CV Naafs January 2016 - Organic Geochemistry

Research Fellow
Personal website:
Organic Geochemistry Unit, School
of Chemistry, University of Bristol
Cantock's Close
BS8 1TS Bristol, United Kingdom
I’m an organic geochemist, specialized in using organic lipids (biomarkers) and their stable isotopic composition to apply and develop biomarker proxies to answer the most
challenging and critical questions in the earth and environmental sciences.
1. Education & Research
Research Experience:
Since 2012
2011 – 2012
2007 – 2011
Spring 2007
Fall 2006
Research Fellow, University of Bristol, UK
Visiting Research Fellow, Harvard University, USA
Organic Geochemist onboard RV Joides Resolution, industry-led cruise
Research Fellow, Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany
Ph.D., Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany.
Supervisors: Prof. R. Stein and Prof. G.H. Haug
Visiting research scholar, University of Florida, USA
Supervisor: Prof. D.A. Hodell
Visiting assistant in research, Yale University, USA
Supervisor: Prof. E. Thomas
University Education:
2007 - 2011
2005 - 2007
2002 - 2005
PhD in Geosciences, University Bremen. Predicate: Magna Cumlaude
Dissertation: Long-term evolution of (millennial-scale) climate variability in
the North Atlantic over the last four million years
M.Sc. in Geochemistry, Utrecht University. Predicate: with distinction
Thesis: A combined study of stable isotope analysis and Mg/Ca ratios in
benthic foraminifera in order to obtain bottom water temperatures and
global ice volume for the last 30 Myr
B.Sc. Earth Sciences, Utrecht University. Predicate: with distinction
Thesis: Effects of future changes in river damming and temperature on
global silica dynamics
Honours and awards:
MARUM Research Award for Marine Geosciences for outstanding PhD thesis
Funded research & travel grants:
Royal Society of Chemistry Researcher Mobility Fellowship, funding for 3-months
research at Harvard University. Title: The impact of oceanic anoxia on the marine
Nitrogen cycle (£ 5,100)
Rubicon Grant for talented young researchers from the Netherlands Scientific
Organization (NWO), funding for two year research position at the University of
Bristol. Title: Constraining the relative timing, rate, and magnitude of CO2 input
during OAE 1a; evidence for palaeo-ocean acidification? (€ 147,700)
German Science foundation (DFG) research grant, funding for one year research
position at Alfred Wegener Institute. Title: Towards a record of millennial-scale
climate variability in the North Atlantic covering the past 1 million years, a biomarker approach (€ 76,950)
Student travel grant to attend Goldschmidt in Prague (free registration)
IMAGES Traveling grant for the International Conference on Paleoceanography
(ICP) X in San Diego (USA) ($ 1,000)
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ECORD Research Grant, funding for research visit to the University of Bristol.
Title: Determining the origin of higher plant leaf wax components accumulated at
IODP Site U1313 during the last 3.6 Ma (€ 1,750)
Young scientist travel award to attend EGU in Vienna (free registration)
Hendrik Müller Vaderlandsch Fund to study for five months in the USA (€ 1,000)
Molengraaff Fund to study for five months in the USA (€ 1000)
KF Hein Fund to study for five months in the USA (€ 500)
Trajectum Grant Utrecht University to study for five months in the USA (€ 500)
Peer-reviewed publications (total citations 261, h-index 8):
Submitted Manuscripts
(28) Naafs, B.D.A., A.V. Gallego-Sala, G.N. Inglis, and Pancost, Refining the global
branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetra ether (brGDGT) soil temperature calibration,
submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
(27) Naafs, B.D.A., and Pancost, Sea surface temperature evolution across Aptian Anoxic Event 1a, submitted to Geology
(26) Xu, W., M. Ruhl, H.C. Jenkyns. S. Hesselbo, J.B. Riding, D. Selby, B.D.A. Naafs,
J.W.H. Weijers, R.D. Pancost, E.W. Tegelaar, and E.F. Idiz. First record of the Toarcian OAE from an inland lake, Sichuan Basin, China, submitted to Nature Geoscience
(25) Dang, X., H. Yang, B.D.A. Naafs, R.D. Pancost, R.P. Evershed, and S. Xie, Direct
evidence of moisture control on the methylation of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol
tetraethers in semi-arid and arid soils, submitted to Geochimica et Cosmochimica
(24) Dickson, A.J., M. Saker-Clark, H.C. Jenkins, C. Bottini, E. Erba, F. Russo, O. Gorbanenko, B.D.A. Naafs, R.D. Pancost, S.A. Robinson, S. van den Boorn, and E.F.
Idiz, A Southern Hemisphere record of global trace-metal drawdown and orbital
modulation of organic-matter burial across the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary
(ODP Site 1138, Kerguelen Plateau), submitted to Sedimentology
(23) Inglis, G.N., M.E. Collinson, W. Riegel, V. Wilde, A. Farnsworth, D.J. Lunt, B. Robson, A. Scott, B.D.A. Naafs, and R.D. Pancost. Early Paleogene continental temperature change in western-central Europe, submitted to Earth and Planetary Science
(22) Li, J., R.D. Pancost, B.D.A. Naafs, H. Yang, C. Zhoa, and S. Xie. Distribution of
glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) lipids in an athalassohaline lake system,
submitted to Organic Geochemistry
(21) Naafs, B.D.A., J.M. Castro, G.A. de Gea, M. Quijano, D.N. Schmidt, and R.D. Pancost. Gradual and sustained carbon dioxide release at the onset of the Aptian
Ocean Anoxic Event 1a, Nature Geoscience, 9 (2), 135-139
(20) Zheng, Y., Q. Li, Z. Wang, B.D.A. Naafs, X. Yu, and R.D. Pancost. Peatland GDGT
records of Holocene climatic and biogeochemical responses to the Asian Monsoon,
Organic Geochemistry, 87, 86-95
(19) Ferretti, P., S. Crowhurst, B.D.A. Naafs, and C. Barbante (2015). The Marine Isotope Stage 19 in the North Atlantic Ocean: astronomical signature and intra-interglacial variability, Quaternary Science Reviews, 108, 95-110
(18) Naafs, B.D.A., J. Hefter, and R. Stein (2014). Dansgaard-Oeschger forcing of sea
surface temperature variability in the midlatitude North Atlantic between 500 and
400 ka (MIS 12), Paleoceanography, 29, 2014PA002697
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(17) Naafs, B.D.A., and R.D. Pancost (2014). Environmental conditions in the South Atlantic (Angola Basin) during the Early Cretaceous, Organic Geochemistry, 76,
(16) Naafs, B.D.A., A. Martínez-Garcia, J. Grützner, and S. Higgins (2014). Comment to
paper by David Lang et al.”,Quaternary Science Reviews, 103, 175-179
(15) Marino, M., P. Maiorano, F. Tarantino, A. Voelker, L. Capotondi, A. Girone, F. Lirer, JA. Flores, and B.D.A. Naafs (2014). Sea surface water conditions during middle
Pleistocene Marine Isotope Stages 14-9 as recorded by coccolithophores in North
Atlantic core MD01-2446, Paleoceanography, 29, 518-532
(14) R. Aguado, G.A. de Gea, J.M. Castrob, L. O’Dogherty, M.L. Quijano, B.D.A. Naafs,
and R.D. Pancost (2014). Late Barremian–Early Aptian dark facies of the Subbetic
(Betic Cordillera, southern Spain): Calcareous nannofossil quantitative analyses,
chemostratigraphy and palaeoceanographic reconstructions, Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 395, 198-221
(13) Naafs, B.D.A., J. Hefter, and R. Stein (2013). Millennial-scale ice-rafting events and
Hudson Strait Heinrich(-like) Events during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene; a review, Quaternary Science Reviews, 80, 1-28 (Invited review)
(12) De Schepper, S., J. Groeneveld, B.D.A. Naafs, C. Van Renterghem, J. Hennissene,
M.J. Head, S. Louwye, and K. Fabian (2013). Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the globally warm early Late Pliocene, PLoS ONE, 8 (12), e81508
(11) Naafs, B.D.A., J. Hefter, J. Grützner, and R. Stein (2013). Warming of surface waters in the mid-latitude North Atlantic in response to Heinrich Events, Paleoceanography, 28 (1), 153-163
(10) Ho, S.L., B.D.A. Naafs, and F. Lamy (2013). Alkenone paleothermometry based on
the haptophyte algae, In: Mock, S.A. and Elias C.J. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Vol. 2, pp. 755-764. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
(9) Nicholl, J.A.L., D.A. Hodel, B.D.A. Naafs, C. Hillaire-Marcel, J.E.T. Channell, and
O.E. Romero (2012). A Laurentide outburst flood during the last Interglacial Period,
Nature Geoscience, 5 (12), 901-904
(8) Naafs, B.D.A., J. Hefter, and R. Stein (2012). Application of the novel Long chain
Diol Index (LDI) paleothermometer to the early Pleistocene (MIS 96), Organic geochemistry, 49, 83-85.
(7) Naafs, B.D.A., J. Hefter, G. Acton, G.H. Haug, A. Martínez-Garcia, R. Pancost, and
R. Stein (2012). Strengthening of North American dust sources during the late
Pliocene (2.7 Ma), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 317-318, 8-19.
With Research Highlight in Nature Geoscience (Newton, A. (2012), Dusty transition. Nature Geoscience, 5 (2), 91-91).
(6) Khélifi, N., M. Sarnthein, and B.D.A. Naafs (2012). Late Pliocene age control and
composite depths at ODP Site 982, revisited, Climate of the Past, 8, 79-87
(5) Naafs, B.D.A. (2011). Long-term evolution of (millennial-scale) climate variability in
the North Atlantic over the last four million years. PhD thesis at the University of
Bremen, Germany. Thesis published in Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung in
2011, available online:
(4) Naafs, B.D.A., J. Hefter, P. Ferretti, R. Stein, and G.H. Haug (2011). Sea surface
temperatures did not control the first occurrence of Hudson Strait Heinrich Events
during MIS 16, Paleoceanography, 26, PA4201.
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(3) Naafs, B.D.A., R. Stein, J. Hefter, N. Khèlifi, S. De Schepper, and G. H. Haug
(2010). Late Pliocene changes in the North Atlantic Current, Earth and Planetary
Science Letters, 298(3-4), 434-442.
(2) Matthiessen, J., F. Niessen, R. Stein, and B.D.A. Naafs (2010). Pleistocene Glacial
Marine Sedimentary Environments at the Eastern Mendeleev Ridge, Arctic Ocean,
Polarforschung, 79(2), 123-137.
(1) Stein, R., J. Hefter, J. Grützner, A. Voelker, and B.D.A. Naafs (2009). Variability of
surface-water characteristics and Heinrich-like Events in the Pleistocene mid-latitude North Atlantic Ocean: Biomarker and XRD records from IODP Site U1313 (MIS
16-9), Paleoceanography, 24, PA2203.
Recent conference & other presentations (First author only, total 23)
๏ *Naafs, B.D.A.,G.N. Inglis, E. McClymont, A. Huguet, F. de Vleeschouwer, R.P. Evershed, M.P.S. Badger, and R.D. Pancost, Towards a peat-specific temperature proxy,
based on brGDGTs, Oral presentation at the Goldschmidt 2015 conference in Prague
๏ *Naafs, B.D.A., The role of sea-ice in millennial-scale climate variability, Oral Presentation at the AGU fall meeting 2014 in San Francisco
๏ Naafs, B.D.A., J.M. Castro, G.A. De Gea, M.L. Quijano, D.N. Schmidt, and R.D. Pancost, No support for widespread surface ocean acidification during Oceanic Anoxic
Event 1a, Oral Presentation at the AGU fall meeting 2014 in San Francisco
๏ Naafs, B.D.A., G.N. Inglis, E. McClymont, L. Bingham, R.P. Evershed, and R.D. Pancost, Testing the MBT’/CBT palaeothermometer in peat records, Poster Presentation
at the 2014 GDGT workshop, NIOZ
๏ Naafs, B.D.A., F.M. Monteiro, S. Froehner, C. Lowson, M. Quijano, J.M. Castro, Y.
Donnadieu, D.N. Schmidt, A.J. Ridgwell, and R.D. Pancost, Anoxia and the nitrogen
cycle during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (~120 Ma): a data-model comparison, Oral Presentation at the AGU fall meeting 2013 in San Francisco
* Invited presentation
Other invited presentations
๏ EcoLab, CNRS, France, March 2015
๏ Camborne School of Mine, University of Exeter, UK, October 2014
๏ Department of Geography, Durham University, UK, September 2014
๏ School of Earth & Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University, UK, November 2013
๏ College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, USA, November 2012
Available online at
๏ Keynote lecture at the Heinrich Events: Land, Ice, and Ocean 2012 Workshop in
Southampton, UK, June 2012
๏ PACES mid-term evaluation, AWI-Bremerhaven, Germany, September 2011
๏ Geological Institute, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. November 2010
๏ Earth Sciences Department, University of Bristol, UK. September 2010
Scientific Maritime expeditions & fieldworks:
Summer 2015
Autumn 2012
Winter 2010
Summer 2009
Field work to French Pyrenees to sample wetlands
Expedition 344S Baffin Bay Scientific Coring Program to the Baffin
Bay, with RV JOIDES Resolution as organic geochemist (industryled cruise)
Expedition SO-213 SOPATRA to the South Pacific, with RV Sonne
as member of the geological group (head of the multicore team)
Expedition MSM12/2 to the Labrador Sea, with RV Maria S. Merian as member of the geological group
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Autumn 2008
Expedition ARK-XXIII/3 to the Labrador Sea, Baffin Bay, and Arctic
Ocean, with RV Polarstern as member of the geological group
2. Supervision/Teaching/Engagement
PhD students
G.N. Inglis (2015-present, Uni. Bristol)
L. Behrooz (2014-present, Uni. Bristol)
C. Evans (2013-2015, Uni. Bristol)
J. Li (2013-2014, Uni. Bristol)
D. Atkinson (2015-present, Uni. Bristol)
Louise Foster, Natural History Museum (2015)
Lauren O’Connor, Oxford University (2015)
César De Castro Martins, Federal University of Paraná
Student supervision
Master students:
Undergraduate students:
C. Lowson (2012-2013, Uni. Bristol)
J. Raddatz (fall 2007, AWI)
A. Cooke (Summer 2013, Uni. Bristol)
J. Hagemann (2012, AWI)
S. Kaboth (2011, AWI)
R. Wischnewski (2010, AWI)
๏ Climate Change: Science and Impacts, University of Bristol: Fall 2015
This is a practical and theoretical course designed for new graduate students of the master of science track in climate change science and policy. Within this course students explore the current consensus on the evidence of climate change and the (future) impacts
on natural and human systems. Using global circulation climate model simulation the
students independently conduct research and critically evaluate the impact of anthropogenic climate change. Based on their work students have to write two essays. Particular attention is paid to developing scientific writing skills. 30 students
๏ Tracing and Observing the Earth System. University of Bristol: Fall 2013&14&15
This is a theoretical course designed for graduate students in earth sciences. In this
course students explore the observational and analytical approaches used to trace the
earth and environmental processes that underpin our understanding of the earth’s climate system. Through presenting key-scientific papers and group discussions, the students develop their presentation skills. Within this course I teach the component that focuses on the global carbon cycle during the Phanerozoic and key biomarker proxies. 10
๏ Frontiers in Earth Sciences. University of Bristol: Fall 2013&14
This is a theoretical course designed for graduate students in earth sciences. Within this
course students learn to critical examine important topics in the broad field of earth sciences in which either new approaches to existing subdisciplines are emerging or new
fields are being created. The study of each topic comprises an introductory lecture, time
for reading and a short symposium with students discussing different aspects of the topic. Students produce a piece of written work on one of the subjects. Within this course I
teach a component on astronomically forcing of climate during the Plio/Pleistocene. 20
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3. Academic Service/Leadership
Organization of scientific meetings and sessions chaired
๏ Co-organizer Bristol/Oxford Mesozoic meeting, University of Oxford, September 2015
๏ Lead convener session at the 2013 AGU fall meeting, North Atlantic climate during the
Pliocene and Quaternary. Conveners: B.D.A. Naafs, K.T. Lawrence, and A.E. Carlson
๏ Lead convener of the 2nd Workshop on Pliocene Climate, Bristol, UK, 9–10 September
2013 (80 participants from 12 countries). Conveners: B.D.A. Naafs, M.P.S. Badger,
and N. Khélifi (
Peer reviewer:
Nature, Nature Geoscience, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Paleoceanography, Quaternary Science Reviews, Organic Geochemistry, Climate of the Past, Global and Planetary Change, National Science Foundation
(NSF) research proposals, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) research proposals,
Quaternary International, Marine Micropaleontology, Stratigraphy, and International
Journal of Earth Sciences
Professional memberships
๏ American Geophysical Union
๏ Geochemical Society
๏ Royal Society of Chemistry
Academic leadership within the University
2013 – 2014
2010 – 2012
2005 – 2006
Co-organizer weekly departmental seminar, Department of Earth
Sciences, University of Bristol
Organizer biweekly geoseminar at the Alfred Wegener Institute
Part of the “BètaBedrijvendagen Committee Universiteit Utrecht”,
university wide fair where business have the opportunity to meet
and recruit students
Public outreach/Media:
๏ Administrator OGU Facebook page
๏ Personal website
๏ Cabot Learning Federation Summer Conference, July 2015. Informing high school
teachers about climate change
๏ Blog on workshop in Kazakhstan, March 2014
๏ Youtube video of the 2nd workshop on Pliocene climate, September 2013. Available
online at
๏ Organized public lecture “Climate and societies” by Prof. G.H. Haug at University of
Bristol, September 9, 2013 (280 attendees). Available online at
๏ 1hr Radio interview at Bristol community radio. February 18, 2013. Available online at
๏ Presentation about participation in Polarstern Expedition Expedition ARK-XXIII/3 to
the Arctic Ocean to pupils at the Willem de Zwijger College (secondary school in the
Netherlands), Spring 2009
๏ Schelpdiertjes onderzoeken op Yale, Interview in the largest freely available newspaper in the Netherlands (Spits) about studying at Yale University. December 6, 2006
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