THE GRANT C(MTY MVS. Jfav the. Stock-.March a nt man, and finev. Hour THE ORIGIN PEASANT LIFE. I'uuniJ of ThcMr ftoddrii Typr Among III KnglUlt ijilMircrv Our Imjireftlnn l tlml the nrcrapc I'mnch ix avitit ii a much liitfhei type of the human imltiiiit than tho l.ii;iltli lnhurri ; ui the ono hntul, In France wc tiHHit vt 1th actual favuKe varieties In Muneof tho provIncCK, in or cxnraplft, the wllil hlicplionls clad In khccpnltlnn. wlumi wc notlceil among tho Cnntca, or tho niountalnecra ol tho 'jrpiicc(Vwhlc1jii'aVo no counterpart In ntiKlawlMhiytBinho. other hand, there lialf-IlKTla- thLWItcn, U -- tin luuswduml In ournprlcultural 1 h vlfroTf of the penannt claMt U limiting ItWJf ell 'n tho natlouul Ufa ol lrntica und In nlrvady iM'Klnnliitf to puh gRjUilo' tllo Ioks nfnm'MWc iKiurjfooln in curve r which tho mlihllc ela.-- hati ltd own fclnco tho jerlod when ithaarlittoenwjy and lu wealthy Imltnt-!gr- s commuted the folly of withdrnwlu except that of &w nil tjic nrofosMutiH young farm laborer, for " cx?nnpK,male" liln marh at a primary mHi&ou IIu ohtulnti a bourse at a lyeee. wlierhU"'aldulty and Inch of urban 'incur oxoltc the, scorn of bin To 'this ho Ik IndliTerent; UfismiiteH. want of lcnoivlrdKo of the joy of viwus (riven hint more unlntermpUiI hno for application to his studies. Mo n moment and pnwo from the loses not ' lyce'e Into n governmental school, whonco ho coiiiom forth Invckted with a tm'oni or a diploma. Here, with his enTeer commenced, ho Is n formidable comivjlttpr for hU colh'ogueH of more favorull birth, lie upplIoH to hUluliorx, for which hu lias mi lrmatlahlc appetite, all the vloi'Mi freMiuoM of n VJinpora-uiuti- t llKnuy, Inim-goo- I iiiitouuhiid hy tho InllueuceB which havo pnnluced In lownn u nervoun, kTltahle, i.lteptleal Ronenitlon. Tlioro U, of eourM, imotliori.ldoof thU picture, and tho ohm- - with which tho wearers of the blue blouse, whether peawmt or inechanie, ntv enahled to uwitimo the brouduloth of the liourffiMjUlo In (k'kIii-iiinto lv regarded as u national dam er by obserrers who are njtber' reactionary nor utiirmljjli Jnic IixtcusIiik immtKT of thoyfiuth of Franco who have ucipihetfjust enough education to ilosplho manual laltor with- mahe " out complement of or induhtrious deter-'- s not n source of btrentU to . Quarterly Kevlmv. WSPAPERIfvliN. t; thi M OF SHAVINO. II V tha Slftl tit THERE IS NOTHING NEW. In AnHrnt TImr tho (Iroat had a copy of Mm Nil t'miilUluii, Uio "Iliad" Inclosed in a nutshell, aud For many yean ln'foro tho Crimean It Is quite certain that It could not have In war the mustache this country wiui written without the aid of a the (UsUtitfuislihiK bailee of the cavalry; Wen It was prohibited In the Infantry, aud In all that pertains to sculpture and a for the civilian who braved public the ancients knew so much painting opinion by sporting It ho was looked their sisrlorlty has never Wen that on eitlior iu an artist, nu eccentric, or aud their work remains as as wishing to pass for a hussar. Hut questioned shaving by regulation (llttlo as It may unsurpassed models. Al.l. the mechanical powers tho sennv, Ih? suspected by those who submit to III has an origin more serious than mere lever, pulley, Incline plane, wedge, tho caprice or love of uniformity. It Is the wheel and axle, were known to life. kulgo of service; a survival of tho ancients and used In cvery-daprimitive custom of mutilating slaves They were cxjK'rt builders, as existing lo prevent their escape, or Insure their ndlcs testify. day wo In our schools at the recognition and recapture If they did of Oeouietry," escape- The Mosaic law made tho use "Kuclld's mutilation more merciful than It prol-abl- y written by Kuclitl two thousand two had Won previously. Tho printer huudn'd years ago. Kuclld nlso wrote, mode of a servant Is set on music und optics antedating much forth In Kxodtis, xx., (1: "Then hU which we think we discovered. Tin: people of Tyre were suuh experts master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to tho disir, or In dyeing that the Tyrlan purple reuntil the doorpost; and his master shall mains unexcelled to this day. Tho Wro hit ear through with an awl, and Lgyptlann wcni also wonderful dyers and could pnsluco colors so durable ho shall serve him forever." Ah manners grew milder, even this that they may W called Imperishable. slight mutilation was discarded, and Tin: ancients wero wonderful shaving the Ward or the head was reund discovered a method of sorted to for marking servants. Fierce making It malleable, which wo have and long was the controversy that not Won able to do. They could spin raged In these Islands during tho sixth glass Into garments, dye It Into every and seventh centuries, even to sheddiiiL' shade of the raluWw, ami etch it with of Mood, as to the right manner In marvelous skill. which priests servants of tho Lord Twkntv centuries Wfore tho birth of hoiihl shave their heads. At this disWatt, Hero of Alexandria dcscriWd tance of time there scorns as much to machines whose motive power wus be said for St Columba's frontal ton-tirsteam. Ho also invented n double force from ear to ear across tho bro- w- pump, used as a lire engine, and anticias for that favored at Home, which pated tho modern turbine wheel by n eventually carried the day tho coronal, machine he named "Neolplle." on the summit of the head. I.AVAiil) found In tho ruins of Nineveh The Woman Catholic priesthood has what Sir David Hrewster pronounced not yielded to tho lax practice of tho to W a "magnifying glass;" and nearly ago. and It Is not many yearn since any four thousand years ago tho Egyptians Protestant clergyman of these Islands, and Assyrians observed tho stars he grown any thing more than tho through it "sliding tuW," which we irthislox "mutton-chops,- " would have havo reason to Wllovc ..Vseope. forfeited tho conlldenco of his entire Jv McthVuf sltlll tho Oriental physiHock. Modish young men of the cians of India practiced vaccination cut", day for' the most part alloc tho ago. Anasthctlcs wsro 1,000 years tonsure descrlWdhy JullusCiusarm pre- known In tho days of Homer, and tho vailing among theCeltsof llrltaln when Chinese U.OOO years ago had a preparahe llrst landed tlial Is, ther shave tion of hemp, known as "una yo," to every thing except tho uppjr Hp. deaden pain something similar to tho lilacuwood s .Magazine. modern cocaine. y vIntoIlljfSUIfimglcf humanity which ' pn-se- glass-worke- com-abilit- y 6 lxail III th l'ru-lilll- Kpaper man" of to-- . FROST PICTURES. Mm llrsullfiil I'uriiMtloiu I'rotlucetl I'f Crjutnllliitllim. What a wonderful thing is crystalliza You hang a lamp of zinc in a tion! dilution of acetate of lead, and straights ivay the latter divorces itself from the alt with which it Is unlteil, and W- Is college bml; nut's attached to tho suspended uug-,family and is a In tussocks and garlands of metal ih and breeding. He ferns and lichens. or, huh broader Unowl-atralr- lic mosses, Clii- - combinations of artlllclal crystals and he malies money than his brother produced by somo of tho processes of ushiohs." He Ih well- the lalxiratory aro marvelously bounti He ful anil plcturostpio, but none of them ed and well-fed- . ire half as marvelous as tho witcheries lH)hemianlKm, as by the chemistry of the frost. wrought Aours, rum, doeh l'he woods, after an with diamonds anil radiant s loft that Mirt of ,)iile hummer auii with prismatic light; the rocks among lighting waters, Warded wltii iito, tho inoml'i oi tho hnnired within the frozen spray; tho white fringes und that Wautlfy tho of vapor-lac- c tin) public U only festoons dead sedges by the silenced torrent's Kdueated t out. side, and tho cabinet pictures In neutral eyes open realize tint nm! silver which adorn ones ho "typical news- ohamWr-wlndowufter a bitter winter . .j out of joint and night, are each and all more wondrom tl'u'iy tin) ruvUln their typon. The than any of tho forms of crystallization Is hlowly moving towanl its achieved by chemlc art. rightful jdaco in public e.stlmatlon, and on the Perhaps the the llmo U not very far distant when It panes are the most extraordinary of all will htantl not on a par with but ahead the freaks of congelation. Groves and Of the law, the pulpit, inedlelno aud tho waterfalls, pastoral vales and iftlinr ltbonil professions. In tho mean-tim- e mountains, glens and lakes, wo will 1h oblifcd to endure with temples, pavilions anil all tho belongbrill-ta.luit (,'raeo wo may tho woultl-liings of falrydand, are there. And as rights and novel-- i tho sun lights them up liefore It melts slioU'lu'M of j4b uiiiiiteiitioniilly stupid iiinf tlin them, how fair they shinel It seems of nilsinlormwl outsiders who as if the spirit of poesy hail crystallized see lu ovory whlsliywvx'head a typical one's dreams, or as If one's sleeping ni!vspaMrt Man. Printer's Ink. fancies had taken shape In the air, and themselves upon the glass. photographed PATRIOTISM. SWITZER'S THE It is said that hints lor hue lamlscapcs Wen derived from HU Ununlry Alra) 'lrt sml l'orcinoit have frequently , ullh lilm. ami wo can easithese b eouutrlos aro rare lu which lovo ly Wllevo It. We have certainly seen 0 native soil Is so strongly devel- om frost cartoons which only neetletl as lu Switzerland. Ash a Swiss the magic of color to render thorn he Iovoh nlxivo every tiling else, torial "gems." N. Y. Ledger will answer: 'My country." To ro- THE PALESTINE OF irn to his vlllatro in tho midst of his doved mountains is the constant dream l.oa Ilrn.i l)- I'iiiiiIsIfI, Hut Murh the It Ids life; and to realize it ho will III llllilr TIltlM. M4IIIK every privation, and bind himself Palestine Is still a land of corn, wlno lo tho hardest nut! most painful toils. und oil, as of yore, and sheep are still One hope isissesses him to sen upiln fed on tho sarno pastoral regions; the the Miows, tho L'luciurs, tho lalios, tho of its plains still yields a hundred rivers, tho fjro'tl oahs and familiar corn I urn unable to see, says a writer pines of his country; to soo apilu the fold. and Fireside, that in any re- friends of lit A childhood, the old par-u-t it Farm or natural in who wallc with totteriiih' fixitsteps, ivct, either thoclimate land have changed or to liiu place which they occupy In tho xceptlng can that a decrease of imputation cei'ufftury, full of (lowers, where they l.'d to decreased cultivation, and las 'ii( tho ;roat hleei. gnats and pousituts have often il as evening draws on, what can that havoc among the trees, wrought ira uharmlui; than to travel on foot hardly havo Won more can dutiful mountain country? Ono tealthy lu lllble times thau It Is now thon of those who aro left famine, fever anil leprosy uio dear and loved ones who I'laguet., ui'utltmcil lu tho history of tho He r away, down on tho dusty plains. brews; and in tho New Testament we kilt to them lu thought, and eye-soof tho happiness it would lie to Und tho (SKir stricken with and palsy quite us much as they tern hero, K'dutf with in arm lu feverare, Then' are still "former and '.louir that peaceful valley path, or iiow rains," aud the rose of Sharon lias M solitary inmiulaln road. Victor tatter not withered; tho purple iris Is royally mWil; tho imagery of the bong of songs tl'itflll in PMMl ......Itnl.llullllll.l is still easy to apply, 1 Amertou, whose uvrrqjvW Hvcept lu the disappearance of the ..mJI.,11 l I7 tuitinilufwr an h lion anil tho wlttl aro also nail'" I1M Willi It rtfcWHIIWII ...... .... repn'solitcd on Assyrian WHI- - mivl 1110 v.i, yet 111 IWltlllflK. 1 1111 I H llttli. fWiit no longer found lu Assyria there Is no as meat much n hxdf only lmngc hi tho fauna; tho deer, tho anteFrKieli wt ttto l!3llh. nutl the JK'opie til neruiunj , lope, tho fox, tho wolf, the hyena and less. still Italy the jackal, the ostrich and tho AiuitHn mid ,,i,lt.t n blk. still survive lu tho wilder parts of .... r .i t...iiM..L nm hifin hi the land, with tho greut wild Wars jury, y no worn ipihivhiv. castor which delight in tho marshes; tho leoptho lHyer. but Uio ho.t French ard still lurks lu tho jungle, and the I'lovou vroro lormuny hhhwi exponcony In the rocks; the wild goat still TiiU, ttml wo i soft, durable and leaps on tho precipices, and tho wild ass -- I..., lilliile of .M.klnm lu tho distant eastern deserts Is not unv... Uy Ami'i l w Wtcrii plains. known. nutolopp bUIw fn lie vl KixnI m s chan-h-liere- tl 1 4. .'nbM-uxm- H tnist-llmnln- ' e eon-loio- breath-pictures- 1 TO-DA- - en-ir- o ra. l'al-stln- e . in?Rfc-vivi- hull--whlc- 1 bas-relief- 1 cris-o-dll- 1 I fame. cam row crrr, giiawt couwrr. orkgow, ruuitSDAr. maiich r, isdi. ToUtine XIL KKENCH Pa per for the Vum, the Workshop and 0i6n The CONCERNING OTHER NATIONS. of ' the land owners In tlrcat llrltaln nro women. PaMs can now W reached fnun Iin-doan hour sooner than lMitihurgh. Ovkii 3,000,0o0,0oo,0i)0 envelopes are manufactured lu Hnglautl annually. l'.wils Is accounted the inimt Isniutlful It contains 87,41 city In the world. shade tree. Tin: Sutlej, a large river In Ilrltlsh India, with a descent of Vi.WtO feet lu lftO ililles. Is the fastest tlowlng river in the world. l.oMHiN nfTonls for the use of IU 4,000,000 Inhabitants only nineteen free commercial public und twenty-liv- e bathing establishments. Tin: French nre a reading and writing people. Parisians send each year SH.ooO.Ooo letters. 13.000.0iX) postal canls and M, 000, 000 newspapers. Vunici: has 110,000 Inhabitants. Of these no less than 10.000 are enndletl as recipients of relief; that Is to say, nearly of the population are pan- n one-fourt- JMTS. years, lSrtl to In the twenty-sithe total actual nuiiiWr of female In Denmark was '; the calculated uumWr was U.sOD, a dllTerenco of x n six only. Tin: most exiH'iislvo legislature In the world Is that of France. It costs annually alxmt S.V.00,000. The Spanish Parliament costs SJM.000; tho Italian, $tno,000; tho Hclglan, S'.'OO.OOO; the Portuguese, 8110,000. Is five times as largo London of the present us It was at the century. From 000,000 at that time the population grew to 1,.'.00.00) lu isao, ami by 1S.V. it had Increased to J.SOO.OOO. Since lb.r5 it has more than doubled. Wiikn tho Husslans took possession of SiWrlu they found It so donseV peopled with deer, antelopes, mtiirrels and other mniiVi animals, that the very conquest of KIWriu was nothing but a hunting expedition, which lasted for two hundred years. ) iri:i.i N i coutinut'H very frequent in Italy. During the lust twelve mouths .VJ duels were fought anil tilty of the combatants sueouniWd. Some of the duelists were wounded several times in the same coullict, for :i,00l wounds were indicted und over 1,000 of theso were serious. EVENTS OF INTEREST. THE ARMIES OF EUROPE. AX Iowa man has brought suit for 820,000 for the loss of two lingers. ugliness Is a dlsqualitica I'xci:sivi: A r.Kn:u In Norwalk, Cab, has realtlon for service in the French army. 1, acres ized 8 "00 this year from sixteen I'mini: are now 11,000,000 men in Hu- of onions. rope ready to be called Into the Held. "Towki, supply" companies anil "car(Ikiimanv Ixiasts the healthiest army pet cleaning" companies nro now sup- in Kurope, llelglum Is second Wst, and plemented by "building cleaning" com- Hngland comes lu third. panies. Till-- latest returns aro said to show John IIaiiskii, a horse trainer of out of 07,000 men lu tho Hicksvllle, L. I., has received two 11 ro that 00,000 are under twenty-onarmy home deer, which "he will train for carriage years of age. driving." Herman marine stair Tin: IniiK-riii- l Tin: Tennessee Supreme Court decides for lb'Jl-O- J will require the enlistment that a mortgage is not properly, but of 400 men annually against ;i00 as here simply security, and that It therefore tofore. The usual yearly increase of can not W taxed. will W omitted. To 8i:m.i: a Wt a man In Van Wert fifteen olllcers I'm: now law of Franco which com- County, ()., wheeled a wheelbarrow containing 150 cats for three miles over lols theological students to serve in the army has been put In loree. A hatch ol a muddy country road. eighty-seveyoung seminarists of the A company has Wen organized lu Chiof St. Lazarus recently left Paris cago for tho delivery of parcels and Order goods throughout the city to serve as soldiers. Hmi'KI'.oii William has just got lu and suburbs by means of bicycles. C minis a man that would liavi At Uio christening of a Chinese baby rejoiced tho heart of old Frederick In Now York a few days affo, each guest William L, the lover and kiduapiKir ol presented tho child with a twenty-dolla- r big soldiers. 1'p to NovomWr I Captain gold piece wrapped lu red pajK-r- . von l'luskow was tho biggest man in A woman of New York met with n army. He measured just six feet Sho the singularly fatal fall recently. nlno Inches. A volunteer recruit ol and back-wanslipped on tho pavement and fell seven feet and live Inches has retired Her head struck tho earth with him to second place. Into such force that It drove her hat-plTill: activity of Russia's preparation' her brain. for the coming war Increases. The latest police (Mass,) have Springfield Tin: measure that lias set her Western adopted tho plan of giving tramps u soup war fright Is the uliolltlou wcxsl saw making them breakfast and of the seven great military divisIs meal, which for four hours after the ions of the Uusshiii army lu Huropo und having the elTect of thinning out thow the Introduction of three commands lodgers at tho city hull. the Army of the North, the Army of the THE SUCCESSFUL POULTERER. South, and tho Army of the West. Mll.irAiir statistics show that more Ski: that every fowl gets its shuro of than twenty jK?r cent, of the young men feed. presenting themselves for service In the Fattknino fowls should W fed ut army hi tho liovernmeuts on tho least five times a day all that they will Vistula uro rejected on account of feeble cut up clean. health. The Medical Department of Kkki tho fowls gcnUo; they will W tho Ministry of the Interior has much easier managed than If they run a special commission to Inevery time you go towanls them. quire into tho causes of tho defective (lATlIKi! tho scraps from tho table statouf health in that part of tho and glvo them to your fowls. There Is no kind of food that is Wttcr for thorn. ART NOTES. Ki:i:riNO a handful of old nails In the drinking water will iilfont a gotsl tonic John Luwih llnow.v, tho Paris painter for the fowls, or an Iron vessel cun W of battles and horses, Is dead. Ho was hold water. uscibto tho Ixirn in llordouux In 1H20. Tin: Wst plan of supplying charcoal Tin: artlstto stair of Punch Is to W to tho poultry Is to burn corn; not strengthened by tho engagement i.f bhick but nicely bniwned; glvo thejn Hernanl Partridge, of tho I.ondon all they will eat up clean. Ciii'iit: curbolle ueltl Is one of tho Wst pictures that hang on tho walls of materials to use among tho poultry. It thoTubPoslmaster-dcnerar- s Washlugton Is good to destniy vermin, to prevent residence (tho old Frelliighuyscn mantonic. use a to us cholera and sion) aro worth more thau 8100,000. Tin: hen Is an oxucllcnt agent for Ft'Ll.Klt has commisscratching and working over manure, sioned Mrs. Ida J. Bergen to decorate anil sho will Hud many dainty morsels music-rooIn his now mansion. She therein that would W of llttlo value the Is the llrst American woman to attempt otherwise. mural decoration. Ma. Coii.sti.ifH Vaniikiiiiii.t has just Tin: painter, Franz von Lenbaeli, has purchaseil two of 'I tinier s pictures, on Wen c Jiuiiiissloneil to paint u of which represents the grand canal at portrait of the Herman Ihuperor for tho Venice anil tho other u U'liutmil laud Km press. Tlie samu painter has Wen scape. Tho formtir cost fifty thousand busy on n portrult of Count von Moltko dollars, tho latter thirty thousand dol for tho now museum at Hamburg. lars. Thoy are still lu Iouilou, wheru A niHTiNOt'isiiKi) French urllst has re they aro to remain at present. cently Wen engaged In painting tho picture of Mr. Jay tlould. Tho painter All i:ix rurciillrn. "Didn't ho oncu say, ho would never says tbut Mr. (lould never distracts his attention or wastes his time by talking, spealc to you uguluy" "Yes; but he saw I had a cold, and he but sits perfectly still, und Is therefore couldn't resist the temptation to tell a good subject for un artist. mo or a sure cure." l"uolc. l'N!:u the will of tho late Allan Fra- ser his castlo at Hospital Field, Ar A lrrt lloouril. Scotland, will Wcomo a monas Tho Minister Havo you ever cast broatb, tery for a brotherhood or painters, your uroatt upon tho waters? and literary men, und o trial Mrs. lllvcrbank (proudly' Never, sculptors school for young artists, who will W my tmco urt butch. 1'uck bouud to (tody art for trm oi y oK-nin- 1 : h e n light-weig- PEOPLE OF MANY LANDS. Tin: HotWchlhls have opened another the Main. free hospital on Frankfort-oMn. OlapsToni: han not relinquished his pastime of fellliifftrecn. He recently felled a line walnut tree In his prk. Tin: rule of the Sultan of Turkey Is said to W most humane. Only one execution bus taken pluce in tho P.mptre for several years. CofNr Iih), the compiler of tho new Japanese constitution, has Wen apof tho house of pointed recently by peers, which was the F.mioror lu ierniu. Caiidisal Nmvm.sVh barWr thriftily saved the hair he clipped from the prelate's head, and Is now offering small locks to relic und souvenir collectors at so much per lock. PniNcr. IIlusvasowo Is the lion of the day In llerlln, whither his uncle, the Mikado of Japan, has sent him. accompanied by three sccreLiries and six young Japanese iiobletnrii. for the of ntteuding maritime and other studies. ClIANO. the celebrated Chinese giant, has Wcomo a naturalized Ilrltlsh subject and nn earnest Christian worker in the He resides at Houriiemouth. South of Kugland. and is n great favorite with everybody, especially tlio children. Sinci: his visit to America the Due Orleans has developed Into a most enthusiastic amateur photographer lip mis over one hundred views of Niag Falls, taken by himself, which shows to his friends as an evlil his skill. Tin: Kine-o- f Itulv M splendid horc Interest in foxman and takes u e the houmls hiiutlug Ais big bmwn hunter Keereallon. a aoi-ssixteen hands high and all Imiiio and muscle, and makes a Hue npivur-unt- TEETH AND HAIR. Nut Inillprlinlil In (looil Iiitk l. With ti there Is, to sny tho least, n strong mid decided prejudice In favor of luxuriant tresses mid iHrly teeth. Hut It only a prejudice, and by no means universal. We see no lack of Wnuty In tho Infant's nuked, rosy sen I p. lu Its sweet little tivithle mouth. We even see n kind of majestic Wauty In the Ivory dome that cover the sage's busy brain. A white, shining billiard ball is by no menus unplenslng to the eye, and no one cun fancy lu Wttuty improved by covering half of It with a coat of hair, however soft and sllkv. lustrous, Imiwn or golden. Itlnls had teeth once; how should wo welcome tho pnxqieot of n return, a retnigres-slou- , conto their former ouhl you think your ennary ditions? cockatoo Impmvcd oryotir WUHanl-hucIn ILs apis?iirnue If the smooth, even edges of Its hill wero garnished with suws of pearly teeth like a llttlo feathered and winged alllgalor? The possession of a full complement of teeth bus always Wen reganled as an indispensable condition of )H)rfcct health. To our prehistoric nucostors, who had no other grain-mill- s than their molars. It must have Won so, and the modern soldier In ne tiro service would tlml his hard tuck and leathery salt Wef un"'' They n P Tnj dent- Km-plr- Choi-Ivar- CillKK-JfHTIc- i: llie-slzc- yr. l. Copjiljbl, IsA an ANURIA. as nn take It, Anil life, ilrur clilM, Il nhst no inako IL" ThU u tho frntlracnt of an nM l.vlf to lirr rrariitchlltl I.1KI. Anil tnsnr a Uril Liu fmiml It to l tni snl h liiu taken m of hrr hfalth. bhn kis?(u nn harxl it ui'plr of Dr. l'lerc' l'sx ritu rriK-rlp-tlami to in not trouMtst wltii thiwo "ilraifln-ilow- n ffMdiic HraknrMr I ?4 and functional lrnn-Urltl'- S that mi innj- - women rndtirn. It l.l tiy the only misllelnn for women. ilriiaKitta, unilrr a poalllvn Kiiaruiiten fmm tha manufacturer, that it will itlvn .itufnctlon In etery ovw, or inonar will I U-lu rcftitiilisl. Tlili frunraiiUni haa faltb-iuIIt anil prlntcsl on tho Imltlo-wrartK-out rarrlml for iiiunr lean. "I'uTorlto Pnsirrlptlna u a leglttmat nttlitint, tu t i tKr'ni0. Contain no alcohol lo lni)iia(n; no Tmi or ugr to As jxeulLir In IM i dernnro tiHsllal nnult a In ltd oo n ikiwit'io leT- - - ' . all. o, i iK.iifiv , omiouiatios-- 1'ati.Mam -ilomonstrated that lint lusurloiii i. lviliatiou, wliluli glvus imi little for tho tooth to do, la, on tha whole, more DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS conducive to vitality and longevity Iai stive, or Catlmrtle, ncisinllii tu tdfl of Long savagery. of than tho hard fare iluse. Ur dniKClata, 3 ccuU a llal. behave shall Is' fore toothless guimi come the rule, all occasion for teeth Intelligent Boadors will notieo that have passed, either for Wauty or use. North American Keview. out-bid- o In tlie Held. AUTHORS. is writing with clalvoralo care, a story of tlie conquest of Constantinople by the Turks in U.'.t, Do intends it to le as gissl in its way as "lien Ilur." I? UNA I.VALL. tlie novelist, is hardly thirty She is a demure and niiasmm-lulittle woman, who talks slowly and with hesitation. Much of her literary work is done on a Aniu:i:w Lano, In a signed article in a Mel bourn journal, reviewing the last two decades lu the domain or lit tion. unhesitatingly awards the palm lo KoWrt Iritis Stevenson. I'm: announci'incnt is made in u Ocr- man periodical that Thomas A I'dison and Oeorge Parsons Lathrop are ut work together on a scion.' ific novel, in electricity is lo play an luiKir- taut part. KlCHAllli 11. StoiiiaI!H. the poet, is n man of medium height, with short gray hair and Ward. Despite his venerable ago and tlie rheumatic twinges that af flict him he Is usually in excellent humor and keenly enjoys a joke. (iLoiuii: Iv'lnnan dot lures that hols constantly tracked by Knsslaii spies. who attend all of his lectures. In con sequence of tin:, surveillance he1. bus to ,.! an ..Ii ins inut1. Iks extremely guaroeo ile and private utterances. mlh Wiiircmin Kii.kv is a busy 111- crary worker, home one recently asuco the iMH't to do a piece ol worlt, ami lie ' I't! In tlie u'riling line tepli.-d- I was never so Involved Wfore. liven the hop! of waking to tind myself famous is denied me. since I haven't time in which to fall asleep." WELL-KNOW- Wai.ick . Twit's Pills SMALL TALK. LITERARY Sin HmviN Alisoi.ii gets $S,UO0 foi his poem "Tlie Light of the World." as.OOO copyrights havo Wen grunted lo American authors during , !, fo cur" all rlaaiea toil only slllll aa raaula of f rom ikitlsorilorcU Itvor, Jsi aroO not "irnrrmilnl ua tho present calendar year. Vertigo, Headacho, Dyspepsia, AnciiiiiAi.ii Ci.avkiiisii C.f.vnm ha-Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious received SI0.OOU in roiMltles UKn his "Mr. Parties of New York." Colic, Flatulence, etc. John tl. Winn inn's birthday gifts Inr llirto they nro not wnrrautcil kindlings hill nru ii Hourly. so us II Ioiium included a barrel of pitoli-pini reinnl) I'rlee, UScla. from the Wliittler colored school at alblo lo muko , r. j SOId) JiVliUVWIIUKU. Tusoaloosn, Ala. Till: "lloiis- - uf Seven Onbles," uiil.-. Is Nathauli Hawthorne made, stitl to Ik- - seen on Turner slrei-t- S.tleui. It was built lit hXr), but iv Mass. eel veil many alterations by II owners until II Woaine structure which attracted lla thonie's attention, and was nt onetime his home. Kukuson'k old home at Concord is more nud more a shtiiie for the literary pilgrim. It Is noW. tue In pliable home of Mrs. liiiierson dint litnermiu. One of the moid Inb-- t esting relics in the house a line old if ehnmle engravinif that was prem-ntMrs. liiiierson b l arlyle , a ueillhii,' what' 1 j icofsSUMPTion GCROFULA 3RONCHIT13 COUCHS SCOTT'S Mlu-lille- n COLDS W:stir.g CURES Disoancn Wondorftil Floslt Pioducor. i Mm a-- jif r .1 liui-- t! i y l'V "o ioui)il ,4if not n. Brcffl, !':'i'--t Us I'.iiiiilsinu t iiiitjiiiid tU.i fiLimuIttt i ciimly. lun pitipi rliCi of tho Ilypophcw-liliil- i t ami jiuri' N"iwt(ia 0tl f hnth Oil, th" jiulonoy Lit lipin,. largely ineruiuwil. iLimtatiil .-. 1 1. " 1 by I'lr.hiriai!- l. u HS I f .TlAltrj.'S " The worM In tvrn d c ty;e-writc- it. tI" sonil-reptllln- pur-jhis- o ( Luw Ar 1 oK.-ue- 'w Wumber J!). - nil '(! t ho vtuvUl. - , I ; s ' AS MILK. X Solil lit alt IH'iiyiils!. fOOTT &. 'JOWHE, Chornloto.N.Y. FACTS BRIEFLY STATED. A TON of gold is wortli SOJ.TyO.iiO. Tuuiii: are one hondredT!wgo,Smlths In Lynn. Mass. PALTAELli SI.OoO.OiKin Ni:w Vonu in iianquew- .An Inch of rain mean ono hundred tons of water on every acre. Tin: hibt bank failure In Ilaltlmore years ago. wus In tsaT fty-three yet r STABLE. LIVERY CITY -fi- estimated that Indian wars have cost the llovernment 8700,000,000. Ti:a Is probably now lu dally use as a f of tho population Wvoruge by of the world. train containIt would take a freight cars to transport SI, ing thirty-livlu pennies. A Si'AMKii potato raised at Clarks-villi- ', Oa., this season, uus four fcut aud eight Inches in length. It takes Utf.OOO Wnnuts a ycur lo cover the heads of tho female soldiers til the .".alvatlon army. The army has to more than in the various countries where it is established. IN favorable circumstances the tea nhiiit "Hushes" or Mnds forth a fresh crop of tender young slusils from twentimes in tho course of ty to twen.y-llv- e a growing and picking season of nlno mouths. Ir U one-hal- 000,-00- 0 crntoi an appttllf, IIiikikmioiiiI Ci inon ('it ij and toucttiodllou, IOO n STOCK Co. - - I'rirpr. Or ('Hun. Canyon City, Or. ,M. Doaba Ono Dollar DKlU1Y tV RESTAURANT. NEW Medicine, and l worthy your coufidciico. Hood't Sariaparllla Is iold by all drucclitj. Trtparcd by U. I..0vh1 & Co., ImvsU, Man. Ijtillri. why women will make such fisds of themselves over stage hews. They mvo about thorn in public, moon atxiut them In secret, dreuui of them by night and dog their afternoon strolls. All their spare cash Is sent on mutiueo tickets and llowcm for tho Wlovod obJecL Onco let u stage hero mako known thut In a certain sceno ho Is c.xpected Ut wear a certain llower, und there will W no dearth Hon-toof these sent dally by fair ladiiut Herald. lib miCfcL t Ifealf I'lr fall u V nhlle II cradlcatej dheaie. Tho ptculUr eomllnatlon, proportion, and rreparatlou of tho vcuetatlii rcmidlej used ulo to Ilood'i Baraaparllls pecub -- rUr curatlvo pocri. No 1 u other me Jlcluc hu luth a record o( wonderful curea. If you havo uudo up your mind Ij buy Ilood'a Baruparllla do not bo Induced to take any other Initcad. Il U a I'cculUr HUgo llrrmx nm! Is Incomprehensible t'sitnlly tho place where tho eagle makes his oyrlo or nest may W locuted by wnt.-hlufrom tho top of somo high elevation with u glass. When a brood eagle has taken prey It courses directly for the oyrlo, aud, after tho lino of (light has Won duUirmlui'd with u fair degree Of accuracy, tho hunter ought not to t" BraprUla. Ititrcn.tlitm Dnrsiiltnf rliCUIIcW juj i,ulu, up tho lyttcni, proiHirt-uiuountlu- It it, i n i i uj j , i f Th Imiwrtineo of purllrlnff tlto lilooJ ran- net te omctUnuted, for without puro LIuuJ )eu cannot eujoy snod heal lit. At Ihli caion ncirly eviy ono n'fdi oo4 ntillclno to purify, lUUie, anil utlcb Ui blood, and wo aik you to try Ilood"i .. Chumlnws, I'mpr. 'I'liia Huatutiruiit hus lucuntly tniQit furnibli .MwtU or I opunml, nutl INSPKUTOHS. nt living niti. A ipitciul fciittirti uhout thi hoiuo Notico is horohy (jvtit that I linvo is tlmt no Cliinwi" cooks um (iivn tho Hontuunint this tiny njipoiiik'd the (olowiiij in tho kiUhcii. il'optity Htook iimpro.tora for a triiil. M. J. Oiiamiikiih, per-hqii- h Grant county, OrcBon: I'nipiictor, HAUKH, l)ay1llo k II. Johnson John II. Hukor John G. Luco, John Hlaokwoll "W'ootlM Cm John Dav. Long X X XI. X OH, Giok. Prniiiu City. Hamilton. Slioolly. M. .loluiBon "WiiRimr, Honj. Hunmikor, Lovo Jlailey Wmaillis XT Vox. tor Wm. Hull K. S. Illnckwull lu II Uulob. Stownrt Kilter Oanvon Citv W. W.Hintox. Hoof ' Hbuti iiuda M urJtr. or Slouk IiiBpector lor Gntnt Co,, Or, All Work Warrnutcd May 7lh, 1S00. w.. -- mmmt g. aW, Onr.aox. UMtly nnlrid. rirt-cla- a. ' ' s