The No. 6761. Star. CHEISTCHUBCH : MONDAY. JANUABY 21?, 1890. fEBTAKLISKED> t MAY 14,1868. / > f PtTBIiISHED ONE PENNY. tEYSRYEVSSriHG.? Business Kotioaa. "Wefre comia'to believe, some of ua," i Business M"otlQes, Business ITotices. BxiwnosßISotioes. Tne Calliope. said an old crone, with a wrinkle for every grumble of her life, "that we're to be A GENEROUS ENTERPRISE, forty year in the wilderness,like the old DrainageBo&z\, O^rRO"R.IV (For nine yearswitn W. Strange& Co.), JOHN BRENT; OR, A LOVE Izzerullites. I wouldn't have come,] A great many people have expressed Chriafcahuroh SJiDJL9\JJ-t*^^ Jl-i hJ Christchnroli, Kov. £8, 18S9. -^ their dissatisfaction with the tardiness of pleasureiv statdnp' j^**-**"* B«g8 to Informthe Ladies -of ChrwtehnrcV 1 3i3.v6 xanc^i Samwell, I'd known what you was the English Governmentin rewarding the that tha wellHtely T. TAYLOR you CHASE ON THE PLAINS; bringin' meifto." figSS by driven THINGS YOU WANT EBUABLT3 WELL-SI2JKIHG and Saburbs that oho ha3-Cou»meucud at the Pumping Station, to the /) « 'fflf Ik Bespeot rallyannounces that ha has , ATREASONABLE PRICES. pluck and bravery of Captain lower Basinoss as * "There's a many of us wouldn't have splendid £By Thbodoek Withbop.] stratum, has bean m>^t ' £*mvA/A -nir nrrnTTl Kane and the oiEcera aud crew of the PDEOHASED MACJidJLWiij Eatißfßciory, aa nbundanfc supply RfMW DRESS AND MANTLE-MAKER. come, mother," rejoined. "Somwell," a You canSavefrom 10 to20PerCent by.Baying prdenrod. the late hurricane of Calliope during at water fcavhifr been THE iff tT^M your Chapter IX. cowed man of anxious look, "if we'd Samoa. Itis true that the engineer has IconaidoryouT-modqof drnta? fe^»/ffl|ffl>\ (Established1831), ~~* Tfilor.madoCostumes and Hnbita, '''ea, Gowas, knownas much as we do now." tobemost-eflEactivo &u>i«co r;oiui- f*/WMo*vrt GKOCERT 6IZZTJM AND EI3 HERETICS. BUSINESS Eyenins;, and Fancy Dresses, Wedding, and been to the rank o? Pleet promoted 5484, 5645, cal, 070,1607, 2^3, WWWtj and an free from riafrnfacci. Kos. Sffiffl^ PATENTS Samwell glanced sadly at his dirty, Engineer, and,as thecable now advises ua, dentain driving aa ispossibleia hi ]} VW \\ MouniingOatfits. OS No€ooner had this nomad town settled travel-worn 3853. p Fisoar children, at work at mudpies W lij \\ Specialattention ■will be sirea>to Latest Stylo is dowa for the next "good work ottbianature. Kane ME E. W. arABBIOTT, Captain itselfquietlyfor thenight, than a town- and dust vol-au-vcnts. His dowdy hare Your*, ltd.) faithfully. JJ of theae WBLLS been &I fit. Isl-^U— -vrxUNDREDH and & pensionof .£l5O a year when ifa beservice meeting collected in the opea ot the broke off the colloquy byannouncing,wite STREET,CHEISTCHUECH, InCASHED [j-8 SUNK with my Apparataa iv tha North ii^wiii Catbbei-t,ir.Inf.i.O.T?. S-^feJ:'|.".^sri ina coniea vacant" (sic), but 335 I?KET Which, will ttillbeConductedundor thaimmediate Ejjlri» amphitheatre. very few will be a'-d South. Islanda. A depth ofPIPE. tone that she must have learned from a inclined More FiirnisliiMgf^gpg^S^^^^^^^^^'Si-Pisfe^; KKACU2D WITH A H INCHtiian "Now, brethren," Bays Shamberlain to rattlesnake, to admit that this i 3 anything Huporviaiouof by allthe that the loaf was baked, the ilike adequate compenbfttion for the salvaJUXC'iION STREET, I'^P'WoUe Snak by thisMethod as, "el you wont to hear exhortin' as ME jiIAEEIOTT, aa horetofore. Ironmongers, Now Zsaland put together. fried, bacon was and wait VYallsinkorßia i^Plppj^fe^ suppershouldn't (is Park.) tion of a splendid ship, worth at least our Lancaster ;W.^;! run*without stoppui',step up and liatea TlioPatentaeJiaß givenunivorsal Bfttisfftction to ; £800,000, rW* '^sV^^^'i':J for anybody's talking. COENEE COLOMBO AND CASHEL Pevhapa," say by to the Apossle or the Gentile3. to numerous teatt A XT ENI'IUELT KKW BTOCK, BOUGHT nothing of tho hundreds ?'§«^-^^^^'^ tis cliaata, as can bo seen All the emigrants were English, j of lives on Tranis pnFB thsdoor cvaryhanr d*»ily. STEEBI'S. andhereJake winkedperceptibly, ■"you'll board. There is a sarcasm their accent and dialect about this pension business -which well THE BKST TEEMS, beteched,and wantto jine, and perhaps Lancashire fcffii!ffi&ty'^^f&'¥'''"H?:^W rulfparHonliwa of cost and all information can s WHOLESALE announced, they and Lancashire told us ! Cc DBFAETMENT AND accords with the decision of My Lords of yoa wont. Ef you're docyla you'll be waa their home Thutis to say,For CABH, andlv Large Lines, " l» had onapplication to IEON YAED, in the old step-mother the Admiralty andLord GeorgeHamilton, teched,ef you're balls ofBashaa you wont TobeOffiaed to tho Public £02, JLICHJ.IEI.iD STREET, JOB-O3BOBNE, Doyleston; country. beteched." as suchinstances of skill andbvave^y ROIALAND 'Igl®!^^? VICE-RIiGAL AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PKOFIT, Nest Danlm*. Step-niother, indeed, to these her that **■■How did you were by no means rarein the BritiahNavy happen to be converted Consiiteat wiiliFair Traaing-, " " children! No wonder that had they there for 1 special grounds ; wero no Will bo a guarantee tha. Purchasers may obtain yourself, Jake? Brent asked. You've found life ab home intolerable ! They recogPHOTOQaAPHKU, never told me." nition. It is ir,ue that tho pension will TAYLOR & OAKLEY, tho Best tho of Wales, TothePriucen G^orgo twA Vnstor " "Why, you see Iwas naturally of a were the poorest class oi! townspeople from ultimately revert .to him— thai) is;, of POSSIBLE VALUE FOB THEIBMONET »in»; ofKinni (wliiloivIndia) 23i, Tunm etrect West,.Chiistchuroh.B3B2 religious nater, andI've tried 'em all,but the great manufacturing towns, penny course, ii: he lives long enough, and the AT TIIE Jarvois, AnthonyMusgravo, Sir Wm. Sir tradesmen, indoor craftsmen, factory I never fellfoul of a religion thathadreal bolder decides to navigate the & Sir Willum Robinson, l?ir F. Bioonir, and the operatives, a puny, withered Bet of present ITALIAN ethereal instead of thebriny at an early CASH TEA AND proved miracles, till Iseed a man,born beings A;c also iihtuof Australi* and i«'ew Zealand. ; hardly niea,if manmeansstrength; date, but. there ia a beautifnl vagueneaa ' dumb, what was cured by the Prophet I women, if woman means beauty. about ife that has nob donelnuch to alJsy rr\WP,escallenoy o£ C. H. MANNING.!PhotoIMPOETEES Joseph looking downhis throat and tellin' hardlyfaces told of long years passed in the public feeling that some special mark is cur.oi'is UJIIVJ-.ESAL JL gr«ph:c Work 53 OP his palate to speak up,—and it did speak Their having THE CAFE. OPPOSITE ADMIRATION. Fatrons who pnrpoao Bar,Rod, the foul air of close or work Sheet andHoop Iron shops, 3, a;lvisad to room of approval was dejervad, aM should be thoJrphoto3t!i,'.enb.v him lire poMs«ly up, did that there palate, and went on or steamy, oily, flocculeufc GalvgjiXEod Iron, FencingWire cpDoiuunouD mills. All work make to avoid dotcinioa. an taJHn' most onoommon. It's onbeknovm bestowed. What recognition tho crew Sheet Loi<l,HorfeNails O. H. MANKXtiG l:»a h<\-\ voob esporjenco in andno play Lad been their history." No" ■were' accorded T. TAYLOS Ksxipa,liope, Twine has never transpired protongues it talks, authin like gibberidge; holidays, Xodinandtha Australian c'oJonias. lie doa>i all Truclia, American Ases no no no rasa, flowers, green g how an andAiunnvut'iOs fif.islmiff, opniating but Joseph said that was extra ration of Jamaica rum or WILL STILL COKDUUr HI9 BUSINESS hifi own aud thatonguea bably Picks,Shovels, Spadoa ■nothing hard, ill-paid freshness tut for JMilinui:y, ■ptriaancucy. Pjsa, I.xhis work Cjf tima'to as a second of tobacco was Aposslea' Handles, Hay focha soundedin the them considered A" -proasion, and TJoiieaey of Viuieh. with starvation btanding over sufficient. Fortunately, however, iiheep andWira Nettina hadn't got theinterruptionof tongues. Idrudgery, where APPARATUS, STEAM FITTER OP HOT WATEiS AND Oiis the on. «ud STREET, There the humdrum routine of tho department Paints 93, COLOMBO Btruck my flag tothat theremiracle. I'd weretaak and scourging them POPULAiT P£;IGH.aPitchnnd Tur among them already aged failed, private enterprise proaiisea to step pnrdossM) seen'em gettin' upthe sham kind, when Iand children ancient AKB TEE Cabinet Photo 3 15s And allStation Eeqniramen-Bs. a3 the croue in, and the Y/aterbury "VV.-i.toii Company, knowed was to the Italian convent, andI 7a6d p3r'lo3 30% gaiety alwuys to the front, conteinTtl.'ifce.preseutTRIANGLE, HIGH ST. C.D.V.'a maytalk rough Sainw.ell's mother, for any childish the fourth-proofarticle. I STEEET 3 3 ! they had ing eaca oi the sea;jaen £md marines they/ showed. Poor things Brother STCi'lObusiness, about this but Brenti been for with 143, COLOMBO STEEET (COENER (Laws Geobgk Booth's PssaiksEs), yearetheir twelve, fourteen, six- one o£ their new short-winding series, ..nritias, knows I'mhonestaboutit." Pi3ie--t Snowdrop Piuest I CASHEL STEEET), bugar houra ab work in stilling milta, suitably inscribed, iv honour of the occa75. COLOMBO2To. Vroservins 5 Jakeledus forward, and stationedus in teejl TE^EPHOHE ' <^> O^poailo Ijonargan'a. Sparit.'iDg .Loaf, 5ellovr Crystals aud Browu when they should have been tumb- sion: Each man will receive atthosume Jioaoa aud Son'ii. upposiC3 JJ. posts of honour before the crowd of ling >^■^-.*>^7r-^^--■a-^v.v;^^^^.■■■-■.'■^«";'V.■^:i^vv^^ *=S upur /.aw in the hay, chasing butterflies, ex- time one of their now ladies' watches for auditors. A Special J-ino of Co?3on Tia^, blonded in WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT AND <-!■!lou, put up in51bbos.a. Jlspar tox presentation to mother, Kiot6i-, wife, ov Presently Sizzum appsared. He had panding tosunshine andopen air. IEON YAED— lib 'fiiirt ot iaciiaa "io>,Calcutta CltuJ, 2s 6d teea," Brent, "We have not said "one £02, no sweetheart, and better watches can bo LICHJPIELD SXREEUk taken time totone down the piofiSer aud hearty John Bull, or Jjapnanj; L-oncSiocf,ia lead-iiued baskets, 01b SPECIAL NOTICE TO Jiexfc Banks'. Buxom Betsy Bull, found than these, either au regards ricat- j fori2e6d developthedeaconinhis style, anda very the caravan." , Plonr, Tumor's or Wood's, at in whole settingbauds, nesb ease or or Pctent KoHer he had made of himself. tho timepersonage sleek e<vn<:«;d as if i ""They look hueka and slop had keeping properties. Similar preseats pra rateii He wasclean shaved ; cleanshaving is a Otafroviatnieal, tresh every v/eftk their meatand drink, insteadof3beef to be made to the crews of the American favourite coxcombry of toe deacon class. been * Qus^Ca'a Vshibitiou Pirßt; Prize Ho.ni3 and andbeer." iJacon "war3bip3, who, Moiled although unable to etcwo | "Beef andbeer belong to fellows that His long black hair, growing rank from a Tongues,Ox Tongues Lamhs' t'hatipa' Xonijues, HOT HOUSE skin, sleekly put themselves, behind his from the fury of the gala was muddy Uoi;o>t Eabbit. and Totted Meats, uhw citoh ears. A large white blossom of cravat ex- haveredin their cheeks and guSaws in were brave enough, with death sfcariap fcialuio", Canoo br*nd, Cuttings* best brand BBST SAMPLE. them in tbe face, to raise thoir caps and H. Gar I'iah. Aibait'a fcauliues, JEippored * lean, pale, che«jr pandedunderhis nude,beefy chin, andhe their throats, nofc to the3e wretches." iluokerel.flueht Linß sish, small Urkras to theecho thebetter equippad sit ip woreablack dress-coat, creased with its dreary splfifldidrilua ings, .Suit itor' "Tne saints' robes seem as per sorry as "which was able to forceits way out in ani'to recent packing. Except that hi3 Slip'< limejuice,Kouto^rrat Limejaice persons," eaidI. "No watchiu&n on of the fury o? the elements. J.eincii Jaice. Giiiger Wive, Dandoiibu wino pantaloons werethrust into boots withthe their plums Ifaspberry and Lomon rtyrup, Jiuulisli and maker's name (Abel dishing, Lynn, the hill-tops of their Sion will hail, 'Who jam, Coloai.vl NOW READY. Mass.) stamped in gold on a scarlet aro these in bright arrsy?' when they Pereianb'tmrbitt heavein aight!" Strength. Trial of shield, iiuruett's, Lunjrda'e's, was and Crosse and " front,he morocco in in correct BlackThey have a right to be way-worn, PRICE VERY I,OW. well'sEssences go-io-meetin' costume a Chadband of B.emu;t. Hanson's, Visoer's, Barnikow'a ar.d after their summer of:plodding over these The following account of a marvellous theplains. Chriatophcrnon's wastes." trial of strength ia takenfrom the Hordreal Patent CleanedFruits He took his stand, andbeganto fulmin- dusty 193, COLOMBO STRBKT. "Here conies a group iv gayer teim. Herald, &*nuc!u: "There were neariy one "CutvOnriunts, iCaisiua, and Sultannis, ate-over the assemblage. His manner was I—actulyfounces1 actuallyflounces and parasols 1" and dried Vt'.r.dy for uce by improved DEERING'S BINDEBS. See persons thousand in the St Henri Town. overbearing, coarse and with intervals of Pi(T3 machinery, choice new box Several young women of the Blowsalind Hall on Nov. 2, to witness a series of trials JmpunnlFrenchPlume,in2ibaud4lbboities h oily persuasiveness. He wasa big,power- order, 5 dressedinveryincongruous toggery of strength between Louis Cyr, the chamI'riine Old cheese, choice duiries of n6W ful man, without one atom of delicacy in CHSISTCHUUCH. clioe> o,Loaf Chcoso,91b to 121 b "him,—a fellow who never could take a ofstainedaudfadedsiika, passedus. They pion heavy lifter, and Barre, .mother wellsoap, Jjamidrine Pii'.TbtO'.e and Sapalio GiiiCKWlieat, hnrpa,Urnn, at miller a' prices flower oz a gentle heart into his hand seemed tobe on a roundof evening visits, known man inthe sameline of sport. The WXKffiS AND SPIRITSof allusaaLv»riatiei< sheltered their tanned faces against first item on the programme wa3 tholiftamc-rican BrooiQK and Buckets without crushing it by a brutal instinct. and Colonial GEORGJ3 GOULEI E.QJ>.:Champagna. ware, ilughsh the October snnshino-with Allkinda of au'l fringed ancient of dumb bells. was the Brush heavy ing Cyr A creature with- such anamorphous beak it nmuuf.ioturera' prices WHISICCES-Sandy Cook, Rob Roy, LoehieL of anose, such a heavy-lipped mouth,and parasols. Their costumehada queer effect; victor, lifting a dumb bell weighing 2651b Tob coon— Juno, Navy,.N'ailrod, Twist,Kuby, of a Mormon caravan at Fork to his opponent's 1951b. The next event Old Htehland Vatted. GoldBar, aadSpoapo '.Jakd such wildernessof jaw,couldneverperceive in the campThey Napior Joanstoaa.&o^&o.Qla^ow Crow! were in good spirite, and was thamost interesting one o? the evenNelsou and Cujifornian Hops the fine savour of any delicate thing. Bridger. Giflgorboer Wine Corks p.iv\ CIGA.BB— A Choice panica when they eiiw ing, and proved beyond all. doubt; Cyr'a Assortmonc. Coarse joys were the only joys for saeh. a went into littla Jies-r. EajjiishPickiins Vic-gar and then into right to the championship. Fir3t, a platBeitDairiea of i'rooliButter daily. CIQABETTES-LitUoBeittttos, VirginiaBrtebJa. body; coarse emotions, the pleasures of Brent in his Indian rig,us!" Putts,. Opera "Lor me!" and "Bless when the form the weighing put 1401bwas on stage, Kichmond.Gan^Ao. force and domination, the only emotions supposed Pawnee Goods Dolivared in Town or Subnrba every<5ar, waß discovered to be a on the top of which were placed seven ELAND'S GOU3. crude enough for such, a soul. and at HallwayStation, to meet alltrains. 6223 yN ADDITIONTO OXJR OWN ORDEBS FOB. pale-f&ce. dumb-bells, handsome in the weighing aa aggregate Tn«? voice was as repulsive his mien EHfiIJBH CAItTS, &c.-A few-hargains. "Perhaps we waste sympathy," said 7S9ib, making a totalof 929!L>. Bothmen and manner.That badlymodelled nosehad Brent, "on these people. Why, are not succeeded in raising tho same from the BHIiIAEDBALLS, «ffES,..ifcc.,&o. animportantoffice inhis oratory.Through it he hailed his auditors to open their they better off here, and likely to be more floor. 'Next a barrel of ilonr weighing Aadraas— Worcester etroat. hearts, as a canal-boatmanhails the locks comfortablein Utah than iv the slums of 2181bwas also put onthe table. This extra weight was also successfully coped with ■e^ H-i »H m O with a canal-hornof bassooncalibre. But Manchester?" BIKDEG3 "Drudgery for drudgery, slavery for by the two men. Thirdly, aman weighing T.J. W, haenot ex»ibitsd Rincc« demand for hia Earnret beingsogreat thatho has not sometimes, whenhewished tobe seductive ARRE, JIB.OCKLEr & hJo., bwas addedandlifted by them. Then beenabln to devotethenoceaaavy tide to niakuij; up linagesfor Exhibition, butinvites inspection of hissentences tookthechannelof his mouth, slavery,barren as too Salt Lakecountry is, 1751 biaSHOW.EOOftf, (LIMITED), andhis great lips rolled the words over and rough the lot of pioneers, Ihave no three men, weighing respectively 1451b, gUGAB, 213, TTJAM STREET WEST, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. b and14-ilb wereput on, tbe table, tha like fat morsels. Pah! how the recollec- doubt they will be. But then the re- 1551 WINE.AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, BE FOUND AS CHEAP A3 ANY OTH£LB EANOE IN TOWN weighing whole affair now 18161b. Cyr 5.J. W.'B liANGES VTIt.Ii tion of the fellow disgusts me 2 And yet ligion \" T7E HAVJ3 JCTST RECEIVED South BnuraHXJhambkss, he hadanunwholesome fascination, which "Ido not defend that; but whathas managed tolift the load,but Barre failed andgave up. Cjr thenhad three compelled us to listen. Icould easily England's done for them to make them todo so HEREFORD STREET, CHRIBTCHXTRCH. thes9 poor more men, weighing altogether 5621b, *^^« >><^ understandhow he might overbear feeble regret it? Of what use to been, I havecimrgid 6» "v^« Prices for tho teat EIGHT TEABS, sad by Kh*-_^-""* or the making a total weight of 237Sib added. \^^^^»s^(Ca»ss Styls, J?lai3h, andilatariil have soeared one of tha Largest (CellarEntrance from Cathedral Sojtare.) minds,and wheedlethosethatlovedflattery. proletaireshave thecathedrals ' He had some education. Travel had sweet country churches, or the quiet Cyr, amidst breathless silence, approached Wa, ltePai:fiD& Tradeß in Canterbury. are now Selling a New Shipment of The Stock of T7ines and Spirits held by this TJfi table, and, putting his brawny arms liuoat f-now.irop Mau'itius, equal to polished hisbase metal, co thatit shone cloisters of Oxfordand Cambridge ? Ican- the Company embraoes ovary needful vatiaty forordi« A CONSIGNTiIENT Crashed Loa4 forJam or Jellymaking, inquire nary or special use* well enough todeceive the vulgar or the not wonder that they ihave given an easy around it, essayed tolift his heavyburden, price at Assorted dozens of Liquors are supplied_f or ' credulous. He did not often allow him- belief to Mormonism, an energetic, un- whichhe did with apparent ease,rousing family or invalid puirpcses. ED VL. CLAN Special arrageiaents made for self the broad coarseness of his brother scrupulous propagandise, offering escape the enthusiasm of the onlookers to the Has, HsSss Sea'eefl, Balls or Dinner ' from poverty andsocial depression,offering voidest pitch. After a shortrest Cyr once Parties. preachers inthe church. so**l ED Two do9rs tomi Barrßtt a ; Lock-up Bin Cases provided for race meetings. WiQc?PA aiTrn ShallI let-himspeak for himself ? Does acres for the mere trouble of occupying' more appeared and went through a series I^ir^if w/AKKAIy X>ic:iics, ice. PieMa vote tfao addre!l3 to arosd ncatokes. 8" jj OV anyone wish to hear the inspirations of promising high throneß in heaven, and on of heavyliftingperformances,the principal OUR TEAS WUiob packed and forwarded (freight paid) to 2To oeonaaiion"with anyother ahap. any. Port inNew Zaalaadoa reooipfc ol ramittaaoa thelast faith humanity has chosen for its earth also, if the saints will only gather, of which was thgliftingoi two dumbbells *n>^<~^ ABE possession satisfactory reforanco. tied baok, imprewed march and take of their 4701 b. He thokteat Tools or together, weighing caught isapceted sod^siU guide? y?—**^ HairJßg STILLINCREASING INPOPULASITT. Achoiceselection of finest Indian andHavannaa Apphaaceo, I the rope in the middle, and with one ssaeHa to 3£ako, to Cuiw Bings, Piaa, Cigars. No. Such travQsty of true religion is oldestates inIllinois and Missouri." We had by thia time approached the finger lifted them some distance from -**^ very sorry comedy, yery tragical farce. ' go jtaCTse-igrusaaaspto'.»Bß io puac«O3 eaa» aaoj^i ty&gs. PEICES OF POPULAR BLENDS:55 MACHINES, Vulgar rant and cant, and a muddle of upper end of the ellipse. Sizzum, as tho ground." Ifc will be seen that JOHN WALLER & CO., s textsanddogmas,are disgusting to hear, quartermaster, had done his duty well. nodescriptionia given of how this great s 6D« s 4PI 2 2 TIMBJBB AND COAli MERCHANTS, land-arks, lifting blue -each-roofed with feat was great The done. There are various and wouldbe wearinessto repeat. Sizzum's sermon suited his mixed its hood of white canvasstretched on hoops, ways of lifting. In the hand lift the Tuam Stesbt, RICH.MALTY ASSAM 0d 2a Kailway Siding— Windmill road, character.He waaAaronandJoshua,high- were in stout, serviceable order wheels,, athlete grasps two handles, and with FINEST CEYLON 2s So WHICH WE INTEND SSLLINQ THIS simply hia grip to connect himself to the priest and captain combined. He made axlesandbodies. azed BuPP'y. a LOWEST CDS .J2ICNT iiATiSS. everydesoiiption hisdiscourse bulletin for to-day, general "Within these nomad cottages order or load, lifts mainly with his legs. In the of orders for to-morrow. Hewarned against chaos reigned, according to the tenants. harness lift a strap passes over the BUILDING MATEEIALS, ! BRAND know W only shoulders, to thevalue athlete's to which is attached the perils of disobedience. He raved of Somepeople seem ; Inclnding the joys and privileges of Latter-Bay of rubbish. Theyguard old shoes, oldhats, theload, and then, standing between two Eed, White,andBlack Piuo SEASON. or Saintahip on earth and in heaven. He crackedmug3, battered tins, as articles oi parallel bars of a height so that ho can Totara,Kauri, and iiottlod heapedvindictiveandtruculent anathemas virtu. Some o£ the waggonß were crowded exert with both his arms and his legs, Baltic, 9x3,9 x 3.11jc3 ICattci upon Gentiles. He gave his audience to withsuchcherishedtrash. Somo hadbeen he straightens these members, and, as Timbor, sft audGffe Palings V.D.L. by wayeide, tho it can be imagined, negotiates a muoli understand that he held the keys of the lightened ofsuch burdens Lysaghi's OrbIron.ajid othor SEPARATOR BUTTER brands EnightBavan'a, andColoniai Cement kingdom j if they yielded to him without and co were Bnug and orderly nestling- heavier weight than when hands alone places; quite-outnumbuttharafs neats used. Iv to the at regard lifting u ppllo^tioa are feat Prices and Twins on. te KauriFlitahes, weoctedsizes question,theyweresafe inlife andeternity; SUPPLIED DAILY. ! Montreal, the probabilites are that the Kauri, Red and Whit3 if they murmured, they were cast into bered the wren's nests. Pino Flooring Lining, Arcbiferavoa, Mouldings, Shelving; nnd outer darkness. It wasterrible tosee the A small, neat waptgon stood near the lifter stood between parallel bars underSkirting,under cover, raady forimmediate man's despotism over his pro3elytes. A headof tho train. We might have merely neath a platform, with hia body bent> and ÜBO rumbleof Amen3from the crowd greeted glanced at it, and passed by,.as we had raised the load by straightening his arms, INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. (CT| COFFEE DoorsandSa3hes, Builders* Ironmongary. J/Ji%\%, \ft " The blendingis entirely atten|J-«K A Ajft / B \,(iA Ai Ay MASON, STRUTHERS CO. alike every threat andevery promise. done elsewhere along the line ;but, as we backand legs. The harness lift reeqrd ia Suppliod,FreshGiound on thePremises, Mr. Nelson himself, %HHIj Ma«HfiS^_ by ded to b , Curtis; W. B. H P HdUvi 'W VS. by the handlift is caught by 32391 Sizzum's discourse lasted half an.hour. approached, our attention was of great experifare and Unadnlterated. JJ'V«* v _|^_ VW¥ M WttusciW, m whoisaanTaster and Larrap.. They were nosing 1442£1 b, by D.L. Dowd. Cyr is credited 4 las had a .special 7T« dismissed his audience withan Amen, Murker ffl af^Zl&vTk. \K enc COALS AND FIEEWOOD. ? in a record b , style tndoing intothe little with of done in the prying waggon,.from about, (M a 35361 thoart." // £ifs«2.Ka «\ andan injunction to keep closer to the » TWC inEZ M HEBAL3). he uses. His generally physique ;!9.iX^ diatance. When of which is TIMAitU they caught.sight us, SPIRITS, #'X* WINES AND to-morrow, andnot be V\ "Thisfirmdeservesthesuptrain on themarch r s COUNTRY ORDKES promptly executed, and. crrasTcaufiCH, §Jtjj* specially adaptedfor this kind of exercise, turnedand skulked away. " r*l^ /S' y# v delivereddirectfro^i tao oidiuif rabbling off to-catch grasshopers because they "What otallpurchasers ofTea 355 r^i \li t » /'/ J4f?"l"l!ra w*L w V\ porttlie and a glanco at him would impress one ><ri:#tf*\ por gal. are those vermin abouti? said S;er AUSTRALIAN TOKAY WINB. 153 '^ey andhandsomer than the ar ''c' e k ty *L^ vf\ ? they werebigger ■««*' li sWa 6^« «*<7q <Trt^«^ifir-vd a, A.y thatheshould 3tand almost any strain in we AUSTRALIAN FRONTIGNAC WINB. 16s 6d Brent. L-^E5^S*%55 "Slfl, vSi superior toinanything Lancashire kind." per gat. haveseen tbaColony." hQj C^PmrtnSrlßsf Mr "Selecting, perhaps, a Mormoness this line. His height is five feet five t-% "And this is one of the religions of the VERY OUD POBT, 45sperdoz. inches, andhis weight 2471b. ' a,pronineteenth century, andsuch a manis its to kidnap to-nighfe, or planning a burJs(!B3iste£fi&zL-.|NV-V "Mr.Nelson is Vr.RY OLD SKKEJIY, 46sperdoz. ,C/ fffn \h. *£\ spokesman," said Brent to me, as the glary." GOOD SCOTCH WHISKEY, aia 6dpor Gal loathe aa I anyone "Ihate to loathe meetingbrokeup,and westrolledoffalone VERY OLD SCOTCH VrHISKSY,2Sa 6dpargil knowais Sakdbes ivndSohs' haveknown brutes enough The boat medicine those fellowß. I THOUGH M § l!! Koie.— ThisMachi110 has already tatan TWENTT to" inspect the camp. PRICES: VEEY OLD BBANDY, 60aper gal EtrcAlTPii Extkact. Test its eminent powerful Itis a shame toall churches that they in mylife to havebecome hardened or in- eficcte incoughß, colds, influenza, &c— thelelief is PINJBST JSNdJiIdH ALB, quartß, 12s pordos. FiVK PIKST PR:Zi.S thia Season ia time, give butthese freshenmy Lnstantaneous. 'Xhoosands thomost gratifyhavenot trained men tojudge of evidence, different by thiß PIMSST ENGLISH ALB,piutj,Ss pardoz. ingtestimony, fijiMajesty the KingofItaly,and see them." - _ui> everytime I and 60 rendered such a delusion impos- disgust " Ithought syndicates all over the globe, are its medical Australia. wehad come toa crisis with patrons. Bead the official reports that accompany sible. OUK WELL-KNOWN ASSORTED CASE3 OF eachbottle. Wehave uo occasion to oifor rewards "Bat Christianity tolerates, and even them this afternoon, when you collared in WINES ASD SPIKtTS, proof oi iht> genuineness ofour references The reveres,myths andmythic histories ; and Larrap." reportaofmedical clinica ftndUiuversities. ONE DOZ, 343. "You remember my presentiments official snch toleration and reverence offer theofficial communication of the Consul-Gonerai CHRISTMAS AND NEW premiums on the invention of new about them the night they joined us. I for Italyoi Melbourne;the chcloinaawardedlnternational Amterdam— all afraid will serveus a Kihibilion. thesa ore PATENT No. 3333. they yet shabby am v mythologies likethis." documents, and, as such, hoc openits G.I.C. EINOAID'S G.I.C. YEAE GIFTS. "We, in our churches, teach that trick. Their 'dixonary,' as Shamberlain authentic doubt. WeaddJiere epitomeof one ot the various of i 3 treated raßcality unabridged it, Professor, by eiiegen, called an cases HJ>. &c.: ABTESIAW t WELLS' phenomena-canaddauthorityto truth.; we 161, COLOMBO STREET, ofthe righthaud throughtheezplosion of necessarily invite miracle-mongers, Joe edition." "Such carrion creatures should not be Burning AUCKLAND, WELLIMOTOM, GHRISTCHURCH, DUMESiN. Windmills, Pumi,3, HydmuUoBams,Gas assoaUoilstove. Theepidermic on the volax and SPLENDID STOCK. Smiths,Pio Nonos, to produce miracles to he. ChonJeliors, palmer edde of the hand of the thirty-year-old ASS AT patient wascompletelyseparated andlifted up as Every article requuradin tho 'jasfittinj,Plum!) allowed about sucha pretty cage." sustainlies." A<zSHTS EYSHY faras the joint of the hand. The likewise lifted ing,and Jiagmeeriug trade3. Pipe work of evory "Itis, indeed, a pretty cage- Some nails "I suppose," said Brent, that 222, COLOMBO BTREET. hangingloose,andhalf oftho phalanxof were 2881 dosoriptton at lowest ratas. 26' Artoajan 'Wdll' than have Phyllis we seen superstition must be the hand-maid of neater-handed the nail of the middle finger was coaled. The ahreadysunkbymyPatent Machinery. IN MEW Z 3aLAND. thus contracted healed in throe weeks & CO., XfflAS PBESEJSTS. religion, except in minds very holy, or hashad the arranging of the household vjounds COLLS under dailyj"application oi the. Eu lypti.Extract OAAA TONS SOIID WJSEKLT. " i very brave and thorough in study. By gear within." Eow, Behboud onatiaut has.retained hefull use of I ; "Yes; the mistress of this rolling dressing, her hand. fADVT.I andby, when mankindiseducated toknow (Next Kmsey andCo.'a), I EHGINBTCE,&a., NEW GOODS. i COAL that theology is a science, to be in- mansion has notlostherdomesticambition. WHOIiE3AIiE AND HETAIO 108 and 209, iiohflold stroat. Hasbuea proved beyonddoubt to be tho , ss*Booonunanded by "tha moat Distinguished GltE¥ vestigated and tested like a Ecience, Thisisquite themodel waggon of the train. HAY, COE« & &ESEP.AL PRODUCE STOH3. ■ Drapery, Clothing, &o. MOST KCOisOMICAL. not disdain Sizzum's Refinement doea THE juggle Elaaibarß of the MedicalProfeßsioß. Pnxeat Honnariam and every like will beIjASTINQ. CLEAN, BLBAT, STfiONG AND Procurabla. Aa a Tonic and Stimnl&nt it pilgrims ; as eccesignumhere !" comeforever impossible." COAL AND FIB.EWOOD iIEECHANTS. If H4YB TOSTBBCEIVED FQOMENGLAND Spin*%j\Jjd Jo JtuHif cannot be snrpsasad, giring tone and life to tiuv COJaE AND SBB. beobtainedfrom any Coal Morohant,samn "Certainly; false religions always pre- "The pretty cage has its bird, pretty system. The deplorable eflects which havefol< A Liberal AdvACc'os toFarmersandOthers on all piion asNewcastle, or WhoLsaale and Kotail \J soldindarthe origin and a fresh too, perhaps. See! there is some one compounds tend to lowed the nsa of Tile sorts from our own namsofSohnAppfrahouldbo* caution to th^publio RAILWAY batch of mysteries. Let Christianity behind that shawl screen at the back of otQ^eralProdueo. CHQICE QJ? NOVELTIES SIDINGand DEPOT— FAISGEAVE GH<r.EBPIE'S ELEPHANT BRANDICOFFBB' topurohaseoniy STKEKT; QBJJBEAIi COMMISSION AND discard its mysteries, and impostors will the waggon." PE®B¥, J. FINANCIAL And job 9 A&ENTS. SUiTiXLK at LYTTELTOiI— HuIk Lnna. longbeenrocofrnißcd as themoat eoitaMa bird has Murker and "The divined havesoeducatederedulityto aid them." Or oxSteamers. Breakfast BeTerngd, it beiug dalicioua U FASHIOUABLB CASH TAILOE, So Brent and Icommented upon the Larrap, andis hiding,probably." i XttAS PBESBNTS. Ohristchurch Oifico3— Corner Blauchosterand thorougnly wholesome. and flavour "Comflj wo have stared long enough; Highstreets. Sizzum heresy and its mouthpiece. We LTD., GREY VALLEY COAL CO., 200 CO^PIIBO-BTBEET. abhorredthe system, and were disgusted letus walkon." THOALA3 BEOWN, Local Manager. with its apostle, as a tempter and a (This Stor-7/ vntt be continued in our issue of Sold bymost Grooers in1,3,i,7, 14, wai.HSOiVaa, fifTAUTPQ -OATEOHISB THE INTBODUCEK OP IU, COLOMBO ST. | 114, COLOMBO ST. MTTT.Q knave. Yet we could not feel any close Saturday-next.) JllxlijLlKJj <UJLlA.Jlil^JCit3 personalinterestin the class he deluded. MEDitrnr peice clothing. N. OATES, They seemed too ignorant and doltish to To Oveecoiom Wbakitbsb. P«jjpcr'u Quinine WATCHMAKEE AND JJBWELLEK, WHO&ESAI.S BT &.luh UE3SO3ANTSb health, life, gives appetite, and Iron I'onio new spiritual food. 1880. MechanicalEngineer and CyelaExpert. Towhich <000 payoiotena harecertifieditaaxosl. purer need Established inenergy, strength, (-'obility, and nervous cures 238,' Coioubo btjibbtKobih. lenoo and purity over all other atuanlnnta. No ADO AX BniIdorof^EALANDIAROADSTEaS bottles, Bodily foodhad been prepared by the disestkm and ceoxulgis.. H&U-ctowu of Tweed, mude to Kft3 fajailyshoiudieifithoutit. Builder of Z.EALANDIAKAOEBB order,Colonial womenwhilethe menlistened to Sizzum's Evorywliere. insist on bavinsPepper'e. [Advt.J SUITS ; front Bnildorof BOVK.EB THE MIL li. DfAMOND-FBABrE gracebeforemeat. A fragrance of baking Alunar rainbow of the finest description TKOUSBBS of .' Colounl Tweed -|OS (*T> Builder of CBOSS-FRAMK EOVKBS " breadhad pervadedthe air. A thousand wasobserved in Vienna the other night. made to ord«r,;f rom, With Slolug Btm-beariugs throughout, Plated ■jr»Trn"SSrrf>finr> '..-*■"*"' \ -H.TTr\ OTir A T»m I'artß, wid Painted andLinedivITirat-olass-stylo. Jj lQWOOD AHI) j slices of fat pork sizzled in two hundred First there was a doublo bow, andafter- Bl Woratod COAT AND VJEST, ** * nnS _,AN!I,IsT T.wrwKieiM! SMAKJ. Pnoo u.Ld DesoripUou en Applioatioa.Two.v v Excelloat"Valao,,toorder. PTnatßßiiiJ. frying-pans, and water boiled for two wards a treble bow. The phenomenon Tricycles. S hundredcoffee ortea-pots. Saints cannot lasted from12.3atff12. A Good Selectionof solelyliveonsermons. «W,OOO etVEU AWAT TO COLOKIAL ANT> KOMTE TWEEDS walkedabout tosurvey the AND Btent andI BUTEES OF A BOTTLE OF "' i CAUHOKi— Coosmoaa COATINGS WoUe'a Bctaappa, WHISEX camp. We stopped wherever we found BBEADALBANE PorHote3 8 aaiX aoo^ i^wofany those wha teto ot ft jmadirirmny, bJvjuM Eleetro-platin? in Nickel, Copper, Brass, GHoagoW. by Shipped AlfflU.FCTgaaon&Co., ?^^ the^mJgranfeß sociable^ and chatted with tote kept«ool&i»ns are mson IQ«ST Selected Stock o Monuments in the osUy by AIWAIS m and re<i«iTO<l tt T£O3 BOEELEr*** ppandiaae Maeohaota, Stow-. STOCK. Silver Qild. Factia&nrfrom.all TOne JHCoiß^_^a^V3BeMaaa^ >fai then* 3S>e/ wese^dtiesgßr-to know3iotE. Wiimm.n.iUtt.MLjHiii.■"'gjjg'j*iftwih»ra> jßgfflH LITERATURE. mes .moktimee; K^fi ■ 1 —— "■ IRONMON6ERT — l^^^^^o'^^^^"i-:^':-:-^\ — — T. J, W A T T M B S, "THSMOBEL COOKING EANGB MAKEE, LOCKSMITH AND PLUMBER, ROBERTS . ... ... ... "WEBT CMSIBTCHUE€M, 2iB TUAM AIT&EI WAREHOUSE, . / ROBERTS, and General KTMASSiStt, i^^m^^^o^^^^W^^os\ i^l^il^fe^S^C^li^ti^felp — AITKEN -150 RETAUTSHOP-^' STliEE'fi 1 aiijSiSgis^a^irtiiiiipi I -" 3 ill i«iliiPiii^^lll|f s I s * liiipiliiii^Piili! Ig — I GltAimH FABMEBB. 2b For — — Ib. H. STEWART, "JTjTiiLii^ co. — CISSSsI ¥i^RRAM"^ SUGAR. **^\ttt» tt^s!f\ fli&^&il***^*^ — SUGAR, R. kennett, - l^ *^ &k? WE faffScn (gLEANi^^ | KINCAID^S 1 '^^^TT' 4f O-XCo - — A^%3s'K *° — * I . /^S"^ * /M '* " ) . f^R^^irai\ **^ i ** J^|^f|*%%s»-^.'^\^. %. . DEEP WHERE. — j SAWTELL, .GREATEST .DEMAND THOMAS~*DANKB, 1 TALLEY — . W. — HAS Eeai^kdia Crciß "Woeks . — ... ... ... ■ ;-:_..-^:AI-;t^Ml< r, j..f",'- ■■"'-'■-■■*■;-'■'■'.'■■■■-■* ' ... - ,- SSSSIS-- ._...__: — —— — QAS^lEH^B^^rai^^if' IMBBOVEd'iCE CJIESTS r^l^f^l^ <^^u: ' THE STAH, MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1890. 1 — LYTTELTON. Business Notices Business Notices. SHIPPING. nnHECHEISTCHTJECH DEHTAL SUSQEBY "EveryMan tohis Trade," JL a Customer buys One Pound's worth of Goods, IF wedon't give him Toy or common Ornament called aPresent,but Jan. 25 Branner, s.a., 442 tonß^ Ewan, SHILLING DISCOUNT. from Wellington. Union. Steam ship Com- and this ONE not only as a Special Puff during the pany, agents. Christmas month, but allthe yearround. tons, Orowaiti, s.s., 286 Jan. 25 M*DonaH, from Westport. Union SteamSpecial — — — — — AT THE S. MYERS & CO., Eirmaid. WAITEBD, Lytt.lton. Apply British. Hotel, Feok ' Readings of Ihstbumhnts at 'Office or this Journal : ; I * ! "ANTED, good General Servant. Apply aud atter SATURDAY NEXT we shall W to Mis R. "W. Gnratham, Eoyal Hotel, SELL OFF Whole of our Large.aud Lytielton. ON Well-ossorted Stook of S ; » go * '"I * ......... ... <a n I slI*9 A g| « 30-25 .0 65 fe.W. Pine 30-00 51 74 JN.K. Pine 23-76 56 80 N.E. Fine 2t 30*01 51 60 E. Dull 25 , 300* 49 63 N.E. Fin. „ -.. 30*3_ 27 53 66 IN.E. Dull E.r.atAKir3. Fino weather likely to continue. Hiph \ru!;er at Lytcelfcon to-morrow :— Morn inc.10.16; afternoon, 10.33. WANTED, 21 22 thb « -2 a £ « v"3 2? « *5 the Jan. 25 Akaroa, s.s., 43 tons, Harris, from Akaroa. Kinsey and Co., agents. all and value 769 General Drapery and Jan. 25— Croydon Lass, Bchooner,. 51 forla7d ALL WOOL FBENT3H GOODS, Is 3d, tons, Moore, from Waitapu. CufE and 10 pcs price Is9d warehouse Clothing. Graham, agents. STEtfE HOMESPUN,2lines, 5dand sfd, 804yds cheapat 8d < Jan. 25 Banks Peninsula, s.s.,123 tons, FINE CAMEL HAIB STRIPES, S\d, Aa it is our intention in future to confine our Keeble, from Dunedin and way ports. 437yds worth Is operationsto one shoponly, eitherone of Kinaey sa»d Co., aucenta. Only5 pcs STBIPENUN'S VEILING,newshades, Is3d, good valueforIsBd. our Establishments, in High street Jan. 26 GlencSirn, schooner, 69 tons, or intheMarket Place, j&ti&tl.aiißtPf.S Burton, from Thames. J. B. Way, agent,j For theremainder of the season wepurpose tons, will be |"CL3AEING OUE MILLINEUY AT GEEATXY TEE'J'H EEPLACED TEMPOEAEILY almost Jan. 26 Mahinapua, b.s., 205 immediately decayed hEDUCED PEICES. after the extraction of Toddj from Dunedin and way porta. TO LET. teeth or stamps, thus SAVINGthe patientall Valuein SteamshipCompany, Special Union DUST CLOAK3. agents. the inconvenience of hem? months without teeth, CLEARED. Early ApplicationNecessary, and THISNBW SYSTEM is now advised by the Jan. 25— Wild Waye, barque, 237 tons, jLONEYCLIFFE CJ/AEEY, AND highest authoritiesin England»nd America, THEGOODSABSOLUTELY SLAUGHTERED! Fisher, for Hobart. Caff and Graham, The Seady-SToney Drapers, ; "SS' i_ & Job Lines in DEESS MATERIALS Fawns, 13d, ydsBEIGES, Greys, ship Company,agents. REALISATION' SALE! OCATAGOM' SUEGEON DENTIST3. PERSONS ADYBRTISING FOR SSRTTiSTSoro Tufeby-informeA that they canleave ADDiiSSSSS and any ether inforauiUcnai THIS OEffIGS. SPECIAL _„_„ COEHXB 09 CASHEL AND HIGH STEBETS, Jia&ZDTS. AITD a THE WEATHER. Lats Advertisements. Jan. House,about SevenRooms ;Bnst preferred; rent muse not exceed £10. Tenant, "Times" Office. 9737 ~W7&T ANTED, Girl to learn maobine work. Apply to A. Hurst, 185, Hijfh street. ?¥ Chri_tc_urch. 9735 ANTED, an active Girl for light housework. Apply Mrs Manniiig,Addiecomho, East bßlt andPerry road. 9625 „„ W" 23 WANTED, for two or three months, a P.ddock of Good Grass, from IS to25 TheStar. Acroa, for mares and fonls; must have watar and be securely fenced. Apply to the Manat-tr. Middlepark,Upper KiccartOß. 1511 Mill road.— Mrs R. F.SColoman's \j MuEic Pupils will Resume Lessons on Thursday, Jan. 30. 9733 "Fjl-STATE of M. Iff. Wr.vrP, i'eceaatd.— and byits adoption the face and features are "gents. 206, COLOMBO STEEET, _B__ Persons bavins: Claims aßainst the above kept unaltered, andmastication and articulaLook at the following:— BAILED. tion rendered natural and easy. NO Extra liatate are requested to forward particular's of OneMinute's Walk Northof the Cathedral. MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1890. FeesorCharge ismade for this ADVANCED TRIMMED HATS— same to the Office of Mr H. L. Bowker, Estate Jan. 25 Kahu, s.s., 97 tons, Eomeril, A-<ent, 258, Market Place, addressed to the System ofMechanical Dentistry. Ss 6d for 2s Gd Co., and Kinsey for Chatham Islands. ASinele ArtiScial Tooth (Temporary and 7s 6rt for 3s 6d Executors. Tho.-o indebted to the above »re and Labour Council. Permanent) 10a reqneGted to make immediate Bettleinent to Mr 15s 6d for 8s 6d "gents. Complete Sets EquallyModerate; 25a 6d for 12a 6d S. Hocking, at the Shop. Xn'o. 286, Colombo street Jan.25— Eimutaka, E.M.S.S., 4474 tons, nniSIJSEB, GALVANISE D IEON Highest GEOfiUfc; Workmanship and the Best Claea UNTRIMMED HATS— fcortu. or to eitlisr of theExecutors Greenatreet, for Wellington and London. HTJ-IPeRSiYS (Messrs Fletcher, Humphreysand The establishment in Christcliurch of a Material-'. 3b 6d for Is lid ANDCEMENT 9694 ITrades andLabourCouncil, which already Co.), H.L.BOWKER, E.ecutora. ARTIFICIALTEETHasd DENTITBE3 made 2s Gd for la 3d New Zealand Shipping Company, agents. Dentists, by repaired other or remodelled at 2s 4d for Is. Rotorua, s.s., tons, Neville, 576 Jan- 25— THB HOUSSHOLDHiBS OP SYDEN- represents a body of tradesmen andlabourSMALL COST, 2s for lOd fino ComSteamship aydenhwnBoiough Council has PAINLESS EXTEACTIONS. JL HAM.— The 1500, ia a signifor .Dunedin. Union TRIMMED BONNETS— Mesdames authorised Mr T. P. Tait to arrangewithyou to ers numbering close on MITEOUSOXIDE GASPositivelyBafe, perfectly 15s Gd for 5s 6d pany, agents. Passengers Special line of 15t dozen G-WM SHAPED HATS, Number tha Houaos inSydonham. He will supply ficant fact in this city, where the working harmless andeffective. TUAM STEEET. CHEISTCHUECH. 3185 Dudley,Banaford, Misses Baine,Bansford,! aametocaoh, 5s the correct numbor and attach the For Administration Sine Straw, juatreceived,3a 6d for9il. Clary, Griffiths?, MessrsM'Kay, M-'Connell, j house, chargingthe sam Of One Shjlliag. CHAS. people are generally more or less difficult Extraction 23 6d AVLISON, JUN., Town Clerk. Sydenham, Jau. to move upon questions which really conConsultation Free. Thomas, Shiel, Olliver, Temple, Sherwood,| & Hoursof attendance 9 6p.m. ALL OTHER GOODS EQUALLY CHEAP. 27 h,1890. 9733 cern themmost nearly. Itia significant Smith,Dudley. PAINTERS,— Wanted, Tenders forpainting Jan. 25— Wendiir, ship (four-master), TW\O LICHFIELD BTEEET. -_L in abrick house. For particularsapply F. especially when we call to mind thai 1982 tons, Corrance, for London. New Turvey and *on, Ferry road. 9733 previous efforts which were made towards Zealand Shipping Company, agents. ! -_ S _"_£"._; ■_:, the woaderin town,at Schlesi_g_r*s. something like a general union of operaEx Hnrnnuiand Wellington, Jan.25 Penguin,b.s.,442 tons,Bernech, j J_ 4?5 tives, ended in failure. for Wellington. Union Steamship ComThen the more MARKET PLACE, and Kasy Pipes, Is 6d aud 2s,each nt respectable or better class of working mer pany, agents. Passengers Miss Clery, Echlesinger's. 485 Hamilton, child, Messrs j PBOM BESTMANUFACTUEEBS ONLY. Mrs Cooper and and Rrfci_ans hold aloof from what was AJJD Caporal 'l'urkijh Tobacco; Package Hidings, Wilson, Koston, Teers. 20,for Is,or three pickets for 2s 6ti, apparently the agitation of a fewdisaffected InspectionInvited. Time Payments if required. contains CORNER HIGH STEEET AND FERRY MOVEMENTS OF THE UNION BTEAMSHIP 1305 AND at Schlesinijer's,the well-known Cheap Tobac- spirits :now, there is a general nioveiaeni I COMPANY'S STEABI3BS. conist. 455 amongst operatives, in whichitis evident USE 03LY ROAD. Monday (thisday). The Wanaka arriveß Pu&V, three large Packets for 2s 6d; are early from Wellington, andleaveslate m tipped, Schloainger's. these am'oerat 4.5 that the men who aresuperior are taking the afternoon for Wellington, Taranaki, an active part. The recent strikes in the TUIiKISIfBATHS. andManukaa. The Mahinapua leaves for "trade. old countries may have something to dc COMPAEE QUALITY. Nelson, TaranaM, and Manukau in the VV ANTED, all Gontlemoa to know that furthering the movement towards head, }lb, notoxoaarting for Westin andlibtins. Cash advertisementsnrderthis by afternoon. The Orowaitileaves Sold Grooers R. HALL fourteen words, willbe charged SIXPENCE. amalgamation, but the difficulties thai Will OFFICIATEintheabove Bathson portdirect. "Dunedin, 2flthDeer.,1889. THURSDAYSand FRIDAYS. have lately occurred between employers ! hey SHIPPING TELEGEAMS. xS ccc y. k kj0., "S. C. Brown. SAJ-E This Day. Ouapkbe,Jan. 25. andemployees in the tailoring trade here D.1.C., Christchurch. Manager MANUFACTUEEBS, SS7 Daily for allDiseases at our Water Treatment " Sailed—^Waireka, for Wellington. I havemuch pleasure advising Establishment. havehad more to do with waking up the street, Christchurch. Licbneld 5620 Day! SALfii yon IOALLAMTYNE'3 This that theD.I.C. tenderfor th« 121, Caehol straet, Christohurcb, and at Poet Chalmbes, Jan. 26. workmen in other trades to a sense of the XS> 587 whole ot our exhibits, as shownat Octason, Dnneuin. 7560 Arrived, Jan.25 Invercargill, from Intbe New Zealand and frouthSeas necessity of action for their mutualbenefit Star, ~OALLANTYNE' JDay. from Oamaru. H SALE This Tercargill. Beautiful Exhibition, Dunodiu, has been _O "We are now witnessing only the beginning accepted, 587 Jan.26: Wakatipu,fromTimaxu. Eotorua, J, H.Mobbisoit, of a movement whichis gathering strength from Wellington. Brunner, from LytT OST, Huno'reda ot Sore Throatsand Colds b^ AND DEUGGIST, CHEMIST Manager, J J using Colamano's Eucalypti Honey and "B U E BUY FOR CASH each day, andof which, it will be interesttelton. IjOZ0Ui?O8w . 502 "MoegielWoollen Company." AUSTEAUAN SHIPPING. ingto watch the development. Atpresent AUD a Certain Core for Rheumatism, Sydney, Jan. 26. J Diphtheria, aronchitis, Asthma, Colas, &c, it may be noted that the Council has laid Arrived— Waihora andTe Anau. by using Coieuane Eucalypti andSou's Oil. 502 CORNEK out for itself a task that will be found Hobaet, Jan. 26. SORBS, Bad Breasts, Bad Legs, Skin Eeferringto theabove telegram, by no means light, a3 will appear from Ditienses, oomplotaly enred with Colomana Arrived Coptic atmidnight. She sailed KILMOEE IBS BABBADOES STREETS, \JP pleasure in advising TVehave much the andSons EucalyptiVictory Oiatment. at four thia afternoon for New Zealand. 5C2 REDUCTIONS the following definition of its functions Public of Canterbury that tho Beautiful CHEISTCHUECH. LI-.Chemists uud brocers Sell Colemane aj"d She brings thirty-five passengers for AusCollection of Mopgiel Manufactures,oouIH which has lately been circulated : Son's 'feinoalypti. A-k for ciroulara. 50 eistiuKof .Blankets,flannels.Dress TweedH, tralian porta and ninety-one for New FLOUR (1) To act as a Board of Conciliation and Shawls, Hosiery, Bugs, &c, &c, were Kuown— Balance Summer Sun« Zealand. siecinlly by Mosgiol shadep. manufactured the Is each. Warehoncßinan's stock OATMSAIi ElegantNovelties,New Perfumes,So., for Arbitration for the settling of any differWoollen Company for tbaNew Zealand and Rihhons half-price. Heath's hale This Day. 2951 the Season,at SUGAR SouthSeas Exhibition. All thedesignsare ence occurringbetween Societies or Laboui SMpplng. Boys' reserved for the successful teuderor. ana Known— nnd Youths' f.nd SEDUCED PSICES. 466 Unions represented on the Council, and foj Mr Hallenstein, tho Chairman of the Men's Ready-made CiothiDg at sa'e <m m & 1.1.C, informs us that duplicates are fT^HEMailSteamer nrices for twenty-onedays. Bsath's Sale. 2051 the settling of any dispute between beingr forwarded to Christchurch Ware'UJS. /"ANTED Kuown— 2s,ooo yards Drefs StuSa employers and employed which may be house. TEA MERCHANTS, slauglitered. to bo Vf Beath's Sale This submitted to it for consideration. (2) Tc Day. Xevres LytteltonJor Pigeon 2951 125 and 127, Lower High street (opposite E. C. BEOWN, Bay every endeavour by a discreet and sfceadfaal Armstrong's), and FRIDAY, SMITH, E. Feather Dresser. Glovas TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and policy to secure the best possible advanLlamasztc. dyed, 159, and Hat? Hats road, Sydenham. Cleanod. Colombo SICS ajsu, returningday. At B.SO «ama Armagh dtreeteaat. 6769 tages for all classes of labour over th< Fares— One Shilttng-each way. 1 ForLittle Akaloa,Okaiu's and Le Bon's Bays, to Builders and Contractors. S i interests of which the Council is designec VICTOR, Glazier, Paperhanger, and "very TUESDAY andFRIDAY,at 2pan.,returnto watch. (3) To discuss,decide, andpui Painter, is now prepared to do Priming' and ing next day. Glazingfrom 3Jd per foot, Paperhacgwg-s at 4d into force any scheme which may b< For Akaioa,viithe Bays, every FRIDAY,-at rer piece, aud other work at equally low rates. Spjn^returning-on SATURDAY. forward for the better guidance oJ 130, Gloucester street. 3350 "OTIGHEST AWARD GOLD MEDAL,PARIB direct,everyTUESDAY, p.m^ at 2 For Akaroa 4313 QHEEP-sMKAIts, every brand to seleot from; Trades-Unionism. (4) To useits influence by thaFavonriteSteamer BANK&PENINSULA*KZ) also a larife stook of Turkey Stones. T. IS. EXHIBITION, 1889. retumingonSUNDAY. YDEOKINONE ! HYDKOKINONEi I Calvert, Ironmonger,147, Colombo street: in support of,orinopposition to,,anyBill oi 381 The New Developerfor Dry Plates. Passengers booked throngh to Akaroa, via Bills affectinglabour whichmay bebroughi CASES PigeonBay, connectingwith ooaoh. just opened New Goods GOLDKN FABEIC, out es _T Teinui. Black, Beattio andCo. 120S before the Parliament of New Zealand KINSEY 4CO., The New Medium, recommendedby Capt.Abney. alltheBestSewingMachines "In a contest with Cbrißtehnrch andLytterton. 60 CUOB3ED SWOEDS, (5) Inthe event of any trouble occurring Linesin Millinery,Hosiery, Frillings,and Albumenised Paper, pinkand mauve, Laces at verylow prices. Black, Beattionnd Highest Honourshavobeen attained by the the Council shall advise each Society: oi Co. 1208 AndotherPhoto. Goods, perToDgariro, Amtieements,Meetings, &c. Labour Union affiliated to Bupport, bj 95 Cleariot; Departments in all "OEMNANTS at AL T EE OTJCEIIUQ'S JLftJ Prices. every ineanß in its power, only thosi 120S Black. Beattie andCo. Stationery,and Photo.Stock Warehouse, TB E AL. employers who study theinterests of theii ® £9, and 91, MANCHESTEE STBJBiET, Bargains in Summer Goods to effect Chriatchnioh. Under the Managementof K3 aclearance. Black,Beattie andCo. 1208 employees. Agents for New Ze4_._kd US BEOUQH AND MR BOUCICAUXT. "ANTED,Purchasers for a splendidlotot The following particulars will serve t< Reed, Second-hand Furniture. A. 142 to give an idea of the present position of th< Manager andTreasurer JamasE. Kitts Bnsiness 140, High street. 2223 M'liityre Stage Manager Assistant A. & U D B O N %^J 0., Trades andLabour Council. The numbej ~. H.J.Magee TouringManager., Everybody to seeDutohandBull's Photographs, Popular prices. 113, VicSTREET, CHRISTCHUBCH. 1081 of members of the various Societies affi WE HAVE GREAT PLEASURE COLOMBO TO-NIGHT! TOJJIGHTI toria street. 933 liated to the Council is, in one or tw< MONDAY, JAN. 27th. NOTICE EXTRAOKDINARY. ANTED Known— Furniture Bousrht, best instances approximate,but innocase /is i IN prices,by J. Bownun, Victoria street. 73 fjnHE Most PopularManknownin New Zealand. over-stated : And Buyers for travelling OFFEEING THE PUBLIC Iron after- an-Absence of four OF HATTEB AND HOSIEU, OperativeBootmakers' Union Betnmto Christchurch, _gi Trunks. H. Atkinson's, Manob.estor years,of the Curpen tors' ana Joiners* AmalgamatedSociety Si street. 6635 is Canterbury Typographical COMEDIAN Association INIMITABLE! id "VfTR"} AN'L'JiD Kuowh— Clearing Sale Men's Cantarbury Bookbinders and Paper Eulors CANTERBURY THE MOST TV Tweed Suits, 28s 6d for 18s 6d. F. AmalgamateI Tradea Union of Tailors, n Gabites, Victoria street. THORNTON, Tuiloreßses, andProsaera 60( Lytteltpn Shipwrights*Union Who will appear-in his '* ig(2 "ANTED Known— Cleariug Salo— Bovs* The publicof Christchurchand Suburbs will find, Kaiapoi Trades andLabourUnion ,„ ."" Knicker Suits, 8s 6d now 5s lid. F. givento them in WORLD FAMOUSIMPERSONATION theBest Value ever United Society of Boilermakers andIron Shi'i> bites,Victoria street. Ga builders "" 4 or the SHIETS, HATS, TIES, AND TJNDER- OxtoidLabour , Union yi SEVROBERT SPAXDING Known Clearing Sale Men's Trade and Agricultural Labour Union of CLOTHIjSTO, Co-its, reduced to 12s 6d. F. Paget InHawtrey's nnpreoedentedly Sneoessfnl Belfast «i shop, At the noted Gabites, Victoria street. Comedy Painters* Association ",', "4! NEXT TO THE BEEHIVE,HIGH STREET. Operative AmalgamatedButchers' Ueiou 5;' to Buy. Second-hand Furniture, Bangiora Trades and Agricultural Xiabour J, any quantity; prices. in best cash GTiOVER will supply H. the Gentlemen of EVER SHOWN. , Union Bowman, Viotoria street. g( 7773 Christchurch-withtheGrandestAssortment oflies Supportedby "ANTED Known— Quantity Toys for Sale ever seenin this City, andtheCheapest. T^t.%l BSOUGH AND BOUCICAULT'S BPBCIALLT price, below cost suitableforschool treats. arein aposition to guaranteethat never THELATEST FASHIONB IN HATSAND There are several Associations in ful SELECTED COMEDY COMPANY. 5594 before in New Zealand has such value Christcbnrch Dairy, CasViel street. MERCERY which have not appointed then operation, given offering. Clearing aa woare now Known Sule— .■>tron? _AJo been p rices CAST OFCHARACTERS: west. forCash. Cullandsee GLOVER. Useful Tweeds, Is6d,Is ild, 2s lid. F. 246, HIGH 81REET. When woadvertise any Linos as being Wondar. Gabites,Victoria delegates, or have not as yet held theii Bey Robert Spalding .„ MrFRANKTHORNTON street. fully Cheap, depend you actually am that such ia Next Robinson's Beehive. (As playedbyhimover aeven-bundredtimes in generalmeetingsto diacussthe question oi tbe case,aa we are determined to ALWAYS ACC "ANTED Known— Clenrm? Sale— Flannel, London, America,Australia, and New EIGHT UP TO ODE ADVBBTISKMbiNTS,and affiliation with the Trades and Laboui Shirtings,5Jd, now ajd. F. Gabites, ette Zealand). doing gain theconfidence of the public. by bo to Mr E.C. Corlesse ' Viotoriastreet. MrCattennole Council. These Societies are,however, i_ 204, HIGH STKEK DENTAL NOTICE. DonglasCatt«rmole (hisnephew)MrFrankCates T These Dress Materials are the NEWEST ANTED Known— English Rnbber Wheel full sympathy with the movement, anc Mr G.P.Carey Mr Marßland GOODS DIEKCT FEOM ENGLAND, and the IS THE BEST PLACE TO GO Reed, Perambulators, £1 10 a. A. (hisnephew) really Prices are Hi>h Hairy Marsland ...Mr Eilla Norwood FOB. AliTiTOUE the number of members connected witk OU E, street. 1223 MrSydney Gibson (Tailor of Bondstreet) MrCharlesBrawn Known Clearing Sole Summer them is probably about 1650. Other DENTIST, " M'lncyre MrA. Jackets,6. lid,8s lid,10sGd. F. Gabitea, John Associations areinprocess of formation in 215, Colombo street, Christchnreb. MrWilloughby ~. , Knox Viotoriastreet. i'or QuallityandCheapness hecannot bebeaten. variouß parts of the Canterbury district Charges— Fillings,Ss; Extraction,2s 6d. Mr Allen Gardiner "«. EdithMarsland Miss Ada Lee to Purchase, Second-band FurniFor I'ashionsin Ladies' GoodsSeehis windows... all of which there islittle Eva Webster ,v Miss Lillian Becoomhe Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for painless ture. H.Atkinson's New and SecondMissAnnie Taylor extraction of teeth. Fee for administration,ss. handFurniture Warehouse, Manchester stroat.S3s Miss Ashford to be affiliated to the centralCouncil. One Nothinginthe City equalto it. GoandSee. any Miss Stead Miss Emma Bronton part PATTERNS Posted Froe to of the Known Cloßring Sale 1000 of the chief objects of the Council will be Artificial teeth byarrangement. The artificial Country upon application. ActI.— DouglasCattermole's- Chambers, EOBINSON, Ladies' White Hats lideach. F. Gabites, teeth supplied by Mr Seymour are wellknownin FOUND. to educate the members of the differeni Victoria street. BBEHIVi! BOOT DEPOT. Canterbury for efficiency and durability, many Act H,— MrMarsland's CountrySeat, gets supplied by him being inuse for more than FULL CRY. COM3 AND SEE THE GOODS, Unions to patronise only those firms whe Known— Clearing Sale-One Cose 5611 Act III.— Mr Matsland's Country-Seat, Seventeenyears. Dress Goods, 7Jd,now SJd: F. Gabites, MAILNOTICES. employ Union labour. thus realise what wonderful value we are ' And giving, BUS TO JSABTfI. (or yonwill neveragain get such Victoria street. Monday, Jan. 27. TheComedy Producedunder theSole Directionof A BALM FOR SORE AND TENDER goods prices. at the Clearing THOKNTON. Known Side Rock Mr FRANK FEET. For Northern Porta, per Wanaka, at NEW AND ELABORATE SCENERY. Straw Hats, 2s 3d,now Is. F.Gabitea, S p.m. ; late fee letters, 3.15 p.m. ; chafing, and heals Victoria street. TheHandsomefurnitureandFittingssuppSedby Seeps the Feet dry,prevents spots. sore THINK OF van, 4 p.m. train. JUST GOOD PLAIN guard's MrH.Fnrhniami. i Known Clearing Salo Rook i For Westporc direct, per Orowaiti,at 3 GRAND OECUBSTBA. , QD BOX EETAIL. Hats, soiled, slightly AND FAWN Straw p.m. at 7.15. 8 GREY BEIGES AND 6d. F. open Doors Performance at ip.m. ;late fee letters, 3.15 p.m. ;guard's. [Whilst we welcomeletters on all subjects Gabites.JViotqria street; Carriagesat10.30. , HOMESPUNS of local interest, we must -askour friends Dress Circle,4a ;Stall?, 2s 6d;Pit, Is. Known Clearing Sale Girls' i van, 4 p.m.train. 3d, Thompson's Box Plan at Milner and Music now Is. F. i to condense their remarks as much at Tuesday,Jan. 28. Cashmere Hose, 2s <JSllfl. PEE DOZEN- other houses gat ;;. Gabites, Victoria street. Warehouse. Day TioketsatLevy's, Tobacconist. Otago, per Tekapo, at 11.10a.m.; possible. Of coursewedo notnecessarilj For NOW OPEN. IsperYardfor same goods. adopt the opinions expressed by oui Kuown— Clearing-Sale— Children's late fee letters, 11.20 a.m.; guard's sedo's ' correspondents. Ed. Stab."] Cotton Socks, 2d to 6d. F.Gabitea, van, 12JO p.m. train. NEW SHADES IN OI DEPOSITS reoeived. from 6d upwards, and Niotoria street. For Northern Porte and Sydney, per GYMNASTS,BALANCKRS and TRICKSTERS, interest of Idin the shilling on the monthly try to Tea at 2s and GOBELIN, 28, BROWNS, A NTED, everyone Monday Tuesday, Money goods pur* WillPerform and Jan 27and balance. to be withdrawn for AND GREY "ffTTT" our Wakatipu, at 8 pan. Technical Education. at Mr Pof£'s PapanuiHotel. Sydenham Brass chased, W compare it with any other at 23 4d, and For Northern BEIGES, Ports, per Botorua, at Bandleaves Townat 7p.m.per Tram. Sules free. wo vknow what the result will be. T.H.Papps, p.m. ; High street. 9t24 7.45 late fee letters, 8 pvjn..; Sib, A great deal of attention is occuFRED. FREDO. 1515 OU P£B DOZEN ; usually sold at la l}d I guard's van 9.5p.m. train. PUBLIC MEETING pying the public mind just now on the Yard. "T_7K7"AIITKI>Known— That the Bsst Mauritius or For Northern Porta per Takapuna, at above subject, preserving can behad at the Sugar for that Ithink the following W price; 111, AEMAGH STEEET, CHEISTCHUECH. MASTE3 BUTCHERS ALL THE Brown-Brewing Sugar,at T.H. 8 p.m. also lowest quoted paragraph (from Boys Who ~~" 9124 Papps'» Highstreet. Kingdom, and Will ba-held at the Al HOTBL, Christchuroh, For United Continent of Have Risen" "The Boyhood of James NEW SHADES IN STRIPED Purchase, agood,, strong Hand- Europe via Brindisi (specially addressed Nasmyth," by W. T. Gordon, in "Boy'e THIS EVENING, MATERIALS, Cart. Address L. L. and Co., Stnr only), Point de Galle, Own Paper" for November, 1889), ie correspondence 9687 India, China, Japan, &c, and Australian Office. At Eight o'clock, pbb DOZEN; worthis 3d Yard. worthyof a placeinyour valuablepaper :— Known— Furtherreduction in tb. Colonies (to connect with Tekapo at Port BUBBMBS: A great deal ia now eaid about techOatmeal, price of Roller Flour. Colonitl p.m. at S Chalmers), Every of The Bert LINE consists nical education,bat how little there is of Conceivable 1 Candles,Sago and Tapioca at T.XL Fappß', High the present Slaughtering Duesin To-consider Jan. 30. Thursday, shade in force, and other matters in connection street 942* technical handinessorhead work! Every: For Otago, per Penguin, at ILJ.O a.m.; thing is boughtready-made to their hands, withthe trade. Known That T.H. Papps has AND STEIPED MATEBIALS, PLAIN lately business a.m.; letters, guard's. taken over the carried on latefee 11.20 van, and hence there i A.E. TUTTON; 8 no call for individual hvTaylor, Papps and Co..and is selling cheaper " 12.10 p;m. train. Which are to be ingenuity. Ioften observe in shop win151* W. H.COOPEB. than ever^ 9421 For Northern Ports and Westport, per dows every detail ofmodel ships andmodel "ANTED,persons to suve money by buying theirFurniture from Bead's Furnishincc Brunner, at-12.30 p.m.; late fee letters, "steam engines, supplied ready-made for BLAUGHTEEED AT -«-US DU PEE DOZEN; ' (From the Wellington EveningPress.") "Warehouse, A. Reed, from 142 to 146, High 12.45 p.m.; guard's van,1.25 pan. train. those- who are said to be of an ingenious allreally worthfrom la Si to 2aper Yard. EIBEPATBICK,of Nelson, is keepingup street. and Sydney, per and mechanical P223 For Northern Ports turn. Thus the vital uses his reputationfor real jam." He " has sent "ANTED Known For second-hand ; letters, Furni- Wairarapa,at 3p.m. late fee 3.15 ofresourcefulness are done away with, and u» a sample case of this season's JC brand ture at half the cost of new, try Reed's p.m.;guard's van, 4 p.m.train. Strawberry Conserve, which leaves absolutely a sham exhibition of mechanical genius ia Furnishing Warehouse, High street, from 142 nothingto be desired, eitherinquality or inpreHAVE ALSO JUST OPENED, GENTS' BE CIECULAE JUST ISSUED. Friday, -Jam 31. to 148. 2223 paradedbefore you by the youngimpostors paration. Itisin21b glass jars,very tastefullyput HOSIEBr. Takapuna, Ports, per For at Northern up,and ia perfectly delicious. Itis not jam,but the result, for the most part,of too free Known— We aro prepared togive SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the mightbebetter d^soribed as strawberries in jelly, Some Beautiful Qualities offered at Less thai outMachine Work tomachinists at their 3 p.m. ; late fee letters, 3.15 p.m.; guard's a supply of pocket money. I have known Members-of the the fruitnotbeingbroken, but keeping its sbope homes, weekly London Cost. ; van, 4 p.m. train. and to collect anddeliver thework ' andappearance, only massed together in its own toomany instances of parents being led by to supply Jones Machines to those taking Saturday, Feb. 1. rioh juice. It is suitable for pastry, or for the Alao,Big Tineof PBINTS and GINGHAMS, al *i. also, suchfalse evidence of constructive skill to payment CANTERBURY BEINCH to be made on the out, work HireHalf-price. Bee our Windows. table either as jam or aa a oonserve to be eaten For Akaroa and Otago, per Botorua, apprentice their sons to some engineering systf-m. Apply SkelroD, Prostick and Purchase manufacturers, Children sayit's justbully,and it ib withcream. street,Chri-it- at 11.10 a.m..; late fee letters,.ll.2O a.m. j firm, and, after paying vast snms, Shipment,Just Opened, Big OF THE Boot Hereford Co., 2167 finding gooJ tor them as freshfruit. as ' 6993 guard's van,.12.10p.m. train. AND SHOES, church. LADIES' AND GENTS' BOOTB out that the pretender comes out of the And Novelties in Slippers, AMALGAMATED-SOCIETY OF RAILWAY For Northern Ports, per Penguin, at engineering Bhop with no other practical All offeredat 30 per Cent Lower than any othei f 7.45p.m.; latefee letters, 8p.m.; guard's accomplishment thanthatof glove-wearing SERVANTSOF NEW ZEALAND, For Bala and To li9t. house. PRIVATELY. van, 9.5pan. train. andcigar-smoking."— lam, &c., Will be held £5 to£5000, toreßponsiblepenons,lidies Cashadvertissments under thi.head, notaioeedin? PPA^TTnAT T7IHOM StXPJBNCJB, charged notes willb« wor<iß, gentlemen, u poa promissory or without f ourwen JD proclaimed Jan. 29 has been Note. a ecurity. Farmers' and bona fid* trade bills disAlso to Know.— For Sole,Now Brighton public holiday to celebrate the Jubilee of counted privately on personal application. upon lifepolicies, deeds,mortgages, leases, bills of V V Beach, i-Acre,with Cottage, £35. Tonks theColony, and on thatday thePost Office L.O.L. The monthly meeting of Wicksale,shares,bond warranty,legacies,furniture, and audNorton. JAN. 27, 9733 will be closed. On the night of Jan. 23 lifl Temperance Lodge, No. 36, was held goods. Loans may be repaid weeklyor monthly, BALE, Country Stationers, with good the Office will be open between half-past on Friday, the W.M. Bro Smith in the AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP, oraa arranged, andaalongas the interest is paid oapnblaof extension connection, pushed ; 5 it tiie capital can romain. Communications and " easy. Stationer, "Times" nine and half-past ten o'clock for the chair. There wasagood attendance, the transactions strictly private, M. A. EAPHAEL, 3 I suitmarried man;terms officers also being present, and Atthe Oddfellows' Chambers, Liohfleld Street, Atlantic 9734 delivery of all classes of correspondence. district |Office. Loan and Ducsunt Office. 100, Cashel 2 and 3 Lodges. One street, Chri-tchurch. Postal addreSE, Box 192. cash, Euscli 6h-bnilt, oak var- Mails usually despatched'on Jan. 29 will visitors from No. SA.L«— £26 To Protect Against theVoting as proposediz No goodapplication OR was initiated, and one proposed. isever refused. candidate on Jan. 28. p.m. nished, Dog-cart ; AND nndharneeß at 8 enquire Circular. . CORNER CASHEL COLOMBO befora close the The Grand Lodge representative's report . 9 a.m. or after 6.30 p,m. 49, Gloucester street Kaiapoi Wbs_iK__ust CHARLHS J. RAE, Known.— JOHN J. KEEK, Prac. Linwood. 9665 Chtobch. The was considered very favourable. The reSecretary. tical Watchmaker and Jeweller, 161, ', 1516 STREETS. : IColombo-street, tUuistohuroh, next Al Hotel. of the Secretary, Bro Hooper, annual church gathering of the Kaiapoi signation Watches Cleaned and warranted for twelve i Wealeyanßwas^uccessfuUy held onFriday havingbeen,accepted with regret,Bro W. WELLINGTON XICHAHGK AND LABOUR ; months, Lost and 'Anmd. ' 4b 3d; Clocks Cleaned asd Begulated, MABT W. evening, the Rev P. Fairclough pre- Dalley was unanimously elected. Votes 2s 6d; Brooch Pins fitted, 3d each. A printed i Lambton Qoay< on Sunday evening, between Chrißt- siding. Tables were provided by several^ of thanks to the visitors and dfetrict requiring Servants, ciServanU j L guarantee given with every watch and-olock ro- 7113 s :-;:.; churohjandSnmner,a-hlaok andiwhitecheck. XnMPLOYBBS congrega4ion jij requiring glat»» l -«Hi-jiCgatted.-by^CTlr ait { Mired.JBngUafevrioes.rJOHNJ.XBEEJraoticaJI> intr'AHTJH). >i_i_ji,_Kaec^w» tofitoei^WßgM;ft^^»aßj!;t-i«teDing,to ?o W. ladies --"■"■»«*«» for SPaetmaufeuras,. H. h .bhtatL JEtedeirw^a^^n^etMninKfiarteio ' ■"* -" " — R. W. ENGLAND, - — — —— I MERCBLANT. ! CO,, P. HAYMAN — rT ades — — 40 PIANOS 40 T. ARMSTRONG- AN© CO., | BERRY'S PURE PEPPER. " OPERA BALIiANTYNJi'S ' It.PAINTEH, " OUII MOTTO. " AVON DISPENSARY, — 8~"WBBT SOUTH SEAS EXHIBITION He — EIiEE HEW ZEALAHD JjIOUNJ), BELL CHEAP. A WANTED WANTKD .^_____— * *9BB&bSSBBF H n g % % i ffl . <j . ... M GBAND~OPENING JOB W Davis Vertical Feed. FRANK w s W 5 WANTED, to H g d a o ThePRIVATESECRETARY - ■ WANTKD, WOIBERFUL LINE IN W DRESS MATERIALS | | o — W g i 5" _ ANOTHER TJUUJKIPiL 2}*J H KOT — NOTICB g Ph THEA MBS a C0.,. LEWSET, LIGHT 1 WANTKD — — ... H. GLOVER. _ — .... WANTED WE W WaNTKD # — W W. ROBINSON, ., 1 .. S. B. SEYM ..." ... ... ... ... ... ... LESS T MAN LONDON VALUE. WANTED WANTED WANTKD WANTED W'ANTJSD WANTED WANTED WANTED PAYNES PROVIDENTBOOT BANK JJXadame Jd Combination . W. H. PAYNE, A" Stbawbebby INSURANCE BILL. ME — — — — — — — | V. Correspondence. — j " 7S lid " WANTED-to WANTED WHTBD W Conseeve. " — " W THIS EVENING, — " " " " — — ■ WANTiD A LENT " — " RAILWAY SERVANTS' BOOTS AND SHOES. 7S TRY EIRKPATRICK'S — — MONEY — — — LONARGAN, M'CLEA & CO. S EOR — F WANTED ...... LOST, r^Bsa?Mßil^anowr* .... -- "' -^«B^ Mister'- . -c - but subsequently she had written that she hud resolved, at ariy price, to get a divorce. 1 4 la cross-examination, the respondent said that she had otily received oneletter from Flowery Language of an Count Roberto. On the occasion of the Italian Count. fancy ball ehe believed the petitioner was perfectly convalescent, and could have gone to the ball had he so desired. When A Ball, and. its tbey returned from the ball the Bupper, aa Consequences. she had directed prior to leaving home, was laid. The had retired to [FEO3I OtTB OWN CORRESPONDENT.] bed. At the bullservants she never left Madame Pralormo's London, Dec. 6. | not know side except to dance. She did that there was any particular PI" A. divorce euifc oE a rather peculiar iij warmconvertationbetween herand Count character, in which a well-known doctor Pralormo at tne ball. Ho was veryflowery, named Hamilton, living in Glouces- i{a3 are, to ladies. She posimost Italians Park, ter terrace,Regent's waspetitioner, denied that on the occasion referred and an Italian count called Pralormo co- I tively to by Hannah Murk3she told Marks not to respondent (the respondent, of course, j enter her (respondent's) bedroom, or that ijeing Mrs Hamilton) occupiedMr Justice Bbc (respondent) told her to go away. She and a on last. Special Jury Monday fßatt gave the mother of Count Pralormo her : | From the opening statement of the j (respondent's) photo, ISolicitor-General, it appeared that the j Count one at the sameand she gave the. time. Referring parties were persons of positionin society, to the letter of Count Pralormo, shecould the petitioner and his wife both having |! not bay why she placed it in the petiprivateincomes of their own. They were ; tioner's way. married in 1879, and after that they re- ! Mr JusticeButt :Was itwith a view to sided inGloucester terrace,Regent's Park. induce him to think you had committed There were two children. The petitioner j adultery with the Count ? had no ground to suspect that the responMra Hamilton :Idid not care whaV-hedent had been guilty ot infidelity to her I thought. I wanted to get him. conjugal vows. In 1887 they went !j The deposition of ridof to Florence, and while there the peti- IPralormo was here read.Count Roberto gave aa. He tioner was attacked withmalarial fever, emphatic denial to the allegation in the andhe was confined to the house. OnMay I' petition as misconduct with Mrs 14, 1887, there wa3 a grand ball given 1 Hamilton. to regarded As the letter that at Florence, and Mrs Hamilton went beenread during the hearingof the .thereto incompany with the co-respondent, j had case, the only explanation that he could his mother, andotherpersons, atteradinner give was that the letter was written in party ab the house of the mother j of the attention gratification \ shown to him ' of the Count. Mr Hamilton, although the respondent's stayin Florence* present at the dinner, did Eot go j during jto the ball, and he had no ground Aa to the passage relative to againpressing Hamilton, the deponentsaiditreferred i for suspicion until one of tho ser- ;( Mrs dancing and dancing only. vants told him she had seen Count ! toRoscbe said jPralormo he had been in the. service i in Mra Hamilton's bedroom. ;of Mr Hamilton as butler. He had on one Some time after the ball Mr Hamilton " occasion, found a letter addressed to his wife signed guilty of at least, seen the petitioner "Koberto." It "was written in French, ! Frank cruelty. the brotherof the responand commenced, My adored Mary,""and dent, Jesse), gave evidence to prove rough and asked when he (the writer) should see Ii unkind by the ijettioner to the treatment thy large black eyes," adding that "he Ctulo. In crossloved lii;r" more than he loved his life," respondent r.fc Monte and that if she only knew how he loved i examination,he said, he hndlost .£4OOO at Carlo. He had sincehad the honour her she would think thatshe hadlost part j Monte passing his bunkruptcy examination, oc herself." The letter concluded by ask- of with assets .£5. (Laughter.) ing when he (the writer) should hold her jj The petitioner was recalled, and denied in his arms and feel her heart beating that there | against his own,and that he had kissed the allegation was the slightest truthin the thuthadlately beenmade against letter a thousand times, as it was going to !hiinof misconduct;and thechargeofcruelty her he loved, and, further, that he had placed her portrait at the foot of the bed, !to the respondent waa altogether andabsogroundless. so that she was the lasb person he oaw j lutely going to bed,and the first when he arose i This closed tbe evidencein the case. after deliberating together for !in the morning. After the discovery ofIii a The jury, time, found for thepetitioner upon that letter the petitioner had an interview allshort the issues. with the respondent. She admitted that I His Lordship granted a decree nisi, with she hadbeen guilty of misconduct, but on costs, her promising to give up all communica- also and the custody of the children. He j condemned Mrs Hamilton in costs, aa tion with the co-respondent he (the ] petitioner) promised to forgive her. Some Bitshadproperty inher own right. time after that the petitioner andrespondent returned to London, bub the respondent treated the petitioner with such insolence and indignity that the present petitionwas filed. CHRISTCHURCH. Mr Julius Hamilton, the petitioner, was This Day. then examined by the Solicitor-General. (Before R. Westenra, G. Hart andM. He bore out the opening statement oil Harris, Esqs.) counsel, supplementing it by several additional details. He said the respondent, Dbunkennkss.—Brauston Unwin, oa when he told her that he had found the remand, was charged with being found letter read by counsel, exclaimed," Good lying helplessly drunk in the Park oa heavens! then Iam ruined." After a Jan. 19. The accused had been medically scene of great excitement, h6 proposedshe treated since then. He was fined ss, should give upall communication with the and ordered to pay the cost of his, Count. She promised, but, as he was dis- maintenance, £1 bs.—John Reed Parker satisfied with her conduct afterwards, he wassimilarly charged. He acknowledged that he did not work, bnt received money instituted the present Quit.' The evidence of Hannah Mark, a from home. He was fined 203,and ordered domestic, in the service of Mr And Mrs to pay the cost of hi 3 maintenance, Hamilton at Florence in 1886 and 1887, £1 9a 6d and 5s witnesses' expenses.— , taken on commission, wasread. It stated Mark Kervel was charged with being that on more than one occasion she had drunk, and also with wilfully damaging a seen the CountdePralormoin the bedroom window at the West Christchurch School, value Is. Constable Dillon and two witof Mrs Hamilton. The ovidence of Dr Baldwin, who had nesses proved the offence, and the accused attended the petitioner andtherespondent j waaseverely cautionedfor throwing stones, in Florence, having ako been read, the j and fined 5s for drunkenness and la for the damage. casa on thepart of thepetitioner closed. Larceny.—John Bonis, a lad licensed Mr Inderwick, for the respondent, admitted there had been folly and indis- out irom the Caversham Industrial School, cretion on the part of the respondent, but I was charged on remand with stealing a nothing more the real faot being that the 1 watch, value .£4, the property of Mr Jamea marriage was not a happy one, owing to Capper. The boy had taken it out of certain financial arrangements that were Capper's vest while the latter waa made by the father of the respondent at at work. Constable Hayes said that Mr the time of themarriage. As regarded the Mardon spoke highly of the boy as a evidence given as to the co-respondent good worker, and would take himback if beingin thebedroom of the respondent on he was discharged. The Bench decided a very particular occasion, he (Mr Inder- that as the boy was earningmoney, and wick) thought it most extraordinary that bore a good character, they would give the girl Mark, when asked, could not him one more chance, and remanded him describe the costume the Count wore on till Wednesday morning tor a report of the that occasion. He (Mr Inderwick) would j Probation Officer with a viewof seeing if. show that the Count on that night thei"'he couldbe employed, and his mother was night of a fancy ball worea suit of chain directed to see Mr Mardon and procure a armour, he representing a knight of the note from him assuring the Benchof the fifteenth century, that he was so sewn up lad's being kept at work. The watch was in the costume that he could not have restored toits owner. removeditunassisted, and therefore it was ! (Before R. Beetham,Esq., R.M.) mostunlikely,hadthe girl seen him on that: No Maintenance. Michael Higging occasion, she would have forgotten his j was charged with neglecting to pay 3a 9d appearance. As regarded the letter said! per week towards the support of his father, by the petitioner to have beenwritten by John Higgine. Defendant did not appear, the respondent admittingimpropriety with. but Mr Leathern represented him. Mr Count Pralormo, as he was instructed Hoban appearedfor the complainant. The Mrs Hamiltonwould give a direct denial to| arrears amounted to £7 17s 6d. His the statement that she had ever written Worship ordered the arrears to be paid such a letter. The petitionerhadmade a forthwith, or in default three months'imstatementone way, and Mrs Hamilton the prisonment. Mr Hoban was allowed a other, so it would be for them (the Jury) guinea costs. Civil Case.—Brown v. Taylor was adto say which of the versions they would!|!-iniirnprt till PaV> 10. believe. He believed that after the Jury I had heard theevidence of Mrs Hamilton, and the witnesses who would corroborate her evidence, they would come to the HOW THE RICH SPEND MONEY. conclusion that there had been nothing more committed than indiscretion on the The Marquis of Bute not very long ago part of the respondent. Mrs Mary Theresa Hamilton, the re- gave a dinner party which cost over .£2OOO. A wealthy man in the North of spondent, said tho petitioner was brought spent J£50,000 in building and up to the medical profession. He did not j England for his/ own practise. During her married life Mr |decorating a billiurd-room Hamilton's conduct was always strange ! house. Two rose coloured vases were and always violent. Hislanguage wasbad, :bought at auction for a sum of .£IO,OOO. and, after the Marylebone election for !A chimney vase fetched .£3OOO, and a a medical officer, in whichhe failed to get Ii dessert service .£2OOO. The flowers for elected, and said it was all her fault he London ball cost -SIOCO, and .£l5O waa had threatened to murder her. He had I recently given for an orchid with three takenup water bottles and water jugs to ( leaves. 'aa the Marquis of Bute is cofcthrow at her while tbey lived in Glouces- j So far let it be added that he Bpenda ter terrace. On one occasionhe tookup a j cerned, virtually untold sums in planting his j poker to her. On another occasion the WesternIsles and cultivating forestry, to petitioner struck her on the head while j the benefit,in a very marked degree,of the they werein a .cab. The quarrel arose on j cottars, whohave to do the work, and thus that occasion owing to her refusing to i invite a gentleman to a dinner she was then about to give to whom she had a particular aversion. At Monte Carlo : Fires. thepetitioner was veryviolenttowards her. j He wasabusive after their marriage while TUAM STREET WEST. they were engaged furnishing theirhouse. At9.25p.m. yesterday an alarm rang aft She and the petitioner in 1883 occupied Brigade Stations, but the number, separatesleeping rooms. InOctober, 1886, the Fire they wentto Forence,.and they were there of the box not being registered,and no fire until May 13, 1837. She made the ac- visible, the engines which had been got quaintance of General and Countess out at the first alarm were returned.' Pralormo about a monthafter their arival. Shortly after,however, a fire-showed upin There were two sons. CountUoberto waa the South-west quarter of the city, and a |one;he was an oScer in the Italianarmy. fresh start was made, all the enginesbeing IShe wentto the historic ball with others got out very rapidly. The fire was found Iwho had previously lived with the Pralor-- to be in the Norfolk Boarding House, at |mo. Eoberto and his mother had cupper the corner of Tuam and Montrealstreets, |at her (respondent's) house. She was owned by Mr William Pratt, and occupied never in the bedroom withRoberto on that by Mrs R.Hanna. The fire hadoriginated night for an instant. She was quite sure in one of the bedrooms at the North-weßt the CountessPralormo was at the 6upper. end of the wooden building,and spread It was decidedly untrue thatCount Pralor- rapidly till the whole interior was in roo was ever in herbedroom thatnight. flames. There were fourteen bedrooms in He wore a suit of chain armour over a theupetairH portion of the house, and of red shirt, the fancy dressin which he had these the firo destroyed all but two. Aa been to the ball.. She had neveron any Boon as thealarm wasgiven by Mr Smart, occasion been guilty of misconduct with who was passing, a quantity of the furnithe co-respondent. She admitted she had ture waß removedinto the back yard. By received a letter from Count Eoberto the timethe brigades had water on to the Pralormo, which had been read-during the house a very fair clearance hadbeenmade. day, but she did not reply. She never The three steamengines made-short work made any admission to him. The petitioner of extinguishing the flames, as with two " said after he hadfound the letter, What stationed on theMontrealstreetbridge and one at the St Asaph street sump, aa am to think?" to which she replied, I " You may think what you please." The immense body of water was available. Mr. petitioner suggested that she should write M. Ingle, butcher, occupied a shop in the to Count Pralormo, but ac they could not building on the Tuam street frontage, and agree on the terms, the letter remained lived with, his family on the premises. ; unanswered;but eventually a letter waa Mostof his effects were saved. The build.* written, but that she declined tosign,-and ing was insured in the North German she believed it neverwassent to theCount. office for .£SOO, and the furniture in the She had never spoken to or consulted Dr London, Liverpooland Globe for .£l5O, the Baldwin with regard to anything thathad latter policy having: been effected about passedbetweenher and CountPralormo. It two monthBago. The letter box let into wasnottrue that onMay14shehadadmitted the corner of the building, near the front that she had misconducted herself with. door, was-uninjured. CountPralormo, and she never made any [Pbb fsßss. Associ&tiox.] promise to the petitioner that she would AUCKLAND, Jak.^6, conduct herself better for the future. There wasmonecessity for such* promise.. A-eeven-ToomedhonaecatEpaom^beloßgiing to* Mr M«Garry, waa burned, on She had no notion that a divorce was s»tucd»y. ItK»BiMßS»4ior«e22s 4a*tbo THE DOCTOR'S WIFE. — 1 '" . . MAGISTERIAL. — — — — O TBTE STAB. MDBTDAT; JATSTrAKT 27; 1890. Late Advertisements. TO-DAY'S SPORTING. . space. Each of the sides is 16ffc wide. that;an alteration be made in the constituEuropeanTopics. One of these is filled withlathes,maebinee i tion of the Stationing Committee, by the slotting, [ for drilling, and shaping, and additionof one layman from each district [Special to Press Association.] FPebFbess Association.] Jockey Club. with other appliances for working the s meeting, such laymen to be elected by machines made by ' ballot, and their expenses be paid to the SALE. DUNEDIN, Jan. 27. iron portions of the BERLIN,Jas. 25. C BX XLECI7AO "IXLEeitAPH.-COPYXIQET} the firm. The other side is fitted up for ■ Conference from the Contingent Fund. j Third ties in the Eink Tournament :— The Emperor William has issued West. carpenters, whoprepare the i By Rev H.Bull:That the General Con- an edict ordering the discontinuance Keddie the use of the (Balclutha), 16, j beat Thompson [Special to 3?an6s Association,j i (Christchurch), 11, Struthers " Board and Beßidence by"Young (Christ- j woodwork of the machines. At the rear ■ ference takeinto its serious consideration of WANTED, duelling in the array, and Lady,near suburbs. ApplyI>.T., Star i church), 19, beat Iof the main building, and separatedfrom the expediency of instituting a system of M'Diarmid (Dunedin), 9757 [Received office. . Jan. 27,at 12.50 p.m.] ;13. Paul,of New Plymouth, was it a 14-inch brick wall, with au iron General Superintendency in the Austra- threatening challengers with expulby beaten Pigeons Seil, ; „, MELBOURNE, Jast. 27. 1 to 44 Pairs Choioe Men's Clothing All Reduced elect&ic telegraph.— coptrigsr.] lhe following handicaps have been by the Dunedin team,skipped by Hunter. door, is a wood-working shop, 15ffcx55ffe. lasianWesley an MethodistChurch, similar sion. price12»6d, a bargain. ApplyT., 80x 139, [by Boys's Clothing AllReduced Inthis are the " saw benches, planing, and to that which obtains in the Methodist MABBID. Jak. 25. 9753 declared: " thicknessing P.0., Christchnreh. Hats and Shirts machines, and other Churches of America. The Cortes read the Universal Underpants Allßeduced HANDICAP,a sweepstate of 20 [Special to Pbbss Association.] NJfiWJtaniCET Dunedin News. Addresses Mrs Wilcox and Eaton eovtujach,ioft, or 3 sots onlyif declared to the Allßeduced appliances for preparing timber. The By EevW. G-. Thomas :That the Con- Suffrage Bill a first tim* who came out in- the lonic,ISS7. Apply, Men's Hosiery fcearotavy of theV.B.C. or A.J.C.before i p.m. "&> Allßeduced machinery in this shop is driven by high ference take intoits careful consideration ATHENS,J*K. 25. 125 Manchesterstreet. oa Monday,Feb. S, with1000 toys add^d. For JPkb Peess Association.] cos Cab' and Sheetings Shipping. All Reduced speed shafting, which also works the the advisability.of appointing a Connextfiree-year-oldsand upwards. The second horse Two YoungMenBoatders. ComThe Greek reserve forces have been Ribbons and Glove 3Allßeduced at 24, par soon.] fßeceived Jau. to smiths' wheels, fires, rocoive 200and the third 100 (.ovaout of the a fanfor the and ional emery evangelist special fortable home. No children. 16s in the interests of DUNEDUST, Jan. to mobilise in March next. 27. ordered Umbrellas and Sunshades... Allßeduced 9/a5 stake. The winner of any handicap flat race LONDON, Jan. 27. week. Address,65,Chester street. The Governor of South Australia and some other machines. Behind the wood- young people and children; after declaration ot weights to carry101bextra, Shirtings Allßeduced Arrived Nairnshire, s.s., from. biz Committees were appointed on home Itia believed that this 3tnp is taken Union ;party leave this afternoon for the Bluff, ! working shop is the emiths' shop, with furlongs. Known— Correct Characters tol Cotton Shirtings outlook All Reduced gloomy in the consequenceof forges. from Handwriting. Send Bample,1b 2^j PortChalmers (Dec.1). three this are the affairs and Jubilee Adjoining mission It proposals. stlb where they join tho Hinemoa. They go „ ,_. stlb 975 Dress Goods Post Office. Genuine, stamps, in Carbine Allßeduced. 7 It to the West Coast Sounds and Hokitika, stores for castings and other uncompleted was decided to discuss the business in the inCrete. 10 4 Gladstone 2}. 10 1 Mistletoe 7 11 proceeding thence parts of machines. Over"the wood-working following order : Jubilee matters on £?z PAKIS. Jas. by a young Girl engaged during overland to Nelson. list-wife 7 11 1750 YARDS FANCY ZEPHYRS, " 10 0 Casuist [BoceiTOd Jan. 27, at noon.l day,aFurnishedBedroom. State terms In the Chamber of Deputies last During the last week, Sew Hoy's Beach j shop is a etore for wearing parts," Tue3day morning, church membershipand Kniim 913 ilinger 7 11 97*1 Ojd, reduced to s£d. toMeta, "Star" Offioe. ADELAIDE,Jas. 27. "-'"'■ wheels, pinions, &c, My ljord cognate j bearings, keptepecially Tuesday Tongariro 9 13 7 10 Company obtained 106oz. The Golden on called subjects evening, Boulauger General night .„ 910 Cou-equenctfravo Yield of Wheat. 710 Gully Company obtained I to enable the firm to Bend out, with- home mission affairs onThursday morning Known— Tram Excursion New a traitor. M. Manton 12703of Martineau amalgam Deputy 9 7 10 1000 YARDS USEFUL PRINTS' !w I Va Prattle { out delay, renewals of worn-out part3of and afternoon, the discussion on an Brighton, Wednesday, Jan. 29th; Bnn. The yield of wheatin.South Australiais KT-Bsley 9 9 Umbra 7 10 from thirty tons of stone. 10 more Band. Leave Square, 7.15 ; Beach, "* 4a d, reduced to lid. $[ machines in use among their customers. independent Conference and election of Martineau has Eent Boulanger a 9 8 Briton 7 9 9 s estimated at 19,130,000 bußbels, giving an Cuirassier p.m. challenge. Sed'tion 7 9 representatives to the General Conference 0 7 Fairfield of main a Alongside building space the Seeders, average o? a little over 9£ bushels per Lonsdale Harvest Hands, Grass JAjr. 8 SG. 1500 CHURCH, 9 5 Qraudliko 7 A SCENE YARDS STRIPED IN has been provided for storing timber iv on Thursday evening. Wednesday is to BBKLIN. ZEPHYRS Ploughmanfor station, Strong Youths(10s Newmaster 7 8 t 9 2 Tantallon The Reichstagrejected the Socialist The very best goods, handsome patterns process of seasoning, some kinds in the be given up to inbilee services. to 203 per week).FemaleServants (15sper week). acre. There is a surplus for export of. DonGsovan 9 2 Paikakanlri 7 8 originalprice, j reducedto reached, BenBolt was Is 6d Competent servants will find J. M'Donald'a Office. 15,500,000 bushels. 8 under cover. The firm The busiBill when the final [Per open air, question stage 9 0 Jerusalem 7 ! Press Association.] and others first in the order of 9Jd. Dreadnought Manchester street, the best to opplv to for all 9 0 LittleSister filly... 7 7 i make a practice of seasoning their timber ness was thendealt with— Do we sanction by a majority of seventy-one. Tho Tirailleur c'asses of situations. Hia motto ia— "No billet. 9 0 Serf 7 7 2- YARDS WIDE WHITE TWILL I ALBANY, Jan. 27. making 5 ? 4 ? 5 44 from one to before itup. the division or yenrs Cinderella Jan. 27. two alteration of of the DUNEDIN, any nofee.".9 0 Cooval 7 7 I has now closed. ,SHEETING, Treatment for Influenza. Aristocrat 7 7 ! At the Moray place Congregational Itmay be noted that, in addition to orders districts or circuits in this Conference ? session 8 13 Montrose nOMB. Jas. 2-i. TenderforPaintWycombe HnO PAINTEES— Mr Teague'B Is 3d, reduced to 10£ d. _..Q i 7 7 Church, tho Eev Cecil was giving utter- from all parts of New Zealand, Messrs A recommendation from the Auckland dis813 Quadrant News by the Orizaba states that Contiaccepted. Naples shortly is Mrs h. will ing Kichelieu The Prince of two houses 812 liraemar 7 6 ance I 97*5 nental doctors experience great difficulty Dividend to some liberal sentimenia in regard Andrews and Bpaven have now in hand trict meeting that the Hamiltonand Te pay a vist to Australia. Willis. 8 12 l-wins 7 5 COTTON SHIRTINGS, 12 Kotuku 7 5 to Sabbath observance, which had the ;orders from New South Wales and Awamutu circuita be reunited with one £nta.i__i 8 Gid, reduced to 4id. Good washing Accommodation in a in a discovering proper wants treatment for BotliwnJ.'l S 12 Zapbyr 7 i effect of rousing the ire of a prominent |Tasmania. minister, to reside at Hamilton, waß disApropos Al| Private Family (gentlefolk), where there 7 4 liington influenza. 8 10 r' §i patterns. The beat remedies appear to cussed ;but, on being pub to the vote, was axeno children ;not a boarding house;piano;m 810 Copeiihugea 7 4 member of the con&regration, who rose and VICTORIA. 9739 be quinine and antiphrine. The former Men "$] city. Box 272,Post Office. lost by a large majority. 7 3 told the preacher he ought to beashamed iuiont 8 10 Heudigo 15 DOZEN STRIPED TURKISH 8 9 Mossier 7 3 of himself. WESLEYAN The district recomWanganui Office, 131, Durham street allays the feverish symptoms, and the -sinecure meeting > 8 9 Martha 7 3 : TOWELS, oppositeMr Baxter's, Chemist. MrsMorrison latter the pains. A fatal result is usually Dankold mended that the Haweracircuitbe divided, CRITICISM OF THE STATIST. 6 8 Vera CONFERENCE. 7 3i Is 6d, reduced to Is o^d. ExtraJargesize.' requires Cooks, Housemaids. Nurses and General Opunake to be the headof the new circuit. .Scots Grey 3 Phryne 8 8 7 due to other diseases, cart; grocer's todrive recommendß which rapidly lay Boy Servants. Tho Charmer [Special to Puess Association.] 8 8 Taskmaster 7 2 Buried Alive. This also was put to the vote andlost. 974-i hold of BoardandResidence. FANCY CREAM DRESS MUSLINS, Carrington influenza-Btrickenpatients. 8 8 Eenuta 7 2 Monday Morning. The next question considered was, What Earnest 8 6 Daniel 7 2 Black street, Is,reduced io 7^ d. Lyttelton, OST, from London Press [Per j *| T circuits are under Jak. 25. Asbociation.] 2 to take a LONDON. obligation Anarchy eight 8 7 j weeks old. 8 Souvenir BERLIN, Jan. 25. B and Tan Terrier Pup, £ir William The representative Conference opened married instead of a single minister? DUNEDIN, Jan. 27. 8 8 Boolka 7 2 j The Statist considers that tito Finder rewarded on returning same to C. H, TWILL 2 Stewpan CRETONNES, Workmen's Insurance. Cnaldaau 8 7 7 Jones, Stationer, morning 10.30, when, Lyttelton, ! Thomas an old resident at Wai- this at inaddition to The Ashburton, Miltonand Goredistricts Gilmonr, the impending ThoGift 8 6 Rebellion 7 2 pori, has been buried in the Canton the ministers already named, the following, asked to be relieved, but Coufcrence was circumstances o£ Good patterns; Cid, reduced to4 Jd. T In his speech proroguing the Yellow Jacket 6 13 " YOUNG Woman wishes for place as House, 7 S Panic Victorian loan are so damaging Company's mine, Fernando to the of took their seats: Messrs D. II in a owing collapse laymen position grant town, country. Urgent, "Star Eeichstag, the s 5 Portland 613 ', not to the relief a3ked. to the Vietoriau Treasury that 2250 YARDS keeper, or ' to Emperor promises 9752 Churchill 6 13 part of the tunnel. CHECKED GALATEAB 8 5 Olive It is feared that he i Smith, H. Field (Auckland, PittEtreet), F* Office. ScottishChief B^d, reduced to s£d. 8 4 Pomegranate 611 ;cannot be rescued alive. investors will bo justiiied in reI A. White (Auckland, Grufton road), D" Baby. Give fallpar- introduce aBill next session.extend- Insignia Pxoposiuder desires to AdoptaEuth, 8 3 Gll , 8 2 LiwleDick Ashby (Thames), J. Tronnson (Northern. 6 10 quiring a guarantee against a ticulars andaddress. "Star" Office. ing the Workmen's Insurance Fund. Tarcoola. UNBLEACHED TABLE DAMASK ,' s 2 Godolphin Tourbillou 6 10 Wairoa), G. S. Dixon (Whangarei), E TELEGRAPHIC. recurrence of the unpardonable to be held at the JolmS 6 7 MEETINGof Butchers,Evening, 1 Seine Is 2,}d,Reduced to lljd. 8 Grace Taylor (Waitara), (Palmerston The Labour Question. J. «. at Eight g \ Dander Oxford Hotel, This Corunna 6 7 recklessness o£ theGovernment. The North). W. Moxham (Wellington), J. [Special to Peess Association.] ord Alien... .„ 8 0 The Prior 6 7 o'clock sharp,reAnnutlPicnic. Edwd.Clatk. The Hamburg strike is at an end, I|, Gillies, Treasury the KIDDER CARPET, paperattacksMr The Wild Oat 6 7 Knight (Hufct), W. Catt (Greytown), B. 8 0 Ebony LET, Stables at the rear of TattersaU'a nd the Is lid,reduced to la G-id. A full yard 713 D.c.ption 6 7 j Pesbonal.— Mr Penfold, Secretary to TV.Buttle (Nelson),W. Cook (Blenheim),J. officials, Mr J. Deakin and theRailway masters have resumed the Murich 9751 Hotel. Apply at once. Wadda THE CRIMES ACT. . ■wide. 713 -__v r 6 7 . C.J.C., hasarrived at Melbourne by the s.s.i T.Smitb ,J.L.Wilson (Christchurch Durham .Commissioners, and denounces Tvliat former rate of pay. JetdM-au 6 7 7rs Highborn LONDON, Jak. 25. O LET, Furnished House, within the belt, street),T.S.Aaquith(Sydenliam),B.C.Erown -iavanaka 7 13 Mota. 6 ? IOrizaba. bogus surplus. it characterises the large grounds, also paddock, stables, cotLONDON. Jau. 26. „. j , apec Russley. LINOLEUM, Bonnie The Late Accident at The Executive are relaxing the 7 12 Purple 6 7 Mr (St Alban3), J. S. Olliver (Lyttelton), W. 9T*B fage. -*.pply 219, Caefael street. Four hundred dock labourers at Whitefoot,, 6 7 1 Horsford's jockey was this afternoon still 712 G01d... Lawry, H. W. Peryman (Springston), H. severity of the CrimesAct in Counties The system of bonuses also conies in Two yards wide; 4s 6d, reducedto 3s-6d. 6 7 Skill 712 Pateena FUNERAL NOTICE. in an unconscious state. Liverpool have struck for an increase Lizzia Ovcrtoc (Loestou), G. H. Blackwell where violence and organised resist- for condemnation. The article de7 ILl ©Sporting.— The weights for the New-| (Kaiapoi), T. Wilson (Woodend), LADIES' DUST CLOAKS, clares that the audit of the agency ji.uoi.'xAlij.ANCUIr, a Williams will beat of wages. E. ance are declining. handicap sweepstakesof ffIHEremains of MrsL.C. , ad 20 oovs each,10£t, or 5 soya ouiy ifdeclared to !market Handicap and Australian Cup ap- Alcorn, D. H. Brown (Ashburton), J. P. the AddingtonCemetery for interment on accounts is insufficient. I LONDON,. tb,.o Jan. 26. 21 0 Secretary Q of the V.B.C. or A.J.U.before 4 pear in anothercolumn. DustCloaks TRAINING,inipiTn Tuesday. 28thinstant. at_3 jP-nfr SHIP FOR SYDNEY. (Dunedin),C. (PortChalmers), Simon Duke reduced to ,| 13 6 MM on Monday, Veb. 3. wiih.1000 added ;for " Monetary and Commercial. "p.m. Our Fourth Page.— On page 4 will be F. Vivian (Lawrence), J. Smith, G. fe. three-year-olds and upwards. The handicap i The Admiralty havooffered to hand educed to 15 6 ABSOOTAa " CANTERBUEY FIBE INPUBANCE weight of the winner of the "V.R.C.St Leger. ! found two interesting letters on the George (luvercargill), W. Karris (Christto the Owing money scarcity of in reduced i£y. MAEINE UNDER. over cruiser FEDERATION. to 17 6 TION &CANTEBBUEY the Shah to NewSouth IS9O, tobenot leas than Sat, and the winnerof question of the Priinaey Succession ; « church). WEITEES* ASSOCIATION. reduced to 21 0 handicap flatraco of the value of, 100 soys, Wales, to replace the Vernon training the outside market, short loans any ■ racing, bowling, and cricket news;and 4<J b » after declaration of weishis, to curry7U> extra; The President welcomed the lay repre- ship at Sydney, provided reduced to .25 6 ff|IHK Offioes connected with above-mentioned betray a strong upward movement, the Colony [Special to Press Association.] of 500 sots or upwarue, 141bextra. The secoud i other intelligence, both telegraphic and sentativesin the following address : I Associations WILL CLOSE on WEDNESto receive 200 «.nd the third 100 aovs out local. horse LADIES' the defrays out the SUMMER expenseof fitting Brethren, materially Day of the and are quoted at 7 per cent for TheConference is JACKETS DAY,the 29thInst,, the Anniversary ofthebtake. Two miles and aQuarter. LONBOS, Jan, 2t. Ihisseason's goods,plainand Santlet. A telegram from Auckland strengthened to-day by the presence of our Shah, which will probably cost two fancy , 9 13 Dunkeld 00 oliy' Carbine 7 7 The Morning Post aa.ys the day has threemonths. FEED H.BAENS, light and dark shades. colours. Maxim 9 8 Fernando 7 states that the great baritone will pro- lay representatives. In giving you, my hundredand twenty thousand 7 Secretary. pounds. , departed Bravo 9 5 Tnrcoolß. 10 6 7 7 come when the Colonies could be Jackets bably to that city by the Waihora on brethren, a hearty welcome,I congratulate Tallow Medium mutton, 243^ Manton 9753 reduced to 611 . Christohnrch, 27thJan., 18S0. 9 3 Jet d'Eau 7 5 her " THE JUBILEE PLUNGER. next trip. This will give the southern you on the honour to which you have been considered simply as British, possesreduced to 111 Meloa 9 2 insignia 7 S beef, 235. 7l ' towns Benzon's ample time for a offered refund preparing good family Cuirassier,., by quarterly Leroy 8 13 7 3 elected the votes of your to sions. One free people cannot be ZZ p reduced to 811 TO-MOEEOW, " The English wheat market is I.ou3dale 813 LittleSisterfilly 7 0 programme for Mr Santley's concerts. meetings. Iacknowledge the fidelity to the proceeds of the cheque stated to possessed by another, though they ,? 5 Commencingat 12 noon, reducedto 9 9 8 12 TnntolloH 7 0 The Plum: Yield.— The yield of plums your trust that has brought you from all have been forged by On groundadjoiningCarltonBridge. reducedto 11 6 Oakleigh changing a little for the worse; the Boz 812 Swirg 7 0 j this year appears o- "r,n Ernest Benzon, may be united by politicalbouds. SALE OF OLD TIMBBE. 2os, 30s,";3os, be and very prolific. parts 40s,Jackets, Enfilade 8 8 7 to A of the in the interests of our Colony Slave 0 SON, having re. Continental is unchanged: the J. BOWMAN & but so all far efforts to settle tho 8 B 6 reduced to good sample brought 15s, Spac Tirailleur 13 j was 17a.6d, 21s, and 255. to our office last church, and canassure you that the Wesceived instructions from the City SurDreadnought 8 6 Harbinger 612 j night by Blr S. Jackman. A short branch, leyan Methodist community of Christ- matter have failed, and the Jubilee veyor,will Americanis steady. 8 3 Muriel 6 12 Singapore Monetary SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. and tADIES> about Commercial eighteen Plunger inches had is still in It is long, custody. 8 2 Magcie growing church feel it a privilege to be allowed to 6 12 A Quantity of OLD TIMBER,removed from New Zealand wheat, on passage, Eiehetfeu Antteus 8 0 Kotnliu 6 11 upon it nearly four pounds of fruit. The extend their hospitality to you. Mr stated that he has admitted the old bridge. Wycombe [Special to Press Association.] 6 6 Blouse Bodices....reduced to 8 0 LittleHenjamin till pluui3 were what is known as the Danver's Spurgeon, in addressing the English averages34s 6d. J. BOWMAN & SON, 19 , 6 10 Sinecure forgery, allegingthat was badlyin S 0 Pioneer 6 Auctioneers,200.Hereford street. 6759 reduced to 111 8 0 Himdover Conference at City road, referred to the want of the money tohe KacolpU 6 10 Victoria variety. pay a gambling 71l Leopold Received Jan. 27, at noon.l 6 7 New Brighton. The fine weather j admission of laymen, and said that the Jast. 25. » -.. reduced to 1H I 711 Ilex LONDON. LYTTELTON, Sir William 7 11 Renata 6 7 during the past week hasattracted large SYDNEY, Jaw. 27. New Zealand homp is dull, and ministers were to teach the laymen busi- debt. Scots Grey 710 Fabulous 6 7 LADIES' SUMMER MANTLES prices aie irregular. Thelatest quoMary's Cathedral. , 6 7 numbers to this favourite watering-place, ness, and the laymen were to teach, the T U E S~"*D AY, St Chintz 7 9 _.ire_oc_c PROSTRATE JUDGES. 19 6 Mantles ..; reduced to 10 6 and yesterday, a beautiful day, the tram- ministers theology. The paradox admits At1o'clock, 9 ,£2B 15s to .£2O. Jebnsite 7 Judges of St Five tations are from sanctuary Mary's The Boman are laid with up Salerooms, ■Atthe London street. }** cars were crowded, the beach presentinga of apresent application. Iwould only ask influenza, reducedto 8 6 SELL, by PUBLIC Catholic Cathedral was consecrated last Antwerp SOBENSEN will The wool sales at Henry Manisty, whilst Sir closed b » lively appearance. New Brighton at the that, in view of the largo amount of " AUCTION reduced to 18 6 I night. The ceremony was of a most imJudge slightly quotations of the better than those present High Auckland News. time is unusually full of visitors, important business that awaits us, the Court of Justice 50 Sides Prime Bacon, splendidcondition ;I Portable Boiler; 1Bedstead, Spring Mat- pressive character. Bishop Moran, of o a at ! hardly house being empty. LADIES' VISITES. lesson on both sides should be marked by (Queen'sBenchDivision)is prostrated obtained the closeof thelast series. tress; sundries. Agricultural Statistics.— Once 22s6d for 10s:9d, 30sfor 12s sd. [Per Press Association.] more brevity. Perhaps you will add to the by an attack of paralysis. Three thousand fivo hundred bales H.B. SOBENSEN, ! Duna&u,assisted. is the voice of the Government Auctioneer, given, collector of quotation already the words j 7947 were sold. All the Australianwool statistics heard in the land, and the that I am told Dr Punehon used THE UNITED STATES DRESSING AUCKLAND, Jan. 27. NAVY. ■was withdrawnfromBale. 13 6 Dres6ingr-Gownß...GOWNS. "bp.wilderedagriculturist" will be " from the Presidential reduced to 7 9 Since last several "stuck chair : "If a Saturday " thousand up WASHING/ON. Jas. 2i. Latest Shipping. The Customs authorities have 246 for minute details of his possessions. brother has nothing to say, lefc him ...reduced to 18-6 people have come into town by steamer The Naval Committee of the AND say requiring is wanted thte " it in the fewest possible words." Senate have abandoned therule allwool " and train to take part in the Jubilee Some extra information reported favourably oil bales LYTTELTON. to be marked with the name of festivities. The Taranaki steamer alone year,namely horned cattle of all ages," Speech is silver, but sileuee is gold." the scheme ABBIVED. but no mention of for largely increasing cattle is Yet a declares "a word the polled higher authority made in brought several hundred, and 6teamers the place of origin, andhave reverted Jan. 27 Wanaka, s.s., 278 tons,Meades, from Whangarei and Eussell were simi- the list. Such an insignificant beast aa fitly spokenislike apples of goldinbaskets navy of the United States. THE-HALL, to the old method. fromWellington. Union Steamship Comthe Polled Angus, quite for has of silver." That which the instance, distinguishes crowded. All the coastal larly steamers escaped the official EFFECT ON TRADE. pany,agents; Passengers Misses Dixon, HIGH STREET, present from all previous Conferencesis mind. DR PETERS. straight which came in on went CHRISTCHURCH. Saturday Hamilton, Mesdames Eawson, Kennedy Nuisances. Complaints have been the Jubilee of New Zealand Methodism. Jubilee of the Colony. back for further cargoes of excursioniste. made, ZANZIBAR. Jan. 24. and child, Captain Von ABchorn, Messrs A DEFENCE FUND. and apparently take, with good founda- The form that this is to & The Waikato Natives are now coming itis for you A French priest at Mombosa reRawson, Kennedy, Dixon, Thompson, [Per Peers Association.! down by rail and will arrive in the after- tion, of the bad and stagnant Btate of Ito determine, but you will allow me to ports that ho met the expedition Accidents and Fatalities. Lock,Pearson, Guthrie, Gordon,Turnbull, [Special to Phess the side channels say that, growth ; in the South-east in viewof the marvellous they Association.! noon will 'be played up town by a Ferguson. Maxwell, Roberts, Bell, Nixon, TjISBOH, Jan. 25. of the city, more especi- of our beloved Church during the last under Dr Peters at Lubalri, all -well. quarter brassband. AUCKLAND, Jan. 25. [Special to Peess Association.] Grace, and fifteen steerage. The Minister for War has author- Messrs Mitehelson and Hislop arrived ally in Cashel street, where the stench fifty years,the unspeakableblessings that The party -were awaiting the arrival In reply to a request from the Jubilee from the drains is often unbearable. have come to our own hearts andhomes of stores there. The date of the Committee that a salute should be fired the army ised to a the Coast steamer from by subscribe to West the South on LONDON, Ja*. 25. _, , SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. There is certainly need for something to through its communion, and the great meeting is not stated. r the morningofJan. 29,Lieutenant-Colonel yesterday. National Defence Fond. ±ne barque Thorn, bound from Tisiaett,Jan. 27. Shepherd stated that he would call a fired by men-of-war in the be done here in the way of flushing the company that have passed from its ranks British traders at Lisbon and Salute3were Sailed, yesterday Kate Tatham, for Liverpool to Adelaide, went ashorein WESTERN AUSTRALIA. parade and supply a guard of honour, but this morning. Leave has already channels. Could not one of the watering to take their places before the throne,if we Brisbane ;Hurunui, Sinclair, for London, other ports are making an appeal to harbour he couldneither fire a salute nor order tho the early morning in Douglas Bay, granted on themen-of-war and to the carts be utilised for the purpose ? While were not to give tangible expression to LONDON, Jam. 26. with 3038 bales wooland 5110 bags wheat. Mr Crladstone for his intervention in been Isle, jon thiß unsavoury subject, the drain hard our gratitude to God, the very stonesin the sailors enjoying themselves ashore. of Man, and became a total It ia considered probable that the Volunteers to take part in the procession, Arrived Scottish Hero, barque, from the dispute between England Antigua street bridge may be alluded streets might cry out. One result of this as thiß would be contrary to the regula- wreck. A lifeboat put off and Ithas been arranged to-day that the by Western Australian from the Brisbane, to load for Home. Constitution Bill i££££> to. Since theriver has lowered, been this Conference may be that all our people, Orlando and Lizard should be dockedhere tions. Portugal. shore and sewer discbarges itself over abed of stones, from end to end of the Colony, will be will be reintroduced in the House of Thero appears every prospect of a veryI tean-of theeffected the rescue of sixFrench and German commercial before their departure. Stdnet, Jan. 27. crew and two passengers. The Volunteers havebeen called out for which retain some of the solid matter called together in some pre-determined Commons without amendment. Lord large influx of visitors to Auckland for the j #ailed— Elderslie, for Oamarn. travellers are swarmingto Portugal. to-morrow NEW YOEK, Jah. 21. to form a guard of honour to brought down by it,instead of the whole week,in their various sanctuaries, to unite Knutsford has informedSir William Jubilee celebration, and the capacity of MELBOUBHE, Jas. 27. Bymn-explosion Jab. 26. at meet the special train bringing Lord outfall going at once into the river as ac with the heart andvoice of one man in Eobinson that, in his opinion, it will hotels and boardinghouses will betaxed to Columbus, Ohio, of natural gas Arrived Mararoa. A Committee has formerly. appointed been The result is that, on warm praising the Giver of all Good. Should six persons " were Onslow from Waikato. theutmost. The Raratonga Troupe are to Arrived Orizaba; passengers for New here to raise a defence be inadvisable for him to take any days especially, fund for the Another order has been issued calling passers over the bridge this be attended by our complete coneecratake part in the procession on Jan. 29. killeiand thirty injured. Zealand: Mr and Mrs Hill, Mr and Mrs whiffs of vapour that aremost unplea- tion to the Lord thatbought us, and the active part in furthering the Bill. Thirty Chinamen will also assist in the Allen, Misseß Grieve,Messrs Grieve, Offer,, purposeof promotingan alliancewith upon the whole of the Volunteers of the get sant, " [Pbb Pbbsb besides being laying very to of our thank on injurious offerings ; altar, sports the in the Domain on Saturday. garrison to parade on Wednesdaymorning Eastings,Houghton, Penfold andHill. j America. Association.! our enlarged hearts will be so enlightened to line the streets and form a guard of health. Two new yachts, the one the Maia, owned [Pbr Pbess Association.] The British despatch boat the honour withthe splendidpossibilities byMessrsW. and D. M'Cormick, andthe at Government House. GISBOBNE, Jan..26. Butchers' Grievances. A meeting of andinflamed Enchantress has sailed for Ports- The Government of our work, that we may go forward to a EXPRESS PASSENGER LIST. other the Tongaroa, belonging to Mr T. The Eev'Mr M'Ara diedat?.3O p.m. ott has given special per- master butchers is announced ANOTHEE UNION. to be held mouth. Kilfoyle, mission to the Garrison Band to take part this evening at the Al Hotel "to consider simultaneous evangelistic effortthat shall have been launched for Saturday. the AUCKLAND, Jan. 25. [SPECIALLY COSIPILED-FOE THE StAE.] only double our membership, but shall in the procession, dressed inuniform. OAMABTJ, Jan. 26. A Tailoresses' Union ia to be formed, Jubilee Regatta. Mr Waymouth built the the present slaughtering dues in force not set New Zealand on fire. The reiterated under special One feature of the A young mannamed Bavenwasdrowned procsssion will Parnell v. "The the of the Trades and former and Mr Logan the latter. auspices Times." and other matters in connection with the plea for a separate Conference for New Orlando, be that the whole of the Orange Lodges trade." H.M.S. with Admiral Scott on at Kurow on Friday. He had crosseda Passengers from the South for ChristLabour Council, with, ■which body also a of the district will take part, as well as Kaiapoi Eifle Club. On Saturday, in Zealand has developeda new phase during newly-formed Bakers' Association has board,arrived early this morning, and was branchvof the Waitaki river on horseback church: Mesdames Davidson, Sbevens, FORECAST OF THE COMthe past year, and many are now asking beenaffiliated. followed shortly the different branches of the Hibernian a competition the Lizard. Lord. to drive two horses off an island. In Cobb, Messrs Elijah Rolleston, A. P. by for Mr E. Moore's prize, whether we cannot, a practically unaniMISSION'S REPORT. Onslow is to arrive on Tuesday with Lord, re-croHsing, both horse and rider were Society. Berens, J. M. Mackenzie, H. E.Lonsdalo, HENEY GEORGE. conditions five shots at 200, 500and 600 mous vote, attain by : to such a measure of C.C. Caff, E. Harris, F. Mitchell, J. Hall, There are now forty-one entries of crack yard3, Mr Bobilliard made 6(5 fromscratch. swept away, and have not been seen The Secretary of the Social Reform Carrington. legislative power as will enable us to adapt H. Creßwick, W. J. Alexander, Thomas [Special to Press Association.] yachts for a special yacht race for a very He was since. Association, Dunedin, wrote by tied Mr J. with a ourwork to the special requirements of our the Higgins asking Jones, H. Walker, T. Meachen and family, handsome silver and gold epergne, pre- handicap of three, scoring 63,Mr Capstick own Council to join them in guaranThe Canoeist. On Saturday morning a lad named Colony,at the same time that certain i Auckland Mrs Garatin, Mr andMrs Toneycliffe, Miss | sentedby one of the Insurance Companies. being third. The weather was bright and LONDON,Jan. 25. teeing Henry George's expenses during other are Joseph Manning, aged fifteen, was riding questions reserved to be dealt Miss Mrs The Campbell, Crosby, drapers town, William in wholesale and favourable. 4that gentleman's lecturing The Pall Mall Gazette states that tour in New [Pee Peess Association.} with by the General Conference. Itis for one of Mr H. Horsford's thoroughbred retail, have agreed to close during the Webster, Miss Webster, Messrs William Railway Servants' Insurance Bill. you to say how far itisbothwise andprac- Zealand. It was shown, however, that all horses at exercise on the JBussleytraiuing' ilnrray, J. P. Thomas, E. Oakley, J. P. the report of the Times-PurneU.Com- holiday. necessary arrangements in connection the general meeting A of the members PALMERSTON special NORTH, ticable our Jan. 26. track. The horse became restive, thus to combine forces in Oarris, Jun., and S. Orr. For Timaru— mission will be disclosed within a The gentleman whois arranging for the of the Canterbury Branch of the Amal- securing independence within carefully with" Mr George's visit had already been Mr George Park, the Hokitika canoeist, dismounted the boy, who, falling on.and his Mr F. W. Marchant, Mies Bretb, Miss fortnight,and that itwillprove tanta- visitof the Sydney cricketers endeavoured gamated Society of Eailway Servants made, and no was required. guarantee of definedlimits, without breaking the Ausleft Eketahuna this morning at ten in tho head, became unconscious. He was Smith, Miss Httbbard, Miss Clark, Mr A. mount to a dismissal of the charges to obtain quarters for them to-day at the New Zealand is to be held at tho OddSUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. iioy, and arrived at Palmeraton at 4 by Mr Roden, the trainer in Rob tralasian membership bond. The test of Cuthbert, Miss Cuthbsrt, Mesers T. F. brought against Mr Parnell, on hotels, but found they were all Ifellows' Chambers this evening, to protest annual meeting of the Sunday- ;p.m. He experienced no difficulty in the charge, but as he did not recover conthe principal questionis one whose gravity it would be At the crowded,andit was<tv ithverygreat difficulty I against the voting on the Eailway James and E.E. James. Union, theprofit and loss statement :negotiation of the Gorge rapids, and .sciousnessj-he was removed~to-the Serground that they were based, on !that accommodation Hospital. While uttering school ' was eventually found vants' Insurance Bill, proposed in the impossible to overstate. no express showed that a gross profithadbeen made describes his trip as-a verypleasant one, At a late hour hist night.he.was.Btallin.a to bias the discussion, I forgeries. The report will, it is :in one of the local hotels. recently issued by the Com- theword BIRTHS circular on the sales at the depot of £669 33 Id, throughgrand scenery. comatoae.conditibn. of New Zealand Methodism feeling stated, censure the leaders of the The wholeof Saturday will bedevoted to missioners. unurcastreet, .aangiora, zo, whenI MrsMary Stuart, who on Monday last say it cannotbe allowed to remain anda net profit carried to capital account ;Saturday morning wifeofB. James of a son. Land League for their methods of !sports in the Domain "The Private Secretary." where it is. A long-sustained feeling of of .£IOB 15s 4d, making the capital o£ the received injuries through the upsetting" of P*B*3£Air.— Jan. 25,at LavingtonFarm,TaiTapa, promoting agitation in Ireland, and being occupied by Friendly Societies' and Boucicault's Comedy CompanyBrough Rifle Union.£2869 6d. arrive 16s Association. Perjm&n MmEdward of ason. a trap on the New Brighton-road, and~was vagueness, restlessness and dissatisfaction sports, and the afternoon by squadron from Timaru to-day, and ♥ open in the shouldatlast give way toa definite, clearly will condemn the truculence of the !sports. removed to the Hospital on Thursday, MARRIAGE. Theatre Eoyal evening. this In both EARTHQUAKE. AN ACTION FOR understood decision. can DAMAGES. died yesterday morning. An.inquest'mU only I mention BntDLiSG— Vosas.— Jan. 15, at the residence of IrishNationalPress. Dunedin and Timaru the Company have other matters of deep interest OAMAEU, Jan. 26. be held this afternoon. LONDON, Jan. 27. the bride's pirents, by the Sev D. M'Lenuan, " :The order met with success, Birdliasr, Henry, Boberfc fourth sonof William and this will be of Bessions, foreign missions, and Iwould A sharp shock of earthquake was felt great [ An extraordinary occurrence tookplace [Per Press Association.] The Great Baritone. BREACH OF PRIVILEGE. of Pine Grove, Hornby, to Mapgi*, second Mr Frank Thornton's last appearance in. heredraw " daughter in Manchester street on Saturday afteryour attention to the insidious here about 9.50 onSaturday night. of George Vogan, of Seoali, DavauTheFreeman's Journal states that this as he city, purposes the taking LPjcb up Akiroa, Pbess Association.] DUNEDIN, Jan. 26. noon. A nice looking:hraße,.ridden by a yet threatening advance of the Roman chelle's Bay, the Parnellites will submit a motion WINDTOOHIGH. leßseeship of & London theatre. The Catholic Vanini, Mr the caterer the Rifle man whose name was not ascertained, hierarchy inFiji, andthe question DEATH. DUNEDIN,' Jan. 26. Association meeting, has at next session declaring the Times*inAUCKLAND, Jan. 27. scenery for to-night arrived on Friday,and of representation at the Methodiat brought an made a bolt down the street WiLLiiits. On' 26th inst.,at Christcharch,after been lost in getting it into Ecumenical Conference, to be held in Professor Jackson'a promised balloon iaction against the Association claiming Bailway Station. The ridertowards.the alingeringillness, Lucy, wifeof1.C. Williams; sistence that Pigott's forgeries were Letters received by the Zealandia state no time ha3 could not agedthirty-eight. America in 1891. These subjects are, of ascent on Saturday did not take place, ifc .£IOO damages for alleged breach, of agree- prevent thehorse from.making an-afctempt genuine letters, in the face of Mr that in all probability Mr Charles Santley, position. baritone, will sail for Auckland by the The D.I.C. Great inconvenience and course,in addition toall theusual business being alleged thatthe wind was too high, iment, principally as regards the number to mount the railway footbridge. It is Parnell's denial, a gross breach of the (of competitors. The case will be Waihora, which was to leave Sydney on loss is being occasioned at this well-known that we have to deal with in the annual THE EXHIBITION. heard on needlesß to say that this proved privilege. They will also apply for Jan. 30. It waß first intended The attendance at the Exhibition con- J Feb. 5. The Association have made a futile, as, after mounting attempt that he Christchurch establishment by a most un- gathering of our highest Church Court. Masonic Union. half the flight the appointment of a Committee to shouldcome by way of the South. welcome discovery. It seems, from a Here Imust stop lestIshould be charged tinnes excellent. On Saturday there were ifinancial success of the meeting, andit is of steps, the horse felland the xiderrolled minute survey which has been made by withfailing to practise whatIpreach,the very large crowds, especially in the ifullyexpected that there will be a balance over, sustaining a considerable shaking. The Otago Daily Times of Saturday pursue an enquiry into the circum< of over MOO. architects, that some of the main timbers maximum of meaning with the minimum evening. The horse andrider aoon.a£terrcacds wen* Bays : It may be mentioned that the stances under which the forgeries Wellington News. U3ed in the construction of the building of words. The spirit of our Conference on.theirway,bearing unmistakable marka meeting of Grand Masters yesterday were committed. were not understanding seasoned, further, will, doubtless, resulted from an with and be in keeping with our of the incident. properly The Labour Question. Freezing Meat Company. that central Executive of the some of the timber was not of the character as Mr John Lord,.MJj.C> was.killed ia [Peb representatives the Masonic Pbess Association.] of the proper kind. Theße beams will have tobe Church of God. We do not expect in Union to postpone for three months the Hobart by being thrown .out of a oabi NEW CALEDONIA. [Spboial to Pbess Association.] [Pbb Prbbs Association.] calling of the first meeting of the New Being in ill-health,,he ■wasan^the habitof WELLINGTON, Jan. 27. removed forthwith, and new timbers put all things to see with the same eye. It is scarcely necessary to say that Friction is healthy. But whatever going for a drive every a£ternoon,/ÜBualljr Zealand Grand Lodge, which was formed The greatretreat of the.Roman Catholic in. Secretary LONDON, Jak. 25. Colonial such, INVEKCAEGILL, repairs, Jan. 26. which are of an extensive else may happen, lefc brotherly love to the Domain. On that afternoon, when by declaration of the Convention held in clergy, in this diocese, begins at St Suspended. Companies, TheDock AttheSouthlandJProzen nature, wharfingers, Company's Meat seriously must in the Domain,- one of the horses^xew impede the business continue. Itiaoftenfound that those who Patrick's College on Wednesday. It will Wellington on Sept. 11last. At the Conannual a meeting, are dividend of 8 cent forming establishment, per restive,-swerved, shippers, of the seem and merchants andbroke- the-pole. The quite and it is hold view3that to be irreconcilable vention it was agreed that the Grand be conductedby the EevFather Leterrier, by the Directors was passed, cabman got down and tried to-aeize the A Judge Deported. SJi., who recently arrived from England. possible that the place may have to be are but supplying the opposite halves that an Employers' Union, and have proposed Lodge should come into force on Nov. 9, being paid the first sincethe institutionof horses' heads,butthey got awayand.dashed closed for weeks, la any case, no time is complete the circle of truth. We havehad resolved to issue a notice on Feb. 1, but in order to obtaingreater unanimity the Company, eight years ago. During down Liverpoolfltreet with Mr Lordin~the to be lost. The Manager, withhis wonted much of the presence of God in our thepostponement was agreed to. It was IBT ELECTRIC TELE6RAPH.-COPYniQBT.] that alllabourers intimating refusing the year quantity of stock cab. Neartherailway Lord the past energy, Lady and Kintore. has already advertised for tenders pastoralsession. With an increased numhopedby the adoption of this course that station.thecabcamein [Special to Pbess Association.] for the work, and when these are in it can ber of men of faith and prayer, we expect to comply with the general agreement guaranteed did not fill the shipping space contact withan obstacle,.and.Mr.Lord as the great majority of Masonic Lodges, was for, and the arranged Directors, be more to aroid out, Sept.14 of whether the and of will be locked out. The thrown readily yet violently determined richer blessing, believe that those and so seriously also, it is contended, amajority Masons [Peb Press Association.} Jon. 27, xtn00n.3 the market topurchase,induced injured- that he died, as going LBeceived into establishment is, posts had declared in must be closed. It howwho stand to their until theclose of dockers employers assert that are several outsiders to ship soon as.Jxe was throughout the Colony SYDNEY, X»n. 27. mutton. The- carried home. The horses got under WELLINGTON, Jan. 27. ever,understood that this extreme course the Conference will learn that the best destroying them piecemeal. of the Grand Lodge movement, the M. Fourtier, Colonial Secretary of New Directors now proposed that one penny verandah further-dowir the street, and.oaea Lord and Lady Kintore have mapped willbe avoidedif possible,advantagebeing wine has beenkept until the end of the Masters of the various Lodges wouldtake The Waterside Union possess per sheep, or £16 in all, shouldbe paid to of them broke its leg and wasvshot. Mr the necessary steps to bring about the Caledonia, has been suspended, for re- out a comprehensive programme of travel taken of the long daylight of the present feast. (Applause.) Mr J. T. Smith, on behalf of the laymen .£40,000, and believe they will be these non guarantors ; the guarantors, Lord was a very old^ndxespectedxesident. union.. The resolutionpassedat a meeting fusing to assist the Governorof Noumea, inNew Zealand. They go from the Bluff season. twopence. The proposal was. He was elected member receiving able resist to the action congratulated successfully however, present,cordially the Presifor Hobarton of Grand Masters yesterday, and favouring the supportersof the leading toHokitika by steamer,thenco overlandto LOCAL INDUSTRIES. dent on his election, and reviewed the of the employers above referred to. Btrongly objected to, but was eventually in the old-Legißlative-Couneil.jnior to the amounts to an indefinite postponement, Mining Companies at the-generalelection. Nelson, and by steamer to Wellington, by -g, carried. There a strong :introduction of responsible-gcreernment was, however, career leading no features of his ministerial Wangauui, hopes considered to hold out train to and the Wanganui up They employers andasitis on assert that the have feeling thatoutsidersshould not receivea. July 17, 1855. in the Colony. Messrs Andrews and of the attainment of greater unanimity, A largemajority of the population support river by canoe to the head of the naviga1 Catherine Mary and Dora Ann Kebbell, tion. Thence they ride through the buah The President fittingly acknowledged frequently broken the general agree- bonusiv future. we understand ithasbeen determined by M.Fourtier. Beaven. ment. the compliment. ten and eight years old respectively, the Masonic Union to proceed to give The Governor has deported M. Brahe, to Taupo and, after visiting Eotorua, go CardinalManning, ex-Lord Mayor Ceylon and iNDrAN Teas. Messrs daughters' of Mr J.. Kebbell,..J.P., Ohau, Messrs Andrews and Beaven, the well- Notices of motion were given as effect to the resolution of the Masonic the well-known Judge of bhe Courts of North to Auckland. Arrangements havebeen made with the known manufacturers of machinery for follow : Whitehead, and Mr Burton, M.P., Jameson, AndersonandCo.. announce that were- drowned while bathingin the-Ohau Convention,and to convenethefirst meet- Appeal, for contributing to the Press. natives to provide canoes andhorses along preparing food for .stock, have just com- By Key J. Berry :(1) That,withtheview approve of the stand taken by the they will open their business in Ceylon river. Mr J.,Kebbell,.father of the two ing of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand the Wanganui. who thus anetr with a temblo pletad someadditions to their works onthe of securing the independence of the men who as soon after Feb. 9 next as practicable. are demanding payment for andIndian teas in premises At the.corner children' death, is a nephew of Mr T. Kebbell,.who South belt, rendered necessary by the New Zealand Conference sought at the A Mine Seized. The Unions throughout the Colony are ofColombo and Gloucester streets, where, ' dispute mealtimes. is creating The -*expansion of their business. The main last four General Conferences, and carryunderstood to bo prepared to take the confrom this afternoon, the public wilf be was drownedin Wellingtoa Harbour. Found Dead. [Pib Pbbss Association.] building, in which most of the making ing out the vote of the majority of an angry discussion, the employers supplied with a cup of tea-at sequence of this step, feeling that they amoderate « . that thequarterly anderecting of the machines produced by meetings we recommend have done all they could tobring about Iasserting that the.action of the men. charge,on theplan adopte&atthe popular TO THE DEAF! the [Peb proposals i.q 27. Pbess the firm of. theNew Wales ComAssociation.] performed, , South unanimity on the questions. During yesDttNEDIN, Jan. i ha3been doubled is abreach of the September agree- Ceylon Kioskin the Dunedin .Exhibition. size, mittee, an on theconstitution the General : ♥ by Bank of New has a and now of put terday opinions havebeen exchanged by The Zealand covers a space of 81ft By- this means visitors will be- enabled to. The-desoriptionota aimnlo xemodjyjbridiialui TIMAEU, Jan. 27. 55fc. The centralpart of this building is Conference,be acceptedby this Conference, ;ment. telegraph, and weare informed thatathas bailiff into possession of the Great Exbefore 3ample.-th&teas giving theirorders. A shoemaker named Turk, agedseventy- 22ffc wide and 22ft in height. A travelling with the exception that the General Con-, The Miners' Federation .demand To I>unreß. OauiT Hun.— »ocJpyar*g Balphuc mdjioiada ia tba bout it,£oityj«extfmX*xtfUiif, been definitely- -decided to proceed with tended Company's claimat ßlueapur. One the institution of the Grand Lodge^for of theJjailiffs nearlyjosfc his life through five, living alone, was found outside his crane runs the whole length, of the build- ferencemeetoncein_four.years., (2) ThaL yamt^plfieryAwagessbe moraißg,.^©i^ , .door thk fcwnj9j)oplejcy.:w ing.«a4commaadeibhewi»te<of j.: New-Zealand. ftiu*h*of£w»fcer. : secondhandPortmanteau. State BizeandpricatoJ., "star" Office. 974S at once, a good Parlour and Housemaid. Apply 239,Gloucester street 9740 WANTED, WANTED, TELEGRAMS. SHAW, ROBINSON fc.'SCO Australian LATER EDITION. WANTED BOWLING. . « THI&__BAY. . WANTED, ... 1 WXNTED, — WANTED -. WANTED, — ... WANTED WANTED, _„. . GENTLEMAN ... ..... ... ... ... ——_«. £".' A A TO ... ... — ...... ... Local News. _ ' — ... ... .. . "'" ====== . , LADY '^l ...... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... REGISTRY "' . — — ...-— ft ° — -— 'I* — ... ...... ... MESSBB \i ... $s& t&jr*** — ...... - "" ENGLAND — — ...... „ „ SHAW, JKOBOSON &-CO,, PORTUGAL. — ... „ 1 HB. — — — ' \ —— — — — — — James.— Jan. at — iau — — . _— — ___________^__ J - — — 1 ■ ■xaiaeflsone^erv. ■ TWM ST&R* MONKOTi .3~XBnJ£SF3C 27a 189O> * Dtraedin team, which resulted in a tie, Money. "Lyttelton Times" Sick Miscoiiauoous. and wasnot submitted to the Standing worts, &a, amounted to £241, which, CRICKET. each,scoring 41. " by subscriptions * What waa submitted to amount exceeded the : Fund. * Commission. SINGLE-HANDED TOURNAMENT.. iptHEAP BOOTS— Hen-3 Blac'jerSCs6d, La^ia. them,as far asI can gather, was a doubt about £20. Vote3of thanks were passed HOSEY TO LE^D. i The following completes the first round SENIOR CUP MATCHES. Tne*f©Howing letters appeared in this as tathe j acted in the ANLTJAL L, gentlemen ofCanon Section to those who bad MEETING. interpretation Saturday wa3 morning'sJ/j/tteZiaii Times.: single-handed tournament, some of ii, Clause 12, which gays "The General position of judges and starters j aleo to; The Senior Cop crieiefc-on play in the of the rafSfC '■ro £1000 on Freehold Secnritien a< ■H7W& «iAi.«— Vainf*lanc-i-i ifuiy v.<c Ciu^T "confined to the third day's the games not being completed tilLlate. TWO INTERESTING LETTERS. The eleventh annual generalmeeting of oi^^.O theXo«7aatCurreiitEates^)f Interes! JD Oilo, Colonra,Brush-ifi, V'lvUioc Synod Bhall, from time to time, as the officers and working Committee. ms±ch, on M'Donald .Lancaster Park A. 24 beat Newman 14. tnd all otaar tr.ide re.jnisitas. Gliisa Lead Pntt? Addington The two following letters give nobun- occasion may require, elect one of the The promoters of the Kaiapoi Eegatta the Lyiielton Times Sick Fund Society wag order" E. T.IjEATKEiI, prices for c.lsu. j. Colliaa, 87, '.Lowest fairly the twosides of this difficult ques- Bishops to be Primate." The Standing are confident of a successful meeting on account-of the MidlandandUnitedElevens j Peake 20 beatMTatman 16. held the Clarendon at Hotel on Viotorii Saturday Btleot opporespective Ballinger Solicitor, j their 21beatCowie 232 havingpoliahed.ofE 17. March, tion. The second was addressed to the Commission,*© fax asI will probably have seenreported, 17. A sailing race evening. Mr J. C. Wilkin (President) AT Sala of Hoot*. iiavinsimported A..Fraser 25beat Marshall 11. Otago Daily Times, and a corrected copy decided merely that Bishop Hadflold's beinserted in the programme. Members nents intwodays. The gamein question aiar^e" occupied chair, tbe end there -was SOS, ; ri.j9 alarge iSO Herefordstreet. stock before the in the tariff resumed at ft" is -willbe Allnntt-a bye, unfinished, Campbell appearstill and A. not ,attendance-of members. eent^to-us.: election was invalid. They have no of the Cure Clnb arein active training for Atkinson. 27. Victoru. street. boiuff ireatly'ovffl: CHBISICHTBICH BUIT,DING AND LAND stocked, mtonds mating Lancaster Park at 5-15 p.m- to-day. ing. grout reiaotions. TO THE SDITOK. The Committee authority whatever to questionthe validity the coining regattas. their presented (PEEMAHENT). annual OIIS. Sale, SOCIETY uifi: One Month. Cheap Boots at At present the Park men require129runs Hunter 21 beat Bewly 11. K. report, whichstated that theincome of the Atkinson's, 27, Viotoria etre^f. Siß/— Ihave no legal standing^in New of an act of.Synod, and if the decision 6^; Stohr 20 beat Baldwin 18. to win with eight wickets to falL and can "V- OANiS GEAuVeJD IN ANY SUMS Zealand,, not having sought admission as tookthis formit is worthless en the face lld,-of for 1889 had been £118 4s Society to Hand, S^yThe-Bladea a-,d fWIiT excellent Corliss attribute their 20 beat ■YU£T undoubtedly Crump SPORTING. 18. 9$ a> lawyer in this country, and Itrust, of it. Possibly,however, may whichi£ll3 11s 3d hadbeen derived from Eo^p.boolr3a-cd Stov.ea,Ire ,crvi.,?Pang and " "thedecision ForFiredPeriods ox 011MonthlyEepeymont Itfafion'ajam Jars w;fch p.ccnt t chance to tbo "butter-fingered" fielding H.Thomson 21beat J. Thomson IS. therefore, it will not be considered pre- have stated"that no .p.., ax pr?a»f to occasion had members' contributions and £Q2 13a 2d System, suit eyeryono. T. £. of one or two of the Addington team. .| Struthers 27beat Maddox 4-(retdred) THE NEW ZEALAND STUD C.Uo.rt. Iroamoagar on loans. The total c-s««b«, 117 sumptuous if I ventureto offer an opinion, arisen which required"an election to the from interest «/. Colombo street-. AT CDIiEEK-TEATS OF INTSEEST. 23 j Haynes tcores beat : Wright 15. COMPANY. "with other lawyers^ on the much-vexed Primacy. Even in this form they ex--pendituro had been £129 173 6d, of 1,J i!dr3 SEAGEH,Secratary, AKDIBGTOH. J.H. Gibson 22 with I beat 14. .covered tho Wright "' which, Jfcll^** EarfT """ 1 are at present causing ceeded their authority tor two reasons which.£57 had been for sick allowance, questions 2U),Hereford ateeefc. ■ k3 Patent i? Pitsfc Inntugs i Hale 22 beatThomson 14. Noc-oonductiut' Cemuut For «ft. Opposite Bank,Ciiristchnreh. and £37 expenditure on the library. 783 [FEOM OUR OWIT COIiRESFONDEMTS.I suchconfusion within "the-Church of the first, because the Synoditself is tho prime Becona Innings. """ r* I j 18 beat Money A. Jeana 37. Atkinson, ruu out Chriatoharoh. MaKinf.JCilojorejcre.j^ commonly interpreter Province of New Zealand called of its own lows (as is specially A balance of £12 5a Gd addedfrom the vl MOKSTi'O JiVITD OBf AEP2OVaa> W.Blater,bD6.Matis Parsons 22 beatMunro 16. AUCKLAND, Jan. 25. 7, JiEiiHoiD SBCUiSfS.% the Church of England." As an apology providedby the 29th Clause of the con-r » FuneralFund made a total credit of £G0 Know^WiSaSTn^r^To? K. CJ.St<mms.,b"Vraaiog Craighill16beatJ. Wilde 11. 41 12s lld,whicli theCosmmitteeJcecomme-iwied fortbis-<Kmiaribufcioin,.l-m3y state,however, stitution), and the Synod, in proceed- Ifc would seem thatinatterain.connection W.J. WalmeJor, c A.Ji»l)a.tfcb Cant in&tans-£zom A. Shepherd R.Halley,b WildiEtr 17beat-Jones 14.,° that Lam an English lawyer of some the election, must be taken with the New Zealand Stud Company are should be the credit of the placed to 16 ANTED Euown-SpseUcles "to enitTii K. Oeier,oG.irarsbollb Cant A.Nelaon 17be&t W. Shaw 14. Reserve Fund, whiuh in ISS7 Lad been years' standing, and that, being much, to hare been oi opinion that it approaching a crisis.. An advertisement J.A.CaygUl,oDaMaußb(s..MawhnU b siß-hte, Is; Pebbl4 Cs 6d per paiT Th« Shore a bye, Taylor notappearing. LOUGKNAN,e<£iaitoas, 3SAED i; xo 1 interested in Church matters, Iwas. was acting legally ;secondly, because the appeared in the Herald- on Friday, calling G. Murray,i:ot-out^. drawn to calk r HighStreet large FacgWj£h_We upon, meet umi-saally Hejcf (:irrLstoarx«Vfl f} Btrset. G. White 22beat M'Cutcheon 14. ord E.Kinsman, b G..Marshall indnced, on my arrival in this country, members of the Standing Commission"are a meeting of shareholders for Feb. 3," to for sick allowance. The balance due to 0 P.l>ixon,bG.Marshall Blackie 20 beat Jeffrey 14 HONEY TO LI2SD. two yeaxsago,to make a careful study of *■' persons recognising tha authority of consider business vhich may necessitate that fund, after paying the sum now proW. J. Asliby, absonli *J Low IS beat Leathern 15 posed, was only ii310d 2d. ,Thonumber of fpIHE Undersigned liua for luvoatment -varistiß the laws by whichthe-Chureh is governed. the General Synod, within tha meaning of the winding-np of the Company." Nothing xxtraa -_J^ J."White 26 beatBissett 13 at Lowe3ti;ates I.have not by the the fifth Clause of the constitution, and has been allowed to transpire which. would members wasone hundred and four, eight .S. smu-strom £100 to £15,009 "" I*"9 M. Sinclair 21beat P. Dow 13 Xotal of IsttTCEt on Mortgiigo-o£ Town, Conntryi' or ""Canons" made by the General Synod, the election of Biahop Hadtield is an tend to throw light on the new aspect of more than previous in the A large ngs Labatt, year. tiubnrijEn : A. ProportisE. BowLiKa A iui,y SocoudInni W. A. Miller 22 beafc Conway 20 which met at Dunedin last year; and "act" oc Synod "binding upon ail inatfcei3, but I believe the announcement 70 balls, 10 ruua,10sis.— number of new books hsd beew added to maidena; F. WilOiUjf. 85 baDa, I'otrowers canps.y off the wliolo or pactioa. <tf^iMw.ox . Meudon20 beatArmstrong 13 33 rune, S msidesw, 2 "wickota; H. 1»0Mn.u8,.60 O7CI llie moneys»UTa3oe<i ougivingbhort notice. library, here.l wouldlike to comment, in passing, persons recognising its authority/ which is the result of the Bank having requested balls, the which now contained live hoctb, to "I". H. Moorereceived a bye from Smith Kuniß uucoi-£ICO for lufusanenc on reasonable \IyUrANTED JTcown-Puro Mew Milk ai^l tuns.1maiden, 1wicket; volumes, 'ilhe Comonthe-drificalty which,anordinary church- facts they setia to have overlooked. I thfc) Company to make iin&l arrangements baUs, 33 hundred and eighty runs; A. Cunt, 33 l.alls, 19 runs, 2 14 fcims. Wakefield 27 bc-at Breckenridge 10 v,D »7D. E. DEACON,Solicitor. mittee asked, as in thepreviou3 year,i'or a maidens, 2 wickets ;G.Mattbftll, 37 baliiv24xtins, man haa in informing himself of the laws maintain, therefore, tuat tho Standing for carrying on its busizieus. J. Paui 37 beatNewcomfae 6 Hereford streetCluunt«jra Clxristoaarch. 3' wickota. Cant bowled a wide and Wilding two sum oi' £50 to be voted*to the library out of his ehnreh, "When Ilanded in-Auek- Commission nad no authority whatever to A MATCH. balls, no Twiss 19 beat election, Scott 15 Jandl wa3 given, as a favour, a- copy of decide uoou the ofBishopHadiiald o£ the income of the current year. iIONEY FOE INVIsmHWC. The tnuch-fcalked-of match between the LAKCASXBIt PAEK. MaddiEon19 beat Winton 7 A balance-sheet, audited by Messrs the book which, contains the canons,the to the Primacy. "Whtther, even if they three-year-old Cartridge and the two-yearFirac innings. ofHONEY vaxyins inemounifromiH» J3 M'Glashan 20 beat Eussell M'Knrray "Walmfiley A c b 17 nieremarking possessed authority, fcbey legally Gneraon,. > Ridley, tbat&B the acted Ollivier and was appended. geniiemanwhogaveit to ££COO ready lor inveOTmonf. onFreehold old bouyeair was brought off on the 61 .-. Urquhart 30best Arbnekle11 H. T>o 3Jana, ranout The Presidentmoved the adoption of the Security ctenrrontEateaof the Ban of a. clergymen identified withthe is unouher queution which slioald probably Ellerslie racecourse to-day, the stakes Interest 3i'Muiray. 122 Labatt, Atkinsonb A.H. o Taylor 28 beafc L.B. Wood 9 carry church history of New Zealand, he also be answered in- the negative, i'cr, as being .£3O a side. Cartridge, -who carried report and balance-sheet, and congratu8 Piicciral Bepsje.bJe either in a Term of Years G. MarshaU.candbOgier Binnie19 beatAshley 16 7 "W. WaUiß, o Dixon-b Ogier lated the on the facfe that there, or'-by liali'-yeuriy Inetiilmeuts, 3oit Borthought apoint might be stretched in my the i»o r.s are reported, the Comniiesion Bijb lib, was ridden by A. Skirviug, whilst Society J A Citiifc,runcut G. Capstick22 beat Darby 11 had been nofuneral payments to be made favour-; but hegave-me to understandthe does iiob Seoul lo have followed the pro- Souvenir, with 63fc 510 in the taddle, was 122 , P.Wilding,c Halleyb Ogier T. I.JOYNT, Solicitor, ~y§WrANl't:n Known- vvalf)dU £~ Dr Thomas 41beat M'Cabbo4 ft during the year, that the sick allowances book was not to be had by just anyone, cedure required in cases submitted for piloted by Manning. 5 , was a very out The stsrt F.H.liab»tt not ST3S f 2C5.GioucoscoruCreat. Mackie 22 beatChristie 4 19 and, indeed, that very few epare copies their decision. Iam, <ie, Eljtlie,bHalloy had beea much below the very average, W. J. even one, and both contestants raced JLOAN AND lor .„ AaJ'INCX, 2 DISCOUNT Almond Neddie 1G beat Guthxie 15 evented"Silkstoiw" .-oap T.H.North,c Atkinsonb Halley werein existence. Itis printed for circuH. H. BLACKBURNE. and that there Lad increase of VICXOiiIA 1 iianchevtor street,neit Queen's Bote3, together until the cutting wa3 reached, J,P. Marshall, bHalley A match— North v. South— takes place membership. A TJBjI> g"°^^THoirTayToT-for-^ VS,IPABED to Actibco bums of Money, Christchurch, Jan. 25. lation amongst members of Synod, and ahead. 14 b Souvenir Extras slightly forged when Monday upwards, Mortgages, on inaddition to the louraanient £20 npon Deeds, Mr 11. J. Paull, one of the Vice-Presi- Bills from perhapsafavoured few besides, and there '" THE OTAGO DAILY Nearing the turn for home, however, Sole, Life Policies, Shares, Bond \Vargame3, and negotiations are in progress dents, seconded the 259 ijnaa Mixtureof all Totsl TO THE EDITOR OF motion, which was ranta,ofLegacies, ia no copy of the laws which an ordinary Beet Teas.2a 10d Ciiitrklge assumed the lead, coining in a *^j Aualysis.-R. Hnlley, 276 ball?, 11l for Liens on Cropß, aiid other 80-V7LIHO several Club matches. churchman, like myself, can order from TI2TES.'" carried securities lit Current rates. Bills discounted unanimously. balls, wickets; 3 3 ti. 48iec; runs, maidens, 'i'jina— lniin 15 no by winner twolengths, The aro following aware, your doily applications as the scores in the and renewals affected All ore rnnß, Sir, leading to-day you l>aTlß, following his bookseller. So far lam In article 52 17 maidens. 2 The officers were chosen for the strictly privateandconfidential, end ISO poat to post, lmin 4G=ec. The resuit M'Murray, as tiiero axe wickota ;J.Caygill, 35 ball?, 23 runs, a maidans ; INTSKCOLONIAL JItATCH. however, no-alterations were made in the stare that the Standing Commission found from ensuing year : Patrou, Hon W. Heevea na ditcctors, be negotiated without v»s a surprise,&s 6 to 4 was freely offered W. Walmsley, 20 ball?, 9 rune, 1 maiden; !":. No. 1. President, canons or constitution at thelast Synod that the ek-ccion of Bishop Hidfield to the on Souvenir's ability to win. Mr J. C. Wilkm dalay. (re-elected); balls, ; Ogier, 76 23 751 Atkinson,IS balls. 10 ruii3 H. Victoulv. KewZealahd. runs, 3msiduas, S wiokets ;J.- Kinsman, 40 balls, W. Aitkeu whichwould affect the questions now in Primacy was vitiated by an informality, (re-elected) ;Vice-Presidents,BltssraJS. V. MONEY TO LEND ON F&KESOLD Keddio,ISslclutha Orombie, Wollingtoii 14 runs, 3maidens. Q. Smith Hamilton, J. Pkmkeb audK. J.Pauil (radispute; Bathe-laws, as they appeariv the and that the canon passeuby the Synod for FARM LANDS AND HOUSE MARLBOROUGH RACING CLUB. SecondInningß. C.Clark M'Kay, Taieri book presented to me at.Auckland, will, Iits own guidance in such elections had elected); Treasurer, Mr F. Hym&n (ro25 A.Eidley,c Jones (subj b Jsl*Mnrray... A. Aitkon (skip) 22 |Carl ton,Kosylu{skip) 2i elected); PEOPERTXES. ' Librarian, Mr J. Jaekm&n (rebeen observed in the spirit but infringed 12 believe,serve thepresent purpose. F. H.Labait, notout Ko.2. ANOTHER HANDICAPPING 0 'J'vriss, Kfiltoii M.DoMacs, bM'ilnxray elected) ; Secretary, Mr G. Gerard (reThe main question about which every- in the letter. That statement is co enI/abatt, May DIFFICULTY. not out 0 Bonnie, Wangauui A..H. ' body is puzzling, and upon which, the tirely erroueoiiß that Ipreßumo you canelected);Committee, MessrsJ. R. Tulley, THE MUTUAL BENEIOT Pieley C fxtraa Toonioi-, jun.,Cautby Nnwnian EL C. Gilby, C. Edgar, IL J, Gretton, otherquestionsdnpend, is, whois now the not have perused tho decision of the Thompson, ChristBUILDING AM) BLENHEIM, Jan. 26. Totalfor two wiclcets 43 Jeau3 (skip) Primate-o£ New Zealand? To mymind, if Standing Commifision upon the case subG ciiuick (;.kii>) 52 0. W. Exall, J. Pu. Davidson, G. Ardley, v,aa conINVESTMENT handicapping question The Wo.S. SOCIETY A..W. Woodv/ard,J. Anderson,E. S&ndiord, may dare-to be so positive -where-others mitted by Bishops Harper and Suter purI Blaney,Caledonian sidered aC a special general meeting of tlie 7", OFCAKTEIIBUEY (PEKMANBWT) JUNIOE, CUP MATCHES. Thomxtzou, Joseph differ go much, the-matter- seems"perfectly suant, to canon law, for the main purport Marlborough Nam Tasman Vv Coouer andirlartin, Prapared vanee-iFoney Oaniaru TTS to na et I.oweotCarrent evening. Club last Ham, luvij)eargill Tulley. cleat. The answer, as Ishall endeavour of that decision is th&t tha Synod, in There waa a, Itaoing JL Jiatos of Interest on FEEEHOLD FAIIM Midland v. Lancaster Pack. This i>ewr/in attendance, audMr Wrig-ht l&i-ge very iPd^il, Kew PiyuioutU Primacy PEOPEETIES, Hadfield LANDSandHOUSE for a electing Biuhop ahow,is Biahop ruiea, thatthe of to the Some alterations made Wellington to in the won commenced at Hagley Park on Kllia (tkip) 91 (tkip) 34 the principal ones were TiIUMor in monthlyrepayments to suit (President) v/aa in the chair. Tne contedt isPrimate. Title A, Canon 1., Section 11, while taat ofiice was still filled by thelate Pollard being thatpayment of FJXISD 4. Ko. borrowers. Kocommission charg-ed on loans,nor requisition ttoax Saturday, when the Midlandera gained a meeting was called on a Primate, contravened a cardinal principle I-iicholson.Kiiitangata Clause 13 (.such is the arrangement sick allowance should commence from the foes of anydescription when propertiesaro within no difficulty HemuiiDgs of stronglead,and should have Waters, Qroen Island Ohrißtehureli. Applications VKTAHTBD Known adopted) reads as follows : "The General of the canon which regulates such election, three members to consider tiie action beginning of a member's sickness, instead aressonablo diatancoof in winning tbe game next Saturday. i'riCtch Xil'iiouald, Lawrducs that meeting tne Committee at a recant oi receivedanddealt with, dailyat tha Offices of -the. D^, Cttshol strd » t 'or Christoh^rdT'llairv New Milk. Baw SS time, asoccasion and which beyond a doubt makes nn was above the Bladdox oi: at the of the first week Synod BhaH,.from time to expiration on both sides fielding 'X'hoiupdOn, Soeiaty— The A. in Munro(skip) may-require, elect one of the Bishops to actually existing vacancya condition pre- body. In view of some inconsistencies BUILDINGS, 142, CASHEL (skip) 21 thereof, and that full funeral allowance witnessed in 15 Dunedm DUNCAN'S usually ot what is average tit the recent Spring KTKEET. CBJaiSl'CflirviCH. be-Primate." Words couldhardly be con- cedent to a valid exercise of the elective the handicapping should bo paid only in the case of memthese contests. Total 52 Total EDWABD L. WALLACE,secretary. ISI bers who Lava been in the Society for g42S ceived, which could confer on the Synod power, for which reasonthe Standing Com- ileeting, Dr OJegaorn had moved, and tha by resolved MATCHES. majority, G'oiiiiniuee had a OTHER more ample authority to elect a Primate mission pronounced that the election of '" twelve months, half benefits to be paid on Tnat, v.-Digby's in the kite of the handicappingat Midland Lancaster Pack The Draughts in ita own way and atits own time, than Bishop Hadfield was not merely informal, the death of members who have been in Btxsino&s 'JMoticoc: Tournament the Spring Meeting, the Committee are of Team. . do the- wordsof thia clause; "From time but absolutely void, and that upon Bishop the Society for six and under twelve ehoold be the Handicapper opinion tnafc a aide between the Harper's subsequent resignation game of the An eleven [Pk» Peess Association.] months. to time, as occasion may require." No AECEITECIUKE. souie assistance in framing his above teams was playedat Lancaster Park restriction as to time, none also as to the Primacy,BiahopSuter, assenior Biehop,ba- uforaed. Votes of thanks were massed toMessrs iha,t tha assistance given to on Saturday. Scores :^ handicaps, and catne of a nothing specialprovision by in the Primate force DTTNEDIN, occasion. Now there is Jan. 26. Ollivier and irrierson for auditing tha for CHUECHE3,TILI»AS,.FAEK be that the handicaps be LAHCASTEB TAKE. Canons or constitution which says that of the canon inthatbehalf. Now,itisabund- the Hiindicapper The championship draughts tournament accounts, and to the officers and ComBUILDINGS and HOUSES of..every de. First Inninga. Committee beforepublithe Primacy is to be a life-long appoint- antly clear that the canon which consti- submitted to tho was continued on for their 'Waruock, past sejeiptiouiure supplied Vy ■ bPoarse aa mittee servicesin the Saturday, Helmoro, year. G-. 9 sugyeatingany U the winner of the all-winners rounds, ment; noris the-Primate appointed for a tutes the Standing Commifision makes thdr cation, with a. view to their C. Itidioy,b Asliby After someroutine business, the meeting JAMES GIiANVILIiB, couaiderii;necessary they should Jones, aitoiaiioii C. A. c and b I'earfie 11 final, binding and ah on theChurch 127,Manchestar-3treet. certain nixmber of years or -for any-time decision standing out. Hood and Hutton faced closed. 3 \f:Brooke, bPeurse that limit whatever. Icontend, therefore, at large as if given by the Synod itaelf. aminoyiviuij tliuir reasons for doing ao; each other, and though Hood appeared to ' P *!.Lightbaad,run out 5 be comThat; being bo, why, may Iask, should in oasu should" the Handicappor adjusted Buildors' Accounts 323' andaddreas boiugcloselyimitated. K.Digby.bPearse is appointment merely duringiihe thatthe W. 1 be affected by the long play oa Friday he alter uuy weight if, after conpelled Lawrenoa,not out .noxt lo W. 4'i Trades ' Suter not retain until tho and Labour Council. .Bishop may everyone the-Geaeral which was who Synod, expected "^Cf/RTANTEI). Huttou, however, ayood to win. valnoa pleasure-ol watch l^llB HANDY GUIDE TO NEW B. Waller,b Uarrard 11 ""FJ Bidenng tho Cotamifctce's reasons, ho still proved too good,,and won two games and appointa new Primate wheneveritlikea, regular meeting of the Synod the office thought ZHALAOJ])," Bl> K. Bates,bP«i.reo 23 he v/as light, and that no by operation general meeting of the J.Kldi-idsci!, bPo:irp,e 0 The ordinary Illusfcmted, 3o 6d. drew another. l itI surprise and -without ■waiting- for the resignation whichbaa devolveduponhim There was another Steward 6Lould scg tny handicap before T&Sffia^ r *il^d tW«ITO -Wthifc, oWookTsS W. P. Beeves, bfeared 0 "BEETT'S .JUBHiHE AND EXHIBITION in Boreham winning two and drawingone Canterbury Trades and Labour of thoPrimate lastelected. Nor is there. of Churchlaw not, aa you rather harshly publication Extra 1 , iv which a ho^se he CHEONICLE." D game against Eeid, SouthAustralia,Brodie was held on Saturday evening in the anytbing in the clause quoted to prevent put it, which he has graspedr" The fact \va3 Sixtypagea. Size,17x12. Beautifully in was weighted." This '.Total having a bye. Inthe fifth round Brodie Foresters' Hall, Oxford Terrace, Mr Jas. the General Synod from stipulating thatits that certainpeople entertain, doubts about v/aa interested 126 lUustrated. Is. the actual resolution of tho Com"" from, balls, Co., BowLisaAiiAi,sßiß,~Asuby, rrma,.,-. yo is 60" 47 J. ia the Shier five Coy/ley take eifect a the of his title to the office was drawn chair. There & doora f validity paragainst Hutton, one, repand won were mBarrett's HotcL. appointment shall THE V..Z. FAMILY FEISND."— 3d. v>iak«>n ; J-'eart-e, 105 balls, 85 inns, ± raaitiens,'' drawing three, Boreham ticular time. Tapreventthis,itspowerwould surely no adequate reason for launching mittee, which hasbeen in several quarters 1 receiving a bye. resentatives of tenSocietiea present. Cor"^enffTANTED Knowß.-Prompt o&9h paid t« The dissentients ivCommittee 7 wickets; Garr<iid,-4-3"balls,.43ruuß, 1wicket.Brodie and Boreham meet onMonday to respondence was read with regardto the E.]StOSTOM-TAYLOR,.xoent. have-to be expressly limitedin this direc- upon the sea of difficulties which would misquoted. Piist lnniugg. play off for the third prize, the winner work of the Council and it was decided tion, whereas the exact contrary is the Burroucd r.a attemptunder present ckcum- were Messrs H. Dod3on, M.H.E.,and H. aland,) Hereford street (opposite BankNow Zfjfco. P. A Macdonald, o Bates b £ldridge... 16 that tlio Secretary communicate with andalliJookssliera, NewaAgents, case. The words "a3 occasion may re- stancea toconvenea special meetingof tho H. Dodson. Considerable etiv ensued in playing "Warnock for'the championship. sot out Gun-ard, C. V7. 3fl v?ere circles, and tho local racing papei'3 what? a Societies who had not Synod only words, Fttrnwhingg, Tinwaro. Crockery, Bruahwari to do to settlo' Hood was completely afc seaon Saturday appointed their 1 quire,"are certainly not restrictive T.W. Kobao, b J3ldridgo EEADY FOE THE MAIL— full oi! tho bubjeefc. The action of the Glaeoware. aiid requisitea of ev^y dSoriS AEbby,notiout .« 4* in the draughts tournament, want of rest delegates, requesting them to do bo at D. Tout if wordshaveanymeaning atall, they question which has already been settled Comraitteo " Devenish waspretty generally denounced, W. Meares* "STATI3TICAL JLxuiux 7 houaakCo^"PB s telling its tale. In the first game against their earliest convenience. Alter mating Mr CHAET can only betaken to extend the authority by competent authority. .Better for the Z KALAND,"lithographed OF NEW as for himself, that Bi2hop and afc the meeting on Saturdtiy evening Hutton the play drifted on book lines, provision with reference to financial mat„, 107 of the -Synod todealwith the-appointment Church, as well in thxee colonra, prica 2s- 6d;m book.form, Totnlfortwowioketa * was ft very discussion, cloth,.letteredin gold, animated Known—" 'Tho voioo of the "UyiVTANTED Bowlikq AjsAivsw.— KJdiidge, 78 bulls, .38 ■wfyen,to the surprise of all, HooU.made a ters, tiie Council proceeded with the elecCa. under any possible circumstances that Suter should say, J'y suis, J'y «sJe and there VSm?e\ IjUxtons Mniinery ,3 tho severalirembers holding strongly thatthe rnn», 3 iuaiduus, 2 wickdta; Jones, Si ha.Ye, 2i tion or officers, with thefollowing results pretueet and could ariee. Suppose, for instance, that hold the fort. There would be houio gain, independence cheapest m Canterbury. Dnrin^e runa,1maiden;Digby,24i balls, 4mn.B,2maideus ; welkfcnown book loss move. After'the President, NOETON-TAYLOE, imE. handicapper oil the was were the Mr F. this the admit, possible bring Parker; prices it to S. Vice-Presiweak will be con.WerablyTeducef the Primate, without committing any re- I SO bolls, Hi runs, 1maiden; Lighiband,12 game v/as ever,and he was shown the dents, Herefordetreet. offering a eplndldopportunity The handicapper, Mr J. "Jinsh, Bates, Messrs Janies M'lntoah and J. E. balls,ISruns. toladiJto position,.he faile&to recognise it. In the cognised Ecclesiastical offence, were to matter withinthe potential jurisdiction of perilled.his areally stylißh and pretty hat or bonnet eecuri, bub v.'as prevailedupon Or, SIMPSON & WILLIAMS, resigned go as to incur would Jenkinson Supreme Court, ; ; the as that afford Mr Jas.J. Now Treasurer, game himself in his office second he refused the Ayrshire Cowley showing, very conduct a prottysoleotfonof Toyaand Panov High; street. under tho conditions' above Good», for Xaaa and the Now A match was commenced afc Hagley Park Lassie and formed a Bristol; but it was Secretary, Mr F. J. Bidmeade. The the gravedispleasureof the Synod;ia my the means of Bilencing all doubt or cavil; to resume ittho Y»u. Presents Stewards clearly stated, having being and hlMnlly diatribntod to oS oa8 humble opinion, the Synod could, by but, aa at present advised, Ido not see on Saturday between teams representing evident he was not fit toplay. Hntton appointmentof Trusteesand Auditors was the the SydenhamWesleyans and the Midland ■waabutlittle better, and twice-daring the left until the nest meeting, as 'was also E. NORTOF-TAYLOE, MojtM electing a new Primate, quietly get; rid of how taat could be managed, considering explained that they desired toaassist motion good, so no for tbe were general that, aware, Club, CONTBACTOB, far aa 1am there is oitiuial and when stumps drawn the game '^huif" wa3 taken advantage oL the various Committees to carryout the ADVBETISIHG the old ono, and. it could stipulate also was put scores were a3 follow : Midland 93 Hood did AUTHOHISED AGENT FOtt THE MedioaL. not enforce his, and a draw re- work of the Council. The appointmentby "Argus;" that the new Primate should take ofiice special'property, emolument, or trnst con- confirming the above resolution "Australasian," Helbourco; "Sydney a eight, Primacy twenty pro29, Dally 13, ferred tho would and carried to Garrard and the Government by by 11, Eoyal fix. which sufiice sulted. Jn the third Hood of a Commission (Spencer any game at date it chose to How to played Herald," ".Echo," "Sydney Mail," Illornin^ " much more, then, when the Primate toconstitute one of the elements esoeutiitl posal thatno alteration be made till &fter Hay and Munford10 each) and49 for two better for sometime, andappearedtorhavo takeevidencenponths" sweatingsystem" 4c. Brisbane Couritfr," "Obßerver," STOP "Qneonelandor." Observer," wickets (Frankish 21) ; Wealeyans 89 a clear-win when he threw it away. After alleged to bo in operation in the Colony, "Adsldido " intimates to the Synod that ho to give the Court such jurisdiction. It the February race meeting lapsing. Advertiser,-**4c, p SO MANY QUACK MEDICINES '"Hobart Towa Mercury." me, therefore, chat tho wisest (Ayrey 16, Mauchlin 15, Eitchie sen. 14, the adjournment. Hood, seeing..his posi- was brought under the notice of the -wishes to be relieved of his ofiice at a appears to tin in the ALL NEW ZEALAND of interested OrBLEJPELSCIPAL Curoof all Evils, as most of them tor meeting persona 11, Council, course is to accepb the uituation aa it A Hudson and Preece 10.) Hudson tion washopeleas,resigned. andit was agreed to nominate a are no. his intimation an certain time. Is not " " " thing else but disguisedturpentine. "occasion which may require the Btands and acknowledge Bishop Suter aa Oxford Eaces wa3 held in the auction bowled well for the Wesleyans, as did PAPE2S. Committee for the purpose of giving Andtheleading English, Scotch, Irish,.American rooms, Oxford,on Friday evening. There Munford for the Midland. SLESINGEB'S EHKUMATIC BALSAMis assistance in the enquiry. It wa3 also election of his successor? My contention Primate. and ConttnoutalNawspupczs. only Ctennine and Soientiflo Praparation ior tha Hospital and Charitable principally farmers The returnmatch on Saturday between decided that tho necessary arrangements toa Advertising'«onsolfi is,then, that the election of the Bishop of ! With regard to Archdeacon Julius iiis was a fair attendance, Bofora Cure of Gout, Khenmatism, Soiatiwu,&o, Jhoa parts of thedistrict. Mr th©' Sydenham Druids andEeserveresulted Aid Board. be at once made for theregistration of the sands have tostiiied to the cures effeoted. (Saa Wellington to the Primacy wasperfectly much to be regre'ebed, Ithink, that the from the various " E.NOETON-TAYLOB, x After pamphlets.) Standing Committee of this diocese did Ingram was voted to the chair. Councilin legal form. A communication in a win for the Druids by 4< runs on the ' not Tolophone335. Box225. regular. some it was and proposed discussion was received from the Early Closing adopt Mr Lubecki's common sense ,1 contend further that there is do first innings, the highest scorers being G. SOUTH CANTEKBUEY. SLESINGEB'S HOE9E, CATI'LE, and DOG races Halliday and Hitchinga for the Druids, tocall cuggestion that they should follow the carried unanimously "That the The- firsi meeting of the newly-coußti- Association, drawing attention to the THE EXHIBITION.OB.GANS, MEDICINES are approved of by all Owners of person or body of persons entitled " ; that a and Donnelly and Goodman for the lapse shculd not be to permitted example Staudiag Horsas,Cattle, of tho Committees of that and Dobs all throush New Zealand objects fcuted Board was held on. Friday last-; . of body. The Council apForwarded"by theelection ia question. A fundamental be held this season; that a meet- Reserve. The total scores were Druids present TheMayor of Tiruaru (DrHogg), pointed a delegate to attend the comin» &-CO., of Washington...NewJersey, andAustraliau Colonies. provision." o£ tha Church's Constitution otherdiocuaed who had already confirmed meeting CORNISH those in the be of interested races held 50, Eeserve 4G. Skelton and Halliday! Messrs Jackson, McLaren, Sinclair, Quin, general meeting of the Association to Everyperson who used them was pleas9l.aal AEE fTOW ON-VIEW (No. 5) creates the general Synod as a the Archdeacon's election aa Bishop of ing toelect Stewards and bowled in their usual good style, while Earker,and J.Moore. MrJ..Jackson was express sympathywithit. A largoamount "representative governing body for the Chriatchurch. Ihave good reaaon to in a fortnight heace At their Officos in Hereford street-Chriatchnreh. not a ainglocomplaintmade these forty yoicdl ensuing Some of year." officers for tho Curtain and Gates did. good service for.; alectfcd Chairman for the ensuing year, of routine buainesa having been gone into TheirSOLE AGENTFOE NEW ZEALAND is., management of the affairsof the church," believe that Archdeacon Julius would SOLD BY i and Mr Sobs (ex-Chairman) Treasurer. theCounciladjourned. which body it says Bhall consist of the j prove an invaluable accession to the the Stewardsand the Treasurer -who acted their side. E. NOBTON-TAYI.OE. I J. S. COOKE,Chemist, InspectionInvited. A great deal o£ correspondence waß.read Bishops, the clergy and the laity, the ! Episcopal Bench,being, as Iam informed, last year undertook to see that all debts Churches, Caahalßtrsat; Special Sermß to 9i23 &c. relating to charitable aid matters, but Properties consent of all of -which orders shall be a ripo (scholar, a learned theologian, full due by tho Club be paid before the next C. S..HOWJBLL, Saddlar, for Sale-or -To Lot. BOWLING. bulk of ithad reference to routine , necefifiarytoallactsbindinguponthe Synod, i of energy, of genial temperament, and, meeting.1 A vote of thanks wa3 accorded the Caahel street details, and a few simple orders, "were KIHCAID,G.LO., andupon allpersons recognising its autho- above all, poaseucing the ardent, self- to Mr 1 1.1.I Luers for making up andauditCONXEACTOE TO-THE. Colombo-atroat; rity." Nowtheconsentofalltheorders was sacrificing missionary spirit of aSelwyn. ing the accounts for the past year. The INTEEPEOVINCIAL TOTTENAMBNIL made upon it as to rations. The subthenadjourned. W. PHiEIE,Farrier, ject ot boarding out and adoption given to the elsctionofBiahop Hadfield to We sadly wantsuch metal inthe Episcopal meeting NEW ZEALAND GOVEBNMENT. Casbelstreet; FBEEHOCDS On Saturday morning a colt belonging children occupied EOine time, but the Primacy. The election is, therefore, j sphere to help to win the sympathies and of ABSOOIATItON.j PBBBS [FB» J W.-H^.TjaAVIS, Sftddlor, until repealed, aa much a law of the j Bpur the flagging energiesof the members to Mr H. Horsford had to be destroyed little could be done. There are numerous DEjfJESEED PAYMEMTi StAaapastrosb FOS SALS ON ; accident by which he broke BU2TEDIN, Jan. 25. Church aa are any of the canons ornon- ; of the church. No appreciable risk could ■owing to an applicants to board and to adopt'little WAILACE & Ca^Chemists, leg. The colt is by Cadogan La Higha^eot; WHOLESALE ANt)EBTAIL fundamentalpiovisions of the constitution, j possibly bs incurred in placing the Arch- his The bowling tournament was continued girls,but none for boys, and the eligible BAEBADOES STJSXBT, near CaHhel Btreefc— Modo, rising and was three He years. ; deacon at once iv the see of Christchurch Allof date, ) Christclmrah. Being, too,a law of most recent IRONMONGER, HAEDWASE it to-day,the weather beingmagnificent,just girls lxav&now all been disposed of, v/hile Houoo-of six rooina aud buctiouofiandj-wiih would, over-ride any conflicting law of for no ono can doubt that the General was originally soldin November, 1888, to death, boys tontago. remain. The of th&«areists f a shade on the warm Bide. The various the MERCHANT, AND STESET— Ono Acra of Xand, S. SLESDfGEE taker at the barracks, or home, was EABUADOiSa equal authority of earlier date. It does i Synod would, in due time, if needful, Mr 11. Redwood, but subsequently re- greens wereinsplendid.order. Kesultß: GEKEfiAL IMPOETEE, planted with fruit trees, tocorner section, orders not, therefore, signify what decision any j gladly exerciseits plenarylegislativepower purchased by Mr H. Horsford, who had reported, given with, and to call for VETERINAEY SUBGEON. DUNEDIN iooniß,vinory, TOUEWAMENT. «othor Houseo£ Beven. BINE 217, It is, therefore, again soldhim toaDunedin sportsman, to HIGH STEEET. A2JD 129, HSEEEOBD &c, &o. subordinate body may afterwards come to to validate his election. applicationsfronxmarried couples. HitherSecondEound. STEEET,CHEiaTCUUECH, t [IjTONBTEBET,ABDINGTON— 23 parches Committee whom he wa3 to have been sent thia to the Board have paid.£52 a year, free HAU PILIiS, on the matter. Moreover,itis a mistake deplorable that the Standingjudgment beat team) Fergus B.Hale HasinStock aiidto Axrivo,aLargo and (Canterbury Land, colt was his of walllnid in doing morninggerdon, Theueual one orchard and to fuel, house and and 6d a each CompluteAasortmentof to Buppose that the General Synod ha3 should have surrendered its 7s weak for rooms, 18 by Cottago panliy 25 to with. of four and-washexercise,and-atumbled. Hofelland threw (Wellington team) Dunedin, and, that of the of at hia Bishop delegate inside, ever evenassumed to toany-other ENGLISH, ABttJEJCAN, ANDCONTINENTAL Loubj, water iiio deposit. Carlton (Eoslyn),.4, beat Bennie (Wan-,' feeding and clothing tho children in the WOHCiSSXIiJS from rendering a signal hia rider, a boy named Manning (now SOMEiiT iiiST (No. 7)— oiighth HAKDWABE inalLßcuiches. Home. Itis proposedtoreduce the.salary body the power to interpret its laws in a bidding, abstained church, atlarge by confirm- lying at the Hospital). The colt's log waa ganui^byaatoH of am Aero,with Cottage of;Bix looioa, waoh£25, manner conflicting with ife owninterpre- service to the to and the fee to 6b. The boarding housa, utoioroom, and pantry, all in good XEON— Bar, Plate, Pig-, Hoop, GalvaniaedCorrnbeat Thomson Ogg 3, (Caledonian), andhe had badly broken, to be shot. Tho gatod,Galvanised,'i'innedand BlackSheet tation of them. Clause 29 of the non- j ing the election of a man calculated to rasmr. £50 dapostt,Lalance onniortgugo. greater part of the time of the (Taieri), 2,by 25 to 16 STttifiKT EAST, near latinier CEftOSHT— KnightBaton's,and White's fundamental provisions of the constitution j become oneofits strongest pillars. How- colt hadbeen soldfor 200gs. beat M'Kay^ meeting was talcen up with a discussion HEJLEFOUD SoldEverywhere; 2s 63. perbox; post.3«<i. Campbell (Wellington) WOODWAUE, /xlee, Cottago of five rooms«iUi.scctiou of COACHBUILOh-'JiS' ever, yet square— it ia not too late to that repair provides that "any doubt which shall j :on theadmissibilityto thehospital of cases Wholesale Ageutß, N.Z. DnjfrCompany. Land,50 links x 250links. Springs, Trimmings, and great 16 (Taieri) by to as 24 ; omission but itia notlikely that Archarise in■" the interpretation of these STHEtT, trSTulSWHAM— Qaarteir of variety. Coaoh andCarriagoJ.amps. (Christohurch)beatWaddelL lof puerperal septicaomia. A case of this HUXLEY Bobbery. of H.Thomson Charge deacon Julius will be content to GLASS, Oils, Colours, Varnishes, Coltuge I'aiuti), wait an i. and of four Sheet ■naturewas brought in from Temuka, and ri n cro roams. presents (viz^ihe-original constitution), (Phoenix),2,by 22 to 18 Scctrona from £27 10a each; terms Le&d and Zinc. Fencing Wire, Staples,. "or of the constitution for tho time indefinite time in expectation (like the refused admission on the ground of LUrWOOD— Standards, Wiro Netting, Epadas, .Shovels, Keddie (Balclutha) beat Harris.(Canter-, ■:was £2 10s deposit; balance at tho.rate of £1 per CASE DISMISSED. MEDICAL E2EEETI to the inmates. The being of this branch of the said Church, j Peri at the gateof Paradise) of at length [danger surgical month; Scythes,Forks,GorsoHootcs,&c. interest 7per cent. by 23 to 20 bury), bench, we, and An illu&tratiou of the truth of the old BKLT, near corner of Armagh CAEPEHTEES , BLACKS.iHI'L'US', of Timaru refused EAST TOWN AND jprivate practitioners "a-TMrty-sovenYears' Pnblio Praetloelm shall be submitted for final decision [ reaching the Episcopal to beat (Lawrence) Hyßlop (Kai-;, Woods when, Capital J iaildiugJieqnisltos run COOPEEB-'i'ools and therefore, daily Siio, having. the risk of losing him proverb that the wine is in the wit street 74.links jattend the patient, owing to the risk to to the General Synod, or to some tribunal ■ Jlelbanrnol WINDMILLS, Pumpa, idiua, Black and ; frontugo. to13 would respectfully suggest is ont was given on Saturday before three tangata),by 20 to be established by the General Synod in I altogether, I GalvanisodironPipos:aadFittingra TtoonlyLocally QualifiedMan AdvtrtUln*. (Dunedin) beat Macdonald; !their own business, and the Chairman of SOUTH TOWNBKl,T,.noorlycorner of WindmiU BANGJSrt— M'Diarmid Standing Justices, viz., to the Committee that Aahburton Messrs David they English, be observed and things may Scotch, American, j troatago by doop. thatbehalf." Two the Board^afterseveraleuquiriea^maiiaged road Section 66i'fc 167ft Locals INKBUVOUS AFFEGTIONBI (Lawrence)^by 28 to 15 newlyfencedall round, ground truachod and and Gas fctovoa, Begtstor iiratas, Marble and or thisclause. First, that being amongst j should at once urge tho Bishop to call Thomaa, D. Shea Lawlor Bnd Major obtain the services o£ a just passed IS THE DISEASiSS OF YOUTHII planted Barlow (Caledonian) beat Russell* !to fruit treeo. Sinto UluatelpiectiS,Tiles for-Hearths, Fenders the nan-fundamental provisions,it cannot another meeting for the purpose of con- Steward. A man named Alison was (Dunedin),by23to2l imedical student from Dunedin, who has YICTOEIAwith BTBtiJiT, ElCmrONJO— Honse of andFixe Irons,Coal Scuttles, Chandeliorsfor m THfl DKU6ASK3 AND DISABILITIBIB am, &c, charged with having stolen from his jattended the patientat a boardinghonse, over-ridethe authoritygivento theGeneral firming tho election. I Gas ai-d Korosone, Lamps, 1/anip Wore,.and. air.rooms, with bay window and torundah, to OFHAEEIED LIFHII! Struthers (Christchuroh), 4, beat iand ia bringing Jan. 23. . Jaiieb Smith. be sold a bargnin. Binall deposit," and tho GeneralFurnishingsGoods chum, W. Shayer, a £20 note. The Ballinger round. The Synodby Clause5of i£efundament ai prohor Board i DYNAMITE, monthly (Weliington),.by 22 to 12 balance by payments. Bliitinx Powdec byLetter Daily throughoutall visions; second, that it refers to interpreevidence led for the prosecution was to tho tConsnltationa approved of actiontaken .unanimously tlw liOAD, adjoining .LINCOLN Messrs Duncanand 5, Hunter (Dunedin)j beat Smith. ty Mr Eoss (the Chairman) and I)r AJOilUliniON. the effect that Alison had been loafing Coloniest tations of the constitution only, andnot of Aitken— Seven Acres, or.xaore AQUATIC. 1,-by3sto6 j Hogg, who at thetime w«re the only memShayer, and generally taken advan- (Taieri), Sections ivfe-very low prices. upon the canons or other lawß of the Church. It SPECIALTIES,..JUST LANDED— pooled) forwarded -all o White (Taieri), 4, beat Ham (luv«r- bers of theBoard, and gave the Modioinci (appropriately BTafiOiT and Barbadoea streetdoes not limit the powerof the Synod to TJ.E.C.'s ANNUAL SWIMMING RACE. tage of fehayer'a drunken condition to --cargill),by Resident iICHtfIBUD throueh the Colonies ondTsdiiu Valuable Corner Section,containing66ft xCCft. CUTLBHY, CUTJiEEY IN CASE3, and j Surgeon positive instructions to 23 to 11 provide himself v/ith money and drink, either make or interpret the subsequent refuse ELEOTEO-PLATED WAEE Eight-roomed COHI?>aiKNCE SlEKl3T— Honso» Matheson (Eoslyn), 2, beat EIUb (Vie-i admissionto puerperalsepticaemiopatients.. woll-fiuiahed and in good repair. Vonatinn EOCHEtiTJflE.and HITCiICOCK: LAMF3,great laws.of the Church. It does not evenpro- | The swimming race for members, held cihayor havinggiven hima tenpoundnote, toria),by variety 29 to 12 Winds ami gas Icidon, &c.,.nowoccmried by jJ& Jj. With, one exception the members of the feas to authorise the appoinment Of any j annually by tho above-named Club, was and kept on shouting for him and others Paul (New MANGLES,Perfect Gems. Eegularßargains good.tcnint. Plymouth) beat Jeans.(Victo think that they could do BABBIT WliiE NETTING, specialty selected, ■JBoard-Beemed body which could call in question a de- decided on Saturday afternoon in the for a \vhole day. While in a cab on toria),3,.by 41 to 9 &a., to. strongandcheap;any quantity liberate act of the Synod consistent with Avon, over a course about one hundred their way to catch a train that had forsuchpatients,,thstthe ■cases are. J. B.DALE &.CO., CATHEDEAIi SQUAEB. WATJBEBUEY WATCHEa, Ladioa' and Gents', J. Thomson (Dunedin), 3, beatMitchell nothing with, 41, who COLLINS SffiBEET, thefundamental provisions of the consti- jarda in length, competitors starting from etaitedbefore they did,andwhichtrain was (Inyercargill), and that a doctor meets Tare, newandold series 2, by 26 to 12. houses"to belet.belt, GUNS, KEVOLVEiiS. and all SPOETSMAi;'3 tution. Further, it does not appear to Stanmore bridge and swimming down- to be the preliminary journey to a trip to one in hia practice must see it through House of"fifteen NorthTown looma. SINGLE-HANDED TOTJUNAMENT. MELBOUENE. interference, stream. The following was the result : Sydney, and when the cab had arrived at EJBQUISIIES. contemplate at all the at whatever loss to himself. Mr 3L A. lloufco of eight rooms, Btablo and trap. house, Fiwt Eound. M. Suckling, 7sec the door o£ anhotel Alison was alleged to three-quarteraof 8-aacroofland, good,orchard,. 1 of any body with the subsequent acts Barker (a son o£ the late Dr Barker, of INDENTBUNDERTAKEN onJffiost Eeasonable road, near Worcesterstreet. Conjmltations by Letter, Fos JL> ■ 25 beat Btanmore Ber from a JE2O Toomer Storie 16 Shayer note, Louiason, but in A. 2 have taken "believed only however, of tie General Synod, the theßO .-OxfordTerraceEast— Housecf eightlooms,Avith. Chxistchurcli), Terms for oil English, American and i\ Hobbc, 12sec 3 which Shayer was, in a drunken way, Creighton 23beat Cronin16 Continental Goods. Perfional Comsnltationa, £1 la. interpretation of the constitution. The | cases are more numerous than was ad- '-" Teranduh and baloouy. i . (Iscladuiff X wo Snys' ilodioijwou) F. Wilkin, 12sec offering to thecabman in payment of the Macdonald~24 beatNewman 14 4 ttatseveral deaths hadtaken TheHermitaga,"Housa-ofeightrooms and.good' interpretationof theCanons or resolutions j mitfced^and accommodation, stable Colombo street South. Henrangs a bye, Erskine not appearing place within thelast twelve months. He of Synod does not, therefore, come within ! S. L. Partridge (23ec) and J. Q. Smart fare. The short facts of the case, &3 Cottage of five rooms/rravißßtxeßt, Avonvilla. Anderson 29 beat Gatfield 15 |insisted that, for the protection of the. Cottagoof theprovince of any tribunal provided for i (4sec) also started, but did not finish. proved by the full evidence, were that PBACTICAL WATCHT«AKBIt &JEWELIiEE. . Bopwate'Waitingand■Conflnlttnjirßeoattjfar Bixj-ot>mß, Victonaatroot. Tnrnbull beat M'Laren17 18S, HEEEFOED STEEET, soon in the old times with 20 Shayer,,acquainted men, try tcraxooms, Cottage overhauled the limit ipublic, the Board should anddevise . ot .Hereford street. by th<* constitution. A tribunalcalledthe Suckling Lidiae ftud»Qentlamau. (NextHerefordHotel). made a chum of him on beatW. Smith Friday Sample ; been and at half distance was with leading, Alison, Binco for treating cases under "Standing Commission" has I some means beat Keddie. Ss, with him to the Bank for Watcheaicleaned for f or Hobbs, IV., ii, Wilkin, section clause Louisson and went to draw Gufchrie and andnuaraateed. twelve (Canon Partridge, isolation, 8) created gave come system of & months. Watch, ghissoa fittod, 6d; the best An Intercolonial Match, four rinka notice of a motion that this subject for thepurpose of interpreting theConsti- Smart in this order. As Smart took his himself JJ6O, which he got in. one note of quality. Brooch, pins fitted from .3d. AILother lv. tution; andthefollowing clause (No. 9) of plunge before receiving the -word he waa "^£2o, three of .£lO, and iSIO in half- a side, bofcween Victoria and a team, be considered. jowclJcryropairsequally cheap. connection with, '752 In RATTTTgTHt-ATiClubß, this he each SQUARE. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. board, sovereigns ; money £10 of made a selected from of the various the same Canon gives to this tribunalthe compelledtoreturn to the starting the caao discussed, it was stated that coantry bypo«t attendedto Allordersfromtho COLLINS STEEET, AUhoq tournament, hia of because he' was at the represented tootplace chance hopeless present to additional authority to interpret Canona |and this rb'ndered the woman, the wife of a labourer at mcuediately,the-ouly tiiira-clmrge being poetßgoandstatutes. Itis, presumably,by-virtue |from the first. After completing the half an old chum, and to two or three other onthe Dunedin green, where- there was a. Temuka, was deliveredwithoufcany aesistInsurance Companies. Melbouene, of the authority contained in clause 9 that Idistance Partridge drew up to Suckling, men he expressed his intention of making -very large attendance, including a large aneeonthe floor of a .sod whare, and that the Standing Commission has undertaken !and Louiason went into thirdplace. About Alison his banker and getting enough, number of ladies, many of thelatter'being £ome days-elapsadbefore evenanurse was COXONIAIi USSTTEANCE COMPAirST Ziate Bekideno» of His Bxoellwisy the Gorermor, O?NEW ZHALAND. to declare-Bißhop Hadfield's election to the i twenty-fiveyards from the finish Partridge from him occasionally toget a drink with*, Victorians. The New Zea]and~teams were obtained. A summons was ordered to be VEEY BEST"PEICE GIVEN FOB weeds, pay and hadto relinquish Wheahe prodnced the J>2o to skippedby Messrs A. Thomson (Dunedin), issaed-against-ajnannamed Patrick Daly, got into the Corrafipoudenoejuißweieiby totaxwotStmU Primacy invalid. EIEK AND MAJiIKE. GOOD CLEAU:ZOTC. Clause 9 of Canon IV.Section ii., says— the contest, which waa carried on by man with thebanker thought he had gone Paul (Wanganui), H. Thomson (Christ- whohad.xefused to pay ahospitaLaccount Capital £2,000,000. Laitors answered is Gorman,Frraoh, ia. Louieson and Suckling in a inoßt earnest far enough and took the note from him, church), and Carlton (Eoslyn)* The Vic- for the treatment of his son, a youngster Effects every description of Pire and. Maijao "All doubts which may arise in the in* * * at Lowest Being; to see that did was Insurance Current CKOWI IRON Shayer captained finish, manner. Both hardfor the aB heeaid torian team Kates. a spurted simply by elbow, Messrs for broken on the ground that he purely local institution. Claims,an settled with terpretation of any canon or statute 2802 and drakes with it. The O'Munro, Ellis, Jeans and. Aitken, New hadbeen-ciippled forlife-bymaltreatment, promptitude. ■' ISsßßfiEfciZ Jptee"eift"e»ti« i iwsir«b] shall be submittedfor final decision- to the |Suckling maintaining hia advantage, he not makeducks JS dorse Big & as the only .>^ffiSS»B« i«!ifc tai3 "T SUFFEEEB from Nervous and Wastim? "■yraß^rOnnain^^a Standing Commission and to no other i grasping the rope just as Louisson's arm alleged theft wasdonein the full eight,of Zealand went away with, a strong^lead.. in oxder that the complaint might be CT^TF & GEASAH, epectflcfortbocoitalucw:* \£%_ Ac, Managers for-Cjcaterbnry. Debility, Vigour, LosßOf cabman, hotel, DATg.^M the and Scores : wasTestored ''i£i&Sr\ TO i this disease. inquired.intowbere.thewitnesses "wouldbe tribunal whatever." This clause, strong flashed from the water with a similar tae landlord of the |^oiaalNd<otM«w of Q.H.PHQBAHAM.M.PJ, ISl.Xichfleld atroat,Chrißtcburah. "■tohealth in such a EEJUAEEABLE JIANNEB Victoria. New Zealand.-, under oath. Dr Lawson was given a 702ß. changed his mind AmutcTi^n^ N. Z. jftor»U elsehadFAILED,thatAe-wilL^onreceipt tgStMOtSUMtUTOas itis, has nomore authority than any intention in view. Hobbs was about a another. But Shayer Firsthalf hour 8 25 and "banker," and Wilkin half that his -drunk yards suddenly away, Belf-addreseed, stamped envelope, Bend; about other Act, Canon or Statuteof the Church, dozen 18 week's leav« of absenceonthe ground of of a the BSm HE4«aT*7 Ota We havesold Big Cr for Secondhall honr ~. 60 ' FiiEE many ye&xs, from first as was the The mode of cure to nil md U haa police. distance beind Hobbs. Time he interviewed Tliiidhalt honr -28 fellow-aofierere W29Uu».f%««iMi n> .79 !indisposition. Th&drainage-of thehospital not bo mnch-aa the non-fundamental pro- I Addreaa.A.JgiaeivGJ.O^Bydncy. 52 EKCOTTEAaE XOCAIi IHIOTBTET, 195 case was heardon Saturday morning, but Pinul 131 satisfactory— offensive sewer^ gas visions of the constitution, and far less |pluEge lmin 48sec. is not ' BTgfTKETHOF ib was soon apparent that there was no The ho&vie3b score for New Zealand was escaping from some of the-gratangs-pand LIKEJ^Sn..-RV.AT,yvr, D.B.UYCHE £ CO., OUo*^y«S than the fundamental provisions. Now, ca?e, and the Magistrates expressed an made by the rink of Thomson, Cnrisfc- the surgeon was.authorised to get recom-; Tho fie:il act in with the "&-*^Jr\ W 111 ' seen that the fundamental connection pro-.BoldLbySrßcftat^ have (N.ZJ we panuy-Btamgß,a iXnA^^nQßE^'sukv VK!KOTI~II»''^O>.«f BYPOSTfor six of 1890 was enacted on opinion thatof the lot concernedibe-most chuxch, which made 52 (or exactly the ' mendations from Mr.Marchant forremcMedical Treatise by an emioeot Frenoh I" JJ3.CIWKi3, " . AGKNT. CA*axi..*Jx»3UßX. visions require only the consent of the LytteltonRegatta Iflßhowing.Jus owa;inaka of |^^^g^^«[ His;62o was ! Shayer. Physician, thirty to unfit whole si; Friday largo years Hospital to be at total of the Victorian team) to- their |dying"the^efect3.. a Parisian night, when the Committe met yRTCHiIa.;^, ; threo orders of Synodto bindnotonly the | speoiftlißt-(now retited) atoningsuffßrerstowthey opponents6. There was toasting at the Synod but "all persons recognising' ita Ipass accounts and otherwise settle up note waahandedDockto~him. of Dahili^y. may care themselvea Nervous Lost liATEST SHAPE^^NDi Manhood, &&, &%, without oonsaltiDg-Emsdicfj Printed and publishedby Jaiobs Ctmna Wttinr. end, the Victorians taking theirbeatingin.j A. Faxe, Bkitecifux Seeh.— Sulpholin^ Soap authority." The three orders of Synod " affairs in connection withthe celebration Stdpholina lokioa, J of Hereferd streetcartho "LyfcUltoa Times'* gives the natural tint and peach-liko b!oont of a »Cvßox,766^,gydngy. .excellentspirit. .mas. AddrCßa— PttrißJan, I deliberately gavetheir consentto theelec- of Canterbury's fortieth annual regatta. To Cobz Bxr» PiCTMhw. Why BuyEnglish. Jaakesthoskin^mooth, Companr, Lfanitod at ttwac Of&oat^ Cmthsdfal |perf«ctoompleiioii, supple, AJErieudly game*w as playedAfc4lie«ame | ■**Aljoon tion of Biahop Hadfietd as-Erimate; and, -The statement of the Hon Tteasnrer healthy^comfoxtablo. 6dtablet5T Everywhero.— I ' wheaJ^^uciuUiave^innanftaaii «^Meflioal it^iiQddanrlnr^^BßßJonire.''*'-to.ijrda!s£Di JJeyißWp^' lspm?,' "' ■ ■ t^a^fc§^944ll*W^SfliOf JW?^«Bfct, ! ? M^Ba?^^7B3-* 1.453' ; , .';. THE PRIMACY. <* — — - . i - — — — . . ... ......- I "^r-ANTE'b W. ■ __Aotan^&o.^''^ ■ || T . . — ...... ... BUHS — . "W rS wsmwm — ... I — j — . 1 — — BESIGNS ... — ... — — ... 3^7 ... ... - ... . . ... ... aw£ b^bor ■ - -*SS§ v"^L^°t. — JLui»«+ - — THE EXHIBITION O — \ — . — <t, s^^^^^? — S. WABHMLSKJ, — J EEMATiE ITEYEB^ FAIL. MBS DX STUAHT'S. ! — 1 — — Elm feMITH,-L.SU,, ... . . — J, ANDEBSBN. , 'J. B. DiLE. THK CO., SMITH, DE.I. THE 'WOEES. — — . l FEEE — ' _^^^^^^P J ".. .. .