FAST-NU Research Journal (FRJ), Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015 Alternate Method to Experimentally Determine the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion for Metals 1,2 Saman Shahid1, Afifa Sadaqat2, Hasnain Abbas3 National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan; 3 Center of High Energy Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan; α = ΔL/(L x ΔT) Abstract—The thermal expansion coefficient of different metals can be experimentally determined for three metals, namely, Aluminum, Brass and Copper, (called ABC metals in this paper) using the standard PASCO experimental setup. This paper describes and compares two alternate methods to experimentally determine the coefficients of the same metals. The benefits and shortcomings of the two methods have been discussed in this paper. Observed results have been reported in the form of graphs and tables. It was concluded that our proposed methods are not as good as the already available method. However, the proposed methods provide us with a cleaner experimental set-up. They also allow us to use additional metals and alloys for experimentation. where ΔL is the increase in length, L is the original length of the material, and ΔT is the increase in temperature[4]. A number of methods, including ‘computerbased’ techniques, are available for the evaluation of the thermal expansion coefficient of a given metal or alloy. Examples include: ‘mechanical dilatometry’, ‘optical imaging’, and ‘X-ray diffraction’ [2-4]. An “Infrared Image Correlation” method has been reported by [5], a “Non-contact optical” method has been reported by [6], and the use of a Thermo-mechanical Analyzer (TMA) to measure coefficient of thermal expansion of several materials through linear position sensors has been reported by [7]. Keywords--- thermal coefficients, thermal expansion. II. STANDARD PASCO SETUP The PASCO Science Workshop 500 Interface [8] was used to experimentally determine the thermal expansion coefficient of the ABC metals in the lab. A bi-directional digital ‘Rotary Motion Sensor’ or RMS, part number CI-6538, was used to measure the change in length. It can measure ‘linear position’ with a resolution of 0.055 mm or ‘rotary motion’ with a resolution of 0.25°. A ‘thermistor sensor’, part number CI-6527A, was used to measure the change in temperature. The thermistor sensor can read the resistance of a thermistor connected to the metal rod under observation, and can convert it to temperature. These sensors connect to the computer system through the Science Workshop 500 Interface, CI-6400, as shown in Figure 1. The “DataStudio” software is provided by PASCO to enable the students to acquire data during the experiment, and perform various analyses tasks on the collected data. I. INTRODUCTION Thermal expansion is a property of matter because of which a change in volume occurs as a result of changes in the temperature [1]. Thermal expansion has applications in many areas, for example, in bimetallic strips used for the construction of digital thermometers [2]. An understanding of thermal expansion is also important. As an example, in the microelectronics industry, it is often required to assess the mechanical and thermal properties of the semi-conductor material used in the fabrication of integrated circuits [3]. The thermal expansion “coefficient” has importance in the structural and mechanical design of materials. The “coefficient of linear thermal expansion”, α, indicates the extent to which the material will expand upon heating. It is defined to be a fractional increase in length per unit rise in temperature, i.e., 43 FAST-NU Research Journal (FRJ), Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015 TABLE I. Material Aluminum Brass Copper TABLE II. Material Aluminum Brass Copper Fig. 1: Standard PASCO experimental setup using steam heating of the metal rod under test. TABLE III. III. USING ALTERNATE HEATING METHODS Material Figure 2 shows the experimental setup used to measure the coefficient of thermal expansion using a soldering iron to heat the ABC metal rods under test. A similar setup was used to heat the three metal rods using a hair dryer. Aluminum Brass Copper DATA USING STEAM HEAT Original Length ‘L’ (mm) 410 410 410 Change in length ‘ΔL’ (mm) 0.631 0.481 0.417 ΔT (℃) 63.371 65.5 66.0 DATA USING SOLDERING IRON HEAT Original Length ‘L’ (mm) 410 410 410 Change in length ‘ΔL’ (mm) 0.058 0.039 0.031 ΔT (℃) 9.90 7.91 6.67 DATA USING HAIR DRYER HEAT Original Length ‘L’ (mm) 410 410 410 Change in length ‘ΔL’ (mm) 0.045 0.032 0.020 ΔT (℃) 8.86 6.68 5.67 TABLE IV. COMPARISON OF THERMAL COEFFICIENTS (STEAM) Material α (per deg. C) Standard ×10-6 α (per deg. C) Experimental ×10-6 Percentage Error (%) Aluminum Brass Copper 23 19 17 24.2 17.9 15.5 4.3 5.7 8.8 TABLE V. COMPARISON OF THERMAL COEFFICIENTS (SOLDERING IRON) Fig. 2: Experimental setup using soldering iron heating of the metal rod. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figures 3, 4 and 5 show the change in length versus time and change in temperature versus time for each of the ABC metal rods, respectively, using standard steam heating. The initial length of each rod is 410 mm. Table I gives a summary of these results, while Table IV compares the calculated value of the thermal coefficient with the theoretical value, and tabulates the percentage error. Material α (per deg. C) Standard ×10-6 α (per deg. C) Experimental ×10-6 Percentage Error (%) Aluminum Brass Copper 23 19 17 14.2 11.9 11.3 61.97 59.66 50.4 TABLE VI. COMPARISON OF THERMAL COEFFICIENTS (HAIRDRYER) 44 Material α (per deg. C) Standard ×10-6 α (per deg. C) Experimental ×10-6 Percentage Error (%) Aluminum Brass Copper 23 19 17 12.3 11.6 8.6 86.99 63.79 97.67 FAST-NU Research Journal (FRJ), Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015 Fig. 3: Change in length and temperature versus time for an aluminum rod (steam heat) Fig. 6: Change in length and temperature versus time for an aluminum rod (soldering iron heat) Fig. 4: Change in length and temperature versus time for a brass rod (steam heat) Fig. 5: Change in length and temperature versus time for a copper rod (steam heat) Fig. 7: Change in length and temperature versus time for an aluminum rod (hair dryer heat) 45 FAST-NU Research Journal (FRJ), Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015 Fig. 8: Change in length and temperature versus time for a brass rod (soldering iron heat) Fig. 10: Change in length and temperature versus time for a copper rod (soldering iron heat) Fig. 9: Change in length and temperature versus time for a brass rod (hair dryer heat) Fig. 11: Change in length and temperature versus time for a copper rod (hair dryer heat) 46 FAST-NU Research Journal (FRJ), Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2015 Figures 6 and 7 show the change in length versus time and change in temperature versus time for the aluminum rod, using soldering iron heating and hair dryer heating, respectively. Figures 8 and 9 are for the brass rod, and Figures 10 and 11 are for the copper rod. Tables II, III, V and VI give a summary of the results shown in these figures. be achieved by using a soldering iron or a hair dryer. The PASCO setup requires a special metal rod during the experiment. This means that the thermal coefficients of only those metal rods that are provided by PASCO can be determined. Simple metal rods can be employed if the alternate methods of heating are used. This allows the use of the existing setup for experimentally determining the coefficient of thermal expansion of more metals and alloys. It can be seen from these results that by using the two alternate methods, the change in length and temperature which could be achieved were much less than the values obtained using steam heating of the metal rods. While using steam for heating can raise the temperature of the sample to about 100 degrees C, the two alternate methods could not give a maximum temperature of more than 50 degrees C each. As a result, the coefficient of thermal expansion determined experimentally is very different from the theoretical value. One solution to this problem is to use a soldering iron with more heating capability. The soldering iron used was rated at 25watts. Instead, using a 100 watt soldering iron is expected to provide better results. Both the above mentioned alternate methods took an average time of 35 minutes to get the results, while the standard steam heating method provided measurements in only 5 minutes. V. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] CONCLUSIONS Two alternate heating mechanisms used with the standard PASCO experimental setup have been proposed and described in this paper. Instead of using steam for heating the metal rods, heating was done by using a soldering iron in one set of experiments, and a hair dryer in the second set of experiments. The benefit is that the experiments can be done by the students without the risk of getting steamburn. It also provides a cleaner experimental set-up, as there is no drainage of condensed water. An additional benefit is that samples from more metals can be used thereby enabling the students to find the thermal coefficients of more metals and alloys. [4] [5] [6] The proposed alternate methods did not prove to be better than the one recommended by PASCO for determining the thermal coefficients of aluminum, brass and copper. The reason is that uniform heating could not 47 I. Yamada. K. Tsuchida. K. Ohgushi. N. Hayashi. J. Kim. N. Tsuji. R. Takahashi. M. Matsushita. N. Nishiyama. T. Inoue. (2011, Jul.) .Giant Negative Thermal Expansion in the Iron. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 50(29), pp. 6579–6582. 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Afifa Sadaqat has done her B.S. and M.Phil. in microelectronics engineering and semiconductor physics from the University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Her areas of interest include device fabrication via nanoparticles. 48