Feet Massage 101


Feet Massage 101

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Feet Massage 101



The Health Benefits of Massage in General ........................................... 3

Stress .......................................................................................................... 3

The Benefits of Body Massage ..................................................................... 4


A Journey for Your Feet ....................................................................... 6

DIY Foot Massage Therapy .......................................................................... 8


The Health Benefits of Foot Massage ................................................ 10

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Feet Massage 101


The Health Benefits of Massage in General

The holistic application of physical touch to affect the systems of the body - the muscular, skeletal, elimination, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, lymphatic, emotional, mental and nervous systems is called body massage.

Body massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body with the hands for healing, therapeutic, pleasurable and relaxing effects. Body massage is the loving touch of the heart expressed through the hands.

Professional therapeutic massage, originated in China, is an age-old healing art, which can alleviate mental, physical and emotional ailments. Let us study about the healing powers of body massage.


Body massage helps to release stress and tension in our bodies by increasing oxygen flow and blood circulation in the body. Excessive

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Feet Massage 101 unresolved tension and stress in our daily lives could cause continuous muscular tension. This type of mental tension or stress diminishes the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscles and organs causing pains and aches, feelings of fatigue, symptomatic heaviness, tightness of muscles and stiffness. This can even increase the chance of strains and injuries.

Tension creates a tendency for a build-up of toxins in the body and reduces the flow of the most subtle energy or life force (Prana or Chi).

Muscular stress also deforms the skeletal anatomy, which further compounds present problems and develops new ones.

The Benefits of Body Massage


Assists weight loss.


Improves and increases blood circulation and the flow of tissue fluid.


Nourishes the skin.


Soothes and relaxes nerves.

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Feet Massage 101


Assists in removal of deposits of tissue.


Releases emotional and mental tension.


Creates a feeling of well-being.

The benefits of a massage are extensive. Not only can it help alleviate pain and aid in physical maladies and day-to-day functioning, but it impacts mental and emotional wellbeing. Relaxation, awareness, anxiety, and depression can all be aided and eased with massage therapy.

Massage boosts the immune system, relaxes and reduces anxiety, alleviates pain, reduces blood pressure and heart rate, stimulates lesser-used muscles, increases endorphins, aids physical rehabilitation, and improves circulation.

So, without any further ado, the following chapter you will learn the benefits of foot massage and how to do it yourself at home!

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A Journey for Your Feet

Feet Massage 101

Foot massage or foot reflexology has a Chinese origin. It dates back to more than 3,000 years ago, used in the prevention and cure of many health ailments. Some, in fact, say foot massage dates back to ancient Egyptian times due to archeological findings in cave drawings in Egypt.

The principle of foot massage rests on the premise that the meridian network connects all tissues, organs and cells in our body. Each organ in the body is connected to a specific reflex point on the foot through the intermediary of 300 nerves. A trained foot reflexologist can put pressure on different meridians or energy lines on the sole and side of the feet to determine the cause of illness.

By using pressure to these the reflex points, the foot massage is good for stimulating the activity of your internal organs, and to improve blood and

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Feet Massage 101 lymph circulation. Thus, the top to the bottom well-being of a person can be made through the foot.

The principles of foot massage are not in congruence with western allopathic medicine. Western medicine merely sees the foot as a body part comprising of bones, ligaments, and joints.

However, foot massage is fast gaining much popularity and acceptance as an alternative health treatment. Fans of foot massage believe that it can cure not only colds and minor ailments but also ailments that are more serious as well. These ailments include liver dysfunction, constipation problems, chronic headaches, skin allergies, etc.

Like most Oriental medical techniques, foot reflexology is a “holistic” treatment. It concentrates on treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of one particular ailment. While Western medicine promises speedy recovery of all unpleasant symptoms, foot massage therapy can be

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Feet Massage 101 slow and gradual. A series of visits is necessary to strengthen the body and to bring the body back to balance.

The fact is that many of us nowadays do not know how to give a decent massage; it does not take much effort to give the gift of a good foot massage.

After a long hard day of working on your feet, or even perhaps just a long day of mischief, a foot rub can always hit the spot. Let’s face it! If you were ignored, stuck in a large cotton enclosure, encased in a year old leather and rubber composition all day, you know you would want some attention.

All kidding aside, let's dig into exactly what a foot massage is. The foot massage connects with the idea of reflexology, which is a form of therapy that focuses pressure on the reflex points in the body to treat aches, pains, and discomforts. A good foot massage is in itself different than foot reflexology.

Through reflexology, you can help treat aches and pains at random. However, a good foot massage focuses much more specifically. Its goal is to relieve the tired foots discomfort and allow the receiver the ability to walk away feeling brand new.

DIY Foot Massage Therapy

A good foot massage requires more than just a good set of strong hands.

To give a good foot massage you will need:

 A few big towels.

 Some foot lubricant. It will help tame those stubborn calluses and help relax the foot.

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Feet Massage 101

Step 1: First, it is important to wash your feet. Feet seldom get the careful attention as hands do.

Step 2: Next, you may begin by using your thumbs to rub the sole of your foot in small circles.

Step 3: From there you may work your way from the heel to the balls of the toes.

Step 4: Last, you will want to focus on each toe. Placing each toe inbetween your index finger and thumb gently begin to rub each toe, stretching pulling gently as you go.

And there you go, you can now massage your feet or your partner’s at any given time!

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Feet Massage 101


The Health Benefits of Foot Massage

Massage of any kind is relaxing and promotes a feeling of calmness. To many health practitioners, in fact, foot massage has been known to be good for health and well-being. Foot massage is common throughout the East as a healing method. In the East, foot massage is not only practiced on adults but children as well.

Foot massage or reflexology works in the same manner as acupuncture.

Each area of the foot corresponds to another area of the body and by massaging each part of the foot, you may be working on your liver, kidney, colon, stomach, etc. Thus, if you experience constipation, a massage to your feet can help in your bowel movement problems.

Health benefits are not entirely proven, but many claim they work. It is said that reflexology can get rid of toxins, help your circulation, improve body functions and even improve memory. A professional foot reflexologist can even diagnose the health problems that you are facing just by massaging your feet.

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Feet Massage 101

Foot massage can be painful if you apply too much pressure. Screams of pain from a patient in a foot massage center is not uncommon. However, this should not deter you, if you are considering a foot massage. Just explain to the foot reflexologist about your low tolerance for pain and ask him to adjust the pressure applied.

If nothing else, a foot massage will help melt away the day’s stress. Your feet take the biggest beating throughout the day. They have to get you where you need to go and hold up your entire body weight. People tend to overlook their feet. However, hurting feet may just render a person immobile.

With many new age ideas filtering to the west, foot massage has also become more popular in areas like the United States. It is a natural way of treatment after a long hard day. The health benefits may be disputed, but it never hurts to try it out and see what benefits it may hold for you.

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