E89627 M M M Low Voltage Expert Guides N° 8 LV generator protection M M M M M M M M M Get more with the world’s Power & Control specialist Contents The Generator Set and Electrical Distribution 3 1.1. The 2 applications 1.1.1. Replacement energy 1.1.2. Energy production 4 4 6 1.2. Quality Energy 8 1.3. Services to be provided 10 The Generator Set application in LV 12 2.1. Choice of HV or LV system 12 2.2. Transfer device 2.2.1. Layout of feeders 2.2.2. Sequence 13 13 14 Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set 16 3.1. Generator protection 3.1.1. Overload protection 3.1.2. Short-circuit current protection 15 16 16 3.2. Downstream LV network protection 3.2.1. Priority circuit protection 3.2.2. Safety of persons 18 19 19 3.3. The monitoring functions 3.3.1. Capacitor banks 3.3.2. Motor restart and re-acceleration 3.3.3. Non-linear loads - Example of a UPS 19 20 20 21 3.4. Generator Set parallel connection 3.4.1. Parallel operation 3.4.2. Grounding a parallel-connected Generator Set 25 25 26 3.5. The installation standards 3.5.1. Power definition 3.5.2. Safety standard requirements 27 27 27 The Schneider protection solution 29 4 .1. Micrologic and generator protection 4.1.1. Long Time Delay protection of the “Inverse Definite Minimum Time Lag” type of phases (3) 4.1.2. Generator protection 29 29 30 4.2. Micrologic P & H for generator monitoring 4.2.1. Implementation 4.2.2. The monitoring functions 31 31 31 4.3. Micrologic for insulation fault protection 4.3.1. The ground protection 4.3.2. Residual current device (RCD) protection 38 38 39 Summary 40 5.1. Diagram 40 5.2. Comments 41 5.3. Summary 42 "Additional technical informations" chapter 43 1 2 In short Generator Sets (GS) are used in HV and LV electrical distribution. In LV they are used as: b replacement source b safety source b sometimes as a Production Source. When the need for Energy Quality is essential, the Generator Set is associated with an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). The Generator Set and Electrical Distribution Users’ LV electrical distribution is normally supplied by an electrical utility by means of HV/MV and MV/LV voltage transformers. To ensure better continuity of the electricity supply, the user can implement a direct supply from an independent thermal source (Generator Set or GS) as a Replacement source. On isolated sites or for economic reasons, he can use this energy source as the Main source. This Generator Set mainly consists of: b a thermal motor b a generator converting this mechanical energy into electrical energy b an electrical cubicle performing the excitation regulation and control/monitoring functions of the various Generator Set components (thermal and electrical). Generator Set installation must conform to installation rules and satisfy the safety regulations applicable to the premises on which they are installed or to the equipment that they are intended to supply. The Protection Plan and Monitoring of downstream LV distribution must be defined specifically taking the generator characteristics into account. 3 The Generator Set and Electrical Distribution 1.1. The 2 applications According to the application - Main electrical power supply source (Production Set) or Replacement source of the Main source - the sizing characteristics of the Generator Sets vary (power, output voltage, MV or LV generator, etc.). 1.1.1. Replacement energy Principle As a Replacement source, the Generator Set operates only should the mains supply fail. Mains failure can be due to: b a random cause: fault on the network b a voluntary cause: placing the network out of operation for maintenance purposes. E79478E Operation In the Replacement source function, the Generator Set supplies the loads via a source changeover switch. As operation is exceptional, the Generator Set is sized strictly to supply the power P required. The power of these Generator Sets is rarely greater than an MVA. The power of the Replacement source LV Generator Sets ranges typically from 250 to 800 kVA. MV Main source LV GS NC NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 1: Replacement source GS. 4 NO Replacement source E79354E Implementation The Generator Sets normally operate independently without connection to the mains supply, but can be connected if necessary (parallel-connected Generator Set) in the case of high power requirements. MV MV GS LV LV NC NC GS NC NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 2: Block diagram of a high power LV replacement GS. 5 The Generator Set and Electrical Distribution 1.1.2. Energy production Principle The Generator Set operates in the “Main” operating mode: it must be able to withstand operating overloads: b one hour overload b one hour overload every 12 hours (Prime Power) For example: independent energy production for a cement works. Operation Powers are normally high or very high (up to several tens of MVA). Note 1: The production source Set can be LV - if it is low or medium power - and directly supply a LV/MV step-up transformer. In this case, we can consider that the Generator Set management functions, excluding generator protection, are at MV level (Generator Set + MV/LV transformer global function). E79352E HV NC LV GS HV busbar LV NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 3: Block diagram of a LV production GS with step-up transformer. 6 E79355E Note 2: If there is an MV Set in Production, it may be useful to have one or more Replacement Sets in LV according to network typology (maintenance of network, Production Set, MV fault, etc.) (maintenance du réseau, du Groupe de Production, défaut HTA, ...). MV production set GS LV replacement set GS LV NC GS LV NC NC NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. 64060si Figure 4: Block diagram of an MV production GS with LV replacement GS. 7 In short The Generator Set and Electrical Distribution 1.2. Quality Energy To supply sensitive loads (computer, etc.), a quality energy must be implemented that is free from breaking and with a perfectly regulated voltage. A number of systems can be used to ensure break-free switching. These systems are implemented in the LV system: b reversible synchronous machine the Set generator is permanently connected to the mains supply: v when operating in the Main function, it operates as a synchronous motor driving its inertia flywheel v when operating in the Replacement function. When the Mains supply fails, the synchronous machine, driven by its flywheel, starts to operate as a generator. The Set’s thermal motor starts (off-load) and automatically connects as soon as it reaches its speed at the generator. When the Main source is restored, the Set is then synchronised on the Main source, the Main source circuit-breaker closes and the thermal motor is disengaged and stopped. Replacement Set or Safety Set. The same functions are required: ensure continuity of the electrical supply should the main source fail. However, a Safety Set must satisfy far more exacting operating requirements in order to guarantee safety of the electrical installation at all costs. E79357E Electrical utility network SN main source Synchronous machine (compensator or generator) Magnetic coupling Flywheel NC Non-backed up feeders Thermal motor NC Backed up feeders NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 5: Block diagram of a reversible synchronous machine. This type of solution is not very common as it is relatively expensive to implement. b generator Set associated with a UPS the generator set ensures continuity of the electrical supply. Electrical supply involves breaking (from a few minutes to a few seconds). Energy Quality (elimination of outages/brownouts and waveform) is obtained by an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) - equipped with a battery- which continually supplies sensitive loads in LV. This type of solution is advantageous as it provides sensitive loads with quality energy during use on a Main or Replacement source. 8 E79360E Electrical utility HV incomer NC Mains 1 feeder Mains 2 feeder Non-sensitive load Uninterruptible power supply Sensitive feeders NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 6: Replacement GS and UPS. Note: for very sensitive applications, should the UPS stop, the operator can ask not to be switched to the MS in operation on Generator Set. In this case the MS is replaced by a redundant UPS. This system is naturally compulsory if frequency of the upstream (source) and downstream (application) networks is different (for example source in 50 Hz, application in 60 Hz). 9 The Generator Set and Electrical Distribution 1.3. Services to be provided According to the choice of customer or the type of risk anticipated, the Generator Set is defined in priority as: E79361E Safety Source only A separate Set manages the Replacement Source function. Safety regulations, mainly concerning buildings open to the general public such as hospitals, public buildings, etc. define in detail electrical distribution for safety equipment (emergency lighting, fume extraction, etc.). These regulations aim at: b providing fire protection (defective main source, supply of extinguishing means) b evacuating people in the best possible conditions (emergency lighting, evacuation path, elevator supply, etc.). The Safety Set only supplies the loads necessary for the Safety function. Electrical safety supply Replacement source Safety source Main source GS NC NC Safety switchboard NC Main safety switchboard Safety Main NC Semi-lighting 1 Fumes extraction, elevator, water supply, telecommunication, other specific equipment Semi-lighting 2 Other installation Safety Main or replacement NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 7: Block diagram of an installation with a replacement GS and a safety GS. Note: the various switches can be replaced by circuit-breakers if required by their need for protection. 10 Replacement Source The Set’s purpose is to perform process controlled shutdown correctly. The “energy quality” function, if necessary, is taken into account thanks to supplying of sensitive loads via an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) downstream from the Set. The Set can be specifically dedicated to the Replacement source function, but it is allowed to operate as a Safety source if the specific Safety function requirements are fully satisfied: for example maximum time of 10 s to obtain voltage and frequency. This allows more frequent operation of these Sets and thus allows them to be more operational if necessary. Autonomous Production Source As a rule the set is implemented: b to supply electrical power at lesser cost (isolated site) b to guard against serious long-term energy downtime risks (areas with seismic risks, etc.). 11 In short A LV Generator Set normally has a power of less than 2 500 kVA: the typical value is around 800 kVA. The LV Generator Set is mainly used as a replacement and/or safety source. The main source is switched to the replacement source: b with load-shedding of non-priority loads b by means of an automatic source changeover switch controlled by voltage. The Generator Set Application in LV 2.1. Choice of HV or LV system Supply voltage is chosen mainly with respect to Generator Set power requirements. Generator Set as HV source The Generator Set is normally a generator activated by a diesel motor or a gas turbine. The production Set application, requiring high installed powers, is thus normally carried out using the MV system. Generator Set as LV source The Generator Set is normally a generator activated by a diesel motor. The following table summarises the system choice criteria: criteria LV HV comments power < 2500 kVA > 2500 kVA facility +++ + regulations ++ LV Generator Set applications LV Generator Sets are mainly used: b to supply safety equipment b to replace the Main source b to supply temporary installations The sectors of activity where it is necessary to have a Replacement and/or Safety source, are very vast ranging from Tertiary to Industry. The following table lists the main application sectors: tertiary hospitals computer Centre (bank, etc.) public building 12 industrial process, cement works (furnace motor), … 2.2. Transfer device It is interesting to make the source transfer (or source switching) device using standard switchgear, adding specific features. Thus the devices will be: b withdrawable for easier maintenance b electrically and mechanically locked For implementation, the distribution architecture and transfer sequence must be studied. 2.2.1. Layout of feeders As a rule it is not necessary to back up the entire installation. An economic measure is to size the Generator Set for supply of the priority feeders only. For example: sizing the Generator Set at 700 kW for a LV distribution of 2000 kVA (only one third of feeders are considered priority). Transfer of load supply to the replacement source can be considered in 2 ways. Transfer with load-shedding of non-priority loads Priority and non-priority loads are not specifically grouped: management (loadshedding) of loads must be performed by a dedicated automation device or relay. This configuration type requires a management auxiliary but is easier to modify or upgrade. E79353E MV LV Main LV board GS NC Loadshedding Non-priority Priority NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 8: Management of priorities by load-shedding. 13 The Generator Set Application in LV E79356E Transfer for priority feeders only Priority feeders are directly grouped at a specific busbar in this system. This system requires no management auxiliaries. Source 1 MV GS LV NC NC D1 NO D2 Main/Standby Non-priority circuits NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 9: Management of priorities by grouping. 14 Priority circuits 2.2.2. Sequence E88044E E88045E Main source / Generator Set transfer Transfer generally takes place with a short break (a few seconds) the time required to start the Generator Set and to switch over: b switching to Generator Set sequence v loss of mains voltage at TA - load-shedding of non-priority feeders (if necessary) and important feeders v after time delay starting of Generator Set at TB v on appearance of Generator Set voltage at TC - opening of Main source circuit-breaker v closing of Replacement source circuit-breaker (Generator Set) at T D v sequenced restoration of important feeders b switching to Main source sequence v restoration of mains voltage at TA v after time delay at T'B - opening of Replacement source circuit-breaker - restoration of non-priority feeders v closing of Main source circuit-breaker at T'C v stopping of Generator Set at T'D. Main Non-priority Figure 10: Block diagram. Replacement Main Priority Figure 11: Type 3 chronogram. Transfer of loads on the Generator Set, the Replacement source, implies consideration of the generator’s specific characteristics. This takes the form of an additional study concerning: b the protection plan (setting and discrimination) b load management (putting back into operation) b supply of sensitive and non-linear loads In addition, to ensure optimised operation and maintenance, it is important to implement additional monitoring and supervision functions (frequency and voltage monitoring, phase unbalance, etc.). Note: return to the Main source can be performed using a synchrocoupler to ensure switching without voltage breaking. 15 In short Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set E79476E The following diagram shows the electrical sizing parameters of a Generator Set. Pn, Un and In are, respectively, the power of the thermal motor, the rated voltage and the rated current of the generator. Thermal motor Figure 12: Block diagram of a Generator Set. Nota 1: Also remember that Generator Set sizing is optimised, i.e. that Pn is normally around one third of normal installed power. 3.1.1. Overload protection The generator protection curve must be analysed. E79364E A Generator Set has specific overload and short-circuit withstand characteristics as a result of the high generator reactances. This has the following consequences: b for protection of people and equipment, specific circuit-breaker settings providing both protection of the installation set and coordination with the downstream protection devices. b for proper operation on duty of the monitoring functions preventing malfunctions and ensuring alarm management if necessary in event of: v non-linear loads (harmonics) v loads with a high energising current (motors, LV/LV transformers, etc.) v parallel-connection of Generator Sets v operation in prolonged overload conditions (Standby Set). Standards specify the specific power available according to the type of application of a Generator Set - production, transfer, standby. 3.1. Generator protection Overloads Figure 13: Example of an overload curve T=f(I). Standards and requirements of applications can also stipulate specific overload conditions: For example: I / In 1.1 1.5 t >1h 30 s The setting possibilities of the overload protection devices (or Long Time Delay) will closely follow these requirements. Note on overloads b for economic reasons, the thermal motor of a Replacement Set may be strictly sized for its nominal power. If there is an active power overload, the diesel motor will stall. The active power balance of the priority loads must take this into account b a production Set must be able to withstand operating overloads: v one hour overload v one hour overload every 12 hours (Prime Power). (see chapter 3.5 “The installation standards”) 16 3.1.2. Short-circuit current protection Making the short-circuit current The short-circuit current is the sum: b of an aperiodic current b of a damped sinusoidal current. The short-circuit current equation shows that it is made according to three phases. E79365E I rms 1 2 subtransient transient conditions conditions 3 steady state conditions generator with compound excitation or over-excitation generator with serial exitation fault 10 to 20 ms appears 0.1 to 0.3 s T (s) Figure 14: Short-circuit current level during the 3 phases. Subtransient phase When a short-circuit appears at the terminals of a generator, the current is first made at a relatively high value of around 6 to 12 ln during the first cycle (0 to 20 milliseconds). The amplitude of the short-circuit output current is defined by three parameters: b the subtransient reactance of the generator b the level of excitation prior to the time of the fault and b the impedance of the faulty circuit. The short-circuit impedance of the generator to be considered is the subtransient reactance expressed as a % of Uo (phase-to-neutral voltage) by the manufacturer x”d. The typical value is 10 to 15 %. We determine the subtransient short-circuit impedance of the generator: X"d = U 2n x"d where S = 3UNIN. S 100 Transient phase The transient phase is placed 100 to 500 ms after the time of the fault. Starting from the value of the fault current of the subtransient period, the current drops to 1.5 to 2 times the current ln. The short-circuit impedance to be considered for this period is the transient reactance expressed as a % Uo by the manufacturer x'd. The typical value is 20 to 30 %. Steady state phase The steady state occurs above 500 ms. When the fault persists, Set output voltage collapses and the exciter regulation seeks to raise this output voltage. The result is a stabilised sustained short-circuit current: b if generator excitation does not increase during a short-circuit (no field overexcitation) but is maintained at the level preceding the fault, the current stabilises at a value that is given by the synchronous reactance Xd of the generator. The typical value of xd is greater than 200 %. Consequently, the final current will be less than the full-load current of the generator, normally around 0.5 ln. b If the generator is equipped with maximum field excitation (field overriding) or with compound excitation, the excitation “surge” voltage will cause the fault current to increase for 10 seconds, normally to 2 to 3 times the full-load current of the generator. 17 Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set Calculating the short-circuit current Manufacturers normally specify the impedance values and time constants required for analysis of operation in transient or steady state conditions. Impedance table: Leroy Somer generator (kVA) x"d (%) 75 200 400 800 1600 2500 10.5 10.4 12.9 10.5 18.8 19.1 x'd (%) 21 15.6 19.4 18 33.8 30.2 x'd (%) 280 291 358 280 404 292 Resistances are always negligible compared with reactances. The parameters for the short-circuit current study are: Value of the short-circuit current at generator terminals Short-circuit current strength in transient conditions is: s or s UN is the generator output phase-to-phase voltage (Main source). Note: this value can be compared with the short-circuit current at the terminals of a transformer. Thus, for the same power, currents in event of a short-circuit close to a generator will be 5 to 6 times weaker than those that may occur with a transformer (main source). This difference is accentuated further still by the fact that generator set power is normally less than that of the transformer. E79474E Example MV GS LV NC NC Main/standby Non-priority circuits Priority circuits NC: normally closed. NO: normally open. Figure 15. When the LV network is supplied by the Main source 1 of 2000 kA, the shortcircuit current is 42 kA at the main LV board busbar. When the LV network is supplied by the Replacement Source 2 of 500 kVA with transient reactance of 30 %, the short-circuit current is made at approx. 2.5 kA, i.e. at a value 16 times weaker than with the Main source. 18 3.2. Downstream LV network protection 3.2.1. Priority circuit protection Choice of breaking capacity This must be systematically checked with the characteristics of the main source (HV/LV transformer). Choice and setting of the Short Time Delay releases b subdistribution boards the ratings of the protection devices for the subdistribution and final distribution circuits are always lower than Generator Set rated current. Consequently, except in special cases, conditions are similar to supply by the transformer. b main LV switchboard v the sizing of the main feeder protection devices is normally similar to that of the Generator Set. Setting of the STD must allow for the short-circuit characteristic of the Generator Set (see 3.1.2.). v discrimination of protection devices on the priority feeders must be provided in generator set operation (it can even be compulsory for safety feeders). It is necessary to check proper staggering of STD setting of the protection devices of the main feeders with that of the subdistribution protection devices downstream (normally set for distribution circuits at 10 ln). Note: when operating on the Generator Set, use of a low sensitivity RCD enables management of the insulation fault and ensures very simple discrimination. 3.2.2. Safety of people In the IT (2nd fault) and TN grounding systems, protection of people against indirect contacts is provided by the STD protection of circuit-breakers. Their operation on a fault must be ensured, whether the installation is supplied by the Main source (Transformer) or by the Replacement source (Generator Set). Calculating the insulation fault current Zero-sequence reactance formulated as a % of Uo by the manufacturer x’o. The typical value is 8 %. The phase-to-neutral single-phase short-circuit current is given by: The insulation fault current in the TN system is slightly greater than the threephase fault current: for example, in event of an insulation fault on the system in the previous example, the insulation fault current is equal to 3 kA. 19 Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set 3.3. The monitoring functions Due to the specific characteristics of the generator and its regulation, the proper operating parameters of the Generator Set must be monitored when special loads are implemented. The behaviour of the generator is different from that of the transformer: b the active power it supplies is optimised for a power factor = 0.8 b at less than power factor 0.8, the generator may, by increased excitation, supply part of the reactive power. 3.3.1. Capacitor bank An off-load generator connected to a capacitor bank may self-arc, consequently increasing its overvoltage. The capacitor banks used for power factor regulation must therefore be disconnected. This operation can be performed by sending the stopping setpoint to the regulator (if it is connected to the system managing the source switchings) or by opening the circuit-breaker supplying the capacitors. If capacitors continue to be necessary, do not use regulation of the power factor relay in this case (incorrect and over-slow setting). 3.3.2. Motor restart and re-acceleration A generator can supply at most in transient period a current of between 3 and 5 times its nominal current. A motor absorbs roughly 6 ln for 2 to 20 s during start-up. If Σ Pmotors is high, simultaneous start-up of loads generates a high pick-up current that can be damaging: large voltage drop, due to the high value of the Generator Set transient and subtransient reactances (20 % to 30 %), with a risk of: b non-starting of motors b temperature rise linked to the prolonged starting time due to the voltage drop b tripping of the thermal protection devices. Moreover, the network and the actuators are disturbed by the voltage drop. Application A generator supplies a set of motors. Generator short-circuit characteristics: PN = 130 kVA at a power factor of 0.8, ln = 150 A X’d = 20 % (for example) hence lsc = 750 A. b the Σ Pmotors is 45 kW (45 % of generator power) Calculating voltage drop at start-up: Σ Motors = 45 kW, lM = 81 A, hence a starting current ld = 480 A for 2 to 20 s. Voltage drop on the busbar for simultaneous motor starting: ∆U ≈ U I N- I d I cc- I N en % ∆U ≈ 55 % which is not supportable for motors (failure to start). b the Σ Pmotors is 20 kW (20 % of generator power) Calculating voltage drop at start-up: Σ Motors = 20 kW, lM = 35 A, hence a starting current ld = 210 A for 2 to 20 s. Voltage drop on the busbar: ∆U U ≈ I N- I d I cc- I N en % ∆U ≈ 10 % which is supportable but high. 20 E79475E GS Remote control 2 Remote control 1 Priority Priority motors resistive loads Figure 16: Restarting of priority motors (Σ P > 1/3 Pn). Restarting tips: b if the Pmax of the largest motor > 1/3 Pn, a progressive starter must be installed on this motor b if Σ Pmotors > 1/3 Pn, motor cascade restarting must be managed by a PLC b if Σ Pmotors < 1/3 Pn, there are no restarting problems. 3.3.3. Non-linear loads - Example of a UPS Non-linear loads These are mainly: b saturated magnetic circuits b discharge lamps, fluorescent lights b electronic converters: v computer processing systems: PC, computers, etc. v etc. These loads generate harmonic currents: supplied by a Generator Set, this can create high voltage distortion due to the low short-circuit power of the generator. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) The combination of a UPS and generator set is the best solution for ensuring quality power supply with long autonomy for the supply of sensitive loads. It is also a non-linear load due to the input rectifier. On source switching, the autonomy of the UPS on battery must allow starting and connection of the Generator Set. 21 E79360E E89635 Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set Electrical utility HV incomer NC Mains 1 feeder Mains 2 feeder Uninterruptible power supply Non-sensitive load Sensitive feeders Figure 17: GS-UPS combination for Quality Energy. UPS power UPS inrush power must allow for: b nominal power of the downstream loads. This is the sum of the apparent powers Pa absorbed by each application. Furthermore, so as not to oversize the installation, the overload capacities at UPS level must be considered (for example: 1.5 ln for 1 minute and 1.25 ln for 10 minutes). b the power required to recharge the battery: this current is proportional to the autonomy required for a given power. The sizing Sr of a UPS is given by: Sr = 1.17 x Pn. The table below defines the pick-up currents and protection devices for supplying the rectifier (Mains 1) and the standby mains (Mains 2). Table: pick-up currents and protection devices nominal power 22 current value (A) Pn mains 1 with 3Ph battery 400 V - l1 mains 2 or 3Ph application 400 V lu 40 kVA 86 60.5 60 kVA 123 91 80 kVA 158 121 100 kVA 198 151 120 kVA 240 182 160 kVA 317 243 200 kVA 395 304 250 kVA 493 360 300 kVA 590 456 400 kVA 793 608 500 kVA 990 760 600 kVA 1180 912 800 kVA 1648 1215 Short-circuit downstream of a UPS The UPS use PWM switch mode power supply to reproduce the output voltage. As a rule their current regulation will limit current to 1.5 times ln. The output filter will be able to supply for 1/4 of a period loads at 4 or 5 times ln: this may be sufficient to selectively eliminate short-circuits on small feeders and thus guarantee continuity of supply. On the other hand, on large feeders, as current is limited, the short-circuit may remain steady and the UPS immediately switches to the standby supply source to increase short-circuit current and ensure tripping of the downstream protection devices. E79477E Generator Set/UPS combination b restarting the Rectifier on a Generator Set The UPS rectifier can be equipped with a progressive starting system of the charger to prevent harmful pick-up currents when installation supply switches to the Generator Set. Mains1 GS starting UPS charger starting 5 to 10 s Figure 18: Progressive starting of a type 2 UPS rectifier. b harmonics and voltage distortion total voltage distortion t is defined by: τ(%) = Uh 2n Uf where Uhn is the n order voltage harmonic. This value depends on: v the harmonic currents generated by the rectifier (proportional to the power Sr of the rectifier) v the longitudinal subtransient reactance X”d of the generator v the power Sg of the generator. We define U' Rcc (%) = X"d SR the generator relative short-circuit voltage, SG brought to rectifier power i.e. τ = f(U’RCC ). Note 1: as subtransient reactance is great, harmonic distortion is normally too high compared with the tolerated value (7 to 8 %) for reasonable economic sizing of the generator: use of a suitable filter is an appropriate and cost-effective solution. Note 2: harmonic distortion is not harmful for the rectifier but may be harmful for the other loads supplied in parallel on the rectifier. 23 Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set Application A chart is used to find the distortion t as a function of U’RCC E79366E (voltage harmonic distortion) Without filter With filter (incorporated) Figure 19: Chart for calculating type 3 harmonic distortion. The chart gives: b either t as a function of U’RCC b or U’RCC as a function of τ From which Generator Set sizing, Sg, is determined. Example b generator sizing v 300 kVA UPS without filter, subtransient reactance of 15 % The power Sr of the rectifier is Sr = 1.17 x 300 kVA = 351 kVA For a τ < 7 %, the chart gives U’ RCC = 4 %, power Sg is: 15 = 1 400 kVA 4 v 300 kVA UPS with filter, subtransient reactance of 15 % For τ = 5 %, the calculation gives U’RCC = 12 %, power Sg is: S G = 351 x S G = 351 x 15 = 500 kVA 12 Note: with an upstream transformer of 630 kVA on the 300 kVA UPS without filter, the 5 % ratio would be obtained. The result is that operation on Generator Set must be continually monitored for harmonic currents. If voltage harmonic distortion is too great, use of a filter on the network is the most effective solution to bring it back to values that can be tolerated by sensitive loads. 24 Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set 3.4. Generator Set parallel-connection Parallel-connection of the Generator Set irrespective of the application type Safety source, Replacement source or Production source - requires finer management of connection, i.e. additional monitoring functions. 3.4.1. Parallel operation As Generator Sets generate energy in parallel on the same load, they must be synchronised properly (voltage, frequency) and load distribution must be balanced properly. This function is performed by the regulator of each Generator Set (thermal and excitation regulation). The parameters (frequency, voltage) are monitored before connection: if the values of these parameters are correct, connection can take place. Insulation faults An insulation fault inside the metal casing of a generator set may seriously damage the generator of this set if the latter resembles a phase-to-neutral shortcircuit. The fault must be detected and eliminated quickly, else the other generators will generate energy in the fault and trip on overload: installation continuity of supply will no longer be guaranteed. Ground Fault Protection (GFP) built into the generator circuit is used to: b quickly disconnect the faulty generator and preserve continuity of supply b act at the faulty generator control circuits to stop it and reduce the risk of damage. This GFP is of the “Residual sensing” type and must be installed as close as possible to the protection device as per a TN-C/TN-S* system at each generator set with grounding of frames by a separate PE. E51145E * The system is in TN-C for sets seen as the “generator” and in TN-S for sets seen as “loads”. generator no. 1 generator no. 2 RS RS protected area PE unprotected area PE PEN PE PEN Phases N PE Figure 20. 25 Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set Generator Set faults as a load One of the parallel-connected Generator Sets may no longer operate as a generator but as a motor (by loss of its excitation for example). This may generate overloading of the other Generator Set(s) and thus place the electrical installation out of operation. To check that the Generator Set really is supplying the installation with power (operation as a generator), you need to check the proper flow direction of energy on the coupling busbar using a specific “reverse power” check. Should a fault occur, i.e. the Set operates as a motor, this function will eliminate the faulty Set. E88015E MV incomer GS HV busbar SetSet. LV E88043E Figure 21: Energy transfer direction - GS as a generator. MV incomer GS HV busbar LV Figure 22: Energy transfer direction - GS as a load. 3.4.2. Grounding parallel-connected Generator Sets Grounding of connected Generator Sets may lead to circulation of earth fault currents (3rd order and multiple of 3 harmonics) by connection of Neutrals for common grounding (grounding system of the TN or TT type). Consequently, to prevent these currents from flowing between the Generator Sets, we recommend that you install a decoupling resistance in the grounding circuit. 26 3.5. The installation standards There are no specific electrical installation rules for Generator Sets performing Replacement or Production functions. Continuity of supply requirements must be taken into account for Safety Sets. For mobile Sets, installation of residual current protection at 30 mA may be required to guarantee safety of people whatever the connection. 3.5.1. Power definition The notion of active power delivered is defined by thermal motor sizing. Standard ISO 3046-1 for diesel motors states three alternatives for defining nominal power and specifies the overload capacity definition. The notion of power is thus defined by: b continuous power the motor can supply 100 % of its nominal power for an unlimited period of time. This is the notion used for a Production Set. b prime Power (PP) the motor can supply a basic power for an unlimited period of time and 100 % of nominal power for a specific period of time. Both period and basic power vary according to the manufacturer. A typical example would be a basic power of 70 % of nominal power and 100 % of nominal load for 500 hours a year. Overload capacity: this is defined by 10 % of additional power for 1 hour in a period of 12 operating hours. b standby power this is the maximum power that the machine can deliver over a limited period, normally less than 500 hours a year. This definition must only be applied to generator sets operating solely as standby sets. As the motor is not able to supply greater power, a safety factor of at least 10 % must be applied to determine necessary standby power. If nominal power is determined by standby power, there is no more margin left for overload. Thus, the same diesel set can be defined by: b a continuous power of 1550 kW b a prime power PP of 1760 kW and b a standby power of 1880 kW. Protection device settings Available power values and tolerated overload times must be considered to calculate installation sizing and protection device settings. This can be specified by installation standards. For example, even if the NEC (National Electrical Code - US Standard in Section 445-4 (a)) does not indicate a precise acceptable overload percentage, the values normally specified for generator protection range between 100 % and 125 % of generator nominal current at nominal power and at nominal power factor (typically for 0.8). Moreover, Section 445-4 (a) to (e) EX. allows a 100 % overshoot of nominal current for more than 60 seconds. 3.5.2. Safety standard requirements Protection device discrimination In safety terms, electrical installation standards can recommend selective tripping of protection devices for all circuits supplying equipment: b safety equipment (fire pump, smoke extraction motor, etc.) b or for which interruption in energy supply would generate a serious risk. For example, the NEC requires co-ordination of protection devices for most elevator supply circuits (Section 620-62). Furthermore, section 4-5-1 of publication NFPA (1) 1110, Emergency and Stand-by Power Systems, requires that manufacturers “optimise selective tripping of Short-Circuit Protection Devices”. (1) Publication of the National Association of Fire Protection 27 Protection and Monitoring of a LV Generator Set Alarm processing A Safety set must never stop, but must supply safety equipment and anti-panic devices even if this means damage to itself. On the other hand, safety regulations will require increasingly rigorous preventive maintenance of the Set to ensure safer operation. Consequently, certain thermal motor alarms - water temperature, oil temperature, oil level - or generator alarms - temperature, overloads - must not cause the Safety Set to trip but must be locked to ensure maintenance or subsequent repairs once installation supply switches back to the Main Source. 28 In short Via the Micrologic releases of the Masterpact and Compact NS circuitbreaker ranges, Schneider has taken into account the specific features of the set generators. These devices perform: b the essential protection functions b additional monitoring functions such as measurement of relevant proper operation parameters b connection functions, … This switchgear guarantees optimised continuity of supply for operators. The Schneider protection solution 4 .1. Micrologic and generator protection With respect to generator protection, the Micrologic releases of the Masterpact NT, NW and Compact NS ranges allow optimised settings for fine generator protection. 4.1.1. Long Time Delay protection of the “Inverse Definite Minimum Time Lag” type of phases (3) The Micrologic P and H include in the microprocessor the various IDMTL type curves. These curves of variable slope are used to enhance: b discrimination with fuses placed upstream (HV) of the power circuit-breaker b co-ordination with the MV protection relays that may be of the IDMTL type b protection of specific applications. Five slopes are proposed: b definite Time DT b standard inverse time SIT, curve in i0.5t b very inverse time VIT, curve in it b extremely inverse time EIT, curve in l2t b high voltage fuse HVF, curve in i4t The slope is calculated as per the formula: ( ). () Tr =time delay band B = type of curve DT, SIT, VIT, EIT, HVF E89636 For the various time delay bands and slopes, the tripping thresholds in seconds at 1.5 lr are as follows: time delay band DT SIT VIT EIT 0,5 s 1s 2s 4s 8s 12 s 16 s 20 s 24 s 0,5 3,2 5 14 1 6,4 10 28 2 12,9 20 56 4 25,8 40 112 8 51,6 80 224 12 77,4 120 336 16 103 160 448 20 129 200 560 24 155 240 672 HVF 159 319 637 1300 2600 3800 5100 6400 7700 b intermittent overloads and IDMTL slopes As long as the circuit-breaker remains closed, the intermittent overloads are taken into account to simulate their effects on the conductors. This function optimises the circuit-breaker tripping time. 29 The Schneider protection solution 4.1.2. Generator protection E89628 The many setting possibilities of the LTD protection slope allow the generator thermal overload curve to be followed closely. The low setting of the STD protection is compatible with the short-circuit behaviour of the generator. Optimised protection of the generator thanks to the Micrologic releases of the NT, NW and Compact NS ranges guarantees optimum continuity of supply. E88696E Figure 23: Masterpact NW/NT and Compact NS overload curves. Generator overload conditions Circuit-breaker VIT protection curve Generator short-circuit conditions Figure 24: IDMTL curves and generator overload curve. . 30 4.2. Micrologic P & H for generator monitoring The Micrologic P and H incorporate other current, voltage, power and frequency protection and/or monitoring functions suited to loads such as motors, generators and transformers. 4.2.1. Implementation E88008E In the control unit “setting” menu, the operator selectors the functions that he wishes to activate and accesses the various thresholds to be configured. All the settings are made via the keys available on the front face or by remote transmission. For all functions, except for phase rotation direction, four thresholds must be set: b activation threshold (1) b activation time delay (2) b de-activation threshold (3) b de-activation time delay (4). Activation threshold De-activation threshold Activation time delay De-activation time delay Relay output Figure 25. When the function is activated, according to operator configuration, it can result either in tripping or in an alarm, or in both. 31 The Schneider protection solution 4.2.2. The monitoring functions Current unbalance E88009E b application: the acceptable values for current negative phase sequence components are approximately: v 15 % for generators v 20 % for motors As current unbalance effects are thermal and thus slow, the tripping threshold for this protection must be configured according to the thermal time constant of the equipment (a few minutes). It can be used as an alarm to allow better distribution of single-phase loads. I mean Figure 26. b principle: the function compares a current unbalance to the threshold previously set by the user. The current unbalance Dl is the value as a % of the difference, E max, between maximum current and mean current, lmean. Imean = (I1+I2+I3)/3. Emax = max (Ii) - Imean. ∆I = Emax/Imean. The activation and de-activation thresholds, configured by the user, are a % of Imean: ∆l = 5 % represents a relatively small unbalance (l1 = 4000 A, l2 = 3800 A, l3 = 3600 A). ∆l = 90 % represents a strongly unbalanced power supply (l1 = 4000 A, l2 = 1200 A, l3 = 1120 A). Example 1: I1 = 4000 A, I2 = 2000 A, I3 = 3300 A. Imean = 3100 A. Emax = I2 - Imoy. ∆I = Emax/Imean, ∆I = 35 %. Nota : calculation of current (or voltage) unbalance in HV distribution is normally used: Iunbal(%) = 100 x (Iinverse)/(Idirect) Micrologic calculates current unbalance as per the formula: Iunbal(%) = 100 x (lmax)/(lmean) Both calculation modes yield similar results. b current unbalance setting: activation threshold activation time delay de-activation threshold de-activation time delay 32 setting range setting step accuracy 5 à 60 % of Imean 1% -10 % to 0 % 1 to 40 s 1s -20 % to 0 % -5 % to 0 % of activation threshold 10 to 360 s 1% -10 % to 0 % 1s -20 % to 0 % Overcurrent E88010E b application: overcurrent protection is suitable for: v monitoring cyclic loads (prevent temperature rise of loads, etc.) v managing consumption (guard against overshoots). I consumed I sizing Activation 1h Ta = activation time delay Td = de-activation time delay Figure 27: Consumption monitoring. This is used to calculate the mean value of consumed current. It can deliver a load shedding order to remain within the limits: v of the supplier’s contract - Main source v or of delivered power - Replacement source. It provides thermal type protection for each phase and for the neutral (dry transformers). b principle: this function calculates the mean value of each current of the three phases and the neutral over a time programmable between 5 minutes and one hour and over a sliding window refreshed every 15 seconds. b overcurrent setting activation threshold activation time delay de-activation threshold de-activation time delay setting range setting step accuracy 0.2 to 10 In 1A ± 6.6 % 1500 s 15 s -20 % to 0 % 0.2 to 10 In of activation threshold 10 to 3000 s 1A ± 6.6 % 15 s -20 % to 0 % Voltage unbalance b application: detection of voltage unbalance or loss. Voltage unbalance protection is more suitable to the installation as a whole, whereas current unbalance protection is more suitable for loads. This is because voltage unbalance will affect all the feeders of this installation, while current unbalance may vary according to its position in the installation. b principle: the function compares voltage unbalance to the threshold set beforehand by the user. Voltage unbalance DU is the value as a % of the difference, E max, between maximum voltage and the mean value of the phase-to-phase voltages, Umean. Umean = (U12 + U23 + U31)/3. Emax = max(Ui) - Umean. DU= Emax/Umean. 33 The Schneider protection solution The activation and de-activation thresholds, configured by the user, are a % of U max: ∆U = 5 % represents a relatively small unbalance ∆U = 90 % represents a strongly unbalanced power supply Example Case similar to a phase loss associated with unbalance on the other phases. U12 = 330 V, U23 = 390 V, U31 = 10 V. Umean = 243,3 V. Emax = U31 - Umean. ∆U = Emax/Umean, ∆U = 96 %. b voltage unbalance setting: activation threshold activation time delay de-activation threshold de-activation time delay setting range setting step accuracy 2 à 30 % of Umean 1% -10 % to 0 % 1 to 40 s 1s -20 % to 0 % 2 % of activation threshold 10 to 360 s 1% -10 % to 0 % 1s -20 % to 0 % Overvoltage and undervoltage b application: the overvoltage and undervoltage protections can be used to: v check output voltage of a generator v prevent transformer saturation (overvoltage) v switch from the Main to the Replacement source v prevent temperature rise on motor starting (undervoltage) Note: in actual fact, voltage drops and rises seriously affect the performance of the loads supplied (see motor characteristics table below). Motor characteristics Torque curve Slipping Nominal current Nominal efficiency Nominal power factor Starting current Nominal temp. rise Off-load P (Watt) Voltage variation as a % Un -10 % Un -5 % 0,81 0,90 1,23 1,11 1,10 1,05 0,97 0,98 1,03 1,02 0,90 0,95 1,18 1,05 0,85 0,92 Un 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Un +5 % 1,10 0,91 0,98 1,00 0,97 1,05 1 1,12 Un+10% 1,21 0,83 0,98 0,98 0,94 1,10 1,10 1,25 E88011E b principle: the function is activated when one of the three phase-to-phase voltages (U12, U23, U31) is below (or above) the threshold set by the user for a time longer than the time delay. It is de-activated when the 3 phase-to-phase voltages move back above (or below) the de-activation threshold for a time longer than the time delay. U max. U min. U12 Figure 28. 34 U23 U31 b undervoltage setting: activation threshold activation time delay de-activation threshold de-activation time delay setting range setting step accuracy 100 à 690 V 5V 0 % to 5 % 0.2 to 5 s 0.1 s 0 % to 20 % 690 V of activation threshold 0.2 to 36 s 5V 0 % to 5 % 0.1 s 0 % to 20 % setting range setting step accuracy 100 à 1200 V 5V -5 % to 0 % 0.2 to 5 s 0.1 s 0 % to 20 % 100 V of activation threshold 0.2 to 36 s 5V -5 % to 0 % 0.1 s 0 % to 20 % b overvoltage setting: activation threshold activation time delay de-activation threshold de-activation time delay Reverse active power b application reverse power protection is used to protect generators connected with the mains (as an auxiliary or standby source) and generators operating in parallel autonomously (e.g. marine). Note For protection of generators driven by diesel sets, the threshold must be set between 5 and 20 % of generator active power for a period of 2 seconds. For protection of generators driven by steam turbines, the threshold must be set between 1 and 5 % of active power for a period of 2 seconds E88012E b principle: the function is activated when the active power flowing in the opposite flow direction to the energy defined by the user, is greater than the activation threshold for a time longer than the time delay. De-activation zone Activation zone De-activation time delay Activation time delay Activation threshold De-activation threshold Reverse power Figure 29. 35 The Schneider protection solution b reverse power setting: activation threshold activation time delay de-activation threshold de-activation time delay setting range setting step accuracy 5 kW to 500 kW 5 kW ± 2.5 % 0.2 to 20 s 0.1 s -20 % to 0 % 5 kW of activation threshold 1 to 360 s 5 kW ± 2.5 % 0.1 s -20 % to 0 % Over frequency and under frequency b causes incorrect operation of generator / motor set frequency reduction is possible when a generator is on overload frequency increase is possible should the generator begin racing after losing its load. b application: over frequency and under frequency protection is used to: Check generator frequency Check frequency at motor terminals Prevent saturation of transformers further to a frequency reduction. b principle: the function is activated when frequency exceeds the programmed threshold for a time longer than the time delay. E88013E Over frequency monitoring Over F de-activation zone Over F activation zone De-activation time delay Activation time delay Frequency De-activation threshold Activation threshold E88007E Figure 30: Operation for overfrequency. De-activation time delay Under F activation zone Under F de-activation zone Activation time delay Frequency Activation threshold Figure 31: Operation for underfrequency. 36 De-activation threshold b overfrequency setting: activation threshold activation time delay de-activation threshold de-activation time delay setting range setting step accuracy 45 to 540 Hz 0.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz 0.2 to 5 s 0.1 s -20 % to 0 % 540 Hz of activation threshold 1 to 36 s 0.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz 0.1 s -20 % to 0 % setting range setting step accuracy 45 to 540 Hz 0.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz 0.2 to 5 s 0.1 s -20 % to 0 % 45 Hz of activation threshold 1 to 36 s 0.5 Hz ± 0.5 Hz 0.1 s -20 % to 0 % b underfrequency setting: activation threshold activation time delay de-activation threshold de-activation time delay Phase rotation direction b application: phase reversal protection is used to: v check the rotation direction of three-phase motors (e.g. boats berthed) v prevent connection of generators to the electrical network if rotation direction is reversed b principle: the function compares the phase succession order. In event of reversal, protection is activated after 300 ms (tripping or alarm). b phase rotation direction setting: setting range DF time delay Φ1, Φ2, Φ3 or Φ1, Φ3, Φ2 300 ms 37 The Schneider protection solution 4.3. Micrologic for insulation fault protection Currents due to insulation faults can be dangerous for people (risk of indirect contact) and equipment (fire risk). To provide protection and satisfy all installation systems as completely as possible, the Micrologic range incorporates as standard: b on 6.0 units, ground protection b on 7.0 units, residual current protection. 4.3.1. Ground protection b fire protection: this is stipulated by the NEC (National Electric Code) in the USA to avoid risk of fire that could occur in event of an impedance-grounded (arc) fault, not detected by the standard L, S, I protection devices (fault smaller than the STD threshold or intermittent fault). b protection of people: this is also used on TN-S networks with very long cables to guarantee instantaneous tripping in event of an insulation fault. Ground protection is performed according to two systems. Residual sensor E88017E The “residual” type protection determines earth fault current by the vector sum of phase and neutral currents. This protection detects faults downstream of the circuit-breaker. A CT is placed on each of the phases and the neutral (if distributed). For the Masterpacts, the CTs are built into the circuit-breakers. Circuit-breaker with built-in MX protection Figure 32. The Neutral CT provides both ground/residual protection and overload protection of the neutral conductor. 38 Source Ground Return (SGR) E88018 The “Source Ground Return” system directly measures the earth fault current by a specific external sensor. This protection detects faults upstream and downstream of the circuit-breaker. It is only possible at the supply end of the LV installation. Figure 33. Note: the SGR CT is specific to this application. The Ground protection and Neutral protection are separate and thus can be combined. Setting the protection devices Ground protection can be set for its threshold (limited to 1200 A) by 9 bands and by its time delay (same as the Short Time Delay). To enhance discrimination with fuses or other circuit-breakers, part of the ground protection curve can be converted into a reverse curve by choosing the l2tON setting. The SGR protection requires use of the MDGF module. 4.3.2. Residual current device (RCD) protection or “zero sequence” system E88019 RCD protection is stipulated by installation standards (IEC 60 364) for protection of people and equipment in the following cases: b TT type grounding systems, in which currents resulting from insulation faults are small b TN-S type networks with very long cables, in which the instantaneous threshold is not sufficient to protect a short-circuit at the end of the line b IT networks with very long cables. This protection is also used to provide additional fire protection. Its threshold from 500 mA to 30 A and time delay can be set to ensure residual current discrimination. Figure 34. An external rectangular toroid sensor is compulsory. 39 Summary 5.1. Diagram E88014E A typical example of a high power electrical installation for an office building (see Note 1). Source IT safety source TN-S replacement source GS Main LV board GS Non-priority feeders, heating, etc. Non-sensitive priority feeders, lighting, elevator, etc. Safety feeders 300 kVA Sensitive feeders, computer, etc. Source Chassis COM module IT safety source Main LV board GS Non-priority feeders 40 TN-S replacement source GS Chassis COM module Communication bus Proprietary bus 5.2. Comments Monitoring The Long and Short Time Delay protection settings are of the Distribution type. Discrimination with downstream feeders is of the time type and total. The monitoring functions mainly concern verification of inrush power: this allows use, if necessary, of load shedding to cope with load peaks. Replacement source The set is optimised with exact dimensioning. Setting of the LTD protection will follow the Set’s protection curve and setting of the STD protection will be low (from 1.5 to 2.5 lg). The Set supplies priority feeders. As our example is an office building, these feeders are often not linear. Due to the power ratio and high subtransient impedances between the Set and the Main source (transformer), voltage total harmonic distortion (THDu) is often very high and greater than load withstand value (even for non-sensitive loads). 1. Installation of a Micrologic H ensures permanent monitoring, if necessary, of the relevant harmonic pollution parameters. E88697 E88698 Source to protect E88104 Protection Main source Discrimination with downstream priority feeders must allow for the low settings (in particular for the STD). l measurement and H spectrum vignettes For feeders supplied by the UPS, discrimination must be ensured with the downstream feeders (this 2. Use of a UPS incorporating a harmonicis because the UPS switches to mains 2 to perform suppression filter is the ideal solution for using a the discrimination function). Generator Set/UPS combination with optimised sizing and to bring upstream total harmonic distortion down to a completely acceptable value. Safety source The Set must operate in all circumstances. The settings made will eliminate nuisance tripping. Discrimination must allow for these settings and choose a downstream circuit distribution that will enable this. E88103E Source Fine network analysis in real time is not required. However, alarm transfer and storage are recommended. If necessary, network parameters (voltage, current, etc.) can be measured for analysis after the fault. Safety and replacement source GS Note 1: in the diagram on the previous page, the Safety Set and the Replacement Set are separate: this is advantageous only if the priority and safety feeders are physically separate. As explained in paragraph 1.3, the 2 functions are normally grouped. The following diagram gives an example of this: Non-priority feeders Safety Priority feeders Figure 35. 41 Summary 5.3. functions production set Summary replacement set safety set parallelcomments connected sets* generator overload protection overloads b b v b v (1) (1) for Production GS allow for: - one hour overload - one hour overload every 12 hours Note: disabling of thermal memory may be requested short-circuits b b v b v Magnetic setting at 1.5 ln insulation fault protection fire ground protection b b v b v Use in case of TN-S grounding system ground fault protection restricted differential v v v v For uncoupling and placing the GS out of operation if fault protection of people b b b b Protection, if necessary, of the RCD type (Zero Sequence) current unbalance v v v (2) v (2) Safety GS: the Generator Set must operate whatever current unbalance Production and/or Replacement GS: same problem as with supply by transformers overcurrent v (3) v (3) v v (3) (3) to be used to perform load shedding voltage unbalance v v v v overvoltage and undervoltage b (4) b (4) v b v (4) network monitoring (4) use Protection only if risk of breaking equipment /or loss of safety is greater in the event of overvoltage / undervoltage than in the event of breaking frequency b (4) b (4) v b v (4) reverse active power ns ns ns v If the GS operates as a motor, there is a risk of: - deterioration of the diesel set - placing all sources out of operation (by overload) harmonic measurement v v v In particular, if non-linear loads are great during operation on GS (>50 %) For example Replacement GS with high power UPS (computer centre) b v ns * In 42 Important or compulsory Recommended Not significant case of two choices, choose that for the parallel-connected generator set category. Additional technical informations 44 6.2. Control units characteristics STR and Micrologic A, H and P 52 6.3. Communication characteristics for Compact NS and Masterpact 71 E89629 Applications 6.1. Characteristics tables of circuit breakers Compact NS and Masterpact 43 6.1. Characteristics tables of circuit breakers Compact NS up to 630 A 045345si Compact circuit breakers number of poles control manual connections electric fixed toggle direct or extended rotary handle front connection rear connection front connection rear connection front connection rear connection plug-in (on base) withdrawable (on chassis) 048286si Compact NS250H. electrical characteristics as per IEC 60947-2 and EN 60947-2 rated current (A) In 40 °C 65 °C rated insulation voltage (V) Ui rated impulse withstand voltage kV) Uimp rated operational voltage (V) Ue AC 50/60 Hz DC type of circuit breaker ultimate breaking capacity (kA rms) lcu AC 50/60 Hz 220/240 V 380/415 V 440 V 500 V 525 V 660/690 V DC 250 V (1P) 500 V (2P in series) service breaking capacity lcs % Icu suitability for isolation utilisation category durability (C-O cycles) mechanical electrical 440 V In/2 In electrical characteristics as per NEMA AB1 breaking capacity (kA) 240 V 480 V 600 V electrical characteristics as per UL508 breaking capacity (kA) Compact NS630L. protection trip units overload protection short-circuit protection earth-fault protection zone selective interlocking add-on earth-leakage protection 240 V 480 V 600 V long time Ir (In x …) short time lsd (Ir x …) instantaneous Ii (In x …) lg (In x …) ZSI add-on Vigi module combination with Vigirex relay current measurements additional measurement, indication and control auxiliaries indication contacts MX shunt and MN undervoltage releases voltage-presence indicator current-transformer module and ammeter module insulation-monitoring module remote communication by bus device-status indication device remote operation transmission of settings indication and identification of protection devices and alarms transmission of measured current values installation accessories (1) 2P in 3P case for type N only (2) specific trip units are available for operational voltages > 525 V (3) operational voltage y 500 V. 44 dimensions (mm) W x H x D weight (kg) terminal extensions and spreaders terminal shields and interphase barriers escutcheons fixed, front connections 2-3P / 4P fixed, front connections 3P / 4P source changeover system (see section on source changeover systems) manual, remote-operated and automatic source changeover systems NS125E NS100 NS160 NS250 NS400 NS630 3, 4 b b b - 2(1), 3, 4 b b b b b b b b b 2(1), 3, 4 b b b b b b b b b 2(1), 3, 4 b b b b b b b b b 3, 4 b b b b b b b b b 3, 4 b b b b b b b b b 125 750 8 500 E 25 16/10 10 6 - L 150 150 130 100 100 75 100 100 160 150 750 8 690 500 N H 85 100 36 70 35 65 30 50 22 35 8 10 50 85 50 85 100% b A 40 000 40 000 20 000 L 150 150 130 70 50 20 100 100 250 220 750 8 690 500 N H 85 100 36 70 35 65 30 50 22 35 8 10 50 85 50 85 100% b A 20 000 20 000 10 000 L 150 150 130 70 50 20 100 100 400 320 750 8 690 500 N H 85 100 45 70 42 65 30 50 22 35 10(2) 20(2) 85 85 100% b A 15 000 12 000 6 000 L 150 150 130 100 100 75(2) - 630 500 750 8 690 500 N H 85 100 45 70 42 65 30 50 22 35 10(2) 20(2) 85 85 100%(3) b A 15 000 8 000 4 000 L 150 150 130 70 50 35(2) - 50% b A 10 000 6 000 6 000 100 100 750 8 690 500 N H 85 100 25 70 25 65 18 50 18 35 8 10 50 85 50 85 100% b A 50 000 50 000 30 000 E 5 5 - N 85 25 10 H 100 65 35 L 200 130 50 N 85 35 20 H 100 65 35 L 200 130 50 N 85 35 20 H 100 65 35 L 200 130 50 N 85 42 20 H 100 65 35 L 200 130 50 N 85 42 20 H 100 65 35 L 200 130 50 E - N 85 25 10 H 85 65 10 L - N 85 35 10 H 85 65 10 L - N 85 35 18 H 85 65 18 L - N 85 42 18 H 85 65 18 L - N 85 42 30 H 85 65 30 L - non interchangeable 12.5… 125 (A) b b - TM (thermal-magnetic) b b b b - b b - b b b b b - b b - b b b 105 x 161 x 86 1.7 / 2.3 b b b 105 x 161 x 86 / 140 x 161 x 86 1.6 to 1.9 / 2.1 to 2.3 b b b 140 x 255 x 110 / 185 x 255 x 110 6.0 / 7.8 - b b STR22 (electronic) b b b b b - STR23 (electronic) b b b b b - STR53 (electronic) b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b - b b - b b b b b 45 6.1. Characteristics tables of circuit breakers Compact NS from 630 up to 3200 A Compact circuit breakers 045151si number of poles control manual toggle direct or extended rotary handle electric type of circuit breaker connections fixed withdrawable (on chassis) 045178si Compact NS800H. Compact NS2000H. front connection rear connection front connection rear connection electrical characteristics as per IEC 60947-2 and EN 60947-2 rated current (A) In 50 °C 65 °C (1) rated insulation voltage (V) Ui rated impulse withstand voltage (kV) Uimp rated operational voltage (V) Ue AC 50/60 Hz DC type of circuit breaker ultimate breaking capacity (kA rms) lcu AC 50/60 Hz 220/240 V 380/415 V 440 V 500/525 V 660/690 V DC 250 V 500 V service breaking capacity (kA rms) lcs Value or % Icu short-time withstand current (kA rms) lcw 0.5 s V AC 50/60 Hz 1s suitability for isolation utilisation category durability (C-O cycles) mechanical electrical 440 V In/2 In 690 V In/2 In pollution degree electrical characteristics as per Nema AB1 breaking capacity at 60 Hz (kA) protection and measurements interchangeable control units overload protection short-circuit protection earth-fault protection residual earth-leakage protection zone selective interlocking protection of the fourth pole current measurements additional indication and control auxiliaries indication contacts voltage releases 240 V 480 V 600 V long time Ir (In x …) short time Isd (Ir x …) instantaneous Ii (In x …) lg (In x …) ∆n I∆ ZSI MX shunt release MN undervoltage release remote communication by bus device-status indication device remote operation transmission of settings indication and identification of protection devices and alarms transmission of measured current values installation accessories terminal extensions and spreaders terminal shields and interphase barriers escutcheons dimensions fixed devices, front connections (mm) 3P HxWxD 4P weight fixed devices, front connections (kg) 3P 4P (1) 65°C with vertical connections. See the temperature derating tables for other types of connections. 46 source changeover system (see section on source changeover systems) manual, remote-operated and automatic source changeover systems NS630b NS800 3, 4 b b b N b b b b H b b b b NS1250 3, 4 b b b N b b b b L b b b b 630 630 750 8 690 500 N H 50 70 50 70 50 65 40 50 30 42 75% 50% 25 25 17 17 b B B 10000 6000 5000 4000 2000 III 800 800 N 50 35 25 L 125 100 - H 65 50 50 NS1000 1000 1000 1250 1250 750 8 690 500 N 50 50 50 40 30 75% 25 17 b B 10000 5000 4000 3000 2000 III L 150 150 130 100 25 100% 10 7 A Micrologic 2.0 b b b - N 50 35 25 Micrologic 5.0 b b b b - NS1600 H b b b b 1600 1510 H 70 70 65 50 42 50% 25 17 B 5000 2000 2000 1000 H 65 50 50 Micrologic 2.0 A b b b b b b b b 327 x 210 x 147 327 x 280 x 147 14 18 1600 1550 750 8 690 500 N 85 70 65 65 65 65 kA 40 28 b B 5000 3000 2000 2000 1000 III NS2500 NS3200 2500 2500 3200 2970 H b 2000 1900 H 125 85 85 75% 40 28 B - N 85 65 50 Micrologic 5.0 A b b b b b b Micrologic 6.0 A b b b b b b b b b b b b - NS1600b NS2000 3, 4 b N b - H 125 85 - Micrologic 7.0 A b b b b b b b b b b b b - b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 350 x 420 x 160 350 x 535 x 160 24 36 b 47 056408si 6.1. Characteristics tables of circuit breakers Masterpact NT06 to NT16 common characteristics number of poles rated insulation voltage (V) impulse withstand voltage (kV) rated operational voltage (V AC 50/60 Hz) suitability for isolation degree of pollution Ui Uimp Ue IEC 60947-2 IEC 60664-1 3/4 1000/1250 12 690 3 circuit-breaker characteristics as per IEC 60947-2 rated current (A) rating of 4th pole (A) sensor ratings (A) type of circuit breaker ultimate breaking capacity (kA rms) V AC 50/60 Hz rated service breaking capacity (kA rms) rated short-time withstand current (kA rms) V AC 50/60 Hz integrated instantaneous protection (kA peak ±10%) rated making capacity (kA peak) V AC 50/60 H In at 40 °C / 50 °C** Icu 220/415 V 440 V 525 V 690 V % Icu 0.5 s 3s Ics Icw Icm 220/415 V 440 V 525 V 690 V break time (ms) closing time (ms) circuit-breaker characteristics as per NEMA AB1 breaking capacity (kA) V AC 50/60 Hz 240 V 480 V 600 V switch-disconnector characteristics as per IEC 60947-3 type of switch-disconnector rated making capacity (kA peak) V AC 50/60 Hz Icm rated short-time withstand current (kA rms) V AC 50/60 Hz ultimate breaking capacity (Icu) with external protection relay, maximum delay 350 ms Icw 220/415 V 440 V 500/690 V 0.5 s 3s installation, connection and maintenance service life C/O cycles x 1000 mechanical electrical with maintenance without maintenance without maintenance motor control (AC3-947-4) connection drawout fixed dimensions (mm) HxWxD drawout fixed weight (kg) drawout (approximate) fixed * see the current-limiting curve in the "additional characteristics" section ** 50 °C: rear vertical connected. Refer to temperature derating tables for other connection types. (1) SELLIM system. 48 440 V 690 V 690 V FC RC FC RC 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P/4P 3P/4P NT06 NT08 NT10 NT12 NT16 630 630 400 to 630 800 800 400 to 800 1000 1000 400 to 1000 1250 1250 630 to 1250 1600 1600 800 to 1600 H1 42 42 42 42 100 % 42 20 88 88 88 88 25 < 50 42 42 42 L1* 150 130 100 25 H1 42 42 42 42 100 % 42 20 88 88 88 88 25 < 50 10 1(1) 330 286 220 52 9 150 100 25 42 42 42 HA 75 75 75 42 20 35 HA 75 75 75 42 20 35 25 25 12.5 12.5 6 3 3 2 3 2 b b b b b b b b 322 x 288 x 280 322 x 358 x 280 301 x 274 x 211 301 x 344 x 211 30/39 14/18 25 12.5 6 (NT16: 3) 2 (NT16: 1) 2 (NT16: 1) b b b b sensor selection sensor rating (A) Ir threshold setting (A) 400 160 to 400 630 250 to 630 800 320 to 800 1000 400 to 1000 1250 500 to 1250 1600 640 to 1600 49 6.1. Characteristics tables of circuit breakers Masterpact NW08 à NW63 056409si common characteristics number of poles rated insulation voltage (V) impulse withstand voltage (kV) rated operational voltage (V AC 50/60 Hz) suitability for isolation degree of pollution Ui Uimp Ue IEC 60947-2 IEC 60664-1 3/4 1000/1250 12 690/1150 4 circuit-breaker characteristics as per IEC 60947-2 056410si rated current (A) rating of 4th pole (A) sensor ratings (A) type of circuit breaker ultimate breaking capacity (kA rms) V AC 50/60 Hz rated service breaking capacity (kA rms) rated short-time withstand current (kA rms) V AC 50/60 Hz integrated instantaneous protection (kA peak ± 10%) rated making capacity (kA peak) V AC 50/60 Hz In at 40 °C / 50 °C** Icu 220/415 V 440 V 525 V 690 V 1150 V % Icu 1s 3s Ics Icw Icm 220/415 V 440 V 525 V 690 V 1150 V break time (ms) closing time (ms) circuit-breaker characteristics as per NEMA AB1 breaking capacity (kA) V AC 50/60 Hz 240 V 480 V 600 V switch-disconnector characteristics as per IEC 60947-3 type of switch-disconnector rated making capacity (kA peak) V AC 50/60 Hz Icm rated short-time withstand current (kA rms) V AC 50/60 Hz ultimate breaking capacity (Icu) with external protection relay, maximum delay 350 ms Icw 220/415 V 440 V 500/690 V 1150 V 1s 3s installation, connection and maintenance service life C/O cycles x 1000 mechanical electrical with maintenance without maintenance without maintenance motor control (AC3-947-4) connection drawout fixed dimensions (mm) HxWxD drawout fixed weight (kg) drawout (approximate) fixed * see the current-limiting curve in the "additional characteristics" section ** 50°C: rear vertical connected. Refer to temperature derating tables for other connection types. (1) except 4000 A. 50 440 V 690 V 1150 V 690 V FC RC FC RC 3P 4P 3P 4P 3P/4P 3P/4P NW08 NW10 NW12 NW16 NW20 NW25 NW32 NW40 NW40b NW50 NW63 800 800 400 to 800 2500 2500 1250 to 2500 4000 4000 2000 to 4000 4000 4000 2000 to 4000 H1 100 100 100 100 100 % 100 100 without 220 220 220 220 25 < 80 H2 150 150 130 100 - 150 150 100 N1 42 42 42 42 100 % 42 22 without 88 88 88 88 25 < 70 1000 1000 400 to 1000 1250 1250 630 to 1250 1600 1600 800 to 1600 H1 65 65 65 65 - H2 100 100 85 85 - L1* 150 150 130 100 - H10 50 65 36 without 143 143 143 143 25 85 50 190 220 220 187 187 25 30 30 80 330 330 286 220 10 50 50 without 105 25 42 42 42 65 65 65 100 100 85 150 150 100 NA 88 88 88 42 42 HA 105 105 105 50 36 50 HF 187 187 187 85 50 85 25 12.5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 b b b b b b b b b b b b 439 x 441 x 395 439 x 556 x 395 352 x 422x 297 352 x 537x 297 90/120 60/80 3 3 b b - 2000 2000 1000 to 2000 H1 65 65 65 65 100 % 65 36 without 143 143 143 143 25 < 70 H2 100 100 85 85 - H3 150 150 130 100 - L1* 150 150 130 100 - H10 50 85 75 190 220 220 187 187 25 65 65 150 330 330 286 220 25 30 30 80 330 330 286 220 10 50 50 without 105 25 - 65 65 65 100 100 85 150 150 100 150 150 100 HA10 105 50 50 50 HA 105 105 105 50 36 50 HF 187 187 187 85 75 85 0.5 b b - 20 10 8 6 6 b b b b 8 6 6 b b b b 2 2 6 b b - 3 3 b b - 3200 3200 1600 to 3200 H1 65 65 65 65 100 % 65 65 without 143 143 143 143 25 < 70 H2 100 100 85 85 - H3 150 150 130 100 - H10 50 85 75 190 220 220 187 187 25 65 65 150 330 330 286 220 25 50 50 without 105 25 65 65 65 100 100 85 150 150 100 - 100 100 100 HA10 105 50 50 50 HA 121 121 121 55 55 55 HF 187 187 187 85 75 85 HA10 105 50 50 50 HA 187 187 187 85 85 85 0.5 b b - 20 10 5 2.5 2.5 b b b (1) b - 5 2.5 2.5 b b b (1) b 1.25 1.25 2.5 b b - 5000 5000 2500 to 5000 6300 6300 3200 to 6300 100 100 270 330 330 286 220 25 10 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 b b b b 479 x 786 x 395 479 x 1016 x 395 352 x 767x 297 352 x 997x 297 225/300 120/160 0.5 b b - sensor selection sensor rating (A) Ir threshold setting (A) 400 160 to 400 630 250 to 630 800 320 to 800 1000 400 to 1000 1250 500 to 1250 1600 630 to 1600 2000 800 to 2000 2500 1000 to 2500 3200 1250 to 3200 4000 1600 to 4000 5000 2000 to 5000 6300 2500 to 6300 51 Compact NS400 to 630 circuit breakers, types N, H and L, 3-pole and 4-pole, may be equipped with any of the STR23SE, STR23SV, STR53UE and STR53SV electronic trip units. The STR53UE and STR53SV trip units offer a wider range of settings and the STR53UE offers a number of optional protection, measurement and communications functions. For DC applications, the Compact NS400H and 630H circuit breakers are equipped with a built-in MP magnetic trip unit. 52 Compact NS400 to 630 60 E88733E In short 6.2. Control units characteristics 250 400 500 630 STR23SE / STR53UE STR23SE / STR53UE STR23SV / STR53SV MP Standard protection with selectivity Protection of systems supplied by generators. Protection of long cables Protection of DC distribution systems Protection of systems U > 525 V Selection of the trip unit depends on the type of distribution system protected and the operational voltage of the circuit breaker. Protection for all types of circuits, from 60 to 630 A, is possible with only four tripunit catalogue numbers, whatever the circuit-breaker operational voltage: b U y 525 V: STR23SE or STR53UE b U > 525 V: STR23SV or STR53SV. Trip units do not have a predefined rating. The tripping threshold depends on the circuit breaker rating and the LT (long time) current setting. For example, for an STR23SE trip unit set to the maximum value, the tripping threshold is: v 250 A, when installed on a Compact NS400 250 A v 630 A, when installed on a Compact NS630. STR23SE (U y 525 V) and STR23SV (U > 525 V) electronic trip units E88734 6 1 7 STR 23 SE Io 1 .5 x In + 90 105 %Ir alarm Ir .8 .9 .7 .63 .88 .85 .8 .9 .93 .95 .98 1 3 4 3 2 5 x Io - Isd 6 x Ir 7 8 10 Ir Isd E88735 test t 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ir Im 5 I long-time threshold (overload protection) long-time tripping delay short-time pick-up (short-circuit protection) short-time tripping delay instantaneous pick-up (short-circuit protection) test connector percent load indication. Protection The protection functions may be set using the adjustment dials. Overload protection Long-time protection with an adjustable threshold and fixed tripping delay: b Io base setting (6-position dial from 0.5 to 1) b Ir fine adjustment (8-position dial from 0.8 to 1). Short-circuit protection Short-time and instantaneous protection: b short-time protection with an adjustable pick-up and fixed tripping delay b instantaneous protection with fixed pick-up. Protection of the fourth pole On four-pole circuit breakers, neutral protection is set using a three-position switch to 4P 3d (neutral unprotected), 4P 3d + N/2 (neutral protection at 0.5 In) or 4P 4d (neutral protection at In). Indications A LED on the front indicates the percent load: b ON - load is > 90 % of Ir setting b flashing - load is > 105 % of Ir setting. Test A mini test kit or a portable test kit may be connected to the test connector on the front to check circuit-breaker operation after installing the trip unit or accessories. 53 6.2. Control units characteristics Compact NS400 to 630 STR53UE (U y 525 V) and STR53SV (U > 525 V) electronic trip units E88737 8 1 2 3 4 STR 53 UE Io .7 .8 .9 .88 1 .6 .5 .9 .93 .95 .98 .85 .8 1 x In + 3 4 5 2 tsd (s).2 x Ir .3 .3 0,5 16 0 on (s) @ 6 Ir 3 6 I2t 4 6 2 8 10 1.5 >Isd x In >Ig .2 0 test .4 .5 .6 .7 fault 11 .2 x In .4 .4 1 A > Im > Ih .3 In tr tsd I1 I2 I3 Ir Isd li .2 .2 on > Ir .8 .3 .1 off 7 (*) µP Ig g 8 10 9 (*) tg (s) .3 .1 .1 2 >Ir 6 Ii 1.5 8 16 4 - 1 x Io tr test %Ir Isd Ir 5 .1 I2t off E88736 t 1 2 3 4 6 7 0 5 Ir Isd Ii I 1 long-time threshold (overload protection) 2 long-time tripping delay 3 short-time pick-up (short-circuit protection) 4 short-time tripping delay 5 instantaneous pick-up (short-circuit protection) 6 optional earth-fault pick-up 7 optional earth-fault tripping delay 8 test connector 9 battery and lamp test pushbutton. (*) STR avec l'option "défaut terre". Earth-fault protection (T) (see the "Options for the STR53UE electronic trip unit" section on the following pages). With the earth-fault option (T) on the STR53UE electronic trip unit, an external neutral sensor can be installed (situation for a three-pole circuit breaker in a distribution system with a neutral). Available ratings of external neutral sensors: 150, 250, 400, 630 A. Protection The protection functions may be set using the adjustment dials. Overload protection Long-time protection with adjustable threshold and tripping delay: b Io base setting (6-position dial from 0.5 to 1) b Ir fine adjustment (8-position dial from 0.8 to 1). Short-circuit protection Short-time and instantaneous protection: b short-time protection with adjustable pick-up and tripping delay, with or without constant I2t b instantaneous protection with adjustable pick-up. Protection of the fourth pole On four-pole circuit breakers, neutral protection is set using a three-position switch to 4P 3d (neutral unprotected), 4P 3d + N/2 (neutral protection at 0.5 In) or 4P 4d (neutral protection at In). Overload LED (% Ir) A LED on the front indicates the percent load: b when ON, the load is > 90 % of Ir setting b when flashing, the load is > 105 % of Ir setting. 54 Fault indications A LED signals the type of fault: b overload (long-time protection) or abnormal internal temperature (> Ir) b short-circuit (short-time protection) or instantaneous (> Isd) b earth fault (if earth-fault protection option installed) (> Ig) b microprocessor malfunction: v both (> Ig) and (> Isd) LEDs ON v (> Ig) LED ON (if earth-fault protection option (T) installed). Battery powered. Spare batteries are supplied in an adapter box. The LED indicating the type of fault goes OFF after approximately ten minutes to conserve battery power. The information is however stored in memory and the LED can be turned back ON by pressing the battery/LED test pushbutton. The LED automatically goes OFF and the memory is cleared when the circuit breaker is reset. Setting example Test E88738 What is the overload-protection threshold of a Compact NS400 circuit breaker equipped with an STR23SE (or STR23SV) trip unit set to Io = 0.5 and Ir = 0.8 ? Io .7 .63 .8 .9 .5 Ir 1 .88 .85 .8 x In .9 .93 .95 .98 1 A mini test kit or a portable test kit may be connected to the test connector on the front to check circuit-breaker operation after installing the trip unit or accessories. The test pushbutton tests the battery and the (% Ir), (> Ir), (> Isd) and (> Ig) LEDs. Self monitoring The circuit breaker trips if a microprocessor fault or an abnormal temperature is detected. x Io Options Answer In x Io x Ir = 400 x 0.5 x 0.8 = 160 A. The identical trip unit, with identical settings but installed on a Compact NS630 circuit breaker, will have an overload-protection threshold of: 630 x 0.5 x 0.8 = 250 A. trip units ratings (A) circuit breaker In 20 to 70 ° C (1) Compact NS400 N/H/L Compact NS630 N/H/L Four options are available: b earth-fault protection T b ammeter I b zone selective interlocking ZSI b communications option COM. STR23SE (U y 525V) STR23SV (U > 525V) STR53UE (U y 525V) STR53SV (U > 525V) 150 b - 150 b - 250 b - 400 b - 630 b 250 b - 400 b - 630 b overload protection (Long time) current setting time delay (s) (min.…max.) Ir = In x … 0.4...1 adjustable, 48 settings fixed 90...180 5...7.5 3.2...5.0 0.4...1 adjustable, 48 settings adjustable 8...15 34...50 69...100 0.4...0.5 1.5...2 3...4 0.2...0.74 1...1.4 2...2.8 2...10 adjustable, 8 settings fixed y 40 y 60 1.5...10 adjustable, 8 settings adjustable, 4 settings + "constant I2t" option y 15 y 60 y 140 y 230 y 60 y 140 y 230 y 350 11 fixed 1.5...11 adjustable, 8 settings 4P 3d 4P 3d + N/2 4P 4d no protection 0.5 x Ir 1 x Ir no protection 0.5 x Ir 1 x Ir ZSI COM I T - b (standard) b (2) b (2) b (2) b (2) at 1.5 x Ir at 6 x Ir at 7.2 Ir 138...200 277...400 6...8 12...16 4...5.5 8.2...11 short-circuit protection (Short time) pick-up (A) accuracy ± 15 % time delay (ms) Isd = Ir x … max. resettable time max. break time short-circuit protection (instantaneous) pick-up (A) Ii = In x … protection of the fourth pole neutral unprotected neutral protection at 0.5 In neutral protection at In options indication of fault type zone selective interlocking communications built-in ammeter earth-fault protection (1) If the trip units are used in high-temperature environments, the setting must take into account the thermal limitations of the circuit breaker. The overload protection setting may not exceed 0.95 at 60° C or 0.9 at 70° C for the Compact NS400, and 0.95 at 50° C, 0.9 at 60° C or 0.85 at 70° C for the Compact NS630. (2) This option is not available for the STR53SV trip unit. 55 In short 6.2. Control units characteristics Possible combinations: bI bT b I +T b I + COM b I + T + COM b ZSI b ZSI + I b ZSI + T b ZSI + I + T b ZSI +I + COM b ZSI + I + T + COM Compact NS400 to 630 Options for the STR53UE electronic trip unit Earth-fault protection (T) type pick-up accuracy ± 15% time delay "constant I2t" function Residual Ig = In x … max. resettable time max. break time 0.2 to 1 adjustable, 8 settings adjustable, 4 settings 60 140 230 350 y 140 y 230 y 350 y 500 Ammeter (I) A digital display continuously indicates the current of the phase with the greatest load. The value of each current (I1, I2, I3, Ineutral) may be successively displayed by pressing a scroll button. LEDs indicate the phase for which the current is displayed. Ammeter display limits: b minimum current u 0.2 x In. Lower currents are not displayed b maximum current y 10 x In. Zone selective interlocking (ZSI) A number of circuit breakers are interconnected one after another by a pilot wire. In the event of a short-time or earth fault: b if a given STR53UE trip unit detects the fault, it informs the upstream circuit breaker, which applies the set time delay b if the STR53UE trip unit does not detect the fault, the upstream circuit breaker trips after its shortest time delay. In this manner, the fault is cleared rapidly by the nearest circuit breaker. The thermal stresses on the circuits are minimised and time discrimination is maintained throughout the installation. The STR53UE trip unit can handle only the downstream end of a zone selective interlocking function. Consequently, the ZSI option cannot be implemented between two Compact NS circuit breakers. Opto-electronic outputs Using opto-transistors, these outputs ensure total isolation between the internal circuits of the trip unit and the circuits wired by the user. Communications option (COM) This option transmits data to Digipact distribution monitoring and control modules. Transmitted data: b settings b phase and neutral currents (rms values) b highest current of the three phases b overload-condition alarm b cause of tripping (overload, short-circuit, etc.). 56 E88739 MP DC trip units Im(A) 30005000 4400 2500 3500 3800 5700 2000 4000 In Im Magnetic trip units for Compact NS400/630 three-pole, type H circuit breakers. These trip units are specifically designed to protect DC distribution systems. They are not interchangeable. The circuit breaker and trip unit are supplied fully assembled. built-in trip units circuit breaker Compact NS400H Compact NS630H short-circuit protection (magnetic) pick-up (A) Im MP1 MP2 MP3 b b b b b adjustable 800...1600 adjustable 1250...2500 adjustable 2000...4000 57 6.2. Control units characteristics In short Micrologic for Compact NS630b to 3200 Protection Protection thresholds and delays are set using the adjustment dials. Overload protection True rms long-time protection. Thermal memory: thermal image before and after tripping. Setting accuracy may be enhanced by limiting the setting range using a different long-time rating plug. Overload protection can be cancelled using a specific LT rating plug "Off". E88740 Micrologic 2.0 and 5.0 control units protect power circuits. Micrologic 5.0 offers time discrimination for shortcircuits as well. Short-circuit protection Short-time (rms) and instantaneous protection. Selection of I2t type (ON or OFF) for short-time delay. Neutral protection On three-pole circuit breakers, neutral protection is not possible. On four-pole circuit breakers, neutral protection may be set using a threeposition switch: neutral unprotected (4P 3d), neutral protection at 0.5 In (4P 3d + N/2) or neutral protection at In (4P 4d). Micrologic 5.0 Indications Overload indication by alarm LED on the front; the LED goes on when the current exceeds the long-time trip threshold. Test A mini test kit or a portable test kit may be connected to the test connector on the front to check circuit-breaker operation after installing the trip unit or accessories. Note. Micrologic A control units come with a transparent lead-seal cover as standard. 1 Ir long time .7 .6 .5 .4 .8 x In tr 8 (s) 4 .9 12 16 .95 2 .98 1 20 24 1 .5 short time 3 Isd 4 5 3 2.5 6 2 8 1.5 10 x Ir setting 2 alarm 5 @ 6 Ir tsd (s) .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .1 on Ii .2 .1 0 I t off 2 delay instantaneous 4 3 6 8 10 12 15 off 2 x In 4 test 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 58 long-time threshold and tripping delay overload alarm (LED) short-time pick-up and tripping delay instantaneous pick-up fixing screw for long-time rating plug test connector. Micrologic 2.0 long time current setting (A) Ir = In x … tripping between 1.05 and 1.20 Ir time delay (s) accuracy 0 to -30% tr at 1.5 x Ir accuracy 0 to -20% tr at 6 x Ir accuracy 0 to -20% tr at 7.2 x Ir thermal memory Isd = Ir x … 2.5 3 4 5 6 500 20 13.8 600 24 16.6 8 10 t Ir tr Isd I fixed: 20 ms Micrologic 5.0 long time current setting (A) Ir = In x … tripping between 1.05 and 1.20 Ir time delay (s) accuracy 0 to -30% tr at 1.5 x Ir accuracy 0 to -20% tr at 6 x Ir accuracy 0 to -20% tr at 7.2 x Ir thermal memory instantaneous pick-up (A) accuracy ± 10% 2 1 0 protection short time pick-up (A) accuracy ± 10% time delay (ms) at 10 x Ir 1.5 0.98 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 other ranges or disable by changing rating plug 12.5 25 50 100 200 300 400 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 0.34 0.69 1.38 2.7 5.5 8.3 11 20 minutes before and after tripping Isd = Ir x … 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 I 2t Off I2t On tsd (max resettable time) tsd (max break time) 0 20 80 0.1 0.1 80 140 0.2 0.2 140 200 0.3 0.3 230 320 0.4 0.4 350 500 Ii = In x … 2 3 4 6 8 settings 5 6 E88742 instantaneous pick-up (A) accuracy ± 10% time delay 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 other ranges or disable by changing rating plug 12.5 25 50 100 200 300 400 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 0.34 0.69 1.38 2.7 5.5 8.3 11 20 minutes before and after tripping E88741 protection 0.98 1 500 20 13.8 600 24 16.6 t tr Isd tsd 8 Ii 10 0 10 12 Ir 15 I off 59 6.2. Control units characteristics In short Micrologic A "ammeter" Protection settings ................................................. Protection thresholds and delays are set using the adjustment dials. The selected values are momentarily displayed in amperes and in seconds. Overload protection True rms long-time protection. Thermal memory: thermal image before and after tripping. Setting accuracy may be enhanced by limiting the setting range using a different long-time rating plug. The long-time rating plug "OFF" enables to cancel the overload protection. Micrologic A control units protect power circuits. They also offer measurements, display, communication and current maximeters. Version 6 provides earth-fault protection, version 7 provides earth-leakage protection. Short-circuit protection Short-time (rms) and instantaneous protection. Selection of I2t type (ON or OFF) for short-time delay. E88743 Micrologic 6.0 A 9 10 Dt= IDn= tsd= tr= Isd= Ii= Ir= Ig= tg= MAX s kA 11 Earth fault protection Residual or source ground return. Selection of I2t type (ON or OFF) for delay. Residual earth-leakage protection (Vigi). Operation without an external power supply. d Protected against nuisance tripping. k DC-component withstand class A up to 10 A. Neutral protection On three-pole circuit breakers, neutral protection is not possible. On four-pole circuit breakers, neutral protection may be set using a threeposition switch: neutral unprotected (4P 3t), neutral protection at 0.5 In (4P 3t + N/ 2), neutral protection at In (4P 4t). Zone selective interlocking (ZSI) A ZSI terminal block may be used to interconnect a number of control units to provide total discrimination for short-time and earth-fault protection, without a delay before tripping. 100 % 40 % 12 "Ammeter" measurements .................................... 13 Micrologic A control units measure the true rms value of currents. A digital LCD screen continuously displays the most heavily loaded phase (Imax) or displays the I1, I2, I3, IN, Ig, I∆n, stored-current (maximeter) and setting values by successively pressing the navigation button. The optional external power supply makes it possible to display currents < 20% In. menu long time Ir 1 .7 .6 .5 .4 tr 8 (s) 4 .9 12 16 .95 2 .98 1 20 24 1 .5 .8 x In Isd 4 5 3 2.5 6 2 8 1.5 10 x Ir tsd Ig tg (s) .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .1 on setting D C B A 5 E F G H J ground fault 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 @ 6 Ir short time 3 2 alarm Ii .2 .1 0 I t off 2 delay (s) on 2 I t 4 3 6 8 10 12 15 off 2 x In test .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .1 instantaneous .2 .1 0 off 4 6 8 long-time current setting and tripping delay overload signal (LED) short-time pick-up and tripping delay instantaneous pick-up earth-leakage or earth-fault pick-up and tripping delay earth-leakage or earth-fault test button long-time rating plug screw test connector lamp test, reset and battery test indication of tripping cause digital display three-phase bargraph and ammeter navigation buttons. 60 menu Communication option In conjunction with the COM communication option, the control unit transmits the following: b setting values b all "ammeter" measurements b tripping causes b maximeter reset. Note. Micrologic A control units come with a transparent lead-seal cover as standard. Micrologic 2.0 A long time current setting (A) Ir = In x … tripping between 1.05 and 1.20 x Ir time delay (s) accuracy: 0 to -30 % accuracy: 0 to -20 % accuracy: 0 to -20 % thermal memory (1) with tsd = 0.4 off, tr = 0.5 s. residual earth leakage (Vigi) sensitivity (A) accuracy: 0 to -20 % time delay (ms.) 1.5 8 10 Ir tr 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 0 I menu I1 I2 I3 IN no auxiliary source (where I > 20 % In) I 1 max I 2 max I 3 max I N max 500 20 13.8 600 24 16.6 2 2.5 3 4 I 2t Off I2t On tsd (max resettable time) tsd (max break time) 0 20 80 0.1 0.1 80 140 0.2 0.2 140 200 0.3 0.3 230 320 0.4 0.4 350 500 Ii = In x … 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 off Ig = In x … In y 400 A 400 A < In y 1200 A In > 1200 A settings I 2t Off I2t On tg (max resettable time) tg (max break time) Micrologic 6.0 A A B C 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 500 640 720 0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 20 80 140 80 140 200 D 0.5 0.5 800 0.3 0.3 230 320 E 0.6 0.6 880 0.4 0.4 350 500 F 0.7 0.7 960 G 0.8 0.8 1040 H 0.9 0.9 1120 J 1 1 1200 I∆ ∆n Micrologic 7.0 A 0.5 1 2 3 5 7 settings t∆n (max resettable time) t∆n (max break time) 60 80 140 350 350 500 800 800 1000 ammeter continuous current measurements measurements from 20 to 200 % of In accuracy: 1.5 % (including sensors) maximeters 230 230 320 t Ir tr Isd 1.5 140 140 200 6 1 Isd = Ir x … settings 5 0.98 8 tsd 10 Ii 0 E88744 tr at 1.5 x Ir tr at 6 x Ir tr at 7.2 x Ir Micrologic 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 A 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 other ranges or disable by changing rating plug 12.5 25 50 100 200 300 400 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 0.34 0.69 1.38 2.7 5.5 8.3 11 20 minutes before and after tripping E88742 Micrologic 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 A long time current setting (A) Ir = In x … tripping between 1.05 and 1.20 x Ir time delay (s) accuracy: 0 to -30 % accuracy: 0 to -20 % accuracy: 0 to -20 % thermal memory time delay (ms) at In or 1200 A 600 24 16.6 Micrologic 2.0 A protection earth fault pick up (A) accuracy: ±10 % 500 20 13.8 t fixed: 20 ms continuous current measurements measurements from 20 to 200 % of In accuracy: 1.5% (including sensors) maximeters instantaneous pick-up (A) accuracy: ±10 % 1 Isd Isd = Ir x … ammeter short time pick-up (A) accuracy: ±10 % time delay (ms) at 10 Ir 0.98 I t 2 I t on Ig 2 tg I t off 0 10 30 t I IDn tDn 0 I menu Micrologic 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 A I1 I2 I3 IN Ig I ∆n no auxiliary source (where I > 20 % In) I 1 max I 2 max I 3 max I N max I g max I ∆n 20 E88745 instantaneous pick-up (A) accuracy: ±10 % time delay tr at 1.5 x Ir tr at 6 x Ir tr at 7.2 x Ir 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 other ranges or disable by changing rating plug 12.5 25 50 100 200 300 400 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 0.34(1) 0.69 1.38 2.7 5.5 8.3 11 20 minutes before and after tripping E88741 protections max Note: All current-based protection functions require no auxiliary source. The test / reset button resets maximeters, clears the tripping indication and tests the battery. 61 6.2. Control units characteristics In short Micrologic P "power" Protection settings ........................................ menu The adjustable protection functions are identical to those of Micrologic A (overloads, short-circuits, earth-fault and earth-leakage protection). Micrologic P control units include all the functions offered by Micrologic A. In addition, they measure voltages and calculate power and energy values. They also offer new protection functions based on currents, voltages, frequency and power reinforce load protection. Micrologic 6.0 P E88746 + 9 10 I (A) Trip 2000A 11 Double setting Within the range determined by the adjustment dial, fine adjustment of thresholds (to within one ampere) and time delays (to within one second) is possible on the keypad or remotely using the COM option. IDMTL setting Coordination with fuse-type or medium-voltage protection systems is optimised by adjusting the slope of the overload-protection curve. This setting also ensures better operation of this protection function with certain loads. Neutral protection On three-pole circuit breakers, neutral protection may be set using the keypad or remotely using the COM option, to one of four positions: neutral unprotected (4P 3t), neutral protection at 0.5 In (4P 3t + N/2), neutral protection at In (4P 4t) and neutral protection at 2 In (4P 3t + 2N). Neutral protection at 2 In is used when the neutral conductor is twice the size of the phase conductors (major load imbalance, high level of third order harmonics). On four-pole circuit breakers, neutral protection may be set using a threeposition switch or the keypad: neutral unprotected (4P 3t), neutral protection at 0.5 In (4P 3t + N/2), neutral protection at In (4P 4t). Neutral protection produces no effect if the long-time curve is set to one of the IDMTL protection settings. 24s Programmable alarms and other protection ........ 20 kA 0.4s Depending on the thresholds and time delays set using the keypad or remotely using the COM option, the Micrologic P control unit monitors currents and voltage, power, frequency and the phase sequence. Each threshold overrun is signalled remotely via the COM option. Each threshold overrun may be combined with tripping (protection) or an indication carried out by an optional M2C or M6C programmable contact (alarm), or both (protection and alarm). Off 13 14 12 15 Load shedding and reconnection......................... Load shedding and reconnection parameters may be set according to the power or the current flowing through the circuit breaker. Load shedding is carried out by a supervisor via the COM option or by an M2C or M6C programmable contact. long time Ir 1 .7 .6 .5 .4 tr 8 (s) 4 .9 12 16 .95 2 .98 1 20 24 1 .5 .8 x In 16 5 Isd 4 5 3 2.5 6 2 8 1.5 10 x Ir tsd Ig tg D C B A FG H J ground fault 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 62 (s) Ii .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .1 on setting E 7 Measurements ........................................................ @ 6 Ir short time 3 2 alarm .2 .1 0 I t off 2 delay (s) on 2 I t 6 8 10 4 12 3 15 off 2 x In test .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .1 instantaneous .2 .1 0 off 4 6 8 long-time current setting and tripping delay overload signal (LED) short-time pick-up and tripping delay instantaneous pick-up earth-leakage or earth-fault pick-up and tripping delay earth-leakage or earth-fault test button long-time rating plug screw test connector lamp + battery test and indications reset indication of tripping cause high-resolution screen measurement display maintenance indicators protection settings navigation buttons hole for settings lockout pin on cover. The Micrologic P control unit calculates in real time all the electrical values (V, A, W, VAR, VA, Wh, VARh, VAh, Hz), power factors and crest factors. The Micrologic P control unit also calculates demand current and demand power over an adjustable time period. Each measurement is associated with a minimeter and a maximeter. In the event of tripping on a fault, the interrupted current is stored. The optional external power supply makes it possible to display the value with the circuit breaker open or not supplied. Note: Micrologic P control units come with a non-transparent lead-seal cover as standard. Histories and maintenance indicators .................. The last ten trips and alarms are recorded in two separate history files. Maintenance indications (contact wear, operation cycles, etc.) are recorded for local access. Option de signalisation par contact programmables The M2C (two contacts) and M6C (six contacts) auxiliary contacts may be used to signal threshold overruns or status changes. They can be programmed using the keypad on the Micrologic P control unit or remotely using the COM option. Communication option (COM) The communication option may be used to: b remotely read and set parameters for the protection functions b transmit all the calculated indicators and measurements b signal the causes of tripping and alarms b consult the history files and the maintenance-indicator register. An event log and a maintenance register, stored in control-unit memory but not available locally, may be accessed in addition via the COM option. 63 6.2. Control units characteristics Micrologic P "power" Micrologic 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 P long time (rms) current setting (A) Ir = In x … tripping between 1.05 and 1.20 x Ir time delay (s) accuracy: 0 to -30 % accuracy: 0 to -20 % accuracy: 0 to -20 % IDMTL setting curve slope thermal memory (1) with tsd = 0.4 off, tr = 0.5 s time delay (ms.) at In or 1200 A residual earth leakage (Vigi) sensitivity (A) accuracy: 0 to -20 % time delay (ms.) tr IDMTL 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10 I2t Off I2t On tsd (max resettable time) tsd (max break time) 0 20 80 0.1 0.1 80 140 0.2 0.2 140 200 0.3 0.3 230 320 0.4 0.4 350 500 Ii = In x … 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 OFF Ig = In x … In y 400 A 400 A < In y 1200 A In > 1200 A settings I2t Off I2t On tg (max resettable time) tg (max break time) Micrologic 6.0 P A B C 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 500 640 720 0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 20 80 140 80 140 200 D 0.5 0.5 800 0.3 0.3 230 320 E 0.6 0.6 880 0.4 0.4 350 500 F 0.7 0.7 960 G 0.8 0.8 1040 H 0.9 0.9 1120 J 1 1 1200 I∆ ∆n Micrologic 7.0 P 0.5 1 2 3 5 settings t∆n (max resettable time) 60 60 140 140 230 230 350 350 800 800 t∆n (max break time) 140 200 320 500 1000 settings E88744 2 Isd tsd I t 2 I t on Ig 2 I t off tg 0 7 10 20 30 t I IDn tDn 0 I Micrologic 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 P I imbalance Imax demand: I1, I2, I3, IN, Ig time delay 1 to 40 s. 0 to 1500 s. voltage voltage imbalance minimum voltage maximum voltage U imbalance Umin Umax 0.02 to 0.3 Uaverage 60 to 690 V between phases 100 to 930 V between phases 1 to 40 s. 0.2 to 5 s. 0.2 to 5 s. power reverse power rP 5 to 500 kW 0.2 to 20 s. frequency minimum frequency maximum frequency Fmin Fmax 45 to 400 Hz 45 to 540 Hz 0.2 to 5 s. 0.2 to 5 s. Ø1/2/3 or Ø1/3/2 instantaneous t threshold threshold delay delay 0 ∆Ø load shedding and reconnection measured value current power Ir 0 1.5 threshold 0.05 to 0.6 Imax 0.4 In at short-time pick-up phase sequence sequence 600 24 16.6 t Ii Isd = Ir x … alarms and other protection current current imbalance maximum demand current 500 20 13.8 E88745 earth fault pick-up (A) accuracy: ±10 % 1 E88748E instantaneous pick-up (A) accuracy: ±10 % 0.98 I P I/U/P/F Micrologic 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 P threshold 0.5 to 1 Ir per phases 200 kW to 10 MW time delay 20% tr to 80% tr. 10 to 3600 s. E88749E short time (rms) pick-up (A) accuracy: ±10 % time delay (ms.) at 10 x Ir tr at 1.5 x Ir tr at 6 x Ir tr at 7.2 x Ir + Micrologic 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 P 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 other ranges or disable by changing rating plug 12.5 25 50 100 200 300 400 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 0.34 (1) 0.69 1.38 2.7 5.5 8.3 11 SIT VIT EIT HVFuse DT 20 minutes before and after tripping E88747 protection t threshold threshold delay delay 0 Note: All current-based protection functions require no auxiliary source. Voltage-based protection functions are connected to AC power via a voltage measurement input built into the circuit breaker. 64 I/P E88751 E88750 Navigation from one display to another is intuitive. The six buttons on the keypad provide access to the menus and easy selection of values. When the setting cover is closed, the keypad may no longer be used to access the protection settings, but still provides access to the displays for measurements, histories, indicators, etc. Measurements ........................................................ Instantaneous values The value displayed on the screen is refreshed every second. Minimum and maximum values of measurements are stored in memory (minimeters and maximeters). Display of a maximum current . currents I rms I max rms E88753 E88752 Default display. A A A A 1 2 e-fault 1 2 e-fault 3 N e-leakage 3 N e-leakage V V V % 12 23 31 1N 2N 3N (U12 + U23 + U31 ) / 3 W, Var, VA Wh, VARh, VAh totals totals totals totals total voltages U V U U rms rms average rms imbalance power, energy P active , Q reactive, S apparent E active, E reactive, E apparent power factory Display of a power. consumed supplied frequencies F Hz Demand metering The demand is calculated over a fixed or sliding time window that may be programmed from 5 to 60 minutes. According to the contract signed with the power supplier, an indicator associated with a load shedding function makes it possible to avoid or minimise the costs of overrunning the subscribed power. Maximum demand values are systematically stored and time stamped (maximeter). E88755 E88754 Display of a voltage. PF consumed - supplied currents I demand I max demand A A A A 1 2 e-fault 1 2 e-fault 3 N e-leakage 3 N e-leakage power Display of a frequency. Display of a demand power. P, Q, S P, Q, S demand max demand W, Var, VA W, Var, VA totals totals Histories .................................................................. E88757 E88756 Minimeters and maximeters Only the current and power maximeters may be displayed on the screen. The last ten trips and alarms are recorded in two separate history files that may be displayed on the screen. b tripping history: v type of fault v date and time v values measured at the time of tripping (interrupted current, etc.). b alarm history: v type of fault v date and time v values measured at the time of the alarm. Display of a tripping history. Display after tripping. Maintenance indicators.......................................... A number of maintenance indicators may be called up on the screen: b contact wear b operation counter: v cumulative total v total since last reset. 65 E88762 6.2. Control units characteristics POWERLOGIC System Manager Demo File Edit View Setup Control Display Reports Micrologic P "power" Time Ready With the communication option Tools Window Help 5 seconds Sampling Mode : MANUAL Event Additional measurements, maximeters and minimeters Certain measured or calculated values are only accessible with the COM communication option: b I peak /2, (I1 + I2 + I3)/3, I imbalance b load level in % Ir b total power factor The maximeters and minimeters are available only via the COM option for use with a supervisor. Module ONLINE: DEMO No working system Display of an event log on a supervisor. 9:30 Event log All events are time stamped. b trips b beginning and end of alarms b modifications to settings and parameters b counter resets b system faults: v fallback position v thermal self-protection b loss of time b overrun of wear indicators b test-kit connections b etc. Maintenance register Used as an aid in troubleshooting and to better plan for device maintenance operations. b highest current measured b operation counter b number of test-kit connections b number of trips in operating mode and in test mode b contact-wear indicator. Additional technical characteristics Setting the display language System messages may be displayed in six different languages. The desired language is selected via the keypad. Protection functions All current-based protection functions require no auxiliary source. Voltage-based protection functions are connected to AC power via a voltage measurement input built into the circuit breaker. Measurement functions Measurement functions are independent of the protection functions. The high-accuracy measurement module operates independently of the protection module, while remaining synchronised with protection events. Measurement-calculation mode b measurement functions implement the new "zero blind time" concept which consists in continuously measuring signals at a high sampling rate. The traditional "blind window" used to process samples no longer exists. This method ensures accurate energy calculations even for highly variable loads (welding machines, robots, etc.). b energies are calculated on the basis of the instantaneous power values, in two manners: v the traditional mode where only positive (consumed) energies are considered v the signed mode where the positive (consumed) and negative (supplied) energies are considered separately. 66 Accuracy of measurements (including sensors) cvoltage (V) 1% b current (A) 1.5% b frequency (Hz) 0.1 Hz b power (W) and energy (Wh) 2.5% Stored information The fine setting adjustments, the last 100 events and the maintenance register remain in the control-unit memory even when power is lost. Time-stamping Time-stamping is activated only if an external power supply module is present (max. drift of 1 hour per year). Reset An individual reset, via the keypad or remotely, acts on alarms, minimum and maximum data, peak values, the counters and the indicators. 67 In short 6.2. Control units characteristics In addition to the Micrologic P functions, the Micrologic H control unit offers: b in-depth analysis of power quality including calculation of harmonics and the fundamentals b diagnostics aid and event analysis through waveform capture b enhanced alarm programming to analyse and track down a disturbance on the AC power system. Micrologic H control units include all the functions offered by Micrologic P. Integrating significantly enhanced calculation and memory functions, the Micrologic H control unit offers in-depth analysis of power quality and detailed event diagnostics. It is intended for operation with a supervisor. E88759 Micrologic H "harmonics" Micrologic 7.0 H Measurements ........................................................ The Micrologic H control unit offers all the measurements carried out by Micrologic P, with in addition: b phase by phase measurements of: v power, energy v power factors b calculation of: v current and voltage total harmonic distortion (THD) v current, voltage and power fundamentals (50 Hz) v current and voltage harmonics up to the 31st order. Instantaneous values displayed on the screen currents I U P E I rms I max rms (A) A A A A 1 2 e-fault 1 2 e-fault 3 N e-leakage 3 N e-leakage V V V % 12 23 31 1N 2N 3N (U12 + U23 + U31) / 3 W, Var, VA Wh, VARh, VAh totals 1 2 3 totals consumed - supplied totals consumed totals supplied total 1 2 3 voltages (V) U V U U (kW) rms rms average rms imbalance power, energy (kWh) P E Harmonics active, active, Q reactive , S apparent E reactive, E apparent power factor PF frequencies F Hz power-quality indicators total fundamentals U THD % U U and I harmonics amplitude 3 Harmonics 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13, monitored by electrical utilities, are long time Ir .7 .6 .5 .4 tr 8 (s) 4 .9 12 16 .95 2 .98 1 20 24 1 .5 .8 x In (A) setting 3 2 1 .5 5 Demand measurements Similar to the Micrologic P control unit, the demand values are calculated over a fixed or sliding time window that may be set from 5 to 60 minutes. @ 6 Ir short time Isd 4 5 3 2.5 6 2 8 1.5 10 x Ir IÐn alarm tsd (s) .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .1 2 on I t earth leakage .2 .1 0 off delay Ðt (ms) 230 10 140 20 30 60 7 Ii currents instantaneous 6 8 10 4 12 3 15 off 2 x In I demand I max demand test 350 800 I P Q S I 5 7 9 11 13 displayed on the screen. A A A A 1 2 e-fault 1 2 e-fault 3 N e-leakage 3 N e-leakage power P, Q, S P, Q, S demand max demand W, Var, VA W, Var, VA totals totals Maximeters Only the current maximeters may be displayed on the screen. Histories and maintenance indicators These functions are identical to those of the Micrologic P. Note: Micrologic H control units come with a non-transparent lead-seal cover as standard. 68 E88760 POWERLOGIC System Manager Demo Edit View Setup Control Display File Reports Tools Window Help Sampling Mode : MANUAL Time 5 seconds Event With the communication option Module Phase A-N Voltage - Harmonics Analysis Phase 1-N 1,20 Additional measurements, maximeters and minimeters Certain measured or calculated values are only accessible with the COM communication option: b I peak / 2, (I1 + I2 + I3)/3, I imbalance b load level in % Ir b power factor (total and per phase) b voltage and current THD b K factors of currents and average K factor b crest factors of currents and voltages b all the fundamentals per phase b fundamental current and voltage phase displacement b distortion power and distortion factor phase by phase b amplitude and displacement of current and voltage harmonics 3 to 31. The maximeters and minimeters are available only via the COM option for use with a supervisor. Harmonics(RMS) Fundamental: 1,00 RMS: RMS-H: 0,80 Peak: % Fundamental CF: THD: 0,60 H1: 118.09 H2: 0.01 H3: 0.45 H4: 0.03 H5: 0.45 H6: 0.04 H7: 1.27 H8: 0.05 H9: 0.42 H10: 0.01 H11: 1.03 H12: 0.07 OK 0,40 0,20 0,00 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 Harmonics ONLINE: DEMO Ready No working system 9:30 E88761 Display of harmonics up to 12th order. POWERLOGIC System Manager Demo Edit View Setup Control Display File Reports 5 seconds Phase A Current Phase A-N Voltage 642 167 321 83 0 -83 Waveform capture The Micrologic H control unit stores the last 4 cycles of each instantaneous current or voltage measurement. On request or automatically on programmed events, the control unit stores the waveforms. The waveforms may be displayed in the form of oscillograms by a supervisor via the COM option. Tools Window Help Sampling Mode : MANUAL 17 33 50 66 0 17 -321 33 66 50 Your Specific Device - Phase A-N Voltage -642 -167 Harmonics(RMS) Phase B-N Voltage 118.11 2.38 Peak: 83 0 118.08 RMS: RMS-H: 167 -83 Fundamental: 166.86 CF: 17 33 50 1.41 THD: 2.02 -167 H1: 118.09 H2: 0.01 H3: 0.45 H4: 0.03 H5: 0.45 H6: 0.04 H7: 1.27 H8: 0.05 H9: 0.42 H10: 0.01 H11: 1.03 H12: 0.07 Event log and maintenance registers The Micrologic H offers the same event log and maintenance register functions as the Micrologic P. OK ONLINE: DEMO Ready No working system 9:30 E88762 Waveform capture. Additional technical characteristics POWERLOGIC System Manager Demo File Edit View Setup Control Display Reports Event Setting the display language System messages may be displayed in six different languages. The desired language is selected via the keypad. Tools Window Help Sampling Mode : MANUAL Time Enhanced alarm programming Each instantaneous value can be compared to user-set high and low thresholds. Overrun of a threshold generates an alarm. An alarm or combinations of alarms can be linked to programmable actions, including circuit-breaker opening, activation of a M2C or M6C contact, selective recording of measurements in a log, waveform capture, etc. 5 seconds Protection functions All current-based protection functions require no auxiliary source. Voltage-based protection functions are connected to AC power via a voltage measurement input built into the circuit breaker. Module Measurement functions Measurement functions are independent of the protection functions. The high-accuracy measurement module operates independently of the protection module, while remaining synchronised with protection events. Ready Log. ONLINE: DEMO No working system 9:30 Measurement-calculation mode An analogue calculation function dedicated to measurements enhances the accuracy of harmonic calculations and the power-quality indicators. The Micrologic H control unit calculates electrical magnitudes using 1.5 x In dynamics (20 x In for Micrologic P). Measurement functions implement the new "zero blind time" concept Energies are calculated on the basis of the instantaneous power values, in the traditional and signed modes. Harmonic components are calculated using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). 69 6.2. Control units characteristics Micrologic H "harmonics" Accuracy of measurements (including sensors) cvoltage (V) 1% b current (A) 1.5% b frequency (Hz) 0.1 Hz b power (W) and energy (Wh) 2.5% b total harmonic distortion 1% Stored information The fine-setting adjustments, the last 100 events and the maintenance register remain in the control-unit memory even when power is lost. Time-stamping Time-stamping is activated only if an external power supply module is present (max. drift of 1 hour per year). Reset An individual reset, via the keypad or remotely, acts on alarms, minimum and maximum data, peak values, the counters and the indicators. 70 In short 6.3. Communication characteristics 053172si Integration of the circuit breaker or the switch-disconnector in a supervison system requires either the communicating auxiliaries or the SC150 interface. Compact devices fit perfectly in the SMS Powerlogic electrical installation management system by communicating using Digipact protocols. An external gateway offers communication via other networks including: b Profibus b Ethernet… Compact NS100 to 630 There are two possibilities for the 100 to 630 A range: b communicating auxiliaries They replace the standard auxiliaries and connect directly to the Digipact bus. Three equipment levels: v communicating auxiliary contacts, comprising: - OF (on/off), SD (trip indication) and SDE (fault-trip indication) contacts - electronic module - prefabricated wiring. v communicating auxiliary contacts and motor-mechanism module, comprising: - OF (on/off), SD (trip indication) and SDE (fault-trip indication) contacts - motor-mechanism module (220 V AC) (1) - electronic module - prefabricated wiring. v communicating carriage switches for the chassis, comprising: - CE / CD (connected/disconnected position) contacts - electronic module - wiring connector. b SC150 interface Using the SC150 interface, it is possible to integrate a device equipped with noncommunicating auxiliaries into a supervison system. The SC150 interface is used to connect: v the auxiliary contacts on the circuit breaker (OF, SD, SDE, SDV, CD, CE) v the remote-operation system (on, off, reset) v the communication output for the STR53UE and STR43ME electronic trip units equipped with the COM option v an unassigned digital input. Compact with communicating SC150 auxiliaries device identification address rating b - b - b b b b b b b b b b b b indication of status conditions 054481si Compact NS equipped with communicating auxiliary contacts and motor-mechanism module. OF (on/off) SD (trip indication) SDE (fault-trip indication) CE/CD (connected/disconnected position) controls ON/OFF LED reset protection settings b Reading of the protection settings operating and maintenance aids 054516si Withdrawable Compact NS on its chassis equipped with communicating auxiliary contacts. Measurements: currents Fault readings: type of fault Indications: operation counter b b b b (1) For voltages other than 220 V AC, use a standard motor-mechanism module (noncommunicating) together with an SC150 indication and control interface. SC150 indication and control interface. 71 6.3. Communication characteristics In short Masterpact NT / NW For fixed devices, the COM option is made up of: b a "device" communication module, installed behind the Micrologic control unit and supplied with its set of sensors (OF, SDE ,PF and CH micro-contacts) and its kit for connection to XF and MX communicating voltage releases. For drawout devices, the COM option is made up of: b a "device" communication module, installed behind the Micrologic control unit and supplied with its set of sensors (OF, SDE, PF and CH micro-contacts) and its kit for connection to XF and MX communicating voltage releases b a "chassis" communication module supplied separately with its set of sensors (CE, CD and CT contacts). Status indication by the COM option is independent of the device indication contacts. These contacts remain available for conventional uses. 056431si The COM option is required for integration of the circuit breaker or switchdisconnector in a supervision system. Masterpact uses the Digipact or Modbus communications protocol for full compatibility with the SMS PowerLogic electrical-installation management systems. An external gateway is available for communication on other networks: b Profibus b Ethernet… Digipact or Modbus "Device" communication module This module is independent of the control unit. It receives and transmits information on the communication network. An infra-red link transmits data between the control unit and the communication module. Consumption: 30 mA, 24 V. Digipact or Modbus "chassis" communication module This module is independent of the control unit. With Modbus "chassis" communication module, this module makes it possible to address the chassis and to maintain the address when the circuit breaker is in the disconnected position. Consumption: 30 mA, 24 V. Digipact "device" communication module. E88758E XF and MX communicating voltage releases The XF and MX communicating voltage releases are equipped for connection to the "device" communication module. The remote-tripping function (second MX or MN) are independent of the communication option. They are not equipped for connection to the "device" communication module. communication bus ++ us CE modb CD CCM 2 CT 056401si Digipact "chassis" communication module. + CCT OF SDE PF CH CD C MX XF CE C 4 5 056431si 1 Modbus "device" communication module. 3 E45183si Modbus "chassis" communication module. 1 "Device" communication module 2 "Chassis" communication module 3 OF, SDE, PF and CH "device" sensors 4 CE, CD and CT "chassis" sensors 5 MX and XF release. : hard wire : communication bus Note: Eco COM is limited to the transmission of metering data and does not allow the control of the circuit breaker. 72 Reports Time Overview of functions Tools Window Help Sampling Mode : MANUAL 5 seconds Event Module Phase A-N Voltage - Harmonics Analysis Phase 1-N 1,20 Harmonics(RMS) Fundamental: 1,00 RMS: RMS-H: 0,80 % Fundamental E88760 POWERLOGIC System Manager Demo Edit View Setup Control Display File Peak: CF: THD: 0,60 H1: 118.09 H2: 0.01 H3: 0.45 H4: 0.03 H5: 0.45 H6: 0.04 H7: 1.27 H8: 0.05 H9: 0.42 H10: 0.01 H11: 1.03 H12: 0.07 OK 0,40 0,20 0,00 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 The Masterpact circuit breakers and switch-disconnectors are compatible with the Digipact or Modbus COM option. The COM option may be used with all types of control units to: b identify the device b indicate status conditions b control the device. Depending on the different types of Micrologic (A, P, H) control units, the COM option also offers: b setting of the protection and alarms functions b analysis of the AC-power parameters for operating-assistance and maintenance purposes. H12 Harmonics Ready ONLINE: DEMO No working system 9:30 switch-disconnector circuit breaker with with communic. bus Digipact Modbus communication bus Digipact Modbus b - b - A A P P H H A A A A P P H H b b b b b b b b A A A A A P P P P P b - b - A A device identification address calibre type of device type of control unit type of long-time rating plug A A P P P P P H H H H H H H H H H A A A A A P P P P P H H H H H P H A P H P H A P P H H P H H P P P H H H H P P H H status indications ON/OFF OF spring charged CH ready to close PF fault-trip SDE connected/disconnected/test position CE/CD/CT controls ON/OFF MX/XF spring charging reset of the mechanical indicator protections and alarms settings reading of protections settings writing of fine settings in the range imposed by the adjustment dials reading/writing of alarms (délestage, relestage, M2C…) reading/writing of alarms personnalisables operating and maintenance aids measurement: current voltages, frequency, power, etc. power quality: fundamental, harmonics programming of demand metering fault readings: type of fault interrupted current waveform capture: on faults on demand or programmed histories and logs: trip history alarm history event logs indicators: counter operation contact wear maintenance register A P P H H A A H H A P H A P P P H H H P P P H H H Note: See the description of the Micrologic control units for further details on protection and alarms, measurements, waveform capture, histories, logs and maintenance indicators. 73 E88763E 6.3. Communication characteristics Masterpact, Compact NS in a communication network Software Communication interface RS 232C,Ethernet RS 485 Communication Bus IN LIN GER MERSV pulsar JBus BBus com 24V OK error 1 3 N°1 N°1 com error Data concentrator DC150 Device OF24 MN Com CD3 CE6 CD2 CE5 UC1 UC2 UC3 UC4 M2C UC2 SDE2 CE3 CE2 MX1 XF PF CD3 CD1 CD2 814 824 812 834 822 811 832 821 831 MCH OC24 OF23 OC23 OF22 OC22 OF21 OC21 CE1 CD1 CE4 CE1 CE2 314 CE3 324 312 SDE1 334 322 311 332 K2 84 321 82 UC4 M2C/M6C Q3 184/ 331 UC3 V3 484/ 474/ Q2 182 K1 81 UC2 F2 + 2 1 181/ UC1 M2 M3 4 VN V V1 471/ Q Com Z5 M1 3 T E5 E6 4 Z3 Z4 T T1 T2 F1 E3 E E2 Z1 Z2 E1 MCHB PF 2 XF 254 B3 MX1 A2 252 MN/MX2 12 C2 B1 A3 251 D2/ C 13 C3 A1 /C C1 D1/ C11 OF14 OC14 OF13 OC13 OF12 OF11 OC12 OF24 CT1 CT2 914 CT3 924 912 OF1 934 922 OF2 911 14 932 OF3 921 24 12 OF4 931 OF11114 44 34 32 22 11 OF12124 21 42 OF13134 31 112 OF14144 41 122 OF21214 111 132 OF22224 121 142 OF23234 131 212 OF24244 141 222 211 232 221 242 231 241 MN Com CD3 CE6 CD2 CE5 UC1 UC2 UC3 UC4 M2C UC2 SDE2 CE3 CE2 MX1 XF PF CD3 CD1 CD2 814 824 812 834 822 811 832 821 831 MCH OC24 OF23 OC23 OF22 OC22 OF21 OC21 CE1 CD1 CE4 CE1 CE2 314 CE3 324 312 SDE1 334 322 311 332 K2 84 321 82 UC4 M2C/M6C Q3 184/ 331 UC3 V3 484/ 474/ Q2 182 K1 81 UC2 F2 + 2 1 181/ UC1 M2 M3 4 VN V V1 471/ Q Com Z5 M1 3 T E5 E6 4 Z3 Z4 T T1 T2 F1 E3 E E2 Z1 Z2 E1 MCHB PF 2 XF 254 B3 MX1 A2 252 MN/MX2 12 C2 B1 A3 251 D2/ C 13 C3 A1 /C C1 D1/ C11 OF14 OC14 OF13 OC13 OF12 OF11 OC12 CT1 CT2 914 CT3 924 912 OF1 934 922 OF2 911 14 932 OF3 921 24 12 OF4 931 OF11114 44 34 32 22 11 OF12124 21 42 OF13134 31 112 OF14144 41 122 OF21214 111 132 OF22224 121 142 OF23234 131 212 OF24244 141 222 211 232 221 242 231 241 ct compa 0NH Reset push push 70 NX 32 ON Ir Ig Isd I Ii Ap reset H2 Ue (V) 220/440 525 690 OFF Micrologic Icu (kA) 100 100 85 Icw 85kA/1s cat.B d discharge Ics = 100% Icu 50/60Hz O OFF 947-2 IEC EN 60947-2 BS CEI UTE VDE UNE AS NEMA NB25 Uimp 8kV. Icu Ui 750V. (kA) Ue 100 (V) 0 70 220/245 65 380/41 50 440 5 10 500/520 85 660/69 250 % Icu Ics=100 cat A -2 BS CEI IEC947 VDE UNE 2 NEMA UTE Im 10 012 53 compactL NS250 Uimp 8kV. Ui 750V. Icu (kA) 150 Ue(V) 150 220/240 130 380/415 70 440 20 500 100 600/690 0 125/16 push to trip O OFF 9 1 .9 .8 8 Reset push d discharge push 70 NX 32 ON Ir Ig Isd I Ii Ap reset H2 Ue (V) 220/440 525 690 OFF Micrologic Icu (kA) 100 100 85 Icw 85kA/1s cat.B d discharge Æ5...8 Ics = 100% ct compa Icu 0NH NB25 Uimp 8kV. Icu Ui 750V. (kA) Ue 100 (V) 0 70 220/245 65 380/41 50 440 5 10 500/520 85 660/69 250 % Icu Ics=100 cat A 50/60Hz O OFF 947-2 IEC EN 60947-2 BS CEI UTE D 250 250 cat A TM Icu C 100% Ics = 250A/40° UNE AS NEMA VDE VDE UTE 947-2UNE NEMA IEC CEI BS 5 6 Ir 7 x 250A Ir Im x 250A auto manu O push OFF I push 1 012 53 ON -2 BS CEI IEC947 VDE UNE 2 NEMA UTE Im 10 .9 .8 8 7 x 250A Ir Compact NS Masterpact Æ5...8 Im O auto manu Masterpact d discharge 6 1 x 250A Digipact Bus O OFF D 250 250 cat A TM Icu C 100% Ics = 250A/40° VDE UTE 947-2UNE NEMA IEC CEI BS 5 9 volets shutters Test compactL NS250 Uimp 8kV. Ui 750V. Icu (kA) 150 Ue(V) 150 220/240 130 380/415 70 440 20 500 100 600/690 0 125/16 push to trip Ir volets shutters Test push Compact NS OFF I push 1 ON ModBUS Bus Devices Circuit breakers equipped with Micrologic control units may be connected to either a Digipact or Modbus communication bus. The information made available depends on the type of Micrologic control unit (S, A) and on the type of communication bus (Digipact or Modbus). Switch-disconnectors may be connected exclusively to the Digipact communication bus. Communication bus Digipact bus The Digipact bus is the internal bus of the low-voltage switchboard in which the Digipact communicating devices are installed (with Digipact COM, PM150, SC150, UA150, etc.). This bus must be equipped with a DC150 data concentrator (see the Powerlogic System catalogue). Addresses Addressing is carried out by the DC150 data concentrator. Number of devices The maximum number of devices that may be connected to the Digipact bus is calculated in terms of "communication points". These points correspond to the amount of traffic the bus can handle. The total number of points for the various devices connected to a single bus must not exceed 100. If the required devices represent more than 100 points, add a second Digipact internal bus. Communicating device DC150 data concentrator Micrologic + Digipact COM PM150 SC150 UA150 Number of points 4 4 4 4 4 Length of bus The maximum recommended length for the Digipact internal bus is 200 meters. Bus power source Power is supplied by the DC150 data concentrator (24 V). 74 Modbus bus The Modbus RS485 (JBus) system is an open bus on which communicating Modbus devices (Compact with Modbus COM, PM300, Sepam, Vigilohm, etc.) are installed. All types of PLCs and microcomputers may be connected to the bus. Addresses The software layer of the Modbus protocol can manage up to 255 addresses (1 to 255). The "device" communication module comprises three addresses linked to: b circuit-breaker manager; b measurement manager; b protection manager. The "chassis" communication module comprises one address linked to: b the chassis manager. The division of the system into four managers secures data exchange with the supervision system and the circuit-breaker actuators. The manager addresses are automatically derived from the circuit-breaker address @xx entered via the Micrologic control unit (the default address is 47). logic addresses @xx @xx + 50 @xx + 200 @xx + 100 Circuit-breaker manager Chassis manager Measurement managers Protection manager (1 to 47) (51 to 97) (201 to 247) (101 to 147) Number of devices The maximum number of devices that may be connected to the Modbus bus depends on the type of device (Compact with Modbus COM, PM300, Sepam, Vigilohm, etc.), the baud rate (19200 is recommended), the volume of data exchanged and the desired response time. The RS485 physical layer offers up to 32 connection points on the bus (1 master, 31 slaves). A fixed device requires only one connection point (communication module on the device). A drawout device uses two connection points (communication modules on the device and on the chassis). The number must never exceed 31 fixed devices or 15 drawout devices. Length of bus The maximum recommended length for the Modbus bus is 1200 meters. Bus power source A 24 V DC power supply is required (less than 20% ripple, insulation class II). Communication interface The Modbus bus may be connected to the central processing device in any of three manners: b direct link to a PLC. The communication interface is not required if the PLC is equipped with a Modbus port; b direct link to a computer. The Modbus (RS485) / Serial port (RS232) communication interface is required; b connection to a TCP/IP (Ethernet) network. The Modbus (RS485) / TCP/IP (Ethernet) communication interface is required. Software To make use of the information provided by the communicating devices, software with a Modbus driver must be used. Micrologic utilities This is a set of Modbus drivers that may be used with a PC to: b display the variables (I, U, P, E, etc.) with the RDU (Remote Display Utility) b read/write the settings with the RSU (Remote Setting Utility) b remotely control (ON / OFF) the device with the RCU (Remote Control Utility) These utilities are available on request. 75 6.3. Caractéristiques de la communication Masterpact, Compact NS dans le réseau de communication System Manager Software (SMS) SMS is a power management software for the control and monitoring of LV and MV electrical installations. The SMS family includes a number of products for all types of applications, from standalone systems to networked power management of multiple buildings. SMS can communicate with all intelligent devices of the electrical installation including: b Power Meter and Circuit Monitor products b LV circuit breakers and switch-disconnectors b Sepam units. 76 © 2001 Schneider Electric - All rights reserved Schneider Electric Industries SA 5, rue Nadar 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex France As standards and design change from time to time, always ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication. This document was printed on ecological paper. Tel : +33 (0)1 41 29 82 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 47 51 80 20 http://www.schneiderelectric.com DBTP172GUI/EN Published by: Schneider Electric Design and layout by: AMEG Printed by: 11/2001