- Royal Australian Navy

A.F.OS. 4551—4669/45
(See A.F.O. Diagram Issue No. 33/45)
N ot to be communicated to anyone outside H .M . Service
S.W .l,
16th August, 1945.
The following Orders having been approved by My Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty are hereby promulgated
for information and guidance and necessary action.
A list of these Orders is enclosed.
By Command of Their Lordships,
A d m ir a lty ,
To Commanders - in - Chief, Flag
Officers, Senior N aval Officers,
Captains and Commanding Officers
of H .M . Ships, Vessels and C.O.
Craft (see A .F .O . 1628/45), Super­
intendents or Officers in Charge of
H .M . N aval Establishments, and
A dm iralty Overseers concerned.
N o t e :—The scale of d is trib u tio n is shown in the A d m ira lty F le e t O r d e r
Volume, 1941, In stru c tio n s, p arag rap h , 10.
S e c t i o n 3 .— G ., T . , N . , E . , e t c ., & S t o r e s ;
16th August, 1945.
S e c t io n
1 .— A d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f t h e F l e e t , C e r e m o n i e s , F o r e i g n
R e g u l a t io n s , e t c .
P ort
{Station Lim its : Fighting Efficiency of Ship3 : Naval Aircraft Administration :
Internal Organization of Ships : Navigation and Seamanship : Fleet Exercises and
Practices, etc.)
Combined Operations—L.C.A.(O.C.)—Nomenclature.
Commands—Home—Commodore (D) Home Fleet—Lapse of Appointment—
Accounts of Home Fleet Destroyers.,
Merchant Ships—Radio Communications W ith.
Messages—Courtesy—F irst L ord of the Adm iralty to H.M. King Haakon of Norway.
Messages—Courtesy—Soviet Navy Day:—22nd July, 1945.
S e c t io n
2.—P e r s o n n e l ,
P a y , S e r v ic e s , D i s c ip l in e , e t c .
4556. Advancement—Erroneous.
4557. Air—Promotion—Lower Deck to Commissioned Rank.
4558. Aircraft— Accidents—Instructions and Guide to Filling U p Form A.25.
4559. Allowances—Special Leave Allowance for Fleet Air Arm and Submarine Service.
4560. B.B.C.—Broadcast by Captain Anthony Kimmins, R.N., on 3rd August, 1945.
{Included in Notice Boards Issue only).
4561. Canteens—Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes—Volunteers for Service in
Amenities Ships.
456£. China—Chinese N aval Personnel Training w ith the R.N .—P ay and Allowances.
4563. Accounts—Home—Commodore (D) Home Fleet—Lapse o f Appointment—
Accounts of Home Fleet Destroyers. {See A.F.O . 4552/45.)
4564. Cancelled.
4565. Complements—Amendment—Corvettes, “ Flower ” dlass.
4566. Complements—Escort Vessels—Stewards.
4567. Courses—School of Air Support, R.A.F. Station, Old Sarum—Courses for Officers.
4568. Customs—Privileges—Major Landing Craft.
4569. Discipline— Private Trading by N aval Personnel.
4570. Income Tax—Provisional Income Tax Assessment Form . {See A.F.O . 4658j45.)
4571. Communications Branch—R eturns of Ratings Examined—Forms S.1124 and S.1124A.
4572. Funds—Trafalgar Day Orphan Fund, 1944.
4573. Income Tax—Royal Canadian Air Force Pilots Transferred to R.N.
4574. Invaliding— Personnel R epatriated for Final Invaliding Survey.
4575. Libraries—Services’ Central Book Depot—Books Obtainable a t Reduced Rate«.
4542. Manpower—Re-allocation—Block Releases in Class B—Bricks, Pipes,
Tiles, Fireclay Goods Making;
4543. Manpower—Re-allocation—Block Releases in Class B—Civil Engineering.
4544. Manpower—Re-allocation—Block Releases in Class B—Pottery, E arthen­
ware, China, Porcelain, Glazed Tiles.
4545. Manpower—Re-allocation—Block Releases in Class B—Police. (Amend­
m ents to A.F.O. 4237/45.)
4546. Manpower—Re-allocation—Block Releases in Class B—Police. (Amend­
m ents to A.F.O. 43^5/45.)
4547. Manpower—Re-allocation—Release of Men Holding Non-Substantive
4548. Manpower—Re-allocation—Married W.R.N.S. Officers and Ratings—
4549. Manpower—Re-allocation—Instructions for Release and Dispersal—
Dispersals from H.M.S. “ Victory X .”
4550. Manpower—Re-allocation—Forms S.161R (Revised).
4576. Medals, Decorations, Honours—“ London Gazette ” Supplement of 7th August, 1945.
4577. Cancelled.
4578. Non-Substantive Ratings—Q.R.3’s—Abolition of Transfer to the Submarine
4579. Parliam entary Elections—P arliam entary Registration.
4580. R.M.—-Shore Service Trained Ranks—Reliefs for.
4581. R.N.V.R.— Officers—Volunteers for P ost W ar R.N.V.R.
4582. Royal Naval Benevolent Fund—Donation.
45831 Sick B erth Ratings—Dental Surgery A ttendant and Dental Mechanic—Advance­
4584. Surgeon and Agent—Stroud.
4585. Surgeon and Agent—Walton-on-the-Naze.
4586. Uniforms—Compensation for Deterioration of Gold Lace, Badges, etc., to Officers
and Men who have Served in H.M. Ships a t Philadelphia.
H u l l , E q u ip m e n t & F it t in g s .
Gunnery.—{Guns, Mountings, Am munition, Turrets, Directors, Fire Control,
Diving Apparatus, Magazines, etc., and Stores.)
Aircraft—Bombs—Pistol, A/C Bomb, Tail, No. 65, Mark I —Introduction.
Aircraft— Guns—Hispano 20-mm.—Belt-feed Mechanisms, Mark I*—Fixing of
Brake Bands.
Aircraft—Gims—Hispano 20-mm.—Tool, Removing and Inserting Driving
Springs of Belt-feed Mechanisms—Introduction.
Armament Stores—Miscellaneous—Pistols, Signal, l£-in. and Cartridges— W ith­
Ammunition—Fuzes, Prim ers and Tubes— Primers, No. 17, Mark I I V.A.D.,
Manufactured 10/43, L ot 419—W ithdrawal.
Anti-Aircraft Fire Control—Destroyer HA/LA Directors, Type K ” , Mark I,
Mod. 0—Drilling for Changing H and/Power Control.
Binoculars—P attern 1900 Series—Used for Gunsighting Purposes—Modifica­
tions to.
Guns—General—Q.F., 5 -25-in., Mark I, 4 -5-in., Marks I, I I I and IV, 4-in.,
Mark V-V***, VC, AV-V*, XVI* and X X I—Adaptors, Rammer, for Use with
Back Firing Target Shell—Introduction.
Guns—15-in.—Revised Probable Life.
Gun Mountings—General—Hydraulic Pumps—Hele-Shaw Type—Hasties’—
Identification Markings.
Gun Mountings—2-pdr.—Mark XVI*—Link Deflector Plate—Fitting.
Small Arms—Revised Allowance to “ Bay ” Class Frigates.
Torpedo.—{Torpedoes, Tubes, Mines and Minesweeping, Depth Charges, Paravanes,
Electrical Equipment, Anti-Gas, Aircraft Torpedoes, etc., and Stores.)
4599. Chemical Defence—Anti-Gas Equipm ent and Stores—Respirators—Maintenance—
Issue o f Spares to Frigates.
4600. Electrical—Drawings—“ As F itted ” Drawings—Instructions for Keeping Up to
4601. Whitehead—Books, F orm s-and Correspondence—Handbooks—U.S.A., 22-4-in.,
Mark 13 and Modification Torpedoes—Introduction of Ordnance Pam phlet 950,
F irst Revision.
4602. Whitehead—Torpedo Components—Stores and Tools—Adaptors St. No. T.66A
and Tables Adjusting Gyroscopes, Mark V I and VII—Modifications.
4603. Whitehead—Torpedo Components—Stores and Tools—Strainers St. No. 2467—
Fitm ent of Finer Mesh Gauze.
4604. W hitehead—Torpedo Tubes and Discharges—Discharges Above W ater—21-in.
A.W.—Modifications to Racer Rollers— As. and As.
Navigation.— {Navigation Stores, Sextants, Compasses, Charts, Anchors, Sails, etc.)
4604a. Compasses— Binnacles—P attern 196 Series—Replacement by New Patterns.
Engineer.— {M ain and A uxiliary Engines, Boilers, other Machinery in Charge of the
Engineer Officer, including Catapults, Coal and Oil Fuel, and Engineering Stores.)
4605. Combined Operations—Landing Craft and Barges—Engine Maintenance Routines.
4606. Machinery—Condensers—Auxiliary E xhaust Baffle Plate—Supporting of.
4606a. Machinery—Generators—Diesel—General Motors—All Models 268A—H and Prim ­
ing Pumps to Lubricating Oil System.
Signals.—{W /T and V /S Apparatus, Radar, D.F., S.R .E ., W ajT and Stores.)
Air Stations—Establishments Controlled from R.N. Air Station, Donibristle—
Addressing of Correspondence and Signals.
R adar—Operational and General—R adar Offices—Removal of Unnecessary Gear—
R adar—Types 271Q/3Q, 274, 275, 276, 277/T/S/F, 293/M—Receiver Rectifier Unit
—Replacement of Transformers.
U.S. Radio Equipm ent—Modifications to U.S. Handbook Type TDE 1/2
W /T—Operational and General—General Requirements for the Equipm ent of
“ Y ” Offices—F itting-out Inform ation.
W /T—Operational and General—Low Power Transm itters—Fitting o f Additional
Sets—As. and As.
W/T—Operational and General—Radio Set, Type CXFR—Fitting-out Inform ation.
W/T—-Operational and General—Types 607/E/F—Receiver Outfit CDR—Fitting
o f Guards and Clamps to Receiver, Type CR.300/1, P attern M.500.
Anti-Submarine.—{Asdics, Hydrophones and Echo Sounding and Stores.)
Asdics—Publications—Establishm ent Lists—Asdic and Hydrophone Installations.
A ircraft.—(Technical.)
Aircraft—W/T—Radio—Use o f Switch, Tj^pe 896, in Press-to-Transmit In ­
Aircraft—W/T—Radio—W /T and R /T Trainer.
Form A.700—Instructions for Use.
& S t o r e s ; H u l l , E q u i p m e n t & F i t t i n g s — contd.
General.—(Hull, Armour, General Equipment and Fittings, etc., and Orders affecting
two or more Departments.)
Aircraft—Carriers—Escort—American-built—Accelerators and Arresting Gear—
Socketing of Wire Rope.
Aircraft—Dinghy—“ K ” Type—Packs for—Conversion of A Mark I I I to Mark I I.
A/S Weapons—Depth Charge Equipm ent—Ships’ Equipment—L.P. Air Com­
pressors, Motor-driven, for Testing Depth Charge Pistols—REPORTS.
Batteries—Dry—Discontinuance o f Supply with Packed Outfits of Stores.
Chemical Defence—Organization for Defence Against Gas—Filtration Units—
Replacement o f «Cover Plates.
Coastal Force Craft—Sea Anchors—Allowance.
Compasses— Gyro—Spares for Mark V.
Damage Control—Stores—Slide-ofF Transfers for Marking Bulkheads, Doors,
Hatches, Valves, etc.—Supply.
Drawings and Diagrams—Damage Control Drawings—Mounting of—REPORTS.
Electric—Fans, Table, 24-volt—Allowances.
Furniture— Supply to L.C.G.(M)(1) and (1*).
Furniture—Supply to L.C.S.(R).
Lifting Gear—Hoists, Electric, Overhead.
Oil, Lubricating—F or Use with Cinema Equipment.
Photography—Sensitized Photographic Materials—Limits of Useful Life.
Propellers and Shafting—Propellers—Adoption as Standard.
Stores—Administrative and General—Packing Cases Used for Deliveries of
Machinery Item s under Contract—Notification of R eturn of Empties.
Stores—Item s—Air—Parachute Pack Elastics.
Stores—Item s—Brushes, Carbon—Allowances to Motor Fishing Vessels.
Stores—Item s—Grapnels, P attern 6425, for Oiling a t Sea.
Stores—Item s—Vices for Torpedo Purposes.
Submarines—Engine Room H atch Davit—Additional Positions—As. and As,
Submarines—Valves, Engine Induction—As. and As.
Ventilation—Electric Ventilating Fans—6-in. Portable—Revised Allowances.
Ventilation—Openings in Upper Deck of Minesweepers.
S e c t i o n 4.— O t h e r S t o r e s — N a v a l S t o r e s * , V ic t u a l l i n g S t o r e s ,
S e c t i o n 3 .— G ., T . , N . , E . , e t c . ,
( Orders m arked* have been rep rin ted fo r 'posting on N otice B oards; m arked f
m ay be communicated to the Press.)
Section 1
4551.—L.G.A. (O.C.)—Nomenclature
(P/C.O.D. 0506/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
On removal of Type 150 Asdic from L.C.A. (O.C.) th e craft will revert to
th eir original classification of L.C.A. and retain their existing numbers.
4552.—Commodore (D), Home Fleet—Lapse of Appointment—Accounts of Home
Fleet Destroyers
(M. 05470/45.'— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The appointm ent of Commodore (D), Home Fleet lapsed on 31st July, 1945,
and from th a t date adm inistration of H ome Fleet destroyers has been undertaken
by the Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet, to Whom all future correspondence
should be addressed.
2. The accounts of Home Fleet destroyers were transferred from “ Vindictive H ”
to their respective manning ports on 1st August, 1945. A.F.O. 2396/45,
paragraph 3 (a), is to be amended accordingly.
(A.F.O. 2396/45.)
(A.F.O. 4059/45 is cancelled.)
M e d ic a l S t o r e s , C o n t r a c t s
(*All N .S. Orders not included under Section 3.)
Bread—Yeast for Breadmaking.
Clothing—H alf Boots and Shoes—Defective.
Clothing—Issue on Repaym ent in H.M.C. Ships—Method of Supply from R.N.
K its—Padlocks for Travelling Bags—Supply on Repayment.
Stores—Administrative and General—Naval, including Air Stores—Shipment t a
Australia—Consigning Instructions.
Stores—Item s—Deoxidine—Precaution when Opening Drums.
Uniform—Officers—Peaks for Senior Officers’ Caps^-Supply from Service Stocks.
Victualling—Provisions—Bacon and Cheese—Demands for—Full Addresses to
be Shown.
Victualling—Provisions—Condemnations and Reports o f Survey.
W.R.N.S.—Ratings—Eat Bags.
S e c t i o n 5.— B o o k s , F o r m s , R e t u r n s , C o r r e s p o n d e n c e
Air Stations—Establishments Controlled by R.N . Air Station, Donibristle—
Addressing of Correspondence and Signals. (See A.F.O . 4607/45.)
Australia—Distribution, of Literature.
B.B.C.—Short W aveband Chart—Interim Edition, for General Overseas Service
only—August-October, 1945.
Books of Reference—Amendments.
Books of Reference—B.R. 461—Issue of “ The English Heritage ” (Thomas) as.
Forms— S.1003—Provisional Income Tax Assessment Form.
Forms S.161R (Revised)—Manpower—Re-Allocation. (See A.F.O . 4550145.)
Publications—Air—Distribution during W eek ending 4th August, 1945, from
Shepherds Bush.
Publications—Air—Distribution during Week Ending 4th August, 1945, from Belfast.
Publications-—Air Radio Publication—“ Sun, Rain and Radio ”—Distribution.
Publications—Air—Supply Position of Airframe and Engine Publications.
(Issued separately on 16th August, 1945.)
Publications—Air Publications—Supply Position of General Air Publications.
Publications— U.S. H andbook for Transm itter TDE 1/2—Amendment..
Telegrams—C.S.N. Telegrams—Prevention of Delays to.
S e c t io n
6 .— S h o r e
E s t a b l is h m e n t s
Air Stations—Sector Lights—Modification.
Income Tax— “ Pay-as-you-Eam ” System of Collection—Civilian Employees
Discharged to Pensions.
Metals—Light Metals, Aluminium, Magnesium and Silicon—Simplified Control
Procedure for.
Stores—Administrative and General—Tropical Packaging.
4553.—Radio Communication with Merchant Ships
(M. 1528/45,-16 Aug. 1945.)
Radio communication from ship to shore and shore to -ship for m erchant
ships in non*combat areas is now perm itted under th e following conditions :—
(o) All radio communications between ship and shore or vice versa shall be
routed through N aval-operated or controlled channels. I t should be
noted th a t all coastal stations now or hereafter listed in WIMS 3,
Appendix “A” , and also all U.S. coastal and m arine relay stations
are considered to be N aval controlled.
(b) Messages m ay be in plain language using international call signs except
th a t no message is to be sent in plain language which m ay disclose
to th e enemy information of impending movements into the combat
areas. For this purpose the ports of Aden, Capetown and Balboa are
to be regarded as coming w ithin the combat area only in respect of
movements to and from th e com bat area.
(c) No private message, th a t is, messages other th a n those concerning
essential ship business, are perm itted.
(d) No direct inter-ship messages are perm itted except in an emergency.
2. So far as R.N . W /T. stations are concerned, it is A dm iralty policy th a t the
H /F ship shore channels should be available to take th e commercial messages now
perm itted from m erchant ships in the non-com bat area. Messages to ships m ay
be transm itted by B.A.M.S. routines or by direct m ethod from coast stations.
3. Censorship.-—The responsibility for censoring messages from ships rests
with th e m aster of th e ship. In the U nited Kingdom arrangem ents have been made
to re-censor messages on receipt to ensure th a t m asters have obeyed instructions.
Messages to ships are censored in London before transmission ; local adm inistrations
overseas in all areas have been advised to make similar arrangements. N ayal
authorities should, however, scrutinize messages and transm it them in code where
4. Charges.—(a) All traffic except th a t in (c) below and th a t intended for or
originated by N aval authorities will now be charged a t commercial rates.
Ship and coast station charges will be those appropriate to the country
(c) Messages n o t perm itted in plain language (see paragraph 1 (6)) should be
sent in the appropriate N aval code recoded by th e general recoding table in force
an d addressed to a N aval authority. No charge -will be m ade for these messages.
(d) A ny onw ard transmission charge from a coast station m ay be ascertained
Irom th a t station. B ritish N aval W /T stations will n o t be able to give any inform a­
tion on telegraphic charges.
(e) In B ritish territories overseas accounting should be done as far as possible
by local telegraph adm inistrations.
General Instructions for W /T Stations.— (a) All inw ard messages received
by N aval W /T stations for onward transmission should be routed on through
commercial channels for th e present. W hen agreem ent has been reached b y the
A dm iralty w ith th e local adm inistrations concerned it is th e intention th a t onward
routeing should be arranged through N aval point to point channels. On rare
occasions when N aval ship shore stations in th e com bat area accept messages for
other destinations in accordance w ith norm al ship shore practice, their only
responsibility will be, for th e present, to hand them over to th e local adm inistration
for onward transmission.
O utw ard messages should be sent over th e channels norm ally employed
for B.A.M.S. traffic an d should n o t norm ally be transm itted on more th a n two
routines from th e same station.
Copies of messages should be retained by N aval W /T stations until further
4554.—Message to H.M. King of Norway on his Birthday—August 3rd
(M. 06932/41.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following message was sent b y th e F irst Lord to H.M. K ing H aakon V II
of Norway :—
“ On behalf of th e B oard o f A dm iralty and th e officers and men of the
R oyal N avy I desire to offer to your M ajesty sincere greetings on th e occasion
of your birthday an d to ongratulate your M ajesty on your trium phant
return to your beloved Norway in which units of th e R oyal N avy were
privileged to play a part.
We also wish your M ajesty, your Government an d your People every
success in the great an d difficult, task o f post-w ar reconstruction an d hope
th a t th e friendship an d associations between our two Navies m ay long
continue in the interests o f lasting peace.
The following reply was received :—“ I th an k th e Board of th e A dm iralty .nd personnel of th e Royal N avy
for their good wishes. I take this opportunity of thanking you again for
the assistance the R oyal N avy gave m e and m y Government in getting home
and I tru st th a t th e good comradeship between our two Navies m ay continue
in th e years to come.
4555.—Message on Occasion of Soviet Navy Day, 22nd July, 1945
(M. 016798/41.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following message was sent by th e F irst Lord to th e Chief of Soviet N aval
S ta ff:—
“ On this occasion of th e Soviet N avy D ay it gives me th e greatest
pleasure to send on behalf of th e B oard of A dm iralty and th e Royal N avy
heartiest greetings to all officers and men o f th e Soviet N avy and Fleet Air
A rm and to pay trib u te to th e valour of th e Soviet Forces in th e w ar against
agression and tyranny, Brendan Bracken.”
The following reply was received :—
“ Please accept m y sincere gratitude for th e h earty congratulations of
th e B oard of A dm iralty and Royal N avy to all officers and men of th e Soviet
N avy and its Air Force on th e occasion of N avy D ay.”
*4556.—Erroneous Advancement of Ratings
(N. 13354/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
U nder paragraph 7 of Article 38, B .R . 1066 (Advancement Regulations)
erroneous advancem ents m ade by Captains to any of th e tem porary rates specified
in paragraph 1 of th a t article are allowed to stand. A ny of th e men concerned,
however, who become perm anently medically unfit before qualifying for the rating
to which th ey were erroneously advanced are to be reverted on becoming perm anently
medically unfit.
2. A ttention is draw n to the fact th a t approval of retention of rates erroneously
granted above Able Seaman or equivalent (see paragraph 3 below) is strictly limited
to those specified in paragraph 1 of Article 38, B.R. 1066. Erroneous advancem ents
of men to other rates th an those so specified (i.e. to those rates still m ade from
depot rosters and to those n o t normally m ade from depot rosters, for example,
Artificers’ advancem ents in class), are to be cancelled, w ith the exception of those
tc Able Seaman or equivalent rate.
3. Erroneous advancem ents to Able Seaman or equivalent rate m ay be allowed
to stand, b u t those to Able Seaman or Stoker I are to be am ended to Acting Able
Seaman (except for those who were allowed specially to retain th e confirmed rate
of Able Seaman because their erroneous confirmation from Acting Able Seaman
and paym ent of progressive pay was earlier th an th e 7th October, 1944) or Acting
Stoker I and th e ratings concerned are to rem ain “ Acting ” u n til fully qualified,
when seniority should be adjusted if necessary.
(A.F.O. 1383/45.)
4557.—Sub-Lieutenants (A), R.N., ex-Upper Yardmen—Grant of
Additional Seniority
(C.W. 42970/45.-16 Aug. 1945.)
In order to bring more into accord th e seniorities of Sub-Lieutenants ex-Upper
Yardm en (Air) an d Executive, it has been decided to introduce a scheme whereby
in future additional seniority will be granted to Sub-Lieutenants (A), R .N ., both
Pilots and Observers, based on the results obtained a t th e end of their specialized
N aval training.
2. The following m arkings are to be adopted an d the assessments are to be
m ade by th e Chief In stru ctor a t th e end of the final course :—
Maximum Marks.
Air Tactics
A rmam ent
Practical airmanship
Navigation, including instrum ents
Squadron an d carrier organization
Ship and aircraft recognition ...
Safety equipment
Radio and R / T ........................................
R adar
A ircraft engines and engine handling ...
Opinion of th e pupil as a n officer
m arks :—
A dditional seniority will be granted to pupils obtaining the following
Marks gained.
Over 910
Over 875
Over 840
Over 805
Over 770
Over 735
Over 700
Below 700
( 72264 )
... 1,000
Additional seniority
to be granted
... 12 m onths
10 m onths
8 months
6 months
4 months
2 months
1 month
4. In order to enable those ex-Upper Y ardmen (Air) who have already
been prom oted and undergone specialized training, to benefit from this scheme, it
has been decided to give these candidates a common ante-date (for seniority only,
not pay) which in the case of those prom oted from B ating Pilot or Observer will be
six months, while for those n o t previously Pilots or Observers th e additional
seniority granted will be three m onths. This differentiation is aimed a t recognizing
the greater experience possessed by th e ex-R ating Pilot or Observer.
5. A ny R ating Pilot or Observer who is prom oted in th e future and does n o t
Undergo specialized training will be given six m onths ante-date of seniority. W hen,
however, the present system of half-yearly reports on Pilots an d Observers enables
assessments to be m ade on records, this system of common ante-dates will be
6. Ante-dates will affect only seniority an d will n o t involve adjustm ents of pay.
(A.F.Os. 148/44, 388/44, 2977/44, 4451/44, 6263/44 and 906/45.)
4558.—Instructions and Guide to filling up Form A25—Amendment
(A/A/c. Accs. 2550/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
In order to simplify th e completion of Form A25 th e actual signatures o f all
contributors need only be obtained on th e original form retained by th e ship or
station as the official reference copy.
2. All th e copies of Form A25 despatched b y th e ship or station m ust be signed
by the Commanding Officer, b u t th e names of contributors to sections other th an
Section 17 m ay be either signed or typed.
3. The tim e allowed for despatch o f th e Form A25 following an aircraft accident
is extended from a maximum of four to a m aximum o f seven days.
4. Form A25 (Instructions) will be amended in due course.
4559.—Special Leave Allowance for F.A.A. and Submarine Service
(N. 17136/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
As a consequence of th e cessation of hostilities in E urope th e qualifying
conditions for th e paym ent of Special Leave Allowance to air crews of operational
units of th e Fleet Air Arm and personnel of operational flotillas o f th e subm arine
service who were engaged in operations against Germany can no longer be fulfilled
and no further paym ents of th e allowance should be authorized in respect of leave
taken by such crews on or after 1st July, 1945, b u t paym ents made prior to th e receipt
of this Order should be allowed to stand.
(A .F .O s. 6260/42, 1797/43, 4418/43, 6094U3, 554/44 and 679/44.)
*4560.—Broadcast by Captain Anthony Kimmins, R.N., on 3rd August, 1945
(D.P.S./S.C.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
(Inclu ded in N otice B oards Issue only.)
*4561.—Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes—Volunteers for Service in
Amenities Ships
(N. 20806/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
W ith reference to A.F.O. 253/45, in which volunteers for transfer to th e N aval
Canteen Service were called for from men serving as “ H ostilities only ” ratings or
as mobilized Reservists, a particular requirem ent has arisen for th e services of men
w ith experience as barbers, cooks, tailors and bootm akers in th e two fleet amenities
ships, which are commissioning shortly.
Applicants are to be dealt w ith as laid down in A.F.O. 253/45, b u t no
ratings in th e following rating groups and substantive ratings can be accepted :—
7 ...
... P. and R .T.I.
14 ...
... Regulating Branch.
35 ...
... Chief Yeomen and Yeomen of Signals.
36 ...
... Leading Signalman.
42 ...
... C.P.O. and P.O. Telegraphist.
43 ...
\ .
77 to 79 J
82 to 86
87, 88, 91
104 to 108
115 to 117
130 to 138
159 . . .
168 to 171
219, 220
2 22' 1 "
224 I
226 I
228 J1
231, 232
234 to 241
242, 243
246 |> . . .
366 to 368
Leading Telegraphist.
R adio Mechanic (R), (W/T), (W.R.), (S), (S*), (W)
and (C).
Electrical Artificers and Electrical Mechanics.
Ordnance Artificers and Armourers.
E.R.As. and E.R.Ms.
Stoker R atings.
Sick B erth R atings.
Stores C.P.O. and P.O.
Leading Stores Assistant.
Ships’ Cooks (OS), Cooks (S), Officers’ Cooks (OS),
Cooks (O).
C.P.O. and P.O. Steward.
Leading Steward.
C.P.O. and P.O. Airman (T.A.G. 1 and 2).
C.P.O. and P.O. Pilots.
C.P.O. and P.O. Observers.
Meteorological Ratings.
C.P.O. and P.O. Air F itters (A), (E), (O) and (L).
C.P.O. Radio Mechanic (Air).
P.O. and Ldg. Radio Mechanic (A.R.) and (A.W.).
Air Artificers (AE), (L), (O) and (LO).
E.R.A s. (MW).
C.P.O. and P.O. Air Mechanic (A), (E), (O) and (L).
Air F itters (Instrum ents).
Air F itters (D).
Royal Marine Engineers.
(A.F.Os. 2238/42 and 253/45.)
4562.—Chinese Naval Personnel Training with the R.N.—Pay and Allowances
(C.W. 52130/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Personnel of th e Chinese N avy training w ith th e R .N . consist of two
categories, viz. :—
(а) Officers undergoing long-term training. These officers receive pay direct
from th e Chinese authorities whilst serving on shore, b u t receive
R .N . pay an d allowance whilst serving in seagoing ships (including
short intervals on shore between successive appointm ents to seagoing
(б) Officers and ratings undergoing short-term training, who receive R .N . pay
and allowances continuously, w hether ashore or afloat.
In either case th e periods during which R .N . pay and allowances are issuable to
officers will be covered by suitable appointm ents on the C.W. list.
2. All officers and men are to be issued w ith N aval P ay Books (S.43A). These
should show inside th e front cover th e full nam e of the officer or m an, and his
equivalent R.N. ran k or rating for p ay and allowance purposes, followed by the
words “ Chinese N avy serving w ith R.N . under A.F.O. 4562/45 ” . The equivalent
ranks of officers are for pay purposes as follows :—
Ju n io r L ieutenant, C.N.
... L ieutenant, R.N.
Sub-Lieutenant, C.N.
... Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.
The appropriate daily ra te of pay should be shown on page 2 of the P ay Book.
Ships and Establishm ents where Chinese personnel are serving a t the date of receipt
of this Order should arrange to inspect ;.nv pay books already issued to ensure
th a t all these particulars are entered.
3. All officers and men are to be regarded for pay and allowance purposes as
single and w ithout dependants, i.e. no marriage, children’s or dependants’ allowances
are to be credited. No allotm ents or rem ittances can be made. No deductions are
to be m ade for Incom e Tax or N ational Insurance.
4. F ull pay of officers will be a t Scale B rates in all cases, and in case of ratings
the scale for Continuous Service ratings entered after 1925, together w ith W ar
Bonus. Progressive pay and W ar Service Increm ents are n o t payable to either
officers or men. Otherwise they should receive normal pay and allowances appropriate
to R.N. personnel. Officers will be required to pay norm al mess subscriptions, and
victualling allowance m ay be credited in respect of them .
5. Chinese personnel should be entered on a special section of th e ledger, and
statem ents o f account are to be forwarded to th e D irector of N avy Accounts
(Branch 4A for officers, B ranch 3 for ratings) a t th e end of each quarter, showing
the paym ents m ade in th e course of th e quarter.
6. The perm anent depot for Chinese officers is H.M.S. “ Pembroke I ”, to which
pay documents should be sent when an officer is discharged to shore from a ship
in home w aters, or from a ship abroad to th e U nited Kingdom. W hen officers are
appointed from one ship to another pay documents are to be transferred direct,
and n o t forwarded to th e D irector of N avy Accounts or H.M.S. “ Pembroke I
7. On being drafted elsewhere, th e accounts of Chinese ratings should be
transferred to th e appropriate depot ship.
8. Travelling w arrants (D.N.A. Form 800) m ay be issued for either free leave
or d u ty journeys, an d should be boldly m arked “ Chinese Government ” a t th e to p
in red ink before issue. Combined leave and rail tickets (D.N.A. Form 811) are not
to be used for free leave journeys and care is to be tak en th a t D.N.A. Form s 800
issued for this purpose are restricted to four a year, and noted in accordance w ith
A.F.O. 3843/42, paragraph 32. Travelling expenses will be payable a t R .N . rates
and under R.N. conditions.
9. In addition to P ay Books, N aval Id e n tity Cards (S.1511) are to be issued
to Chinese officers.
10. Officers and ratings are entitled to .free medical treatm en t from service
4567.—Courses—School of Air Support, Old Sarum
4563.—Commodore (D), Home Fleet—Lapse of Appointment—Accounts of Home
Fleet Destroyers
(M. 0 5 47 0/45.-16 Aug. 1945.)
A ttention is drawn to A.F.O. 4552/45 in Section 1 of this issue.
Complement Amendment
“ Flower Class ” Corvettes
(N/D.N.A. 28702/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following amendment is to be m ade to th e scheme of complement of
H.M. Corvettes of “ Flower ” Class (whale-catcher type), issued w ith A dm iralty
L etter N/P.M . 8686/40 of 2 May, 1941 :—
Complement when Employed on Local Defence
Reduce 1 Sub-Lieut. R .N .R ., or R.N .V .R. or W.O., R.N.
A d d ,1 L t. Cdr. or L ieut., R .N .R . or R.N.V .R.
4566.—Stewards and Cooks
Escort Vessels
(N/D.P.S. 968/45/M.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The allowance of an additional Steward or A ssistant Steward to vessels
employed in the W estern Approaches is no longer authorized.
2. A.F.O. 1066/44 is accordingly cancelled.
(Commodore, R .N . Barracks, Portsmouth, submissionNo. 268IDI3jC. 162,3 Jul. 1945.)
(A.F.O. 1066/44 is cancelled.)
(C.W/A.W.D. 6049/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following programme of courses from the 26th A ugust-22nd December,
1945, has been arranged to follow on those already prom ulgated in paragraph 5
of A.F.O. 2101/45
Combined Wings—
Special Senior Course p.m. 9th September, 1945 p.m. 12th Septemher, 1945
Senior Course
No. 7
............... p.m. 26th August, 1945
noon 6th September, 1945
No. S
................ p.m. 28th October, 1945
noon 8th November, 1945
Offensive Support Wing—
Staff Course
No. 12
............... p.m. 16th September, 1945 noon
No. 13
................ p.m. 14th October, 1945
No. 14
p.m. 25th November, 1945 noon 7th December, 1945
Junior Course
No. 13
............... p.m. 30th September, 1945 noon
No. 14
p.m. 11th November, 1945 noon
No. 15
p.m. 9th December, 1945 noon
Transport Support W in gIntermediate Course
No. 12
................ p.m. 16th September, 1945 noon 5th October, 1945
No. 13
.............. „ p.m. 7th October, 1945
No. 14
................ p.m. 11th November, 1945 noon
No. 15
p.m. 2nd December, 1945 noon
Note.—AU courses assemble p.m. on Sunday.
(A.F.O. 2101/45.)
4568.—Customs Privileges
Major Landing Craft
(N.L. 11481/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following ty p e of m ajor landing craft should be included in the list in
paragraph 3 (18) of A.F.O. 3989/45 as being entitled to mess and canteen privileges
under th e same conditions as apply in the case of other H.M. commissioned seagoing
ships :—
Landing Craft Support (Rocket)
2. Notification of th e entitlem ent of such of these craft as are actually seagoing
and commissioned should be forwarded in accordance w ith the procedure laid down
in paragraph 8 of A.F.O. 3989/45.
(A.F.O. 3989/45.)
4569.—Private Trading by Naval Personnel
(N.L. 19390/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Cases have occurred in which N aval personnel while in ports abroad have
utilized opportunities which have arisen to purchase goods and to sell them a t a
Such conduct b y serving personnel is highly undesirable and is strictly
4570.—S.1003—Provisional Income Tax Assessment Form
(Sta. 11003/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A ttention is draw n to A.F.O. 4658/45 in Section 5 of this issue.
(A.F.O. 4658/45.)
4671.—Forms S.1124 and S.1124A—Communications Branch—Returns of Ratings
(N. 20436/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A ttention is drawn to th e instructions contained in B.R. 1066, Appendix V,
P a rt IV, paragraph 6.
I t is im portant th a t copies of Form s S.1124 an d S.1124A should be rendered
to the authorities detailed in clause (c).
(B.R. 1066, Appendix V, Part IV , paragraph 6.)
4573.—Royal Canadian Air Force Pilots Transferred to the Royal Navy—Income Tax
(C.W. 40041/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
*4572.—Trafalgar Day Orphan Fund, 1944
(P.M. 2577/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Trafalgar D ay Orphan Fund, 1944
The collection am ounted to ...
Interest on deposit
Interest on.3 per cent. Defence Bonds
Less :
Stamps on A dm iralty drafts and surcharges
s. d.
8 10
». d.
13 11
19 11
16 0
9 10
3. The distribution has been made on an equal basis for every naval and m arine
child m aintained in th e homes.
4. The approxim ate totals during th e past ten years have been :—
Royal Canadian Air Force Pilots transferred to the Royal N avy as R.N.V .R. (A)
Officers, or as P etty Officer Pilots are eligible for the Income Tax concession laid
down in A.F.Os. 3979/42 and 4854/42. Income Tax a t present payable is therefore
(A.F.Os. 3979/42 and 4854/42.)
4574.—Personnel Repatriated for Final Invaliding Survey
(M.D.G. 40430/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
14 11
The usual details of sources of th e subscriptions, apportioned under th e various
commands, are not published as contributions were forwarded direct, or via Fleet
and Base Supply Officers, depending on movem ents of ships. A ny such details
required will, however, be furnished b y th e Command Supply Officer, P ortsm outh,
so far as available, and requests for th e information m ay be addressed direct to him.
2. The sum of £31,068 6«. Id. is being distributed as follows
No. of
s. d.
5,560 7 5
R.N . and M. Orphan Home, Portsm outh
3,197 3 9
Services House, Southsea ...
2,224 2 3
R oyal U nited Services H ome for Girls, D evonport
486 9 6
St. Vincent’s Orphanage, Torquay
2,224 2 3
N azareth House, Plym pton. Devon
2,502 2 8
B ritish Seamen’s Orphans Boys’ Home, B rixham
2,919 3 4
Mayfield House, Edinburgh
1,529 1 2
Royal Sailors’ Orphan Girls’ School and Home, H am p­
8,271 1 8
Pembroke House, The Nore
2,154 12 1
N azareth House, Southsea
A rrangem ents have been m ade for representatives of the Trafalgar D ay
Orphans F und Committee to inspect annually th e homes in their command.
. 6. The Committee of th e Fund, consisting of th e Commanders-in-Chief, The
Nnjre, Plym outh and Portsm outh, wish to tak e this opportunity of thanking all
those who have assisted, by subscriptions and organized entertainm ents in aid of
th e Fund, in raising this record am ount.
Considerable difficulty and delay is being experienced because cases arrive on
a foreign station w ith no documents. All reports of survey and medical histories
are in future to accompany th e case.
(K .R . & A .I. Art. 1339, CU. 2.)
*4575.—Services Central Book Depot—Books Obtainable at Reduced Rates
(N/D.P.S./732/45/W .— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following is a further list of authors, title and prices of books which are
available :—
Aldridge, J . ...
Bentley, E. C.
Brand, M.
Bronte, C. ...
Brown, H . ...
Charteris, L ....
Chesterton, G. K . . ..
Clewes, W. ...
Doyle, L.
Glyder, J .
Gooden, A. H.
Green, F . L __
Hemingway, E.
Jerom e, J . K .
Langley, N. ...
Lavin, M.
Lenehan, J . ...
Mason, A. E . W.
O nraet, D. ...
Poe, E. A.....................
Raymond, E.
Walsh, M.
Wolff, M..................... .
The Sea Eagle
T ren t’s L ast Case
Singing Guns ■■.
The Professor...
A W alk in th e Sun ...
The Man Who W as T hursday
The Violent Friends ...
Y esterday Morning ...
W et and W indy
Painted B uttes
On th e Edge of the Sea
A Farewell to Arms ...
The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Cage Me a Peacock ...
The Long Ago
Driven to D eath
No Other Tiger
Down N orth ...
Tales of M ystery and Im agination...
Tell England
D over-O stend
The K ey Above the Door ...
The Sighing of the H eart ...
(A.F.O. 2990/45.)
*4576.—Honours and Awards—“ London Gazette ” Supplement of
the 7th August 1945
For bravery, skill and devotion to duty, whilst serving in one of H.M.
submarines in successful patrols in th e F ar E a s t :
The Distinguished Service Cross
Lieutenant Peter H ill Jackson-Sytner, R.N. (Birkenhead, Cheshire).
Lieutenant A rthur George Chandler, R .N .R . (Pembroke).
(H. & A.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
C entral C
hancery of th e
n ig h t h o o d ,
St. James's Palace, S .W .l.
7th August, 1945.
The K IN G has been graciously pleased to give orders for th e following
appointm ent to th e Most Excellent Order of th e B ritish Em pire :—
To be an Additional Member of the M ilitary Division of the said
Most Excellent Order
Temporary Electrical Lieutenant Charles W illiam D unnett, R.C.N.V.R.
For excellent and devoted service as Air Radio Officer of 819 N aval
Air Squadron to which was due much o f th e operational success of th e
d m ir a l t y ,
7th August, 1945.
The K IN G has been graciously pleased to approve th e following awards :—
For m arked skill, zeal and devotion to duty, whilst serving w ith Naval
Air Squadron 819 :
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Temporary Lieutenant (A) Sidney Jam es Barker, D.S.C., R.N.V .R.
Mention in Despatches
Temporary Lieutenant (A) Sidney Samuel Dell, R.N.V.R.
Tem porary Sub-Lieutenant Leslie William Turberville, R.N.V.R.
Acting P e tty Officer Cecil A rth u r B ertram Holden, FAA/FX.76588.
P e tty Officer (A) W illiam Godfrey, FA A /FX .82863.
P etty Officer W riter Norman Floyd P attle, D/NX.63.
For gallantry, skill and great devotion to du ty whilst serving in one of
H.M. submarines in th e F a r E a s t :
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
L ieutenant John A nthony Rose Troup, D.S.C., R.N .
The Distinguished Service Cross
Mr. Joel Clifford Edgcome Blarney, D.S.M., Acting Tem porary W arrant Engineer,
The Distinguished Service Medal
P e tty Officer R obert W atters, P/JX.143522.
Stoker P etty Officer Stanley E rnest Jones, P /J X .84004.
Acting Tem porary Leading Seaman Leonard Ridge, C/SSX.21332.
Mention in Despatches
Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Geoffrey Forsythe Annear, R.N.V.R.
Chief Engine Room Artificer Eric Jones, D/MX.52389.
Leading Seaman Clifford Charles Montague, P/SSX.30488.
Acting Leading Stoker Andrew Grubb, D.S.M., P/K X .9125i.
Able Seaman R onald Jam es Clark, C /JX .154767.
For distinguished services in planning and carrying out operations on
th e N orth D alm atian Islands which led to th e liberation of Jugoslavia :
Bar to the Distinguished Service Order
Captain Norman Vincent Dickinson, D.S.O., D.S.C., R/N.
For gallantry and skill in operations in th e N orth D alm atian Islands :
Mention in Despatches
Tem porary Lieutenant John Ellwood H eaton, R.N.V.R.
Tem porary Lieutenant (Sp.) Adrian Lloyd-Hirst, R.N.V .R.
Bar to the Distinguished Service Medal
Chief P etty Officer R oy Frederick Norwood, D.S.M., C/JX.134461 (H unton, Nr.
P etty Officer Reuben Charles H am bly, D.S.M., D /JX . 129924 (Stonehouse, Plym outh).
The Distinguished Service Medal
Stoker P e tty Officer H erbert Frederick Carey, C/KX.80478 (Manchester).
Acting Temporary Leading Seaman Leslie Edw ard Joseph Sheppard, P /J X . 189448
Mention in Despatches
Temporary Lieutenant W illiam Grenville Kinsm an, R .N .V .R . (Cardiff).
Chief Engine Room Artificer William McMurdo Wilson, D.S.M., P/MX.48332
(Pontardawe, Swansea).
Leading Stoker H enry Gilfellan, D /K X .93541 (Greysouthem, Nr. Cockermouth).
Able Seaman Grenville Loraine Ellis, C/SSX.29490 (Rickmansworth).
Able Seaman John Townson Proctor, D/JX.204164 (Camforth).
For courage, outstanding skill and prom ptness of action in th e
destruction of a U -boat whilst serving in H.M.S. “ A m ethyst ” :
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Lieutenant-Commander Ninian Scott-Elliott, D.S.C., R.N. (Wareham).
The Distinguished Service Cross
Sub-Lieutenant Christopher Denis Boyd, R.N.
The Distinguished Service Medal
Able Seaman George Sidney Bamsey, D/JX.369244 (Upton Pyne, Devon).
Able Seaman Leonard Jo h n Richardson, D/JX.227651 (Channel Isles).
Mention in Despatches
Lieutenant Francis Douglas H olt Mather, R.N.V.R. (Wirral).
P e tty Officer William Arnold Yates, D/JX.135366 (Scarborough).
Leading Seaman Cecil Alec Wilson, D /J. 108411 (Sonning Common, Nr. Reading).
For outstanding skill, bravery and devotion to d u ty whilst serving in
H.M. Ships “ Trum peter ”, “ Searcher ” and “ Queen ”, in successful air
strikes against a U -boat base a t K ilbotn, Norway :
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Acting Lieutenant-Com mander R onald A rthur Bird, D.S.C., R .N . (Largs, Ayrshire).
Lieutenant (A) John Stannard Toner, D.S.C., R.N.V .R. (Saffron Walden).
The Distinguished Service Cross
Lieutenant-Com mander Charles Leslie Fortescue W ebb, R .N . (Owslebury, Nr.
W inchester).
Acting Lieutenant-Com mander John Marshall Glaser, R.N . (Lee-on-Solent).
Temporary Lieutenant (A) W illiam N orm an Sailes, R .N .V .R . (Ellesmere Port,
Wirral).Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Tom Lea, R.N.V .R. (Radcliffe-on-Trent).
Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) H erbert Jo h n Pain, R.N.V .R. (Worcester Park,
Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Jo h n A nthony Pullin, R.N.V .R. (Bushey, H erts.).
The Distinguished Service Medal
Temporary Chief P e tty Officer Airm an William R onald A stbury, FAA/SFX.384
(Kelsall, Chester).
P e tty Officer Airman K enneth Richard William Tyler, FAA/FX.91659 (K ensington).
Mention in Despatches (Posthumous)
Tem porary L ieutenant (A) H ugh Morrison, R.N.Z.N.V.R. (Wellington, NIZ.).
Mention in Despatches
Acting Lieutenant-Com m ander (A) P atrick Bernard Jackson, R.N . (Horley, Surrey).
Acting Tem porary Lieutenant-Com m ander (A) D erek Malcolm Brown, R.N.V.R.
(Merstham, Surrey).
L ieutenant (A) R ichard A rth u r Chapman, R.N .V .R. (E ast Sheen).
Tem porary L ieutenant (A) Jam es Talbot P ra tt, R.N.V .R. (Allerton, Liverpool).
Sub-Lieutenant (A) Jo h n H enry Lloyd, R.N.V .R. (Liverpool).
Sub-Lieutenant (A) D erek Alexander Thomas, R .N .V .R . (East Acton).
Tem porary Sub-Lieutenant (A) H ector Dick Buchanan, R.N.V .R. (Vancouver, B.C.).
Tem porary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Desmond McKenzie Steer, R.N.V .R. (Braunton,
Chief P e tty Officer H eber Jo h n B ertie Palm er, P /J .54401 (Bridport).
Acting P e tty Officer (A) Jam es Bentley, FA A/ F X .86895 (Southport).
Air Artificer F ourth Class Tom Smith, FAA/FX.79543 (Kirkstall, Leeds).
Acting Temporary Leading Signalman Jo h n Edm und Murton Saines, C/JX.308312
(Bishops Stortford).
Able Seaman H erbert Fernon, C/SSX.15616 (Belfast).
Able Seaman Leonard Morrison Mobbs, C /JX .319706 (Alestone, Leicestershire).
Able Seaman E rnest Woods, C/JX.375544 (Buddicum Park, Chester).
Telegraphist W illiam Charles Clayton, C /JX .328525 (Carshalton).
Stoker First Class R obert Gray, C /K X .120571 (Newcastle-on-Tyne).
Stoker First Class Archdale Edwin W hitby, C/KX.132607 (Manor Park).
F o r inspiring leadership, skill and resource during a successful
reconnaissance of Lake Comacchio :
The Distinguished Service Cross
L ieutenant R ichard H ugh Fyson, R.N . (Tavistock).
Acting Tem porary L ieutenant B ryan Dawson, R.N.V .R. (Chester).
F or courage, perseverance and fine seamanship whilst serving w ith
Light Coastal Forces in th e A driatic, in a successful attack under very
heavy fire on an enemy convoy :
Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross
Tem porary Lieutenant W illiam Jo h n Aroher, D.S.C., R.N.V.R.
Mention in Despatches
Lieutenant John Douglas W hipp, S.A.N.F.(V).
Temporary Lieutenant W illiam H arold Masson, R.N.V.R.
Tem porary Sub-Lieutenant George Dennis P otter, R.N.V.R.
Acting P e tty Officer Eric Oswald Crump, P/JX.326835.
P e tty Officer Motor Mechanic Edgar Derwent Peat, P/M X .99737.
Leading Seaman W illiam Fewster, C/SSX.20924.
Able Seaman Eric Albert Jones Bridges, P/JX.272659.
Able Seaman Laurence Faulkner, P/JX.358377 (London).
Able Seaman Donald Pengelly, D /JX .238764.
Able Seaman Percy Victor R obert Reeve, P /JX . 325204.
Able Seaman R obert Sidney Rooke, P/JX.209868 (London).
Able Seaman H arry Smith, P/JX.654566.
Stoker Jo h n R obert Rees, P/KX.179571.
F or courage, determ ination and great devotion to d u ty in m aintaining
communications in spite of severe bom bardm ent during th e enemy attack
on th e Island of Leros :
Bar to the Distinguished Service Medal
Leading Telegraphist Reginald Squelch, D.S.M., D/J.107214.
For gallantry and outstanding devotion to d u ty whilst serving in
H.M. Ships “ Savage ” , “ Allington Castle ” , “ Orwell ” , “ Lapwing ” and
“ Honeysuckle ” in escorting convoys to and from N orth Russia :
Mention in Despatches (Posthumous)
T em porary Surgeon L ieutenant Alexander Grahame Moray Wilson, M.R.C.S.,
L.R.C.P., M.B., B.Ch., R.N.V .R. (Troon).
P e tty Officer Telegraphist Michael Edw ard Richard Sheridan, D/JX.138387 (Isle
of Man).
Mention in Despatches
Lieutenant-Commander Charles W ickham Malins, D.S.O., D.S.C., R.N.
L ieutenant Frederick John Raym ond King, R.N . (Harefield, Middlesex).
Acting Lieutenant (E) Charlie Matthews, R.N. (Greenock).
Sub-Lieutenant (Sp.) Jo h n Campbell W illiam Saxton, R.N.V.R. (Prestwick,
Temporary Stoker P e tty Officer Daniel Joseph Creedon, C /K X .84075 (Harold
Wood, Essex).
Leading Stoker Joh n E rnest Reynolds, C/KX.105593 (Fulham, S.W.6).
F or leadership, skill and initiative in preventing disturbance and
establishing order in th e Island of K ithera :
Mention in Despatches
Temporary Lieutenant K enneth Ivor Pepperell, R.N.V .R.
Temporary Lieutenant Denis Stephen H art, R.N.Z.N.V.R.
F or good service, zeal and devotion to d u ty whilst attached to Allied
Forces during th e advance on th e Franco-Italian border :
Mention in Despatches
Captain Maxwell Richmond, D.S.O., O.B.E., R.N.
Lieutenant-Commander Joseph Roger Godfrey Schreiber, R.C.N.V.R.
F or distinguished service whilst attached to the Allied Armies in the
invasion operations in N orth-W est Europe :
The M ilitary Medal
Frederick George Cretney, Po.X . 109930, R.M.
Frederick Raynor, P ly .X .111322, R.M.
William Rennie, Po.X.10o943, R.M.
Douglas Towler, Ex.4188, R.M.
The K IN G has been graciously pleased to give unrestricted permission for the
wearing of th e following decorations bestowed by th e Queen of the Netherle nds :—•
F o r m ost distinguished service to the R oyal N etherlands N avy in
his appointm ent as Commander-in-Chief. E astern Fleet :
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Orange-Nassau
Admiral Sir Jam es Fownes Somerville, K.C.B., K .B .E ., D.S.O.
F or courage and devotion to d u ty in defending the N etherlands
s.s. “ Tiba ” against repeated enemy air and subm arine attacks :
The Netherlands Bronze Cross
Acting Able Seaman Jam es Frederick Brockhurst, D/JX.266713.
Acting Able Seaman A lbert Roger Alfred D ay, C/JX.311245.
Lanee-Bombadier Jo h n H ew itt, F ourth Regim ent, Maritime R oyal Artillery,
F o r bravery and skill in the successful defence of th e N etherlands
tan k er “ A gatha ” when she was attacked by enemy aircraft :
The Netherlands Bronze Cross
Gunner Sidney Coupe, 3717646, M.R.A.
Gunner Stanley Malpass, 4692115, M.R.A.
The following am endm ents, where underlined, are made to previous Orders
of Honours an d Awards under the headings shown :—
A.F.O. 3434/45—
To be an Additional Member of the M ilitary Division of the Most Excellent
Order of the British Empire
Temporary Lieutenant Frederick A lbert Parsons, R.N.V.R.
A.F.O. 4267/45—
Mention in Despatches
Acting Tem porary Leading Stoker Douglas John Hall, P/KX.147801.
R obert
the correction given for Tem porary P e tty Officer Telegraphist Sydney
Flack, P/JX.151204, this aw ard should read P e tty Officer Telegraphist
R obert H ack, P/JX.151204.
4578.—Q.R.3’s— Abolition oi Transfer to the Submarine Branch
(N. 17285/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The transfer of Q .R.3’s to th e Submarine Branch is abolished.
*4579.—Parliamentary Registration
(N. 20128/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
I t has come to notice th a t 'a eertain num ber of naval officers and men failed
to secure a vote a t th e recent General Election because they were either unacquainted
w ith the term s of A.F.O. 3105/44, or did n o t appreciate th e necessity of taking
im mediate action thereon to get th eir names on to th e service register.
2. Though th e Ju ly General Election is now over, it is’desire-i to draw atten tio n
to th e fact th a t it is nevertheless still necessary for application to be made under
A.F.O. 3105/44 to ensure th a t names are placed on th e register for the future, and
the following brief explanation of th e present electoral registration procedure,
which represents a departure from th e former peace-time arrangem ents, is
prom ulgated for information.
3. Civilians are autom atically included in a register for th e address stated on
their N ational Registration Cards on th e qualifying date. Members of th e Forces
and others who are exem pt from national registration cannot be p u t on a register
autom atically, and have therefore to make individual application.
4. All service declarations received prior to th e qualifying date for th e compila­
tion of a register are included in th a t service register, b u t as there is an inevitable
delay between a qualifying d ate and th e date of publication of a register, a person
who is not yet registered should apply to be registered as soon as possible, and should
not delay action until an election appears im minent in th e constituency containing
th e address for which he desires to be registered.
5. All officers and men, therefore, who have not already completed an Armed
Forces Declaration Card (Form. S.1300B) are advised to do so without delay. Persons
who have completed a card, but who have reason to believe that it has not been
received by the Electoral Registration Officer (for instance, because a person appointed
proxy did not receive a notice of appointment, or because no postal ballot paper was
received consequent on an application to vote by post) should complete a further
card. Copies of the declaration card, if required, may be obtained on request from
the R.N. Store Depot, Elveden Road, Park Royal, N.W.10.
(A.F.O. 3105/44.)
4580.—Royal Marines—Shore Service Trained Ranks—Reliefs for
(N.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
All R oyal Marine Shore Service trained ranks, except R.M. Tradesmen and
Drivers I.C., are held in th e Holding B attalion a t R.M. Training Group (Devon).
2. All requests for reliefs for Shore Service trained ranks, excluding R.M.
Tradesmen and Drivers I.C., who are returned for release in their Age.and Service
Groups or any other reason from Establishm ents a t Home and in N orth W est
Europe, should be forwarded to The Commander, R.M. Training Group, E xm outh,
Devon. Telegraphic address : Magrauge, Lympstone.
3. Requests for reliefs for R.M. Tradesmen and Drivers I.C. should be for­
warded to R.M. Establishm ents as follows :—
Tradesmen ... to The Commanding Officer, R.M. Technical Training Depot,
F o rt Cumberland, Southsea, H ants.
Telegraphic address : Fortm arine, Southsea.
Drivers I.C. ... to The Commanding Officer, Mechanical T ransport School,
R.M., Alsager, nr. Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs.
Telegraphic address : Excalibur, Alsager.
4. Requests for reliefs for Sea Service trained ranks should continue to be sent
to the ranks’ H eadquarter, R oyal Marine Division.
(A.F.Os. 4347/44 and 2999/45.)
4581.—Post-War R.N.V.R.
(C.W. 51434/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A number of Tem porary R.N.V .R. officers have signified their desire to become
perm anent members of th e post-war R.N.V .R and as m any tem porary officers
will be released to civil employment during the coming m onths Their Lordships
desire to ascertain how m any officers of all branches, rank and seniorities, a t present
on th e Temporary List, would wish to volunteer for the perm anent R.N.V.R.
2. Officers who volunteer a t this stage will be entitled to withdraw their names
later if they so desire, and in th e m eantim e no assurance can be given th a t any
volunteer will be accepted.
3. I t is pointed out th a t in peace tim e there are certain obligations to be
fulfilled by R.N.V .R. officers, e.g. training, both w ith their Divisions and with the
Fleet, is obligatory. Before volunteering officers should consider w hether their
place of residence is likely to enable them to attend drills. In 1939 there were
ten Divisions in existence, nam ely :—London, Sussex, Solent, Severn, Mersey,
U lster, Clyde, E ast Scottish, Tyne and H um ber. I t has not yet been decided
whether all of these will be revived or w hether others will be created, b u t this will
give some indication to officers wishing to volunteer.
4. Commanding Officers should forward the names of volunteers of all branches
direct to th e Adm iral Commanding Reserves, Queen Anne’s Mansions. London, S.W .l
giving the following information :—•
(i) Name and ran k of officer.
(ii) Place of residence after the w ar, if known.
(iii) Profession or intended profession.
*4582.—R.N. Benevolent Trust—Donation by Naval Draft “ Queen of Berm uda”
(N/E.F.O. 178/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
(Included in N otice Boards Issue only.)
4583.—Sick Berth Branch (Dental Section)—Advancement
(N. 9898/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following amendment is to be made to A.F.O. 4969/42.
Paragraph 5 (6). Cancel an d substitute :—
“ One m ay be allowed for d u ty w ith th e Senior D ental Surgeon at
centres where dental laboratories are established, provided th e special
circumstances justify it and provision has been made in the complement.
(A.F.O. 4969/42.)
t4584.—Admiralty Surgeon and Agent, Stroud
(C.E. 12112/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Mr. J . N. McIntosh, M.B., Ch.B., of Elgin Lodge, Stonehouse, G los., Telephone
Stonehouse 147, has been appointed A dm iralty Surgeon and Agent for Stroud, vice
Mr. S. J . Higgins.
(A.F.O. 2973/45.)
f4585.—Admiralty Surgeon and Agent, Walton-on-the-Naze
(C.E. 15588/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Mr. C. Quinell, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., of Martello Villa, High Street, Walton-onthe-Naze, Essex (Telephone : W alton 2), has been appointed A dm iralty Surgeon
and Agent for W alton-on-the-Naze, vice Mr. F. W. McMillan.
(A.F.O. 2973/45.)
*4586.—Compensation for Deterioration of Gold Lace, Badges, etc., to Officers and
Men who have served in H.M. Ships at Philadelphia
(N.L. 10134/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Approval is given to th e paym ent o f compensation for deterioration o f gold
lace, badges, etc., to all officers and ratings who have served during the w ar and
prior to 30th September, 1944, in H.M. Ships a t Philadelphia, U.S.A., for two
m onths or more during th e period May—September inclusive.
Compensation paid to officers is to be limited to th e actual cost of
renewal o f :—
Two cap badges.
One set of gold lace on cuffs.
Two sets of shoulder straps,
One set of buttons for blue uniform,
One set of buttons for No. 10 dress,
w ithin th e following m axim um to ta l prices which include purchase ta x :—
R.N .
R .N .R .
R .N .V .R .
£ s. d.
£ s. d.
£ 8. d.
7 0 0
9 10 0
8 8 0
Commander ...
6 2 0
8 3 0
7 3 0
Lieutenant Commander
5 15 0
7 4 0
6 12 0
Lieutenant ...
5 4 0
6 13 0
5 17 0
4 6 0
5 6 0
4 13 0
Commissioned W arrant Officer
4 6 0
1 14 0
1 14 0
1 14 0
W arrant Officer
3 17 0
In addition to th e above rates, Captains and Commanders m ay be paid com­
pensation for two peaks for cap a t prices not exceeding £2 78. 6d. per peak.
Majors, R.M., and above, may also be allowed compensation for two peaks
for cap w ithin th e sum of £2 Is. 6«2. per peak.
R atings may be allowed compensation as follows :—
s. d.
Chief P e tty Officers ...
15 11
P e tty Officers ...
12 3
plus half service issuing prices for one set of all gold distinction and Good Conduct
Badges actually held a t th e tim e.
Other ratings. H a lf service issuing prices for one set of all gold distinction and
Good Conduct Badges actually held a t th e tim e.
All claims should be subm itted in accordance w ith th e procedure laid down
in A.F.O. 6813/44, quoting A.F.O. 4586/45 as authority.
The following ships were a t Philadelphia during th e periods indicated :—
H.M.S. “ Resolution.”
H.M.S. “ R oyal Sovereign.”
H.M.S. “ Nelson.”
H.M.S. “ A rgonaut.”
H.M.S. “ Cleopatra.”
H.M.S. “ Regent.”
H.M.S. L “ 27.”
H.M.S. “ Severn.”
H.M.S. “ Clyde.”
H.M.S. L “ 23.”
H.M.S. P. “ 554.”
H.M.S. “ Sea N ym ph.”
H.M.S. “ Sea Wolf.”
(A.F.O. 1555/44.)
Section 3.—G., T., N„ E., etc., & STORES; HULL,
4587.—Aircraft—Bombs—Pistol, A/C Bomb, Tail, No. 65, Mark I—Introduction
(G. 4426/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Pistol A/C, Bomb, Tail, No. 65, Mark I (A.F.O. Diagram 311/45) will shortly
be introduced into service to supersede the Pistol No. 30.
I t provides greater safety in tail fuze D bombs and ensures positive separation
of th e arm ing fork an d striker on arm ing, and also positive locking of th e striker
until arm ing is complete. These features are achieved by combining th e arm ing
fork and arm ing screw and assembling this component through a tapped hole in
th e pistol body diaphragm into the tap p ed hole in th e striker.
2. Description.—The pistol consists essentially o f th e following com ponents :—
(i) A brass body as in th e Pistol No. 30 b u t w ithout the green band around
th e head and w ith th e radiused hole in the cup of th e head replaced
by a threaded hole.
(ii) A sharp-pointed steel striker w ith a central threaded hole.
(iii) A combined arm ing screw and arm ing fork.
(iv) Spring steel locking clip as on th e Pistol No. 30.
(v) Steel safety stop plate as on th e Pistol No. 30.
(vi) A creep spring holder fitted w ith a creep spring.
3. Supply.—Pistols No. 65, Mark I, will norm ally be supplied separately in
boxes. Should it be necessary to accept from R.A.F. bombs fitted w ith tail pistols
in lieu of tra n sit plugs, bombs so fitted will be clearly stencilled “ Pistol No. 65,
Mk. I
Replacem ents for Pistols No. 30, Marks IV **-V I, in outfits are n o t to be
4. Method of Fuzing.—The m ethod of fuzing of the pistol No. 65, Mark I,
is exactly as for Pistol No. 30, except th a t th e arm ing vanes are to be ro tated two
full tu rn s after fitting th e tail unit, and n o t one tu rn as specified for th e later
m arks of No. 30 Pistol.
5. Detonators.— Sensitive type detonators m ust always be used when fuzing
w ith th e pistol.
6. Functioning.—W hen the bomb is released from the carrier, th e pistol is
arm ed by rotation of th e tail arm ing vanes, which, turning th e pistol arm ing fork,
unscrews th e arm ing spindle from the striker and pistol body.
W hen th e pistol is fully arm ed—which takes approxim ately 16J tu rn s of th e
arming spindle—th e striker is held up only by the action of th e creep spring. To
prevent rotation of th e striker during arm ing a guide pin positioned in the striker
body engages th e slot in the striker. On im pact, th e striker sets forward, over­
coming th e creep spring and functions th e detonator.
(A.F.O. 1556/45.)
4588.—Aircraft—Guns, Hispano, 20-mm.—Belt-feed-Mechanisms, Mark I*—Fixing
of Brake Bands
(A.S./G. 012263/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following action is to be taken :—
Hispano 20-mm.
Belt-feed-mechanisms, Mark I*.
Part affected
To avoid stoppages due to loss of tension.
B rake bands of mechanisms to be fixed by welding.
A.F.O. D iagram 316/45.
Drawing ...
H.M. Ships, R.N . Air Stations, Repair Yards,
By whom to be don«
M.O.N.A.Bs., TlA.M.Ys., etc., and R.N. Armament
Degree of urgency...
In service—As soon as tools, removing and inserting
driving springs (which have been introduced), are
A t R.N . Arm am ent Depots—When passing through
th e factory.
2. It is essential th a t the driving spring be removed before welding.
3. In the near future it is proposed to issue to th e Service tensioning spanners
which will autom atically prevent driving springs from being wound to a tension
greater th an 300-in. lbs. when th e brake band has been welded.
4. The normal loading drill is to be followed w ith mechanisms w ith fixed brake
bands, but it is to be borne in m ind th a t if excessive force is used in tensioning th e
mechanism, damage to th e spring m ay result. Tensioning is therefore to be carried
out using a spanner no t exceeding 10-in. in length.
5. I t is desirable, b u t not essential, th a t until tensioning spanners mentioned in
paragraph 3 above are issued, after tensioning a fixed brake-band mechanism one
round should be removed from th e mouthpiece, or alternatively, th a t tension
should be wound on w ith th e breech block of th e gun in th e forward position.
(A.F.O. 1990/45 is cancelled.)
4589.—Aircraft—Guns, Hispano, 20-mm.—Tool, Removing and Inserting Driving
Springs of Belt-feed-Mechanisms—Introduction
(A.S./G. 2315/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following store has been introduced into service :—
Guns, Hispano, 20-mm. :—
Tool, removing and inserting driving springs of belt-feed-mechanisms.
Ref. N.O.D. 2175/114.
2. To use th is tool th e belt-feed-mechanism is to be stripped until th e shaft
assembly complete can be removed. No stripping of th e shaft assembly is required
or is to be done.
3. (a) Place th e fram e in a vice, leaving room for th e handle to be operated.
(6) Push th e shaft right home in th e frame, and place th e spring holder on th e
shaft w ith the flange tow ards th e ratch et wheel, i.e., open end outwards.
(c) F it the B.F.M. shaft into th e tool shaft w ith th e front tw o sprockets only
engaging the f-in. rod on th e frame. The inner end of th e spring should now be
engaged on the tool.
(d) Make sure th a t th e ratch et pawl is in th e correct position for th e handing
of the spring to be removed, and then ro tate th e handle to tighten th e spring.
(e) W hen th e spring is fully tig h t, slide th e spring holder over it, m aking sure
th a t th e lip on th e holder makes a snug fit w ith th e band brake and spring hook.
(/) Taking th e weight on th e handle, release th e ratch et pawl and allow th e
handle to ro tate slowly in th e reverse direction un til th e spring holder takes the
weight of th e spring.
(g) Remove th e belt-feed-mechanism shaft assembly and spring holder from
the tool shaft, and, if necessary, ta p th e belt-feed-mechanism shaft lightly on the
bench to free th e spring hook from th e band brake. This completes th e removal
(h) I f it is required to change springs, th e following additional procedure should
be carried out.
(i) Slide th e tool shaft fully in on th e frame, and w ith th e spring holder reversed,
engage th e hook of th e spring w ith th e end of th e anchor bracket. The tool shaft
should then be worked into th e centre of th e spring and th e spring tightened.
When fully tight, engage th e ratchet pawl and remove th e spring holder.
(j) Taking th e weight on th e handle, release th e ratchet pawl and ease th e
tension on th e spring, which can th en be removed.
(k) The replacement spring should be fitted b y engaging th e spring hook with
the correct side of anchor bracket (i.e., th e hook of th e spring is to be engaged on
the side m arked “ R .H .” for right hand mechanisms and “ L .H .” for left hand),
bearing down on th e centre of th e spring to allow th e tool shaft to enter. The spring
should then be pushed right home on the anchor, and a check made, th a t the
correct handing will be obtained.
(I) The spring should th en be wound up and th e spring holder placed over it,
with one of its lips as near as possible to the inside of th e spring hook.
tm) Release th e ratch et pawi, ease the spring and remove th e holder complete
w ith spring.
(n/ Place th e spring holder in the spring housing on th e shaft and then repeat
paragraphs (c) an d (d). W hen the spring is tight slide off the spring holder, release
th e tension, and remove th e belt-feed-mechanism shaft complete w ith soring, from
‘ he tool shaft.
4. Certain tools have been issued w ithout the letters “ R .H .” and “ L .H .” having
been m arked on th e anchor bracket. In these cases anchor brackets should be
stam ped locally as shewn on A.F.O. Diagram 303/45.
5. One tool will be allowed to each R.N. air station and repair yard and to
each H.M. ship, M.O.N.A.B. an d T.A.M.Y. carrying aircraft arm ed w ith Hispano
guns. Allowances for instructional units will be prom ulgated separately.
6. Issue has already been m ade to th e underm entioned services .—
H.M.S. “ Excellent ” (Air Gunnery Section)
... 2
R.N . Air Station, St. Merryn ...
... 1
R .N . A'ir Station, Lee-on-Solent
..................................................... ....1
R.N . Air Station, W orthy Down (for School of A ircraft Maintenance) 1
R.N. Air Station, Yeovilton ...
... I
R.N . A.T.E., Newcastle-under-Lyme
... 2
R.N. Training Establishm ent, Millmeece ...
... I
R.N. Air Station, Culham
... 1
R .N . Air Station, A nthom
... 1
R.N. Air Station, D o n ibristle...............
... 1
R .N. Air Station, Ballyhalbert
... 1
R .N. Air Station, N u tt’s Comer
... 1
H.M.S. “ Perseus ”
.............................................................................. 1
7. Other services should forward dem ands to th e appropriate R .N . Arm am ent
D e p o t; those in Ceylon and India to R.N. A rm am ent Depot, Colombo, and those
in th e Pacific to A rm am ent Supply Officer, Fleet Train, or Superintending Arm am ent
Supply Officer. Royal A ustralian N aval Arm am ent Depot, Spectacle Island, Sydney.
4590—Armament Stores—Pistols, Signal, li- in ., and Cartridges—Withdrawal
(A.S. 0597/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
1J-in. signal pistols and recognition cartridges issued to H.M. ships on the
Home Station for use during Overlord in accordance w ith A dm iralty messages
051733 and 201819, May, 1944, are now no longer required and are to be landed
a t th e nearest R.N.A. depot.
4591.—Ammunition—Primers No. 17—Mark H V.A.D. Manufacture 10/43, Lot 419
(A.S. 5595/45/B.89.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
All primers, electric, No. 17. Mark II-V .A .D ., L ot 419, filled, V.A.D.
10/43, are to be w ithdrawn from the service. These primers m ay be found in
cartridges, Q.F., 5-25-in., 4-7-in., Mark X I gun, Q.F., 4-o-in., fixed and separate
loading guns.
2. Commanding officers of H.M. ships concerned are to arrange for am m unition
on board to be scrutinized a t th e first Opportunity and for any cartridges containing
these primers to be landed a t th e nearest N aval arm am ent depot, and replacements
3. These primers are regarded as coming under category (6), C.A.F.O. 991/42—
no t dangerous b u t m ay have a percentage of failures to function.
4. R.N.A. depots a t home- a n a abroad should examine stocks as soon as
possible and arrange for any cartridges containing primers of this description to
be re-primered and the displaced primers, together w ith loose prim ers of this lot
in store an d any landed by H.M. ships to be disposed of locally.
4592—Anti-Aircraft Fire Control—Destroyer HA/LA Directors, Type K, Mark I,
Mod. 0—Drilling for Changing Hand/Power Control
3. Supplies will be distributed to R.N. A rm am ent D epots and should be
demanded by ships concerned when required
4. N aval P roportion Book will be amended.
Ships concerned,— “ Myngs ” and “ Caesar ” Flotillas
(G. 013416/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
I t has been reported th a t damage has occurred to th e clutch gear of th e
elevation and training systems of th e K tow er when changing from power to
hand. There is also a danger of injury occurring to th e operator due to th e
handwheels spinning when th e hand position is first engaged.
2. The reason for these occurrences is as follows : D uring th e initial m ovem ent
of the gear lever th e zeroising switch operates before th e interm ediate dogs are
disengaged from th e power dogs. When zeroising occurs th e moving coil hunters
in the monoblocs return to th e central position and in so doing cause th e “ E ”
m otors to rotate, th e am ount and speed of rotation depending on th e position of
th e moving coil when zeroising takes place.
R otation of th e “ E ” motors causes rotation of th e power dogs and th e in ter­
mediate dogs which are still in engagement.
I f a t this stage an atte m p t is made to p u t th e lever quickly into hand position,
th e interm ediate dogs, while still rotating, will tr y to engage th e hand dogs.
3. The position of th e gear lever a t which zeroising and dezeroising takes place
is governed primarily by the necessity for ensuring that, when changing from hand to
power, the intermediate dogs and power dogs are in engagement before dezeroising
takes place. No alteration to th e zeroising/dezeroising position is therefore
4. Risk of damage to gear and injury to personnel can be eliminated if action
is taken to ensure that the starting switch, situated to the right of the range taker is
put to “ Stand-by ” position before any attempt is made to change from power to hand
or hand to power. This ensures th a t th e oil pressure in th e power system will be
reduced from 200 lbs. per square inch to 20 lb. per square inch.
4593.—Binoculars—Pattern 1900 Series—Used for Gunsighting Purposes—
Modifications to
Submarines, Coastal Forces and Ships Concerned
(G. 07109/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Reports from H.M. submarines have revealed th a t shock o f vibration and
gunfire is liable to disturb th e interocular settings o f binoculars, P a ttern Nos. 1900,
1900A, 1900C and 1907A, when these are used as gunsighting instrum ents. This
occurs more particularly in older binoculars when th e bearing surfaces of th e hinge
clamping arrangem ents become worn. Suoh changes o f interocular distance
seriously distract th e gunlayer an d trainer.
2. A simple securing bar, shown in A.F.O. D iagram 309/45, has proved effective
in preventing these accidental alterations of interocular setting. The strap lugs
on the binoculars provide elongated slots which, together w ith th e clamping screws
on th e securing bar, allow th e binoculars to be clamped for any interocular distance.
3. Securing bars of this type are to be made by Submarine D epot ships and
issued to H.M. submarines.
Similar action is recommended should this trouble arise in Coastal Forces and
other vessels.
4594.—Guns—Q.F. 5 -25-in. Mark I, 4 -5-in. Marks I, IH and IV, 4-in. Marks V-V***,
Vc, AV-V*, XVI* and XXI—Adapters, Rammer, for use with Back Firing
Target Shell—Introduction
(A.S. 01384/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
SO th a t gun cleaners m ay be used a t Q.F. 5 -25-in., 4 -5-in. and 4-in. guns for
ram ming back firing targ et shell, adapters are being provided for fitting to cleaner
heads in lieu of th e loops now fitted. The adapter consists of a brass p late w ith
a screwed boss to secure to th e cleaner head. A dapters will be fitted by ship’s
staff when required. The loops will be retained on board for replacement when
cleaning guns.
2. The adapters will be designated :—
“ A dapter, ram m ing B .F.T. shell, Mark I .”
and will be allowed to ships outfitted w ith B .F.T. shell in th e proportion of four
per ship.
4595.—Guns—B.L., 15-in.—Revised Probable Life—REPORTS
(A.S./G. 01816/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The probable life of B.L. 15-in. guns is extended to 335 E.F.C. The condemning
Ijmit for m ean wear a t 1-in. from C. of R. will in future be 0 -78-in. A lternative
remaining lives," according to w hether 5/10 C.R.H. shell or 4 C.R.H. shell are used,
will n o t in future be assigned. Inaccuracy m ay, however, be expected w ith
4 C.R.H., C.P., and H .E . shell a t m ean wear of 0 -60-in. a t 1-in. from C. of R . and
with 5/10 C.R.H. shell w ith super charges a t mean w ear of 0 -65-in.
2. B .R . 291 has been amended.
3. The memoranda of inspection for m ounted guns and guns in store should be
referred to th e local Inspecting Officer for am endm ent and for re-assessment of
probable rem aining life. The revised P .R .L . assigned should be reported by letter
to D.A.S., B ath (copy to C.I.N.O., B ath) by ships and depots concerned.
4. E.F.C./W ear Curves a t present held by Inspecting Officers should be extended
as in paragraph 1. Revised Curves will be issued shortly.
(C.A.F.O. 521/45 is cancelled.)
4596.—Hydraulic Pumps—Hele-Shaw Type—Has ties’—Identification Markings
Ships concerned, Overseers, Dockyard and Repair Establishments
(G. 022182/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The H astie Hele-Shaw hydraulic pum p is used both for providing power for
hydraulically operated gun m ountings and for steering gear in H.M. ships. In
both cases it can be either electrically or steam driven. In the former case it is
used as a “ constant pressure ” pum p, while in the latter case it is of the “ variable
delivery ” type.
2. Some difficulty has been experienced in differentiating between these
various pum ps which, while differing to a m arked extent for th e different services
m ay have th e same m akers size letters and number. .For gun m ounting sizes see
Appendix A.
3. To facilitate identification arrangem ents have been m ade w ith th e m anu­
facturers for pum ps to be m arked in the future w ith suffixes to th e pum p sizes as
follows :—
(SE)—-To indicate electrically driven units for steering gear.
(SS)—To indicate steam driven units for steering gear.
(GE)—To indicate electrically driven units for gun mountings.
(GS)—To indicate steam driven units for gun mountings.
4. Ships and authorities concerned should therefore arrange for th e suffix,
(SE), (SS), (GE) or (GS) to be added to the appropriate tally plate on all pum ps in
service an d in store an d to all drawings which are held.
5. The following drawings apply to the two types of size PD.56 pum p, which,
however, are n o t used for steering gear :—
1151 D E, A.2320, A.2626—P.D.5S (GE).
1018 D E, A.2021, A.2642—P..D.56 (GS).
6. The existing m arkings on the various -types of pum p for steering gear and
gun units are as follows :—
(а) Steering Gear (Hydraulic Gear) Job. No. H G ....................................
Size of Pum p ...
H P or P D ........................
Pum p No.
K ........................................
(б) Gun U nit (Transmission Set) Jo b No.
TS ....................................
Size of Pum p ...
PD ....................................
Pum p No.
K ........................................
Note.-—T.S. pum ps for electric drive have one key on the drive shaft securing
th e coupling, except for those fitted in H.M.S. “ Sussex ”— 8-in. Mark I* mountings
which have two sliding keys.
T.S. pum ps for turbine drive (“ Tribal ” class destroyers, except CANADIAN,
only) have two sliding keys on drive shaft in w ay of coupling.
7. “ H anding ” o f pum ps denotes th e position o f th e control spindle relative
to th e driving shaft, e.g., looking on th e drive shaft end o f pum p a “ left handed ”
pum p has its control spindle on th e left an d vice versa. F o r steering gear, turbine
driven sets an d some electrically driven sots where two pum ps are fitted as one
“ set ” the pum ps are handed.
8 . The handing of these pum ps m ay be reversed by stripping down an d re ­
assembling w ith pum p casing and control spindles turn ed through 180 degrees.
9. W here spare pum ps are provided th ey have double control facings so th a t
they m ay be fitted to either h an d w ithout having to be stripped an d re-assembled.
10. Electrically driven T.S. pum ps in J . K an d N class an d Canadian “ Tribal ”
class are n o t handed and are not interchangeable with turbine driven T.S. pum ps
in other “ T ribal ” class destroyers.
11. In order th a t identification o f th e pum ps m ay be facilitated an d a check
kept on the w hereabouts of th e “ emergency ” spares, i.e., those fitted w ith double
control facings, a report should be forwarded to A dm iralty when a pum p is tra n s­
ferred, fitted to, or removed from a steering gear or gun unit, stating full particulars
as follows :—
Jo b No. H G ................................ or TS................................
Size o f pum p H P ................................ or P D .................................. w ith
appropriate suffixes as referred to in paragraph 3 an d 4 above.
Pum p No. K ................................
Are control faces provided on both sides o f th e pum p casing............... ?
I f not, are control facings on right or left hand side of casing when
viewed from driving shaft end of pu m p ................................ ?
a s t ie
Shaw H
y d b a t jl t o
um ps
fo b
G u n M o u n t in g s
Pum p
(GE or GS)
Light fleet carriers.
“ Hermes ” class
“ Rodney ”
“ In d efatig ab le”
“A rk R oyal ” class
“ H ecla” and “A dam ant ”
Ships Concerned
4 -5-in. tw in R.P.10, Mark
4 - 5-in. tw in R.P.10, Mark
4 -5-in. tw in R.P.10, Mark
4 • 5-in. tw in, Mark I I I
4 -7-in. CP. tw in, Mark X IX
(a) “ J , ” “ K ” and “ N ” '
class destroyers and
Canadian “ Tribals.”
> PD.56
(6J “ Tribal ” class des­
5 • 25-in. tw in R.P.10, Mark I*
“ V a n g u a rd ”
Main arm ’t arm ’d DCT
“ King George V ”
“ D uke of York ”
“Anson,” “ Howe ”
H P .6
8 -in., Mark I*, mounting ...
H.M.S. “ Sussex ”
6 -in., Mark X X III, m o u n t­
“ Belfast ” ............................
“ Tiger,” “ Defence,”
“ Blake,” “ H aw ke.”
6 -in., Mark X X IV , m o u n t­
Ships Concerned,
(G. 012633/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
In order to ensure th a t em pty links fall clear of th e mechanism of the above
mounting, a link deflector plate is to be fitted in accordance w ith A.F.O. Diagram
2. The work is to be carried o u t by ships’ staffs.
3. The p late will be incorporated in later m ountings by th e m anufacturers.
(A.F.O. 3561/43 is cancelled,)
4598.—Small Arms—Increase in Allowance
“ Bay ” Class Frigates
(G. 5014/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
T he allowance o f Small Arms for “ B ay ” Class frigates has been under review
and the following revised allowances are prom ulgated :—
Rifles No. 1 ...
12 in num ber
Lanehester machine carbines
12 in number
Pistols, Revolver No. 1 or 2
12 in number
2. Ships concerned should dem and additional weapons and relative outfits of
am m unition to complete to th e revised allowance frojn th e nearest R .N . A rm am ent
3. Stowage will be required for the following small arm am m unition boxes :—
Rifle ball (0-303-in.)
... 1 CaseM .L.J, C.121, l l - 2 x 10 -4 x 14-7-in.
8 Boxes A.S.A. J N , 10•9 X 8 •4 x 7-in.
Rifle blank ...
... 1 Box A.S.A. J N, 10' 9 X 8 -4 x 7-in.
L anehester ball (9 mm.)
... 3 Boxes A.S.A., H .29,16-9 x 10-75 X 9-25-in.
Revolver ball (0-38-in.)
... 4 Boxes A.S.A., H .9, 8-9 x 6-7 x 4 - 8 -in.
4. An item Classification A is to be inserted in th e Class L ist of A lterations and
Additions to cover th e work involved in fitting stowage for th e additional small arm s
and th eir associated S.A. boxes.
5. Separate instructions are being issued for vessels under construction.
6 . The P roportion Book of.Naval A rm am ent Stores will be amended accordingly.
4599.—Respirators, Anti-Gas—Maintenance—Issue oi Spares
2-pdr., Mark V II*P
4597.—Gun Mountings—2-pdr., Mark XVI*—Link Deflector Plate—Fitting
(A.S. 02012/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Spare anti-gas respirators (complete) and spare p arts for m aintenance purposes
are to be allowed as shown below to frigates :—
Proportion allowed
1. G.S. or L.T. respirator, complete w ith One spare to every 10 or less num ber
facepiece, container, haversack outfit
of officers and ratings,
2. Plugs, sealing
... One spare to every 10 or less num ber
of officers and ratings when light
ty p e respirators are issued.
Spare Parts—
For ships w ith complements of under 151 One anti-gas spare p a rt chest No. 3.
For ships w ith complements of 151 to 250 Two anti-gas spare p a rt shests No. 3.
Tools, etc.—•Jig fixing eyepiece
... One per ship.
2. H.M. ships are to dem and as necessary from th e nearest R.N.A. depot.
3. N aval Proportion Book will be amended.
(A.F.Os. 2629/43 and 5364/43.)
4600.—Electrical Drawings, “ As-Fitted ” —Instructions for Keeping Up-to-date
4601.—Handbooks—U.S.A., 22-4-in., Mark 13, and Modification Torpedoes—
Introduction of Ordnance Pamphlet 950 First Revision
H.M . Ships
(T. 188/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
I t has been found impracticable during th e course of th e war to provide complete
new electrical as-fitted drawings to H.M. Ships a t th e close of every refit, as provided
for in paragraph 6 of Article 594 of H .D .R .— (O.U.5225).
2. I t is however im perative, having regard to present and future F leet disposi­
tions, to have available on board adequate electrical as-fitted information in order
to :—
(i) facilitate self-maintenance ;
(ii) facilitate minor action repairs by ships’ staff, repair ships of th e Fleet
train, or repair bases ;
(iii) reduce initial confusion and th e need for research into existing arrange­
m ents by a Refit A uthority prior to undertaking As. and As.
(Note.—The availability of clear initial information m ay m ake the
difference between an im portant A. and A. being undertaken or not.)
3. Since it is m ost frequently impracticable to complete full correction o f
electrical “ as-fitted ” drawings after a war-time refit period, th e greatest possible
am ount of “ as-fitted ” information should be accum ulated in th e ship b y th e joint
effort of th e R efitting A uthority and of ships’ officers.
4. F or th e benefit of both ships’ staffs and of future R efitting A uthorities,
R epair Bases, and R epair Ships of th e Fleet Train, th e needs are :—
(i) All “ as-fitted ” drawings, n o t fully correct, should be prom inently
labelled accordingly ; e.g. “ CANCELLED ” , “ PO RTIO N M ARKED
IN R E D SU PER SED ED , SEE DRAW ING No............... ” , etc., as
m ay be applicable ; and suitable am endm ents, notes, cross-references
to other drawings, etc., m arked on. I f th is is n o t done b y a R efit or
Repair A uthority, it should be done by ship’s staff.
(ii) So far as practicable, corrections should be m arked on ships’ copies
of “ as-fitted ” drawings in coloured ink, or a fly drawing attached,
with a cross-reference to th e fly on th e m ain drawing.
(iii) Copies of working wiring diagrams for all fire control and communication
As. and As. carried out should be obtained, fully coded, from the
Refit A uthority wherever practicable. These drawings should include
m ain ru n diagrams and junction box connection diagrams. The
absolute minimum requirem ent is for corrected junction box diagrams
for the inside of boxes.
(iv) The breaker book and th e drawings of H .P . ring m ain control circuits
should be kept as up-to-date as practicable on th e same lines.
(v) Other systems, e.g. gyro compass, R ad ar displays, should be similarly
treated in accordance w ith their relative complications.
(vi) Any alterations to ships’ systems m ade b y ships’ staffs should be
accurately shown on ships’ copies of “ as-fitted ” drawings.
5. E very endeavour should be made b y any and every auth o rity carrying out
alterations to ensure th a t th e minimtyn electrical “ as-fitted ” information provided
to a ship is th e following :—
(i) connections in junction boxes for fire control and communications ;
(ii) connections in high-power control junction boxes ;
(iii) breaker information.
This information should preferably be in th e shape of new drawings b u t corrections
in ink on existing drawings can be accepted where such corrections are not so profuse
as to cause confusion. Copies of these drawings and/or other relevant information
should be forwarded to A dm iralty wherever practicable.
6 . This minim um should be supplemented as far as possible by revision o f :—
(i) books, applicable to each separate system of fire control and communica­
tions, of connections inside junction boxes, fully coded ;
(ii) position wiring diagrams for fire control and communications ;
(iii) wiring diagrams for gyro compass, R ad ar displays, etc., if no t included
in (i) and (ii) ;
(iv) deck plans, showing high-power distribution, sufficiently accurate so th a t
th e source of im portant services can be checked. This is supplem entary
to th e breaker book.
(T. 08912/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Introduction of Ordnance Pam phlet F irst Revision has been authorized by
th e U.S. A uthorities, and will shortly be issued to the N aval Service.
2. D istribution will be made direct from U.S.A. to the B ritish Pacific Fleet
and B .P.F. Authorities concerned. Other authorities will be supplied from S.N.S.O.,
Park Royal, all w ithout demand.
3. O.P. 950 F irst Revision is to be m andatory on receipt, subject to
paragraph 4 below.
4. B.R. 841 remains in force for th e routines it covers, except th a t th e new
greases, etc., referred to in paragraph 5 below m ay be introduced if available.
I t will be amended by A.F.O. “ P ” Series to bring it into line w ith th e new pam phlet
in due course.
5. A ttention is invited to pages 103-140 of O.P. 950 First Revision w ith
reference to change of oil and greases for various routines.
6 . Loading Drill is to be carried out in accordance w ith B.R. 811 (lg) as
amended b y A.F.O. P.657/45.
4602.—Torpedo Stores—Adapters St. No. T.66A and Tables Adjusting Gyroscopes,
Marks VI and VH—Modification
(A.S. 5449/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Consequent upon th e introduction of an A .R.K . type gyroscope for the 18-in.,
Mark X V II, torpedo, details of which will be issued separately, the following
modifications to gyroscope equipm ent have been approved, viz :—•
(i) Adapters St. No. T.66A.—Existing cradle St. No. U74A to be modified
b y reducing th e fixing lugs to th e shape shown in A.F.O. Diagram
304/45, Fig. 2.
(ii) Tables adjusting gyroscopes, Marks V I and V II.—Existing cradle St.
No. 6725 to be replaced by a new p attern cradle—this involves removing
three screws (St. No. 6731), removing existing cradle, fitting the new
cradle and replacing th e three screws. (A.F.O. Diagram 304, Fig. 1.)
2. The modified adapters St. No. T . 66 A referred to in paragraph 1 (i) an d th e
new p atte rn cradle referred to in paragraph I (ii) will be accounted for as follows,
viz. :—
Section I I
Adapters, holding gyroscopes ...
... St. No. T . 66 C
Section I I I
Cradles, supporting gyroscopes complete, gyro St. No. 13301
tables, Marks V I and V II.
Adapters St. No. T. 66 A an d cradles St. Nos. 1774A and 6725 will become “ O.F.M.”
3. Cradles St. No. 13301 are arranged w ith th e spring supporting lugs and
“ silent-bloc ” m ountings as used in the 18-in. X II/X V type torpedo. To enable
this design o f cradle to be used for tabling all patterns of non-airblast gyroscopes,
two types of p o rt lugs are supplied with each cradle and they will be accounted for as
follows, viz. :—
Section V
Lugs, fixing, port, cradles (St. No. 13301)
St. No. 13302
' steering engine in tail.
Lugs, fixing, port, cradles (St. No. 13301)
St. No. 13303.
steering engine on gyroscope.
Lugs St. No. 13302 are for use w ith non-airblast gyroscopes arranged for steering
cylinder in tail an d lugs St. No. 13303 for non-airblast gyroscopes fitted w ith steering
engine. D uring tabling, th e lug which is not in use is to be stowed in the toolbox
in th e adjusting table.
4. A fter modification as described in paragraph 1, the items m il be suitable
for use w ith all A .R.K . ty p e gyroscopes as well as for the services for which they are
a t present provided.
5. A dapters St. No. T . 66 A and tables adjusting gyroscopes, Marks V I and
V II, carried by aircraft carriers, N.A. stations, M.A.T.M.Us., etc., are to be modified
by ships’, etc., staffs under classification C of A.F.O. 3169/43.
6 . Demands for th e quantities of cradles St. No. 13301 required are to be
forwarded to th e nearest torpedo depot an d supply will be made on receipt from
m anufacture.
7. Torpedo store accounts are to be amended as necessary.
{A.F.O. 3169143.)
4603—Torpedo Stores—Strainers, St. No. 2467—Fitment of Finer Mesh Gauze
(A.S. 798/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
I t has been reported th a t m ain reducer plungers of 18-in., Mark X II and
Mark X V and 21-in., Mark V III an d Mark IX ty pe torpedoes are frequently found
to be scored and scratched on exam ination. I t is considered th a t th e cause of this
scoring and scratching is alm ost entirely due to th e presence of small particles of
foreign m atter in th e oil as supplied from th e reducer oil bottle.
2. To prevent or considerably reduce th e passage of foreign m atter to th e
reducer plungers it has been approved for 100 mesh gauze (in lieu of existing 60-mesh
gauze) to be incorporated in future m anufacture “ Strainers, oil in reducer oil
bottle, etc., St. No. 2467 ” .
3. E xisting strainers, St. No. 2467 (fitted w ith 60-mesh gauze) will, however,
continue to be used until stocks are exhausted, b u t, as replacem ent of gauze in such
strainers becomes necessary, 100 -mesh gauze is to be used.
4. The stam p num ber of strainers fitted w ith 100-mesh gauze will rem ain as
“ 2467
4604—Torpedo Tubes—21-in. A.W. Modifications to Racer Rollers—As. and As.
Cruisers and Destroyers
(T. 1072/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Racer rollers of 21-in. A.W. torpedo tubes are to be modified as indicated in
A.F.O. Diagram 315/45 to provide lubrication to th e bearings.
2. An item classification A* is to be inserted in th e A. and A. lists of all ships
4604a.—Binnacles, Pattern No. 196 Series—Replacement by New Patterns
(N.S. 013140/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Binnacles, P a tte rn No. 196 series, are now obsolescent and have been replaced
by new patterns as follows :—
Old Patterns
New Patterns
:::} ■*>
196SZ ..............................................................................\ 190S or
1 9 6 S Z 3 .............................................................................. J 191S
2. All vessels completing after 1st May, 1945, will be fitted w ith th e new
p attern binnacles (P attern No. 191S in F leet Carriers and Eattleships, P a tte rn
No. 190S in Light Fleet Carriers and P a tte rn No. 190 in all other ships and in
landing craft concerned) except th e following, which will still be fitted w ith bin­
nacles P attern Nos. 196Z or 196Z3 :—
Boom vessels— “ B ar Class ” ...
... 4 craft
“ Isles ” Class danlayers
... 5 craft
Mooring vessels ...
••• 2 craft
Rescue tugs (Diesel type)
• ••
• ••
••• 2 craft
Fleet w ater carrier—R.F.A . “ Spabum ”
... 1 craft
F leet w ater carriers— “ Freshet ” ty p e
... 3 craft
Lighters for F.A.A. duties (Type A) (previous to “ Roc ” ,
“ W alrus ” and “ Blackburn ” )
... 4 craft
Coastal salvage vessel ...
... 1 craft
F our repair ships (H.M. ships “ Solway F irth ” , “ Moray
F irth ” , “ Holm Sound ” and “ Cullin Sound ” ) ...
... 4 craft
L.C.G.(L) (4), Nos. 21 to 29
..................................................... 9 craft
Certain R.F.As. converting from m erchant tankers
3. All binnacles, P attern No. 196 series, will be m arked “ O ” in th e R ate Book
for N aval Stores.
(A.F.O. 424/4-5.)
4605.—Engine Maintenance Routines
Landing. Graft and Landing Barges
(D. 06824/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
To ensure uniform ity of procedure for th e maintenance of th e engines fitted in
th e above-mentioned craft m aintenance charts for all engines concerned are
prom ulgated in A.F.O. Diagram 313/45 (1—16) for th e guidance of all authorities
responsible for th e operation of these craft.
2. I t is of th e utm ost im portance th a t these m aintenance routines should be
adhered to as failure to do so m ay seriously reduce th e life of the engines. The
extent to which these routines can be carried out during th e course of actual
operations will clearly depend on th e circumstances, and should these be such th a t
operating authority concerned considers it necessary to defer some of th e m ainte­
nance work this should be carried out a t the earliest subsequent opportunity.
3. The maintenance charts have been fram ed as a general guide to th e work
required and th e intervals a t which it should be carried out, b u t th ey are not
intended to provide detailed information as to how th e various operations are to be
dealt with. Reference should in all eases be "made to th e engine m anufacturers’
instruction books for full details of each individual operation.
4. The m ake of engine and ty p e of craft to which each chart in A.F.O. Diagram
313/45 (1—16) is applicable are as follows
M ain Engines (Diesel)
(1) Eaxm an T.P. Marine engine
... L.C.T.(2), (3), (4), (8 ), L.C.F.(L),
L.C.G.(L), L.C.T.(R), L.C.G.(M),
(2) G.M. Quad Marine engine ...
... L.C.I.(L).
(3) Gray Marine engine
................ L.C.T.(5),
M ain Engines
(4) Sterling Admiral Marine engine ...
(5) H all Scott Defender
(6 ) H all Scott;& H udson Invader
L.C.T.(l), L.C.I.(S), L.C.S.(L) (2).
L.C.P.(L), L.C.P.(R), L.C.V., L.C.N.,
(7) Chrysler Royal
................ L.C.P.(R), L.C.V., L.B.V., etc.
(8 ) Scripps V . 8 .........................................L.C.A., L.C.S.(M), L.C.P.(M).
(9) Chrysler Crown
............................ L.C.M.(l), L.C.P.(S).
Generator Engines (Diesel)
(10) P axm an auxiliary e n g in e ................ L.C.G.(M), L.C.T.( 8 ). L.C.T.(3),
(11) H ill auxiliary engine
... L.C.T.(5).
(12) B uda auxiliary engine
... L.C.T.(5).
(13) G.M. auxiliary engine
... L.C.I.(L).
(14) N ational auxiliary engine ...
... L.C.T.(2).
(15) Fowler Sanders auxiliary engine ... L.C.T.(2) and (3).
(16) Lister auxiliary engine
............... L.C.T.(3), (4), L.C.F.(L), L.C.T.(R),
(A.F.Os. 6010/43 and 2761/44 are cancelled.)
4608.—Condensers—Auxiliary Exhaust Baffle Plate—Supporting of
Fleet “ O ” and later Classes of Destroyers
(D. 3735/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
In certain destroyers of the Fleet “ O ” and later classes the auxiliary exhaust
condenser baffle is not supported a t the forward end with the result th a t the over­
hanging portion is liable to distort downwards until it touches and wears through
the condenser tubes or breaks off altogether. The baffle should be examined a t
th e first opportunity and a supporting angle should be secured to th e condenser
shell with tap bolts as shown in A.F.O. Diagram 307/45. The bolts should be
fitted from inside the condenser through tapped holes in th e shell and should be
riveted over nuts on th e outside.
2. The work involved should be treated as a defect.
(This Order is to be retained until complied with.)
4608.—Radar Offices—Removal of Unnecessary Gear—REPORT
4606a.—Diesel Generators, General Motors, All Models 268A—Hand Priming Pumps
for Lubricating Oil System
B .D.E., B.A.M ., B .Y .M .S ., F .T ., L.S.T.(2)
(D. 03339/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Experience has shown th e need for priming th e lubricating oil system of G.M.
Model 268A engines before starting. For this purpose a hand pum p is to be fitted
to each engine. The work is to be treated as an urgent defect and is to be carried
out by ship’s staffs a t the first possible opportunity w ith th e aid of th e repair
authority concerned. Semi-rotary hand pumps w ith f-in. diam eter suction and
delivery connections for th e 8 cylinder models, are available on demand from the
Landing Ship Material Supply Officer, 3A, Transit Shed, A lbert Dock, London.
2. A.F.O. Diagram 305/45 shows a typical arrangem ent. The hand pum p is
to be bolted in a convenient position on th e engine a t th e blower end to suit th e
varying installation arrangem ents in th e vessels concerned. The suction is to be
taken from the engine side of th e suction screen (on the engine sump), where a
plug can be removed from th e existing “ T ” piece and th e hoi» tapped to accept
the required size of suction pipe. The delivery is to be led into th e horizontal pipe
a t a point before it enters th e lubricating oil strainer, th e horizontal pipe being
removed and a saddle piece brazed on to it for th e hand pum p delivery connection.
In order to isolate th e pum p when th e engine is running, valves are to be fitted on
either side of th e hand pump. After assembly, th e suction pipes are to be pressure
tested to 50 lb./sq. in.
3. On completion of th e work, steps are to be taken to instruct th e engine
room personnel in the operation of priming th e engine. The hand pum p must be
operated until the engine driven pump is maintaining the normal pressure. In th e
event of a drop in th e oil pressure, th e hand pum p m ay be used to m aintain the
pressure until the engine is stopped. W hen the hand pum p is no t in use, th e valves
on either side of th e pum p are to be closed in order to obviate possible air leakage
into the suction side of th e system.
(A.F.O. 2915/45 is cancelled.)
4607.—Establishments Controlled from R.N; Air Station, Donibristle—Addressing
of Correspondence and Signals
(A/M. 2604/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following establishments are controlled from R.N. Air Station, Donibristle,
and have no individual facilities for dealing w ith correspondence or signals :—
R.N. A ircraft R epair Y ard, and the storage section, Donibristle.
R.N. Ancillary R epair Depot, Douglas W orks, Townhill R oad, D u n ­
R.N . A ircraft Component Recovery Depot, F orthbank, Alloa.
R .N . A ircraft Propeller W orks, B ritannia Works, 54, E a st Dock Street,
Engine Storage Depot, H ilton Works, Alloa.
In order to avoid delay and confusion all correspondence and signals
concerning equipm ent, stores, work, buildings or other m atters should be addressed
to :—
The Commanding Officer,
R .N. Air Station,
Ships, Dockyards, and Shore Establishments concerned
(R.E. 01710/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A dmiralty attention has been drawn to the non-removal of surplus gear from
R adar offices when As. and As. are undertaken.
2. Ships’ officers and dockyards are to ensure th a t surplus gear is removed and
returned to store when the space taken up could be profitably used for servicing
or other purposes.
3. Particular attention is drawn to C.A.F.Os. 861/44, and 2067/44. Schedules I
to X V III, telephone communications, R.T.Us., B.T.Us., range and bearing receivers,
etc., in the R adar offices should be examined to see whether they are surplus to
approved requirements and, where no doubt exists, they should be removed.
4. In doubtful eases, a report is to be forwarded through the administrative
authority, to the A dm iralty copy to the Captain Superintendent, A dm iralty Signal
Establishment, Haslemere, giving details of the gear and its location. I f it is desired
to retain any of the gear reported, brief reasons are to be stated.
(C.A.F.Os. 861/44 and 2067/44.)
4609.—Radar—Types 271Q/3Q, 274, 275, 276, 277/T/S/F, 293/M—Receiver Rectifier
Unit—Replacement of Transformers
(R.E. 116/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Ships and establishments fitted with any of the above sets are to examine
th e rectifier unit in Panel L20, L25 or 1.26 (according to th e set fitted) and are to
replace transformers, P atterns W.3976 and W.3977/A by improved transformers,
Patterns W.3976A and W.3977B respectively, if these replacements have not already
been carried out.
2. The necessary stores are to be demanded, quoting this A.F.O. as authority,
from local storing bases or, if not available, from S.N.S.O., Haslemere.
3. Transformers, P atterns W.3976 and W.3977/A are to be retained on board
for use as emergency spares. They are not to be used if improved pattern trans­
formers are available and if used they m ust be replaced by the improved pattern
transformers as soon as possible.
4. The work is to be carried out by ship’s staff, assisted by base staff where
(A.F.O. 3204/45 is cancelled.)
460Sa.—U.S. Radio Equipment—Modifications to U.S. Handbook Type TDE 1/2
(A.S.E.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following information is prom ulgated for the attention of those concerned.
A separate amendm ent will not be issued.
Figure 16.—Drawing 7300540. Upper, extreme left. Link positions for remote
control. Amend to conform to table below.
Link positions for remote control
Type of remote control
5 .21 0
5.21 1
5.21 2
TS.12-2 to TS.12-4 ...
A to B
A to C
D to E
A to C
A to C
A to C
D to F
A to B
6 -wire
6 -wire
A to B
A to B
D to E
A to C
A to B
A to C
D to E
A to C
-A to B
A to B
D to E
A to C
Upper, extreme left. Rectifier M.G. and Power Supply Link positions. Singls
Phase A.C. 115-volt column. Amend to read :—
“ A to B
A to B
Figure 21.—Drawing 7710308. Add following table :—
“ T ransm itter Link Positions
(See Drawing 7300540 and Control U nits Section in instruction book)
A to B
A to C
A to B
A to B
A to B
A to B
A to B
TS12-2 to T S 1 2 -4 ...............
Upper, extreme left. Westinghouse Control. U nder title add “ CAY—23381
Amend caption below circuit to read “ TS11-32 and TS1-5 ” .
Upper, left. N avy 4-wire control. Amend title to read “ NAVY TY PE 23005.
4-wire telegraph control
Delete leads to terminals 1 and 3.
Upper, left. N avy 6 -wire control. Amend title to read “ NAVY TY PE 23146.
Figure 22.—Drawing 7710309.
Diagram 308/45 (1)).
Figure 23.—Drawing 7710310.
Diagram 308/45 (2)).
6 -Wire
A to B
A to B
D to E
A to C
Amend to conform to new drawing (A.F.O.
Amend to conform to new drawing (A.F.O.
6 -wire telegraph control
4610.—General Requirements ior the Equipment of “ Y ” Offices—Fitting-out
Upper, left. Change in connections for 6 -wire control. Add N o te :—•
“ Terminal board TS12 is located behind START-STOP switch panel. (See
drawing 7300541 in instruction book)
(R.E. 11090/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A.S.E. Installation Specification No. B.536 has been prepared to show the
m ethod of fitting and wiring “ Y ” offices.
2. Copies of the specification have been forwarded to the Commanders-in-Chief,
British Pacific Fleet, E ast Indies ; V.A. (Q), Melbourne ; R.A.D., British Pacific
F le e t; R ear Admiral Fleet Train"; Admirals Superintendent, Chatham, Devonport,
Portsm outh, R osyth and Alexandria ; Flag Officers-in-Charge, W est Africa,
Ceylon and Tunisia ; Flag Officer-in-Charge, Aden (for P o rt W /T Officer) and
T u n isia; Flag Officer, Bombay ; N aval Secretary, Melbourne, for th e officers
concerned a t Melbourne, Sydney and Frem antle ; N aval H eadquarters, India ,N aval Secretary, W ellington; Secretary, N aval Board (N.D.A.), O tta w a ;
Commodore, E ast Africa ; Commodores Superintendent, Gibraltar, Malta, Bermuda,
Sheerness and Sim onstow n; Commodore-in-Charge, H alifax ; N aval Officer-inCharge, L ondonderry; Commanding Officers, H.M. Ships “ Artifex ” , “ Resource ” ,
“ Assistance ” and “ Diligence ” ; Captains Superintendent, Kilindini and D urban ;
D eputy Superintendent, Pem broke.
3. Copies of th e Specification have also been forwarded to the Warship
Production Superintendents, E ast Coast of Scotland, N orth W estern, Humber,
Southern, London and E ast Coast, South Wales, Belfast, Scottish and N orth
Eastern Areas ; W arship Electrical Superintendents, Scottish, N orth W estern,
N orth Eastern, London and South Eastern, Midland and South Wales, South
W estern and N orthern Ireland Areas.
The Principal (Ship) Overseers and Emergency Repair Overseers of all ships
approved to be fitted with “ Y ” offices are therefore to apply to the Warship
Production Superintendent of their areas for a copy of A.S.E. Specification
No. B.536.
4. Consequent on certain proposed alterations of “ Y ” fitting policy since the
compilation of this specification, a revised version will be issued shortly. The
alterations mainly affect th e arrangements in destroyers and escort carriers and
the following clauses and drawings will be the subject of revision :—
(а) Clause 2.—Schedule of equipment.
(i) Fleet an d Light Fleet Carriers : Delete FH4.
(ii) Escort Carriers : Delete FH4.
(iii) Destroyers : E quipm ent is still under consideration following
proposals to fit “ Y ” Office aft in certain cases.
(б ) Clause 4.—Position of office.
(c) Clause 9.—Power supplies.
id) Drawing No. 40822 C.—Delete FH4.
(e) Drawing No. 40822 D .—Arrangement “ A ” will be om itted and
arrangem ent “ B ” will apply to all escort carriers.
Figure 16.—Centre, right. Amend circuit round S204 to conform to inset below.
Lower, left. Radio phone unit.
Type 23172 ”.
Add “ P attern No. N avy Type 23211 or Navv
Figure 20.—Drawing 7710307. Add following table and Note :—
“ Transm itter Link Positions
(See Drawing 7300540 and Control U nits section in instruction book)
TS12-2 to TS12-4 ...
A to B
A to C
D to E
A to C
A to C
A to C
D to F
A to B
Note.—Transm itter 6 -wire start-stop switch S.206 cannot be used with th is
remote control unit ”.
I t is to be noted th a t Specification No. B.536 Prelim inary issue and any
advance fitting-out drawings, etc., which m ay already have been distributed are
superseded by this specification and should be disposed of as confidential waste.
(A.F.O. 790/40.)
4611.—Wireless—Low Power Transmitters—Fitting of Additional Sets—
As. and As.
Ships concerned
(R.E. 10920/45.— 18 Aug. 1945.)
In Capital ships, Fleet and Light Fleet Carriers and Cruisers (except “ C ”,
“ D ” and “ E ” class Cruisers), it has been approved to fit additional low power
transm itters Type(s) 60 (or equivalent) to make a to ta l of five low power H /F
transm itters.
2. The total num ber of low power transm itters is to be brought up to five,
fitted as follows :—
B .R .R . or R .C.O ..
... One battery-operated (emergency) set.
U .T.R. (fitted aft)
... One battery-operated and one mainsor
operated set.
No. 1 T.R. (fitted forward) ... Two mains-operated sets.
No. 2 T.R. or L.T.R . ...
... Two mains-operated sets.
Note.—In ships where th e L.T.R . is fitted forward as an emergency T.R. it will
contain only one low power mains-operated set, and th e U .T.R . will contain two
mains-operated sets and one battery-operated set.
These transm itters will norm ally be as follows :—
A.C. mains-driven
............... Type 60DR (C.W.S. ships).
Type 60FR (other ships).
B attery-operated
............... Type 60EQR or TCS (in BRR/RCO).
E quivalent U.S. sets (Types TCS, TCE or TDE) may be supplied depending on
availability of stores.
One of these sets is provided for fire control purposes. In capital ships th e
existing V H /F fire control set, Type 75, becomes redundant and is to be removed
and returned to th e nearest storing yard to be disposed of in the most economical
3. Control Circuits.— (i) C.W.S. Ships.—The Type(s) 60DR are to be wired into
the C.W.S. control circuits. (In “ King George V ” class, C.W.S. F leet Carriers prior
to “ Indefatigable ” and “ Im placable ” , and C.W.S. cruisers prior to “ M inotaur ”
and “ Tiger ” classes, th e C.W.S. controls and relevant transm itters should be
modified as described in C.A.F.O. 2807/44 concurrently w ith the fitting of the
additional transm itters.) Each battery-operated set will be fitted w ith a separate
W/T and R /T control outfit and will be independent of th e C.W.S. control circuits.
(ii) Other Ships.—The additional sets should be connected into th e ship’s control
system where possible, otherwise separate W /T and R /T control outfits should
be fitted.
4. Aerial Trunks.—An 8 -in. unipole aerial trunk is to be
additional low power transm itter fitted in a transm itter room
trunk for the transm itter in the B.R.R . or R.C.O.
In C.W.S. ships, where two Types 60DR are fitted in one
one of them should be arranged to use, as alternatives, its own
Type 59D trunk.
provided for each
and a 4-in. aerial
6 . The above arrangements will apply to the m ajority of ships concerned;
any special cases will be treated individually.
7. Commanding Officers of ships concerned are to insert an item, classification
>>( jn tj,eir next list of As. and As. : “ To increase the number of low power
H /F transm itters to make a total of five ” .
Notes.— (i) In “ U ganda ” class one single Oerlikon a t forecastle deck level is
to be removed as compensation.
In “ Arethusa ” and “ Aurora ” , proposals for a topweight compensation
for the additional sets should be included.
8 . Stores will be supplied w ithout demand in accordance with the pertinent
establishment lists when the above work is taken in hand.
9. The following is a list of principal installation specifications required :—
General Inform ation ...
Type 60DR
Type 60FR
Typo 60EQR ...
8 -in. Unipole Aerial Trunks
4-in. Aerial Trunk Outfit TF
9402 and B.210.
C.W.S. Control Circuits
9007 and B.405.
Separated Aerial Control System
B.559 and B.583.
W /T and R /T Control Outfits
Type TCS
9401, B.326 and B.385.
C.W.S. Power Supplies
9171, B.189, B.240 and B.411.
A.C. Supply Outfits
Reference should also be made to ail addenda to these specifications.
(C.A.F.O. 2807/44.)
(C.A.F.Os. 1877/43, 2230/43 and 2727/43 are cancelled.)
4612.—Radio Set, Type CXFR—Fitting-out Information
(R.E. 11522/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A.S.E. Installation, Specification No. B464/R1, has been prepared to show
tho method of fitting and wiring Radio Set, Type CXFR.
In view of the num ber of sets to be fitted, a limited issue of the specification
has been made. Additional copies m ay be obtained on application to the Captain
Superintendent, A dm iralty Signal Establishm ent, Lythe Hill House, Haslemere,
4613.—W/T—Types 607/E/F—Receiver Outfit CDR—Fitting of Guards and
Clamps to Receiver, Type CR 300/1, Pattern M.500
(R.E. 11452/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
transm itter room,
8 -in. tru n k or the
5. Power Supplies.—The A.C. for th e mains-driven sets should be obtained
as follows :—
(а) C.W.S. ships
... From boards 2 B .F., distributing, as
(б) Other ships...
... From existing A.C. supply outfits where
sufficient reserve of power is available
from convenient outfits. W here this is
not possible existing outfits should be
replaced by larger outfits or additionaloutfits fitted.
I t has been decided to fit guards and clamps to the controls of all Receivers,
Type CR 300/1, P attern M.500, w hether these receivers are fitted separately, or as
p art of receiver outfit CDR required as an associated outfit for use with W /T sets,
Types 607/E/F and 608/E/F.
2. The above modification is to be carried out by ship’s staff.
3. Ships in Home waters fitted with Receivers, CR 300/1, P attern M.500,
serial number from 101 to 600 are to demand one box of parts, P attern M.850,
from S.N.S.O., Haslemere. Stocks are being supplied abroad as outlined below :—
... 120 (60 for receivers fitting in Coastal Forces).
... 180
Receivers in store abroad should either be modified before issue or th e modification
p arts to be supplied w ith receiver. Ships concerned abroad are to dem and on one
of the bases quoted above.
Description.—The trainer consists of an R .ll 16A and a buzzer unit, Type 2*
which, together w ith their attendant batteries, should be housed in a suitable
wooden case. The various controls are mounted on a m etal panel or box fastened
to the top of the R . l l 16A. Modifications made to the units allow the use of—
4. Box, P attern M.850 contains all the necessary gear for modifying Receiver
CR 300/1, together w ith instructions for fitting. A fter modification th e p attern
num ber of the receiver is to be amended to M.500A.
(а) E.M. microphones.
(б) Low impedance telephones.
(c) A common ou tput circuit to be used for Morse, R /T , gramophone and
(d) Gramophone pick-up.
A.F.O. Diagram 306/45(2) shows the full installation.
5. All receivers CR 300/1, serial numbers 601 and above, will be supplied
already fitted with guards and clamps.
6 . Establishm ent List No. E.712 has been amended.
4614.—Asdic and Hydrophone Installations—Establishment Lists
(N.S. 014935/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Establishm ent Lists of N aval Stores comprising the undermentioned Asdic
and Hydrophone Installations have been prepared, and copies will be distributed
to the services concerned by th e Superintending Naval Store Officer, R.N. Store
Depot, Copenacre, H awthorn, Wiltshire.
List No.
A/S 105
25th June, 1945
Hydrophone Installation, Type 712A
(Superseding Establishment List No. A/S 105,
dated 22nd September, 1943.)
A/S 145
25th June, 1945
Shore Trainer for Asdic Installation, Type 147B.
4615.—Aircraft Radio—Use of Switch, Type 896, in Press-to-Transmit Installation
(N.A.R. 509/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
I t has been found th a t th e switch, type 896 (Stores Ref. No. 10F/13238), used
in certain installations equipped w ith press-to-transmit facilities, is unsatisfactory.
2. When the switch is being installed th e full tightening of th e single-hole
fixing n u t m ay fracture th e moulded threading on th e switch. Additionally the
moulded toggle is liable to breakage.
3. Care should be taken not to overtighten the fixing n u t when installing this
switch and it should n o t be subjected to heavy handling.
4. Where it is considered th a t the limitations of switch, type 896, enumerated
above, are operationally unacceptable reversion should be made to switches, firing,
bare (Stores Ref. No. 5D/534).
5. Should it be found th a t th e operation of th e switch, firing, bare requires
an excess of pressure, th e plunger spring should be weakened by reducing its length
and opening out as necessary.
4616.—Aircraft Radio—W/T and R/'T Trainer
(N.A.R. 405/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Following upon proposals made by H.M.S. “ Tracker ” a trainer has been
developed which will allow of instruction in the following subjects :—R /T , W /T,
exercises involving the use of outside signals, also instruction involving the use of
gramophone records. A further use for the trainer is th e testing of air crews’
personal microphones and telephones.
The trainer is primarily intended for use in the ready room of escort carriers
an d it is intended th a t th e construction of th e trainer should be undertaken by Air
Radio Maintenance personnel in conjunction with th e Air Signal Officer.
4. P arts required—
Stores Ref.
10F/10158 Type 2
lOIy/245 Type 363
10K/246 Type 364
10F/392 Type 383
10W/8875 Type 2297
10A/7741 Type F
10H/488 Type 1
10H/1739 Type 1
10H/2206 Type 359
10H/10991 Type 119
10H/10252 Type 104
10C/796 Type 847
No. Off.
Receiver, R .l l 16A
Buzzer valve
Transformer microphone (40:1 C.T. Prim)
Transformer output 8 '57 1 Prim tapped
(step down).
1 wafer S.P.3 position selector
Resistance (J meg pot)...
Key, Morse
... . ...
Terminal blocks, 2-way
Terminal blocks, 3-way
Plug, standard tel, plug for jacks
(Socket) jack telephone single circuit,
2 breaks.
Socket, 4-pole, jack type
Plugs, micro-tel., 4 contact
Plug, jack type (4 point)
Condenser, -05 mfd.
5. Details of modifications.— (a) Construct a m etal panel or box for mounting
on the top of the R .l 116A and m ount items 11, 6 , 5, 3 suitably spaced (see Section A
o f A.F.O. Diagram 306/45(1). Wire the various components in accordance with
th e diagram and ensure th a t the panel or box is suitably bonded to the receiver.
(b) A hole is drilled in the top of the R.1116A in which a suitable grommet
should be fixed. Disconnect the lead from the top cap of V 6 and attach to tag 3
o f the selector switch. Connect top cap of V 6 to tag 4 of th e selector switch. These
two leads should be of unim et sheathed in 4-mm. systoflex. An additional bias
lead is taken from the — 1 • 5 volt tapping on the grid bias battery via the gramophone
socket to th e volume control potentiometer.
Note.—Only plug Type 10H/10252 m ay be used with item 11; if these plugs
are not available the jacks on the metal panel m ust be insulated when mounted
and plugs Type 10H/488 used. The m etal braiding of the cable must not be earthed
to the sleeve of the jack in this instance.
(c) The transform er, item 4, should be m ounted in a suitable position. The
ou tp u t leads from the R.1116A are connected via a plug, Type 119 (item 13) and
a term inal block (item 8 ) to the telephone positive and negative taps on the tran s­
former. The o u tp u t from the transform er (wired in accordance with Section B
of A.F.O. Diagram 306/45(1) is taken to the output term inal block (item 8 ).
(d) The telephone positive lead from the output jack within the valve buzzer
is broken and an 0*05 mfd. condenser connected in series w ith the o u tp u t jack
and the o utput transformer.
(e) The input and o utput plugs should be wired to the term inal blocks as shown
in the diagram.
6 . Installation.—The trainer will operate efficiently with a maximum of
tw enty pupils. Pupils’ keys and micro-tel. plugs should be wired in parallel, thus
allowing any number of pupils up to th e maximum to take p a rt in the exercise.
Extension microphone leads should be of dum et 4 w ith the metal braiding earthed
a t convenient intervals. Microphones should be switched off when operating the
Morse oscillator.
D aily Inspection Certificate. Pages 2, 3, 6 and 7.
10. Column 1 date. This is to be completed by the individual signing in
column 14 on each day a daily inspection is made.
When using a gramophone pick-up it will be necessary to employ an external
volume control. I t will also be necessary to place a 50K resistor across the pick-up
jack in order to safeguard V 6 in R.1116A if th e switch is left in the gram, position
w ith the pick-up disconnected.
4617.—Form A. 700—Instructions for Use
(A.M.R. 579/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Form A.700 is the servicing record of the aircraft and a certificate of its service­
ability state. -In addition to its purpose as a record of the work done on and hours
flown by the aircraft, it is designed to ensure th a t th e aircraft is in a fit condition
for the operation it may undertake. To this end it certifies and records—
(i) Certain minimum inspections as having been done.
(ii) Repair, replacement, periodical inspection an d modification work as
having been satisfactorily completed.
2. The completion of th e columns of Form A .700, together with a signature
or initials as appropriate, constitutes a certificate and
to sign a certificate which is known to be false or w ithout ensuring its accuracy
is an offence to th e prejudice of good order and N aval discipline and is
punishable under the N aval Discipline Act.
3. Form A.700 is to be completed in ink or indelible pencil, and m ust be treated
with care and kept as clean as conditions of use permit.
4. The appropriate columns (other than the pilot’s acceptance column) are to
be signed, not initialled.
5. Form s A.700 relating to any aircraft are to be numbered consecutively.
Preparation of Form A.700 for Use
Form A.700 is to be opened as required
by an officer, or rating detailed by th e officer who has the aircraft on charge, who
is to insert the necessary details on th e outside front cover and on page 1. The
overhaul table is to be completed for all items of equipm ent installed in the aircraft
and which have a specified life between overhaul, as prom ulgated in Fleet Orders.
On replacement of any such items the original entries are to be crossed through
and the details of the new item entered in a new line. The hours a t installation
and when overhaul is due are to be recorded as the airfram e hours a t which the
installation or overhaul occurs or is due.
6 . Outside F ro n t Cover and Page 1.
A blank space has been provided under the Aero Engine Type line for inclusion
of the power check conditions of the engines.
7. Pages 3 and 7. Columns 11 and 12. I f the m aintenance orders of the unit
call for a daily inspection of any special equipm ent not covered by columns 2- 10,
an appropriate heading is to be made in column 11 or 12 or both as may be required.
Columns not required are to be ruled through.
11. Columns 2-12. Daily inspections. The appropriate column is to be
signed b y th e m aintenance ratin g responsible on completion of th e daily inspection.
Such a signature will be a certificate th a t he has satisfactorily completed the section
of the daily inspection indicated in the heading of the column in which he signs.
W here more th a n one ratin g is employed on the equipm ent to which the column
refers, th e senior ratin g o f th e same category is to sign, an d such a signature will be
a certificate th a t he has supervised and accepts responsibility for th e work of the
other ratings concerned.
12. Column 13. The tim e of completion of the inspection is to be entered by
th e individual signing in column 14.
13. The rating signing in column 14 is to satisfy himself—
(i) T h at th ere is no periodic inspection due.
(ii) T h at all th e relevant daily inspection columns have been signed by the
responsible ratings.
(iii) T h at th e aircraft is serviceable according to th e change of serviceability
an d repair log.
(iv) T h at flying tim es have been brought forward correctly on pages 5 or 9.
as applicable.
The ratin g signing in column 14 is to be known as th e Daily Serviceability Inspector
and his signature will certify th a t th e above conditions are satisfied. H e will
norm ally be an A ct/P.O . Air Mech. passed for P.O ., P.O. A.F. (A) or (B), an A ct.
A.A. (4) A .E., a Sgt. F itte r XI a Sgt. F itte r I I (A) or (E) B .A .F., or above. W here
necessary in circumstances such as those of a detached flight, w ritten authority
m ay be given b y th e Air Engineer Officer of th e p arent ship or u n it for these duties
to be carried o u t by an y confirmed Leading R ating or Corporal R .A .F. for th e period
th e particular circumstances render necessary.
Pilot's Acceptance and Flying Log Refuelling Certificate. Pages 4, 5, 8 and 9.
14. Columns 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8 , 9. Fuel. The am ount p u t into each ta n k as recorded
by th e refuelling apparatus is to be inserted on th e “ P u t in ” line of columns 3, 4,
5, 6 , 7. The to ta l fuel in each ta n k after refuelling measured by gauge reading or
dip stick is to be inserted in th e “ T otal ” line of columns 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7. The word
“ full ” is n o t to b e used. The to ta l fuel in th e aircraft is th en to be entered in
column 8 b y th e ratin g responsible for the refuelling who will then sign in column 9.
15. Columns 10, 11 an d 12. Coolant. The coolant system is to be filled to
capacity a n d th e am ounts p u t in inserted in th e “ P u t in ” line of columns 10 and 11.
The word “ Full ” is to be inserted in th e “ Total " line of columns 10 and 11. W hen
no additional coolant is found necessary on daily inspection th e num ber “ 0 ” is to
be entered in th e “ P u t in ” line of columns 10 an d 11. W hen, owing to heat of the
engines, i t is n o t possible to check th e contents of th e coolant tanks, th e words “ not
possible to inspect ” are to be w ritten across the “ P u t in ” and “ T otal ” lines of
columns 10 and 11. The rating responsible will sign in Column 12.
16. Columns 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Oil. All tan k s are to be filled to permissible
capacity. The am ount p u t in each tan k is to be entered in th e “ P u t in ” line of
columns 13, 14 and 15. The to ta l quantity of oil in each tan k after refuelling,
measured b y dip stick if possible, is to be inserted in th e “ T otal ” line of columns
13, 14 and 15. The to ta l oil in the aircraft is then to be entered in column 16 by
th e rating responsible, who will sign in Column 17.
8 . Pages 4, 5, 8 and 9. T ank positions for fuel, and oil, and tan k capacities
for fuel, oil, coolant, and w ater injection mixture are to be entered in the appropriate
columns. Where an am endm ent to the to ta l fuel or oil capacity becomes necessary
as a result of any addition or removal of a tank, it should be made in red ink by the
rating supervising the work. In the event of the aircraft having more tanks for
fuel, oil, or coolant th a n are columns allowed in the Form 700, the tanks are to be
grouped two to a column bu t clearly named separately a t the head of the column.
17. Column 18. W ater injection m ixture. Injection fluid tanks requiring
filling according to th e m aintenance orders of th e unit are to be filled to capacity
and column 18 signed by th e rating responsible.
9. Page 5. The to ta l airframe hours are to be brought forward from the^
previous Form A.700 and entered in the space provided a t the head of column 23.
19. Columns 19 and 20. A rm am ent. Columns 19 an d 20 are to be completed
by th e ratings responsible for arm ing th e aircraft. The signature of th e rating
responsible will be a certificate to the effect th a t he has satisfied him self th a t the
18. Columns 1 and 2. D ate and tim e. Column 1 is to be completed b y th e
rating responsible for fuel before, and column 2 , subsequent to completion of
refuelling in accordance w ith paragraphs 14, 15, 16, 17 above.
aircraft has been arm ed as ordered, and th a t the equipment im mediately involved
is functioning correctly.
20. Columns 21, 22 and 23. Flying times. Columns 21, 22 and 23 are to be
completed by a Daily Serviceability Inspector on th e term ination of each flight.
21. Column 24.' P ilot’s Certificate of Acceptance. Before th e commencement
of each flight, the pilot is to initial column 24 which will be a certificate th a t he has
satisfied himself from a n inspection o f F orm A.700 t h a t :—
(i) The daily inspection has been recorded as complete by signature in
column 14 on page 3 or 7.
(ii) The aircraft is shown serviceable in th e Change of Serviceability an d
Repair Log.
(iii) The tim e remaining unexpired before th e next periodic inspection falls
due (as shown b y column 23 read in conjunction w ith th e periodic
inspection table on page 1) is sufficient to enable th e proposed flight
to be made.
(iv) The refuelling section has been properly completed an d signed an d the
quantity o f fuel recorded in column 8 is sufficient for th e proposed
(v) Column 18 for w ater injection and columns 19 an d 20 for arm am ent have
been completed as required.
Change of Serviceability, Periodic Inspection and Repair Log. Pages 10, 11, 12, 13,
14 an d 15
22. Whenever an aircraft is unserviceable, the fact m ust be recorded in th e
Change of Serviceability an d R epair Log. The officer or ratin g placing th e aircraft
unserviceable m u s t:—
(i) Complete columns 1-4.
(ii) Inform th e squadron engineer officer or senior m aintenance rating.
23. The reasons for placing an aircraft unserviceable (which includes periodic
inspections) are to be stated in specific a n d concise term s, e.g., “ po rt wing tip
damaged ” .
24. Columns 1 to 4 of th e change o f serviceability m ay be used b y pilots to
record unsatisfactory characteristics which do not, in th eir opinion, render th e
aircraft unserviceable, e.g., “ Aircraft flying slightly p o rt wing low ” . W hen an
entry of this kind is made, th e word “ serviceable ” is to be entered in colum n 5
by the pilot.
25. Column 5. W hen an aircraft is placed unserviceable an air engineer
officer or the senior m aintenance ratin g of th e u n it on whose charge th e aircraft
is held is to detail for th e work ratings and a supervisory ratin g in each trad e
concerned according to th e requirem ents of th e inspection, modification, repair,
or replacement. The ratings are responsible for completing column 5 except as
paragraph 28 below in respect o f th e work for which th ey have been detailed as
follows :—
(i) R epairs an d Replacements. Nomenclature an d num ber of ancillary, or
assembly, or p art repaired or replaced, and brief particulars of th e
(ii) The nomenclature o f any modification embodied, e.g., Mod. Firefly 213,
Mod. Merlin 2050, etc.
(iii) Special Technical Instructions and Servicing Instructions. The reference
an d num ber only.
(iv) Periodic Inspections. The period of th e inspection is to be stated.
I f an y repair o r replacement is found necessary during th e course o f
t}ie periodic inspection th e rating whose inspection reveals th e defective
item is to report it to th e supervisory rating in charge of the particular
section o f th e inspection, a n d is to record th e repair or replacement
found necessary as in (i) above. To assist in identifying these repairs
or replacements as arising during th e periodic inspection th e entry
recording th a t th e inspection has been done should be th e last one.
The entries in column 5 should be brief b u t should include operations incidental
to th e work required except th a t necessary dism antling for access purposes need
not be recorded.. The work is not, however, complete an d m ay n o t be signed for
until parts dism antled for access have been correctly re-assembled.
26. Columns 6 , 7, 8 . E xcept as paragraph 28 below, these columns are to be
completed b y th e ratin g responsible for th e repair, replacem ent or modification.
The ratin g ’s signature in column 6 is a certificate th a t he has satisfactorily
completed th e work specified in column 5 (including incidental displacements and
replacements) a t th e d ate an d tim e recorded in columns 7 and 8 .
F or periodic inspections, column 6 is to be signed by the ratings who have
carried out th e various sections of th e inspection. W hen more th a n one rating
is responsible for any section of th e inspection, th e senior rating is to sign and
such a signature will be a certificate th a t he has supervised and accepts responsibility
for the work of th e other ratings concerned. A ny repairs or replacements done
during th e course o f th e inspection are to be recorded.
On completion of th e repair, replacement, modification or inspection work,
th e responsible ratin g is to report to th e supervisory rating in charge.
27. The supervisory ratings in charge of the work detailed in accordance w ith
paragraph 25 above are responsible for
(i) Progressively inspecting all repair, replacem ent, modification or
inspection work.
(ii) On completion verifying where the work is such as to perm it of its
inspection b y visual or m anual checks th a t th e w ork has been
satisfactorily completed.
The supervisory ratin g is a tru e trad e supervisor and he is to sign column 9,
thereby certifying th a t he has personally checked th e work and found it satisfactory.
H e m ust be of Acting Leading R ate or Corporal, R .A .F., or above, being detailed
in accordance w ith paragraph 25 above w ith reference to th e im portance of th e job.
28. Use o f Jo b Cards. For work carried out in m aintenance or repair ships
or yards and for th e larger inspections, modifications and repairs carried out in
aircraft carriers or air stations th e procedure detailed in paragraphs 25, 26 and 27
above is n o t satisfactory. In such eases a procedure is to be employed as follows :—
(i) The aircraft is to be given a job num ber and a m aster job card raised and
held in th e inspection departm ent.
(ii) F rom th e m aster job card and referred to thereon, section job cards are
to be raised for all workshop sections concerned.
(iii) Section job cards to be held by th e individuals detailed to supervise the
work described on th e card, and any operations incidental thereto,
and are to be signed by th e supervisors on completion of th e work.
(iv) Section job cards are to be returned to th e inspection departm ent where
th e m aster job card will be completed for signature by an inspection
officer who will be responsible th a t all section job cards have a qualified
(v) The m aster job card reference nximber, together w ith necessary details
w hich will in general conform w ith entries on th e m aster job card,
are to be entered in columns 5, 7 and 8 of th e Form A.700 and signed
for in column 9 by th e inspection officer referred to in (iv) above.
Column 6 will be left blank. In th e event of there being no inspection
organization in a ship or station these duties of th e inspection officer
are to be carried out by th e Air Engineer Officer of th e ship or station.
29. Column 10. The authorized officer or rating who signs column 10 will
check th e entries in th e previous column as follows —
(i) Repairs, Replacements, Modifications, Special Technical Instructions
a n d Servicing Instructions. Compare column 4 w ith column 5 to
verify th a t th e work recorded in column 5 is such as to remedy th e
cause of th e unserviceability recorded in column 4, and th a t columns
1-3 an d 6-9 have been completed.
(ii) Periodic Inspection. Verify th a t the periodic inspection has been
carried out in accordance w ith Maintenance Orders or the appropriate
Inspection Schedule ; also th a t th e inspection has been countersigned
by th e supervisory rating in charge ; and where the necessity for any
repair or replacement is indicated on th e inspection schedule, th a t
such repair or replacem ent has been recorded in column 5 of the Repair
and Serviceability Log and columns 6-9 completed.
His signature constitutes a certificate th a t he has satisfied himself on th e above
m atters. H e will norm ally be an Act. Air Mech. P.O. (A) or (E) passed for P.O., a
P.O. A.F. (A) or (E), a n Act. A.A. (4) A.E., a Sgt, F itte r H , a Sgt. F itte r I I (A)
or (E) R.A .F. or Above.
W here necessary, in circumstances such as those of a detached flight, written
authority m ay be given by th e Air Engineer Officer of the parent ship or Unit for
these duties to be carried out b y an y confirmed Leading R ate or Corporal R .A .F.
for th e period th e particular circumstances render necessary.
30. Replacem ent components and parts, I t should be noted th a t th e records
m ade in accordance with paragraph 25 (i) above m ay provide a good indication of
,replacements required in th e future. I t is therefore o f th e greatest im portance
th a t th e inform ation be clearly recorded.
2. The modification consists of th e rem oval of—
(а) th e strap harness and quick release couplings ;
(б ) th e strap harness housing ;
and th e fitm ent of four harness tabs in accordance with sketches illustrated in A.F.O.
Diagram 314/45 (1-2).
Miscellaneous Log. Page 16.
31. Scanning unit. ‘Columns 1, 2 an d 3. The record of hours run is to be
completed on term ination of each flight b y th e supervisory ratin g responsible.
32. Inspection checks. Columns 4, 5 and 6 . Inspection checks carried out
by a n A ir Engineer Officer or m aintenance ratin g in accordance with N.A.M. 90 are
to be recorded an d signed for in columns 4 , 5 an d 6 .
33. 'D inghy Inspection and Compass Swinging. Columns 7 and 8 . The date
of completion o f each dinghy inspection an d compass swinging carried out in
accordance with th e cycle stated on page 1 is to be entered an d signed for in columns
7 and 8 .
^ 34. F our engined aircraft. This form is not to be a dapted for use w ith four
engined aircraft for which th e R .A .F. form should continue to be used.
35. The above instructions will be reprinted on a new Form A.700 which will
shortly be issued an d are to come into force on receipt o f th e new forms. Copies
of th e obsolete forms are to be brought to produce as paper salvage.
(A.F.Os. 872/43 and 3187/43.)
( A .i .Os. 3102/43 and 2983/44 are cancelled.)
3. The sequence of operations is as follows :—
(i) Remove th e strap harness by cutting aw ay stitching near th e buckle.
(ii) Remove the strap housing by carefully s cutting away stitching where
attached to th e pack base.
(iii) Mark o u t “ harness ta b ” position on pack base ; care to be taken in
dimensioning in accordance w ith A.F.O. Diagram 314/45(2).
(iv) Mark o u t by m etal tem plate th e exact position of rivet holes on pack
base, harness tab s and fabric doublers.
(v) Stam p o u t by means of i -in. diam eter cutting-tool all rivet holes.
(vi) Assemble th e harness tab s to th e pack base using B urrs copper, rivets
copper snaphead and fabric doublers; “ burr ’ rivets in position.
Care should be taken th a t “ burr ” is left smoothly finished.
4. The
Ref. No.
following items are required to carry out this modification :
No. required
per set
Harness ta b to drawing CQD/1089/2, item 28
B urr, copper, 22 SWG x $~in. i/d. x 0*45-in. o/d ...
R ivet, copper snaphead. ¿-in. dia. x f-in.
Fabric doublers, two-ply, 448B (pack fabric) (scrap m ay
8 sq. ins.
be used).
■ 5. Services concerned should forward demands to their norm al source of supply
I o f air stores quoting th is order as authority for supply.
4618.—Accelerators and Arresting Gear—Socketing of Wire Rope
Escort Carriers—American Built
(D/P. 04780/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
lT.S. Arresting Gear Bulletin No. 16, issued b y th e B ureau of Aeronautics,
Washington, on 27th March, 1945, and recently transm itted to all American-built
escort carriers serving in the British Fleet by B.A.D., W ashington, gives instructions
for th e procedure adopted by th e U.S.N. for socketing accelerator and arrester
wires. The technique described in this bulletin differs considerably from th e British
m ethod described in A.F.O. 2774/45.
.A .F.0. 2774/45 is to be regarded as th e British standard praotice for socketing
b u t American-built escort carriers m ay, if they wish, adopt th e m ethod described
in Bulletin No. 16, provided th a t all th e equipm ent described therein is available on
board. On no account is this m ethod to be used unless th e pyrom eters and templesticks required for ascertaining th e m etal and socket tem perature are available, or
if any doubt exists as to whether satisfactory joints can be m ade in this way.
The Commanding Officers of ships n o t yet possessing copies of Bulletin
No. 16 are to dem and them from Admiralty.
(B .A .D ., 17 Apr. 1945, No. S.R.984/45.)
(A.F.O. 2774/45.)
4619.—Aircraft—Dinghy Packs for “K ” Type Dinghy—Conversion of A Mark HI
to A Mark n
(N.S. Air/A.E. 7192/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The A Mark I I I dinghy pack (Stores Ref. 27C/2088) has been found unsuitable
for use in all N aval aircraft, and, in accordance w ith instructions listed below, is
to be converted to th e A Mark I I dinghy pack (Stores Ref. 27C/1899).
6 . A lternative Method. W here sewing facilities are available the “ harness
tab s ” m ay be sewn into position by box stitching, f-in. X f-in., allowing ¿-in.
from th e edge of th e pack base, uSing sewing thread No. 35.
7. The contents of th e dinghy pack so converted rem ain the same. The
contents and method of packing are laid down in A.P. 1182, Vol. 1, P a rt 3, Section 4,
chapter 5, paragraphs 13 to 36, and A.P. 1182, \ ol. 1, P a rt 3, Section 3, Table 1.
8 . These modifications are to be carried out in sections where facilities are
suitable, a t th e discretion of the Safety E quipm ent Officer. I f facilities do not
perm it this modification to be carried out in individual stations or carriers, dinghy
packs A, Mark II , should be dem anded as replacements. On receipt, the dinghy
packs A, Mark I I I , are to be returned to store.
9. The relevant air publications will be amended.
(A.F.O. 6187/44 is cancelled.)
4620.—L.P. Air Compressors, Motor-driven, for Testing Depth Charge
“ Fleet ” and “ Hunt ” Destroyers, “ River ”, “ Loch ”, “ Bay ”, “ Captain ” and
“ Colony ” Class Frigates, “ Black Suxin ” and mx>dified “ Black Swan ” Sloops,
“ Pelican ” and “ Stork ” . Escort Maintenance Ships, Motor Craft Maintenance
Ships, L .S .T . Maintenance Ships and Major Landing Crap Maintenance Ships
(T. 01053/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
F or use in connection w ith th e periodical testing of present and prospective
design d epth charge pistols, a low pressure air compressor is being provided.
c 3
2. The supply has been arranged of compressor equipm ents, particulars of
which are as follows :—
Single stage air-cooled compressor, driven by a V-belting by a J B .H .P .
electric motor.
Pressure ratin g of compressor, 150 lb. per sq. in. w ith pressure unloader
and autom atic pressure switch to c u t o u t a t 150 lb. an d c u t in a t 120 lb.
Compressors driven respectively b y 220-volt D.C., 110-volt D.C. and
117-volt. A.C. m otors are being supplied.
A box containing mechanical and electrical spares, also a set of working
instructions, is being supplied w ith each compressor.
3. Consignments of compressors in th e first instance will be forwarded to :—
N.S.O. for E.O., G un Mounting Store,
H.M. D ockyard, Colombo.
S.N.S.O. (R.N.), Sydney, for G.M.S.O.,
Gun Mounting Depot,
H.M.A. Dockyard, Sydney.
S.N.S.O. (India), for Gun Mounting Store,
R .I.N . D ockyard, Bombay.
(for R .I.N . Sloops).
A compressor w ith m otor o f appropriate voltage should be supplied to each
of the vessels concerned w ithout demand as th e machines become available. The
registered num ber of th e compressor issued to th e respective vessels should be
reported to the A dm iralty (D.T.M.), B ath.
3. The batteries concerned are as follows :—
B attery , 6 -volt E ver R eady, type R.996.
B attery for Ohmmeter.
Cell, dry, 1- 5-volt.
B attery, single cell E ver R eady, type U.2.
A rm y Gat. No.
W.B.1870 H .T./L.T . 162/3 volt.
W.B.2730 H .T./L.T . 150/3 volt.
W.B.1502 F or Army type belt lamp.
W.B.0200 D rydex, Mark II.
W.B.0205 In e rt cell, S., Mark I.
4622.—Filtration Units—Replacement of Cover Plates
(T. 06083/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Cases have recently been discovered of damage caused to interior parts of air
filtration units due to incorrect fitting in place of the tapered prefilter access covers.
The correct m ethod of replacing these covers is as follows : F irst place th e cover
2 or 3 inches o u t of position tow ards th e wide end, and then drive it into its final
position where th e securing bolts can be inserted.
2. B y doing this, th e wedge action of the angle bars welded to th e inside of the
cover p late presses th e to p edges o f th e felt prefilters against the vertical flanges
and thus m akes tig h t joints along these edges.
3. B .R . 1062 will be am ended accordingly.
4. Separate action will be taken b y th e A dm iralty for ships under construction.
5. Stowage of the air compressor should be arranged in th e underm entioned,
classes of ships in th e following positions :—
“ Tribal ” Class D e s tr o y e rs ................
“ N ” Class D estroyers
“ P ” Class Destroyers
“ Q ” to “ Crescent ” Class Destroyers
Gunner (T) Store, Lower deck aft.
G unner’s Store, Lower deck aft.
Gunner (T) Store, H old flat aft.
Gunner (T) Store, below Lower deck
“ B attle ” Class D estroyers ...
... G unner (T) Store, below U pper deck
“ H u n t ” Class, Type I I
............... Gunner’s Store, Lower deck.
“ H u n t ” Class, Types I I I and IV ... Gunner (T) Store, below Lower deck
A/A Sloops
... D epth charge pistol room.
“ River ”, “ Loch ” , “ B ay ” , “ Cap- D epth charge pistol room,
tain ” and “ Colony ” Classes of
Escort, Motor Craft, M aintenance Ships D epth charge pist ol room.
(A.F.O. 2448/45 is cancelled.)
4621.—Dry Batteries—Discontinuance of Supply with Packed Outfits of Stores
(N.S. 014538/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
In view of th e risk of deterioration, dry batteries of th e descriptions detailed in
paragraph 3 below, will be excluded from th e packed outfits of stores which are
prepared in the U nited K ingdom for issue to various services on stations abroad.
The services concerned are :—
P o rt Parties, Molcabs, L.C.O.C. U nits, L.C.R. U nits, L.S.T. P /B U nits,
N.B.C. and N.B.S.S.
W hen these outfits and units of stores are allocated from rear bases for
operational use, dry batteries required to complete them to approved allowances,
plus any additional spares considered necessary, should be obtained from the
nearest (Superintending) N aval Store Officer.
4623.—Sea Anchors—Allowance
Coastal Force Craft
(N.S. 011719/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Coastal Force craft allocated to th e E ast Indies and B ritish Pacific Fleets
m ay carry sea anchors if considered necessary by the Comtnanders-in-C'hief.
2. W here required, arrangem ents should be m ade for th e sea anchors to be
m anufactured locally. Details are contained in th e specification in th e Appendix
to this order.
3. The E stablishm ent of N aval Stores concerned will be amended.
Specification for Manufacture of Sea Anchor for Coastal Force Craft
Canvas ...
... Flax, w hite, broad, 24-in., No. 1.
Mouth R ing ...
... Galvanized iron hinged in centre. D iam eter of m outh
5 ft., diam eter of iron 1-in.
Apex R ing
... D iam eter of ring 10-in., diam eter of iron J-in.
Construction ...
... The galvanized apex ring is sewn into the hem of the
canvas a t th e m argin o f th e hole in th e apex. A t
equal distances close to this small ring make six holes
in th e canvas to tak e th e end of th e bridle ropes.
The m outh of th e bag has similar small holes about
3 -in. ap art to stop the canvas to tie to the large
galvanized iron m outh ring ; th e length of th e conical
bag to be 7 ft. Take a piece of tarred bolt rope, tak e
out the turns and stretch well w ith a tackle. C ut off
three pieces each 30 ft. in length, middle them , and
splice the six ends over th e apex ring a t equal spacing.
Bring the six parts of the bridle to the m outh of the
bag a t equal distances ap art, and sew th e ropes to the
canvas all along from th e apex to th e m outh. Stop
th e m outh of th e bag to th e iron ring, stop each p a rt
of th e bridle to th e iron ring, passing some turns
betw een th e strands so th a t it cannot slip. The six
parts of th e bridle will make three bights. Bring them
together so as to m ake one large eye. Seize th e parts
Supplies to yards abroad should be arranged as follows :—
From Preston to :—
P a tte rn ! Denom.
(A.F.O. 4162/42.)
(A.F.O. 3790/45 is cancelled.)
4624.—Gyro-Compass Equipment, Mark V—Spares
(N.S. 28345/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following item s should be added to A.F.O. 3057/45, under th e heading
“ Additional Allowances to Fleet Flagships.”
Consumable Stores
(“ F irst Outfit ” and “ Minimum Stock ” Quantities)
P attern 7200. Bearings, R otor Mark V I
together, rack them so th a t if one should give way
th e other p a rt o f it cannot slip. Serve th e large eye,
then parcel it thickly and serve it again.
Do n o t p u t in a thim ble in th e eye.
N.B.—The circumference of th e canvas bag should be
considerably greater th an th a t of th e iron ring to allow
for shrinkage when wet. The canvas should have a
wide seam or tackling sewn on where each rope of th e
bridle is sewn to it.
* Cordage manila 4-in. X 4J-in .— 45 fms.
* Cordage manila 2-in. as tripping line—50 fms.
* W hite sisal cordage to be used if manila is n o t available.
Tools and Accessories
P attern 6031. Spanner, Box, M ark V R otor N u t ...
P attern 4042. E x tractor, H orizontal Bearing
P attern 3408. Spanner for Contactor
P attern 3409. Filler for Contactor ...
2. Ships concerned in commission should ad ju st th eir stocks accordingly,
demands for spares required to complete to these quantities being forwarded to ships’
storing yards. N aval Store Officer, Slough, should arrange supply to H.M.S.
“ Vanguard ” as p art of th e “ first outfit ” of spares for Mark V gyro compass
equipm ent for this ship.
3. B.R. 358—Establishm ent of N aval Stores for Executive Purposes will be
(A.F.O. 3057/45.)
4625.—Damage Control in H.M. Ships—Slide OS Transfers for Marking Bulkheads,
Doors, Hatches, Valves, etc.—Supply
New Construction and existing Ships (White Ensign Ships only)
(N.S. 33356/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A standing contract (C.P. 10D/31838/44, dated 22nd December, 1944), has now
been arranged w ith Messrs. Tenax Transfers, L td., o f 43, Avenue Chambers,
Southam pton Row, London, W .C .l. for th e supply o f “ Transflex ” slide off transfers
for affixing to bulkheads, doors, hatches, valves, etc.
2. The m arkings are to be of th e standard colours and sizes for letters and
numerals detailed in th e Appendix to this Order.
3. The transfers which have been allocated th e p atte rn numbers shown will be
added to th e authorized list of N aval stores under Subhead E , Item 12, a n d will be
dealt w ith as consumable N aval stores.
4. In th e case of new construction ships built by contract, th e shipbuilder will
arrange for th e supply of th e neeessary transfers for m arking th e particular fittings.
Supply of transfers to provide new construction ships concerned with a n initial
stock on commissioning in accordance w ith th e quantities given in th e Appendix
is to be arranged by th e w arrant yards and supplying yards an d depots in th e usual
m anner. Ships concerned in commission should forward demands for th e transfers
to their storing yards or depots in accordance w ith th e quantities given in th e
M alta
I G ibraltar Alexandria Taranto
13,000 I 12,000 I
13,000 ! 12,000 !
13,000 I 12,000
13,000 i 12,000
4,000 ! 3,000
12,000 !
12,000 !
From Severn Area to :—
P a tte rn
Denom. Colombo 1 D urban
6 . U ntil required for use th e transfers should be stowed by ships in th e N aval
stores and not in the damage control lockers.
7. Instructions for th e use of the m arkings for which th e transfers are intended
are given in C.A.F.O. “ P ” series 219/43.
P a tte rn
(3) The surface to which th e transfer is to be affixed m ust be thoroughly
clean and smooth.
(4) Moisten this surface w ith w ater before applying film.
(5) Slide th e film on its paper backing until one edge of the film projects
beyond th e edge of th e paper backing.
(6 ) Place film w ith paper backing on surface to which transfer is to be
affixed in approxim ately the position th e transfer is to occupy.
(7) H old th e projecting edge of film on th e surface w ith one h and and
slowly w ithdraw paper backing from underneath w ith th e other
(8 ) A djust th e film into th e exact position required by sliding w ith th e
(9) Use squeegee or any piece o f plain flexible m aterial to smooth ou t film,
working from centre to edges, until all air and w ater bubbles
(10) Leave untouched for a few hours so th a t transfer m ay become
thoroughly dry and hardened.
9. The Sea Shore Establishm ents concerned will be amended.
Transfers for damage control m arkings—first outfit quantities. F or the
purpose of this order th e ships concerned are classified as shown below. W hite
Ensign ships only are concerned :—
(1) Capital ships, fleet and light fleet carriers, H.M. ships “ Unicorn ” ,
“ Perseus ” and “ Pioneer ”
(2) Cruisers over 6,000 tons, fleet and base repair ships, large depot ship*,
escort carriers, W hite Ensign ships (including landing ships) of
m erchant ship construction over 10,000 tons gross.
(3) Cruisers under 6,000 tons, monitors, small depot ships, L.S.T.(l)
(“ Boxer ” class) L.S.D., H ull repair ships, aircraft component and
engine repair ships, W hite Ensign ships (including landing ships) of
m erchant ship construction between 5.000 tons and 10,000 tons
(4) Flotilla leaders, fleet destroyers, escort destroyers over 1,300 tons,
fast minelayers, frigates 1,300 tons an d over, sloops (“ Black Swan ”
an d modified “ Black Swan ” classes), “ Protector ” and “ G uardian ”
cutters, L.S.T.(2) L.S.E., F.D.T.13 and 217, tran sp o rt ferries, W hite
Ensign ships (including landing ships) o f m erchant ship construction
between 3,000 tons and 5,000 tons gross.
(5, Escort destroyers under 1,300 tons, frigates under 1,300 tons, sloops
(other th a n “ Black Swan ” classes), corvettes, fleet minesweepers,
Survey ships, cable vessels over 800 tons, W hite Ensign ships
(including landing ships) o f m erchant ship construction between
2,000 tons and 3,000 tons gross.
D escription o f T ransfers
Q u a n tity p e r ship to ships
un d er classification
8 . Directions for affixing th e above transfers are as follows :—
(1 ) Im m erse in clean w ater for 15 to 20 seconds.
(2) A fter rem oval allow 30 seconds (approximately) to elapse to enable
m oisture to perm eate th e paper backing. As soon as th e film sUdes
freely upon th e paper backing by gentle pressure from th e fingers it
is ready for affixing.
D enonn
2 !
3 ! 4 !
R ed Discs w ith arrows
... 2-in.
324 236 168
Red Discs without arrows ... 2-in.
324 236 168
Blue Discs with arrows
... 2-in.
324 236 168
Blue Discs without arrows ... 2-in.
Letters, Gold with Black outline X.
Y, Z, 0
............................ 3-in.
Letters, Gold with Black outline X,
324 236
Y, Z, 0
............................U -in.
“ R outine ” ...
... 2-in.
“ May be left open ” for discs 2-in.
324 236 168
Gas Symbol, Yellow Discs 2-in. diam.
“ Action ”
“ Action ”
............................ 1-in.
... l£-in.
“ 2 Clips ”
Parallel lines (to show direction for
putting on clips) ...
... R.H .
Parallel lines (to show direction for
putting on c l i p s ) ............... L.H.
Letters, Gold w ith Black outline,
A -H anji J
............... 1-in.
Letters, Gold with Black outline,
324 236 168
A -H and J and V
... f-in.
Serial numbers 0-9, Gold with Black
324 236 168
... 1-in.
Serial numbers 0-9, Gold with Black
324 236 168
... i-in.
“ Group ” , Gold w ith Black outline,
1 in number, to be added from
“ Serial Num bers ” , 1-in. (Pattern
No. 16)
“ Compts. Below ” ...
... f-in.
(Names of compts. to be added
with stencils.)
Serial Numbers 0-9, Gold, with Black
168 108
... 3-in.
Black circle, £-in. wide, 4-in. int.
324 236 168
diam., w ith arrow
Black circle, £-in. wide, 4-in. int.
324 236 163
diam., without arrow
Green arrow, 1-in. wide a t shank,
12-in. lo n g ........................................
D.W.L., 3-in. letters, Bar 6-in. by
Letters, A -H , M S.V. and (0 , Black
324 238
(for (8) 21A and 21B)
... $-in.
* I Serial Nos. 0-9, £-in. (for (8) 21A andNo.
324 236 168
72 i 36
J ___
J _________________________________________________________
N .B .—The m arking “ O ther Side ” is to be done with stencils.
(C.A.F.O. “ P ” Series 219/43.)
(A.F.O. 3936/4-5 is cancelled.)
4626.- -Drawings, Damage Control—Mounting of(D. 08434/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Failures of adhesion have occurred w ith damage control drawings mounted
on bakelite boards under th e severe conditions of heat and hum idity experienced
in the tropics.
2. The m atter has been investigated by Superintending Scientist, Portsmouth,
and new types of adhesive and varnish will in future be used.
3. Cases of failure of adhesion between drawings and th e boards on which they
are m ounted are to be reported b y wire to th e Admiralty, quoting this A dm iralty
Fleet Order, in order th a t new boards m ay be despatched w ith th e minimum delay.
4. Commanding Officers of ships supplied w ith new boards after th e prom ulga­
tion of this order are to report after three m onths’ tropical experience if th e boards
are satisfactory. Failures, before or subsequent to that- date, are to be reported
w ith a statem ent of th e general climatic conditions experienced during th e period
of service.
(Portsmouth Yard Letter, dated 12 M ay 1945,.No. 3150.)
4627.—Table Fans, 24-Volt and Spares—Allowances
L.C.S. (R)
(N.S. 016495/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
In addition to th e four steel chairs, Pel, Type R .P.5, hide, a t present allowed
(1 for Commanding Officer’s cabin and 3 for W ardroom), three chairs, steel, Pel type,
R .P . 6 , leather-cloth, are to be carried in each L.C.S. (R) for use in th e P e tty
Officers’ mess.
2. Supply to craft under construction should be arranged by storing yards
and depots in th e usual m anner ; supply to other craft should be arranged by bases
to which craft are allocated.
Harbour Craft Bases
(N.S. 33516/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The allowances of 24-volt table fans and spares to bases in th e E astern Theatre,
for each eight or less harbour craft {fitted w ith these fans) which are attached to th e
base, for maintenance purposes, are as follows
Fans, table, 24-volt, Type D .6
A rm ature
Field coils (2 per set) ...
Brushes (2 per set) ............................
4 sets
B rush holders (2 per set)
1 set
Bearing bushes (2 per set)
1 set
2. Bases concerned should forward demands to th eir storing yards accordingly.
(A.F.O. 3068/45.)
L.C.G. (M ) (1) and (1*)
(N.S. 40940/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Four chairs, Pel, Type R .P . 6 , hide, are to be allowed to each L.C.G. (M) (1)
and (1*) in lieu of th e four m ahogany chairs, P a tte rn No. 692, a t present allowed
for use in th e wardroom.
2. In addition th e following furniture is to be carried :—
Item Pattern Ifo.
R .P .6
Chair, Pel, leather cloth
3 No. (for P e tty Officers’ Mess)
Chair, Pel, hide
R .P .6
1 No. (for Commanding Officer’s
1 No. (for Commanding Officer’s
Cabinet, washing
1 No. (for Commanding Officer’s
Cabinet, toilet
1 No. (for Commanding Officer’s
Spring, interior, m attress ... 1 No. (for Commanding Officer’s
R adiator
1 No. (for Commanding Officer’s
3. Prefabricated Commanding Officer’s cabins are being supplied to 50 of th e
craft concerned and th e cabins will be complete w ith item s 2 to 7 above. On the
remaining 22 craft th e Commanding Officer’s cabin is being erected by shipbuilders
and in such cases overseers concerned should inform th e storing y ard or depot
for which particular craft supply of items 2 to 7 is required.
4. Supply of item 1 to craft in commission should be arranged by bases to which
craft are allocated ; storing yards should arrange supply of th is item to new con­
struction craft in the usual manner.
5. The Establishm ent of Stores will be amended.
3. The Establishm ent of Stores will be amended.
4630.—Hoists, Electric, Overhead
American Built Escort Carriers
(D. 10257/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
I t has been reported th a t overhead electric hoists have frequently been
damaged through th e following causes :—
(i) Opening out o f th e wheel bogies, allowing the hoist to fall off the rail.
(ii) Keep plates a t th e end of th e rail being left off or broken.
(iii) Poor securing arrangements.
2. Opening out of th e wheel bogies is probably due to overloading th e hoists.
On no account are these hoists to be used for lifting or transporting weights in
excess of their certified working load.
Commanding Officers are to arrange for all such hoists to be tested
a t th e first opportunity, and for the bogies to be strengthened if
necessary b y th e fitting of welded tie plates underneath th e rail and
vertical web stiffeners to th e sides of th e bogies.
3. Commanding Officers are to ensure th a t th e keep plates are always in
position when th e hoists are in use, and th a t they are kept in a serviceable condition.
Particular attention should be given to th e hinged portion of th e rail in w ay of
th e lift, and a check m ade to see th a t th e retaining plate operates efficiently. I f
it does no t do so an item is to be inserted in th e defect list to cover it.
4. The hoists m ust be carefully secured when not in use, particularly when
in a seaway, wire guys being used as necessary for th is purpose.
5. To protect th e hoist on th e fore well deck from damage by heavy seas a
steel box is to be fitted over th e centre of th e rail, in which the hoist can be housed
when in th e stowed position.
6 . The work of placing these hoists in a satisfactory state of repair should
be covered by an item in th e defect list, and th e work progressed as far as possible
b y ship’s staff.
(.F.O.C.T., 5 M ay, 1945, No. 1W 5/F.O.C.T. 346.)
4631.—Lubricating Oil for use with Cinema Equipment
(N.S./C.P. 3001/43.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Resulting from further investigation, the use of the following lubricating oils
is to be discontinued. Present stocks should be issued until exhausted, b u t no
further purchases will be made.
Pattern 931.— Oil, lubricating, for gears of cinema projectors.
Pattern 932.— Oil, lubricating, for cross boxes of cinema projectors.
■ 2. In future either special m ineral lubricating oil or o ilP a tte m 933 (O.E.30H.D.)
I should be used for lubricating cinema projectors.
(A.F.O. 4157/44 iscanceUed.)
4632.—Sensitized Photographic Materials—Limits of Useful Life
(N.S. 17861/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The limits of useful life of films, plates and bromide papers a t overseas ports
and in th e theatres served b y them have been estim ated as follows :—
Infra red
films and Otherfilms Bromide
and plates
G ibraltar
M alta...
Sim onstow n...
D urban
Alexandria ...
The figures shown represent th e useful life of th e m aterial from the d ate of emulsion
coating, which should be shown on each package, and are intended principally for
the guidance of (Superintending) N aval Store Officers in m aking issues.
2. In order to minimize wastage of these materials, th e stocks held in H.M.
ships should be kept to th e minim um compatible w ith operational needs. Materials
should not norm ally be returned as unfit for service until th eir useful period has been
exceeded by one third, an d in any case n o t unless th ey have been tested an d found
unsatisfactory. Caution should be exercised, however, when using m aterials o u t­
d ated by more th an one th ird of th eir useful life. I t should be noted th a t even under
identical storage conditions, th e useful lives of similar emulsion grades and age
m ay v ary materially.
3. I t is im portant th a t issues from dockyards and ships’ stocks should be
m ade in strict rotation.
4. E very care is to be taken to ensure cool d ry storage w ith a minim um variation
in tem perature, e.g. a constant norm al tem perature of 70° F. is preferable to one
fluctuating from 50° F . b y night to 75° F . by day.
5. All sensitized m aterials despatched from th e U nited K ingdom will be
suitably packed for passage through tropical zones and as far as possible th ey should
rem ain so packed until they are required for issue or can be suitably stored.
6 . Materials unfit for service should not be treated as waste, b u t are to be
securely packed and returned to th e nearest (Superintending) N aval Store Officer,
who m ay dispose of them to th e local trad e if th e quantities, and emulsion dates,
do not make it economical to return th e m aterials to R .N . Store Depot, Stroud, for
This procedure does not apply to packing cases used for the delivery of
N aval stores as regards which separate instructions have been issued.
(A.F.Os. 5446/42 and 959/45.)
4635.—Parachute Pack Elastics
(N.S. Air 7951/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Pack elastics (Ref. 15A/83) for use on parachutes, man-carrying, are not to be
used after two years and six m onths from the date of m anufacture, which can be
determined by a n exam ination of the coloured cotton threads which are laid parallel
to th e rubber strands underneath the braiding. These threads should n o t be con­
fused w ith th e coloured thread woven into the outer cover of all elastics which
indicate the m anufacturer o f th e cord. The following table shows how th e age of
elastics are determined :—
.. Red
.. Green
.. Heliotrope
.. Yellow
.. Red
.. Green
.. Heliotrope
No. of Threads
1st Jan u ary —31st March
1st April— 30th Ju n e ...
1st Ju ly — 30th September
1st October—31st December
Pack elastics of th e earliest m anufacture are to be issued first. Elastics
should be carefully examined a t each inspection, and if an y is found to be capable
of extension to double its free length w ithout perm anent elongation, and no damage
to th e braided cotton or internal elastic is apparent on visual examination, it m ay be
p u t back into service. A fter two years and six m onths from the date of m anufacture,
or if any defect is discovered in the intervening period, elastics should be returned
as unserviceable to th e appropriate Air Store D epot and replacements demanded.
3. Unserviceable elastics returned to Air Store Depots are to be disposed of
as salvage and one copy of th e vouchers issuing th e items off charge forwarded
to th e A dm iralty (N.S.XIA).
(A.F.O. 4316/42 is cancelled.)
4633.—Propellers—Adoption as Standard
(D. 11233/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Trials have shown th a t a propeller 22-in. diameter, 22-in. pitch and 190 squarein. developed blade area w ith three blades of usual outline and section, is suitable
for use on L.C.N. fitted w ith Gray 64 H .N.9 engines and is to be fitted as standard
to these craft.
2. Demands for these propellers should be forwarded to th e Director of
Combined Operations Material, Adm iralty, quoting th e craft numbers.
4634.—Packing Cases used for Deliveries of Machinery Items under
Contract—Notification of Return of Empties
(D.N.A. 3171/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
In order th a t any necessary steps m ay be taken to obtain credit when em pty
packing cases used for th e delivery of machinery an d electrical items under contract
are returned to th e supplying contractors, N aval establishments should in future
report such returns to th e Director of N avy Accounts (Branch 6 A) w ith the following
d etails:—
(1) Name of supplying contractor.
(2) Reference number of contract.
(3) Number of packing case (if any).
(4) D ate of return to contractor.
4S36.—Brushes, Carbon—Allowances
Motor Fishing Vessels
(N.S. 23891/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Spare carbon brushes are to be allowed to 90-ft. and 75-ft. m otor fishing
vessels as follows :—
P attern
90 ft.
M.F.Ys. M.F.Vs.
Consumable Stores
Brushes, carbon, for 5 kW.
dynamo. Quality HJM.6 .
Brushes, carbon, forkW.
dynamo. Quality H.M. 6 .
Brushes, carbon, for 12 kW.
dynamo. Quality H.M. 6 .
1 set
1 set
-<A— 1 set if fitted with
a 5 kW. dynamo.
B — 1 set if fitted with
a 12 kW. dynamo.
2. Bases concerned should forward demands to th eir storing yards or depots to
complete attached craft to these quantities. Supply to vessels under construction
is th e liability of th e electrical contractors.
3. The Establishm ent of N aval Stores for Motor Fishing Vessels will be
4638.—Vices for Torpedo Purposes
4637.—Grapnels, Pattern No. 6425, for Oiling at Sea
Sloops, Fleet Minesweepers, Surveying Vessels, Corvettes, Frigates and
Larger Ships
(N.S. 012879/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A new type of grapnel has been introduced for oiling a t sea in lieu of p attern
No. 1420 and has been assigned P a tte rn No. 6425 and will be dealt with as a p er­
m anent item o f N aval stores under Subhead B.10, P a rt C, Contract Schedule C.5.
2. Allowances of th e new grapnel to th e above classes of ships will be as
Capital ships, cruisers o f 6,000 tons an d over, fleet and light fleet
Cruisers under 6,000 tons, escort carriers, monitors, repair and
depot ships, destroyers, sloops, corvettes, frigates, surveying
Minesweepers (“ Algerine ” an d “ Halcyon ” Classes only)
Landing ships (“ Prins Albert ” and “ Prince Baudouin ” only)
3. The allowance of grapnels, P attern No. 1420, to ships in paragraph 2 above
has been reduced as follows :—Former Allowance
Revised Allowance
4 per ship—to include requirem ents
2 per ship, or 1 for each aircraft crash
for aircraft crash boats.
boat, whichever is th e greater.
4. Ships concerned in commission should forward demands as necessary to
their storing yards or depots for th e grapnels, P a tte rn No. 6425, and on receipt of
these, any grapnels, P attern No. 1420, held in excess of th e allowance in paragraph 3
above are to be returned to th e dockyard. Supply to ships o f new construction
should be adjusted accordingly by w arrant and supplying yards or depots.
5. The following quantities of grapnels, P a tte rn No. 6425 have been purchased
from Messrs. T. B. Welling & Co., under contract dated 24th August, 1944—•
C.'P.85769/44—for delivery to yards an d depots :—
Superintending N aval Store Officer :—
Portsm outh .....................................................
D evonport
R o s y th .................................................................
Severn Area ................
Leeds ...
N aval Store Officer :—
C a r f i n .................................................................
6 . In order to provide additional stocks of grapnels in th e Mediterranean to
meet demands in accordance w ith this Order, shipment of 60 to Superintending
N aval Store Officer, Malta, should be arranged as soon as possible by Superin­
tending N aval Store Officer, Mersey Area. Other yards abroad requiring
additional quantities should forward telegraphic demands to Admiralty.
7. The Sea Store Establishm ents concerned wili be amended.
(F.O .G.M A., 23 Jan. 1945— 72/5107.)
(A.F.O. 3312/43.)
(A.F.O. 461/45 is cancelled.)
(N.S. 28742/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
In view of th e extensive use of “ Parkinson ” vices, 3. J-in., Model “ F ”,
size 6 , at torpedo parting positions, P attern No. 8097, has been allocated, and
stocks will be held under Subhead B, Item 11.
The Authorised List of N aval Stores and R elevant Establishm ents of
N aval Stores will be amended.
4639.—Engine Boom Hatch Davit—Additional Positions—As. and As.
(D./P. 07206/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Item Nos. “ A ” class 18 ; “ S ” class 632 ; “ T ” class 637 ; “ U ” class 587 ;
Classification “ A ” .
2. To facilitate th e hoisting out of th e Type 138BR oscillator in “ A ” class
submarines arrangem ents are to be made for heel fittings to take th e engine room
h atch davit to be fitted on th e after side of th e engine room hatch in addition to the
positions already arranged for a t each D.S.E.A. escape hatch.
3. In “ S ” , “ T ” and “ U ” classes, additional davit collars, sockets and
bearings are to be fitted to enable the engine room hatch davit to be shipped so th a t
it can be used for hoisting out th e Type 138BR oscillator.
4. Separate action has been taken for vessels under construction.
(A.S.C.B.S., 6 Jun., 1945, No. 10051.)
(This Order is to be retained until complied with.)
4640.—Valves, Engine Induction—As. and As.
(D/P. 06489/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Ite m No. “A” class 19 Classification “ A*. ”
2. To improve th e air flow through th e telem otor operated engine induction
valve in “A ” class submarines, the following modifications to the valves a*re to be
(а) To fit a conical fairing piece under th e valve head.
(б ) To modify th e gland packings and to screw th e glands hard home to
increase th e stroke of th e valve to 4-in.
3. As a safeguard, a cotter, which can only be inserted when the valve is closed,
is also to be provided and fitted.
4. Particulars of th e conical fairing piece and cotter are to be obtained from
D irector of N aval Construction, Adm iralty, B ath.
5. Separate instructions have been issued by th e A dm iralty for vessels under
(This Order is to be retained until complied with.)
4641.—Portable Electric Ventilating Fans, 6-in.—Revised Allowances
Capital Ships, Fleet, Light Fleet and Escort Carriers, Cruisers,
Repair and Depot Ships and Netlayers
(N.S. 015196/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The allowances to certain of th e above-m entioned classes of ships of portable
electric ventilating fans, 6 -in., and leather hoses, 6 -in. int. dia., fitted with
connections, have been increased as shown in th e Appendix. The revised allowances
are th e to ta l num bers to be carried in these ships for all purposes, including damage
control. A revised basis of allowances of electrical spares for these fans is also
shown in th e Appendix and this will apply to all ships m entioned therein, including
those vessels for w hich allowances of fans rem ains unaltered.
4642.—Ventilation—Openings in Upper Deck
2. Priority of supply is to be given to ships concerned operating in or proceeding
to tropical waters. Ships concerned in full commission should forward demands
as necessary to complete to th e revised allowances to their storing yards or depots.
Ships in commission (e.g. “ K ing George V ” class) already supplied w ith fans and
hoses in excess of th e revised allowances shown in th e Appendix should arrange
for their retu rn to th e nearest dockyard or naval store depot for re-allocation as
required to m eet outstanding dem ands from other ships. Supply to ships concerned
under construction should be arranged by w arrant yards and supplying yards and
depots in accordance w ith th e revised allowances.
3. W hen demanding additional fans to complete to th e revised allowances,
th e nam e of the makers of th e fans already on board should be quoted in order
th a t fans of similar make, if available, can be supplied. W hen demanding sets of
spares, the nam e of th e m akers of th e fans for which th e spares are required should
be quoted.
4. Provision of fans, electrical spares, and leather hoses is being arranged a t
yards and depots a t home and abroad.
5. B .R .321—Establishm ent of N aval Stores for Engineering Purposes—will be
d ix
Revised allowances of portable electric ventilating fans, 6 -in., and associated
hoses (applicable to ships in full commission only)
Present allowance
per ship
Type of ship
Revised allowance
per ship
L eather hoses
| Leather hoses
8 -ft.
!lengths j lengths
FanS | 16-ft. j 8 -ft.
! lengths | lengths
“ Algerine ” Class Minesweepers
(D/M. 012336/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
As-fitted drawings show th a t all ventilation openings in th e upper deck of
minesweepers of the “ Algerine ” class are fitted w ith w atertight sluice valves or
hinged w atertight covers. Commanding Officers are to confirm th a t vessels under
th eir command are so fitted an d if n o t th ey are to insert an item Classification “ A ”
in their list of As. and As. to cover this work.
Section 4
4643.—Compressed Yeast and Dried Yeast for Bread Making
(C.P. 23658/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
C ontract dated 28th Ju ly , 1942, C.P.5A/58177/42 w ith The Distillers Co. L td.
12, Torpichen Street, E dinburgh, and E xtension Orders, has been further extended
b y C.P.5A/23658/44, dated 7th August, 1945, to cover the period of six m onths
ending 31st Janu ary , 1946, for th e supply of compressed baker’s yeast and dried
yeast for H.M. N aval establishm ents an d H.M. ships a t any port in England,
Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland an d the Isle of Man.
2. The term s and conditions of contract to be as in extension order dated
14th October, 1944, C.P.5A/23658/44.
3. To economise paper, the usual copies of the contract are not being sent to
all th e demanding authorities.
(A.F.O. 1897/45.)
4644.—Defective Half Boots and Shoes
Cap ital Ships
“ K ing George V ” Class
“ V an g u ard ” ...
Remaining Classes
... j
... !
... I
Aircraft Carriers
F leet and light fleet carriers ... j
E scort carriers ...
... j
All Classes except “ Hawkins ”, i
“ C ” , “ D ” , and “ E ”
Cruisers (other th an above),
repair and depot ships, netlayers.
The existing allowances of fans and hoses as
shown in th e Engineering Establishm ent
(B.R. 321) remains unchanged b u t the
revised basis of allowance of electrical spares
for th e fans is applicable to these ships.
Revised basis of allowance of electrical spares
For 1-5 fans of each m ake ...
... 1 set of appropriate spares
For 6-15 fans of each m ake ...
... 2 sets of appropriate spares
For 16-40 fans of each make ...
... 3 sets of appropriate spares
(C.-in-C., H .F., 9 Jan., 1945, No. 50IH.F.720I110A.)
(A.F.Os. 291/43 and 5579/44 are cancelled.)
H.M . Ships and H.M . Establishments in Home Waters
(V. 13/199/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
H alf boots or shoes condemned in H.M. ships and establishments in home
w aters due to defective m aterial or workmanship are, pending instructions to any
other effect, all to be sent to th e Superintending Victualling Store Officer, H.M.
N aval Victualling Depots, Midland Area, Leicester, for examination. I f th e
exam ination confirms th a t th e defects are due to faults in m aterial or workmanship
for which th e contractor is liable, arrangem ents will be made for th e boots or shoes
to be repaired or replaced by th e contractor, and th ey will be returned from
Leicester to th e ship or establishment from which they were received for return to
the owner. I t is expected th a t the boots or shoes will norm ally be returned within
a fortnight from th e d ate of receipt a t Leicester.
2. A ttention is drawn to the fact th a t in more th an 50 per cent, of the footwear
returned during th e last nine m onths the defects were due to exposure of the sole
leather to excessive heat, suggesting th a t attem pts h ad been made to dry the
footwear too quickly after getting it wet. G ratuitous replacements cannot be
expected when boots and shoes have been treated in this fashion.
3. Footwear forwarded to Leicester for exam ination should be accompanied
by a memorandum or report of survey, giving th e history of the articles, the nature
o f th e defects, and th e contractor’s nam e and year of m anufacture (as stam ped on
th e footwear). In addition, th e footwear should be securely strung by th e eyelets
and a label attached showing the owner’s name, the name of th e ship or establishment
and a reference to th e covering memorandum. The parcel should be marked
externally “ F o r Technical Exam ination ” .
(A.F.O. 338/45 is cancelled.)
4645.—Clothing for Issue on Repayment in H.M.C. Ships—Method of Supply
from R.N. Sources
4648.—Deoxidine—Care in Opening Drums
(V.3/W.G.F. 360/45— 16 Aug. 1945.)
W ith th e exception of cruisers, fleet carriers an d auxiliary A.A. ships, clothing
required for issue on repaym ent in H.M.C. ships is to be p aid for in cash a t th e
tim e th e purchase is made.
2. Arrangem ents are to be m ade w ith th e R.N . Base Supply Officer b y th e
Supply Officers of H.M.C. ships other th a n cruisers, fleet carriers an d auxiliary
A.A. ships to draw clothing for issue on repaym ent, if stocks pergnit.
3. W hen such issue is approved th e Supply Officers of such H.M.C. ships will
then produce a list of th e to ta l qu an tity of each item of clothing required, using
Form S.1048, and will pay th e R.N . Supply Officer in cash for th e articles required
a t the tim e of supply.
4. H.M.C. ships such as cruisers, fleet carriers and auxiliary A.A. ships will
continue to dem and such clothing from victualling yards as heretofore, copies of
all supply notes being forwarded b y th e victualling y ard to N aval Service H ead ­
quarters a t O ttaw a, Canada, in accordance w ith A.F.O. 3957/45.
(A-.F.O. 3957/45.)
4646.—Padlocks for Travelling Bags—Addition to List of Items Obtainable on
(V.8/3437/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Padlocks for use w ith travelling bags have been added to the list of articles
which m ay be taken up on repaym ent from Service stocks through th e Supply Officer.
2. Stocks are a t present available only a t th e home victualling yards and
depots, b u t supplies will be provided a t victualling yards abroad as soon as
3. Issuing prices are as follows
s. d.
Free of purchase ta x ...
... 1 4 each
Including purchase ta x
... 1 1 0 each
4. Padlocks for travelling bags are to be added to th e list in paragraph 3 of
A.F.O. 1721/44.
(A.F.Os. 652/44, 1721/44 and 2794/45.)
(N.S. 23376/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The ty p e of steel drum in which Deoxidine (P attern 4296) is supplied in war
tim e is such th a t there is a possibility of slight attack of th e m etal by the acid
contained in Deoxidine w ith the consequent generation of a small quantity of
2. No case has ever been recorded of a drum having burst and it is unlikely
th a t in th ree m onths an excessive pressure would be developed. Care, however,
should be taken when opening drum s in case a pressure exists and, when th ey have
been in store for over three m onths, should invariably be pierced before opening.
3. The q uantity of hydrogen evolved is small and should n o t constitute a
danger in itself.
(A.F.O. 3107/45.)
4649.—Uniform—Peaks for Senior Officers’ Caps
(V.8/4587/44.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Gold embroidered peaks for Senior Officers’ c a p s :—
(а) F or Flag Officers and Commodores, F irst Class ;
(б ) F or Commodores, Second Class, Captains and Commanders,
have been added to th e list of items of officers’ clothing which m ay be taken up
on repaym ent from service stocks. Supplies are now available at H .M . Naval
Victualling Depot, Midland Area, Leicester, and will be provided a t victualling
yards abroad as soon as practicable.
2. I t will be necessary for Senior Officers to make their own arrangements
for having th e peaks attached to their own caps or to new caps w ith plain peaks,
and it is recommended th a t the work should be done by an expert cap m aker or
com petent tailor.
3. Issuing prices are :—
Free of
Purchase Tax Purchase Tax
£ s. d.
£ s. d.
Peaks for Flag Officers and Commodores, F irst Class 1 18 6 each 2 11 4 each
Peaks for Commodores, Second Class, Captains and 1 4 3 each 1 12 4 each
(A.F.Os. 652/44 and 1721/44.)
4650.—Supply of Bacon and Cheese—Full Addresses to be Shown on Demands
4647.—Naval, including Air, Stores—Shipment to Australia—Consigning
(N.S. 02978/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
N aval stores shipped to Sydney or Brisbane on Im perial account are to be
consigned to D eputy D irector of Stores (R.N.) a t th e p o rt concerned, those for
Frem antle should be consigned to N aval Store Officer, Frem antle.
2. All packages are to be m arked “ Royal N avy Stores.”
3. Bills of lading, invoices an d telegraphic advices of consignments should be
addressed to Superintending N aval Store Officer (R.N.), Grace Buildings, York
Street, Sydney, N.S.W ., Superintending N aval Store Officer (R.N.), Old Courier
Mail Building, Brisbane, or N aval Store Officer, Frem antle.
4. Directions for th e consigning of naval stores to Sydney and Brisbane on
repaym ent to A ustralian Commonwealth are given in A.F.O. 3955/45.
5. I t should be noted th a t Superintending N aval Store Officer, Garden Island,
Sydney, is not a consigning address for stores for Royal Naval service in Australia.
(A.F.O. 3955/45.)
(A.F.O. 1772/45 is cancelled.)
(V. 14/2358/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Demands for cheese have been received by Area D istribution Officers of the
M inistry of Food on which th e address of th e establishment demanding has not
been shewn. The full address to which delivery is required to be m ade should
always be shewn on demands w ith any special directions as to how the cheese
should be consigned.
A ttention is called to th e instructions in A.F.O. 3686/45 th a t demands for
cheese should be rendered in duplicate on Form S.549.
(A.F.O. 3405/45 and 3686/45.)
4651.—Provisions—Condemnations and Reports of Survey
(V. 10/5577/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A large p a rt of th e Fleet is now operating in tropical or sub-tropical w aters,
w ith th e enhanced danger of deterioration in foodstuffs due to th e higher tem pera­
tu res experienced, and a rigid control of th e turnover of stocks of provisions is
therefore more necessary a t th e present tim e th an ever before.
Supply Officers, or Commanding Officers in ships n o t carrying a Supply
Officer, should give their attention to this m atter and to ensure th a t the arrange­
m ents for th e regulation and turnover of stocks are satisfactory.
3. Should any condemnations occur th e procedures laid down in th e K .R .
and A.I. and th e Manual of Victualling are to be carefully followed. I t is im portant
th a t none of th e details required by th e R eports of Survey Form s (S.75 and S.330)
should be om itted and th a t as much other relevant information should be furnished
as possible. Prom pt A dm iralty action on an accurately an d speedily rendered
R eport of Survey will often result in an improvem ent in th e types of provisions
4. The copy of th e R eports of Surveys on provisions which is sent to th e
D irector of Victualling should always be forwarded by air mail from stations abroad
w here this is possible.
5. I f it is necessary to condemn, for reasons no t directly a ttribu tab le to th e
exigencies of th e Service, any provisions which have been received from th e
N .A .A .F.I., endeavour should always be m ade to associate th e N .A.A .F.I. representa­
tiv e w ith the Survey and to obtain his agreem ent to th e facts recorded. (Vide
Manual of Victualling, Chapter I I I , Section E , paragraph 18.)
4652.—W.R.N.S. Ratings—Kit Bags
(V./1/6464/43.—-16 Aug. 1945.)
A N avy blue k it bag, fitted w ith a locking device, has been authorized for use
"by W .R.N.S. ratings and will be known as “ Bag, kit, W .R.N.S.” .
2. The k it bags will be issued on personal loan to all mobile W .R.N.S. ratings
now serving and entered in future, th e issue being entered on th eir P ay and Id en tity
Books (Form S.43A).
3. Demands for supplies required b y N aval and W .R.N.S. establishments a t
home should be forwarded to th e Director, W .R.N.S. Initial supplies are being
despatched to the principal Victualling Y ards abroad and particulars are being
communicated to th e (Superintending) Victualling Store Officers concerned.
4. A.F.O. 4224/45 is to be amended as follows :—
A ll Glasses (A, B, C and D)
Add to Loan Issue “ 1 Bag, kit, W .R.N.S. (mobile ratings only) ” .
Paragraph 14
Add to list of items supplied on personal loan
“ 1 Bag, kit, W .R.N.S. (mobile ratings only)
5. The arrangements for providing W .R.N.S. ratings drafted abroad w ith a
special pattern transport kit bag (A.F.O. 4224/45, paragraph 35) are unchanged.
{A.F.O. 4224/45.)
4653.—Establishments Controlled from R.N. Air Station, Donibristle—Addressing of
Correspondence and Signals
(A/M. 2604/45.—16 Aug. 1945.)
A ttention is drawn to A.F.O. 4607/45 in section 3 o f this issue.
(A.F.O. 4607/45.)
4654.—Australia—Distribution of Literature
(D.P.S./S.C.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Copies of an illustrated booklet “ Step Ashore in A ustralia ” , specially w ritten
for N aval personnel b y an A ustralian journalist, are being distributed w ith this
issue o f AiF.Os.
2/ D istribution is based on a sliding scale depending on th e num ber of copies
of “ The D ittybox ” supplied to ships and establishments, and will include m ajor
anding craft, traw lers and M.T.Bs. and M.G.Bs.
A dditional copies on a scale u p .to one copy per 10 officers and men borne
m ay be demanded from th e E ditor of Fleet Orders, A dm iralty, c/o. H.M.S.O. Press,
W ealdstone, Middlesex (Harrow 4660).
4655.—B.B.C. Short Waveband Chart—Interim Edition, for General Overseas Service
Only—Angust-October, 1945
(E.F.O. 122/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
In view of the far-reaching changes taking place in th e structure of th e B.B.C.
programmes, and in th e General Overseas Service in particular, a special interim
edition of th e Overseas short waveband chart is distributed w ith A dm iralty Fleet
Orders of this date.
Numbers of copies available will perm it distribution both afloat and ashore
on a scale comparable to th a t in force for Confidential A dm iralty Fleet Orders.
(A.F.O. 3961/45.)
4656.—Amendments to Books
(E.F.O.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The underm entioned am endm ents (A.F.Os. P.683-703) to B.R. and O.U
books are available for issue from the R.N . Store D epot, Elveden R oad, P ark R oyal
N.W.10, in accordance with A.F.O. Volume, 1941, Instructions, paragraph 9
D istribution is limited to holders of th e relative publication(s) affected.
Demands from Shore Establishm ents in the Nore, Plym outh and Portsm outh
Commands should be addressed as under :—
... Book Office, Q uarry House, Aylestone Hill, Hereford.
Plymouth... Book Office, R .N . P o rt Library, Devonport.
Portsmouth Book Office, 54 Bedford Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.
A.F.O. P.683/45.— B.R. 919(F) (1941)—H andbook on the High Angle Control
System, Gyro R ate U nit Mark I I and Gyro R ate U nit Box
1941—Amendment No. 5.
P.684/45.—B.R. 1220—D rill for 18-in. and 21-in. L.C. Tubes, m ounted in
M.T.Bs—-Amendment No. 2.
P.685/45.—B .R. 671/37—Dockyard Cost Account Instructions—Amend­
m ent No. 6 .
P.686/45.—-B.R. 669—Instructions for the Conduct of Cash Duties, 1932.
A.F.O. P.687/45.—-O.U. 5225— Home D ockyard Regulations—-Amendment.
*P.688/45.—-B.R, 377(C)—Firefly—-A.S.E.—-Amendment No. 21.
P.689/45.—-B.R. 919(3)—H andbook on the H igh Angle Control System
H.A.C.S. H I and IH C — 1941—Amendment No. 9.
P.690/45.—B.R. 919(4)— H andbook on th e High Angle Control System
H.A.C.S. IV an d IV*—-1940—-Amendment No. 13.
P.681/45.—-B.R. 919(5)—Handbook on th e H igh Angle Control System
HA/LA. Director Marks V a n a V*— 1941—Amendment No. 4.
P.692/45.—-B.R. 980(D) (formerly O.U. 6090(D))—R .T . No. 381 for 15-in.
P.693/45.—B.R. 980(D) (formerly O.U. 6090(D))—R .T. No. 384 for 15-in.
3. Should, however, any officer or rating object to information as to his
private income, etc., passing from ship to ship w ith his pay documents, th e p ay
office copy m ay be destroyed and the officer or man concerned directed to tak e his
personal copy to th e pay office in his new ship.
4. I t will be noted th a t “ wife’s earned income ” has not been included under
item 12. The reason for th is is th a t the earned income of practically all emplc^ed
civilians is now dealt w ith under P.A .Y.E., so. th a t any figure shown under item 4
would probably be unearned income in respect of which no relief of tax is allowed.
W ife’s earned income relief should, however, be claimed under item 12 in th e ease
of women who are in th e W .R.N.S., A.T.S. or W.A.A.F.
5. I t is intended th a t F orm S.1003 shall be revised and reprinted annually iii
th e light of the B udget decisions.
Guns —Amendment.
P.694/45. —B.R. 980(J) (formerly O.U. 6090(J)) —R .T. No. 348 for 6 -in.
4659.—Manpower—Re-allocation—Forms S.161R (Revised)
P.695/45.—-B.R. 1062—Defence against Gas (Navy)—Amendment No. 1.
P.696/45.—B.R. 1203—Instructions for th e Inspection of N aval Armament
Stores—Amendment No. 21.
P.697/45.—B.R. 861— Drill for th e Fuze-Keeping Clock, Mark II*, an d
A dm iralty Fire Control Clock Mark III* — Amendment No. 9.
P .698/45- B.R. 980(U) (formerly O.U. 6 09 0(U ))-R .T . No. 193 for 16-in.
P.699/45.— B.R. 980(U) (formerly O.U. 6090(U))—R .T. No. 199 for 16,in.
P.700/45.—B.R. 980(X)—-R.T. No. 423J'or 4 -5-in. Guns—-Amendment.
P.701/45.—B.R. 1044— Drill for th e 5-in., U.S., 38-calibre, Mark X H
Mod. 1 Gun on th e 5-in., U.S., Mark 30, Mod. 50 Mtg—Amendment No. 4.
P.702/45.—-B.R. 1054—Drill for th e Fuze-Keeping Clock, Marks II* and
n**, and A dm iralty Fire Control Clock, Marks I and 1*—Amendment No. 5.
P.703/45.—B.R. 1281(1)—Instructions for Release from th e N aval Service,
P a rt I —Amendment No. 5.
Exceptionally A.F.O. P.688/45 will be distributed without demand by the
Superintending Naval Store Officer, R.N. Store Depot, 191a, Askew Road, Shepherds
Bush, W., who holds the stock of the parent book.
(A.F.O. 4512/45.)
4667.—B.R. 461—Issue of “ The English Heritage ” (Thomas) as
(Sta. 10142/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
O utstanding an d future demands for B.R.461 will be m et b y th e supply of
“ The English H eritage ” (Thomas), “ B ritish In stitutions of Today ” being out of
Copies of th e la tte r held by ships and establishm ents will n o t be replaced
b y the new book.
4658.—S.1003—Provisional Income Tax Assessment Form
(Sta. 11003/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A provisional Income Tax assessment form has been introduced for use in
pay offices and may be demanded b y ships and establishments a t home from
S.N.S.O., P ark Royal, and abroad from local (S.) N.S.Os,
The form is printed in pads of 100 sheets to enable it to be made out in
duplicate, one copy to be given to th e taxpayer and one retained in th e pay office
and to accompany pay documents on discharge.
(C.W. 41005/45, C.W. 42739/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A ttention is drawn to A.F.O. 4550/45.
(A.F.O. 4550/45.)
4660.—Air Publications Distributed During the Week Tending 4th August, 1945
(N.S. Air 8858/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following Air Publications have been distributed from the R.N. Store
D epot, 191A, Askew R oad, Shepherds Bush, W.12.
A .P . No.
Airframe and Aero-Engine Publications
A.N. 01-190FB -2 (dated Prelim inary H andbook of Erection In itial General.
15th March, 1945).
and M aintenance Instructions for
W ildcat VI A ircraft.
(ii) A ir Diagrams
Ships’ Recognition M erchant Type ...
(iii) Miscellaneous
H ygiene of Flight
A .D.4320A
B .R . 1236
Initial General.
In itial General.
4661.—Air Publications Distributed During the Week Ending 4th August, 1945
(N.S. Air 8858/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The following Air Publications have been distributed from th e R.N . Store
D epot, 6 , M urray Street, Belfast.
A .P . No.
A .P. 1464A, Vol.
P a rt 1.
A.P. 1464C, Vol.
P a rt 1.
A .P. 1464F, Vol.
P a rt 1.
A .P. 1464G, Vol.
P a rt 1.
A .P. 1538, Vol. I
In itial General.
General Publications
Engineering Manual, Organization
and A dm inistration.
Aero-Engines and Power Plants
Marine Craft and Marine Engines
Initial General.
Ground E quipm ent
Propellers (all Types), General Infor­ Initial General.
P .F .F . Special Marker E quipm ent ... Initial General.
Initial General.
Gyro Gun Sight, Mark IID ...
A.P. 1661H, Vol. I
A .P. 2710B, Vol. I and
Vol. II , P a rt 3 (com­
A.P. 4027A
P arachute Training for Aircrew
In itial General.
Initial General.
Initial General.
A .P . No.
A.N. 03—5AA-17 (dated
25th March, 1945).
H andbook of Instructions w ith P arts Initial General,
j Catalogue for Eclipse Type 1042 Initial General.
Carbon Pile Voltage Regulator.
A.N. 03-10EC-1 (dated H andbook of Instructions for P a rts Initial General,
1st April, 1945).
Catalogue for Engine-Driven Fuel
Pum ps (Thompson).
A.N.03-10LAA-1 (dated P arts Catalogue for W ater Regulator Initial General.
25th March, 1945).
Model A-2.
A .N. 03-20BA-2 (dated P arts Catalogue for Electrie Propeller Initial General.
25th March, 1945).
A.N. 03-25B -9 (dated H andbook of Instructions with P arts In itial General.
15th M arch,1945).
Catalogue for E xpander Tube
Brakes (Hayes).
4662.—Air Radio Publication “ Sun, Rain and Radio ” —Distribution
(N.A.R, 5 9 4 /4 5 .— 16 Aug. 1945.)
D istribution will shortly be m ade, from R .N . Store D epot, 191 a , Askew R oad,
Shepherds Bush, London, of Air M inistry Pam phlet No. 176. This pam phlet,
entitled “ Sun, R ain and R adio,” has been w ritten as a general guide to air radio
m aintenance personnel proceeding to th e E astern Theatre.
2. Copies will be distributed w ithout dem and to units concerned in th e E astern
T heatre on a basis of four copies' for Fleet, Light Fleet and E scort Carriers an d six
copies for Air Stations. One copy will be issued by R .N . Camp, Townhill, to each
radio mechanic (AR) and (AW) passing through th e depot for passage to th e E astern
T heatre.
3. Small stocks will be laid down a t R .N . Store Depots, Ceylon and Sydney,
from whence further quantities of th e publication m ay be obtained.
4 . “ Sun, R ain an d Radio ” should be circulated freely to all air radio m ain­
tenance ratings. I t is no t accountable.
4663.—Supply Position oi General Air Publications Enumerated in A.P.(N) 1
(N.S. A IR .7023/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The supply position a t 20th July, 1945, of General Publications enum erated
in A.P. (N) 1, b u t not a t present available for full distribution, is indicated in th e
following lists.
2. Services not holding th e allowance shown in A.P (N) 1, for publications
which are not included in th e underm entioned lists, should ascertain despatch
details from th e R.N . store depot concerned.
3. The key to th e notations in th e “ Remarks ” column is as follows :—
BR ...
... Being reprinted.
N Y P ...
... N ot y et published.
NYS ...
... B ulk supplies not yet in sight from U.S.A.
List “ A ”
Publications dealt with at the R .N . Store Depot, Shepherds Bush, but not available
Technical Air Intelligence Centre Summaries
How to Survive on L and and Sea
R.N. Air D iagram A/62 ...
R.N . Air Diagram A/73 ...
List “ B ”
Publications dealt with at the R.N . Store Depot, Shepherds Bush, but Issued on a
Rationed Basis
P.A .P. No. 124—G.G.S., Mark IA and IB
... |
P.A.P. No. 127—Gridded Oblique Photography
List “ C "
Publications Dealt with at the R .N . Store Depot, Belfast, but not Available
A .P . No.
A .P. No.
1 1 3 .........................................
2538E, Vol. I
1 2 9 ........................................
2538G, Vol. I
837 ........................................
2538H, Vol. I
880 ........................................
2546B, Vol. I
957 ........................................
1086, P a rt 3A
1095A, Vol. II, P a rt 3 ...
1095H, Vol. II, P a rt 3 ...
1182C, Vol. I
2817A, Vol. I
1355A to N, Vol. I l l
1374, Vol. II, P a rt 3
2876A, Vol. I
1374, Vol. I l l , P a rt 1C ...
T.O. 00-55-2
1374, Vol. I l l , P a rt IN ...
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-6
1388B, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-9
1464A, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q—10
1492A, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-11
1492A, Vol. II, P a rt 3 ...
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-12
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-13
1538A, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-14
1538H, Vol. II, P a rt 2 ...
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-15
1538H, Vol. II, P a rt 3 ...
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-16
1641 A, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-17
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-19
1659F, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 00-80Q-22
1661G, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 00-80V-60
T .O .03-1-6
1730B, Vol. I
T.O. 03-5-9
1732A, Vol. I
T.O. 03-5-26
1732B, Vol. I
T.O. 03-5-27
T .O .03-5-58
T.O. 03—5AA-1
Nav.-Aer. 03—5AA—515
1803A, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 03-5AA-519 ..
* 1 8 0 9 B to P ,V o ls.I,IIP artl,
Nav.-Aer. 03-5AA—525
I I P a rt 2, and I I P a rt 3...
T.O. 03-5AB-4
2034B, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 03-5AD-519
2135A, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 03-5C-505
Nav.-Aer. 03-5CA-517
A.N. 03-5CC-6
2240, Vol. I
T.O. 03-5DA-2 ..............
2305B, Vol. I
T.O. 03-5DA-3
2306C, Vol. I
T.O. 03-5DC-9
2306D, Vol. I
2306E, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 03-5H-507
2306H, Vol. I
T.O. 03-10B-2
T.O. 03-10B-3
T O. 03-10BA-3 :..............
2457A, Vol. I
T.O. 03-10BC-1 ...............
A.N. 0 3 -1 0 -B C -3 ...............
2486B, Vol. 11, P a rt 3 ...
A.N. 03-10BC-4 ...
2486C, Vol. II , P a rt 3
2486D, Vol. II, P a rt 3 ...
Nav.-Aer. 03-10BQ-62
2486E, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 03-10BQ-64 ...
2486E, Vol. II, P a rt 3 ...
Nav.-Aer. 03-10BQ-65 ...
2486F, Vol. I
Nav.-Aer. 03-10BQ-68
2486F, Vol. II , P a rt 3 ...
T.O. 03-10GB-1 ...............
2486G, Vol. I
T.O. 03-15-9
2486G, Vol. II, P a rt 3 ...
T.O. 03-20B-32....................
2518A, Vol. I
A.N: 0 3 -2 0 B K -1 ...............
*A.P. 1803B, Volume I, A.P. 1803D, Volume I, and A.P. 1803F, Volume I,only
are available.
A .P . No.
A.N. 03-20CC-2 ...
T.O. 03-20CC-11 ...
Nav.-Aer. 03-20E-502
A.N. 03-25B-10 ...
Nav.-Aer. 03-30-524
T.O. 0S-30CH-1 ...
Nav.-Aer. 03-35B-501
T .O .03-50-3
T.O. 04-1-8
Nav.-Aer. 04-10-503
Nav.-Aer. 05-1-508
Nav.-Aer. 05-1-571
T.O. 05-5-9
A.N. 05-5C-2
Nav.-Aer. 05-10-510
Nav.-Aer. 05-10-544
Nav.-Aer. 05—15—542
T.O. 05-20A-4
List “ C ”—contd.
A .P . No.
Nav.-Aer. 05-20QR-751 ..
Nav.-Aer. 05-20QR-752 ..
Nav.-Aer. 05-40-318
A.N. 05—40B—6
A.N. 05—4 0 B - 1 2 ..............
A.N. 05-55A-1
T .O .05-70C-5
Nav.-Aer. 05-70D-516 ..
T.O. 08-10-108 ..............
A.N. 08-25-16
T.O. 10-10A-11 ..............
A.N. 10-10A C -25..............
Nav.-Aer. 11—1—506
T .O .11-20-19
T.O. 11-35-21
Nav.-Aer. 19-1-520
Technical Note 46/44
List “ D ”
Publications dealt with at the R .N . Store Depot, Belfast, but Issued on a Rationed.
A .P . No.
1086, P a rt 5A
12 6 9 7 7
1186D, Volume I ...
1374, Volume II, P a rt 2 ...
1374, Volume I I I , P a rt 1 U
1538C, Volume II, P a rt 3
1538D, Volume II, P a rt 3
1641B, Volume II , P a rt 3
1661C, Volume I ...
(A.F.O. 3985/45 is cancelled.)
4664.—U.S. Radio Equipment—Modifications to U.S. Handbook Type TDE 1/2
(A.S.E.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A ttention is drawn to A.F.O. 4609a. in Section 3 of this issue.
4665.—Prevention of Delays to C.S.N. Telegrams
(M. 2294/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
A ttention is drawn to A.F.O. 2583/44, which makes it clear th a t the con­
cession telegram scheme m ay not be used for messages of a non-urgent nature,
such as congratulatory telegrams, and th a t term s of endearm ent are not perm itted.
Delay is sometimes cau sed 'to permissible messages because their te x t does not
reveal their urgency. F or instance, “ Our thoughts are always with you ” is a
permissible message to a person who is seriously ill, b u t m ight equally well be
intended for a birthday greeting. N aval personnel should therefore advise their
correspondents th a t, if their message does not indicate its urgency, th e te x t of
th e message should begin w ith a word descriptive of the real reason for th e
telegram, such as “ Illness.”’
Authorities responsible for th e examination of concession telegrams are
authorized to pass messages which appear to contravene th e instructions about
terms of endearment and length of message contained in paras. 8 and 9 of
A.F.O. 2583/44, if it is obvious, either by the use of the word “ Illness,” or other
prefix or from other evidence, th a t th e circumstances w arrant the further
3. When quotas of C.S.N. forms are issued in future to the next-of-kin or
nom inated correspondents, a slip in the. following form should be enclosed :—
“ The concession telegram scheme m ay not be used for messages of a
non-urgent «nature, such as congratulatory telegrams, and messages m ay
be stopped if their te x t does not reveal their urgency.
If, therefore, th e message is not self-explanatory, the sender should
commence the tex t with a word descriptive of the real reason for the
telegram, such as “ Illness.”
4. When supplying any extra forms, where anxiety regarding th e condition
of a wounded or sick m an is involved, th e authorities concerned should include the
word “ Illness ” in the appropriate place on the form issued.
(A.F.O. 2583f44.)
C.-in-C., South Atlantic, No. 763/1589, 15 June, 1945.)
(A.F.O. 3896/44 is cancelled.)
4666.—Shore Type Sector Lights—R.N. Air Stations—Modification from Battery
to Mains Supply
(NS/D.027666/44.—-16 Aug. 1945.)
I t has been decided th a t a t those R.N. air stations a t which an airfield lighting
(Naval) system is installed, two of the three battery-operated sector lights supplied
are to be equipped w ith additional lam p platform s and 250-watt projector lamps
A.P.6855, to enable th e light to be supplied from the perm anent mains.
Note.—The term battery-opera!oil applies also to those sector lights
which are provided w ith a 12-volt supply from a portable transform er.
2. W here sector lights m anufactured by firms other th a n Messrs. Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. have been supplied, the conversion of the lights
for mains supply is to be undertaken by station staffs assisted by local dockyard
officers as required. A.F.O. Diagram 310/45 shows the new lam p platform , etc.,
required for th e conversion of these lights. The arrangem ents shown on this
diagram are n o t suitable for converting th e sector lights m anufactured by Messrs.
Westinghouse, Brake and Signal Co. A new lam p platform , to which P attern
17138 has been allotted, has been introduced under Subhead F2B, for the purpose
o f converting sector lights P a ttern 17018 m anufactured by Messrs. W esting­
house Co.
3. F o r each sector light m anufactured by Messrs. Westinghouse Co., already
supplied to stations, an additional lam p platform , P attern 17138, and two 250w a tt lamps, P a tte rn 6855, should be dem anded from store. The lam p platforms
will be issued as they become available from the m anufacturer an d should be used
for converting two of the sector lights held on the station to mains operation, th e
th ird sector light being retained as battery-operated w ith its lam p platform stowed
4. W hen converted to mains operation or equipped with the necessary lamp
platform to enable conversion to be made, th e designation o f the sector light is to
be modified locally from P a tte rn 17018 to P a ttern 17018A.
5. F u tu re issues of sector lights from all m anufacturers will be supplied
complete w ith th e additional lam p platform , P a ttern 17138, stowed inside the
lantern and will be designated P attern 17018A.
6 . When the sector lights are converted to main supply, th e 12-volt 60-watt
lamps and platform s are to be retained in order th a t the lights can be re-converted
for use w ith batteries in the event of failure of the mains supply. F or this purpose
th e 60-watt lam p platform s of the sector lights referred to in paragraph 2, will
require to be fitted with extension collars as shown in A.F.O. Diagram 310/45.
7. A stock o f 12-volt 60-watt lamps, P a tte rn 16038, an d th e required number
of batteries, P a tte rn 1352, are also to be retained for emergency use.
8 . The accuracy o f th e sector light beams is to be checked after modification
in accordance w ith th e instructions issued in C.A.F.O. 241/43.
9. I t should be noted th a t th e foregoing arrangem ents apply only to shore
type sector lights as used a t R .N . air stations.
10. Requirem ents o f platform s, P a ttern 17138, a t Home dockyards and depots
should be obtained under th e centralized allocation scheme.
11. The following initial shipments of P a tte rn 17138 should be m ade to Y ards
abroad :—
From Stroud
From Preston
Superintending N aval Store Officer,
Superintending N aval Store Officer,
... 10
M alta
... 2
D eputy D irector of Stores (R.N.),
Superintending N aval Store Officer,
Sydney ...
... 6
... 4
Superintending N aval Store Officer,
D urban ...
... 6
(C.A.F.O. 241/43.)
(A.F.O. 2954/44 is cancelled.)
4667.—Income Tax—Pay-as-you-Eam System of Collection—Civilian Employees
Discharged to Pension
(D.N.A. 29230/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
Instances have occurred of late receipt by H.M. P aym aster General of P a rts 2
and 3 of Form P .45 giving particulars of emoluments and income ta x of civilian
employees discharged to pension. Form P .45 should be completed and P arts 2
and 3 sent to H.M. P aym aster General, Somerset House, Strand, London, W.C.2,
im mediately a fte r th e final paym ent of salary or wages has been made.
4668.—Simplified Control Procedure for Light Metals—Aluminium, Magnesium
and Silicon
(P. 9878/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
The procedure for obtaining supplies of aluminium and light alloys described
in Appendix “ C ” of A.F.O. 297/41 has been modified and th e following notes on
th e new control procedure are prom ulgated for information.
As from August 1st, 1945, a simplified procedure for control of both raw and
fabricated light metals will be introduced. The object of th is note is to show how
th e change will affect fabricators, other consumers of raw m aterial, secondary
smelters, and scrap m etal merchants.
Aluminium.—The Control of Aluminium (Nos. 5-6) Orders, 1940-45, will
remain in fo rce; any transaction now subject to licence will, therefore, continue
to require authorization.
R unning licences will, however, be issued to all consumers and smelters,
conferring freedom to purchase and use unwrought alum inium and aluminium
alloys and scrap in any desired amounts, and from any domestic supplier (except
for virgin aluminium, where M.A.P. will continue to be the sole trader. The serial
numbers of these licences will need to be quoted to, and requested by, suppliers
as authority for transactions.
Exporters of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys will still need to
apply for individual licences authorizing them to dispose of m aterial to persons
outside th e U nited Kingdom.
Licensing of fabrication by individual factories will continue. Existing licences
under th e Light Metals and Alloys Fabrication (No. 1) Order, 1941, will rem ain valid.
Simplified control of fabrication will perm it :—
(a) Consumers to place orders direct w ith fabricators.
(b) Fabricators to accept Service, Civil and E xport orders and quote
deliveries w ithout prior reference to control for approval of use or
authorization of fabrication and delivery.
The aluminium house programme will continue to be planned as a special
requirem ent, and orders will be placed on fabricators in accordance w ith control
allocations. Other special requirem ents m ay have to be similarly planned in the
The general intention is to perm it a return to free competition and th e normal
commercial relationship between consumer and producer. In the event of any
fabricator becoming so overloaded as to endanger his delivery of materials to meet
his obligations for Service requirements, it m ay, however, be necessary for Control
to investigate th e position w ith the fabricator and take action to ensure supplies.
2. Magnesium.—The Control of Magnesium (No. 4) Order, 1942, will remain
in force. No change is contem plated in the present procedure covering m onthly
licences for acquisition and use of raw m aterial. Simplified control procedure for
magnesium fabrication will be th e same as described above for aluminium.
3. Silicon.—The Control of Silicon (No. 1) Order, 1940, is to be revoked,
whereupon it will cease to be necessary to apply for licences to acquire and use
metallic silicon. M.A.P. will continue to trad e as a t present, and any person wishing
to acquire will simply send his order to th e Light Metals Control.
4. Returns.—I t will be necessary for the Control to be continuously informed
of th e consumption and stocks of raw alum inium and magnesium and of the output
and loading position for fabricated materials. This will be done by means of m onthly
returns from fabricators, other consumers of raw m aterial, secondary smelters,
and scrap m etal merchants. Printed forms for these returns will be issued by
th e Light Metals Control.
These returns are basically the same as those rendered throughout the war
period by a num ber of th e larger consumers, b u t simplified as far as possible consistent
w ith provision of th e necessary basic information.
In th e case of consumers of magnesium, th e present form, M.C.F. 7, will be
discontinued, and a stock return only will be required from selected firms, on a
form to be provided b y th e Light Metals Control.
No returns will be called for in the case of silicon.
Location of the Light Metals Control.—The headquarters of th e simplified
control organization will continue to be a t the present address a t Banbury, b u t the
simplified procedure for th e four fabrication controls will be carried out by one
section of th e organization, which will be established a t th e following address and
will commence operation on September 1st :—
Ministry of A ircraft Production,
Light Metals Control, Section LM2,
The Vale, Edgbaston P ark Road,
Birmingham, 15.
Telegrams : Litaloy, Birmingham.
Telephone : Edgbaston, 3602/6.
The four fabrication controls will continue to operate from their present offices
during August, after which th ey will be closed down.
All m atters now handled from B anbury will, therefore, continue so, except for
th e simplified procedure for sheet and strip control, which will be carried out from
th e above address in Birmingham from September 1st onwards.
(Appendix “ C ” of A.F.O. 297/41 is cancelled.)
4669—Naval Stores for Tropical Packaging
(N.S. 23376/45.— 16 Aug. 1945.)
W ith reference to A.F.O. 3107/45 th e underm entioned additional items of
N aval Stores for Tropical Packaging have been added to th e Authorized L ist for
N aval Stores under th e Subheads an d Item s detailed below :—
Sub- Pattern
Use and Application
C o m p o sitio n C.S.1663
An oil film, only suitable for Gallons
unexposed internal su r­
faces where the solvent
s p ra y in g ,
P X -4.
would no t evaporate or
would be harm ful, or
where delicate mechanism
requires low viscosity
m aterial.
Mineral jelly, C.S.2296 Used on surfaces where sol- Lbs.
E .8
beesw axed,
vent removal is n o t p e r­
P X -11.
missible or where its lubri­
cating properties render
its removal unnecessary.
Applied hot, gives a more
durable film th a n P a tte rn
890 m ineral jelly.
2. Home Y ards and Depots should forward Supplem entary D emands (Form
D.273) to arrive a t A dm iralty w ithin fourteen days of th e date of this Order for
twelve m onths’ estim ated requirem ents an d six m onths’ reserve of these items.
(A.F.O. 3107/45.)
(72264) W t. 8021/2275
18,500 8/45