01 33 00 Shop Drawing Submittal


SECTION 01 33 00




A. This section includes administrative and procedural requirements for submittals required for performance of the work, including but not limited to the following:.

2. Contractor’s construction schedule including schedule of values.

3. Daily construction reports

6. Samples

8. Quality assurance submittals

9. Performance and Payment Bonds

11. Application for payment

12. Certified payroll reports

13. Partial and Final receipt of Payment and Release Forms


A. Coordination Drawings show the relationship and the integration of different construction elements that require careful coordination during fabrication or installation to fit in the space provided or to function as intended.

B. Preparation of coordination drawing is specified in Division 1 Section “Coordination” and may include components previously shown on Shop Drawings of Product Data.

C. Field Samples are full size physical examples erected to illustrate finishes, coatings, or finish materials. Field Samples are used to establish the standard by which the work will be judged.

Samples may not be returned to the contractor.

D. Mockups are full size assemblies for review of construction, coordination, testing, or operation; they are not samples. Mockups may not be returned to the contractor.

A. Work included: To insure that the specified products are furnished and installed in accordance with the design intent, these procedures have been established in advance for electronic and hard copy submittals for review by the Architect/Engineer.

B. The contractor shall comply with the General and Supplemental Conditions and other applicable sections of the Contract Documents. The contractor shall submit, with such promptness as to cause no delay in his work or in that of any other contractors, all required submittals. Coordinate the preparation and processing of submittals with the performance of construction activities.

Transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of performance of construction activities to avoid delay.

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1. Coordinate each submittal with fabrication, purchasing, testing, delivery, other submittals, and related activities that require sequential activity.

2. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related elements of the Work so processing will not be delayed by the need to review submittals concurrently for coordination.

a. The Architect/Engineer reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until all related submittals are received.

C. Processing: To avoid the need to delay installation as a result of the time required to process submittals, allow sufficient time for submittal review, including time for re-submittals if necessary.

1. Allow 2 weeks for the initial review. Allow additional time if the Architect/Engineer must delay processing to permit coordination with subsequent submittals.

2. If an intermediate submittal is necessary, process the same as the initial submittal.

3. Allow 2 weeks for reprocessing each submittal.

4. No extension of time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals to the

Construction Manager and Architect/Engineer sufficiently in advance of the work to permit processing.

D. The official date of the submittal shall be the later receipt date of either the Hard Copy or the

Electronic Copy of the submittal whichever is latest.

A. After acceptance of the Contractor’s Construction Schedule, the contractor shall prepare a complete schedule of submittals. Submit the schedule within 15 days of the Notice to Proceed.

This schedule will be used to set up the electronic monitoring and management of the timely submission and review of all submittals and shop drawings for this project.

B. One hard copy and one electronic copy of each shall be submitted as indicated below. The contractor shall be responsible to follow the procedure as indicated. Submit newly prepared information drawn accurately to scale. Highlight, encircle, or otherwise indicate deviations from the Contract Documents. Do not reproduce Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings. Standard information without specific reference to the Project is not a Shop Drawing. Shop Drawings include fabrication and installation drawings, setting diagrams, schedules, patterns, templates, and similar drawings. Include the following information:

1. Dimensions

2. Identification of products and materials included by sheet and detail number

3. Compliance with specified standards

4. Notation of coordination requirements

5. Notation of dimensions established by field measurements

C. If electronic submission of Shop Drawings is not possible, the Contractor shall submit eight (8) copies (hard copies) to the offices of the Architect/Engineer.

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1. Contractor shall submit 1 (one) copy of each sheet of shop drawings.

2. Standard mass produced items may be catalog cuts. Submit 1 (one) copy of each.

3. Mock-ups, samples, or on-site sample panels shall be as described herein or as required within the specification section for a particular product, material, application, erection, or installation.

1. At the pre-construction meeting, the contractor will be given a username and password to gain access to the submittal page on the MKC Web Site. All shop drawing submittals shall be named according to the specification section number the submittal is requested. Additional submittals will contain -1 or -2 etc. following the section number

(001300-1, 001300-2).

2. Contractor shall upload the electronic copy of the shop drawing in PDF format to the

MKC FTP site utilizing the username and password supplied to the contractor at the preconstruction meeting. If any changes, comments, or modifications are required after the contractor has posted documents to the FTP site, the contractor shall resubmit the revised document in similar fashion to the MKC FTP site. Should the contractor have any questions or problems with this process, contact MKC at 1-877-652-1102 or email to esdquestions@mkcinc.com


3. The Contractor shall issue an email to the project team stating that a shop drawing has been posted to the FTP site provided at the pre-construction meeting.

4. MKC will issue an email to the contractor informing them that we have received the submittal. MKC will post the submittal to the MKC web site for access by the owner and contractor. The Contractor shall check the shop drawing log at this location for the status of the shop drawing review.

5. The Contractor shall download the reviewed shop drawing and make all of the necessary copies for distribution.

F. Reviews: The review of shop drawings, cut sheets, and schedules by the Architect/Engineer will be general and shall be understood to mean that the Architect/Engineer has no objection to the use of materials or processes shown. The Architect/Engineer's review shall not relieve the

Contractor of responsibility for errors omissions and deviations from the contract requirements.


A. Submit full-size, fully fabricated Samples cured and finished as specified and physically identical with the material or product proposed. Samples include partial sections of manufactured or fabricated components, cuts or containers of materials, color range sets, and swatches showing color, texture, and pattern.


A. Submit quality-control submittals, including design data, certifications, manufacturer's instructions, manufacturer's field reports, and other quality-control submittals as required under other Sections of the Specifications.


A. Submit all required manufacturer’s operating instructions, maintenance/service manuals and warranties in accordance with the General and Supplemental Conditions and other sections of the Contract Documents.

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A. Shop Drawings: Make all Shop Drawings accurately to a scale sufficiently large enough to show all pertinent aspects of the item and its method of connection to the Work.

B. Contractor's approval: All shop drawings, cut sheets, and schedules submitted shall bear the stamp and date of approval of contractor as evidence that the information has been checked and approved by the contractor. Correction of dimensions, location of various item encroachments on the work of other contractors or subcontractors or variations from the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be made or corrected by the Contractor. Failure to approve, note and correct submissions of shop and coordination drawings will result in their immediate return.

C. Re-submissions of shop drawings: Re-submission of any shop drawing, product data, or samples, the contractor shall make any corrections or changes noted on previous submittals and re-submit as specified for the initial submittal by utilizing a “– R1 ” affixed to the end of the file name (i.e.224000-1-R1.pdf). The Architect/Engineer will review only that portion of the resubmitted shop drawing that was so noted on the previous submittal. The Contractor is not to revise any other portion of the re-submittal. If the Contractor wishes to revise any portion of a reviewed submittal, it must be clearly noted and treated as a new submittal. The

Architect/Engineer is not obligated to review resubmitted material.

D. The Contractor shall reference the details on shop drawings to the sheet, details, schedule, or room numbers shown on the Construction Documents.

E. When submitting manufacturer’s standard schematic drawings and diagrams, the Contractor shall modify the documents to delete information which is not applicable to the Work and supplement the standard information specifically applicable to the Work.

F. Mock-ups will be removed by the Contractor when directed by the Architect/Engineer.

G. The Contractor shall notify the Architect/Engineer in writing at the time of the submittal of any deviations in the submittal from the Construction Documents. Review of any submittal containing a deviation from the Construction Documents does not relieve the Contractor of complying with the Construction Documents in all respects unless the deviation is specifically approved in writing by the Architect/Engineer.

H. The Contractor shall not begin fabrication until all specified submittal procedures have been fulfilled.


A. Accuracy of samples: Samples shall be of the precise article proposed to be furnished

B. Quantity of samples required: Unless otherwise specified, submit all samples as specified within each specification section.

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A. Review required: The Contract is based on the standards of quality established in the Contract

Documents. All products proposed for use, including those specified by required attributes and performance shall require review by the Architect/Engineer before being incorporated into the

Work. Do not substitute materials, equipment, or methods unless such substitutions have been specifically approved for this Work by the Architect/Enginee r.

B. "Or Equal": Where the phrase "or equal" or "or equal as approved by the Architect/Engineer" occurs in the Contract Documents, do not assume that materials, equipment or methods will be approved as equal unless the item has been specifically approved for this Work by the

Architect/Engineer. The decision of the Architect/Engineer shall be final.


A. General: review by the Architect/Engineer shall not be construed as a complete check, but only the general method of construction and detailing is satisfactory. Review shall not relieve the

Contractor from responsibility for errors which may exist.

B. Authority to proceed: The notations "Reviewed" or "Furnish as Corrected" authorize the

Contractor to proceed with fabrication, purchase, or both, of the items so noted, subject to the revisions, if any, required by the Architect/Engineer's review comments. The notations “Submit

Specified Item” or “Rejected” do not authorize the contractor to proceed but rather requires the contractor to resubmit the shop drawing in compliance with the construction documents.

C. Revisions: Make all revisions required by the Architect/Engineer. If the Contractor considers any required revisions to be a change, they shall so notify the Architect/Engineer as provided for under "Changes" in the General Conditions. Show each drawing revision by number, date, and subject in a revision block on the drawing. Make only those revisions directed or reviewed by the Architect/Engineer.

D. Revisions after review: When a submittal has been reviewed by the Architect/Engineer, resubmittal for substitution of materials or equipment will not be considered unless accompanied by an acceptable explanation as to why the substitution is necessary.


A. This Electronic Copy submittal process is internet-based and requires no special software or downloading of programs of any type. However this process does require the contractor to have the ability to upload and download documents in a PDF format to the locations indicated herein .

B. Submittals Initiation & Upload

1. The submittal shall be uploaded to the MKC FTP site.

2. All uploaded submittals shall include a transmittal with the following information b. Responsible Individuals Name d. Company Telephone Number

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SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS e. Responsible Individuals Phone Number or Extension f. Responsible Individuals Email Address g. Standard transmittal information including but not limited to the description of the transmitted item, actions taken, project name etc. h. Specification section number followed by -1, -2 or -3 etc.

3. Creation of the up loadable file for the MKC FTP site. a. Create one (1) PDF submittal document with the file name provided for each submittal. Each submittal document shall include all pages associated with that submittal.

4. Upload the Submittal to the MKC FTP site a. Using Internet Explorer, enter the following address: ftp://www.mkcinc.com

b. Enter the username and password that you are given at the pre-construction meeting. Click on the “log-on” button. If you are using IE 10 or 11 you will click on

“ View ” from the menu bar and then click on “ Open FTP site in Windows

Explorer ”. You will need to enter the username and password a second time that will open the folder in the proper location for your file to be uploaded. c. Upload your appropriately named PDF file into the established project sub-folder on the server, the usual method is to copy and paste your PDF file into the MKC

FTP site project folder. d. Files larger than 2MB should be compressed/zipped before uploading them to improve the file transfer process.

C. At the successful completion of the upload, send an email the MKC project team to notify them that an electronic shop drawing has been posted. Failure to comply will result in delay of the process to review the submittal. Send the email to 13-173B @mkcinc.com


D. Once the shop drawing is uploaded to the MKC FTP Site ( ftp://www.mkcinc.com

), the

Architect/Engineer will send an email to the contractor stating that a shop drawing has been received and posted on the web site. It is the contractor’s responsibility to check the web site for the final reviewed shop drawing. The final reviewed electronic shop drawing can then be downloaded, printed or saved to the location selected by the Contractor. The contractor shall print the necessary copies for distribution as required.

E. During the review of the electronic submittal, the Architect/Engineer will identify any needed notations or revision marks and will affix an electronic stamp indicating that the shop drawing is either Reviewed, Furnish as Corrected, Revise and Resubmit, Submit Specified Item or

Rejected. The Architect/Engineer will then update the electronic copy on the MKC website. If the shop drawing has been noted as “Reviewed” or “Furnish as Corrected”, the indicated corrections or revisions shall be addressed and followed by the contractor. If the shop drawing has been noted as “Rejected” “Submit Specified Item” or “Revise and Resubmit”, the contractor shall resubmit to comply with the construction documents using the same specification number used on the rejected shop drawing submittal followed by “-R1” or “-R2” etc., signifying the resubmitted attempt.

F. MKC will maintain the shop drawing log, indicating receipt dates, review dates, review status and distribution dates. Submittal status will be identified with the addition on( -1) at the end of the uploaded submittal.

G. The shop drawing can be viewed on the MKC Web site at the following address: http://www.mkcinc.com/ftp/project-name. The shop drawing log can be viewed by the owner, the contractor, the construction manager at any time by following the http link provided at the preconstruction meeting.


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