VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Contents VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Overview ......................................................................................... 3 Definitions and Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 3 User Input Selection to the Calculator ........................................................................................................ 4 Host Hardware Server Cost .......................................................................................................................... 7 Server Calculations .................................................................................................................................... 8 Storage Cost .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Storage Calculations .................................................................................................................................. 9 Networking Cost.......................................................................................................................................... 10 Networking Calculations ........................................................................................................................... 10 Power and Cooling Cost............................................................................................................................. 11 Power and Cooling Calculations .............................................................................................................. 12 Datacenter Real Estate Cost ...................................................................................................................... 13 Datacenter Real Estate Calculations ........................................................................................................ 14 Guest Operating System License and Support Cost ............................................................................... 14 Guest Operating System License and Support Calculations .................................................................... 15 VMware Product Edition and Support Costs ............................................................................................ 15 VMware Product Edition and Support Calculations .................................................................................. 15 VMware Management Software and Support Costs................................................................................. 16 VMware Management Software and Support Calculations ...................................................................... 18 Microsoft Software Cost ............................................................................................................................. 18 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V License and Support Costs ............................................... 18 Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 License and Support Costs................................................................ 18 Microsoft Software Calculations ............................................................................................................... 19 Infrastructure Cost for Virtualization Management Solutions................................................................. 20 Cost of Hardware and Databases for VMware Management Servers ...................................................... 20 Cost of Hardware and Databases for Microsoft System Center ............................................................... 21 Operating Expenses for a Two-Year Period.............................................................................................. 22 Operating Expenses for Common IT Scenarios ....................................................................................... 23 Third-Party Software Costs ........................................................................................................................ 24 Third-Party Software Calculations ............................................................................................................ 27 TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /2 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Overview Definitions and Objectives In evaluating the cost of a virtualization solution, it is essential to use a metric that not only looks at the cost of licensing the virtualization software, but also takes into account other infrastructure components such as servers, networking, storage, power, real estate and guest operating system (OS) licensing. Because centralized management is a fundamental component of any virtualization deployment, hardware and software costs associated with related management products, such as VMware vCenter Server or Microsoft System Center, also need to be included. Moreover, software comparisons must be made accurately across the features each product provides; if feature gaps exist, supplementary third-party software costs must be examined for a true comparison. As shown in Figures 1–3, VMware defines total cost of ownership (TCO) as the sum of all these cost items separated into capital expenditures (CapEx) and operating expenditures (OpEx) over a two-year period; and cost per virtual machine (VM) as that amount divided by the number of virtual machines in the environment. Figure 1. Capital Expenses Equation Host hardware server cost + Host networking hardware costs + Host storage costs + Virtualization software license costs + Host operating system license costs + Applicable third-party license costs = Total CapEx costs Figure 2. Operating Expenses Equation (Two-Year Period) Power and cooling costs + Datacenter space costs + Virtualization and management software support costs + Host operating system support costs + Third-party software support costs + Third-party software integration costs + IT administrative time costs = Total OpEx costs (two-year period) TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /3 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Figure 3. Cost Per Virtual Machine Equation Total CapEx costs + Total OpEx (two-year period) = Total cost of ownership / Number of virtual machines = Cost per virtual machine Ultimately, companies care about how much it will cost to run the total set of their business applications and how efficiently they are using infrastructure. Therefore, in a virtualized IT environment, it is important to see the costs associated with both purchase and maintenance of the system, including the IT administration time necessary to operate and manage the platforms. Cost per VM as a metric also provides a more condensed view of the total costs. The VMware TCO Comparison Calculator (the Calculator) examines these metrics across two different scenarios. The first scenario is a net-new deployment, where the model assumes no existing infrastructure and calculates the total costs associated with deploying a new, fully functional datacenter running VMware or Microsoft Windows virtualization solutions. The second scenario is a software upgrade, where the model calculates the cost of upgrading an existing vSphere deployment to a private cloud platform based on either VMware vCloud Suite or Microsoft Hyper-V and System Center. The Calculator performs a straightforward two-year TCO calculation by modeling a comprehensive set of costs for deploying, managing and operating a virtualized infrastructure or private cloud, with the exception of hardware equipment depreciation. This TCO (defined as CapEx plus OpEx, as shown in Figure 3) and the cost per VM are simple and accurate metrics to estimate the upfront, two-year expenditures required. For a detailed longer-term ROI analysis that accounts for both operational savings over conventional infrastructure and equipment life cycle costs, use the VMware ROI TCO Calculator at http://roitco.vmware.com/. User Input Selection to the Calculator After you log in and start the VMware TCO Comparison Calculator, you must decide which scenario to use for making the comparison—either a new infrastructure deployment or a software upgrade (vSphere to vCloud Suite). If you choose the new infrastructure scenario, the Calculator makes a cost comparison between VMware and Microsoft to achieve the desired deployment criteria as defined by user inputs. The inputs for the new infrastructure comparison are listed in Table 1. For the software upgrade scenario, the Calculator makes a cost comparison between upgrading an existing vSphere deployment to VMware vCloud Suite and migrating an existing vSphere deployment to a Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V and System Center 2012 R2 private cloud. The model assumes no additional virtualization host server purchases for upgrading to vCloud Suite products; however, it does include any additional hardware costs associated with new requirements for management servers or standard practices for VM density when changing virtualization software to a Microsoft product that has lower VM density. When upgrading an existing vSphere or vSphere with Operations Management deployment to vCloud Suite, most customers are eligible for the VMware Fair Value Conversion (FVC) program 1. Through the FVC program, customers can receive credit toward the purchase of a VMware vCloud Suite Edition by “converting” their existing licenses for VMware vSphere or vSphere with Operations Management to VMware vCloud Suite licenses. 1 https://www.vmware.com/support/support-resources/licensing/vcloud-suite-fair-value-conversion/overview TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /4 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology The software upgrade scenario also includes a 2-hour-per-VM IT time cost to migrate each VM from vSphere to Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V. This cost is added on the Microsoft side of the comparison. The inputs for the software upgrade scenario are listed in Table 2. Table 1. Creating a New Infrastructure: User-Selectable Inputs INPUT DESCRIPTION Number of virtual machines Select the number of virtual machines to deploy. Usually one or more virtual machines are deployed for each virtualized application. Virtualization host type Virtualization hosts are the servers on which users will install the hypervisor and run virtualized applications. The following virtualization hosts are available: • Server A: $7,250 for 2-socket, six-core processors, 32GB RAM, 4 network adapters • Server B: $9,000 for 2-socket, six-core processors, 128GB RAM, 8 network adapters • Server C: $30,000 for 4-socket, six-core processors, 256GB RAM, 8 network adapters Servers B and C are more powerful than Server A and will typically run more virtual machines than Server A. The server price does not include shared storage such as host bus adapters (HBAs), SAN switches, or disks; networking infrastructure (such as switches); electricity; cooling or space costs. Storage type Users can select the type of shared storage that meets their business needs. Shared storage options for virtual disks on virtual machines include the following: • Fibre Channel (FC) storage area network (SAN): Assumes disk cost of $9/GB (cost for HBAs; SAN switches are additional and included in the total cost for storage). • iSCSI SAN: Assumes disk cost of $8/GB. • Network-attached storage (NAS): Assumes disk cost of $6/GB. • VMware Virtual SAN (vSAN): Available for VMware products only, assumes a storage cost of $4.50/GB. Product edition The Calculator allows users to select the VMware product edition that best meets their business goals. Each edition differs in features and pricing, and you can use the product selection wizard to help narrow down the choices by feature. The full list of VMware product editions in the new infrastructure scenario is as follows: • vSphere Essentials • vSphere Essentials Plus • vSphere with Operations Management Standard • vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise • vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus Comparisons are made with Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V and System Center 2012 R2. Depending on the VMware product selected, additional third-party software may be added to the Microsoft costs to more accurately compare capabilities across the two products. Management deployed on physical or virtual machines Virtualization management software can be deployed either on physical servers or in virtual machines. The Calculator allows users to select the preferred deployment strategy. Selecting Physical means that all applicable VMware and Microsoft management software will run on individual host servers. Required databases also will be deployed on physical servers. Selecting Virtual means that the VMware and Microsoft management software will be run in virtual machines, with the VMware and Microsoft components running on their respective hypervisors. Required databases also will be deployed in virtual machines. Electricity Approximate cost per commercial kWh in the region where the datacenter is located. The Calculator allows users to choose from three alternatives: • Low: $0.080/kWh (–20 percent of U.S. national average) • Average: $0.101/kWh (U.S. average) • High: $0.120/kWh (+20 percent of U.S. national average) TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /5 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology INPUT DESCRIPTION Real estate Approximate cost of datacenter space in the region where the datacenter is located. The Calculator allows users to choose from three alternatives: • Low: Fully burdened datacenter real estate cost of $248/sq. ft. per year (-20 percent of U.S. average). • Average: Fully burdened datacenter real estate cost of $310/sq. ft. per year (U.S. average). • High: Fully burdened datacenter real estate cost of $372/sq. ft. per year (+20 percent of U.S. average). “Fully burdened datacenter real estate” cost includes capital cost of facilities for space buildout, power and cooling equipment capital cost and factors in weighted depreciation. VMs per CPU The number of virtual machines per host server CPU (or socket) to be deployed. Users can select from four through 20 VMs per CPU. Additional VMware VMs per CPU The incremental number of VMs to run per CPU on the VMware vSphere hosts. Users can select from one through 10 VMs. This value represents the greater VM density users expect to obtain on VMware vSphere. The smallest value of one additional VM per CPU represents a minimum VM density advantage as supported by user reports, independent analyst opinion and independent lab testing (data available from VMware upon request). Table 2. Upgrading an Existing Infrastructure: User-Selectable Inputs INPUT DESCRIPTION Current vSphere product Select a vSphere product that is currently in use in your environment. Available options are: • vSphere Essentials • vSphere Essentials Plus • vSphere Standard • vSphere Enterprise • vSphere Enterprise Plus • vSphere with Operations Management Standard • vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise • vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus Number of current host machine CPUs Enter the number of CPUs (cores) currently running vSphere products. The Calculator will use this amount to determine the number of product licenses to purchase in the software upgrade. Number of VMs in the current environment Enter the number of virtual machines running in your environment. The Calculator uses this as the number of desired VMs. Number of physical servers running management software Enter the number of physical servers running management and monitoring software for the environment. The model assumes that these existing servers will be repurposed for any new management software required. (If additional management servers are required, they will show up as additional hardware expenses.) vCloud Suite upgrade Enter the vCloud Suite product you are interested in upgrading to and comparing with Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center. Available upgrade editions are: • vCloud Suite Standard • vCloud Suite Advanced • vCloud Suite Enterprise Fair Value Conversion pricing is available for upgrades to vCloud Suite editions depending on the vSphere product currently in use. 2 2 https://www.vmware.com/support/support-resources/licensing/vcloud-suite-fair-value-conversion/overview TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /6 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology INPUT DESCRIPTION Virtualization host type Virtualization hosts are the servers on which users will install the hypervisor and run virtualized applications. The following virtualization hosts are available: • Server A: $7,250 for 2-socket, six-core processors, 32GB RAM, 4 network adapters • Server B: $9,000 for 2-socket, six-core processors, 128GB RAM, 8 network adapters • Server C: $30,000 for 4-socket, six-core processors, 256GB RAM, 8 network adapters Servers B and C are more powerful than Server A and will typically run more virtual machines than Server A. The server price does not include shared storage such as host bus adapters (HBAs), SAN switches, or disks; networking infrastructure (such as switches); electricity; cooling or space costs. Additional VMware VMs per CPU The additional number of VMs to run per CPU on the VMware vSphere hosts. The baseline number of additional VMs is calculated based on user VM density and can scale up to 10 additional VMs per CPU. This value represents the greater VM density users can conservatively expect to obtain on VMware vSphere. The smallest value of one additional VM per CPU represents the minimum VM density advantage that is supported by user reports, independent analyst opinion and independent lab testing (data available from VMware upon request). Host Hardware Server Cost Host hardware server cost represents the capital expenditure for server hardware. The model includes the following types of servers in the total server cost: • • • Virtualization hosts: Servers used to run virtual machines. Virtualization management servers: Servers used to run virtualization management software (included only if users select physical machines as a deployment option for virtualization management software— see Table 3). Database servers: Servers used to run the databases required by virtualization management software (included only if users select Physical as a deployment option for virtualization management software— see Table 3). Table 3. Input to Server Cost Calculation INPUT DESCRIPTION VALUE SOURCE Number of virtual machines Estimated number of virtual machines that the user plans to deploy Between 5 and 5,000 (or more, in the upgrade scenario) User input Hosts unit cost Cost of a virtualization host inclusive of hardware support Value depends on server-type selection: • Server A: $7,250 for 2-socket, six-core processors, 32GB RAM, 4 network adapters • Server B: $9,000 for 2-socket, six-core processors, 128GB RAM, 8 network adapters • Server C: $30,000 for 4-socket, six-core processors, 256GB RAM, 8 network adapters User input Cost of three years of hardware support is added to the unit price (assumed to be 15 percent of unit price for all server types). For more details, see Appendix B of “VMware TCO Comparison Calculator – Results Report.” Unit cost of virtualization host = server price + 3-year support cost TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /7 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology INPUT DESCRIPTION VALUE SOURCE Number of virtual machines per host (i.e., virtual machine density) Number of virtual machines per virtualization host Baseline value set to 7 VMs per CPU for VMware product editions and to 6 VMs per CPU for Microsoft product editions in the new infrastructure scenario. Based on VMware customer averages, independent analyst opinion (see http://www.gartner.c om/id=2604521) and independent studies (available from VMware upon request). In the upgrade scenario, the baseline value is set to the user input VM density (with a lower bound at 4.0 VMs/CPU) for the VMware density and to 18 percent lower than the user input for the Microsoft density (with a lower bound at 1.0 VMs/CPU). For more details, see “VMware TCO Comparison Calculator – Results Report.” Management servers and DB servers unit cost Cost of a management server and a database server inclusive of hardware support Value is fixed and the same for both management and DB servers (identical to Server A): • $7,250 for 2-socket, six-core processors, 32GB RAM, 4 network adapters Industry average Cost of three years of hardware support is added to the unit price (assumed to be 15 percent of unit price). For more details, see Appendix B of “VMware TCO Comparison Calculator – Results Report.” Unit cost of management server = server price + 3-year support cost Unit cost of DB server = server price + 3-year support cost Server Calculations 1. 2. 3. Number of hosts = number of virtual machines / number of virtual machines per host. Number of management and DB servers: The value depends on the size of the environment (number of virtual machines and number of managed hosts), the product edition selected and on the input selection for management deployment. For virtual management servers, the calculated number of management and DB servers is added to the number of VMs to be supported. Cost of servers = (number of hosts * host unit cost) + (number of management servers * management server unit cost) + (number of DB servers * DB server unit cost) Note: Numbers are rounded up to the closest integer. Assumptions Server price is inclusive of internal disk storage for system software and controllers. It does not include cost of host bus adapters (included in storage cost) and operating system costs (included in operating system software cost). In the upgrade scenario, for all users at 4.0 VMs/CPU density and higher, the Calculator assumes that the density is the same for the new software and that no additional servers are needed. However, there are differences in density capabilities between Microsoft and VMware. For this reason, it may be necessary to purchase additional virtualization hosts to accommodate the lower density when migrating to Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V and System Center 2012. TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /8 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Storage Cost Storage type represents the capital expenditure for storage hardware given the number of virtual machines specified as input to the Calculator. The following storage technologies are available in new infrastructure scenario: • • • • Fibre Channel iSCSI NAS VMware Virtual SAN (VSAN) - VMware-specific storage option Note: For comparison purposes, users must select from either Fibre Channel, iSCSI or NAS for the Microsoft side. As shown in Table 4, the following items are included in storage type: • • • Host bus adapters (HBAs): For Fibre Channel SAN only SAN switches: For Fibre Channel SAN only Disk storage Table 4. Input to Storage Cost Calculation INPUT DESCRIPTION VALUE SOURCE Number of HBAs per host Number of HBAs in each virtualization host 2 Default established to support redundancy HBA unit cost Price of one HBA $1,250 Industry average 24 Survey of several HBAs (Fibre Channel) from CDW (www.cdw.com) Number of ports per SAN switch SAN switch unit cost Price of a SAN switch $6,000 Survey average of several SAN Fibre Channel switches from U.S. online national resellers Average disk space capacity per virtual disk per virtual machine (GB) Disk storage space (GB) needed on the SAN for the number of virtual machines specified as input 100GB Industry average and VMware experiential estimate Cost of disk storage ($/GB) Cost of 1 GB of disk storage space FC = $9/GB Survey of storage from online national U.S. reseller for mid-range SAN, RAID DAS iSCSI = $8/GB NAS = $6/GB vSAN = $4.50/GB Storage Calculations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Number of HBAs = number of virtualization hosts * number of HBAs per virtualization host Cost of HBAs = number of HBAs * HBA unit cost Number of SAN switches = 2 * number of hosts / number of ports per switch Cost of SAN switches = number of SAN switches * SAN switch unit cost SAN disk storage capacity = number of virtual machines * average disk space capacity per virtual disk per virtual machine Cost of SAN disk storage = SAN disk storage capacity * cost per GB of SAN disk storage Storage cost = cost of HBAs + cost of SAN switches + cost of SAN disk storage Note: Number of SAN switches is rounded up to the closest integer. TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /9 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Assumptions • • • • • All virtualization hosts are connected to networked storage or implement VSAN storage. All virtual machine virtual disks have the same fixed amount of disk space allocated. Each host has two single channel HBAs for redundancy (for Fibre Channel SAN case only). SAN switches are doubled for redundancy (for Fibre Channel SAN case only). No new storage is required in the upgrade scenario; the model assumes that any new hardware makes use of the existing storage solution. Networking Cost Networking cost represents the capital expenditure for network switches given the number of applications and virtual machines specified as input to the Calculator (Table 5). In calculating networking cost, we include networking switches. Table 5. Input to Networking Cost Calculation INPUT DESCRIPTION VALUE SOURCE Number of NICs per virtualization host Value depends on selection of server type: • Server A: 4 NICs per host • Server B: 8 NICs per host • Server C: 8 NICs per host Industry average for workload production servers and VMware experiential estimate Number of NICs per management and DB servers 4 Industry average for low end for non- production workload servers and VMware experiential estimate Number of ports per NIC 2 Industry average Number of ports per networking switch 24 Average from survey of VMware customers $4,000 Surveyed customers and various switches at large U.S. resellers online. Networking switch unit cost Price of a networking switch Networking Calculations 1. 2. 3. Total number of NICs = (number of NICs per virtualization host * number of virtualization hosts) + (number of NICs per management and DB server * number of management and DB servers) Number of networking switches = total number of NICs * number of ports per NIC / number of ports per networking switch Networking cost = number of networking switches * networking switch unit cost Note: Number of networking switches is rounded up to the closest integer. Assumptions Other networking costs such as cabling are omitted for simplicity. TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /10 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Power and Cooling Cost Table 6 lists inputs for calculating power and cooling costs in the Calculator. Power consumption in the datacenter is divided into three main categories: • • • Operating power for the computing Infrastructure (IT loads): Server hardware, network switches, SAN components, etc. Network-critical physical infrastructure (NCPI) for non-IT loads: Transformers, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), power wiring, fans and lighting Cooling power for air conditioners, pumps and humidifiers Virtualization reduces the need for physical servers and related networking, storage and datacenter infrastructure, meaning less power consumption for operations and cooling. Use of fewer servers in turn drives substantial reductions in annual power service costs and important “green” savings (such as lower carbon emissions). A complete model would account for each asset consuming power as listed above, but for simplicity, the methodology focuses only on the direct operating and cooling power consumed by server hardware, leaving out potential power and cooling consumption for networking, storage and other datacenter infrastructure. The operating power consumed by server hardware can be calculated by adding up the power ratings of each server in the datacenter. Because this number represents maximum power used, it should be de-rated to achieve steady-state power consumption. The steady-state constant was determined empirically. According to American Power Conversion Corporation “…the nameplate rating of most IT devices is well in excess of the actual running load by a factor of at least 33 percent.” 3 Forrester Research, Inc. corroborates this idea, indicating that idle x86 servers consume between 30–40 percent of maximum (rated) power. 4 In addition to operating power, servers produce heat and require substantial cooling to keep them running at prescribed temperatures. According to experiments completed in HP Laboratories, cooling equipment consumes 0.8W of power for every 1W of heat dissipation in the datacenter (designated in this document as the Load Factor, or L). Forrester Research confirmed this figure, which estimates that 0.5W to 1.0W of power is required to dissipate 1W of heat. Energy costs vary by worldwide region and state or province. IT equipment energy costs need to reflect cooling costs that can be as much as twice those of the actual IT equipment, depending on power usage effectiveness (PUE) of the datacenter. Besides the annual operating and cooling power costs, many organizations are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of datacenter power consumption. According to an enterprise storage forum article, the U.S. national average CO2 emission for electrical power is 1.341lbs per kWh. 5 For comparison, a typical gallon of gasoline (octane level varies) will on average generate about 20 pounds of CO2. Virtualization can help to not only reduce operating and cooling but stop the costly rise in carbon emissions, estimated such that 100 servers retired is equivalent to taking 122 cars off the road per year. 3 Sawyer, Richard, “Calculating Total Power Requirements for Data Centers,” American Power Conversion, 2004 Fichera, Richard, “Power And Cooling Heat Up The Data Center,” Forrester Research, Inc., March 8, 2006 5 Shulz, Gary, “Storage Power and Cooling Issues Heat Up,” May 21, 2007, http://www.enterprisestorageforum.com/ 4 TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /11 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Table 6. Input to Power and Cooling Cost Calculation INPUT DESCRIPTION VALUE SOURCE Server nameplate operating power Peak rated server power consumption Value depends on server type selection: • Server A: 460 watts/CPU • Server B: 460 watts/CPU • Server C: 600 watts/CPU Available from server manufacturer’s Web site. 6 Electricity price per hour Commercial price per hour of 1 kW of electricity • Energy Information Administration 7 • • Low: $0.080/kWh (–20 percent of U.S. national average) Average: $0.100/kWh (U.S. average) High: $0.120/kWh (+20 percent of U.S. national average) Nameplate to steady-state power conversion The steady-state constant used to convert nameplate power consumption to steady-state 0.67 American Power Conversion. 8 On average, nameplate ratings are 33 percent higher than steady-state load Cooling load factor Estimated cooling load factor (watts of cooling electricity needed to dissipate 1 watt of heat) 0.8 Empirically determined in HP Laboratories Airflow redundancy The airflow redundancy required to cool the datacenter 125 percent A 25 percent increment over current airflow needed to support proper cooling. (SearchDataCenter.com) 9 Airflow de-rating The percentage of airflow that is available for cooling server heat 80 percent SearchDataCenter.com (see previous row) Datacenter operating hours The product of hours per day, days per week, weeks per year, and number of years that the datacenter is operational (“server on” hours) 8736 hours on average (24x7x52) per year—x2 for the two-year period Annual operating hours for typical 24x7x52 operation Power and Cooling Calculations 1. 2. 3. Actual operating power = nameplate power * nameplate to steady-state conversion factor Actual cooling power = actual operating power * cooling load factor * (1 + airflow redundancy required in datacenter) / airflow de-rating Power and cooling cost = (number of virtualization hosts + number of management and DB servers) * (actual operating power + actual cooling power) * electricity price per hour / 1000 * datacenter operating hours per year * two years 6 HP Power Advisor configuration: http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/servers/solutions.html?compURI=1439951&jumpid=reg_r1002_usen_c001_title_r0005 7 Energy Information Administration, http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/epm/table5_6_a.html 8 Sawyer, Richard, “Calculating Total Power Requirements for Data Centers,” American Power Conversion, 2004 9 McFarlane, Robert, “Let’s Add an Air Conditioner,” SearchDataCenter news article, published November 30, 2005. http://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com/columnItem/0,294698,sid80_gci1148906,00.html TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /12 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Assumptions This calculation is for operating power consumed during two years of operation only and includes the operating costs of the power delivery and cooling systems. Datacenter Real Estate Cost Savings in datacenter real estate are achieved by reducing the number of physical servers consuming valuable datacenter space. Reducing the number of physical servers enables reclaiming of current datacenter space so future datacenter facilities build-out can be avoided or deferred. Due to the special infrastructure (racks, cooling, power systems, acoustics and disaster resilience) required in datacenters, datacenters are often significantly more expensive to build than standard commercial properties. According to industry research, a datacenter rated at 40W per square foot costs approximately $400 per square foot. 10 As datacenters today consume at least 270W per square foot, current datacenters are costing an average of $2,700 per square foot. At the Computerworld 2009 projection of 500W per square foot, the same datacenter would cost $5,000 per square foot to build. VMware can reduce a company’s physical server count and datacenter footprint today and reduce the need for future construction of new datacenters—compared to virtualization products that provide lower VM density. The TCO Comparison Calculator accounts for the total yearly datacenter carrying costs; it combines the monthly real-estate rental cost, datacenter facilities cost and power and cooling build-out costs (Table 7). Table 7. Input to Datacenter Real Estate Calculation INPUT DESCRIPTION VALUE SOURCE Rack size consumed per server Average rack size for current server hardware (in number of U per server) • Typical server configurations from manufacturer Web sites. Unit space per rack Average units which can be installed in a rack Set to 24 by default Typical usable datacenter rack space, accounting for a 42U rack, but 43 percent consumed with needed power distribution, cable management, keyboard / display and spacing (source: VMware). Space per rack Square feet per rack 7 square feet (approximately) Typical rack size including space for the rack (VMware estimates). Capital cost for facilities datacenter space build-out (per square foot) Capital cost for facilities datacenter space build-out • According to Computerworld (see reference in the introduction to this section), a datacenter rated at 40W per square foot costs approximately $400 per square foot. At the 2009 projection of 500W per square foot, the same datacenter would cost $5,000 per square foot to build. Using these data points, estimates are that today, datacenter space costs at least $2,700 per square foot to construct. Accounting for the infrastructure only nets an estimated $1,200 per square foot for build-out. These costs are amortized over 10 years in this model. • • • • 10 2 CPU = 1U (server type A) 2 CPU = 2U (server type B) 4 CPU = 2U (server type C) Low: $1,200 per square foot Average: $1,500 per square foot High: $1,800 per square foot Anthes, Gary, “Data Centers Get a Makeover”, Computerworld news article, published November 1, 2005. http://www.computerworld.com/databasetopics/data/datacenter/story/0,10801,97021,00.html?SKC=home97021 TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /13 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology INPUT DESCRIPTION VALUE SOURCE Years to amortize build-out costs Average weighted depreciation to use for build-out and equipment (in years) 10 years Estimates of useful life for typical datacenter build-out. Capital cost for power and cooling equipment (per square foot) Capital cost for power and cooling equipment per server • Per server, additional cost is needed for power and cooling equipment, estimated to be $1,500 per server, for a total of $2,700 per square foot. These costs are amortized over 10 years in this model. Cost for the space (lease, rent, mortgage) in square feet per year $40.00 per square foot per year Cost for the space (lease, rent, mortgage) in square feet per year • • Low: $960 per square foot Average: $1,200 per square foot High: $1,440 per square foot Average space for datacenter lease space in U.S. (may vary based on datacenter location and region). Datacenter Real Estate Calculations 1. 2. 3. 4. Total number of racks = round up (number of servers (by type) * rack size consumed per server / unit space per rack) Total area consumed by servers = number of racks * square feet of single rack Average fully burdened datacenter cost per square foot per year = (cost to build datacenter facilities + cost for datacenter power and cooling infrastructure) / years to amortize build-out costs + annual space lease or allocated annual real estate cost per square foot Datacenter real estate cost = total area consumed by servers * average fully burdened datacenter cost Assumptions This calculation is for two years of expenses related to datacenter space consumed by servers only. Guest Operating System License and Support Cost A guest operating system is the OS that runs in a virtual machine. The cost of guest OSs includes the cost of both licensing and support. Pricing and packaging for licensing and support depend on vendor of choice. Virtualization solutions do not support the same number of guest OSs and can offer different levels of support for the same guest OS (capabilities of a virtualization platform can be different depending on the guest OS). Before determining the cost associated with licenses and support for the guest OS of choice, it is fundamental to verify that the OS is included in the virtualization vendor’s support list. VMware offers the broadest support for guest OSs; more details can be found through the informational wizard at http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=software. For simplicity, this model assumes that all VMware and Microsoft virtualization hosts are licensed for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition, which is priced per 2 CPUs and includes rights to run an unlimited number of Windows Server virtual machines. All VMs are assumed to run Windows Server as the guest OS. Pricing details can be found at http://mla.microsoft.com/default.aspx. The model also accounts for the cost of two years of support that Microsoft offers through the Software Assurance program. Microsoft Software Assurance is billed at 25 percent of license price per year and does not include 24x7 phone access to Microsoft technical support, as does the VMware Support and Subscription (SnS) that is included with the VMware licenses by the Calculator. The model also assumes that customers purchase TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /14 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Microsoft Premier Support separately from Microsoft ($245 per hour). VMware Support and Subscription entitles customers to not only all software releases and updates but also VMware Technical Support. Guest Operating System License and Support Calculations 1. 2. Number of Windows Server 2012 Datacenter licenses = number of virtualization hosts * number of CPUs per host / 2 (Windows Server 2012 is priced per 2 CPUs) Total cost of guest OS license and support = number of Windows Server 2012 Datacenter licenses * (Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Edition unit license cost + Software Assurance unit cost) Assumptions • • • • • • For Microsoft products, “Open, No Level” list pricing is used. Two years of Software Assurance costs roughly 50 percent of the license price. Baseline Microsoft Premier Support hours are estimated at 24 per year, plus 2.5 hours per 100 VMs per year. Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 prices are based on the listed prices in this datasheet: http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/4/A/B4A98A4E-2F43-489D-87615362C8C2C328/System_Center_2012_R2_Licensing_Datasheet.pdf. Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 prices are based on the listed prices here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/server-cloud/products/windows-server-2012r2/default.aspx#fbid=A_GbarDZPw4. Software prices are listed at retail cost and do not include discounts. VMware Product Edition and Support Costs VMware offers a diverse array of industry-leading virtualization platforms for building virtual infrastructures. vSphere Essentials, vSphere with Operations Management, and vCloud Suite product editions enable users to run business-critical applications with confidence and respond faster to business needs. The licensing model for VMware product editions is per-processor (socket). The Calculator derives the number of required licenses by totaling the number of processors for all virtualization hosts. In the new infrastructure scenario, this calculation is based on user input for number of VMs and for desired density. In the upgrade scenario, the Calculator takes the user input for existing host CPUs with vSphere products installed as the number of licenses to upgrade. VMware vCenter Management Server licenses are included, as determined by the number of VMs and hosts under management. The model also takes into account the cost of two years of VMware Production Support and Subscription. Pricing details can be found at http://www.vmware.com/products/datacenter-virtualization/vsphere/ pricing.html for the vSphere with Operations Management Standard, Enterprise and Enterprise Plus editions, as well as the vSphere Essentials and vSphere Essentials Plus editions. vCloud Suite pricing can be found at https://www.vmware.com/products/vcloud-suite/pricing.html. This pricing also appears in Appendix A of “VMware TCO Comparison Calculator – Results Report.” FVC pricing approximations can be found at https://www.vmware.com/support/support-resources/licensing/vcloud-suite-fair-valueconversion/overview. VMware Product Edition and Support Calculations 1. 2. 3. Number of VMware product licenses = (number of virtualization hosts * number of CPUs per host) For non-vCloud Suite product editions: Total cost of VMware product licenses and support = number of VMware product licenses * (VMware product license cost + 2 years production service and support unit cost) For vCloud Suite product editions in the upgrade scenario: FVC pricing = vCloud Suite edition price – (.9*current product edition price). TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /15 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Assumptions • • • For the new infrastructure scenario, software prices are list and do not include discounts. For the software upgrade scenario, many upgrade paths are available to receive credit through the VMware Fair Value Conversion program, detailed here: https://www.vmware.com/support/supportresources/licensing/vcloud-suite-fair-value-conversion/overview. The associated Acceleration Kits for vSphere with Operations Management editions are not included in the Calculator. VMware Management Software and Support Costs VMware vCenter Server is a centralized management solution for vSphere hosts, and is priced by the number of management hosts it will be running on. For deployments that require fewer than six CPUs, the model assumes vCenter Server Foundation, and for larger deployments, vCenter Server Standard. vSphere Essentials and Essentials Plus include a vCenter Server Foundation license. Pricing details can be found at http://www.vmware.com/products/datacenter-virtualization/vsphere/pricing.html or in Appendix A of “VMware TCO Comparison Calculator – Results Report.” Each physical instance of vCenter Server supports as many as 1000 vSphere hosts, or as many as 10,000 VMs, and is licensed per server. If the deployment configuration is less than six vSphere hosts and less than 51 VMs, then the Calculator assumes a free SQL Server Express database included with vCenter Server will be used. For larger deployments, each instance of vCenter Server requires an accompanying SQL Server instance. 11 For deployments of six or fewer CPUs, the Calculator assumes the use of vCenter Server Foundation instead of vCenter Server Standard. If users select virtual management servers, the Calculator assumes use of the vCenter Server Appliance VM, which supports up to 100 vSphere hosts or 3,000 VMs per appliance. The Calculator also assumes the use of vCenter Operations Manager, which requires two management VMs for every 6,000 monitored VMs, regardless of user selection for virtual or physical management servers. 12 The Calculator assumes the vCenter Operations Manager vApps are deployed in the balanced profile mode and each collects about 2.2 million metrics for 6,000 VMs. For the vCloud Suite upgrade scenario, the additional management software includes vCloud Automation Center, vCloud Director, and Site Recovery Manager (for vCloud Suite Enterprise comparisons only). vCloud Automation Center Server requirements are detailed in Table 8. Table 8. vCloud Automation Center Licensing/Server Amounts WORKLOAD Up to 1,000 VMs 11 12 NUMBER OF SERVERS 3 NUMBER OF MANAGEMENT SERVERS NUMBER OF DATABASE SERVERS 2 Web servers (1 active Web server, 1 server for failover; Manager Service is cohosted with the Web components) 1 vCAC Database NUMBER OF WINDOWS SERVER 2012 LICENSES NUMBER OF ADDITIONAL SQL LICENSES 3 1 vCenter Server requirements documentation: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2021202, http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/files/2013/09/vSphere-5.5-Quick-Reference-0.5.pdf, http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vsphere5/r55/vsphere-55-configuration-maximums.pdf vCenter Operations Manager requirements documentation: https://www.vmware.com/support/vcops/doc/vcops-572vapp-release-notes.html#compatibility TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /16 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology WORKLOAD NUMBER OF SERVERS NUMBER OF MANAGEMENT SERVERS NUMBER OF DATABASE SERVERS NUMBER OF WINDOWS SERVER 2012 LICENSES NUMBER OF ADDITIONAL SQL LICENSES Up to 10,000 VMs 4 2 Web servers, 1 vCAC Manager Server 1 vCAC Database 4 1 More than 10,000 VMs 5 3 Web servers, 1 vCAC Manager Server 1 vCAC Database 5 1 For vCloud Director, one license is assumed for each vCenter Server Standard/Foundation license. For Site Recovery Manager, SRM system requirements depend on the storage type the user selects. It is also assumed that only 10 percent of the total number of VMs are being protected. Table Key SRM – SRM Management Server VRMS – vSphere Replication Management Server (same as vSphere Replication Appliance) VRS – vSphere Replication Server Case A: For User Inputs of Fibre Channel SAN or iSCSI SAN Server requirements: 1 SRM per 1,000 protected VMs Workload (number of protected VMs) Number of management servers Total number of management servers Total number of VMs/10,000 (rounded up) Number of SRM servers Total number of VMs/10,000 (rounded up) Number of DB servers 0 Number of vCenter Server licenses 0 Number of Windows Server licenses Total number of VMs/10,000 (rounded up) Case B: For User Inputs of NAS or VMware Virtual SAN (VSAN) Server requirements: 1 SRM, 1 VRMS, 4 VRS per 500 protected VMs (1 SRM, 1 vCenter Server, 1 VRMS and 4 VRS at protected) Workload (number of protected VMs) X = (Total number of VMs/10) Total number of management servers Number of SRM + Number of VRMS + Number of VRS Number of SRM servers Total number of VMs/5,000 (rounded up), virtual or physical Number of VRMS servers Total number of VMs/5,000 (rounded up), virtual only Number of VRS servers Number of DB servers [Total number of VMs-(Total number of VMs/5,000 rounded up)*100)]/100 rounded up—or 0—whichever is higher (virtual only) 0 Number of vCenter Server licenses 0 Number of Windows Server licenses Total number of VMs/5,000 (rounded up) TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /17 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology VMware Management Software and Support Calculations 1. 2. 3. Number of vCenter server licenses and physical hosts = (number of vSphere hosts) / 1,000 or (number of VMs) / 10,000 Or, number of vCenter Server licenses and appliance VMs = (number of vSphere hosts) / 100 or (number of VMs) / 3,000 Number of vCenter Operations Manager vApps = 2 * (number of VMs) / 6,000 Assumptions • • • • • • Software prices are list and do not include discounts. VMware vSphere Essentials Plus includes VMware vCenter Server and does not require additional licensing for VMware vCenter Server. Only 10 percent of the VMs are assumed to be protected by VMware Site Recovery Manager. Replication is provided by the storage vendor if the user selects FC SAN or iFSCI SAN as network storage type. For other storage types, replication is provided by vSphere replication service. For more detailed information regarding Site Recovery Management compatibility, see Site Recovery Manager Compatibility Matrices. Microsoft Software Cost Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V License and Support Costs Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V is the server virtualization hypervisor from Microsoft. Hyper-V is bundled with Windows Server 2012 R2 and does not require additional licensing. As described previously, the model assumes Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition with Hyper-V is licensed on all virtualization hosts. Consequently, there are no additional costs required to license Hyper-V. Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 License and Support Costs Microsoft System Center is a systems management software suite from Microsoft. It includes Virtual Machine Manager, Operations Manager, Configuration Manager, Data Protection Manager, Service Manager, Orchestrator, Endpoint Protection and App Controller. Each System Center module provides a subset of the functionalities and features required to manage a virtual infrastructure. For more details, refer to http://www.microsoft.com/systemcenter/en/us/default.aspx. Like VMware vCenter Server, System Center is not strictly required to run Hyper-V, but because centralized virtualization management is part of the majority of today’s deployments of server virtualization, this calculator only provides cost comparisons that include management software and its required infrastructure. Although cost comparisons should be made between solutions with the same feature sets, there isn’t a System Center setup that perfectly matches VMware vCenter Server capabilities. To make a realistic comparison, three components of the Microsoft System Center suite are required when comparing with VMware vCenter: System Center Virtual Machine Manager, System Center Operations Manager, and System Center Configuration Manager. System Center 2012 licenses are processor-based, with each license covering as many as two physical processors. Server management licenses are required for managed devices that run server operating system environments. The number of server management licenses required for each managed server is determined by the number of physical processors in the server for System Center Datacenter Edition. For the purposes of this calculator, System Center 2012 Datacenter Server Licenses are used for all Hyper-V host servers. For more details, visit the Microsoft Server and Cloud Platform Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/server-cloud/system-center/datacenter-management.aspx. TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /18 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology The number of System Center management servers depends on the size of the managed environment (number of managed servers and virtual machines). For more information, see Microsoft TechNet Deployment Guide. Microsoft management software suite deployment guidelines: 1. System Center Virtual Machine Manager: For deployments of 150 hosts or fewer, one Virtual Machine Manager instance is required. For deployments of more than 150 hosts, two instances are required—one Virtual Machine Manager management server and one Virtual Machine Manager library server. Virtual Machine Manager is included with System Center licenses, but requires a separate Windows Server license for each instance to run on. The Calculator assumes that the Server Type A management host passes the minimum specifications required to run all components of Virtual Machine Manager. 2. System Center Operations Manager: The Calculator assumes the standard distributed deployment for Operations Manager, one baseline Operations Manager instance, plus one additional Operations Manager instance per 3,000 VMs. Operations Manager also requires one database server for fewer than 500 VMs, and three database servers for more than 500 VMs. These servers do not require additional System Center licenses, but do require additional Windows Server Standard Edition licenses for each instance. 3. System Center Configuration Manager: The Calculator assumes one Configuration Manager instance per 100,000 managed VMs and two for deployments greater than 100,000 VMs (assuming SQL Server is remote from the site server computer). Configuration Manager does not require additional System Center licenses, but does require Windows Server Standard Edition licenses for each instance. 13 The model also accounts for the cost of two years of support that Microsoft offers through the Software Assurance program. Additionally, it assumes the cost of two years of Microsoft Premium support, with hours scaled based on the size of the virtual machine environment (Figure 4). For more information about cost assumptions associated with Microsoft Premier Support, see Microsoft TechNet, “Using Microsoft Product Support Services” at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd346877.aspx. Figure 4. Microsoft Premium Support Costs Baseline incidents per year Additional incidents based on deployment size Cost 24 2.5 incidents per year per 100 VMs $245/phone incident Microsoft Software Calculations 1. 2. Number of System Center Management licenses for managed hosts = (total number of CPUs of virtualization hosts) / 2 Total cost of System Center license and support = (cost of System Center licenses + cost of Software Assurance) * number of System Center instances + cost of Premier Support * number of instances per year * two years Assumptions • • 13 Two years of Software Assurance costs; roughly 50 percent of the license price. Software prices are retail listings and do not include discounts. System Center Configuration Manager hardware configurations: http://technet.microsoft.com/enus/library/hh846235.aspx TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /19 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Infrastructure Cost for Virtualization Management Solutions In addition to licenses and support for each virtualization management solution, the model accounts for the cost of the hardware and software infrastructure (operating systems and databases) necessary to deploy each management solution. The model offers the possibility to choose from two deployment scenarios: 1. 2. Physical: The model estimates infrastructure costs as if all applicable management and database software were deployed on dedicated physical servers as opposed to virtualization hosts. The number of management and database servers depends on the management solution and on the number of managed virtualization hosts and virtual machines. The model assumes that each management and database server runs on Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition and that the database software is Microsoft SQL Server. Because hardware requirements for management solutions are generally less demanding than those for production servers of virtualized applications, the model assumes that management and database servers will be deployed on the low-end configuration, Server A. Note: VMware vCenter Operations Management server is available only as a vApp virtual appliance. For more details about the specs of management and database servers, see Appendix B of “VMware TCO Comparison Calculator – Results Report.” Virtual: The model estimates infrastructure costs assuming management and database software are deployed in virtual machines. Such virtual machines will run on the virtualization hosts in addition to the applications. Each management and database virtual machine can be considered the physical-to-virtual conversion of a corresponding management or database server. Consequently, the number of management and database virtual machines is the same as the number of management and database physical servers in the Physical deployment scenario (with the exception of the vCenter Operations Manager servers.) Because the model assumes that all virtualization hosts are licensed with Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Edition, unlike the Physical deployment scenario, there is no additional operating system cost for management and database servers. The cost for Microsoft SQL Server licenses and support is still present. Cost of Hardware and Databases for VMware Management Servers The number of VMware management servers depends on the size of the managed environment (number of managed servers and virtual machines). The model determines the cost of infrastructure hardware and software necessary for deploying the management software based on Tables 9 and 10. Table 9. VMware vCenter Server Physical Deployment Requirements NUMBER OF SERVERS FOR PHYSICAL DEPLOYMENT OF VM WARE VCENTER SERVER ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE SOFTWARE NUMBER OF VIRTUAL MACHINES OR HOSTS VMWARE VCENTER SERVERS DATABASE SERVERS WINDOWS SERVER 2012 STANDARD EDITION As many as 50 VMs 1 - 1 0 (uses SQL Server Express) More than 50 VMs 1 for every additional 1000 vSphere hosts or 10,000 VMs 1 for every additional 1000 vSphere hosts or 10,000 VMs 1 for every vCenter Server instance 1 for each database server instance MICROSOFT SQL SERVER LICENSES TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /20 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Table 10. vCenter Operations Manager Deployment Requirements NUMBER OF SE RVE RS FOR V APP DEPLOYMENT OF VCENTER OPERATIONS MANAGER ADDITIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE SOFTWARE NUMBER OF VIRTUAL MACHINES OR HOSTS VCENTER OPERATIONS MANAGE R V APP S DATABASE SERVERS WINDOWS SERVER 2012 STANDARD EDITION MICROSOFT SQL SERVER LICENSES Per 6,000 VMs 2 - - - Note: For more information, see the vCenter Operations Manager release notes at https://www.vmware.com/support/vcops/doc/vcops-572-vapp-release-notes.html. vCenter Operations Manager is available only as a vApp virtual appliance. The vApp includes a bundled Linux guest OS. Cost of Hardware and Databases for Microsoft System Center The number of System Center management servers depends on the size of the managed environment (number of managed servers and virtual machines). For more details, see the Microsoft TechNet System Center Documentation Library at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc507089.aspx. The model determines the cost of infrastructure hardware and software necessary for deploying System Center based on Tables 11–13. Table 11. System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager Management Server Deployment Requirements WORKLOAD VIRTUAL MACHINE MANAGER SERVERS NUMBER OF MANAGEMENT SERVERS NUMBER OF DATABASE SERVERS NUMBER OF WINDOWS LICENSES As many as 150 hosts 1 for management and library 1 for database 1 for management and library 1 for Virtual Machine Manager database 2 More than 150 hosts 1 for management 1 for library 1 for database 1 for management 1 for library server 1 for Virtual Machine Manager database 3 Note: SQL Server licenses are included with Microsoft System Center 2012 Datacenter Edition. For more information about Virtual Machine Manager hardware requirements, go to http://technet.microsoft.com/enus/library/gg610562.aspx. Table 12. System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager Management Server Deployment Requirements WORKLOAD (VIRTUAL MACHINES) SERVERS NUMBER OF MANAGEMENT SERVERS NUMBER OF DATABASE SERVERS NUMBER OF WINDOWS LICENSES 0 – 500 3 2 1 3 500 – 1,000 5 2 3 5 1,000 – 3,000 6 3 3 6 3,000 – 6,000 6 3 3 6 6,000 – 10,000 8 5 3 8 10,000 – 15,000 9 6 3 9 TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /21 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Note: SQL Server licenses are included with Microsoft System Center 2012 Datacenter Edition. For more information, see “System Center 2012 – Operations Manager Sizing Helper” at http://www.microsoft.com/enus/download/details.aspx?id=29270. Table 13. System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager Management Server Deployment Requirements WORKLOAD TYPE CLIENTS (M AX IMUM ) NUMBER OF WINDOWS LICENSES 50,000 14 1 (SQL Server is installed on the site server computer) 1 400,000 1 (SQL Server is installed on the site server computer) 1 1 (SQL Server is installed on the site server computer) 1 50,000 1 (SQL Server is installed on the site server computer) 1 100,000 2 (SQL Server is remote from the site server computer) 2 5,000 1 (SQL Server is installed on the site server computer) 1 Central administration site Stand-alone primary site (suggested site server configuration for TCO calculations) NUMBER OF MANAGEMENT AND DATABASE SERVERS 100,000 Primary site in a hierarchy Secondary site Note: The Calculator assumes System Center Configuration Manager is deployed using the stand-alone primary site option. For more information about planning hardware configurations for Configuration Manager, go to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh846235.aspx. The cost of two years of support through the Software Assurance program is added when not already part of the licensing package. Assumptions • • Two years of Software Assurance costs, or roughly 50 percent of the license price. Microsoft software prices used are “Open, No Level” list prices and do not include discounts. Operating Expenses for a Two-Year Period With the expanding breadth of capabilities and oversight provided by virtualization, and the increasing size of virtualization deployments, the cost of oversight for these environments is also escalating. The role of IT within organizations now extends from managing physical servers to maintaining the entire virtualized environment and networks. Virtualization management software from both VMware and Microsoft attempts to simplify common IT tasks associated with operating a virtual machine environment, but there remains a gap in the amount of time required for IT personnel to perform these scenarios on the two platforms. The TCO Comparison Calculator takes into account the time required for a system administrator to complete the common recurring tasks that occur during a two-year period, and the cost associated with that administrator’s time. 14 Microsoft TechNet, “Understanding Configuration Manager Clients,” http://technet.microsoft.com/enus/library/bb680749.aspx TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /22 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Operating Expenses for Common IT Scenarios In independent studies commissioned by VMware, the system administrator work effort to complete an assortment of 11 common operational tasks was measured to compare VMware and Microsoft server virtualization and private cloud platform products. The products tested included VMware vSphere 5.1 and vCloud Suite 5.1 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V and System Center 2012. The 11 scenario tasks measured were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Platform installation and configuration Deploying new tenant users Creating self-service cloud portals Configuring and running chargeback reports Management and monitoring Responding to network security attacks Patching and updating Adding storage and balancing capacity Isolating “noisy neighbor” VMs Performing regular disaster recovery tests Migrating to Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V and System Center 2012 from a vSphere deployment The first 10 are common IT tasks, while the last task is a migration cost associated with moving from vSphere to Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center. The migration cost is assumed to be 2 hours per VM, based on customer experience. The Calculator only applies costs when the selected product edition actually has the capabilities associated with that scenario. For example, in scenario 3, Creating Self-Service Cloud Portals, costs would only be counted if the user has selected a vCloud Suite product. Table 14 explains in which scenarios the costs are counted by product edition selected. Table 14: Scenarios Counted by Product Edition Selected Scenario costs included in the TCO Comparison OPERATING SCENARIOS VSPHERE ESS ESS+ VSPHERE WITH OPERATIONS MGMT VCLOUD SUITE STD STD ENT ENT+ ADV ENT Platform installation and configuration Deploying new tenant users Creating self-service cloud portals Configuring and running chargeback reports Management and monitoring Responding to network security attacks Patching and updating Adding storage and balancing capacity Isolating “noisy neighbor” VMs Performing regular disaster recovery tests Migrating to Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V and System Center 2012 from a vSphere deployment TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /23 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Independent lab tests revealed that each of these relevant scenario tasks could be completed faster with VMware products than with Microsoft products. Test scenarios that apply to vSphere Essentials and vSphere with Operations Management considered in the TCO Comparison Calculator are scenarios 5 through 9, as well as 11. The Calculator considers how many times each scenario task would be repeated over a two-year period for the infrastructure size—based on the number of VMs selected. For the scenario task cost calculations, the Calculator takes the average fully-loaded cost per minute of senior administrator time, $1.58, 15 and multiplies it by the number of minutes required to carry out the scenario over a two-year period. Only those scenarios applying to the selected VMware product edition are counted in the total costs. For more information about the scenarios and the methodology used for testing, see Table 11 of Appendix A in “VMware TCO Comparison Calculator – Results Report.” The independent studies comparing VMware and Microsoft system administrator task operational costs are available upon request from VMware. Third-Party Software Costs When you evaluate a virtualization solution, it is important to consider the full range of features and capabilities that each individual product has to offer. Although the virtualization platforms offered by both VMware and Microsoft have features in common, out-of-the box capabilities of each specific product vary by product edition. To best compare product editions offered by VMware and Microsoft, the model takes into account features available in each separate product edition as compared in Table 15. Table 15. Comparison of VMware and Microsoft Features MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R2 HYPER-V AND SYSTEM CENTER 2012 R2 VSPHERE VSPHERE WITH OPERATIONS MGMT VCLOUD SUITE ESS STD ENT STD ADV ENT vMotion Live Migration High Availability Deduplicated VM backups Third-party required VM replication Incomplete Endpoint Security VM Fault Tolerance Storage vMotion Health monitoring & performance analytics Third-party required Capacity management & optimization Third-party required Operations dashboard Incomplete Incomplete CLOUD MAN AGEMENT PRODUCTS/ FEATURES Server virtualization Storage APIs 15 ESS+ ENT+ Third-party required According to Salary.com, the national average total compensation for senior systems administrators was $165,633 as of June 4, 2013. Time per minute is calculated based on 250 working days, 7 hours of work time per day. TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /24 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology MICROSOFT WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R2 HYPER-V AND SYSTEM CENTER 2012 R2 VSPHERE VSPHERE WITH OPERATIONS MGMT VCLOUD SUITE ESS STD STD ADV ENT Storage load balancing (Storage DRS) Third-party required Distributed Switch Third-party required I/O Controls (Network & Storage) Incomplete Cloud Management Cloud Networking & Security Hybrid cloud interconnect Advanced Cloud Networking & Security Cloud Chargeback Automation CLOUD MAN AGEMENT PRODUCTS/ FEATURES ESS+ VM load balancing (DRS) ENT ENT+ Automated Disaster Recovery Application provisioning Advanced cloud automation and selfservice Depending on the specific VMware product edition and the features listed with that product, System Center 2012 may not match the complete range of capabilities. In the event of a feature gap, the model includes the cost of applicable third-party software to cover that gap. The four main features where third-party software is suggested are shown in Table 16. Table 16. Third-Party Software and Pricing FEATURE SUGGESTED THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE COST VM fault tolerance Stratus Avance FT Software $3000/CPU 16 Health monitoring and performance analytics BMC ProactiveNet, Netuitive, vKernel (blend of these products assumed; price is the average of these three products) $833/CPU 17, 18 Distributed switch Cisco Nexus 1000V for Hyper-V $695/CPU 19 16 Stratus Avance FT Software pricing: http://www.enterprisetech.com/2014/01/23/stratus-moves-fault-tolerancehardware-software/ BMC ProactiveNet: http://www.networkworld.com/news/2007/100507-bmc-automation-software-suite.html 18 vKernel: http://www.infoworld.com/d/virtualization/dell-updates-and-rebrands-foglight-virtualization-management217942?page=0,1 19 Cisco Nexus 1000V: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps9441/ps9902/qa_c67-717571.pdf 17 TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /25 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology FEATURE SUGGESTED THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE COST Automated disaster recovery Veeam Backup and Replication $1199/two CPUs 20 Automated disaster recovery Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager $16/VM/month 21 Note: Third-party software pricing current as of February 4, 2014. The model takes the user’s VMware product edition input and compares features of that product with those shown in Table 15. If the model finds feature gaps, it assumes the user will purchase the applicable software from Table 16 to supplement features missing from a System Center deployment. Products for which Veeam Backup and Replication is added to the Microsoft cost: • • • • • • vSphere Essentials Plus vSphere with Operations Management Standard vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus vCloud Suite Standard vCloud Suite Advanced Products for which Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager is added to the Microsoft cost: • vCloud Suite Enterprise Products for which Stratus Avance FT Software is added to the Microsoft cost: • • • • • • vSphere with Operations Management Standard vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus vCloud Suite Standard vCloud Suite Advanced vCloud Suite Enterprise Products for which Netuitive/BMC ProactiveNet/vKernel are added to the Microsoft cost: • • • • • • vSphere with Operations Management Standard vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus vCloud Suite Standard vCloud Suite Advanced vCloud Suite Enterprise Products for which Cisco Nexus 1000V is added to the Microsoft cost: • • • • 20 21 vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus vCloud Suite Standard vCloud Suite Advanced vCloud Suite Enterprise Veeam pricing: http://www.veeam.com/buy-veeam-products-pricing.html Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager pricing: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/details/recoverymanager/ TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /26 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology Third-Party Software Calculations The total cost for Stratus Avance FT Software, BMC ProactiveNet, Netuitive, vKernel and Cisco Nexus 1000V is Price per CPU * number of host CPUs for the licenses. The total cost for Veeam Backup and Replication is Price per 2 CPUs * number of host CPUs / 2. The total cost for Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager is Price per VM per month * number of VMs * 24 months. Assumptions Yearly support for Netuitive, BMC ProactiveNet, vKernel, Cisco Nexus 1000V and Veeam Backup and Replication software is assumed to be 20 percent of the license cost per year. There is no assumed yearly support for Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager. (Per-VM cost is a monthly cost.) The Calculator also takes the average cost of Netuitive/BMC ProactiveNet and vKernel (Foglight for Virtualization Enterprise), assuming that the user would only choose one of the three options. TECHNICAL WHITE PAPER /27 VMware TCO Comparison Calculator Methodology VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Tel 877-486-9273 Fax 650-427-5001 www.vmware.com Copyright © 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual property laws. VMware products are covered by one or more patents listed at http://www.vmware.com/go/patents. VMware is a registered trademark or trademark of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. 3/14