Packaging of Hazardous Materials And Dangerous Goods for

Section 7: Packaging — 49CFR
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Packaging of Hazardous Materials
And Dangerous Goods for Transport
A Packaging Vocabulary
The following terms are used throughout the packaging regulations. These definitions
are based on 49CFR §171.8
Packaging means a receptacle and any other components or materials necessary
for the receptacle to perform its containment function in conformance with the
minimum packaging requirements.
Package means a packaging plus its contents.
Bulk packaging means a packaging in which hazardous materials are loaded with
no intermediate form of containment and have:
A maximum capacity greater than 450 L (119 gallons) as a receptacle for a
A maximum net mass greater than 400 kg (882 pounds) and a maximum
capacity greater than 450 L (119 gallons) as a receptacle for a solid; or
A water capacity greater than 454 kg (1000 pounds) as a receptacle for a
Non bulk packaging means a packaging which has:
A maximum capacity of 450 L (119 gallons) or less as a receptacle for a
A maximum net mass of 400 kg (882 pounds) or less and a maximum
capacity of 450 L (119 gallons) or less as a receptacle for a solid; or
A water capacity of 454 kg (1000 pounds) or less as a receptacle for a gas.
Non bulk packaging vocabulary includes:
Combination packaging means a combination of packaging, for transport
purposes, consisting of one or more inner packagings secured in a non-bulk outer
Single packaging means a non-bulk packaging other than a
combination packaging (a single packaging contains no inners).
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Jerry Green Consulting, Inc.
Section 7: Packaging — 49CFR
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Overpack means an enclosure that is used by a single consignor to provide
protection or convenience in handling of a package or to consolidate two or more
packages. Examples of overpacks are one or more packages:
Placed or stacked onto a load board such as a pallet and secured by
strapping, shrink wrapping, stretch wrapping, or other suitable means or
Placed in a protective outer packaging such as a box or crate.
49CFR §173.24
General Requirements for Packages and Packagings
This section applies to all hazard classes and all configurations, large or small. It applies
to bulk and non-bulk packaging. The section serves to create a minimum standard for all
levels of packaging.
The principal minimum standard is that the packaging must not leak its contents under
conditions that are normally incident to transport.
Additional minimum standards address:
Ullage/filling limits for liquids
Prohibitions concerning compromised packagings
Mixed contents
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Jerry Green Consulting, Inc.
Section 7: Packaging — 49CFR
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The Rule of Packaging
Specification Packagings
UN Performance Oriented Packagings
Packaging requirements vary with the level of risk associated with the materials, however
the rule of packaging for most materials is fairly simple; a specification packaging must
be used. Of course, many exceptions exist to this rule.
Today's modem specification system for many dangerous goods and hazardous materials
is a UN Performance Oriented Packaging System. UN packagings go through a series of
tests designed to emulate what can happen to a package during routine transport. Drop
tests, stack tests, and other testing protocols are performed.
UN packagings bear a unique certification marking which is pictured below:
The UN employs a series of numbers and letters (4G) to identify the system. In this
example, the 4 means the packaging is a box, and the G means it is constructed of
Packaging Code
Outer Packing
1A1 Steel drum, non-removable head
1A2 Steel drum, removable head
1B1 Aluminum drum, non-removable head
1B2 Aluminum drum, removable head
1D Plywood drum
1G Fibre Drum
1H1 Plastic drum, non-removable head
1H2 Plastic drum, removable head
1N1 Metal Drum, non-removable head
1N2 Metal Drum, removable head
2C1 Wooden barrel, bung type
2C2 Wooden barrel, removable head
3A1 Steel jerrican, non-removable head
3A2 Steel jerrican, removable head
3H1 Plastic jerrican, non- removable head
3H2 Plastic jerrican, removable head
4A Steel box
4B Aluminum box
4C1 Wooden box, ordinary
4C2 Wooden box with sift-proof walls
4D Plywood Box
4F Reconstitued wood box
4G Fibreboard
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Jerry Green Consulting, Inc.
Section 7: Packaging — 49CFR
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Jerry Green Consulting, Inc.
Section 7: Packaging — 49CFR
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Jerry Green Consulting, Inc.
Section 7: Packaging — 49CFR
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Packaging Selection —
HMR The Process
Step 1: Once you have determined the correct proper shipping name you must consult
Column 7 of the HMT. Please remember that many special provisions are written
which can affect your ability to package material. Of particular note are "N" codes
which address non bulk packaging. For example, special provision N33 prohibits the
use of aluminum drums.
Step 2: If you have addressed the issues concerning Column 7, you must consult Column
8 of the HMT. Please remember the role of the three sub columns. Packaging exceptions
are listed in Column 8A and non-bulk packaging selection is the role of Column 8B.
Step 3: You must always comply with the General Requirements for Packages and
Packagings in §173.24. Remember that compatibility and other issues reside here.
Step 4: If using a UN specification packaging, you must verify that the packaging is
eligible for the material to be placed inside. For example, a PG I material can only be
placed in a system marked with an "X". Remember that combination packages and
single packagings for solids have maximum weight limits
.UN Packaging Assembly, Filling, and Closure Requirements
Please remember that most UN packagings are tested systems, meaning that all
components, including inners have been tested when assembled and filled with
material which closely resembles hazardous material. Generally, the user is not
permitted to depart from the assembly and closure requirements.
Variation Packaging — The V System
Articles or inner packagings of any type for liquids and solids can be assembled without
testing under certain conditions in Part 178 of the HMR. Known as a variation
packaging, the system will bear a "V" marking after the marked packaging code, such
as "4GV". This is an excellent method of packaging materials when it is impossible to
comply with the requirements of a tested system. Please consult §178.601(g)(2).
4GV/X8.2/S/1 2
© Jan 2013
Jerry Green Consulting, Inc.