Our ACT electricity prices Schedule of charges from 1 July 2014 (post carbon price repeal) Our ACT electricity prices The following rates apply from 1 July 2014. The carbon price has been removed from usage rates for items 1 to 13. Accounts issued on or after that date will be charged on a pro-rata basis. The following charges from 1 to 12 have been approved by the Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission as consistent with its pricing decision for customers who are on a Standard Retail Contract. Plan Unit 2014-15 GST exclusive 2014-15 GST inclusive Supply charge ¢ per day 68.90 75.79 ¢ per day -5.00 -5.50 ¢/kWh 16.64 18.304 Supply charge ¢ per day 90.10 99.11 Direct debit discount* ¢ per day -5.00 -5.50 Consumption for the first 60 kWh per day Consumption thereafter ¢/kWh 15.12 16.632 ¢/kWh 16.64 18.304 Supply charge ¢ per day 132.80 146.08 Direct debit discount* ¢ per day -5.00 -5.50 Consumption for the first 165 kWh per day Consumption thereafter ¢/kWh 13.67 15.037 ¢/kWh 16.64 18.304 Supply charge ¢ per day 68.90 75.79 1 Home Direct debit discount* All consumption 2 Home saver 3 Home saver+ 4 Home time-of-use ¢ per day -5.00 -5.50 Peak consumption^ Direct debit discount* ¢/kWh 19.88 21.868 Shoulder consumption^ ¢/kWh 15.60 17.160 Off-peak consumption^ ¢/kWh 11.63 12.793 ^ Times periods as defined in 14.12 5 Business ¢ per day 101.00 111.10 Consumption for first 330 kWh per day Supply charge ¢/kWh 21.33 23.463 Consumption thereafter ¢/kWh 24.62 27.082 *Note the direct debit discount does not apply to direct debits against a debit or credit card or for Market Retail Contracts. Plan Unit 2014-15 GST exclusive 2014-15 GST inclusive ¢ per day 101.00 111.10 ¢/kWh 8.32 9.152 ¢/kWh 10.17 11.187 ¢ per day 101.00 111.10 ¢/kWh 16.71 18.381 6 Community services discount (obsolete) Supply charge he community services discount on the T Business plan energy rates is 3% 7 Off-peak night All consumption 8 Off-peak day & night All consumption 9 Streetlighting Supply charge (per account) All consumption 10 Business incentive Supply charge ¢ per day 101.00 111.10 Business consumption^ ¢/kWh 28.30 31.130 Evening consumption^ ¢/kWh 19.12 21.032 Business off-peak consumption^ ¢/kWh 11.99 13.189 ^ Times periods as defined in 14.12 11 Small unmetered loads (less than 1 kilowatt) Supply charge (per connection point) All consumption ¢ per day 75.10 82.61 ¢/kWh 21.20 23.320 12 Low voltage time-of-use demand Supply charge per connection point Maximum demand in a billing period, a charge per day Business consumption^ Evening consumption^ Business off-peak consumption^ $ per day 2.73 3.003 ¢/kVA 48.60 53.46 ¢/kWh 16.29 17.919 ¢/kWh 14.03 15.433 ¢/kWh 9.79 10.769 ^ Times periods as defined in 14.12 13 High voltage time-of-use demand Supply charge per connection point Maximum demand in a billing period, a charge per day Capacity charge for the maximum demand over the previous 12-months, a charge per day Business consumption^ Evening consumption^ Business off-peak consumption^ ^ Times periods as defined in 14.12 $ per day 24.00 26.40 ¢/kVA 19.10 21.01 ¢/kVA 19.10 21.01 ¢/kWh 14.4 15.84 ¢/kWh 12.5 13.75 ¢/kWh 9.3 10.23 14 Application of rates 14.1The charge applicable for supply to each installation shall be in accordance with the following classification of premises, places and purposes. 14.2The Home plan charge shall be applicable to installations at private dwellings, excluding serviced apartments, but including: • living quarters for members and staff of religious orders • living quarters on farms • charitable homes • retirement villages • residential sections of nursing homes and hospitals •residential sections of boarding schools and educational institutions •churches, buildings or premises which are used principally for public worship • approved caravan sites. Serviced apartments are premises which from time-to-time are available for hire for accommodation for periods which may be less than one month and where service available to the apartments includes provision and laundering of bed linen. In respect of multiple dwellings of three or more dwelling units, a ‘Home’ plan charge will only be applicable where each dwelling unit is given a separately metered supply and the account is in the name of the occupant. A ‘Home’ plan means one of the plans numbered 1 to 4. When a portion of a premises is used principally for domestic purposes, loads not exceeding five kilowatts, which are used for other than domestic purposes may be supplied at the ‘Home’ plan charge. For this purpose, the loading of equipment shall be taken to be: •for permanently connected equipment, the actual rating of the equipment • for light fittings, 60 watts per light fitting • for plug sockets: –sockets rated 10 amperes or 10 amperes per phase: 500 watts or 500 watts per phase –sockets rated other than 10 amperes: the wattage rating shall be taken as 50 times the current rating of the socket. 14.3The Home saver plan charge is available only to customers eligible for the Home plan charge. Customers are ineligible to apply for this charge if they have been on this charge in the previous 12 months and have since been supplied energy on another ‘Home’ plan or to that premises. 14.4The Home saver+ plan charge is available only to customers eligible for the Home plan charge and who have installed a fixed operational electric appliance which incorporates a mechanical refrigeration unit and a fan or fans, arranged so that the evaporator and the condenser can be switched to heat or cool air blown through the appliance (heat pump). Customers are ineligible to apply for this charge if they have been on this charge in the previous 12 months and have since been supplied energy on another ‘Home’ plan to that premises. 14.5The Home time-of-use plan charge is available only to customers eligible for the Home plan with a meter able to be read as a time-of-use meter and to recharge facilities for electric vehicles on residential premises. Consumers on this tariff with a meter with two elements providing separate time-of-use consumption data from each element may have the time-of-use charges applied separately to each register. 14.6The Business plan charge is available to installations not taking supply at any other defined charge except for off-peak charges, and shall include: •installations on farms which are not living quarters and have loads exceeding five kilowatts (as defined above) •nursing homes and hospitals, excluding residential sections •boarding schools and educational institutions, excluding residential sections •motels, hotels, serviced apartments and any form of accommodation used to house temporary residents for periods of less than one month at caravan parks or other temporary accommodation sites • shops, offices, warehouses, factories, professional rooms •social or sporting club facilities not used for domestic accommodation. 14.7 Temporary supply (for example, for building purposes) The rate chargeable for power used shall be at the Business plan charge. 14.8The Community services discount is obsolete. It shall be available only to existing installations receiving this discount. 14.9 Off-peak charges are available only to customers taking all other energy at Home plan, Home time-of-use plan or Business plan rates. The Off-peak night plan charge (standard off-peak) shall provide operation for a minimum of six hours and a maximum of eight hours within any one day, between 2200 hours (10.00pm) and 0700 hours (7.00am). This off-peak charge is applicable to: • compressing natural gas for CNG vehicles •water heating storage units where electricity is used to supplement other forms of energy (for example, solar hot water) •permanent heat (or cold) storage installations of a design and rating acceptable to ActewAGL, which absorb their major energy during restricted times, but which may be boosted at the principal charge at other times. The Off-peak day & night plan charge shall provide operation for a total of 13 hours in any one day. The 13 hours shall be comprised of eight hours between 2200 hours (10.00pm) and 0700 hours (7.00am) and five hours between 0900 hours (9.00am) and 1700 hours (5.00pm). The actual settings on the time switch will be nominated by ActewAGL. Times referred to in this clause are in Australian Eastern Standard Time. The Off-peak day & night plan charge is applicable to the following: •water heating storage units for which a test certificate has been issued indicating compliance with Australian Standard 1056 and having lower or upper and lower elements, but with any upper element connected to the principal charge. Rated delivery shall be not less than 160 litres •water heating storage units where electricity is used to supplement other forms of energy (for example, solar hot water) •storage space heating or cooling including under-floor, concrete-slab heating systems •swimming or spa pool heating, and associated auxiliaries, but not to spa baths. 14.10 The streetlighting charge shall be applicable to the night-time lighting of streets and public ways and places. 14.11 Time-of-use demand charges subject to an applicant providing at their own cost all necessary equipment together with adequate accommodation for the installation and proper maintenance of that installation all to the satisfaction of ActewAGL, time-of-use demand supply may be made available to that installation. The high voltage time-of-use demand charge may be available to consumers taking supply at a nominal voltage not less than 11,000 volts. 14.12 Time periods Times referred to in this clause are Australian Eastern Standard Time. For residential tariffs • Peak consumption is from 0700 hours (7.00am) to 0900 hours (9.00am) and from 1700 hours (5.00pm) to 2000 hours (8.00pm) daily. •Shoulder consumption is from 0900 hours (9.00am) to 1700 hours (5.00pm) and from 2000 hours (8.00pm) to 2200 hours (10.00pm) daily. • Residential off-peak consumption is all other times. • The times and rules relating to the Off-peak day & night plan apply to the residential controlled off-peak energy service. For non-residential tariffs Times referred to in this clause are Australian Eastern Standard Time. Weekdays are Monday to Friday. •Business consumption is from 0700 hours (7.00am) to 1700 hours (5.00pm) on weekdays. •Evening consumption is from 1700 hours (5.00pm) to 2200 hours (10.00pm) on weekdays. • Business off-peak consumption is all other times. 14.13 Meter readings Meter readings (other than readings taken to final an account or terminate supply) shall be taken to the nearest 10 kWh. The billing period for the purpose of determining the maximum demand charge shall be one month or part thereof where a customer changes their retail supplier. Supply and miscellaneous energy charges shall be applied per connection point and applied daily. Items 15-18 are not regulated schemes or charges unless otherwise stated. 2014-15 2014-15 GST GST exclusive inclusive 15 Service charges 15.1 Establishment of a new customer account $32.69 $35.96 15.2 Visit to re-energise or de-energise a premises: • business hours re-energise • after hours re-energise • de-energise (not for late payment) 15.3 Special meter read (including moving in and moving out of your supply address) 15.4 Check read deposit (refunded if the original reading was incorrect) 15.5 Late payment fee† 15.6 Attendance (debt collection) first visit in a 12-month period (in business hours) Attendance (debt collection) within a year of a previous visit (in business hours) 15.7 De-energise a premises for late payment $56.14 $61.75 $120.73 $132.80 $49.59 $54.55 $35.55 $39.11 $35.55 $39.11 $15.00 $15.00 $55.45 $61.00 $75.45 $83.00 $93.55 $102.91 16 Miscellaneous charges 16.1 Dishonoured cheque and credit card reversal (administration charge)† • the greater of: $15.00 per $15.00 per account or account or $35.00 per $35.00 per cheque for cheque for multiple multiple accounts accounts $8.00 per $8.00 per 16.2 Direct debit reject (administration charge)† reject reject 16.3 Refund (administration charge other than first $27.27 per $30.00 per in a 12-month period) refund refund 16.4 Payment processing fee (may apply if you pay by 0.55% 0.60% credit card or debit card – % of payment made) † GST not applicable. 17 Renewable Energy Generation ‘Energy imported’ means energy flowing from the electricity network into the customer’s premises. ‘Energy exported’ means energy generated by a renewable energy generator that results in energy flowing from the customer’s premises into the electricity network through the customer’s meter. GST will be added to the generation purchase amount where the customer is registered to charge GST. 17.1 ActewAGL ACT Small-Generator Buyback scheme a.This is not a government mandated scheme; it is offered by ActewAGL on a voluntary basis. We may at any time vary the rate or withdraw the scheme without notice. b. This scheme is available for renewable energy generators with less than 30 kilowatts of generation capacity connected to the ActewAGL electricity network. c. Any changes to the meter or metering configuration will be at the customer’s cost. d. ActewAGL will: i bill energy imported at the customer’s published tariff energy rate(s) ii subject to 17.1a, purchase energy exported from the customer’s generator under this scheme at 7.5 cents per kWh. e. The customer must continue to pay the supply charge and any other applicable charges. f. For the purpose of this scheme a customer is the person whose name appears on the electricity account for the premises. 17.2 ACT Feed-in Tariff scheme (ACT Government regulated, obsolete) a.The ACT Feed-in Tariff scheme (FiT scheme) closed to new applicants at midnight on 13 July 2011. b.Existing ACT Feed-in Tariff customers (existing FiT customer) must refer to their ActewAGL ACT Feed-in Tariff Contract (FiT Contract) for applicable terms. c.A person who occupies a property where a current FiT Contract is in place should contact ActewAGL for details concerning potential eligibility for the FiT scheme under the Electricity Feedin (Renewable Energy Premium) Act 2008. d.ActewAGL will purchase energy exported from existing FiT customer’s premises in accordance with the customer’s FiT Contract. e.ActewAGL will bill energy imported to existing FiT customer’s premises at the FiT customer’s published tariff energy rate(s). f.The existing FiT customer must continue to pay the supply charge and any other applicable charges. 17.3 ActewAGL ‘1 for 1’ scheme (obsolete) a.ActewAGL’s ‘1 for 1’ scheme closed at midnight 30 June 2013 and was only available to customers with less than 30 kilowatts of installed renewable generation capacity. b. Customers currently on the ‘1 for 1’ scheme: iremain eligible for that scheme at their current premises until midnight on 30 June 2020 after which they will be defaulted to the ActewAGL ACT Small–Generator Buyback scheme iiwill be billed for energy imported at the customer’s published tariff energy rate(s) iiimust continue to pay all other applicable charges including the supply charge. c.ActewAGL will purchase energy exported from the premises of a ‘1 for 1’ scheme customer at: ithe customer’s published tariff energy rates(s) for non-time of use residential plan customers iithe customer’s published tariff energy rate(s) for non-timeof-use business plan customers iiithe customer’s published tariff shoulder energy rate for timeof-use residential plan customers ivthe customer’s published tariff evening energy rate for timeof-use business plan customers. d.For the purpose of the ‘1 for 1’ scheme a customer is the person whose name appears on the electricity account for the premises. e.If a ‘1 for 1’ scheme customer increased the capacity of their solar generator after midnight on 30 June 2013 that customer will no longer be entitled to the ‘1 for 1’ scheme and will be placed on the ActewAGL ACT Small-Generator Buyback scheme for all energy exported from the ‘1 for 1’ scheme customer’s premises from the date of the capacity increase. f.A customer who moves their solar generator from the premises at which it was originally installed and connected under the ‘1 for 1’ scheme will not be entitled to the ‘1 for 1’ scheme at the new premises but will be placed on the ActewAGL ACT Small-Generator Buyback scheme. g. From midnight on 30 June 2020 ActewAGL: iwill no longer purchase any energy exported from the premises of a ‘1 for 1’ scheme customer at the ‘1 for 1’ price iiwill purchase all energy exported from the premises of a ‘1 for 1’ scheme customer, including customers who maintain a gross meter despite being on the ActewAGL ACT Small-Generator Buyback scheme, at the rate applicable at that time. h.Any person who purchases, or moves into, a property with an existing solar generator where energy exported is being purchased by ActewAGL under the ‘1 for 1’ scheme will not be eligible for the ‘1 for 1’ scheme and will not receive payment for energy exported under the ‘1 for 1’ scheme but will be placed on the ActewAGL ACT Small-Generator Buyback scheme. 18 Electric Vehicle Tariffs Electric Vehicle Tariff is an off-peak tariff for recharging electric vehicles and is available only to customers taking all other energy at Home plan, Home time-of-use plan or Business plan rates. All consumption on this tariff is charged at 8.32 cents per kWh (GST exclusive); 9.152 cents per kWh (GST inclusive) Emissions Free Electric Vehicle Tariff is on off-peak tariff for recharging electric vehicles and is available only to customers taking all other energy at Home plan, Home time-of-use plan or Business plan rates. Electricity supplied to the charging point under this tariff is 100% accredited GreenPower. All consumption on this tariff is charged at 15.138 cents per kWh (GST exclusive); 16.6518 cents per kWh (GST inclusive) The Electric Vehicle Tariff and Emissions Free Electric Vehicle Tariff shall provide operation for a minimum of six hours and a maximum of eight hours within any one day, between 2200 hours (10.00pm) and 0700 hours (7.00am). The actual settings on the time switch will be nominated by ActewAGL. Times referred to in this clause are in Australian Eastern Standard Time. 19 Payment assistance ActewAGL offers a range of flexible payment options. If you would like information on these, or to see if you are eligible for hardship assistance through the ActewAGL Staying Connected Program, call us on 13 14 93. If ActewAGL is unable to assist, you may also apply to the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT) by calling (02) 6207 7740. actewagl.com.au Customer enquiries 13 14 93 – Electricity 13 18 86 – Natural gas Emergencies and faults 13 10 93 – Electricity 13 19 09 – Natural gas 24 hours Postal address ActewAGL GPO Box 366 Canberra ACT 2601 Language assistance AALM0614_03 AL3032 13 14 50 ActewAGL Retail ABN 46 221 314 841 a partnership of ACTEW Retail Ltd ABN 23 074 371 207 and AGL ACT Retail Investments Pty Ltd ABN 53 093 631 586.