SUBMITTAL REVIEW Submittal: No. 008 Spec Section: 14 2010 – Passenger Elevators Reviewed By: Date: Project: Location: Job Number: Copy to: Tripp Lewton, Comma-Q Architecture May 17, 2012 BPS – Belgrade Elementary School Belgrade, MT 11-03 File, Owner This review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Corrections or comments made on the submittals during this review do not relieve the CONTRACTOR from compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications. An opinion of equivalence of a specific item shall not be interpreted as an opinion of equivalence of an assembly of which the item is a component. Submittal review comments have been made within this format and not on the submittal sheets according to the following: NEN GCAN RAN IAS No Exceptions Noted Generally Conforms as Noted Rejected for Reason as Noted Incomplete as Submitted 1. 14 2010 1.05 B Passenger Elevators Shop Drawings GCAN Notes: 1. See Architect’s comments. 2. Per review comments by Scott Elders (Associated Construction Engineering): The electrical voltage on the shop drawings needs to CHANGE: FROM: 208V, 3 Phase TO: 480V, 3 Phase END OF REVIEW EMAIL TRANSMITTAL PROJECT: New Belgrade Elementary School DATE: JOB# SUBMITTAL# TO: ADDRESS: 5/17/2012 11011 NM05172012-1 Comma-Q Architecture 109 N. Rouse Ave., #1 Bozeman, MT. 59715 Laura Landon (406) 585-1112 (406) 585-5518 ATTENTION: PHONE: FAX: TRANSMITTED: Proposal Shop Drawings Field Report Prints RFI Response Specifications Letter Calculations Sketches Other These are Transm itted as Checked Below : No Exceptions Taken Rejected/Resubmit As Specified For Your File Make Corrections Noted Reviewed For Load To Structure Only For Your Use Revise As Noted And Resubmit Submitted Previously As Requested ITEM DATE COPIES 1 1 DESCRIPTION PDF - Submittal #8 Passenger Elevators Shop Dwgs TRANSMIT Via: Email No. Page: 1 REMARKS: COPY TO: file 108 West Babcock Street, Bozeman, MT. 59715 TRANSMITTED BY: Matt Miller Phone: (406) 582-9901 FAX: (406) 582-9992 TRANSMITTAL May 14, 2012 To: Nishkian Monks Attention: Matt Miller From: Tripp Lewton Project: BPS – Belgrade Elementary School Location: Bozeman, MT Job Number: 11-03 Copy to: File we are sending you : the following: date qty 5/14/2012 1 (elec) Attached Under separate cover Shop drawings: Copy of letter: Specification: Prints: Samples: Drawings: Other: these are transmitted as checked below: Approved: Approved as corrected: Revise and resubmit: Rejected: For your signature: For return : For review & comment: description Submittal 008 – 14 2010 1.05 Passenger Elevators Remarks: Matt, please review the attached submittal, please return an electronic version to our office with your comments. Thanks TRANSMITTAL May 14, 2012 To: Associated Construction Engineering Attention: Scott Elders; Andy Hansen From: Tripp Lewton Project: BPS – Belgrade Elementary School Location: Belgrade, MT Job Number: 11-03 Copy to: File we are sending you : the following: date qty 5/14/2012 1 (elec) Attached Under separate cover Shop drawings: Copy of letter: Specification: Prints: Samples: Drawings: Other: these are transmitted as checked below: Approved: Approved as corrected: Revise and resubmit: Rejected: For your signature: For return : For review & comment: description Submittal 008 – 14 2010 1.05 Passenger Elevators Remarks: Scott, Please review the attached submittal for electrical considerations. Andy, Please review the attached for heat load considerations. Return an electronic version to our office with your comments. If no comments are necessary, please send an email indicating drawings are approved without exception. Thanks LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL MARTEL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1203 South Church Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715-5801 Telephone: (406) 586-8585 Facsimile: (406) 586-8646 05/14/12 DATE 12-001 JOB NO. 8.00 TRANSMITTAL/SUBMITTAL NO. Comma Q Architects 109 North Rouse Ave #1 Bozeman, MT 59715 ATTENTION: Laura Landon TO: We are hand delivering We are sending via X COPIES 14 2010 Passenger Elevators RE: BELGRADE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL X Email TheThe following items: ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER Shop drawings Prints Plans Copy of letter Change order Product Data DATE Samples DWG NO. 1 Specifications DESCRIPTION 14 2010 Passenger Elevators - Shop Drawings THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: X For approval Approved as Submitted Resubmit Copies for Approval For your use Approved as Noted Submit Copies for Distribution As requested Returned for Corrections Return Corrected Prints For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: One review hard copy will be delivered by hand today COPY TO File Matt Miller- Nishkian SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Mike Wilkinson - Project Engineer CQ RESPONSE: SEE NOTE # 2 ON SUBMITTAL REVIEW FORM Arch to Verify detail 7/A7.2 CQ: 8'-7 1/4" TO FACE OF FRAME CQ RESPONSE: NET VERTICAL DISTANCE FROM LEVEL 2 FINISH FLOOR TO BOTTOM OF SAFTEY BEAM = 12'-6" CQ RESPONSE: OK Arch to Verify Dims CQ: 8'-2 1/2" TO FACE OF FRAME CQ RESPONSE: OK detail 5/A7.2 CQ RESPONSE: OK CQ RESPONSE: 2 ܆NOEXCEPTIONSTAKEN ܆MAKECORRECTIONSNOTED ܆REVISEASNOTEDANDRESUBMIT ܆REJECTED/RESUBMITASSPECIFIED ܆ ✔ REVIEWEDFORLOADTOSTRUCTUREONLY ܆SUBMITTEDPREVIOUSLY: x x Notreviewed Reviewed,identifiedadditionaldataonly Notations Do Not Authorize Changes to Contract Sum. Submittal was reviewed for structural design conformity and general conformance to contract documents only. Contractor is responsible for confirming and correlating dimensions at job sites for tolerances, clearances, quantities, fabrication processes and techniques of construction, coordination of his work with other trades andfullcompliancewithcontractdocuments. MTM 05/17/2012 Date:________________By:__________________ NISHKIANMONKS CONSULTING&STRUCTURALENGINEERS REVIEWED MARTEL CONSTRUCTION, Inc. Belgrade Elementary School BY: Mike Wilkinson DATE: 5/14/12 SUBMITTAL # 8.00 NO EXCEPTS NOTED x GENERALLY CONFORMS AS NOTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT Fabrication / installation may be undertaken. Approval does not authorize changes in the Contract Sum or Contract Time unless stated by Change Order of Construction Change Directive. Fabrication / installation MAY NOT. In resubmitting limit corrections to the items marked. REJECTED FOR REASON AS NOTED Review and approval are only for conformance with the information given and the design concept of the Project as expressed in the Contract Documents. Review and approval of the submittals are not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions and quantities or for substantiating instructions for the installation or performace of equipment or systems all of whitch remain the responsibility of the Contractor as required by the Contract Documents. The Architect’s review and approval of the Contractor’s submittal shall not relieve the contractor from any obligation containted in the Contract Documents. The architect’s review and approval shall not constitute approval of any construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or any safety precau approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. By Tripp Lewton Date CQ: PROVIDE COLOR SAMPLES FOR VERIFICATION 5/17/12 CQ: RESILIENT FLOORING SEE SECTION 14 2010 2.02 A. 2. b. 5. CQ: VANDAL PROOF PER SECTION 14 2010 2.03 B. 1. CQ: NOTED Arch verify with owner that a new dedicated Phone line will be set up for the elevator phone CQ: ACTUAL = 6 5/8"