All electrical automation services from a reliable expert

All electrical automation
services from a reliable
Insta Automation provides
comprehensive electrical
automation services with the
confidence of a market leader.
We cover the entire life-cycle of the
investment from pre-engineering to
maintenance services and
modernization, providing both
turnkey solutions and individual
M arket leader in industrial and process automation
Insta A utomation Oy specializes in the
engineering, manufacturing, installation and maintenance of electrical automation for industrial and process use.
We provide both turnkey solutions
and individual services. We are a Finnish market leader with extensive references and decades of experience.
engineering. Our services range from
pre-engineering to commissioning
and from small subprojects to comprehensive investment and automation projects.
Our expertise provides our customers
with economical, efficient and quality
life cycle services
Our largest customer
• P rocess industry
• P ulp & P aper industry
• M etal manufacturing and
• P etrochemical industry
• E nergy production
• Food industry (particularly dairy
• M ining industry
• M etal industry and machine
• A utomation system providers
• Water treatment plants
• U sers of stage automation
• P roject integrators
• M anufacturing G oods Industry,
material handling
• Industrial process equipment providers
We possess a versatile range of expertise in automation and electrical
Our strength is the technological and
process expertise we have gained
through extensive experience. We
are familiar with our customers’ production processes and as an independent supplier we can always deploy
the automation technology that is best
suited for the customer’s needs.
M anufacturing
We provide automation and electrical cabinets, pneumatic cabinets and
control panels flexibly and cost-effectively. Our strengths lie in our high
q uality products and reliable delivery times.
For our contract manufacturing customers we provide long-term services
on a win-win basis. This allows the
customer to focus on its own core business and still gain the following benefits:
• F lexibility.
production capacity can be adjusted
to meet your req uirements.
• C ost savings. The production is
more efficient when the capacity is used evenly. The customer
doesn’t have to bear the costs of
load variations or reserve capacity.
• R eliability. D elivery times are kept
when they are clearly agreed on.
• Q uality. B ecause manufacturing is
part of our core business, we have
developed and master the processes that guarantee high q uality.
• E ase. Our customers can concentrate on serving their own customers.
A s the market leader in instrumentation and automation installations we
have carried out automation and process electrical installations in almost
all process industry plants in Finland. We also have completed several installation projects in many countries abroad.
Our market leadership is based on our
• our personnel’s experience and strong expertise in different plants,
processes and systems
• flexible and customer-oriented approach
Insta A utomation was the turnkey
supplier in the improvement of the
main stage automation of the
Finnish N ational Opera.
• strong professional pride and high
• reliable delivery service based on
sufficient capacity.
M aintenance
Our maintenance and repair services
guarantee that our customers can
rely on the operation of their electrical automation eq uipment and systems even in the most challenging
conditions without unnecessary shutdowns.
A s our maintenance customer you are
entitled to 24/7 emergency and remote connection services, documentation management and comprehensive replacement services to ensure
trouble-free operation. Our services
are tailored to customer requirements
together with our competent partners.
Turnkey deliveries
Our solid experience and expertise
enables us to provide complex turnkey deliveries in process automation.
Our services include automation and
electrical engineering, project mana-
Finnish N ational Opera
S tage
P hoto H eikki Tuuli
gement,materials and equipment,automation cabinets, installation, testing
and start-up.
We utilize our network of leading
suppliers and always use cutting-edge equipment and technologies.
Regional services
combine the benefits of a local and
national company. Our regional operations bring life-cycle electrical automation services close to the customer.
The regional services have been developed on the basis of local customers’
needs, and in addition to that, our entire range of services is available to the
customer through one branch office
no matter where they are. Whenever
necessary, our regional branches can
find support from our other business
units to find the resources needed and
develop their expertise.
Offices and sales contacts
Regional services
Insta Automation Oy
Insta Automation Oy
S arankulmankatu 20 (P.O. B ox 80)
FIN -33901 Tampere
FIN -29200 H arjavalta
Jyri S tenberg, tel. + 358 20 771 7315
Teollisuuskatu 1
Timo Leivo, tel. + 358 20 771 7350
H arri S aresvuo, tel. + 358 20 771 7302
Teemu E rkkilä, tel. + 358 20 771 7631
Timo N iemistö, tel. + 358 20 771 7318
Juha R asinmäki, tel. + 358 40 549 0509
Insta Automation Oy
Insta Automation Oy
R älssitie 7 B
Wredenkatu 2 (P.O. B ox 1)
FIN -01510 Vantaa
Jarmo Leskinen, tel. + 358 20 771 7265
FIN -78201 Varkaus
M anufacturing
Timo K olari, tel. + 358 20 771 7420
Insta Automation Oy
Insta Automation Oy
S arankulmankatu 20 (P.O. B ox 80)
FIN -28840 P ori
H arri S aresvuo, tel. + 358 20 771 7302
FIN -33901 Tampere
P ertti Tikkanen, tel. + 358 20 771 7260
E -mail addresses: firstname.lastname@
Insta Automation Oy
K eihästie 9
FIN -40950 M uurame
Ilari Lilja, tel. + 358 20 771 7226
Insta Automation Oy
S arankulmankatu 20 (P.O. B ox 80)
FIN -33901 Tampere
Jarno P itkänen, tel. + 358 20 771 7160
Insta Automation Oy
P iuhatie 8
FIN -90630 Oulu
Jarno P itkänen, tel. + 358 20 771 7160
Insta A utomation Oy
S arankulmankatu 20 (P.O. B ox 80) • FIN -33901 Tampere
Automation Tel. + 358 20 771 7111 • Fax + 358 20 771 7122
info@ •