs from the dorsomedial nuclei of these four sections. We used a consistent sampling method to reach the densest concentration of RFRP neurons in each microscope field. The eight microscopic images of each animal were scanned with an AxioCam MRc 5 digital camera mounted on a Zeiss AxioImager M1 microscope, using a ⫻20 objective lens and the AxioVision 4.6 software (Carl Zeiss, Göttingen, Germany). The TIF files were analyzed by an investigator blind to treatments. The files were opened with Image J, and the threshold was set to only highlight the silver grains in the sections. Then all neurons found bilaterally in the eight image files of each animal were identified and selected individually, using the lasso tool of the Image J software. The integrated density of highlighted pixels covered by silver grains (mean gray value ⫻ area) was determined for each neuron. Each animal was finally characterized with the mean integrated density over individual RFRP neurons, as determined from all cells found in the eight photomicrographs. The number of silver grain clusters identified as RFRP neurons in the OVX and the OVX⫹E2 groups as well as the mean integrated density of RFRP neurons in the two treatment groups were compared with one-way ANOVA. Dual-label immunohistochemical experiments to colocalize ER-␣ and RFRP-1 immunoreactivities Paraformaldehyde-fixed sections were pretreated with a mixture of 0.5% H2O2 and Triton X-100 (30 min) and then incubated in a 1:20,000 dilution (in 2% normal horse serum) of the C1355 ER-␣ antiserum (C1355; Millipore, Temecula, CA; 1:10,000) raised in rabbit, followed by biotinylated secondary antibodies (Jackson ImmunoResearch Europe Ltd., Soham, Cambridgeshire, UK; 1:500) and the ABC Elite reagent for 60 min each. The signal was visualized with nickel-intensified diaminobenzidine and then post-intensified with silver-gold (30). Subsequently, RFRP-1 immunoreactivity was detected with mouse monoclonal antibodies (IF3; Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Japan; 1:20,000) against the C terminus of rat RFRP-1 (7), using the biotinylated secondary antibody-ABC technique and nonintensified diaminobenzidine as the chromogen. The duallabeled sections were mounted on microscope slides and coverslipped with DPX. Dual-label immunohistochemical experiments to colocalize ER- and RFRP-1 immunoreactivities The same approach as above was chosen to attempt colocalization of ER- and RFRP-1 immunoreactivities, except for us- Endocrinology, April 2011, 152(4):1684 –1690 ing acrolein/paraformaldehyde-fixed tissue sections in which the remaining aldehydes were neutralized with sodium borohydride (24, 25). The ER- rabbit antiserum used in these studies (Z8P, lot 01162852, 150 ng/ml; Zymed Laboratories, San Francisco, CA) has been characterized in our previous work (24, 25). Specificity controls Labeling specificity was verified using various control approaches. Neurons immunoreactive for ER-␣ or ER- showed a dominantly nuclear labeling that disappeared after omission of the primary or secondary antibodies (31) or when using hypothalamic sections from ER-␣ (32) or ER- (33) knockout mice. The identical distribution patterns of the prepro-RFRP mRNA and RFRP-1 peptide signals served as a positive control for the specificity of the in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical methods. The IF3 monoclonal RFRP-1 antibody revealed cell bodies in the dorsomedial nucleus, an area ventral to it and in the periventricular nucleus of the caudal hypothalamus, in accordance with the published distribution pattern of RFRP neurons (10). The lack of antibody cross-reactivity with related RF-amide neuropeptides (neuropeptides FF, AF, and SF) was also indicated by the absence of labeled cell bodies elsewhere in the brain, including the nucleus of the solitary tract where the common precursor peptide of these neuropeptides is highly expressed (34). Results Prepro-RFRP mRNA levels of OVX mice decrease in response to E2 treatment Radioisotopic in situ hybridization studies revealed a restricted regional distribution of prepro-RFRP mRNAsynthesizing neurons in the mouse hypothalamus that was in accordance with results of earlier studies (10). The majority of labeled neurons were observed in the dorsomedial nucleus, an area ventral to it, and in the periventricular nucleus of the caudal hypothalamus. The distribution patterns were identical in the OVX and OVX⫹E2 groups, but the signal was weaker in the latter (photographic insets in Fig. 1). Quantitative analysis established that a 4-d E2 treatment of OVX mice significantly decreased the integrated density of x-ray film images [F(1,7) ⫽ 11.12; P ⫽ 0.012; Fig. 1]. Silver grain clusters in the emulsion autoradiographs were analyzed to determine whether E2 treatment decreased the number of detectable RFRP neurons, the single-cell levels of prepro-RFRP mRNA, or both. The integrated density analysis of silver grains over individual neurons (Fig. 2) revealed lower single-cell levels of preproRFRP mRNA expression in the OVX⫹E2 vs. the OVX group [F(1,7) ⫽ 8.85; P ⫽ 0.021]. In retrospect, this unbiased analysis identified significantly fewer [F(1,7) ⫽ 7.89; P ⫽ 0.026] silver grain clusters (RFRP neurons) in OVX⫹E2 mice (26.4 ⫾ 2.6 neurons per animal, mean ⫾ SEM), compared with OVX controls (39.0 ⫾ 3.6 neurons per animal). Endocrinology, April 2011, 152(4):1684 –1690 1687 Z8P antiserum, many ER--immunoreactive cell nuclei were detectable in the paraventricular nucleus (Fig. 3I), but only scattered cell nuclei were labeled for ER- in the dorsomedial nucleus (Fig. 3J). ER--positive RFRP neurons were not revealed (Fig. 3J). Discussion FIG. 1. E2 treatment reduces prepro-RFRP mRNA expression in the dorsomedial nucleus. In situ hybridization detection of prepro-RFRP mRNA expression in OVX mice treated sc with oil vehicle (OVX group; n ⫽ 5) or E2 (OVX⫹E2 group; n ⫽ 4) for 4 d reveals identical signal distribution in x-ray film autoradiographs, with reduced expression levels in the latter treatment group (photographic insets). Results of quantitative image analysis, shown in the diagram, confirm that the prepro-RFRP mRNA signal (integrated density; mean gray value ⫻ signal area, expressed as percentage of the OVX group) in the dorsomedial nucleus is lower in OVX⫹E2 vs. OVX mice. *, P ⬍ 0.05. Nuclear ER- is absent, whereas ER-␣ occurs in a small subset of RFRP-synthesizing neurons The use of silver-gold-intensified nickel-diaminobenzidine (30) enabled the sensitive visualization of ER-␣ (Fig. 3, A–G). A heavy ER-␣ immunolabeling was present in the arcuate and ventromedial nuclei (Fig. 3A) and in scattered cell nuclei within the dorsomedial and periventricular nuclei where most RFRP-1 immunoreactive cells occurred (Fig. 3, A and B). A pale nuclear ER-␣ signal was detected in 18.7 ⫾ 3.8% of RFRP-1-immunoreactive cells (Fig. 3, C–E and H), whereas the majority of RFRP neurons did not contain ER-␣ signal (Fig. 3, C, F, and G). Using the FIG. 2. Prepro-RFRP mRNA expression by individual RFRP neurons is reduced in response to E2 treatment. Results of the single-cell image analysis, shown in the diagram, reveal reduced single-cell levels of prepro-RFRP mRNA expression (integrated density; mean gray value ⫻ area of silver grains above individual neurons) in OVX mice treated sc with E2 for 4 d (OVX⫹E2 group; n ⫽ 4) vs. their oil-treated controls (OVX group; n ⫽ 5). Integrated density values are expressed as percentage of the OVX group. *, P ⬍ 0.05. Individual RFRP neurons are indicated by arrows in representative emulsion autoradiographs. In this study, we demonstrate that E2 down-regulates prepro-RFRP mRNA expression of OVX mice. In addition, we show that nuclear ER- is absent, whereas ER-␣ occurs in a subset (18.7 ⫾ 3.8%) of RFRP neurons in OVX mice. Estrogenic down-regulation of prepro-RFRP mRNA expression may be involved in estrogen feedback mechanisms We found that a 4-d E2 regimen down-regulates prepro-RFRP mRNA levels in OVX mice. This observation suggests that in the presence of high E2, RFRPs may exert a reduced inhibition on the reproductive axis via actions on GnRH neurons, gonadotrophs, or both. We propose that the withdrawal of the inhibitory RFRP tone from the reproductive axis in proestrus when E2 levels are high may play a physiological role in positive estrogen feedback. In contrast with the estrogenic regulation of prepro-RFRP mRNA expression we report here in mice, a recent quantitative PCR study has found no difference between prepro-RFRP mRNA levels of OVX rats vs. rats killed at the time of a LH surge induced by exogenous E2 and progesterone administration (35). It requires clarification to what extent this discrepancy is due to differences between species, animal treatments, or sensitivity of the applied RNA quantification methods. In ewes, morphological evidence exists that the active reproductive status coincides with a reduced RFRP inhibitory tone, as reflected by decreased numbers of RFRP-3-immunoreactive cell bodies and fiber contacts on GnRH neurons during breeding season (13). Interestingly however, E2 treatment did not affect prepro-RFRP mRNA levels of OVX ewes in the same study (13). Evidence for ER-␣ in a subset of RFRP neurons Our colocalization experiments were carried out with dual-label immunohistochemistry in an attempt to identify which ER isoform may account for the estrogenic regulation of prepro-RFRP mRNA expression. These experiments found no evidence for ER- in RFRP neurons using the same antiserum and optimized detection method that successfully detected ER- in GnRH neurons of the rat in our previous studies (24, 25) and ER- in the paraventricular nucleus of the mouse in the present study. On the other hand, 1688 Molnár et al. E2 Regulation of RFRP Neurons Endocrinology, April 2011, 152(4):1684 –1690 FIG. 3. Use of dual-label immunohistochemistry provides evidence for the absence of ER- and the presence of ER-␣ within a small subset (18.7%) of RFRP-1-immunoreactive neurons in OVX mice. A, Use of the silver-gold-intensified Ni-diaminobenzidine chromogen reveals a high density of darkly labeled ER-␣-immunoreactive cell nuclei (black signal) in the arcuate (ARC) and ventromedial (VMN) nuclei; B, heavily labeled cell nuclei are also present in the dorsomedial nucleus (DMN) where the majority of RFRP-1-immunoreactive neuronal cell bodies (brown cytoplasmic labeling) occur; C–G, as shown in the high-power images of framed areas in B, typical RFRP neurons are either devoid of the nuclear ER-␣ signal (white arrows; C, F, and G) or exhibit weak ER-␣ labeling (black arrows; C, D, and E); H, very few RFRP neurons show medium, and none show high labeling intensity. Arrowheads in C point to ER-␣-immunoreactive nuclei in non-RFRP neurons. I and J, The application of silver-goldintensified Ni-diaminobenzidine to detect ER- immunoreactivity reveals a large number of labeled nuclei in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN; I) but only a few labeled cells in the DMN (arrowhead in J). RFRP-1-immunoreative cells in the DMN (arrows) do not contain ER- signal (arrowhead) in the high-power inset. Scale bars, 50 m (A, B, I, and J) and 10 m (C–H and high-power inset in J). we found low levels of ER-␣ signal in a relatively small subset (18.7 ⫾ 3.8%) of RFRP neurons, raising the possibility that E2 may act via ER-␣ to regulate prepro-RFRP mRNA expression directly. Alternatively, the estrogenic regulation of RFRP neurons may also be indirect, considering the relatively low levels of ER-␣ in RFRP cells. The RFRP-synthesizing neurons are found similarly in the dorsomedial nucleus in Syrian hamsters, rats, and mice (10). However, differences in reproductive physiology of rodent species may also relate to the RFRP neuronal system. Although in our present study we found only low levels of ER-␣ in 18.7 ⫾ 3.8% of RFRP neurons in mice, 40% of RFRP neurons express ER-␣ in the Syrian hamsters (10). In Syrian hamsters, melatonin-sensitive neurons of the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus play a critical role in the seasonal onset of reproductive quiescence in the Endocrinology, April 2011, 152(4):1684 –1690 short-day photoperiod, which can be prevented by the lesion of the dorsomedial nucleus (36, 37). Whether RFRP neurons are specifically involved in the seasonal regulation of reproduction requires clarification. Sites of action of RFRP on the reproductive axis Although it is generally agreed that GnIH/RFRP neurons innervate GnRH cells in birds, rodents, sheep, and primates (4, 10, 12, 13, 19, 20), an unresolved paradox relates to the putative adenohypophyseal site of action of RFRP peptides in various species. GnIH/RFRP-immunoreactive terminals do occur in the neurosecretory zone in birds (3, 18), sheep (14), and monkeys (17) but not in rodents (10, 12). Furthermore, RFRP-synthesizing neurons in rats do not accumulate Fluoro-Gold from the systemic circulation, indicating that they have no access to the hypophyseal portal circulation to act on the adenohypophysis (12). Indeed, the RFRP antagonist RF9 is not capable of eliciting LH secretion from static pituitary cultures (38). Conversely, in support of the direct adenohypophyseal effect of RFRP-3, a dose-dependent reduction in GnRH-stimulated LH secretion has been reported in adenohypophyseal cultures of various species, including rodents (14, 39, 40). In summary, in this study, we demonstrate that E2 down-regulates prepro-RFRP mRNA expression of OVX mice, which may play a role in estrogen feedback to the reproductive axis. The observation of the weak ER-␣ signal in a small subset (18.7%) of RFRP neurons may indicate that E2 directly regulates prepro-RFRP gene expression, although the possibility that the action is indirect also needs to be considered. Acknowledgments We thank Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. for kindly providing the RFRP-1 antibody for this study and Hajni Bekó for expert technical assistance. Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Erik Hrabovszky, M.D., Ph.D., Laboratory of Endocrine Neurobiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 1083 Hungary. E-mail: This study was supported by the National Science Foundation of Hungary (OTKA K69127, K83710, and T73002) and the Hungarian Health Research Council Fund (ETT 122/2009). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/ 2007–2013) under Grant Agreement 245009. Disclosure Summary: All of the authors have nothing to declare. 1689 References 1. Matsuo H, Baba Y, Nair RM, Arimura A, Schally AV 1971 Structure of the porcine LH- and FSH-releasing hormone. I. The proposed amino acid sequence. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 43: 1334 –1339 2. 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