Colored Pencil Sessions with Top Masters by Sandra

Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
Part One
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Book Three
Sandra's Magic Grisaille & UnderpaInting to SAVE Time
Level 201
7 Day Colored Pencil Workshop
Sessions with
Colored PENCIL
Master Sandra Angelo
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
Grab your copy at
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
More Home Study Courses
Super Simple Home Study Art Courses
Find ALL of Sandra Angelo's Home Study Courses & Workshops at:
Daily 30 Minute Lessons
Workbooks and Companion DVDs
Build Foundations in Black & White
Draw 101
Draw PETS 101
Draw FACES 101
Draw FLOWERS 101
Draw WILD Animals 101
Drawing Basics in graphite
Learn to draw your best friend in graphite
Learn to draw your family in graphite
Learn to draw flowers in graphite
Learn to draw African animals in graphite
Next Master Color Mixing
6. Color Theory Made REALLY Easy - Discover Old Masters' color mixing formulas
Next Master Colored Pencil
7. Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters
o Colored pencil Insider secrets from ten years of Colored Pencil Symposiums with
the Masters
8. Paint Like Monet in a Day with Colored Pencils - Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
o Colored pencil radiant flowers and shimmering water - Masters Dooley and
Angelo reveal colored pencil and watercolor pencil methods
9. Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters
o Workbooks and companion DVDs - Plus Projects with top Masters that reveal tricks,
tips and shortcuts for powerful colored pencil pieces.
o New Workshop Projects will be introduced periodically to help you discover more
methods & materials.
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
If you are
interested in becoming one of the Colored Pencil Master who contributes to
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
these Home
and Workshops, contact
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Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
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Figure 1.1 Basil
by Sandra Angelo © 1993
Sessions with
Top Masters
Executive Director of 10 Annual Colored Pencil Symposiums with the world's
Top Masters, Sandra Angelo teams up with various colored pencil Masters
and pulls back the curtain to reveals their insider tips, tricks and shortcuts.
Shave Years off Your Learning Curve...
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
Grab your copy at
Study with the MASTERS!
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Sandra's Simple System
Level 101 Courses - Daily 30 Minute Drawing Lessons with Master Sandra Angelo
How to draw pets, people, flowers, animals in black and white
Level 201 Courses - Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Projects that reveal the
Masters' methods and materials.
Level 301 Courses - Sessions with Masters in various media
Excerpt from
• Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters: Projects That Teach Technique
• Instructions to Inspiration: 201 Home Study Course
Part One: Colored Pencil Sessions with Top Masters
by Sandra Angelo, Executive Director of
10 Colored Pencil Symposiums
Published by Discover Art with Sandra, Inc., First Edition, September 2012
PO Box 124889, San Diego, CA 92112
©2012 by Sandra Angelo, Discover Art with Sandra, Inc.
Drawings and photographs are copyrighted by various artists where credited.
Printed and bound in the USA. All rights reserved. No part of this course
may be reproduced in any form including photocopying, or recording, or
by any electronic or mechanical means including information or storage
and retrieval systems, without express written permission from the publisher,
except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.
1. Drawing 2. Art 3. Self Help 4. Art Therapy
ISBN: 978-1-887823-52-4
Proudly printed in the USA
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books
Plus 2and
Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
by Sandra
copy atPuss
Art on
'n Boot by Sandra Angelo © 2012
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
May not be reproduced in any format. © 2012
Excerpt from Home Study Course
Part One: Sessions with
Colored Pencil Masters
Grisaille Part 1
With Sandra Angelo
Figure 1.2 © by David Dooley
This Puss 'n Boot Workshop Lesson is an excerpt from
Book Three of Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters:
Projects That Teach Techniques
To purchase the FULL COURSE visit:
Table of Contents
Understanding the Muse - Master Sandra Angelo
Page 17
Workshop Project with Angelo
Under Painting with the Blender Over Grisaille
Page 23
Step by Step Instructions for "Puss 'n Boot" with Sandra Angelo
Combining Under Painting with Grisaille
Page 25
Grisaille of Puss 'n Boot
Page 26
Page 35
More Courses
Page 36
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
Grab your copy at
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Understanding the Muse
Master Sandra Angelo
Assignment: Book Three
Week Three: Day One
Read Pages 17-24
Where does inspiration
come from?
It was an unusually blistering hot summer day in
San Diego's Balboa Park and even with sandals,
my feet felt scorched by the sizzling sidewalk. I
was rushing from the Organ Pavilion to the
closest drinking fountain trying to quell my
parched thirst when I tripped and landed smack
dab in front of a wire metal cage.
I found myself face to face with two teeny kittens
whose weak pitiful mews explained their dilemma.
The sun was beating down on their uncovered
wire mesh cage. Parched, they were panting like
dogs who had just finished a marathon.
Between weak meows, the bigger one was
gnawing frantically on the wire trying to pry open
the door of their prison.
I reached around the cage and tapped a rotund
lady on the back. "I wonder Ma'am, how long since
these kittens have had water?"
Figures 1.23 & 24 Those who
enjoy the love of a pet experience a
friendship that is akin to family.
I couldn't walk away.
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Grab your copy at
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
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A grumpy, greasy face spun around, pausing
momentarily in the midst of her sticky
barbeque chicken.
"Are them ratty cats screamin' again? Floyd,
dump some water on that there cage to get
those crazy beasts to pipe down."
My hand instinctively grabbed the latch on the
molten cage, and boldly snatched the tiny
critters, intuitively stuffing them in my
Figures 1.25 Like all cats, once I
brought them home, Jazz and
Jazzmine pretty much took over the
house. Now they give me orders.
"I hope you don't mind," I courageously declared
to their captor, "but I'd like to take these kittens
home with me."
Interpreting her brief head nodding as an
assent, I shot off to the drinking fountain and
filled a sawed off paper cup with cool, fresh
water, letting the parched kitties lap up enough
liquid to fill a thirsty camel's hump. Laying
down leftovers from my lunch on a red polka dot
bandana, I watched as they hungrily polished
off every crumb.
Figures 1.27 Jazz and Jazzmine
love to sleep with me every night
and I'm lucky if I get one corner of
the bed!
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
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I was on my way to meet my ten cousins at an
outdoor theater and the sleepy stowaways
snuggled into a pocket in my backpack. That
night when we all curled up on my down
pillows, it was as if we'd always been family.
Figures 1. 26 The couch is Jazz's
command post.
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Jazz and his sister Jazzmine have been my kin
ever since, and every night I curl up in a wad of
fur as they pure a grateful lullaby that lulls me
to sleep.
I've always been a sucker for animals. Growing
up in a mud hut in the Belgian Congo's deep
jungle, I had a menagerie of pets: cats, dogs,
guinea pigs, chameleons, monkeys, and even a
baby deer.
Having grown up in the primitive Ituri forest
amongst natives who are "real," I find myself
searching for the same African authenticity I
found in the Congo. In this country, I mainly find
that raw sweetness in children and critters.
While I absolutely love the USA, there are a few
things I have never gotten used to--preoccupation
with beauty and the belief that the trappings of
money, fame and good looks make you special
and worthy of adulation.
Figures 1.28-30 Above: Critters are
Critters love everyone who has a kind heart and
they know which folks are the good ones. Unlike
humans, you don't need to be rich or pretty to
earn their friendship; just offer them a few
scraps from your chicken dinner, and you're
bonded for life.
With animals, you get none of that.
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Grab your copy at
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
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Further, with critters, what you see is what you
get. They never reach for lipstick or comb their
hair when you point a camera at them.
Since I experience pure authenticity in children,
animals (and old people,) that's what I draw....not
because I decided to draw them, but because my
heart is attracted to the same genuineness I
experienced in the jungle.
When I witness laughs that bubble up from the
belly, unbridled bouncy excitement over a car ride,
and loyal bona fide friendship, my hand just starts
to move, recording those emotions. Because I listen
to my heart, while I draw, my mind basks in those
feelings and my brain sorta "purrs."
While emotion is eschewed by the top media and
museums in the USA, I could care less. I
bodaciously make sentiment the main focus of my
work. Unabashed passions manifest in my drawing,
writing, relationships and even in my business
dealings. You see, who you are pervades your world
and spills into your art-- if you listen to your quiet
internal voice. When your heart begins to sing, your
hands just wanna dance!
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
Grab your copy at
Figures 1.31-33 I believe it's
not a coincidence that the only
two sources of unconditional
love have the same three
letters D-O-G and G-O-D.
Why am I telling you this? I want to help you
uncover your authentic self. Understanding unlocks
your internal guide and gives her permission to
speak her mind. Instead of letting a culture dictate
your art, you can draw what you want... and who
cares what the critics think!
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Why are you seeing mainly photos here?
Both my home and business burned on the day
that San Diego lost 2,300+ homes to a massive
wildfire. I lost 900 pieces of art (which is why
these pages have more pictures than art.) I've
spent several years recreating black and white art
for graphite home study courses but I'm just now
getting around to redoing my colored pencil
For this lesson, I decided to draw a kitten from my
cousin's ranch. It had crawled into a boot that
matched its fur and I couldn't resist its blatant
cuteness. I'm using that photo to help me
demonstrate a new method I invented--under
painting over grisaille. This technique will save
you gobs of time so turn the page and let's get
Figure 1.35 Some folks can't go
anywhere without their best friend.
Figure 1.34 The bond between my cousin Juliana and her dog is priceless.
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Grab your copy at
Figure 1.36 I take photos of dogs
and cats all over the world and I
ask my students to shoot the same
kind of pictures for me. Here I am
in Paris, photographing a dog who
was lounging in the doorway
where Voltaire used to live.
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
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Puss 'n Boot
with Grisaille
Figure 1.37 Puss ' Boots by Sandra Angelo © 2012
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
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Puss 'n
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Workshop Project with
Master Sandra Angelo
Under Painting with a Blender
Sometimes your life is really busy and you don't have a lot of time to devote
to one piece of art. In that case, you look for methods that speed up your
drawing process without compromising quality.
Here's good news for busy
artists.You can cut your
drawing time 50-70% by
simply sketching on colored
paper. However, some
subjects (like Figure 1.38)
won't work on a colored
ground because there are so
many different hues.
Figure 1.38 © by Master Richard Thompson Thompson used a colored
marker to apply the lightest hue in each section of the landscape. Once
the paper was stained, he applied colored pencil over the collage of
colored grounds. This cut his drawing time by about 70%!
Note: I don't use colored markers for under painting because their
pigments are not lightfast; they will fade over time. Still, his method is
similar to what I'm about to show you. I use a colorless marker with
colored pencils. The archival pencil pigments supply the color.
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Grab your copy at
This Master Richard
Thompson, wanted the
richness that a colored paper
would provide, but he knew
that if he used a blue paper it
would dull the oranges.
Drawing this scene on an
orange paper would sully the
blues, so under painting was
the perfect solution.
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Given the choice I'd always use a
colored paper because you don't have to
stain your paper in each section.
However, some subjects lend themselves
to using one colored ground and some
don't. For example in Figure 1.40, it
makes sense to use a colored paper
because the kitten is gray and the pink
ribbon retains its brilliance even when
drawn on gray.
To determine whether you can use a
colored ground or not, pretest by
creating color charts with all your
colored pencils on all colored papers you
might use. When you start a drawing,
Figure 1.39 Shadow's Nap by Sandra Angelo
© 1993 Since the majority of this subject is white,
it made sense to use a blender to under paint the
vase and the cat.
refer to these charts to see which
work well for each subject.
These charts will also tell you when
you can't use a certain pencil hue on
a colored ground. In that case, draw
the object on white paper and under
paint with the blender.
Figure 1.40 Surprise by Sandra Angelo © 1993
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
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Let's learn how that's done.
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
Assignment: Book Three
Step One
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Transfer grisaille (Page 26) to
Sandra's white paper
Week Three:
Day Two
Materials List:
Sandra's Favorite White Paper
Colorless Blender Marker
Derwent Pencil Blender
Colored Pencils: If you don't have
the exact pencils, match your pencils to
the swatches below:
White P 938
Cream P 914
Raw Sienna D 5800
Burnt Yellow Ochre D 6000
Light Peach P 927
Pale Vermillion D1300
Mineral Orange P 1033
Pumpkin Orange P 1032
Figure 1.41 Here is the photo I used for this project.
Tuscan Red V 746.5
Turquoise Green D 40
Non Photo Blue P 919
Slate Gray P 936
Indigo Blue V 741
Dark Green P 908
Dark Umber V 756
Warm Gray 10% P 1050
Colored Pencil Codes: P= Prismacolor,
V= Verithin, D= Derwent
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
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TIP: To save money, photo copy the drawing onto cheap
copy paper until you are satisfied that the values are
correct. Then use Sandra's Favorite White Paper for your
final copy that you will use for your drawing.
Cerulean Blue V 741.5
Using a ink jet photo copier, transfer the graphite
rendering on Page 26 onto "Sandra's Favorite White
Colored Pencil Paper." (This white paper is fabulous for
colored pencil because it will accept layer upon layer
upon layer.) Be sure not to get the copy too light or too
dark. Your photocopy should match the drawing on Page
26. (Note: My copier was malfunctioning so my grisaille
transfer (on page 27) is lighter than I'd like. The
disadvantage is that I'll have to build more of the values
with my pencils, increasing my drawing time.
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Grab your copy at
Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo&
David Dooley
Book Three
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colored pencil where
you want to stain the paper.
Week Three
Day Two
Sandra's BRAND NEW
Time Saving Technique
Combine two methods to save
even more time:
1. Underpaint with a blender to
create a collage of colored
2. Use a grisaille (value study)
underneath to punch up the
volume and create depth.
Figure 1.43 Step Two
Begin by layering Raw Sienna over
the kitten's face in all the areas that
have orange fur. (I only under paint the
areas that are colored, saving the white
of the paper for my highlights.)
Note: I've never seen anyone combine these methods before; grisaille and under painting
with a collage of colored grounds. I invented this method as a double time saver; a full value
study and colored swatches under your drawing will slash your drawing time by 50-70%.
By using a graphite rendering under my colored pencil layers, I save a lot of time
because this grisaille furnishes the values I need to create a full bodied piece.
By creating a collage of colored grounds, I cut down on the number of colored pencil
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
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Another benefit: I love to draw with graphite because I can resolve the entire drawing
equation with just 12 pencils. When I add the color, all I have to focus on is getting the
colors right.
Step Three
Assignment Book Three
Part One:
with Colored
Masters - Book Three: Grisaille
Week Exercises
Three Day Two
with colorless blender marker
Color the kitten's head with
Burnt Yellow Ochre (in the
places where the fur is brighter).
Don't worry about your strokes
because you will blend this with
the colorless marker. Use the
small end of the marker to blend
the colored pencil into the pores
of the paper, staining the paper.
Now, instead of white
flecks showing through
your colored pencil
drawing, colored paper
will shine through
making both transparent
and burnished layers
more full bodied.
Note: You use the large
end of the marker to
cover big areas and the
smaller tip for detail.
Why Use this Method?
When you don't use colored patches on your white paper, you have to build layer,
upon layer, upon layer of colored pencil to achieve rich hues. That takes so long! This
technique is a huge time saver, and for those of us who are busy, that's great news.
Figure 1.44 Step Three
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
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Step Four
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo&
David DooleyBook Three
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- not
up layersin of
Week Three
Day Three
Boot Cuff - Layer pencil under painting
Figure 1.45 Step Four
Kitten's Fur: Layer pencils in
this order: Pumpkin Orange.
Burnt Yellow Ochre, and
Raw Sienna. Add Cream to lightest
white areas on face to warm it up.
Use a tad of Dark Umber in the
shadows. Keep your pencils really
sharp so the fur will look wispy.
Kitten's Nose & Mouth:
Use Pale Vermillion and Light Peach.
Kitten's Eyes: In the Iris, use
Non Photo Blue, Cerulean Blue,
and Turquoise Green.
In the pupil, use Indigo Blue. Be really careful to save the white of the paper for the
highlights in the eyes. If you mess up, you can add the white highlights later with your
Opaque White Highlighter and a tiny detail brush.
Boot Cuff: Layer Indigo Blue over the darkest areas of the cuff to prepare for your under
painting with the colorless marker. Leave the paper white where you will apply the
highlights. Be sure to dodge the whiskers as they will need to stay white; (or paint them
in later with your Opaque White Highlighter and a detail brush),
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
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TIP: I really like Verithin pencils for small drawings like this because the hard leads stay
very sharp, allowing me to fiddle with minutiae. Because this white paper is a bit
textured, the edges of your colors can get a tiny bit ragged. (Only a persnickety Realist
like me would care.) With the Verithin pencils I'm able to crisp up the edges of each hue.
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Close up of Kitten
Figure 1.46 To make
it easier to see the
details in the kitten's
face, I've provided
you with a close up.
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
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Step Five
Book Three
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo&
David Dooley
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Boot Cuff - Blend colored pencil
with colorless marker
Figure 1.47 Step Five
Week Three
Day Four
Use Slate
Gray for
the medium
TIP: The kitten's eyes
are brown in the photo
but I changed them to
blue. Why? Because
blue is the compliment
of orange and it will
cause the eyes to stand
When you use
complimentary colors
next to each other, you
maximize the brilliance
of both hues.
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
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Boot Cuff: Use a colored pencil blender marker over the Indigo Blue to push the pigment
into the pores of the paper. Use Slate Gray for the medium toned highlights on the boot cuff.
Step Part
SixOne: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Brown Portion of the Boot - Under paint each area with colored pencils,
then use blender marker. Layer colored pencil on top blended patches.
Figure 1.48 Step Six
Boot: Apply a layer of Raw
Sienna colored pencil over
the boot and then use a blender
marker to push this pigment
into the pores of the paper.
Then layer with the
following colored pencils in
areas where you see darks,
medium tones and lights: Burnt
Yellow Ochre, Pumpkin
Orange, and Mineral Orange.
Tongue of the Boot: Under paint
with Burnt Yellow Ochre. Then
layer with the following colored pencils:
Burnt Yellow Ochre, Pumpkin Orange,
Mineral Orange, and Tuscan Red plus a tad of Dark Umber in the darker areas.
Shoelace Eyelet: Indigo Blue, Slate Gray, and White. Some of the eyelets in the shadow area
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Grab your copy at
Shoelaces: Cream and Burnt Yellow Ochre.
need the following: Dark Umber, Burnt Yellow Ochre, White.
Step Seven
Colored Pencil
Sessions paint
with the Masters
- Sandra Angelo&
David Dooley
- Under
sole of
Book Three
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the boot and the shadow. Then layer
Week Three Day Five
colored pencil on top.
Figure 1.49 Step Seven
Use Slate Gray to under paint
the sole. Use Indigo Blue to
underpaint the shadow and the
shadowed portion of the sole.
Use the colorless blender marker
to push these pigments into the
pores of the paper.
Sole: Colored Pencil Layering
On top of your under painting, layer
Slate Gray, Indigo Blue, and
Warm Gray 10%. In the dark area of
the sole apply Indigo Blue.
Burnish* the light and medium tones
of the sole with White. Use the Derwent
blender to meld all hues in the sole.
Shadow: Colored Pencil Layering
Build a strong shadow with Indigo Blue, Tuscan Red,
and Dark Green. Begin and end with Indigo Blue.
*How to Burnish: When you want your drawing to look more like a painting, you can
burnish the hues, either with a colorless blender pencil or by pressing hard when you
layer your colored pencils, so that the pencil hues meld together.
Here are a few burnishing tips. Begin with gentle pressure and layer your hues
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
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first. Then come back with the same sequence of pencils, pressing harder and harder until
the paper disappears. Alternatively, you can use the Derwent blending tool to meld the
hues together. That's what I did here.
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Boot (below kitten's face)
Dust with compliment.
Assignment Book Three
Week Three
Day Six
Use Burnt Yellow Ochre to dust*
pigment over everything on the
shadowed side of the boot: the blue
cuff, the boot, the sole and even the
shadow. These colors need to be
duller and darker than the top of the
boot because they are in shadow. This
complimentary colored pencil dulls
the blues and darkens the rust hues.
After dusting with Burnt Yellow
Ochre, dust the same area with
Pumpkin Orange.
Then use the Derwent Blender to
meld colors together. In the white
cutout, you can see the effects of
dusting (before I burnished the pencil
strokes). Burnishing helps the pencil
lines to disappear and makes the
drawing look more like a painting.
Compare Figure 1.48 and 1.49. Notice
that the sole looks grayer now that I
added the complimentary color.
Novices who haven't taken my Color
Theory Course might pick up any
gray pencil to draw this sole, not
realizing that there are many shades
of gray. If you use the wrong gray,
your color harmony will go awry.
color up to make it brighter, use a sharp pencil on an angle to lightly cover that entire area
with one hue. Dust all the colors: light, medium and dark.
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Grab your copy at
*Definition of Dusting: When you need to tone an area down with its compliment or liven a
Figure 1.50 Step Eight
Final: Puss 'n Boot
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
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If you enjoyed these two projects, visit
to find more colored pencil courses
with Sandra Angelo
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
Grab your copy at
Figure 1.51 Puss 'n Boot by Sandra Angelo © 2012
with -the
Part One: needed
Sessions withfor
Pencil Masters
Book Masters
Three: Grisaille Exercises
The exact supplies for each project are always listed at the front of the project.
If you have the materials on this list, you will most likely have what you need for any project.
Colored Pencil Basic Supplies
Transfer paper & Tracing Paper KIT
Battery eraser (only tool that erases colored pencil) + Kneaded eraser + 70 refills
White Highlighter
Goat hair dust brush
Sandra’s Favorite BAGfolio (portable studio)
Pencil Sets
Sandra’s Favorite Basic Colored Pencils (3 types) - Set of 70
_____ 123.95
Get this set with 3 pencil brands so that you can start your project the day your course arrives.
This set contains the best hues from three brands of pencils so you don't have to spend the money
to buy all three sets and end up with a bunch of colors you would never use. We wanted to keep the
cost fairly low so not every pencil Sandra will ever use is in this set. Even if you already have
pencils don't worry as these are consumable so you will use them up.
Sandra's Favorite Blending Tools for Colored Pencils
Two each- Blender Marker, Two kinds of Blender Pencils + Burnishing Tool, Succulent White _____ 37.97
Colored Pencil Paper
Sandra's Favorite Colored Pencil Papers Sampler- 3 each of 7 colors
_____ 29.97
Each paper packet below contains 24 or 25 sheets of that color
Packet of White Paper
Packet of Black Paper
Packet of Bisque Paper
Packet of Hemp Paper
Packet of Amber Paper
Packet of Blue Paper
Packet of Green Paper
All 7 colored paper packets
SAVE when you buy FULL SET
Color Corrected Light (helps you keep colors consistent day & night)
CA Res. add 7.75% Sales Tax:
SH $10.97 for $100 or less; Over $100 add 10% for SH:
Price and availability subject to change.
_____ 29.97
_____ 29.97
_____ 29.97
_____ 29.97
_____ 29.97
_____ 29.97
_____ 29.97
_____ 197.00
_____ 89.97
Three Ways to ORDER:
1. Online:
2. Call:
3. Mail:
Discover Art
Like MonetCredit
in a Day®
- How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
Card #_______________________________________________
PO BOX 124889
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Grab your copy at
San Diego, CA 92112
Four Courses
Colored Pencilwith
with the Masters
- Sandra Angelo& Order
David Dooley
Take Book
May not be reproduced in any format. © 2012
To buy these courses visit:
Hooked on Colored Pencil?
Colored Pencil Library: Methods of the Masters
160 page Award Winning Textbook:
o Exploring Colored Pencil
Plus 3 DVD workshops:
Getting Started with Colored Pencils
Special Effects with Colored Pencils
Create with Colored Pencil on Wood
Dynamic Colored Pencil Portraits
Home Study Course
9 Step-by-step Workbooks
Daily 30 Minute Lessons: Hair: Blond, Black, Brown,
Eyes: Blue, Green, Brown, Skin: White, Brown, Black
Plus: How to take great photos for dynamic portraits,
Award winning composition secrets and more
Plus DVD workshop
• Easy Colored Pencil Portraits
Paint Like Monet in a Day® with Colored Pencil
Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
30-Day Home Study Course
3 Step-by-step Workbooks
Plus 2 DVD workshops:
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
Grab your copy at
• Build a Nature Sketchbook
• Discover Watercolor Pencils
Part One:
Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
To Order visit:
Enjoyed this Colored Pencil
Workshop? Order the ENTIRE Course:
Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters:
Projects That Teach Techniques
3 Books
o Book One: Masters' Methods &
o Book Two: Features 10 TOP Colored
Pencil Masters - How did they do
o Book Three: Two Step by Step
Plus 2 Companion DVDs
Weak drawing skills?
Learn to Draw FAST
Draw 101 Home Study Course
150-page workbook: Daily 30 Minute Lessons
Plus 3 companion DVDS:
1. Drawing Basics
2. The Easy Way to Draw Landscapes
3. 7 Common Drawing Mistakes & How
to Correct Them
Trouble mixing colors?
Color Theory Made Really Easy
Home Study Course
Daily 30 Minute Lessons arrive in mail
(workbooks and DVD)
o 6 Step by step workbooks
Paint o
Monet workshop:
in a Day® - HowColor
to DrawTheory
Radiant Flowers
Made& Shimmering Water
3 Books Plus 2 companion DVDs… Colored Pencil Sessions with Masters Sandra Angelo & David Dooley
Really Easy
Grab your copy at
Book Four Colored Pencil Sessions with the Masters - Sandra Angelo& David Dooley
May not be reproduced in any format. © 2012
If you’d like to book
Sandra Angelo for a:
TV appearance
Week-long or Weekend
Private Tutoring Session in Your Home
Art Travel Tour
Private Art Lessons
Commissioned Portraits
Jury an Art Show
Manufacturer Consultations
Product Endorsements
Art Travel Tour of Paris, France
Contact the
Discover Art office:
Paint Like Monet in a Day® workshop in the garden
Art Workshop
in Venice Italy
Art Tour: London, England
Colored Pencil Methods of the Masters - Colored Pencil Library with Award Winning textbook
Plus 4 companion DVD workshops… Insider secrets from Masters at 10 Colored Pencil Symposiums:
Sandra Angelo on abc TV's Good Morning Texas
your copy
Sandra Angelo on set
& Photo
San Diego Safari Park
Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Sandra Angelo
Part One: Sessions with Colored Pencil Masters - Book Three: Grisaille Exercises
Project: Underpainting & Grisaille
7 Day Colored Pencil Workshop
Skip Years of Agonizing Mistakes
Master Art in DAYS instead of DECADES!
Introducing Colored Pencil Sessions with Top Masters
Executive Director Sandra Angelo has been hosting
International Colored Pencil Symposiums with the
world's top Masters for 11 years, so
About the Author
Fellowship Award
Recipient from Rhode
Island School of Design,
Sandra Angelo specializes
in making art so easy that
absolutely anyone can
succeed...really FAST.
Credentials and awards
Now we bring the Masters to you!
It's like attending Art School in your PJs!
Two Options:
• Self Guided Course - Study on Your Own
OR Feedback While You Learn
• Course + Access to the Master
Curl up in your easy chair
Follow the step-by-step instructions for projects
Post your work for daily feedback
Masters' daily critiques, tips, shortcuts and encouragement
Learn from other students all over the world
No need to rearrange your schedule
Access to a Master 24/7 for duration of workshop
Paint Like Monet in a Day® - How to Draw Radiant Flowers & Shimmering Water
3 Books
Plus 2other
Pencil Sessions
Masters Sandra Angelo
& David
To order
Study with
your copy at