
by BDP
Creating Places
for People.
BDP designs and creates inspiring places for people. With over 800
architects, engineers, designers and masterplanners we work from
studios throughout the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Middle East,
India and China.
Founded in 1961, BDP is now one of the best known
interdisciplinary practices in the world and has won over 900
awards for design quality.
We collaborate with our clients to realise their aspirations, placing
the user at the heart of the design process to create places and
spaces that energise and nurture the people who use them.
and expert, we
deliver exciting
and beautiful
artificial lighting
schemes that
are seamlessly
integrated with
Lighting at BDP delivers people centred designs.
Teamwork, conceptual integrity and sustainability
are central to our philosophy and methods.
The team consists of artists, product designers,
engineers, theatre designers and architects.
Every project benefits from this vibrant mix
of skills and backgrounds and internally we
operate as a design collective. Lighting design
has so many design and client interfaces that
profound interaction with all parties is essential.
Independence from any supplier allows us to
select the best solutions for the project. We
deliver the highest quality on time and in budget.
Experience is held in all the key fields of lighting
design. We are market leaders in retail, heritage,
leisure, education, libraries, workplace, public
realm, art and art galleries, exterior architecture,
environmental impact assessments and
daylight design.
As experts we deliver the most advanced and
appropriate solutions for our clients. We are
called on to contribute widely to professional
bodies. Through our publications, seminars and
events, we aim to educate and inspire.
People Centred
Human interaction with
architecture through
the medium of light is
central to our philosophy
and practice. We believe
in putting people at the
heart of lighting.
BDP has supported Maggie’s charity’s
An interactive lighting display at Roca
night hikes since 2008, raising the
Gallery in Imperial Wharf continued the
spirits of tired walkers with uplifting and
balloon motive from the previous year’s
inspirational installations at some of
installation at Horse Guard’s Parade,
London’s most iconic buildings.
stimulating human interaction through
the power of light. At Chelsea Physic
Projects include the top floor restaurant
Garden a selection of origami ‘wish
at The Gherkin (30 St Mary Axe) lit to
cranes’ created by Hiroshima victim
emulate a starry night under a glass
Sadako Sasaki were suspended from
dome and an installation in the inner
a memorial tree.
courtyard of St Bartholomew’s Hospital.
Xercipsummy nim enim adiamcoreet la
feumsandrem ea augue. Dolenim quis
adigna consequi tatie min vel in velenim
quipiscipis ate digna faci et praessim
aliquat, veraessim.
A clear conceptual
approach communicated
well is the foundation of
any successful project.
We believe the design concept should be
formulated by rigorous intellectual analysis
of human concerns and how they interact
with their surrounding physical environment.
By understanding the value of design
proposals in these terms it facilitates the
task of communicating and implementing
that design concept.
In the event of value engineering or design
change, the cost and benefit of design
elements can be more easily evaluated. It
is through this methodology that we create
and implement world class designs.
St Nickolas is a unique apartment building
located on one of the oldest streets in Moscow,
a few steps from the Kremlin. We have designed
a discreet energy efficient LED lighting system to
accentuate the strong architectural lines of the
building, highlighting the baroque and classical
details with minimal intervention to the fabric of
the historic facade.
Chester Cathedral
St Nickolas
Essex Business School
tree on a sloping site, with offices and
The architectural brief was for no ceiling
The first zero carbon business school
teaching spaces wrapping around a
mounted lighting. This was achieved by
in the UK for the University of Essex
winter garden with an ETFE and timber
integration and the application of task
provides innovative social and office
roof. With an emphasis on passive energy
based solutions. By concentrating light
space for student entrepreneurs,
reduction, daylight sensors maximise
to where it was required, combined with
promoting community and international
the benefit of good daylight levels and
control, estimated energy savings of
links. The three storey timber frame
passive infra-red absence detection
60% were achieved as well as delivering
building is conceived as a south facing
removes the risk of surplus lighting in less
a high quality and flexible solution.
crescent shaped around a mature oak
frequently occupied spaces.
Sustainability is rooted in
our humanist approach
and acknowledgement
of our impact on the
global community. Our
designs have to satisfy
the triple bottom line to be
sustainable environmentally,
socially and economically.
The architectural brief was for no ceiling
mounted lighting. This was achieved by
integration and the application of task
based solutions. By concentrating light
to where it was required, combined with
control, estimated energy savings of 60%
were achieved as well as delivering a high
quality and flexible solution.
The Point is the first phase of the
and active environmental thinking to
world-class renaissance of Lancashire
provide a highly energy efficient and
County Cricket Club providing the
sustainable operation. The ability of
best 1,000 seat events venue in north
the lighting design to contribute to
west England.
LCCC’s carbon reduction commitment
has set a precedent for all sports
State of the art low energy LED
venues around the world. The project
lighting and controls help the design
has gained gold certification from the
intelligently integrate both passive
Green Business Tourism Scheme.
The Art and
Science of Light
Lighting is a mixture of art
and science. Experience,
instinct and creativity are
essential components in
making inspiring spaces and
manipulating the ephemeral
medium that is light.
Our concepts are rigorously tested to ensure the
feasibility of our designs. We make sure that all
our projects work - beautifully.
V&A Gallery, London
immaculate. Extensive calculation,
The brief was to create an exemplar
modelling and trials were undertaken
flexible modern exhibition space
to determine the decorative finishes
which returned the splendour of the
and the subtle variations of white light
original architecture and spectacular
deployed and demonstrate these
dome, with conservation a primary
variances to a wide stakeholder set.
consideration. Working within the
rigorous classical geometries three 9m
The contrasting 5000lux main
rings were installed to house uplights
entrance with the 50lux limit of the
to the dome and provide spotlights
exhibition area required careful
below using a flexible infrastructure
management. Through the use of
to suit any exhibit configuration whilst
sensitive dimming visitors’ eyes
enabling views to the dome above.
are able to adapt imperceptibly to
the increasing darkness so that
Every fixing needed to be invisible,
the atmosphere remains fresh and
every radius discussed, cable routes
apparently bright at all times.
disguised and connections to the roof
Winner of a Lighting Design Award,
Trinity Leeds, a 1,000,000 sq ft retail
and leisure development has changed
the way the city functions by day into
night by creating an alluring destination
through the power of light.
The lighting design included all public
realm, exterior facade lighting, malls
We continually test and
challenge the market,
closely following
emerging technologies.
Research and
development are core
and the exterior lighting of Trinity
Church with, at its heart, a stunning LED
installation to celebrate the spectacular
sweeping glass roof.
Discreetly detailed custom acrylic rods
internally illuminated with RGB LEDs
were mounted on the undulating roof
structure. Sophisticated, low energy
and easily maintainable, each can
be individually controlled to create
shimmering waves of light that illuminate
the roof. Light shows subtly develop
throughout the evening to create a
changing ambience, altering daily so
Innovation and
that shopping in Trinity is always a
different experience.
Urban Renaissance
The transformative qualities of light, when
harnessed with landscape and architecture
have the power to expel crime and create
harmonious social spaces.
Brown Hart Gardens, London
The lighting used the ground
ongoing relationship between BDP,
People, plants and light were key to
plane, integrated light into bespoke
Grosvenor Estates and Westminster
the rejuvenation of a previously derelict
furniture and planters and significant
City Council, which includes the
public square over a listed substation.
architectural features to provide a safe
creation of a public realm handbook
A new stair and glazed platform lift
and atmospheric environment.
and lighting masterplan for the Mayfair
and Belgravia Estates and a series of
along with a cafe, which integrates
with the landscape, draw shoppers
Winner of the Best New Public Space
projects which rejuvenate key streets
and tourists towards a relaxing
at the London Planning Awards and
within the borough.
contemplative environment away from
praised for its ingenuity and historical
the nearby crowds of Oxford Street.
sensitivity, the project continues the
The WIN Award judges commented:
“Warm, welcoming and stunning. Well
“Having visited the pavilion there is some real
integrated lighting scheme revealing magic
magic and craft in this scheme. It sits calmly
by night. The environment created here is
in the background until you realise it is actually
absolutely beautiful.”
the showstopper, exactly what a lighting
scheme should do.”
UK Pavilion, Milan Expo 2015
The UK Pavilion is truly remarkable. A
successful collaboration between Wolfgang
Buttress and BDP that has resulted in a
plethora of international awards including a
Blueprint Award, Architectural Lighting Award,
WIN Award, Darc Award and the International
Prize for Best Pavilion Architecture, it responds
to the brief of feeding the world in a visceral
and experiential way that appeals to all ages
and cultures by immersing them in sound,
light, and touch. A collaboration between
landscape and art, it highlights the decline of
the world’s bee population and the importance
of pollination to the production of food.
The lighting outside the sculpture had a budget
of only £25,000 and yet needed to conform
to European standards for ambient and
emergency lighting. Additionally it needed to
support the aims and vision of Wolfgang. This
was achieved by integrating low cost LED into
architectural and landscape features. The light
was very warm to create a honey glow and
kept at below eye level to allow uninterrupted
views to the Hive.
Attract and Retain
Attractively lit
environments can
generate income for
clients by increasing
customer flow and
extending the trading
day. Whether it is an
individual store or the
largest development in
Europe, we are able to
satisfy client needs.
Park Lane, Meadowhall, Sheffield,
Eight chandelier sculptures create a
one of only six super-regional shopping
stunning centrepiece, adding accent,
centres in the UK, has been redesigned
sparkle and contrast. From a distance
using feature and functional lighting
they appear as intricately detailed lighting
elements to increase footfall, customer
blocks and from close up they look like
retention and per capita spend within an
spiralling, falling leaves.
enhanced retail environment. The roof
structure is uplit via continuous RGBW
The success of the renovation of Park
luminaires, providing a fully programmable
Lane has led to the wider refurbishment
and flexible backdrop running along the
of the Meadowhall Centre and plans for a
entire length of the mall and onto the two
future extension. The project was Highly
main domes.
Commended in the Best Decorative Lighting
Installation Category at the Darc Awards.
Cardiff St David’s
The project was a finalist in the National
A scheme to transform the southern end
Lighting Design Awards and won the
of Cardiff and give a previously under-
Supreme Gold Award from the British
used area a new lease of life creates
Council of Shopping Centres.
attractive and safe public spaces for
people to enjoy, a new public library,
“The BDP team were always trying to
residential accommodation and a
innovate and push the boundaries in a
contemporary retail provision. Cardiff
creative sense.”
is famous for its Victorian arcades and
Andrew Dudley, Director of Project
the heart of the development was the
Management, Land Securities
creation of a 21st century arcade, with
ancillary cross arcades and bridge
connections to a refurbished centre and
the new John Lewis Partnership store.
The lighting not only provides a night
time draw and identity, it has also
been essential in extending the trading
day until midnight. A key example is
the light locked food zone where the
illuminated ceiling imitates natural light
during the day and changes to support
a sophisticated fine dining experience at
night. Annual footfall is now 38 million.
The Liverpool ONE development has
26 different architects involved in the
zones or quarters are created, each
transformed and revitalised Liverpool’s
development, the lighting played an
with its own specific identity, function
city centre.
integral role in pulling the whole scheme
and architectural features. The lighting
together to create a visually stimulating
scheme worked to highlight specific
night time environment.
nodal points and key architectural
Involved from the outset, we were able
to implement a lighting masterplan that
facades in these different quarters.
seamlessly links the myriad buildings
The lighting masterplan connects the
and public realm areas of the entire 42
development area extending from the
acre site. With 36 new buildings and
Mersey to the city centre. Character
The Power
of Daylight
Daylight is the source of energy
that drives the growth and
activity of all living things. It
is essential to sustaining life
by deterring diseases as well
as maintaining our biological
rhythms and hormonal cycles.
The provision of shelter
and natural light has been
the fundamental element of
architecture throughout history.
When lighting typically accounts for
The Enterprise Centre is the
a third of a building’s CO2 emissions,
University of East Anglia’s newest,
maximising daylight and minimising
Britain’s greenest and one of the most
glare is crucial. We have the resources
sustainable buildings in Europe. The
and experience to fully model projects
building achieved BREEAM Outstanding
and this enables us to predict and
with a score of 90.8%, and is also
communicate the behaviour of light in
Passivhaus standard. Located at the
the building – crucial to obtaining the
gateway to the campus, this ground-
BREEAM and LEED credits, as well
breaking building is the region’s hub
as sometimes revealing surprising
for entrepreneurs, innovators and
opportunities. The most crucial
businesses that are committed to
architectural decisions can be made
building a low carbon future.
at the earliest stages when massing
and orientation are determined.
Climate Based
Daylight Modelling
The analysis of daylight is changing for
We can engage at any stage of a project.
The benefits to the client and wider
the better. Climate based, hour-by-hour,
• Site planning, assisting with massing,
design team are an optimised design
computer simulations are now central to
orientation, neighbouring impact and
that minimises carbon and maximises
user comfort, health and wellbeing. The
our advice. Whilst the techniques are in
their infancy, BDP is at the forefront of
• Crafting building form.
ultimate aim is a collaboration to create
professional thinking. CBDM provides far
• Facade design including the
inspiring, and effective buildings.
greater detail about light distribution and
intensity and uses real climate data to
calculate useable daylight expressed in
more familiar and useful ways.
coordination of fenestration, shading
and internal view.
• Space planning and interior design
to maximise the beneficial human
• Integration with artificial lighting and
lighting control.
At the Royal Alexandra Children’s
Hospital in Brighton the daylight and
artificial design scheme took into account
the latest research findings to develop
unique features that contribute towards
the healing process.
Daylight was maximised to both the
atrium and the ward spaces and artificial
lighting included the UK’s first dawn
simulation system in a hospital ward.
In all spaces extensive effort has gone
into making the lighting as natural and
comfortable as possible. The transition
from daylit space to artificially lit space
is smooth and light is reflected off
the architectural surfaces to give the
perception of brightness to all areas.
FirstSite, Colchester
inside, with a double-height entrance
With ample north light to exhibits,
We provided artificial and daylight
foyer that is flooded with daylight.
sunlight is excluded by the building
form except where desired. Fenestration
design for a new build contemporary
visual arts complex in Colchester by
Viñoly is well known for manipulating
is placed to maximise views to and
the award-winning architect Rafael
natural light magnificently within his
connections with the surrounding
Viñoly. The crescent-shaped building
buildings and, as daylight consultants,
landscape. There was no need for
is wrapped in a unique gold coloured
we were able to help analyse and sculpt
additional shielding or brise soleil.
copper-aluminium alloy creating a
the building in response to the natural
dramatic presence which hopes to draw
lighting needs.
in the crowds. The wow factor continues
Light has a
fundamental and
role to play
in enhancing
productivity and
performance in
the workplace.
Atrium is the largest lighting showroom
and aesthetics of the lighting in the
in London, designed to host events
contexts of office, exhibition, bar/
and to appeal to architects, interior
kitchen, seminar room, meeting rooms
designers and lighting consultants
and lighting workshop. A dramatically
whilst providing flexibility to incorporate
lit, sculptural stair guides visitors from
future products.
the ground floor to the showroom where
exposed concrete walls and columns
Areas were created which display
were retained to contrast with the finely
and celebrate the various capabilities
engineered lighting products.
7 More London is the first building in
The 48,000m2 building has 4,500
A forerunner in the use of LED technology,
London, and first major office in the UK,
workstations, catering for 6,300 staff
35% of the luminaires are LED, the rest are
to be awarded the new elite standard
whilst delivering exemplary standards in
fluorescent, setting a precedent for future
for BREEAM Outstanding with energy
sustainable building design. The intimate,
lighting solutions in the workplace sector.
performance providing an over 70%
bespoke approach to the lighting results
improvement on building regulations.
in an elegant, boutique style feel in a
traditional corporate environment, allowing
for flexibility and personal control.
Royal Pharmaceutical Society,
The conversion includes the creation
library at ground floor encouraging staff
London. A tired 1980s office building
of a new atrium space from an existing
integration and improving circulation
has been transformed into an attractive
light well at the centre of the building
around the new heart of the building.
new headquarters for the Royal
and the remodeling of the ground and
Pharmaceutical Society. The facade
fourth floors into a museum, conference
showcases the work of the society,
and gathering space for staff, members
promotes health and forms an open,
and visitors. The atrium visually
accessible and inviting addition to the
connects all the activities of the building
local community.
and a feature staircase climbs from the
our Heritage
Striking yet sensitive application of
internal and external lighting to our
historic buildings and monuments
can enhance key architectural
elements and bring them to life.
Manchester Town Hall Extension and Central
Reference Library
The major refurbishment of two Grade II* listed
buildings, the Town Hall Extension and Central
Reference Library has a focus on centralised energy
generation and safe, resilient and adaptable building
services. Heritage luminaires were refurbished where
possible to maintain the character of the building and
provide new energy efficient lighting systems.
The Central Reference Library, the largest and most
popular library in Manchester, incorporating archives,
exhibition space and a historic film collection has
achieved BREEAM Excellent, a rare achievement for a
listed building of this scale.
The project was Highly Commended at the Lux
Awards and received a RICS Regional Award, British
Council for Offices Regional Award and was voted
Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Building
of the Year.
The Royal Albert Hall is one of the
The lighting team was responsible
most recognisable buildings in London
for the design of new lighting to
and one of the major challenges of
refurbished areas and to the building
the project was the issue of planning
itself, ensuring that the public view
and sensitivity. The building itself is
of the building maintained the Royal
a cultural icon and heritage issues
Albert Hall’s prominence as a major
were of utmost importance which
London landmark.
meant close liaison with the planners
and English Heritage. Additionally the
new South Porch is surrounded by
residential buildings and this requires
the lighting to be designed with light
pollution as a key factor.
• 2000 NikeTown, London (Distinction)
• 2015 Atrium Showroom and Office
• 2000 The Mall, Cribbs Causeway, • 2015 UK Pavilion
Bristol (Distinction)
(Highly Commended)
• 2015 Manchester Central Library
• 2000 Halifax Plc Headquarters,
Halifax (Commended)
• 2014 Trinity, Leeds (Large Retail)
• 1998 Brent Cross Shopping Centre,
Hendon, London (Commendation)
• 2014 Edinburgh International
Conference Centre, Edinburgh
• 1998 Halifax plc, coffee shop and
restaurant refurbishment, Halifax,
(Lighting for Leisure)
• 2014 Mark Ridler, Lighting Director
(Lighting Designer of the Year)
• 2013 V&A Fashion Gallery (Finalist Public Buildings)
• 2012 7 More London,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, London
(Low Carbon category)
• 2011 The Point, Old Trafford,
Manchester (Lighting for Leisure
• 2010 St David’s (Finalist Retail)
• 2010 Senate House (Finalist Heritage)
• 2009 Liverpool One (Finalist Retail/
• 1998 University of Sunderland, School
of Computing and Information Systems,
Sunderland, Tyne and Wear (Special
• 1996 National Westminster Bank Deansgate, Bolton, Greater Manchester
(Highly Recommended)
• 1996 NATS En-Route Control Centre,
Swanwick, Hampshire (Internal Lighting
- Commendation)
• 1996 NATS En-Route Control Centre,
Swanwick, Hampshire (External Lighting,
• 2008 Guerrilla Lighting, Manchester and
London (Special Projects Category)
Thames, Surrey (Winner, Commercial
Caledonian University (Workplace
• 2006 Princesshay (Special Projects
Category: Winner)
• 2006 National Gallery (Finalist Public
• 2005 Napier University Business School
(Finalist Workplace)
• 1994 Splash Leisure Pool, Dunbar,
Lothian (Winner Leisure Category)
• 2006 The Almshouses, Princesshay,
Exeter (Award of Merit)
• 2004 The Gate, Newcastle upon Tyne
(Leisure category)
• 2004 Limerick Council Offices, Limerick
(Workplace Category, BDP designed the
uplighter luminaire)
• 2003 Whitehaven Harbour, Whitehaven,
Cumbria (Transport Category)
• 2003 St Peter and St Paul, Exton (Small
Project Category)
• 2003 Job Centre Plus, (Workplace
Category: Highly Commended)
• 2013 EICC (Finalist)
• 2015 UK Pavilion (Commendable
Dennis Gilbert
• 2003 Bournemouth Central Library,
• 2007 Deloitte Headquarters, Manchester
(Highly Commended)
• 2015 Manchester Town Hall (Highly
• 2015 Atrium Office and Showroom
(Highly Commended)
• 2012 Richard Rose Morton Academy,
Carlisle (North West Regional Award)
• 2011 City Campus, University of Wales
• 2014 Creative Arts Building, City College
• 2013 Mount Street, London
• 2012 City Campus, University of Wales
• 2010 Liverpool One, Liverpool (Special Award for Sustainability)
• 2009 Royal Alexandra Children’s
Hospital, Brighton
• 2009 Westminster Academy, London
• 2008 Cornmill Gardens, Lewisham,
• 2004 Hampden Gurney School,
Marylebone London
• 2004 Piccadilly Station, Manchester
• 2004 Cathedral Gardens, Manchester
• 2002 Royal Opera House, London • 2000 Neptune Court National Maritime
Museum, Greenwich
• 2009 Liverpool One Masterplan,
• 2013 Richard Rose Morton Academy,
• 2011 Highbury Grove & Samuel Rhodes
School, Islington, London
• 2010 Leeds Grand Theatre, Leeds
David Thrower, Redshift Photography
• 2002 Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow, Scotland
Marylebone, London (Shortlist)
Caledonian University
Sanna Fisher-Payne
• 2012 The Point (Finalist)
Liverpool (Shortlist)
• 2008 The Saltire Centre, Glasgow
David Barbour
Gareth Gardner
• 2002 Hampden Gurney School,
• 2008 Abito Apartments, Greengate, Salford
• 2004 Royal Albert Hall, London
(Dixon Jones BDP)
(Groupe 6 architects with BDP)
• 2013 Trinity, Leeds (Finalist)
West Yorkshire (Commendation)
• 1994 The Bentall Centre, Kingston upon
• 2007 The Saltire Centre, Glasgow
• 2014 Atrium Showroom and Office
• 2009 Debenhams, Liverpool One, Liverpool
• 2011 Heslington East Campus, University
of York
• 2010 Cardiff Central Library, Cardiff
• 2009 Liverpool One Masterplan, Liverpool
(Shortlist for Stirling Prize)
• 2009 BDP Manchester Studio, Manchester
• 2008 Abito Apartments, Greengate, Salford
• 2007 Marlowe Academy, Ramsgate
(RIBA National Award)
• 2007 Devonshire School, Blackpool
• 2006 The Saltire Centre, Glasgow
Caledonian University
• 2003 Piccadilly Station, Manchester
• 2002 Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow,
• 2002 Hampden Gurney School,
Marylebone, London (Shortlist for Stirling Prize)
• 2002 Fingal County Hall, Swords, Near Dublin
• 2002 Said Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford
• 2000 Marks & Spencer Store, Manchester
• 2000 Royal Opera House, London (Dixon
Jones BDP)
• 2015 UK Pavilion
Front cover image: Thomas More
Square, London. Philip Vile
Back cover image: Edinburgh
International Conference Centre
extension. David Barbour
by BDP