CSG 15 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD Research and Development Final Project Report (Not to be used for LINK projects) Two hard copies of this form should be returned to: Research Policy and International Division, Final Reports Unit MAFF, Area 6/01 1A Page Street, London SW1P 4PQ An electronic version should be e-mailed to c.csgfinrep@csg.maff.gsi.gov.uk Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Contractor organisation and location CABI Bioscience Silwood Park Ascot Berks SL5 7TA Total MAFF project costs Project start date £ 36574 01/04/99 Project end date 31/03/00 Executive summary (maximum 2 sides A4) The EU-funded CLUE project, (Changing Land Usage: Enhancement of biodiversity and ecosystem development) involved studying novel methods of enhancing the development of plant and animal communities associated with species-rich grasslands on land taken out of intensive arable cultivation. Since 1996, the development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land at Bradenham in the Chilterns has been studied. However, funding under the EU-TERI scheme ceased in March 1999. This one-year MAFF-funded project allowed continuation of the study and provided supplementary information on two issues of agronomic importance, namely the impact of the treatments on weed suppression and soil fertility. The main objective of this project was to allow continuation of the study of the development of chalk grassland communities in relation to two sets of experimental treatments. Firstly, the use of seed mixtures of different levels of diversity was compared with allowing natural colonisation. Secondly, the efficacy of using small-scale turf transplants and soil translocation as a means of accelerating the colonisation of the site by species characteristic of local chalk grassland was assessed. Management of the treatment plots continued as for the period 1996-1999, with the exception of the ‘continued cultivation’ (CC) plots. Management of these plots, which had been to subjected to continued arable cropping during the initial 3-year period, ceased, producing a set of plots at a younger successional age than the natural colonisation plots established in 1996. The permanent quadrats in the plots of the main sowing experiment and the stepping stone experiment were recorded in July-August 1999, the fourth summer after sowing. Changes in the relative abundance of the sown species were apparent, with a general decrease in abundance of leguminous species and an increase in the abundance of perennial grasses. Some, less competitive, species amongst those sown are starting to be excluded, particularly from the high diversity plots. CSG 15 (Rev. 12/99) 1 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Weed suppression was found to be greatest in the high diversity treatments (15 species sown), probably related to the greater production of standing crop in these plots. The degree of weed suppression in the low diversity plots (4 species sown) was highly variable, depending on the identity of species sown in the mixture. The performance of sown species in the high diversity plots was found to be a good indicator of their performance in the low diversity mixture, so the low diversity mixtures with the greatest weed suppression were those with the best performing sown species. The consistency of performance of sown species is likely to vary between sites, years and sowing times. Therefore, it will be difficult to predict the identity of species likely to perform well in low diversity treatments. The use of high diversity mixtures is likely to offer a greater probability of successful weed suppression. The sowing treatments were very effective at suppressing pernicious grass weed species. Early stages of succession at the site in the natural colonization and continued cultivation plots were dominated by black grass (Alopecurus myosurioides), with sterile brome (Anisantha sterilis) becoming dominant in later years. Neither species contributed significantly to the sward in the sown plots in 1999. The sowing treatments were also effective at suppressing pernicious broad-leaved weeds, notably creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) and spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare). The abundance of ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) increased in 1999. However, the abundance of this species in the sown plots was low (<0.5%) in comparison with its abundance in the natural colonization and continued cultivation plots. The stepping stone treatment (consisting of turf and soil translocation from a neighbouring chalk grassland) was found to effectively enhance the colonisation of the site by chalk grassland plant species. Many of the species introduced by this restoration treatment have started to colonise the untreated areas, so that the stepping stone plots are successfully acting as ‘focal points for colonisation’ of the rest of the field. The plant species that are most successfully introduced using this method are those with a persistent seed bank, especially shortlived chalk grassland species associated with disturbed soil conditions. Several short-lived ‘turf-compatible’ species have also colonised (e.g. Euphrasia nemorosa, Blackstonia perfoliata), as have several species of perennial forb (Viola hirta, Centaurea scabiosa). Colonisation of the plots with the stepping stone treatment by chalk grassland graminoids has been limited. An experiment was carried out to assess the invasibility of the plots of the main sowing experiment to different plant species. Set numbers of seeds were sown in the autumn, to mimic the timing of natural seed fall. In total, seeds of 4 weed species and 12 chalk grassland species were sown. Some chalk grassland species have established well (e.g. Primula veris, Ranunculus bulbosus), for other species no seedlings have been found (e.g. Hippocrepis comosa, Thymus polytrichus). Establishment of the weed species has been poor. Establishment success has been greatest for both weed and chalk grassland species in the natural colonisation and continued cultivation plots, and lowest in the high diversity plots. The insect assemblages present in the plots of main experiment and the stepping stone experiment were sampled using a Vortis suction sampler, as were two neighbouring chalk grassland sites (one of which was the site of origin for the soil and turf for stepping stone treatment). Significant treatment differences were found in the Coleoptera and Hemiptera (Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha) faunas of sowing and natural colonisation treatments. In addition, a significant effect of the stepping stone treatment was found on the Coleoptera assemblages present in the plots. The study reported here showed clear differences in the invertebrate assemblages in natural colonisation plots compared with those that had been sown. For many groups of invertebrate, abundances were significantly higher in the sown plots. The diversity of species assemblages was also found to be significantly higher in the high diversity sown plots than the natural colonisation plots, with the low diversity sown plots having intermediate values. The stepping stone treatment was also found to have significant effects on the composition of two insect groups, the Auchenorrhyncha (hoppers) and the Coleoptera (beetles). In spite of the significant differences between treatments, the insect assemblages in the experimental plots were composed largely of fairly common species characteristic of a range of herbaceous vegetation. Many of the species which have habitat affinities restricted to chalk grassland were absent from the plots. It is likely that development of the invertebrate communities of arable reversion sites will be a slow process, the speed of CSG 15 (1/00) 2 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 development related to the proximity of established chalk grasslands to act as sources of colonists. Notwithstanding this, it is clear from the results of this study that development of the assemblages of certain insect groups towards those that resemble established chalk grassland was promoted by the sowing of plant species typical of such communities. Soil cores were taken from the plots of the main experiment, from the adjacent cropped field and from 2 established chalk grassland sites. Levels of N were significantly higher in the continued cultivation plots than in the sown plots, but no difference was found between the natural colonisation and the sown plots. Levels of P were significantly higher in the natural colonisation and continued cultivation plots than in the high diversity sowing treatment. These differences probably reflect the result of the management of the plots by mowing in late summer and removing clippings. Productivity is highest in high diversity plots, so offtake is likely to be greatest. This will be especially true for P, as leguminous species are present in sown plots, but almost absent from natural colonisation plots. The soils from the high diversity sowing treatment plots showed no significant difference in the levels of P compared with one of the chalk grassland sites (ADAS index 1). However, major differences between the experimental plots in general and the established chalk grassland sites were found for pH, N, K and organic matter. For these factors, the experimental plots had significantly different values when compared with the chalk grassland soils, but were not significantly different from the soils of the adjacent cropped field. The implications of the results in terms of techniques for arable reversion are considerable. These discussed (pages 20–23) in terms of sward characteristics and soil properties. Methods of enhancing suppression of weed species and enhancing the colonisation by plants and invertebrates characteristic of target community are provided and critically assessed. Avenues for further research and development forthcoming. CSG 15 (1/00) 3 are the the are Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Scientific report (maximum 20 sides A4) 1 INTRODUCTION Large areas of species-rich grassland have been lost in the past 50 years, primarily as the result of agricultural intensification. Land has either been converted to arable systems, or remaining areas of grassland have had their biological diversity diminished as a result of increased inputs of fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides. These changes in agricultural practice have not only led to the loss of botanical diversity, but have had similar effects on the range of invertebrates associated with such grassland communities. Large areas of former arable land are now being managed to promote the development of species-rich grassland communities. This is the result of the introduction of incentive payments available through MAFF’s ESA and Countryside Stewardship Schemes, together with the activities of other government agencies, local authorities and non-governmental organisations. The creation of species-rich grassland on ex-arable land is hindered by the conditions of the site, which are the products of intensive arable husbandry, notably high soil fertility and the presence of competitive weed species in the soil seed bank. In addition, the low frequency of remnant patches of species-rich grassland in many landscapes means that potential sources of colonising species are widely spaced and consequently the dispersal of plants and invertebrates to new sites may occur very infrequently. For many plant species, it is possible to manipulate the colonisation of new grassland through the sowing of seed. However, certain plant species may establish poorly from seed and typically regenerate by vegetative means, or have specific requirements for interactions (e.g. with mycorrhizal fungi). Manipulation of the colonisation of a site by such species of plant and other groups, such as invertebrates and soil fungal and microbial communities, is more problematic. This project sought to study the effect of the diversity of the sown seed mixture on the performance of weed species, the colonisation by desirable species and soil properties was studied and compared to management of the site by ‘natural colonisation’. In addition, the success of turf and soil translocation from existing areas of species-rich grassland (the so-called ‘stepping stone’ treatment), as a means of enhancing the colonisation of new sites by the full range of organisms associated with established grassland communities, was investigated. The project used two field experiments established as part of the EU-funded CLUE (Changing Land Usage: Enhancement of biodiversity and ecosystem development) project. This project involved studying novel methods of enhancing the development of plant and animal communities associated with species-rich grasslands on land taken out of intensive arable cultivation. Since 1996, the development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land at Bradenham in the Chilterns has been studied. The experiments, with a range of treatments, had started to show the potential of using ‘stepping stones’ as focal points for the colonisation of such land by desirable species. 2 SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES The scientific objectives of the project were as follows: • To follow the development of the sward in relation to the different sowing treatments and addition of stepping stones. • To investigate the relationship between the diversity of the seed mixture and the suppression of weed species. • To investigate the colonisation by desirable chalk grassland species of sown and unsown plots. • To study the invertebrate communities which develop on sown and unsown plots. • To determine the effects of the sowing treatments on soil properties. CSG 15 (1/00) 4 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land 3 METHODS 3.1 Approach MAFF project code BD1434 The approach involved continuing the programme of measurements carried out at the experimental site during the period 1996-99 as part of the CLUE project. The sampling protocols for these measurements were wellestablished and had been used in identical experimental sites in 4 other locations across Europe. In addition, the effects of the sowing and natural colonisation treatments on the suppression of weed species and the promotion of colonisation by chalk grassland species was assessed using newly-established experiments. 3.2 Study site The study was carried out on the Bradenham Estate in the Chiltern Hills, 50 km north-west of London, on land owned by the National Trust. Parts of the estate comprising woodland and species-rich calcareous grassland are managed as a nature reserve by the Trust; this area is a currently designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest and is a candidate Special Area of Conservation. The remainder of the estate is managed by a tenant farmer and comprises arable land and permanent pasture. Several areas of arable land have been taken out of cultivation over the last 30 years and are being managed for the re-establishment of calcareous grassland. The field experiment was set up along the upper edge of an arable field in an area measuring approximately 230 m x 35 m. The site is bounded on the east by an open plantation of Fagus sylvatica that was planted about 30 years ago, to the south by an improved permanent pasture and the north and west by arable land. The site is fenced on three sides, the boundary with the rest of the field is unfenced. The soil is a grey rendzina over Cretaceous Chalk bed rock. The average annual precipitation is about 750 mm. The area was sown to winter barley in 1994 and was harvested in August 1995. The site was cultivated in the autumn of 1995 and harrowed in March 1996 before the start of the experiment. Two areas of existing chalk grassland on the Bradenham Estate were sampled in order to allow comparison of the plant and insect assemblages typical of the ‘target’ community. Small Dean Bank is an area of calcareous grassland with no history of agricultural improvement. The tussocky vegetation is dominated by Festuca rubra, with abundant Arrhenatherum elatius and tall forbs, such as Origanum vulgare. Butterfly Bank was cultivated for a short period approximately 30 years ago, and supports a more open vegetation with Festuca rubra, Leontodon hispidus and Lotus corniculatus. Both sites fall into the Arrhenatherum elatius grassland (MG1) of the National Vegetation Classification (Rodwell 1992). Such vegetation is typical of many small fragments of chalk grassland remaining on steep banks in the Chilterns. The target sites are lightly grazed by sheep for short periods each year. In addition, Butterfly Bank is occasionally mown. 3.3 Main experiment Within each of 5 replicate blocks, four plots measuring 10 m x 10 m were marked out. The four treatments (continued cultivation, CC; natural colonisation, NC; low diversity seed mixture, LD and high diversity seed mixture, HD) were randomly allocated to the plots in each block. The treatments were as follows: Continued cultivation Plots cultivated and sown with the same crop as adjacent field, with equivalent applications of fertilizer and herbicides. Plots left to natural colonisation Autumn 1998. Natural colonisation Plots left to natural colonisation after cultivation in March 1996 Low diversity seed mix Plots sown with seed mixture containing 4 species High diversity seed mix Plots sown with seed mixture containing 15 species 5 Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land Project title MAFF project code BD1434 The species chosen for the low and high diversity sowing treatments occur with high frequency in calcareous grasslands in the surrounding region. In the high diversity plots, 5 grass, 5 legume and 5 other forb species were sown. The species sown were as follows: Grasses Legumes Other Forbs Cynosurus cristatus Anthyllis vulneraria Centaurea nigra Festuca rubra Lotus corniculatus Galium verum Holcus lanatus Medicago lupulina Leontodon hispidus Phleum pratense Trifolium dubium Plantago lanceolata Trisetum flavescens Trifolium pratense Sanguisorba minor In the low diversity plots, 2 grass species were sown with one legume and one other forb species. The identity of the species sown in each replicate differed between blocks, with species being allocated to each LD mixture by random allocation. This design was adopted to ensure that differences between the LD and HD treatments were not confounded by the effects of species choice for the LD mixture. The species combinations used were as follows: Grasses Legumes Other Forbs A Festuca rubra Phleum pratense Lotus corniculatus Plantago lanceolata B Phleum pratense Trifolium pratense Centaurea nigra C Cynosurus cristatus Holcus lanatus Trifolium dubium Galium verum D Cynosurus cristatus Trisetum flavescens Medicago lupulina Leontodon hispidus E Trisetum flavescens Anthyllis vulneraria Sanguisorba minor Holcus lanatus Festuca rubra In the high diversity treatment, the grass species were sown at a density of 500 seeds/m2 and the legumes and other forbs at 100 seeds/m2. Seed densities for the low diversity treatments were 1250 seeds/m2 for grasses and 500 seeds/m2 for legumes and other forbs. The total densities of sown seeds were therefore consistent between low and high diversity treatments at 3500 seeds/m2. Sowing took place between 26th and 30th April 1996. Twelve permanently-marked quadrats were set out within each main plot and have been monitored annually in July since 1996. Values of estimated percentage cover were assigned to each species of vascular plant present in the quadrat. 3.4 Stepping stone experiment Six plots, measuring 2 m x 2 m were marked out in each of 5 replicate blocks. Two plots in each block were randomly assigned to the natural colonisation (NC), low diversity (LD) and high diversity (HD) treatments. One plot of each sowing treatment was assigned to the stepping stone treatment (+SS), whilst the other plots received no stepping stone treatment (-SS). The six plots thereby comprised a full factorial design with 3 sowing treatments and 2 stepping stone treatments. On 23th-24th April 1996, soil was collected from Butterfly Bank, an adjacent field that was last cultivated in 1970. The soil was collected at 15 points on a regular grid within the field. The soil from each sampling point was kept separately and each sample randomly allocated to one of the stepping stone treatment plots. 6 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Before application of the soil to the stepping stone plots, the top 5 cm of soil in each 2 x 2 m plot was temporarily removed. The 10 litres of soil were then spread evenly over the area of the plot and the top layer then replaced. The topsoil was also removed from the plots with no stepping stone treatment and then replaced in order to mimic the disturbance caused by this treatment. After application of the soil inoculation, sowing was carried out as described for the main experiment between 26th and 30th April 1996. In November 1996, 60 turf monoliths measuring 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm were taken from Butterfly Bank. The turves were taken at points on a grid with 15 m spacing between rows and columns. The turves were randomly-allocated to the stepping stone treatment plots. Four turves were placed in each of the stepping stone plots at the corners of the central 1m2 sampling area, being buried so that the top of each turf was level with the surrounding soil. The vegetation development in these plots has been recorded in a central 1m2 permanent plot by estimation of percentage cover of each species of vascular plant present. 3.5 Colonisation of plots by undesirable weed species and chalk grassland plants A new experiment was established in order to assess differences in the invasibility of the plots of the main sowing experiment to different plant species. Seeds of 4 weed species and 12 chalk grassland species were sown in October 1999. Sixteen sub-plots measuring 20 x 20 cm were marked out in four positions within each 10 x 10 m plot of the main experiment. The sixteen species were randomly-allocated to sub-plots within each grid and 100 seeds of each species sown. The plots were monitored and the number of seedlings counted for 10 months. 3.6 Colonisation of plots by invertebrates Coleoptera assemblages were sampled by the suction method, using a Vortis sampler (Burkhard Manufacturing, Rickmansworth, UK). Samples were taken on three dates, mid-June, late-July and mid-September. On each occasion, an area of 0.155 m-2 was sampled in each plot, corresponding to 8 positions of the Vortis sampler. In addition, five samples of 0.155 m-2 were collected from the target sites of Butterfly Bank and Small Dean Bank, the 5 sample locations being evenly spaced across each field. Invertebrates were extracted from the samples and the specimens stored in alcohol prior to identification to species. Invertebrate species were identified to taxonomic order and key groups (Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Coleoptera) identified to species. 3.7 Characterisation of soil properties Soil cores were taken from the plots of the main experiment, from the adjacent cropped field and from 2 established chalk grassland sites. A total of 25 cores were taken on a regularly-spaced grid within each 10 m x 10 m plot and the cores from each main plot thoroughly mixed. A similar procedure was used to collect soil samples from the adjacent field and target chalk grassland sites. For these, five ‘dummy’ 10 x 10 m plots were laid out at random positions within each field and 25 cores taken from each dummy plot. A 500 g sub-sample was taken from the bulk sample for each plot (or dummy plot) and forwarded to the ADAS Laboratories, Wolverhampton for analysis. The following analyses were carried out: pH Loss on ignition (for soil organic matter) Total N (Dumas method) Total P, K and Mg (aqua regia soluble method) 7 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land 4 RESULTS 4.1 Development of sward in relation to main treatments MAFF project code BD1434 The permanent quadrats in the plots of the main sowing experiment and the stepping stone experiment were recorded in July-August 1999, the fourth summer after sowing. Changes in the relative abundance of the sown species were apparent, with a general decrease in abundance of leguminous species and an increase in the abundance of perennial grasses since 1998 (Figure 1). Some of the forb species sown in 1996 established very effectively and dominated the vegetation of the sown plots in the early years of the experiment, most notable amongst these species are Anthyllis vulneraria, Plantago lanceolata and Medicago lupulina. In the year of the study reported here (1999), the relative abundance of these early dominants has decreased as the abundance of the sown perennial grasses has increased. Some of those species sown in 1996 established poorly and remain present in the sward only at low abundance. Of these, Trifolium dubium, which was present with low abundance but high frequency in the high diversity sown plots in earlier years, was only recorded from 3% of the quadrats in 1999. Other poorlyestablishing species have slowly increased in abundance (some perennial grasses and Leontodon hispidus). Ten of the sown species were found to have established in the natural colonization plots in 1999, and six of these were also recorded in the continued cultivation plots (Table 1). The species that established rapidly after the LD and HD plots were sown in 1996 are the same species which are now successfully colonizing the natural colonization and continued cultivation plots (Anthyllis vulneraria, Plantago lanceolata and Medicago lupulina). Others are starting to colonise the unsown NC and CC plots. Table 1 Frequency (%) of sown species in the permanent quadrats of the treatment plots in 1999. Grasses Legumes Other forbs 4.2 TREATMENT: Cynosurus cristatus Festuca rubra Holcus lanatus Phleum pratense Trisetum flavescens Anthyllis vulneraria Lotus corniculatus Medicago lupulina Trifolium dubium Trifolium pratense Centaurea nigra Galium verum Leontodon hispidus Plantago lanceolata Sanguisorba minor CC 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 18 0 0 3 0 0 42 7 NC 0 10 8 0 7 45 0 65 0 0 27 1 1 72 3 LD 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 HD 93 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 3 38 100 100 87 100 100 Development of sward in relation to ‘stepping stone’ treatments The stepping stone treatment (consisting of turf and soil translocation from a neighbouring chalk grassland) resulted in a significant increase in plant species richness (Figure 2). The number of unsown species was highest in the natural colonization plots and lower in the sown plots, as was found to be the case for the main experiment. The magnitude of this effect was greater in previous years, probably because the more open conditions in the natural colonization plots allowed more successful establishment of species from the translocated soil. In 1999, addition of the stepping stone treatment resulted in an increase of about 5 species per quadrat, regardless of whether the plots were sown or undergoing natural colonisation. 8 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Figure 1 Changes in abundance (percentage cover) of the fifteen sown species in the high diversity (˜) and low diversity (˜) plots. Error bars show ± 1 s.e.m. (NB error bars are not shown for legumes and other forbs in the LD treatment as each species was sown in only one replicate. GRASSES 100 LEGUMES Cynosurus cristatus 100 OTHER FORBS Anthyllis vulneraria 100 80 80 80 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 0 96 97 100 98 99 Festuca rubra 0 96 97 100 98 99 Lotus corniculatus 96 80 80 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 96 97 98 100 99 Holcus lanatus 97 100 98 99 Medicago lupulina 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 98 100 99 Phleum p ratense 97 98 100 99 Trifolium dubium 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 100 98 99 Trisetum flavescens 97 100 98 99 Trifolium p ratense 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 98 99 97 100 80 97 99 Plantago lanceolata 96 80 96 98 0 96 80 0 97 100 80 97 99 Leontodon hispidus 96 80 96 98 0 96 80 0 97 100 80 97 99 Galium verum 96 80 96 98 0 96 80 0 97 100 80 0 Centaurea nigra 98 99 Sanguisorba m inor 0 96 97 98 9 99 96 97 98 99 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Figure 2 Number of unsown species per quadrat for the natural colonization (£), low diversity (˜) and high diversity (˜) sown plots, with and without the addition of the stepping stone treatment. Error bars show ± 1 s.e.m. 30 number of unsown species 25 20 NC SS 15 NC 10 LD SS HD SS 5 LD HD 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 The stepping stone treatment has effectively enhanced the colonisation of the site by chalk grassland plant species. Many of the species introduced by this restoration treatment have started to colonise the untreated areas, so that the stepping stone plots are successfully acting as focal points for colonisation of the rest of the field. The plant species that are most successfully introduced using this method are those with a persistent seed bank, especially short-lived chalk grassland species associated with disturbed soil conditions (Figure 3). Several short-lived ‘turf-compatible’ species have also colonised (e.g. Euphrasia nemorosa, Blackstonia perfoliata), as have several species of perennial forb (Viola hirta, Centaurea scabiosa). Colonisation of the plots with the stepping stone treatment by chalk grassland graminoids has been limited. Comparison of the vegetation developing in the plots of the stepping stone experiment with that of sites in the chronosequence sites at Bradenham (i.e. the replicated set of fields of different successional age) was carried out using multivariate techniques. The first two axes of the detrended correspondence analysis are both correlated with successional age (Figure 4). Axis 1 separates the samples taken at the start of the experiment, in very early stages of the colonization of ex-arable land, from sites with established vegetation cover. Axis 2 separates vegetation dominated by weed species from that composed of grassland species. It can be seen on the ordination diagram that, whereas trajectory for the natural colonization plots is towards the mid-successional sites of the chronosequence, the trajectory for the high diversity sown plots is towards the target of chalk grassland. The low diversity sown plots are intermediate between the natural colonization and high diversity sown treatments. The stepping stone treatment has resulted in a significant acceleration in the development of the vegetation within the plots towards mid- and late-successional sites on the chronosequence, this effect being most pronounced in the natural colonization treatment. 10 Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land Project title MAFF project code BD1434 Figure 3 Ordination of plant species from treatment plots of the stepping stone experiment using Redundancy Analysis. Species introduced by the stepping stone treatment are shown in bold (®), species occurring in all plots are shown in normal text (¯). The centroids for the different treatment combinations are shown thus: natural colonization (£), low diversity sown (˜) and high diversity sown (˜) plots. Species codes are listed in Appendix 1. NC 1.0 Crep capi Clem vita Tara offi Epil parv Crep vesi Cirs arve Inul cony Poa prat 0.5 Alop myos Plan majo Sonc aspe Vero arve Anis ster Rese lute Cirs vulg Agro stol Epil tetr Euph nemo Sene jaco Brom hord Odon vern Picr hier -0.5 LD Sonc arve Rume cris Trif repe Vici sati Dact glom Leuc vulg Malu sylv HD Dauc caro Hera spho Hype hirs Vici hirs 1.0 Meli alti Blac perf Viol hirt Cent scab NCSS Arrh elat Knau arve Clin vulg Ranu repe Cera font Orig vulg Vero cham Prun vulg LDSS Gali moll Hype perf HDSS -0.5 Figure 4 Ordination of samples from treatment plots and chronosequence sites using Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Each point represents the mean score for 5 replicates. Treatment codes as for Figure 3. DCA Axis 2 EARLY SUCCESSIONAL 3 Chronosequence sites 2 Experimental plots 1996 1999 1 CHALK GRASSLAND DCA Axis 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 11 NC NC SS LD LD SS HD HD SS 5-year old 15-year old 30-year old Chalk Grassland Project title 4.3 Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Suppression of weed species Weed suppression was found to be greatest in the high diversity treatments (15 species sown), probably related to the greater production of standing crop in these plots. The degree of weed suppression in the low diversity plots (4 species sown) was highly variable, depending on the identity of species sown in the mixture. The performance of sown species in the high diversity plots is a good indicator of their performance in the low diversity mixture, so the low diversity mixtures with the greatest weed suppression were those with the best performing sown species. The consistency of performance of sown species is likely to vary between sites, years and sowing times, so high diversity mixtures offer a greater likelihood of successful weed suppression. Changes in abundance (percentage cover) of the selected pernicious weed species in the continued cultivation (¯), natural colonization (£), low diversity (˜) and high diversity (˜) plots. Error bars show ± 1 s.e.m. 4 Senecio jacobaea % cover 3 2 1 0 96 8 98 99 Cirsium vulgare 3 % cover % cover 97 4 Cirsium arvense 6 4 2 2 1 0 0 96 20 97 98 96 99 97 20 Alopecurus myosurioides 98 99 Anisantha sterilis 15 % cover 15 % cover Figure 5 10 10 5 5 0 0 96 97 98 99 12 96 97 98 99 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 The sowing treatments were very effective at suppressing pernicious grass weed species. Early stages of succession at the site in the natural colonization and continued cultivation plots were dominated by black grass (Alopecurus myosurioides), with sterile brome (Anisantha sterilis) becoming dominant in later years (Figure 5). Neither species contributed significantly to the sward in the sown plots in 1999. The sowing treatments were also effective at suppressing pernicious broad-leaved weeds, notable creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) and spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare). The abundance of ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) increased in 1999. However, the abundance of this species in the sown plots was low (<0.5%) in comparison with its abundance in the natural colonization and continued cultivation plots. The invasibility of the vegetation present in the treatments of the main experiment was investigated by sowing seed of a number of weed species into the sward and monitoring establishment. Levels of establishment of all four species sown were low (Table 2), and there were few significant effects. Differences between the treatments were only found for charlock (Sinapis arvensis), with higher numbers of seedlings establishing in the autumn and spring in the continued cultivation and natural colonization plots than in the sown plots (Figure 6). This treatment effect was not found on the final recording data in late July 2000, many of the seedlings having died in the spring and summer months. Table 2 Mean numbers of seedlings per plot for weed species in the continued cultivation (CC), natural colonization (NC), low diversity (LD) and high diversity (HD) sown plots in March and July 2000. Treatment effects tested using ANOVA on log-transformed data (1), or the Friedman test for data not conforming to the requirement of homogeneity of variances (2). March CC Cirsium vulgare Papaver rhoeas Rumex crispus Sinapis arvensis 4.4 0.40 0.00 1.03 1.60 NC 0.40 0.24 0.37 1.20 LD 0.24 0.00 1.44 0.00 HD 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.20 1 ns ns 2 ns 1 P=0.0322 July CC NC LD HD 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.86 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 ns 2 ns 2 ns 1 ns 2 Colonisation by chalk grassland plants The invasibility of the vegetation present in the treatments of the main experiment was investigated by sowing seed of a number of chalk grassland species into the sward and monitoring establishment. Species were grouped according to seed weight. Levels of establishment varied between species (Table 3), but there were few significant effects and no obvious patterns in relation to seed weight. For species showing significant treatment effects, establishment success has been greatest in the continued cultivation and natural colonisation plots, and lowest in the high diversity sown plots (Figure 6). Some of the chalk grassland species sown have established well (e.g. Primula veris, Prunella vulgaris), whilst for other species establishment has been absent or poor (Campanula rotundifolia, Hippocrepis comosa, Thymus polytrichus). The species sown when the experiment was established in 1996 and those sown in the invisibility experiment in 1999 are all characteristic of the target chalk grassland community. Other species found in chalk grasslands are also colonizing the experimental plots spontaneously. Many of these species are present in the hedgebank surrounding the experimental site, so colonization is probably occurring through local seed dispersal. The grassland species colonizing the experimental plots spontaneously are characteristic of the Pastinaca sativa sub-community of Arrhenatherum elatius grassland (MG1d), vegetation typical of abandoned arable land on shallow chalky soils. The abundance of these species is greatest in the natural colonization plots, their contribution to the sward of the sown plots is limited (Figure 7). The species are more or less absent from the continued cultivation plots. Of these species, the perennial grass Arrhenatherum elatius is the only species which contributes significantly to cover, and then only in the natural colonization plots. 13 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land Table 3 Mean numbers of seedlings per plot for chalk grassland species in the continued cultivation (CC), natural colonization (NC), low diversity (LD) and high diversity (HD) sown plots in March and July 2000. Abbreviations as in Table 2. March CC Light seed weight (<0.3 mg) Achillea millefolium 32.0 Campanula rotundifolia 0.2 Pilosella officinarum 0.4 Thymus polytrichus 0.0 Medium seed weight (0.3-1.0 mg) Filipendula vulgaris 2.0 Plantago media 36.4 Primula veris 126.8 Prunella vulgaris 64.6 Heavy seed weight (>1.0 mg) Hippocrepis comosa 0.0 Pimpinella saxifraga 0.0 Ranunculus bulbosus 17.6 Scabiosa columbaria 3.0 NC LD HD 9.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 6.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 23 92.4 46 0.6 2.5 6.4 33.8 0.8 9.8 47.6 25.4 0.0 0.2 14 1.2 0.0 0.6 12.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 8.4 0.0 MAFF project code BD1434 July CC NC LD HD ns 1 ns 1 ns 2 8.2 0.8 0.0 0.0 32.2 0.0 0.8 0.0 6.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 P=0.009 0.2 ns 2 1.8 ns 2 0.0 ns 2 ns 1 P=0.003 ns 1 1.6 10.0 79.0 77.2 10.2 31.2 88.1 81.3 0.8 22.0 51.8 45.2 1.2 P=0.023 5.2 ns 1 37.2 ns 1 29.2 ns 1 1.2 0.6 12.4 8.0 1.0 5.6 16.8 13.4 0.2 5.0 6.4 3.4 1 ns ns 1 ns 2 ns 2 ns 1 ns 1 ns 1 0.0 0.6 1.8 0.0 Figure 6 Establishment of selected species sown in the invasibility experiment in the continued cultivation (¯), natural colonization (£), low diversity (˜) and high diversity (˜) plots. Error bars show ± 1 s.e.m. Achillea m illefolium 50 45 14 Num b e r of seedlings Numbe r o f s e e d l i n g s Filipendula vulgaris 16 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 12 10 8 6 4 2 5 0 0 0 1 /1 0 /9 9 3 1 /1 0 /9 9 3 0 /1 1 /9 9 3 0 /1 2 /9 9 2 9 /0 1 /0 0 2 8 /0 2 /0 0 2 9 /0 3 /0 0 2 8 /0 4 /0 0 2 8 /0 5 /0 0 2 7 /0 6 /0 0 2 7 /0 7 /0 0 2 6 /0 8 0 1 /0 0 /1 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A pr May Jun Jul 9 3 1 /1 0 /9 9 3 0 /1 1 /9 9 3 0 /1 2 /9 9 2 9 /0 1 /0 0 2 8 /0 2 /0 0 2 9 /0 3 /0 0 2 8 /0 4 /0 0 2 8 /0 5 /0 0 2 7 /0 6 /0 0 2 7 /0 7 /0 0 2 6 /0 8 /0 0 2 6 /0 8 /0 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A pr May Jun Jul Primula veris 160 0 /9 Sinapis arvensis 3 Num b e r of seedlings Num b e r of seedlings 140 120 100 80 60 40 2 1 20 0 0 0 1 /1 0 /9 9 3 1 /1 0 /9 9 3 0 /1 1 /9 9 3 0 /1 2 /9 9 2 9 /0 1 /0 0 2 8 /0 2 /0 0 2 9 /0 3 /0 0 2 8 /0 4 /0 0 2 8 /0 5 /0 0 2 7 /0 6 /0 0 2 7 /0 7 /0 0 2 6 /0 8 /0 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A pr May Jun Jul 0 1 /1 0 /9 9 3 1 /1 0 /9 9 3 0 /1 1 /9 9 3 0 /1 2 /9 9 2 9 /0 1 /0 0 2 8 /0 2 /0 0 2 9 /0 3 /0 0 2 8 /0 4 /0 0 2 8 /0 5 /0 0 2 7 /0 6 /0 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A pr May Jun Jul 14 2 7 /0 7 /0 0 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Figure 7 Changes in abundance (percentage cover) of the selected pernicious weed species in the continued cultivation (¯), natural colonization (£), low diversity (˜) and high diversity (˜) plots. Error bars show ± 1 s.e.m. 0.4 A c hillea m illefolium % c o ve r 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 96 97 98 99 0.4 0.6 Clinopodium vulgare Origanum vulgare 0.5 % c over % c over 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 96 97 98 96 99 15 97 98 99 0.4 A rrhenatherum elatius Dactylis glomerata % c over % c over 0.3 10 5 0.2 0.1 0 0 96 97 98 99 15 96 97 98 99 Project title 4.5 Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Colonisation by invertebrates Clear effects of the treatments on the abundance of different insect groups were found (Figure 8). For four of the six groups studied in detail, total numbers per sample (pooled for all sample dates) showed significant treatment effects (Table 4). In all cases, the total number of individuals sampled followed the pattern CC<NC<LD<HD. Table 4 Results of analyses of variance of abundance of invertebrate groups in the continued cultivation (CC), natural colonization (NC), low diversity (LD) and high diversity (HD) sown plots. Data were log10(n+1) transformed before analysis. Treatments with the same letter code are not significantly different (P>0.05 for analyses of total number sampled). Aphididae Auchenorrhyncha Heteroptera Coleoptera Isopoda Araneae Aphids Hoppers True bugs Beetles Woodlice Spiders Number in sample June July ns ns ns P=0.005 ns ns ns P=0.001 P=0.000 P=0.049 ns ns Sept ns ns ns P=0.001 ns ns Treatment comparison CC NC LD HD TOTAL ns P=0.004 ns P=0.000 P=0.002 P=0.001 a a ab b a a a a a a a a ab b b b Three groups were identified to species, the Auchenorrhyncha (hoppers), Heteroptera (true bugs) and Coleoptera (beetles). Indices of diversity (species number, Shannon Index) and community structure (Shannon Evenness, Berger Parker Dominance) were calculated for these groups and treatment differences analysed using analyses of variance (species number, Shannon index) and Friedmann Tests (evenness and dominance). The results are shown in Table 5. Table 5 Values of indices of diversity (species per sample, Shannon Index) and community structure (Shannon Evenness Index, Berger Parker Dominance Index) for Auchenorrhynca, Heteroptera and Coleoptera, showing the results of analyses of variance or Friedmann tests. Treatments sharing the same letter code and not significantly different (P>0.05). CC AUCHENORRHYNCHA Species Richness Diversity (Shannon) Evenness (Shannon) Dominance (Berger-Parker) HETEROPTERA Species Richness Diversity (Shannon) Evenness (Shannon) Dominance (Berger-Parker) COLEOPTERA Species Richness Diversity (Shannon) Evenness (Shannon) Dominance (Berger-Parker) P=0.009 ns ns ns 5.6 1.4 0.82 0.47 ns ns P=0.023 P=0.030 4.8 1.27 0.82 0.52 P=0.004 P=0.012 P=0.000 P=0.001 17.4 2.38 0.84 0.31 NC a 6.4 1.56 0.87 0.41 ab ab 4.2 0.97 0.66 0.64 a a ab a 23.6 2.86 0.91 0.15 16 LD a 8.8 1.83 0.84 0.35 a b 4.8 1.41 0.93 0.38 ab b b b 23.2 2.83 0.91 0.19 HD ab 10.0 1.94 0.85 0.28 b b ab 5.8 1.65 0.95 0.32 b a ab b a b 32.4 2.68 0.77 0.35 b ab a a Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Figure 8 Changes in abundance (number per sample) of the selected invertebrate groups in the continued cultivation (¯), natural colonization (£), low diversity (˜) and high diversity (˜) plots. Error bars show ± 1 s.e.m. Aphidida e 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jul-99 Aug-99 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Jun-99 Sep-99 H e te ropte ra 300 Jul-99 250 200 150 100 50 0 Aug-99 Sep-99 C o l e o p te ra 700 Num b e r p e r s ample Num b e r p e r s ample 450 400 0 Jun-99 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Jun-99 Jul-99 Aug-99 Sep-99 Jun-99 Ara n e a e 800 Jul-99 Aug-99 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Sep-99 Isopoda 250 Num b e r p e r s ample Num b e r p e r s ample A u c h e n o rrhyncha 500 Num b e r p e r s ample Num b e r p e r s ample 300 200 150 100 50 0 Jun-99 Jul-99 Aug-99 Sep-99 Jun-99 Jul-99 Aug-99 Sep-99 The number of species of Auchenorrhyncha was significantly higher in the HD plots than the CC and NC plots. Values for the LD plots were intermediate. However, other indices of diversity did not differ significantly between treatments. No significant treatment differences in the diversity of Heteroptera were found, although there were treatment effects on community structure. The HD plots had assemblages with higher evenness and lower dominance values than the NC plots, suggesting a more even distribution of species abundances. Values for the CC and LD plots were generally intermediate. 17 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Differences in the composition of the species assemblages of the Auchenorrhyncha (hoppers), Heteroptera (true bugs) and Coleoptera (beetles) in the treatment plots were analysed using Redundancy Analysis followed by Monte Carlo permutation tests to test for the significance of particular treatment effects. Once the effects of the main treatments had been tested, comparison of the NC vs. CC treatments and LD vs. HD treatments alone were carried out to test for the effect of successional age and diversity of the sown seed mixture respectively. The significance of differences between the sowing treatments and the stepping stone treatment were tested using data from the stepping stone experiment. The results are shown in Table 6. Table 6. Results of tests of the significance of treatment effects on the composition of assemblages of Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera and Coleoptera using Redundancy Analysis and Monte Carlo permutation tests. Data-set Test Auchenorrhyncha Heteroptera Coleoptera Main Experiment Effect of treatment (CC, NC, LD, HD) P=0.005 P=0.035 P=0.005 Effect of successional age (CC vs. NC) ns ns ns Effect of diversity of mixture (LD vs. HD) ns ns ns Effect of sowing treatment (NC, LD, HD) P=0.045 P=0.010 P=0.005 Effect of stepping stone treatment (with, without) P=0.015 ns P=0.035 Stepping Stone Experiment Significant treatment differences were found in the Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera and Coleoptera faunas of sowing and natural colonisation treatments. In addition, a significant effect of the stepping stone treatment was found for the Auchenorrhyncha and Coleoptera assemblages present in the plots. However, no significant effects or either successional age (NC vs. CC) or diversity of sown seed mix (LD vs. HD) were found, suggesting that treatment differences in the insect assemblages were primarily the result of differences between the sown and unsown plots. In addition, significant effects of the stepping stone treatment were found for Auchenorrhyncha and Coleoptera. The assemblages of Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera and Coleoptera found in the treatment plots of the two experiments were compared with those of two chalk grassland sites situated in the vicinity of the experimental site. Detrended correspondence analyses (DCA) were used to assess how closely the assemblages present in the treatment plots resembled those of the target chalk grassland community. For all three insect groups studied the assemblages present in the experimental plots were clearly different from those in the two chalk grassland sites. In analyses using the 1997 and 1999 data, a clear development of the insect fauna of the experimental plots is apparent, with the assemblages sampled in 1999 bearing a closer resemblance to those of the chalk grasslands (Figure 9). Of the different experimental treatments, the sown LD and HD plots had assemblages that were more similar to those of the established grasslands. Differences between treatment plots can be attributed to differences in botanical composition, canopy structure and amount of litter, but reflect preferences of a range of common frequent grassland species. These may have rapidly colonised the site through flighted dispersal or moving from hedgebank at field edge. Few species restricted in their distribution to chalk grasslands were found to have colonised the plots. 18 Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land Project title MAFF project code BD1434 Figure 9. Detrended Correspondence Analysis of the composition of assemblages of Auchenorrhyncha and Heteroptera in the experimental plots (1997 and 1999) and two neighbouring chalk grassland sites (1999 only). .The following symbols are used for continued cultivation (¯), natural colonization (£), low diversity (˜) and high diversity (˜) plots. (a) Auchenorrhyncha (b) Heteroptera 4 DCA axis 2 (λ=0.60) 1999 ¯ 3 DCA axis 2 3 (λ=0.32) ¯ 1999 2 Chalk Grassland ¯ ¯ 2 1997 1997 1 1 DCA axis 1 (λ=0.61) 0 0 4.6 Chalk Grassland 1 2 3 4 5 DCA axis 1 (λ=0.64) 0 0 1 2 3 4 Effects of treatments on soil properties Comparison of treatments Levels of soil organic matter (measured as loss on ignition) were significantly higher in the continued cultivation plots than in the sown plots, but no difference was found between the natural colonisation and the sown plots. Levels of phosphorus were significantly higher in the natural colonisation and continued cultivation plots than in the high diversity sowing treatment. These differences probably reflect the result of the management of the plots by mowing in late summer and removing cuttings. Biomass productivity is highest in high diversity plots, so offtake is likely to be greatest when the cuttings are removed. This will be especially true for P, as leguminous species are present in sown plots, but almost absent from natural colonisation plots. Table 7. Differences between the treatments in soil phosphorus, nitrogen and organic matter (CC - continued cultivation, NC - natural colonization, LD - low diversity and HD - high diversity sown plots), and comparison with values for two neighbouring chalk grassland sites (G1, G2). pH Phosphorus Potassium Magnesium Loss on Ig Total N mg/l mg/l mg/l % % CC ADAS index 8.22 15.0 1 52.6 0 17.6 0 3.11 0.23 NC ADAS index 8.20 15.8 2 68.0 1 21.4 0 2.70 0.24 19 LD ADAS index 8.18 12.6 1 55.0 1 18.2 0 2.38 0.21 HD ADAS index 8.20 11.0 1 59.0 0 15.0 0 2.38 0.25 G1 ADAS index 8.04 9.60 0 97.0 1 81.0 2 5.56 0.47 G2 ADAS index 8.04 7.60 0 95.2 1 58.4 2 4.50 0.40 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Comparison with established chalk grasslands The soils from the high diversity sowing treatment plots showed no significant difference in the levels of P compared with one of the chalk grassland sites (ADAS index 1). However, major differences between the experimental plots in general and the established chalk grassland sites were found for pH, N, K and organic matter. For these factors, the experimental plots had significantly different values when compared with the chalk grassland soils, but were not significantly different from the soils of the adjacent cropped field. Figure 10. Differences between the treatments in soil phosphorus, nitrogen and organic matter (CC - continued cultivation, NC - natural colonization, LD - low diversity and HD - high diversity sown plots), and comparison with values for two neighbouring chalk grassland sites (G1, G2). Treatments with the same letter code are not significantly different (P>0.05). Error bars show ± 1 s.e.m. mg/l Phosphorus ab a abc c cd d % 0.6 Nitrogen a a a a b b 15 10 5 0 G1 G2 6 0.4 4 0.2 2 0 CC NC LD HD Treatment % Soil organic matter a a a a c b 0 CC NC LD HD Treatment 5. MAIN IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS 5.1 Development of sward in relation to main treatments G1 G2 CC NC LD HD Treatment G1 G2 One of the primary constraints in the creation of species-rich grasslands on ex-arable land is the availability of seed (Hutchings & Booth 1996, Mortimer et al. 1998). In intensively-managed agricultural landscapes remnant patches of species-rich grassland, which might act as sources of propagules, occur infrequently. Because of this, the use of natural colonisation in arable reversion schemes is usually recommended only on land adjacent to existing areas of species-rich grassland. In other locations, sowing seed of suitable species is recommended. The results presented here show demonstrate successful establishment of sown species in ex-arable land. With the exception of one species, all of those sown established in the plots and have persisted for four years. The exception is Trifolium dubium, the only annual species amongst the 15 sown in the experiment. Many of the sown species, having established in the plots, are now colonizing the unsown treatment plots and other areas of the experimental site. Whilst the early stages of vegetation development were dominated by fast-growing forb species, especially short-lived legumes, in the fourth year after establishment, reported here, the balance between the perennial grasses and forbs is more equitable. In comparison with the sown plots, the natural colonization and continued cultivation plots are dominated by early-successional species. Whilst the species richness is higher than in the sown plots, the majority of the species are ruderals of low conservation value. The vegetation is characterized by mat forming perennial grasses and rosette forbs, typically species of Epilobium and Asteraceae. Areas of patch-forming dominants, such as creeping thistle Cirsium arvense and perennial sow-thistle Sonchus arvensis are expanding. One of the main implications of the findings of this study concerns the importance of the diversity of the sown seed mixture. Most arable reversion options within the MAFF-supported Environmental Land Management Schemes prescribe the use of at least four species from a recommended list. Supplementary payments are available within the Countryside Stewardship Scheme to support the inclusion of wild flower 20 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 species in the sown mix. There is evidence that sowing a higher diversity seed mixture results in the development of a sward of greater diversity (Pywell et al. 1997). However, other benefits may also accrue from the use of seed mixtures of higher diversity. The results presented here demonstrate that high diversity mixtures lead to the development of vegetation which is stable in composition and productivity, whilst low diversity mixtures may be prone to large temporal or spatial variability as a result of the failure, or dominance, of a single species having a proportionally greater impact on the whole community (van der Putten et al. 2000, Leps et al. 2001). Thus, high diversity mixtures are more likely to contain a few species that will perform well in the particular conditions of the site (Huston 1997). This is evidence of the so-called ‘insurance hypothesis’, that more diverse communities are buffered against the effects of stochastic factors, such as weather or pest/disease outbreak (Heywood & Watson 1995). 5.2 Development of sward in relation to ‘stepping stone’ treatment Some plant species do not reproduce easily from seed, either because their main mode of propagation is by vegetative means or because they have exacting requirements for germination or micro-sites in which to establish. In addition, the seed of some species is difficult to produce commercially, for example, the orchid species typical of calcareous grasslands have minute spore-like seeds. Alternative methods are necessary in order to aid the colonisation of new sites by these species. Plug-plants have been tried as a means of enhancing the colonisation of newly-created species rich grasslands by some species (Pywell et al. 1997). The results of the experiment reported here show that small-scale turf and soil translocation can be effective in providing focal points for colonisation, which may greatly accelerate the colonisation of a new site by species with particular modes of propagation. The translocation (‘stepping stone’) treatment was effective at introducing a suite of chalk grassland species, for which commercially seed is not available. The treatment was most effective for short-lived forbs and few perennial graminoids present in the translocated material spread into the treated plots. Many of the species that were successfully introduced to the site using this treatment have now spread to adjacent plots and pathways, some establishing more than 50 m from the nearest treated plot. This emphasizes the potential for such small scale translocation to provide focal points for colonization. The effect of this treatment was found to be greatest in the natural colonization plots, suggesting that a relatively open sward is essential for the establishment of species introduced using this method. Overall, the stepping stone treatment resulted in a significant acceleration of vegetation development, resulting in communities resembling mid-successional grasslands in the surrounding area. Such an approach may also have a beneficial effect on the colonisation of the site by other groups of organisms, such as invertebrates (see section 5.5) and elements of the soil biota (van der Putten et al. 1997). 5.3 Suppression of weed species One of the primary problems in arable reversion schemes is the presence of a large, persistent seed bank of weed species (Hutchings & Booth 1996, Mortimer et al. 1998). Many of these species are poor competitors and pose no long-term problem, disappearing from the sward after a few years. However, certain competitive ruderals such as spear thistle Cirsium vulgare and ragwort Senecio jacobaea may be more pernicious (Silvertown & Smith 1989). The results presented here show not only greater suppression in the sown plots compared to the natural colonisation treatments, but also evidence for greater suppression in those plots sown with a high diversity seed mixtures. This seems to be the result of greater mean standing crop in the high diversity plots. The suppression of annual grasses such as blackgrass and sterile brome by the sowing treatments was particularly effective. The suppression of pernicious weeds such as spear thistle Cirsium vulgare and ragwort Senecio jacobaea was less effective, although problems with these short-lived species may be transient. The results of the supplementary sowing of weed species showed that levels of establishment of weed species in the plots in the year of the study were very low. The pernicious weed species present in the plots in the year of the study probably represent individuals which established when the turf was much more open, in the earlier years of the experiment. 21 Project title 5.4 Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 Colonisation by chalk grassland plants The colonisation of a new grassland site on ex-arable land is likely to be hindered by problems of seed availability. The low frequency of species-rich grassland in many intensive agricultural landscapes leads to a paucity of sources of potential colonists. When species do manage to arrive at a site through dispersal, their establishment will be affected by the nature of vegetation present. The experimental plots were colonized as a result of local seed dispersal by a number of species found in chalk grasslands. Most of the species colonising the plots in this way were species with wide habitat affinities that are also found in mesotrophic grasslands, field margins and hedgebanks. Most of these species were present in the along the boundaries of the experimental field. The abundance of these species in the treatment plots was generally greatest in the natural colonization plots and lowest in the high diversity sown and the continued cultivation plots (levels were low in the latter as a result of the continued management by annual cultivation). Similar results were found in the experiment involving supplementary sowing of additional chalk grassland species. Whilst the levels of establishment of the species introduced by supplementary sowing varied considerably, where significant effects of the treatments were found, levels of establishment were always greatest in the natural colonization or continued cultivation plots. Thus, the same processes which hinder establishment of weed species, may also hinder the establishment of desirable species (Stevenson et al. 1995; Burch 1996), although grassland species are, by their nature, more likely to have a ‘turf compatible’ regeneration niche (sensu Fenner 1978) than weed species. These research findings underline the need for proper aftercare management through appropriate grazing regimes. Establishment of grassland species in sown swards will be promoted as a result of the small scale disturbances created by grazing animals. 5.5 Colonisation by invertebrates The colonisation of new grassland sites by invertebrates is also limited by the same problems of isolation and dispersal that have been described for plants (Mortimer et al. 1998). Similarly, the successful establishment of new invertebrate populations will be affected by both the structure and composition of the vegetation developing at the site (Gibson et al. 1992a, 1992b; Brown & Gibson 1994). Thus, increasing structural and compositional diversity of the plant community will promote the development of a diverse invertebrate assemblage. In addition, the use of novel techniques, such as turf transplantation, may assist the colonisation of invertebrates, particularly of sedentary species. The study reported here showed clear differences in the invertebrate assemblages in natural colonisation plots compared with those that had been sown. For many groups of invertebrate, abundances were significantly higher in the sown plots. The diversity of species assemblages was also found to be significantly higher in the high diversity sown plots than the natural colonisation plots, with the low diversity sown plots having intermediate values. The stepping stone treatment was also found to have significant effects on the composition of two insect groups, the Auchenorrhyncha (hoppers) and the Coleoptera (beetles). In spite of the significant differences between treatments, the insect assemblages in the experimental plots were composed largely of fairly common species characteristic of a range of herbaceous vegetation. Many of the species which have habitat affinities restricted to chalk grassland were absent from the plots. It is likely that development of the invertebrate communities of arable reversion sites will be a slow process, the speed of development related to the proximity of established chalk grasslands to act as sources of colonists. Notwithstanding this, it is clear from the results of this study that development of the assemblages of certain insect groups towards those that resemble established chalk grassland was promoted by the sowing of plant species typical of such communities. 5.6 Effects of treatments on soil properties Land coming out of arable cultivation has high soil nutrient status, especially levels of P and K (Gough & Marrs 1990). However, recent studies have shown that levels of total N are lower than those of established 22 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land MAFF project code BD1434 chalk grassland, and that considerable N immobilisation occurs as grasslands develop on ex-arable soils as N becomes incorporated into organic forms (MAFF Project BD0327 Final Report). The results of this study confirm the disparity in levels of total N and soil organic matter between arable reversion sites and mature chalk grasslands. Management of the site aimed at reducing soil P through cutting and removal of cuttings may also limit the build up of litter, decomposer assemblages and the accumulation of organic matter in the soil. The soils of ex-arable land will be impoverished in other ways, for example, the stepping stone treatment may also aid the colonisation of the site by other beneficial organisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi. Similarly, other elements of the soil biota will be absent or impoverished in ex-arable soils. Invertebrates, fungi and bacteria involved in decomposition may increase in response to the stepping stone treatment. Such decomposer communities will exhibit concurrent development as vegetation develops and will be influenced by the diversity and nature of the developing plant community. 6 • • • • • 7 POSSIBLE FUTURE WORK Assessment of the success of establishment of commercially available seed of wildflower and grass species in relation to site characteristics and timing of sowing. Investigation of the use of sequential sowing of different plant types in order to overcome the problems of poor grass establishment and early dominance by legume species. Assessment of the effects of the identity of sown species on the ongoing spontaneous colonisation of sites by species typical of the target vegetation type. Investigation of factors influencing the lag in invertebrate colonisation of arable reversion sites, in particular, the relative importance of conditions prevalent at the site (sward structure, botanical composition) versus dispersal limitation and chance colonisation events. Assessment of the applicability of these treatments to other grassland types. ACTION RESULTING FROM RESEARCH Publications One paper, based on the findings of this project, has been accepted by the journal Biological Conservation: Mortimer, S.R., Booth, R.G., Harris, S.J. & Brown, V.K. (in press). Effects of initial site management on the Coleoptera assemblages colonising newly-established chalk grasslands on ex-arable land. Biological Conservation. In addition, the contractors have published two recent papers based on the first three years data from the experimental site used for this study: Van der Putten, W.H., Mortimer, S.R., Hedlund, K., van Dijk, C., Brown, V.K., Leps, J., Rodriguez-Barrueco, C., Roy, J, Diaz Len, T.A., Gormsen, D., Korthals, G.W., Lavorel, S., Santa Regina, I & Smilauer, P. (2000). Plant species diversity as a driver of early succession in abandoned fields: a multi-site approach. Oecologia, 124, 91-99. Leps, J., Brown, V.K., Diaz Len, T.A., Gormsen, D., Hedlund, K., Kailova, J., Korthals, G.W., Mortimer, S.R., RodriguezBarrueco, C., Roy, J, Santa Regina, I., van Dijk, C. & van der Putten, W.H. (2001). Separating the chance effect from other diversity effects in the functioning of plant communities. Oikos, 92, 123-134. Conferences The findings of this research project have been presented in two conference papers: Mortimer, S.R. & Brown, V.K. (1999). Suppression of weed species during restoration of species-rich grasslands: differential responses of plant functional types. British Ecological Society Winter Meeting, University of Leeds, December 1999. Mortimer, S.R., Booth, R.G. & Brown, V.K. (2000). Insects as indicators in the restoration of agricultural land. XXI International Congress of Entomology, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, August 2000. Other dissemination activities Dr Mortimer presented the findings of the research on the FRCA/English Nature training day on arable reversion held in Wiltshire on 20th July 2000. In addition, the experimental site was open to the public at the National Trust regional open day at Bradenham in September 1999. 23 Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land APPENDIX 1 Code Agro stol Alop myos Anis ster Arrh elat Blac perf Brom hord Cent scab Cera font Cirs arev Cirs vulg Clem vita Clin vulg Crep capi Crep vesi Dact glom Dauc caro Epil parv Epil tetr Euph nemo Gali moll Hera spho Hype hirs Hype perf Inul cony Knau arve Leuc vulg Malv sylv Meli alti Odon vern Orig vulg Picr hier Plan majo Poa prat Prun vulg Ranu repe Rese lute Rume cris Sene jaco Sonc arve Sonc aspe Tara offi Trif repe Vero arve Vero cham Vici hirs Vici sati Viol hirt MAFF project code BD1434 Species codes used in Figure 3 Scientific name Agrostis stolonifera Alopecurus myosurioides Anisantha sterilis Arrhenatherum elatius Blackstonia perfoliata Bromus hordeaceus Centaurea scabiosa Cerastium fontanum Cirsium arvense Cirsium vulgare Clematis vulgare Clinopodium vulgare Crepis capillaris Crepis vesicaria Dactylis glomerata Daucus carota Epilobium parviflorum Epilobium tetragonum Euphrasia nemorosa Galium mollugo Heracleum sphondylium Hypericum hirsutum Hypericum perforatum Inula conyzae Knautia arvensis Leucathemum vulgare Malva sylvestris Melilotus altissima Odontites verna Origanum vulgare Picris hieracoides Plantago major Poa pratensis Prunella vulgaris Ranunculus repens Reseda lutea Rumex crispus Senecio jacobaea Sonchus arvensis Sonchus asper Taraxacum officinale Trifolium repens Veronica arvensis Veronica chamaedrys Vicia hirsuta Vicia sativa Viola hirta English name creeping bent blackgrass sterile brome false oat-grass yellowwort * if introduced by SS treatment * * greater knapweed * creeping thistle spear thistle old man’s beard wild basil * cocksfoot wild carrot * * eyebright hedge bedstraw hogweed * * * * * field scabious ox-eye daisy * red bartsia marjoram creeping buttercup wild mignonette curled dock ragwort perennial sow-thistle prickly sow-thistle dandelion white clover field speedwell germander speedwell hairy violet 24 * * * * * * * * * Project title Methods of accelerating development of chalk grassland on ex-arable land APPENDIX 2 MAFF project code BD1434 REFERENCES Brown, V.K. & Gibson, C.W.D. 1994. 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