ISSN 2319-8885 Vol.04,Issue.05 February-2015, Pages:0869-0875 A ZVS Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverter Driven Renewable Energy Sources CHENNAMSETTI PAVANI1, BEELA RAJESH2 1 PG Scholar, Dept of EEE, VITAM College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, AP, India. Assistant Professor, Dept of EEE, VITAM College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, AP, India. 2 Abstract: Renewable Energy Sources are increasingly integrated at the distribution level due to increase in load demand which utilize power electronic converters. A novel active clamping zero voltage switching SVM controlled three-phase grid connected inverter is proposed in this paper. The inverter can realize zero voltage switching (ZVS) operation for all switching devices. In addition, the anti-parallel diode reverse recovery current of all switch devices is suppressed well. Space vector modulation can be realized with all the switching devices operating at the fixed switching frequency. And the switching voltage stress of all the power switch devices is equal to the DC link voltage, no additional voltage stresses is added on the power devices. The ZVS inverter can work both under Grid-connected condition and with independent loads. . In grid-connected application, the inverter can achieve ZVS in all the switches under the load with unity power factor or less. The different techniques of modelling and control of grid connected photovoltaics system with objective to help intensive penetration of photovoltaic (PV) production into the grid have been proposed so far in different papers. Keywords: Renewable Energy, Grid Connected Soft Switching, Space Vector Modulation (SVM), Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS), Photovoltaic (PV) System. I. INTRODUCTION Renewable energy systems such as PV, solar thermal electricity such as dish-stirling systems, and WT are appropriate solar and wind technologies that can be considered for electric power generation at the distribution system level. Other renewable energy technologies, such as the solar central receiver, hydro-electric generation, geothermal, and large wind farms are normally connected to the grid at the sub transmission or transmission level because of the higher power capacities of these types of systems. Due to increasing air pollution, global warming concerns, diminishing fossil fuels and their increasing cost have made it necessary to look towards Renewable Energy Sources (RES)as a future energy solution. In a high-power grid-connected inverter application, the six-switch threephase inverter is a preferred topology with several advantages such as lower current stress and higher efficiency. To improve the line current quality, the switching frequency of the grid-connected inverter is expected to increase. Higher switching frequency is also helpful for decreasing the size and the cost of the filter. However, higher switching frequency leads to higher switching loss [1]. The soft-switching technique is a choice for a high-power converter to work under higher switching frequency with lower switching loss and lower EMI noise. In the past few years, there have been many studies on soft switching techniques for a three-phase converter. And they can generally be divided into two configurations according to the position where the soft-switching function is realized [2-6] as dc-side and ac-side soft-switching circuits. The active-clamping ZVS-PWM half-bridge inverter [68] also has lower voltage stress (1.01–1.1 times as high as the dc-bus voltage). According to [6], in this activeclamping ZVS-PWM half-bridge inverter, to achieve better soft-switching performance, the slow reverse recovery switch antiparallel diode is the primary choice because the diode reverse recovery energy is used to obtain the soft commutation condition. In the ZVS dc-link single-phase full-bridge inverter [7], the switch voltage is clamped to the dc-link voltage. The PWM modulation scheme is modified to achieve ZVS under different power factor loads. Besides the dc-side soft-switching technique, there are also some acside soft-switching techniques suitable for higher power application. The auxiliary resonant commutated pole (ARCP) converter achieves zero-voltage turn-on for main switches and zero-current turn-off for an auxiliary switch [4]. The ARCP converter has excellent performance, but two low frequency capacitors are necessary in the resonant cell and it is difficult to control the capacitors‟ midpoint voltage without an additional control circuit. A new ZVSPWM single-phase full bridge inverter using a simple ZVSPWM commutation cell is proposed in [5]. No auxiliary voltage source or low-frequency center-tap capacitor is needed in the cell. The main switches operate at ZVS and the auxiliary switches operate at ZCS. The inductor-coupled ZVT inverter achieves the zero-voltage turn on condition for main switches and the near-zero current turn-off condition for auxiliary switches [6]–[8]. This topology offers several Copyright @ 2015 IJSETR. All rights reserved. CHENNAMSETTI PAVANI, BEELA RAJESH advantages over the ARCP. The problems associated with in high switching losses and stress. Dissipative passive the split dc capacitor bank are avoided, and the ZVT snubbers are usually added to the power circuits so that the operation requires no modification compared to normal dv/dt and di/dt of the power devices could be reduced, and space vector modulation (SVM) schemes. The peak current the switching loss and stress be diverted to the passive stress of the auxiliary switches is half of that of the main snubber circuits. However, the switching loss is switches. The major problem of this topology is to use proportional to the switching frequency, thus limiting the coupled inductors, which are normally bulky in high-power maximum switching frequency of the power converters. applications. An improved ZVS inverter used two coupled Typical converter switching frequency was limited to a few magnetic components in one resonant pole to ensure the tens of kilo-Hertz (typically 20kHz to 50kHz) in early main switches operating under the ZVS condition and the 1980‟s. The stray inductive and capacitive components in auxiliary switches operating under the ZCS condition when the power circuits and power devices still cause the load varies from zero to full. Since an independent considerable transient effects, which in turn give rise to coupled magnetic component structure avoids the unwanted electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems. Fig.2 shows magnetizing current anti-parallel loop, the size of the ideal switching waveforms and typical practical waveforms coupled inductors can be minimized with lower magnetizing of the switch voltage. The transient ringing effects are major inductance, and its saturation can be eliminated. The ZVS causes of EMI. timing requirement is also satisfied over the full load range I Safe Operating Area by using the variable timing control with simple and reliable ZV detection. The zero-current transition (ZCT) inverter On Hard-s witching achieves ZCS in all of the main and auxiliary switches and their anti-parallel diodes. This topology needs six auxiliary switches and three LC resonant tanks. The simplified threeswitch ZCT inverter [3] needs only three auxiliary switches snubbered to achieve zero-current turn-off in all of the main switches and auxiliary switches. Compared with the six-switch ZCT inverter, the resonant tank current stress of the three-switch ZCT inverter is higher. Soft-s witching The structure of the ZVS-SVM controlled three-phase PWM rectifier is similar to the ACRDCL converter. With the special SVM scheme proposed by the authors, both the main switches and the auxiliary switch have the same and fixed switching frequency. The reverse recovery current of the switch be turned ON under the zero-voltage condition. Moreover, the voltage stress in both main switches and the auxiliary switch is only 1.01–1.1 times of the dc-bus voltage. In this paper, a ZVS three-phase grid-connected inverter is proposed. The topology of the inverter is shown in Fig. 2, which is similar to the rectifier topology proposed in [8]. All the soft-switching advantages under the rectifier condition can be achieved in a grid-connected inverter application, and the voltage stress in both main switches and the auxiliary switch is the same as the dc-bus voltage. The operation principle of this SVM scheme is described in detail. The experimental results of a 30-kW hardware prototype are presented to verify the theory. II. SWITCHING TECHNIQUES A. Hard and Soft Switching In the 1970‟s, conventional PWM power converters were operated in a switched mode operation. Power switches have to cut off the load current within the turn-on and turnoff times under the hard switching conditions. Hard switching refers to the stressful switching behavior of the power electronic devices. The switching trajectory of a hard-switched power device is shown in Fig.1. During the turn-on and turn-off processes, the power device has to withstand high voltage and current simultaneously, resulting Off V Fig.1. Typical switching trajectories of power switches. Fig.2. Typical switching waveforms of (a) hard-switched and (b) soft-switched devices. In the 1980‟s, lots of research efforts were diverted towards the use of resonant converters. The concept was to incorporate resonant tanks in the converters to create oscillatory (usually sinusoidal) voltage and/or current waveforms so that zero voltage switching (ZVS) or zero current switching (ZCS) conditions can be created for the power switches. The reduction of switching loss and the continual improvement of power switches allow the switching frequency of the resonant converters to reach hundreds of kilo-Hertz (typically 100kHz to 500kHz). Consequently, magnetic sizes can be reduced and the power density of the converters increased. Various forms of International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.05, February-2015, Pages: 0869-0875 A ZVS Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverter Driven Renewable Energy Sources resonant converters have been proposed and developed. comprising a semiconductor switch S and resonant However, most of the resonant converters suffer several elements, Lr and Cr. The switch S can be implemented by a problems. When compared with the conventional PWM unidirectional or bidirectional switch, which determines the converters, the resonant current and voltage of resonant operation mode of the resonant switch. Two types of converters have high peak values, leading to higher resonant switches, including zero-current (ZC) resonant conduction loss and higher V and I ratings requirements for switch and zero-voltage (ZV) resonant switches, are shown the power devices. Also, many resonant converters require in Fig.3 and Fig.4, respectively. frequency modulation (FM) for output regulation. Variable switching frequency operation makes the filter design and control more complicated. In late 1980‟s and throughout Lr Lr 1990‟s, further improvements have been made in converter technology. New generations of soft-switched converters that combine the advantages of conventional PWM Cr converters and resonant converters have been developed. S S Cr These soft-switched converters have switching waveforms similar to those of conventional PWM converters except (a) (b) that the rising and falling edges of the waveforms are „smoothed‟ with no transient spikes. Unlike the resonant Fig.3. Zero-current (ZC) resonant switch. converters, new soft-switched converters usually utilize the resonance in a controlled manner. Resonance is allowed to occur just before and during the turn-on and turn-off Lr Lr processes so as to create ZVS and ZCS conditions. Other than that, they behave just like conventional PWM converters. With simple modifications, many customized Cr control integrated control (IC) circuits designed for conventional converters can be employed for soft-switched S S converters. Because the switching loss and stress have been Cr reduced, soft-switched converter can be operated at the very high frequency (typically 500kHz to a few Mega-Hertz). (a) (b) Soft-switching converters also provide an effective solution to suppress EMI and have been applied to DC-DC, AC-DC Fig.4. Zero-voltage (ZV) resonant switch. and DC-AC converters. This chapter covers the basic technology of resonant and soft-switching converters. III. INVERTER TOPOLOGY AND MODULATION Various forms of soft-switching techniques such as ZVS, SCHEME ZCS, voltage clamping, zero transition methods etc. are The topology in Fig.5 is composed of a standard PWM addressed. The emphasis is placed on the basic operating inverter and a clamping branch. The clamping branch principle and practicality of the converters without using consists of active switch S7, resonant inductor Lr , and much mathematical analysis. clamping capacitor Cc . B. Resonant Switch Prior to the availability of fully controllable power switches, thyristor were the major power devices used in power electronic circuits. Each thyristor requires a commutation circuit, which usually consists of a LC resonant circuit, for forcing the current to zero in the turnoff process. This mechanism is in fact a type of zero-current turn-off process. With the recent advancement in semiconductor technology, the voltage and current handling capability, and the switching speed of fully controllable switches have significantly been improved. In many high power applications, controllable switches such as GTOs and IGBTs have replaced thyristors. However, the use of resonant circuit for achieving zero-current-switching (ZCS) and/or zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) has also emerged as a new technology for power converters. The concept of resonant switch that replaces conventional power switch is introduced in this section. A resonant switch is a sub-circuit Fig.5. Grid line voltage and inverter output current waveform. During most time of operation, the active switch S7 is in conduction, and energy circulates in the clamping branch. When the auxiliary switch S7 is turned OFF, the current in the resonant inductor iLr will discharge the parallel capacitors of the main switch and then the main switch can be turned ON under the zero-voltage condition. When the main switch is turned ON, Lr suppresses the reverse International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.05, February-2015, Pages: 0869-0875 CHENNAMSETTI PAVANI, BEELA RAJESH recovery current of an anti parallel diode of the other main with unity power factor, ia > 0 and ic <ib <0 in SECT1-1. switch on the same bridge. Since there are three legs in the The phase voltage and phase current in phase A obtains the main bridge, normally the auxiliary switch must be activated maximum value; there exist four switching states as shown three times per PWM cycle if the switch in the three legs is in Fig. 8: 111, 100, 110, and 000. The equivalent circuits of modulated asynchronously. To make the auxiliary switch these four switching states are shown in Fig. 8. having the same switching frequency as the main switch, a special SVM scheme is proposed to control the inverter. Suppose that the grid-connected inverter works with unity power factor; the grid line voltage and the inverter output current waveform are shown in Fig. 6. Fig.6. Grid line voltage and inverter output current waveform. The corresponding voltage sector definition is shown in Fig. 7. Fig.8. Four switching states in the SECT1-1: (a) state 111, (b) state 100, (c) state 110, and (d) state 000. If the switching sequence in SECT1-1 is 111- 100-110111, as shown in Fig. 4, then the zero vectors will always be 111 and switch S1 will always be in conduction. When the switching state changes from 111 to 100, switches S6 and S2 will be turned ON simultaneously. Fig.7. Grid voltage and inverter current space vector diagram. In voltage SVM, the whole utility cycle can be divided into six voltage sectors, and every grid voltage sector can still be divided into two different smaller sectors according to the maximum value of the phase current in the inverter. For example, the grid voltage sector SECT1 can be divided into SECT1-1 and SECT1-2. In SECT1-1, the absolute value of the phase-A current obtains the maximum value, and in SECT1-2, the absolute value of the phase-C current does the same. Since the operation of the converter is symmetrical in every 30◦, assume that the inverter is operating in SECT1-1. If the grid-connected inverter works Fig.9. Switching sequence in SECT1-1: 111-100-110-111. IV. MATLAB DESIGN AND SIMULATION RESULTS A ZVS grid connected three phase inverter is modeled and simulated using the MATLAB. The MATLAB model of A ZVS three phase inverter is shown in the Fig 7.1. The three phase source is connected to the auxiliary switch it is shown in fig 7.2. The fig 7.3 shows that the controlling method in the simulation of ZVS three phase inverter. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.05, February-2015, Pages: 0869-0875 A ZVS Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverter Driven Renewable Energy Sources A. ZVS Three phase inverter The fig 12 shows that the grid line voltage and inverter output current of proposed three phase waveforms at voltage vector lags with 300 phase shift of current vector at inductance load. Fig.10. Simulation diagram of ZVS three phase inverter Fig.13. Inverter output current and grid voltage at capacitance load. The fig.13 shows that the grid line voltage and inverter output current of proposed three phase ZVS waveforms at voltage vector leads with 300 phase shift of current vector at capacitance load. In this grid is working at leading power factor. The fig.11 shows that the grid line voltage and inverter output current waveforms at voltage vector are equal to current vector at resistive load. B. Simulation of ZVS Three Phase Inverter with PV Cell The below figure shows that the zero voltage switching three phase inverter with PV array. In this the input supply is given as PV array which we taken as dc supply and it is connected to auxiliary switch. The three legs which are connected to three phase voltage and current source measurement and the controlling method is done in the circuit. Finally we conclude the outputs by grid line voltage and inverter current outputs by power RMS values at different power factors. Fig.12. Output Voltage & Current of Proposed Three Phase ZVS based Grid Connected Inverter at inductance load. Fig.14. Simulation diagram of a ZVS using PV cell. Fig.11. Output Voltage & Current of Proposed Three Phase ZVS based Grid Connected Inverter. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.05, February-2015, Pages: 0869-0875 CHENNAMSETTI PAVANI, BEELA RAJESH inverter and also applied to PV system, it can realize ZVS operation for all switching devices, and the reverse recovery current in the antiparallel diodes of all switching devices is suppressed well. SVM can be realized at the fixed switching frequency. And the switching voltage stress across all the power switch devices is the same as the dc link voltage. The ZVS can be achieved in the grid connected ZVS inverters under the load with unity power factor or less. The reduced switching loss increases its efficiency. Finally Matlab based model is developed and simulation results are presented. Fig.15. Output waveforms of the proposed ZVS three phase inverter. Fig.16. RMS value. VII. CONCLUSION The recent trends in small scale power generation using the with the increased concerns on environment and cost of energy, the power industry is experiencing fundamental changes with more renewable energy sources (RESs) or micro sources such as photovoltaic cells, small wind turbines, and micro turbines being integrated into the power grid in the form of distributed generation . These RES-based distribution generation systems are normally interfaced to the grid through power electronics and energy storage systems. The analysis are presented verified through that the SVM controlled three-phase soft-switching grid connected V. REFERENCES [1] N. Mohan, T. Undeland, and W. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design. New York: Wiley, 2003, pp. 524–545. [2] M. D. Bellar, T. S. Wu, A. Tchamdjou, J. Mahdavi, and M. Ehsani, “A review of soft-switched DC–AC converters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 847–860, Jul./Aug. 1998. [3] D. M. 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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.04, IssueNo.05, February-2015, Pages: 0869-0875