Johnston Middle School Lesson Plan 2014 Subject: ELA - Grade 6 Unit 4: Informational Nonfiction: Persuasive Unit: ELPS TEKS Student Objective (The students will) Week Of: Teaching, Reteaching, Enrichment, Assessment Activities -continuation Common Assessment Plan a first draft by determining -continuation appropriate topics through a range of strategies. Plan a first read two opposing arguments on the question “Should States draft by developing a thesis. Ban Junk Food in Schools?” Mon. Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational analyze the literary elements used in those arguments strategy to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of compare and contrast the two arguments ✔ writing. analyze the author's craft in passages from the essays. Revise drafts to clarify meaning,enhance style, and improve write a persuasive essay by planning, drafting, revising, editing, transitions by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging and publishing individual work. -continuation sentences or larger units of text after rethinking how well -continuation read two opposing arguments on the question “Should States 74.4(c)(1) questions purpose, audience, and genre have been Plan a firstofdraft by determining Ban Junk Food in Schools?” (E), (2)(0), addressed. topics through a range of strategies. Plan a first appropriate (2)(1), (3) analyze the literary elements used in those arguments Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. draft by developing a thesis. (B) Tues. compare and contrast the two arguments Revise final draft response feedback from peers. Publish Develop drafts by in choosing antoappropriate organizational analyze the author's craft in passages from the essays. written work for appropriate strategy to create a focused,audiences. organized, and coherent piece of ✔ Write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a write a persuasive essay by planning, drafting, revising, editing, writing. and publishing individual work. specificdrafts audience on specific issues. Revise to clarify meaning,enhance style, and improve Create multi-paragraph essayscombining, to convey information about a transitions by adding, deleting, and rearranging -continuation 74.4(c)(1) -continuation topic. sentences or larger units of text after rethinking how well read two opposing arguments on the question “Should States (E), (2)(0), 6.14(B), Plan apersuasive firstofdraft by determining Write essays for appropriate audiences that questions purpose, audience, and genre have been 6.14(C) (2)(1), (3) appropriate topics through a range of strategies. a firstand Ban Junk Food in Schools?” establish a position and include sound reasoning,Plan detailed addressed. 6.14(E) (B) analyze the literary elements used in those arguments draft by developing a thesis. relevant evidence, and consideration of alternatives. Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. 6.15 Wed. compare and contrast the two arguments 6.17(A) Develop drafts byinchoosing organizational Write legibly Revise final draft responseantoappropriate feedback from peers. Publish 6.17(D) strategywork to create a focused,audiences. organized, and coherent piece of analyze the author's craft in passages from the essays. written for appropriate ✔ 6.18 writing. Write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a write a persuasive essay by planning, drafting, revising, editing, 6.20 and publishing individual work. Revise drafts to clarify meaning,enhance style, and improve specific audience on specific issues. transitions by adding, deleting, and rearranging Create multi-paragraph essays combining, to convey information about a 6-14(A), 74.4(c)(1) -continuation sentences or larger units of text after rethinking how well topic. -continuation (E), (2)(0), 6.14(B), Plan apersuasive firstofdraft by determining questions purpose, audience, and genre have been Write essays for appropriate audiences that read two opposing arguments on the question “Should States 6.14(C) (2)(1), (3) appropriate topics through a range of strategies. a firstand Ban Junk Food in Schools?” addressed. establish a position and include sound reasoning,Plan detailed 6.14(E) (B) draft by developing a thesis. Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. 6.15 relevant evidence, and consideration of alternatives. analyze the literary elements used in those arguments Thurs. 6.17(A) Develop drafts byinchoosing antoappropriate organizational Revise final draft response feedback from peers. Publish Write legibly compare and contrast the two arguments 6.17(D) strategy to create a focused,audiences. organized, and coherent piece of analyze the author's craft in passages from the essays. written work for appropriate ✔ 6.18 writing. Write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a write a persuasive essay by planning, drafting, revising, editing, 6.20 Revise to clarify meaning,enhance style, and improve specificdrafts audience on specific issues. and publishing individual work. transitions by adding, deleting, and rearranging Create multi-paragraph essays combining, to convey information about a 6-14(A), -continuation 74.4(c)(1) sentences or larger units of text after rethinking how well -continuation topic. 6.14(B), (E), (2)(0), read two opposing arguments on the question “Should States questions purpose, audience, and genre have been Plan apersuasive firstofdraft by determining Write essays for appropriate audiences that 6.14(C) (2)(1), (3) 6.14(E) addressed. appropriate topics through a range of strategies. a firstand Ban Junk Food in Schools?” establish a position and include sound reasoning,Plan detailed (B) 6.15 analyze the literary elements used in those arguments Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. draft by developing a thesis. relevant evidence, and consideration of alternatives. 6.17(A) Fri. compare and contrast the two arguments Revise final draft response feedback from peers. Publish Develop drafts byinchoosing antoappropriate organizational Write legibly 6.17(D) 6.18 written work for appropriate strategy to create a focused,audiences. organized, and coherent piece of analyze the author's craft in passages from the essays. ✔ 6.20 Write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a write a persuasive essay by planning, drafting, revising, editing, writing. and publishing individual work. specificdrafts audience on specific issues. Revise to clarify meaning,enhance style, and improve Common Assessment Create multi-paragraph essays combining, to convey information about a transitions by adding, deleting, and rearranging * This lesson plan addresess individual plans for topic. sentences or larger IEP's units of or textservice after rethinking how wellstudents in specific classes. Write persuasive essays for appropriate audiences that questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been ** Lesson plans are subject to change establish a position and include sound reasoning, detailed and addressed. relevant evidence, and consideration of alternatives. Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Write legibly Revise final draft in response to feedback from peers. Publish written work for appropriate audiences. Write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on specific issues. Create multi-paragraph essays to convey information about a topic. Write persuasive essays for appropriate audiences that establish a position and include sound reasoning, detailed and 74.4(c)(1) (E), (5)(B) 74.4(c)(2) (E), (4)(G) 74.4(c)(5) (FJ P P P P P G G G G G 6.2A 6.19(V) (i) 6-14(A), 6.14(B), 6.14(C) 6.14(E) 6.15 6.17(A) 6.17(D) 6.18 6.2A 6.20 6.19(V) (i) 6-14(A), 6.14(B), 6.14(C) 6.14(E) 6.15 6.17(A) 6.17(D) 6.18 6.20 6-14(A), March 09 - 13, 2015 Resources/Materials Homework -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -Vocabulary for Success -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials None -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -Vocabulary for Success -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials None -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -Vocabulary for Success -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials None -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -Vocabulary for Success -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials None -Texas Writing Coach -Writer's Workplace -HM English Book -Vocabulary for Success -SmartBoard -various supplemental materials None Lock