Boise State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 212L – Circuit Analysis and Design Lab Experiment #2: Sinusoidal Steady State and Resonant Circuits 1 Objectives The objectives of this laboratory experiment are: • To investigate the sinusoidal steady-state response of a resonant circuit in the phasor domain. • To compare the timebase and the Lissajous methods for measuring the phase shift between two sinusoidal waveforms. 2 Theory Electric circuits containing components like capacitors and inductors can introduce a phase shift between an exciting (input) sine waveform and a measured (output) sine waveform. This phase shift may be an important parameter to be measured in certain applications. This experiment investigates the timebase and Lissajous methods for measuring such a phase shift between two sine waveforms. 2.1 Timebase Method v1 v2 D1 D2 Figure 1: Timebase Method for Measuring the Phase Difference Between Two Sine Waveforms Figure 1 shows two sinusoidal waveforms, √ v1 (t) = Vm1 cos(ωt + θ1 ) = 2V cos(ωt + θ1 ) √ 1 v2 (t) = Vm2 cos(ωt + θ2 ) = 2V2 cos(ωt + θ2 ) 1 (1) (2) where v1 (t) is the reference waveform with peak magnitude Vm1 (and rms magnitude V1 ), and v2 (t) is a secondary waveform with peak magnitude Vm2 (or rms magnitude V2 ) and shifted by an angle ∆θ = θ2 −θ1 with respect to the first waveform. The secondary waveform v2 (t) is said to be lagging the reference waveform v1 (t) if it peaks later in time as shown in the above figure. In this case, the phase shift ∆θ (−180o < ∆θ = θ2 − θ1 < 0o ). The waveform v2 (t) is said to be leading the reference waveform v1 (t) if it peaks earlier in time with a positive phase ϕ (0o < ∆θ = θ2 −θ2 < 180o ). The timebase method of phase measurements consists of displaying both waveforms simultaneously on the screen and measuring the distance (in scale divisions) between two identical points on the two traces. In Figure 2(a), this phase shift in degrees is determined from the relation ∆θ = 360o × D2 D1 = 360o × ∆t T (3) where D1 = T is the common period for both waveforms and D2 = ∆t is the time delay between two zero crossings with rising (or falling) edges on both waveforms. 2.2 Lissajous Method A B A (a) (b) Figure 2: Phase Shift Computation Using Lissajous Patterns The Lissajous-pattern method of phase measurement is also called the X-Y phase measurement. To use this method, both signals are applied to two channels and the scope is then switched to the X-Y mode whereby the reference signal is applied to the horizontal input and the secondary signal is applied to the vertical input. A pattern known as a Lissajous pattern will appear on the screen. This pattern can be used to compute the phase shift between the two waveforms. The patterns shown above indicate phase relationships between the two waveforms. In order to calculate the phase shift ϕ, it is necessary to center the pattern on the X-Y axis as shown in Figure 2. The phase angle is obtained as follows for each pattern. Pattern (a) : 0o ≤ ∆θ ≤ 90o =⇒ ∆θ = sin−1 A B Pattern (b) : 90o ≤ ∆θ ≤ 180o =⇒ ∆θ = 180o − sin−1 2 (4) A B (5) R ~ I i(t) + + + v i(t) L C ~ Vi v o(t) − R − + 1 jω L jω C − (a) ~ Vo − (b) Figure 3: Resonant RLC Circuit in (a) Time Domain and (b) Phasor Domain 2.3 Resonant Circuit Consider the above RLC circuit which is excited by a sinusoidal input √ vi (t) = 2Vi cos(ωt + θ1 ) The output measurement is taken as the voltage across the LC parallel combination √ vo (t) = 2Vo cos(ωt + θ2 ) The voltage gain or transfer function is obtained as the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage in the phasor domain V˜o Ṽi = |Ṽo | ̸ θ2 |Ṽi | ̸ θ1 = √ = jωL ∥ 1/jωC R + jωL ∥ 1/jωC ωL 2 (ωL) + R2 (1 − ω 2 LC)2 ̸ = tan−1 ωL ωL − jR(1 − ω 2 LC) R(1 − ω 2 LC) ωL (6) (7) Identifying Equations (6) and (7), the voltage gain and phase shift between the output and input waveforms are |Ṽo | |Ṽi | ωL + R2 (1 − ω 2 LC)2 R(1 − ω 2 LC) ∆θ = θ2 − θ1 = tan−1 ωL The output voltage reaches a maximum with zero phase shift = √ (ωL)2 |Ṽo | = |Ṽi | ∆θ = 0 (8) (9) (10) o (11) at the resonant frequency ωo = 1 √ LC =⇒ fo = 1 √ 2π LC (12) This resonance property of circuits with inductors and capacitors can be used for component measurement. At resonance, the impedance of the parallel LC combination reaches its highest impedance (ideally an open circuit). The loading effect of the LC circuit is minimized at this frequency and the output voltage is maximum. 3 3 Equipment • Agilent DSO5014A Digital Storage Oscilloscope • Agilent 33220A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator • 330-mH Inductor, 0.068-µF Capacitor, 5.1-kΩ Resistor, Protoboard 942 4 Procedure Part A: Timebase Method Build the resonant RLC circuit of Figure 3(a) using R = 5.1 kΩ, L = 330 mH, and C = 0.068 µF. Hook up vi (t) to channel 1 and vo (t) to channel 2 of the oscilloscope. Energize your circuit with a 2Vpp sine wave with variable frequency and zero offset. First, find the resonant frequency where the output voltage is maximum and in phase with the input voltage. Record the maximum amplitude of the output voltage at the resonant frequency and then record the following measurements below and above the resonant frequency: f (Hz) Vi,pp (V) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Vo,pp (V) 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 4 T (ms) ∆t (µs) Part B: Lissajous Patterns Using the same setup as in Part A and for the same frequencies recorded, set up the X-Y (or versus) mode on the infinium scope and observe a Lissajous pattern. Turn on the two pairs of scope cursors and measure the quantities A and B for each of the frequencies recorded in Part A. f (Hz) Vi,pp (V) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Vo,pp (V) 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 A B 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 Part C: Parameter Measurements Measure the four parameters above using a shared RLC meter at 1 kHz. Nominal Measured 5 f (kHz) 1 1 R (kΩ) 5.1 L (mH) 330 C (µF) 0.068 Data Analysis and Interpretation 1. Using the measured value of C at 1 kHz and the resonant frequency fo , use Equation (12) to find a value of L in mH. Compare this inductance value with the measured one made with the shared RLC meter. 2. Compute the voltage gain G(f ) = |Ṽo |/|Ṽi | = Vo,pp /Vi,pp as a function of frequency f and plot G(f ) as a function of frequency for Part A. 3. Compute the phase shifts ϕ(f ) = 360o × ∆t/T using the timebase method for Part A. 4. Compute the phase shifts ϕ(f ) = sin−1 A/B using the Lissajous method for Part B. (Add a positive or negative sign to these phase shifts according to your observations in Part A.) 5. Plot both phase shifts ϕ(f ) = 360o × ∆t/T and ϕ(f ) = sin−1 A/B on the same graph. 6. Use the gain and phase plots to find the √ two phase shifts between the input and output waveforms where the gain is equal to 1/ 2 = 0.707. 7. Discuss the accuracy of the timebase and Lissajous methods in the discussion section of the lab report. 5 Boise State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 212L – Circuit Analysis and Design Lab Experiment #2: Sinusoidal Steady State and Resonant Circuits Date: Data Sheet Recorded by: Equipment List Equipment Description Agilent DSO5014A Digital Storage Oscilloscope Agilent 33220A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator BSU Tag Number or Serial Number Part A: Timebase Method f (Hz) Vi,pp (V) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Vo,pp (V) 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 T (ms) ∆t (µs) A B 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 Part B: Lissajous Patterns f (Hz) Vi,pp (V) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Vo,pp (V) 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 Part C: Parameter Measurements with an RLC Meter Nominal Measured f (kHz) 1 R (kΩ) 5.1 L (mH) 330 C (µF) 0.068