NEWSLETTER NO 2 18 February 2014

18 February 2014
Kia ora koutou. Nau mai haere mai
Sibel Atalay
Conor Hurnard
Fergus Washington-Smith
Reed Hannan
Lachlan Wingfield-Smith
Kurt Amey
Sophie Claridge
Hamish Winter
Xiaolin Zhen
Cody Allen
Poppy Hewitt
Anna Southee
Anna Stewart
William Chilman-Fisher
Jono Perenara
Catherine Orr
Dear Parent and Caregivers
The 2014 school year is off to an impressive start
with students settling quickly to good work routines.
Congratulations to:
 our Year 7 and Year 8 students who have
adapted quickly to their new school, and school
expectations (The Intermediate Normal Way).
 our Year 8 students who have taken on their role
as senior students in a very positive, responsible
Students, parents and the school (i.e. Staff and
Board of Trustees) are the key stakeholders in any
Together, we are all partners working towards
achieving a common goal, i.e. providing quality
teaching and learning programmes to our students.
Abbie Bognuda
Matthew Hainsworth
Jack Doyle
Jacob Molyneux
Jenny Gatehouse
Courtney Stead
Amber Sullivan-Richards
Tayaba Rahim
Kaiya Pfeffer
Jorja Rouxell
Neelay Satya
You Can Do It! Education Programme
is very much embedded in the
philosophy of PNINS.
The main
purpose is to support communities,
schools, and homes in a collective
effort to optimise the social,
emotional, and academic outcomes of
all young people. Its unique contribution is in
identifying the social and emotional capabilities that
all young people need to acquire in order to be
successful in school, experience
wellbeing, and have positive
relationships including making
contributions to others and the
community (good citizenship).
YCDI’s core purpose is the
development of young people’s
social and emotional capabilities,
Persistence, Organisation, Getting Along, and
Central to the development of these 5 Foundations
(Keys) is instilling in young people ‘12 Ways of
Thinking’ that support and nourish the 5 Keys,
including Accepting Myself, Taking Risks, Being
Your support, encouragement, feedback and
attendance at school events is always welcome, as
we strive to achieve this common goal together, in
At our weekly Monday Morning
Assemblies, Achievement Awards are
presented to students in each Team,
recognising outstanding achievement in
the Learning and Arts areas of our school.
We congratulate the following students who have
received awards at recent assemblies.
Hayden Storrier
Liam Peck
Corbin Bendall
Olivia Hurnard
Finn Ryan
Kate Holmes
Bianca Genis
Nicole Petersen
Soren Bang
Natalia Goroncy
Emily Defryn
Reikura Melbourne
Lilla Shilton
Jessica van Rynbach
Broc Doolan
Megan Perrott
Independent, I Can Do It, Giving Effort, Working Tough,
Setting Goals, Planning My Time, Being Tolerant of
Others, Thinking First, Playing by the Rules, and Social
Responsibility (includes the values of Caring, Doing Your
Best, Freedom, Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility,
Understanding, Tolerance, and Inclusion).
Shavanie Bilton
Aniela Jensen
Ashleigh Jacobs
In newsletters throughout the year we will have a
short YCDI! Education article highlighting ways in
which parents can assist in developing and
reinforcing ‘The 5 keys to School Success’.
bring their child takeaway food, etc, as this isn’t fair
to others. Thank you.
At the conclusion of the School Swimming Sports
students will return to school for dismissal from class
at 3.10pm
A daily 15 minute period of Sustained Silent Reading
(SSR) takes place Monday to Friday
from 1.45pm to 2.00pm.
During this period all students, staff
(and visitors) will engage in SSR.
Reading has been preselected for
this period.
Students are free to accession books from our school
library and I would encourage all students to
become members of the PN City Library (if they are
currently not members.)
Visitors to the school during this period (1.45pm –
2.00pm) will be invited to sit in our foyer and read
some of the many books available.
In New Zealand, High Schools are the only education
provid er that have school guidance counsellors as
part of their staffing allocation.
Over recent years and increasing number of
intermediate schools are employing school
counsellors part time to mentor and counsel
students at risk. With students, 11- 13years of age,
moving from childhood to emerging adolescents, it
is a time of growth and development only equalled
in a child’s first three years.
I have often thought that if any age group was going
to benefit from a school guidance counsellor then
the intermediate aged student, given their
complexities, would benefit the most.
Students at risk can demand a great deal of teacher /
senior management time, and by the time these
cases get to this level, they are very complex and
often require outside intervention which can be
difficult to obtain.
A school guidance counsellor can pick up these cases
early on, and from the readings I have done, play a
key role in diffusing and resolving conflict and / or
problems before they escalate. In addition, they
have ongoing dialogue with parents/ outside
agencies, so that the school and parents are working
together towards long term solutions.
Towards the end of last year the Board of Trustees
approved my proposal to trial a school guidance
counsellor in our school this year, on a part –time
Mr Andrew Dever-Tod has been appointed as our
School Guidance Counsellor on a part –time basis for
2014. (This is a fixed term position and will be
reviewed mid–year and towards the end of 2014.)
Mr Dever-Tod is an experienced guidance
counsellor, a former parent of PNINS and is also
currently guidance counsellor at St Peters College.
Mr Dever-Tod is recognised not only for his
qualifications and experience but for the
professional manner in which he has fulfilled the
latter, and other similar counsellor roles in positions
he has held.
Ryan Ngarimu Year 7, from Room 2 who has been
selected to play the lead role of Oliver in the show
‘Oliver’ that runs from 11th -19th April at the Regent
on Broadway and 30 April – 3rd May at the
Dannevirke Town Hall.
As the role has been double-cast Ryan will perform
as Oliver in six shows and a pickpocket for the other
six shows. A great achievement Ryan.
Our School Swimming Sports will take place on
Friday, 14 March at two venues.
 Swimming, Championship Events – Lido, 10am –
approximately 2.30pm
 Swimming, Non-Championship Events – School
Pool, 10.45am – 1.00pm
An invitation is extended to parents / caregivers to
support students in action at both venues. Your
presence adds to the wonderful atmosphere of
these events.
Lido Swimming Sports
We require a number of parents to help with timekeeping at our swimming sports at the Lido on Friday
14 March, from 10.00am - 2.30pm.
Please give your name and phone number to the
school office – Phone: 3580548, or email
A school rule (at the Lido) is no student is allowed to
buy food at the café. They must bring sufficient
lunch from home. We would also ask parents not to
to be well sheltered and sunny, with the possibility
of installing a tap for water later on.
Our next stage is to construct the garden. To start
off, we have bought some Macrocarpa sleepers
which will be used to construct some raised gardens,
working off the design plans that the extension
group students drew up.
We would like to cut costs where we can, a bit of
fund-raising and begging here and there! One area
where we could do with some help is with garden
tools and equipment. Parents, could you please
have a look in your shed or garage to see if you could
bring in any old gardening tools or equipment that
are spare or redundant. (As an example, my wife
discovered that we had three garden hand trowels,
so she has given us one for our school.) We would
really appreciate your help!
Jeff Smith - Co-ordinator Sustainable Vegetable
Garden Project.
Education in the outdoors is a powerful vehicle for
experiential learning and whilst some schools have
phased out this aspect of education it is one that
PNINS values and is just as relevant and important
today for the following reasons:
 Enhances learning in all areas of the
 Team building
 Encourages respect and care of the
 Develops skills in the outdoors
 Develops a sense of adventure and challenge
in a safely supervised environment
 Introduces recreational activities that
students may wish to continue
At PNINS, LEOTC Camps are planned on a two year
cycle so that no class attends expensive camps on
consecutive years.
2014 is a minor camp year, which means that all
camps are of 1-2 days duration, and within the
greater Manawatu Region.
It also means that camp costs will vary depending on
the venue/ activities for each team camp. All camps
will be within a $80 limit.
Team leaders will communicate further information
regarding their 2014 LEOTC Team camps in Team
Team Minor School Camps 2014
26 -27 February – Tangaroa – Foxton Beach Camp
4- 5 March - Arataki – Foxton Beach Camp
12 -13 March – Manawanui Team – Foxton Beach
18 -19 March – Kahukura Team – Makahika Camp
10 -11 April – Ikatere Team - Makahika Camp
14- 15 April – Rangitane Team – Makahika Camp
PNINS will hold its Science Fair in August this year,
and all students will be supported in completing a
project, either a science investigation or creating a
technology product.
A small group of projects will be then selected for
the Manawatu Science and Technology Fair late in
Students who aim to be selected should be aware
that there are changes to the MSTF approvals and
entry process for 2014.
In summary:
1. There is no pre-approval required for all
projects as there was last year.
2. Projects which need approval because of
health and safety, ethics or other concerns
apply through the class teacher for approval.
3. Approvals/enquiries will not be accepted
from students or parents. Classroom
teachers must forward them to MSTF.
4. There is a three (3) week turn-around.
5. A number of pre-approved projects will be
listed on the MSTF website. If the quality
matches our standard for entry, these can
be entered directly into the fair, by PNINS,
provided the student followed the
procedure exactly. Any deviation means the
student must re-apply for approval.
6. I have a potting mix approval for PNINS for
2014. Students can see me for a copy.
7. I am happy to act as forwarding teacher for
any students wishing to make an early start,
Whilst we have many parents wanting to go on the
major team camps as camp parents, we also require
camp parent support for our minor team camp
programme. It is parent support that has enabled us
to continue our successful minor and major team
camp experiences.
We made great progress at the end of last year,
solving problems like where we should install the
garden, who will be involved with it long term,
planning the layout and what we want to grow in
terms of fruit and vegetables. From questionnaires
and discussion, it has been decided to put the
garden on the patch of grass in between the art
classroom and the old bike sheds. This area seems
until April 30th. After that date, students
should see their own teacher.
8. The MSTF site should soon be updated with
all this information and more details.
Warwick Grady – Science Specialist
Boys Swimwear – please note that boys swimming
must wear swim shorts or Speedos. Swim shorts
must have an inner lining and be made of swim wear
material. (No other shorts / or underpants are to be
As kids, at school, you will remember the long
summer months when you were free to run around
the school fields at interval and lunchtime barefoot.
For a number of years at Palmerston North
Intermediate Normal School, students have not been
able to do this, as the school entrance had no gates
which meant that members of the public could
wander through our school at all hours.
This often brought with it (particularly at night and in
weekends) vandalism to school property and broken
glass strewn across our courts and playing fields.
Following a few serious injuries to students the
requirement was that students needed to wear
footwear when playing outside.
With our school grounds now fully ‘gated’ and
locked down after hours, and with the Fitzherbert
Hotel no longer in existence, the above is no longer
an issue.
Last week, the last of our boundary fences were
replaced making our school grounds a much safer
place to play and enjoy.
From yesterday, the school has relaxed its interval
and lunchtime footwear policy. All students, if they
desire, can now play at interval and lunchtime in
bare feet. This option will be available from Labour
Weekend to Easter, although, during this period if
the ‘flags are up on fields’ it means a ‘footwear on’
• The correct footwear will be worn to and from
school, at assemblies, all sports events out of
school, and when on the Astro Turf.
• In Terms 2 & 3 our winter footwear requirements
are as per our School Prospectus. This means no
bare feet outside.
In our last newsletter all students took home a copy
of our ‘Behaviour Management Plan’ pamphlet
outlining the school’s expectations in terms of
student attitude and behaviour. This pamphlet
highlights the school’s, students’, and parents’
responsibilities in Behaviour Management.
Bullying and Harassment
Enclosed in today’s newsletter is our policy
pamphlet on ‘Bullying and Harassment’.
There is no school in New Zealand where an element
of bullying does not take place.
The challenge for all schools is not to deny that
bullying occurs but to put in place policy, procedures
and programmes to deal with this form of behaviour.
The Board of Trustees has approved a voluntary
family donation of $75.00 per child and in addition
an Activity Fee of $125.00. In total $200 per child is
The Activity fee pays for the materials children use in
specialist technology rooms, IT consumables and
resources, the range of extra-curricular learning and
cultural programmes that this school provides its
This year, the Board of Trustees has decided that
parents / caregivers who pay the School Donation
and Activity Fee by 31st March 2014 the stationery
pack valued at $35 will be free.
Note: To get this benefit both the school donation
and activity fee must be paid together ($200) .This
offer replaces the $25 non-refundable credit offer
provided last year.
It is an expectation that students wear our uniform
correctly to and from school i.e. shirts tucked in,
sandals worn correctly, socks up, etc.
All children are required to go home first and not go
up town in uniform unless they are with their parent
/ caregiver.
If your child is up town with you please ensure that
they are wearing their uniform correctly including
sandals or shoes and socks.
The Palmerston North City Council and Police advise
that they will be vigilant in policing infringements
regarding illegal parking and driver behaviour
around schools. With 707 students entering and
exiting our entrances each day, we are very safety
conscious with regard to the use of cars, bikes and
Your co-operation with the following, as vehicle
drivers, is essential in keeping our entrances as safe
as possible for students.
Ukuele - Learning to play and read Music
College Street / South Street / Linton Street
• Keep clear of yellow lines (no parking, or stopping
to drop off or collect students)
• Keep clear of cones on South Street (no parking
signs / between cones)
• No vehicle entry into South Street / Linton Street
Entrances between 8.15am – 8.45am; 2.45pm –
3.30pm each day
Keep clear of corners
No stopping on bus stops
No parking in driveways to drop off students
Please refrain from doing a U-turn outside the
gate in all streets, for the safety of other road
The vast majority of parents are very supportive of
the above traffic rules and arrange for their child to
meet them down the road rather than outside the
school gate.
However, each year there are a few parents who
simply ignore yellow lines / no parking areas thus
putting our students and themselves at risk. Please
do not park in our school neighbours’ entrances.
The safety of students whether they walk, cycle, bus,
or are dropped off by parents is paramount. Your
support of the above will help to keep our
surrounding streets safe for students and thus
minimise risks.
Ukuele – Learning to play and read Music
Science ‘The Material World’
Hands on Science – ‘The Material World’
I have noticed whilst I have been at school at 3pm that
several cars are parking on yellow lines, in restricted area
over the time limit and double parking in and around
South, Linton and College streets, in order to get as close
as possible to pick up children. I would really encourage
all parents to allow their children to walk to a less
congested area after school to be picked up. Possibly
further down Fergusson and College St or even Park Road.
This would greatly alleviate the chaos and congestion
around school at this time, which does become a safety
issue for children and road patrollers.
Please be aware that I am meeting with PNCC this week,
who will be out and about enforcing the parking
restrictions in and around the school.
Road Safety Assembly – how to keep safe, and
school expectations as a cyclist, pedestrian or while
travelling on the school bus.
Your assistance in creating a safer environment at 3pm
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Safe Cycling Programme for
Kahukura/Rangitane (PN Police/Sports
17/2 Ultimate Challenge 1 – 5 Keys to School
Success launched
18/2 Year 7 DTAP Immunisation
19/2 Super Sports Softball at St Peters 10am
20/02 Class Photographs
20/2 BOT Meeting, 5.30pm in Admin Board Room
21/2 Assembly – Inter Class Swimming relays –
2.00pm at school pool
Safer Cycling Programme for
26/2 Super Sports Cricket – Wanganui
Tangaroa Team Camp – Foxton Beach
28/2 Assembly – Science Forum 2.30pm in Te Tihi
Looking Ahead
6/3 School Council Elections
7/3 Assembly, Year 7 Newcombe Ball – 2.30pm in
Gym 8
Every $25 spent instore will earn you one stamp. Collect
8 stamps to receive a token to place in a participating
school or community group’s donation box. Putting a
token in the PNINS box will help raise money for the
development of our School Running/Fitness Circuit
Please support PNINS when shopping at Pioneer New
World. Ask for your ‘Cash for Your Community Card’ and
have it stamped. This Pioneer New World initiative runs
from November 2013 to November 2014.
Pioneer New World advise that already our school has in
place tokens to the value of $3663.00
Please support PNINS by encouraging friends, family to
place their token in the PNINS box.
Nāku noa
Nā David Jopson
QUOTE OF THE WEEK Theme: Destiny
‘Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice,
it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be
Learn Guitar at PNINS in 2014
Small group lessons for beginners and returning students
will be available from MUSIQHUB Guitar Tutor, Craig
Buttar in Term 1.
Opportunities to learn your favourite songs, and perform
in concert.
Email for details or call
Craig on 027 7722877. For more information regarding
Winston Churchill
Our next School Newsletter will come home on
Tuesday 4 March, 2014.