THE WAIRARAPA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1897 ■ UsiurmuW recovered with iAYonttnc,Italian cloth and silk from 3s Gd. llKPAilts Neatly Executed under Personal Super- I EXTRAORDINARY ltirnc size, for h fid, visionand Guaranteed. bottle) guaranteed to utand Oun Ckmknt (1h per imping liCJit. An.TvSthrtics ndministered, whereby the extraction of teeth is ensured, J'OTB.-Mn Morfriiis iii thelloom over Within' l'Mogmphie OaUerij, formerly I/omlon nml Amcricnti Insft- I'aiusols to match Coslnmo from ladies' own rantcrinltf. Ar ii guarantee of my good work, there nro tbs siiors throughout New Zealand In tlio Umiirklu carried mi by mo or member*of my famllv. cceiipieil by flic lute. Also, wo trace ourfnnilly for 250 years in Devonshire REMOVAL NOTICE. FIRE! WATER! SALVAGE! In thuHAino line. Kvßnnmso KindlyNote IN consequence ol tho damage which our stock has sustained by the recent Fir i, we haye resolved to hold A CLEANING SALE or ABOUT BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, Departments. QUEIiX-HTM'.CT, (A'cnr Empire TJ AVING REMOVED the whole of the Diupksy, Milmskiiy ami Ci,owing Dei'autmesth into tbo NEW • ■ • W. C. FITZGERALD, Consulting Chcmißt, SABTEBTOX. A FROM W.F.CA. ■Wellington. Departments, X X X X X X Finest Mild Cured HAMS .. FinestßefinedliAßDinbladders i\i 2/. PER Sugar! POTOD. g. T. Sugar I Sugar 2iD l'Elv ! .. Finest Ueet SUGAR, 401b hag No. 2 (soft) SUGAR, 101b bag Loaf Sugar .. .. 'lndiarubtcr Hot Water Bottles Air Cushions Ued l'i\ns *23/- per cwt. Mper pound; ALSO Free on rail at Wellington station. No charge for packing or cases, ll'rife/or ilc/n/lci! price 1807-B.] PRESENTS I" and inspect A. Henderson'sstock OF .J Nelson residents have made £'looo each down and blazed away. for writing seditious articles dis- Tcadora for road Preparations for bccotningindepeu* work are invited by the Mnstcrton Borough Council. deuce." Harinalkar, the publisher of the at coming election by Messrs Dun- The Ekctaliuiia Earners' Club, is Entries to date lor Mr F. 11. Wood's next the paper, has been sentenced to iell, Wagg and Vile against Messrs making a strong effort to get farmers to Taratahistock soven years imprisonment. sale, appear elsewhere. Perry, Michell and Yates. Perhaps all co-opcrate with the object of convicting Messrs J. Mowlem and Co, make further (Received Septmkrl, 9.45 a.m.) candidates more or less recognise the the owners of sheep-worrying dogs. additions to their Pahiatua stock sale for necessity o£ both services, but differ The ladies of Calcutta, August 31, intend giving a Friday, 3rd September, somewhat as to ways and means. At social on FridayNireaha for Mrs Collottc, o( Perry-street, wishes to Tho military authorities at Simla in evening return any rale wc are disposed to believe that the entertainment recently got up by obtain work by the day. have ordered the British troops conMessrs Daniel], Wagg and Vile are tho the bachelors. A cough is onlj worth cightcen-pence, lor centrated atMahanui not to advance, representatives 011 this occasion of the simple the reason that it you invest that as a great force of Afridis hold party of progress, and onthis ground we Tho Dev. J, D. Kussell, of the Bulls sum in a bottle of Woods' Great Peppermint shall give them our support. It is per- parochial district, and well-known in Cure for coughs and colds, you can get rid possession of Kohat Pass. Tliife has Masterton, the haps undesirable that a journalist like accepted vacant of it straight away—it never fails—every order countermands oue previously Mr Yilo should bo a member of a body parish at Fetonc. grocer and chemist in the town keeps it. giyen to Colonel L. C. Gordon to like thel3orotigh Council, but any reflecThe Department of Agriculture lias Wholesaleagents—All merchants and drug force thePass. tion onthat score rests not upoD bim hut finally decided to provide the same firms,—Anvr. Londok, August 81, oubusiness men ih Masterton, who fail to facilities [or the freezing and grading of _ Previous to opening our new Spring and come forward and do their duty by the butter in Auckland as in former years. Summer novelties we shall offer some The Times says tfao general beliof choice town, so that a press man has to be in nil the different departments ot in official circles is that fc'ie Ameer Thirteen natives have been brought bargains taken as a pressed man. our warehouse, We shallhave an excellent is not directly concern in tho from Hokianga to .Mount' Eden gaol, sale and we are not particular to prices lor tribal rising. Auckland, for non-payment of the dog any of the lines that are lett, as we are Tun Borough Council last evening took tax. determined not to carry tliem over. L.J. upon itself the responsibility of authorLarge shoals of grayling are now in Hooper and Co,, Bon Jlarchi!, tho cheapest ising an Engineer's report on a combined the and best house for drapery and clothing.— ENGLISH LABOR TROUBLES. \VVst water and drainage scheme. This is a quantities Coast riycrs, and immense Advt. have been seen passing up very proper preliminary step towards the Kokitika Eivcr is comparable to thestandt "Nouponpleasure (Received August 31, 6 p.m.) under the bridge at ing tho vantage ground of Truth," submitting a poll to the ratepayers, and Eanicri, wrote Francis Bacon in one ot liis brilliant practically pledges the Council to tlic London, August 30, work. Wo are glad to see that all _ Mr Gilruth, Government J3iologist, essays, Bacon referred to moral pleasure. The ballot taken by the Boiler-® Or course tho white He ot society shows parties in the Council recognise llic intends to return South next summer to difficulty of, in this connection, combin- makers' and Iron and Steel Shipnecessity nf water and drainage, for we continue his investigations regarding the ing moral and physical pleasure, Not an builders' Association does notcommit cannot suppose that any member deliber- chicken cholera and the destruction of insuperabledifficulty, however, for Walker's tho society to support the engineers ately voted a considerable sum of the rabbits. Whisky as tho Crown ol Excellence is on ratepayers' money for an Engineer's _ Pay weddings" are not uncommon Truth in that it is unalterably strike unless the other unions the best, report without an honest intention to in somo of the rural districts of —Advt, affiliated with the federated trades Gercarry out tho work in tho best interests many. All the guests pay fixed agree to support them. a sum "What's in a name?" Well of the town. for the entertainment, ind the receipts when it iathat of F, J. Osmond, eiicrylMnj member of The ballots ou the question of supare used to furnish n home for the the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, porting the engineers are proceeding England, amateur Cycling Champion, throughout the bridal couple. LOCAL AND GENERAL federated trades. N.C.U., for four years (all distances) aud A woman recently applied to maker of the incomparable Osmond Cycles. A report of last meeting of the Castle Wellington Benevolent Trustees the for Other good names are the" Towhend"and Point lioad Hoard ami other matter will assistance, her husband liaviug gone to the 11 TimjMpu (American), both ot which A DISABLED STEAMER. be found on our fourth pago to-day. Western Australia. Tlio Chairman mean sterling Mlue.-D.LC., Wellington. Agent the Wairarapa, C, E, Daniel, Messrs Lowes and lorns intend explained that the man left lier with live and P. H,for Wood.—Advt. 1 (lltccmi August 31,6 p.m.) opening a branch office in "Belvedere- children in Wellington, and had left another womau witli five children in Loxdox, August 30. road, Cartertou. Palmerston North, THE GOVERNOR'S MOVEThe Pakeha is towing tho RangiWellingtonHospital is Tory full just tira, which recently put into Tenenow, there being no fewer than ono At a church in the North of Ireland, MENTS. riffo with a broken shaft, to London. hundredand seventy-one in-patients. the clergyman recently denounced cerSteps are to be taken to form a tain songs that had become popular in (By Telegraph—Press parish, Association). the and told the people that they Eiycr Board in connection with the lho battle for water and on the plumbago deposits recently drainage in Maslerton were to bo fouglifc covered at Collingwood. It looks as i£ " " NEW EJIWiOIDEIIY AND TUCKED MUSLINS, rpHE W.F.C.A. nro agents for the (Beautifully worked), PRICES EXTRAORDINARILY CHEAP: HOTEL, liAJIOTOX-QtM, WEUKOTOS, AND ALL TOILET BEQUISITES, "THE SHOP FOR Jewellery. 1 SHIPMENT CALLofA.NewHENDERSON. gPEC I A Ladies' ami Gents' Dining Rooms. Gents' Siuokiun and Sittins llooras, Lndios' Drawing lloom, \Clinical Thermometers JIUST & 80—BEDROOMS—SO Sponges Soaps Willis and Manne'ics-streets "Wkijjxqton. HATTER MEItCEH, [lB9/-8. PRIVATE Enemas HairBrushes STOCK: Combs x Opp<wi7e Albert Hotel, QUEEN-STREET, MASTEHTQN, MUM by JohnStone,jimr. Drmy Bvo. size, containing over !IOD page?, together with Mnjta of Wellington anil New Zealand corrected to date, the uliolu handsomely bound ir. olotli, gilt-lettered. ■ Trusses lis!. IN ALL ISSTASCES REMITTANCES Corner of J. L. MURRAY. Feeding Cups is X X of Publication. I'M 12s Oil. Is recognised as having the largest and best STONE, SON k CO,, selected stock of puro English Drugs in the Crawford-jtrect, Wellington District, which has just teen Printers and Publishers, Dunedin. 7s 3d supplementedby another large shipment ex 7a Od CEO, BODLEY'S 7s Od "lonic," ! x x AND MECHANICAL SWiGEONDENTIST, AND N.Z. ANNUAL. POUND. Reductions for tins and and half-chests. Finest Cane RUGAB, 401b bag Clothiers. X X MR. SIDNEY HALL JQIUECMY (Member of Pharmaceutical Society), .I.VD x X AVEU.ixotox, lIAWKE'S BAY ASH T.MWNAKI Commercial, Municipal and General PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST Drapers ~ x STONE'S mason, X X X i'dir Dkoiwl oil JVomjil Jfoii/lii;/ ;lcconnfs. Seventh Ycat The Finest TEA ever offered to the New Zealand public, x xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [established 1870,] Orient Tea; CHEAPEST AND BEST X X NOW PUBLISHED. ~ x X x x Ciioick Sjiam, Goods Always on Hand. n pet lb MEDICAL HALL. THE " x riucES, : X X X x MEAT OF HUME QUALITY AT LOWEST (Press AssoctatSon.—Elcctrla Telcgttph.—Copjnlght}. membership includes ten pipers!. unimproved value of laud. The Eeatherston Co-oporativo Dairy THE REBELLION IN INDIA. Company started to receiye milk again Three splendid specimens of tlio vegetablecaterpillar have been sent to this morning. the Mastcrton Museum by Mr li. THE TRIBESMEN RAIDING THE The Key. A, H. Wallace has resigned Eeilly, who is now at l'e Whniti, in the COUNTRY. the charge o£ Ihc Gore Congregational Uriwera Country, The specimens were Church owing to ill-health. found close to Lake Waikarcmoana, (Received August 31,6 p.m.l k Colonel Pitt is to liavo a public recep- which MrMly characterises as ono of Calcutta, August 30. tion at Nelson on his return with the the loveliest pieces of water in Now New Zealand Volunteer Corps. Zealand. Tho name given to tho vegetLater reports show tlmfc the losses able caterpillar by tho Maoris is "Nu- of native levies holding the Indian _ Tenders arnto be called for the erection of stabling and cart sheds for the frontier fork Imvo been exaggerated. This story of courtesy on tho battle- Tho majority of them sufficiently Masterton Borough Bouncil, A poll of ratepayers in the Borough field during the Crimean campaign is resisted tho treacherous overtures of Masterton on the question of rating told in the life of Admiral Tryon and attacks of the rebels to save Masterton has for many years past on unimproved yalues, will be'taken to- Trjon took his long glass on' shore their good names before eventually with him, and foundit usoful forreconbeen very modest-too modest alto- morrow. noitring the position and proceedings of joining the tribesmen. gether—in its claims on tho public Mr J. E. Minnis, J photographer of theenemy. He made acquaintance The Orakzais are raiding in Uia works fund, his efforts would prob- Masterton, is about to open a branch a llussian officer, whothealso m rejoiced in vicinity of Sumana, and have burned jolong f ably bo crowned with success-at studio in Eketahuna. a glass (a species of acquaintance two police posts, a bazaar and M any rate the time has arrived for The vital statistics for Wellington which was notat all uncommon during school. W ancient match-boxes to be disused for City for last month areßirths, 93; the seige of Sebastopol). In the early (Received September 1,9.45 a.m.) leading public buildings in this deaths, 55; marriages, 37. morning, as soon as it was light enough, town, A substantial brick Post and Mr Calcutta, August 81. Leslie Reynolds, C. E„ is to be they reconnoitred each other witli their and Telegraph Office should bo re- engaged to report fully on tho best long glasses to see if anything new had Keshnllar, editor of llio native garded as a necessity by all pro- water and drainage sehemo for been done during tho night; then as paper Mahrani, published at Satara, soon as they were satisfied tbey mounted gressiveresidents and the necessary Masterton. their respective parapets, wayed each in the Bombay Presidency, has been steps taken to secure one. It is reported that four well-known other a friendly recognition, jumped sentenced to transportation for I and Bacon MARVELLOUSLY CHEAP, X QUEEN-STREET, MASTKRTON, Prize Hams Champion v KVEiinmiw x X x V x xX X L. J. HOOPER& Co. X X X WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON, EDMHI x IlIJIITH). BROS., J x LONDON AND PARIS, Now being displayed in tlw various BUTCHER, FitzOkrald's ConsEn, Witus-simr, BON IYIARCHE X MOKEN ZI E, KIRKOALDIE& STAINS, t Tim X X X X X X DON'T FOKGET C, YOLLIIEIM. ■\HT AT HAD X 'I'HE NEXT FEW DA\'S. SEASON, TltlACj SOLICITED, ]3E x EARLY SPRING AftfJc to Meantire IlwrA' Unsurpassed. TO X FOII THE H B I M AM: x NOVELTIES Iras a LAItGE STOCK of Ltidies', Oents' nml Children's HEADY-MADE Bools, Shoes ami Slippers of nil (juaiities and styles, PREMISES, wo bog to notify all customers ami tho public generally that on and after TUESDAY, 31st AUGUST, nil business will bo transuded ' in tho new building. gTAINS Have pltftsuro in announcing tlio nrrival of their first shipment of IhtclJ, Q,TOLL WORTH OP STOCK, Consisting of— Fancy Soaps Smelling Bottles Hair Crushes Sponges Fuller's Earth Chest Protectors Tooth Brushes Shaving Brushes llubber Hot-waterBolttea Soothing Teats Doulton Ware Ilot-watcr Dottles And a Large Variety o! other Goods. AND t!ic Address—t>G, WILLIS-STREET. Drapery, Clothing and Millinery <sl,ooo RIRKCALDIE hut mik-mmest must ALWAYS UK MADK. X X X X X X X X X X 1897, ADE A .SOCIALITY0)'« ALL CIUnOES MODEItATE, CONSULTATION «lEE, X EARLY SPRING, Knivks and Scissors carefully ground. Hazoiis W.F.O.A. Piisi.Ess BARGAINS x Glass And China neatly riveted nml cemented. without or" pivotted," there- or in the ordinary atylo. LATEST CABLE NEWS. j 1 of stumps, SOME X X ' nxmcriox x i'oxo'n Paragon The Wellington' district scholarship The Stratford. County Council is examinations take place next month. about to consider the question of the Tho Wellington'Scottish Thistle Club adoption of the system of rating on the , Patients nmyußually depend on receiving immediate attention without pre-arranged engagement, Artificial Teeth Mounted I!udrei«w, with Frame, brass fillings best silk cover, initials mid date engraved on mount, for 12* Cd, ditto In gold, 255, Also, ii strong, serviceable School'Umbrella, a splendid business in this town, but X tho premises it occupies do no X. enable'the Department to do justic. X X to it, We would suggest that ai X soon as the .new Town Hall is com ploted the adjacent Drill Shed X be temporarily engaged bysliouk thi Department while the ramslmckli \ wooden structure in question ii X pulled down and a substantial bricl X structure worthy of tho town and x tho Department is put in its place, X X The Borough Council might do good X if it were to approach the GovernX ment on tbisrequirement, There in X that tho member for MasX no doubt X terton would give his powerful aid Y to carry tho work through and as : X Country irreproachable in fit and fioieh, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X X Wellington, » | i 20, Willis-street, I * mn TS Now Manufacturing the Record ReigkSilver- (SejiiM underthe Denial Act ofN.Z.J Neat Opera Houso, ltnnners-Sl,, Wellington. by Avoimsn iinnminii I DENTAL SURGEON. mi LETHABY, 1 —rn-nrmTiimi mi mi iiiiihiiiiiiiii iiimiiiii J. G. MR KENNETH MORPETH, |BIiKAUfiST, 7 to 9.30 -jDiNKF.iI • 12 to2 p,m. "jjn 11Jd, Is, Is 3d, Is Cd, Is 9d, Is lid, Extra wideividtb. Rotary ISVITEB. IXSI'ECTIOX Shuttle. J. L. MURRAY, HATTER AND STANDARD SEWING MACHINE. Hotel), W.P.C.A., Masterton. Limited, Masterton, {TelephoneiYo. 35), Educational " " Call and inspect. The pries is low aud terms easy. MERCER, (Next Dooi: to the Cmjb " Depository. New Plymouth, Wednesday. THE TREATIES. Maungatarerc Stream for the protection must net sing them. "I don't know of properties in the Cartertondistrict. their names" he explained, but everyleft for Wellington Tlie_Govornor of sto 7 p.m.) one you know the songs I mean, and PATENT MEDICINES and The Wtuigamii Chamber of Commerce in case you don't, I'll whistle (Sacked August 31, 6 p.m.) HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES airs." at 8.45 this morning, WARDELL BROS. & CO., is communicating with the other And he whistled them to histheir Willis-street, Wellington. congregaOttawa, August 30. always in stock, TIWFK : Chambers of Commerce in the colony tion, much to their astonishment and asking co-operation in a protest against amusement. In tho House of Commons Sir W.' 5/- PEK DAY; 30/- l'Klt WEEK. the JOS. MANDEL introduction of any legislation for Laurier,referring to Britain's denunA peculiar point has cropped up in I]paid in mlrmire it tlkount o(51-allowed BENCH. the abolition of judgment summonses. Physicians' Prescriptions axo Family ciation of the German atidßolgian connection with the election of a reprefold the Clcb Hotel, Masterton As result a of the damage sustained sentative of Ohiro Ward in the Melrose Recipes Wellington, Agent for Mother Aubert's (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent). commercial treaties, snid that whatami has purchased the MABSON'S by liis stock in the recent fire nest door, Borough Council, ever England lost, so far as material 3rd August, 1597. says the Post. About Remedies. dispensed with the utmost care. 0. Mr W. Fitzgerald, chemconsulting thelatter Carte™, Wednesday. interests were concerned by such a HOTEL, MANUFACTURER OF RUBBER STAMPS. part of JastyearMr J. H. HelliEMPIRE HOTEL, wairahapa dails times is ist, Willis-street corner, Wellington, well inadvertently his School Uiob. All Until Music, etc, omitted topay Mr Haselden, S.M., sat alone as course of action, she would reap ten (htc Scull'/), soldby Mr. J. B. INNICS, Priuterand announces a big clearing sale of about IVjeiifMici'iics man beoWnined after hom rates. On discovering the fact lie for- the Licensing Committee to-day. thousand fold iu the affections of • • • Mastebtox. Qi'een-stjieet, Willis-street. Wellinrfon. WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON, Stationer, goods. £IOOO worth of Elsewhere in warded the amount to the Clerk of the Ijriiijinj (licA'ijMM. m this issue will bo found Mr Fitzgerald's Borough, but declined to paya charge of He granted a permaneut transfer for Canadians. This establishment has boon purchased Importer of l'ancy Goods mid Stationery, TTISITOHS' LIST,-Omjh Hoih, Mas- intimation on the subject. Wherolie will extend the most cotdial welten per cent imposed as a penally for non- the Foresters' Arms from Mr Cross by Mn M.uisos, who will conduct it as a Mrs V tcrton, Wednesday.—Messrs 0. A. We arc informed that to and a temporary Ottoway, J. CARPENTER, when the payment within the stipulated period. FIIISI CLASS I'IIIVATK HoTKL, come to his Wairarapa friends. Lovie, F, Dupre, E. \Y. Browl, J. Emerson, CHAMPIONS. and drainage scheme for Master- As he still refused to pay the penalty transfer from William to Robert announces the arrival of his H, Witcbell, C. liamsdon, 11, Cameron, A, water Buckeridge ton the outlet he for is adopted, the Royal Hotel, ALL MEALS AND BEDS, 1/will uot be was placed on the defaulters' list. Armstrong WINTER BOOTS, SHOES SLIPPERS, the liuamalmnga as so many residents The Eoturning Officer had in con- l'eathorston. An application for (Seeeiml August 31,10.35 p.m.) Special Tkiisis'for lleouuu Boaudkus, ou the banks of that stream, below sequencerefused toaccepthis nomination the extension of liours to eleven DOUGALL, BIRTHS. London, August 80. Masterton, seem to fear. Oilier means for Ohiro Ward. Mr Helliwell, who o'clock for Carterton houses was numerous customers and the Benaiji.—At Kokotau, on the 28th August, Ainsworth, tbe English five-mile Good Paddocks. of disposing of drainage will be adopted. was nominated by Messrs F. H. Frascr, opposed by the police and refused, WATCHMAKER, arc public they wilt find that Eodjll liogsr the wife ol of n son. JpRACTICAL J. I'. Luke, G. E. Smith, J. G. Gregory, amateur cycling champion, accomthe very best of Goods at the minimum of Walucb.—At Carterton, on 30th August, Messrs I{. F. Temple and Co., of and J. Hose, contends that the Clerk of cost. panies J. Platt-Betts to Australia. Unjer the Clock, Masteiton, Appointmcat the wife of G. J. Wallace of a son, Queen-street, Masterton, notify by inset the Borough cannot legally place the THE LOONEY SHOOTING -Ladies' and Gents' Kangarette Boots and circulated with our present issue, that name of a ratepayer on the defaulters' CnmsTOHDRCH, August 31, 1893. Shoes, evening, court and dress they are giving up business as Mr list for merely refusing to pay the ten Information lias been received CASE. shoes, Ladies' and Girls' gaiters in PdlroitM by the Cotuifess of Temple is leaving the Colony, and con- per cent penalty. & Glasgow from Sydney that Green, tbe EngKK KK several colors; latest style. (lie valueof £2,000 sequently stock to KK KK Dyeingand Cleaning. lish cycling champion, and ReyKK KK must be cleared within four weeks, and The art of polite letter-writing is not (By Telegraph.—Press AssociationJ. THE SLIPPERS FROM Is PER PAIR. KK KK [Established 1874.] Tl' you want it done lij the only proficient everything will be sold at cost price, yet lost, and the communications which W EuasGTOX, Wednesday. nolds, the Irish champion, will comKKKK Cotton, Silk, Woollen anil Ostrich Leather PREMIER SHOP FOR pete at Auckland, Wellington and pass between husbands nnd wives who Men's real pood Watertights from the Dyer in the Colony send it to KKKK Pending the restoration of his preKK KK WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1897. candidates for (he Diyorce Court TheFeildingshooliiig casestill oc- Cbristchurcb in September. best makers from 12s Gd, BARGAINS, E mises after the recent" burn-out," Mr are KK KK tbe cupies Supremo often show (lie of Court. The case KK A. a ROBERTSON, (says Argus) traces KK S, E. Wright, sole agent for the famous Special—Moil's Shooters at 83 Gd KK D desire to write a nice chatty letter even fortheCrown will probablyclose early KK PEKTH DYE WOIiKS, THE TAUERU BRIDGE. "lied Bird" and other high-class if the main facts to he slated are hard this afternoon. The medical eviTIALANCE ol our winter THE RETURN OF THE N.B.—Special new lot of" Boslook'a" Gdbzskk-st. (near CuLa-st.), Wellington. bicycles, has removed to temporary pre- and uncongenial, Mr Samuel doiico was in the direction that the best goods just opened. L Branches in GhriMmh «n<! iWlson. stock at lowest ra l'ur.liE is an apparent lull just now mises in Willis-street, next door to Challis, against whomTims, wifedesertion ami female accused was not suffering Orders bv parcel post receive prompt attention, ot profit, same as charged in ivitli Hie Tauei'ii bridge question, Cydedom," He asks us to make this adultery were proved ia the Divorce A but it will be a gravo misfortune if intimation to his country friends. In Court in Melbourne, before the Chief from homicidal mania. Any kind, style, or quality of Boots and Goodsreceived by Messes Kimhagkn and our Wellington House. During M Wairarapa the MR SEDDON liV AUSTRALIA, IlAUKOIll), Air Wrightisrcprescntcd tailors, Mastcrtnn. and Messrs Shoes mado tojorder or repaired at Masterton, after putting its lmnd to J, Graham and Co., and Mr Justice, could write pleasantly from Vestch and Allen, Drapers, Greytown. nest tew day wc slmll sell by R Tasmania to his wife even while" he was tlio plough, were to draw back. The G. Messrs ( Press Association,'—Electric Teltgrnph.-CopjilElit) If. Goodall. FOOTBALL. KK KK J. CARPENTER'S, about 500 remnants, compriA living with an ox-patloutmaiil named i;k GALVANISED kk present time is an opportune one for Everyone that delightful pas. Bessie M'Cay, who had supplanted his KK KK sing— BOOTMAKER, (Received securing n Government subsidy, and toral play ofknows August 81,10.35 p.m.J KK KK Shakespeare's—" As You' lawful wife in bis affections, Mr Challis (By Telegraph.—Press Association,) IRON. the supporters of the undertaking in KKKK Quccn-strcct Masterton, Sydney, Augnst 31. Like It;" and as" familiar as household had also carried oil the two children of KKKK OF DM3 STUFFS, BEMNANTS the town should influence their words" is the famous speech therein tbe marriage from Wellington, Wednesday. "OBI!" iron is the best ikon manuKK KK the custody of his The Right Hon. •G. H. Reid, REMNANTS OF FLANNELETTES, KK KK factured, the Taratahi Road Board commencing- All the world's a stage." wife's sister, on pretence of taking them There is beautifnl weather for friends on the Premier of New South Wales, and KK KKto approach the Ministry as soon ns The Empire Tea Company with their for a ride on the train, and had taken match Taranaki r, Wellington. KK 01US" iros is the nmm iron oi the BEMNANTS OF CALICOES, etc. KK The the Right Hon. 0. 0. Kingston, World. possiblo with this object in view. modem and up-to-date ideas Imye made them with him toTasmania to bebrought visitors are the favorites. BASKETS OF 11IBBONS, Premier of South Australia, arriycjL The services of both the member for this splendid speech a peg upon which up under the fostering care of Bessie 088 won haskoub times the salo ot BASKETS OF HOSIERY, Barcains in Drapery by tbe Miowera. They are in any other brand, Mnsterton and the member for Wai- lo hang ,i notice of theirfamous blended M'Cay. Wlion his wife wroto to him celleut heath. teas, and wo are sure our readers will imploring him to give up his mistressand AT INJURED AT A FIRE. 0118 inox ha 3 equal in nny re> In (act remnants in every Departmentnil at rarapa should be promptly enlisted be interested read their his to return own amusing to home with their Tho Government steamer Thetis, two spect. WARNOOK & ADKIN'S, in this task, and no step neglected travesty in the lines which appear in little sons, ho replied in these terms with members of the Ministry and ORB" iron has many oheap compcti may WELLINGTON SALE which bo essential PRICES. considered another column, "My dear liosina,—l write these few (By Telegraph.—Press Association). Parliament, nnd leading citizens and THORNDON HOUSE, tors, but cannot he beaten tar qual to success. TE ARO HOUSE, Mr and Mrs Adamson, who have con- lines to let you know that we arc ity or price. Welmkoton. Duxroin, Wednesday. Mrs Eeid, met tho Moiwera at the Wo hear that sum from all well and happy. The children arc ft of £250 All Ironmongers and Stokekeei'ehs For Good Honest Value Masterton, backed by a similar tributed greatly to the success of the well and growing quite fat. The Frederick Wood died in the bos' Heads nnd enthusiastically welwinter evening socials at Wailwlteke comed Mr Roid. ACCOMPANY OnDEUS. (Tea HAS - Notice of Removal. Qiiccii-sli'ccl, ihilerloii. cloak (Boiderwood), Dr. Nikola (Guy Bootliby), Bodney Slono (Conan Doyln) TheHerb Moon (John Oliver KSSHS OLIVECIiONA, McDONALD HolAes), llnvenstone (Christabel Coleridge & CO, have to the more anil Helen Sliipton), Limitations (Edward Commodious Premisesremoved known as Mkkk's Benson). Stork, Dext to Luke's Foundry. 1597-N.Z. UIAItIES—IB97 • Entrauees—Victoria and Manners-street. COMMERCIAL " Sealskin TEMPERANCE B. T. HOLMES. WAIRARAPA LICENSING The l ■— CYCLING , & HIS C. SMITH CO.. WairarapaDaily Times PREMIERS. " ' " CORRUGATED " " " " " no " " OliB," The Sale Lasts a IVlonth I visiting Wellington should LADIES make point of calling Thohsdoh they Hodbe. customers n at are new If things will surprise thorn—- two -Ist. THE HIGH QUALITY. 2nd THE LOW PRICES CHARGED. EVERYTHING DIRECT FROM THE MASUFACTURERS-tkt is tlio secret o! our success, WAKNOOK&ADKIN, J. DRAPERY! DRAPERY! SUGAR 3jm .. AT LESS THAN COST PRICE. JAMES SMITH & CO., MASTERTON. CURRANTS, RAISINS, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, APUICOTS, PEAItS, TEA, COPFEE, SPICES, ETC. SUGAR .. QUEEN-STjREET, CASH STOEE, Next C, E. Daniell, IYIACKAY'S "LIQUEUR" WHISKY. (From the N,Z, Times, July sth, ISO7J, reference to Mackay's "liqueur" whisky which has boon advertised in our columns for some time past, the proprietors, in wilting to their Wellington agents under fate 13thMay last, say;— Wc have just hid a most gratifying letter sent ns by our agent in South Wales. It was addressed to him by a field offlcel' Who had command during the Chitrnl expedition, and it speaks in most grateful terms of the many happy recollections his peg".(nip) of our whisky gave him during that arduous expedition. Without writinß in anything like a boastful frame of mind, we ma; say that it is quite freely admitted hero that NO FINER WHISKY than this 'liqueur'of ours is exported." ABOVE THE HIGH-CLAS3 WHISKEY is procurable from JOHN TUCKER, Puince op Wales Horn, 'Masterton. £5910/' IN of " mxoton, .. displayed in tbo right direction, token of esteem. Wo signing himself present bridges are found to be much cheaper room on Tuesday evening. There wasa gathering of members, the Chief than ordinary wooden structures, large Templar, Bro, G.L, Braggins, presiding. and far stalker, Tlioro avo no piers Four candidates for membership were to be washed away by floods, and balloted for and elected, one candidate gwAt they aro practically ovorlnsting. We being initiated. Four candidates (three liayo been told that experienced con- male and one female) were nominated tractors consider that a biidgo of for membership. Bro. 0. Pragnell inor this character is specially suited for timated that he would present a prize (a handsomely framed certificate of memRadford's Assigned Stock a river liko tlio Taueru, and that bership) to the member proposing the 110 practical difficulties in there aro greatest number of candidates foradmisNOW IS THE TIME tlio way of introducing such a strucTO LAY IS sion during the quarter, the offer being ture. It would indeed bo a feather accepted with A GOOD SUPPLY OF thanks. After tlio usual in the cap of the Wairarapa if it routine business had been disposed of, BOOTS, could give a lead to the rest of the the recreation for tbo evening, Scraps DRAPERY AND Colony by building a bridge which and Tit-bits," was gono into, tlio followwould be both strongerand cheaper ing members contributingitems: Sisters CLOTHING. than those generally in use in both Warner, Temperly, H.Fitzsimmons and our prices Ladies* Jackets, L. Beeves, Bros. L. Donald,F. Berry, 0. 2/0; Ladiea' Ulsters, 2/0; Ladies' Islands. Pragnell and tr. L, Braggins. After a Macintoshes, VISIT JENSEN'S <89915/- " .. D.1.C.. WELLINGTON. A A, CoilltlOAN, B, Hallenstein, Cbairman of Directors, COMPARE F. HOLLOWAY, FAMILY BUTCHER; QuecD-Blreet, JlnslertOD, 2/0; Girls' Macintoshes, 2/0 Girls' Ulsters, 2/6; Boya' Overcoats, 2/0 Boys' Knioker Suits, 2/8; ThreePairs Cash- mero Hose, 2/0; Six Yards Furniture l'ringe, 2/0; Twelve Yards Crctonno, 2/0; Men's Hard Felt Hats, 2/0; LadieB 1Skirts, 2(0; Six Yards Dress Tweed, 2/0; Two Silk Handkerchiefs, 2/0 j Feather Boas 2/0; Largo Quilts, 2/6; Twelvo Yards quality ol Meat only kept, Print, 2/0; Ladies' Trimmed Hats, 2/6; Leather Slippers, 2/6; TwelveYords Heavy Calico, 2/0; Twelvo Yards Croam Lace, Prompt altenlm to nil Ofthri, 2/6; Six Yards Yciling, 2/«; l)oo-Skin Gloves, 2/0; Six Men's Silk Ties, 2/6. FOB ALL VOICE WORKERS I Come (o our Sale, ami m will i/iee you much for Hjli at otlm will 5)-, /or SALE TO THROAT, CONTINUE rv-m ol' "J A DAYS ONLY. One Smlllnii a Box. V. JENSEN, AT ETON'S. Mastehton jpatea. and JJIQHEST POGinYOUR Ml DID YOU? AT SHOWS. Q.ET ITOf Course I Did I * JAMS. JAMS, JAMS. «TT.JJ ABE THE BEST, •' Yours faithfully, in our the work may ho put in hand and much regret that you are leaving our Samuel Challis." A decree nisi was completed within six months of the district and trust that every happiness granted, with costs against the polite present date. A prospect of this kind may attend you in your new home; letter-writer. ought to stimulato both Gladstone signed Henry Peters, A. Peters, A. A good story has just come to light and Masterton to a united and per- Braithwaite, L, Brace." Sir and Mrs aboirt Mr Geo. Alexander. Tbe great sistent attempt to launch the project. Adamson, who have been with Mr actor is much troubled by amateurs who Wo understand that a species of Moody for the past three years, intend believe themselves born lor the stage, taking up their residence in the Auck- and who come to him for adyice. One bt'idgo common in America, but as land of these, the scion of a noble family, district, says the Observer. yet not introduced into Now Zealnnd, whose talent is patent only to himself, is recommended for this particular The usual weekly session ofEndeav- was continuallypesteringMr Alexander, our No. 203, was held in the and various were the ruses which the work, viz,, a suspension bridge of Lodge, steel wire. In the States these Jlastcrton Wcsleyan Sunday School- latter adoted to evade him. The follow- RALE! CRYSTAL <£37lo' .. ThoD.I.C., Wkl-i furnishes a Bis-lloomed CottageHome in Superior Style, each article guaranteed tobe offirst quality, for.. now " TheD.IC.,WEi.-' iisoios, furnishes a 5-Roomcd Cottage Homo complete with evety requirement good quality for Mastcrton, SUGAR d.i.c.„ ity, ior • CRYSTAL SUGAR roomed Cottage Home complete with every necessary, o( good qual- • WHITTAKER. HOUSE FURNISHING. Wellington, furnishes a four- • ALL THIS SEASON'S IMPORTATIONS. THOENDON HOUSE, WELLINGTON, The CO. & CASH DRAPERS, Queen-Btreet, TOUR TIME TO LAY IN A GOOD SUPPLY OF C. SMITH over the subject of his relations with construction of the much-desired greenstone pendant. The following is Miss M'Cay, nnd wound up his bridge, mid that, if some energy bo intheaddress" We lmve much pleasure with apparently unconscious irony,letter by asking your acceptance of a small is probably the best one. Walking along the Strand one day, Alexander espied the would ■ be actor hurrying towards him. There seemed to be no way of escape. A barber's shop, however, was at hand, and into this Alex• ander dashed, To tho astonishment of tho proprietor aud his assistants, be sciacd an apron that lay on a chair, tied it round him, and commenced to lather one of the customers assiduously. Meanwhile his tormentor entered the shop, nnd looked round, Pardon me," lie remarked to the proprietor, "I thought I saw Mr Alexander come in hero, but I must have been mistaken," and out he walked, much to his victim's " delight, Tho idea of making wino in Britain from anything more pretentions than re-union the session was ad- rhubarb, currant, cowslip, or elderberry would seem to be extremely quixotic. But it is a fact that after twenty-one years' trial. Lord Bute has, at following is from the AustralaThe Cardiff, That remarkable woodon shanty "The farmers in tlio Wairarapa succeeded in making the industry pay. known ns the Masterton Post and sian considerably agitated about the Starting with three acres of vines, of a are Telegraph Office covers a consider- administration of theStock Act. They description which was known to thrive able uroa 'of ground, but fnils to complain that the clause of tlio Act well in the colder parts of France, and afford to the public of this district relating to the exposure for sale ofsheep planting on a sunny slope, in light andi that reasonable accommodation infected with lice is too stringently on- porous loam, he regarded theresults as which they have a right to demand. forced. The matteris being takenup by so promising that at tho end of teni Every now and again it is altered thcAgriculturalandPastoralAssoeiation years ho laid out eleven acres more. In and re-arrauged with a view to and probably representations will bo 1893 ho obtained • from these fouron teen acres a .yield of forty.hogs-, making the most of an antiquated made to the Agricultural Department the subject. There is a much easier heads of wine, which is about seventy and out-of-date structure, but the remedy the per cent.: Of Vhat a full crop from tho for the troublo than public, who transact business it it, one proposed, and that is for the same acreage would yield in Germany. Bnd it to be a somewhat dark, dis- farmers to dip their sheep, and so get This wino fetched in tho market three mal, crowdedshed and occasionally, rid of the sheep lioe. There are any num- thousandpounds, and some of it, onrewhen there is a press of work, have ber of dips that will serve the purpose, sale, was disposed of for a hundred and the fifteen shillings per dozen. During the to call and re-call before they can and they are within the means offlocktweity-ono years there wero, of course, receive thatattention which is due to smallest sheep-farmer. Any would be bad seasons and good, some years being them. The time lias arrived when master worthy of the namo altogether to ask for the interference of barren, but, on the whole, the the whole structure ought to bo con- asliamod the order that he,may be has succeeded in such a way demned bodily and pulled down. saved trouble of keeping his sheep enterprise which is astonishing, considering tho tbo The Post and Telegraph Office does free from vermin." fickleness of the climate, NEW BUILDINGS WANTED. pleasant journedat the usual closing hour. the wharf and there was much cheering. The public reception will tako FEATHERSTON NOTES. place to-morrow, —�— Meuioubne, August 31, (From Our Own Correspondent), Tho Right Hon, R. J. SeddoD, Wednesday. An enquiry was held here yesterday Premier of Now Zealand, nnd party, before Mr Haseldcn, District Coroner, bavo nrrived overland from Adelaide. touching the fire which occurred at Mr C. 11. Fenwick's property on 15th of August, Tho following was the Jury: Messrs W. Toogood, A. Donald, H. J. Unwin, S. Hunter, H, Keys and K.Jackson. Mr Toogood was elected foreman. After hearing the evidenceof MessrsT. Hawkc, C. It. Fenwick, J, P. Fenwick and 0. Phillips, the jury brought in a verdict that the buildings were wilfully set on firs by some person or persons unknown to tho jury. GREYTOWN NOTES. Oil the arrival of tho Oroya at Adelaido they were met and cordially welcomed by tho Acting-Promier, several Ministers and many influential citizens. At Ballarat this morning they were met by the Mayor and Aldermen, Chairman of Committees nnd members of tbeDistrict Representative Miners' Association. Tho Mayor welcomed Mr Sedi> on on behalf of the citizens. At Melbourne Mr Seddorj J| W welcomedby tho Minister o' p„|Jf. Works, Commissioner of Railways,' t Own Correspondent). Wednesday. other public men and a ]argeiiu;. The Mayor's proposal to give a return ber or New Zealanders, hospitality to tho Maoris and reception In the afternoon Sir'jeofge Turner to the Native contingent lias been (Premier) entertained Mr Seddon a t abandoned for a month. Tho matter luncheon. was tatca up enthusiastically by a few W- r Se(ine Seddon, as of the townsmen, but the majority are Bentative- of Ne.. v Z ealand repreA very lukewarm on the subject, 'and tho the Intercolonial Conference of \ need of funds has been the cause of a postponement. The Natives themselves, Ministers of Agricaltare to discuss however, are taking up tho matter of "*■* >*** giving thoMaori contingent a reception aud hold a meeting to-night to arrange In tho a ljSonce 0 £ the New South the same, (From Our S attenVedT\ Wales Representative fhe Conference vaß djourned after a short sitting. l|«®.eets ® again in Sydney on Satuv- COMMERCIAL. Mr F. H. Wood reports of the stock sal* held ijt his Taratahi yards (Carterton) yesterday as follows Only a few pens of sheep came forward; but-a considerable number oUattle were yarded, far in esc of advertised entries, principally "aa jry stock, the demand for which was active as at last week's sale, For jounc stock and medium beef the competition was lairly keen, and the demand ex' jeeded the supply. Prices realised throo. g hont were about equal to last week's quotations, ' It was stated at tbo Conference tbat a shipping firm had offered to carry Australasian fruit to England at a largo reduction on the existing freights, DRY, THIN, AND FALLING HAJR is due, m the majority of cases to impeilect action of the sebaceous or oil'glands. Deprived ot its proper nourishment, tho hair becomes harsh and ,brittle, the scalp*" dry and soaly, and the roots choked and lifeless to a hard, dry slin. THE WEATHER. The purest, sweetest and most feffective treatment � ' ' I warmshiunpoo with Soap, Cdticciu follow* : Captain Edwin wires at noon to day by light "Depression approaching from the west- emollientdressings with Coimm, purest BP akin produce onrea. which will a ward, will probably bring northerly wind clear, eoalp and luxuriant, withrain and falling baromotor within tho lustrouswholesome, hair, when every other known' next eighteen hoars." ' method tails. - • 00 TO 1 Limitad, Manufacturers, Wellington, _ For the sake ol larger profits dealers nre m the habit of pushiug interior brands. Don't be misled, bavo LYSAGIIT Gladstone,and doubled during their residence there, lmye been weather is verybad, and there is about pital yesterday from injuries received by subsidy, is considered by compe- presented with a framed address, accom- 3in of snow on the hills around about whilo trying to put out a fire at Congratulatory speeches wero made. Titers vras a large crowd on tent authorities sufficient for the panied by a gold brooch and mounted licrc." Mr Clmllis then passed lightly Upper Junction. amount from AT LOWEST MARGIN OF PROFIT ■" . Orb." JOHN ITSASHT, , SALE CLOSES ON SATURDAY. " . CHOICE GOODS AT HALF-PRICE. STARTLING VALUE AND SOLID satisfaction. Stock MASTERTON BRANCH. SPECIAL CLEARING SALE