October - Charlottesville Astronomical Society


* CAS *


Astronomical Society

November 2013

Welcome New Member(s)

Lisa Clore-Taylor

John Rovnak

Club Business

• 83 paid active members

• 5 Educational Membership – Astro Op

• Checking account and Cash on Hand: $2,605.59

• See Ed Preston for information on discounted subscriptions to Astronomy and Sky and Telescope

Club Scopes

• Club Scopes available for use by members http://cvilleastro.com/clubtelescopes-available-for-club-member-use/

– See Rich for information richard@drummdigital.com

Club Elections

We vote in November

• Current Officers

– President: Steve Layman

– Vice President: Rich Drumm

– Secretary: Larry Saunders

– Treasurer: Ed Preston

Interested in running for an office?

Tonight’s Speaker

Art Lichtneberger

University of Virginia Microfabrication Lab and ALMA

VAAS Conference

Saturday, October 5

The Northern Virginia Astronomy Club (NOVAC) will be hosting the 2013 annual meeting of the Virginia Association of Astronomical Societies

(VAAS) this fall. It will be held on Saturday October 5th at C. M. Crockett

Park near Warrenton, VA and will coincide with our big fall public Star Gaze event there. This will be a free event for all members of the invited astronomy clubs.

The VAAS portion of the day will begin early at 8:30 AM. After a light breakfast for attendees, there will be several presentations running up to a catered lunch around noon. During the daylight hours members can enjoy safe solar viewing and at night you can set up your equipment by your cars on the large observing field. VAAS attendees are welcome to stay for our afternoon to evening Star Gaze beginning at 3 PM when we will have more presentations and demonstrations.

Future Club Events

We have been invited to assist at

Boy Scout Apple Harvest

Camporee in Pleasant Grove

Park, Fluvanna County

Saturday, October 12

9:15 – 10:30

Contact Ed Murphy or Steve Layman

Future Club Events

Astronomy Day

Sunday, October 13

Build a Telescope at McCormick Observatory

12 students enrolled

Future Club Events

Fan Mountain Open House

Friday, October 25

Rain or Shine

6:00 pm

We need someone to manage


Future Club Events

Hollymead Star Party

Friday, October 25

7:00 – 8:30 pm

200+ students and parents

Astronomical League Awards

Have you participated in any of the following?

• Fall Fan Mountain

• Hollymead Star Party

• Ivy Creek

• Rockfish Valley Star Gaze

• Open Doors session

• McCormick Group Nights

If so…………..

Astronomical League Awards

The Astronomical League

Outreach Award

Astronomical League Awards

Lunar Observing Award

* observe 100 objects on the moon

* log your observations

* http://www.astroleague.org/al/obsclubs/lunar/lunar2.html

Member of the Month

October 2013

Moved from Northern Virginia to dark skies on 3 rd birthday

Was scared of the dark.

Father stressed science and mathematics from early age.

Pi “R” squared

Double the diameter of a pizza you get 4 times as much.

Greek Myths and Newton's laws were bedtime stories

Favorite PBS shows as a kid

Attempted to view Comet

Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp … from dark skies of the Elizabeth River



10 years later brought up Astronomy as a topic of conversation to music teacher to evade the fact that he had not practiced playing the Tuba .

Sorry Steve

Music teacher responded by inviting him to

CAS club picnic.

12” Dob was purchased the same month.

Visited 4 Observatories Last Week!





Kitt Peak, Tucson Arizona

Very Large Array

Socorro, New Mexico

McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis


Member of the Month



Library Project

Library –

Waiting for UVA to complete work in

Library room to tag books and make things available

Do You have Library Books Out ?

McCormick History Project

Waiting for movement from UVA

Parallax Display Project

Painting is done is the basement 

Need help after the meeting to move the library cabinet.

My Favorite Object

Larry Garetson

M82 – Hubble Image

My Favorite Object

M82 – Spitzer Image

Upcoming Speakers


• Tom Field

• Real Time Spectroscopy (Rspec)

• Video Lecture from Seattle


The Inaugural Heidi Winter Lecture

Dr. Ed Murphy

Meeting at NRAO

Upcoming Speakers


• MESSENGER Mission to Mercury update

• Mark Kochte – MESSENGER Mission Payload

Operations Specialist

Contact Steve if you have an idea for a guest speaker

New Initiatives

• Outreach Speakers Bureau

* 30 minute talks to school or civic groups

* Sign up tonight or send info to Steve

* Information will be posted on web site

* Fred Repich will act as point person

Looking Ahead……..

Holiday Party and

Swap Meet


Friday, December 13


* CAS *

Charlottesville Astronomical Society

Astro-OP (Astronomy Outreach Program)


October 2, 2013

CAS Astro-OP Resources Offered to Educators

Telescope Kit Classroom Project to study the solar system, moon, planets and some deep sky objects ($50-75/kit cost)

Astronomy Presentations by CAS Speakers at your school

Student Astronomy Club assistance in establishing an in-school program

CAS Mentoring and Support for school Astronomy activities, events, and programs

Free CAS membership for Grade 4-12 Science/Gifted Program Educators

• Access to UVA’s McCormick Observatory and 26” Refractor for observing via group nights and Heidi’s Nights (fifth Fridays)

• Access to UVA’s Fan Mountain Observatory via UVA’s public nights and CAS special star party nights

Access to CAS Star Parties at Ivy Creek Nature Center/VA Dark-Sky locations

AIAA Grants to help Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) become real in the classroom

Encourage Projects for 2014 VPRSF (CAS

–Physics/Astronomy Sponsor)

Activity ~ since 9/4/13

• Met/Meeting with 13 Educators in Five* Central Virginia Counties

– *Albemarle 38 Schools (27Public/11 Private) (Jeff Prillaman, Tony Borash, Kirsten Fuoti)

– Augusta 23 (22, 1)

– Buckingham 3 (3/0)

– *Fluvanna 4 (2/2) (Brenda Gilliam, Cheryl Gilliam )

– * Greene 6 (5/1) (Mike Coiner, Anne-Marie Eberhardt; Jamie Bourland, 10/7 mtg)

– Louisa 2 (2/0)

– *Madison 3 (2/1) (Mike Sisler 10/2 mtg)

– Nelson 3 (2/1)

– *Orange 5 (3/2) (Dara Carter, Susan Midland, Faithe Foster. Emily Dooley)

– Rockingham 9 (8/1)

Contacted Shanil Virani, Director, John C Wells Planetarium at JMU regarding a collaborative outreach effort

Results: Five Counties, 35 Schools,

13 Educators, and ??? Interested Students

Fluvanna County High School


( Brenda Gil liam )

• Fluvanna County Middle School


( Cheryl Gilliam )

• Greene County , Blue Ridge Private School


( Jamie Bourland )

• Greene County Primary School


(K-2) Principal Mike Coiner and Nathaniel Greene

Elementary School


(3-5) Principal Anne-Marie Eberhardt expressed interest in

CAS support for a combined (K-5) Science Day Fair at the Nathaniel Greene

Elementary School from 6 -9 PM on November 15 th

• Orange County Locust Grove Middle


and Elementary


Schools ( Dara Carter ,

Susan Midland , Faithe Foster, Emily Dooley )

Madison County High School


Principal Mike Sisler expressed interest; Leo

Lombardi and myself met with Mike at 9 AM, Wed,10/2/13

• Albemarle County School System (


( Jeff Prillaman , Kirsten Fuoti , Tony Borash )

Your Next Actions

CAS Membership-at-Large : Brainstorm candidate astronomy interrogative questions for use by Students in Designing Projects for the 2014 VPRSF (Suitable for grades 6-12)

– An interrogative word or question word is a function word used to ask a question, such as what, when, where, who, why and how ~ Wikipedia

• CAS Council Members/CAS Membership-at-Large : Brainstorm/Develop

List of 4 – 5 Basic Astronomy Topics and CAS Speakers for 30 minute presentations to students in classroom, auditorium, or at after hour

School Astronomy Clubs (Suitable for grades K-12)

• CAS Astro-OP Volunteers/CAS Membership-at-Large :

– Continue Coordination With Educators and Schools:

– Continue CAS Astro-OP E-News email each month to promote future CAS activities, events, and projects as well as scheduled meeting dates, times and guest speakers

• CAS Council Members/CAS Membership-at-Large :

1. We are soliciting volunteers to serve as AstroOP POC’s with schools.

2. Any inputs, articles, astronomy news, links of interest for E-News publication will be appreciated – by 15 th of each month.

CAS Astro-OP Opportunities

• Be a POC : Contact/Support Educators, Science/Gifted Program

Coordinators, and Students to promote CAS Astro-OP

– Albemarle 38 Schools (27 Public, 11 Private)

Augusta 23 schools (22/1)

– Buckingham 3 schools (3/0)

Fluvanna 4 schools (2/2)

– Greene 6 schools (5/1)

Louisa 2 schools (2/0)

– Madison 3 schools (3/0 ): Leo Lombardi, Astro-OP POC

– Nelson 3 schools (2/1)

Orange 5 schools (3/2)

– Rockingham 9 schools (8/1)

Piedmont Virginia Community College : Armand Mottaghi. Astro-OP POC

• Thanks!!! – you can contact me at fred.repich@gmail.com

or via telephone at 480-390-5205 (mobile)


Free Internet Classes https://www.coursera.org/courses

Confronting The Big Questions: Highlights of

Modern Astronomy

Analyzing the Universe

Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity

What’s Up This Month

In the Solar System http://planetary.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/images/chartsdiagrams/20130928_solar-system-missions2013-10b.png

In the Night Sky http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded


10 Minute Topics

Scott Duresky

Alleghany Mountain School

10 Minute Topic

Larry Saunders

Web Site Update

10 Minute Topic

Mike Webster

ZEQ25 Mount

Door Prize Drawing
