MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS AND ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION Purdue University – Physics 241 – Lecture 21 Brendan Sullivan Overview Maxwell’s Displacement Current Maxwell’s Equations Wave Equation for Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetic Radiation EM Spectrum Momentum and Pressure from EM Waves Maxwell’s displacement current corrects Ampere’s Law -Q Q E E 0 Ampere’s Law: B d I 0 enc Consider a charging capacitor Apply Ampere’s Law S1 and S2; we should get the same answer Current I passes through S1: B d 0I S2: B d 0 Current stops at plate Maxwell generalized Ampere’s Law to account for this with displacement current A time varying electric flux creates a displacement current and thus a B field Maxwell: A changing electric field induces a magnetic field Faraday: A changing magnetic field induces an electric field We can update Ampere’s Law to reflect this induced B field! B d I 0 enc 0 0 Id 0 d E dt Q Q E E 0 d E dt Maxwell’s equations describe all of E&M (for PHYS241 at least) S E n dA qenc B ndA 0 S 0 C C E d B d d B dt 0 ( I enc I d ) Everything you’ve learned this semester (and much more) boils down to these equations One important application, which we’ll explore for the rest of the semester, is electromagnetic waves We won’t derive the wave equation from these in class, but it can be done (I’ll add a supplement) The wave equation describes all waves, including EM waves In deriving EM waves, you get a wave equation for E and a separate for B E x2 2 1 c2 2 E t2 B x2 2 1 c2 2 B t2 We can learn a lot about EM waves by thinking about these equations physically They are “equations of motion” – they relate how motion must happen with respect to time Move E at velocity c = 3x108 m/s and B should behave very similarly because they are governed by the same equation Electric fields, Magnetic fields, and propagation are all perpendicular 1) E and B are perpendicular at all points 3) EM waves propagate (travel) in the ExB direction 2) E and B are in-phase (maxima and minima at same time) Note: This is a linearly polarized wave Wave Terminology For transverse waves, the velocity is related to frequency and wavelength v c f For EM waves, one can show that the amplitudes are related by |E| c|B| Em Note that ALL electromagnetic waves (e.g. x-rays, visible, UV, radio, etc.) travel at the speed of light, c!!! Quiz Question 1 An EM wave is propagating in the +y direction. The electric field is parallel to the +z direction. In which direction must the magnetic field point? a) +x b) –x c) –y d) +z e) -z The Electromagnetic Spectrum f c All of the forms of radiation we’re about to discuss are nothing more than electromagnetic waves We’ll show later that higher frequency waves have more energy; typically anything UV or higher is in the DANGER ZONE!!!! One way to produce EM waves is through dipole radiation Electric dipole radiation: Figure 30-7 in book. By varying the electric field, we can create a sinusoidal, propagating E field Magnetic fields: We will discuss other methods to get EM waves later in the semester, and you probably already have in other courses (e.g. chemistry) Quiz Question 2 Which of the following could describe an electromagnetic wave in vacuum? a) λ = 100 meters, f = 1x106 Hz b) λ = 105 meters, f = 3x104 Hz c) λ =10-6 meters, f = 3x1014 Hz d) λ = 1 meter, f = 3/2 x 108 Hz Recall the speed of light, c = 3x108m/s Electromagnetic waves have some energy associated with them We know the energy densities for electric and magnetic fields uE 1 2 2 0 |E| uB 2 |B| 1 2 0 Electromagnetic waves should have the energy of the electric and magnetic field combined Also, the magnitudes of E and B are related by | E | c | B | uEM u E uM 1 2 2 0 |E| 1 2 1 | B| 2 0 2 2 0 |E| 1 E 2 | | 2 0 c 2 | 0 |E| B 0 |2 Intensity is the average power incident on a unit area by an EM wave Intensity: average rate of energy flow (power) per unit area Energy is moving with the fields at c, so I uav c To get the average, energy consider rms E and B fields I u av c 1 Em axBm ax |S| 2 0 Erms Brms 0 S is known as the Poynting vector; it describes wave intensity (and points which way the wave is going) S 1 E B 0 Electromagnetic waves carry momentum! Light transfers energy; a change in energy comes from work; work comes from forces; forces change momentum U In short: EM waves actually push on things. c If we consider this force applied over an area, light exerts a pressure when it hits something. We call this radiation pressure Pr p I c E0 B0 2 0c E02 2 0c 2 B02 2 0 Here, we are talking about light incident on perfectly absorbing surfaces; the radiation pressure is doubled for perfectly reflecting surfaces Really, really sweet application: Solar Sails Idea: use the sun’s radiation pressure as a driving force to propel a ship through space without fuel Example: Solar Sail The sun radiates power at a rate of 3.8x1026J/s (P = 3.8x1026W). If we have a solar sail 1km2 near the Earth’s surface, determine its acceleration. The shit weighs 10kg and RE = 1.52x1011M.