EMI Debug using a Rohde&Schwarz Oscilloscope Ing. Leonardo Nanetti Businnes Development manager EMI Measurements in different design phases How R&S Products contribute to EMI Measurements Design Prototype R&D • • • Manufacturing Pre-Production • • • Design verifications Specifications Testing Product reviews וTop performance וHigh accuracy וBeyond specs verifications New ESR3/7 Manufacturing Pre-Compliance QA Testing implementation Compliance Test וCISPR16 compliance וHigh speed time domain scan וReal- time spectrum וFast captures of spurious noise וCorrelate time & frequency domain וFast & accurate measurements וEntry level וCombo of EMI test receiver & spectrum וFully automated וPre-certification EMI Test וFast & reliable וHi performance וWide variety of measurements וGood level of accuracy וReliable וMany meas. functions וEntry level EMI-EMC KIT Fastest EMI test receiver - Time domain scan - Real time spectrum - Frequency Mask Trigger - Spectrogram - Persistence Mode וGood level of accuracy וReliable וMany meas. functions 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 2 EMC Applications for Oscilloscopes EMI EMS Radiated Interference Conducted Interference Power Quality EN55011, EN55012, EN55013, EN55014, EN55015, EN55022, CISPR EN55011, EN55012, EN55013, EN55014, EN55015, EN55022, CISPR EN61000-3-2 EN60555-2 EN61000-3-3 EN60555-3 ESD, EFT and Burst Calibration EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-5 EUT Monitoring EN61000-4-3 Power Harmonics Flicker Measurement RTO: An powerful tool for EMI/EMS debugging and precompl. applications 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 3 R&S RTO Digital Oscilloscope ı R&S RTO Product Details # 1. High Signal Fidelity # 2. Leading Acquisition Rate # 3. Unique Digital Trigger 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 4 Created to be unique – RTO oscilloscopes ı Fastest detection of rare signal faults ı High accuracy and Fastest signal acquisition & analysis signal fidelity l Optimized usage of touch screen display l Intuitive user interface l Minimized trigger jitter l New functionalities New benchmark in usability Most innovative trigger system R&S RTO Instrument Structure 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 6 R&S RTO Digital Oscilloscope ı R&S RTO Product Details # 1. High Signal Fidelity # 2. Leading Acquisition Rate # 3. Unique Digital Trigger 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 7 #1 High Signal Fidelity: Convincing Accuracy Low Noise Front End ı Noise floor directly affects the sensitivity of the oscilloscope ı Noise floor is determined by the noise characteristics of the components in the signal path of the front end Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) ADC Front end Layout and shielding ADCs * Specified. Typical lower Front end & Amplifiers Benefit of lower noise: Channel-to-Channel Isolation > 60dB! - Better Test Margin 25/03/2015 Input channels EMI debug using R&S RTO 8 #1 High Signal Fidelity: Convincing Accuracy Single Core ADC ı ADC-Picture RTO Single Core ADC Single-core monolithic 10GS/s ADC vs Multiple ADCs in Single chip > 7 ENOBs ! High Accuracy without using interleaving! 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 9 R&S RTO Digital Oscilloscope ı R&S RTO Product Details # 1. High Signal Fidelity # 2. Leading Acquisition Rate # 3. Unique Digital Trigger 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 10 #2 Market Leading Acquisition Rate ı Sees up to 20x more than traditional oscilloscopes ı => Detect and also analyze rare signal 20x faster 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 11 #2 Market Leading Acquisition Rate R&S Enabler: RTC ASIC ı An Acquisition ASIC with high integration level (14 million gates) and massive parallel high-speed paths 20x parallel: acquisition block ADC 8 bit, 10 Gbps 20x 8 bit, 500 Mbps 160x 500 Mbps Memory Acquisition 4x parallel: post-processing block Post-Processing Measurement, etc. 4x 8 bit Memory Display R&S® RTC ASIC 90nm technology 14 M gates ASIC 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 12 #2 Market Leading Acquisition Rate Hardware Accelerated Analysis – Fast FFT l FFT based spectrum analysis: powerful & user-friendly l HW overlapping FFT implementation => Very responsive and intensity modulated color display. 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO Mask testing on FFT and correlate with Time Domain Mask violation -> Stop Acquisition 13 R&S RTO Digital Oscilloscope ı R&S RTO Product Details # 1. High Signal Fidelity # 2. Leading Acquisition Rate # 3. Unique Digital Trigger 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 14 #3 Unique Digital Trigger System Challenges of Analog Triggering ı Traditional: Analog trigger => has separate paths for signal and trigger different time-invariant behavior of hardware components causes measurement errors which cannot be compensated in real-time ı Comparison of Digital and Analog triggering architecture Traditional 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO Innovative Digital Trigger 15 FFT as Basis for EMI Debugging with Oscilloscopes Conventional FFT Implementation on a Scope Time Domain Frequency Domain Dt = 1/Fs Fmax = Fs/2 x(t) S(f) t Windowing S(f) FFT f1 f2 f Zoom (f1…f2) f1 f2 Display Data acquisition Df = 1/T Record length T Disadvantages: Time domain settings define frequency domain Zoom in frequency domain does not give more details Correlated Time-Frequency Analysis not possible 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 16 f FFT on the RTO Spectrum Analyzer Use Model ı Use model: Frequency domain controls time domain Time domain parameters (record-length / sampling rate) automatically changed as necessary Zoom happens here – before the FFT! ı Downconversion FFT (DDC) zooms into 500 MHz center, 10 MHz span: frequency range before FFT Fs = 1 GS/s vs 20 MS/s Time Domain Largely reduced record length, much faster FFT 500 MHz center, 10 MHz span: 1 GHz vs 20 MHz sampling frequency Frequency Domain B=f2-f1 Fs=2B HW Zoom (DDC) x(t) S(f) LP t Data acquisition Decimation Windowing FFT f1 NCO f2 Display Df = 1/T Record length T 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 17 f What if we combine time and frequency domain? Overlap FFT comes into play 10GS/s 18.96ns/div 5 us/div 1898kSamples Samples 500 Record length FFT 1 Max frame count limit N = Nmax Frame coverage up to here FFT 2 1 FFT ~440 FFTs (persistance disabled) FFT N Advantages: • Analyse time-dependend spectrum • Conventional (non-overlapping) FFT looses information due to windowing overlapping allows to capture everything • Limit No of frames to ensure fast FFT processing • Note: FFT processing starts from the left! 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 18 Gated FFT in the RTO Practical Time-Frequency Analysis Gated FFT: 50% overlap (default setting) |---------------------------------- One complete Time-Domain capture ----------------------------| Key Feature for EMI Debug! 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 19 FFT – Further Settings, Further Features Max-Hold*, Average, RMS Spectrum Units Correction factor for a LISN (frequency independent, e.g. 10 dB in this case) Multiple FFTs Record length > 1 MS Green: Max-Hold Purple: Current spectrum, intensity graded *Note: Envelope = Max Hold 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 20 What Accessory do we have? Near-Field Probes R&S ® HZ-15 Hameg HZ530 Hameg HZ540/550 E- and H-field E- and H-field E- and H-field • • • Small size No battery needed Probe single circuit lines EUR 1.730,- 30 MHz – 1 GHz Can be used down to 100 kHz LISN Note: No power supply included 100 kHz – 1 GHz EUR 788,- R&S ENV216 1 MHz – 3 GHz EUR 1.428,- / 1.848,- Hameg HM 6050-2 Note: You need an isolation transformer for operating the LISN EUR 2-4k 25/03/2015 EUR 1.038,- EMI debug using R&S RTO 21 EMI Debugging: Equipment R&S ® RTO Near-field sniffer Probes R&S ® HZ-15 E- and H-field 30 MHz – 1 GHz Can be used down to 100 kHz Optional: R&S ® HZ-16 Preamplifier 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 22 EMI Debugging: Equipment R&S ® RTO Near-field sniffer Probes R&S ® HZ-15 E- and H-field 30 MHz – 1 GHz Can be used down to 100 kHz Optional: R&S ® HZ-16 Preamplifier 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 23 Frequency Analysis Debugging EMI Test & Analysis Magnetic field Probe Electric field Probe l Analyzing EMI Faults: - Detecting possible signal problem due to EMI and sniff out the EMI source on the DUT l Locating EMI weak points: - Injecting EMI to detect possible signal faults to identify weaker DUT location 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 24 EMI Debug with Near-Field Probes Important Settings Parameter Description Record length Ensure that you capture enough (>= 500 kSamples) Vertical settings 1 – 5 mV/div, 50 W Color table & persistance Easily detect and distinquish CW signals and burst Max. Frame Count Take care that you analyze the right part of the time signal Signal zoom & FFT gating Easily isolate spurious spectral components in time domain 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 25 EMI voltage test: Basic test setup >200 cm reference ground EUT AN > 200 test receiver 40 cm 30 to 40 cm 80 cm >80 cm 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO wooden table 26 Precompliance Measurements with a Scope ??? • Conducted Emission using LISN • 9 kHz – 30 MHz EN55015Q • FSV trace 1 = Max hold / Pos Peak RTO FFT1 = Normal mode • FSV trace 2 = Clear Write / Auto Peak RTO FFT2 = Envelope mode 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 27 Precompliance Measurements with a Scope ??? • Conducted Emission using LISN • 9 kHz – 1 MHz EN55015Q • FSV trace 1 = Max hold / Pos Peak RTO FFT1 = Normal mode • FSV trace 2 = Clear Write / Auto Peak RTO FFT2 = Envelope mode 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 28 FAQs … and Answers Sensitivity ı DANL at 500 MHz, 120 kHz RBW, 50 W Receiver DANL RTO ~0 dBuV (1mV/div)1 ESR -7 dBuV (with Preamp)2 ESCI -4 dBuV (with Preamp)2 But: A. RTO dynamic range very limited compared to EMI receivers B. No preselection in RTO! ı How to show on the RTO using the FFT Note: Vertical Settings are 1mV/div, 50 W Sampling rate>=2xBW of the scope! Otherwise aliasing will increase noise! 1Measured 2Datasheet value 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 29 FAQs … and Answers Noise Figure ı How to show on RTO Vertical Settings 1mV/div, 50 W Enable FFT Use RMS detector Set center frequency Set RBW to e.g. 1 MHz Set unit to dBm NF = Output noise – Input noise RMS PowerdBm/RBW - (-174 dBm/Hz + 10xlog10 (RBW/Hz) ) = = -98 dBm – 60 dB + 174 dBm = 16 dB 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 30 FAQs … and Answers What about … ı Limit Lines? Use the mask tool Upper for limit line usage Mask definition in units of FFT Upper region mask acting as limit line Stop-on mask violation setting is very useful! ı 6 dB EMI filter? Not critical for precompliance, will change results only slightly. 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 31 Use Cases 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 32 EMI Debugging with Near-Field Probes Use Cases ı A) Debugging problems that occurred during compliance test Noise from power supply CW Emission Unknown broadband noise peak Identifying the location of the emission (down to signal paths) Understanding signal behaviour to identify the source ı B) Benchmarking EMI mitigation measures Problem in compliance test Check if shielding etc enough 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 33 EMI Source Identification Advanced debugging – Using the RTO for the far-field EMI Receiver, Spectrum Analyzer Oscilloscope 25/03/2015 Source: Weifeng Pai, David Pommerenke: „EMI R&S Failure EMI debug using RTOAnalysis Techniques: II: Joint 34 Time-Frequency Analysis“ EMI/EMC Further Use Cases C) Use near-field probes before compliance test Only possible for EMC experienced design engineers D) Near-field (small) EMI chambers Near-field – Far-field transformation with oscilloscopes Only possible with two coherent channels 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 35 EMI Debug Customer Groups ı EMC test house engineers General EMI Debugging Far-field and near-field measurement Pulse calibration (ESD, EFT, Burst) ı In-house EMC labs See above ı Design engineers A) After failed compliance B) Pre-Compliance Conducted emissions with LISN Radiated emissions when experienced enough 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 36 Summary USPs of the RTO for EMI Debugging ı Sensitivity similar to EMI receivers ı Capture intermittent events with stop-on-mask-violation in frequency domain But, also time-domain trigger can help ı Analyze in frequency domain after capturing (changing RBW etc) ı Time-frequency correlation analysis (FFT gating) Discover cause of emission in time signal ı Flexible and easy-to-use FFT Use it like a spectrum analyzer 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 37 Thank You! 25/03/2015 EMI debug using R&S RTO 38