worldwatch report 186 Creating Sustainable Prosperity in the United States The Need for Innovation and Leadership Gary Gardner worldwatch report 186 Creating Sustainable Prosperity in the United States: The Need for Innovation and Leadership Gary Gardner lisa mast ny, e d i to r wor l dwatch i n st i t u te © Worldwatch Institute, 2011 Washington, D.C. ISBN 978-0-9835437-2-5 Printed on paper that is 50 percent recycled, 30 percent post-consumer waste, process chlorine free. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Worldwatch Institute; of its directors, officers, or staff; or of its funding organizations. On the cover: The old and the new in Illinois. Photograph by Dori ( Reprint and copyright information for one-time academic use of this material is available by contacting Customer Service, Copyright Clearance Center, at +1 978-750-8400 (phone) or +1 978-750-4744 (fax), or by writing to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Nonacademic and commercial users should contact the Worldwatch Institute’s Business Development Department by fax at +1 202-296-7365 or by email at The report is also available at Table of Contents Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Urgency of Our Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Population: Numbers Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Renewable Resources: Appreciating Nature’s Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Non-Renewable Resources: Going, Going, Gone? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Waste and Pollution: Inefficiency Incarnate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Creating Sustainable Prosperity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Figures, Tables, and Sidebars Figure 1. U.S. Population, 1960–2010, with Projections through 2030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 2. U.S. Total Fertility, 1960–2010, with Projections through 2030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Figure 3. U.S. Life Expectancy at Birth, 1960–2010, with Projections through 2030 . . . . . 11 Figure 4. Median Age of U.S. Population, 1960–2010, with Projections through 2030 . . . 13 Figure 5. Annual Net Carbon Storage in U.S. Forests, 1953–1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Figure 6. U.S. Water Use, Total and Per Person, 1950–2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Figure 7. U.S. Energy Consumption by Source, 1775–2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Figure 8. U.S. Minerals Production and Consumption, 1950–2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Figure 9. U.S. Import Dependence, Selected Metals and Minerals, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Figure 10. U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Total and Per Person, 1960–2007 . . . . . . . . . 27 Figure 11. Change in Waste Composition in the United States, 1900, 1960, and 2000 . . . 27 Figure 12. U.S. Municipal Solid Waste, Total and Per Person, 1960–2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Figure 13. U.S. Municipal Solid Waste Management, by End Disposal, 1960–2008 . . . . . 28 Table 1. U.S. Total Fertility Rate in a Global Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Table 2. U.S. Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity, Overall and by Sector, 2007 . . . . . . . . 15 Table 3. Changing Prevalence of U.S. Bird Species, 1966–2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 4. Price Increases of Selected U.S. Minerals, 2001–2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Table 5. Contraceptive Use and Unintended Pregnancies in the United States . . . . . . . . . 32 Table 6. Selected Results of Japan’s Top Runner Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Table 7. Per Capita Electricity Consumption in California versus United States, 2005 . . . 37 Sidebar 1. Age and Consumption: Lessons from Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sidebar 2. Efficiency Is Not Enough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Sidebar 3. One Vision of a Sustainable Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Acknowledgments I am grateful to the Worldwatch Institute for the opportunity over many years to write about cuttingedge issues in sustainable development. For this report, I am particularly grateful to Robert Engelman, Tom Prugh, Chris Clugston, Andrés Edwards, and Michael Renner for their comments on various portions of the text. I also am indebted to Curley Andrews, Stephan Lutter, and Cutler Cleveland for supplying key information that shaped the report. The Weeden Foundation provided generous support of the effort, for which I am deeply thankful. Any errors or omissions, of course, are mine. About the Author Gary Gardner spent 17 years as a researcher and writer at the Worldwatch Institute, an environmental research organization based in Washington, D.C. He has written on a broad range of sustainability issues, from cropland loss and water scarcity to malnutrition and bicycle use, for the Worldwatch publications State of the World, Vital Signs, and World Watch magazine. He is the author of the 2006 book Inspiring Progress: Religions’ Contributions to Sustainable Development. In addition to his research and writing, Gary has done interviews in both English and Spanish with international media outlets including the BBC, Voice of America, National Public Radio, and the Los Angeles Times. Before joining Worldwatch in 1994, Gary was project manager of the Soviet Nonproliferation Project run by the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California, where he authored Nuclear Nonproliferation: A Primer. He has developed training materials for the World Bank and for the Millennium Institute in Arlington, Virginia. Gary holds Master’s degrees in Politics from Brandeis University and in Public Administration from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Santa Clara University in California. He now serves as the Director of Grants Administration at the Resources Legacy Fund in California. 4 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es w w w. w o rl dw at Summary T he United States finds itself at a critical juncture, as environmental degradation and resource depletion threaten the capacity of the economy to generate wealth for the indefinite future. Despite growing awareness of the need to build a sustainable national economy, U.S. output continues to be characterized by linear flows of materials, heavy dependence on fossil fuels, disregard for renewable resources, and resource use that is strongly connected to economic growth. Entire sets of assumptions, beliefs, and practices will need to be overturned regarding renewable and nonrenewable resources, consumption, waste, and population growth if the United States is to build a sustainable economy in the decades ahead. The U.S. record of stewardship of natural resources is sub-par relative to many other industrialized countries and especially relative to the country’s capacity to fund improvements. In a comparative analysis of sustainability, the United States ranks barely in the top third of nations, far below its #1 ranking as the world’s largest economy. It scores moderately well in mitigating the impact of environmental degradation on humans, but poorly in mitigating ecosystem stresses and waste. Environmental problems of note in the United States, at least at a regional level, include water scarcity, declining bird populations, carbon emissions, toxic waste, and water pollution, including numerous “dead zones” resulting from agricultural runoff. Nonrenewable resources such as metals and fossil fuels, the signature inputs that make industrial civilizations possible, show signs of steady depletion in the United States. Often described as being blessed with an ample endowment of resources, the country is nevertheless a net www.worldwat ch. or g importer of 73 percent of the non-fuel minerals and metals used in the U.S. economy. For about 20 percent of these minerals and metals, the United States relies entirely on imports. Meanwhile, China, India, and other rapidly rising developing nations are turning increasingly to world markets to meet their own voracious appetite for resources, raising the specter of increased competition for resources. In 2010–11, China moved to restrict its own exports of rareearth minerals, some of which are critical to a range of industrial applications in the United States. And some 60 percent of world oil reserves are located in countries where relatively unstable political conditions could restrict oil output and exploration, making U.S dependence on foreign oil an increasingly risky situation. Resource degradation and scarcity are exacerbated by population growth, which increases the demand for renewable and nonrenewable resources alike. The U.S. population increased by about 25 percent between 1990 and 2010, the equivalent of adding another California, New York, and Texas, the three most populous U.S. states in 1990, to the 1990 population. And the population is expected to swell by another 16 percent over the next 20 years as 52 million Americans are added to the national family. The United States has one of the fastest rates of population growth among industrialized nations, at just under 1 percent per year, in part because the country is relatively young. Meanwhile, the environmental impact of growing numbers of people is multiplied by consumption levels of Americans, which are among the highest in the world. Creating a sustainable U.S. economy will require a thoughtful and strategic set of national, Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 5 Summary state, and local policies that essentially remake the economic playing field under a new set of principles. Renewable resources cannot be consumed faster than they are regenerated. Nonrenewable resources must be reused or recycled to the greatest extent possible, creating a circular economy. Ongoing development should focus less on ever-higher levels of consumption and more on increased quality of life. A sense of fairness, especially around wealth distribution, is needed to generate social and economic stability across society. Meanwhile, a deceleration of population growth will make the creation of a sustainable economy far easier. These broad principles suggest an entirely new way of building and operating an economy that will require innovative overarching national policies for the United States. Four in particular are key: Get the prices right. Perhaps no policy would do more to create a sustainable U.S. economy more quickly than internalizing the cost of air pollution, species extinctions, carbon emissions, and other environmental damage into the price of goods and services. A key challenge for policymakers is to ensure that prices “tell the ecological truth,” through imposition of, for example, a pollution tax that would transfer the cost of pollution to the polluter. Create a circular economy. Policymakers would do well to ensure that waste is radically reduced or even eliminated, by reusing and recycling materials and remanufacturing products to the maximum extent possible. In Japan, 6 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es where the concept of a circular economy has been a national priority for nearly two decades, resource productivity is on track to more than double by 2015 over 1990 levels; the recycling rate is projected to roughly double over the same period; and total material sent to landfills will likely decrease to about one-fifth of the 1990 level by 2015. Dematerialize the economy. The United States must embrace the concept of “decoupling,” or de-linking the arm-in-arm march of economic growth and the use of materials and fuel. Some decoupling is already under way—energy intensity has fallen by a third, for example, since the 1980s—yet overall materials use has continued to increase. A key challenge for policymakers will be to design policies that consistently and comprehensively “dematerialize” economic activity by emphasizing services over goods (providing car sharing when possible, for example, rather than cars) and by promoting long-lasting goods over planned obsolescence. Seek development over growth. Finally, reembracing the concept of sufficiency—the idea that limits on consumption produce greater wellbeing than full-throttled consumption—will be part of any sustainable economy. The concept of sufficiency suggests that increased quality of life in a wealthy country like the United States means ensuring that people can reclaim the space and time they desire in their lives for nonmaterial assets such as friendship, family bonding, leisure time, and community involvement. w w w. w o rl d w at The Urgency of Our Times www. worldwat ch. or g Kevin Kovaleski A quarter century after the term “sustainable development” entered mainstream use, and 20 years after it headlined the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the concept is at a crossroads. On one hand, institutions as diverse as businesses, universities, and churches proudly call themselves sustainable, suggesting that the concept resonates deeply across a broad swath of American society. On the other hand, relatively few people and institutions embrace the profound, original vision of sustainability: the wholesale economic and societal makeover that would generate clean prosperity today while preserving resources and ecological functions for use by future generations. More than two decades into the quickening U.S. interest in sustainability, the question looms: Will this historical moment mark a turning point when the country committed itself to a new economic framework for a fresh and enduring prosperity? Or will it be little more than a historic flirtation, and ultimately a lost opportunity for renewed economic greatness? The question is an urgent one. The conditions that brought the term sustainable development into being 25 years ago—robust population growth, water shortages, species losses, and coastal “dead zones,” to name a few—have largely worsened in the United States, while new concerns like coral reef die-offs, ocean acidification, and invasive species demand attention. Meanwhile, dwindling reserves of mineral resources and fossil fuels, the bone and blood of industrial economies, will eventually disable critical economic functions unless they are managed sustainably. And the wild card of climate change looms over the entire economy, with major consequences projected for infrastructure, health, and The Capital Bikeshare program was launched in the District of Columbia in September, 2010. the ecological services that underpin economic activity such as pollination and nutrient cycling. In sum, America’s renewable and non-renewable resource base, the foundation of its economy, is at risk because U.S. management of resources is fundamentally unsustainable. On the positive side, the technological and policy tools needed to create sustainable economic activity have advanced rapidly around the world, although few have been deployed widely. Renewable energy technologies are robust: wind generating capacity, for example, has grown some 16-fold in the United States over the past 10 years, yet renewables still account for a small share of U.S. energy generation.1* More-efficient products such as energy-saving appliances and lighting, and fuel-efficient cars, have cut pollu* Endnotes are grouped by section and begin on page 40. Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 7 The Urgency of Our Times tion and waste per unit of consumption in some economic sectors, even if these advances are often offset by increases in consumption overall. Meanwhile, innovative policy tools—from guaranteed market shares for renewable energy to pollution taxes and “take-back” laws for spent products—have proven successful in some parts of the world, although they remain largely untried in much of the United States. In sum, the need for a sustainable U.S. economy is great, and the tools to create it exist. Yet at the national level, policymakers have been slow to claim a sustainable future for America. The window for shifting to sustainable economic processes relatively painlessly is closing, and each year of inaction makes the eventual shift to a sustainable economy potentially more jarring and costly for a growing number of Americans. In principle, the United States should be a leader in the global shift toward sustainable economies because of its long tradition of environmental leadership. Teddy Roosevelt, John Muir, and Aldo Leopold were champions of American conservation, and Rachel Carson warned eloquently about the impact of unbridled industrial development. In the 1960s and 1970s, the United States became a world leader in environmental policy when it established a series of progressive laws and institutions. Much of this advance rested on a bipartisan foundation: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established under Richard Nixon, and the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, which set world-class standards for environmental protection, were passed by large majorities of the U.S. Congress. Indeed, today’s countertrends—recent efforts to strip the EPA of some regulatory powers, or the media’s under-reporting of climate change, the story of our times— are out of step with the much longer progressive environmental tradition in the United States. Reclaiming and building on that tradition is critical to creating a sustainable and prosperous U.S. economy. The sustainability challenge also tees up nicely for the United States because of sustainability’s heavy emphasis on innovation, traditionally an 8 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es American strength. Sustainability solutions are often systemic, requiring creative thinking across issues and across toolboxes. A sustainability response to air pollution, for example, would promote not just catalytic converters, but also greater use of public transportation, bicycling, and walking, as well as innovative tools like car sharing. The chosen solutions, in turn, would not merely cut pollution, but also reduce congestion, materials use, and social inequality while increasing access to mobility and advancing health. Today, the sustainability challenge is far more complex than the environmental challenges of the 1960s. But in that complexity lies opportunity—the chance to tap America’s knack for innovation to create a new foundation for lasting prosperity. The creative, systemic response demanded by the sustainability challenge requires that the United States rethink many deeply rooted habits and assumptions. A nation without a formal population policy will need to wrestle with how large the U.S. population can sustainably become. A nation that harnesses consumption to drive its economy will need, at a minimum, to “dematerialize” consumption by emphasizing services over goods where possible—and may need to reduce consumption altogether. A nation endowed with resource abundance will need to understand and manage resources as though they were scarce, for indeed many are. These cultural shifts, which underlie the technological and policy shifts required for sustainability, will perhaps be the most difficult adjustments ahead for Americans. The transition to sustainable prosperity is undoubtedly achievable for a country that prides itself on its “can-do” spirit. But America’s long “maybe” in response to history’s invitation to sustainable prosperity is no longer viable; the time for commitment is here. Indeed, an indecisive America might ponder this truth: the choice is not between the status quo and sustainability. A sustainable America is inevitable. The question is whether the United States builds sustainable prosperity through prudent choices now, or declines into sustained impoverishment because it failed to steward its assets when it had the choice. w w w. w o rl d w at Population: Numbers Matter D U.S. Population Growth In contrast to many industrial countries, U.S. population growth has been relatively robust over the past two decades, although it is slowing. The total number of Americans increased by 63 million between 1990 and 2010, or about 25 percent.1 (See Figure 1.) This is the equivalent of adding another California, New York, and Texas, the three most populous U.S. states in 1990, to the 1990 population.2 In 2011, the U.S. population growth rate* was estimated at just under 1 percent (0.894 percent), which puts the country roughly in the lower middle-third of the family of nations. Total population in some 141 countries grew faster than in the United States, while in 88 countries population grew at a slower pace.3 Of the U.S. growth, some * The population growth rate is the net of births over deaths and immigrants over emigrants. www. worldwat ch. or g Figure 1. U.S. Population, 1960–2010, with Projections through 2030 400 Source: UN 300 Million People emography affects the natural environment in the United States in two key ways: 1) through the activities of the total number of Americans, all of whom depend fundamentally on the environment to supply resources and to absorb wastes, and 2) through the particular makeup of the U.S. population—its age structure, household size, geographic distribution, and other characteristics. Of these two demographic thrusts, the overall number of people is the stronger environmental stressor. Thus, we begin this discussion of population with a review of the total number of Americans and the drivers governing U.S. population growth, then move to a discussion of the composition of U.S. population and its impact on the environment. 200 100 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 two-thirds was a natural increase (the net of births over deaths) while one-third resulted from immigration.4 The estimated net migration rate for 2011 is 4.18 migrants per 1,000 people, the 23rd highest rate in the world. Some 22 nations have higher immigration rates than the United States, and 198 nations have lower rates.5 Immigration could grow into a substantial source of U.S. population growth. The Pew Research Center estimates that a continuation of recent immigration trends would mean that 82 percent of the increase in population between 2005 and 2050 could consist of immigrants and their U.S.-born descendants.6 Although the country saw steady growth over the past three decades, population expansion in the United States is slowing: growth over the 2001–10 period was 9.7 percent, down from 13.2 percent in the 1990s, and the second lowest decennial growth rate in the past 100 years.7 (The Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 9 2030 Population: Numbers Matter 1930s, the decade of the Great Depression, posted the greatest slowdown of the past century; similarly, the 2001–10 slowdown in growth is attributed in part to the Great Recession.8) Yet even with this deceleration, U.S. population growth is still well ahead of the rates found in other industrial nations. The populations of France and England each grew at about 5 percent over the past decade, and China grew at roughly 6 percent.9 Japan’s growth has plateaued, and the population in Germany is actually declining.10 Although expanding less rapidly than in most recent decades, U.S. population is nevertheless expected to swell by 52 million people over the next 20 years, an increase of 16 percent.11 Many factors account for this, including the relative youthfulness of the population. The number of women of childbearing age (15–49) grew from 67 million in 1990 to nearly 76 million in 2010, and is expected to reach nearly 82 million in 2030.12 This helps explain why the United States has a relatively high birth rate by industrial country standards, at 13.8 births per 1,000 population.13 One of the key drivers of overall population growth is the number of children the average woman will have over her lifetime, known as the Total Fertility Rate (TFR). In the 20th century, this fertility rate tended to decline more slowly than the drop-off in death rates that accompanied the introduction of antibiotics, immunization, clean water, and improved food availability.14 In most developed countries, a TFR of 2.1 is “replacement level” fertility—the level at which a population will eventually reach an unchanging size—since parents are essentially replacing themselves in the population with their children. (It generally takes a lifetime or so to arrive at this more stable fertility rate, however, because so many young people are giving birth in comparison to the fewer older people leaving the population through death.)15 According to United Nations data, some 95 countries had fertility rates of 2.1 or less in 2009 and were poised to eventually end their contribution to global population growth, although this transition may take decades.16 The TFR for the United States is 2.1, down substantially from a half century ago when the rate was nearly 3.5 children per woman.17 (See Figure 2.) Yet the U.S. rate is still somewhat high for developed countries, which together posted an average TFR of 1.6 in 2009.18 Across Mediterranean Europe, fertility rates hover in the 1.2–1.4 range.19 Overall, the U.S. total fertility rate is closer to the average for less-developed countries than it is for more-developed countries.20 (See Table 1.) Increased life expectancy helps to expand the size of the population, although modestly. Longer life spans means that more people are alive at a given moment than if lifespans were shorter. Figure 2. U.S. Total Fertility, 1960–2010, with Projections through 2030 3.5 Source: UN Children per Woman 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 19 60 –1 96 5 19 65 –1 97 0 19 70 –1 97 5 19 75 –1 98 0 19 80 –1 98 5 19 85 –1 99 0 19 90 –1 99 5 19 95 –2 00 0 20 00 –2 00 5 20 05 –2 01 0 20 10 –2 01 5 20 15 –2 02 0 20 20 –2 02 5 20 25 –2 03 0 0 10 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es w w w. w o rl d w at Population: Numbers Matter Largely because of improvements in health care, life expectancy in the United States has advanced from some 70 years in the early 1960s to about 80 years today.21 (See Figure 3.) Higher levels of child survival also boosts population growth, although child survival rates have been relatively high in the United States for some time and thus are not likely to drive future population growth. The Problem with an Expanding Population Population growth is a key stressor of the natural environment, because greater numbers of people require more food, housing, transportation, and energy, all of which have environmental impacts. But in the United States, population growth combines with a second environmental stressor— high average consumption levels per person—to compound environmental impact. The average U.S. citizen uses 11 times as many resources as the average Chinese, and 32 times as many as the average Kenyan.22 Americans also consume intensively compared to their counterparts of just a few decades ago, as seen in trends in U.S. housing size. Despite a steady decline in household size in the second half of the 20th century (described below), the average house in the United States grew from 1,595 square feet in 1960 to 2,137 square feet in 2009, a 34 percent increase.23 And the larger homes incorporated more energy- and materi- Table 1. U.S. Total Fertility Rate in a Global Context Region Total Fertility Rate, 2005–10 More developed countries 1.6 United States 2.1 Less developed countries (excluding the least developed countries) 2.5 World Least developed countries 2.6 4.4 Source: See Endnote 20 for this section. als-intensive features. In 1975, only 20 percent of new single-family houses had 2.5 or more bathrooms and 46 percent had central air conditioning, but these shares rose to 55 percent and 87 percent, respectively, by 2002.24 Thus, the addition of one person to the American population represents far greater resource and environmental impact than an additional person does in most other countries, making even moderate U.S. population growth a sustainability concern. This concern is especially acute in the case of the United States, where “green” patterns of consumption are less rooted than in many other parts of the world. In a 2010 survey of consumers in 17 developed and developing countries, conducted by Figure 3. U.S. Life Expectancy at Birth, 1960–2010, with Projections through 2030 85 Source: UN Years 80 75 70 19 60 –1 96 5 19 65 –1 97 0 19 70 –1 97 5 19 75 –1 98 0 19 80 –1 98 5 19 85 –1 99 0 19 90 –1 99 5 19 95 –2 00 0 20 00 –2 00 5 20 05 –2 01 0 20 10 –2 01 5 20 15 –2 02 0 20 20 –2 02 5 20 25 –2 03 0 65 www. worldwat ch. or g Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 11 Population: Numbers Matter National Geographic, Americans ranked last in green consumption habits (although their score had improved over the 2008 survey).25 As long as the U.S. strategy for prosperity is linked heavily to greater and greater use of materials and fuels, and as long as Americans are not persuaded to adopt green consumption habits, growth in U.S. population will be a disproportionately worrisome problem in the United States and for the world as a whole. Composition of U.S. Population The composition of a nation’s population—how old people are, or where they live—can also affect environmental impact. The young and old, for example, tend to consume less than those in the broad middle of a population, in part because children and seniors have limited or no income, and because seniors tend to steward resources to last during a retirement of unknown duration. In addition and more indirectly, aging populations are associated with lower rates of labor productivity and therefore with lower rates of economic growth, which can translate to lesser environmental impact.26 (See Sidebar 1.) If these general trends hold true in the United Sidebar 1. Age and Consumption: Lessons from Abroad In one of the clearest documentations of the relationship between age and environmental impact, a 2005 New Zealand study of seven consumption indicators (use of water, land, phosphorus, and energy; and generation of solid waste, wastewater, and carbon dioxide) found that children under age 15 consumed 20 percent less than the average New Zealander, and that those over 65 consumed 2 percent less than the national average. On the other hand, people in the broad national middle—those between 15 and 64—consumed 7 percent more than the average New Zealander. A 2008 study from the European Union similarly found that the elderly “are generally less mobile, take up new consumption patterns at a slower speed, and consume on average the same or less resources than other groups in society.” One exception is the consumption of fuels. Consumption per person was higher for the elderly than for the rest of the population because the elderly have smaller households (often one or two persons) than younger groups, which translates to larger living space per inhabitant and greater energy consumption per person. Source: See Endnote 26 for this section. 12 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es States, the aging U.S. population could dampen environmental impact somewhat in the coming decades. The median age in the United States increased from 30 years in 1960 to nearly 37 years in 2010.27 (See Figure 4.) Meanwhile, the share of the U.S. population over the age of 65 increased from 12.3 percent in 1990 to 13 percent in 2010, and is projected to reach 19.8 percent by 2030.28 For this reason, a 2010 study suggests that aging in the United States could lower carbon emissions by some 12 percent by 2100, compared with scenarios in which aging is not taken into account.29 Meanwhile, the share of high-spending 15–64 year-olds is expected to drop to 62.2 percent by 2030.30 At the same time, the demographic group with the smallest footprint, those under 15, will fall from 21.7 percent in 1990 to 18 percent in 2030.31 Overall, then, the emerging age structure of the U.S. population is likely to lessen environmental impact compared with population growth under assumptions of no change to the current age structure. To be clear, this does not mean that an aging U.S. population translates into lowered environmental impact in absolute terms, but rather that the impact will likely be less than it would have been without aging. In contrast to the beneficial environmental impact of aging, smaller household size in the United States is a demographic shift that will increase environmental impact. In general, small households tend to consume more fuel and materials than large ones because each household typically has its own heating, cooling, and lighting systems, and its own set of consumer products, from TVs and other electronics to refrigerators, stoves, and other appliances. In addition, each household, no matter the size, tends to have at least one car, one of the most materials-intensive products in the U.S. economy.32 A European Environment Agency study reported that “one-person households consume, on average, 38% more products, 42% more packaging and 55% more electricity per person than four-person households.”33 The pattern is likely to hold roughly true for the United States as well. The environmental impact of small households makes U.S. housing trends worrisome. The average household size in the United States fell by w w w. w o rl dw at Population: Numbers Matter www. worldwat ch. or g Figure 4. Median Age of U.S. Population, 1960–2010, with Projections through 2030 50 Source: UN 40 30 Years nearly 29 percent between 1960 and 2010, from 3.33 persons to 2.59 persons.34 Indeed, the share of households with just one person more than doubled, from 13.1 percent in 1960 to 26.7 percent in 2010. Both trends, however, have roughly plateaued since 2000.35 Finally, urbanization is an important demographic variable with strong, though divergent, environmental impacts—an important consideration for a country like the United States. The country has been urbanizing steadily for more than a century, and by 2010 some 82 percent of Americans lived in urban areas, although this figure includes suburban dwellers as well, who typically demonstrate a much greater environmental impact than city dwellers.36 In general, cities have a mixed record regarding sustainability: they are economic engines and centers of innovation that drive the global, unsustainable use of resources, but they are also the places where sustainability innovations are likely to emerge.37 City residents tend to need less living space. They often reside in more compact dwellings and in high-rise buildings with larger numbers of people per square mile than suburban and rural residents do. This is true even when large houses are built for efficiency: a small house with moderately good energy performance uses much less energy for heating and cooling than a large house that is highly efficient.38 Moreover, when properly designed, urban living can mean lower levels of energy use through co-generation of electricity and waste heat, reduced dependence on private cars (with correspondingly lower levels of pollution and energy use), and increased opportunities for recycling and remanufacturing of materials.39 The U.S. Energy Information Administration has reported that urban residents with vehicles own 1.8 vehicles per household and use these to travel 21,600 miles annually, while rural households have 2.2 vehicles per household and cover 28,700 miles per year.40 Overall, given the sprawling, low-density, car-centered pattern that characterizes most American development, urban Americans tend to consume resources and generate waste at lower rates than their suburban and rural counterparts. 20 10 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Population Overall versus Demographic Composition Despite their differential impacts on the environment, the age, household size, urban makeup, and other characteristics of the U.S. population are less important than the sheer numbers of people and their consumption habits. In a 2004 study of transportation use in the United States by population cohort, the composition of the population accounted for just 11 percent of changes in demand for transportation over an 11-year period.41 Growth in population and changes in transportation habits, by contrast, accounted for 89 percent of change in miles driven per person.42 Similarly, the 2010 study examining carbon emissions reductions in the United States showed that while an aging U.S. population would account for a 12 percent reduction in emissions by 2100, slower population growth would reduce emissions by 37–41 percent over the same period.43 And the study from New Zealand documents that even when lessened environmental impact from aging is augmented with assumed increases in efficiency of resource use, the total decrease in impact is more than offset by the increase in the overall number of people. In sum, the number of people, not the makeup of a population, matters most.44 Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 13 2030 Renewable Resources: Appreciating Nature’s Services A merica’s renewable resources—its forests and crops, rivers and lakes, and living creatures—have always been vital inputs to the U.S. economy as sources of wood, food, fiber, and water. Now scientists reveal that renewable resources are more than a set of goods: they also provide many services vital to economic activity.1 Trees purify the air, wetlands provide flood protection, and bees pollinate crops—just a few of the many economically critical services that nature provides. As ecosystem science reveals the full value of the goods and services that make up America’s natural endowment, the importance of stewarding these resources to build a sustainable economy for the United States becomes increasingly evident. Despite their importance, however, the United States has a mixed track record in caring for renewable resources. Whether assessed at the national level and across all renewables, or at the level of individual resources, it is clear that management of these assets requires greater attention than it has received to date. Overall Assessment Assessments of the nation’s environmental health are proxy measures of America’s renewable resource base, because environmental issues are often renewable resource issues. Many environmental assessments are framed in a global context, ranking the United States against other countries. Three are considered here: Columbia University’s Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) from Yale University, and the Ecological Footprint. Each uses different performance yardsticks, but all suggest that the United States has a great deal of room for improvement in 14 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es its stewardship of the environment and natural resources. The ESI, last published in 2005, averages the values of 21 environmental and social indicators to give an overall sustainability score for most of the world’s countries.2 The data offer a sobering view of America’s environmental performance. Of the five clusters used to categorize the 21 indicators, the United States scored highest in Social and Institutional Capacity (78 out of 100) and Reducing Human Vulnerability (74), suggesting that the country does a reasonable job of managing environmental risks to humans. It earned a 60 on the Environmental Systems component, meaning that its land, air, water, and biodiversity bases are in moderate shape. But the United States received only a 38 in Global Stewardship, reflecting its minimal support for global environmental institutions and treaties. And it scored 27 on the Reducing Stresses component, meaning that America performs poorly in mitigating air pollution and water and ecosystem stresses, and in reducing waste and consumption. The United States also performed poorly in the ESI relative to other countries, especially given its wealth and high capacity for environmental stewardship. The ESI ranked the United States 45th out of 146 countries, barely within the top third of countries assessed.3 And the United States scored worse than the average of its peer group (countries with similar GDP per capita) on 13 of the 21 indicators measured.4 The Environmental Performance Index generates roughly similar results for the United States. The EPI uses 25 performance indicators covering Ecosystem Vitality (measuring climate change, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, biodiversity and habitat, water, and air pollution) and Environw w w. w o rl dw at Renewable Resources: Appreciating Nature’s Services mental Health (the environmental burden of disease and the effect on humans of air pollution and water availability).5 Of the 163 countries covered, the United States ranks 61st—not even in the top third of countries, and with a score about the same as that of Paraguay and Brazil.6 In contrast to the ESI and EPI, Global Footprint Analysis (GFA) assesses the utilization of renewable resources more directly. GFA measures demand for biological goods and services, typically at the national level, against the biological capacity (biocapacity) of the country—the ability of its ecosystems to produce useful biological materials and to absorb human-generated wastes.7 The demand for forests, croplands, and water, for example, is measured against a country’s productive capacity of these resources. Footprint analysis can be done for an entire nation or on a per capita basis. A nation is an ecological creditor if its biocapacity is greater than its footprint, and it is an ecological debtor if it uses more of nature’s capacity than it generates. Ecological debt is generated by running down a country’s endowment of natural capital—by overcutting forests, for example, or overpumping aquifers, practices that cannot be sustained indefinitely. Many economies worldwide are now habituated to overconsuming natural capital: the global economy has been in a situation of chronic ecological debt since roughly 1980 as a growing number of the world’s economies use more of nature’s goods and services than they generate.8 The United States is one of the world’s largest ecological debtor nations. According to the Global Footprint Network (GFN), the U.S. ecological footprint began to exceed the country’s biocapacity in 1967, and the country’s ecological debt has increased steadily since then. By 2007 U.S. biocapacity was measured at 3.9 global hectares* per person, but its footprint was 8.0 global hectares per person.9 Thus, the United States consumes some 207 percent of its ecological * A global hectare is an area measure that reflects the average productivity of biologically productive land and water in a given year. A unit of cropland, for example, would have a higher global hectare value than a unit of pastureland, because cropland is more biologically productive than pastureland. www. worldwat ch. or g capacity and is the 46th greatest ecological debtor of the 151 countries evaluated by GFN. This puts the country in the top third of the world’s ecological debtors.10 (Stated in reverse, the United States ranks only 105th of 151 nations in ecological stewardship, defined here as the inverse of ecological debt.11) On a per capita basis, the picture is worse: at about 8 global hectares per person, the United States has the fifth largest ecological footprint per person in the world. Only the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Denmark, and Belgium have greater per capita footprints.12 Interestingly, however, the U.S. status as an ecological debtor is largely the result of its heavy carbon footprint. In all other categories—cropland, grazing, forest, fishing grounds, and builtup land—the U.S. footprint is still below its biocapacity, often significantly so.13 (See Table 2.) This is good news: addressing the country’s carbon problem would go a long way to reducing America’s ecological debt. Table 2. U.S. Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity, Overall and by Sector, 2007 Ecological Footprint Biocapacity Footprint as Share of Biocapacity global hectares per capita Overall Cropland Forest Fishing Grounds Grazing 8.0 1.08 1.03 0.10 0.14 3.9 1.58 1.55 0.41 0.26 percent 205 68 66 25 55 Source: See Endnote 13 for this section. Notably, however, even with exemplary policies to protect renewable resources, population growth is a continuing stress on nature’s capacity to provide the United States with clean water, timber, soil fertility, and other natural goods and services. In contrast to the general expansion of America’s economy and population, its biocapacity is largely fixed. (The biocapacity of farmland, managed forests, and other cultivated land systems can be increased through the addition of nutrients, but this increase is relatively Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 15 Cibola National Forest in New Mexico. small.) Thus, as the U.S. population expands, its biocapacity per person shrinks. U.S. biocapacity was nearly 7 hectares per person in 1960 but was closer to 4 hectares by 2007.14 In sum, while no single indicator can give a definitive assessment of a country’s environmental sustainability, the three assessments considered here put the United States well down in the global rankings—much lower than the country’s economic standing would seem to predict. America is wealthy and ecologically well endowed, with the world’s largest economy and the 25th richest biocapacity in the world, according to GFN.15 Yet it ranks only in the top third of nations in the ESI and EPI, and is one of the world’s leading ecological debtors.16 In short, relative to its capacity, the United States is an ecological underperformer, a nation that to date has lacked the will, rather than the means, to become environmentally sustainable. Select Indicators of U.S. Environmental Health The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2008 Report on the Environment summarizes the condition of ecosystems in the United States and the renewable resources they contain.17 The report’s data is often spotty, covering only select regions or subsets of an issue, and trend data is often lacking. The analysis uses the health of forests, wetlands, and land as proxies for the overall ecological health of the nation. The indicators 16 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es suggest that the United States continues to experience levels of environmental degradation that undermine the biological integrity of ecosystems at the regional level, and are therefore unsustainable. Here is a summary of their findings: Forests. After declining by more than 16 million acres between 1938 and 1977, U.S. forested area has increased over the past three decades by 5.3 million acres, although there is great variation across regions. Despite the expansion, forest quality is an issue: the composition of tree species has changed, and almost one-fifth of forested area is considered “patchy,” with edges that border on non-forested land, which adversely affects habitat functions.18 Only 26 percent of forested area is core forest, where forests dominate the landscape, but even in these areas some fragmentation is common. In addition, the carbon storage capacity of U.S. forests may be slowing. Since 1953, forests in the continental United States have absorbed more carbon than they have emitted. But while net carbon storage in forests increased to 210 million metric tons of carbon per year in the 1977 to 1986 period (compared with 1950), absorption fell to 135 metric tons per year in 1987–96, the last period for which data is available, suggesting that an important component of America’s capacity to absorb atmospheric wastes is diminished.19 (See Figure 5.) Wetlands. Wetland acreage in the continen- Figure 5. Annual Net Carbon Storage in U.S. Forests, 1953–1996 250 Source: EPA 200 Million Tons per Year USDA Forest Service Renewable Resources: Appreciating Nature’s Services 150 100 50 0 1953–62 1963–76 1977–86 1987–96 w w w. w o rl d w at Renewable Resources: Appreciating Nature’s Services www. worldwat ch. or g Figure 6. U.S. Water Use, Total and Per Person, 1950–2005 2,500 Source: USGS Total Use 400 2,000 Use per Person 300 1,500 200 1,000 100 500 0 1950 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 and irrigation, held steady compared to 1980 or decreased, while withdrawals for public supply and domestic use continued their long-term upward trend.31 The encouraging performance of the water sector can be credited in part to greater efficiency. More farmers are using micro-irrigation technologies, for example, and public water use is more effiicient as well. Although the U.S. population increased by 5 percent between 1980 and 2005, public water use increased by only 2 percent.32 Despite the encouraging trends, water scarcity is a very real prospect for a growing share of the country. The U.S. Government Accountability Office surveyed water management officials in 47 states in 2003 and found that officials in 36 states expected to face water shortages at the local, regional, or state level within 10 years.33 The signs are clear: groundwater in the High Plains aquifer that underlies eight western states has been significantly depleted, now containing less than half of the water that it held before groundwater pumping started. Meanwhile, California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada, which already are stressing their current water supplies, are expected to see their populations increase more than 50 percent from 1995 to 2025. The potential effects of climate change create additional uncertainty about future U.S. water availability and use. The predicted decline in snow pack, for example, could harm states that rely Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 17 Gallons per Person per Day 500 Billion Gallonds per Day tal United States covers less than half the extent it did when Europeans first arrived in North America.20 And much of that loss has occurred over the past half century, although the trend has reversed over the past decade, with modest net additions to acreage.21 Between the 1950s and the 1970s, some 458,000 acres of wetlands were lost per year, a rate that slowed to about 58,000 acres between 1986 and 1997.22 Between 1998 and 2004, the extent of U.S. wetlands grew by some 32,000 acres per year. In sum, well over 13 million acres of wetlands were lost in the second half of the 20th century, while expansion in the past decade totals just a few hundred thousand acres.23 The greatest losses have been to forested wetlands, which have lost about 9 million acres since the 1950s.24 Shallow freshwater ponds have seen the greatest area expansion and now cover more than twice the area that they did 50 years ago.25 Causes of wetlands disappearance have included urban and rural development, silviculture (the cultivation and management of trees, especially in forests), and flooding to create reservoirs.26 Causes of wetland creation have included restoration and conservation efforts on agricultural and other lands.27 Land Use. Between 1982 and the early 2000s, timberland (the two-thirds of forest land available for productive purposes) increased by some 3 percent, farm acreages fell by 12 percent, and developed lands increased by about 48 percent.28 Developed land increased almost twice as fast as the increase in population from 1982 to 2003, suggesting more extensive use of developed land.29 According to the EPA’s National Land Cover Data, the southeastern United States accounts for 53 percent of new coastal development in the country. Water Use. The most recent assessment of water use in the United States, from the U.S. Geological Survey in 2005, reveals some encouraging trends. Some 410 billion gallons per day were withdrawn for all purposes in 2005, about 5 percent less than in 1980, while per capita use was down a full 37 percent.30 (See Figure 6.) Also of note, groundwater extraction levels fell by 4.3 percent between 1980 and 2005. The two largest uses of water, thermoelectric power generation Renewable Resources: Appreciating Nature’s Services Table 3. Changing Prevalence of U.S. Bird Species, 1966–2009 Habitat Type Urban Grassland Scrubland Woodland Wetland Number of Species Observed Share of Observed Species Showing a Substantial Increase in Population Share of Observed Species Showing a Substantial Decrease in Population percent percent 33 7 11 29 21 67 54 39 27 16 15 28 87 131 86 Source: See Endnote 34 for this section. extensively on melted snow runoff for gradual seasonal distribution of their freshwater supply. Biological Diversity. Data on U.S. biological diversity are limited, with few reliable national statistics for amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and plants, or for the numbers of threatened, endangered, and invasive species. Nationally representative data on birds and fish, however, are more robust. The status of birds is mixed, with some observed species registering substantial gains in population and others showing substantial declines.34 (See Table 3.) Urban and grassland bird species tended to experience more declines in population than gains, while scrubland, woodland, and wetland species tended to register more gains than declines. Meanwhile, an Audubon analysis of “citizen science” bird-counting data shows that all 20 of the birds on their Common Birds in Decline List—including certain herons, sparrows, and hummingbirds—have lost at least half of their populations in just over four decades.35 Meanwhile, fish species are showing widespread stresses, although these are generally moderate in impact. Only 21 percent of the area of the lower 48 states saw no decline in native fish species in the 1997–2003 period compared with historical levels.36 In more than half of the area (55 percent) of the continental United States, fish species declined by less than 10 percent.37 In the remaining area—about a quarter of the land area of the continental U.S.—native fish species have declined by between 10 and 50 percent.38 18 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es Climate. Over the past three decades, average temperatures in the continental United States rose five times more (0.59 degrees Fahrenheit per decade) than for the century-long period since 1901 (0.12 degrees per decade.)39 Moreover, five of the warmest years on record for the continental U.S. have occurred since 1990.40 The greatest warming occurred in Alaska, which is consistent with the expectations of scientists from the United Nations-created Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of greater warming at higher latitudes.41 Because rising temperatures increase evaporation, a warming United States can expect increased levels of precipitation. Data indicate that annual precipitation has increased 6.5 percent over the continental U.S. since 1901.42 In addition, rising average global temperatures have caused a rise in relative sea levels (changes in sea level combined with changes in land elevation because of subsidence or other factors) of up to 3 millimeters per year between 1950 and 1999.43 Higher sea levels increases the likelihood of flooding, and salination of coastal inland waters. Warming also affects wildlife: the Audubon analysis of its bird surveys suggests that 60 percent of birds that winter in North America have shifted their ranges northward by an average of 35 miles because of warming temperatures.44 Hypoxia. Low levels of dissolved oxygen in water, a condition known as hypoxia, create an environment in which many forms of aquatic life cannot exist. Hypoxia is typically the result w w w. w o rl d w at of runoff of nitrogen and phosphorus from farmland into waterways. National measures of hypoxia are unavailable, but regional information for the Gulf of Mexico and for Long Island Sound are worrisome. In both regions, 2007 data show that in “substantial areas,” low dissolved oxygen content have created an environment that cannot support most fish and shellfish species.45 Nutrient measurements of the Mississippi, Columbia, St. Lawrence, and Susquehanna rivers show that the Mississippi, which drains farmland throughout much of the Midwest, carries more than 15 times the nitrate load of the other rivers, and that the nutrient content in this river more than doubled between the 1950s and 2007.46 On the other hand, nitrate loads in the Columbia River, after nearly doubling in the 1990s, returned to historical levels by 2002.47 Nitrate loads were variable in the other rivers. Other data shows that about onethird of the miles of wadeable streams tested in the United States had concentrations of www. worldwat ch. or g USDA Forest Service Renewable Resources: Appreciating Nature’s Services As part of a wetlands restoration project, a student looks for tadpoles in a drying pond of the Idaho Panhandle National Forest. nitrogen and phosphorus that were substantially higher than reference levels appropriate for their region.48 Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 19 Non-Renewable Resources: Going, Going, Gone? T he United States is rightly regarded as a nation blessed with an abundance of economically useful natural resources. But much of that abundance is nonrenewable: the minerals, fossil fuels, and metals that are not regenerated by nature on a timescale relevant to economic advance. Moreover, America’s dependence on these finite natural resources has grown over the country’s history, a common phenomenon of industrial economies. Before the Industrial Revolution, the vast majority of energy consumed in the United States was renewable. The primary energy sources that fueled most economic activity were wood for heating and cooking, animal power for plowing and transportation, and human power for planting, building, and washing.1 (See Figure 7.) But today, the vast majority of energy used in the United States, and all of the country’s mineral resources, are non-renewable.2 In the face of relentless consumption, non-renewable resources are increasingly scarce, posing a serious challenge to the sustainability of the U.S. economy. Trends in Non-Renewable Resources Non-renewable resources consist of minerals (construction and industrial), metals, and fuels. For all categories, production and consumption skyrocketed in the United States over the past century. In 1900, for example, the U.S. economy required fewer than 100 million metric tons of minerals, but this figure ballooned to more than 3.8 billion metric tons in 2006—a 38-fold increase over a period in which the U.S. population increased only fourfold.3 The exceptions to this growth pattern came during periods of economic downturn, especially during the recession of the early 1980s and the Great Recession that began in 2007.4 (See Figure 8.) And the relentless increases in materials use occurred despite increasing efficiency in the U.S. economy.5 (See Sidebar 2.) Figure 7. U.S. Energy Consumption by Source, 1775–2009 50 Source: EIA Quadrillion Btu 40 Petroleum Hydroelectric Coal Wood Natural Gas Nuclear 30 20 10 0 1775 20 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 w w w. w o rl dw at Non-Renewable Resources: Going, Going, Gone? Declining Endowment of Non-Renewables The non-renewable nature of vital economic resources invariably raises the question of scarcity. How long will America’s mineral and fuel endowment last? Answers are difficult to posit with confidence, because great uncertainty surrounds the physical extent of remaining supplies, their economic and political availability, and future demand for them. But from several analytical perspectives the United States appears to be in an increasingly worrisome position with regard to non-renewable resources. To begin, although the United States is blessed with an abundance of non-renewable resources, the economy’s voracious resource appetite often outpaces the country’s cornucopian supply. Of the 92 non-fuel minerals and metals used in the U.S. economy and tracked by the U.S. Geologiwww. worldwat ch. or g Figure 8. U.S. Minerals Production and Consumption, 1950–2009 5 Source: SERI 4 Production Consumption Billion Tons Increasingly, the U.S. pattern is becoming the global experience as more countries achieve high levels of industrialization. Between 1900 and 2005, extraction of all materials increased globally by a factor of eight worldwide, with nonrenewables showing double-digit multiples of growth as more and more countries pursued an industrial path to prosperity.6 Construction minerals grew by a factor of 34, ores and industrial minerals by a factor of 27, and fossil energy carriers by a factor of 12. Meanwhile, global extraction rates for copper, zinc, nickel, tin, and platinum have averaged about 3.4 percent annually over the past few decades, which implies a doubling of extracted material volumes every 20 years.7 In sum, humanity’s intensive use of materials is in a league of its own in this Industrial Century. By one estimate, 97.5 percent of all copper produced worldwide in the last 1,000 years was produced since 1900.8 Despite steadily increasing demand through most of the 20th century, suppliers were able to keep pace, and resource prices declined by about 30 percent over the course of the century.9 Even after the oil crises of the 1970s, resource prices resumed their downward trend within a decade.10 As noted below, however, prices of non-renewable commodities may now be headed generally upward in what could be the start of a period of scarcity for many non-renewable resources. 3 2 1 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Sidebar 2. Efficiency Is Not Enough Interestingly, growth in U.S. materials consumption over the past several decades occurred despite the economy’s more efficient use of minerals, metals, and fuels. Since the 1970s, the U.S. economy has lowered its energy intensity by 55 percent, meaning that the energy needed to produce a dollar’s worth of goods and services in the U.S. fell by more than half. Efficiency is desirable, of course, yet an ironic economic reality is that efficiency could itself be a driver of materials use, because efficiency gains often lower resource prices and stimulate consumption. More efficient jet engines, for example, require less jet fuel, which can lead to cheaper air travel, more people flying, and increased use of jet fuel. This “rebound effect” holds for many economic processes, from heating and cooling of buildings to lighting, transportation, and water heating. It suggests that a common American response to environmental challenges—greater efficiency through technological advance—may need to be augmented by policies that anticipate and cancel the rebound effect. Source: See Endnote 5 for this section. cal Survey (USGS), the United States in 2010 was a net importer of 67, or some 73 percent.11 (See Figure 9.) For 43 of these imported commodities, imports accounted for 50 percent or more of apparent consumption*, while 18 were imported * Apparent consumption = production + imports – exports ± change in stock amounts. Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 21 Non-Renewable Resources: Going, Going, Gone? Figure 9. U.S. Import Dependence, Selected Metals and Minerals, 2010 Stone (crushed) Iron and Steel Cement Gypsum Sulfur Salt Copper Gold Aluminum Lithium Nickel Silicon (ferrosilicon) Silver Tungsten Tin Zinc Cobalt Potash Iodine Platinum Gemstones Arsenic Asbestos Bauxite and Alumina Cesium Fluorspar Graphite Manganese Quartz Crystal Rare Earths Rubidium Strontium Thallium Yttrium Source: USGS 0 10 20 30 40 at a full 100 percent of consumption.12 Put differently, for nearly half (43 out of 92) of the major minerals and metals used in the U.S. economy in 2010, most of the quantities consumed came from overseas. And for about one in five of these 92 resources, the United States was entirely dependent on imports. Moreover, the USGS reports that U.S. import dependence is increasing. The number of commodities for which the United States was 100-percent import dependent rose from 7 to 18 between 1978 and 2010, while the number of commodities imported at 50 percent or more of apparent consumption rose from 25 to 32.13 Meanwhile, the U.S. mineral export position stayed largely the same: the country was a net exporter of 18 minerals and metals commodities 22 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 50 60 Percent Imported 70 80 90 100 in 1978, and of 19 in 2010.14 Evidence pointing to resource scarcity can also be found in resource prices, which, in contrast to the trend of the 20th century, were generally up over the past decade (even after factoring in substantial price drops due to greatly dampened demand of the Great Recession). In the decade between 2001 and 2011, when the commodity price index, a broad price measure that includes food, fuel, and non-fuel prices, increased by 213 percent, the metals price index and the crude oil price index were both up by nearly 300 percent.15 For particular metals, the price hikes were even greater.16 (See Table 4.) Of course, factors other than resource scarcity can drive up commodity prices. Investor speculation and supply-chain bottlenecks (such as w w w. w o rl dw at Non-Renewable Resources: Going, Going, Gone? Table 4. Price Increases of Selected U.S. Minerals, 2001–11 Mineral Increase in Price percent Nickel Phosphate Rock Lead Copper Gold Tin Uranium Silver Iron Ore 241 332 419 430 455 476 523 735 1,263 Source: See Endnote 16 for this section. insufficient oil refining capacity) are commonly cited sources of commodity price spikes. But the increase in the price of so many non-renewable resources over a multi-year period, the fact that prices did not fall by as much as economies contracted in the Great Recession and have in many cases recovered to 2008 levels, and the likelihood that global demand will remain robust for the foreseeable future, putting upward pressure on supplies and prices, suggest that a fundamental imbalance between global demand and supply may be in place. This should make stewardship of America’s non-renewable resources a high priority for policymakers. More than most any other non-renewable resource, fossil fuels are central to industrial civilization. The energy density and convenience of oil, coal, and natural gas have made industrial advances of all kinds possible, from development of plastics to transoceanic air travel. Because of its vital importance, the question of remaining stocks of fossil resources is of great interest to virtually all sectors of society. It is a pressing question today. Estimates of remaining accessible fossil resources vary widely, but most seem to center around several decades to two centuries or so of remaining reserves. Even if the quantity of remaining fossil fuel resources cannot be known www. worldwat ch. or g with any precision, analysts increasingly accept that the abundance of the 20th century is very likely coming to an end. The Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) suggests that fundamental supply changes lay behind the trend in higher oil and natural gas prices, noting that “there is a growing consensus among analysts that the current situation is not a transitory feature of the market. Instead, there is a fundamental and potentially worsening gap between our demand for oil and natural gas and our ability to supply it.”17 The International Energy Agency, traditionally optimistic regarding fuel supplies, stated in 2011 that “The Age of Cheap Oil Is Over.”18 And the International Monetary Fund has noted that “increases in...oil prices suggest that the global oil market has entered a period of increased scarcity” caused by “continued tension between rapid growth in oil demand in emerging market economies and the downshift in oil supply trend growth.”19 The rising concern emerges from a number of factors that portend rising prices, perhaps to uneconomic levels, in the decades ahead. First, the low-hanging energy fruit has already been picked, and new discoveries are harder and more expensive to reach. One of the ways this manifests is through a concept called the energy return on energy investment (EROI), which measures the quantity of energy produced from a given input of energy, or, more concretely, the number of barrels of oil produced with the expenditure of one barrel of oil. Cutler Cleveland of Boston University has calculated that the EROI of oil and gas extraction in the United States declined from 100:1 (100 barrels of oil extracted with the energy in one barrel) in 1930 to 30:1 in 1970 and 11:1 in 2000.20 In other words, more and more energy is needed to extract a given quantity of energy resources. Indeed, NETL notes that remaining resources are largely either in reservoirs that are expensive and risky to develop, or in shallow reservoirs whose productivity is low.21 The debate over remaining physical stocks of fossil fuels may be academic, given the growing appreciation by policymakers and the public of the need to limit carbon emissions. Political Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 23 Non-Renewable Resources: Going, Going, Gone? David Ritter initiatives from the Kyoto Protocol to various regional carbon markets are creating momentum for a shift away from fossil fuels, even if results on the ground are lagging. Compressed and baled aluminum cans ready for recycling. Now, investors may well take note: a 2011 report from the Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI) in the United Kingdom sees an asset bubble in the stocks of fossil fuel companies. The report calculates that limiting carbon emissions to a level that will prevent more than a two-degree Celsius increase in global average temperature will require that no more than 20 percent of the listed reserves of the world’s leading coal and oil and gas companies be burned between now and 2050.22 CTI warns that the huge asset bubble created by the non-usable 80 percent of reserves will burst once the reality of their worthlessness becomes apparent. This wakeup call to investors may render moot the debate over ultimate physical reserves of coal, oil, and gas. Geopolitical Context As America’s ability to supply its own resources wanes, businesses and policymakers increasingly look overseas for metals, minerals, and fuels. But they are not alone: competitors in many other countries, especially developing ones whose economies are expanding rapidly, are also scouring the globe for secure sources of supply. China grabs the headlines; its nearly 10 percent annual 24 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es growth rate over some two decades has vaulted its economy to second place globally, after the United States. But India, Brazil, Indonesia, and other large developing countries are growing rapidly as well. Indeed, in 2010, some 27 countries grew at 7 percent or faster, a rate that would double their economic output (and appetite for resources, as economic growth and resource use are still closely coupled in most economies) in 10 years.23 The consequences of this surge in global demand could be huge, as nations that are aspiring to prosperity approach the United States in resource use per person. Despite its tremendous recent growth, China’s per capita consumption in 2008 was still less than 10 percent the level of average American consumption that year. Jared Diamond, a professor of geology at the University of California, Los Angeles, has calculated that if all Chinese citizens were to consume as Americans do—and with the simplifying assumption that neither population nor consumption per person increased in the rest of the world—then consumption of oil, metals, and other resources would roughly double. Add India to the calculation (while continuing to hold remaining global demand constant), and world consumption rates would triple. And if the entire developing world were to match the per capita consumption rates of Americans, global consumption would increase elevenfold. Diamond notes that this is equivalent to raising world population to 72 billion people at 2008 consumption rates.24 Mental exercises aside, a U.N. analysis projects that by 2050, humanity could consume three times its current demand for minerals, ores, fossil fuels, and biomass—140 million metric tons per year unless economic activity is “decoupled” from natural resource consumption.25 For a growing set of resources, such increases in demand could begin to reach the limits of available supply. Total global stocks of copper (in the ground), for example, amount to about 1,600 teragrams.26 To provide each of 10 billion people—the possible population of the world in the early second half of this century—with the 170 kilograms per person of copper consumed by the typical North American would require about 1,700 teragrams.27 Or consider platinum, w w w. w o rl dw at Non-Renewable Resources: Going, Going, Gone? which is used in fuel cells that might propel the clean cars of the future. If the world’s half billion or so cars were powered using fuel cells, and if the platinum in those cars were recycled at a 50 percent rate, the world’s platinum supply would be sufficient for some 15 years.28 Many other metals and minerals are more scarce than copper and platinum, and could be exhausted quickly under such relentless demand. Even when physical supplies of a resource www. worldwat ch. or g remain, they may be held by nations unfriendly to the United States. Already, some 60 percent of world oil reserves are located in countries where relatively unstable political conditions could restrict oil output and exploration.29 Meanwhile, national protection of resources is already apparent. In 2010, China banned exports of rare-earth minerals, which are used in LED televisions, superconductors, nickel-metal hydride batteries, and other high-value products and processes.30 Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 25 Waste and Pollution: Inefficiency Incarnate W aste and pollution signal environmental and economic failure. They represent inefficient resource use that in turn means a loss of economic value and an increase in environmental damage. A truly sustainable economy generates minimal quantities of waste and pollution; instead, it creates a circular flow of resources that become an ongoing series of goods over multiple economic lives. The United States has made progress in reducing waste and pollution over the past four decades, but it remains far from being a minimal-waste society. Indeed, its waste reduction successes require qualification. To begin, advance has been uneven. Air and water pollution have seen clear reductions, for example, while construction waste has hardly diminished. Second, progress in some cases has been late and limited: only in the last five years has total municipal waste generation and municipal waste per person begun to plateau and decline, so levels remain high. Third, improved understanding of the health and environmental impacts of pollution have sometimes required a tightening of standards, making apparent progress less impressive than it might seem. The acceptable exposure to lead, for example, has fallen over time as research has revealed its harmful effects. Finally, progress is often slow and incremental, rather than systemic, thereby limiting the potential for wholesale reductions in waste and pollution. Indeed, recycling rates for some materials have worsened in the past decade. Only with full political commitment to the development of a “circular economy” that reduces, reuses, and recycles the bulk of materials will radical reductions in waste and pollution become possible. Waste as defined here consists of municipal solid waste (MSW), construction waste, and toxic waste. Wastes can be landfilled, incinerated, or recycled and reused. Pollution consists of air and water pollution, which can be filtered or avoided altogether through cutting-edge production and consumption practices. Michael Glasgow Trends in Waste and Pollution Moving municipal solid waste at a Houston, Texas, landfill. 26 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es In the United States, as in most countries, waste volumes tend to increase with industrialization and then decline somewhat as citizens pressure political leaders for action to reduce waste flows. Waste also tends to change in composition as the economy evolves. Following is a brief review of the waste and pollution trends in the United States: Air Pollution. One of the greatest success in pollution reduction in the United States is found w w w. w o rl dw at Waste and Pollution: Inefficiency Incarnate www. worldwat ch. or g Figure 10. U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Total and Per Person, 1960–2007 7 1.75 Per Person Billion Tons 1.25 6 5 Total 1.00 4 0.75 3 0.50 2 1 0.25 0 1960 Source: CDIAC 1970 1980 1990 0 2010 2000 Figure 11. Change in Waste Composition in the United States, 1900, 1960, and 2000 1500 Source: Product Policy Institute 1200 Inorganics Food and Yard Waste Products 900 600 300 0 1900, New York 1960, U.S. 2000, U.S. quent and intense storms, and increases in both precipitation and drought all projected in the U.S. future.8 Municipal Solid Waste. A century ago, municipal waste consisted mostly of coal ash and food scraps, with a small proportion of simple manufactured products like paper and glass. Today, 75 percent of U.S. waste is throwaway products and packaging, some containing toxic components.9 (See Figure 11.) With a consumption-driven economy, the United States continues to generate large quantities of municipal solid waste (trash and garbage). Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 27 Tons per Person 1.50 Pounds per Person per Year with air pollution. Between 1970 and 2009, levels of the six criteria air pollutants (carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxide), in aggregate, fell by 63 percent.1 Perhaps most impressive, this achievement was realized even as a host of other indicators increased over the same period: GDP increased by 204 percent, population by 50 percent, and energy consumption by 41 percent. This decoupling of environmental impact from economic and population growth is the kind of structural overhaul that will be needed to create sustainable economies in the future. This good news, however, must be put into context: air pollution brings widespread economic and health damage, from decreased crop yields to higher rates of respiratory ailments. A multiyear study of yield losses in the 1980s by the National Crop Loss Assessment Network found a roughly 10 percent loss of yields for various crops, and modeling of future losses shows increasing damage. By 2100, according to one modeling effort, yields could decrease by as much as 75 percent under a business-asusual scenario, or by a less-dramatic 26 percent under a scenario that caps pollutant and greenhouse gases.2 Meanwhile, the EPA confirms that ground-level ozone is especially harmful for people with asthma and other chronic lung diseases, and particulate matter—small, dust-like particles—can penetrate the deepest areas of the lungs and cause health problems from chronic bronchitis to premature death in people with respiratory and heart ailments.3 Despite the positive trends for some pollutants, emissions of one air pollutant—carbon dioxide (CO2)—have continued their generally upward trajectory.4 (See Figure 10.) For decades, and until very recently, the United States was the world leader in CO2 emissions, a distinction that now belongs to China.5 As a leading emitter, the United States contributes 18 percent of the world’s CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning.6 Atmospheric CO2 concentrations stand at some 393 parts per million, compared with 280 parts per million prior to the Industrial Revolution.7 They are currently on a track that scientists say produces climate instability, with higher average temperatures, more fre- Waste and Pollution: Inefficiency Incarnate The EPA reports that MSW grew from 88 million tons in 1960 to 254 million tons by 2007, a 188 percent increase. The total then declined slightly to 250 million tons in 2008, the first decline in MSW generation since data collection began a half-century ago.10 (See Figure 12.) On a per person basis, MSW generation increased from 2.7 pounds per day in 1960 to 4.7 pounds in 2006 and dropped to 4.5 pounds in 2008.11 This suggests that Americans have achieved a plateauing of waste output over the past decade. Importantly, however, that pla- 300 6 250 5 200 Pounds per Person per Day Million Tons per Year Figure 12. U.S. Municipal Solid Waste, Total and Per Person, 1960–2008 4 Per Person Total 150 3 100 2 50 1 0 1960 Source: EPA 1970 1980 1990 2000 0 2010 Figure 13. U.S. Municipal Solid Waste Management, by End Disposal, 1960–2008 Million Tons 300 Source: EPA 250 Composted 200 Recycled 150 Combusted 100 Landfilled or Other Disposal 50 0 1960 28 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es teau sits at a very high level, and future efforts to reduce waste radically will likely require approaches that value materials highly and provide for their recycling and reuse. Most of America’s trash and garbage is landfilled, although the landfilled share has declined as recycling and composting have increased.12 (See Figure 13.) In 1960, some 94 percent of U.S. MSW was landfilled, and just 6 percent was recycled. 13 By 2008, 24 percent of MSW was recycled, 13 percent was incinerated (producing energy in the process), and 9 percent was composted, leaving 54 percent going to landfills.14 The good news is that the landfilled portion of America’s MSW fell from 94 percent to 54 percent over the 48-year period, while recycled and composted matter grew to comprise onethird of U.S. waste flows by 2008.15 But because total MSW generation nearly tripled over the period, the quantity of MSW going to landfills actually increased substantially, from nearly 83 million tons to 135 million tons.16 Despite better management of MSW, America’s throwaway economy means that mountains of trash and garbage continue to be produced, most of it headed for landfills. Hazardous Waste. Hazardous waste is waste that, usually due to its chemical composition, carries a high risk of causing serious harm to people or other life unless properly managed. In the United States, hazardous waste is typically disposed of in landfills or surface impoundments, applied to land, or injected into deep wells, after meeting minimum standards for disposal.17 The EPA began to keep comprehensive data on hazardous waste generation and disposal in 1999. Between 1999 and 2007, hazardous generation decreased 23 percent, from 36.1 million tons to 27.8 million tons, a strong advance. Yet little progress has been made in reuse of hazardous waste.18 Relatively small shares are recovered: historically, the proportion of waste sent to metal or solvent recovery has ranged from a high of 8.7 percent in 2001 to a low of 6.8 percent in 2007. Hazardous waste sent for energy recovery increased from 4.4 percent in 1999 to 6.4 percent in 2007, and the share sent to treatment declined from 13.6 percent to 6.1 percent during the same period. 19 The bulk of hazardous waste w w w. w o rl dw at is disposed of—either captured in deep-injection wells (90–92 percent), landfilled (8–10 percent), or used as land treatment (0.1 percent or less). Between 1999 and 2007, the share of hazardous waste that was disposed of increased from 82 percent to 88 percent.20 A rapidly growing source of hazardous waste is electronics products. In the United States, more than 3 million tons of electronic waste containing cadmium, mercury, and lead was disposed of in 2009.21 Only 17.7 percent of this was recycled (although this was up from 13.6 percent in 2008).22 The rest went to landfills or incinerators. According to the EPA, e-waste is the fastest growing stream of municipal waste in the United States today.23 www. worldwat ch. or g Delaware Valley College Waste and Pollution: Inefficiency Incarnate Windrows of compost on the campus of Delaware Valley College. Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 29 Creating Sustainable Prosperity C reating a sustainable U.S. economy requires a thoughtful and strategic set of national, state, and local policies that essentially remake the economic playing field. In contrast to common responses to environmental remediation over the past half century—so-called “end of pipe” solutions such as smokestack filters, or marginal increases in resource efficiency (as with mileage standards for automobiles)—a wholesale redesign of economic processes, guided by sustainability principles, is now needed to achieve lasting prosperity for the United States. (For one vision of a sustainable society, see Sidebar 3.1) Sustainability principles are rooted in the Sidebar 3. One Vision of a Sustainable Future The One Planet Economy Network, a U.K.-based organization, outlines its vision of a sustainable economy this way: How would a sustainable Europe look in 2050? We can envisage a vastly more efficient economy, where energy and materials are used to maximum effect. Shops will no longer need to sell disposable goods, and waste mountains would be a thing of the past. Responding to climate change, buildings will produce their own energy needs. Innovation in science and technology…becomes everyday practice in all branches of industry. There is an equal and opposite agenda on the consumption side—consumers demand low impact products and services, and share cars or equipment where possible. They actively prefer products which are adaptable, long-lived, and designed for remanufacture. The principle of stewardship ensures that resources are shared according to need, rather than squandered in conspicuous consumption. Two hundred years after giving rise to the Industrial Revolution, the EU pointed the way towards an industrial evolution. Source: See Endnote 1 for this section. 30 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es logic of a “full world,” economist Herman Daly’s description of a planet where human numbers are so great and human activities are so impactful that they stress natural systems and resource supplies extensively, even at the global level. In this full world, common sense suggests the following overarching principles for policymakers: • Population growth, almost invariably a source of environmental pressure, cannot continue indefinitely. • Renewable resources cannot be consumed faster than they are regenerated, except during short periods of temporary need, after which reserves must be rebuilt. • Non-renewable resources should be consumed sparingly and reused or recycled to the greatest extent possible. • Waste, a signal of inefficiency, should be reduced to a minimum or eliminated. • Nature’s services, such as flood protection and pollination, are valuable economic assets that require protection. • Ongoing development in a wealthy country like the United States should focus less on everhigher levels of consumption and more on increased quality of life. • Economic and social stability are advanced when a sense of fairness, especially around wealth distribution, is shared broadly across society. These broad principles suggest an entirely new way of building and operating an economy that will require innovative overarching national policies for the United States. Four in particular are key: Get the prices right. Very often, the environmental damage created by economic activity—air pollution, species extinctions, or carbon emissions-driven sea-level rise, for example—is not w w w. w o rl dw at Creating Sustainable Prosperity www. worldwat ch. or g Seek development over growth. The final overarching policy theme for a sustainable economy is consumption-focused. It is the concept of sufficiency, a recognition that some societal advances eventually become personally and societally destructive, as when food abundance generates overweight and obesity, threatening health and driving up healthcare costs. The concept of sufficiency is closely tied to economist Herman Daly’s call for prioritizing development over growth, the idea that increased quality of life in a wealthy country like the United States does not always mean higher incomes, more consumption, or greater accumulation of material goods. Instead, it often means ensuring that people can reclaim space and time in their lives for nonmaterial assets such as friendship, family bonding, leisure time, and community involvement. Policymakers can design national efforts to ensure that nonmaterial measures of national wellbeing are valued and promoted alongside material ones. Steve Jurvetson reflected in the price of goods and services sold in America. A key challenge for policymakers is to ensure that prices “tell the ecological truth,” for example through the imposition of a pollution tax that would transfer the cost of pollution to the polluter. Perhaps no policy would do more, more quickly, to create a sustainable U.S. economy than internalizing the cost of environmental damage into the cost of goods and services. Although many vested interests with a stake in the environmentally damaging status quo would oppose such an overarching policy, it should in principle appeal even to conservatives because it removes a major set of market distortions. Create a circular economy. Policymakers would do well to ensure that waste is radically reduced or even eliminated, by reusing and recycling materials and remanufacturing products to the maximum extent possible. Germany, Japan, and China already have put into place pieces of a circular economy, with great success. In Japan, for example, resource productivity is on track to more than double by 2015 over 1990 levels, the recycling rate is projected to roughly double over the same period, and total material sent to landfills will likely decrease to about one-fifth the 1990 level by 2015.2 This success was realized because the concept of a circular economy became a national priority, expressed through a steady progression of waste reduction laws over the past 20 years.3 Such a deliberate commitment to rethinking the role of materials in the economy is needed in the United States today. Dematerialize the economy. A third overarching policy theme is the concept of “decoupling,” which seeks an end to the longstanding relationship between economic growth and materials and fuel use, so that this use does not increase in step with economic expansion. Some decoupling is already under way—energy intensity has fallen by a third, for example, since the 1980s—yet overall materials use has continued to increase. A key challenge for policymakers will be to design policies that consistently and comprehensively “dematerialize” economic activity by emphasizing services over goods (providing car sharing when possible, for example, rather than cars), and by promoting long-lasting goods over planned obsolescence. Taking an electric car for a test drive in Palo Alto, California. Policies for Sustainability The wholesale transformation implied by these principles and overarching policies cannot happen overnight. Indeed, it will require a sustained, high-level policy effort of the kind undertaken in Europe and other regions and countries where sustainable production and consumption (SCP) is a high policy priority. But by focusing on highCrea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 31 Creating Sustainable Prosperity leverage areas like food, transport, and buildings, and on powerful actors such as governments, businesses, and consumers, policymakers can make broad advances, relatively quickly, toward development of a sustainable economy. Population Because population is a major driver of environmental impact, a rational and sensitive population policy is needed to ensure that the American family does not become larger than the American homeland or the world’s ecosystems can sustain. To this end, it is important that U.S. policies be in place to help avoid unintended pregnancies, and that immigration levels take into account the nation’s ecological capacity to absorb additional residents, in addition to finding practical and compassionate responses to the people worldwide who desire to live here. Reproductive health. Part of slowing the growth of U.S. population involves helping women who desire to avoid pregnancy to have adequate access to contraception. Research from the Guttmacher Institute shows that women who use contraception consistently and correctly have far lower rates of unintended pregnancies than other women.4 (See Table 5.) Guttmacher estimates that such services already prevent almost 2 million unintended pregnancies annually.5 Indeed, ensuring access to contraception is one of three policy tools identified in a recent study as cost-effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancies. The other two are mass- Table 5. Contraceptive Use and Unintended Pregnancies in the United States Share of All Unintended Pregnancies percent Women who use contraception consistently and correctly 5 Women who use contraception but do so inconsistently 43 Women who do not use contraception 52 Source: See Endnote 4 for this section. 32 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es media efforts to encourage men to use condoms, and a program that discourages sexual activity among teens while educating them about proper contraceptive use. In all cases, the study found that the savings to taxpayers are greater than the cost to them.6 Immigration. Given that some four-fifths of U.S. population growth in the next four decades is projected to consist of immigrants and their descendants, limiting immigration will need to be part of any U.S. strategy to slow population growth.7 Immigration is a sensitive topic that is sometimes framed as a choice between compassion and the environment: a liberal immigration policy helps struggling people from low-income nations, but at the expense of the U.S. environment, while a restrictive immigration policy would ease environmental pressures but turn a cold shoulder to people seeking greater opportunity. But the compassion versus environment choice is a false one. The United States could complement more restrictive immigration practices with two policies that would help the country meet the compassion test. First, it could re-institute an agricultural guest worker program that offers temporary employment to foreign nationals, similar to the bracero program in place in the country in the 1960s, which allowed Mexican workers to enter the United States to assist with the agricultural harvest. Such a program would need to ensure that it does not lower the wages of existing workers, and that guest workers are treated with dignity—meaning adequate living quarters, educational and healthcare opportunities for workers’ families, and a living wage—so that the program does not become a vehicle for legal exploitation of powerless workers. A guest worker program would offer what many immigrants typically seek most—employment—while allowing them to maintain citizenship and official residence in their home countries. Next, the United States could design foreign aid policies to favor job creation overseas, especially in nations that are primary sources of emigration to the United States. The Inter-American Foundation works in this vein (though not to dampen immigration pressures), assisting small entrepreneurs in business development throughw w w. w o rl dw at Creating Sustainable Prosperity out the Americas. Its $29 million budget for fiscal year 2010 was tiny, however.8 If initiatives like IAF were ramped up significantly, and if they were coupled with macroeconomic assistance to Latin American and other governments to create an economic environment conducive to job creation, U.S. aid could help create more prosperous economies that offer greater opportunity for citizens overseas (and eventually, larger markets for U.S. exports). Indeed, evidence of the link between economic prosperity overseas and reduced emigration to the United States can be found, perhaps surprisingly, in Mexico. The Mexican economy has expanded 45 percent since 2000, while Mexican emigration to the United States has slowed to near zero and may actually be negative, according to Douglas Massey of the Mexican Migration Project at Princeton University.9 Although some of this trend can be attributed to factors other than Mexican prosperity—such as tighter U.S. border enforcement and a sluggish U.S. economy—Massey maintains that development efforts in Mexico, especially greater access to education, have had a clear effect on keeping Mexicans home. A guest worker program and an employmentfocused aid policy would address U.S. immigration pressures at their source. The United States could still open its doors to limited numbers of immigrants based on national need, and remain open to those seeking political refuge or shelter from major catastrophes. But because of the physical limits to the number of people the United States can support, the most just and environmentally sound immigration policy may be one that pursues sustainable prosperity overseas. Consumption The way Americans consume, and the very purpose of consumption, would need to be rethought in a sustainable United States. Policies for sustainable consumption would aim to meet consumers’ needs using the least quantities of materials and fuels—a tall order for an economy built on mass consumption. Imaginative reframing of consumption to enhance quality of life is key to the effort. Progressive consumption tax. Governments www. worldwat ch. or g could also induce lower levels of consumption by introducing a progressive consumption tax in place of income taxes. Consumption taxes can be levied at the point of sale, as with the valueadded tax employed in many countries, or from an annual tax return that would determine taxable consumption by subtracting savings from income. Such a tax could be made progressive by providing for a standard deduction to cover basic living expenses, and by applying a progressive schedule of taxes to consumption. Cornell University economist Robert Frank illustrates that a family with an annual income of $50,000 could subtract from this a standard deduction of say, $30,000, then subtract its savings for the year, perhaps $5,000, leaving taxable consumption of $15,000. Consumption tax rates would be modest at low income levels, perhaps 10 percent, leaving the family a tax bill of some $1,500.10 People at higher levels of consumption would face higher tax rates, but importantly, Frank argues, the wealthy would be no worse off psychologically because their wealth relative to peers would remain unchanged. Social psychologists have shown that relative wealth, rather than absolute wealth, is the indicator people look to when assessing how well-off they are. Because the relative position of the wealthy vis-à-vis those above them and below them would not change under a progressive consumption tax, the wealthy could absorb a heftier tax psychologically (and financially as well), with little trouble. Beyond reducing consumption, the consumption tax provides a more stable source of revenue than an income tax, because consumption levels are typically more stable than income.11 It might also be a better fiscal tool in a recession: offering a consumption tax holiday would offer far more economic stimulus than a tax rebate, because people would be more likely to spend to receive the benefit of a consumption tax reduction.12 And, Frank argues that a consumption tax, while dampening employment in consumption-oriented sectors, would increase employment in sectors stimulated by savings and investment.13 Targeted fiscal tools to shape consumption. Governments can use taxes and subsidies to steer consumers toward environmentally friendly Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 33 Creating Sustainable Prosperity Lynn Betts/NRCS products, especially those with a large eco- footprint, such as cars. The French government, for example, subsidizes the purchase of high mileage vehicles, and penalizes low mileage ones. The policy has been successful: between January and June of 2008, sales of the cleaner vehicles rose by 15 percent while sales of higher emissions vehicles—those getting 34 miles per gallon or less, fell by 27 percent.14 Drip-irrigation in one of California’s wineries. By contrast, some American policy runs counter to sustainability goals—subsidies to the fossil fuel industry being a prime example. And too often, support for clean economic activity is often short-term and subject to political whiplash, with incentives added and withdrawn as political control of Congress changes. This has been the case for renewable energy subsidies over the past few decades. Government procurement. The government can use its procurement power to help create a market for goods and services that are sustainably produced and that advance sustainable consumption. In OECD countries (the set of wealthy industrial countries that includes the United States), public sector procurement amounts to between 13 and 17 percent of the GDP; in the United States, the federal government alone issued contracts valued at some half a trillion dollars in 2008.15 That is a hefty lever for creating demand for sustainable goods and services by 34 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es realizing economies of scale and reducing product costs. Already, the International Institute for Sustainable Development reports that in the United States, Canada, Germany, and Austria, public sector purchases of energy-efficient information technology equipment, sustainable timber, and sustainable agricultural products may have expanded the markets for these products by more than 25 percent.16 Meanwhile, the United Nations Environment Programme reports that public sector purchases of green electricity could help European governments meet onequarter of their Kyoto commitments, if these purchases came from newly constructed renewable energy facilities.17 Promote eco-labels and other forms of certification. Governments can support certification programs as an inexpensive, consumer-level tool for achieving broader environmental aims. Governments can certify products themselves, as with the certified organic label that the U.S. Department of Agriculture uses to communicate to consumers that farm products are free of synthetic pesticides, genetic modification, and fertilizer made from sewer sludge, for example. Such an approach can eliminate consumer confusion associated with a plethora of ecolabels by creating a single, authoritative label.18 Alternatively, it can facilitate third-party certification by supporting capacity building for certifying organizations. Government can also support the market for eco-labeled products by using its procurement power to purchase such products. Finally, governments can work with international trade organizations to encourage favorable trade treatment for certified products and to avoid having legitimate environmental standards treated as trade restrictions. Advance a lighter consumer footprint. At the consumer level, governments could help reshape consuming by promoting “collaborative consumption” to reduce waste and provide what people are looking for inexpensively and typically with a low environmental footprint.19 Through the rising trends of bartering, sharing, and trading (often facilitated by the Internet or other communications technology), people can get more of what they want using fewer resources, w w w. w o rl dw at Creating Sustainable Prosperity often by absorbing the consumption slack found in the current economic system. For example, car sharing initiatives put cars to work for many more hours per day than the average privately owned car, which spends the vast majority of its life parked. The result is lower transport expenditures for participants and lower levels of materials use and environmental damage for society as a whole. And car sharing now has become even more collaborative, with “peerto-peer” schemes in which car owners make their vehicles available to a broader public through a car sharing company. Owners list their vehicles online and set their own rental rates. The car sharing company supplies the cars with a remote entry system that allows borrowers to access the car in the owner’s absence, and the company takes a cut of the charges.20 Collaborative consumption is a new but growing field that spans many economic sectors. An online search lists dozens of “tool libraries” in the United States, which allow consumers to check out power drills, electric saws, and other tools, obviating the need for private tools that sit largely idle. “Couch surfing” services match travelers looking for a place to sleep with householders having an extra couch or bed, reducing the need for hotel space. Clothing exchanges give parents the option to trade children’s outgrown clothing and toys for updated ones. In each case, consumer needs are met with a lower ecological footprint, and often at a lower cost than when consumption is focused on new products for individual consumers. Collaborative consumption is essentially the ancient human tradition of sharing, but turbocharged via modern technology. And it’s getting more powerful with advances in technology. One company sells a mobile application that takes peer-to-peer car sharing to a new level because it connects customers directly with available vehicles nearby.21 Imagine the freed up parking space—and the tons of metal, glass, and rubber that would be spared—if car-sharing becomes as convenient as walking outside and picking up a car.22 Collaborative consumption could transform the way Americans meet their consumption needs and desires, with a healing effect on the environment. Its current size, estimated at $110 www. worldwat ch. or g billion, is likely a sliver of what it will become.23 Federal, state, and local governments would do well to make room for this new dimension of consumption. Perhaps the most intriguing dimension of collaborative consumption is that it lowers a consumer’s environmental footprint without taxation, burdensome regulations, or resort to moral suasion. Instead, it simply unleashes human creativity around the very strong desire of people to connect and share. To the extent that governments can avoid quashing this spirit, by eliminating regulations that inhibit sharing, trade in second-hand goods, and the like, this innovative kind of consumption can flourish. In the case of peer-to-peer car sharing, for example, regulations that clarify insurance responsibilities have helped to facilitate such sharing.24 Even better would be efforts to find public-private partnerships that help collaborative consumption to overcome barriers to success. Promote leisure over income. Quality of life might also be enhanced if consumers could work shorter weeks. Economist Juliet Schor notes that: “in the U.S., annual hours of work rose more than 200 from 1973 to 2006. Longer hours raise the ecological footprint, both because of more production, and because time-stressed households have higher-impact lifestyles.”25 Fewer work hours, with correspondingly lower overall pay, reduces disposable income and curbs consumption. “With more time and less disposable income, they’ll shift to buying fewer new products, and prefer goods that are longer lasting and repairable,” Schor adds. “They’ll also participate more in economies of re-sale and exchange.” In a world of moderated consumption, shopping and shiny new objects take on less importance, but quality of life apparently increases for many people as debt levels and stress decrease, and as time with family and friends opens up.26 Use finance to shape consumer choice. Governments can help steer big-ticket capital expenditures—which shape consumption patterns for decades—in a sustainable direction by offering advantageous credit terms for weatherizing houses, installing solar panels, purchasing more durable and efficient goods, and other transactions that promise green dividends. In 2008, the state of California cleared the way for municiCrea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 35 Creating Sustainable Prosperity pal governments to help finance solar panels on residents’ roofs. Often this happens at no initial cost to homeowners, who pay for their panels out of the savings realized on their monthly utility bills.27 The arrangement opens up solar electricity to millions of families who could not afford the tens of thousands of dollars typically needed to install the panels. Similarly, some cities offer “location-efficient mortgages” that allow home buyers in urban areas where people are less likely to use cars to qualify for higher mortgages. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, location-efficient mortgages reduce air pollution and preserve open space by decreasing the pressure for sprawling development.28 Finally, policymakers might use their own financing power to help citizens rediscover the advantages of public consumption. Public spaces, public services, and public events can be less materials- and energy-intensive than their private counterparts. Public transit, for example, carries more people per liter of gas, and per ton of steel and rubber, than private cars do. Municipal swimming pools serve more people per gallon of water than private swimming pools do. Moreover, public goods and services often build stronger civic ties by creating shared experiences. Production, Resources, and Waste Producers have tremendous influence to create a sustainable economy. If the only offerings of U.S. companies were green products produced in a green way, the economy would be well on its way to becoming sustainable. Indeed, consumers arguably should not bear the burden of determining what products are sustainable: ideally, everything offered in the market should meet a high bar for sustainability. Toward that end, governments can develop policies that steer manufacturers, distributors, and retailers toward sustainable products and practices. A good example of such a policy is the Japanese government’s Top Runner program, under which the most energy-efficient consumer products are designated Top Runner products by the government.29 That product’s efficiency level sets the standard that all products must meet within five years. New Top Runners are named regu36 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es larly, driving an ever-upward process of efficiency and innovation among producers. The program has been applied to 21 major energy-using consumer products, for which goals were met and often exceeded.30 (See Table 6.) Adoption of such a Top Runner-style program—which is mandatory, not voluntary like the Energy Star rating for U.S. appliances—across multiple product types in the United States could help achieve major increases in efficiency economy-wide within a short period. A sustainable United States will need to better steward its renewable and non-renewable resource base. This involves achieving far greater resource efficiency than is currently the case, and embracing what analysts in Europe have asserted for more than a decade: that at least fivefold increases in material productivity in industrial economies are possible—without declines in quality of life—if policymakers would only make this goal a priority.31 Recalling that civilizations historically were largely built with renewable materials and renewable sources of energy, a newfound appreciation of renewables, and careful management of them, will be hallmarks of a sustainable U.S. economy. Greater reliance on solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, and other forms of renewable energy, and regenerative management of trees, soils, water, and other renewable materials, will be standard economic practice in a sustainable United States. Beyond being sustainable in themselves, these practices relieve pressure on non-renewable resources, further advancing the prospects for creation of a sustainable economy. Increase efficiency. Perhaps the greatest potential gains in moving toward a sustainable resource use are increases in efficiency. On the energy front, while the energy intensity of the residential, industrial, transportation, and electric utility sectors in the United States has declined since 1985, much more could be done.32 Governments at the local, state, and federal levels can use policymaking to ensure that building codes, appliances, and automobiles are more efficient. In California, where officials have made energy efficiency a priority, overall energy use per person has fallen dramatically and stands at a little more than half the national average.33 (See Table 7.) w w w. w o rl dw at Creating Sustainable Prosperity Similar gains can be made in efficiency of water use. A number of policies could be used to promote water efficiency, including pricing water to reflect its scarcity (while ensuring affordability for base levels of use), revamping building codes to allow for the use of graywater (water from showers, sinks, and washers), promotion of rainwater harvesting, use of proven watersaving technologies, and promotion of appropriate crops and landscaping in relation to regional water supplies. Promote renewable energy. Although the United States is second (to China) in renewable power generation, it has much room to improve its position. Once a leader in renewables policy, the United States is inconsistent at best at the federal level in its support for pro-renewables policies. Indeed, of the world’s 10 most common policies for promoting renewable energy, only three are used at the national level. And over the history of renewable energy advance in the United States, those policies have often been used inconsistently, leading to fits and starts of renewable energy activity. U.S. policymakers at the federal, state, and local level should look at a broad range of prorenewables policies, which, according to the REN21 Renewables 2011 Global Status Report, include feed-in tariffs, renewable portfolio standards, capital subsidies or grants, investment tax credits, sales tax exemptions, green certificate trading, direct energy production payments or tax credits, net metering, direct public investment or financing, and public competitive bidding to offer a robust push to renewables.34 Governments also can explore creative use of market instruments for ecosystem protection. Recognizing the value of ecosystem services and the value of pollution-reduction efforts, markets can be used to make environmentally benign or regenerative activities profitable. Cap-and-trade initiatives are a prime example: they were identified as an efficient way to reduce acid rain in the northeast United States in the 1990s, and were widely successful. The government should seek other opportunities to use cap-and-trade again, for example to reduce carbon emissions. Unfortunately, not only has the federal government failed to embrace a cap-and-trade carwww. worldwat ch. or g Table 6. Selected Results of Japan’s Top Runner Program Energy Actual Efficiency Efficiency Goal Improvement Product percent Air conditioners (increase in coefficient of performance) 66.1 67.8 Refrigerators (decrease in kilowatt-hours/year) 30.5 55.2 Televisions (decrease in kilowatt-hours/year) 16.4 25.7 Computers (decrease in kilowatt-hours/year) 83.0 99.1 Fluorescent lights (increase in lumens/watt) 16.6 78.0 Vending machines (decrease in kilowatt-hours/year) 33.9 37.3 Gasoline-powered cars (increase in kilometers/liter) 22.8 22.8 Source: See Endnote 30 for this section. Table 7. Per Capita Electricity Consumption in California versus United States, 2005 Use California Per Capita Use as Share of U.S. Per Capita Use percent Industrial Residential Commercial Overall 40 52 76 57 Source: See Endnote 33 for this section. bon program, but the failure of the U.S. Senate in 2010 to pass climate legislation is blamed for the collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange, once the nation’s largest voluntary carbon market.35 Other market-based mechanisms to protect resources include payment for ecosystem services, conservation banking, and other initiatives. At the same time, such initiatives are usually not adequate substitutes for far-sighted environmental regulation. On the non-renewables side, perhaps a first principle for policymakers is this: because U.S. resources belong to the American people, private Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 37 Creating Sustainable Prosperity Umberto Brayj interests should have access to them only under strict conditions, and without the use of public subsidies. By one estimate, the U.S. government spends about $1 billion per year subsidizing access to mines, oil fields, forests, grazing land, and fisheries.36 Far from stewarding resources, such policies promote their use and undermine the economic prospects of future generations. Fresh produce goes home in bicycle panniers. Indeed, non-renewable resources arguably should be taxed at their source—at the mine shaft or oil wellhead—to make these resources more expensive and lessen their use throughout the resource’s life cycle. Because extractive industries tend to create relatively few jobs but extensive pollution, taxes at this early stage of economic activity harm employment relatively little but have a high payoff in protecting the environment. And the higher resource prices are a spur to recycling, which itself has pollution advantages. For example, it takes only about 5 percent of the energy to create an aluminum can from recycled materials as it does to create the can from virgin ones.37 Taxing extractive activities could be a major stimulus for building a robust, job-creating recycling industry, and for generally 38 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es boosting the durability of products. Because waste is uneconomic as well as environmentally damaging, policymakers interested in sustainable economies should seek to eliminate it as fully as possible. This will happen not by focusing on the end of the economic process, where waste appears, but throughout the life of an economy, in a comprehensive effort to create a circular economy. A sampling of waste reduction policies gives a sense of the economy-wide nature of policies that can produce radical reductions of waste and the development of a circular economy. Zero-waste goals. A clear commitment to waste reduction is found in “zero-waste” cities that seek to reduce municipal waste headed for landfills to near-zero by ensuring that waste is recycled, reused, or best of all, not generated in the first place. San Francisco requires that all property owners separate discards into recyclables, compostables, and trash, and provides blue, green, and black bins for each materials stream. The city’s goal is zero waste to landfills by 2020, and already San Francisco Environment reports that 77 percent of materials collected are recovered for composting or recycling.38 Seattle, Los Angeles, and several other cities have also established ambitious zero-waste goals, but a comprehensive commitment on the national level would go much further in reducing materials flow and the attendant environmental effects, both upstream and downstream. Producer responsibility or “take-back” laws. Another innovative waste reduction initiative is producer responsibility laws, which are popular in Europe and increasingly in Asia. These laws place the onus for waste reduction on producers, by requiring them to take back their products and packaging at the end of the items’ useful lives. This creates a huge incentive for companies to reduce packaging and to make packaging and products recyclable or re-manufacturable. In Europe, producers take back and recycle batteries, packaging, vehicles, and electrical consumer products. In Japan, cars and electronic products are covered by take-back legislation, and in Canada, take-back laws for paint, batteries, tires, packaging, and electronics have been passed in some provinces. The United States is a w w w. w o rl dw at Creating Sustainable Prosperity laggard in take-back policy, but it is making progress: nearly half of all states currently have laws or could soon pass laws requiring that electronic waste be taken back.39 Taxes on pollution and waste. Some jurisdictions have taken to taxing waste and offsetting those levies by reducing taxes on workers. Taxes on air and water emissions, garbage collection, landfill use, and other forms of waste and pollution would stimulate the adoption of cleaner methods of production and consumption. And if the resulting revenues were used to reduce taxes on labor, it would stimulate employers across the economy to hire. Eco-taxes come in many forms, including effluent charges, deposit refund systems, user charges, sales taxes, and tradable permits, each appropriate for particular market and environmental circumstances.40 Germany used ecotaxes in the 1990s and 2003, amounting to more than 10 percent of all taxes, to great effect. Although www. worldwat ch. or g politically difficult, the taxes reduced fuel consumption by 7 percent and carbon emissions by between 2 and 2.5 percent.41 Effective ecotaxes need care in design and implementation. To begin, emissions targeted by ecotaxes should be closely monitored and measured. The effort to reduce acid rain in the United States has been successful because emissions monitors are reliable and linked closely to strict penalties.42 Second, the bulk of sources of a pollutant must be covered to ensure that emissions are prevented. In Europe, for example, carbon taxes have not covered the industrial sector, a major source of carbon emissions, making control of carbon much less effective than it could be.43 Finally, the tax must be high enough to have an environmental impact. Some governments keep “pollution taxes” low enough that their environmental impact is negligible. The low tax yields a steady revenue stream, while allowing the government to claim credit for fighting pollution.44 Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 39 Endnotes The Urgency of Our Times 1. Mark Konold, “Global Wind Power Growth Takes a Breather in 2010,” Vital Signs Online (Worldwatch Institute), at global-wind-power-growth-takes-breather-2010. 17. Figure 2 from U.N. Population Division, op. cit. note 1. 18. U.N. Population Division, op. cit. note 16. Population: Numbers Matter 19. Ibid. 1. Figure 1 from United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision, http://esa,viewed 28 February 2011. 20. Ibid. Table 1 from U.N. Population Division, op. cit. note 16. 2. Ibid. 22. Jared Diamond, “What’s Your Consumption Factor?” New York Times, 2 January 2008. 3. U.N. Population Division, “File 20: Average Annual Rate of Population Change, by major area, region, and country, 1950–2100 (percentage),” in World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, Excel-Data/population.htm viewed 14 August 2011. 4. Philip Martin and Elizabeth Midgley, “Population Bulletin Update: Immigration in America 2010,” www immigrationupdate1.aspx, viewed 21 August 2011. 5. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The World Factbook, available at, viewed March 2011. 6. Jeffrey Passel and D’Vera Cohn, “U.S. Population Projections, 2005–2050” (Washington, DC: Pew Research Center, 11 February 2008). 21. Figure 3 from U.N. Population Division, op. cit. note 1. 23. Joint Center for Housing Studies, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, State of the Nation’s Housing 2010 (Cambridge, MA: 2010). 24. Alex Wilson and Jessica Boehland, “Small Is Beautiful: U.S. House Size, Resource Use, and the Environment,” Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol. 9, no. 1–2 (2005), pp. 277–87. 25. National Geographic, “Greendex 2010: Consumer Choice and the Environment—A Worldwide Tracking Survey” (Washington, DC: June 2010), p. 6. 9. Hope Yen and Charles Babington, “Census Shows Slowing US Growth, Brings GOP Gains,” Associated Press, 21 December 2010. 26. Brian C. O’Neill et al., “Global Demographic Trends and Future Carbon Emissions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 107, no. 41 (2010), pp. 17521–26. Sidebar 1 from the following sources: Garry W. McDonald, Vicky E. Forgie, and Catherine MacGregor, “Treading Lightly: Ecofootprints of New Zealand’s Aging Population,” Ecological Economics, vol. 56 (2006), p. 431. Percentage changes are Worldwatch calculations based on data in idem. EU study from European Commission Directorate–General Environment, Environment and Aging: Final Report (Brussels: October 2008). 10. Ibid. 27. Figure 4 from U.N. Population Division, op. cit. note 1. 11. U.N. Population Division, op. cit. note 1. 28. Ibid. 12. Ibid. 29. O’Neill et al., op. cit. note 26. 13. CIA, op. cit. note 5. 30. U.N. Population Division, op. cit. note 1. 14. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), AAAS Atlas of Population and the Environment (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001). 31. Ibid. 15. European Commission, “Fertility Statistics,” at http:// Fertility_statistics, viewed 12 June 2011. 33. European Environment Agency, The European Environment: State and Outlook 2010 (Copenhagen: 7. U.S. Census Bureau, “U.S. Census Bureau Press Briefing: 21 December 2010,” at pdf/transcript_12-21-10.pdf. 8. Ibid. 40 16. Worldwatch calculation based on data in U.N. Population Division, “World Fertility Patterns 2009,” wallchart (New York: 2010). Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 32. Paul Harrison, Fred Pearce, and Peter Raven, “Population and Consumption Trends,” in AAAS, op. cit. note 14. w w w. w o rl dw at Endnotes November 2010). 34. Data for 1960–78 from U.S. Bureau of the Census, “Table B: Households by Size, 1960-1978,” and from U.S. Department of Commerce, “Household and Family Characteristics: March 1978,” issued July 1979, available at -historical/P20-340.pdf. More recent data from Tables AVG 1 and H1 in reports found at population/www/socdemo/hh-fam.html. 35. Ibid. 36. CIA, op. cit. note 5. 37. Mark Swilling and Marina Fischer-Kowalski, “Decoupling and Sustainable Resource Management: Scoping the Challenges,” UNEP International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, Decoupling Working Group, 4 March 2010. 38. Wilson and Boehland, op. cit. note 24. 39. William E. Rees, “Building More Sustainable Cities,” Scientific American, March 2009. 40. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, “Table A2. U.S. Per Household VehicleMiles Traveled, Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Expenditures,” at tablefiles/table-a02.pdf, viewed 10 June 2011. 41. Brant Liddle, “Demographic Dynamics and Per Capita Environmental Impact: Using Panel Regressions and Household Decompositions to Examine Population and Transport,” Population and Environment, September 2004, p. 34. 42. Ibid. 43. O’Neill et al., op. cit. note 26; Brian C. O’Neill, email to author, 10 March 2011. Basics—Overview,” .php/GFN/page/footprint_basics_overview, viewed 18 February 2011. Technically, the Ecological Footprint is “the area of biologically productive land and water needed to provide ecological resources and services – food, fibre, and timber, land on which to build, and land to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) released by burning fossil fuels.” The Footprint is compared to the Earth’s biocapacity, “the amount of biologically productive area – cropland, pasture, forest, and fisheries – that is available to meet humanity’s needs.” Ecological Footprint analysis is described in WWF, the Zoological Society of London, and GFN, The Living Planet Report 2008 (Gland, Switzerland: 2008). 8. GFN, Ecological Footprint Atlas, 2010 (Oakland, CA: 2010) p. 18. 9. GFN, “Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity, 2007,” ecological_footprint_atlas_2008/, viewed 11 April 2011. 10. Worldwatch calculation based on data in Ibid. 11. Ibid. 12. GFN, op. cit. note 8, p. 19. 13. GFN, op. cit. note 9. 14. GFN, “Country Trends,” en/index.php/GFN/page/trends/unitedstates, viewed 11 June 2011. 15. GFN, op. cit. note 8, p. 19. 16. Worldwatch calculation based on data in GFN, op. cit. note 9. 17. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), EPA’s 2008 Report on the Environment (Washington, DC: National Center for Environmental Assessment, 2008). 44. McDonald, Forgie, and MacGregor, op. cit. note 26, p. 424. 18. Ibid., pp. 6–12. Renewable Resources: Appreciating Nature’s Services 20. Ibid., pp. 3–33. 1. See, for example, the pioneering study that valued global ecosystem services at $33 trillion: Robert Costanza, “The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital,” Nature, 15 May 1997, p. 253. 22. Ibid. 2. Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), “2005 Environmental Sustainability Index: Benchmarking National Environmental Stewardship, Summary for Policymakers” (New Haven: Yale University, 2005). 25. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid, p. 245. 5. Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, “Environmental Performance Index 2010,” 19. Figure 5 from ibid. 21. Ibid. 23. Worldwatch calculation based on data in EPA, ibid. 24. Ibid., pp. 3–33. 26. Ibid. 27. Ibid. 28. Worldwatch calculations based on data in ibid., pp. 4–15. 29. Ibid., pp. 6–17. 30. Figure 6 from Joan F. Kenny et al., “Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2005,” United States Geological Survey Circular 1344 (Reston, VA: 2009). 6. Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, “Environmental Performance Index 2010,” Countries/UnitedStatesOfAmerica. 31. Ibid. 7. Global Footprint Network (GFN), “Footprint 33. U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), States’ www. worldwat ch. or g 32. Ibid. Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 41 Endnotes Views of How Federal Agencies Could Help Them Meet the Challenges of Expected Shortages (Washington, DC: July 2003). 34. J.R. Sauer et al., “The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966–2009. Version 3.23.2011,” U.S. Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, 35. Audubon, “Common Birds in Decline,” http://web4, viewed 12 June 2011. 36. EPA, op. cit. note 17, pp. 6–22. 37. Ibid. 38. Ibid. 39. Ibid., pp. 6–33. 40. Ibid. 6. Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Mark Swilling, Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth, A Report of the Working Group on Decoupling to the International Resource Panel (Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme, 2011), p. 10. 7. R.B. Gordon, M. Bertram, and T.E. Graedel, “Metals Stocks and Sustainability,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 31 January 2006. 8. Ibid. 9. Fischer-Kowalski and Swilling, op. cit. note 6, pp. 12–14. 10. Ibid. 41. Ibid. 11. Figure 9 from USGS, Mineral Commodity Summaries 2011 (Reston, VA: 2011), p. 6. 42. Ibid. 12. Ibid., p. 7. 43. Ibid., pp. 6–40. 13. Ibid. 44. Audubon, “Birds and Climate Change: On the Move,”, viewed 12 June 2011. 14. Ibid. 45. EPA, op. cit. note 17. 15. IndexMundi, “Commodity Prices,” www.indexmundi .com/commodities, viewed 12 June 2011. 46. Ibid., pp. 3–13. 16. Table 4 from ibid. 47. Ibid. 17. National Energy Technology Laboratory, “Oil and Natural Gas Supply: Future Supply and Remaining Resources,” FutureSupply/FutureSupply_main.html, viewed 20 June 2011. 48. Ibid. Non-Renewable Resources: Going, Going, Gone? 1. Figure 7 from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), “United States Energy History,” Annual Energy Review,, viewed 15 April 2011. 2. Ibid. 3. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), “Events Affecting the U.S. Nonfuel Minerals Industry 1900-2000,” at http:// timeline.pdf; 2006 is a Worldwatch calculation based on data in Thomas D. Kelly and Grecia R. Matos, “Historical Statistics for Mineral and Material Commodities in the United States,”; population growth is a Worldwatch calculation based on data in U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base,, and on U.S. Census Bureau, “Historical National Population Estimates: July 1, 1900 to July 1, 1999,” at popest/archives/1990s/popclockest.txt. 4. Figure 8 from Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI), “Download Global Resource Extraction” database,, viewed 14 November 2010. 5. Sidebar 2 from DOE, “Economy-Wide Total Energy Consumption,” intensityindicators/total_energy.html, viewed April 4 2011, and from Ernst von Weizsäcker, Factor Five: Transforming the Global Economy Through 80% Improvements 42 in Resource Productivity (London: Earthscan, 2009), pp. 304–05. Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 18. International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2010 (Paris: 2011). 19. International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook (Washington, DC: April 2011), p. 90. 20. Cutler J. Cleveland, “Net Energy from Extraction of Oil and Gas in the United States,” Energy, April 2005, pp. 769–82. 21. Ibid. 22. James Leaton, Unburnable Carbon: Are the World’s Financial Markets Carrying a Carbon Bubble? (Surrey, U.K.: Investor Watch, 2011). 23. Growth from U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook, available at; doubling is a Worldwatch calculation based on doubling time equals 70 divided by the rate of growth, or 70 divided by 7 percent equals 10 years. 24. Jared Diamond, “What’s Your Consumption Factor?” New York Times, 2 January 2008. 25. United Nations Environment Programme, “Humanity Can and Must Do More with Less: UNEP Report,” press release (Nairobi: 12 May 2011). 26. Gordon, Bertram, and Graedel, op. cit. note 7. 27. Ibid. 28. Ibid. w w w. w o rl dw at Endnotes 29. U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), Crude Oil: Uncertainty about Future Oil Supply Makes It Important to Develop a Strategy for Addressing a Peak and Decline in Oil Production (Washington, DC: February 2007). 30. International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), “Tensions Build over Chinese Rare Earth Quotas,” Bridges, 25 July 2011. Waste and Pollution: Inefficiency Incarnate 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), image available at .jpg viewed 31 July 2011. 2. Benjamin S. Felzer et al., “Impacts of Ozone on Trees and Crops,” Comptes Rendus Geoscience, October 2007, pp. 784–98. 3. EPA, “Particulate Matter,” pollution/health.html, viewed 31 July 2011. 4. Figure 10 from Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, “National CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Burning, Cement Manufacture, and Gas Flaring: 1751–2007,”, updated 8 June 2010. 5. Ibid. 6. Worldwatch calculation based on data from U.S. Energy Information Administration cited in “An Atlas of Pollution: The World in Carbon Dioxide Emissions,” graphic at documents/2011/02/10/CarbonWeb.pdf. 7. Current estimate is the June 2011 reading from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) monthly release of carbon dioxide concentrations at mlo.txt; historical is from National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), “Earth Observatory,” http:// Science/GlobalWarming/GW_Movie5.php, viewed 31 July 2011. 8. United States Global Change Research Center, Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States (Washington, DC: 2009). 9. Figure 11 from Product Policy Institute, “Change in Waste,” _in_Waste_Graphic_PPI.pdf, viewed 31 July 2011. 10. Figure 12 from EPA, “Quantity of Municipal Solid Waste Generated and Managed,” eroe/index.cfm?fuseaction=detail.viewInd&ch=48&lShow Ind=0&subtop=228&lv=list.listByChapter&r=216598. 11. Ibid. 12. Figure 13 from ibid. 13. Ibid. 14. Ibid. 15. Ibid. 16. Worldwatch calculation based on data in ibid. 17. EPA, “Quantity of RCRA Solid Waste Generated and Managed,” www. worldwat ch. or g cfm?fuseaction=detail.viewInd&ch=48&subtop=228&lv= list.listByChapter&r=216628. 18. Ibid. 19. Ibid. 20. Ibid. 21. Electronics TakeBack Coalition, “Facts and Figures on E-Waste and Recycling,”, updated 25 January 2011. 22. Ibid. 23. EPA, Municipal Solid Waste Generation, “Recycling, and Disposal in the United States: Facts and Figures for 2008” (Washington, DC: November 2009). Creating Sustainable Prosperity 1. Sidebar 3 from One Planet Economy Network (OPEN), “The New Industrial Evolution” (Godalming, Surrey: 2010). 2. Yasuhiko Hotta, “Sound Material Cycle Society from Japan to Asia,” presented at International Green Technology and Purchasing Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15–16 October 2010, at modules/envirolib/upload/2951/attach/hottaigemrev2.pdf. 3. Ibid. 4. Table 5 from Jennifer J. Frost, Jacqueline E. Darroch, and Lisa Remez, “Improving Contraceptive Use in the United States,” In Brief (Guttmacher Institute), no. 1 (2008), and from Guttmacher Institute, “Improving Contraceptive Use in the United States,” 28 January 2010, at ARHP-CORE.pdf. 5. Frost, Darroch, and Remez, ibid; Guttmacher Institute, ibid. 6. Isabel Sawhill, Adam Thomas, and Emily Monea, “An Ounce of Prevention: Policy Prescriptions to Reduce the Prevalence of Fragile Families,” The Future of Children, Fall 2010, pp. 133–55. 7. Jeffrey Passel and D’Vera Cohn, “Immigration to Play Lead Role in Future U.S. Growth,” Pew Research Center, 11 February 2008, at united-states-population-projections. 8. Inter-American Foundation, Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 2010 and 2009 (Arlington, VA: 2010). 9. Damien Cave, “Better Lives of Mexicans Cut Allure of Going North,” New York Times, 6 July 2011. 10. Robert H. Frank, “Why Not Shift the Burden to Big Spenders?” New York Times, 7 October 2007. 11. Ibid. 12. Ibid. 13. Ibid. 14. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Global Outlook on SCP Policies: Taking Action Together (Paris: 2011). Estimate of 34 miles per gallon is a Worldwatch calculation based on 6.9 liters per 100 kilometers. Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 43 Endnotes 15. Oshani Perera, Nupur Chowdhury, and Anandajit Goswami, State of Play in Sustainable Public Procurement (Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), November 2007), p. 17; “President Obama Authorizes Major Changes to Federal Procurement Rules,” Greenberg Traurig, March 2009. 16. Perera, Chowdhury, and Goswami, op. cit. note 15. 17. Swiss Federal Office for the Environment and UNEP, Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement Led by Switzerland: Activity Report, May 2011 (Paris: 2011). 18. Bob Searle, Susan Colby, and Katie Smith-Milway, “Moving Eco-Certification Mainstream,” (San Francisco: Bridgespan Group, July 2004). 19. Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers, What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption (New York: Harper Collins, 2010). 20. Jim Witkin, “Peer to Peer Car Sharing Gains Traction in Oregon,” New York Times, 9 June 2011. 21. Mike Schramm, “Getaround App Takes Car Sharing Peer-to-Peer on the iPhone,”, 24 May 2011. 22. Zach Sharpe, “The Sharing Economy: The Next Step in Economic Evolution,” Triple, 12 May 2011. 23. Botsman and Rogers, op. cit. note 19. 24. Witkin, op. cit. note 20. 25. Juliet Schor, “Solving Unemployment Through New Uses of Time,”, 23 June 2010. 26. Juliet Schor, Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth (New York: Penguin, 2010). 27. Rachel Barron, “California Cities to Offer Solar Loan Program,”, 23 July 2008. 28. Natural Resources Defense Council, “Location-Efficient Mortgages,”, viewed 8 July 2011. 29. Osamu Kimura, “Japanese Top Runner Approach for Energy Efficiency Standards,” SERC Discussion Paper 09035 (Tokyo: Socio-economic Research Center, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 2010). 31. Ernst von Weizsäcker, Factor Five: Transforming the Global Economy Through 80% Improvements in Resource Productivity (London: Earthscan, 2009). 32. Elizabeth Doris, Jaquelin Cochran, and Martin Vorum, Energy Efficiency Policy in the United States: Overview of Trends at Different Levels of Government (Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, December 2009). 33. Table 7 from Arthur H. Rosenfeld, “Energy End-Use Efficiency: Physics of Sustainable Energy,” PowerPoint presentation, University of California at Berkeley, March 2008. 34. REN21, Renewables 2011 Global Status Report (Paris: 2011). 35. Diva Rodriguez, “US Carbon Markets Still Alive Despite Exchange Closure,” www.climateactionprogramme .org, 22 November 2010. 36. G. Tyler Miller, Living in the Environment (Brooks/ Cole: 2008), p. 439. 37. Can Manufacturers Institute, “Recycling Fun Facts,”, viewed 31 July 2011. 38. San Francisco Environment, “Zero Waste,” www.sf, viewed 4 July 2011. 39. Beverly Thorpe, “How Producer Responsibility for Product Take-Back Can Promote Eco-Design,”, March 2008. 40. Suzi Kerr, Ecological Tax Reform: A report prepared for the Ministry of the Environment (Wellington, NZ: Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, 23 January 2001). 41. Anselm Görres, “Germany’s Ecotax Reform 1999– 2003: Implementation, Impact, Future Development,” presented at Ecological Tax Reform conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 11 April 2006. 42. Kerr, op. cit. note 40. 43. Ibid. 44. Ibid. 30. Table 6 from ibid. 44 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pros perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es w w w. w o rl dw at Index NOTE: Page locators in bold indicate figures or tables. A age and consumption, 12 air pollution, 26–27 Audubon “citizen science” analysis, 18 B biocapacity, defined, 15 biological diversity, 18 bird species, changes in, 18 bracero program, 32 C cap-and-trade initiatives, 37 carbon emissions, 12, 23–24, 27 carbon storage, net, 16 Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI), 24 Carson, Rachel, 8 circular economy, 26, 31 “citizen science” analysis, Audubon, 18 Clean Air Act, 8 Clean Water Act, 8 climate, renewable resources and, 18 compost, 29 construction, non-renewable resources and, 20 consumer footprints, 34–35 consumption age and, 12 electricity, 37 of energy by source, 20 fiscal tools, 33 green, 11–12 mineral production and, 21 progressive consumption tax, 33 SCP, 31 sustainable prosperity and, 33–36 waste, 27 contraceptive usage, 32 D Daly, Herman, 30 demographic composition versus population, 13 www. worldwat ch. or g Department of Energy, 23 Diamond, Jared, 24 E eco-label promotion, 34 eco-taxes, 39 ecological footprint, 14, 15 economy dematerialization of, 31 full world, 30 social stability and, 30 electricity consumption, 37 electronic waste, 29 emission reduction, 13 energy consumption by source, 20 energy-efficient products, 7–8 energy return on energy investment (EROI), 23–24 environmental health defined, 14–15 indicators of, 16–19 Environmental Performance Index (EPI), 14–15 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 8, 16–17, 28–29 Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), 14 environmental systems, 14 F fertility global context, 11 projections for, 10 replacement level, 10 Total Fertility Rate, 10 finance shaping consumer choice, 35 forests, environmental health indicators, 16 fossil fuels, 23–24 Frank, Robert, 33 “full world” economy, 30 G geopolitics, non-renewable resources and, 24–25 global fertility rate, 11 Global Footprint Analysis (GFA), 15 Global Footprint Network (GFN), 15 global hectare, 15 Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 45 Index global stewardship, 14 Government Accountability Office, 17 government procurement, 34 green consumption, 11–12 growth rates, 9–10 H hazardous waste, 28–29 health chronic problems with, 27 ecological forms, 16 environmental assessments of, 14 pollution impacts on, 26 population and, 11 reproductive, 32 hypoxia, renewable resources and, 18–19 I immigration and prosperity, 32 imports, dependence on, 22 industrial non-renewable resources, 20 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 18 International Energy Agency, 23 International Monetary Fund, 23 One Planet Economy Network, 30 P Pew Research Center, 9 policies for sustainability, 30–32 pollution and waste. see waste and pollution “pollution taxes,” 39 population composition of, 12–13 demographic composition versus, 13 expansion of, 11–12 life expectancy and, 10–11 median age, 13 projections of, 9 sustainable prosperity and, 32–33 U.S. growth, 9–10, 30 pregnancy, unintended, 32 producer responsibility laws, 38–39 production, resources, and waste, 36 progressive consumption tax, 33 R land and water use, indicators of, 17–18 leisure, promotion of, 35 Leopold, Aldo, 8 life expectancy, 10–11, 11 recycling, 24 renewable resources assessment of, 14–16 environmental health indicators, 16–19 policy-making and, 30 promotion of, 37–38 technologies for, 7 Renewables 2011 Global Status Report, 37 “replacement level” fertility, 10 Report on the Environment (EPA), 16 reproductive health, 32 Roosevelt, Teddy, 8 M S K Kyoto Protocol, 23 L Massey, Douglas, 33 minerals import dependence on, 22 non-renewable resources and, 20–21 price increases for, 23 production and consumption of, 21 Muir, John, 8 municipal solid waste (MSW), 26–28, 28 N National Crop Loss Network, 27 Natural Resources Defense Council, 36 Nixon, Richard, 8 non-renewable resources declining endowment of, 21–24 geopolitical context, 24–25 policy-making and, 30 trends in, 20–21 46 O Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es social and economic stability, 30 sustainability consumer footprint, 34–35 efficiency increases in, 36–37 finances and, 35–36 future of, 30 policies for, 31–32 producer responsibility, 38–39 renewable energy promotion, 37–38 urgency in, 7–9 sustainable production and consumption (SCP), 31 T “take-back” laws, 38–39 taxes, pollution and waste, 39 Top Runner Program, 37 Total Fertility Rate (TFR), 10 w w w. w o rl dw at Index U urbanization, demography and, 13 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 21 W waste and pollution air pollution, 26–27 atmospheric types, 16 hazardous waste, 28–29 human types of, 15 municipal solid waste, 26–28 www. worldwat ch. or g reduction of, 14 as sign of inefficiency, 30 sustainable prosperity and, 36–39 taxes on, 39 trends in, 26–27 waste consumption, 27 water and land use, indicators of, 17, 17–18 wetlands, environmental health indicators, 16–17, 18 Z zero-waste goals, 38 Crea t i ng S ust a i na b l e P ro sp eri t y i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es 47 Other Worldwatch Reports Worldwatch Reports provide in-depth, quantitative, and qualitative analysis of the major issues affecting prospects for a sustainable society. The Reports are written by members of the Worldwatch Institute research staff or outside specialists and are reviewed by experts unaffiliated with Worldwatch. They are used as concise and authoritative references by governments, nongovernmental organizations, and educational institutions worldwide. On Climate Change, Energy, and Materials 184: Powering the Low-Carbon Economy: The Once and Future Roles of Renewable Energy and Natural Gas, 2010 183: Population, Climate Change, and Women’s Lives, 2010 182: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in China: Current Status and Prospects for 2020, 2010 178: Low-Carbon Energy: A Roadmap, 2008 175: Powering China’s Development: the Role of Renewable Energy, 2007 169: Mainstreaming Renewable Energy in the 21st Century, 2004 160: Reading the Weathervane: Climate Policy From Rio to Johannesburg, 2002 157: Hydrogen Futures: Toward a Sustainable Energy System, 2001 151: Micropower: The Next Electrical Era, 2000 149: Paper Cuts: Recovering the Paper Landscape, 1999 144: Mind Over Matter: Recasting the Role of Materials in Our Lives, 1998 138: Rising Sun, Gathering Winds: Policies To Stabilize the Climate and Strengthen Economies, 1997 On Ecological and Human Health 181: Global Environmental Change: The Threat to Human Health, 2009 174: Oceans in Peril: Protecting Marine Biodiversity, 2007 165: Winged Messengers: The Decline of Birds, 2003 153: Why Poison Ourselves: A Precautionary Approach to Synthetic Chemicals, 2000 148: Nature’s Cornucopia: Our Stakes in Plant Diversity, 1999 145: Safeguarding the Health of Oceans, 1999 142: Rocking the Boat: Conserving Fisheries and Protecting Jobs, 1998 141: Losing Strands in the Web of Life: Vertebrate Declines and the Conservation of Biological Diversity, 1998 140: Taking a Stand: Cultivating a New Relationship With the World’s Forests, 1998 On Economics, Institutions, and Security 185: Green Economy and Green Jobs in China: Current Status and Potentials for 2020, 2011 177: Green Jobs: Working for People and the Environment, 2008 173: Beyond Disasters: Creating Opportunities for Peace, 2007 168: Venture Capitalism for a Tropical Forest: Cocoa in the Mata Atlântica, 2003 167: Sustainable Development for the Second World: Ukraine and the Nations in Transition, 2003 166: Purchasing Power: Harnessing Institutional Procurement for People and the Planet, 2003 164: Invoking the Spirit: Religion and Spirituality in the Quest for a Sustainable World, 2002 162: The Anatomy of Resource Wars, 2002 159: Traveling Light: New Paths for International Tourism, 2001 158: Unnatural Disasters, 2001 On Food, Water, Population, and Urbanization 176: Farming Fish for the Future, 2008 172: Catch of the Day: Choosing Seafood for Healthier Oceans, 2007 171: Happier Meals: Rethinking the Global Meat Industry, 2005 170: Liquid Assets: The Critical Need to Safeguard Freshwater Ecosytems, 2005 163: Home Grown: The Case for Local Food in a Global Market, 2002 161: Correcting Gender Myopia: Gender Equity, Women’s Welfare, and the Environment, 2002 156: City Limits: Putting the Brakes on Sprawl, 2001 154: Deep Trouble: The Hidden Threat of Groundwater Pollution, 2000 150: Underfed and Overfed: The Global Epidemic of Malnutrition, 2000 147: Reinventing Cities for People and the Planet, 1999 To see a complete list of our Reports, visit 48 Crea ting S us ta ina ble Pro s perity i n t he Uni t ed S t a t es w w w. w o rl dw at worldwatch report 186 Creating Sustainable Prosperity in the United States: The Need for Innovation and Leadership The United States finds itself at a critical juncture, as environmental degradation and resource depletion threaten the capacity of the economy to generate wealth for the indefinite future. Despite growing awareness of the need to build a sustainable economy, U.S. output continues to be characterized by linear flows of materials, heavy dependence on fossil fuels, disregard for renewable resources, and resource use that is strongly connected to economic growth. Entire sets of assumptions, beliefs, and practices will need to be overturned if the United States is to build a sustainable economy in the decades ahead. This report shows that creating a sustainable U.S. economy will require a thoughtful and strategic set of national, state, and local policies that would remake the economic playing field under a new set of principles. Renewable resources cannot be consumed faster than they are regenerated. Non-renewable resources must be reused or recycled to the greatest extent possible. Ongoing development should focus less on ever-higher levels of consumption and more on increased quality of life. A sense of fairness, especially around wealth distribution, is needed to generate social and economic stability across society. Meanwhile, a deceleration of population growth will make the creation of a sustainable economy far easier. These broad principles suggest an entirely new way of building and operating an economy. Read inside for a discussion of policies that could help lead to sustainable prosperity in the United States.