HPV 900 Motor Parameter Calculation from the motor’s equivalent circuit The document details how to calculate the following HPV 900 motor parameters, which are entered as a percentage of the base impedance: • Stator Leakage Reactance (STATOR LEAKAGE X) • Rotor Leakage Reactance (ROTOR LEAKAGE X) • Stator Resistance (STATOR RESIST) Also, • Motor Iron Loss (MOTOR IRON LOSS) • Motor Mechanical Loss (MOTOR MECH LOSS) • Initial value for Percentage No Load Current (% NO LOAD CURR) The following data is required: • Rated motor power in KW (or HP) • Rated motor frequency (f) • Rated motor current (Irated) • Rated motor line-to-line voltage (Vl-l) • Equivalent single-phase circuit of the motor Rs Vl-l Lr Ls Lm Rfe 3 Rr slip Rs, Rfe, Rr in ohms Ls, Lm, Lr in henry Equivalent single-phase circuit of the motor (Y connected) 1 11/00 HPV 900 Motor Parameter Calculation Calculate Zbase (base impedance) Zbase = Vl 2− l power (in kW) × 1000 note: KW = HP × 0.746 Calculate Rs (stator resistance) as a percentage of the base impedance Rs (%) = Rs (in ohms) × 100 Zbase note: Rs is per phase (Y connected) Calculate Ls (stator reactance) as a percentage of the base impedance Ls (%) = 2πf × Ls (in henry) Zbase × 100 note: if XLs are available then do not use (2πf) Ls is per phase (Y connected) Calculate Lr (rotor reactance) as a percentage of the base impedance Lr (%) = 2πf × Lr (in henry) Zbase × 100 note: if XLr are available then do not use (2πf) Lr is per phase (Y connected) 2 11/00 HPV 900 Motor Parameter Calculation Calculate Motor Iron Loss as a percentage of the motor’s rated power 1 R fe (in ohms) total iron loss (in kW) × 100 = × 100 power (in KW) × 1000 power (in KW) × 1000 Vl 2− l × % Iron Loss = note: KW = HP × 0.746 Rfe is per phase (Y connected) Calculate Motor Mechanical Loss as a percentage of the motor’s rated power % Mechanical Loss = total loss (in kW) × 100 power (in KW) × 1000 note: KW = HP × 0.746 Calculate Percentage No Load Current as a percentage of the motor’s rated current % no load current = Vl − l 3 2πf × Lm × I rated note: if XLm are available then do not use (2πf) Lm is per phase (Y connected) After this initial value is entered, use the adaptive tune procedure to properly tune. 3 11/00