ATTACHMENT 3 INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS SINGAPORE ENGINEERING ACCREDITATION BOARD ACCREDITATION MANUAL Institution of Engineers, Singapore Engineering Accreditation Board 70 Bukit Tinggi Road Singapore 289758 Tel: (65)-6469 5000 Fax: (65)-6467 1108 Website: Jun 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I ENGINEERING ACCREDITATION BOARD..........................4 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 4 2 COMPOSITION OF ENGINEERING ACCREDITATION BOARD (EAB)........... 4 PART II ACCREDITATION POLICY .....................................................6 3 OBJECTIVES OF ACCREDITATION ............................................................................... 6 4 ACCREDITATION POLICY................................................................................................. 6 PART III ACCREDITATION PROCEDURE..........................................8 5 ACCREDITATION PROCESS.............................................................................................. 8 6 PROVISIONAL ACCREDITATION OF NEW PROGRAMS ...................................... 9 7 ACCREDITATION VISIT.................................................................................................... 10 8 FOLLOW-UP ACTION AS A REQUIREMENT FOR ACCREDITATION ........... 11 9 DISPUTE RESOLUTION .................................................................................................... 12 PART IV ACCREDITATION CRITERIA .............................................. 13 10 GENERAL CRITERIA.......................................................................................................... 13 11 SPECIFIC PROGRAM CRITERIA..................................................................................... 16 PART V ACCREDITATION INFORMATION .....................................20 12 PROGRAM INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 20 PART VI REVIEW BY EVALUATION TEAM ......................................27 13 TASKS FOR EVALUATION TEAM ................................................................................. 27 14 TASKS FOR MEMBERS OF THE EVALUATION TEAM......................................... 28 15 REPORT OF EVALUATION TEAM................................................................................ 28 EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 2 of 30 PART VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................30 APPENDIX A - ASSESSMENT FORM ANNEX 1 - SUGGESTED OUTLINE OF SCHEDULE OF ON-SITE VISIT ANNEX 2 - SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR INFORMATION ON FACULTY STAFF EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 3 of 30 PART I ENGINEERING ACCREDITATION BOARD 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 There has been an increasing need and demand for accreditation of educational programs in engineering due to the growing number of students seeking assurance on the standards of programs being offered by educational institutions both locally and overseas, and the emergence of more educational institutions providing education in engineering. 1.2 The Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) was thus set up by the Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES) to be the body for accreditation of engineering programs. It is a non-governmental organisation and has the support of stakeholders in the engineering profession. 1.3 EAB will work closely with stakeholders to ensure that the programs serve to equip graduates with a sound knowledge of fundamentals of the discipline, and to develop in them an acceptable level of professional competence such as would meet the needs of the profession locally and be adequate for the responsible fulfilment of engineering assignments globally. 2 COMPOSITION OF ENGINEERING ACCREDITATION BOARD (EAB) 2.1 EAB comprises the President of the IES and up to 10 other members who are appointed by the Council of IES. The chairman of EAB shall be elected by members. 2.2 Members of EAB shall, wherever possible, comprise professional engineers from the various branches of engineering the programs of which have been or are to be accredited. Members of EAB may also comprise persons from relevant organisations, such as the Professional Engineers Board, the Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore, regulatory agencies and tertiary educational institutions. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 4 of 30 2.3 The terms of reference of EAB are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) to implement the accreditation policy of the Council of IES; to formulate guidelines and procedures for accreditation; to appoint an Evaluation Team to accredit each engineering program; to receive and review evaluation reports by the Evaluation Teams, and decide on whether accreditation should be granted, as well as the conditions to be imposed, if there is such a need; to respond to the Council of IES on complaints and appeals regarding the accreditation process; to represent IES in mutual recognition agreements on academic qualifications and professional membership with other countries; to report periodically to the Council of IES on its work. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 5 of 30 PART II ACCREDITATION POLICY 3 OBJECTIVES OF ACCREDITATION 3.1 The objectives of accreditation by EAB are: (i) to ensure that accredited programs satisfy the requirements for corporate membership of the Institution of Engineers Singapore only in the area of academic qualifications and are benchmarked to meet the standards of other mutual recognition agreements entered into by EAB, including the Washington Accord; (ii) to assist stakeholders as well as potential students and their parents, professional societies, and potential employers, in identifying specific engineering programs that meet the minimum criteria for accreditation; and (iii) to provide feedback to the educational institutions for the improvement and development of educational programs in engineering that can better meet the needs of the local industry. 4 ACCREDITATION POLICY 4.1 The following general policies will be the guiding principles for the accreditation of engineering programs: (i) Programs, instead of educational institutions, are accredited. Only programs leading to a Bachelor’s Degree would be accredited. (ii) Programs to be accredited should be offered by an educational institution of higher learning which has been formally approved as an educational institution by the appropriate authority in the state. (iii) The title of a program to be accredited shall be the same as that shown on the graduating student’s certificate and transcript. All routes leading to the completion of the program will have to satisfy the accreditation criteria. An evening or part-time program may also be accredited along with the regular fulltime on-campus program provided it offers the same curriculum and processes, laboratory facilities and physical learning environment, and same standards of grading. (iv) Programs from which at least two batches of students have graduated will be considered for full accreditation. However, new programs could be considered for provisional accreditation. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 6 of 30 (v) Programs are considered for review and accreditation only at the written request of the educational institution. (vi) Accreditation of a program will normally be granted for a specific term of five years. If there is uncertainty as to the status, nature or future of the program, or some weaknesses exist which calls for a review at a shorter interval, accreditation may be granted for a shorter term of two or three years. (vii) A comprehensive review will be carried out at regular intervals not exceeding five years. If there are significant changes to the program or a substantial problem is brought to notice, an interim review focussing on the problems may be conducted. In the event that any aspect of the program is found to be sufficiently unsatisfactory, the EAB reserves the rights to revoke the accreditation. (viii) The educational institution that offers an accredited course shall advise the EAB if significant changes have been made to the content, mode of delivery, outcomes or any aspect of the accredited course. (ix) Programs will be evaluated in accordance with the accreditation criteria given in Part IV. Accreditation is based on satisfying the minimum standards. (x) All correspondence between the educational institution and EAB, as well as information as to whether a program from an educational institution is being considered for accreditation, are to be classified as confidential and may not be released to any unauthorised persons except with written permission from the educational institution. (xi) An on-site visit will form part of the process leading to an accreditation decision. An evaluation team appointed by the EAB will carry out the evaluation of the program. The evaluation team may include observers, subject to agreement by both EAB and the educational institution. (xii) The final decision made by EAB will be communicated to the educational institution together with feedback and comments. In the event that a program is not accredited, reasons for the decision will be given. If accreditation is denied, the educational institution may appeal against the decision or request an immediate re-evaluation. (xiii) The academic programme should be equivalent to a 4-year full-time course. (xiv) The educational institution is expected to bear the cost of accreditation. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 7 of 30 PART III ACCREDITATION PROCEDURE 5 ACCREDITATION PROCESS 5.1 The accreditation process, whether for a first accreditation or re-accreditation, involves a comprehensive assessment which comprises the following: 5.2 (i) a review of the information submitted in accordance with the Accreditation Information as prescribed in Part V; (ii) an on-site review by the Evaluation Team appointed by EAB; and (iii) preparation of the accreditation report on findings and recommendations by the Evaluation Team. Generally, the steps involved in the accreditation process are as follows: (i) The educational institution will make an application for accreditation by submitting the relevant information using the Accreditation Information in Part V. If a program is already accredited and a re-evaluation is necessary, the application is to be submitted at least 5 months before expiry of the accreditation; (ii) EAB will form an Evaluation Team to evaluate the submitted information. The Team will be headed by a Team Leader, and the number of members on the Evaluation Team will depend on the program to be accredited. EAB will adopt the following guidelines in determining the composition of the Evaluation Team: a) an academic (or formerly an academic) member, preferably to be a representative from an overseas signatory of Washington Accord, shall be included in the Team; b) representatives from key stakeholders (such as the Professional Engineers Board, regulatory agencies, academia and industry, including the Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore) shall be included in the Team; c) the Team Leader should not be a current academic in an educational institution in Singapore; and d) a secretary shall be included in the Team. (iii) The Evaluation Team may, after evaluating the submitted information, request for additional information, where necessary. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 8 of 30 (iv) If the information provided is sufficient, the Evaluation Team Leader will request the Secretary of the Evaluation Team to liaise with the educational institution to develop a schedule or programme for an on-site visit. A possible schedule which should serve as a guide in developing the programme for the on-site visit is in Annex 1; (v) If observers are to be included in the on-site visit, the Secretary of the Evaluation Team will seek prior written consent from the educational institution; (vi) The Evaluation Team will carry out the on-site visit, which could take between one to three days; (vii) The Evaluation Team will meet, prepare and submit its report to EAB within 4 weeks after the on-site visit; (viii) Before submitting its report to EAB, the Evaluation Team will submitted a draft report to the educational institution for correction of errors of fact prior to issue in its final form. The educational institution would not have the right to change a report except to correct any facts that may be wrong. (ix) On the basis of the report by the Evaluation Team, a decision on accreditation will be made by EAB. The educational institution will be informed of the decision by EAB. (x) An appeal against the decision of EAB will have to be submitted in writing within 30 days (see paragraph 7 for details). 6 PROVISIONAL ACCREDITATION OF NEW PROGRAMS 6.1 Provisional accreditation will be considered for new programs. The accreditation procedure will vary depending on whether the educational institution already has other programs which had been granted full accreditation by EAB. 6.2 An educational institution can request EAB to review a program for provisional accreditation when the degree is in its first year of delivery provided it has the majority of the resources in place for delivery of the program for the full course at all levels. This will allow the Evaluation Team to review the curriculum of the full program, and assess the quality of the academic staff and other resources such as library and laboratories. This will apply to an educational institution which offers other programs that have been previously accredited by EAB. 6.3 For programs offered by a new educational institution, it should have completed at least two-thirds of the program before provisional accreditation could be considered. In this case, an accreditation visit will be conducted by EAB. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 9 of 30 6.4 Provisional accreditation will be granted for a specified period of time. If the educational institution does not request a follow-up accreditation visit within the specified time frame the provisional accreditation will lapse. The follow-up accreditation visit will normally be conducted by an Evaluation Team which will comprise at least one member who had reviewed the program previously. 6.5 Provisional accreditation will only be granted for a maximum of four years. If full accreditation has not been granted within this time frame, the provisional accreditation will lapse and all graduates of the program will not be deemed to have gained a qualification recognised by EAB as meeting EAB’s accreditation requirements. Their qualification would not be recognised through any mutual recognition agreement entered into by EAB, such as the Washington Accord. 6.6 When a program moves from provisional to full accreditation, graduates of the program will be considered as possessing an engineering qualification accredited by EAB even though they could have graduated whilst the program was provisionally accredited by EAB, that is, the accreditation will be retrospective. 6.7 For each program which is given provisional accreditation, the educational institution is expected to provide an annual report to EAB on progress made in relation to the recommendations and requirements made in the provisional accreditation report. EAB may appoint a member from the Evaluation Team to act as a monitor, and the monitor would be expected to visit the educational institution on an annual basis and provide a report to EAB on his findings. The educational institution will be expected to meet all direct costs associated with the visits by the monitor. 7 ACCREDITATION VISIT 7.1 The on-site visit will allow the Evaluation Team to assess factors related to the accreditation criteria that may not be adequately described in the Accreditation Information, and to obtain further clarifications from the educational institution. Although it may not be possible to adequately describe all the factors to be assessed during the on-site visit, some of the common ones are the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Outcome of the education provided; Quality assurance processes, including internal reviews; Assessment procedures; Activities and work of the students; Entry standards and selection procedure for admission of students; Motivation and enthusiasm of faculty; Qualifications and activities of faculty members; Facilities; Industry participation. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 10 of 30 7.2 In order to assist the Evaluation Team in its assessment, the educational institution should arrange for the following: (i) discussions with: a) the Dean and Heads of Departments; b) a group of faculty members; c) a group of alumni; and d) a group of students; (ii) availability of the following exhibits: a) curriculum vitae of all faculty staff; b) list of publications by faculty staff; c) sample of teaching materials; d) sample examination papers for all subjects; e) sample of examination scripts (if available) including at least one excellent, one good and one marginal pass for each examination; f) sample project and design reports (excellent, good and marginal pass) by students; g) sample student feedback form; h) results of other internal or external reviews of the course, department and faculty; i) results of quality assurance reviews; j) records of employment of graduates; k) any other documents that the Evaluation Team may request. (iii) visits to: a) classrooms; b) laboratories; c) the library; and d) the computer centre. 7.3 The Evaluation Team should conduct an exit discussion with key staff of the educational institution (for example, Head of Department in which the program is being evaluated) at the end of the on-site visit. 8 FOLLOW-UP ACTION AS A REQUIREMENT FOR ACCREDITATION 8.1 If there are requirements which need follow-up action as a condition for accreditation, EAB will require the educational institution to submit a report after a specified period which could be any duration up to the next accreditation period. The specified period will vary depending on the nature of the requirement, for example, whether follow-up actions could be developed and implemented within a short time frame. EAB may also require follow-up visit to review the actions taken by the educational institution. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 11 of 30 9 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 9.1 An educational institution may appeal against refusal to accredit, or submit a complaint. An appeal may include a request for re-consideration or a revisit. 9.2 An appeal involving requests for re-consideration or an immediate revisit must be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary, Council of IES within 30 days after receiving notification of refusal to accredit. The appeal should be accompanied by a report to substantiate the request. 9.3 The Council of IES will appoint an Appeals Committee comprising not less than 3 members who have had experience of accreditation. The Appeals Committee will request EAB to consider the request based on the report submitted by the educational institution and respond with its recommendations within 21 days. 9.4 The Council of IES will consider the findings of the Appeal Committee and arrive at a final decision within 60 days after receipt of the appeal. If the request is denied, the Council of IES will provide the educational institution with reasons for the decision. 9.5 If a revisit is necessary, the EAB will appoint a Re-evaluation Team which may be the same team that carried out the original evaluation. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 12 of 30 PART IV ACCREDITATION CRITERIA 10 GENERAL CRITERIA 10.1 The evaluation process is based on 10 broad criteria developed through a participatory process involving academics from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and professional engineers from the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES), the Professional Engineers Board (PEB) and the Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore (ACES). Each criterion relates to a major feature of institutional activity and effectiveness. The criteria are formulated in terms of parameters, including quantitative measurements that are designed for maximally objective assessment of each feature. 10.2 An engineering program to be accredited or re-accredited is expected to satisfy all the criteria during the full term of accreditation. The educational institution should periodically review the strengths and weaknesses of the program and seek continually to improve on standards and quality, and to address deficiencies if any aspect falls short of the standards set by the accreditation criteria. 10.3 Criterion 1 - Mission and Program Objectives (i) Each engineering program to be accredited or re-accredited should have: a) published program objectives that are consistent with the mission of the educational institution as well as criteria 2 to 10 listed below, and b) a curriculum and processes that lead to the attainment of these objectives.. (ii) 10.4 The objectives should be assessable and realistic within the context of the committed resources. These objectives are periodically reviewed based on feedback of the program’s various constituencies. Criterion 2 - Program Outcomes and Teaching Processes (i) Each program should cover general and specialised professional content of adequate breadth and depth, and should include appropriate components in the Sciences and Humanities. The program should ensure that graduates are able to: a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering; b) design and conduct experiments, analyse, interpret data and synthesise valid conclusions; c) design a system, component, or process, and synthesise solutions to achieve desired needs; d) identify, formulate, research through relevant literature review, and solve engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions; e) use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice with appropriate considerations for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental constraints; EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 13 of 30 f) communicate effectively; g) recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in life-long learning; h) understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal context and to be able to respond effectively to the needs for sustainable development; i) function effectively within multi-disciplinary teams and understand the fundamental precepts of effective project management; j) understand professional, ethical and moral responsibility. 10.5 10.6 (ii) The program must employ effective teaching-learning processes. The modes of teaching used, such as lecture, tutorial, seminar, teacher-student interaction outside class, peer-group discussion, or a combination of two or more of these, must be designed and implemented so as to facilitate and encourage learning. Practical skills, such as the ability to operate computers and other technologically advanced machinery, must be developed through hands-on laboratory work. (iii) The effectiveness of the teaching-learning processes must be evaluated on a regular basis. The evaluation, besides reviewing the abovementioned factors, must also look at whether the academic calendar, the number of instructional days and contact hours per week, are maximally conducive to teaching and learning. Student feedback on various aspects of the process must be carefully considered as well. Internal reviews of quality assurance procedures should be carried out periodically. (iv) The educational institution must have a comprehensive and up-to-date library and extensive educational technology facilities. Criterion 3 - Students (i) Students admitted to the program must be of reasonably high quality. The policies and procedures for student admission and transfer, and for exemptions of courses taken for credits earned elsewhere, should be clearly spelt out and transparent. (ii) Graduates must be capable of satisfactory performance. The educational institution should monitor its students carefully, and frequently evaluate them, so as to continually assess how successful the program is in achieving its objectives, and to make improvements accordingly. The requirements of the program should be made known to every student. (iii) The educational institution must provide student support services including counselling. Criterion 4 - Faculty Members (i) The faculty members should possess the expertise to cover all the curricular areas of the program. (ii) There must be a large enough pool of faculty to enable members to engage in activities outside their teaching duties, especially for the purposes of professional development and interaction with industrial and professional practitioners. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 14 of 30 10.7 (iii) The number of faculty members must be sufficiently large in proportion to the number of students, so as to provide adequate levels of faculty-student interaction. In any educational program, it is essential to have adequate levels of teacher-student interaction, which is only possible if there are enough teachers, or in this case, faculty members. (iv) The authority to steer and run the program must be in the hands of members of the faculty. This includes the authority over evaluation and assessment processes and decisions on program involvement. (v) The faculty must have excellent educational qualifications, and while all of them must be actively pursuing knowledge in their respective areas of interest, at least some of them must have attained international recognition in scholarship in the field. Members of the faculty must possess engineering experience and be from diverse backgrounds. In terms of teaching, the faculty must possess experience, be able to communicate effectively, and be enthusiastic about program improvement. They must participate in professional societies and have obtained Professional Engineering registration, where applicable. Criterion 5 - Facilities and Learning Environment (i) 10.8 Criterion 6 - Institutional Support and Financial Resources (i) 10.9 Classrooms, laboratories and other teaching facilities must be adequately furnished to provide a learning environment conducive to the fulfilment of program objectives. Computing and information technology support systems must be in place to support the scholarly activities of both faculty and students. The program must possess the financial resources necessary to fulfill its mission. In particular, there must be sufficient resources to attract and retain a well-qualified staff, and to provide them with opportunities for continued development and career growth. The program’s budgetary planning process must also provide for the acquisition, repair, maintenance and replacement of physical facilities and equipment. Criterion 7 - Governance (i) The governance structure of the program must clearly assign authority and responsibility for the formulation and implementation of policies that enable the program to fulfill its mission. 10.10 Criterion 8 - Interaction between Educational Institution and Industry (i) There must be industry participation in the development of the curriculum to ensure its relevance. It must be updated regularly to keep abreast of the needs of the industry, particularly in areas experiencing rapid changes. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 15 of 30 (ii) The program should provide students the opportunity to acquire industrial experience via internships and design projects conducted by professional engineers and faculty members with industrial experience. There should be an industrial attachment unit to facilitate this aspect of the program. (iii) There must be in place a form of communication channel between the educational institution and the industry, especially so that the industry could give feedback to the faculty concerning the quality of the teaching-learning process and the relevance of the curriculum content to the global market place. 10.11 Criterion 9 - Research and Development (i) The faculty must be actively involved in research and development. The program must support, encourage and maintain such R&D activities. (ii) A vibrant research and development culture is important to any academic program. It provides new knowledge to the curriculum. The student’s education is enriched by being part of such a culture, for it cultivates skills and habits for lifelong learning. 10.12 Criterion 10 – Specific Program Criteria (i) In addition to the General Criteria, each program must satisfy a set of criteria specific to it, known as Specific Program Criteria. The Specific Program Criteria deal with the requirements for engineering practice particular to the related sub-discipline. The stipulations in the Specific Program Criteria chiefly concern curricular issues and qualifications of faculty. In the case where there is more than one set of Specific Program Criteria, a program must satisfy every set of criteria. 11 SPECIFIC PROGRAM CRITERIA 11.1 CRITERIA FOR BIOENGINEERING PROGRAM AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM (i) The curriculum of the Bioengineering Program and the Biomedical Engineering Program must provide adequate theoretical grounding in the biological and medical sciences, and all the relevant engineering sub-disciplines, such that graduates are capable of applying engineering principles to biological or biomedical phenomena. Students must be trained to design and develop new biomedical techniques, devices, and instruments for the measurement, analysis, and interpretation of data from living systems. Courses must cover a broad spectrum of life sciences and bioengineering fields like medical imaging, biosensors, bioinstrumentation, biomechanics, controlled drug delivery, and bioinformatics. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 16 of 30 11.2 11.3 CRITERIA FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM (i) Graduates of the Chemical Engineering Program must have acquired sufficient grounding in physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science, so as to have the necessary background knowledge to meet the objectives of the program. (ii) Graduates must possess knowledge of mathematics, particularly in the areas of linear and non-linear algebra, ordinary and partial differential equations, and probability and statistics; and be able to apply the relevant concepts in chemical engineering. (iii) Core requirements for graduation should include courses that give at least a broad understanding and working knowledge of material and energy balances applied to chemical processes, thermodynamics of physical and chemical equilibria, heat, mass and momentum transfer, chemical reaction engineering, separation operations, process dynamics and control, and appropriate modern experimental and computing techniques with proper reference to safety and environmental aspects at all levels. (iv) Students must participate in a capstone design project that provides a comprehensive experience of large-scale process design involving multiple unit operations. The design project must develop the ability of participants to work in a team, and at the same time give the individual opportunities to excel. Whenever possible, it should seek to enhance the student’s ability to solve problems from first principles. (v) The program must provide opportunities for extension through offering electives in contemporary technology, as well as economic and human resource issues in industrial management. It would be desirable that the program contains elements of enhancement, such as by offering opportunities for more in-depth research experience and advanced electives that encourage deeper and creative thinking on open-ended issues. CRITERIA FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAM AND CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM (i) Graduates of the Civil Engineering Program and the Civil and Environmental Engineering Program must be proficient in mathematics, and particularly so in differential equations, probability and statistics, and calculus-based physics. They must also be proficient in a minimum of four recognized major civil engineering areas (namely, structural, construction, geotechnical, hydraulics, environmental and transport). They must have the ability to carry out laboratory experiments and design and integrate all the professional components of the curriculum. Finally, they should have an awareness of professional issues such as the procurement of work, materials and specifications, how design and construction professionals interact effectively to execute a project, the importance of professional registration and continuing education and other professional activities. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 17 of 30 11.4 (ii) For a program that includes the word “environmental” in its title, graduates must demonstrate proficiency in chemistry and general biology, and introductory level knowledge of environmental issues associated with air, land, and water systems and associated environmental health impacts. (iii) Faculty members conducting courses on design should have relevant educational qualifications, and either professional registration, or industrial design experience. There should be more than one designated member, preferably a core team, to manage the program. CRITERIA FOR COMPUTER ENGINEERING PROGRAM (i) 11.5 CRITERIA FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING PROGRAM (i) 11.6 Graduates of the Computer Engineering Program must have knowledge of probability and statistics, differential and integral calculus, discrete mathematics, basic sciences, computer science, and engineering sciences for the analysis and design of complex electrical and electronic devices, software, and systems containing hardware and software components. AND Graduates of the Electrical Engineering Program and the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Program must have the knowledge to analyse and design complex electrical and electronic devices, software, and systems containing hardware and software components. The graduates must have a good understanding of the principles and applications of the basic sciences, engineering science and advanced mathematics, including probability and statistics, differential and integral calculus, linear algebra and complex variables. CRITERIA FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM (i) Graduates of the Environmental Engineering Program must possess an understanding of industrial processes and their potential effects on safety, health and the environment, and they must also possess contemporary knowledge of the prevention and the treatment of pollution-producing waste streams, whether in gaseous, liquid or solid phases (e.g. air pollution control, wastewater treatment, solid and hazardous waste management). (ii) The graduate must have knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology, that have applications in Environmental Engineering, for example, environmental chemistry and microbiology. They must possess a certain level of proficiency in mathematics, especially in algebraic systems, differential equations, probability and statistics. They must also demonstrate a basic knowledge of regional and global environmental issues, and a working knowledge of fluid mechanics and heat transfer, chemical reactions, and separation processes. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 18 of 30 11.7 (iii) The graduate must participate in a capstone design project thatpromotes team work and problem solving skills, and include process synthesis, equipment design, safety and environmental management, and economic analysis. (iv) The program must provide opportunities for research experience and for professional involvement and development. It must offer advanced electives focussed on enhancing students’ understanding of sustainable development and contemporary environmental and process technology. The overall course design must also bring about an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of public institutions and private organisations in environmental management and waste management. All of the above diverse criteria reflect the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of environmental engineering and the increasing focus of environmental engineering on waste minimisation and pollution prevention. CRITERIA PROGRAM (i) 11.8 INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Graduates of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Program must have the ability to design, develop, implement and innovate integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy. The program must include in-depth instruction to accomplish the integration of systems using appropriate analytical, computational and experimental practices. CRITERIA FOR MATERIALS ENGINEERING PROGRAM (i) 11.9 FOR Graduates of the Materials Engineering Program must have the ability to apply principles in the basic sciences, e.g., chemistry and physics, and engineering principles to materials systems such as metals, polymers, and composite materials. They must have an integrated understanding of the scientific and engineering principles underlying the four major elements of the field, namely, structures, properties, processing, and performance related to material systems. They must be able to apply and integrate knowledge from each of the foregoing four elements of the field to solve materials selection and design problems as well as the ability to use experimental, statistical and computational methods consistent with the program objectives. CRITERIA FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM AND MECHANICAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING PROGRAM (i) Graduates of the Mechanical Engineering Program and Mechanical and Production Engineering Program must have the ability to apply mathematics, science, mechanics, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics to mechanical, manufacturing, thermal and electro-mechanical systems and processes, as well as to the design and realization of such systems. Graduates should also have the ability to work professionally in one or more of the fields of specialization identified by the program. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 19 of 30 PART V ACCREDITATION INFORMATION 12 PROGRAM INFORMATION 12.1 The information for accreditation of the programs should be completed and submitted at least 5 months before the desired accreditation date. Six (6) sets of the documentation should be submitted and forwarded to: Secretary, Engineering Accreditation Board The Institution of Engineers, Singapore 70 Bukit Tinggi Road Singapore 289758 12.2 The information should be prepared in the format prescribed below: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Programs to be accredited 1.2 Name and address of educational institution 1.3 Type of educational institution (private or public) 1.4 Date of establishment of the educational institution 1.5 The undergraduate programs offered by the educational institution, including prospectus which is given to students 1.6 The accreditation records of the programs 2. SUPPORT OF REQUEST TO EAB State that the submission is supported by the chief executive of the educational institution. 3. GRANTING OF ENGINEERING OR EQUIVALENT DEGREES Give brief historical development of the program, including date of first award of degree and subsequent changes. 4. RECENT CHANGES TO CURRICULUM Specify the major changes in the program structure as well as curriculum content and emphasis since the last accreditation or in the last 5 years and the rationale for the changes. 5. MISSION, PROGRAM PROCESSES (a) OBJECTIVES, CURRICULUM AND Mission and Program Objectives State the mission of the educational institution and explain briefly how the design of the curriculum allows the program to fulfil its own and EAB’s objectives. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 20 of 30 (b) Program Duration Specify the number of academic terms and years needed to complete program. (c) Curriculum Structure Specify the number of semesters and modules allocated to each semester. (d) Description of Course Modules The information required includes: (i) a brief description of the modules; (ii) the number of credits each module is worth; (iii) the relative weights of continual assessment and the final examination in the final grade; (iv) pre-requisites, if any; and (v) targeted students. (e) Curricular Time Allocation Indicate the average contact hours per week by subjects for each semester in each year of study and breakdown of time (in hours) which students are expected to spend on each subject. Also indicate the average contact hours for the whole course. Curricular Contact Time (by semester) Semester n Year n: Module Title Number of Contact Hours per Week Lec2 Tut/ Con3 Lab4 Proj5 Total Hrs No of AUs1 Total 1 2 3 4 5 Academic Units Lecture Tutorial/Consultation Laboratory Project EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 21 of 30 (f) Curricular Content Indicate the ranges of the proportions of curricular content that are devoted to Science and Mathematics, Engineering and related studies, as well as management and other disciplines. Curricular Content Subject Group Curriculum Content6 Min (%) Max (%) Amount of Contact Time Min (hrs) Max (hrs) Mathematics & Science Engineering & Design Communication, Humanities, Social Science, Finance & Management Others (g) Detailed Breakdown of Course Time Allocation: Specify the total amount of time (in hours) which students are expected to spend on the various subject groups. Mathematics and Science Number of Hours Module Title Lec Tut/ Con Lab Proj Total 6 To enter amount as a percentage of the total number of curriculum hours or credits required to complete the whole program. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 22 of 30 Engineering and Design Number Of Hours Module Title Lec Tut/ Con Lab Proj Total Communications, Humanities, Social Science, Finance & Management Number of Hours Module Title Lec Tut/ Con Lab Proj Total Others Number Of Hours Module Title Lec Tut/ Con Lab Proj Total (h) Mode Of Delivery And Routes Leading To Completion Of Program Specify if program offers a distant learning option. Identify the routes leading to the qualification to ensure that critical elements have not been missed out. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 23 of 30 6. 7. 8. PROGRAM OUTCOME AND TEACHING PROCESSES (a) EAB Requirements Describe how the program satisfies the EAB requirements on program outcomes. (b) Teaching Methods Describe the teaching methods adopted and the rationale for adopting them, that is, how they would enable the learning outcomes to be achieved. (c) Student Assessment Describe the method for tracking the students’ achievements through the period of candidature and how the different classes of honours are awarded. (d) Internal Quality Assurance Provide the internal quality assurance procedures and results of internal departmental reviews which are relevant to the quality assurance processes. STUDENTS (a) Education Preceding Entry Into Program Specify the education of students prior to admission into the program. (b) Student profile The information required includes: (i) entry standards; (ii) policies and procedures for advanced placements and transfers; (iii) a brief description of selection procedures; (iv) enrolment size of all existing cohorts; (v) honors class distribution in graduating cohorts of the past 3 years; and (vi) data on graduate employment, e.g., time period to first employment, starting salary, and employment sectors, for the past 5 years. FACULTY MEMBERS AND STAFF The information required includes: (i) size of teaching faculty and its composition; (ii) qualifications of teaching faculty; (iii) list of faculty members and their biodata; (iv) faculty-student ratio; and (v) size of supporting staff and its composition. Where possible, information on the qualification and experience of the teaching faculty and other data could be provided in the format as suggested in Annex 2. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 24 of 30 A summary of the critical data, such as number of IES members, number of registered professional engineers, average publications per staff member, etc, should be provided. 9. FACILITIES AND LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Specify the space allocated for classroom teaching, laboratory, computer, library and student facilities in the following sections. 10. (a) Office and Classroom Facilities (b) Laboratory and Workshop Facilities (c) Computer and IT Facilities (d) Library Facilities Specify the various library facilities, both general and engineering ones, in terms of space, library collections and coverage. (e) Student Facilities Specify the accommodation, sports and recreational facilities INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND FINANCE Specify the educational institution’s sources of finance and level of funding at various levels (e.g. faculty, school, program). Include the financial commitment on overall teaching and research programs as well as administrative and support functions. Also indicate the level of manpower allocation for the various functions. 11. GOVERNANCE Administration Give the organisational chart. List the administrative personnel in the educational institution and in the School and specify their different areas of responsibilities. Describe the level of responsibility and authority that is devolved to the various levels (e.g. faculty, school, program). 12. INDUSTRY-INSTITUTION INTERACTION Professional Contact Describe the input given by practicing engineers and the interactive activities with the industry. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 25 of 30 12.3 13. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Describe the research and consultancy activities that the department is involved in and how these activities support the undergraduate program. Specify the graduate programs that are available for graduating students who wish to pursue higher education. 14. PROGRAM SPECIFIC CRITERIA Describe how the program specific criteria are met. 15. FUTURE PLANS Articulate future plans to improve the undergraduate program and the rationale for adopting them, that is, how they would enable the learning outcomes to be achieved. 16. USEFUL WEBSITE AND LINKS Provide relevant websites and links where further information on the program and related matters can be found. Additional information, which should be prepared and presented in the form of exhibit during the accreditation visit, are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) curriculum vitae of all faculty staff; list of publications by faculty staff; sample of teaching materials; sample examination papers for all subjects; sample of examination scripts (if available) including at least one excellent, one good and one marginal pass for each examination; sample project and design reports (excellent, good and marginal pass) by students; sample student feedback form; results of other internal or external reviews of the course, department and faculty; results of quality assurance reviews; records of employment of graduates; any other documents that the Evaluation Team may request. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 26 of 30 PART VI REVIEW BY EVALUATION TEAM 13 TASKS FOR EVALUATION TEAM 13.1 After members of the Evaluation Team have been appointed, EAB will notify the educational institution of the composition of the Evaluation Team. EAB will advise the educational institution to contact the Secretary of the Evaluation Team to make arrangements for the on-site visit as well as to provide the name and contact number of a person with whom the Secretary could liaise for further information and clarifications, if necessary. 13.2 Members of the Evaluation Team should note that all correspondences between the educational institution and EAB and all reports made in the evaluation process, as well as information as to whether a program from an educational institution is being considered for accreditation, are to be classified as confidential and should not be released to any unauthorised persons except with written permission from the educational institution. 13.3 In order to maintain impartiality and transparency in the accreditation exercise, members of the Evaluation Team would not participate in any discussion or decision making process that might involve a conflict of interest. 13.4 The Evaluation Team members will carry out a comprehensive review of the documentation provided on the Accreditation Information. If additional information or clarifications on the information furnished by the educational institution is required, members will channel their requests to the Secretary of the Evaluation Team, who will liaise with the contact person of the educational institution to obtain the information needed. 13.5 The Evaluation Team may meet before the on-site visit to discuss its findings from the documentation. 13.6 The on-site visit will be conducted over a period of two to three days. Members could refer to paragraph 6 of Part III as a guide on assessment to be carried out during the on-site visit. 13.7 An exit discussion at the end of the on-site visit programme should be conducted, and the Evaluation Team must present its preliminary findings orally to the educational institution. 13.8 In some instances, follow-up activities may be required by the educational institution and the Evaluation team may be required to conduct another visit, especially if the educational institution is to supply additional information which needs to be assessed. 13.9 A draft report should be submitted to the educational institution for correction of matters of fact prior to its issue in the final form. The educational institution would not have the right to change a report except to correct any facts that may be wrong. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 27 of 30 13.10 A report of the Evaluation Team should be prepared and forwarded to EAB within 4 weeks after the on-site visit. 14 TASKS FOR MEMBERS OF THE EVALUATION TEAM 14.1 Members of the Evaluation Team should refer to “Guide for Members of Evaluation Teams” which provides details on the roles of the various Evaluation Team members and procedures during pre-visit, on-site visit and post-visit. The Guide will be issued separately to members of the Evaluation Team. 15 REPORT OF EVALUATION TEAM 15.1 The report of the Evaluation Team to EAB should be very brief, containing the summary of its observations, assessment and recommendations, and acknowledgements. 15.2 The Evaluation Team should use the Assessment Form (Appendix A) as a guide in the preparation of its evaluation report. Completed Assessment Form should be included in the report. Additional data or factors for consideration may be added to the Assessment Form by the Evaluation Team, if required, to suit its assessment purposes. 15.3 When issues are identified, the report must not present solutions, so that the educational institution could develop its own solutions. 15.4 The Evaluation Team should structure its report based on the format below: (i) Executive Summary Provide a summary of not more than two pages, of the key observations and recommendations of the Evaluation Team. (ii) General Information Give name of educational institution, brief description of program(s) evaluated, and dates of on-site visit. For other details, the Assessment Form (see paragraph 13) may be attached. (iii) Observations and Assessment of the programs a) List of key observations gathered by the Evaluation Team, including strengths and weaknesses, innovative and commendable achievements of the educational institution, plan for future improvement and development, etc. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 28 of 30 b) Provide a summary of the assessment by the Evaluation team. This should cover areas where there is concern, weakness, deficiency and/or areas which cannot be evaluated and the reasons thereof. Requirements and recommendations identified in the report should be accompanied by the reasons for them so as to show rationale behind them. For other details of the assessment, the Assessment Form (see paragraph 13 below) may be attached. (iv) Recommendations For each program evaluated, the Evaluation Team may recommend any of the following: (a) (b) (c) (v) to be accredited for the full term of five years; to be accredited for a specific term of either two or three years. The report should include factors which have to be addressed by the educational institution within the period of accreditation before the term of accreditation could be extended to the full five years. The report should also recommend whether another on-site visit should be made for further assessment before the term of accreditation is extended; to refuse accreditation, and the reasons thereof. The report could recommend whether a re-application within the next two to three years should be considered. Acknowledgement Prepare an acknowledgement of the contributions and cooperation of the individuals involved in the on-site visit and arrangements. (vi) Assessment Form EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 29 of 30 PART VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EAB wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the following organisations and individuals in the development of this manual: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Signatory countries of the Washington Accord, and in particular, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand, Engineering Council United Kingdom and Engineering Council of South Africa; Mr Basil Wakelin; Mr Donald Wroe; Prof Hu Hanrahan; National University of Singapore; Nanyang University of Singapore; Association of Consulting Engineers Singapore; and Professional Engineers Board Singapore. EAB Accreditation Manual - Jun 2004.doc Page 30 of 30 Jun 2004 APPENDIX A ASSESSMENT FORM 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Institution Name of university/institution: Name of College, if applicable: Address: 1.2 Program for accreditation Name of program: (as it appears on graduate’s certificate and transcript) Abbreviation of program: Name of Faculty, if applicable: Duration of program: List all routes leading to the program1: Year first batch had graduated: Expiry date of last accreditation: (if applicable) 1 For example, to indicate whether students could graduate from the program either by full-time study or parttime study. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 1 of 10 Jun 2004 1.3 Evaluation Team Chairperson: (i) Members: (including name of organisation, where applicable) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Observers: (if applicable) (i) (ii) (iii) EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 2 of 10 Jun 2004 2 GENERAL CRITERIA Criterion 1: Mission & Program Objectives Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Program objectives are consistent with the mission of the educational institution. (ii) Curriculum and processes ensure achievement of objectives. (iii) Objectives are assessable and realistic within the context of the committed resources. (iv) Objectives are periodically reviewed based on the feedback of the program’s constituencies. (v) Others3: Criterion 2: Program Outcomes and Teaching Processes Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Program covers general and specialised professional content of adequate breadth and depth. (ii) Program includes appropriate components in the Sciences and Humanities. (iii) Program ensures that graduates are able to: a) apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering; b) design and conduct experiments, analyse, interpret data and synthesise valid conclusions; c) design a system, component, or process, and synthesise solutions to achieve desired needs; ________________________________ 1 2 3 Insert “Yes” when the criterion is in compliance and there is no weakness or deficiency, otherwise insert “No”. Where there is any weakness or deficiency, the basis for arriving at that observation should be included. For observations, indicate whether they are: • requirements – those items requiring follow-up action as a condition of accreditation; or • recommendations – those aspects which are suggestions rather than mandatory requirements. Additional factors which Evaluation Team may wish to add. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 3 of 10 Jun 2004 Criterion 2: Program Outcomes and Teaching Processes Criteria Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 d) identify, formulate, research through relevant literature review, and solve engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions; e) use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. with appropriate considerations for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental constraints; f) communicate effectively; g) recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in life-long learning; h) understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal context and to be able to respond effectively to the needs for sustainable development; i) function effectively within multidisciplinary teams and understand the fundamental precepts of effective project management; j) understand professional, ethical and moral responsibility. (iv) Use of effective teaching-learning processes, such as academic calendar, number of instructional days, contact hours per week and student feedback. (v) Development of practical skills, such as operating computer and machinery, through hands-on laboratory work. (vi) Evaluation of effectiveness of teaching-learning processes on a regular basis. ________________________________ 1 2 3 Insert “Yes” when the criterion is in compliance and there is no weakness or deficiency, otherwise insert “No”. Where there is any weakness or deficiency, the basis for arriving at that observation should be included. For observations, indicate whether they are: • requirements – those items requiring follow-up action as a condition of accreditation; or • recommendations – those aspects which are suggestions rather than mandatory requirements. Additional factors which Evaluation Team may wish to add. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 4 of 10 Jun 2004 Criterion 2: Program Outcomes and Teaching Processes Criteria Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 (vii) Adequate quality assurance processes and periodic internal or external reviews of these. (viii) Availability of extensive library and educational technology facilities. (ix) Others3: Criterion 3: Students Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Policies and procedures for admission of matriculating students and transfer students of high quality. (ii) Policies on exemptions of courses taken for credit earned elsewhere clearly spelt out. (iii) Continuous monitoring of student performance to assess whether program is achieving its objectives. (iv) Program requirements are made known to every student. (v) Provision of student support services, including counselling. (vi) Others3: Criterion 4: Faculty Members Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Faculty members to possess expertise to cover all curricular areas of the program, and excellent educational qualifications. ________________________________ 1 2 3 Insert “Yes” when the criterion is in compliance and there is no weakness or deficiency, otherwise insert “No”. Where there is any weakness or deficiency, the basis for arriving at that observation should be included. For observations, indicate whether they are: • requirements – those items requiring follow-up action as a condition of accreditation; or • recommendations – those aspects which are suggestions rather than mandatory requirements. Additional factors which Evaluation Team may wish to add. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 5 of 10 Jun 2004 Criterion 4: Faculty Members Criteria Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 (ii) Faculty members to have most of the following: • attain international recognition in scholarship in their field • diverse backgrounds • engineering experience • ability to communicate • enthusiasm about program improvement • participation in professional societies • Professional Engineering registration, where applicable. (iii) There is sufficient large pool of faculty to enable members to engage in professional development and interaction with industrial and professional practitioners. (iv) The faculty/student ratio is sufficient to provide adequate levels of: facultystudent interaction. (v) Faculty members have authority to steer and run the program, including authority over evaluation and assessment processes, decisions on program improvement. (vi) Others3: Criterion 5: Facilities and Learning Environment Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Classrooms, laboratories, and other teaching facilities and equipment are adequately furnished. (ii) Computing and information technology support systems are in place to support the scholarly activities of students and faculty. ________________________________ 1 2 3 Insert “Yes” when the criterion is in compliance and there is no weakness or deficiency, otherwise insert “No”. Where there is any weakness or deficiency, the basis for arriving at that observation should be included. For observations, indicate whether they are: • requirements – those items requiring follow-up action as a condition of accreditation; or • recommendations – those aspects which are suggestions rather than mandatory requirements. Additional factors which Evaluation Team may wish to add. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 6 of 10 Jun 2004 Criterion 6: Institutional Support and Financial Resources Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Adequate financial resources to fulfil its mission. (ii) Adequate resources to attract and retain well-qualified staff, and to provide then with opportunities for continued development and career growth. (iii) Budgetary planning process to provide for acquisition, repair, maintenance, and replacement of physical facilities and equipment. (iv) Others3: Criterion 7: Governance Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Governance structure of the program clearly assigns authority and responsibility for the formulation and implementation of policies that enable the program to fulfil its mission. (ii) Others3: Criterion 8: Interaction between Institution and Industry Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Industry participation in development of curriculum to ensure relevance. (ii) Curriculum is updated regularly to keep abreast of the needs of the industry, particularly in areas with rapid changes. ________________________________ 1 2 3 Insert “Yes” when the criterion is in compliance and there is no weakness or deficiency, otherwise insert “No”. Where there is any weakness or deficiency, the basis for arriving at that observation should be included. For observations, indicate whether they are: • requirements – those items requiring follow-up action as a condition of accreditation; or • recommendations – those aspects which are suggestions rather than mandatory requirements. Additional factors which Evaluation Team may wish to add. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 7 of 10 Jun 2004 Criterion 8: Interaction between Institution and Industry Criteria Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 (iii) Opportunity for students to acquire industrial experience via internship and design projects by professional engineers and faculty members with industrial experience. (iv) Communication channel between institution and industry for feedback on the quality of the teachinglearning process and the relevance of the curriculum contents to the global market place. (v) Others3: Criterion 9: Research and Development Criteria (i) Compliance1 Remarks and observations2 Faculty is actively involved in research and development and program supports, encourages and maintains this activity (ii) Vibrant research and development culture that cultivates of skills and habits for lifelong learning. (iii) Others3: ________________________________ 1 2 3 Insert “Yes” when the criterion is in compliance and there is no weakness or deficiency, otherwise insert “No”. Where there is any weakness or deficiency, the basis for arriving at that observation should be included. For observations, indicate whether they are: • requirements – those items requiring follow-up action as a condition of accreditation; or • recommendations – those aspects which are suggestions rather than mandatory requirements. Additional factors which Evaluation Team may wish to add. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 8 of 10 Jun 2004 3 PROGRAM SPECIFIC CRITERIA Criteria (i) Compliance4 Remarks5 Meets program specific criteria. (ii) Others3: ________________________________ 4 5 Insert “Yes” when the criterion is in compliance and there is no weakness or deficiency, otherwise insert “No”. Where there is any weakness or deficiency, the basis for arriving at that observation should be included. For observations, indicate whether they are: • requirements – those items requiring follow-up action as a condition of accreditation; or • recommendations – those aspects which are suggestions rather than mandatory requirements. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 9 of 10 Jun 2004 4 RECOMMENDATION BY EVALUATION TEAM The Program is recommended to be given: Type of accreditation Duration Full accreditation 5 years Comments6, observations7 or conditions8 Accreditation for a specific term Not to be accredited Prepared and submitted by Evaluation Team: Name Signature9 Chairperson: Members: ________________________________ 6 7 8 9 For programs to be accredited, indicate the level of passes or grades that are to be accredited. For observations, indicate whether they are: • requirements – those items requiring follow-up action as a condition of accreditation; or • recommendations – those aspects which are suggestions rather than mandatory requirements. Include reasons if any condition is to be imposed. Only one signature, by the Chairman of the Evaluation Team, is sufficient. EAB Accreditation Manual - Appendix A - Jun 2004.doc Page 10 of 10 ANNEX 1 SUGGESTED OUTLINE OF SCHEDULE OF ON-SITE VISIT The suggested visit programme for on-site visit is based on simultaneous visit by multiple Evaluation Teams with a Group Team Leader. There is some flexibility in the ordering and timing of activities but the general aim is to consider the information in a logical order. Period Venue Activity Afternoon/Evening Before Day of Visit Varies Off campus Team introductions and training of panellists, if not done previously 4.30pm – 6.30pm Off campus Private Plenary Meeting of all members participating in the accreditation visit, chaired by Group Leader. (Observers, if any, are invited to attend) 7.00pm – 9.00pm Welcome Dinner for all members participating in the accreditation visit (Observers are invited to attend) Day One of Visit 9.00am – 9.45am (Max. of 45 mins) Central1 Arrival, introduction, short briefing 9.45am – 10.15am School Each Evaluation Team to meet with Dean of School, senior members of staff 10.15am – 1.00pm School Program should allow the Team to concentrate on looking at things that assist with addressing: • Criterion 1: Mission and Program Objectives; and • Criterion 2: Program Outcomes and Teaching Processes. such as assessment system, exam papers, marked scripts, final year projects, effectiveness of teaching and learning, internal curriculum development quality assurance, student feedback mechanisms, etc. 1.00pm – 2.30pm Lunch-cum-Meeting with Alumni (preferably those who had recently graduated within the last 5 years) and/or staff 2.30pm – 4.30pm Lab/library Tour Lab Facilities and/or library to assess Criterion 5: Facilities and Learning Environment 4.30pm – 5.00pm School Private meeting of Team to sum up 5.00pm – 6.00pm Central Plenary Meeting of all Teams, chaired by Group Team Leader 1 Central denotes a location where all the Evaluation Teams could meet together. EAB Accreditation Manual - Annex 1 - Jun 2004.doc Page 1 of 2 Period Venue Activity Early Evening Social function with School Staff and/or advisory board to assess Criterion 8: Interaction between Educational Institution and Industry Later evening Review of any additional data provided by school Day Two of Visit 9.00am – 10.30am School Team to meet with students, including members of management team of student’s club 10.30am – 11.00am School Private session to consider Criterion 3: Students, including admission criteria 11.00am – 12.30pm School Meet with Academic Staff, either in a group or individually 12.30pm – 1.00pm School Private session to consider Criterion 4: Faculty Members 1.00pm – 2.00pm Lunch break 2.00pm – 3.00pm School Meet with research leaders, view selected facilities to assess Criterion 9: Research and Development 3.30pm – 4.00pm School Meet with School Dean to review issues raised, finances, Governance 4.00pm – 5.00pm School Private meeting of Team to consider and confirm findings2 on: • Criterion 6: Institutional Support and Financial Resources • Criterion 7: Governance 5.00pm – 6.00pm Central Private meeting of all Teams, chaired by Group Leader, toreview findings, check consistency across Teams 6.00pm – 7.00pm School Exit Interview with Dean 2 At some point on Day 2 before this, the Group Team Leader of a multi-Team visit should call on the ViceChancellor/President to address, on behalf of all the Teams, higher level issues common to all courses including governance, institutional support and financing. EAB Accreditation Manual - Annex 1 - Jun 2004.doc Page 2 of 2 ANNEX 2 SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR INFORMATION ON FACULTY STAFF The table below shows a suggested format for listing faculty members and their curriculum vitae. STAFF IN THE DIVISION/DEPARTMENT OF XXX, FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, NTU S/n 1 Name Present post and date of joining institution Xxx Yyyy Zzzzz Assoc. Prof 1 Jan 2001 Academic qualifications PhD (Austin) MEng (NTU) BEng (NUS) Membership of professional bodies FIES MICE PEng (Spore) CEng (UK) Brief resume (with approx dates) of professional experience, including current responsibilities Present teaching subject and student contact hours per year 2001-todate: Assoc Prof, NTU 1999-2001: Asst Prof, NTU 1996-1999: Senior Lecturer, TSU, USA 1992-1996: Project Engineer, XYZ Consultants G123 Computing (30 hrs) C234 Steel structures (20 hrs) C345 Steel design (Tutorial 40 hrs) C456 Final Year Project (35 hrs) Professional duties (including external bodies) Member of committees on: a) Code of Practice on xyz (PSB) b) Review of safety standards (MOM) External examiner – BHTU, China Current activities: 4th Year Exam coordinator • Consultant to Ministry of ZYX on xcv Research activities (see note below) A B C 1 10 2 • 2 Note for the last 3 columns: A – Number of research students currently supervised B – Number of research papers published (both local and international) during the last 5 years C – Number of current consultancies EAB Accreditation Manual - Annex 2 - Jun 2004.doc Page 1 of 1