For professionnal investors and a advisers only o Schro S oderrs Multi M -Assset In nvesstme ents Monthly M y viewss – Marrch 201 13 Gove ernment Bo onds Equities As sset Class Category View Investmen nt grade cred dit Hig gh yield Commoditties Cash Strategy y We main ntain our view w that equitie es are still atttractive and that t valuatio ons remain un ndemanding.. However wee have downg graded our view on n Europe to Neutral N and up pgraded the U UK. Eq quities The US remains one of o our two favo oured marketss and we conttinue to be positive on both large and small cap p stocks and oon the value sector. s US UK Europe Japan Pacific ex Japan Emerging markets We have e upgraded UK equities from m neutral to poositive. The sttock market is one off the cheapest indices globa ally and UK coompanies stan nd to benefit mmodative mo onetary ▲ from thee weakness in GBP sterling and the accom backdro p. We have e downgraded d European eq quities to neutrral as the polittical impasse in Italy a and the recentt events in Cyp prus have brouught headline risk back to the table e. While periph heral Europea an equities stil l offer conside erable value, ▼ the upsu urge in politica al uncertainty acts a as a barririer to unlockin ng that value. Despite the continuing g strong performance of Jappanese equitie es, we neutral as we believe further upside is lim mited in the sho ort term. We remain n will revie ew our stance when we can n see if the proomised policy actions are actually implemented.. We rema ain neutral on Asia Pacific equities. e We bbelieve there are a other more atttractive region nal equity mark kets where wee prefer to hold overweight positionss. We also o remain neutral on EM equiities. Althoughh the global cy yclical d, emerging market compannies, particularrly exporters, position has improved have nott been able to o capitalise on this trend. Vaaluations on th he other hand are beco oming more atttractive as em merging markeets have lagge ed developed markets year to date. Sc chroders Mu ulti-Asset Inve estments As sset Class Category View Strategy y We con tinue with a short s bias to Duration. Ou ur views on th he major s are broadly unchanged in i March. markets Go overnment bo onds US We retaiin our negative view on US bonds and haave become slightly more negative e on 10-year Treasuries. T Th his view remaiins supported by the data coming o out of the US and a continu uing strong exppectation that the main parties w will compromis se on tax and spending poliicies. We main ntain our nega ative stance on n Gilts, as groowth continues s to disappoiint and the fisc cal position in the UK has aagain deteriora ated. UK Europe Japan US inflationlinked bonds EM bonds Our neu utral view on Ja apanese bond ds remains annd reflects a ba alance between n negative facttors such as th he worsening fiscal position n and the governm ment’s policy of o setting a 2% % inflation targeet, and the po ositive effects of a high h proportion off domestic ow wnership couplled with the go overnment’s asset pu urchase progra amme. We are n negative on in nflation-linked bonds, as ourr analysis suggests that break-evven rates are expensive. Our neu utral view on USD-denomina U ated EM bondss continues. Momentum M ned negative and a most coun ntries now seeem to have rea ached the has turn bottom o of the rate-cutting cycle. Thiis means the pprospects for positive returns h has diminished, and yield le evels are less attractive. Both US S and Europe ean investment grade cred dits have rece ently widened d mainly due to the growing concerns on Cyprus. We W continue to believ ve that the cu urrent environment of graadual econom mic recovery and the search for yield will be su upportive forr credit in botth the US and Eurrope over the e medium term m. However w we have sligh htly cut back ou ur positive sc core on valuation considerrations. Inv vestment grrade credit US Europe High yield We have e become slightly less nega ative on Bundss, particularly on short and medium duration bond ds. Yields at th he front end oof the curve ha ave risen to els, mainly refflecting the redduction in dem mand for more faiirly valued leve these bo onds as safe haven h assets. US cred dit spreads hav ve widened sliightly recentlyy. Although valluation levels expensive whe en viewed ove er the short-teerm, steady gro owth and the appear e Fed’s po olicy support should s be cred dit friendly. Witth cash and government bonds offfering negativ ve real yields, the higher yieeld levels available support the secto or. Europea an credit sprea ads have wide ened recently oon the back of the challeng ging situation in Cyprus. Macro risks havee also remaine ed a source of conce ern to some investors. We retain our posittive view on th he sector as corporatte fundamenta als remain robust despite thhe weak growth outlook. The US high yield se ector has outperformed Eu urope since the t being of Februarry. We still re emain positive e on high yieeld debt in both the US and Eurrope. The level of carry av vailable is stilll attractive re elative to the yield ds available in i other asset classes. Sc chroders Mu ulti-Asset Inve estments As sset Class Category US high yield d European high yield View Strategy y Our pos itive view on US U high yield bonds is retainned even thou ugh spreads pt grinding tighter since Feb bruary. Investoors are still loo oking for have kep carry an nd appreciate the t relative sta ability that thee US economy y is offering ed to other reg gions. compare We also o continue to fa avour the Euro opean high yieeld sector in spite of mixed macro fi gures in Europe. Additionally the relative attractiveness of this proved verses the US. The ECB’s commitment to sector h as slightly imp kets if necessa ary should conntinue to provide comfort support financial mark to investtors, who are still looking for extra yield. We main ntain our neu utral view on the broad co ommodity spe ectrum. Co ommodities We belie eve that the market m remains s range-boundd as supply an nd demand should b be broadly balanced over the year. Energy Gold Industrial metals Agriculture We rema ain positive on n gold. A number of catalystts could push prices higher o over the next six s months, inc cluding the upccoming US bu udget negotiattions, and support levels hav ve come nearrer. Our view w remains neg gative over the e medium-term m due to a slow wing in the rate of C Chinese dema and growth and d a large suppply response. We rema ain neutral on agricultural commodities. A An underweigh ht position would be e risky however as low stoc ck levels meann that any wea ather-related issues ccould push pric ces higher rap pidly. In an en nvironment of persistently p ne egative real raates, holding cash c remains unattracctive. Ca ash Sou urce: Schroderss, March 2013. Imp portant Informa ation: For profe essional investors and adviserss only. This doc cument is not su uitable for privatte customers. These are the view ws of Schroderss’ Multi-Asset Group, G and may not necessarilyy represent view ws expressed or reflected in oth er Schroders com mmunications, sstrategies or fun nds. This docum ment is intended d to be for inform mation purposes s only and it is nnot intended as promotional material in any resspect. The material is not intend ded as an offer o or solicitation fo or the purchase or sale of any fifinancial instrum ment. The e, and should no ot be relied on fo or, accounting, legal or tax adv vice, or investmeent recommendations. material is not intended to provide ormation herein is believed to be b reliable but Schroder S Investm ment Management Ltd (Schroders) does not w warrant its comp pleteness or Info acc curacy. No respo onsibility can be e accepted for errors e of fact or opinion. This do oes not exclude or restrict any dduty or liability that t Sch hroders has to itts customers un nder the Financial Services and d Markets Act 2000 (as amende ed from time to time) or any oth her regulatory sys stem. Schroderss has expressed d its own views and a opinions in this document and these may change. Reliannce should not be b placed on the views and inforrmation in the document when taking individua al investment an nd/or strategic decisions. d Issueed by Schroder Investment m Street, Londo on EC2V 7QA, w which is authoris sed and regulated by the Finanncial Services Authority. A For Management Limitted, 31 Gresham ur security, communications ma ay be taped or monitored. m 9399 964 you